IFAlflRW SFi MI-WEEKLY. \(>L. V.T FAYiyrTEVILLE, N. JAM;aR> a, 1850. t>i;isri:i> MoNows \vi> rtiuKSH ays i:i)\V AIM) J. H VLK & SON. DUCKS aNI) riUU’lUETDUS. c. ' V ;lio Soiui-Woekly OB'^krvkk ^3 (X) if jiaiil in ‘ »..■ • il pttiJ iliirinp the veur «'f suhih-rlji- , . uftpr the yeur har oxtiire>i. . ••,») WcfWly OnsKuvpn n-J 00 pi r annma, if pniil in , t >>■_’olt if jiuiil duriim the year of Bu>>3cvip- .. •: ?'o ()0 th»‘ viitr has fvpirt"'!. VKll'I'K''F,MKNTS ins^rtoil ft>r sixty ot'nts per , T >f, liiKw for tlie tiist. mid thirty cents for etich t iviinjt j'uhlioat’ou. Yearly iitlvertiseineiits by fj>e- ■ ,'.iiitr>r-o. at re:ison!iV>le rates. Adverti!«ers are ) to state the nuniher of insertions desireil. or :>e continued tiU forhiil. and charged accord- ’ Letter^ to the Klitors must be post-paid. \ ;,crtisetnents to be inserted charged oO per jitra H TKI IST SAI-K. Y Virtue of a Deed of Trust made to me by the ! late Ke\. Coliu Mchcr, i >vill ou \Veduesday, ; d day of Jauuary, at the Court House in j He, proceed to sell •‘undry NfiGROKS, to . jt 5- l i*- provi.sion of said Trust. ' D .V. RAY, Trustee. ; . rtfville, Dec. 29,^1855. t)6-ts FUElGUTLXG 0^ THE l APt: FE4K KIVKK. tT 1 meeting of the Boat owners interested in nav- ; itiug the Cape Fear River between Fayetteville i Vv luiiiiigton, :■ m D. McLauriu was called lo the Chair, ; K M Orrell was appointed Secretaiy. ; li.'fion of James F. Marsh, Kf > '\ed. That from and after the 1st daj of Janu- 'oti. Cash will be required upou the delivery I all Kreights at Wilmington and Fayetteville re- e!y. :. mi'tiou of J. U. Williams, K, jt 've 1, That each of the Steamboat Companies on , ■ apt Fear Uiver, t’rom and after the 1st of .Tanuary, will cnrry Muano from Wilminjrton to Fayette- . tit 10 centu per bag. Lime at 'lo ceuts .jcr cask, round Plaster at :5U cents per cask, and liiat a KKI>l CTIO\ OF 20 FIuHL C:E.\T. Til he printed and established rates on all ofher • its will be made from aud after that date, all • ;(^e and Dray»ge being paid by the shippers. I »n ni ition of Jame? Banks, KesoUtfd, Th:u the foregoing be published iu the • 'Wn papers. L*. McLAURlN, Chairman. K. M. Orre’l, Sec y. fee. -4, 1855. t>5-tf \ortli Caroliiui Headers. Undersigned arc prepared to furnish, wh»de- i. sale and retail, upon crr^j favorahU Urms, to ■ !ich> rs, Uookseller®, Merchants, Hook Pedlars, and ers, the J«iERIEM of \OKTII C'AROLI.lf A :U:A»KKS, Nos. 1 aud li, by Pbofessok Hcbbaru, •I'.e University' of North Carolina, ami No. 3 by s H. Wiley, Esq. now Superintendent of Coin- . sch' "ls. Of Nos. 1 and 2, which are new books, .-sued, we will hand a copy grati-* to any Teacher ay applv. E. J. HALE Sl SfjN. FOR SALE. V Residence on Harrington Hill. Terms liberal. JOHN CROW. G5-tf ('LAKKMH)N IKON VVOKKS, WiL.MI.NGTON, N. C. A. H. VANBOKKEI.EX. Pi O|»rl lor. ^■IHE Buhiicriber having purchase 1 ihe entire inter- ! eBt in th* “CL VHKS’DON IRoN WORKrf, an- liaits orders for Steam Enginett. of uuy power or style. Saw MilU ol every variety. Mining Machiueiy and I’umpt,, j Gri.st and Flour Mills, complot*. l’ark«r. Turbine aud other Water whebl#, [ Kice-field Pumpa and Engine®. Leavitt's Corn and Cob Cruihei, Rice Thrashers, Shingle .Machiaes, Shafting Hangern and Pullies, j ('otton Gins and tJearin'^, Iron Castings ot all kinds and patturn*. Brass *• Locomotive and Tubular Uollors, j Flue and plain Cylinder Boilora, ! Rlackamith work of all kind-j. Iron Doors for Houses and Jails. | THE ESTABLISILMENT Having been re-organiied for the express purpose »f ; insuring punctuality in the execution of all orders, the public may rest satisfied that any work whh h may ■ ofTer will by promptly delivered Hccording to promise, : and of such workmanship as cannot fail to give satis- ! faction, THE MECHANICAL DEl’AKT.MENT Bi ing in charge of men of taleut(» aud experience. L have no hesitation in saving that the work hereafter : turned out, shall compare favorably in everv respect ' With that of the most celebrated in the States, and at prices which will make it to tlie interest oi all in want to liend me their orde.'