IPAlTTO^WIllML S E: M I-H'E E K L Y. VOL. V.] FAYKTTRVTIJ.K, N. C., DECE^TBER 31, 1855 \0. 465.] \ I'' iniv th- .■t H. » I.. Ill’ pOMS 1 t . lii If f \n-UN\.| I N1 i Fu- 1- ■-■■ ni. ' .- Iu-1-. - :■£ I>A • )I tl; f t l.iv 1>.. K. V AHY I AI i ' th- ter, .MU.i e, !■ I’A \1( riK-i b .•he- nJ-, Jr. - • cue iU", t'; • I Z. : I Jlll'i . 1! -If . of •■.■■ j-‘‘ k ^ l> I’o** |*L > : I who ■ , ^ iRi', ■ii. iai] ^IT Ill..v !■ N »t Jiiiipi iNew ' I! ‘I Mai''' ■ for ' [I (H I Lif- ■ Sti> jfiey I Ult'l i;.. iueri |J. li 1.- (A i i t ! , ...i &. ' ^(ilSTKl' MONDAYS \Mi IMUK.SKAVsi , ^:i)\v\(n) J. iiKiv. & SON. ' KUIToKS AM) IMJori'.ll TnRS. •',r !l!‘‘ ookly i'uskrvkk ^^5 (H) if jmiil in ^-e. *'• '• 'Uiriujf tht> year iif =.ul>srii]i- . r ttUt'r the year lias ex)>ir»->l. W.'i'Wy (tnsKRVKR U(l per :iiinuin, if ]>:ii'i in V' if I'uiil ihirint tin- yo;tr I't' mih'^crip- ^ («■ iiMwi- the yo.ir !i:is exjiired. • K.MKNT-'' in^ertel for ftixty cents jiev Cape Fear Lands f(fr sal(.\ . KINGSBURY FOR SAI.K. 0 0 L L L U E . i - Valuable Plantation, i f occupant being desirous to f|1in-, Si.nnp Hession of 185(>. will commence on \W known as the “\SHE PL\CE” seven miles ®**® “P huiiness. we offer those valuable 1- the 24th day of DHCEMltEH, 1855. There will above Favetteville. on the Cape Fear River, recently ' ^ „ !.•> no vacation in Winter, except a few days for recre- : the property of Col. Nathan King, containing SEVKN | . K>ngsh)ury is situated at the terminus of the i ayette ritioii lit ( hristmas. ^ 'HUNDRED ACRES,—every acre of whicli is Oapc All the departments of tlie Institution nre now sup- Fear BottoiUH, and Busceptible of the highest state off p leu Miih efticient and faithful Professors and Teach- cultivation. This Land re«iuires no puffing as it is or: The tirst ela.ss has been divided into two section.s, known to be the best farming lands on Cape Fear desire to prepare i^iver. Terms wiil be made satisfactory if the right sort of purchaser ia found. T. S LUTTERLOH. J. & T. WADDILL. 78-tf •• '• '.;iu‘s i'"r :iie tirr^t. and thiny cent.s tor eiu h ijMii \ early udvortis^inents Ity s]H>- I rc:i>'":i le r:i'os Adve-.tisers are the iminber -f iiiserti.'H.>^ de^iri-d. or '.iiitiii led t- ’ forbid, and ehiirged av inrd- l.i'tter-; t. the IMitors must lie pu-t-prud. ii'Ut' tl' "e inserted ;; v,,/,. charged •')" per ti>r the aceommodation of tho.se who for the repular ('ollege coursie. (lirls under 14 years I'f age ill hereafter be received into the Institution. -'iic:ular.s will be sent on applicaiion, to all persons desiring tuU inl'oriuation in reference to charges, course of study, .j-c. T. M. .lONES, President. Crreensboro' Dec., 1855. Ka? AaN.rti--' 1''HK th;’’i lustituti(>n cummenfo,-, on ^y. t’iP !^d .if .lau'y lS6t», ana ends >n ihe NOTICE. tLL persons in lehted to H. A. McSwaiu, and also tho.se having accounts with Drs. McSwain & .Mc Duffie, will j)iease call at their Otlice and settle, as we intend closing our bonks annually. Mr \V. Whitehead will atteii.l t(i seitlenieuts in our absence. L>ee. IT. 62-1 m XOTK E. VLL PEU^^»>NS iiiilebted to the late firm of Foulkes i Mi'Hae. are respectfully solieited to call and make payment by the first day of January, ISofi, as tfiis will he the last notice given to tiiem. JA.MEvS F. Dec. I t. FOULKES. ti2-4t R;t JA ■r \U *C4> L .h; H. BRF.NT, A. F... President. », late of Chapel Hill, I’rofes.sor of Mithematios. AbiI » ' ''' -p* Teachers in every lu-auoh. aard, including Washing, Lights, Fuel ic.. i,er ■i6!‘a>'n, nij in Pr.mary Departmei- . ^^10 W Lite Uep.v:ment, i>2ti -■ui aundred dollar^ will cover all expeusH-j ot the in the t’ollegi.ite course and ail'oruumental ’.iri.s 'n primary 'lepartment charged the usua’ oruamenthl branehe^ One half payable in sub will l>e delivered f 'Lree Lectures on seientifi month. Ut. arr makiug every ett'>rt to render the Sijhoo', iht I:-; a.ivantages anil i-heapneis, .•ind pledge to reduce i«. aui multiply the advant;.;!*' in pn p.irtion to ^c.Li-rrnse of patr(jpage. When >ur number of puju'.' caches iv'> v.