S E M I-W K B K L Y iaagm \«>L. \ fayetteviltj:, x. r., JAxrARV 1 [NO. 467.] I ft ,\rr;> \i«»n'1)\vs v\d i'iil u>^i) v\?» !:|)\V\I!1) .1, H\I,K .V SON. Kitirniis w'l) i‘iioi'iuh:Tt)iis. • : . it‘ •'ciiii-Woekly (^li'KHVKP yS ‘Kt it’]iui«l iu ,iU it I'uiJ iliirin}^ the vf'ar ot siilno iij)- 'ti'r tlif year lius t‘\nire l. , V t'K-‘KRvi--R xj ii» amiuiu. if i»:il.i 'ii • : SJ it jnii'l tliiriup tli»' "I Ki’t'srrij'- * ^ : Oil t!u' yoar hu' oj;pir«-il ;u'I iti-^rrtC'l f"i- sixty cents jut for the tir-'t. und thirty contf for ench ^ pM‘4ii'rtfimi. Vecirly lulvertiseiiunt.s by ir{>e- at rvsi^nUniiie rate . AvInerii-ier^ urr ! rt tie the iiu:ii:nT of in.'Orti'. n.-^ ilcsiretl. "V ■- 0-imimiei.l till furhi,!, uml charged iict'oril- Letter"- t-- the KJitor^ lui'.'-t be j'c.-'t-^'Hid. , rir-emeat- tii inserte.l i-hiirgoil .'>i jhm ■vtr:i. ii I'lU ST SAI.K. \ iriae »f a i)eel .if Trnst m.'ule to me oy the “to Kev. i' ';iu Mi'Ivi day .if Jamiury. 1> ie. I'rooet*'! i >vill at the sell «*undr . isiou .f s!i:d rnir.t- 1' V. KAV l»pc. lh-‘>.> •)U ^Vcdues■lay, ('otirt House in NKGKOilS, to Trustee tio-ts u> i 11 I UElGllTli\(; rili: l AI*t I'KAK KIVi^K. :;;* eting of the UoHt owners interested in nav- i! tM • i’a(.ie Feir River • etween Fay. tteville •- [). MoLrtUnn wu..- called lo the ’iiaii, ''rrel was ai-pointed J?ccretar\. r ill ..f James K. Marsh, a, I'^at tr.iui and alter tnc 1st uaj ui Janu- t uib «1H be retjuirt'd upoa tbe delivery I- rt’ights at .lin;n::t m and Favetteville re- M Ci.AKKNDOX IKON WORfCS, ! TON, X. C. A. H. VAXnOKKELKX, INopric'lor. f »uhMviber bttvin" puivlmtie.l tlie entire inter- fl Cbt in th« -n.Alir.SI)')N IKON WQKK^, ’ li*ita or.lers fi.r ^teain Kn}jine*. of any jiower or style. .''aw Mills ofevery vnriety. Mining Machinery and I’unips, (ffiHt :unl Flour Mill.-f, coniplute, Parker. Tur>)ine ami other Watci wljBolk, Kice-iiel'i I’uinpu and Eniiinei. I.eavitt's (’oiTi ainl Cob (.’rusher. Rice Thraahcrs. Shingle Machinc^. Shafting Uiingeri and Pullios, I’otton (fins and (juarinjr. Iron ’asfings of fill kindh nn.l |.altcrt.g, Rruys *• Locoinotivtt and Tubu’.Mr Flue and plain ("ylindir Koilers, * niacksmith wcrk of nil kiu'lr. Iron I>oors fur Houses an i Jails. THE hSTABLlSHMHM llH\iug been re-organiied for the expre-is pnrpoBe •! insuring punctuality iu the execution of all orders, the public niuy rest satisfieil that any work whk-h may offor will by })roniptly delivered at’cor.fing to proini?e, and of such workman.shlp a> cannot fail t.) give a«tii«- factii.n, THE MF» ilANK’Al, UKPAKTMF.NT Fifing in chavj^e of men of talrnts and experieuoo. 1 Jiave no he-itation in saying that ihe woi'k hereafter iurneil out, shall coniparo favorably in every re-ipect with that of the most celebrate.1 mi the States, ai. l at price- whieii •will make it t.; the int. rest of al! in want to »end me thoir orders. KEFAIR WORK Always done wit' out delay—au'i h-iving « large force for that purpose, it ^^ill prove advantageous to any ppison nee.ling such t.. give me ttie [..lelorence without, vegar-.l to expense .■!' fending sai\u- from a ■ listance. ' »rderi will l.e .I'idreise.i t.i “("arend. ;i ‘'.n 'VorKs, " ilnriu:r'on N (' A ii \ AMIuKkKLHN. > »« t I II. 0-1! SWLL I85.>. ; .1 .1 D. \\ iiliaiiis, . I'hut each of the 5^teanil)oat Comp.inies on ; r e ‘.r River, Iron* and after the 1st of Januar_., s... carry tjuauo irom SViluiington to I'ayette- .’ ;i-euts per b.t^. Lime at 2') cents }.er cask, / ,iud I’la.ster at oil cents per ca-K, and that a X t'IO.> Ok' 20 fL.hk. CK.N Ill printed au i estabiisued rates on .•\11 other wi.l be made fr.jm uuil after tuut a.ate, all . . and i>rayaf.e being paid by me shipper.'. m.'t; .n .f James Baiiivs, ..■s.iivvd, I'iiat tTko foregoing publislied in the -n papers. h M.'LAL’RIN, rhairmai) K >l ; trrell, Seo y. Me. -4, Iboj. oo-tf North Carolina Jieaders. 1^;iL I'n.lersigned are prepared t,; furnish, whole- sjt I -iud retail, -ry to , icr^ li.iokseller-:. .Merchants, Rook 1‘edlars. ana ol .