-s. • REPAIR WORK i Always done without delay—.and ha\ing a large force j liir that purpose, it will prove advantapeouB to any person needing such to give me the proference without regaril to expense of 'ending same from a j distance. f>rders will be addressed W rks,” Wilmington N. C. A. 11 Oct 15. t.) ‘•('lurendon Iron V.^NRoKKELK^'. 4«-tf ro (:0\TK VCTOKS. President ntid IMrectoj's are now ready to re- M ceive proposals for constructing the Fayetteville 4"_ Albemarle 1 lank Road between Little’a .MilU In Hichinond County and ,\li)emarle in Stanly County, and they invite proposals for the following work; — flection 1st. For constructing the Road from Little‘s Mills to Clark's Creek, 10 miles. Sec. 'Jd. For constructing Road from Clark’s (heek to the Pee Dee River, 5 miles, Sec. 3d. For the constructiou of a ltril)(e across Pee Dee River. Sec. 1-th. For the construction of the Road from the Pee Dee River to Albemarle, miles. Proposals will lie received an>l considered for the Grading; ainl making all necessary side ditches and (’ulverts from the Pee Dae to planking. Uy a resolution of the Stockbolders, before the Presi- ilenf and Directors can enter into these contracts an individual subscription of ^>15,(M)0 will have to be made, — it is attked that the friends of the work will submit teuch bids, either subb«ribing or guaranieeing that auu>unt su ;ni to enable the work at once to go on. JAS. G. COOK, Pres't F. .t A. P. R. Co. Oct. 25. 4T-tf F\MiLY BlIil.KS. tL.\RGE Stock. Also. Pocket Ribles and Prayer Rooks. E. J. HALE 4 SOS. ~ NEW HOOKS^ BEECMCROFT, by the .\uthor of Heartsease. &c; The Private Life of an Eastern King; Stray Leaves from the Rook of Nature; McKenzie's Sliscella- neous Works: The Contrast between Good and Rad Men, by Rev. Dr. Gardiner Spring. Also, further supplies of The Great Iron Wheel; Alone; Heir of RedclitIV; Ucrriiin’s, Barnes and Thornton’s Family Prayers: Gillott’s 3u;{, Perry's Double Action, and inanv other kinds of Steel T’ens; Carmine Inks: Camel Hair Pencils; ,|c. K. J. HALE & HON. Nov. l‘J. KKMOVAI.. I.Al RIN'HURGH high SCHOOL.j NM 'i'MOMAS has removed from his former i ^jlHR 7th Sea.sion of this School will commenoe on j • .stand, near the D«bbiri House, Hay street, to I 1 Tuesday the Mth day of January next, under th* j the corner of .Afarket and Gillespie 6tret. south-west supervision of the Rev. Geo. B. Scott, M. A., of the of the Market Ilonse—recently occupied by Mr. S S. University of Edinburgh, (Scotland,) Principal, aasieted A rev—where he would be happy to have his frienls. . by Mrs. Scott in the Primary Department, and all in want of good and cheap Goods, call and .Mr and Mrs. Scott have both made Teaching th* examine his Stock, whicli comprises Staple and Fancy I business oi' their live.s; and from the experience which Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, ! tli« Trustees have had, during the past year, of Fall and Winter troods. «/. iT T, ¥9\gaaui, HAY STREET. Are a»w rectiring their Fall and Winter OOOD8 eoniiiting of • large and well lelected stock of ■tc.. Ar. Aujr. 29. .M. THOMAS. «2-tf F.4LL GOODS. I>I',.\RCK I'KKCr.sON RE now Receiving their F.M.L and 'VINTHR STOCK o: A ' Foriegn and jmcstic, Staple and Fancy DRY aOODS, BO.\.\ET!!i, HATS C ATJi*, BOOT^ ami ' With a general a.sortment • KI::ADV-T1 ADi: CI.OTiif To which tlty invite the attention of Meri'hants, the j Ladies and all, und which they offer at LOW PRICE.'' for J \. s>nTii. WH(>LKSALE .\ND RETAIL UF\LER IN DMirfASn Raintn; OUh; ifye^Stu/th; VARy/S///-:S; WIXDOW-GLA.SS AXD t'utty, tUdAf.