« shall be al;ie t reduce th>* ]'rici -.;.r one half, ererv one »idiiig i.is ai: tiii means of a sui'erior edu Miiou „ f almost eveiy girl mi tiie .>i:itc. !-etarn thanks I'or itie ;;nei:iii:p’ed :» »nd believe it wi'! be c .i.tinue" I’tTUiii 'n »pplv to the President of the Lvit.; W'.M. K LA.NK, Pre \A NEW BOOKS. Longfellows HTA^VATHA; The OM Home stead; Isora's Child; Curious Stories about Fairies; MTi.sh OH Divine (l iverninent; Leighton's Works: .lewett'.s iHIeRdorff: Spier’s .■ind Sur*nne’.s French and . English Dictionary ; P.olmar’s Colloquial Phrase.s;- tIreenleaf's Aritlnnetirs and Key.s; tli-., »vc. Further supplies of the above just received. E. J. HALE 4 SON. n. E. HOl.MES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE ou corner of Front and Princesit struet. Feb. C, 1855. The Atteiilioii of Parfnts ami Tearhers, School Com mittees, Superintendents, and the Friends of Pop ular Education is respertfnlly railed to The Pictorial edition of WEBSTER'S ELEMEXTJRY SPELLING BOOK. (•ONT.\INJSO Our Hundred and SLi ty Beauti/'id Kn^raviiujs, Designed and Engraved expressly for this Book, f B^HIS edition is word for word, and page for page, the same as the edition without the engravings, and therefore may be used in the same class. It is well printed on fine paper, and well bound, and is in tended for those who are willing to pay a trifle more for a better and more substantial book. Retail Price, 15 cejila. Published by GEO. ¥. COOLEDGE 4* BRO., New York. Just received and for sale by E. J. H.\LE & SON. Dec. 58-lm O iiuder Journal oflice. Dee, 48-tf S. >1. THOMAS, DEALER IN E.XNCV Aj ST.VPEE DRY GOODS, READY-MADK CLOTFIINO, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOE.S, SHEETINGS, COTTON Y ARNS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, &c., &c. Corner Market and Gillespie St.. Fayetteville, N.C. Dec. 17, 1855. tJ2-tf EAI.E SI PPLY. ;• iiidiug \«’,ihin thi 11 Dee upj .'rt wt K r f'urthei ficuity, or t Stookbolderh t!' I'OR S.VEE (HEAP. NlJ ii.\ND B'. ■i'.ilE.'' ill go-jd rep A. NLKEIMAN u hE.NJAMlN K. in SKE, T T O K \ i: V A I’ L \ Tl' FAVKTTKVn.Li:, ( \V '^e found at tiie • >fli e tormer'.y ■ > .^upiod by \\i.!Ter .V. Hu'l >\ on 1>’W Street, attend the C ointu-.- ’f ^I 're. I'urr^erland utul . ■H- in, -\nd obt&iu Kdunty l.-\nd and Pensions under - V .n- us acts. March 15. 1&55. ''4tf ! VNDUEW J. S rED\E\N. .\TTUB.\E\ ,\T LAW, AVING reuio.'ed to Pitt^borougli, N C.. '»iil ai .IOSi:iMl liAKEU. .Ik., \ T 'ro It \ i: V A T I. A \\ , .\S taken an .'ffiee ne.xt door to Wni. B. Wright's Law otliee "ii 'Ireen Street. He will attend and prr.i tii't* in the ( Diii^jy ;.nd .''iipcrior ('ourts of Cumber 1 iud. ll 'l'esun and Sauipscin. March 2-^ 79-tf riios. H. tilijn;hAsr K O O KBl.VtM E K, •l/(i/t/'.s'//i S(i>rf, oj I',. J. Hule dh S'-It > . I sir. Magazines, ;ind a'.l descriptions of Buoks ■ire fl^i!^nd in h!1 styles in the liest and ui -s? sub-;tHiitial niiiuuer, on terms, the same a« at any place in the South. Pers.in.s wishing to know the prices of >);n'lin,ii, will be ■^upp’ied with a list person ally or liy letter. Sept. 25. '855. H'..--tf n fi tend regularly, the tjouri^ i Harnett 'ountie«. Apn: lu. aalhitm. Muore. Jl-tf W A. HI SKE. ATTOKXEV AT LAW, A.M) LERK AND .MASTER IN LvUirY. F.wettkvili-k, N. .7 he found at the E'luity office, in the ('ourj House, •^'fpt. 22, 1855. if BANK OE Cl A RENDON. I »L.\NK • HEi'KS on the new Bank of Clarendon, elegantly printed, for sale at this Otlice. j blank Notes on al’. the Banks in town, in. luil- ’ Icg'the Bank (.f Clarendon. i - i Printing lor Ssilv. ^I''HE Subscribers have for sale an Imperial No. 4 i Washington Hand Press, 2d hand. It will be sold Icheap, deliverable in Petersburg, V.; Ii is t.j be |a good Pre;-^ mii 1 in gc, d ir ler. ' June 4, I-.Vj, E. J. HALE :U.;N. i NOTICE. ^"L. SATUAS KlSr, is -nir nuth izcd .