TO 1/ ' N .! ‘1 j| ^- '■ \,. 8 BMI-W EE;K L Y. ■Um \OL. V.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER 22, 1855. NO. 455.] ' Hoff^ .;..M'K1> MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. i:i)\V\HI) J. IIALK & SON. -nlTOKS AM) PROPKir.TORS, ', r i.. ''•■uii-Weekly Ohskkvkr 00 if paid iu 5.3 if paiJ iluriag the year of subscrip- 5^1 the year has expired \v,. k:y *n>tRVi;K 00 per aunuin, if paid in if paid during the year of iubscrip- „• ftfttir tht year has expired. V 1S!'MKNTS inserted for sixty cents per . •• :• -n. ? the first, and thirty cents for each • ■ 11 ■'n‘''>ti"n- Yearly advertisement.^ by spe- v.:ra.'!^. :it re.'i'.'nalilo rates. Advertisers are »ta 0 the number of insertions des'red. or . ■ !iti’ii;ed till fi'rbid, and charged accord- j.,.’-1 ■; rcrs t. the Editors must be post-paid, -t-nor.ts t>! t e inserted i’siie. charged 50 per NO ri( i:. ;i t‘ H pnwer pivtn by the last will and .; 'the iate Henry Klliott, the undertigu- ; ub’.ic sale, on Thursday, Friday, and ■ : . 'th. 1 Uh, and 15th of December next, ■ f the st. v -; of iiorHt'H, ^Vules^ '■ilfcp snd t'attle, belonging to the testator. N.'. 1 ARTS, and a lot of LUMBER at the .. .0:1 1 large part is Poplar, well sawed and t an inch 1; TWi.) liUt.iti lES, one singie, I ir-'r.’. The .sale will begin at Elliot»viile \V, and be continued on Friday and Satur- . i”antation on Cape Fear, below Smith’i Pleasant Sumrner Uettuience at Auctio)h B\ virtue of and under the provisions of a D#eJ of Iruit, executed to me by Thos. J. Ander^ui’, dated 3d May, 1848. to jiticure certain dobt^ ibereiu mentioned, will be sold at .Vuction, on Thursday, the I5th inst., at o’clock, at th«» Market Houue, the Lot 01' whi«h said T. J. Audergoti now resides, o^llay- niouut. There ii> a good comfortable d>selling, with all neceiiaary -..ut-bouseB; and iii a very desirable resi dence for any one wishing to reside in the suburbs of town. Terms at gale. ■I. M. il03E, Trustee. Nov. 7. -^1- [O^ above Sale lias been post poned till ▼lO.’^DAY, 3(1 I>‘«*«‘nibor. PLANTA TION FOR SAi.F. ~ subscriber wishing-, to ren'.ove. offers for sale his present residence ,.nd Plantation, .-ituate ' .ibout four Hnd a halt miles North of Fayettevillr. anil near the Plank Hoad to Kingslmry. The tract cTf'nds from the River out to the public r^ad, containing 4S0 aires, of which there are ahout To ai rcs of fiist quality River l.ind, well ilitehed, and .'U which 1 hive luaiie this year nn.l the last exci.‘llent crops of Corn, >at9, j «nd Hay. There is also ■’^n the premises h ne^'er fail- 1 ing stream, on whii:h I have t-reirted during tlu- pa^t ] winter .1 Grist Mill, which is now iu order. Theri' is • a Saw Mill on the same stieam below, and near the 1 Kivt*r, so that a supply of timber may be commaiide 1 1 at all times. A first rate spring m ar the V.ouse, and t well of good water in the yard. Persons wishing to > purchase ar« invited to call anii see me. \VM. P. MALi-Kli. , N.v. 15. 53-4t $10 to i>25 5 to 10 6 to 10 7 to 14 12 to 22 7 to 20 9 to 20 3 to 9 5 to 9 3 to 8 2 to 4 2 to 0 :>i.' "iiiiu! U;. n Cl •:iii ' .•'aie- Six m"uihs' credit. ALEXANDER ELLIOT, J. G. SHEPHERD, Executors. ; 61-ts . ’inian till sale. FAYETT^ILLB I I \IALF HK^I SCMiOOL. . ■ \ HENLE. of the MUSIC and FRENCH D«- rT!!i:-nt has arrived. Young Ladies o' the . A if.-ire to study French ^r Music, or >>oth. wish to perfect their knowledge i>f those . •■s, wirh.^ut i.cing connected wirh the regular Would d en\l race the opportu- ■ Wii’i-d (.', u-' miio’u if they wuuld enter .I',.’' ut :ice in order ti the fi.r;na'.iou of the ■ I I- W.M E. PELL. I’rin ipal. >. I . 64-4i ADMLMs'I'RA 1'OR‘S SALE. * ILL 'le S". n Tuesday, the iStij December IU it, to til. ’.ighest l>idder, or a credit of six , t th*> Tip] fr Plantation of the late Wm. T. . r'le .-tock -.t't’at^'e. Hogs, and Fat Hog«, P ^as, •I ;:krge lot. Forage, Farming Utensils. \c.. sc • :i Widnesday. the I'Jth December, a* the I’liiiitat: n, the stock of Hogs, and F;^t Hogs, : I tensils, ic., &c. ■ n Timr-'l,«y, the 20th Dec’r, at the residet.ce ■ itc lecc:-8cd. st'uk. consisting of Cattle, Shtep, H •rs'"’, ^Iu>«. Wagon®, Cart.**. Ploughs, various F iturv-'. t'’;. JOHN C. SMITH, Adm r, With the will annexed. 