wsmmn ' ' ' 'V I ! tK'. TUlMyi SK]MI-nKE:KL,¥. 5»tapie and Fancy ODS, Al>. MEDICAL A ' S l\D NllOEi ri;u i K VUE. rw • K9t* ^wfPODS! fivin" I'jualaii ’- d 3t; ' ■■ ■> 5 and SHOES, INS. ' ;iP!:Rv 1 Ti', offer- UiJ ■ nici-. r! >; o^='r narkpt r>i;^s ‘ Ukl -? =• i-t tr pr-;- rnvi;rii; Guaii'- riLL; yLuf'Miiirers oj ill i “ |e Rivets 5 '-“ ^*P*' Japv - |ale ija i r-r-v^i” Marsv-i 1y & CO.. ;TP:\ li'LK. ISTOCK ^ ' STA»"-''' iM ty . fcm- FAYETTKVILU:, N. C., NOVEMHER ‘2(i, 1n55. NO. 45t>.] .iM'Kl' MoNDVYS ,\XD THURSDAY^ rDWAKD J. IIALK FSON, KI>1!'«!KS .INi) !'K('rUU:TOUM, . , t> ' -W'e*kl_v f)tisKuriiR S^3 (K) if paid tu .■*■ ■.• -f ii •■■'' il’piiiJ (luring the year of iubucrip- .,: f j nftfi-the venr Las expired. , ODHKRviiR OOperHunum, if paid In »a •- '■ '• during the year of •ubsc'rip- , ! 0 a;'t«*r the year lias expired. iSKlNil'STS in>rried fi'r sixty cents per ■ ■■■ the first, kiul thirty cents for eacli . _• r i.'ftti- n. \ rarly ftdvcrtixi'nients by npo- .at n*.'4Si>nable rate^. .Vdvertisers are • sTi’e th number of insertion-* desireil. or . » t'nH*d till forbid, *nd charged accord- Letters to the F.ditors must be post-paid. , -.i.‘ be ini«erted charged 50 per B .Norict;. f V.’,' in f » power jiivtn by the Irri will and !,..t -. 1-*“ Henry Elliott, the undersign- -‘.1 : ; i.iilic sale, .in Thursday, Friday, and . 14tii, and I5th of December next, . '■. n >f the stock of gWot'MeH, ^fMules, •*hep Hid i 'atttf, bi'longing to the teetator 1 N'^. 1 ARTS, :iud a lot of LUMBER at the ; : ! !»rg part is I’opiHr, well sawcii and .. : t’u:i ;uch\ TWt) BUGGIES, one single, j i.ui'ie. The sale will begiu nt Elliotxville ..'L V. nai be coaiiuued on Friday and Satur- ^ tht* I'ldutation on rape Fear, below Smith’i ’ - Six muuths' credit. ALEXANDER ELLIOT. J. 0. SHErHERD, I Kxecutors. V •: i . .f'H'J. 6-l-t8 . r-i' nian till sale. ■ FAYETTEVILLE KKM \Li: Hh.H SCHOOL. P . f i ENLE, of the MU.'^IC and FRENCH De-, ; -Art; ;ent hus arrived. Vouag Ladies of the ».. it'^iro to study French i^r Music, or both, j ■' v.iyn ti.^ porfeit their kn'-wledge of those ( I. without being connected with the regu’jr ■ • hisses, wouM '.lo we'.’ to embrace tho opportu- ^ r.::v 1: would oblige u« much if they would enter p s at once iii oriler to the fcrmatiou of the * I iii,.-?t's. 'VM E. I’ELL. Principal. : s ■■ r.4-4i . ADMIMS I RA roirs sale. WILI be s.ii 1, i n Tuesday, the ISth December next, to ti;.- highest bidder, on a cradit of six at the upper I’lantation of the lata Wm. T. | tiie Ptuck. ol'Cattle, Hogs, and Fat Hops, I’eas, ' ru. liirge lot. Forage, Farming Utensils, S'- , Ac. .V.-' ), un Wednesday, the lyth December, at the 1 ■si^r I’iaiitation, the Btock of Hogs, and Fat Hogs, i .".-.Tirjc Utensils, A’c., &c. j .:■ 1 n Thursday, the 20th Dec’r, at the reiidence ' ’ '.ate deceaied, stock, consisting of Cattle, ^heep, * li r.s«s, Muies, Wagous, Carts, I’ioughs, rarious ' :ui Fixtures, &c., SC. I .mJHN C. SMITH, Adm r, '•Vith the will annexed. i Nr 17. 54-trjDec. ■ 1--.U papers 3 tinie? PifLiiunt Surmner Retiidence nt Anctiou- Y firtuo of and under the provigiona of a D*ed ^ of Trugt, executed to me by Thou. J. Andttruou, I dated 3d May, iy4b, to secure certain debt* thwrein I mentioned, will be sold at Auction, on 'I'huradAT, the , j 15th iast., lit lii o'clock, at th« Market Houue, the Lot | j ou which ii-iid T. J. Andortfoii now redides, on iltiy- ! mount. There i« a good comfvrtiible dwtllmg, with | j all necf^esary out-bouses; and iit a very desiruble rehi- I deuce for any one witjhiug to reside in th* juburhn of town. T«rms ul •ale ! J \l. ROSE, Trustce. j Not. 7. 61- OL/^ 'l'lio above Sal(3 lias bet'U po.^t- poned till '^O^I>AY, 31 PLAXrA'l'lON rOR SALE. rjJIHE subscriber wishing to remove, oft'ors for saie -H his pros. nt residence ikud riaytation, situate i about four and a half miles North of Fayetteville, and near tho Plank Hoad to Kinghhury. The trHct extend."* from the Riter out to the public road, containinir 480 acres, of which there are about 7.') acres of first qunlity Rirer lan.l, well ditched, and ou which I iiave nia te this year au l tho last excellent cropn of t'l-rn, Oats, and Hay There is also ou the premisss a never fail ing streani. on which I have ere-tel iluriug the pa>-t winter a Grist Mill, which is now in order. There is a Saw Mill on the same stream below, arid near the River, so that a (upp1y of timber may be couiuiunde i at all times. A first rate spriug near the house, an I v well of good water in the yard. I’ersons wishing t.i purohaie »r« invited t • oall and «ee me \\M. I*. MALl.Kl'T Not. 16. 