SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOL. V.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., DECEMRF^R >L 1855 [NO. 464.] t'vr V*-M ,M- K I' ' ■■■I-’ -rs, erii !'■ etl ■ ^rU I RKl t. K ulr 1- TTfc nd 1' ' v-.!h )U( r. ill; f - OI'f‘ fit Par itb - a' »i‘ E & uits“' tion- 01 ni**' L & eptai I •KEl K- . -.S- h’l, NTn> MONl*\YS AN1> THl’KSUAYS. I. i:i)UM!!l) J. »AI,K A- SON, Kinr^'lis \M> PK(tl‘Rlb;TiUlS. J ; tilt* S^.•Ill;-^Vl‘^‘kh• thi-iKPVKF S3 I'O if in , ■ .'i i it' paid tho _ve:ir -'f suli>i«'ri]i- .. •f'4 a'tcr tho y*'iir lius c\j>ivvi]. • ,« \\ . i-k'.v I >BSK.uvKr. (Mt I'or if jiaiii in j._ .'>(■ ii jiui'l during tlio of sut"i( ii]>- :> . I'ii aft«r the y«*ar lisi oxjiirod. I' U I'l-''I-^ iii'Pi’t^'d 1 'I' •ii.xt v oonts ]u'r t' T the tirst. and rliiri v cfuts l\.r o n-li , 111. V :l d VlTt i SOIll t'tl t ' ^S)'0- .,;r . t-;. at ratt-s. Advt*rti'crs aKC ■ ■ >tatt* tho uumher of insfi'tions tlesirod. or 0 ,’.'iiiiiiueii tiii fdrhiil. and clinrL':'d ao*-or i- lisz> .oitors to tho K iititrs mu,-t lit' jiost-jiaid. ..vt 'OM.v'nt.' li: ''I.' iasiTti-d 'h-um- i 'lU {n>r (;keexsiu)R(v female college. >; r:i. : St's«ioii of will coiniuoiicp on .i;.. day of DtrLMliEK. iN )'). Therf wi.. ' ’1 Winter, cxci'i't a low days f-r rorn - . iS. - :• .rtiuent-* of the lnstituti >u are now sup- V . !vul uUil faitl'fui I’r'!V^> :uil Toaoli- !' ■ : r: has boon diviclcd int • two soi-tion-, ,■ .K -iii?!r.d:.t; in of tho?e whu iesire to f roparo I- rti-u: .r ('• 'losre i. lur'e. (i.rls under 1 1 years ■ : *iero:\‘'ter I'O re^’cived int.t tiie liistitiit' T.. ar- t>e sent on application, to all persons ?u i iufiirinatii'u 'u re' reni’o t ■ i liarge-i. ■ 'f.i ly. Ae. T. M JnNHS. I’re'ident. NEW JiOOKS. Ni.FELI-^'W S HIAWATHA; Tho "Id Home- •-• i l: Isorh b Child: l urious Storie about Kit'.ries; .'H Divine G ivernnient;' W..rks; »ef ' » ':iei:dorff; Spier’s and Surk-nne’' French and -n iMctioutiry : Uolinnr's t'oHi.juial Phraser; Arithiueties and Keys; . v- F ;rt::‘,'r snpplies of the a'- 'VO iu! receive i: J. llALt St)N. \ \ DR !^i\\ S 4&: .11'jSl^PJ iyupc ear fjanda for naif. ('O M M j SS |( ) \ jM I'j !v C I 1 A X I'S, Valua))Ie rinntation. ( otHm mimI WOolltMi Marliinorv,Steam I'liginos, Macliinists' 'I'ools. vVc. IMPOUTKHS AN1» DKALKIIS IN Nc. 67 PLf'JE Street, NEW YORK. August 1, ISO'). 1157tf AXDKEW* J. \Tn)RNK\ Ii Sl’EDMAX, \1 l.\W. AVINT removed to ritt.^li tend regularly, llio ('oiu't uid Harnett l.’ovinties. \pril u». yi-tf known as the “ASHE 1*LA(’K,” seven miles abo\e Fuyetteville, on the Cape Fear River, recently the property .of (’ol. Nfithan King, containing SEN’KN HUNbKED ACKES,—every acre of which is C»pe Fciir Bottoms, and Husceptible of the highest state ol cultivation. This Laml renuircii no pufting as it it; known to be the best farming lanils on Cape Feat Hiver. Terms will be made satisfactory if the right sort of purchaser is found. T. S- LUTTERLOH. J. & T. W.>DD1LL. Feb. f5. 18oo. 73-tf KIX(iSBUKY FOR SAI.E. ClftL. King the present occupant, being Jeuirous to clorte up his businesii, we otfer those valua>»le )> for sale. Kingbbury is sitnateil at the terminus of the Fayette ville R.ileigh Plank Road, eleven .miles from the former place, and within three miles of King’s Tiand- inp on ('ape Fear River. These premises ofter more buHiness conveniences anl comforts for living, per- iii'.ps than any country seat in (Cumberland. On them is a neat wo-story family mansion, containing seven rooms—a fire place in each, with front and rear piazza and portico, frame kitchen, sleeping apartments for servants, suu>ke house and dairy, witii a prime well of water; and all hand.somely enclosed. Also, on the I h'dj^ettevllle Mutual hiniirance Company. I Ah Abstract of the Second Ahnual RE FOR T I of the Rretitlent and Directors: I Policies issued past year 524, whole number issued j covering property amounting to S2,l‘2(»,S0ii LH) I Policies oancalled and expired >ol,»i3y 00 Amount now in«urei! S;l,274,717 31 rou^Q, N. C.. will !