u S K !»I l-W E: K L Y. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JA.VUARY IT. 18f)6. \0. 470.1 STI'l* M 'Nl)\V VVU i'HURSDVYi ' !)\V \K!) J • !r->n \N HVLH & S()\. • PKoPniKTuKs 4>^i A' ; >■; ii\; Wookly Ot.-^KRVKix 5^0 00 it in . >o oO f pai‘l ilurintr iho year : iftPi'tiir y*“tr )iu W t-t'k; V 'i;«KiiVKK S- cO per annuui, if pni«l in . S'J j'nM during the year of subserip- ,i ^ .»(i Ki'tei' the year lia: expired. ■\ I ({’I'iSKMl'.N ‘ S ins«Tte'l for sixty cents per : ' -lacs for the firsf anil thirty cents for eftt'h ,• liii- pubiicHtiiMi Vcj*rl\ aJverti.sements by spe- ■ Mrm'r-. ai r«-:i«i'nable raten. Ailvcrtisers arc • 1 t-^ 't!ti> tbo number uf in^oniors ilesirod, .>i ' i'e (• .utinuc.l til! forbi.l, hii'I th.iri;el ai'conl- I.flt'-v theU lit"r' must >>e p )St-i>a!d. . T.ocinenis t.> ^■■.'.erie i utdt, I'liarjii -J ;>U por C LIN l’(>\ I.VsTiTVTF,. Iiir*r■ fuiiun will resume iis opcrattoas igain \kiN[>AV, The 14th i: St., aftpi a short vica- iiaifil i wiii -e ilie *ianie as rl"y h:ive bcfn for . y-:ii li.'.i!'! ;>1' per muiiih. inoluuiug- wafb- ^ .I'r. \v •iK.WES, A. "M , wlio has served us xo iong . • icnt'.y !)i Priiicip:il of the Institute, n«>w also , -yf •: Mie Ste\% urJ's Deparrmsni, which render? sure that tliis department will be conducted ■:Uire satisfaction ;>f all. lu-tcp' ha>e engapO(i for the uexi year the •• • I clebratod Musician, Mr. StraJelli. of the ■!' N-w V.-rk, t" take i-harife ^..f the Nlusicil De II. lit. and ai-i;' !r> L-. ly. Mrs Stradelli, tC' con- Puintint 1 hese etijiadement-i will give I H to tlii. se vrhv 'vish to study the * . Hchir-. J with .Mr Grrwep ■ ■ l.itev T-y Departiaetu, art tl.. atiie . ■ ■ •' "■i ’•e -well no'-M. ?o be inferior H A. BIZZKl-L, rtec' y Board of 'I'ruytef?. . \ 0. I (U N r 1 oks V ^.F hfrt-i ; not.T.e't t - present th* ir = i 4’ us t ■ Jno. Nu-i^.uirin. s erk. bef '.e the 1st day of Feb’y ■:it. .V-.'i •. iity (ithcer>, i't'Lt ivf.'s ot public Monies, >• ; ri'.i t‘^ h.fi- e their rcspejLive account, to- . 1:. ;r , achori. i'ea ly f 'r ^fttloment with ue c K.inii,- ■ p.- ri .(.lirc l y iaw, !>ti the \T k^f FfVr..^;-. {%;. .tr' IT of lue romiuittee of ■:ii ince of 0'iiiiiber.= ad i.-junty G 1»1: Chr; 'u iin y It. I'.ii-ti T.'wn paper- - w 'k'. Soiir of Hiau In I .ncr ' Splf-t'tiiture in Rc idinp. sn l I vcrj^'^.Tion, bv Sherw,-r.,| .V further supr v just K .1, FIaLK V !' N. . iiU V l-i. PREICTIT1\C THK riMU lelVGiC. H meotiu» of the I'oat owners interested in nav- iRatinp the Cape Fear Hiver between Fuveitsville aud \\ilmington. On motion, D. McLauriti vta ■ caiii'J lo iho ('huir. and i; M Orrell w.a> appointed Socretar\ On motion of ..tames F Marsh, Resolved. That from nnd after the 1st lay of Janr- ary. Cash will be required upoti the delivery of all l"'reii{bts at Wilmiiikton and Fayotievillc re- spci'tirely. On UiOtion of J D. Williams. Res '!ve 1. Thaf each of tVe Steamboat \»inpanits on the ('ap« Fear Riv«r, from and after the nt r.f January, will carrv (}uano from \>ilmington to Fayette ville at l:> oent>i p.ir bag. Lime at 25 cents per ca>k, and ground Plaster at 3t> cents per c isk, and that a f Tio^ OF io pi:it i k\ r. from the printed nnd established rates on all other articles will bo made from and after that date, all Cartage and Orayaije beinij p.iid b/ the shippers un motion of James Banks, Reaiilvwd, That ihe t'orogoing be published ia lUe town papers. D McLAURIV. Cbairmau R. M. Orrell, .Sec y. Deo. 'J4, 18.t>. Go-tf T .MATTRlCSSi;.':. iHl. .'‘■ii-'S-Tibor ii'.w uiakinjr. ati i will constantly ••.7 n hand i ~':p;'y of t:"0 1 SIIUt'K and jt>\ >1 A TTl: F'>. Hr- ii.vite*- pi r«nns in wnnt ir'TTresse^. lisUion-i. \c.. tu ca)l ^nd see him n.t i ■Jifiud ot Jui'ob I tttar^'irg, [Inv^i.. F ivtteville. il. LOCK A MAN '. lij-tf SPlUri’ HAliKKLS. lU’K.VTlN'E DNliller'j get -upplied v,ith Sp rit Barre’s. rhr..u£h the ^iistill.n^r sea.son. at ;irket jiriit - it TH). J J •([> ts'JN'S. N. ir the Cape Foar i'ank md ^!arli^■t place. .'1. .H.