63-4t $10 to |:2& 6 to 10 tt to 10 7 to 14 12 to .).> 7 t® 2u y to 20 n to V 5 to w 3 to s 2 to 1 •J to 6 WASHBURN’S (oyssiL mmw mm AM) INDIAN AMPmTHHATKK. Lnrge TO MV FRIEi\nS IM) CUSTOMKRS. fjlOR the .SECOND TIM E thin seaaou, I have returned from the Northern Citi**s with one of the Largenty CheaptHt and Jttout f'auhlonable STOCKS OF Reiidy-Miido Clothing ev«r exhibited in thin place. Amoiigtt which may be found Black, lirown »ni Blue brusa and Frugk Coata from Various color# - f Husines# Coats Cas«imerc and MeitO'.i Cloth Light Fall Over *• Black ;inil Blue Bang-Up “ I’ilt't and l^eaver *• Cloth aud Pilot Talmas and Opera Cloaks Plain and Faucy Cassimere Panti Bl.ick French Doeskin I >ilk Plush and Velvet V'est* t’assimf-re and Cioth I .>ilk», Satins, Acc And a very oxteuaive assortment of Boy’s and Servant’s Clothing. Also, constantly on hand a cieat variety of Shirts. Colhir.-?, Stocks, Cravats, Pocket Handk’fs, Kid G! >ves, aod other FURNISHING OOOOS. Hixit.s and Shoc.s, llat.s and Caps, p'ine Trunks, L'arjiet Hag?, Valicos, Walking Caiici^, Silk and Gingham. I’nibrellaa, Looking Glassca. DIPOKTED 1I\V4.\A CIGARS, and I'aiicy Ciioods, India Kuhhcr Ovcr-Coats, Lcggin'? and Sandal?, Oil-.'iuth Coats, Pants and Jackets, fi.o, (’all and satisfy your wants, thig being the only House o!' the kind in this place where a general as- sorlmeut is kept, and almost ev, ry body can get suited. GEORGE BRANDT, Sotith-sidf of Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. (' , between tii - >iarket House and Fayetteville Hotel. *i i. ‘-’'J. 1^33. 46-tlJ ’\ AiTAIiLTrLANns^ O.V'lfffi 0 ,tRE RM\'EMt. ,T W \. HUSKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CLERK AND MASTEK IN EQUITT F.WIiTTtVlLI K, N. C., .May be found at tlic Equitv Offic®, in th« Court House Sept. ‘12, 18.'>5. ■ 38 tf ST\iE LLNE M-'rom M^n»f€tt€viUe to Haitm. LAURL\l]UR(;il HIGH SCHOOL. The Gth Session of this .'^chool will commence on Tuesday the 10th day of .July next, under the supervision of the Rev. Geo. B. Scott, M. A., cf the University of Edinburgh (Scotland,) Principal, assisted by Mra. Scott in the Primary Department. Mr. and Mrs. Scott have both male Teaching the business of their lives: aud .from the experience which tho Trustees have had, during the past session, of their zeal, fidelity, and success, in the discharge of the 1 adopted, duties of their profession, th?y confidently recommend them to Parents and Guardians, as pre-eminently quali fied by temper, talents, and acquiremants for the in struction of students, in all the branches of un English, Scientific, Classical, and Commercial Education. The Tru-^teos respectfully invite the public to a per sonal examinHti>m of the «y?>tem pursued in the School. Terms—ii^S, !fl‘2, and per Session of five months, (French included in the :id grade without extra charge.) Board can be had at $.h, per month. One half foes and Board invariably paid in advance. D C. McINTVRE, 8eoy. Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., V. C., ■* lune 'J;?, 18.35. i faiHK Proprietors take pleasure in informing the «- public, that they have commenced running their tri-weekly line of Stages, ou the Plank Road, from Salem to Fayetteville. They have procured good .Stock, new Coaches, careful and aecoramodating Driv«-rs. and no pains will be spared to vender passen gers comfortable. A system of through-tickets with the contractors on the Wythevillo and Reidsville Roads, for the con venience of passengers bound to Wytheville, V'^a., or the Piedmont Springs, in Stokes County, has also been WHITE & STAFFORD 24tf Fai^etteville Mutual Insurance Company• All Ah»tract of the Second AnHual RE PORT of the PreaideM and Dirtctor*: Policies issued past year 524, whole number isaued 12S3, covering property amounting lo $2,126,868 00 Polieiea eaucelied and expired 861,tJH5 titi Amount now iniured #1,274,717 84 June 29, 1855. Tiemoval. rMHE Office of the Brothers’ Steam Boat Company is I removed to the Huske Building, on Qreen street, next door to P. Taylor’s. .J. S. BANKS, Ag’t. Nov. 6, 1«54. 46tf Amount of Premium Notes 316,333 3i> “ “ “ expired & cftooeHed 120,474 08 “ “ now oil hand $189,868 8t Increase during last year $61,276 Oi Premium notes averaging 14 8i-l(>0 percent, on the amount insured, the actual cost of Insuranae during; the year averaging lesa than J per cent RECEIPTS. Cash on hand last report !5772 8ft for I’remiums received 6,103 28 for Policies, SurTeyg&traniferi 137 60 “ for Rent 70 00 KLNGSBIRY lOL. FOR SALE. To Turpentine Distillers. I HAVE on hand, and will continue to keep, SPIRIT BARRELS, made at Mr. A. McAllister’s Shop. Those in need will please call. .1 8. BANKS. June 14, 185.3. 