7. '.4-tli:Dec. I ‘.pers 3 times % WASHBURN’S (OLi)ssiL mimw tiRtis AND INDIAN AMl’HlTHEATUE. r 111 Pill i ju t'tonfiTitiiik; fj’lOPv the."SECOND T1?»IE this seiison, I have returned from the Northern Citieij with one of the lAtrffesi, VhcapfMt and JfMout t'auhioitable STOCKS OF Ready-Made Clothing ever exhibited iu this place. Amongst which may be found lilack. Brown and Blue Dress and Frock Coats from V'arious colors of Business Coati Cassimere and Melton Cioth “ Light Fall Over “ Black and Blu-‘ Bang-Up “ Pilot and Beaver “ Clotli iiu'l Pi'ot Talmas and Opera Cloaki Plain and Fancy (,'assimcre Par.ts I’dack Frencii Doeskin “ Silk Plush and Velvet Vesta Ca.-'Siiaere and Cloth “ Silks. Satins, \c. And a very extensive assortment of Boy’s a^*d Servant’s Clothing. Aiso, 4-onstanily 01; iiaiid a great vr.riety of Shirts, I'ollars, Stocks, Cravnts, I'ocket I^aridk'fs, Kid Gloves, and other FURNISHING GOODS. Joints and Shoos, Hats and Caps, Fine Trunks, ^?rpet Bags, Yaliees, Walking Canos, Silk and (Bingham, rmbrellas, Looking Glasse:*, niPORTEI) HAVAN.\ I’IG.ARS. and Faiic'y fjJoods, India flubb. r Over-Coatji, Leggins and Sandals, ()il-(’loth Coats, Pants and Jackets, &c. Call and satisfy your wants, this being the uni}- House of the kind in this place where a general as sortment is kept, and ;.lmost every body can get suited. OE(*RGE BRANDT, South-side of Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C., between the Market House and Fayetteville Hotel. Oct 1^35. 46-tlJ VAiA Aiui:~LTNns~ O.VTilE V.iJPE FEAR itn^ER. TBlHr. Lands and Pi.intations known ns the Roane W. \. HUSKE, ATTORN'KY AT LAW, AND CLERK AND MASTER IN EQUITY. Fayettkvillk, N. C., May be found at the I'nuitv Otfic«, in the Court House. Jlept. -ll, 1855. ' 3S-tf LAURJNIU R(tII 1 riG]i SClfO()L. The tjth Session of this School will commence on Tuesday the 10th day of July next, under the supervision of the Rev. Geo. B. Scott, M. A., of the University of Edinburgh, (Scotland,) Principal, assisted by Mrs. Scott in the Primary Department. Mr. and Mrs. Scott have both made Te.aching the business of their lives; aud from the experience which the Trustees have had, during the past session, of their zeal, fidelity, aud success, in the discharge of the duties of their profession, they coniidentl^- recommend them to Parents nnd Guardians, as pre-eminently quali fied by temper, talents, and acquirements for the in struction of students, in all the branches of an Englisii, Scientific, Classical, ami Commercial Education. The Trustees respectfully invite the public to a per sonal c.raiuination of the system pursued in the School. Terms—$8, 4»12, aud 5^J0, per Sesiion of five months, (French included in the 3d grade without extra charge.) ]>oard can be hud at per month. One half fees and Board invariably pail in .advance. D. C. MclNTVRE, Secy. Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C., ) ,o,r June 23, 1855. KLNGSIil RY FOR SALE^ C1OL. King the present occupant, being desirous to y close up his business, we offer those valuable premises for sale. Kingsbury is situated at the terminus of the Fayette ville A: Raleigh Plank Roa l, eleven miles from the former place, and within three miles of Kind’s Land ing on Cape Fear Hiver. These premises offer more business conveniences and comforts for living, per haps than any country seat in Cumberland. On them is a neat two-story familj' mansion, containing seven rooms—a fire place in each, with front and rear piazxa and portico, frame kitchen, sleeping apartments for j servants, smoke house and dairy, with a prime well of | water; and all handsomely enclosed. Also, on the premises are nine other frame buildings, with brick | chi.uneys to each, and rooms sufficient to accommo- 1 ilate iron, fifty to sixty uegroes: a frame Bar.i 50 by tiO | feet, wi;h stall for forty horses, aud room to hold 50 : tons of torage; Carr it '.re hoise. Store and W'are; STAGE IJNE From Fayetteville to Salem. R n'INEGAR, a good article, : “ale b%’ W’. CARVER. 54-tf All. for I IT ind Buggies ;.s' .:IFTl>S led, . . • ‘ 1/ w, vk;. = *n i ' ; ■ te I**"! ■ • t. V I ' ■ \. w r - H t Metliod tor the Guitar, by ' C (.' inverse; Huntet.’s Instructions for the t irtc; Burrowea' Piano Forte Primmer. Pur- i p.i---jusX received E. J. H.VLE i SON FOR ^ ALE. .: d‘T«:gned offers f r s i’'-. the late residence t'flei.. S. Hodges, dec’d. on Haynionnt, situated , ti.juof thei 'entre and Western Plank Roads, i-e is new and commodious, with the necessary ail in g*od repair; the grounds well im- , iiL i is oiif of the mo.-t desirable residences wn. .Application for terms may be made to J. i!i, at the P.