S RMI-W BEK L, Y. \ Ol,. V. FAYF/rTFAHJ.K, i\. C., .lANT ARV 10. 18f)(). (NO. 168.] M \VI> TnrKSOAVS- FJ)\V \KI) J. ini.K it SON. KlUTOUS am* rROl'RIKTOUS. I, I.',- the Somi-Wefkly Oh>*krvf.ti 00 it'luud iu .. '‘O if 'luring tho year ''f siO't^t'rip- , ^1' Nl .ifter th*‘ your hu'; exjuroii. Woi-kly ('*HSVKVKU >:JI 00 per aunuin, if ]>;ud in it jijiiil 'luriiiix the yoar of aubscrip- or > i Oi,t alter the your has expired. \'!'UT1>KMF\'1’S insprtpil for sixty cents per • i'i liu»'.s fur the fir'll, and thirty cents for enoli , I- !'n,u pnhlicdtion. Vi'tirly advertisements by spe- , (' 'ntnu ts. nt reasonable rates. Advertisers are .. vt,>d to st.ne the nunibor of insertions desired, or , ■. «' *^0 ('■■utinned till forbid, find charced nroonl- Letters to th'V'dit(>r' must be post-piiid. V iverti^ernents t'^ b>- iiisert^’d m.iirlt’. cliarged oO per ■ ; o\tr I. If¥illr Off A’ Timber WA\Ti:i). North Caroi.ixa Arsenal, ) Fayetteville, Dec. *27, IS55. j FROI'OSALS will be received at tlii.s .\rscnal until the loth of Fob'y, 1851'., for t’uruishinp; the follow ing bill of Tiniber: — riuisT SAu:. B\ virtue of two Deeds of Trust made to me by Neill and ('olin McFadyen, for purposes therein con tained, 1 shfill proceed to sell oti tho premises, in the vicinity of Kingsbury, in thecouniy of Cumberbuid, on Wednesday, the -od day of .lanuiiry, ISoG, eight head of mules, - Hoises, one Koud uinl one Timber Wagon, , one Buggy and Harness, and the stock of Cattle and I— (n fj! ffn)ieach nf t\\i‘ f'ollninttij F*ie- Hogs, llouseholtl and Kitchen Furniture, one likely Negro Woman and Child, one (’ircular Saw .Steam Mill of horse-power with a new and return llue boilei", all complete and in prime oi’der. Also the Real F.stato, contjiiniug ItlOO acres of heavy timbered land, on which arc comfortable buildings and a snug little farm. (?ale positive, and terms accommodating. Further particulars at Sale. W. McL. McKAY, Trustee. Dec. :^1, IBo'). G5-ts res, vt~:— inchev l.oHt. thick. 2 pieces, each h4 13.t 8 While Oak 4 “ o4 loi S “• 2 •• tjt) 13i 8 “ 1 “ *;i4 15 11.'i 1 “ 34 lU i,| 1 “ >34 in lui 2 '• 11 1 1 34 8 8 4 •• 180 15* fii 2 •• .■)4 d;.‘ H “ .54 ITi inj 2 - 54 20i 8i l?i:X.IA.M!N R. Hl SKi:, ATTO K \ K V AT I. % W, FAYF/rTKVTLLP:, N. V. I^VAV be found at the Offif'e formerly occupied by -»■- Walter A. Huske, Esn., on How .Street Will attend the Counties of Moore, Cumberland und Robeson. And obtain Bounty i.,and and Pensions under the various acts. March 15, 1855. Hhf H'l'W.K LlNi: i'VotH to Salem. ANDKPAV ATTOBVFV H -■WIN'O removet to I’ittsbo: S rFDMAX. AT LAW, ■ ugb, N. (I, will At tend regularly, the ('ourts of Chatham. Moore, and Harnett Counties. April 10. '.I-tf 7 I'OK iS.VLK CMKAl’. SF.COND HAND BUGGIES in good repair. a: a. McKETHAN Making 16,^5y 7G-1*>0 feet, ti ftU, to be compofed each of the foil on-iny Piecc-i, t-u;— Inche* » ilk-. Inches thick NOTICI'.. I tlHK K.-v. Daniel .John.-on. !ite Principal of the | D.'tialdson Ai »demy, having ficcepfed a situntion j 't'where, the Tru.-f-i t'le ->ohool are desirous to | ;i .-IV -I «.uitJi''io t;ont!ein ir. t.' ta.iP charge of the In- Tho bni;.i.n^> ui i\ -e len.-ed fur a term of | I’ri'p iMiN wi!! received at Fayetteville ti'. j 1 unti; the i'.nh o*’ this month. lU'N.'.VMlN KOIUNSON. Pres t I")''. '‘7- , r ' !r: iu and AvuU' Ji. ri) vwE \(vrHKs Ol' /’’.ti'u aihl ('roas (*rt>'k , i ^h Dt >.N.\ I.D ciTors himself as .i randidate j 'I 7',I If elected, promises to i vitii tile law. an i perform the duties of said ; ,• bC't i‘f liis (bility. '. t)7-t(> .1. \l'( rio.v SAl.KS. -H^Ll. otler at public sal*‘ at Kingsbury, ou Thursd ay. L’tth in«f , and tho d iy following at the ■>1- iit.'igue plai'e, east ■>ide of tl .4 iio" 1 of tine W'.rk Mule^. neail 'if Hiir-^v-i. 1 H 'Tse ( :rt? .