\gcnt to make contract? for the lielivery of Lumber and er and for the purchase of Crude 'I'urpentinc, :it ‘lury, in Cumberlanil (Joaniy. J. T. \VADDi;.L. T. C. WORTH, •jENEKVL i'O.MMlSSlON MERCHANT, WILMLV('TON, N. (’. Usual advances made ou cousiitnmeiil.s of Cotton, Naval FRENCH Stores, and other Produce. Particular attention given by G W, D.VVIS tu pur- chu'in-.' Cargoes, jirocuring Freights for Vessel-., A;e. Jan'v 17. 185' 08-tf R. \]. ORliEI.I., .# ii: TMO.VK E R ANI> C'uiiiuii««!9ioii .Uercliaiit. April l-''55. ^)ti-tf .1. S. liANK'S, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. lU. 1^53. 2ftf W'. p. EIJJO'IT, (/'/(■/ u/ Cumnt issioii (iitd Fonntrdiu'j Mrrchan^ WILMINGTON, N. June 10, iS54. 4tf .J. C. 1*0 K, DEAL Ell IN S'PAiM.E cN !• ANC:V DRV GOODS, 11AT.'^, (’Al’S, BOUTi^, SHOES, AND READY-.MADE CLoTHINO. P;irti> ular attention paid to Ladles' Dress Goods and ’ JAMES F. FOULKES, Hay Strret, near Oif> Fai/ettPvUle Uote.ly RESPECTFULLY asks the attention of his customers and friends to hi* LARGE and COMPLETE STOCK of DRUGS, MKDiriNES and (TIEMICALS, which he is now receiving, and is deter mined to sell at such low prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction, it will be his aim to sell Medicines that can be depended upon. Give him a call before making your purchases. Sept. 12, 1855. ■ 37-tf NOTICE. ^■"^HE notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Beasley, are in the hands of Wm. McL. McKay for col lection, as longer indulgence wiU riot b« given, it is hoped this notice will b« sufficient to save costs. JOHN M. BEASLEY. June 25. 1855. 12tf HI KK MIt.I, STONKS, W.t/tRAXTED. ri^HE Subscribers inform their friends and tlie public that they make to order FRE.\€H B1 KR .?//!> J> STO.VES, warranted to be of the best quality. ville & Raleigh Plank Road, eleven miles from the former place, and within three miles of King's Land ing on Cape Fear River. These premises offer more business conveniences and comforts for living, per haps than any country seat in Cumberland. On them is a neat two-story family mansion, containing seven rooms—a fire place in each, with front and rear piazza and portico, frame kitchen, sleeping apartments for servants, smoke house and dairy, with a prime well of water; and all handsomely enclosed. Also, on the premises are nine other frame buildings, with brick chimneys to each, and rooms sufficient to accommo date from fifty to sixty negroes; a frame Barn 50 by GO feet, with stalls for forty horses, and room to hold 50 tons of forage; Carriage house, Store and Ware house; Water Grist Mill, two Cooper and two Blacksmith’s Shops, Wheel Right Shop, Turpentine Sheds, &c.; all within convenient distance of the best Springs of Sandhill Water. .\11 the buildings ar'. new and have been erected within the last four or five years. To these valuable improvements we will add 1,500 acres of Pine Lands, and we will take $3,.500 for the whole, which is .$1000 less than the cost of the improvements. We have also, on the premises, and now in operation, a Steam Saw and Grist Mill, and Turpentine Distillery, which can be bought cheap. If the right sort of a purchaser ptesents himself, and wishes a partner in his operations, we will furnish one with sufficient capital t* conduct a profitable business. To a Planter who has $14,000 to invest in real estate and wants the best Plantation on Cape Fear River, with a healthy country seat with all conveniences for living at band, these premises would be a very desir able attachment to the .\she Plantation, containing seven hundrei acres of the best Cape Fear bottoms, and now in market. These two Estates are connected by a good Ferry Lauding and are only three miles apart; and will be sold together or separate. For further particulars apply to T. .S. Lutterloh, Esq., or the sub scribers. J. & T. WADDILL. Fayetteville, Sept. 7. 