^OKTII C AKOI.I '^A .L \tHuKS, -Nos. 1 and by I’rhi l^sou Hi huvU!., :.c L liiveraity of N'jrih L'aroiina. au.i No. by . N H. WiLET, Ksii- now tiuperiuteudeut of t'oin- . 'is. ‘‘I > jS. 1 an.I which arc new books, , '.;ed, We will han I a eopy gratis to any Teacher .y -1 ply. H. J. 11 \L1-: k St 'N. u I'Dlt .'•.M.ll. "I ;.esi ience on Harr.ngton llili I'eruis liber; JOHN t.'ROW. t^o-tt PKARCi: Fhiua sox VRK now Receiving ;;ieir F.\LI. niui *V1'.;tHR STlK'K of Foriegn and Domestic, Staple aud Fancy DRY GOODS, H\TS, C APS, Il001>i and With a general assortment • ; K£:Al>V-tIAi>i: CI.O it *4i \c-. To which tL«y invito tiic attention ot .Mercusutn, ilni Ladies and ail, au.i which tiie^ .tfer at l.UW i'lUi L.'' for CASH, or on Time t.. puiictiuwl .-'ist.imeis at 'Vh.i:es.i'e .^r Retail. H F. I'KAUCK. .1 1! Aug. I’T, ;ii,i-tf xi:\v K oi Books and rttationery. L are now receiving our u.-iua. N«w ."t. . k ol IJIM)KS an.I .'^TAT1i.>.NLR\ . en.i>r!ic:iig a variety of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MISCELLA.NKUl^ BOOKS. T.'gether with a large au i \ ii ■ d •: .ck > . lilank. iiouks, Paper, ♦‘i(i|ics, ovc. ro cox ruACTORS. l^iesUlent ui»d IHrectori* ar# now ready lo re- I cei?e proposid.s for oonatrueting the Fuyettevillo .V .UV>eniarle I’lank Road between Little’* Mill* in Richinonil County and .Albemarle in '^tunly f'ounty. and they invite projiosals for the following work: — Hection 1st. For constructing tlif Rond from Little'* Mill.s to Clark's ('reck, 1(> miles. Soe. 2'L For constructing Road from I'lurk's ('reek to the I’oe Doe River, 5 miles. Sec. '!d. For the oonstructioi: of n Urldj^t* across IVe Dee River. Sec. 4th. I'or the construction of the Koad from the I'ee iJee Rirer to-Aibemarle, miles. Prcpu-.als will be. received and considered for 'he Ciradi:i;j lui.i iiiaking all nece.ssary si.le ditches and I'ulverts fr.^ni thy I’ce Dee to Albetuarle, omitting planking. By a resolution of tlie St..ckiiobler.«, before the Presi dent and Direotors can enter into iheso coutracto an individual oubscripti'.m of ^^16,IK)') will have to bo made,—it ib asked that the friends of the work will eubmit iuoh birls, cither huHscribing or guaranteeing that am'i\int sp ;,s to en-.bli» the work at once to go on. .IAS. G. COOK, I’res t F. & V. 1*. R. Co. Oct. 25. 47-tf FWlilA' lilHI.KS. A LARliE Sti 'k. \iso, l’ock»-t Ribles and I’rtiver !4ooks. E. J. HALF S(»N. XKW IJOOkS. BKK('iirH)h'T, t.y the .Author of Henrtsease, isic; The I'livate Life of an Kastern King: Stray Leaves fr im the Rook of Nature; .\lcKeni’.ie't Miscella neous orks: Tlie (,’ontrast between Good and Bad Men, by t'ev. I>r. (Jardiuwr Spring. Also, furtiier ] supplie* of The G|-e.'it Iron AVheel; Alone; Heir of Redc’.itff: iierrian'^. Rarnps' and Thornton's Family I’rayers; Giliott’s 3Uo. I’eri-y’s Double Action, an.l many other kinds .if Steel Fens; rarinine hiks; Camel Hair I’enciU; ,c. K. J. K.\IK y .‘^I'N. N.a. I'J. J. .\. SMITH. UHiiLK-'ALh AND RLTAli DKALLK IN , DRiiiiSn M*aints; Oils; MPye-Stuttit; I■ InxisIIES; wixho vr.;l.i ss a m> Patt^\ I on : /'rtfumrri/; Fine Sooji.; Fiiii T-'i(h ana Hai" Jirushm', Ibuiihis; FitfJ iimi (riinit/i Sjyi'is', Siittn'.\ ^un/icai Instruin> nti\ I‘lift/it M' dic.i ntf. Part Liquors j\jr M lii- iiinl JFanci/ ArtiiUi, tl (' , l c. >»r.ler9 I'ri.ir I'ounti-y Plr. siciuns un.l Merchants re- . specttu'.ly s.)licite.i and perr'e. t satisfaetN.u gi..irauieeii. I both iu regard to quality an.l pr.f^e, SMl'lH. i»ruggi“' KlvMOVAL. TUO\L\.S him removed from Sliis former ^ • fltftud, near the Dobbin J;ou8i;, Hay .street, to the corner of Market snd Gil1e&pi‘ street, south-west (il the .Market House—recently iucnpi»*.l by .Mr. S. S. -Vrey—where he vvoiild be imppy to have his triends, and all iu want of good nn.J cheap Goods, call and examine his Stock, which v'oinprises Staple and Fancy Dry Giiods, Rea iy-niHde Tlothing, Hats, I'oots, Slioes, vVc.. .'i:c. S M. THOMAS. Auj;. i!y. 82-tf FOR SALK. •> Al'RF.h (it l,\n.l, milci- ironi Fay- Ni™ etteville, l_\ lug directly on the .'outii- ern I’lfiuk Ro:s L ntul on e:o h side of Rig Rockfish. (Jue I'f the best Turpentine sections in the countv, with conveui* nt ii))j)rove.'iie!!ts f'lr a family residence: with a .