\nd natures, - K '•! 1 and Tiiu'ier Wa^rons \'i 1 rue V •i. ,pr-il ■ I'ape Fear River, ■f-t-i .if t'O'iper"' nnl lUacWsmiths’ tools; ' an.i Kitchen rurniiuro; Wheat Tiiresber . 01 'took Hogs, ■ iiuJ 1 "'O or t;U iioaJ o! .. > . valuable milch Cows . '’'iv rfiioois. a:o. a;o I'MH-.s aci nimodaTiMir NAri!A\ KING. Agl. J.iH. 4. iH-'iii. t>7-ts If not sold previous'y. the owners will otTer n^^;hiiry oi, the tirt lay of the sale ;.t public au> - !i>ehol.l 1 Vnn. ■ A'.- ■. Pa'.e t SI (iAR riHD." JO rO'-i' . !>■ iioi si: molas.sks. surierior Suj;ar-Huu«e Molasses, ju- I an i t"r "^ale .1 (i C*OK. iCAXAW.W MH'»M the enipl .yment nf the S'Ul -. riber. cu Wed- ne* lay the ’Jd lay i’' .l uri i.y. i- .i>‘gro boy ' .. ;: .o 1 ('foh-i't-d by the ’U'’e Fear r’-ver N.ivigit; ■%; fr ^m .1. H. Hun .iv ''i’-- t • th pr'ipi’Vty of .1. 1>. Ww is. o* S ( ari'’;i; i i .'.em; t t I ::i .ke h's w t'. ' li i Wi'.lis' hoi.-. . i.e^ro ‘itn'ut o iVoi iii' !ies hiirh. h. i 'in v he”. I I'Ti .'I ' Tuv white hat un'l a I'r'ick coat ■ . : i'- tf Hful's §*(tUnt i hronontrter Untfine: IM i' « .in iMi lor whi h l.etirri IViient I ■ .r- irr-ite.l t ' Ji ill.\ \ RKKll. ' \‘ u \ '.tK Jnii.U. l-.V. 1 it lii;' ll.'ii'r ivciiit nt •’ ti'i'N in the mcrcH^*- nf pmver • : , 1.’. i!!'| rr.1-; -'I :li'- wt-isilil •'!’in- Kei^sne une 'iili' : - •- -is; i' ■ rt’"*- :-.l ' . le:'.ni; iin' ''.fiiii in nn ti"'.h lid**' r ill'' .u' '.z‘ ”1 tf-’ li ’!"!. i>!iil tiHlMnrine the ' ... ' :-,il Wf U'li' "I' -."I*- ' iH*-'. ••• ' '*tr>2 r 111' A; 'i’hi- i \ ‘td n" - m ;. 'N 111 li tiii.rc I'lir-.?' Hid P'o '.y ‘ u ■ . II ; :ii . i| ii}'. 11! ; 111' hi"i»-r v\i!h .h • ’V' I : n:. T l I:I/.K \I. u the ;re»i .r*- ■' .'i.: S■■ VI 1.:. 1 th,-in i'"« 2 pieces, each 1(M> 4* •> » 4 40 13i 3i \ 50 1 o' •> .• 50 0 6 4 50 40 4 “ •> *4 7‘* U 0 2 3-10 1 3-5 •• 2 “ 4o 1 13-100 •• 4(i 5 1 Li-UKJ “ Large eiui, ^ 132 i li, H Small * \ •■'i •J 30 2| Hickory. 1 7*’i li Oak,' 0 «» 78 5 \ 84 tj 1 50 r, 6 1 40 4 3 1 14 4 U •“ 1 42 2 13-100 “ 1 42 5 n :y 1(5 14 Rouu'l ’* tl-'6 0‘» 2 * ‘ 27 ■J” 3i 8 00 17 1 31-100'I J 8 44 17 1 81-100 [ = 4 2"' 17 1 81-100 rs 8 tly H 2 ' ^ 4 41 20 i 31-100 Oak. 4 42 17i 2 * ‘ 1 42 20' i m.ikinj C 915* 7^-l‘0 feet 2 (•' } to.'h rf the t'->UoH '1.7 err' — in' ln« 1 :• i:e5 2 pieees. ear'll Qi' H ■ 4 •* 1 50 li li 1 4-} 1 60 e 2 “ 40 3} 1 1 J 10 1 40 .3 0 *t 4 4.M 8 ij 42 H 4 3*; •ii 1:^ * “ 2 *• 3'-. 2 i'-. . 1 22 U 1 40 u 1 M) a' M 2 44 1’ 1 I 44 Pi 1 2 4H 4 2 1 42 10 H W.'ilnut. 1 42 12 1. .. VAi.i ABi.H i>kopi:ktv fOFFKR for sale, my L.VNDS in tiie Town of Fay etteville, about 1:50 .\cres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .About '*^0 .Acres of it is fine Meadow Lund, as the Crop now on it will show. Also, the %'3tlual>l«‘ ISri‘k Hiit I..ot near the M.irket Square, occupieii by Mr. .John X. Pemberton. .A Large and V aluable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, ■Maj.well and Mumfortl iStreets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—oou.d be divided into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High School Buildings. .Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford .Street. .Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT.S ou both Wiiisliiw and Muiutonl Street.^. ■U1 this property cm now be purchased on favora- b'e terms, an i a large part can remain on Bond and Mortgage it Jec.red. THO. ,J. CCRTIS. Oct. 10. lKo.">. 4S-tf W HUSKH. ATTOKNHV \T LAW, AM) CLERK AND MASTER IN EQUITY Faykttevillk, N. C., May be found at the Equity Office, in ihe ('ourt House. Sept. 22, 1855. 