I VOL. V.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JAXUARV 21, 1856. [NO. 471.] . aNi'KL* MiNl>AYS ASD THURSDAYS :i)W UIDl.ljTVLK i SON. hl>IT -R.s A\r> rR»)PRIET0R8.' :■ ror the OBSKRVtH $3 00 If p«ld In j.!vancp •*>' if paid daring the yenr of snbsi'rip- ■ r $4 sfter the y**Hr hks expired j. V »v.>. >B>;rFVEH $2 00 per aunutn, if paid iu > • - •• e y'J 5U if j.ai'l Jiiring the year of subacrip- i ui' aftei the \*ar hai expired. LPl 1:^1'.MENTS ini^ne.i for sixty cenia per f line'* t'.ir li’e first, and thirty cents for each ■ I Jirg [nibr!-'ition Yearly advertisements hy spe- I ' n.nict?. n! reab’iiiaMe rnteH. Advertisem are it—:■ :J to sf.ito the number of iu^crtione desired, or il. V '• C'jutinued till forbid, and charged accord V. Letters to the L.lit>>r* luubt be poet-paid, ■vfrtl^ementd to inseriei iv!tdi. ch»i'g««i aO per ; e^tra. MB— ri.iN'l'OS FK.n.il^E I.VSTITrTE. ' HIP In«T^tuti'>n 'fi” re^utiie its operatioDS ngain n .M_'M»AY. tfie 14th iust., alter ft short vaca- -■^Rrt s w:'- the iame ss they have been for . year. Bo»id !glO per month, including wa«h- : . iC ; p. WF:^, Nt . *h ‘ hns served us «■* long -ienti} as i’rinciphi of the Institute, now al»o . . j:> t th** Stowar i a Departmgni. which renders , I re ti'Ht this J^partm«nt wi.i be conducted I- = -tl -e sntisfactioQ of .nil. .r riiat **s have enpageJ lor the next year the ■ f ! f'e.-’br.'itei Musician, Mr. Stradelli, of the f \ pu Y rk. t. fake charge f the MusiCrtl De- . sr.d als' Ilia L;idy, Mrs. Stradeili. to con- '.'10 P.tint:iig i he>»*- fin^seement® will give . Iv^ntHge* to thcHe wht. wish to istudy the . t i I. ,rii;ichc3. L • I rouchcTS abs' • iatfcd with Mr. Oinvrs . i: fi tb ‘ I-ir T'.ry I'l'p irimer.t, :ire the sariie : ’ ■ T r, 1 ur‘’ we',' known »o be inferior ; ■ H A BIZZEI.L, Ser’j Board ot Iruitees : . : - fr. V 1?!5,6. 69-3m FREIGHTIXC THK C.4PK Fi:4K KIVER. ^ A nieeting of the Boat owners interejted In na>- j IgAtlng the Cape Foar Rivt»r betw»ou Fayetteville ' I and ilmington, motion, n. McLauriu was oallod to the Cha'r. j I and R Nf Orrell was appointed Secretary i On uiotion of Jamos F. Marsh. i R**solvt».l, That from an.’ after Lh* lit day of jAitti- { : rtry. C’ftiih will be required upoa the delivery of all l'reij$ht« at Wilmington and FayetteviUe re - • specrively. I r>n mr.iion of J. D. Williams, i I Kesolvpd, Th«t each of tke StenmhoHl Campaoics oa ' _ I theCfipt* Fear River, from andafurthe 16t of January. . 3^. ; IS-W. win carry Guano from VVihniiiKton to Fayette- 'VL V” ' ville at lii oen»9 por bag. Lime nt 25 cents pt*r cask, and ground Plaster nt SO cents per C'lsk. nnd that a i OF *20 vr.yr. ; from the printed and estnhlished niips on all other : artic!e.s will be u>:ide from iind after tlint date, all ■ Cartage and Itrayage b»*iiii3; paid by the shippers. On niotion of Jaiiiu& B^nks. ] Resolvcil. That the foreg'nng bo published la the , town paper* I> McLACRIK, Chairman. R. M Orrell. Seo’y. I Dec. 24, 185 V 65-tf \orlli Carolina Headers. Underfclgned are prepared to furnish, whole- M sale and retail, upon /avoraiU to Teachers, Booksel'ere, Merchsnti, Boole Pedlara, and others, the KBKIRt* of \ORTfI TAROI.I^.A Nos. 1 find 2. by PRortssoa (Ii bdmid, 01 the University of North Carolina, nnd So. 3 by Calvis H. Wilst, E#q. now Superintendent of Com mon School». Of Nos. 1 and 2, which are new books, just ibsaed, we will hand a copy gratis to any Teacher who may apply. K. J. HALK ,V ^ON FOR S \LK. Residence «n Harrington >1111 " D c. 29, 1S55. Terms liberal JOHN CROW. bS'if (y V - tie lit «?r w ■ .1 tn*'.r . . •'•5 ■ rriiai'tpe i*' Finance, aay Fe.rmry By nre of C^n.leriiua C : rOKS pre>:.