-,,,. .V.' ^w •# bv -I 1(1.' .IXES. Turpfiituie aii'i Timber Axer- lor jale THO. J .TOHNSnN. 0V-4w CANDI.KS. JiOXFS E’earl, Adamantine and sperm Candle ti.r -^ale >>y in. It'i. mo. J. .JOHNSON. t)i>-4w iiro .!e bv n to. \\ lute I.cad and THO Piitfv, i’ros .1. JtMlNSON. ti'H-4w I KISH Glue, be the I5K8T lor \orlh Carolina Headers. •"IjlHE I ndersigned ar? prepared to furnish, wholo It naU"' and retail, upon f'ai'orabh termt, to I'eachcrs. Booksellers. .Merchauis. Book I'edlars, and otheis. the •liERie'.H of .^OKTII C'.4 KOI.I .4 r rAi>ntv Nos. 1 and 2, b\ pRorEssoR Ht bb.vrd, of the University of North Carolina, and No. 3 by C\LMS H. Wiley, Es'j now Superintendent f Com mon School*!. Of Nos, 1 nnd 2. which are new books, just iisued. we will hanti a copy gratis to ^Atiy Teacher who may apply. F. .1. H.ALL A S(»N >1 KOKSVI.K. Y Resideace on Harrington liiLl. Teima liberal JOHN CROW Dec. 29, 185*. bo-tf o LOST. in F'avette’ N Monday last, in F'ayette’-il'e. or the Roa 1 home, a lar^e Calf Skin T'OCKET POOK, con taining a consiierab e qiMintity of papeis, em' racinq Notes, Receipt*. &c., among which ihe following ure r-’Ci'Mected: A Note made by Jno. McP«,*ie to the subscriber f r Sixty-onc Dollars and some cents One made by A. A. MeKethan and buncan .Morri son lot Te.i T’olltirs nnd some cents. One madtt by VMUiam Mo.Millan for Ten Dollars.— I whicii is paid., A receipt from .(no Munroe. Constabia, for thret J ud^ments. Two receipts of One Hundred L’ohars each foi stccn In C’.ai^ndon Bank. Ami a receipt for Two Shares of T-.oca In F. F High School. The lindtir will be iuuab'.y rewarded by le.-'f^ns; th.' »(uue with Ci^oi Ji JohnsoTi or J S- Bank^. DUNCAN i:UA'\ Dec ;'i, 1'>5r). ivi-il u rursT s\i.i'.. I V iriuo of r. DeeJ of Trust made 10 me by the late ReT. Colin Mclver, I will on Wednej'day, the 28d day of January, 18ot’>. ut the Com t Hmsc ’’n Fayetteville, proceed 10 sol* sundry NEGRoES. i) satisfy the provision of said Trust r> \ RV'i.Tr.v. Favettevilie. Dec. OV. 1>5'>. ♦■o-t' ‘28 Grosf' (lUU)O) \\'el).-ter's Klenit ?»t- ary Spelling Books U-.i iwzen U el =ter's [’ictorial Si ellinj; I’.ooki. E. J HALE .V .S(sN. N .V. IS m:w goods. i \NI new receiving mv Fall and Winter Stocti i-i mm mm ailCKUlCS. II.\RII\V\RE .Wfl I I TI.KRY. These goods were bought late in the'season, and onseipientlV af 'e.biceil price.,. My stock ol Hiurrs ;in* 1 SllOI> i? complete, embracing many kinds -f extra sizes; Blankets, Kerseys, \c.; Hats, fine .-md Common TH>S. J .I(jHNS(tN. Old Stand, near tne Cnjie Fear l$ank and Market place o^-tf GLIE. barrels, for Distiller'.-* use. said to gluing Spirit Barrels. Trn.ss ■{' Ops, (’odper-' Tools, Turpentine Hacks, and Files, ■ ;:>'ther with a heavy stock of Dry (Joods, Groceries, i ■t .rdware ;ni'.l Cntlei\, .suited to the trade. THO. J. JOHNSON. jiin. i'l. 1 >'■')'). 6f*-4w 'I'lie Presbyterian Psaluiodisi, s(|uare. 1 haracter n jte edition Also, the same work round tC'. further suprlv nist received. L J. HALF; .S. SON. Jau’y 10. Wvipres.sion 1‘apci, tor writing with- ■ p^n 1 ink: buff, pink, and white Bath Lette- Pa- ■ r: am! ' r '-11 1, silver bordered nnd plain Visiting rds; sup 1 Ur'iNT..! iJfiaiil Cards; Envelopes; xc., cj’C. ‘ ;^t rec’d. E J. HALE .v SON. Jan'y 10. WORKS, C. E (;aki)Kn sllds. Have received a general assortment of L.VN- War- \\ DRETH S celelrated GARDEN SKKDS -■.ti.-d fresh and genuine, of the Crop of lb I : ‘•:i’ie by S. T. H.\\SJjEV n'v 10. (J.XKDEV SEED. H.WE just received a lart^e supply of fresh und genuine Garden ."^eed. ;'e'ie -Serd were grown in Western New Vork in LAHGF PAPERS can be .S. J. HINSDALE tj','-1 w l‘E\l!( RE now PiCc STOCK of vV !'E{i(;rsO\ iK theii F.\l.l. and Wl,\''i'Ell MJN( IL rt \Y A: TO. H.