- Wurr; Perfumrry; Fine Soap^t; von SALE. •Jl^ -\CRES ot L^nd, miles from Fay- ^ F eftevil'e, lying directly on the Soutli- . . , P^ank Road, end on each aiile of Big Rockfisb. Albemarle, omitting | One of the best '1 urpentine sections in the countv, with convenient improvementt^ for a family residence; with a small corn mill on a never failing stream, and a firs^ rate situation for a Turpentine Distillery and Store. A. A. McKETHAN. Kcb’y 5, 1855. 72-tf xorici:. ilHE senseHIBER has removed tc ■- SH.VWS NEW 15UILDING, Gil- espie Str’ :t, wher'- lio intends carry ing on the TAdfiiOltl.X;: BUS*1- NKS in all its liranrlit-p Having had experience in most of the At- lantlc cities, he feels assured that he can please tiie moint fastidious. All ordors will be e.xecuted with neat- r^spatch. 15. .MONAGHAN. March 28. 185.^ 81-tf COLACIU IIAY ifcCO., H.\Y .STRKi'.T, KAYKTTKVIM.K, 4 RE now receiving their FALL STOCK of KT.APLE and FANCY DRV (^OODS, In which may be tound FOR THE L.ADlES; Plain Cold. Plai tbf'ir zeal, fidelity, anil success, in the discharge of the duties of their profession, they confidently recommend them lo Parents aud Guardians, as pre-eminently quali fied by temper, talents, and acquirements for the in struction of students, in all the branches of an English, •Scientific, Classical, and Commercial Education. The Trustees respectfully invite the public to a per sonal examination of the system pursued in the School. Terms—$8, $12, and $2U, per Session of five months, (French included in the 3d grade without extra charge.) hoard can be had with the undersignerl in the Board ing liouse belonging to the School or in private tami- lies at !^8, per month. One half fees and Board invariably paid in advance. D C. McINTYRE, Keo’y Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C., 1 ^ Dec. 12, 1855. / CALL \\iT’sEPTljE. i LL Persons indebted to the subscriber either by /a Note or Account, are requeated to settle during the month of January, as longer indulgence cannot be given. I have on hand a lot of SADDLERY and HARNKSS WARE that I will sell low for Cash. M. N. LEARY. Deo. ‘24. (>4-lmpd Groceries, riardware^ Cutlery, Blarksmilhdj- Tur pentine Tools, Agricultural Im plements, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea ther, Heavy articles in the Drug line, Ready-made Clo thing, aud Staple Dry Goods. wi ind Black DeLVI.NES; (’ASHMERES and .MLRiN(»S; Plain unJ t’ig d Fancy fill 1 C[ 0.\KS: Merino C.-VSH, or on Time ti or Retail. B. F. PEARCK Aug. 27, 1?6'. Fiiu Tooth and Hair Mrnyfi'S', Paint Bruih's; FU!>! nml Gnrdrti Sri'ds; Spires] Snvfrii] Svrijiriil fnatruments'. Patent M ‘h'fijK x; i'ure Liqunm /'«/ M'i(i’'inAl Furpfn>)i\ Faiiiy Artirfes, dv . iV'V Oi-vieri trom Country Phyi^icians and Merchants re spectfully boiicited and perfect satisfactioa guaranteed, pi-nctnul customers at Wholes.'\le , both in regard to •(Uality and price, J. N. HMITK, Druggist. Oct. 27. 4s-tf and Black Sll.K.*:^; n.oih MANTLi:." Cloak CLOTH; SKIRTS and SK!^ Vh>iTS; BONNETS; E.M BROIDERIES .\.- FOR ;ENTLEMnN; Hatt; Hoots and Shoes; Vestings; I'assiiueros; White, }ilack and Fancy Stocks and (’ravats; Ready-Made Clothing, ito. _AL.so,_ Linseys, Kerseys and Plains. Blankets, Rropans, Table Cloths and (.''overs, .Mlendale Sheetings, Children's Kid Gloves, Wi>oi Sacks anti ('onforts, Vouilis' und Roy's 1,’lothing, English and It:ilian Crapes, Dimity, Em- broi.lery .Siiks and l'>raid-». -\ good assortment i>f Ladies', Gttntlemen's nnd Children's BOOTS. SHOES, aud GAITERS: IL0VES, HOSIERS , kc. Sept. 20. ^20 REWARD! RAN.VW.W from the subscriber, with her little Boy Lsaac, a Negro Woman, EMILY by name. Said woman is about 25 years old, 5 feet 4 or '> inches high, ordinary size and ilark complexion. Ht*r child IhA.