34-tf STOP THE THIEF! STOLEN from ray Lot in Richmond County, on Sun day night last, my HORSE. Said horse was an iron-griiy or brownish color: he had marks of gear on him, and his fore-top cut oflT very short; he was sho^ on the fore feet, walked fast, is a good trotter, and would pace; there was a white mark on his back, on the right side, about six or eight inches square; also, a small wart ou the right side, a littl elow the white mark. The horse was taken by a man calling himself John Campbell, v!ho says he was raised in Pitt county, aud has been in this neighborhood about two years: he is a Cooper by traile, and says he has worked in Turpen tine all his life time; he is a little round-shouldered, has a stout botly for a small man, ami will not weigh as much as I stated, 145 or 150 pounds; has a very mean look, is very fond of negro company, aud his I conversation has a srood deal of the negro mixed 1 with it. 1 will pay jiSO for the delivery of the Horse, or !»:50 j for the thief. M. N. CAMPBELL. Montpelier, Richmond county, N. C. 1 will also reward any person for any information that will lead to the recovery of either. M. N. C. Sep. 10, 1855. 3t>-tf ^ Florida Land Agency. fHlHE undersigned has established an AGENCY in M. the town of Alligator, Columbia County, Florida, for the Pl'RCH.\SE, SALE or LOCATION of LAND WARRANTS, the PURCHASE aud SALE of LANDS generally, improved or unimproved. The fact uow being established that a Rail Road is to be constructed immediately, connecting the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, running through the entire length of this County, east and west; ^ nd in view of the great fertility of our soil, the unusui 'iy fine growth of pine timber ou the land, the healthlulness of the Fuf^eltevllle Mutual Inaurnnce Company. .iw Abstract of the Second Annual RK PORT of the I\esidenl and Directors: Policies igsucid past year 524, whole number issued 1233, covering property amounting to $2,120,353 tX» Policies oancelled and expired 851,03.5 00 Amount now insured 5)1,274,717 34 Amount of Preiffum Notes “ " *■ expired & oanoftlled 310,3o3 30 126.474 O.S 'now on band $189,859 33 Cash paid C. H. Sneed, fire loss ^>8.50 00 “ “Lot and balance Offioebuildln g 1,450 00 “ “Salaries 1,550 00 “ “State Tax 100 00 “ “Contingent expenses ;i75 62 “ “ Premiums returned 20 t>5 Increase during last year $61,275 07 Premium uotes averaging 14 8.9 100 percent, on the amount insured, the actual cost of Insuran«« during the year averaging less than J per cent. RECEIPTS. Cash ou hand last report $772 8W ‘ for Premiums received 0,103 28 ‘ for Policies, Surveys & transfers »37 5u ‘ for Rent 70 00 $7,282 67 DISBURSEMENTS. I VALIJAHEE PROPERTY FOK OFFER for sale, my LANDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about 1'30 Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .\bout 80 Acres of it is fine .^leadow Laud, as the Crop uow on it will show. .\lso, the %'ulual>l«* Orif!k ^tore and Lot near the Market Square, occupied by Mr. John A Pemberton. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell and .\lumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High School Buildiugs. Also, the .Stable Lot adjoiuiug, fronting on Mumford Street. Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both Winslow and Mumford Streets. All this property can now be purchased on fnvora- tile terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and .Mortgage if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. 43-tf $4,346 27 Balaice $2,937 40 To-wit: Cash loaned out on Bond and Security, (on demand,) $2,250 00 Cash in Bank and ia hands of Agents 087 40 $2,937 40 ASSETS. Cash on interest and in Bank. Jg. $2,V37 40 Rent due 1 ^*0 00 Real Estate, paying 18 per cent. 1,800 00 Oct. 10, 1855. rHE LAND OF GOLD, by Hinton .. Helper. 75 cents, just rec’d by E. J. HALE 4- SON. 150 being made from Burr Blocks of I climate, and the reasonable terms on which lands can M'av ‘J2, ]H55. NEW LAW I^'VI-Kl’..'' Law Gkssary; ' irtnii'u United St:ite: tf T rimmings. ///y Str>c(, Fiiyt X. C. I, 1 ^55. 4-tf IU)OK>. Iviwiir J.'