\Y .STKEKT, KAVETTEVILLE. tllE now receiving their F\LL STOCK of tJTAl'LK and FANCY 1 Forlegn and Douiofltlc, Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, and Will: a general as»ortment tf 4S»r. 'I.OTIJi I'o which the_\ -%vite ihe aiteniiou ol .Merchants. ih» !.;ul L's find ;i’l, and which tiiey offur at LOW PHltJES for H, or on T-m.'» ro punctual cuitomars ui Wholesal» CA or Retail B F PFARPE Aug 27. 1°05. J B FEROUSON 30 if M'.w srocK or Hook.s and Stationery. w E are now receiving our uiuul \ew Stock of BCK'KS and S'l'ATIO.NERi', embracing a great variety of SCHOOL, LAW, MBDICAL .MI.SI'EI.I.A.NKOIS BWKS, Iw^eihor with a large ;ind varied »iock of Blank Hooks, Papc'r, Envelopes, Country Merchants and other* are invited to call, as wo offer the above stock on the best tetms. Oct S. E. J. H\LE PON. DRV r.OODS, In which may be found FOK THE LXDIES: Plain colM, Plaid, White and Black DeTiAlNES: CASHMrRF.S and MERINOS- Plain And Fig’d Faoey and Black SILKS; Cloth M.AN'TLES and ('l.OAKS; Cloak CLOTH; SKIi'.TS and SKIRTING; Merino VESTS; BONNETS; EMBR(»IDERIF^ .tc F.«R GENTLEMEN; Hats*. Hoofs ami Sh>iP'; Vpntiiigs; Caaslmeres; White, lilack ami Fan:*j Stocks and Cravats; Ueadv-Mado Clothing, Ac ALSO,— Linseys, Kerseys and Plains. Blankets, Brogans, TaVde Cloths and Cover.T. .Allenda'e Sheetings, Children’s Kid Gloves. Wool Sacks and Comforts, Y'onth«’ nnd Boy’s Clothing, English nnd Italian Crapes. Dimity, Etn- broidery Silks aud Braids. A cood asstiriment of I.adies', Gentlemen’s and Children’s BOOTS, SHOES, and G.AITERS; GLOVES, HOSIERV, Sep . 2U. 37 tf FAl.l. 01' 18:)3. E are now recwiving our Stock of Fall and Win ter Goodtf. l»KV «JOOI>S. RKADY-.M ADH CI.OTniNG. HAl'S, CAPS, BOOJS A.N'D >hoks Hdving determ.iied to r-^linqu.sh the H VRDWaRE TK.\DK, We otier our .StuCk at g'Oaiiv reduced prices f'rC.\."H. Our frien 1« who are behind hand in thmr payments, are ear:iestly request', i to pav up. HALL & SACKETT. io>>5. 80-tf August II m. I'Oli (iPS, iti)i)T\ l\ll SIlDiJS, I'ALI. cV W lN'l'KR I'RADE, •Se> d were grown ';i!l und si-c what FIVE CEN fS 11 C ro|» and ;he N*v Buii'hug, near Ijitjertv Nov. 12. Ci.xTRLNDON IRON WlI.MlXiTON, X A. H. VAMiOKKKI.KN, Propriolor. TBIHF^ suV'Scriber having purchased the entire inter- JL esl in the “CLAKLNDUN IRoN WoilKS," uo- li^its orders for Steam Engines, of any piwer or style, S.iw Mills of every vt.ritny. Mining Machinery ‘ir.d Pumps, ■ Grist and Flour .Mills, complete. Parker, Turbina and other Water-whe*li, Piice-field Pumps «nd Engines. Leavitt’s Corn .nnd I’ob Crusher, Rice Thr«shers. Shingle Mnchi.ies. Shafting Hangers and Pullies, Cotton Gins and Gearing. Iron Castings of all kinds and pntterne. Brass “ “ “ Locomotive and Tubular r.oi!er«, Klue and plain Cylinder Boilers, Blacksmith work of all kinds. Iron Doors for Houses and .Liils. THE EST.M'.LIoilMENT Having been re-organized for the express purpose of insuring punctu ility in the execution of all orders, the public may rest satisfied that any work which may I offer will by promptly delivered accoriling t ) promise. : anti of sucii workmanship ns cannot fail to give siiiis- I faction. THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT ! I‘.«in-» in charge •>f men of talents and experience. I ! have^no heaitatioL in saying that the work hereafter ‘ turnetl out. shall co mpare favorably in every respect ; with that of the most celebrated in the States, nnd at prices which will make it to the interest of all in want to v.einl me their orders. REPAIR WORK I Alwjys done without delay—and Iniving ft large torce j t'or that purpose, it will prove advantageous to any I person needing such lo givu me th« preference ■ w'thout regard to expense of sending same from a distance. * (jidtrs will be ahtressed t«. “C;areudL.n Iron VVork-^," Wilmington N. C. .vi^:If t^oonsi .ye«• ooo^s: J*' THOM.'