\C, is a likely boy about 2^ years old,'with large rolling eyes, and black complexion, and is n..t able to talk distinctly. Said negroes were purc'nased from one .Martin who lives in Richmond. Va., thither they may make their way 1 will give Twenty-five Dollars for the delivery to me of said Negroes, or their continement in any jail where 1 can get thorn. I will also give $100 for proof srHTi-j' nt to convict any white person of harboring, c.on( i.-.iHng or enticing away t^aid Negroes. T. BETHKA. Gilopolis, Robeson (’o., N. ('.. D*c. 22. t)4-tt This Stock we are prepared to Joli or Retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 1854. 4.Hf We ask the Planterii an.l Turj entuie n.en to e7- amine out Xerseys, Negn Blfir’ifs, '{'V^ n-- ' : .... 11^^' bota.rji i-n, N. ami l>«lti aiore. Fure>;l.>. \ m '*Vv*)i]on, Petersburg, KicliHioud, & Wash ington City, or via Weldon, I’ortsmouth and Norfolk. For Tickcts apply at theOffice of the Wilmington aud Raleigh Rail Rosd Company, at^Wil mington, or at the Office «f ll>e Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and ()hio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1. 1852. f Marble Factory. By GEO. LAUDER. 87-if To 'rurpentine, 'I'hnber, 'Tnr and Corns nnd Cotton Makers. VO\{ S\LE. W'ITH the choice of 1800 acres of valuabl* • LANl;, situated twelve miles from Lum- berton, within three miles of Lumber Rivpr, and on or ! •'if untt ttfiittOM, Ot very near the line of the Wilmington and Charlotte Rail ! DCVOrCUX’S EouitV 2 Road. To persons engaged or desiring to engage in , — "n business of either of the above branches, thif Land* SOME years paatthiB volume of the Report. „ : a:,.: * ■- ol the Supreme Court of North Carolina has been TWU UOORS ABUTB C. T. H.UGil & SO.N’S STORB, Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 18•^5 i4ypd JUStT PUBLISlfEJD* J. u. IKUitLSuN. GO-tf n ' c. 1^00. Webster's rnabridged Dictionary.— riu^r (lupplies just rec'd. E. J. H.\LE & SON. Do 22. (vjiiij ACRES L..\.Nl) FOR SALK. E offer for sale, a body of fine Turpentine Lands, containing about fjOOO .^cres. There s . w thirteen crops of Boxes, a portion of which has worked one season, arid balance two seasons. : twenty-five Bbl. Still, with all the necessary are ,:ement8, buildingir, &c., to carry on the Turpen- ‘ lisinesH—situated in Cumberland County, about tweuty miles from Fayetteville and from one to three miles from Little River. We will sell the above Lands f r*-;,6i>0. TROY MAR^fl. Dec. 5, 1S55 SU-tiw NEW S roC'K OE Books and Slatioiierv. i -» *■« • : E are now receiving our usuril New Stock of i V w BOOKS and ST.^TIONER^ . embracing a jjreat variety of i SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL 1 AN1> MISt’ELL.\NEOl S HOOKS. Together with a large and \ariod ^tock if Blank Books, PnpT, Envelopes, i\:c. I Country Merchants and other* are invited to call, I RS we oti'er the above stock on the be.st terms. I Oct. 8. E. J. HALE A SON. w Monday last. LOST, iu Fayetteville, or on the Road home, a large ('alf Skin POCKET BOOK, con- •rtining a considerable quantity of papers, embracing Sote«, Receipt*. &c., among which the following are •collected: ■V Note made by Jno. McP^ac to the subscriber for “ixty-one Dollar§ and some cents. One made by A. A. McKethan and Duncan Morri- • n for Ten Dollars and some cents. One made by William McMillan for Ten Dollars,— whicii is paid. i \ receipt from Jno. .Munroe. Constabl«, for thret uJgments. Two receipts of One Hundred Dollars each for ittock ; : I'Urendon Bank. .\n l a receipt for Two Shares of Stock in F. F. I- K.i' ^';hool. T'ne fii. icr will be nuitably rewarded by leaving the • twc with Ti^ok & Johnson or J. S. Bankw. DUNCAN SHAW. I'ec. 5, iBiio. -jlt-tf NOriCE. VT December Term, 1H6‘). of the Court of Pleas & quarter Ses.sionR of Cumberland County, the last find Testament of Henrj’ Elliot was admitted to ite and letters testamentary granterl to the nn- -^krned. All persons indebted to the testator are • ufHted to make an early payment. Those having :: is must present them in proper time or this notice ' ue pleaded in bar. ALLXA-.DER ELLIOT, ) ^^^^tors J. G. SHEPHERD, ^ fc'J^ecutois. '«-■ 1855. ^ 3'J-Hw (ffoss (3n(K)j W ehster's Eiement- Sjielling Books. 