\t- (if (_hntli;im, .Moore, r W \. in SKE. ATTORNEY T LAW, AM> Cl.KKK AM) MASTER l.N' Eyl'lTY. F WKI TKVU.l.K, N. C., May be f >und at the E-juity Ot^ico, in the (’ourt House Sept. ;',!S tf lii:.N.iAML\ \{. lirsivE. A I’ I' 4^ « \ i: 1 A V I. A W, FAVKTTKVII.LK, N. Ti.e Ai!n.iio« of Parents auti Ttjufhep, srhooi^ni-^^ iniltllS, Slipt'riilltlldlMltSi illlli tlir Friflldsof Pop- | date Irom lifty to sixtv negroes: a frame IJarn 50 V>y 00 uliir ttlllfiltioil is rPsptTtfully rulUtl lo I f^’Pt. with stalls for forty horses, and room to hold ;j() The Pictorial Kdltlon of I of forage: Carria;rc house. Store and Ware l.ouse; II 111 r... n. nni-iii.„ 11,.nf ; atcr (jHst Mill, two Coopcr and two Blacksmith s WLBS1LR S LLK1!KM;)R\ SPtLLlMi BOOK, l shops, Wlii-el Riglit shop. Turpentine .^heds, kc.; all roNT.Aixt\(} ! within convenient distance of the best Springs of Ohi 11 Hiuh'cil (tnd iSi-i'fi/ lieiiut I fill K mjrn ciinjs, 1 Sandhill Water. All the buildings are new and have Designed and Engraved expressl.' for this Book. | been erected within the last four or five years. To ra^niS edition is word for word, i.nd page for page, valuable improvpments we will add 1,')00 acres n (ill'n-e formerly occupied by on !>,iw Street. .\V be fouu'l at tlu Walter A Iluke, E- ill attend the Counties d' Moore, Cumberland tnd Ikiihesoii .And ol twin Bounty Land and Peniious under the variou' acts. .March 1.'). l'^.').■• Sltf n. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, W, C. ^^FFlt K 48-tf orner ot under Journal lihce L)ec. IJ. fl- the same as the edition without the engravings, and tiierefore may be used in the same class. It is well printed on fine paper, and well bound, and is in tended for those who arc w^illing to pay a tritle more for a better and more substantial book. lirtnH Pric , 15 cents. Published by tJEO. F. COOI.EUGE Bl;(»,, New York. dust received and for sale by E. J. 1I.\LE & SON. l>ec. ;>. 58-Im FALL SFFPLV. DlllliS. tV ( lIBlIf tIA. JAMES F. F0ULKE3, lliti/ Street, near the t\i^cttcv>lle Hotel, 13 ESPECTFl'LLV asks the attention of 1% his customers and friends to his LARUE and Ct)MPLETE STOCK of DRIHJS, MEDK’I.VKS and ( 1IEM1C.\LS, .Amount of Premium Notes ;iir),;^8o “ “ •• expired & cancelled 12*>,474 03 “ “ “nowouhuncJ ’ H8 Increase during la^t year ^5*il,27;> 07 Premium notes averaging 14 100 percent, ou the amount insured, the actu:il cost of Insurance durinjr the year averaging less than ^ per cent. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand last report $772 8V “ for Premiums received 5,103 2S “ for Policies, Surveys i transfers 337 50 “ for Rent 70 00 -^7,282 67 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOit S.ft£,E. I OFFER for sale, my L.\N1>S in the Town of Fay etteville, about 130 Acres, known as tb« MUMFORD SWAMP. About 80 Acres of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. Also, the Valual>l(‘ Urick and Lot near the Mnrket Squur*, occupied by .Mr. John A. Pemberton. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on T>oiialdflon, Maxwell and Muuiford Streets, known as the Hotel (Jardew Lot,—couid be divided int() several Building Lots—very near the new Female Hij^h School Buildings. Also, the iStabie Lot adjoining, fronting on .Mumford Street. Several 1)ES11{ABLE ]5L’ILl>lN(l LOTS ou both Winslow auil .Muuifonl Streets. -\ll this property can now be purchased on favora ble terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and ■Mortgage if de.sired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1855. 43-tf S. M. rilOMAS. DEALER IN IWCV STAPLE DRV (iOODS. R E A D Y-.M A D K C LOT IIIN i, ^ APS. BONNETS, BOi'TS .V.NU SHOES. 'litLllNGS, COlT'.iN \AKNS, KERSEYS, i;L.\NKETS, sc., ic. t'. rner .^i.q^ket and Gillespie St., Fayettevil'.e, N L>ec. 1~. 1^ ■ oi.'-tl T'w:; papers ■ ipy. II JOSi:!Ml liAKEIi, Jr.. A r r II ^ i: v r i. a w . vs taken an i.iTiee nex? d-' >r t Wm ]?. Wright's Law itVo'e dll tireen S practice in the o>iiity and ? land, Biadeii. 11.'