>-t office, or to E. C. HALL. Adm'r. •■- ■vr.le, Nov. l-'i, 1855. 54-lm FOR RENT. Il.VT l onvi.aieut situati on, with Dwelling and out j on tumbler. TV (» Large *'lUij'anie- coiu'me 1: f.rran^ed and perfected lor the greut Southi-rii Tour .>f ’55, and ')>•. «urpa.-rsing in splend'.r of E'(uipage, highly trained Steels. ,-’rat'!ity .f Talent, i'.. an> other' rircus in the World; b^'-is'ting of J>eing the m. «t tiril- * liant E^, (iymna.-tii' l)r.smatic Entertain- , ’ meut t-vfr givt'u to the \ ~i‘c /''Oj-Ir, given uuder an immense water-proof Pa-, iilon, accimn.odiiting wi'h . : ease aud convenieni’c -ji'nn j. r^on.'. T*iv and : intere^-ting feature of thi.' v, . nderfu’ FstH*>lishme’it, i- I ihe adi'.ition of a large Tr nipe of genuine Wil 1 Inilians i ^ from the vast Plnii'.s and from beyond the Rock Mount- ains, Consisting of Chiefs, Brav a, Wnrri 'rs and Squaws t’ressed ir. all the phar ipi;ernalia of incir • e.'p‘*otive : natioi.-'. will appear within the l’.>:vilion in d.-.r'ng : E iu^.xtrisr feats, feats of Strength. Foot ’’aces, Pi;/e ' Shooting w.fh Bows and A-rows, (.eremonios. Histori cal Scenes. .Viv i The young squaw N’azuma, daughter of Camucka, 1 chief of the Sack and Fox Nations, the most beautiful ! Indian female living, is among the nu.uber. and will appear at each entertainment as Por- hontas saving ■ the life of ('apt. Smith. Among the Ur;:e company ot white equestrians may be found the justly celebrated ••Pastor Brothers.” with a reputation une..jualed in the annals of Equestrianism: Fiank Paster, the most ac- ; complished Rider of the age,—the only person living ' who can throw a somersi t fr'.'n feet t^' feet, l.^oth ' backwards and for'vards on a Horse at full speed,—he stands withi ut a rival, America's favoritt son. : Wm. Pastor, the great gymuustic Equestrian, the : most celebrated Antip crean Equilibrist living; alsj, I Geo. >. Knapj, the great CIo .' i;, surnam. i j bv the Press, '-The Modern Tom-h Stone,” will open ' his inexhaustible budget ofjokes. witticisms, drolleries and eccentricities: M’lle Henrietta, tin- most accom- i plished female equestrian in the world will appear ; within the arena on her beautiful •'teed Owego, iu her great Bare Back Vet without saddle : r bridle, leaping like a Fairy through hoops, balloons, over garters, ' banners, i:c., -a thing never before attempt‘'d * y afe- ‘ male in this country; Joe Hazelett, the cnampion : Vaulter of the world, the only one who can throw a soiuerst over ten horses abreast. Ben. Burnish, the great comic equestrian and panto- ' minist; also, the modern Her-ules' first appearance at the South. Geo. Sloman, the greatest living gvmnast and champi- t i Blue l.auks Plantaiious, are olfered foi-sale, j Wiiter Grist Mil!, two •hooer ami two Blacksmith’s ‘ Shops, Wheel Right Shop. Turpentine Sheds, Ac.: all i within convenient distance of the best .‘Springs of j Sandliili Water. All the buildings are new and have 1 bien erectt^ within the last four or five years. To . these valuable improvements we will add 1,500 acre^ ; of Pine Lands, ,i;id we wi’l t“ike $3,500 fo>’ the whole, wuich is ^jilOOO less thi.u the cost of the improvements, i We h.ive also, on the premises f.nd now in operation, j a Steam Saw and Gr’st Mill, and Turpent' .e Distillery, which can be hought cheap. If the right . irt of a purchaser presents hitrwlf, and wishes a partner in his operations, we will furnish one witii sufficient cavitnl to conduct i profitable business, t To a I‘iantr who has ij'l i.iMiO to invest in real estate ana wants the best Plantation on Cape F«ar River, with heathy country seat witn ;».il conveniences for ; living at hand, these premises would be a very desir- | able attachment to the .Ashe I'iautatio.i, containing ' seven huTdred acres of the best Cape Fear Dottoms. and ■ now in market. The'.f two Estate^ are connected by i a good Ferry Landing and are only three niiies apart: aud will be sold together or separate. For further partioulars apply to T. S. Lutterloh, Esq., or the sub scribers. J- i T. AVADDILL. Fayetteville, Sept 7. :M-tl Tlu-se l.i.i Is lie only 15 miles aDove Wilmington, on tht Cape Fear River, and extend out to the Wilming- toti itid Miinchester ll.iilroad, and are of easy access to one ■ f the best lU'irKets in the Stale of North Caro- iin >. On the North side of *he river, there are six hundred a TCs of the finest iiiver Bottom Land in the State—i’>jui lifty acres of which are already clcared, and produce the finest sort of crops. Oue hundred «cre« more may be clearc i, which is sufBciently ele vated above the irdinarj" height of freshets to sav« the j Tops. The lands abound iu .