‘innli corn mil! on a nev(*r l':iilii!_g stre.am, an.l a firs* rale situation for a Turpcntiiie Distillery and Store. A. A. .McKETHAN. F.-b’v r>, 1K5--,. 7-2-tf J. .N. 4.''-If xorici:. /gIHE SURSl'RH'.LR has removed to M. SHAM'S NEW RL'ILDING, Gil lespie Stre»‘t. where he intemls .?ari'3’- in- on the T.1 B I.OK IRUSI- N F..''S in all It.', branclies Having had practical i-.\perie;ice In most of tiie .At lantic eiiies, he feel assui'ecl that he can pleas(> the most fa.stidiou.s. .\li orders will be execiits l with neat- 'patch. I’.. ND)NA«filI AN. March 28, 185;L 81-tf (HM IL. !IAV O., ll.W SIIIKKT, I'.WKTiKVll.l.t;, tRL now r'.'Ceivir'.K tlieir F Mil. .•^T> ' 1 .STAFLL un.l FA.NCV DKV (iOODS, In which may be I'liuii'i .^OR THL L.VDll.S: Plain col'd. 1‘laiii. Whit.' -in'l I’.'ack DoLAl.NF..';: ('\SHM!'.HKS at:.; MKl’.lNOS; I'luin uml Fig'd Fancy .and l!.:t.'k SiLKS. ( loth ^1.^NTLKS and ('L(*.AKS: Cloak CLUTI.; SKIRTS an! SKIRTING; Merino \ F.ST>-: aoNN'r.TS; KMl’.ROl DF.RIES -V.-, F'lil GL.nTL1;MEN'; iiat«; B ui.'- ;iud Vcs:iugs; rurtsiiiu'ro.*^; White, lUaok aim Fancy iStuck.^ and Ci'avats; iLcaJy-^I.ide Cluihiug, vVc. — Al.So.- Linsey*, Kerseys and I’laias, Blankets, Crogi-ns, Ta!ti« Cloths and Cov'Ts, Allen.la;e Sheetings, Children's Kid Glove*-. W.iu’ Sack.^ an.l C.mif rts. V.iuths' and B'ly's Clothing. Kuglisti an.) Italian ''rapes. Dimity, Em- Oroi.lery Silks and l’>raid>;. \ goo.l ass.irtment of L.olies . (ixntleuien's and Chiblren .s F.OOTS, ^HoLS. an t CiAl fLlt'^: «LOVKS. HOSIERY, -V.-. Sej)' I -tl LAl KIXIiUKGH HIGH SCHOOL. ^ II! K Tth Session of this School will commence on i I Tuesday the Hth day of January next, under the supervision ol the l»ev. Geo. H. Scott. M. of the I niv ersity of Edinburgh, (Scotland,) I’rincipal, assisted > y Mrs. Scott in t)ie I'riniftry Department. \lr. and Mrs. Scott have both made Teaching the business n' their lives; aud from the e.^perieuce which '-^rOC0ri€‘8, the Trustees have hud, duiing the past jear, of tbeii- zeal, fidelity, and PuccesK, in the discharge of the duties of their profe.sflion, they confidently .recommend them to Parents and Guardians, as pre-eminently quali- fieil by temper, talents, and acquirements for the in- structiim of students, in all the branches of an English, Scientific, (’las.«lcal, and Commercial Education. The Triisiees re.spectfully invite the public to a per sonal e.Kamination of the system pursuuU iu the School. Terms—!j!8, !s!12, and per Se«,sion of five months, (French included in the 3d grade without extra charge ) iioardcan be had with the uudersigned in the Boar:i- ing house belonging to the School or iu private larai- lies at ^B, per mouth. One half fees ami Board invariably paid in advance. I) (J. MciNTYRK, HuQ'y. L.iurinburgh, Richmond Co., N, C., I . Dec. 12, 1F55. j’ Fall and Winter Goodsi. J. or T, HAY STREET, A RE D6W receiTing their Fall and Winter GOODS eonilaiing of t largtt and well 8(*leeted stock of Hats and Caps, J lard ware. Cutlery, BlacksinithcV T ur- ppntine Tools, .Agricultural im- plcinont.s, IJoots a*..0. Shoes, Saddlery and Lea* ther. Heavy articles in tlio Druir line. Ready-made Clo- ihir.ii, and Siapie i)ry (jroods. CALL AXl) SETTLE. 4 LL I’ersons indebted to the subscriber either by \ Note or Account, are rt^quested to settle during the month of January, as longei- indulgence cannot be given. I liave on hand a lot of SADDLEiiV and H.ARNKSH WARE that 1 will sell low for Cash. M N. LEARV. Dec. 2L 64-lmpd Ii \v Xt'trru lilankfls, lvi'rs«‘Vs and Shoe* f.r'.ale’by H CARVEK N ov. 7 >1-11 \1AVA\S ON ll.\ND A-ND FoK SALK 4'IIK IP, A f.-KXFJ^AL ASSi >ICTMF\r OJ- [)\i\ (;OOl» AXi) (.KOCFRIFS, i 'A III 1 tlHtMit ul h»KLU..\ A.Sli 1mi>1KnIIi WINES and LIQUORS, Wiii.-h 1 ;;in anxious ... seii or exehang'' .