38-tf •'5’IHE Proprietors take pleasure in iut arming the 3 public, that they have commenced running their tri-weelily line of Stages, on the Plaiik Road, from Siilem to Fayetteville. They have piocurcd good Stock, new Coaches, careful and accommodating Drivci'.s, and no pains will be spared to render passen gers coin!'(irtable. A sy.siem of tiirough-tickets with tho contractors on the Wytheville and Reidsville Roads, for the con venience of passengers bound to Wytheville, Va.. or the Picilmont Springs, in Stokes Countv, has also been alopted. WHITE .t STAFFORD June 2(, 1855. 24tf ' | Fayetteville Mutunl Insurance Cnmjmni^. \ i4/i Ah^tract nf the Secomd Ann nal REPORT j of (he President and Directors: j Policies issued past year 524, whole number issued I 1233, covering property amounting to $2,12^5,353 X» I Foliciea cancelled and expired 851,085 60 ( NOTICK. R. WILLI.AM J. BllOWN' is our authorized agent .tf 8. to receive payments, nn'l grant discharges for auv Book accoiiuta we have iu the countv of Robeson. •I. T. WADDILL .lune 1, 1855. 7tf luwv'liiNi)i:uY. HW. H.ARDIE hfls resumed the Book P.inding • Business, over the Tailor Sh.'p of Clark i Wnci'vurd, where be will rei.'t>iv« ani exectite blndiujj in any style desired. Augu»t J. :i7-tf Now Method tor ihe Ciuitai\ bv Charles C. Converse; Hunten s liistructions for the Piano Forte; liurrowes Piano Forte I’limmer. Fur ther supplier just received E. J. H.ALE ."i SON. Nov. U>. H. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. Amount now insured s?l,274,717 34 Gunii’s Domostic .\Iedicine, or Poor Man’s Friend. ,A further supply of this Faniilv Med- ic.il liooksjust rec'd ly E. J. HALE ,y .^UN. MLSiC. A NEW supply lor the Pijino Forre, just rec'd. ‘ E. J. HALE 4- SON. o under Journal office. Dfc. 12. .Amount of Premium Notes “ expired & oanc«lled “ . “ now on hand 316,333 36 I 126,174 0,3 ! 4H-tf JOSEPH BAKER, .Jr., ATTOK^fKl AT I. A W , AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wrieht> I Law office on (ireen Street. H« will uitend and i ^ practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber I ■ land, Bladen, Robesou and Sampson. ■ March 23, 185.*?, 79-ff II $189,859 Increase during last year Premium notes averaging 14 8.*^ ’00 percent, on the amount insured, the actual cos: of Insurance during the year averaging less than j per cent. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand last report •‘i)772 8y “ for Premiums received 6,103 2S “ for Policies, Surveys & transfers 337 '* for Rent 70 (>o HV: art fiotr 7't'ceirin^ and expect to keep j tip n lartrf stoch of Groceries. i WK OFFER P.UiS Cot!''o — Rio. Laguira and Java, ;ffee, cr^sh'J ji: pow J’d, 15 Jlhdi. Sugars, '0 •• M i’:i‘»Mes, 1 ,(*'xj 'acks Salt, 75 Sii^'irs,— 1'J5 i’.'igs .‘''!; t, t5 K»'g« Pow Jer, 20 HhJ'J. N'e.itein Bacon, LMs. N. C. “ oO.O^Xl .Segurs, a.xsort?.! qualitiei, IW Boipo Cheese. With pverj oth'r artic’.e in our line. All of which we V ill dispose of low for C.ASH, or exchange for pro duce or naval stores. D. .IS W McLAURIN. ,May2i. 3-tf FHOS. H. TH.LINGHASr, I BOOKBM.VnER, AnJttrson Street^ >>ppo»ite \orfh nf E J. Hale i Son’s Bookstore ! %MUSIC, Magazines, and all descriptions of Books ; are boun'l in ail btyles in the best and most Kubhtantial niinuer, ou term^, the satne as at any place in the .Sijufli. Persons wishing to know the prices of bin'iing, will be iupplied wiiii a list person ally or by letter. Sept. 25, lb55. 89-tf DISBURSEMENTS. Cash paid C. H. Sneed, fire loss $850 oO “ “ Lot and balance Office building 1,450 OO “Salaries 1,530 00 “ “State Tni 100 00 “ “ Contingent expenses '^75 62 “ “ Premiums returned 2'J 65 1 111 0 1 1 •J ' ' SI • . - Ki'. m tiii' iir.- I H E'ii: Sl.S ! •j.m ■) ,! III.- '.ze- !