a-W K K M 1. Y. \. FAYKTTF.VIIJJ:. N. C., .lANrvUY \ i. (NO. 469.] NilN ' i -1. itSD.W S i -rsDX. '. 'I K T ' H . vT'.VK;. 0> it'in ' tSe vi*!r nf sab^oi-ip- [ = CxpiV‘‘J. j - ill.num. if jr.iJ ill ! • th»> yt‘!ir of siil'scrip- | 'i‘i' c \f ii ed. I !..r sixty c*-iU! {XT j : I 'ri v «Mitt‘-.r chi-h i y ^ ’vi-r’i-jfiMcnts liy «]>♦>- i r-iit's, VclvtTtisors ;iro ' V i 11'(•)•! ions •lopiro'^. or ilil. Hi; 1 accor'i- - v.i-.T I'O j‘- '! r,. T I'liiii'ipil "f the , ^ r V -V :0'l -I situ itioii > i d' sir ■,i*s to ! . * Vi-i:-' '1*' t1'.* fn- 1 !i form "t' ■ 1 '■ F'-. \ ottovil!f >i_, ,f 'iionth, 11'IUN>>N. Prt'h’t 99Vi*fe Oak Timber N\ AN'n:!). Noinu Cauoi.isa AnsK.NA.1,. l'ayi-tt(‘vil!«‘. l*er 'J7, I?'')') |lKol‘OSAL.' { ^sill >)»! nt tlu^ ArsoiKit uritil tlu* loth of FcVi'y, for t'uniivh ng iho full.'« - ’•ill ot‘ Tiinticr: — S4^tA, to }jf-' f Ku h ‘t' t\\f> /■.Ih I'f , viz:~ Ifich&Ji l.c nii Inc he- rtu e III. t,rn 2 piece-i. each s4 l‘H s t .31 K 2 ‘ ‘ t, r, 13i b 1 •* *34 lo' 3U 1 •• S4 lU 1 •• *31 i’4 lOt 2 ’• 36 11 1 •• :-U H 4 •• ISO 15* 2 •• 54 I6‘ 2 “ .'I 17i DH 2 ‘ • 5-} 20j Making 15.05y Vi hiti' (Ink ’I'.-KHi feet. ttt. t> comp',.-fd ^li'h of th' I'oUii'cini/ /’i-'ce.f, InrhH'i Ii.!i2. Inrhn w.li*. Inrh.-s thirh pieres, ♦•ach lt>0 10 50 50 o*j 40 J‘> }0 •I'’ 13.^ 9* I.nrpe etui, 1 j.,,, Small wild, t “*■ \ \: \ t 5 i'i'KS OF ■ ^ ■ ' ■ ,'- ' -li H Cfllidi t f promisPi to . : : I; ;-.r!!i. ii;t> .lutios .if #;iid f’T-te r!i)\ s\!.i:s. 1 -> 1 1 1 1 1 ) t6?. 80 ^4 60 40 14 42 4.' 16 8_* H •J 8-10 ■-’r 6 c fi, 4 i 'I • 6 ' G ?i 4 •M 1 '3-0 ‘ 1 13-100' 1 1?!-100 4* 3i 2i h H t3 i'iu sr V Mitiie (it twi. l>, eiN .)f I’ruut to nu! Sy Neill .'did Ciiliii 'fci'Hdycri, ?'iir thotrin ciifi- j tiiint‘1, I shnll ] r.i('(..d Im sp'I on th> prc-nisos. in fho j vii ii ity -t Kiti^sbuiy, in th^Moiuity 'if t'nmlirrlKnd, on M'*‘ilnPsdH\, tln> 'J8d dtiy >.t‘ .iHiiiiiiry, 1^5*). eichf head i)f - Hiiisfs. ntic U.c’id hiuI '.>111' Timber Wa;on, nt.; Hii''.;y and H:iriK-“s, n!;d the stuck nf ('tittle siiid Hill'S. llDiiaehi.ni i.iid Kitchen Fursiiturc. one likely Nt'jro "'V.iTniin 'in 1 ','hiid, une (’iri'ii’iir Suw Steam 'li'! d:’ .‘!'i Imr-ie |.owit wiili ;i new nnd return flu»* t>i>ihr. all eniiiiilftc luid iis j.riiiie order. .Also tlie ! Ke;il K«:)it'.‘, CiMituiniijg liilMi iicres ol heuv^ liinlnTfd : l.'iii'l, on wiiicli i»ie (.•DinCirtHlile builditi^i iiii'l it snuj; ' little fti~i!i. iiu'.iiivc. tin I terir)'! acc n)iiii(idai'ijjr Fiiriher pdi'ticiilnr' at ShIc. W. Mclj. McKAY, Trust'jo. l)ec. XI, IS.'.ri. tJo-t*! FOU SAI.K CiIF>\l». 7SF.(;i)N'f> HAND HU'iOlF^S in ^ood r-.-pnii'. A. A. McKKTMAJ^ VMA WWA'] PUOFFK rV e ott ’ S uFFKR for sale, luji L\M>S in the Town of Fay- K ettevilio, nhiiu- ir^ii \i'r>*s, known af» tbo MURIFORD SWAMP. Ah vUt bl Vi TC* .-f It i.‘ IlOVT .ill '' li: Y SSrn'k Store and ‘juirr, iici' ipied by .Mr. John j}i:NJAMI\ U MFSKi:, % r r o It ^ r. v v r i. \ , I-AVKTTKVILl.}-:, X. (\ AV b« foniid fit the OiVue formally Wnlrer A. JIuike. Ffiq.. H'l’s^ Street 'Vill fttiend the ’(>vinti(M ul Moore. t'u'u>ier',aTi 1 iind IvoiM-son. And o'di.imi hi mutr l.niid mid E'eiisl)Ti un 1-r the >ariouu arts Mnrrli If), 1H.^.