SEMI-WEEKL Y. vol.. V.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., DECEMBER 20, 1855 [NO. 463.1 v-vkut HU >Hof Voi. 2 li Iff eci th. to l>K 'oiiiiic! ,\TK1> Mi>Nl>AYS AM* TIirKSl*AYS. i;i)\\ \l!l) J. IIALi: & SON, i:r.iT'Rs‘ \Si> ruoriMKToKs. . , : Seini-Wookly Ouskrvkr 00 ifpuiil in j-J if paid .luriuj; thi» vear of 1 -t ut'tor tlu' lias exjiireil. , W - klv iiiisKKVHU ¥‘2 00 periiiimnu. if juiul in ■ if ('ui'l iluriupt the year of xuhscrip- . I'l :ift»r tlie year has exjiiroil. sr.'ll'NTS in.-^erteil fur sixty cents ]>vr ii' ii'V the lirst. auii thirty cent.s fi»r eiicli ■•■at: u.. Yearly U'lvertisements by si>e- !■.. at rf;is>.liable rates. Advertisers are tiie munl'er of insertions le^iretl. or , ,:imu’ l til', forhiil, and ehar^ed ticei'rd- !,,•(I’.'i s t'l thf Hditurs n\ust l>e post-paid, .ii iii't.' 1-e inserted */»(»/-, eharijed ■’>0 per i.KKKXSHORO' | female college. - S>'s.‘ion (.'f will oonmipuco on . ..f DKCKMIJEK. IS.',.',. There will Winter, except ft tew day« forreere- . . ’ inu-ni.^ of the ln>tituti>iu are now sup- . ;‘ut and faithful i’n>fessors and Twioh- has i-eeii divided into tW''s-.‘ctions, I d:aion of tho-e w!’.o de«ire if prepare • . r t'.illepe course, tlirls iin ler 1 I years iioroatter be received intr, the Institution. V ■■ sfut .>n .'ipplicatiou, to all persotis : • i. '. information in refereui'e to > liarges. ;y, A'l'. T. M. .It>NES, \*rcsiJent. ; 1*00., lS-)5. 'U-jt NEW BDOKS. i.,FKLL>\V’S HIAWATHA; The old Honie- :i i: U. ra's Child: Curious :Stories about Fairies; >1 I'ivlne Government; Leightons Works: ' •' lou lortf; Spier's and Surienne's French and I'.ctionary ; H>uuiar''' ('' llotiuial l’hra.^e»; I?"' ,\rithinetics and Keys; .Vc.. .ti’ r supplies of the above ju.^t received. E. J. HALE iV SUX. S. 31. THOMAS. DEALER IN ; V.NCV cV STAPLE DRV GOODS. UK AD Y-M A n K C LOT IIIN G. 11\TS I APS. BUNNETS, Bt>OTS AND SHOE.S. ^HEKTlNC.i,'"OTTON YARNS. KERSEYS, BLANKETS, ic., &c. rner MarkPt nndOinospieSt.. Fayefeville, N t'. A \ I) It W S Si' J l^iSU P, Oape h^car Ijands for aal(\ commission MEIU HANTS, ('ottoii an({ WooIUmi M;irliin(*ry,Steam l''iiii:iiu's. Machinists* 'I'ools, l>‘ltin^, *.Vc. IMi’ORTEHS AND DEALERS IN .Haimlac*tnrers’ ArticloM, Wo. 67 PIIVE Street, NEW YORK. .\iigust 1, lbo.'>. i:67if ANDREW J. S rE!)>L\N, . \TTllRMiV AT LAW. AVI NO remnved to 1‘ittsborouch, N. C.. will at- Moore, w KINGSBURY rOR SAI.K. lOL. Kinj; the present occupant, being desiroun to ^ >' close up his buaiuess, we otfer those valualih* preini.^es for sale. Kingsbury is situated at the terminus of the Fayette ville tt Haleijth Plank Road, eleven miles from the former place, and within three miles of King’s Land- infi on Cape Fear River. These premises offer more , , . . , , „ business conveniences ami comforts for living, per- he best farming 1‘jnds on Cape Peai | country seat in Cumberland. On them will be made satisfactory if the right | two-story family mansion, containing seven ^ place in each, witli front and rear piazza E OFFFiR for sale that Valuable Plantation known as the “ASHE I’L.AC'E,” seven miles above Fayetteville, on the Cape Fear River, recently the property of Col. Nathan King, cont'vining SEV’KN Hl'NDRED ACRF'S,—every .acre of which is Cape Fear Bottoms, and susceptible of the highest state of cultivation. This Lunil requires no puffing ns it is known to be th River. Terms sort of purchaser is found. T. S LUTTERLOH J. & T. WADDILL Feb. ti, 18(')5. 73-tf Fiii^eltevilie IShilual Jnsurance C'oiajjanq’ | .1/i Abstract of the IStiono Annual ItK PORT j of the PreiiJent and Dirtctom: i Policies issued past year 6li4, whole immber issued j 1233, covering property nmouuting lo ^2,12o,:i53 (K> j Policies uancelled and expired 8;>1,63;> >G SI,274,717 34 I ■ H AVI NO removed to Pittsborough, N. K M. tend regularly, tho ’iurt^ of ('hath«m. H!id Harnett (Jounlies. April D». Vll-tf W , HI SKE, ATTUKNHV AT l.AW, AND CLERK AND MA.