‘r • i: 1 I'* :>• in n>e, f"r w x v Kunh»*r inti>rinaii*»n May h».l I liir 'pl\ Til! If j'»l 4UII .V H) vhuri.-'^i ntuue h 'nl ilurabio U KKl). i*\\ ^ nrk. ‘.O Em! Jnn'y D. W. (■ JiKN'HOW, J). I). S., firaduate of the IJaltiuiore C'ollee of I) K V r \ L .s I K (. !•: K \ . .V. M to 1 p. p. ,M. to 5 p. M. IjPi. P> E N B O in:iv be foun‘1 at his Room i -ir the .Market, where ^!1 wlin ure in nei'd of the • rvices of a Dftiti.-^t iro re-jpectfully invited to call. \ . ' j'crati'iii.' perf'irm>‘d ■ ’ 1 'Vod pl-i®. T ■ tl^l■^ I'M would '-imiiiy ;■ :.i r':.voment. He in.sert> Oflice h iur.- from the and moai I ,n ni—I of , It'ti/icial ■ ny that he is bchin'l in no imm one to nn entire set vv»k ''lie Go! t or Plutina plate, .vhich he guarantees ' ''I* e.. . lily ijerviceablp as the natural organs. He spt-ii i- uii,e montiiy of each year ia this pluce. I'rom 1st "t i)ct . til the 1st of July.) Sept. 2‘.v ‘ 4n-tf (tOEi)SBORor(ai FioiiAi.s: 4 ^ I ^ U F, third .Session of thi? In: tutifin commcnce.s on J Wednssday, the .id of -lau y and ends on the i 'if June, 1 ^'55. Pijv. JAS. H. BHENT, .V. 1)., President. ' M'iROAs Ci.os«, late of Chapel Hill, Pr.ifohsur of Mathematics. And a full corps of Teachers in every branch i; >ard. inchi'ling Wa‘;hing. Lights, Fuel, .^c., ^ per .session, •'j'OO 00 i ' tion in Primiuy Department, •‘SlO 00 j Lii.atc* Department, •■^20 00 :iO 42 10 ;io '•50 57 :U 44 32 oO 32 32 '.J 30 10 36 14 30 no 108 108 60 40 40 38 40 100 IttS 104 104 10 40 30 40 108 108 42 lis 42 l(t8 5> 56 40 72 ;> 4C 46 Large end “ Small end j fS fll2 f5j 4 3tt 10 32 2i -4 2t V 24 •-■t 1 t •-ii 15 OA 3 6 5 A 4 4 lU 21'^ Hi 10* i.i 24 5i 3 2* I 9 4;^ 2 3-10 5 4^ 3'i 14 in Walnut. ■J Oak. i •• i ■■ Hickory 2 t hk 3 •• 1 •• 1 “ 1 “ .] alnut. 1^3‘-lo) • 1 :t8-lt>tt • 1} n I iil-loti Oak. 4 0 6J 5 “ 4 2J • ;i 1| ) :;8-lnu •• II H 1 1 38-HM) 2 (bik. 1 “ 3 " 3 • 3 •• U “ 1'i Wiilnut. { Oak. 0 « 4 3A “ 1 3-6 “ 1 13-I0f> 1 13-1 (XI 4* “ 3^ “ 2^ Hickory Round Oak. Wlnt •I.WIKS IvVTTk II .AS juiJt received a large and 'jeneral assortment iPit 1* fmoons. .Amonit which ire, 050 pieces Dress DeLains, Fren h and Enjrli-h Merino, Plain Merino, real Freni;h. Por.'i:in I'liith'':. P.lack ai'i t'lilore 1 Silk“, li’ish Liui.n?-. all Flax, j li'ic C!,., Napkins, ('arpeting. vei\ oiieiiji, CaUcoe.s. well assorlcl. Kerseys and Linseys, Silk. Woolen and Cotton Hose, Ladies Twiste.iSilk Mitts^ Dres.' iTimming.s. xa., v'cc. All ('f whii-b b“ing j'urchr.sed by the package for Cii^-h, will be 'ill’eto 1 at the lowest market price for rn'h. or nn tiijie to pay'ng customer'^. .“^ept. 27, l'''>5. 39-tf I AEI. SI PPLV. wm. Ml^llll iM^Urill'311(ALS. JAMES F. FOULKES, Ba>/ Sfni't, neur the Fnyettfi iUt Hotrl, ^ ^ ESPECTFl’LLV asks the attention of his cu.stomers and friends to his LAR(iE and COMPLETE STOCK of DIU (iS, MKDICINES and (’HEMICALS, which he is now receiving, and is deter mined to sell at such low prices as cjinnot fail to give satisfaction. It will be his aim to sell .Medicines that can be depended upon. Give him a call before making-your purchases. Sept. 12, 185'5. i>7-tf T. c. WOK rn, GENERAL COMMISSION MEliCHANT, WlLMINdTOX, N. ' Usual advances ma le on consignmeuts of C jtton, Nftval Stores, an 1 other Pro la'-e. Particular attention given by 1. W D.