- on 11 State Trials. E. J. HA LI .v SON. " MctlKxi for tlio (luitar. l»y •' i .inverse; Huntcn's Instruetions for tiie 1 rte: Burrowes' Piano Forte Primmer. Fiir- rfcei\*-'l E. J. IIAI.E SnX. LIFE INSI RAN('E. ■ ' filt-r^igned h.i.s been jippninted ,\peiit of *■ 'N irth Ciirolina Mutual Life Insurance Com- l.v^r\ rnember fV r life partieijmtes in the ]'ro- ' ' '* ’ :iip/tny; and the ;tnnua! pj'emium lor life ' ^ . wh-re it amounts to or more, may ^ ' pai'i firip hdlf In cash, and the other half in a note I ’ .nt)- •- 'ji- Hv.-., may be insured fiy croilitors. A man -. -'Ureh'. - .wti life for the exclusive b'.*nefit of his ■ y The lives ot slaves may be insured, j -'^^y-!ti;iii is rapiilly growing into fav'ir, all over i _ l world It is one >>y which a family, for a ■ • -im :uinu.iily, may be j»rovid--d for. after the 1 'f heuil, on whose exertions they muy have i i-ve,- i ’ 1.1.e p, ; I '' ' -‘'7 B. ifk >r n support. It i«a pood investment iJ otie should live long after taking Lxpliinatory pamphlet >, aud ^'nriii-!ifi| on tijiplication. F. J. IIALE th« liay 2' JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o n .n I I o A I-() R\V A RDLN G M ERC11A N f, .1*. €. ProiHjit {lersonfil attention given to all Consign menl.s, and I ’ash advanceH made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67y \\ C. 6^ R. (i. WOR'Ill, Coininission ^ Forwanliiig Mrrchante, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, Wiliiiiii^toii, A. €. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan'y 17, 1855. CHARLES RANKS, f o. vr ECTi o .vi; r , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER Fu/■('iyn / rutfSj A Hf.' xTKi:irr, Fayetteville, N. C. .March 1, 18.53. 73tf (;. \V. WILLIAMS cS' CO. AVE just received a large and well selected as their own importation from the i best quarries in France. They also keep for sale (OLOGXE. ESOPUS and COr.\LU’n MILL STONES, BOLTING CLOTH and CALCINEW PL.A.STER. From the Senior Partner’s long experience in the late firm of Egenton, Morriss & Co., of which he w.'is a member, and their determinatiou to give satis faction, they assure customers their orders shall be faithfully and promptly executed. I w'lLLlAM IIOGG ^ SON, j S. E. Corner of North and Centre Sts., opposite the Baltimore & Susquehanna R. R. Depot, Baltimore. May 29, 1855. 6-ypd NOTICE. fBlHE subscriber having purchased the stock of nia- ■ terial at the Carriage establishment formerly occupied by Mr. A. H. Whitfied, intends carrying on the I'arria^e-^akingr BiiMiness. He solicits a share of the libei^l patronage bestowed upon carriage shops generally. He has now on hand some very MANDSOME VEHICLES. Which cannot be surpassed in the place for style of finish and durability, which he will sell as low as any wt>rk of the kind can he bought in the place. j5qJ“ A11 orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. REP.VIRING done in the beat manner and on very reasonable terms. Give him a call before buying elsewhere. J. D. CALLAIS. Fayettev’Ue, Feb’y 3. 72-tf Tht Presbsterian P.sa)inodist; a col- le Ui-'n of tunes for the Presbyterian Church \ fur ther supply just rec’d. E. J. HALE SON. Nov. 28. now be obtaineiL there is perhaps no section of the Union which offers equal inducements to the emigrant from the other States. Having had some experience in farming on the dif ferent kinds of land, and acquired a general knowledge of them throughout the County: and having acquired unusual facilities for poiuting out such as are for sale, either of public or private lands, he feels very confi dent of making it the interest of all persons wishing information, or who may have determined to settle in Florida to call on him. WILL. 0. JEFFREYS. Rfffrrntef: I Hon. E. C. Cabell, ' I j Hon. A. E. Maxwell, V Tallahassee, Fla. Hon. David S. Walker, State Reg.,J $4,927 4i> Premium Notes on hand 189,859 33 Amount Capital to m^^et any losses $191,780 73 In conclusion, the President and Directors congratu late the members and the public on the very fortuaate and successful operationd of the Company the past year. We have met with no loss since 7th March, 