^TER IN E(»CrrT., N. (’., May be found at the E*(uity Ottico, in tlie Court House Sept. tf 2J, lh.‘)o. RENJAMIN R. ID SKi:, A T T O K \ K V 1 r I. V U , FAVKTTKVILLK, N. n .\V be found !\t the OtVu-e formerly occupied by Wahei' iluske, Es')., on Byw Street. \N ill attend the ri.;inties of Mi)ore, t'umberland »nd I'l'bosoii. .Viid u’ ilouuiy Land and l’eh»iuiis under the vuriou'-' acts. March 15, 185">. >ltf II. L. IIOI.MKS. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE on corner of Front and Princess street. The Aitfiitioii of I'arcnls aiui Tearhers. Sfliool Coiii- niitlees. Sii|)(‘riiUciide i‘s ami the Frirnds of Pop ular Eduriilioii is rrsp dfully railed lo The Pictorial I^ditlon of WKBSTEPi'S ELEMENT.?Il\ SPELLlMi IJIIOh. C'OSTAINlSii Oiif /Iiniifn (I and Si.rh/ Heautiful Kni/i'(iriu(js, Designed and Engraved e :pressly for this Book. ^■IHIS edition is word for word, and page for j'nge, i the same as the edition without the engravings, and therefore may be used in the same It is well printed on tine paper, and well bound, and is in tended for tiiose who are willing to pay a tritie more for a better and more Hu>)staiitial book. lietiiil I’ricr, 15 Cl n/». Published by GEO. F. COOLEDOE 4 BRo., New York. ■lust received and for sale b}' E. J. HALE &. SON. Dec. o. 58-1 m v\l\7svvv\a. IIRl(i!i, ViEi)l(l\i:)i & I'lli: Mll'lLX. JAMES F. FOULKES, IJ'ii/ 7, n>ur (hr Ilotd, ESPECTFULLY asks the attention of under Journnl office. Dec. 12. 48-tf II II.' 1', li'o.') T wii papers t:2-tf JOSEIMI BAKER. Jii., ITTOR A KV V T I. A \V , \S taken 1.1; office next donr to W'm. P>. Wright’s Law oRice on (Jreen .'^treet. He will attend and practice in the Tounty ami .'“uperior ('ourts of (’umber land. Bladen, Ivobeson aud Sampson. March 2;>, 1^5:^. TiJ-tf rnos. n. TH.LLV(;nAs r, R O O an i.ViPEil. Aiidt.r*nii Sfr>r-f, npjKisi/f lYnrfh oj'K. ./. IJidt Jit S'lti’a /{ookstcre. LSD’, Magazines, and all descriptions of Books his customers and friends to his and portico, frame kitchen, sleeping apartments for servants, smoke house and dairy, with a prime well of water; and a'l haulsomely enclosel. Also, on the premises are nine other frame buildings, with brick chimiicys to each, and rooms sufficient to accommo- j date from fifty to sixty negroes: a frame Bar^i 50 by GO feet, with stalls for forty liorses, aud room to hold 50 I tons of forage; Carriage house. Store .and Ware house; 1 W.nter Grist Mill, two (,'ooper and two Blacksmitli’s } Shop.s, Wheel Right .Shop, Turpentine Sheds, &c.; all I within convenient distance of the best .“Springs of I Sandhill Water. All the buildings are new and have been erected within the last four or five years. To these valuable improvements we will add 1,.5(K) acres (if Pine I.ands, and we will take $3,.'i(tO for the whole, which is $10M) less than the cost of the improvements, We have also, on the premises, and now in operation, a >aw and Grist Mill, and Turpentine Distiller}-, which can be bought cheap. If the right sort of a purcliaser presents himself, and wishes a partner in his operations, we will furnish one with suflicient capital t* concluct a profi Ic business. To a I’Unterwho has *14.0^ to invest in real estate and wants the best Plantation on Cape Fear River, with a healthy country seat with all conveniences for living at hand, these premises would be a very desir able attacliment to the Ashe Plantation, containing seven hundrel acres of the best Capr Fear bottoms, and now in market. These two Estates are connected by a good Ferry Landing and .are only three miles apart; and will be sold together or separate. For further particulars apply to T. S. Lutterloh, F'sq., or the sub scribers. J. & T. WADDILL. Fayetteville, Sept. 7. 34-tf .Unount now insiired .Amount of Premium Notes “ •* “ expired & cancelled “ “ “ now on hand aio,;{38 3G 12*1,474 Q;^ $189,8.59 S3 Increase during last year $Gl,2i5 07 Premium notes averaging 14 8-^ 1X) percent, on the amount insured, the actual cost of Insuritn** during the year averaging less than i per cent. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand last report $772 8y “ for Premiums received K,10S 28 “ for Policies, Surveys & transfer# 337 50 “ for Rent 70 00 -i!7,28a tl7 DISBURSEMENTS. Cash jiaid C. H. Sneed, fire loss $850 OU “ “ Lot and balance Office building 1,450 00 “Salaries l,.V50(Rl “ “State Tax 100 “ “ Contingent expenses Ho *:'2 “ *• Premiums returned 20 65 Balamce To-wit: Cash loaned out on Bond aud Security, (on demand.) !S2,2.*0 00 Cash in Bank and in hands of Ageut.s tiS" $I,.S4G 27 $2,927 40 LARGE and COMPLETE STOCK of i DRldS, MEDICINES and (’HEMKWLS, which he is now receiving, aud is deter- iniiietl to sell at suL-h low prices as caiinnt tail to give satisfaction. It will be his aim to s-11 .Medicines that can be depended Give him a call before making your purchases, .‘'tpt. 12. 1S55. ;i7-tf NOTICE. ^I'^HE notes and accounts due to Jno. M. P>ea.sley, J are in the hands of Wm. McL. McKay for col lection, as longer indulgence i”>7/ no! be given, it is hoped t’nis notice will be sutricieut to save costs. S'FOP 'I'HE THIER 5 TOLEN from my Lot in Richmond County, on Sun- ^ d.ay night last, my HORSE. Said horse was an ASSETS, Cash on interest and in Bank, 4«- Rent due Real Estate, paying 13 per cent. $2,'.t37 40 ■?2,y37 40 190 00 1,800 00 JOHN M. June 25, 1855. BEASLEY, 12tf ipy. IE 'F llj!i > • If KIN Ibi* =‘'* ‘ ‘I- - 111.II- V\t lj I auT liver L'ru i loo iN Iwar : ^te i H \N‘ iLit'- rtici: kuu ' ot)- y CJ* |clu- je in- iiii ,vi-i ItioU' is it ■vf pan; jplic NOTICE. .,1. persons indebted to H. A. McSwain, and also L having accounts with Drs. McSwaiu i Mc- will piease call at their Office and settle, as we I .l.'ing our books annually. Mr. W. Whiteuc-a'l nttend ti settlements in our absence. t 17. 02-lm DissoLrrioN. ;IK ' ipartnership heretofore existing between II 'LL.VND. WEISIGER .v Co., is this day dis- ' V mutual consent .\1’ persons indebted t" : ;ii ••ither by Note or Account, arc rc'iuestel to ■ iifiidtcly. aud pay to .J. W. Welsh or .lesse W. • /IT. who iilone are authorized to '' ttle the >;Hme. living claims against siid tirm will pri-.ient them Uicnt. ''usiness will in I’uture be l on lucte l by -I. W. ini .lesse W'. Weisiger. Mtinuauce of patronage is respectfully solicited. J. W. WELSH.’ JESSE W. WElSIiiER. w. H. Holland. 1855. -t BARCtAINS! BARGALVS!! nnxiou.'’ to. close lu}' buxines, and any 'ii.* desi- .» of opening a store on a small scale would do ■ give me a call. .My Stock con^'ists ot DRY CROCEHIES, CLTLEKV, and everything • V found in a ('ountry Store. Tli>- situation i. -:rah;i‘, and can be rented fora »mall considerations '■ rmeotion with, and not far from, my Store is a , : sixteen bbll Still, which can be bought for ■'jidUO >• Ml, situated about one mile fr ,m tiie river, i he laud on which the Store aud Stiil arc situated, ; now offered for sale cheap, and 1'urtln.rmorf, the , il-tore is -(ituatei directly on the Fayetteville & W il- ! ington Road, and is in a first rate neighborhood. j 1 lie whok- umouut of stock is worth something over . - ")—but to ctleot a sale I will sell for ^12o0. , on me at my store at Willis's Creek. ! J. E. WHITFIELD, ij.plv to 1,’ook & .Johnson or James O. Cook, Fay- ■.,.le, N. C. I If aot previously disposed of. I will sell at; \ ii:tion OU the hrst of January, Terms ' : i made known on day of sale. 1 It':., 1855. ';2-:;t substantial m.inuer, ■. place in the South, prices of binding, wi’.l ally or by letter. Sept. 25, 1S55. n terms, the same us at any Persou.s wishing to know the be supplied with a list person- sw-tf T. L. WORTH. GENERAL COMMIS.'