-ON IS n..w receivini: his usuki assort- • ment ol the mosi ».pproved styles of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, L\Dli;v G\ntK>. iilSRINS. .NLiPPI’KS, ^nd Children’s Shoe? of various descriptions. — also.— TRAVELi.lN'? and I'.iCKING TRUNE.^. und CAR- Pf.r B.VuS. liii of which are oilerel for eale i n the mo«t reiisonuble terms. •»; I ■ .-.tcii'C-i nnd new on»« .ire r;sspectfuliy invited tr, call ttud uvHiXiiiic i:iy ituek of Fall aud Wiuier = 'iOOtls Fiiat come. fir?t served. J. C THOMfcOS. Old Stand. Martet .Square. Sept. i, 3?i-tf ro (’OM'R AC rORS. fM’^HE Presiden' ^in 1 Directors are now ready to re- I. I t 've t ri'p s ils fi'r ci'nsiructinn the Fayetteville .V .Albemarle i”>ink Road l.etween Little's Mills in Hichm‘'nd County unit Mbem irle in .^tanly County, and they invito pr' iis i'.s fi-r the following work; — Sfccti'.n ist F« r constructing the Koad from Little'k .Nli.ls lo Clark t’reek. 10 miles t'cc. F. !• : nnstriu'tiiiff R.);i l from t’lark’s Creek to the Pee Dee River. !i miles .Sec. ;^d. For the construction of a Bridge across I’ee Dee Biver. See. 4th. For the c.u;tru«tion of the Road from the , Pee I,*ee River to .Mbem-irle. Hi miles. Proposals wi'l be received and considered for the Grading ;ind making nil neces-i^irv side ditches and Culverts from the i’ve Dee to Albemarle, omitting planking. By a lesolution of the .'tockbolders, before the Presi dent and Directors can enter into these contracts an indivi.Uul bUbM-riptioii of ■>l').uOfi will have to be ni;. le,—it i-^ asked that the friends »^f the work will submit such bids, i-ithor wubicribing or guar.mteeing that amount so as to onab’e the work at once to go on. .IAS, G fOOK, Pres’t F. & A. P. R Co. Oct 25. 47-tf I'WllLY LARGE Stock, a:-. Books. HiliLKS. , Pocket Bibles and Prayer E J I! \ LE .j- SON. n .\KW BOOK'S. FECHCROFT, by the Author of Henrtsea^e, *c; The Private L fe of an Eastern King: Stray Leaves from the Booh of Nature; McKenzie’s .Miscella neous V*orks; The Contrast between Good and Rad Men, by llev. Gardiner Spring. Also, fuither supplies of The Great Iron Wheel; Alone; Heir of Redcliffe; Berrian's. liarnes’ nnd Thornton’s t amity Prayers: Gillott’s 303, Perry’s Double Actioti, and many other kinds of Steel Pens; Carmine Inks; Camel Hair Pencils; i^'C. E. J. H.ALE & SON. Nf.v, 12 LAIMUVHLRGH flIGH SCHOOL.! "'HE 7th Session of this School will commence on j Tnesdny the Sth day of January next, under the | -upervision of the Rev. Goo. B, Scott, M. A., of the ; r'nivorsity of Edinburgh. (Scotland.) Principal, assisted j by Mrs. Scott in the Primary Department j Mr and Mrs. Scott have both made Teaching the ; business of iheir lives; and from the experience which j th« Trustees have had. during the past year, of | their 7cal, fidelity, and succcss. in the discharge of the duties of their profession, the}' confidently recommend them to Parents and Guardians, as pre-eminently (fuali- fid't by temper, talents, and acquirements for the in struction of !ludonts. in all the branches of an English, ycieutific. Classical, and Commercial Education. The Trustees respectfully invite the public to a per sonal examination of the system pursued in the Sch6 il Terms—-"SS, !8I-, and ^20, per Session of five montiis. (French included in the 3il grade without extra charge.) Board can be had with the undersigned in the Board ing house belonging to the School or in private (ami- lie.s at $8. per month. One half fees and Board invariablv paid in advance D C. Mc'lNTVRE. Sec’y. Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C Deo. 12, 18.^5. The JLargest Carriage Factory i%t the fioMth! 13if McKKTHAA it 1 ^€W Kstnhlishraent By \\ n. WAT?!iO.>r. "'UK Subscriber would infcrm his friends and the public genernlly, that h®. has completed his new establishment on Mnxwell street, near NIr. E. W. Will-j kings’ Store; and is now prepared to receive orders for ; CARTS, UAGOyS. DRAYS, dcc., which shall be promptly executed. All work done by him shall be of the best workman ship and material that the country can afford. REFAIRING of all kind‘s done with neafnesR and dc‘«piitch. Also. HORSE-SUOEIXG will b« strictly attended t^ N. B. No paiub will be srarsd to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage Fnvettevi!]e, Mav 26. 