*nt fh.'ir cl urns to Jno bef;re tae 1st day of Feb'y : recpiv»*rd of public Monies, ipifeciive accounts, to- '•5. rea iy :'o;- sittiement with 'is re lUirp'! t;' !aw, on the order :' '.ae Commitiee of ■.nty, a LEMINO Chnr’n. d9-ti LOST, S Monday last, in FKvetieville, or on the Road home, n large Calf S«iti Ptji KET BfjOK, con- tftiuinjr a c^ns.ierable quantity of papers, embracing Notes, i.aceipts, sc., among wo the loilowing nr«» recollected; A Not*> made by Jno. McRia to th.s subscriber fcr Sixty-one I'ollnrs and some cents. II i'lU' I tUi’ IVU I'MilH' UconiadebyA A McKethan and Duncan Morri- || ( | \, |U.\, SkI il 1 A 1 \ II illJljN, F\IJ. faX>l>H. 18.55 1‘p;,\R(;k i'kkgTTson 4 RE now Hecfeivlng their FAX.L moI WINTER STOCK -f Foriegn aud DomMtlo. Staple nod Fan^y DRY GOODS, CAPS, BOOT« and HHOXv^, With a gwieial assortment i f Al>« Cl.O riiS To which they Mivi.e the attention of Merchants, the J wb'cU they offer at LOW PRlCF!^ for C.\sn, or on Time to puoctuil castomors at Whoietule or Retail. U. V PEAHC'E J. B I’taOLfiON, Aug. 27: 30 tf NLW ST(iciv~(7r Books anl Stationery. nre now receiving our usual New .Stock of » * BOOKS and STATIuNERY, embracing a great variety of SCHOOL, liAW, MEDICAL AND .MISl’ELLUEOL'S BOOKS, Together with n large and varied stock of Blank IJooks, Paper, Envelopes, &;c. Country Merchuuts an-l other* are irvited to call, as we ctfer the above siOi:k on the best teims. Oct « E J HALE 5L SON F.VLL Of' 1855.- E are now receiving :ur 3tock of Fall and Win- w w ter Goods, 1»HY GOODS, READY-MADH CLOTHING, flATS, TAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES Having determined to r^linqtiirh the HARDWARE I HAI'C, we ofit-r c>.;i -Stock at greatly reduced prices for CA.'^H (jiir ;rien ls who s*‘e betsind h\nd iu their payments, 3r»* c^irntstiv i-eq iestei to par up H.vIL i SaCKFTT, Augus; 27. 80-tf C()U\:f i, R 4 Y & f;0.,i high school. ^ 7th Session of this Hchool will commence on Hay street, Fayetteville, tRK nnw receMng their FALL STOCK of STAPLE I supervision oT th^ Key Geo. B. ScoU,, M- A- of the and FA\rV . Lr.ivarsity of Edinburgh, (Scotland,) Pnccip&i, a Jaa'y !4. Town f-pera 2 wi'okJ 1 ho Sonc; of liiawatha, by Long- • i. w A'?o, Se!f-Cu;ture ia Re .ding, Sp‘-iking and — vers'ition, by Bh«*rwo^d A further supply just ^eired. S. J H.ALE i S .*N "riD V 14 son for Tea I'ol’.ars and ccn? One made by WjUiam .McMillan for Ten Dollars,— I whicn is paid ) A receipt from Jno Munrce, Cc/cstabl«, 'or thrtk Judgmt-nrs. 1 wo rt :e;pt» of Oce Hundred Dollars each for stock in Clarei.don Baul; And a receipt for Two Shares ox Stoca lu F F High School The nnder will suitaoly rewarded by leaving th« •ame with Coon i JohUsca cr J d Banks DU.NCAK 8HAW Dee 5, !6£6. 69-tf MATTRKSSF.S. 'II^HF .Su:'Sor’';er i» now making:, and will constantly £. '.leep 0. hand ft supply of good SHUCK and T!iiS M.'vTTKKiJ^t>’ He invites persons in want .f \lMtresse«. Cushions, sc., to call and see him at oiu stand of Jacob Uttarburg, Hav St., F.ivetteville. II. LOCKAMAN an ' 59-tf IS TKl'^iT s Y Virtue of a Dee i of Trust made to me by the late Re’. Colin Mclver. I uill on Wednesday, the 23d day of .‘unuary. 18 t). at the C' urt Hou?** in Fayetteville, p:-oc*'ed to ;-»f!l fcuudry NLuiROES, to ^ uisfy the provision of said Truit. D. A K.\V, Tru.«tt'0 Fayeueville, Dec. 20, 1855. *'6-:e fOK FA5.1. iV W LS i'KU TK\1)E, iB- » • .VE If -W OO Osrv%'lc\^€^0oD s: fC TflOMtjO.'' is now receiving his usual assort- • ment of the most approved styles of HATS, CAPS, BOOTo aad SHOES, LiDIl.^' iil.'KlNi, SLirPLK^ and Chi drcn'i Shoe- of various descriptions. —ALSO,— TRAVELLING and PACKING TPU -k', and CAR- PF.T BAGS, al' of whi 1. le offcied for sale on the 'i' ’St reasonable terms. OUi pustcmprs and new oties are respectfiiily Ir.vite 1 to call and examine my siotk of Fall and Wiuter Goods. First coma, first served. J. C. THOMSON. Old Stand. Sept. a, 1856. 'I.