\sh, and the tinest kiuil of Cypress Timber. »u the Sout’i side of the Rivtr is situated the ba!- , Lan Is. estimate'* :it seven thou- ind five | 'cs. from which thre.; fine petileu’euls may , I be made. The upper portion, oi Blue Banks, contH'ns j some tw() tL"usa:id acres or more—of which there are i souic one hundred and fift}' acre-^ now in cultivation, ■ uud is wi 11 adapted to corn, pwas. potatoen aud cotton. | i’here is m large quantity of fine land yet to clear, the j : irr of which is pine, oak. hickory and dog-wood. | S.i it!'. of this tract is the Roane Plantation, and ad- I joining the lowlands mentioned alx)ve, containing Home ' two thousand f. ur hundred acres, a small quantity of j which is I'lefrtd, and considerable moro yd to clear. 1 »»n this tract all the buildings and improvements aVe ' ^i'uated, consisting of a j. jo ! Dwelling-house, Kitchen, I ■ Smoke-house, Com-crib, Stables, and some fourteen I 1 negro houses, all of whi :h are new and comfortable. ■ There is a Turpentine Still and Fixtures, which will ' be S'ild with the land, if desired. There are also some eight ta?ks of Turpentine B ixes, some three tasks ot which are old on the ’and. i The remainder of the lands lio adjoining this :ra(t, j and on Hood’s Creek, containing some three thousand i acres ot' uninij>roved Pine Lauds, which would make a ' f’.ie settlement, 1 portion of them being good farming | * L.inls. and (.11 which several fine Iniilding lots could be j ^ had immediatelv oti the Railroad, suitable for Summer : ^ Residences. Persons wishing to purchase such lands, I will >io well to call aud examine the premises before making a location. ; DaVID D. ALLEN. 1 A„i„nees ' JAS. H. I'RITCHETT, / i Oct. 13. 14-tf f'BlHE Proprietors take pleasure in informing the * public, that they have commenced running their tri-weekly line of .Stages, on the Plank Road, from Salem to Fayetteville. They have procured good Stock, neW Coaches, careful and accommodating Drivers, and ao pains will be spared to render passen gers comfortable. -A 63’stem of throHgh-tickets with the contractors on the Wytheville and Ileidsvilie Roads, for the con venience of passengers bound to Wytheville, Va., or the Piedmont Springs, in Stokes County, has also been adopted. WHITE i STAFFORD June 2^*, 1855. ' 24tf RFMOVAl.. ri'^HE Office of the Brothers’ Hteam Boat Company is removed to the Huske Building, on Green street, next door to P. Taylor’s. J. S. BANKS, Ag’t. Nov. fi, lS.-)4. 46tf To Tiirpeiitiiie Distiller!*. fllAVE on hand, and will continue to keep, SPIRIT BARRELS, made at Mr. A. McAllister’s Shop. Those in need will please call. J S. BANKS. June 14, 1855. 9-tf SIIE>I\VELL HOUSE F.IVETTEVII.I/B, IV. c. East si(h o f Green Street, a Jew Doors North oj the Market House. HE Subscriber desires through this medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used to render them comfort.nble during their sojouin with him. His table is alw:iya supplied with the best the market affords. ]-. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1855. _ ^^tf ■^ORCE and Suction Pumps, r Sheet Lead and Lea i Pipe. For sale by C. W. \NDU11WS, Market Square. Vayellevillc Mutual Insurance Company' An Abstract of the Scromf Annual REPORT of the President and Directors: Policies issued past year 5‘J4, whol« number issued Pi33, covering property amounting to $2,12t),353 00 Policies caucelleil and expired 851,G36 btJ Amount now insured Sil.274,717 34 Amount of Premium Notes 31*i,333 >4ti “ “ •• expired & cancelled l‘J6,474 03 •‘ “ “ now on hand ;»;i89,85y 33 Increase during last year $01,275 07 Premium notes averaging 14 8y-100 percent, on the amount insured, the actual cost of Insurauao during the year averaging less than J per cent. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand last report $772 89 “ for Premiums received 0,103 28 •• for Policies, Surveys & transfer# .^37 50 “ for Rent $7,Ub* (57 DISBURSEMENTS. Cash paid 0. H. Sneed, tiro loss ^860 00 “ •• Lot and balance Otfioe building 1,450 00 ‘‘ •'Salaries 1,550 00 •‘ “State Tax 100 00 “ “Contingent expenses 875 fi2 “ “ Premiums returned 20 65 «4,846 27 Balancs !