-! a:.y U!i. ^ ( b:'U*r’s Fiiabridged i>ictioiiur\ .- . ..»i EV.ppaes just r-jc d. L. J. HALE >U.N. Country Mfivhaiits .i • v^■e "tier the ab .ve -it' Oct. b. •k ^.ther» ■ n the ' E, J. re ;nv:fe.i • ' terms. HALE A; SON. N. FAIJ. OF AHj acres laau for sale. L '.'^.-r :..'r sale, a :;.j.iy ot hue i'urpentiue Luu.Js. eontaining ai.out OMOU -Veres. *Uere ■ 1; r:- . ti crops of ii^ixes, u p.irtiuu .'1 winch lias .rKe.i "lie seasoii, aii 1 ijaiiucc two seusour. .eiiiy-tivc I'-bi. .■'tlii, With all tue necessary are euis, Nuii liug?, a;i;., to Carry on the lurpen- 'imss—eituate'i ill \ liujiieriaiid t^ouuty, auout units Iroui t ayeitwiile aU'i troui one to tUree rui-i ijiitle ver. e win ocil the aoove LauUs o n;o\ Ot .MAR^H. 6. lauO. 5‘J-Ow 1 itock of Fa W;n- LUr=>i, MoU'i.iy iu'l. :n »• as elle\liic, oi on llio lioad home, :i .dige i,aii l’0 kEI I’lOoK. cou- 'uiuiug a e'.u9i.,lera!i.« ;aaii itj, oi p:ipeiB, eiuoraciini .tee, RoCeipl*. auiou^ ^^nll;u tu« loiiov.in^ aie -Uliscribei ' N'Ue uia.le by Jiio. .'UR i« ;o ily-yne DoiiaJs uu.J s.'Jiie cents. ■lie ma-Je ijy .V. .V. .\lcivetiiaii an;! Duncau ilorri- ; I. t'.r leu Uoiiara au'i sonic cents. ■ Uie uiaae Ny Vximuui -Sic.Uiiiuu I"r leu Dollars,— .- ii IS paiU- ,) receipi jruiiJ Jno. 'luiii’./e, L •jIjsIh-.' «, .'or tiiret . ^^Laeuie. . « ■ receipts of Oiie uun.lie:l Dollars eaoti tor etock . trcuUou l>auU. ■ -k receipt lor i vs .j .luai'*!!! ol la 1.1. ■»' .1 oo.. ; >• ;.i. i«r wili tje suitably rc»tti.iud by leaving the u • WiUi I ,5^ .lotiusuu .If J. DauaS. DL.'»t .V.N SH.AV» . •'CC. -J, 16—). u'i»-tt Xo i ICE. \r December J ei in, ; '-j-'j, ...i the Court of I’ieas >!»■ juarter S‘.‘SSions nmbei biu l t oumy, the last and I'estaiiieiit ol Hfury Elliot was a.imilted to i ite and letters testamentary graUteU lo the un- giie.b -Vll pers.yus indebted to tue lestator are ; : -[ed to make an early p.'.yment. Those liaving . ir. ist present them in proper tiiiie or this noti-jo ■ p pleade l in bar. ALE.XANDER ELLIoT, • J. G. SHEl'HERD, i E are u iw receiving our ter Gouds, 1>KV CiUOl»S, Ui:Al)V-MA!>L fi.OlHl-NC, ii.ViS. CAl-S, -VM) Huving determine I ti reiin.jui-^h t-'n HVKDW.MlL TRADE, we otler our Stn: k at greatly re’iuce.l pr:. .- lor C.VMl, Our frien.ls who are behind han.l in ine;r paynients, are earnestly requeste.i to pav up. HALL \ ."'ACKLIT. August 27, ;"-tf iiVl'S, l’.U'S7 l5l)01'S .l\U SllUlii, FOR FA.1^C ^ VVi-N i lAi i 1{AUL. I -M. 3LB •'» • ; .^’li i\'uooMPs: .vi:is*aooEUi^: JC. THi.t-M.soN IS now recei\.ag his usuai as)orl- • ment of ttie most ajiproved styles of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, L.liilL.'s* lii.>Ki.\X Si.li'i'LU.V and (.'hildrcli s Shoes of vaiious .iejCnplion.^. —AL.-iO,- TRAVELLING umi I'ACKING TRLNK.-, an.l CAR- I’ET li-VGb, a.l of wiucii are oiiered for e on the . most reasonaijle terms. (J-d customers aud new ones arc respectlully invited to call aini examiue my stoCK ol tab au>t U inlet . (ioods. i Firsi come, first served. ' J. THOMSON, old Siand, I .MnrKef .s.innie. i Sept 3, iMoo. o.i-tt uum:ss f !•; ON WITH YOUK CLOTHING! Wake up Did 1 iiiiibrrliiiiil iiiitl the rcsl of )iiuikimll A. J. VVOODW AJll> RESi'i;CTFL’LLV inforvos his friends and the pub lic generally, that he has ju-'t retui'ne.l tron; thy .North, where tie purcbas>*iL and i*-' now receiving a LAKtiE ASSORT.MK.NT t)F Aft/' Ely ^lih .''ubscrili. ^ puljuc geiiei Seii or excltang'' I'.r Froduce Il i u .;iai;v sold in this .Niarket. V\. il. CAKVLR, ilii . Street, ne.ir llie .M.irket. o.-tl ^ ^ J'^stablLshment V% tl. \VATf^O.\. •r >\ou.d inltrui liis trieu'ln an.l the :i.;y, l.iat lie Ua' f.uipieiet his new er-i.iliii'iiment .jii .M.ixvieii street, near .Ur. E . V'iii- Kings' More: an t is n. w prep ire t D receive or lers tor 'A /i’ y’.N’. M J', / X, y > /.M i A, c., which shaii be pr..iinpi y e.\ecuteil. Ail w Ilk done iiy liim siiali t*e ot tlie tj*‘st workm.iti- siiij' ati'l materiHl mat tn« country can uttord. l\ Kt’A 11\ LS'> i»t :ili kiiiU-^ dou« with ucutuess an.