1854, (Sneed’s,)—unless it be the case of Stmnglaus & Einston at Kinston, whose St .re was blown up—a very nlraordinary [ase,—it is still under investigation. The following Directors xere elected for next year: Geo. McNeill, H. L. Myrover, Chas. Benbew, Henry Lilly, Jas. Kyle, S. W. Tillinghast, S. T. Hawley, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, N. A. Stedman, J. G. Shepherd, S. J. Hinsdale, D. A. Ray, J. D. Williams, A. A. McKethan, J. H. Cook. A. E. Hall, A. W. Sieel, J. G. Cook; and R. F. Brown of Wilmington. OFFICERS; GEO. McNEILL, President. H. L. MY ROVER, Vice President. C. A. McMILL.\N. Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. Ezecutive Committee for next Quarter: Geo. McNeill, S. W. Tillinghast, Wm. McLaurin. May 24, 1855. _ SlIEMWELL HOUSE, F.*.VETTEVIl.l,E, .\. C. East side of Green Street, a few Doors North of the Market House. rjlIIE Subscriber desires through this B medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the pa.st year and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to .iccom- modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used to render them comforUble during their sojourn with him. Hi.s table is always supplied with the best the market affords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 18.55. 80-tf Messrs. W. .M. L.awton & t'o June 27, 1855. Charleston, S. C. 13-Y III iff PUMPS. JP^ORCE and Suction Pumps, We are now receiving and expect to keep up a large stock of Groceries. WE OFFER BAGS Coffee—Rio, Laguira and Java, 15 Hhds. Sugars, 50 “ Molasses, 1,000 Sacks Salt, 75 Bbls. Sugars,—coffee, crush’d ji: powd’d, 125 Bags Shot, 45 Kegs Powder, 20 Hhds. Western Bacon, 3,500 Lbls. N. C. 50,tKX) Segars, assorted qualities, 10> Boxes Cheese, With every other article in our Hue. All of which we will dispose of low for C.\BH, or exchange for pro duce or naval stores. D. & W. McLAURIN. May 23. 3-tf TO Ml FRIE.\«.S CliSTOMERS. I^OR the SEC^ND TIME this season, I have returned from the Northern Cities with one of the M^urgesl, Cheaptsi and afloat FaHhiottable STOCKS OF Ready-M ade Clothing ever exhibited in tuis place. Amongst which may be found Black, Brown aud Blue Uress and Frock Coats from $10 to $26 V'arious colors of Business Coats 6 to 10 Ca*’simere aud Melton Cloth “ 6 to 10 Light Fall Over “ 7 to 14 Black and Blue P>aug-Up 12 to 22 Pilot and B^.'iver “ 7 ta 20 Cloth and I’iloi Talmas and Opera Cloaks 4! to 20 Plain and Fancy^'assimere Pants 3 to 9 Black French Doeskin “ 6 to U •Sil'n Plush and Velvet Vests ^ to 8 Cassimere and Cloth “ 2 to 4 Silks, Satins. &c. to G And a very extensive assortment of Boy’s and Servant’s Clothing. Also, constantly on hand a great variety of Shirts, Collars, Stocks, Cravats, Pocket Handk’fs, Kid (iloves, aud other FURNISHma GOODS. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fine Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valicrs, Walking Canes, Silk and (iinghain, rnibrellas, Looking Glasses, niPIIRTED CIf..\RS, and Fancy »roods, India Rubber Over-Coafs, Leggins and Sandals, Oil-Cloth Coats, Pants and Jackets, &c. Call and satisfy your wants, this being the only House of the kind in this place where a general as sortment is kept, and almost every body can get suited. GEORGE BRANDT. South-side of Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C., betweeu the Market House and Fayetteville Hotel. Oct 22, 1855. 46-tlJ Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe. For sale by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square. March 80. 83-tf STAGE LLNE From Fapetteville to Salem. ! W(‘ wish to hire a few good Servants ! if application be made soon. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. Dec. 3, 1855. 68tf .\rgua and Carolinian copy. H3-tf ^IDER VINEGAR, a good article. W. H. CARVER. 