|t2,Wi7 40 To-wit: Cash loaned out on Bond and Security, (on demand,) $2,260 00 Cash in Bank and iu hands of Agents 687 40 $2,937 40 ASSETS. Cash on interest and in Bank. 4‘‘>- Rent due Real Estate, paying 18 per cent. f2,937 40 190 00 1,800 00 $4,927 40 189,859 38 March 30. 83-tf WOOL ROLLS. Premium Notes on hnnd Amount Capital to meet any losses $194,786 73 In conclusion, the President and Directors congratu late the members and the public on the very fortuaate aud successful operations of the Company the past year. We have met with no loss since 7th March, 1854, (Sneeil's,)—unless it be the case of Stranglaus & Einston at Kinston, whose Store was blown up—a i try eziraordinary case.—it is Still under investigation. The following Directors were elected for next year; Geo. McNeill, H. L. Myrover, Chas. benbow, llen’y Lilly, Jas. Kyle, S. W'. Tillinghast, S. T. Hawley, T S, Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, N. A. Stedman, J. 0 WOOL carded with dispatch at Plounffc Creek 1 s;vep),erd. S.’ J. Hinsdale, D. A. Ray, J. D. Williams Factory. ^ ^ j,i. Kethan, J. H. Cook, A. E. Hall. A. W. Steal, J and R. F. Brown of Wilmington. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Y arn, and tVool Rolls, for sale by June 1851 GE(». McNEILL. 7-tf J' H b(-loTi^ing to Mi^s E. Hybart, is oifered | ■ Kent. Pobset.-l',n given the 1st Jan'y next. i Also, a two sti ry iJw»*lling House an'l an improved ' ' on Rowan street, belonging to C. Montague, Esq., -^♦•esion given on tpplication. For terms apply to WM. BOW. N T. i7th 54-tf j Mast. Willey AVashburii, the intrepid tumbler, and performer Sur la Perche Equipoiso. Among the many acts the following deserve a pass ing notice: The Perche Equipoise, a novel and stu pendous featofEquilibrlumsperformed by Ceo. Sh man, I . , , Master Willey Washburn up a pole or staff thirty feet | Country, from the ground in tnn immpnvA : _ CRO KER\ CHINA. GLASS-WARE, &c. AM now opening my FALL SUPl'IiTES, compris- K mg a v^ry €JE\KKiI. A^SORTTIKlfT 1 of every thing suitable for the Country and Town I Trade. My Stock has been carefully selected, in person, manufacturers and in the beat markets I srop riiF riiiFi^! NTOLEN from my Lot in Richmond County, on Sun day n=ght last, my HORSE. Sai't horse was an iron-gray or brownish color: ho had marks ot gear on him, ai-d bis fore-top rut off very short; he w«s shod on the fore feet, walked fast, is a good trotter, and would pace; there was a white mark on his back, on the right side, uliout six or eight inches square; also, , a small wart on the li^ht side, a little below the white ■ mark. I The horse was taken by ti man rallinc himself John ! Campbell, who >:iys he vas ra’-i>d in Pitt county, and has been in this neighbo; !iood about two years: he is a I Cooper by trade, and says ho has worked in Turpen- ' tine all his life time; he is a little round-shouldered, has a stout body for a small man, and will not weigh | as much ts 1 stated. 145 or I0O pounds: has a very mean look, is very fond of negro company, and his conversation has a good deal of the negro mixed v.itli it. i I wiil p.ay !»:50 for the ielivery of the Horse, or $50 | for the thief. M. N. CAMPBELL. | Montpelier, Richmond county, N. C. j I will also reward any person for any information that will lead to the recovery of either. M. N. C. Sep. 10, 1855. 3G-tf r. C. WORTIL GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHA WILMINGTON, N. C. Usual advances made on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, .and other Produce. Particular attention given by G. W. DAVIS to pur chasing Cargoes, procuring Fi eights for V'ensels, &c. Jan’y 17, 1855. 03-tf " R. M. ORRElZ, ICTIO.VEER AND €oiniiiis«ioii iVlereliant. Aprrt 9, 1855. 90-tf OFFICEitS; GEO. McNEiLL, President. II. L. MYROVER, Vice Piesident C. .V. McMlLLAN, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney Ex'-cutive Comm-ittee for next Quarter: Geo. McNeill, S. W. Tillinghast, Wm McLaurin. May 24, ISj'5. J. cT foe, I DEALER IN STAPLF & FANCY DRY GOODS HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, STICKS, 1 AND READY'-MADE CLOTHING, i Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. IIa 1/ Street, Fayetteville, N. C. Maj' 26, 1&55. Sasli, liiiiids, &C. f B^HE Subscriber having become .\g?nt for the sale 1. of WINDOW SASH, BLINDS and D(K)RS of all sizes, will sell cheaper than has ever been sold in Fay etteville. Give me a call at my shop on Old Street. lie is prepared to execute all work in the Carpenter ing line, as he has several good workmen. CHA’S F. ASKEW. Jan’y 9, 1855. .56-y vllarble Factory, 4-tf BROTHER. 