-.i-Ver 23 tf 28 Gross (300()) Webster's ^^lcm^*nt- r Spelling Booiis 2d dwzen Web«ter’s Pictoriil Si’ilUT HAIIRFI.S. hMINE i' iti’^ r« vuu get luppiied with ugh the distil’:’';g “ensnn. at THO. J. JOHNSON S, Spelling Books Nov. 18. E. J. xiALL ^ SON. /iiUP i Sj irir B*? .Tels. mariet pnce^ at Near the ‘ ape fear Bacb. ar.d Mar»et place. ■ NEW GOon.N. AM now receiving my Fall an'i Winter 5^;. clt of t)9 4w .ix£:s. D'jZEN Turpentine and Timber Aies for s&le by THO J JOHNSON 1-j 65-4w CANDLES. BOXES P**arl, Adamuntine and Sperm Candles, for sale by THO. J. JOHNSON. 1. ' 69 4w Pui^W'hiie Loud and Pultv, ‘iO Jan 1 GRDCEHIES. HARDWIRK .WD riTLKKT. These goods were bought late in the season, and consequently ut reduced prices. My stock of ISOO'I'S and SliOI> is complete, embracing many kinds of extra sizes; Blankets, Kersevs. &c.: Hats, fine and oommon 1 HOS. J JCHIN.SON. Old Stand, near the Cape Fear Bank and .Market place. Nov. 12. r>2-tf the R.jsdfroiu LirtK-t m Clark's Croi k for sale by Jan. 10*. THO. J. JOHNSON. 6w-4 w GLLE, SRlSH Glue, iu barrels, for Distiller's use. said to be the BEST tor glaing Spirit Bane’s Truss Hoops, Coopers’ Tool'. Turpentine Hacks, and Files, together with a heavy stock f Dry Goods, Groceries. H'trdwr.ri' and Cuticiv, suited to the trade. THO. J. JOHNSON. Jan, 10, 1^'>6. 69-4w 'Plir* Proshyterian Psalrnodist, square, jr chararter not** editi'j i. .A.iso, the same work round notes. A further suppiv just received. E. J HALF, i SON. Jan'y 10. • linpression Paper, lor writing with- . jt or ink; buff, pink, and white Bath Letter Pa- pt’; aa.' ?r I 'id. s..vi r bordered and plain Visiting arde: ' .p'r Bristol Hoaid Cards; Envelopes; \c . cj'C. Just roc’d. E J. HALE SON. Jan’v • (jr A li 1 ) I'j.N SLEI).S. - [/"E Have reoe.ved a general asa-rtmfcnt of L.\N- DRE'I'li’S cule'riitei G.VKbEN SELDS. Wur- rti'^ted fresh anJ genuine, of the Crop of 1655. F r sale by S. T HAVVLEV & SON. .’jn’y 10. G9-6w G^AKSEED. (HA\K ju.st received a larg^ supply of fresh and gei’Uine Garden Seed. 1 hese Seed were grown in Weptern New York in ■ '. Call and see whaJ L.ARGh P.APER.S can be 1 t'.r FIVE CENTS. S. J. HINSDALE \ n. 09-4w Crop aiiil I’i f.nd at the New Building, near Libertv . .nt, Vii-rot Neiv Rice. !;'■ ■- : : 'i - ms Mola^'-^JS, ei.tet Mullets. W. MAC INTTPK. 60-Ct iiOOKS. I Up.Mi . :. !■ .n; I'-urr.- ’! !.>■ i’s!ii:iiist, : H. lin'ir'e t'Ts: . . Vo. /I.:.?! d by . l.ire o:' .Sidney I'.if.f.Mimic Advontures of nf Robert .Merry ts Countries in Binkley’s Tesfi b.. a; , .Miickey’s •’s I I'resbytfjrian '■jnali Siif; Anthon's t^Uissi- i’eirin’s Banker's E. J. J1.\LE A Sun. • 1 ' 1 f(r Parity 1. 'iiMvels I. 1 Vuli^ V ;• : \i;«- nil, llll JtMU Il CLARENDON IKON WORKS, Wilmington. N. C. A. H. VA\BOKKEl..KN',,Proprl«*lor. fB^HE sulscriber having purchased the entire inter- .& tst in the ••CLARF.NDdN IKoN WORKS." so- lioit.s orders for Steam Engines, of any pov. er or style. Saw Mills ot every variety. Mining Machinerj* -md Pumps, Grist and Flojr Mills, complete. Parker, Turbin# and other Water wheels, Rice-field Pumps nd Enginps, Leavitt's Corn and Cob Crusher, Rice Thrashers, Shingle .Machine,-, Shafting Hungers and Pullies, Cotton Gins and Gearing, Iron Castings of all kind* and pattoros. Brass *• “• “ Locomotive and Tubular Boilerp, Flue and plain Cylinder Boilers, Blacksniith work of all kinds. Iron Doors fer Hotises and Jails. THE EST.Vl’.LISHMKNT Having been re-organized for the exprtss purpose of insuring punctuility in the execution of all orders, the public n;ay rest saiisti»:d that any work which m iy offer will l>y promptly delivered accor ling to promise, and of sucb workmanship as cannot fail to give satis faction, THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Being in charge of men of tulcnts*and experience. I have no hesitation in s.iying th.a the work hereafter turned out, shall compare favorably in every respect with that of the most celebrated in the States, and at pncc9 which will muke it to the interest of all in want to *en«l me their orders. REPAIR WORK .