^, '^lit ANi»in:\\ J. s'i’fdmax, nTdiivtv \T inv. \VIN«: reiudved to ritts>u.ioii)ih, \ 0 , Nvi’.l iit- STA(.K \AS\: IV 'om M'aiti'ttt’viHe to Sul^-tn. II tend retfularly, th> ('ouri (lud H.arnett 'ountie«;. April 10 !if ('hiithftm. Miior*'. \V \. ULSKF, att()hnm:v at law, AVD ri.KKK AND MASTFH IV EQI'ITF. Fatkttkvillk, \. Mftv be fouud .at the Fqnity Oihoa. ir ihe Court IToude S«>pr 2‘2. 18.jo. ’ tine Me.idow Land, us ihMl'ryp -V'sii, tiu' 2‘2. 18.'.o. IT, rglHF I’roprietors take p!ea*!ure. in inf.irniinp the s5 pith'i''. thiit ihey hnvc commenred runiiitip: thi-ir K'l-weoklv lin'> nf Stiis'e^. riv the I'lnrik Ro»id, frnm |.. Fayetteville. They hav^ piocnred ijood Stock, new (’ii.aches, cftrcfnl und aerommodatinp Driver-^, Ht. 1 no p.-in!? will >ie spared to render paseeii- ^;et ^ A of fhroniih-tifkets with the contractors on the U vthevil'e ntid Hejfisville Rond«, for the con venience Ilf piiMSeii^o:''^ bound to Wythevillw, V» , or ! the Fiedmoiit Springs, in Stokes f'ouiitv, has :ilso been adopted. WHITR xHTAFFr)RP .Tune -J9. 24tf Fiivetlrrillc Mutual itisuroncn ('ornpmiy. An Jhi^/ract o/thc Secon(f Aununl REPOR T f)J th^ Prrfitlcnt ami lUrectors: I Policies issued past year o24, whole number issued rj;-!;}, covvrine property amounting ti »2.! 2*i,”53 IKJ Policies oancellod hnd expired 851,ii>5 66 NOTICE. nR. WILLIAM J. BROWN is our aatboriied agent to i-e*eive payments, and grant discharj^es for ftBV Book accounts we have in the county of Robeson. J. i T WADDILL. Juiie 1, 1855. Ttf itu*)ok”¥i nI) fh y^” VN. ITARDIE has resumed the Book Binding Business, over the Tailor Sbop of Clark A W oodward, where he will receiv* ani execute bidding in any stylo deaireJ. Auijubt 1 *i7-tf il. Non Method for ilie (luitar, by rtinrles C. Converse; Htinten’s Instructions for the Piano Forte; Burrowes’ Piano Forte Primmer. Fur ther supplies jusi received E. J. H ALE SOS. Nov. l\i Hiciiory. I >ak. 1 i H ■2 I?. 1. Hiji.a d Uk.1 I ^"u ei ; U r, ,,:v • >1: King'j'iury. d'ly foliiiwinff at tL Ft&r K.vcr,— :,i Bifli'ksmiih-*' tool’?; titrc- vVhoHt TLre*her St CW ihiii?, ilic'ildilli ) ..r 60 ’e milch . U 3; 1 21-irv ! SI 100 1 3i-iL'0 2.; 1: •• 44 17 •* •• 17 *i " 69 -3^ 2 ' 4 •• 41 'JO iSMO'jOak 4 •• 42 17* 2 4 ” 4'J 20 * “ matin? 6,915 7‘-l(X' feat. 2 iiti, :o be cr --^i'0!'cl iach of (he foUoumj Pifcei. liz:— Iticr'-s ■ III) Ir.cbr“i iM'le. Intiie' tbkh 1 '11 i.i- .t: an KlNi , wii' ottVr ' i. c r.t public iiuc vi V M, \SSK>. ■ Ifuus- M %sses, just .i yji. COOii. *5"- - piece*, each 1 A N \ \S \ \ 11 V. i, ■:her. o;i Wi-d- .. nej:*" ’"'v ;.r> ('tii' Fear Hun'j.y. lur- ;iIll-i: 'I'.d I 10 l! V, Ml 1:1 , .itW. t|i. i^uitiiiiiiri i 1 i. : l.'i v_ Rf.i.ii, 1. ! - . .Nov. V.-rk f.7 >. 1» •> , College ot K i: f ; !ind ' P M. llif-ra if the • ■ c «! i. • -.1 ^ 111 I.l"SC .Ir.'ifitittl ill in ' iiivii' 11' • • V nU eui’.i'' wii,!V'i he ifiuiranteeH :uo !i itur .1 .r.::ia'- li .■••■1. ia 1111" pliico, .1'. : i'l-tf i ij. f.iiniinjii' os on • *, ".i-.'l ( n,|i on the + 11-’ f5« 4 1!., !: : 1 Hi :, Prol'e- > ill fcvei’v brsiich L.^bto, I'ucd, lo , 90 f'O 90 fO 40 40 40 •IH 35 36 4^ 22 40 36 41 44 ■iH 4-J 42 3H 4‘J p: 36 SO 57 34 U .'2 ■42 00 M I'i 3*> 14 .?•' Ik] 1 10« i'iO 40 4U 38 10 100 108 1U4 104 10 40 “ 3G IG ICK 108 42 18 42 “ lO.H •• 50 •• 5ti 40 72 .1 'I V'> 40 Lnr^re «nd \ ^3^ f'laiul end j 30 10 32 27 “ 22 il 6 'i 10 3 Si 9* •i .