2\) dozen Webster’s Pictorial Roolih h. J. HALE 4' SON. >EW^ GOODS. M now ret.eiving my Fall and inter Stock ot ■:» ■« 'm' i.PJM EKIKS. HAKDWlRi: A\U CUTLERY. lif'be goods were bought late in the season, and •s*‘ iuentiy at reduced jirice^. Aly stock oi is Complete, embracing many kiiids of : - -ii/eu: Rlunket#, Ker.«evs, ic.; Hats, fine and lilOS. J. JOHNSON, old Stand, near the Cape Fear Rank and Market place. ' u2-tf FALL OE l'^.'>5. K are now receivinjj our Stock .f Ft*ll and Win ter Goods, DRY GOODS, R K A 1)Y -M A I) E C LOT HIN ('., HATS. CAJ’S, BOOTS AND S11 OKS. Having determined to relimjuish the H.VRDW.VRE TRADE, we offer our Stock at greath reduced prices for CASH. Our friends who nre behind hand in their payments, are earnestly reijuested to pay up. HALL & SACKETT. August 27, lSo-3. 3"-tf I HATS, llPS, BOOTS AND SIIOI^S, EOR FALL cV WTN'l'ER FRADE, m. XK A Am n'uooifs: .vjgii*atpoust JC. THO.MSON is now receiving his usual as»ort- • ment of the most approved Btyleb of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, LAIMKS’ GAITKRS. BI Shl\S. Sl.lPFHRS, and Children’s Shoes of various descriptions. —ALSO,— TRAVELLING an.l P.\’K1NG TRUNKS, and (’AR- PEl' BAGS, all of which nre offered for isale on the most reasonable terms. Old customers and new ones :ire respectfully invited to call and cximine ray stock of Fall and Winter Goods. irst come, first served. J. C. TllO.MSON, (Jld Stand, .Market Square. Sept 3, ;il{-tf OKKS^ I M*! ON WITH YOUR CLOTHING! Wake up (lid riimbfrlriiitl anti tlie rest of Minikiiitll WOODVVAJll) Xej^ro Bhinkcls, Kcrsevs and Shoes for sale bv W\ H. CARVER. Nov. 7.’ r>]-tf .\LWAVS ON HAND AND FOR SALE C’llKAP, .1 aFXFPAL ASSOPTMFXT Of DRV (JOODS AND GROCERIES,' Together with a general assortment of FORI-llj\ A.NU iHnii:sTir wines and LIQUORS, Which I am anxious to sell or exchange for Produce d' ttuv kitid usually sold in this .Market. W. H. CARVER, Hay Street, near the Market. Nov. 7. 51-tf yew ofron Kstahlishnient II y \\n. W AT>^0.\. ''HK Subscriber would infcrm his friends and the public generally, that he has completed his new establishment nn Maxw’ell street, near Mr. E. W. Will- kings' Store; an>l is now prepared to receive orders for (UA’r.y, DliAl’S, tc., which shall be promptly executed. .\11 work done by him shall be of the best workman ship and material that the couiitry can afford. RFPAIRIXfi of all kinds don« with neatness nnd de:-ipatch. Also, H(tRSF-SllOFIXG will b« strictly attended to. N. B. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. Fayetteville, May 2'), If'-'ia. 4-Y SPIRIT BARRELS. tLWAYS on hand and for sale at the lowest mar ket price, SUPERIOR SPIRIT BARRELS. G. W. WILLIAMS & CO. .May 2^. -i-tf FIFTY TONS GL ANO. f H^HE Subscribers are receiving their Fall .Stock of .M. i)i K >: I' K I 1']^, embracing a larjie general assortnunt in their line, which ih presents unusual inducements. Growing a suflScient number of pines to cut seven tasks of boxes, and fur nishing trees of sufficient siie to make from 3 to 500 Sticks of ton timber of 1000 feet each. In addition to this, it is considered as being excellent Farming Land —producing Cotton from b to 1200 lbs., to the Acre. This Land is situated on .