9-tf siie>iweli7 house. FAYETTEVILLE, iV. C. East side of Grcm Street, a few Doors North or j the Market House. this DISBURSEMENTS. Cash paid C. H. Sneed, fir« lost $860 00 “ “ Lot and balanoaOfBo* building 1,460 00 •• "‘Salaries 1,660 0t> “ “State Tax 100 00 “ “ Contingent expense* •76 62 “ “ Premiums returned ‘JO 65 uud nL>ER VINEGAR, ' r i-ale by a g'- ^ J article, W. H. CARVER. 54-tf Sfw Methnl for the Guitai-, In r>« ■' ‘'iiiiverse; Huuten's Instructions for the Forte; Burrowes’ Piano Furte Primmer. Fur- “I’rplies jii«i received K. J. H.ALE k SON- FOR SALE. undersigned otfers for sale, liie latu residence i A ;>f S. Hodges, dee d, on ilaynii.unt, situated | i mctiou of the-'entre and Webtern Plank Roads. , ■ -r H use is new and commodious, with the necessary - .’louseii, ail in ceod repair; the grounds well im- . h-r •ed. and is one of the most desirable residences ; t wn. .\pplicktion f.r terms may be made to J. ; t ;ir\au, at the Post Office, or tr« E. H.VLL, .\dm’r. Fv(-ttevi!le, Nov. l'>. 1835. ^4-lm { Lnrge Compauies conibined: arrntiiied A perfected for tiie grea. truutlifrii Tour f’i and ’•'>*), “urpassing iu sj lei. l^r of U iuirngo. hisaly tr.aiued S: i*ds, ver;atility f Talent. ,ii' . auy .tber Circu.' in the World; boasting' of beiug the ru''St bril liant E'iueslriai\ tiytr.aif^tic uui ]>r .iuatic Eiitertain- mont ever given to the I"* ir.i » ■■■•, p'.veti under an immense water-pro T P.vviii.m, acci'!;.nr dating with ease and convenience ■' per'-i ii?^ The and intereiiting feature vf thi'- wundort'ul Lst'ibiishm‘-nt, 13 I the addition of a large Tr>iupe f genuine Wild liidlaus from the va-^t Plains and from heyr.n l the Rock Ni nint- ains, consisting of Chiefs. Br: ves, W :irri .'rs an-j .'‘..uaws dressed in all tht pharaphernalia of ih*-ir resjiei tive natious, will appear within the Paviiion in d'lring E'luestrian feats, feats of .''trc:..:th. Foot Haoe«. Prize ■ Shooting with Bows aud Arrows, Cei-’monies. Histori cal Scenes, &c. The young sijuaw Alazuma. daughter T C..mucka, chief of the Sack and Fox Nation?, the m>st beautiful Indian female living, is am 'ng rhe number, and will appear at each entertainment as Pocah ntas savini; the life of Ci>pt. Smith. Am-'m: the larvae company of white e-juestr jns may be found the justly celebrate 1 ‘•Pastor Brothers, ’ with a reputati'm une'jualed in the auna'iS of E'luestrianism: Frank I’a.-ter. the nK-.-st ..i,- ! complijhed Bider of the age,—the only person living I who can throw a s imci-et fr-nr. feet to feet, l-'th backwardr- au'l forwards '-n a Ikr-e at fuli speci,—he : stands without a riv:ii, America’s f:iV'-rito son. Wm. Pastor, the great gymnastic E.juestrian, the ! most celebrated Autiporrcp.a E juilibri^t living; also, ^eo. O. Knapp, the great ;n:eri«’an Cl-wn. purnnmod by the Press, "The M' dern T"ucl> St will oj.en h’is inexhaustible budget wirrici-rns dp lleries and eccentricities; .M ile liennetia, tii ■ most plished female equestrian in the world will appear within the arena on her beautiful .-fed in i:er great Bare Back Act with-ut ? lie .r bri'l’c, ’'e^ping like a Fairy through hoops, bailor-.s, over garter*--, banners, &c.,—a thing never before attempted by ate- ■ male in this country; Joe Hazelett, the champion ' Vaulter of the world, the only one who can throw a somerst over ten horse.s abreast. , Ben. Burnish, the great comic equestrian and panto- j minist; also, the modern Hercules' 6rst appearance at 1 the South. ieo. Sloman, tbegreatest livinggymnnst and champi- IHL Lands and Plantations known as the Roane ail i lUue Hanks I'laiit.ation.'i, are offered for s.-ile. Tli; -^.- lands lie .nly 13 miles above Wilmington, on th C'li.e r. ir River, and extend out to the Wilming- to) an i .''':inchesrcr Railroad, and are of easy access to line •>! ilie >■?•: iuark*-t-^ in the .State of North Caio- | lina. (Ml the North side of the river, there arc six ! hui.'ired acres of the tinext River ]$ottom Land ia the | State nil put til'ty .acres of which are already cleare.i, j , uii .l ofoduce the finest wort of crops. ' >nt imndred i . ucrc: more may bo cleared, which is sufficieiitly ele- j . vated iibi ve tlie ','rdinary height of freshets to 9av*r the \ 1 r .ps The lands abi^und in t)ak, .Ash, and the finest ; I kiu'i of t’ypre-^s Timber. ’ I 'n the South side of tho River is situated the bal- "f th** Lauds, estimated at seven thousand five ■ i.un lre i acres, from which three fine t-ettlements may \ be made. The ujiper j'ortiou, or Blue I’.anks, contains i soji.e two thousand acres or more—of which there are ' ; Slime one imndred and fifty acres now in cultivation, j an.I is w.di ad.