\lways done without delay—and having a large force for that purposp. it will prove advantageous to any person needing sucii to give me the preference w’thout regard to expense of sending same from a distance. Oiders will be addressed to ‘•Ciarendun Iron '.Vorks, ' Wilm.neton N. C. -A. H. VANBOKREi^EN. 4».-tf ” Tnch ice. r M'tHE SUBS('K1 !'>ER hn8 removed i .SHAW'-? NEW L’ ILL'ING, Gil lespie Street, wheri.- in* inti^nds ciny ing on the 'S'.l I S.OiJ 3 ^ i’Ciil- Ni:SS in all its brunches H:i>^infi had practical e.xi.erienco In inost ol the .Vt- luntic clv.Lu, he .' , ^;,sured that he Cun please the most fastidious. All »rdera will be executvd with ueat- ness and despatch. ^ B. MONAGHAN. . Macoh 'i8, 1858, »l-tf cn ERSEER wan i'Ep. I^HF subscriber will give good wages to a competent O^'erseer, v.ell rect>mmcnded us *o char.icrer and TO CON'I’R vc roiis. TB^IIE Prvsident and [‘irectora are now ready to re- M. ceive proposals for constriictinsc tCe Fayerrp\ille Albpi'iarle Plank Road betwoen Litt e's Mills in Richmond ('ountr and AlKemarle in Str.nly Tounty, and they invite pr pos.'i.'S for the ;o'I-/wing work.— Seoti>'n 1 >t F t ronsti ■; ti> ' th* fr Mills C'r.r',»’s t'r**ek. H* r- ''ps Sec. 2d For ccnstractiiig Read to the Pee !>*“>• River, d Sec '^d. For th‘- oonstnictlon of % Bridge aoross Pee Dee Biver. Sec 4th. For the cor.stnicti:'n of tht> Road from the Pee Dee R'ver to \lhem vr'e, m !*». Prt posaU will be receiv*d and considereii for the Grading arid niakin-.r al! necessary- »i le ditches aiul (Culverts frum th« Pee Dee to .Ubemarle. omitting planking. By a resolution of th» Stockh ’ fei J. before the Presi dent and [)irectors can P!;ter into these contracts an iLdividual subscription of -iil'i.OiX) will have to be made,—it is asked that the fiieiids "f the work will submit such bids, either subscribing or guaranteeing that amount so as to enablo the work at once to go on. jas. g. cook, Pres't F. it A. P, R, Co. Oct 25. 47-Vf FAMILY BlfiLES. LAPkGE Stock. Also. Pocket Bibles and Prayer Books. E. J. HALE SON. B and FANCY DRV GOODS, In whiCh mav be found FOK THE L,\DIES; Tue,sda.v the 8th day of January next, under the , of the assisted The E^arge^t Carriage Factory in the South t by Mrs. Scott in the Primary Department 'Ir and Mrs, .^cott have both made Teaching the I bosiness of their lives; and from the experience which r.i ■ ... r., ■ ■ • , T, , r r t 'Irustees have had, during the past year, of p J Black DeLAlNF.S: , hdelity, and success, in the discharge of the I V, ?'?’ I ' of theii professioii, they confidently recommend anr1 QTTITQ. PL.^Vi VftVTfl'Q ^ . .. t* and Black SILKS; Cloth MaNTLES and CIOAKS; Cloak CLOTH; SKIRTS and SKTRTIN(>-, Merino I VESTS; BONNETS; EMBROIl*ERIE£. SiO I FOR GENTI EMrN: | n»ts; Boft»s and Shnps; V’estings; Caositnereii; ! \V hit(*. HlacV a»id F.mcy Stitptts und ('ravats; | ReaJv-Maile Clothing, &c. 1 — ALS'»,— j Linseys, Kerseys and I’lains. Bl.ankets, Brogans, Table | t'loths a!id ('overs. .Vllendale Sheetings, Ciiildren’s Kid i G’.ovps, Waol Sacks and Coirifni ts. Youths’ and Boy’s | Clothing, English an 1 It.ilian Crapes, Dimity, Em-! broidery Si'.ks and Braids. j A good ass.'rtment of Ladies', Gentlemen’s nnd ! Children’s BOOTS, SHOES, and GAlTERi; GLoVES, i HOSIERY, ic. i Sup'. 2 S7-tf ! T Ksfahlishme.nl By WAT^«\. IIF Subscriber would infcrm his friends and the public generally, that he iias completed his n*w establishment on Maxwell street, near Mr. E. W. Will- kings’ Store; and is now prepared to receive orders for C.lRT.'b, nAGOXS, DRAYS, dcc., which shall be prom.ptly executed. All work done by him shall be of the best workman ship and material that the country can afford. therf! uj Parents and Guardians, as pre-eminently quali fio * l.y temper, alents, and acquirements for the in struction of •itudonts. In all the branches of an English, Scientific. ClHssiral, and Cummercial Education, i'he Triistet's respectfully' invite the public to a per sonal ex.vmination of the system pursued in the Scho.il Teriiis—^ic, SI 2, nnd i?20, per Session of five months. (French included in the 3d grade without extra charge.) Board can V>e had witti the undersigned in the Board ing house belonging to the School or iu private taini lies at $8. per month. One half foes aud Board invariably paid iu advance D C. .McIMYKii, beo’y. Laurinburgh, Richmond Co , N. C , t , Deo 12. 