^ION MERCHANT, WILMLXr.TON, X. C. Usual advances made on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, and other Produce. Particular attention given I'v G. W’. D.WIS to pur- cliAsiug Cargoes, proeuring Freights for Vessels, \c. Jau'v 17, C.i-if A \ NOTICK. I nllSONS in iebted to the late firm of Foulkes | McRae, are respectfully solicited to cail and : :yn,.)nt by the first day of January, 185H, as ! ■ 'lie last notice given to them. ^ JAMES F. FOULKES. ' 1 b2-4t I ,, . i I ■: (hr Masonic t ratermtif. i '' . ving copies of the printeil proceedings I Lodge for the ypar*^ 1812, ’13, ’iG, R. M. OR RE LI,, ,t f'4' T iO.VE #; K ANI> llerciiaiif. .April 1''55. 90-tf J. S. I’.ANKS, C'oiiiiiii^^ioii .llert'liaiil, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 19, lt5'!. 20tf w. r. rr, Gfutrd! ('otnniiKsion (ind rdmj Mfrrhnnl WILMIXOTON, X. (’. June lU. 1H54. J. C. l*OK, DEALER IN STAPLE .k TANCV DRY GOOliS, HAT8, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-.MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. //(ly tSffret, F'i>/f'tte>'i/te, A'. C. May 2t>, lft55. "I'tt JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. € o u n ■ js I o \ AND FORWAR1 )LN(i MI'AiC11ANT, *V. €\ l'REN(’H BERR MII.L STONES, WARRAXTKP. ^■■^HE Subscribers inform their J friends and the j>ublic that they make to order III KK STO.VES, warranted to be of the best ■^[uality, being made from Burr Blocks of their own importation from the best quarries in France. They also keep for sale I'llLOIi.VE. ESdPIS and (’(irUICO MILL STOVES, BOLTINO CLOTH an.l CALCINED PLASTER. From the Senior Partner's long experience in the late firm of Egenton. .Morriss vV Co., ot whicli he was*a member, and their determination to give satis faction, they assure fust «mers their orders shall be t'aithfully and promptly executed. WILLIAM IIOGG .V S(»N, S. E. Corner of North and Centre St*., op[iosite the Baltimore .v ."^usquehann.a R. R. Depot, IJaltimore. Mav 2t», 5-ypd rj^^i NOTICE. IHE subscriber h.aving purchased the stock of ma terial at the Carriage estab’ishment formerly occupied by Mr. A. H. Whitfied, intends carrying on the ('arria^t'-flaking He solicits a share of the liberal patronage bestowed upon c.arriage shops generally. lie has now on hand some very HANDSOME VEHICLES. W'hich cannot be surpassed in the place for style of fitii.'h and durability, which he will sell as low as any wrtrk of the kind can be botight in *hc place. glaf^All orders thankfully received anil promptly attended to. REPAIRING dune in tho best manner and on very reasonable term.-i- Give him a call before buvihg elsewhere. J. D. CALLAIS. Fayetteville, Feb’y 3. 72-tf Tiic l^-esbstcriiiii Bsaiiiiodist; a col- > lection of tunes for the Presbyterian Church A tur- iher supply just rec'd. E. J. HALE SON. Nov. 28. 1'R1:NCH McLEAN, | A r TO K A E A N AT L A IV, LUMBERTON, ROl’.ESON COUNTY, N. C. UOBERT S. FRENCH ai-d NEILL A. McLE.VN ' have associated in the practice of Law. They will attend the Superior and County Courts of iron-gr:iy or brownish color: he had marks ot gear on him, and his fore-top cut oft very short: he was shod OU the fore feet, walked fast, is a good trotter, and would [>ace: there was a white mark on his back, on tl'.e right side, alioiit .six or eight inches square; also, a small wart on th« right side, a little below the white mark. The horse was taken by a man calling himself John Ciimpbell, who says he was raised in Pitt county, and has been in this neighborhood about two years: he is a Cooper by trade, and says he has worked in Turpen tine Jill his life time; he is a little round-shouldered, has a stout body foi a small man. and will not weigh as much as I stated, 115 or 150 pounds: has a very i mean look, is verv' fond ot negro company, and his | conversation has a good deal of the negro mixed i with it. _ ; I will pay •'^6" for the delivery of the Horse, or $50 | for the thief. | M. N. CAMPBELL. j Montpelier, Richmond county, N. C. j I wi',1 also reward auy person for any information j that will lead to the recovery of either. M. N. C. Sep. 10. 