-ipted to corn, j.aas, potatoes and cotton, i . There is a large quantity of fine land yet to clear, the gr wth of which is pine, oak, hickory and dog-wood. South if this tract is the Roane Plantation, and ad- j .uing the lowlands mentioned above, containing some . f.v I thousand four huudrea acres, a small quantity of wiiich is cleared, and considerable more yet to clear. 'n tiiis tract all the buil iings and imprnvenients are :--ituated. cons^i.-^tintr f^f a j:ood Dwelling-house, Kitchen, Smoke-house, Corn-crib, Stables, and some fourteen negro houses, all of which are new and comfortable. There is a Turpentine Still anl F'ixtures, which will ’.■ S'/id with the lamJ. if desired. There are also some eight ta-iks of Turpentine Boxes, some three tasks of which are old -n tin- land. The reni:'inder of the lands lie adji)ining this tract, at.d on Hood's Creek, (containing some three thousand .'i-res of unimpr(-ved i’lr.e Lai;ds, which would make a tine ^^ettlenieiit. a ]»"rtion of tiie.a being good farming ’ iiid-i, and on '.vhich ^e\»'rul fine Ijuliding lots could be had ■T.'meilini.ely on the Railroad, .tu'able for Summer P»e-'i b-nces. Person? wisliirg lo purchas-' sucli lands, will do well to Cali, and ex:.iiiine the premiasis before .a location. D.vVlD D. ALLEN. 1 age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used to render them comfortabl;' during their sojourn with him. His table ia always supplied with the best the market affords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1835. 8ti-tf iHMPS. €10L. King the present occupant, being desirous to close up his business, we offer those valuable premises for sale. | Kinvrsbury is situated at the termiaue of the Fayette- j ville Raleigh Plank Road, eleven miles from the j f irmer place, aud v. h i three miles of King’s Land- i ing on (’ape Fear P.; r. These premises offer more ' business conveniences and comforts for liviug, per- j haps than any ce.untry seat in Cumberland. On them i is a neat two-story family mansion, containing seven , rooms—a fire place in each, with front and rear piazza : and portico, frame kitchen, sleeping apartments for servants, smoke hou.-e and dairy, with a prime well of , water: and all handsomely enclosed. Also, on the ; premises are nine other frame buildings, with brick | chimnevs to each, and rooms sufficient to accommo- i date from fifty to sixty negroes; a frame Barn 5> by 00 feet, with ttall.^ for forty hordes, mid room to hold 50 tons of forage; t’arriage house. Store and Ware house; Water Grist Mill, two (Jooper and two Blacksmith's Shoj)s, heel Bight ''hop. Turpentine .‘'dieds, ic.; all within convenient distance o!' the best Springs of Sur.lhill Water. ,\11 the building- are new and have „i r>„..,.^o . .. 1 -.1 - 1 1 * r n T> BlOBl L and Suction 1 umps, been erected within the last four r five years. To .... . i r „ i . V, • 1, 11 1 -...-V Jl Sheet Lead and Lead ripe, these va.uable in'provpineuts we will add 1 ,o*>0 acres ,, i_ v_ r> u.' of Pine Lands, and we will take $3,500 f r the whole, which is $10u) less than the cost of the improvements. We have also, on the premises, and now in operation, a Steam Saw anl Grist Mill, and Turpentine Distillery. which can be bought cheap. If the right sort of a purchaser presents himself, and wishes a partner in l.i.- operations, wo will furuieh one with sufficient capital to condu't a profitable business. To a Planter who has ^‘1 to invest in real estate and wants the best Plantation on Cape Fear River, with a healthy country seat with all conveniences for living at hand, these premises would be a very desir able attuchment to the .4she Plantation, cottaining seven hundre«l acres of the best Cape Fear bottoms, and now in market. These two Estates are connected by a good Ferry Landing and are only three miles apart; and will be sold together or separate. For further particulars apply to T. S. Lutterloh, Esq . or the sub scribers. J. T. WADDILL. Fayetteville, Sept. 7. 34-tf Balance To-wit- Cash loaned out on Bond aod Security, (on demand.) Cash in Bank and in banda of Agent! 