■esvii and .''iiiii;>30t March 2o. l>’'o. r t. tre»-t. H» ■nperior • ’■ will attend and lurts ot ('umber ■'J-tf S(pt. which he is now receiving, and is deter mined to sel'i at such low prii c.' cannot tail to give satisfaction. It will be his aim to sell .Medicines that can be depended (live hii'i a e.ill before making your purchases. 12, is').'). ’ 37-tf riios. II. rii.LixciiAsr, it o o A’« i.vifr.te, Aiid>r^on .S’ntf, jVfirth of K. J. Kale iit xoricE. ftnl accounts due to Jno. M. Beas’ey, hands of Wm. McL. McKay for col as long-?r indulgence irill no! be given, it is his notice wil: be sutTicient to save costs Ji>HN .\l. BEASLEY. Jtine 25, 1S55. 12tf ''I'^HE nf.tes f j[ are in thf lei-;ic’ hrped lS|(', .M-maziiie-. and ail d xoricE. i.L yersons indebted to H. .V. NL ‘>waiu, and al'o thi 'W having accounts with l‘rs Mi Swain \ Mo- !'u!^ie. will piease call at their Oftioe and •^ettie. ns we .ntead closing our books annually. Mr. W. Whitehead v::,. ntteni tu settlements in our aL-ence. 17. H2 Im are bound in .-uli-rar.ti.i’, ni.-iuuiT, p’.at/e in the . lutli. prices of }iindir:_. w:' -.i'.'.y r I V ’ettcr. Sept. 2'i. l"'i'i. .st\;c u term Per- in# wishing be fciippUed with ■riptior.s of hooks n the be.'t and most the same as at uny ti I kiiov liut p‘ ' the rs .'.n- 3W-tf 'r DISSOLLTIOX. iiK (.'■■parinership heretofore existing between Holland. WEislwER x Co., is thi^ day tlis- ei by mutual c.usent. .All periioiis indebted t' 5= i r.rm either by Note or .Account, are re iui >tei t '1.'. i!;imediately. and pay t> J. W. \\i-!sh r Jesse \S. W ;;n:er, who alone are autliorized to settie the ^ itne. i . -I- iiaving claims against ;ai'i tinn " ill pri sent them ; r ■■ttttlemeut TLc business will in future be c .uducted by J. W. > . ..ii and Jesse W. Weisiger. \ cuLtinuance of patroua?e is respectfully .'ii iti 1. J. W. WELSH JESSE W. WEISlr.ER. w. H. Holland. L'-tc. 15, 1856. lURGAlXS’ liARliAlNS!! I'.m anxious to close my busines, and any ••i..- deli rious of opening a store on a small scale w.iuid d'- to give me a call. .My Stock cons.sts ot DR\ CROCERIES, CUTLERY, aud everything ^.-M'l'iy found in a Country Store. The situation i. !>.-irable, and can be rented for a *aiall con.'^ider.itions In connection with, and not far from, my Store is a N I. i sixtt'en bbl. Still, which can be bought for >500 or situated abdut one mile from lue river. The land on wiiich the Store and Still are situated, is now olfered for sale cheap, and furthermore, the Store is situated directly on the Fayetteville a: W;1- laiugtou Ro.-; 1, and is in a tirst rate neigh'iorhood. The who!'.- amount of st =ck is worth -.jinething -.ver ylHtXJ—but t',; etl'ect a sale I wiil sell for i^l2->n. Call on me at my store at Willis s Creek. J. E. WHITFIELD. Or apply to Cook i, Johnson or Jauie.s (i. t.'ook, J'.xy- -treville, N. gQf If not previously di.'-p'ised of, I w ;;l sell at ..;c auction on the tirst ot January, l''oi'i. Tern s -V, rind made known on day "f ;'a,e. :'=c. 14th, 1>'55. ‘ ''2-.;t C. WORTH, general C'lM MISSION MERCHANT, wilm[n«;tox, n. c. made oH cunsigianents of Cotton, Naval U'Uai a ivaiice? St'ire. Particular attentioi cliHsiiig Cargoes, pr^ curing Freights f Jan'y 17, 1^')'). ind other Pro'luce. given by G. W. DAVIS to piir- Vt .'Is, .VC. y.i-’f K. ,M. ORRELL, .f rt TiO.VK E it A I > 'oiiiBiiiN^ioii U" 1*4*hunt. April 1' 'jo-tf 29tf .1. S. li.VXivS, Men*limit, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 1',^, Ks.'. ;, w. P. ELLiorr, >.ttncru/ C'/Iiiiii'ssinii mi’{ FuricarJnii/Mcrchunt wil.mlngtun, n. c. June 10, 1854. 4tf .1, c. MEAf.KP. IN STAPLE iWXCV DRY GOOl^S, 11AT., CAl'S, 1UK)TS, SHOK8, AND READY-MADE CLoTHlNG. attention Jhii/ Stn .May 2'i, lr'>5. jiai 1 t“ I, idies’ Dress Goods and T rimmings. f t, F-ii/> tlrriHc, y. \ 4-tf A .NOllCK. LL PERSON'S indebted to the late tirm ol Fouiket, V .McRae, are respectfully solicited t ^ ca.l ar. i ‘ j.ivment by the first day of January, lS5t;, ai ■s *ht- the last notice given to them. JAMES F. FoULKES. !4. tl2-4t A ’!'