1855. t CALL AN!) SE I'TLI':. 4 LL Persons indebted to the subscriber either b\ l\. N 'to or .\ccount, are requested to settle during the month of January, as lunger indulgence cannot be given. J have on hand a lot of SADDLERY and HARNESS WARE that I will sell low for ash M. N. LRaUY Pec. 24. s4-1 mpd iiKvv ,\Ui)! ANaW.W from the subscriber, with her litt e Boy Isaac, a Negro Woman, ENIILY liy name ! Said woman is about years old, o feet 4 or o inches I REPAIRIXG of .hU kin(i» Jonc withneatnMS ordinary sire and dnrk complexion. H.-r chihl l and despatch lS>.\.AC, is a likely hoy about yenrs >ld, with large | *1 r//-ir»c-r- ey tjr r\'-r’ mi u . ■ .1 i »'o"i"K eyes, aud black o.>aipiexiua, and ii! nut able tu | Al.so, t/ORSE'StfOEiSG will be strictly ; di3ti„ctly. ; attended to. * N B, No pnins will b« spared to give satisfaction to those WTO may favor him with their patronage. Fayetteviiio, Mav 25. 1855 4-Y J. W. BAKER Is noTv rocoiring from the North the large.st, finest, aud most carefully se lected stock of rrsi>!?Tr«i: ever offered in this market; which; added to his o*vn manufacture, makes his ass 'rtment c^)Taplet9;—all of which he will sh:! on ihe lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctL.'il customers. Fa:ihional-lo painted cottage be i-rooiu Furniture in sf-tts; curled hair i>i i auuck, anvl cotton Mattresses; Looking Glisses; Willow Wugons and Cradles: Side Boards; Bureaus: .''ecietarics 'ind Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, a 1 ‘»orts; \\ash St-mds; Candle Stands: Wardrobes; Picture i'laines atidt«lass; Window Shades: (’urniccs; (’urtaiii P.ands; Sofas in .^lahogany nnd Walnut; Tvte a I'etis; l)t:i.imu:js; Divans aud Stools; ('hairs of *Tery variety. Fine ll'»si-\vin il iiiGf:, one with *?i]olian At tachment; Rose^ lod Malo Jians. from tlie bet manufac tories in New *i(d Heston, wirranted as irood as an..' matie in the country, aud will be sold at N. York prices — :'reight only ad Iwd Noveniber 2, 18.'-.*. t.Stf Said negroes were purchased from one Martin who lives in Riidimond Va . thither they may make their way I will give Twenty-five Dollars for the ileiivery to me of said .Negroes, or their confiaoment in anyjai; ivliere I can get them. 1 wid also sfive -$100 for proof '.’h lent to convict any w’lite persoa of harboring, c'-awe: iug or enticing aw.iy ail Negr >es. T. BETHE V. Oilopolis, Robesoa Co., N. C , Deo. 22 GA-tf A. A. MclvKTJIAA ESPECTFCLLY informs his friends and the ■ public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Sttnl, expressly for raaaU' facturing Carri«.ges. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, be hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen In each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness aud durability. He is determined to sell and do any work iu his line on as good terms au any work done elsewhere that IS as well done. He now h,i8 on hand, Finisuku, the L.iKGEST STOCK of f’arriftj{es^ Haronches^ Ilorlcawcn^s^ and es, Ever offered in this place, auJ a very large stock of work nearly tinished, which will be fiaishe I laily. •\11 ol whioh will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. U5S" He has »ii liami more tlian S K H UJi*. K l> AN1> FIFTY Vehi cles tiiiisUed .in I iu coarse of constr-.iction. .111 ff'jrk la t le »y liiniis tVai-r inted I 2 monthi with fair usage, auil jhnul l it t.til l»y bi 1 v >rk;uai.ship or materinl will he repaired free of charite. Persons .wisliing to buy woulii do well to caH and examiiiw for themselves. Orders thankluily received and prom{. Attended to. Repairing executed at short uotio6 and ou very reisonable terms. .May 28. I«6.S. 98tf KEOUCED PARE. Through Ticket*? between Wilmington, S. C , and Balti- mci». Fare $13. Via Weldou, Petersburg. Richaioad, & Wash- ' ington City, or via Weldon, ; Portsmouth aud Norfolt. For Tickets apply at the Office ; of the Wilmington and Raleigh I Rail Road Company, at Wil j miDgtou, or at the Oihce ef the Bultimore Steam j Packct Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Kail I Road .Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore | Jan. 1. 1 So2 f ('or/jorati.m Bonds of ihc TvfL'n of Ic for Sale! A IH1?^F \IO K to an Act of the General .\?semb'y ot tne •■'tiTe o! Nor^h ( urolina. iMt tie i Dec 2 ‘ hutii.'iizirtg itn- T »vti ai Fa>ctteville to istue her I'ion f.*- tu th a . lun; f i?lOO.t'O'i, in the aggre- KiHe. for tho piirp.T^ • ot. pa-. !7ig her sabscr.ptiou to the Western Kail Roa i ( ■ nip ,ny. Therefore, it is ordered by the Commisbioneis of Fayetteville, that tiie i reniurer of thr^ 1 own receive sealed propos.ils \iiitii tii- 1-r ot' Novea.ber next, f"r the pur hase of S-jtt.o '0. in su :;s ot $.')00 each of s id lion.is. or any p.iit th.-i-e »f. B 'H 1» to run twentv yi;ar-t, with Coup-ois aitacbe ).—int-r. si payable semi- annuolly. The s-.i I B->n'ls shii! be und--r the se-il of the Corporation, and bin (mg on the faith of the same. v\ ,M. WaRI'EN, Tuwu Treasurer. .‘'ept. 2t», 185o. FCRrHER SUPPLY OF ROOKS. F^LDOR.^DO, by Ba\ard Taylor; A Basket of Chips, J by Brougham; Tabie Traits, by Dr. Doran; The Renegade; Modern Pilgrims by Geo. Wood; Helen l.eeson, a peep at New York Society; India, China and Japan, by Bayard Taylor: The Hidden Path; Hearts ease; .\litchell’s I raveller’s (lUide: Cu iitning’s Woriis; .ViidrC'Vs’ L-itiii hiigii-U Lesic »n; tm;iii hd tiori of Pe.iims aud Hymos. plain tud g-.-i; Mueliie's I'hilosop'ny; Grt-jne’s ,analysis; Wet'ster’s Dicti'maries; Cutter's Anatjinv, Physiology, \c. Just received. E. J. HALE i SON. Dec 31. NEW BOOKS. '■IHE Topographic.al. Statistical, and Historical M. GAZLTTEKit i)F SCOl'L.VND. 2 vols Also, fa ther snpp.ies of Ro;;et's riiesa;irus of Eng lish Words; I’oe Hi i leii P.itn; Ceve ilal-; Li;;ht ,ind l>arkne s. .a Story of t a!.liimabie Life; i^oreuzi^ Uow’s W»rKS; Lirouton’s E ocation; I'he Studeni’s speaker: Du3ae\ a Ctii'ice; .■'a.i'leia, \loGudyj. s. Pii':-kei S and otiier Soliool R‘a lers; Bu ions an i .Siniti.’a i.^iiai- Gi‘imm:irs; Lmcrson’s. Smith's, bivies’ and utiiei- Aiuhmetics; and school books geiier Lv, E. J ILvLE i Si)N. Oct. 12- 4 >- Bt>.\E5 T.\LLi>vv .Vibo, a lot ot PL ilN and h.V.'^CA W..X C.vN- ULES. 1-or sale by W. H. CaRVI.K, Nov. 7. * 51-tf NEW N!AV HOOKS. KECHCROFT, by the Author of H‘>ar*seas*>. kc; The Private I.if** r.f an K.istern Kinc; .“'fray Leaves fiotn the Book of Nature; .McKenzie’s Mifccella neous Works; The -uSrast between Gooil and Bad 'vlen, by Rev. Pr, Giid n-r Sprinc- .Viso, fiiither siipplit-s of The Gr>‘at Iron Wheel; .\loiie; Heir of Redcliffe; Berri-fi’H, Barnes’ an I Thornton’s F'nmily Prayeis; Gillott’s 303. Perry’s Double .Action, and many other kinds of Steel Pens; Carmine Inks; Camel Hair I’encils; ^e. E. J. HALE X SoN. Nov. 12 FAIJ. wV WINTKK (iOODS. .?/. TMgO,fi,i.S gS Receiving, d.rect fr>ra .Ne»v York, a large and well seloi'ti'd a‘aortiiiciit of Staple .'ind Faiu“y Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clotiiiiij;, Hat-i, ('aps, Wniitiefs, H.JdtS, Shoes, Kfrst-y,', Blaiikoto, Ac To which he rt-.Mi’ti ca ■ the attc;iti not tlieL.VDI S, bis fn-nds. and thi- Pub i,- ge inaMy, to give h m a call a .d examii.e his .''t. ck before making their pur chases H-- inteii is tilt the People decidt^ “ hether ttiey are pretty, or. whether they at' C IM.VP, wuen they ex nii'ie his ' took :>n 1 Ikm.