687 40 •94,846 27 $2,087 40 $2,987 40 HE Subscriber desires through medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House an'l to water he takes pleasure in saying lo his p.itrous and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and . „ • 1. 1*1. 1 A ^0169 OT) u&QU reapecttully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron- ^ ASSETS. Cash on int«re*t and in Bank. Rent due Real Estate, paying 18 par taut Amount Capital to meet any losses f2,W37 40 1 190 00 1,800 00 «4,927 40 189,850 38 SM94.786 73 I In conclusion, the President and Directors congratu ! late the "uembers and the public on the very fortuaate , and successful operations of the Company the past . year. We have met with no loss since 7th March, ‘ *1854. (Sneed’s.)—unless it be the case of Stranglaus & ' Einston at Kinston, whose Store was blown up—a vr f s eztrnnrdinarxj cate,—it ia still under investigation. For sale by March 30. C. W \NDiwi;\SS, Market Square. H3-tf wool. UOLI.S. OOL carded with ilispatch at Blount's ?reek Factory. SHEETINGS, trsnaburgs. Cotton Varu, and Wool Rolis. for aale by CEO. McNEILL. June 1854. 7-tf JAS. li. PRITCHETT,/ Oct. 13. Aj^^lj^neci. -14-tf FOR RENT. L^HAT convenient situation, with Dwelling and out! tumbler. Hous-3, I'eloneing to .Mis-: E. Hybart, is offered | Mast. Willey Washburn, the imrepid tumbli r, and • Rent. PjSbeKLiun given the 1st Jau'y next. ' performer Sur la Perche Equipoi.-iO. .\lso, a two St ry Dwelling House and an improved ' Among the many acts tht following deserve pri=s- t on Rowan street, belonging to C. Montague. Esq., ' jjjg notice; The Perehe E juipoise, a novel an i stu- ■ »i.e8eion given on application. For terms apply to I ppnJous feat of liquilibriums perfcrmed by Oco., ■ WM. .BOW. i Magter Willey Washburn uj. -a pole or staff tiiirtv feet K-vr 17th 54-tf I from the ground. This p;rformance is too imm* nse - i (ind incredibly grand fer description, it must be seen TRI ST SALE. ' to be appreciated. The La Truj pez or Double lirid^^e Virtue cf a Deed of Trust to ns, executed for i of Rojies by Messrs. Hazelett aud .''i.onmi, on a 1 It the South. C)Wn bt tween t >T. in the county above mentioned, on the It^th 1 aud 11 M. The Indians wil appear ir prooea .' ember next, all the peri.-jhable personal pro-; si«n, mounted on their lull blooded indiati ior.-ei, ii.' i.t;' n:d in said trust, consisting of Far uing ' dress'-d in full Indian costume, preLCitcd y .>rry ' desciiption, Cooperi*’ and Blackimith.-i' | Gaul's Bugle Bund, the most complete travf '• .seiioid and Kitchen Furniture, >jrn, Fod- chestra in the 1 1.", or valuable I Virtue of a Dee^i of Trust to ns, ♦jxecuted for ; of Kojtes hy .Messrs. aua . Plain purposes therein specified, by James E. j of Ropes suspended forty fe«t from the gii f i:ie County of Brunswick, we will expoie to , ing performanee never bffure witnessed ai ‘a,e. at the Plantation known as the Roane • Tiiis great Establishment wnl enter to ing Or world, composed ot fourteen selected Mules, 1 fiiw young | Musicians, and is not B;irpassed by any City Land in ir*: oi l next spring; 8 good Hoad Wagonn | this country - t artfc, 1 pair large Timber Wheela, Stock T '.f (select breed, and about 50 head of ^' " ' ' ; ;; .rimni breed, among them are several i'i .i 1 are of the imported Oxfordshire f Le; vsti-r, best blood ia the United ■ ■’“= 1 pDi fin.j match Horses, well broke and gentle; ‘ arriagp and Harness; 1 Buggy and 1,.,, (articles not mentioned abovo. y and valuable Negroes of both sexes— kn everai Coopers, three Distillers, one - i i', ( HI- ,-nur; one Turpentine Still and Fixtures. .It I. t.iu,. ^,i,j pi,ice we will sell the Planta- ' r'ti ,iiii bout'i Fairy and Eliza or Uni jn; ^ jne /f one of 7uO, one of 050 aud the ‘ c i{)acity; two Ferry Flats; two acre.s of choice Pine Land in South ' '. w!'!j a Ttirpentine .Still and Fixtures thereon, ' t!ier« are some 10 Tasks of Turpentine ' i-rrH-lon sii:e—un tho Lands, will be oue and two ■ '‘•1; ua'oh; and personal property, for * _ ■ ' : I. Ir. d dollars, six mouths’ credit,— “ ’ tv.. -.1- fnor(“ apjToved securities, with in- ii»_. of mile, will in every ca^e be re- • '*•' ri- i;i.- iiropertv i« removeti or titles changed. ■ )-• : i)t. made known at the sale. J . , .iiiiaue l from day to day till all is l-.\ \ !1> D. .\LL1.N, I Truatyes ■IAS K. Pi;||JHKTT,;^*^'*“^“‘^“- Admission .30 centH, Children under 10 years of age, aud Servants half price. Doors open at 2. and 1*. M The Company will have the hi,;ior of per'.ormiug iu Banks’ Precinct, Thursday, Nov(mber22. Averasborough, Friday, “ 23. Summerville, Saturday, “ 24 Bunn’s Level, Monday, “ 2b. Kingsbury, Tuesday, “ 27. Fayetteville, WEDNESD.W, FHCRSD.V^ and t Rl- DAV, November 28th, 2^th and 30th. Previous to commencing performances, the Band will play several sublime pieces of music, thus combining ‘ upon C ROl KUKY, Clll.