1855. 4-y J. W . RAKER Is now receiving from the N'orth the argest, faibst, and most carefully se lected btOC’li of I I K.^ITIIRK Hver offered in this market, which, added to his own manufacture, makes his sfr.sortraent oompleia;—all ot which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fsshi.-'uable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in sett; cur ed hair «nd suuck'. aud cotton Mattresses; Looking Ghisies; Uillow >S jig aud Gradies; Side lioard.-': Bureau*^; Secretaries and Book-Caseu; What- Nots; Ta>.les. all s'Ttsi; Wash Stands; Candle .‘'tands; Wnrdrobes: Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Wah.ui; Tote a Tetcs; Ott .mans; Divans and ttooU; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Piam>s, ono with ^tolian At tachment; Rosewood Mflodians. from the bet manufac tories in New Vork and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, aud will be sold at N. York prices—freight only nd'led November 1S64. l-'itf C\LI, A.VI) SCITLK. \LL Persons indebted to the subscriber either by Note or .Account, are requested to settle during the month of January, as longer indulgence cannot be given. I have on hand a lot of .S.ADDLERY find IIARNF^SS WAKE that I will sell low for vash. M. N. LEARV I)pc. 24. b4-lmpd RLW AUD! RAXAWAY from tho subscriber, with her little Boy Isaac, a Negro Woman. E'lILV by name S.aid woman is about years old. 6 feet 4 or •'> inches high, ordinary size and dark complexion. Her child L-^.V.AC. is a likely boy about 2^ years old. with large rolling eyes, and black compiexiou, and is not able to t.=;lk distinctly. Sai l negroes were purchadc*i1 from ono Martin who liTis in Richmond Va . thither they may make their way. I will give Twenty-fivo Dollars for the delivery to me of aaid Negroes, or their coiifiuement iu any jail where I can get them. I will .also give $100 for proi.- any white person of harboring. • away i-aid Negroes. Gilopolis, Robeson Co., N. C,, E3PECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for manu facturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to gr^ve satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by e.\p«rieuc«td workmen in each branch of the business. His work i»ill compare lavorably with any made in the United States, for neatiiess and durability. He is determined to sell ai;d do any work in his line on as good t«rms as any work done elsewhere Ihrit is as well done. He now hjs on hand, Fi.kishkc, the LARGEST riTOCK of f 'arrid^e.s^ B'lronr'ie.s^ Hocknw'ii^s, md ft tifssits, I Ever off eied in this place, ant a very lir;rt- stock I of work no.irly tiniHhed. wiiich will bo finished luily. i All of which will be sold very low for C.^sii. or ou short time to punctual customers. lie bas on hand more th.ui ONE HL’NDKKI* .V.ND FlhT\ Vehi- I cles finished ml iu course of construction, i tsh^ .\.ll work m I le by liim is warranted 12 montha I with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and j examine for themselves. i Orders thankfully received and promp .1/ ittendsd to. I Repairing executed at short uoticfe and on very reasonable terms. May 28, I85:i. 98tf ■ tb.' ient to convict iii.;eaiing or enticing T. BETHEA. {>ec. 22. tj4-tf REDUCED FARE. Through Ticket-j between Wilmington, N. C., and Balli- moie. Eure ■'$18. Via Weldoo, Petersburg, Richmond, & Wash ington City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth aftd Norfoln. For Tickets apply at theOfl5ce of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, at Wil mington, or at the (»thce ef the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company. Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. I. 19o'2. f c WHO WOULD HAVE TUOUGUT ITf A new Cnrriaj€ EstaLlUhnient on tht Military Green, opposite the .Methoditt Church, fronting on Mum/ord Street, I'TRTHER SURin.A' OF BOOKS. I~^LLtOR.VD(), by Bayard Taylor; A Basket of Chips, A bv Brougham; Table Traits, by Dr. Duran; The Riiiegade; Modern I’i’.giims bj' Geo. Wood: Helen Leeson. a peep at Ne.v S ork Society; India, China aud Japan, by Bayard Taylor. The Hidden Path; Hearts ease; .Mitchell’s Traveller s Guide; Cumming’s Works; Andrews’ L:itin English Lexicon; Small Edition of Psa'ms and Hymns, plain and gilt; SmelUe’.-i Philosophy; Grtene’s Analysi^^; Webster’s Dictionaries; ('utters Anatomy, Physiology, ic. Just received. E. J. HALE a SON. Dec. iJl. ('oi'jioratinn Bonris of the 'Tou-n of Forget teri I le for Saif! A CillKE.UM L to an Act of the General .\9scmb y i m of the .■'tafe of North t'.iroliiia. rat tie I Dec. 2'> 1H;>2, authorizing the 'li.wn of Favettevilie to is.iue her Hond« to th- aniouiit of ^100.OHM. in the aggre gate, for the pui-poso of pa\iug her subscription lo the Western Rail lloail Compjiny. Therefore, it is ordered by the Commissioners of F'nyetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town rcceive sealed proposals, until the 1st of November next, for the purchase of SoU.OoO. in sums of $500 each of s id Bond.'^, or any part tht.-reof. Bonis to run twenty years, with C'^upons attache i.—inter, si payable semi- nnnually. The s.ii t Ronds sliail be under the seal of the ('Corporation, and binding on the f iith of the s.ame. W.M. warden. Town Treasurer. Sept. 2*1, IS.'ifi. XEW lU)OKS. ■J|1HE Topographical, Statistical, and Historical JL GAZfcirrEKU uF SCdILV.\D. 2 vols. •A'so, fu-ther supp'ies of Koget’^ Thesaurus of Eng lish \»'ords; The Hidden Putii: C'leve Hali; l.ii^ht and D;irkne s, a Story of Fastiionabie Lite; i.orenzo Dow's Works; Bronson's E ocution; I'iie >tu ietit s ^peiker; Dossey s Choice; Sanders’, .\lcGudc,y s. Parker 8 .aud ! other School Readers; Bullions’ aud Smith’s Kuglish *Gr»mmars; Em:'rson’s, Smith's. D ivies' and other ' Arithuictics; aud School books gener.lly, E. J. HALE * SON. I Oct. 12- 4i- NEW I ’^5 DLES. Nov. BOXES TALLOW C\NDLES Also, a lot ot PL Al.''i aud F.V.'NiC\ U .^X C.\N- For sale by 'V H. CARVF^R. 51-tf EALl. V.V W LNTER GOODS. S. ,ft. TMiO.fl.tS S Receiving, direct from New Vork, a large and well selected assortment of Staple and Fatiey Dry Goods, Ready-Mado Clothing, Hat.s, ('ap.s, liotuiefs, Boots, Shoes, Kcrsoy«i. Hl.inkets, &o. To which he would ca 1 the at ten ti n of the L.\ DI S. ■ his fri. nds. and the Pub ic gei>erally. —to give h m a I call and exumi/.e his .''tock before niiikiug their pur- 1 chises IL- intends t> 1 t the People decide » hether they are pretty, or. whether they ar3 C-lK.VP, wueu | they ex .mine his '^tock :ui I he.ir h s ^'rices. lie w uid r>-turii his sincere th irks for the liberal : patronage heretofore exteu t>-d to b .a. and li pes by : strict attention to liusiness, to merit continuance ol ! the same. I Corner of Market atid (iillespie St.. i Sept. 27. 3‘>-tf Rio and Java Coliee, tor sale by W. II. CARVER Nov. 7. ol-tf GREAT ENTERPRISE! FayetK^ville f» bound to Siliiiie!! ^■^HE Subscribers wouUl respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have entered i»to copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general CARRIAGE BUSINESS iu all its various parts. And being Woth practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation lo compare wor« with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura bility. One of the firm may be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. James H. Pikh. James Bra.nis. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1863. b2tf li ivory 8tublL‘s. The undersigned cuiitinue to carry ou the !