\VIS to pur- cbns.ng Oargoes, pricuring Freightn f >r Vessels, .vc. Jan'y 17, 1855. oi-tf K. M. Olifu:I.L, .f f’€' TIO.Vi: E ti AND 4’oiiiiiii«*§ioii .Tiereliant. April tl, 1>''55. VO-tf w. p. ELLio rr, General Commission unJ Eorinjritin;/ Me^rhnnt WILMLViJTON, X. C. June 10, Bala«c» To-wit: Cash loaned out on Bond and Secuiity, (on demand,) S2,250 00 Cash in Bank and in hands of Agents 6b STOP PHE TIHEI ! ^TOLEN from my Lot in Richmond Counts, on Sun day night last, toy ID^USF,. Siiid horse was an iron-gray or brownish color; he had marks of gear on him, and his fore-top cut ofT very short: bo wus sho^ i>*il,275~07 i walked fast, is a good trotter, and would pace, there was a white mark tm his biick, nn the right si'le, about sis or eight inches; si(u ire: ai-^o, a small wart on the right side, n little below thi- wiiitt mark. The horse was taken by a man calling himself John Campbell, who snya he was raised in Pitt county, nnd has been in this neigb.borhuod a^'ouf two years; he is h Cooper by tnde, and says he ii-is worke'i ii. Tu; tine all his life time: he is a littit* r"’n;i'i -?ii.-'ul'i(‘ e i. has >t st')ut b'i'ly f.ir a saia ' m iti ati ' v ■■ ' -j as mHch as i st it.-'i, 1^5 or 1 >0 n i.ic i-; 1. :i ■ mean look, is v. ;y f.mi of c .iiji.i:iy. ai. 1 . conver^ition has n goi-d de.ii o! ti.u ne.in,> i;i;\ . witli it. 1 will pay S' O for the de’.irery ol the Il 'i se. or ^-'i .> for the thief. M, N. CAMPDt:!-L. Montpelier, Richmond county, C. I will also rewaril aiy person for any i;rorm i!i'in tha'. will lead !•) the reC'ivery of either. M N I' Sep. Hi, 1'^55 30 tf S4,346 27 S2.537 40 4t» -»:2,r37 40 ASSETS. Casii on ittteresl and in Bank. Jc. Rent due Real E'tate, paying 13 per cent S2,987 40 190 00 1,800 00 84,927 40 189.859 33 •SI94.786 73 NO riCE. A LL persons indebted to H, A McSwain. nnd also those having accounts with Drs. McSwain ..'c Mc Duffie. will please call at their office and s>*ttle, as we intend closing our books annually. .NIr. W. Whitehed'i will attend to settlements in our absence. T>ec. 17. 62 Im Premium Notes on haivl .Amount Cajiital to meet any losses In cf iic’usion, the President an 1 D'.ref*tors congratu late th'? members and the public on the very fortuBate and aucceasful oj'eratioHs of the (!onipnny the past year. We have met with no loss since 7th March, 18'il, I'Snee'l'h. 1—un’‘>‘"S it be the ca«e of Stranglaus Einst'n at Kiii-t. n, wh se St re was blown up—a veiy cxtrannhu irij —it is still unler invewtigation. L NKAV linOKS. ONGFELLOWS HIAWATHA; The Old Home stead; Lsora's Child. Curious Stories ahout Fairies; ■M'Cobh OH Divine* Gnvernmeut; Leighton's Works; Jewett’s (>!:en‘lorff: .^pier's and .''urwnne’s French an.i Eng’ish Dicti'inary : Bolmar's Collotiuial Pn.ase.s; (rreeti’.eaf's .Arithmetics and Keys: ij''’-. Further suyjplies of the above just received. E. J. HALE SON. 1854. 4tf .1. c. poi:. 22 17 4 44 17 ■> “ 22 17 1 “ 69 3 2 “ 1» -0 42 17i 2 2 “ 42 20 }, “ Making 2.707 36 100 feet. These may be gotten in two piece.s, if one piece :a “ 1 31-HK) Wlnt 1 31-10(^ “ 1 31-KM) 2 Oak. 1 31-100 “ me hun'ired dollars will cove, ail cxpcn.es of the | cannot be gotten withotit heart. * If iu two pieces, the .1 nrname.i.nl ' dimensions lo by 6, nnd lU by 5 '!i ’n the Collegiate roJr»o niid all oruameiitul i’I '. 'n primaiy dcj.nrtmont 'hargP'l the usual] ■ ' i ir 1 i iiamental braii‘bes. >ne half jiayablc in ■ -P.Cl'. I i ;u -e L' turcs • ;» Bcitutific subjects will be delivere.l li iji’'ritti. 'N f lire ipi’tking i*very eflfurt to reii'Jc)' the .School tlie i r'- In :^'UiintiigeH nn.l fftieapneb.s, auJ pledge to reduce r '!i i multiply the ndvrtntages in prnjmrtion to w •f ]iatr'iii ige. vvc lilt. I I.I ■/rl !'0 !)IS’ When our number of pupil.* lie to icduce ihe price*» ling us, is aI«o ai'liug in ’ 1- e luc: *‘i il v.'iliiill tllF '.'.r • . 'fo. 'j:!i.-i- ili'.pled SUppo t Wi !■ e.iiitiuuf'i F'«r t.irtLui IviH .jt tiie faculty. O' i-;, I'rt. s’l stMckhoid‘‘TM. 57-lf ' pav the hi^iieRf c.if-h prict ff: SPIKITJS i.!'.*-i.N ri-N'E. and reijuest Distiiler.s to give ‘ w len In I'itirket. J, « Tj WADiJlLL. Juue 20, 1855. 