() the Mdsotiic I ralcnut^, NY one having cop-ws of the printed j.roceedingji "f the Grand Lodge for the years 1812, 'I'!. 1'., '..J. 2'i, 13, anil. '4*i, will confer a fav .r ■'’raft by sending them to Jame.-. Bank.«. E"'j , •evil'.e,—who, as t'hairman ot the (’otnmittee o i li ■ Ilist. ry in the State. i.« endeavorinir to coUect i .\nv .Numbers previous to 1?^11 will be : i (-;veil. Per'^otis friendly to the object will I. 't . . this. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o II n I I o A .\N)> 1 'OR w A in)IX(. .MI :rc i i a xt, II•#///##;;/«##, »Y. jjK^^ Pr«.'mpt personal attention given to all Consign meiits, and Caoh advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other jiorts r sold in this market. Feb. 12, 18'>5. G7y '1'. C. n. (.. WOR'IH, Cominissioii I'orvvanlini^ Mt'rchaiitiij FREXril HLKR MILI. STOVES, nARRAXTKI). ri^HE Subs'.ribers inform their £ friends and the jiublic thaJ they make to order II Itl KK STO.YES, warranted to be of the best quality, being made from Burr Blocks of their own importation from the best }uarries in France. They also keep for sale n)Ll)li>E. ESOPIS untl riKALKO MILL STONES. BOl.TlNt; CLOTH and CALClNEfc) PLASTER. From the Senior Partner s long experience in the late firm of Egent“n, Morriss & Co., of which lie was a member, ati'l their determination to give satis faction, they assure customers their orders shall be faithfully and prouiptlv executed. \\'1LL1AM HOGG j- SON, S. E Corner of North ati'i Centre St*., opposite ' the Baltimore \ Susquehanna R. R. Depot, IJaltimore. ' May 2', 1855. '>-vpd xoricE. fBIHE subscriber having purchased the stock of ma- -M- terial at the Carriage establishment formerly occupied by Mr. .\. H. Whitfic-d, intends carrying on the l'ai*i'i:i;;^t'‘-ll:ikiii;^ lliiwiiit‘w»>i. He solicits a share of the liberal patronage bestowed upon carriage shops generally. He has now on hand some very HANDS(3MK VEIITCLHS. Which cannot be surpassed in the place for style of finish and durability, which he will sell as low as any wwrk of the kind can be bought in the place. Star All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. REP.\IRlNir done in the best manner and on very reasonable terms. Give him a call before buying elsewhere. J. D. CALLAIS. Fayetteville, Feb’y j. 72-tf 'I'lic Pr‘sl)stcrici!i Psalinodist; a col lection of tunes for the i’resbyterian Church A fur ther supply just rec’d. E. J. H.ALE SON. Nov. 2>. FKEXC'll cV .McLEAX, A r K .\ i: V .S A T I. A \\ , LCMBEKTON, ROIHISON COUNTY, N. C. OBELT S. FRK.N'CH and NEILL A. McLEAN have .issociated in the practice of Law. They will ittend the Superior and County Courts of ol Pine Lands, and we will take $3,500 for the whole, which is -^lUiM) less than the cost of the improvements. We have also, on the premises, and now in operation, a Steam Saw and Grist >H11, and Turpentine Distillery, wtiich can be bought cheap. If the right sort of a purchaser presents himself, and wishes a partner in his operations, we will furnish one with sutlicient c.ipital t* conduct a profitable business. To ;i Planter who has $14,000 to invest in real estate and wants the best Plantation on Cape Fear River, with 'I healthy country seat with all conveniences for living at hand, tiiese premises would be a very desir able att ichmcnt to the .Ashe Plantation, containing seven hundred acres of the best Cape Fearbi ttoms, and now in njurket. These two Estates are connectel by a good Ferry Landing and are only three miles apart; and will tie sold together or separate. For further particulars ajiply to T. .S. Lutterloh, Esq., or the sub scribers. J. lS: T. WADDILL. Fayetteville, Seju. 7. 