-i 4' 10 1-.’ V I'l J -i 0 4.^ 24 ::4 14 21* ].*. 3 t’l .si 4t 4 4 1 U 21 lU 10 li 24 5i 8t Si H 6 3^ 3* 3 H 1* u It u 1 1 ri 1; li u nt*;.r thu Mrirket Penibertoii. ^ I.iirv'e (ind Va'.UHt.le I.^.t. fronting on I>onaldson, Nfaxweii ainl .Muuiford .'^ireei^, known as the Hotel Ci irden Lot.—co;ii i be divided into several Building j,r,t«_ very ntitr the new Femalo Hi^h School Biiildingb. tiie Sirtb e Lot adjoiuing, frontiiip; on Mimiford Street Severn’ nK'^IRARI.F P.LILDINO LOTS on both \tnnifori Strerr*. A ' riii-i property c;in now be })urch)me | on favora- b'e ;erui.‘», and a iHrj^e pari can remain on Bond and 'I •rtgn^o if dcilri'd THO. J Cl RTIS. I Id. I'J. 43 tf Hi ,irt tiuu- jft'f it iNa'anJ expect to k'tt fj up a hir^c y-iuck' of Orocenes. UK OFFER B \G.S C liiee Rio, L»gttlr« iOiJ J*v», Hh.l« SiijTiirB, Zi? •* \1 Mtisses, 1,000 acks ^al*. 7 '» BbN Suirars.—coff**, i powj’d, I'.’o :i"t. 4.‘> Keps I’owdtr, 2m Hlu'.i. W estern Bacou. 3,5'i;' LM.-. N. “ 60,000 SexHr-J, assorted qualiiies, li.lO H.ixe** •'h“e'«, With pvery oth-fr article in oui* line. .VH of which we will lisp, so 01 lu» lor (Wsjil, or fxcb.aujie for pro duce or iiHVrtl storej. I>. A W .McLAl'RlS. Mhv 23 8-tf O I.. IIOI.MK.s. Attorney at Law, Wilmingtoiij N. C. FFItT in Corner Amount now insured $1,271,717 34 Gunn’s Domestic .Medicine, n»r Poor Man'g Friend. A further supply of this Faroily Med ical Rooks just rec’d i>y K- J H VLE 4“ sf)N. MVSIC. A SEW supply for the Piano Forte, just rec’d. rlL ' E. J. HALE ^ SON. ■ f Front and Princess jtreet. un'ler Joviri;al office. 1*^0. 12. .\Uioun; of Premiuiu Notes >• •'eiipirei caiiottlled noT> on h.and 4s-tf STOP TUF THIFF! ^^TOLEN from my Lot in Richmond County, on 8uii- day ni"ht last, my HORSE. Said horse was an iron-pray or brownish color: be had marks of gear on him, and his fore-top cut off very short; be was shoil $01 275 U7 I O'* walked fust, ia a good trotter, and 31 30 12«,47.4 03 $lsn.8’>9 33 JOSFPH ftAKFl^, Jk., \ I'l'o K V i: % \ I' I. \ w, \S taken un otJu e next door to W'm. B. Wrijjht • Law otfiop on Oreen Street. He will attend and pt actice in the County ai’.'I Superior Comtti of 'unjber land. lUaden, R-.fiegon an.1 Sampson. -March 23. 1.'^'.3. 70-tf Increase during la«t year , Premium notes avei'Hging 14 S* :Ou percent on the 1 '^ould pace; there was n white mark on his back, on amount insured, the actual cost of Insurance during ! ri>;ht sid*, about six or eight inches square; also. II the ye:ir averaging less *han J per oeat. RECtlPTH Cash on baud last report $772 89 “ for Premiums received tf,lU3 2S “ for I’olicies, Surveys ,^L tra’isfers 837 5" “ for Kent 70 f"' loO riios. n. 1 iLijNGMASr, it o o Kit ipr.it, AnJ«rf>,u '‘pp'-sitf X->rth of E J U'lle i' Suit's Bj' kitorc CSIC, \Ift^'ti;ne?. .ind all Je?'.riptlon j ■'•f Books are bour. 1 iji all styles in the l.paf a’l l most 'Substantial inanaer. on torm», the ^.aiue as at iny place in the .uth. Pers'^ns w 8li:ng to know the prices of binding, w;ll b« supplied wuU a iial person ally or by lettur i*epi. 25, 1B.