8tf fThese pieces must be from young trees, str.aight grained, and entirely free from knots or crack'. +To be bored through in the centre from end to end, with 1J inch auger. The whole of the above timber munt be sawed nccu- rately to Oimenstona, except the following: — 126 pieces 32 by 3^ by 2, 112 pieces 32 by 8i by 2, which uuty be sawed or riven, nnd must be young, ' and straight grained. It must all be cut from thrifty trees, felled between i the 15th of June nnd the 15th of August, and must be i straight gr-iined, tough, free from large or unsound i kuoi-, iipiittt, wind-shakes, heart or sap. No old or ' brush timber will be received. ■ It must be delivered at this .\rsenal ou or before the i 31st of l>ecember 1850, and when delivered to be clote- ’ ly in.spected by the undersigued, or some per.son 11 u- ! thorized by him. Bids may be made for the whole amount, or for a I portion, always embracing a complete number of sets. Further information may be obtained on npplicatiou to the undersigned. ; T. T. S. LAIDLEV, : [65tlF] Brevet Major U. 8 X., Com’dg. 1 BLA.NivS lor sale at this Office NOTICE. f I'^HE notes and nccounts due to ,Tno. M. Beasley, I are in the haivN of Wm. McL. McKay for col lection, as longer indulgence icHl not b« given, it is hoped this i.otice will be sufficient to save costs. JOHN ,M. BEASLRY June 25, 18o5. 12tf EKENCH BERIl MHJ. STONES, MARRAXTED. ri^HE .‘'ubscribers inform their J friomls nnd the public that thev make to order FKi:.\€ll Bl KK STO.\*KS^ warr.mted to be of the best rjuality, being made from Burr Blocks of their own importation from the France. They also keep for sale (!(IL0(INH:. ESdl’lS and I’OCALICO MILL STO.NES, B0LT1N(. CLOTH and CALCINED PLASTER. F'rom the Senior Partner’s long experience iu the late firm of Egenton. Morriss iSc Co., of which he was a meml)er, and their determination to give satis faction, they assure customers their or>Iers sh.tll be faithfully and promptly executed. WILLIAM HOGG A SON, S. E. Corner of North nml Centre St*., opposite the Baltimore & Susiiuehunna R. R. Depot, lialtimore. May 29, 1855. 6-ypd DEALEK IN STAPI.E vV EANCV DRY GOOUS HAT.S, CAPS, BOOTj^, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. I'urticular attention pai'.l to Ladies’ Dress Goods and ; Trimmings. i Street, Eii^>‘ttti'ilft, X. ('. ■Mav'20, 1>55. 4-tt JOSEPH R. blossom’ c: o n n I %sio \ AND FOR \V A \im Si} M i: lie I [ A ST, ,y. t\ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ■ ments, and Cash advances made ou Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. ‘ 67y T. C. n. G. WORTH, ~ Coiiiniissioii Forwarding Merchaiiti*, ■ BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET. ' Wiliiiiii^loii, IV. V. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. 63-tf CHARI.ES BANKS, c o.y'F E€:t r o.VB R, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreifjn Fruits, Xlits, Cigars, Tobacco, Snuji', d-e Fayetteville, N, C. March 1, 1853. 73tf G. W. \Vl LLI AM S 4- CO. jjj^^AVE just received a large and well selected us- A. A. J. (i. The Ib’i’ ^:ng Directors w^re electe'l f..r next year; (feo. Mc.N“iii, II. L Myiover. Chas. BeuViow. Henry Liiiy, Jas. Kyis, .S. W. fi.linghast, S. T. Hawley, P. S. Lutietloh, Wni. ^lcLHUl 'n, N. .A. Ste iu. in, J. O. .■■hepherl, S J. H;n>!nle. I*. .A Ray, >T. D. 'M'liams, Mi'Kethiin, J. M Cook. .\ E Ha!l, .A. W. .S ,eel, ' 1' 'k; un'l R. F. Brown of Wilmington. h OFFkER-': i (.iEO. MrNK.lLL, President. H. L. .MVKoVER, Vice Pres, lent. .A. McMillan, .'Secretary. J. (1. r^HbPHEIlD, .Attorney. Effutice Comvmlfe for next ^>uar1fr: '' Geo. .Mc.Ncill. S. W. Tillinghast, Wm. .McLanrin. .May ■-!, I^55. 