- h s , rices lie IV uld r tui n his si loore th ujks for the liber patronage h'ri-tot'.'re ,'iten 1 d to h m str.ct att.nti /n to tjusii.ess, to merit a continuance ol the same Corner of M ir.i> t a id (Uilespie ."t.. Sept. 2i. S^-tf Rio and Java ColVee, lor s ile by W. 11. CAli\*ER Nov 7. u . • tt WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT ITf ■4 next Carriaf/e ExtablishmerA on tfui Militarjf Green, opposite the Methodist Church, fronting on Mum ford Stre«t. GREA'r ENTERPRISE» Fafctteville it boiiiid to ^r'HE Subicribera would respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have entered into Copartnership for the purpose of conducting the genvral CARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare wors with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura bility. One of the firm may be Known hy reference to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last twio years. We ‘~a’-rant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months Renairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. Jamks H. Piek. Jasiks Bka.vik. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1863. 62lf liivery Stables. The undersigned continue to carry on the LIVERY BUSI NESS at this place. They have lately largely increased their Stock and can now offer to the ublic ae good Horses, Carriages and Dri vers us can be found in the South ern country. Thankful fjr the large patron age heretofore extended to us, we solicit a continuation at the public lavor. We promise a satisfactory trip to 1.1 svlio iu:iy wish t‘. tr.ivel. Statiles at the West end of .Mumford street, •vhere one ot the Proprietors may always be found, or ti the Stor* first door East of ,Mr. Lutterloh. J. W. POWERS 4 CO. Fayetteville, ceh’y 22, 1863. 71tf TO DiS i'lLLERS. [7" E will pay the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to gi%e us a cull when in market. J. it T WADTMLI. June2«. 1«55. Jrf i ■ r i .1 \. s.Mi rii, WIiOLF.SAr.E AND KETAIL DEALER IN ^iMEMPicr.vE s rff JPiihUs^ Otis; Ift/c-Sttfffs; VA RMS HE S; WIXD 0 ir. GL A SS A XD Gfdss- Wort; I'ti/ameri/; Fine S'>(ij>i^S Eiiie T"Oth uud llnr lii‘u>iheSy l\nnt Jirimhesf t ieh) nud Ganfen Sniijf!i-, Sunjirn/ liistrumen fs", Medtcina; Rote Liquors for AJetiifiiiffl /‘urpusf'.r. Fancy xirtich.i, ifr , li’C. Orders from Country Physicians and Merchants re spectfully solicited ind perfect sati.sfactioa guaranteed, both in regard to quality ani price J. N. SMITH, Druugiflt. Oct. 27. -^'^-tf Fail and Wiiit‘r (lioods. ’ jr. A* T. n*adftill, HAY STREKT. 4 RE n«-w receiving their Fall and inter Q001‘»S cousikting of a large and well selected stock of JFSr PFBLISHEi). .1 .>Vir uufl tUtrrectvil E'lifhm of Devereux’.^ Equity, VoL 2. ror tae iiner n . and n- pes by SOME years past this volume of the Rep rt> nt 1 of the Supreme t'ourt of North Carolina has b^-ei, out of j>rint. The suHsi-ribcrs h-ive priute 1 a 2 t ed: I tion, revised .'itid corr»et-*d. shich th*‘y will be hapj'.’ j to fiirnish to such gentlemen of the pi-i.fes.si in .-is h iv. i incomplete sets. Orders are solicitel. Sh m'd thf\ tie encouraged sulhcieotly liy the sale of th:s v iluoie they prop se to I'dlow it by a re-print of Pevei e'.x'- ist. 3d. and 1th Liw. imi De'-. v Battle's 1st La a-, al of which .ire out of print. E .1 HAi.E & .■>i),N' Groccri(‘S, I! art! ware, Cutlery, Blacksiiiilh*^' Tur- pontine 'Tools, Aiiriciillural im- o pleiuents, lioots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea ther, Heavy articles m the Drug line, Ready-made Clo- thinsr, and Staple Dry Goods, i ValiLible l^roppiMy FOHSVLE. 44^1#^ I .\CKl-'.,s of vi'nable Farming iw Aw r '1 urpeiitine L. VNU, witli the Turp*-! fine STILL. STORE H »L’.SE, GO'>D.