‘>5, 89 tf »7.i83 67 r^ISBURSEMEVTS. Ca^h paid C. H. Sneed, fire loss W “ ■ Lot and ba’iunceuaicebuilding 1,450 ihj r. C. VS'ORTM, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Usual advknces made on consigumcnts of Cotton, Nival Stores, and other Pro.luce. Particular attention given by (♦ V. I'AVIS to pur chasing Cargoes, procuring Freights fur V'wsstls, .tc Jnu y 17, l^>6o *)8 *f “ >.narie3 “ '• St ite Tax “ContiGgem expeniee “ " Pre;;iiiuiii3 retura»i Balaace To wit; Cash ’oaiied out on Bond b .SecuiitT, on JenianJ,. Cash iu Bauk and iu uandi of Agents ASSETS. Ca^'h on interest and in Bank, Heut due P.eal Estate, p«ymg 13 per cant 1,550 UO 100 W »"5 62 2 ' >j6 32,260 00 Wr,luut U ,i.uu: Oa» I 1 ■'t Hickory Oak Wftliiut. ■I 1 1 :i^-10,.)‘ 1 SS-l'Hf U i .♦ 1 81 Iv'j ( I'li 4 1 ;^S-luO :>-10(» \Mnt 2 Oak .lAMKS K ^ LF II A.^.ju=t re,'eivei n Init'e and general assortment iiil\' iiOOtMH. Ain.'.ng which !ir«. pieces )res»s beI.iun-», j-rencliHiii Hii^iNli \lurii,i) P h!:i M* ; . 1 . li i'rea.-h. P I li.in i’!ofi,«. Bln-k and ’ lor.' ! ks, Irish i.il.iM'.s ft’.' i" ,X. l-a.ie »i-tus t N-pkin», i arpt'iug. veiyclienp, !, well 'iM'/i led, K'-r^es 1 uM 1 I.ii: ■ • , s. K. n and ‘ ottoii >l.ise, l.uoie* ■; 1 1 Silk Mitt. l>re.«s i'r-.uiniii:;4'i. .\e., vc Ail of w’i.;i-ii oeii.,; ioiii-I by ttie pui-kajxe tor Tniih, w’.ll be ».t!..r*' 1 .it ih.; ! iw.-.-t luHrket price for (•a-li. or .111 tiin-j to jiayliit' cu«.!.iiiipr-j. Sept. 27. 1^.')''. i>y-it FAf.L Sil’Pi/v. HIUCS. 3l!'!)ilhhSiLrilK31l{lLS. JAMES F. FOULKES, //rry iS'Ow/, ni'"V fhr Fnyrfh'ri^h IJotrl^ K. \I. OKKFI.L, AW no .VE E H \ \ V oiii 111 i i 4> ti 11 e I’cli a III. April '•*, iSo.'i. V^O lf v\r*p. FLiJo rr, (ivneral L'nmynission a/i / Foricjr'iiny Merchant WILMINUTO.V, X C. Juno 10. 1854 4tf -S4,^46 27 &2,9»7 40 32,937 40 »2,987 40 190 00 1,8'Xi 00 •54.927 40 i,SQ 3* .'S194.7s'5 7.3 Promium Notes on ban I AiDOunt Capital to nn»et any losiies In concUi‘^it>n. the President and Hirectora congr^iu- Inte the member? and the public on the very fortuuate and Bucoessful operations of the Company the past year. We have met yith no loss since 7th March, lS-'.4. (Sneed's.)—uu’e^s it be the case of Strai.glaus \ Eiii'tou at Kiiist.^n, whose Store was blo»^n up—a vf},' cj-.troord-narij —it is ‘'till under investigation. a small wart on th« right side, A little below the white I mark. j The horse was taken by a man calling himself John ; Campbell, wbo saj-s be was raised in I’itt county, and ■ h.iB been in this neighborhood about two years; he is a Cooper by trade, and says he has worked in Turpen- : tine all his life time; he is a little round-shouldeied, ha« a stout body for a small man and will not weigh I as mach as I stritei, 145 or 160 pounds: has a very ■ mean look, is very fond of negro company, and his I conversation has a good deal of the negro mixed I with it. I will pny $ 0 for the delivery of the Horse, or H50 for th« tliief. M. N. CAMPBELL Montpelier, Richmond courity, N I will also rewnr.l a ly pers >n for any iutorma'.ion that Will lead to the recovery of either. M N. C. Sep 10, 1>'55 80-tf nTvt iTJf! A LL perioni indebted to H. A McSwain. and also i » th '5C having accounts with Drs .MeSwain Hi Mc- 1‘uffie, will please call at their Office and settle, as we intend closing our books annually. .Mr. W. Whitehead will attend to s^itlemeats in our nbsence. Dec. 17 62-lm NFW H(^OKS. IOSOFKLLOW’S HIAWATHA; The Old Hom®- .J stead; Isora’s Child; Curious Stories about Fairies, ■M’Conh OH Divine Goverument; Leighton's Works; Jewett's OilendoriT; .