4 \ iiolse.' rAVi:TTi:% iLLi:, r. East siift: o/’ (wrfeu Str-et, a /'i tr Doors Xvrth of th*’ Marki^t // ' lit ' rBHIE .Subscriber desires through this nieiium fo ackn'iwlflge the liberal, patronage bestowe.i upon his House the jiast year—and as he has just ereotcj New .•Sfntie.s and Carriage Shed conrenieut to the 11 •u.'«e and tu water he takes plea.sure iu .saying fo h; { .itr':is and the public generally, that he is still ( re; are 1 to a.•com modate them with transient an 1 pertnniioiit board, an'l respectfully solicit.s a continuam'e of the liberol [".itr'in- age heret .'fore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used to render them cumfortablo during tiieir sojourn with him. His table is always supplied w;th the best the market affords. P. .«HEMWFLL. M.arch 24. 1855. Sri-tf FOR RENT. rg^HAT convenient situation, with Dwelling and out ML Houses, belonging to Miss E. HyOart. is ofTer«*d for Rent. Pos.ses«ion given tlje 1st .Fari'x imxt -Also, a two story Dwi-llin'' Hou«e and an i-nprove.i Lot on Rowan street, belonging to C. Mont;i'.:ue. I'sq , Posse?sioii gi'en on application. For terms anplv to U .\1. Bo\V. Nov 17tii 51-tf ^EN wanted. .0^4k OR 100 MEN wanted on the Western Pail ^ ► Road, to work on .Sections 2 and 3, near Fayettcvi;le. The location is heaiifiy, and the highest w:iges will be paid. Hlll.VM PAHDKE. Sept. 21. 1855. 38- JONES'.s EQl l rV. \TOLUME 1, just received aud for sale by E .1. HAI F,'\- SiiN. *J()U C'asks I'rcsli fiiint*. ('nlciiii'd Plaster. Pbistering Hair and Cement. Mackerel ari'l Herring, bv J. W. PuWEllS Co. Ajri: 19! 9:'.tf N or ICE. A LL th «se indebted to us previous U> iIk* 1st Janu- * m ary will call and settle either by note or cash, and ob!ige us. .McDON ALD iS: Wfl VLEY. N. B. A good assortment of S.AI>DLES .\ND H AR- .NF.'-.S nlw.'iys on haii'l for cnsh or on time to punctual uierx. 1, r«tf best quarries FOR SAI.E. I *ff ilftiuretf Prices, for C*tSU\ or on SMiOKT •250 nmm, biro^i'hes, Rockaways and Buggies JF E VERy DESCRIPTJUN, AN^ of which are finished, and the balance being ^VH. finished daily. Among which are many New and Beautiful styles, and one \ ERV FINE C.ARRIAGE. Some of them very light, and all maile in the best manner and of the best materials. My facilities for doing Carriage work are GRE.ATER than any establish ment South, and i can nlford aud am determined to sell work of the BEST .iU VLITY ms low as it can be built for by any one sortment of HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer chants. March 17, 1855 81- Worth~& ITtley, Forwarding; and General Coitiniission MERCHAN rS, FayetteriUe, J. A. WORTH. (7’2tl ) JOS. t’TLET, f as7 DEALER IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, ; READY-.MADE CUrrillNG, ; HATS, CAPS, BONNETS. BOOTS AND SHOES. ; SHEETINGS, COTTON YARN'S, KERSEYS, I BLANKETS, &c.. vVc. j Corner Market and Gillespie .St., Fayetteville, N. C. j Dec. 17, 1855. 62-tf 1 s]^0^*0 STOCKr~ Starr Williams .ARE now receiving their SECOND PUR('H.A.^E of FILL m \vi\T!:ii iiiiv laioi)^. BOOTS, SHOES, H V PS, CAPS, BONNETS, UMKllELLAS, AND I Ready-Made Ciothiug, .And have no hesit'ition in saying it is the L.\KrK.'^T and MOST DESIP..ABLE stock now in mi ket;Hud ft^fthosr' who rtro in^lobted t» me will ple.ase ! having been purchased nt greatly reduce i j., n-es from pay up. as my btsiness requires my out-standing debts ; tbe early part of the season will be offered fo Duyers to be collected. Feb. 3, 1855, A. A. McKETHAN. 72-tf on terms that canuot fail to please. 1 Oct. 26. 47-tf PI AH\S. i^ORCE and Suction Pumps, Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe. For sale by C. W. ANDREWS, Market S luare. March 30.' 