\shpole Swamp, in a healthy and desirable section of Robeson county, N. C. For terms, &c.. apply to M. E. McNEILL, Lumberton, N. C. I Dec. 17, 1853. C3-3mpd out of print. The subscribers have printed a 2d edi tion, revised and corrected, which they will be happy I to furnish to such gentlemen of the profession as have incomplete sets. Orders are iolicited. Should they I be encouraged sufficiently by the sale of this Tolume, I they propose to follow it by a re-print of Devereux’s I 1st, 3d, and 4th Law, and Dev. & Battle’s 1st Law, all 1 of which are out of print. E. J. HALE k SOX. .1. \V. BAKER Is now reci'iviug from the North the largest, finest, .Tnd most carefully se lected stock of irR\ITlRK ever offered in this market; ffhioh, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture iu sett-*; curle'l hair ami shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Locking Glasses; Willow W'ngons and Cradles;'Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Casea; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames anti Gla‘s; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tote a Tetes; Ottoman.s; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Piano?, one with ..-Eolian At tachment; Rosewood Meloitians, from the bet manufac tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country-, aud will be sold at N. York prices—freight only addeil. November 2, 1851. lotf (,’oriwralion Bonds of the 'Vown of I'aifettcvillc for Sale! Agreeable to an Act of the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, ratified Dec., 25 1862, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issne her Bonds to the amonnt of •'j!U>0,tHjO, in the aggre gate, for the purpose of paying her subscription to the Western Rail Roa i Company. Therefore, it is ordered by tho Commissioners of — r OVERSEER W AN'I’ED. ^I^HE subscriber will give good wages to a competent I Overseer, well recommended as to character and competency, to take charge of his Hose Hill Plantation, near Fayetteville, for the ensuing year. One well ac- i^uainted with making Naval Stores, particularly Tar, preferred. JOHN H. HAUQHTON. Pittsborough, Dec. 20. 63-tf Fayetteville Candy Manufactory. '■IHE subscriber still continues to manufacture a su* M. perior article of plain and fancy CANDIES at the eld stand, (No. 5, Green street, 3 doors North, of the Market House,) where he would be happy to see his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March I. 1863. 78tf Livery Stables. TAKE NOTICE. LL DEBTS due n " prior to this date must be settled immediately, or they will be pUced in an othoer’s hanils for collection. C. W. ANDREWS. Dec. 20. 64-4w A' SOUTHERN PLANK ROAD. fB^HE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders iu tho JL Southern Plank Road Company will be held in the Town Hall, in Fayetteville, on Thursday the 17th day of January next, at 12 o’clock .M. W. McL. McKAY, Sec’y. Dec. 21. 64-tm The undersigned continue to carry on the LI > ERV RI'SI- NESS at this placc. '’’--l,, Lj e latelyl8rt,el’’■■ . ' • ^ '-k I : ■■lon- • u .i.iiniialiou ;l .» iU. ti'lp tO of Mumford street, always be found, or j age heretofore extended to us, , of the public favor. We promise all who may wish to travel. Stables at the West end where one of the Proprietors may 1 at the Stor** €rst door East of .Mr. Lutterloh. I J. W. POWERS & CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, 1853. Tltf LUTTERLOH & GO'S LLNE, J^or PaHHengers and Freight. ^TEAMER FANNY LUTTERLOH leaves her wharf at Fayetteville at sun-rise, on .Mondays and Thurs days, and at Wilmington on Tuesdays and Fridays 10 o'clock, A. M., (Passengers and Freights.) Steamer The Mjargent Carriage Factory in the .South! Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive ! with ^ood Flats sealed proposals, until the l«t of November next, for Freights, the purchase of ^■')0,000, in .sums of .'^500 each of said Bonds, or sny part thereof. Bonds to run twenty will run i to wholesale Iniyers At the lowest market rates for i Conntrv Prcnince, or on the usual credit to p i paying customers. 1 ALSO, Fifty Tons Best l*eruviaii Guano, for Cashj at iJ cents per pound. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. I Aug. 27, 1855. ao-tf r„p ; i»on!s, or sny part inereoi. nona.s lo run iweniy A- offer ' with C0U{)0ns attached,—interest payable semi- 'ort'ash ' annually. The said Bonds shall be under tho seal of . . i.i-ninnt 1 f^'e Corporation, and binding on the faith of the same. ^ WM. WARDEN, Town Treasurer. I 39- .