1855. " 3i)-tf ■ Florida Laiul x\gency. j IHF undersigned has established an .VGENCY in ! the town of .Mligator, Columbia County, Florida, j for the PURCHASE, SALE or LOCATION of LAND ■ W ARRANTS, the PURCHASE and SALE of LANDS | general!}, improved or unimproved. j The fact ii 'w being establisheil that a Rail Road is to be constructed imme«Iiately. connecting the Atlantic and the Gulf o; Mexico, running tnrough the entire length ot t lis Ounty, east and west: and in view of the great fertility of our soil, the unusually fine growth of ]iine timber on the land, the healthfulness of the climate, and the reasonable terms on which lands can now be obtained, there is perhaps no section of tho Union which i>ffers e«^ual inducements to the emigrant ^ from the othei States. Having had t>ome experience in farming on the dif ferent kimis of iand, and ac quired a general knowledge of them throughout the County; and having acquired ; unusual facilities for pointing out such as are for sale, i either of public or private lands, he feels very confi- . dent of making it the interest of .all persons wishing information, or who may have determined to settle in i Florida to call on him. WILL. O. JEFFRE\S. ' Ri'Jtrencf.'c Hon. E. C. Cabell, ^ $4,927 40 189,859 33 .111114,786 73 Premium Notes on hand Amount Capital to meet any ’oases In conclusion, the President aud Dircotors congratu late the members and the public ou the very fortuaate and successful operations of the Company the past year. W’p have met with no loss since 7th March, *1854, (Sneed’s,)—unless it be the case of Stranglnus & Einston at Kinston, whose Store was blown up—a very ntruordinaru case,—it is still under investigation. VALUABLE PROPERTY rOR S^§1LE. 1 OFFER for sale, my LANDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about 13U Acres, known as th® MUMFORD SWAMP. j About 80 .Acres of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. Also, the I V:tlual>l(> Brick, ^tore aiil L.ot ! near the Market Square, occupied by Mr. John A. ! Pemberton. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, M.ixwell and Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided into several Bqilding Lots—very near the new Female High School Buildings. Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both Winslow und Mumford Streets. All this property can now be purchased on favora ble terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and .Mortgage if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1855. 43-tf rilE LAND OF GOLD, by Hinton R. Helper, 75 cents, just rec’d by E. J, HALE SON. iVe are now receiving and expect to keep uu a lara;e stock of Groceries. " WE OFFER BAGS Coffee—Rio, Laguira aud Java, 15 Hhds. Sugars, ' 50 “ Molasses, 1,000 Sacks Salt, 75 Bbls. Sugars,—colTee, crush’d & powd’d, 125 Bags Shot, 45 Kegs Powder, 20 Hhds. Westeru ^acon, 3,600 Lbls. N. C. 50,000 Segars, assorted qualities, 100 Boxes Cheese, W ith every other article in our line. All of which we will dispose of low for CASH, or exchange for pro duce or naval stores. D. & W. McLAURIN. May 23. 3-tf 150 T' The following Directors were elected for next year: Geo. McNeill, II. L. Myrover, Chas. Benbow, Henry Lilly, Jas, Kyle. S. Vi. Tillingbast, .S. T. Hawley, T. S. Lutterloh, W'm. McLaurin, N. A. Stedman, J. G. Shepherd, S. J. Hinfxlnle, D. A. Ray, J. D. Williams, A. A. McKethan, J. H. ('ook, A. E. Hall, A. W. Steel, J. G. Cook: and R. F. Brown of Wilmington. OFFICERS: GEO. .McNEILL, President. H. L. MYROVER, Vice President. C. .\. McMlLL.\N. Secretary. J. G. SHLPHERD, Attorney. Krerutive Committtf for next Quarter: Geo. McNeiU, S. W. Tillingbast, Wm. McLaurin. May 24, 1855. 4-\ i siIe>iwell house. i F.