-t lespatoli Aif?o, !>(-• will btnctly uUCn.it-l I.). N. R. -No pains wi.i oe spure.l to givo saiislnc*:.jU lo ilioae vvii.i nia_\ la^.jr uiiu with toe.r patrouage. r a^etteM.ie, .U .y * A MMRl i’ F.ARltEl.b. X L\'.^v.^ on h'tii.i and tor sale M me lowest mar- h.et price, SI I'LKlUR Sl'lKll ICVLllLLS. .}. \V. B.VlCER i- now vt'pi iviii;! iVoiii ;iie N-'rth ihe hivoi-'St, tiiiest, ;iud tiiosl carefully .-.-led stock ■ ililMTllit. ever oilered in thi.s inarivct; vMucii. a.Me.i to hit> own manul'.'icture, in ike.s liis as-^.irtnient «*ompietc; all ot which he w'lil seii "U the lowest p.'-'-ible letm-* toi cash or n tune to punct*; -c istom»’rs. Ffi-.uiuna.»e fainted cottage bel-rooin Furniture in sett-; curie.I hair :iu.l sliuos. and cotton .Mattre.'.ses; Looking l..;L-'se3; W .-..,ns au.i Cra,lles; Sl.i« Ro.iras; bureaus; Seci etai It - .in.1 11 , asi--. hat- N Its; r.Iti.es, all -ort'. v\ a-.h '^t.in.U; ( ainlie Stanos; U ur-troiies: rietiire 1 "ames amlUla's; in.tow Siiades; Cornices; Curtain i>an.ls; Sofas in .'laUogany anU Walnut; Tete a letes; tdtoinaiis; Divans and atoolo; Cha.r.s ol every varuty. ]• lue iv'j.sfwoud i’iaui's, uiio witLi ^'Kuliau At- tachiucut; Rosew’ood .NUtiO’tiaus, trom tiie ijel luanulac- tories in New \ork ainl i>oston, warranted as goi>U as any made in ilie country, an..i will be sold at N. Vorli prices—freight only ad'ted. ^25 REWARD! .\N.\WAY irora the subscriber, with her little Roy Isaac, a Negro Woman, EMILY by naiiie. Said womaii is about 'Ih years old, 5 feet 1 or o inches higii, ordinary size and dark complexion. Her cLild L''.\.\C’, is a likely boy about years old, ith large rolling eyes, and black complexion, and i-> n.it able to talk distinctly. Said negroes were purchased from one .Vlurtin who lives ;n Richmond. Va., thither they may make their way I will give Twenty-tive Dollars for the del'very ro me ot .said Negroes, or their confinement iu any jail where I can get them. 1 will iiiKO sjive for proof s;-“'li'.l*ni to convict any white person of harboring, cjo.it'uiing or enticing iiKuy ; aid .Negroes. T. RETHH.\. Gilopolis, Robeson Co., -N'. ('., D*-'. -2. 64-tf 7b TnrpentitiC, 'I'iniltcr^ 'Far and C'orn and Cotton Makers. FOR SALE. |i^ 4 k WITH the ciioicc of 18tX) acres of valuable • ""•JP L.\ND, situated twelve miles from Lum- berton, within three miles of Lumber Riv«»r, and on or very near the line of the Wilmington and Charlotte Rail Road. To persons engaged or desiring to engage in business of either of the above branches, this Land ju-esent.' unusual imluceinent'*. Growing a sufficient number ..f pines to cut seven tasks of boxes, and fur- nishinsf trees of sutticient size to make from 3 to 500 oticks of ton timber of 1 ()()(> feet each. In addition to this, it is considered as being excellent Farming Land — producing Gotton from *i to 12()0 lbs., to the -\cre. i'his Land is situatel on .\shpole Swamp, in a healthy and desiiable section of Robeson county, X. C. For terms, vVC., applj to M. E. McNElLL, Lumberton, N. C. Dec. 17, l>>-!>o. t)3-2mpd OVERSEER WAXl'El). f i'^llE aubscriotr will give goo.i wages to a competent Overseer, weli recouinicnde.i as to character and couipetcncy, to take charge of his Rose Hill I'lantation, near Fayetteville, for the ensuing year. Gne well ao- (juainted with making -Savai Stores, piarticularlj Tar, preicrre.l. JOHN H. ii.AL’GllION. i'ittsborough, Dec. ti3-tf TAKE XOTICE. 4 LL DERIS due me prior to this date must be settled immediately, «r they will be pUced in an This Sf,.jr.k we are prepared to Job or hevaC. Fayetieviiie, Oct. 2 i. Ib5i. l;^tf 8lQ^„ We a.sk ihe Plaaters and Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Nejro Rlankete, Hats and Sho€s. iikDlJCKlT l- AllB. Through Tickets between Wilmington, N. 0., and Balti more. Fare!?i8. Via Weldou, I'etersburg, Richmond, & Wash ington City, or via Weldon, rortsmoutii and NorfolK. Por Tickets apply at the Office pof the Wilmington and Raleigh liaii Road Company, at Wil mington, or at the Dffice *f the Baltimore Steana Packet Company, anii of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road wompanv, Pratt Street, Baltimore Jan. 1. 