14-tf Ic ^n Intr eiid ma • .Mr . W rRlST SALK. rtiie 0' a Deed of Trust to na, executed for n purposes therein specified, by James E. lunty of I’run-iwick. we will cxpoae to ..e. ■( the plantation known as the Koane , in the '•ounty above mentioned, on the 18th December next, all tlie perishable personal pro- in s.-iid trust, consisting of Far«ing ; '•very dosciijition, Cooperii' and Blacksmiths’ li '..sphold and Kitchen Furniture, Corn, Fod- l.- or K' viluable Mules, 1 fine young ’ 5' ir- 'I next ‘p:ing; 8 good Road Wagons ir' i. 1 pa'r large Timber \N heel*. Stock 'I- and incredibly grand for description, it must be seen p,.ices which will save them all the trouliU and d*lmy Dit' lib. li-eii lal pa I anil us t th*. \ V 1>. ‘^^(•lect breed, and about 50 head of .nm breed, among them are sovoral ‘ ^ I i.. P are of the imported Oxfordshire ' ■' -■••T, . .t. l *-'the best blood in the United - 1 ..J h Horses, well broke and gentle; |‘ rai;.._, ■: ,ri:„ge and Harness; 1 Buggy and •ht-r articles not mentioned above. •” ■ .. 1 valuable Negroes of both sexes— ; iir*- veral Coopers, three Distillers, one ‘ ^ .i f , -ir,.r; one Turpentine Still and Fixtures, ■i; -e tune and j.lace we will sell the Planta- ; Stcaii) boats Fairy and Eliza or l. nion; ^ ■ n-t f '.tou, oue of 700, one of 050 and the r o liirreis capacity; two Ferry Flats; two 1 ; HI litres of choice Pine Land in Sonth ' I ir[ientine Still and Fixtures thereon, .l ie are some 10 Tasks of Turpentine ■ . ' . -r-.ti,,.,. -c.:, the Lands, will be one and two ' ■ i ■ . -:iable and personal property, for H' liuii lred ihdlars, six months’ credit,— • ' ■ ■ r iji jr approved securities, with in- r III ? r,,. . every case be re- ‘ ■ ' ti,. [ r ipofty is removed or titles changed. ■ ' ■ 1' ' ■ will be made known at the sale. I - ■ ■iitinuf'i from day to day till all is l-AVII) D. ALLEN, 1 Trustees JA.^. 11. PRITCHETT, / 53-ts li e lb, ■ t*x lay ’ ' wii»g • by ' !'■' ' exci . It ' id 1 '■ tory i on al l' ..Hur*?'* l'\ ar tjduds for sale. ^UOD• £■ J I t! : .i ^;if- Valuable Plantation, io; “A.'^’'1M PL.Xf'E,'’ seven miles in the Chjo- Fear River, recently .. N King, contnining SEV'EN —overy acre of which is (’ape -liscLptible of the highest state of L ml req.iiros i.o puffing as it is * t «t funning lands on Ciipc! Fear I i,c made satisfactory if the nght - i'ou id. T S LUTTERLOH J. & I. WADDILL. 73-tf This performance is too immense d for description, il to be appreciated. The La Traj>pez or Double Brid;; of Ropes by Messrs. Hazelett and Sloman, on a bridge of Ropes suspended forty fe«t from the ground, a dar ing performance never before witT.e.-srd at the 5>outh. This great Establishment will enter town between 10 and 11 A. M. The Indians will appeai in proces- sien, mounted c;i their lull blooded Indian horses, dressed in full Indian costume, })i-eceded by Harry Gaul's Bugle Baud, the mo-,! complete traveling Or chestra in the worM. composed of fourteen selec ted Musicians, and is not surpassed by any City Band in this country. Admission 50 cents, Children under 10 yen-s of age, and Servants half price. Doors open at 2 aud P. M. The Company will have the hono; of performing iu Banks’ Precinct, Thursday, N-nvember 22 Averasborough, Frid iy, “ Summerville, Saturday, “ 24. Bunn's Level, .Monday, “ 20. Kingsbury, Tuesday, 2. Fayetteville, WEDNESD.W, THL'RSD.\^ and FRl D.AY, .November 28th, 29th and .-JOth. Previous to commencing performances, tJ»e Band will play several sublime pieces of music, thus combining the Circus and (Concert. BERRY & EVANS, Agents. J. S. BANKS, Fayetteville, W. C. Sept. 19, 18o3. \v. i\ FLLior r, Gencrdi and P'orwtirdiny Merchant WILMINGTON, N. (’. June 10, 1854. NOTICE. fHlIlH subscriber having purchased the stock of ma- I. terial at tlo; C:irria;e establishment formerly occupied by Mr. A. 11. Whifie I, intends carrying on the He solicits a share of the liberal patronage bestowed upon carriage shops generally, ile has n w on hand some very VKIIICLHS. Which cannot be surpas^id in th^ {dace for style of finish and durability, which he wiil scH as lov is ;:ny werk of the kind can be boughi n the place ftkay-'All thankfulo rer.eived in.l promptly attended to. 1 HEPAIRIN(J done in the be; m'l on very I re:isouable terms. I Give him a call before buyine elsewhere. I J. D. CALLAIS. I Fayetteville, .