%YETTKVILI>E, f. TO MV FRIENDS AND CCSTOMIiRS. H lOR the SECOND TIME this season, I have returned J? from the Northern Citing with one of the tAO'fteHt^ Vheapest and J^oftt FasMmutblt STOCKS OF Heady-Mado Clothing ever exhibited in this place. Amongst which may b» found black. Brown and Blue Wress and Frock Coats from $10 to $26 I Various colors of Business Coats St to j Cassimere and Melton Cloth “ 0 to I Light Fall Over “ " to Black and Blue Bang-Up “ 12 to Pilot and Beaver “ 7 to Cloth and Pilot Talmas and Opera Cloaks 9 to Plain and Fancy Cassimere Panta 3 to Black French Doeskin “ 6 to 9 Silk Plush aud Velvet Vests 3 to 8 Cassimere and Cloth “ 2 to 4 Silks, Satins, &c. 2 to 0 Aud a very extensive assortment of Boy’s and Servant’s Clothing. Also, constantly on hand a great variety of East side of Grren Sfrr^f, a few Doom ^orth oj j Shirts, Collars, Stocks, Cravats, Pockut Hatidk’fs, Kid (jloves, and other Market rH'^HE .Subscriber desires through this Hon. ,\. E. .Maxwell, j- Hon. David S. Walker, State Reg., j Dr. S. Bruce, | Canhage, N. C. Tallahassee, Fla. March 30. medium to acknowledge the li’oeral patronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure iu saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used ta render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market affords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1855. PUMPS. JIORCE and Suction Pumps, Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe. For sale by C. W’. ANDREWS, Market Square. 83-tf H. C. McLeau, Esq., J Dr. Mallett, ( p Rev. Geo. McNeill, i Messrs. W. M. Lawton & Co., Charleston, S. C. June 27, 1855. 13- 'ayetteville, N. C. jjig^ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cabh advance.*? made on Produce to lie ship pod to other jiorts or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. f)7y T. C.^SJ B. (;. WORTH, Oimberlund, Robesou, Bladtn, Nov. 20, 18.55. -i . .. :;8, 1 and 4i,, wiil confer a favor | (Jonilllission I 'oi’W ai'tlilli; McrcliailtW i!* t v '.•Tidiriii them to .lames Banks, hsi, i - wi;o, a.s ( hairnian of the (Committee on ' BROWN'S Bb’lLDING, WAILK hlli,LhI, -rv ill the State, is endeavorii.g to collect , Illlill&'tOII. A. I) L u« th* tiuu* Itofl-' Ins-rai tn or dc r |n in . d h. ■ K-tor:- »'■ It • tt.‘ II ' ■ tV •!, 'f'- ry ill the State, is endeavorii.g to collect N:.:nb rs previous to 1811 will be P. i-. ns frier Ily to the object will .11 sr RECEIVT.l), 1 fn in N w York, a Large and well select- ■ T K if G It •D.'^, consisting iu part ol ' V- L'ln'o'fiti,— Whotn, Half and (Jutir(*>r '-rr,n,.u; t’itrun; Taviurinds\ I"" f': Jiijnhf- l^astc l*runf!x; l*rc.'eri'd it',II (,'iiiij, r; Rickie^', lirandltd Frvitx^ '■I'hf.’ij C/nrrifx, Rine Apples, fr.; S'trdiiHx; Salmon; (Jocoa, lirnid and ot}ier Xuts, all other articles usually found in a • I'y Store, which will be sold low for (/ASH CHARLES BANKS. ‘ l>l-2w _^J>MlMsrRA'rOR’S NOriCE. 1 ^ ‘ •'■' riber having on the eighth d«y ot Utcemi tr, 1855, taken letters of Admiuistration “li t': .aw .,ft the Estate of Mrs. Surah *Mclver, '■'"‘’■j Ki'es general notice to all creditors of , . ' t', [iresent their claims, duly authenticateil, t.mi- limited by law for that purpose, other- ii'itio,' will be plead in bar of recovery. "' ’l‘- laid Estate will also please to make • uitiii'diiitely. (•^l>W.\Rb W’. BARGfJ, .Vdministrator. I'^.V. Cl-5t ^;a-tf Wiliiiiii$;loii, A. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17. IH t:riARu:s JLvxivs, r o .vrECTt o .vc n, WHOLESALE .\ND RETAIL DEALER IN Furtiyii Fruits^ u\it', ^'i‘jan, Iithacro^ Suujfydrc Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1853. r3tf Richmond, Columbus, New Hanover. 57- Iw Wc wisil to hire a low iiooii St^rvunts i if upiilication be mmle soon. J. 11. ROBERTS CO. Dec. :'>, 18 )5. >'8tl .Vrgus and Carolinian copy. ^'IIDER VINEG.