\ A. GLASS-WAHfS, &c. ;\M now openinir mv F.\LL Sl’PPLlE.S, comprif- ineavf-ry A*^fcOKTX of every thing suit;ible for tho Country aud Town Trade. _ I Mv Stock ha-* been carefully selected, in pcrion, j from the best manufacturers and in the best markets in tho Country. Cot STRY Merciivnts may rely n^on buying from me at pru’es which will save them all the trouble and d*lmy of ordering from the North W. N. TILLINHHAST, Dealer in ('r.iskery. t’h'.na and Glassware. Aug. 22. 1853. ' 2'J-tf FALi. sirPL\;. mm. mmwu & (iiiElf iis. JAMES F. FOULKES, Hay Street, near the FayettevUle [lold, ^ U* ESPECTFULLY asks the attention of his I srop rilE THIEF! , ^TtJLEN from my L' t in Bichmond County, on Sun- day night last, my HORSE Said horse was an iron-gray i r brownish '•olor: he had marks of gear on him. and his t'ore-top rut off very short: he shod on the fore feet, walked fatt, is a good trotter, and would pace; there wag a white mark on his back, on the ri/ht .aide, a'fiout six or eight incliJ'S square; also, a sma'l WHrf on the right side, a little below the white mark. The horse was taken by a man calling himself John Camp>)ell. vtho says he was raised in Pitt county, and has been in this neighborhood about two years: he is a Cooper by trade, and hhv-s he has workcl in Turpo i- tine all his life time; he is a little round-shouldered, has a stout body for a small man. and will not weigh as mucli as I stated. 14.) or l-)> pounds: lias a very mean look, is very fond of regro company, and his conversation has u good deal of the negro mixed with it. I will pay !^50 for the delivery of the Horse, or $50 for the thief. M. N. CAMPBELL. Montpelier, Richmond county, N. C. I will also reward auy person for any information that will lead to the recovery of either. M. X. C. Sep. 10. 1853. 30-tf T. C. WORTH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Usual advances made on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, and other Produce. Partic ular attention given by 0. W’. D.WLS to pur chasing ('argoes, procuring Freights for Vesselu, &c. Jan’y 17, 1855. 63-tf rTmT ORRElX^ ^UCTIO.^'E E R AND €oninii««ion llerchant. .\pril 9, 1855. 90-tf Hasli, Kliiuls, &:c. X^HE .'Subscriber h.-iving b*come .\gent for the sale . of WINDOW SASH, BLINDS and DOORS of all size.s, will sell cheaper than has ever been sold iu Fay etteville. Give me a call at my shop on Old Street. He is prepared to execute all work in the Carpenter ing line, as he has several good workmen. CHA’S F. ASKEW. Jan’y 9, 1855. 5ti-y •llurble Factor90. The following Directors were elccted for next y^ar. tieo. McNeill, H. L. Myrovcr, Chaa. Beubow, Henry Lilly, Jas. Kyle, S. W. Tillinghast, H T. Hawley, T S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, N. A. Stedman, J. G Shepherd, S. J. Hinsdale, D. A. Ray, J. D. Willi.ima, A. McKethan, J. H. Cook, A. E. Hall, A W. J. G. Cook; and R F. Brown of Wilmington. OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. H. L. MYROVER, Vice President C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. Executive Commiitet for next Quarter: Geo. McNeill, 8. W. Tillinghast, Wm. McLanrio. May 24, 1855. 4-Y J. C. POE, DEALER IN STAPLE ^ FANCY DRY GOOUS HATS, CAPS, BOOT?, SHOE.S, .\ND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. !Jay Street, Foyettevil/e, C. Mnv 26, 18.35. ’ 4-tf V aluable Property FOR SALE. ACRES of valuable Farming and * Turpentine L.\ND, with the Turpen tine STILL, STORE HOUSE. GOODS, and STAND, I known as BEA'fTY'S BRIDGE, in Bladen county, are offered for sale. The Store anl Still will lio sold either with or without the land: so that those who wish tu engage in Mercantile operations or in distilling Tur- pttutine will do well to apply soon to T Florida Liin«l Agency. established customers and friends to hi* LARGE and COMPLETE STO(^K of DRUGS, MEDK’LNES aud CHEMICALS, which he is now receiving, and ia deter- imined to sell at such low prices as cannot fail to give aatisfaction. It will be his aim to sell Medicines that can be depended Give him a call before making your parchases. the Circus and t'oncert. BERRY & EVANS, Agents. „ ^ ^ IJANKS, ConinilM!«ion .^iereliant, Fayetteville, W. C. ly, 1853. 2i>tf Sept. 12, 1855. 