1862. f •Jiarbie Factory. i • • >1 i ^ 7 ; • ■-■ r. • ■* By GEO. LAUDER. TWO uooes IBUTIi C. T. HUGH & iiO.N’S STORE. Fayetteville, ilf. Jan’y 20, 18.W. 64ypd JUSr PUBLISHED, •IF .Vfir t*H€t Corrected Kdition of Devoreux’s Equity, VoL 2. flOR aoME years past this vclume of the Retorts of the Supreme Court of North Carolina has been out of print. The subscribers have printed a 2d edi tion. revised and corrected, which they will be happy to furnish lo such gentlemen of the profession as have incomplete sets. Orders are solicited. Should they be encouraged sufficiently by the sale of this volume, they propose to follow it by a re-print of Devereux’s 1st, 8d, and 4th Law, and Dev. at Battle’s 1st Law, all of which ar*.* out of print. E. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville Candy Manufactory. fBlHE subscriber still continues to manufacture a su- -M. perior article of plain and fancy C--VN’D1ES at the old stand, (No. f) (troen street, 3 doors North, of the .Market House,) where he would be happy to see bit old fri«>nd8 aud customers. CHARLES banks. 18.')3. 73tf .March oiticer's huu'ls for collection. Dec. liO. C. W. ANDREWS. b4-4w 80LTHERX PLAXK ROAD. i^aiHE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders iu the JL ^oatnern I’iauk Road Company will be held in the Towu Hull, in Fayetteville, on ThursUaj- the 17th day of January uext, at lli o'clock -M. W. McL. -McK.W, Sec’y. Dec.^il. 04-tni November l-3tl (i. \»lLHA.M^ Oi. .\l.iy C(L -11 i’ll-TV » 1 ii i* M. Ol FOXS GLaXO. -ciii.>eis are receiving their tall StoCK o! 4i O -*•« enii-iac;»i^‘ a laige ana general asaorliiient in tneir line, wi-icli tiie_) oUcr lo wnoles.iie i.uvei s at me i^iv,e»i mai Kel rales lor l.asu. Country Irouaoe, pa_) lug 0u.sloUici c- tiie usual creuit to proiujii ihe Corporaiioi Full lor Cu-'-n, at Aug. -J I'o Merchants ALcO, iiosl i\!ru\iuii Guano, ceni.s p-,i jKuini. lii-O. is.’io. Corporation Ifond^ oJ the 'I'oicn of i'aytltirilli for Sale! AUUEL Viii.l. lo an .Vci ol ine i>eiieral .Veseiuti.y of the Male ol .North Carolina, r itiiiei Dec. -o iMo-, autlniri7.iug the I'owii of l avettevuie to issue her uouui ii> tUc aiuount ol •'J'1IU,UU0, iu the aggre gate, lor ihc pui'pos*j ot jia_>i*jg her su!.»scripiion lo liie " esiern ftaii i\oua v.onipin\. T.icrefore, il i?! or iereti oy ti;e (.'ouiiuissioneis of i avetteville, that the 1 re:l^a^er oi the lowu receive sealed proposals, until the i'» ;i Novemher next, lor tUe purchase ol •j.jU.tiuK, in .sUuir> ol •'boOi' OuCli 01 s..id l>ouaa, or any ji.^iil tin-.reol. li.iuas lo luu twenty yenrs, vi Uli e oUj'on.s ;t.».tciieu,—luleivsl pjyuOic seuil- anniially. iJi‘ .s.»i i ilou i? sloii. lie UiiiU*' ue -sc.i; ol I’.d liiUiing oa tile tailU of the same. .\l NN .\,Ki,'h.', Tow il I'reasiiier. Sept. ‘Jtj, l>i56. Livery Stables. The underaigued coDtinae to carry on the LiV'EKV l^CSl- NESS at this place. They have lately largely increased their iLHock and can now otier to the ablic as good Horses, Carriages aud Dri vers as can be found in the S»outh ern country. IhankfuFrjr the large patron age heretofore extended to us, we solicit a continuation of the public favor. We promise a satisfactory trip to all who may wish to travel. StHhlPH at the West end of Mumford street, where one of the Proprietors may always be found, or at the Storf first door East of Mr. Lutterloh. J. W. POWERS & CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, 1853. 71tf LF'F FERi^Dil Oc cu'S LLNE, Por JRatisen^ers and Freight. ^TE.AMER F.\NNV LL'TTERL»JH leaves her wharf at Fayettfcvilie at sun-rise, on .Mondays and Thurs days, and at Wilmington on Tuesdays au.i Fridays 10 o’clock, A. .\L, (I’!i.'.^eiiger' and Freights.) Steamer Rowan (in good repaii,) ^vith good Flats, will run rej.,ulHrl_v for Freights. J. F. >l.