\R, a good article. * .y for snle by W. H. (CARVER. Nov. lo. 54-tf i'OK KK.N'T. rS^H.AT convenient situation, with Dwelling nnd out JL Houses, belonging to Miss E. Hi’bart. >s ollereil for Rent. Possession given the 1st Jau'y nert. •Also, a two story Dwelling House and an i.nproved Lot on Rownn street, belonging to C. Montague, Esq., Possession given on application. For terms apply to WM. BOW. Nov. 17th 54-tf it \v. wii.l.lAVls cS- CO. AV'e just received a large aud well selecte'l as sortment of HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer- ^ ^apes will be paid. MEN WANTED. OR 100 MEN wanted on the Westi rn Rail •JH* Road, to work on Sections 2 aud 3, uear Fayetteville. The location is healthy, and the highest chants. March 1’ 185 84- iit J. llALtj Bank checks. Worth & Utley, Forwarding anil General Coininission MERCHAN'l'S, i^aifcUcriUe^ r. A. WORTH. * _ NOTICE. Mr. WILLIAM J. BROWN -horized agent to receive pftyments, an 1 ;;ia: . 'lirfcharges foi any Book accounts we have in the county of Robeson. J. & T. WADDILL. June 1, 1866. Sept. 24, 18.55. HIRAM PARDEE. 38- JONES’S EQUITY OLUME 1, just received and for sale by E. J. HALE SON. ; 200 Cask.3 Eresh Lime, Calcined I Pla.ster, Pla.stering Hair and Cement, Mackerel and 1 Herring, by I April 19. LiPPi'i'rs spEcinc For the (Jure, of Ih/>ir?ufer//, !)iarrhiva, and Sum mer ('omplniJit. Wilmington, N. C.. February 1. Mr. W. H, Lippitt,—Dear Sir:—Without an}’ sug gestion or solicitation whatever on 3’our part I take pleasure in adding my testimony to the btTicacy of your .‘Specific for the cure of Dysenterjr and kindred complaints. Having been for three years afflicted with a disease of this ch.aracter, and employing the ser vices of three of the best physicians in this place, with but slight advantage, I was induced to try your medi cine, anil after following the prescriptions and taking several bottles, am now perfectly restored. 1 believe your Specific to be a most excellent and valuable medicine, and feel no liesitiition in recommending it to the public. So far from being a nostrum as too many of the popular medicines of the daj’ are, I believe it to be superior for the cure of the disease indicated above, to any other known medicine. 1 nm truly yours, &c. M. DRV VN Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail by W'. H. LIPPITT, Chemist and Druggist, Wilmington, N. C. Sold by S. J. HINSD.VLE, Druggist, Fayetteville, and by Druggists generally. June 27. L3-'jm S'PAGE l.INE From FaipettetUlc to Salem. li J. W. POWERS & CO. 93tf The aubscribers will purchase Spirits Turpentine, or make advances on consignmeuts to their friandg in Wilmington, or New York. C. T. HAIQH 4- SONS. April 9, 186C. r JIHE Proprietors take pleasure in informing the JL public, that they have commenced running their tri-weekly Hue of Stages, on the Plank Road, from Salem to Fayetteville. They have procured good Stock, new Coaches, careful aud accommodating Drivers, and no pains will be spared fo render passen gers comfortable. A system of through-tickets with the contractors on the Wythcville and lleidsville Roads, for the con venience of passengers bound to Wytheville, V» , or the Piedmont Springs, in Stokes County, has also been adopted. WHITE & STAFFORD, June 29, 1855. 24tf ^ ~ REMOVAL. rpHH Office of the Brothers’ Steam Boat Company is I removed to the Huske Building, on Green street, next door to P. Ta\’lor's. J. S. BANKS, Ag’t. Nov. C, 1854. _ 4btf To Tiirpeiitinc; Ui»tiller». 1HAVE ou hand, and will continue to keep, SPIRIT BARRELS, made at Mr. A. McAllister’s Shop. Those in need will please call. J. S. BANKS. Jtine 14, 1855. 