87-tf HE undersigned ha“ established an AGENCY in the town of Alligator, Columbia ('ounty, Florida, i for the PURCHASE. SALE or LOCATION of LAND I WARBANTS. the PUBCHASE aud SALE of LANDS . generally, improve-! or unimproved. ; The fact now being established that a Rail Road is , to be constructed immediately, connecting the .\tlantic and the Gtili' of .Me.'cico, runiiing through the entire length of this County, east and west; and in view of the great fertility of our s )il, the unusually tine growth of pine timber on the land, the healthfulness «f the , climate, and the reasonable terms on wluch lands can now be obtained, there is perhaps no section of th». Union which ofTers equal inducements to the emigrant from the other States. Having had some experience in farming on the dif- ; ferent kinds of land, and acquired a general knowledge | of them throughout the County; and having acquired j unusual facilities for pointing out such as are for sale, either of public or private lands, he feels very confi dent of making it the interest of all persons wishing information, or who may have determined to settle in Florida to call on him. WILL. O. JEFFREYS. Rf/«r‘^nce»: Hon. E. C. Cabell, ) Hon. A. E. Maxwell, j-Tallahasaee, FU. Hon. David S. Walker, State Reg., J Dr. S. C. Bruce, BEATTY & BROTHER. 14-tf By GEO. LAUDER. IlKI lioilBS IBIIVIi r. T. inilill i SON'S STilKE. Fayetteville, If. Jan’y 9.0, lft-^5. rt4ypd JOSSPH R. BLOSSOM. € o n .n I s s I o j\ AND F()It W A RI )1 NG M ERC H A NT, *V. €J. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign menta, a-'d Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67y Beatty's Bridge, July 2. GOiTl)l>BOR(iTOJl FE.HALE COLLEIiiE. ^■IHE third Session of this Institution commences on I Wedusisday, the 3il of Jau’y 1855, and ends on the 3d of June, 1855. Rev. JAS. H. BRENT, B., President. Dr. Moroas Closs, late of Chapel Hill, Professor of Mathematics. * And a full corps of Teachers in every branch. Beard, including Washing, Lights, fuel, kc., per session, $60 00 Tuition in Primary Department, $10 00 Collegiate Department, $20 00 One hundred dollar.s will cover r.ll expenses of the session in the Collegiate course and all ornamental branches. Pupils in primary department charged the uaual price for ornamental branches. One half payable in advance. Three Lectures on Bcientific subjects will be delivered each month. We are making every effort lo render the School tha ; first in advantages anU cheapneas, and pledge to reduce prices, and multiply the alvautages in proportion to 1 the increase of patronage. When our number of pupils reaches 2(K) we shall be able to reduce the prices nearly one half, every one aiding us, is also aiding io placing the means of a superior education within the reach of almost every girl in the State. We return thanks for the unexampled support w* have had and believe it will be continued. For further ' information apply to the Bresident of the faculty, oi myself. WM. K. L.\NE, Pres’t Stockholders. Dec. 13, 1864. 67-tf Sept 5a-t8 ( ,-:7-tf iANP^ afferent Irtho-i ' ■ t rov.-i Vi,r:. r-' IHA;.' rkei. r sal*- ih‘V i \ ar lA(indi> for side. t'.r ialo tliat Valuable I'lantaticn, ^ ‘ 'Ml a-, ii.e ’‘A.SilE PL.\('E,” seven miles • : 11 tiie (Jiijje Fear River, recently , .■ ' ' 'i. NHtiiaii Kii'g, coutaiuing SEVEN A' tills,--every acre of which is Cape I""‘'■■t? ju, -.lid Huwejitible of the highest state of ' I'll! liuml requires no pufling as it is \ 'jt; thr best farming lands on Cape Fear 'y- i'-rnin w; 1 be made aatisfuctory if the right " ' lui'cLuii.T ill found. T. S. LUTTERLOH. p J. ai T. WADDILL. 78-tf W. W ELFJOrJ', General Commission and Forwitrdinj MerrhmU WIL.MUVOTON, JS. 0. June 10, 1S54. NOTICE. r'lf'lHE Hubscri'oer having purchase 1 ;hc stock of ma- i terlal at the Ciirriai^e est.-iblishment formerly occupied b\ Mr. A. 11. Whitfi- d, iiite:idscarrying on the CarViasf-Hakins He solicits a share of the liberal j.atrouage 'vC.nowed upon carriage shop« generally. He has n w on hand some very iiANDSOMH \"KH IOI..KS. Which cannot be surpassed in the place for style oi finish and durability, which ho will sell as low as ant W9rk of the kind cati be bougiil in the place. jg^^All orders thankfully received !»nd promptly attended to. I REPAIRING done in the be^ :*‘‘d on very reasonajjle teims. Give him a oall before buving elaewhere. J. D. CALLAIS. Faywitavilla, Feb’y 8. 