^pier’s and Surenne’s French and English Dictionary; Bolmar's Colloquial Phrases; Greeideaf's .'Xrithmetics and Keys: ^-c., ^c. Further supplies of the above just received. E. J. HALE 4' SON. UFNT. ^H^H.\T coiivenient situatioii, with Dwelling and out J. C 5*0K. DEALER IN S I'APLF FA.NCV DRY GOODS l[AT.'=«, B(>()?«, AND READY 'lADF, LOTHISG. Particular attention p;ti‘1 t'> L;idie->’ Dresi Q.'^odi§ and TI iininin^s. //ay Street, Fij/cttf vi'lle, -V C. May 26, lh55. 4-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSS^Im. V o ti .n I ^ 1 A A N D I'()K W' A k I)L\. 11:IK H A M Tlie lollowiug Dirtctors were elected for nest year; Geo. McNeill. H. L Myrover, Chas. Benbow, Henry LiiK, Jas. Kyie, .S. W. TillirKrhast, S. T. Hawley, T. .S. Lutterloh, \Sm. McLaurin, N. A. Stcdinnn, J. G. S'ucj'hei.l. S J Hin'lale, D. A. Ray, J. D. Williams, \ A. McKerhan. J. il Cook, \ E. Hall. A. W S;cel, J. G ^'ook; ami H F. Bro^n of Wilmington. OFFICERS: OEO McSFlLL, President. H. L. MVllOVEli, Vice President. C A .MeM 1 LL\N. Secrotarv J. 5H;.!*HRr>ii. Att- rney. Efe^'i'irc C'-r'u'iitt'e for next Quarfer: Gpo. M'*Neill, S. W. Tiiiinghast, Win. Mcl.annn Mav 24. 1855. " 4 V W nlnut \ Oak. I.'^-IOO 1 IIMUO H lekor v Roiin.i Onk .r of •a r;il-l(Xt Wlnt 1 31-100 *• 1 31-luO •; 2 (Ink. 1 31-100 “ h-.-f $5ii On .•l 10 (>0 .>20 Oil ■uses of the oi-iiuuieuta i i tllf- U^U(ll jK'.yubU in ■i»-lnerod iru'ior l‘it' .'clii.xl the '.J, ;tu.i Ji'edge to re.jiici. 1’ ige-i 'Il pr .jiortiori ti. .‘Il u'!r iir.iiiber of pupiis • to the prices ii>, is a'..^o iiidins; in e Inc.I lion A, til in tb ... .i ; .Jjl).oi-t W '■ 1.1, li :•'.i 1.11’ ; ii'ther li iu ol till- f.u'ulty. O' I'l •' >’t .St'.' K I.oM.t*. tf I? 17 17 22 17 4 •• 60 33 2 “ 44 20 2 42 17* 2 2 “ 42 20 A Making 2,7".'7 3'. lOu feet. * The'.'.' may be gotten in two piece.®, if one piece cannot begotten without heart, if in two pieces, the dimensions 15 by ti, and I H by 5^. fTlie.se pieces ninst V.', I'roiu youn^ tri‘es, straight grained, and entirely free Iroui knots ,,r crack-. |Tc> be bored thrfiugii iii tin* c-i'ntre I'roiu enl to end, with U iach auger. Th“ whole of the above timber niu»t be sawed accu rately to ilimensions. except the following: — 126 pieces 32 by 3^ by 2, 112 picce.^ 32 oy 3j by 2, ■.->hi'. h Diay be sawed or riven, and must be yi.iun^, > •ind straight grained. ! i It*must all be cut from Ihrlftf/ trees, felled between ; till.- 15th ol .lune and the 15th of Augiijit, an.l inuai be j ; -iiMii^iht ui';‘ined, tough, free from large or un^.iupd • knot.', Splits, wind-shnke.-, he.rf or Sv oid or 1 lir.ish tim’j'.r will be received. | It iiiUit lie delivered at this Ar.senal on or before the 1 ;jlst ol December lt'5ij, aioj when deliveie..l to be close- 1 . iy i'l-j by the uuderiigiied, or .some perbou ail- ! : thvii/.^.d by him. 1 l’,ida m iy be made for the whole am .nnt, or for a ; I portion, always embr.icing a complete n Muber of -lets. hurther imorm.-itioii may be obtained on ajipiication F.SPl'CTFl'LLY ask? the attention of hiri cu^tonier-J and trien'ls to his l..vKt.K an.l I'UMPLKTL STnCK of DIU (iS, MEDKMNIN and riIl-MlC.