54-tf for sale by Nov. 10. FOR RENT. rBlHAT convenient situation, with Dwelling and out ■ Houses, belonging to Miss E. Hybart, is offered for Rent. Possession given the 1st Jun’y next. (J f . Also, ft two story Dwelling House and an improved ( iijiirx, Jotxtrco, oiiuj/, Src Rowan street, belonging to C. Montague, Esq., Possession given on application. For terms apply to IN Nov. 17th WM. BOW. 54-tf insurance. ^ .h 1 N \ lll.^u^a^lce f’otnp'iiiy of H‘irtforl, linv- , ^ [ li i the t IX init,o-ed by the Revenue Law ‘ ..... Lt-i; sinture. will continue its Agency in » ' 'ir. Icr the m in:i;. enieut of tiie undersigii‘'l, I’^i'l !ied tl. -sv-ue 1*. iii-ies of In ^ui uin e on I’uild- • " i-itlier in tliis Tomi or in aiiy )»:irt of '' 1 ^''^I'er i]ipliciUion, 110^0 ijition of t'ue II |j„. Iiistr' f ■ ! i,rte I’riii J. H ' *■ " l"f ‘ -LT.N.v itH W ; - ; '■ '.ina ''.MP.A.NV has beeri in o[)eratiiii about ^‘pital i, «t;t00,000. The Il-n. Thos. ' fir.st Pre.-^ident, and he still llolll^ that '■’‘I of its first Directors are atill active ■ iir.r*' ‘'f *1“; Board. It ha» at all tii ^es highest character for the )»ruder:ie i-f ^ •iagerfi.'nt, unj jyr the lil>erality w.tli which it '*'^jUated itH losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. bortmrnt of llARDWAKE AND GKOCERIES, to which they invite the attention of (Country Mer- cliants. .March 17, 1855. M4- Worth & Utley, Forwiinliii'J’' and (jrenoral Coniniiaision MERCHAN rs, Faf/etlei'iUe.^ J. A. WORTH. ' (7l2tf) JOS. UTLKT. “ Noric K 11. WILLL’vM J. BIU' . authorized agent to reeeive payment.-', :unl jj,raiit discharges for any Book accounts we have in the couuty of Robeson. J. & T. V/ADDILL. 7tf MEN WANTED. ^ OR 100 MEN wanted on the W'estern Rail Road, to work on Sections 2 and 3, near Fayetteville. The location is healthy, amUhe highest wages wil' be paid. Sent. 24, 1855. HIRAM PARDEE. 38- JONES’S EQUITY. 'OLUME 1, just received and for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. 200 Casks Fresh Lime, Calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair and Cement, Mackerel and Herring, by J* April 19. POWERS & CO. 93tf June 1, 1855. 'I'he subscribers will purchase Spirits Turpentine, or make advances on consignments to their friends in Wilmington, or Ifew York. C. T. HAIGH ^ SONS. April ^ 1866. r*lHE Proprietors take pleasure in informing the ■ public, that they have commenced running their tri-weekly Hue of Stages, on the Plank Road, from Salem to Fayetteville. They have procured good Stock, new ^Coaches, careful and accommodating Drivers, and no pains will be spared to render passen gers comfortable. A system of through-tickets with the contractors on the Wytheville and Reidsville Roads, for the con venience of passengers bound to Wytheville, Va., or the Piedmont Springs, in Stokes County, has also been adopted. WHITE & STAFFORD^ June 29, 1855. 24tf rem7ival. ri'lHE Office of the Brothers’ Steam Boat Company is X removed to the Huske Building, on Green street, next door to P. Taylor’s. J. S. BANKS, Ag’t. Nov. C, 1854. 46tf To Turpentine Distillerii. I HAVE on band, and will continue to keep, SPIRIT B.\RRELS, made at Mr. A. McAllister’s Shop. Those in need will please call. J. S. BANKS. June 14, 1865. 9-tf 7o the yiasonic Fraternity. ANV one having copies of the printed proceedings of the Grand Lodge for the years 1812, ’13, ’16, ’17, ’23, ’24, ’2b, ’38, ’43, and ’4ti, will confer 8k favor on the Craft by sending them to James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville,-—who, as Chairman of the Committee on Masonic History in the State, is endeavoring to collect materinls. Any Numbers previous to 1811 will be gladly received. Persons friendly to the object will pleaie notice this. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOi'ICK. fHlHE Subscriber having on the eighth day of ■ December, 1855, taken letters of Administration accord'ing to law on the Estate of Mrs. Sarah Mclver, deceased, hereby gives generiU notice to all creditors of saidTSstftte, to present their claims, duly authenticated, witVilt' the time limited by law for that ptfrpose, other wise this notice will be plea I in bar of recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will ilso plea.se to make payment immediately. EDWARD W. B.