9*tf EOR SAI.E. •ff ReiUiced Prices, for or on .SMMOKT Tl.WJi, 250 nm\m bu{oiii'ii!:.s, Rockaways and Buggies OF E VERy DESVRlRTlu.S, ANY of which are tiuished, and the baiauce being tiuished daily. Among which are many New and Beautiful styles, aud one VERY FINE CARRI.AGL. Some of them very light, and all made in the best manner and of the best materials. .My facilities for doing Carriage work are GREATER than any establish ment South, aud 1 can afford and am determined to sell work of the BEST QUALITY as low as it can be built for by any one. Those who are indebted to me will pay up, as ray business requires my out standing debts to be collected. A. A. McKETH.VN. Feb. .3, 1855. "--tf TO DISTH.LERS. WE will pay the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give us a call wheu in market. J. & T; W.ADDILL. June 26, 1865. SECOJVD STOCK. Starr Williams ARE now receiving their SECOND PURCHASE of FALL A;\D WL\TER M yOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BONNKTS, UMBRELLAS, AND Ready-Ma4p Clothing, And have no hesitation in Bayin'? it is the LARGEST and .MOST DESIR.ABLE stock now in market; and having been purchased at greatly reIuced prices from the early part of the season will be offered to buyers on terms that cannot fail to please. Oct. 25. 47-tf FURNISHING GOODS. Boot.s and Shoes, Hat.s and Caps, Fiue Trunks, Curjiet Bags, Valicrs, Walking Caues, Silk and Guighaui, L'lubrellas, Looking Glasses, IMPORfED ClJi.US, and Fancy floods, India Rubber Over-Coats, Leggin? and Sandals, Oil-Cloth Coats, Pants and Jackets, &c. Call and satisfy your wants, this being the only House of the kind in this place where a general as sortment is kept, and almost every body can get suited. GEORGE BRANDT, South-side of Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C., between the Market House and Fayetteville Hotel. t)ct 22, 1855. 46-tlJ ALMANACS. North Carolina, and Farmers’ and IIURNER’S Planters’ Alamanacs, for 1850. E J. HALE & SON. A CARD. I •^I'^HE subscriber tenders his .iervic>‘s to t'ue citizens ! ][ of Fayetteville aii t tee surri.ana.iiji eo.i,iir\. .is a i .SI \Sri;K ISKU’KLAVbK \N.) PI.,Vc?fLii.e.i;, all.1 gives i notice iha. I.e is rert'iy to cotitraci lor work iii liis liue, I at tiie Cash prices. S. F. lHOi\f'O.N’. Fuyetleviile. H, (h.>4. :-{Mtt .JAMES KVLE AS just receive 1 a large and general assortment DRY* 4AOODS, Amou^ which are, itb-) i>ieces Dress DeLains, Fren:h and English .Merino, Plain Merino, real French, Persian Cloth.s, Black and Colored Silks, Irish Linens, all Flax, Table Cloths and Napkins, Carpeting, very cheap. Calicoes, well assorted. Kerseys and Liuseys, Silk, Woolen anil Cotton Hose, Ladies’ Twisted Silk .Mitts, Dress Trimmings, &e., &c. .\ll of which being purchased by the package for Cash, will be offered at the lowest market jirice for cask, or on time to paying customers. Sept. 27, 1855. 39-tf \VO(JI. ROLL^ WOOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factorj’. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. .Tune 1854. McNEILL. .7-tf w anied, 4 GOOD WAGON .MAKER to work in my Shop. Such a one by applying soon will find steady em ployment, and good wages. WM. W'ATSON. Sept. 28, 1855. 4(hf Valuable Property FOR SALE. ACRES of valuable Farming and Turpentine LAND, with the Turpen tine STILL, STORE HOUSE, GOOD.S, and STAND, known as BEATTY’S BRIDGE, in Bladen county, are offered for s.ale. The Store and Still will be .sold either with or without the land; so that those who wish to engage in Mercantile operations or in distilling Tur pentine will do well to applj’ soon to BEATTY* & BROTHER. Beatty’s Bridge, July 2. 14-tf 'r Sash, liliuds, &-€. 'IHE Subscriber having become Agent for the sale of WINDt)W S.\SH, BLINDS and DOORS of all sizes, will sell cheaper than has ever been sold iu Fay etteville. Give me a call at ray shop on Old Street. He is prepared to execute all work in the Carpenter ing line, as he has several good workmen. CHA’S F. ASKEW. Jan’y 9, 1855. 5i-y NOTICE. PERSONS PURCHASING R.AG.S for me will recol- Icct that I have never offered anything for WOOL or SILK Rags, and will allow nothing f«r them; but will give 2 cents per lb. for all coarse bagging and loose paper separate from the Rags. D. MURPHY. Sept. 12, 18.56. 36-tf Harper’s and Putnam’s Magazines for December, received and for sale by E. J. HALE & SON.

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