\LS, i which lie i«. now receiving, nnd i« deter- initied to «c!i at >uch low prices a>» cannot \ ;ail to gi>e ^atifi'action. it will be his ^ ;iiiu toseil .^Iedicine■^ that can be depended i upon. tive him a cal'. before making your purchases. Stpt. 12. 1«5'>. ' 37-tf ~ VO'IK^F. ^•''HE notcH ami nccont.ts due to Jno. M. Bes.sley, I are in the li'in l*- of Wn* \lcF.,. McKay for col lection, n' lor.ger iudu'igence u‘ll not bo given, it is hoped this notice will l>e siitru-ient to save cost. 1 .I(H1N M, BEASLEY. ' June 25, 18.^5. 12tf FKFNC'II lU Rll MU.L STONFSJ r|''IIE .Subscribers tnforni their £ friends aud the public that tliev mnke to order Itl KK .fiiiji, w.arranted to be of the best ijuality, being made from Burr Blocks of their own imjiortation from the ill Frunce. They albo keep for sale KSIIIM:s aiul (’()('\LIKI 1111,!. SIIIVES, BOLTING CLOTH an.l CALCINED PLASTER. From the Senior Prtrtner 'i K>ng expei'ionce in the late !^rm of F.,r;enton. Moiriss \ (^o., of which h» was a mcmlier, and their detfrfntn.'ition to give satis- t'action, they a:s5iire ell'll itncrs their orders shall be faithfuilv nn'l jiromjitlv i>\ecuted. w‘iLl,|\M HOGG .5 :iON, S. L. Corner of North ‘in.I ('-ntre Siv., opposite the r>nltimore k Su.Jt4Me'iaMne. U. R. l>epot, Biiltimore. May 2'.*. 1S55. 5-ypd Prompt perKonal at teiitiou given to all ('onsign mcnt.-%, and l.'ash advaiK-es iitade on Produce to be ship peil to other ports or sold in tliib m.uket. Feb. 12, 1H55. C7y T. ii. woirrii. snr.Mw ijj. iioLSR FWKTTFVII.I.E, V. Ern^i "/ (int.‘ Shxif, a fuc Dnora Xnrth nj thf M I rhet H R Subscriber de.^ires through this me.lium to aoknovvledge the liberal p-itronage bestowo'l upon his House the pat.i year nii'l a^^ he has erected .^ew Stables hioI Carriage .Shed convenient to the House and to water h(» takes pleasure iu saying to his pntrons ami the public gen r.illy. that ho is stiil prepared to accom modate them w'uli tr.iiisient hii I )i«-rui iin-nt board, and Goinniis.sion vV Forwarding Mcrcliiints, resnectfullv solicits a contiiiuaiioe of the hlieral w.atron- ■ age heret lore received. f>ery exertion .m his part ; shall be used to render them comfortable during their , s.ijourn wiih him. His tatile is always sooplied with I the best tho markut affords. Hou.aes. l.elonging to Miss R. Hybart, is offered for Rent. Possession gi\en the ImI Jan’y n*xt. .Vlso. a two story Dwelling House Hiid an improved Lot on Rc wan street, belonging to C. -Montague, Esq , Posse&sion given on epplicfction. For terms apply to WM. BOW. Nov. I7tli 64-tf MFA~U AVTFD OR 100 MEN wanted on the Western Rail Road, to work on .Sections 2 nnd 8, near F.iyetteville. The location is healthy, and the highest wages will be paid. HIRAM PARDKE. Sept. 24, 1855 38- JOaT^’S fqfity’ OLUME 1, just received and for sale by ▼ E J HALE * SON. *2H) C asks I'Vesli Liin*, Calcined Piaster, Plastering Hair and Cement. Mackerel and Herring, by J. W. POWERS fi CO. April 19. 93tf NOriCF. A LL those indebted to us previous to the 1st Janu- ... m ary will call an.l settle either by note or cash, and oblige us. McDt>.N.\Ll) fi. WHALEY. N B. A good assortment of S.\DDLES .\ND H.