34-tf STOP rilE THIEF! STOLEN from my Lot in Richmond County, on Sun- lay night last, my HORSE. Said horse was an iron-gray or brov^nish color: he had marks of gear on hin), and iiis fore-top cut otf very short: he was shod on the fore feet, walked f;ist, is a good trotter, and would pace; thrre was a white mark ini his back, on the right side, about six or eight inches square: also, a small wart on tli^ right side, a little l>elow the white mark. The horse was taken by a mau calling himself John ';impbell, who says he was raised in Pitt county, and has been in this neighborhood about two years: he is a Cooper by trade, and says he has worked in Turpen tine all his life time; he is a little round-shouldered, has a stout body for a small man, and will not weigh as much as 1 stated, 145 or loO pounds: has u very mean look, is very fond of negro company, and his conversation ha.s a good deal of the negro mixed with it. 1 will pay $50 for the delivery of the Horse, or $50 for the thief. M. N. CAMPBELL. Montpelier, Richmoml county, N. C. 1 will also reward auy person for any information that wiil lead to the recovery of either. M. N. Sep. 10. 1855. ' 3t)-tf DISBURSEMENTS. Cash paid C. H. Sneed, fire loss •‘i)85G UO “ “ Lot and balanca Office building 1,450 00 “ “Salaries 1,550 Ot* “ “State Tax 100 OO “ “Contingent expenses 375 62 “ “ Premiums returnwd 20 65 'PHI] LAXD OF GOLD, by liiiitoij R. Helper, HALE 4- SON. '5 cents. Just rec’d by E. J. Balaactt To-wit: Cash loaned out ou Bond and Security, (on demand,) $2,250 00 Cash in Bank and in hands of .Agents C87 40 *4,340 27 •'j:2,937 40 150 -$2,‘.^37 40 ASSETS. Cash on interest and in Bank, J"#. Rent line Real Estate, paying 13 per cent. i;2,'J37 40 I 190 00 I 1,800 00 I $4,927 40 j 18s,85i 33 1 .■f:]94,78^ 73 I Premium Notes on hand .Amount Capital to meet any losses In conclusion, the President and idirectors congratu late the members and the public on the very fortunate and successful operations of the Company the pust vear. We h:ive met with no loss since 7th March, 1854, (Sneed's,)—unless it be the case of Stninglaus .t Einston at Kinston, whose Store was blown up—a very exiruardinary case,—it is still under inveHtigation. The following Directors vore elected for next j’ear; I Geo. McNeill, H. L. Myrover, Chas. Benbow, Henry I Lilly, Jas. Kyle. S. W. fillinghast, S. T. Hawley. T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, N. Stedman. J. 0. Shepherd, S. .1. Hinsdale, 1). A. Ray, .1. D. Williams, .A. A. .McKethan, J. H. (,'ook, A. E. Hall, A. W. Steel, J. J. (’’ook; and R. K. Brown of Wilmington. OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. H. L. MYROVER. A'ice President. C. .\. McMILL.AN, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, .Attorney. Kiecutivf Commitite for next Quarter: Geo. McNeill, S. W. Tillinghast, Wm. McLaurin. May 24, 1855. 4-Y SIIK >! WICLL 1IOU8E. I FAVF/rTEVILl,E, ,\. €. East siite of Green Street, a few Doors Xorth oj tlie Market House. I'lHE Subscriber desires through this medium to acknowleilge the patronage bestowed upon his House the past i year—and as he has just erected New Stables and ! ' the >;reat fertility of our soil, the unusually fine growth Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water ! of piue timber on the land; the healthfulness of the 1,^ takes pleasure in saying to his patrons ami the ' climate, ami the reasonable terms on which lands can public generally, that he is still prepared to accom- now be obtained, there is perhaps no section of the modate them with transient and permanent board, and Union whicii otfers equal iniiucements to tlie eiuigrant respectfully solicits a continu.uice of the liberal patron- from tie other States. . ; age heretofore received. Every exertiou ch his part shall be used to render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market atfords. P. SHEMWELL. H e are now receiving and expect to keep up a large stock of Groceries. WE OFFER B.AGS Coffee—Rio, Laguira and Java, 15 Hhds. Sugar.s, 50 “ Molasses, 1,000 Sacks Salt, 75 Bbls. .Sugars,—coffee, crush’d & powd’d, 125 Bags Shot, 45 Kegs Powder, 20 Hhds. Western Bacon, 3,500 Lbls. N. C. “ 50,0o0 Segars, assorted qualities, lOO Boxes Cheese, With every other article in our line. All of which we will dispose of low for CASH, or exchange for pro