“'eb’y 72-tf Coi NTRY Merchamts may rely upon buying from me prices which will save th( of ordering from the North. W. N. TILLINGHAST, Deab r iu Crockery, China and Glasswaro. \ng. 22, 1855. 29-tf 29tf 4tf FA LI. SFPPLY. JAMES F. FOULKES, Ilni; Street, near the Fayetteville Hotel, ESPECTFULLY’ asks the attention of his c.istomers and friends to his LAR'.:i and COMPLETE STOCK of DRUC^S, MEDICLN'ES and CHEMICALS, which he is now receiviug, aud is deter mined to sell at such low prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction. It will be his aim to sell Medicines that can be depended upon. ~Giye him a call before making your purchases. Sept. 12, 1855. 87-tf NOTlCEr The notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Beasley, are in the hands of Wm. McL. McKay for col lection, as longer indulgence will not be given, it is 1 hooeii this notice will be sufficient to aave costs ^ - JOHN M. BEASLEY’. I June 25, 1855. _ KKE.NCII liUKK MIIJ. SfO.NKS, WARKANrEl). ri'^HE Subscribers inform theli friends and the public that they make to order l'Ki:i^€H IIIIKR STO,VES. warranted to be of the best quality, being m.ide from Burr Blocks of ,!i ir own importation from the oert quarries n France. They also keep for sale rOLOlJXE, ES'.IPIS und COCMUCO .\11LL ST(I\ES, BOLTINC, CLOTiI :ind CALCINED PLASTER. From the Senior Partner’s long experience in the late firm of Egonton. Morriss & Co., of which he was a member, at d their determination to give satis faction, they a.ssiirc customers their orders shall be faithfi lly and promptly executed. WILLIAM HOGG ^ SON, S. II. Corner of North aud CeutiC Stii., opposite the Baltiiaort & Susquehanna R. R. Depot. Baltimore. May 29, 1855 6-ypd By GEO. LAUDER. TWO UllllliS 18UVK C. T. H.UBII S SOS'S STORE, Fayetteville, Florida Land Agency. rglHE undersigned has ''»tabli3be«l an AGENCY in K the town of .Yliigator, Columbia County, Florida, for the PURCHASE. .SALE or LOCATION of LAND WARRANTS, the PUR(’HASL aud .'sALE of L.\NDS generally, improved or unimpro\eil. The fact now being establiphed that a Rail Road is to be constructed imme«iiat**ly, connecting the .\tlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, running through the entire length ot this County, east and west; and in view of the great fertility of our .soil, the unusually tine growth of j>ine timber on the lan.l, the heaUufulness oi' the climate, anl the reasonable terms on wb.ich lands can now be obtained, there is perhaps no section of the Union which offers equal inducements to the emigrant from the other States. Having had some experience in farming on the dif ferent kinds of land, aud acquireil a general knowledge of them throughout the County; aud having acquired unusual facilities for pointing out t^uoh as are for sale, either of public or private lands, he feels very confi dent of making it the interest of all persons wishing , ,, • u * information, or who mny have determined to settle in i ped to other ports or sold in .hie market. ,n him. WILL. O. JEFFREY’S. 1 Feb. 12, lb55. Tallahassee, Fla. Florida to call on him. Referenccjs: Hon E C. (’al*ll, Hon. A. E. Maxwell, Hon. David S Walker, State Reg., ’^Carthage, N. C. II. C. McLean, Esq.. j Dr. \ Fayetteville, N. C. Rev. Geo. McNeill, 1 Messrs. W^. M. l.awton .v: Co., Charleston, S. C. June 27, 1855. 13-Y V^iiliiahio Property FOR SALE. acres of valuable Farming and Turpentine LAND, with the Turpen tine STII.L. STORE HOUSE. GOODS, andSTANI>, known as BEATTY'S BRIDGE, in Bladen county, are ! otl'ered for sale. The Store and Still will be sold either I with or without the land; so that those who wish to i engage in .Mercantile operations or in distilling Tur- I pentine will do well to apply soon to BEATTY & I Beatty's Bridge, July 2. golusrorough I FE.nALE €OMiE«E. I >^pHE third Session of this Institution commences on , £ Wedn.'sday, the 3d of Jau’y 1855, and ends on the 3d of Juce, 1855. R;v. JAS. H. BRENT, .V. B., President. Dr. MoRO.A’f Closs, late of Chapel Ilill, Professor of M atheniatics. And a full corps of Teachers in every branch. Board, including*Washing. Lights, Fuel, Sc.,_^ per session, ^50 00 Tuition in Primary Department, $10 00 Collegiate Department, !J'20 Oo One hundred dollars will ftivcr all expenses of the session in the Collegiate course and all ornamental branches. Pupils iu primary department charged the usual price for ornamental branches. One half payable in I advance. Three