\R- NF.sS alwa_\« on hand for cash or on time to punctual customers. Feb’v 17, 1S55. 76tf liest quarr: nrLiiuM':. FOii ^ALF. Mletinceti M^riceit, for or on SSiOEtT Ti,HE, Rockaway.s and Buggies f)F EVF.RV nFS('RIJ'riOX, VNV of which fire fi.iisfird, and the balance being fii fini»bed ilai'V. Amon? which are many New and Beaut.r.ii styles. ,ii.d • re VF.I’.V FINE CAHlilAGE. Some of ihiMu very 'iglit, .'in 1 all mu le iu the best ni uiner and of tii'' liest njaterialM. 'ly facilities for loiugC r, riace work arc GKF.ATFR than any eatablish- BROWN’S BL'1LD1N(K WATER STREET. Wiliiiiii;;:ton, X. C'. Usual advances made on consignments. 1 Jan’y 17, 1855. 63-tf ClIAULFS BAXK8, r iP.VFi: cTto.rE n, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fttreitjn Fruits, Xiifs, Cii/ara, Tobnccoy Snu^'.ibc Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1853. 73tf G. \vT \vnjjv\is~v H .VVE just receive l a largo .anil well selectod as sortment of HARDWARE AND GR(H"ER1ES, to which they invite the atteniion of Country Mer chants. Mnrch 17, I85ii 84- Worth & Utley, Forwarlin^ and (General ('oinrnission MFUtllAXTS, i-'ayt'iievUle, C. J. A WORTH. ("‘‘tl’) JOS. UTLET. s'. TirTiloTCis."’'' DEALER IS FANC^ i.V srA!‘Li: \)\i\ GOODS. READY-MADK CLOTHING. HATS, ('APS, BONNETS, ROilTS VND SHORS, SHEETINGS, COTION YARNS, l^ERSHVS, BLANKETS. iVcc.. .vc. ("orner Market uud Giilespie.St.. Fa_\“ttevil'o. S, C. Dec. 17. 1855. 62-tf March 21, 1855. SHEMWELL. H'i-tf l^FMPS. I'lt'tRCE and Suction Pumps, ^ Sheet Lead and Le.'id Pipe. For sale bv C. W. A .SDR EWS, Market Square. .March 30.' 83-tf Stl€0*\^D STOCK. of Starr & Williain-^ .\RE now receiving their SF,Co\j» PL'R(,’MASK FiLi; m m iiiiiiiij;. lioo'fsi. si!()i;-, I! \ T.';, c \i>s, ! HON NETS, [’M BilKLLA?, AND .'II i.. .!.e li.r SPIRITS ■ undersigned, quest iJiHtiliers to give T. T. d [65tlFj Brevet Major U. WADDILL. «tf LAIDLFV. S A., Com dg. raent .South, aud 1 can nft'ord and am determined to f.ell | ReSdy-il^SdS work of tho liKSr .^L.M.ITV .as low as it can be built Amt iir;\o no hc'-itation i'l ri.icu lor by anv one. j and ,M(J.SX L>FSIR.-\HLL .^t ic.k Si^ wlio »ire indei-led ti» nm will plea.?C j having l>een | uroh:ised at -re.-itly n I'lorida iijuid Ag‘ncv. ?mHR iinder.signe'l lias established un .\GENCY in 9k the town of .Vlligjitor. (,'olumbia ('nuiity, Florida, for the PUl»CH.\SE, S.\i,E or LOC ATION of L.\ND WAliRANTS, the PUKC H ASE and S.-i.LE of LAN D.s generally, impi'ove I or unimproved. The fact now lieing estalili^hed that Rail Road is to be constructed immediately, connecting the .Vtlnntic and the (Julf of Mexico, iiiuiiiiig tnrough the entire length of this County, east and west; and in view o! the great fenility of our soil, the unusually finw growth of pine timber on the land, the healthfulnes.s of the climate, and the reasonable tcrm« oti which lands cau now be obtained, tliero is perhans no section of the Union wiiicb olTers ecjual inducemeuta to the emigrant from the other .State's- Having tia.l some expe.'-ie;ice in farming on the dif ferent kinds of Ian.1. and ac.^uire i a general knowledg.