duce or naval stores. D. & W. McLAURIN. May 2o. 3-tf TO MVFIUiL\l)S All) (JlSTOMtm. I^^ORthe SE(,'OND TIMF) this season, 1 have returned from the Northern Citi« » with one of the l.argent^ Cheapest and jnomt FoHMonable STOCKS OF Ready-Made Clothing ever exhibited in this place. Amongst which may be found I Black, lirowu and Blue Uresa and Frock Coars I from $10 to $25 I'lorida Land Agency. rjlHE undersigned has established an .VGENCY in i the town of .Mligator, Columbi.a County, Florida, for the PURCH ASE, SALE or LOCATION* of LAND WARRANTS, the PURCHASE and SALE of LANDS generally, improved or unimproved. The fact now being establi.'^hcd that a Rail Road is to be constructed immediately, connecting the Atlantic and tho Gulf of Mexico, running tnrough the entire length ot this C'ounty, east and west: and in view of II BROWN I’sual .lan’v 17, 1 ■: IiinLDl.N(J, W.VTI:R STREET. \Viliiiici;?loii, i\. V. idvances made ou coiisignmeuts. 03-tf Cumberhind, Richmonii, Robeson, Columbus, Bladtn, New Hanover. Nov. 2C, 1H55. 57-4w \VC w ish 1») hir(‘ a tew ^ood Servants if atiplicfttion be made soon. ■J. H. ROBERTS >t CO. Dec. ■'!, 1S55. ;>8tl .\rgus and Carolinian copy. ^ 11DER VINE(i.\R, a good article, ! ® .y for s>ile by W. H. CAR\ ER. Having hail some experience in farming on the dif ferent kinds of land, and acijuired a general knowledge of them throughottt the County; and having acquired uniisual facilities for pointing out such as are for sale, either of public or private lands, he feels very confi dent of making it the interest of all persons wishing intbrmation, or who may have determined to settle in Florida to call on him. WILL. 0. JEFFREYS. Rrftreneex: Hon. E. C. Cabell, ' ) Hon. E. Maxwell, I Tallahassee, Fla. Hon. David S. Walker, State Reg., j Dr. .S. C. Bruce, ) It /T M 1 L’ ' ( arthage, N. C. H. C. McLean, E.sq.. t “ Dr. .Mallett, ) r. -u v r> ,, ,, ,, »- • Fayetteville, N. C. Rev. (ieo. .McNeill. | .Messrs. W. .M. Lawton & Co., Charleston, S. C. June 27, 1855. 13-Y LIPPI rrs SPECIFIC For the Cure, of Di/xcuteri/, Diarrlum, und Sum mer ('omj)lauit. WMlmington, N. (?.. Februarj’ 1. Mr. W. H. Lipiiitt, — Dear Sir;—Without any sug- gpstioti or solicitati'in whatever oti your part 1 take I pleasure your March 24, 1855. 8tj-tf PUMPS. ^jlORCE and Suction Pumps, Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe. For .sale by C. W. ANDREW’S, Market Square. March 30. 83-tf Mire in adding luv testimony to the cthcacy or : , - „ /■ofn u'u .1,0.,........i,. . • *• i> . ' doing Carnage work are GREA I hit than any es' ^peclhc or the cure ot Dysente.., “nd ^iit%iouth, atid I can atlbrd and am determine, ilaints. Havmg been for three years afflicted ^i; .^lITY as low as it can 1 _y for sale by Nov. 10. 54-tf 1> fi .)! ST R EC El \ El), i.Kt'T ft iia Nt Y'ork, a Large and wtdl >^elect- • i .'T'M'K of consisting iii part of ' V-yy.. — W’hnf., U'th' ni\d (^aarter ’ii. runts: I'ltr'i’i: Fijs; To tin 1 ri 11 da] Fj J’.i.if,; l^oati; Friuiis; Freni rred ' r; I'lcLh^; Jirandiid Fritit.'^, CilAlil.lvS RAXKS, f' e Tio.VKk , W110LK.-^^LE AND RET.UL DEALER IN F'>r( i'/n Frin't.'i, t'i'jara, Tohacco, Sunj), I'irc HTKr.iyr, Fayetteville, N. C. ,h ^ 'h> rnes, Fnic Ajijii S'lrdnte.v; S^ltnion; nrml, lirif/.H and ftther A/(^s, witii all otiier articles usually tound in a :.ary Store, which will be sold low tor (,'.V.SH t'HARLES BANKS. Iil-2W ^ A1 )M 1N is ruA'i'()R's X()’r 1 c 1*:. l^llK Sul)M:riber having ’on the eighth day of LiiCfcuiber, 1855, taken letters of Administration to law on the Estate of .Mrs. Saraii .Mclver, A, h'Tfby gives general notice to all creditors of • ti, jiresent their claims, duly authenticat‘d, ■ lue time limited by law for that jiurpose, otuer- '•t-is notice will be plead in bar of ii-eovery. ''"fs to the said Estate will also pleasi- to make “ ‘it iiui[,ediately. EDWARD W. BARGE, .\dministrator. l2, IH.j.j. 01-5t Mandi 1, l‘'">3. i3tf It li.