\RGE, Administrator. Dec. 12, 1855. 61-5t FOR SALE. •if Reduced Prices, for or on SUORT TM.1ME, 250 I'mniKiES, Rockaways and Buggies OF E VERy DESCRIFTJO.V, ma ANY of which are finished, and thf balance being xTi finished daily, .\mong which are many New and Beautiful styles, and one VERY FINE C.\RKI.\GE. Some of them very light, and all made in the best manner and of the best materials. My facilities lor doing Carriage work are GREATER than any establish ment South, and I can afford and am determined to sell work of the BEST QUALITY as low as it can be built for by anj’ one. jfegr Those who arc indebted t® me will please pay up, as my business requires my out-standing debts to be collected. A. A. McKLTH.\N. Feb. 3, 1855. almanacs. North Carolina and Farmers’ and BANK CHECKS. TO DISTILLERS. WE will pay the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give us a call when in market. J. k T? WADDILL. June 2G, 1855. SECOJVfTs Tojcii. Starr & Williams ARE now receiving their SECOND PURCH.\SE of FALL AND WL\T15R DRV liOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, UMBRELLAS, AND Ready-Made Clothing, And have no hesitation in saying it is the LARGEST and MOST DESIRABLE stock uow in market and having been purchased at greatly reduced prices from the early part of the season will be offered to buyers on terms that cannot fail to please. Oct. 25. 47-tf rjlURNER’S Planters’ Alamanacb, for 1856. E .J. HALE & SON. A CARL). ^"MIE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens I of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, as a .MASTER BKICKLAYEK AND PLASTERER, and gives notice that he is ready to contract for work in his line, at the lowest cash prices. S. F. DICKSON. Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 1854. .S8tf JAMES KYLE ■ ■ AS just received a large and general assortment II. of aoons. Among which are. tj.5o pieces Dress DeLains, P'rench and English Merino, Plain Merino, real French, Persian ('’loths. Black and Coloreil .Silks, Irish Linens, all Flax. Table (’loths an 1 N«]>kins. Carpeting, very cheap. Calicoes, well assorted. Kerseys and Liaseys, Silk, Woolen an 1 Cotton Hose, Ladies’ Twisted Silk Mitts, Dress Trimmings. &e., sc. •Ml of which being purchased by the package for Cash, will be offered at thj lowest market price for cash, or on time to paying customers. Sept. 27, 1855. 39-tf WOOL ROLLS. WOOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factor}'. SHj-:ETINGS, OsnaburgH, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. June 18.54. .McNEILL. 7-tf WAN'FEI), A GOOD WAGON MAKER to work in my Shop. 2m Such a one by applying soon will finii steady em ployment, and good wages. W'M. WATSON. Sept. 28, 185.5. _ 40tf Valuable Property FOR SALE. ACRES of valuable Farming and VT" Turpentine LAND, with the Turpen tine STILL, STORE HOUSE, GOODS, and STAND, known as BEATTY’S BRIDGE, in Bladen county, are offered for sale. The Store and Still will be sold either with or without the land; so that those who wish to engage in Mercantile operations or in distilling Tur pentine will do well to apply soon to BEATTY & BROTHER. Beatty’i Bridge, July 2. 14-tf Sash, Blinds, &.(*. ri'IHE Subscriber having become .\gent for the sale 1l of WINDOW SASH, BLINDS and DOORS of aU sizes, will seil cheaper than has ever been sold in Fay etteville. Give me a call at my shop on Old Street. He i.s prei>ared to execute all "work in the ('arpeuter- ine line, as he has several good workmen. CHA’S F. ASKEW Jan’3' !•, 18.5.5. 5t>-y NOTICE. PERSONS PURCH.\SING R\GS for me will recol lect that 1 have never offered anything for WOOL or SILK Rags, ami will allow nothing fer them; but will give 2 cents per lb. for all coarse bagging and loose paper senarate from the Rugs. D. murphy. Sept. 12, 185.5. 35-tf Harper's and Fulnanrs Maj^azines for December, received and for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. /if