72-tf NOTICE. rilHE notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Beasley, I j,re in the hands of Wm. McL. McKay for col lection, as longer indulgence u Ul not be given, it is hoped this notice will be sufficient to save costs. JOHN M. BEASLEY. June 25, 1855. i^f I’ui’.Ncii liuitk .uiijr sro.\i;s, WMtRA.VTEl). ri'^HK .Subscribers inform their J friends and the public that they make to onier EKi:.^€ll UI KK sto.ves, warranted to be of the best qualit y. beir.g made from Burr Bloukd of their .i\vii importation from the best quarries in France. T.iey also keep for sale COLOGNE, ESOPL'S aud COI .^Ul’ll iIIlL STO.NES, BOLTING CLOTH and CA1.CINED PLASTEH. H. 0. McLean, Esq., * • Dr. Millett \ Fayetteville, N. C. Rev. Geo. McNeill. i •' ’ Messrs. W. M. Lawtoa .£ Co., Charleston, S. 0. June ‘27, IS55. 13-Y LIPPITT’S .SPECIFIC For the Cure of D^senter)/, Diarrhdta, and Snm- mer C(miplai7it. Wilmington, N. C., February 1. Mr. W. II. Lippitt,—Dear Sir; — Without any sug gestion or solicitation whatever on your part 1 take pleasure in adding my testimony to the efficacy of your Specific for the cure of Dysentert and kindred complaints. Having be.?u f-)r three years afBictcd with a disease of lliis eiiaraclei, aiid enipioying the ser- I vices of three of the best [ihyslci.iiid in place, v.itii but slight advTiitige, I wns induced to try yo ir medi cine, and after toilowing the ^rescriftions au i t-'.kinti several bottle.s, am now perlcctiy riistored. 1 lu iieve I your Specific to be a most excellent and vulusble ; medicine, and feel no hesitation iu recorn-iicn'ling it to ■ the public. So Jar from bei.iji a nostrum as too many I of the popular m. di-'inot. of the tla^. are, 1 believe it to ! be superior for the eiiie oi' ihe disease in.licateil above. TO DiSril.LERS. WE will pay the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give us a call when in market. J. & T WADDILL June 20, 1855. 8tf A N D It E VV I S r E D M A N, \TTOR>FA AT LAW, B^jTAVIMt removed to Pittsborough, N. C., will at- j at the lowest cash prices. ■ M. teml regularly, the t’ourts of Chatham, Moor*, ■ Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 1854 and Harnett Counties. j A CARD. f I'^HE subscriber tenders hia services to the citiiens X of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, as a MASTER BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, and gives notice that he is ready to contract for work iu his line. S. F. l>H’KSON. 3Htf 91-tf Frjm the Senior I’artuer’a long eipeneuco in tfie i late firm of E^enton, .Morriss & Co., of which he i to any other Known med cine. . was a member, and their determination to give satis- j 1 am truly yours. »Vc .M. BRV IN' faction, they assure customers their orders shall be! Prepared and sold Wiiolosale ..w I Rotail by ■ faithfully and promptly executed- | H. Lll i IIX, (. hemisi and Druggist, WILLLV.M HOGG ^ SON. I Wilmington, N. C. 8. £. Corner of North and Centre Sti., opposite . Sold by 8. J. HINSDALE, Druggist. Fayetteville, I tb« Baltimore & Susquehanna R. R. Depot, Baltimore, and by L'ruggiats generally. 1 May 29, 1865. 6-ypd I June i7. ia-6m April 10. ~ FOR~-^ALE. I .J/ itedurcfi Prires^ for €'»§Stt\ or ou SHORT TM*ltE^ ! •250 {\mm, BAROl'fllKS. I Rockaways and Baggies UF E ^ERy I) E SCR I FT! OX, t^3 .I NV of which are fiiiisl.ed, and the balance being | 7 a finished tlailv. .'vmong which arc many New j and i’.eautif-i) styles' and one VEBY FINE CARRIAGE. Some ot mem very light, and all made in the best j manner and of the best materials. My facilities for ■ doing Carriage work arc GRE.VTER than any establish- : ment Noitth, and 1 can atford and am determined to sell , work of the I5EST QUALITY as low as it can be built j for by uny one. fca?* 'I'boHe w’h I pay up. us my busiuess requires my out-standing debts j to be collected. A. A. McKETUAN. Feb. «>, 1S55 2-tf 1 ^■^ERSH BUTTER for sale by Nov. 10. H.CARVEH 54 tf 8tables. The underwigned continue to carry on tlie LIVEKY BUSI NESS at this place. I hey have lately li-rgcly increased their Stock ^ , _ and an now offer to tit*, nblic ^ good Horfes, CMrriatre.^ and Dri vers as can be found in the liiouth- ern country. rhaiikful r..>r the large patron Age heretofore extendeil to us. we solicit a continuation of the public favor. We j-romise a satisfactory trip le all who may wish to travel. Stables a* the West end of Mumford streat, 1 I. 1 » „ ™:ii i where oue of the PToprietors m»v alwavt* be found, or are indebted t» ma will please Lutterloh. J. W. POWERS & CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, 1853. * Itf L P»L.\.VKS tor sttie at thig Offic.t? j Hlfinnka for hert-.