\.NK CHECKS. C. \V. W (1.I,1A \!.S y CO. .VVE just received a large and well selected as sortment of HARDW.VRE AND GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer- cliunts. ALirch IT, Worth & Utley, F>i*wanliii;L!; Jml (i‘iieral Coiijnii*}sion MERCIIAXTS, .V. i\ WOKTIl. * (^“‘0 ‘ TLIT. FOR REXT. rfi^H.AT convenient situation, with Dwelling and out Jl Houses, oelonging to .Miss E. Hybart, is oti'ereil for Rent. Possession given the 1st Jan’y next. .Mso. a two story Dwelling House and an improved Lot on Rowan street, belonging to C. .Montague. Esi-, Possession given ou iijjplicatiou. For terms ajjply to W.\I. BOW. Nov, 17th i)4-tf com| with a disease of this character, and employing the ser vices of three of the best physicians in this place, with Vitit slight advant.ige, 1 was induced to try your medi cine, ami after following the prescriptions and taking several bottles, am now perfectly' restored. 1 believe your Specific to be a most excellent and valuable medicine, and feel no hesitation in recommending it to the public. So far from being a nostrum as too m;iny of the popular medicines of the day :ire, I believe it to be superior for the cure of the disease indicated above, to any other known medicine. 1 am truly yours, xc. M. BRY VN Prepared and sold Wholesale .and Retail by W'. II. LIPPITT, Chemist .and Druggist, Wilmington, N. C. SoM by S. J. HINSDALE, Druggist, Fayetteville, a Dll by I>ruggists generally. June 27. 13-Gm STAGE LL\E From Faifetteville to Salem, FOR SALE. •ff Reduced Prires^ for €*lSMi or on SiiOilT Tf.JiF, 250 llllRHIiKS, Rocka-ways and Buggies OF E VER r DESCRIFTi uX, ,\,NY’ of which are finished, and the balance being . T B finished daily, .\mong which are iiiiiny Now and Beautiful styles, and one \ ERY FINE CARR1.\GE. Some of them very light, and all made iu the best manuer and of the best materials. -My facilities tor stublisii- i to sell be built for by any one. Those who are indebted to me will please pay up, as my business requires my out-standing debts to be collected. A. A. McKETHAN. Feb. 3, 1855. 72-tf Various colors of Business Coats 6 to 10 Cassimere and .Melton Cloth “ 6 to 10 Light Fall ()ver “ 7 to 14 Black and Blue Bang-Up “ 12 to 22 Pilot and Beaver “ 7 to 20 Cloth aud Pilot Talmas and Opera Cloaks y to 20 Plain and Fancy Cassimere Pants 2 to 9 Black French Doeskin “ 5 to V Silk Plush aud Velvet Vests 3 to 8 Cassimere and Cloth “ 2 to 4 Silks, Satius, &c. 2 to 6 And a very extensive assortment of Boy’s and Servant’s Clothing. Also, constantly on hand a great variety of Shirts, Collars, Stocks, Cravats, Pocket Haodk’fs, Kid Gl»ves, and other FURNISHING GOODS. B'lOts ;itid Shoe.', 11 .It s and Caps, Fine Trut)ks, Carpet Uags, Valicts, VV'ulkiug Cam-s, Silk aud (jiMghaiii, Liubrellas. jj M>kmg Giassejs, l.llPi)KrED lUVA.NA HIj.IKS. and Fancy liruoiis, ludia Rubber Over-Cout^, Jjeggiiis and Saudals, Uil-Clotb Coats, Pants and Jackets, &e. Call and satisfy your wants, this being the only House of the kind iu this ^)lace where a general as; sortmeat is kept, and almost every body can get suite !. GEORGE BRANL»1, South-side of Hay Street, t'.iyetteville. N. C., between the Market House and Fayetteville Hotel. Oct 22, 1865. 46-tlJ T .\LVl.V.N.\CfS. North t’aroliua. and Farmers’ and URNER'S Planters’ Alamanacs, for 185tj. E J. HALE & SON. J. & T! WADDILL. 8tf MEX VVAXTEI). OR 100 MEN wanted ou the Western Rail P^lIF Road, to work ou Sections 2 and 3, near Fayetteville'. The location is heidthy, aud the highest wages will be paid. HIRA.M PARDEK. Sept. 24, 1855. 38- V .lO-SKS’.S iiQLIirV. OLUME 1, just received and for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. Fresli Lime, Ciilciiieii Hair and Cement, .Mackerel and J. W. POWERS & CO. 93 tf xo ric E. R. WILLIAM J. brow: to receive payments, a., ; any Book accounts we have in the cMiuty ot Robeson. J. & T. WADDILL. j June 1, 1865. 7tf ’lorized agent di.^eharges for •200 Casks Plaster, Plastering Herring, by .Vpril 19. The subscribers will |)iircliase Spirits Tuipentine, or make advances on consignments to their fri«ud» in Wilmington, or New Y ork. 0. T. HAIGH 4- SONS April 9, 1866. 