\ugnst J. F. MARSH, Agent Fayetteville. W. ?. ELLIOTT, Agent Wilmington. 1855. 25tf Sept. 26, 1855. .\KAV w 7o Merchants nnd Mantifacftfrrrs of Tin- Ware. 1HAVE on hand now. and shall kwp a suppiy o Tin Plate, lilock Tin, Iron Wire Rivets, Lead Pipe, Slieet Lead. iXc. —.\LSO— A large assoriTiient of plain and Japaned Tin Ware of my own Manufacture, at wholesale and retail. C. vV. ANDREW'S, Market Square. March 12, 1855. 82tf Fayetteville Hotel. nilE Subscribers having this day leased this Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased To see their friends und the travelling public at this House. the same time we hope they will be J H. JiiH'kwlicat Floiir in ■ ■ >0’ 1*2.^ llh. liags. w. 11. CARVEK'. 51-tf A. J. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the pub lic gener-dly, tiiat he has just returned.from the North, where he purchased, and is now receiving a LAK(;F. .\SSOR'r.MEM OF (ilentleiiM'ii’s (Jiotiiing Uf the latest styles, which he will sell cheap for CASH. His Stock consists of Talmas, Over Coats, Kmck Coats, Husinoss Coats, i l>*‘tient and bear with our imperfections until we shall P«nt., Ve«,,.SInrt.s t'ollav.s, ,Sin,k., (ilovos,,V,.. i .-Vlso, a large .and varied as.soilmcnt i f BOWS CI.OI'HLNC;, Fitting sizes, for Youths fi'om 4 to lb years (>ld. 1 'vill manufacture T’ants and Vests .'ii;d cut for persons wishing it done. N. R. — I have m.'i If arraiufcments with a House in New York to have ‘-Jlotiiing made to order, and those desirous of having '.ii garments manufactured in New York will ple.i e ‘-.ill at niy :itore and h.ave their measures t.aken. Examine my goods at the Store one door east of J. C. Tliomi5on’8 Hat and (.'aji corner of Market Square. I Fayetteville, Oct. 10. J. H. lloilEKTS. March 1, 185«. ROBERTS & CO. F. N. Roberts, 80-tf r i oi{ sAi.i:. HE rui;ning part of a 2, 8, and 4 horse Wagon, each with iron .\xles, new and roaily for use. J. & T. WaDDILL. .March 1 1, 1855. 8.‘Ut FAI.L i'e WLN'I'ER (iOODS. >. ,U. TiiO*U.iS 1.S Receiving, direct from .New York, a large and well selected assortmt'ut of iStaple and Fancy Dry Goods, Roady-Made Clotliing, Hats, (.’aps, Bouiicts, lioots, Shoes, Kerseys, lilankets, itc. To which he wouM call tho attention of tho L.\DIES. his friends, nnd the Publi(! generally,—to give him a call and examine his Stock before making their pur chases. lie intends to let the People decide whether they are pretty, or, whether they are CHEAP, when they ex inline his Slock and hear h:s prices. He would return his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes by strict attention to business, to mi'rit a continuance of the same. Corner of Market and Gillespie St., Sept. 27. ;?i!-tf BANK OF CLARENDON. L.\NK CHECKS on the new I’.ank of ('larendmi. elegantly printed, for >,;ile at this Oftict*. Also, biank Notes on all the UaiiUs i)i ti'Wn, includ- inii the Bank of Clarendon. L iW BOORN. HARTON’S American t'riminal Law, new nnd third Edition; “ PreceIents of Indictments and Pleas; “ on the American Law of Homicide; “ Law Dictionary; ,Morri.s on the Law of Replevin; Troubat on Limited Partnersh'p; Wharton Stile's American Medical Jurisprudenoe, Just received bv E' J. H.VLE i SON. Dec. If. MrKF.T Fanny Fern's CLARK, just received. Dec. 22. New Book, E. J. HALE ROSE & SON. Methodist Hymns, various styles; i and Methodist Disciplines, just received. I E. J. HALE & SON. ■ Dec. T2. ^^SPEf'TFULLY i.ifnri;;s i- ' •» ! % jiuii'iic, that h“ h - ’ ' Brio’-! Rail iiti ' Ihf >'>' faCtUi’inj: ; liert patr>nage he has :lu- i: ■ .etr*'. t>o hopes b\ atrii't t*' '•'! ^!ii • desire to give satisfaction, to nuiit a ciniiiinance >>1 the Huine. He warrants his vvork to lie made of the best niHierial j and by