-, and 8 1'AM known as BEVrTY’S BRIDGE, in Bladen coun y. ar. offered for sale. The Store and Still will be S'dd eithei with or without the Ian!; S) th »t those wh > wish t> engage in Mercantile operations or in distilling 1 ur pentine will do well to apply soon to beat IY & BROTHER Be.atty’s Bri Ige, July 2 14-tf A C \I{D. H E subscriber tenders liis ser%ices to the oitizens of Fayetteville an i tiie snrrounding country, as a 'i vSTKit .Sitli’KL,\YEK \.\ I) PLASTEl^ER, and jrives notice that he is l ea-ly to coi.tract fur work in ;iis line, at the lowest cash prices. S. F. DICK^O.N. Favetfevilie, Oof, !>, i ^o4 :^>tf !frlteatlIt; l M innfnctnrif. i^HE suSftcribcr still continues to manul.-cture a su- perioi’ article of plain and fancy CA.MHE.^ at the Mid stand. (No. 0, Green street, 3 loore North, of rhe Market House.) w'.|. r- .ro-.iM lie h ij px to .see bis dd Iriendb aad customers, CH\RLES banks Nlarch i. 1 7Rtf Wtidrr's p.ittnt '.V S il a/i')Hil^r S i/f . E keep constantly on hand an asaortnient of lUeaiii.-H S\rr',>, warrnited ltr‘ >!•' 1; and lesir i is of exiea liiig the deiu m l lor tli-i:'. li.nc 'ii UCB-I tiie lu'^ers t- 'ew \ ork pr.Ces. outiseul to tn^ here II* I). .V W McL.vr-l I V \f' K'. ^ \ 11 E earth price p iM toj- i mI .i.e ''li; t 3 U i.i ■'>t.'i es, aa i O .k .«r \shc .iea liaf;. i .-ili as. W. ."itrange, w(io c-in ihv-;_\s l*e .o i.id al f.i .-ll 1 ■■•cL.vVillN -V I K \: I j. F-jb’v IS. iSoH. 7'iit 20vW Spirit funr 12. I'a! Ill i.^'reis for s i ic i)v .Mcl.AURIN \ STii.vN'' E Jtf for Ne^ro Blankets, Kersevs aad Shoes sa’o liv 'V- H- CARVKK. No^‘. 7.' AL\V,\VS 0.\ H \.M) \NU TJil SALE I'SlSv'Eil*, J GEXERAL ASSORTMEXT 01 DivY G001).> AND (;R0( i'.RlES, Topetlicr with a general assort aeiit of FOUl'IGN .1X1) DOMESTIC WIWES and LIQUORS, Which I am anxiuus to sell or exoi ange for Produce of a^y kind i.naa! This Stock we are prepared to Job or Retail. Fayetterlile, Oct, 24. lS.‘i4. 43tf We ask the Planters and [nrpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro P.lankets, Hats and Shoes. { iOL NO PiCE. N.VTHAN KIN(J is our autho;lzed .\gent f liuc'vwheat Floiir in P2^ lib. Bat;s, or sa e by W H. C.\H\ i’.R. .Nov, 7, 51 ti >tvlcs; competencv, to take charge of h;s Rose Hill I lartation, ... ; . “ : near Fayetteville, for the ensuing year. One ■well ac- vS ^ {(.-U-r’s I, IPlbndjffd Dictl'>iil.rv. quamted with making Naval Stores, particularly Tar. t .ppi;«g just rec’d. il. J. HALE & SON. preicrred. JOHI'i H. UAUGUl'ON. 22 1, PitttborOTigh, D*^. 80 6U-tf Nov. Fan 1IV 1''e nI’s N ew CLARK. ,jo8t receive J. E. Deo. Z2. sold ;n thi.s Market. '»V. H. CAilVER, . Ha3' Strcst, near the .Market. 6;-tf Bojk. ROSE J. HALE &. SON. ■ f' " -•'i 't'P ;. 1^. % Timber and for t!ie purchase of Crude Turpentine, a iiingsbury, in CumberUad County. J. « T. WADDII L, May 22. 185-1. 3-tf 'Pbe sut)scribers u ill |>urcli;is«‘ Spinf> T irpentine. or niak** adxances on consignments to thei. tVieuds iu Wilmington, or Ni'W \or’ii. C. T. HAIUH ^ SON.-^. April 9. 18-'v'3. '-‘Oif .M(;t:iodist md \leth>l Dec. 22. various I lyinns t Disoip iues, ju-^t received. E. J. HALE S S(jN. By GEO. LAUDER. , vvu iJOi)u> ,4:;oVi. c. t. uaigh i so.n’s stukr FayetteTiile, €. Jaa’y 20, 1866 .\1cLAl KIN A* SrRAN'i!': S -WE on ban I. a large stO'’k of su erior .'^PIRI i 9 II B.VRRELS, ■■vlii.-h t^iey would sell at a r. dn-.' price for cash Persons wisliin'.r ti) make eiipagemv;nr.- would do W-..M1 to call i n u* hef..rc making engagements, iS we warr.int a good articio. April 20. r., 9'/tf jf 1'DHR VINEGAR, a good article, for sale by H>r. 10. W. U. CARVER. 6A tf The* Southern 11 rnnonv'uri Mtisicat 'ompani m. ne v edition, en'ar.f'1 ani ri^visel. -V urthor supply of this pupular book ju-'t rec’d. E. J. HALE & SON. Dec. '21. r^llE Subscriber^ l.ivt for s lU an Imperial No. 4 ^ Wiishin;iton Hand Pr ■.-s. 2d hand It wili be sold 'lieap, d*diveral'le in I’elersburg. \ a. It is said to be I good Press aad in good order. June 4, IHoo. E. J. HALE x SUN. nj:w la vV books. 'ii|«AYLER'.> Law fJlossary; Elw.irdion BailmcLts S. Wharton’s United .States Sta'e Trials. E J. HAi.E V SUN. 0«t. 27.