Lectures on scientific subjects will be delivered i each month. j We are making every effort to render the School the j first in advantages and cheapness, and pledge to reduce prices, and multiply the advantages iu proportion to the increase of patronage. When our number of pupils reaches 200 we shall be able to reduce the prices Prompt personal attention given tTall Consign ' ^very one aiding us, * ^ - — - . .1? placing the means of a superior education within tlif reach of almost every girl in the State. We return thanks for the unexampled support wi have had and believe it will be continued. For further information apply to the President of the faculty, ot myself. WM. K. LANE, Pres’t Stockholders. Dec. 13, 1854. J an’y 20, 1855 64ypd JOSEPH R BLOSSOM. € o n :n I « s I o A AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, n*il»ninf^ton^ •’%*. C. ments, and Ciish advances made on Produce to he ship other ports or sold in this market. TO OISTILI.ERS. mMT'E will pny the highest cash price for SPIRIT.^ ww TURPENTINE, and requcsi Distillers to give J. t T WADDILL 8tf Lipprrr’s specific For the Cure of Dysentery, Diarrhta, and Sum mer t'omplaint. U ilmington, N. C., February 1. Mr. W'. H. Lippitt,—Dear Sir:—Without any sug- gchtion or solicitation whatever on your part 1 take pleasure in adding my testimony to the efbcacy my testimony to the etncacy of ^ your Speo'.ric for the cure of Dysentei^j and kiudrtd | complaintP. Hn'ing been for three ye.»r.s afflicted ] with a disease of this cbaraoter, and employing the ser- | vices of three of the bi;s* physicians in this place, with j but slight advant.igo, I induced to try your medi cine, and after following tiie prescriptions and taking i,everal bottles, am aow perfectly restor -d. I believe TOur Specific to be a most excellent and valuab'? medicine, and feel no liesitation in recommending it to the public, bo far from being a nostrum as too mtiny of the popular medicines of the day are, 1 believe it to be superior for the cure of the indicated above, to any other kuown riedi'.lne. I am truly yours, ic. .Nl. Bll\ ^N Prepared an»l sold iiolesale and R tail bj W. H LIPPIVr, Chemist and Druggist, Wiini;nf,ton, N. C. Sold by S. J. IIINSD.VLE, Drnggist, Fayetteville, and by Druggists gf^ueraliy. I .Tiina 2. _ 13-tlm us a oall when in market. June 2t), 1855. ANDREW J. S'lEDMAN, 1 ,\TTOH.\E^ n’ LAW, 1 Jl'.VVlNli removed to Pittsborough, N. C., will at- B 1. tend reguUrly, tho Courts of Chatham, Moore, and Harnett Countie?*. April 10. _ _ PoH SALi:. •If Reduced Prices^ for CmlStM or on SHORT TM.flE, ■2;)0 nmm, birouhks. Rockaways and Buggies OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOX, .\NY of which are finished, and the balance being .,.^1 finished >laily. .Among which are many New anil Beautiful st vles, and one VERY FINE C.VRRIAGE. Some of them very light, aud all made in thj boat manner aud of the best materials. My facilities for dolagC.irriage work r.e (iBE.VTER than any establish ment Souch, and I can afford and am determined to sell wo;-k of the P.RST gUALITY as low as it can be built for by ui.y one. riiosf whi» arc indebted t« me will plcuae pay up, as my busitiess requires my out-stauding del (s to be colS-.cted. ‘ ‘ .r. Feb. 3, 1855. r-tf A CARD. ■ ^I^HE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens I I of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, as a MASTER BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, andgivea I notice that he is ready to contract for work in his line. I at the lowest cash prices. S. F. DK'K.''ON. Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 1854. J^ERSH BUTTER for sale by 1 Nov. 10. H. CARVER. .54 tf Stables. A. A. McKETHAN. i2-tf 1 iiv‘ry The undersiguod coutiuue to carry on the LIVERS BUSI NESS at this place. They^ave lately largely increased their^tock aud ca?i now offer to the ublic as good Horses, Carriages and Dri vers as can be fouad in the Siouth- ern country. Thankful Tor the large patron age heretofore extended to up, we solicit a contiiiuation of the public favor. We promise a satisfactory trip ail who may wish to travel. Stables at the West end of Mumford street, where one of the Proprietors may always be found, or at tho > ore first dcoi East of Mr. I utterloh J. W. PdWl.'it'^ (,'0. Fayettevillo, Feb’y 22, 1833.. ISL.VNKS for sale at tuis Office i Blrrmihs for Ktth hert

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