experitncf d workmen in each br.tnch of th# i business. His work wiil compa’-e favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability He is determined to sell and do any work in his i line on as gooil terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand. Fimisreo, the 'LARGEST STOCK of j Carriages., BarourheSy Uockatcays^ ami I Buirt^ies. 1 Ever offered in this place, amt a very large stock finished daily. IS . - I work nearly finished, which will b« The Southern Harmony and Musical ah of which will be sol-l very low for Cash, or on Companion, new edition, enlarged and revised. A short time to punctual customers. ttrT" He has on further supply of this popular book just rec’d. hand more than ONE HUNDRED .AND FIFTY Vehi- E. J. HALE it SON. cles finished and in course of construction. Dec. 22. AH worl^made by him is warranted 12 months — — I with fair usage, and bhouUl it fail by bad workmanship I'OXES TALLOW CANDLES. Also, lot of PLAIN an.l FANCY WAX CAN- F:,r salo by W. 11. CARVER. 7. 51-tf Hio and Java Gotibe, lor sale hv W. H. CARVER ' ^V. 7 Ql-tf •Store, south-west WOODWARD. 4t-:ni I'l’lCiv PEItSd.NS I'L'llCliA.SI.N'fi H "• lect that 1 hav«iever ofle or SILK Rags, and will allow ;ne w'ill recol- .g for WO(>L ijr theai; but will give 2 ueuts per lb. lor all coarse bagging aud loose paper sennrute from the Rugs. D. MORPHY. Sept. lU, 1865. 36-tf a' Fay Cite title seitger Mjiae. riTHE NEW STEA.nIeR “MAGNOLIA” will leave X Fayetteville Tuesdays and Fridays at 15 minutes alter sunnse, and Wilmington Wednesdays and Satur days at o’colck. Passage $4. T. S, LUTTERLOH, June 14, 1856. 9-tf Blank Warrants tor sale here Prt'Nw lor ^|1HE Subscribers have for .sale an Imperial No. ^ Wushington Hand Press. 2d hand. It will be sola' cheap, deliverable in Petersburg, Va. It is said to be H good Press aud in good order, i June 4, 1855. E. J. HALE \ S(>N. I NO'i'lGE. I ^ iOL. N.\TH.VN K1N« is our authorized Agent to 1 make contracts for the df*Ii\ery of Lumber and j Timber and tor the pnrchnse of ('rude Turpentine, at I Iviugsbnrv. in Cumberland ('ountv. i ■ J.' i WADDILL. I .May ^2, 1855. ‘d-tf NEW LAW iiOOkS. ■^.VYLER’S Law (Hossary; Edwards on Bailments; snl)SCrib(M-Swill l>lircha*»e Spintu or materinl will be repaired free of charge. Turpentine, or make advances on consignmeuts to their Persons w.sfhing to bu\ won i o well to friends in Wiln'ington, or New York. C. T HATGH 4- SCNS. .\pril U, 1855. ' ?M»tf 'I Wharton’s United States State Trials. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 27. More LAW BOOKS. i^.\NDERS on U.ses and Trusts, vith .\meriean Notes, new edition. 2 Vols. in one; Williams on Personal Property, .\merican Note*; .\daTB’s E{uity. 2d Edition. ()iett»'r than the -id.;) Just received by E. J. ll.M.E ii SON. D®c. 22. Mcl.AUKlN .V S l itA.VGi; tH AVE ou hand, a large stock of superior .^PIRIT A. BARRELS, which they would sell at a reduced price for cash. Persons wishing to make engagements would do well to call on us before making engagements, as we warrant a good article. April 20, lHi')5. '.*5tf' ^ BANK CH^^^ call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received aud promj *ly attended to. Repairing executed at short noticb nnd on very reusona'ole terms. May 28, 1858. y8tf ~NE\V liOOKS. .'g^HE Topographical, Statistic .il, and Historical JL GAZETTEER »F S' OTLAM), 2 vo's. -\lso, further supplies of Rogei’s Thesaurus of Eng lish Words; The Hidden Path; (^leve Hall; Light and Darktie.'S, a Story of F.ashionable Life; Lorenzo Dow's Works; i>rr.nson’s K'ocution; The Student’s Speaker; Dossey’fi (’ludce: Sanders’. McGuffey’s, Park'i’s and other School Readers; Bullions’ and Smith's Kngtiah (}rammars; Emerson’s, Smith’s, Davies’ and other .\rithmeticfl; and School Books generall}’. E. J. HALE A SON. i Oct. 12- __43- Harper and Putnam for November, ' n«t received br E J- HALK &. SON