90tf rjlHE Proprietors take pleasure in informing the ■ public, that they have commenced running their tri-weekly line of Stages, on the Plank Road, from Salem to Fayetteville. They have piocured good Stock, new Coaches, careful and accommodating Drivers, and no pains will be spared to render passen gers comfortable. A system of through-tickets with the contractors on the W'ytheville and Reidsville Roads, for the con venience of passengers bound to Wytheville, Va , or the Piedmont Springs, in Stokes County, has also been adopted. WHITE & STAFFORD. June 29, 18-35. 24tf removaT. rpiIE Office of the Brothers’ Steam Boat Company is X removed to the liuske Building, on Green street, next door to P. Tayljr’s. J. S. BANKS, Ag’t. Nov. 6, 1854. 4btJ^ To Turpentine OislillerM. 1HAVE on hand, and will continue to keep, SPIRIT BARBELS, made at Mr. A. Mo.^llister’s Shop. Those in need urill please oalL J. S. BANKS. Juue 14, 1865. 9-tf TO UlSTILLEIlS. WE will pay the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give us a call when in market. June 2t), 1855. Starr VVilliatns \RE now receiving their SECOND PUR(’H.\SE of FALL m \mm drv coods. ROOTS. SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, U.MBKELLAS. ANI> Ready-Made Clothing, And have no hesitMtidh in .sayin-^ it is the L.VRGEST and MOST DLSIR.\BLE stock now in market; and having been purchased at greatly reduced prices trom the early part of the season will be otfered to buyers on terms that cannot fail to please. Oct. 25. 47-tf A CARD. ^"^HE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens J[ of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, as a M.A.STER BRICKLAV’ER AN’D PLASTERER, and gives notice that he is ready to contract for work iu his line, at the lowest cash prices. F. DlCKSON. Faj'otteviile. Oct. 9, 11^54 38if jsi£i^ .-m. B ut dm .lAMES KYLE IAS just receive i a large an 1 general a^sortiuent of iiOOOS. Amo.ig which ar'-, 05.> pieces liress De -aius, French aud English .Merino, Plain Merino, real Fr juch, Persian I'loths. Black and (.’olored Silks, Irish liineiis, all Flax, Table cloths and Nupkins, ("arpeting, very chcap, (Calicoes well assorted. Kerseys and Li. seys, Silk, Woolen anJ Cotton Hose, Ladies' Twisted Silk Mitts, Drejs Trimmings. &e,, (ic. .VI! of which being purchased by the pac -w^e f r tjash, wil! be offered at tli- lowest market pr: e for cast, or on time to paying customers. Sept. 27, 18.35. 39-tf WAX TED, 4 GOOD W.\GON MAKER to work iu my Shop. Such a one by applymg soon will fin4steady etn- ployinent, and good wages. W.M. WAI'SON. ept. 'z8, 1855. 40tf V^alir.ihle l^roperty FOR SALE. ACRES of valuable Farming and ‘ilrlrt.F Turpentine LAND, with the Turpen tine STILL, STORE HOUSE, GOODS, and STAND, known as BEATTY’S BRIDGE, in P.laden county, are ottered for sale. The Store and Still will be sold either with or without the land; sj that those who wish ti engage in Mercantile operations or in difltiUing 1 ur p«ntine will do well to.npply soon to wool. ROLLS. WOOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHKKTINGS, r>snaburgs. Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNEILL June 18.54. 7-ff, lilinti.s, A:.c. IIHE Sub»crii>er having become Ap^i.f f"r the sale of WINDOW SASH,"blinds ano ' -.'RS of /;1’ sizes, will sell cheaper than has ever bein soiil in Fay etteville. Give me a call at my shop ou Oi l .Sire* t. He is prepared to execute ali work in the Carp'-nter- ng liue, as he has several good woikiuen. CHA’S F. .^SKEW. Jan’y1H55. 6H-y xo ricE. ijBER.SONS PURCHASING RAGS for me will reco - a. lect that I have never offered an.vthitig ! '.' ()OL •r .'^ILK Rags, and will allow n *ihiug far il.-.i.'; hut will give 2 cents per lb. for al! co.vrse bagt;'!*^: an • oose paper separate from the Ra^rs. D. MUHPHY. Sept. 12, 1855. Beatty’s Bridge, July 2. BE.\TTY ii BROTHER. 14-tf Harper’s and Putna .1 for Dkcember, received and fo sale b> E. J. HALE & SON.