\RSil, Agent Fayetteville. W . P. ELLIOTT, -\.gent vVi.mingioa, .lugu.st 7. IS.'j-j. 2otl ’The Mjurgesl Carriage Factory in the fSouth I LAW BOORS. on w \MLLi-V.Ma vV v\). oO-lt I and Manufacturcrb of 'I'm- M are. 11 'i \ L tin iiHii.i l..)W, ati'l flia'l keep a bUpjily o I'lii i lale, Iboek l':n, li'.iii Wire liiveis, Leuu i >pe, lieet Lead. .Ve. \ LSt )- XEW FAf.L cV W IXTI:R GOODS. .?f. TUO.U.iS Is Receiving, direct from New Voi k, a large and well seiecieu assortment of Staj>le :ind F;.uc-y })ry Goods, Iteai’y-.MaJe | Clottuag, Citp-s, liouuets, lioot.s, Sliofs, K(M’>oy.', lilaiikfts, To whicii he would Oilil the atieniioU oi the L.\D1LS, Ills irien.ts, and tlie I'nblic generally, — lo give bim a cail and e.'v.aniine liis Stock i>etore in.iking their pur- H.VRloN’S Americun Criminal Law, new and third Edition; Precedents of Indictments and Pleas; “ on the -\merican Law of Homicide; *• Law Dictionary; .Morris on the Law of Replevin: Troubat on Limited Partnership; Wharton .j Stile's .\meric.in -Medical Jurisprudcnoe, Just received \v E. J. H.\LK & .SON. Dec. K Fiiiiiiv Fern's Xew CL.-\KK, just I'Pceivfd. E. Dec. 2J. Rook, ROSE J HALE & SON A I'lrffe HS^ortnKMit of plain and Jaj-aned Tin Wnre chases. ID* ioten ls to let the People decide whether ■J'' (.ross •' I)'-, ..ng IbioKs. J-) V\\*l)sU‘r's I'Mement- W’tbater's i'ictorial I. HALF. SON. iozeu L. NEW Ji» 1b (.OOF>S. nv Fall anil W inter Stock Uiiii LKlKS. il\KD\V\Kh .VMI ( l.TI.KRF ■ ^-..o.Js Were ‘louglit late in the season, ami ’^'i-o ntly al reduced tirices. Mv stock of S500'r?i coiiipieti . embracing many kitids of /'«. Dlankets, Ker .se^vs, «ltc.; iia.ls, hne anil lilO.S. J. JOil.N'SoN, ^ M d Stnn.l, ii(:ai' the Cape Fear Hank and .Market place. ..2-tf kU liC'Ht '•'ie i V I'loiir 111 1'Ja ill). J»a^s. W. H. carver'. .')l tf Of thw late.st styles, which lie wi'.l s*-’.! eiieap lor ill-; St(.ck con^i-i'i ot TahiiaS, Ovt'T ('.'•U.-, Ffick Ju;*ts, )>usiii(‘ss ('uut.s. I'aiitri, Vt'ril.s, .Sim.' .'^tucks, (.Hov.s, -Vlso a bii ■ ; . i !’ie-l .'..jrtmenl ot liOVS CiA.U fitting sizes, for Youths Ir.ini 1 to iyeais old. j la^'" 1 Will manulactiire 1‘auts liii't \ ests an.l .' -t 1..; I persons wishing it il-jiie. i -N. have nia'le an ii,>;eiii.riit> witli a iio.ise in ■ New Voi'K t.) have Ciotliiiiii lu-i l’- I'l .n’d. r. ami loi/»e desirous of having ilieir ^ai iiifi.t.-- ni.inuiai'iui C't iii >eVN 'l orii. will please cai. ;:l . i.- sl'ne aii'l h.i'e liieli measures laKen. L\:imine my goods at tne Stori; one door east ol J. I'lioluson s 11.il an i ( ii corner ol .Viarlvet h.piare. FayettevilH', *bl. ii.1. of my ow:i .Maniii’acinre. at wholesale ami retail. C. W. .ANDREWS, Market Square. ' -March 1::, l^■■>-j. r^iv4tevi!ie ilolol. , . r I ^ il K Subscribers having this day leased this J Hotel lor a term of years, \.ill be jilea.-sed to see their friends and the travelling public at this Hon-^e. the same time we ho]>e they will be patient and bear '-viih onr imperfections until we shall have put the H.m^e in siich repair as we desire. they an, jireity, or, wiiether they arc CilEAP, when they exiinine his Stork and hear h.s prices. He would r.-tu.'n his sincere thanks tor the liberal jiair-inage horerofo;-*' e\te>.; i.-.l To h.m. ..ud liopes by strict r.tiviulon to tmsiness, to merit a cjnfinuance ot the shUie. Coiner .>f Mar\ei ,ind (i .llei'pie ■■'t., Sept. 'J7. -Ut-tf J H. J. II. i;.ini:ri' .Marcli 1, IS.'i. ROUKRTS Ai CO. F. N. R(ihkht.‘, HO-tr FOR SAl.E. of a 2, :!, and -1 horse Wagon, HE ri’.i'.iiing part eai-h with Iron .Vx'.es, new and ivaily for use. J. vV T. WaDDILL. \UiC.h 11, Ibj.'t. BAXR Ol- CLAREXDOX. BL.V.NK checks „n tlie new I5a;ik of Cinremlon. eieicantly printe.l, for sale at this Oifice. A so. biank Notes on ail ihe Hanks in town, inclu.l- ing the I’.aiik of Claren.lon. PrvnH tor ?'C^ME Snb.-'cribers have f' r sale in Imperial No.^ J 'A ftsliington tland Press, 2d hfind. It will be sold (;iieap. deliverable in I’elersiiarg, \ a. It i.s said to be Metijodist Hyiniis, viinous styles; and Methodist Disciplines, just received, E. J. H.