83-tf Florida Lnnd Aomk v. fjHIHE undersigneil has established an .AGENTA* in JL the town of Alligator, Columbia Couiity, Florida, for the PURCHASE, SALL or LOCATION’’of LAND WARRANTS, the PURCHASE and S A I.E of LAN DS generally, improved or unimproveJ. The fact now being established that a Rail Ros'l is to Vie constrticted immediately, connecting the .Atlantic au'i the Gulf of Mexico, running tnrough the entire length ot this (bounty, east and west: und in view o) the great fertility of our soil, the unusually fine growth of pine timber on the land, the heaithfuluess of the climate, and the rea.sonable terms on which lands can now be obtained, there is perhaps no section of the Union which offers equal inducements to the emigrant from the other States. Having had some experience in farming ou tho dif ferent kinds of land, au'i acquired a general iiuowledg*- of them throughout the County; and having acquire'! unusual facilities for pointing out such a.s are for saie. either of public or privnte lands, he feels very ,:oiifi- dent of rriaking it the interest of all persons wi-ihin.; information, or who may have determiuwd to settle'iii Florida lo call ou him. WILL. t). JtFFKEVS. Reftrences: Hon. E. C. Cabell, "j Hon. A. E. .Maxwell, v Tallabnssee, Fla. Hon. David S. Walker, State Reg., j Dr. S. C. Bruce, | v r> 11. C. -McLean, Esq., / C. Dr, Mallett \ Fayetteville, N. C. Kev. (leo. .McNeill, j Messrs. W. .\I. Lawton .Sc Co., (Charleston, S. C. June 27, 1S5.'>. IT.-Y ' (tRoc:ei;h:s and hardw are. fl'^HE .subscriber has in Store a good assnrtment of : 1^ Goods in the CROCERY and HARDWAKE LINE: i all of which will be srdd whole'^ale or retail, or bar- ^ tered for country produce, oti terms the novst reason able. .A s.nail lot of S.VDDLERY for sale cheap. Give us a cfJI. G. W. 1. GOLDSTON. N. 1>. \ny of my friends in the country having busi- ne.ss to transai t iti this place, such as renewals, iS:c , can have it done on the usual terms, by sending same to my care. G, W". I. G. i Fayettevillo, Sept. 27, 18,>o. 39tf No'rici:. •'■IHE siibsi'i’ilier having purchased the st'jck of ins- S terial nt the Carriacre est.il'li'^hment fortneriy ocoupie.l by Mr. \. H. Whittled, intends carry inir on the C'arriua:**- He solicits a snare of the liberal patroinige bestowed ca.j-riH^e shops gon'Tally. He ii:is now on hun'i verv HANDSOME VEiUCI^ES. Whir-ii ■ Miin'it be surpi‘->ed in i.io place fir sryb.' of finish an l diirnoility. which h*- will sell as low a'- miy w«>rk of the kin'l cun be bought in the place. orders tliauKluliy rt'ceiveil an'l promptly !itteii'lt- l t.'. RKP.MlllNG done in the be't manner an i on v- ■ . rea.-'innli e teinis. ! Give him a call before buj'ing eb- -.^ here. I ' .1. D. CALI.AI^. Fs-\ettevllle, Feb’v 3. i2-f 'Pill' i’reshstcrian l‘s;ilnirtfii.''.i; a cnl- '“ctiv'ii 'it tu'ies for the Presiiyterian t’hu'ch .V fur- ther fiUi i'ly jijst rec d. L. J H .LF. S'>.N L OhFT.R f^^rar IaOnth for VmIuabli- pi 111! 1"i 'Ti ' IV n il a‘ above F«.'ett-'v”! tiie "I '' lU fi.r sab- tout th'- •• 'iS. 1 L 1 '. Ill the I'ape il S ith-.;i Ki'i !lLNi*Ur'.l' -v.TV Fear i> •: tmiir-. iii'I u'Cf"pt ■ tj CU'tlV .tioii. I'ljis ill i ri‘‘! .vri')wn to e •.;_• ■ est !:ir ■■ Kiver. Ter:iis will be niai sort of piii'chaser is inuii't. Feb. 6. 1^55. sitist.ici irv T. S J. X 1 u 111: T. ^ %\ \\’ y)\. ii.)i !.s, )OI. Cur led with 'lisp-ich at lilount’s Creek Ftictorv. SHEETINGS, )snaburgs, t'octon Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNETl.T.. .June 18.S4. ‘ T-tf 4 VEKV d'.' i a convenient the town. App l»- 2'i. I OK lit.ST. rable D veli.i.L', r*‘i'e!itl;, '■ iHt, wii'i 'I'lt hous'js, near th ' oar to • I. ■ • Mf\ b II1. 'i-Ml i Bank Checks tor s.tie at uiis OUice.