>1VERV BUSI NESS at this place. They have lately largely increased their Stock and can now offer to the ablic as good Horses, Carriages and Dri vers as can be found in the ^outh eru country. Thaiiktul 'jt the large patron age herett)fore extended to us, we solicit a continuation ot the public favor. We promise a satisfactory trip to all who may wish tc travel. Stubles at the West end of Mumford street, where one of the Proprietors may alwnyb be found, or at the Stor* tirst door East of Mr. Lutterloh. J. W. POWERS i CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, 1853. 71tf TO Dls riLi.ERS. m*7'E will pay the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, aud request Distillers to give us a call when in market. J. & T WADDILL June 2il, 1855. 8tf A. H •w I'ice . >1^ Mo!fi-s*s, Bwect. ■ W. MACINTi RE. G!»-->t i f ■ I!. M>kS. r> ! i !.ili}> :!d; Life of Sidney ij.ti • rfh.'ir j s hi.'tory of the I’ liitcliie: Pf-icr l’.ar!f\'-i :i/cd; i»a'ioon 'ir.;\i-:;. ot i.;X F; ‘-ti i.s over various .Mimic ,.|ve:iturt»3 of Robert .Merry Couiitrias in '.iov. lie lot t i’.i("-r‘; Niis- llktliKley’s Tf'Sti- ii l.-'.-i} e l \un, (the genuine b-jok:j .Muckcy’s L(‘.\i xoi: :;.iriie«’t^ i'r.'tyero; Presliyterian t; Th'- pK:U.ni.'t, i^mall size; AntliuiT.i Classi- 'ii'iry; Bolniar''- Perrin’s Tabbs; i’-'uker’s jtiors. ic., .Vc. VANBOKKELLN. 4».-if XOTICE. /^S'^IIE .SUBSCRIBER has removed tv JL SHAW’S NEW IvlTLDING, Gil lespie Street, where he iuteijua carry ing OP the T.411.0BUSI NESS iu all its bri’.nches Having had practical ex).eiience in uio.st of tue At- ■ V* lantic cities, he fpcle assured that he .1 A. SMi ril, WHOLES VLE .AND REl \IL DEALER IN .nuinc/.VKs .V Faints; Otis; VA RMS HE S; WJXD 0 \V- GLA SS A XD Patttf] Ghtso- IKcdv; l^ijumerif; Fine Soaps; Fine Tooth and Hair Brushes-, Faint Brushes; Fir/d and Garden Seeds; Spii'tSy Sin'lfs; SurjicaJ Inst rumen FoU nt Metlii invi'; Fare L>quors fur Mf'didtxd Fnn\i/ Ar/icf*'s, , d.’c. (.)rdors from Country I'hysi rms and Merchants re spectfully solicited an.1 perfect sa.isfaciiou guaranteeil. both in regard to qu iHty an .! prio«. J. N. SMITM, Dinggint. ' Oct. 27. .Noirro Klaakets, Kerseys nvjl Shoes for sale bv C-VR^EK. Nov. 7.* Fall RE n^ and W int('i* lioods. J. S T. n'addill, HAY STREET, w receiving their Fr.ll and Winter GOODS JUsr IHIRLISIIKD, •f .V/’ir and Vorrected F ft it ion of Devereux’s Equity, Vol. 2. 3'^OR .S)ME years past this voluu.e of the Reports ^ of the Supreme Court of .North Carolina has been out of print. The subscr.bers have printed a 2 1 edi tion, revised and corrtct. d, which they will be hap^py to furnish to sucli gentlemen of the profession as have incomplete sets Orders are solicited. Sliould they be encouraged suth'.ieiitly by the s ile of this vol-.iuie. they propose to follow it by a te-print of Devereux’s 1st* Rd. and 4th Law, and Dev. .'i Battle’s 1st Law. nil of which are out of print. E. J. II.VLE SON. A CARD. ^I'^HE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens of Fayetteville aud me burrouijdiu); country, as a ,'kl \STER URICKLaVER A.\D PLASTERER, and gives notice that he is ready to contract foi- work in liib hue, at Uie lowest cash prices. S. F. DICK.''ON. Fayetteville, tkt. H. IK54. ;-!Htt Fitifelfecille i 'n/tdii Mitnufuelory. jJ’IHE subscriber still continues to maiiut.-cture a su- perior article oi piain :i.iU I'aiicv C.VNDIES ut the old stand. i -No. 5. Green street, ii doors North, of tlie Market Hou»e,) where he would be happy lo see his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March 73tf K ' f^itftinf Sihi/n'inirr Si/r, on h.iud :in aiS'rtMiciit I"'"'-- ' lilt! ited ;cp const •ihove S.vi r..S, n'.ir; • lesirous ot extending the deni-m lucei tue luaKers to consent to deliver New \ ork j : .c lor fir th' 111. Il l V • th"iu here 0. V \V. AUIUN, \/. t^. consisting of a large at.d well selected stock of Valuable 1 (Jroceries, I lardware, Cutlory, IUacksniil}uV Tur- ])ciitinr 'Tools, Asricultiiral liii- }>Ic*niCMits, lioots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Saddlery find Lea ther, Heavy articles in tlie Druff line. Ready-made Clo thing, and Staple Dry ( ioods. ropiirly FOR S.