\LK i SON. Dec. 2-1. Southorii Hannoijy and .Vlusicnl Companion, new edition, enlari^od and revisoJ. .V further supplr of this popular book just rec’d. E. J. HALE A SON. Dee. '2-. riit* subscribers w ill |>urcl»a»je Spirits Tui'pentine. or ma'i^e Hitvances on consignments to their friends iu W ilmiugton, or New ^ ork. C. T. HAIGH 4 SONS. -\pril V*. IH.u'j. 9((tf good Pres.s and i: Jiine 1 “' ••'i. jod order. F. J. HALE .V SON. A. ■). W 111 n- est n n> \\ D. 1 i-.jUl i:o.\ES TALLOW CANDLES. A;^... a lot of PLAIN and FANCY W A.\ (’AN- i r sale by W. H. CARVER. 7. 01-tf iiiid Java Cotl’ee, for sale by W. H. CAK'kiiii- V . il-tf XOFiCE. 1BERS( tNS i'L RCH.VSlNt* 1. led that 1 have never olU . or sILK Rags, and will ailow .io.nii-o Will give Ii cents per lb. lor all coiU'ke bagging an loose paper sepa.ute trom the Rag^. ,ie will recoi- . lor OOL i^r luein; but li^itmi»ti;[ii>n *'5* iayetlfviHe i*as~ sfu^er JLinv, fi'iHE NEW Sl'E.WlER “.MAtiNOLlA” will leave U F'avetteville Tues'lays and triilays at lo minutes alter sunrise, and W iliuiiigt'in V\ odnesdays and Salur- duvs at o'colcW. Passage 5>1. l\ S. LI TTERLOH y-tf XOFiC’E. IL. N.V I'HAN KING is onr autliori/.ed Agent lo make conliacts for the .lelivery of Lumber aud I'imher and for tlie p’lrcha.-'e ot ( rude Turpentine, at Kingsbury, in Cumberland County. V \ Mftv ’J'i, IHj.'). WADDILL. c5-tf Sept. 1'2, D. MLKPiiV. wO-tf June 14, 1855. Blank W arrants for iule h©re i XEW LAW liOOkS. IIAYLER S Law (Hossary; Edwards on Bailments; W harton’i United States Si-ile Trials. E, -(. hale .t SUN. Oct. 27. More LAW BOOKS. J.V.SDHR.S on Lses and Trusts, with --^tneri.an * Notes, new edition, - Vols. in one; Williams on Personal Property, AmcnoHn .Notes; .\dai*s’s Eijuit}, 2‘1 Edition, (belter than the :'d.;j Just received by E. J- H.\LE & SON. Dec. L-i. Mcl.AFiilX cV SFR.V-XGE .\VL on hati'l, a large stock ot sujierior SPIRIT BARRELS, which they would sell at a reduced ! price for cash. Persons wishing to make engagements ■ wouhi do well to call'on us beforo making engagements. ■ as we warrant a good tirticle. -Vjiril -U, 1-Sf>i>. U^iit A. McKETliAA ESPECTFULLY inforn.s his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for manu facturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material I aud by experienced workmen in each branch of th» business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neat ne;-'s and durability He is determined to sell and do any work in bis line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well don«. He now has on hand, FiuiSHfcO, the LARGEST STOCK of Carrla^ts, Baroiu hts^ Uockawuys, and Jhi£r^ttS, Ever offrtre.l in tiiis place, and a very large stock, of work nearly finished, which will Vie finished daily. .-Ill of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. JfcKT* He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in course of (on^tri'ction. jgygf" All work made by nim is warranted l2montha With fair usage, nnd should it tail by bad workmanship or material will >»e repaire.l D'eo ot charge. Persons wishing to buy woniu do well to call and ex.'mine for themselves. ()rderH than kill lly received and p romp ily attendad to. Repairing execute.! at K.iort notice m l on very I re'4Sonabl« termH May2H, 1W5H. XEW liOOKS. ^IIE Topographical. .Statistical, an.l Historical JL GAZETTEEH of SCOTLAND. 2 vois. -\lso, further supplies of Roget s ihesaurus of Eng lish Words; The Hi.Men Path; Cieve Hall; Light and Darkness, a Storv of Fashionable Lite; Lorenit# Dow h Works; Bronson’.s E ocution; The Student s Speaker, Dossey s Choice; Sanders'. .Mctiutiey s, Parker s and other School Reailers; P.ullious aud Smith's Kughsh Grammars; Einertou's, Smith s. D.ivie- and other \rithmctics; and School Books gener illy E. J half Oct. 12- SON. 43- HAXK (UlECKS. — — - j Karper and Futnaiu for November, ' nit rec«iv»d by *’• H.\LE SON

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