- of tiieiu throughout iKe (^lunty; and liaving acquire.I unu.siial fai-iiitU'S for pointing out such .as are for sale, either of pnbli'' or private Ian.is, he feels very confi ■ lent of making it the interest of all persons wishing infoi ni uion, or who m:iy li i'e dettriiiinucl to settie in Flori'iii to call on him. Wli.L. O. .ILFhRL\S. lUfcrfnces: H..n. E (;. Cabell, ’ | Hon. A. E. .Masweil, - > T.illaaissee, FJu. lion. David S. Walker, State Reg , j Ur. .S (.'. Bruce, i . v n H C. McLean, Es.,, }^ l>i. >.a,iett [. Favetteville. N. Kev. tieo. McNeill, / Me-isT-*. VV. ,\i. Liufoa .v Co.. Ch.irleiton. S. C Juiie 27. 1 55. 13-Y \m> ii\!G)V\ a.u: iTllE .iubsi.;ribor has in Store a g lod .i ^".i tment • ti-..'Is in the or,; 'E11^ aini ll.VUl*'*' Aitt LINT,; I :il of whi’h will he sol.i wh 'UMile or ret. '. or bar- ■ tero f f'.r Cii'intry produce, on term-i the in .>t reason- : able. .\ s.nail i'ot.of SADDLl'llV for sale ulieap. ti''e us a call. W*. I. fioLD.STON. .S. B. .\ny of my friends in the country having busi ness 10 trausact la this place, such as renewals, &c NOriCE. ^SJIHE subscriber having purchased the stock of ma- 9 terial at the Carriage establishment formerly occupied by Mr. A. H. Whittled, intends carrying on tho Iflaking BiiNiiie'^i^. He solicits a share of the liberal patronage bestowed upon carriage bhops generally. He has now on haud some very OAND.SOME VEFIICLES. Which cannot be surpassed in the place for style of finish and dur.ibilitv, which he will sell as low as any work of the kind can be bought in the place. gt^^All orders thankfully received and promptly .•itteiid*-d to. REP.VIKING done in the best manner atid on very rertsotiable terms. Give him a call before buving elsewhere. ; ■ J. D. CALLAIS, ' Favettoville, Feb’v S. 72-tf 'Tiic IVesbsterian Psalmodist; a col- ection ot tunes for the Presbyterian Cb irch A fur ther sutiply just ree d. E. J. H iLE SON Nov. 2S. Caj>c Fear hanch for sale. a h fM' FER for sale that V.iluable Plantation, sT known as the “ASHE PL.\CE,” seven miles above Fayetteville, on ihe Cape Fear River, recently the property ot ('ol. NntliHn King, containin;j .SEV'KN HCNI)KKL> A(!RES.—every acre of which is Cape Fear Bottoms, and gusceptible of the hii^hest state of I cultivation. This Lan.l requires no piifiing us it is j Known to lie the best f.irming lan'ls on (’ape F'ear I River. Terms will be male sitisfactory if the right . sort of purchaser is found. • * ‘I 11. 1 ^o'>. LU I’TERLOH, T. W U> III. 73 tf ‘iV '>SO M. UOLI.S. Tool, e ii-led with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. .■^11 LEl'lNGS, (•'snaburgs, I'otton Yarn, and W'ool Rolls, for sale by OEO. MoNElLL. June 1S54. 7-tf HLAaNKS tor dale at this Oltice it is t'le i, xKOi^ST now in n"' i'-ket; jio.l I , .ces fi-i.m p u QO a.s mv- bhsiuess requires m^- out-standing debts ■ the early part of the sea^ion will be olk-roa to buyer! i can liave it done on the usual terms, by sending same to bo collecled. A. A. MrKETHAN. ; on terms that cannot fail to please. _ 1 to my carr O. W. 1. G. Feb 3 1856. 72-tf [ Oct. 2o. 4.-tf \ Fayetteville, Sept. 27, 1855. FOK UFN'r. 9 VERY 'Icjirable D veiling, recently built, with con\eii ?nt out hous 8, near the b isiness part of theto-vn. App '■ to D. & W. McL VURI.N’. l» c 20. ' 63-tf 39tf ’ i Bank Checr^a lOr .-ale at this O^ce.

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