\LK. ACRES of valuable Farming and * Turpentine L.VND, with the Turpen tine STILL, STORE HOUSE, GO »DS, and Sl’AND, known as BE VTTV’S BRIDGE, in Bladen county, are offered for sale. The Store and Still will he S iM either with or without the land; so that those who wish to engage in .Mercantile oper.-^tions or in distilling Tur pentinc will do well to apply soon to be:, r fV Beatty’s Bri Ige. July 2. i^HE lusfhest cash price pai-l for 1 urj ei.tii.e. •'u. f Oak .St.ives, au i '».ik »r Asiie Hea'iing. t,';;!. 'a Jas. W. atrange, who can ilwins oe fmuui at the .'fid. -MoLAURlN i SiRAMiE. Fab’y 18. 1853. T^tf *20(K) S{)iril Barrels Cor sale hv McLAURIN i STllANiE. June 12. 1 85 i. **tt .•s BROTHER. 11-tf This Stock TO p.re prepared to Job or Retail. Fayetteville. Oct 21. 1S54. 43tf We .ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex- amiiie our Kerseys. Ne^'ro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. nest «nd Muroh U0, I86i can plea.-ie the moi;t fastidious. All orders will bo executed witUneat- espatch. B. .MONAGIIA.N. dl-tf "ived by E. J. HALE t h.'-ttrV rnabndued Dictionur\. -«'■ ► ippliei lUst rec'd E J HALE ii Son. ' OVKUSr.liK \VA.VTI::D. r P H E imbscrjber will give good wages to a competent J[ Overseer, well recommended as to character .-.nd competency, to take charge of hi-» Hose Hill P'p.'"*'ation, near Fayetteville, for the ensuing year. One well ac quainted with making Naval Stores, particularly lar, preferred. JOHN H. HAtGHTON. I'ittiborough, l>«o. 5i0. flS-tf xiJAVAVS UN H.IND AND FOR SALE A GEXER^iL ASSORTMEXT Of DRY (iOOl^S AND (iROCERlES, Togetuer with a j^encra assortment of FOlii:llj.N A.\iJ Dli ilKSilL' WiriiES and LIQUORS, W hich I ara anxious to sell or exchatige for Produce of auy kind usually ^llarble ractorfh ? ' >---v i . ■ - . ■ f . .. .NO rici:. 4 iOL. NATHAN KING Is our authorized .Agent to ^ /' make contracts for the delivery of Lumber and I’imiier and for the purchase ot Cruile Turpentiue, .at Aiugshury, in Cumberland Couuty. Huckwhcat I'lour in ilh. itags, tor sale by \v. H. CARV ER. Nov. 7. J. .V T. Mav 22. 1855. WADDILL. 3-tf Methodist llyniris. variou.s and Methodist Liscip.ines, just leceived. Dec. 22. styles; E. J. HALE i SON. Nov 7 Fannv Hay sold in this .Market. W. li. (..vltVER, .Strcijt, nofir tlie .^larket. 61-tf Fern's j CLARK, jiist received ^ Dcc. 22. -New iiook, ROSE E. J. HALE & SON. i5y VmEO. TWO lioOKS ABOVE C. Fayetteville, V J»n’y 20, 1855. laudek. T. HUfiH k SON’S .STUliE, 'I'he sul>scrihers will purcliHse S[)iri{.'^ Turpentine, or make advances on consignments to their friends in Vi'ilmingtoii, or New \ urk. C. T. HAKJH Jr SONS. April 185.j. y*tf McLALRLN .y S’I'RAXC/.: .WE on hand, a large stock of superior Si’iRl T BARR.:lS, which tliey would sell at a reduced price for cash. Persons wishing to ma^e engagements would do well to call r,n us before making engagemeuta. as we warrant a good articU. April 2tI. 185.'). ft5tf 'i'he Southern I lannony and .Musical ('oinpani'.n. ne*' edition, eui.iri; I an I r>-vised. fiirtti r supjdy i f this p..pu: ir b.; •[{•jun rec'd. E. J. HALE \ SON. Dec. 22. 64ypd r'lIDER VINEG.VR, a good article, L' for sale by W. II. CARVER. Nov. 10. PriiitiiM;; IVe'« l»r .^ale. i'^ilE Subscriber.^ have for s»ie an imperial No. 4 'Aiishington Haml Press, 2d hand. It will be sold cheap, deliverable in Petersburg, Va. It is said to bo a good Press and in good onler. June 4, 18.35. E. .1. IIALK iV SON. I NEW LAW liOOkS. j '^■IIAYLER'S Law Glossary; Eilwards on Bailmects; I Wharton’s United States State Trial.-». E. J. UALE ^ SON. Oct. 27.

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