/ V »»' /A 1 ®'V^? C' ' a w]'^Tf> 8 K in I - n K S4 L Y . \( ! V.] KAYI:TTFAILU:, N. C., JANI AKY ‘21, (NO. 472.] a > 'M> v\ s \Ni' riirUS!) \vs H\IV, 'iON. \M . W.'fklv 'u I'RM.P ^3 00 if pai’l in i:' pHiil 'ianu. tho v«-!ir of siuV'S''ri5-' •r thi‘ ^-:ir lia~ f\pi I -I i' - KK 'S2 U!i por 'Uimiin. ii i» ; j.iU'l 'lurin.; till- \ear .4'sut“-.'rii'- ’lit' \ t il li'ii o\virP'l - \ - ,ii>-rif'i t>!; -i\ty f.Mit-, p»T !. ii' :i" t. Hi! ' iliifiv for t'ufli .,t :• V.vnK MilvortistMuents I'v • » -vv.iT i.iiir Ad\*-rti>fi » art* r.aiiil't'r of ■li’xiroi!. or ,. !t‘ i t'M f Mill' H. . iiril- , I ‘ !i '.ii - iiai^T ■ I'v.i't-]' ii'l . ;■■ I , ,. ,'h rir-' l P'T i v\\\ \(>i'i:i> or OUNTSIY DISTRICT: 1‘ 'toil. pr.'in!M'> t> ■ lit* lutie« of , 1=(|V ' o.y>'i\i ni.n. ,(.• iw. nij.i ci NO i'km:. .ffi-.' hiinso’l a- i for re ..(Tioe of in the ; . ii.in in Fel’nirtrv ue^t. JOilN J J-HIl.I.H'.-'. \ C' \ :l”. ince-* !i> ui' i'i i .vw. i.-lntf f'r I*.91 rii'i w R Lnvi: * 1 r, M l{st|{\ HK\, KK’I !l liUll\UKs. VM) K\k.M!:RS. ■ THE XKw vuKk iloRTh'i i;n K\L ur,vii:w;j , A JOI \L Ol'III itit lltT. 'i* Pl.nUL'N \sn VKOn SLLY ILLrsTKWElJ I tf't'* 'i ta tht' tit tH'* }fit ■>* thf' tiiftni ! in :\ni>rlcn. i H IS is011c 1.: tl^r'liiriTfht fliiii ni >t w.nke 1 kiii^l ill til'- vvurlii. }; !»i' \r. fi’iiis ou*- ilii- j.i iiicij.i.i' ten tur*-- Ki h niini! »?r p'lnt u!i t\'’ > to f 'lir «'n gruv J:;!-; cf ii;- '’•' i lii- i^iis li_v ctimimt «11 I -.Uiltui :ir. hlTl't.t*- .->() .•(• i« !I M l lo lh«' tn''i -Mii :iri I'l !-au i.' qii- ve i pliins ot t II't» :> lU o\cr_v uni t.. ni’ciiii- ar’t.f' . f ilitSVrfnt or.tors of nri'hiti'v'tmv, t'oantifv tlic Wi.r' Kii^nivintrs ot lu-w frnits, now tlowor-^. new vogetii It'u'?. j;o.. .'iri; lUu^ir.iitvl ;u;'i (t*scnfnM :is .smui their ri''['I i-r.\ !■ '(ua'ii it--^ l i; h.- 1, f.irm’iig tiie 1.1 t pl tc a. i clfj i’lt ul'lilivxl Hll:»i>aii(ify •‘V.'V !■ tii p\vii'rii‘not'«1 I'nrps uf }iriiclii’;il writcus, sf'veii in rmuili- r. !ii»* in tii- its oulir.n.iS. It Inr^c anil is y«riutO'i on lie !i!u>l siu'lu':''! f'Hiicr, inaiiiifncturi‘il px- prc^'iv Tkvm': ppr iiiir.ti'n. ii;iynblt> iii\iiri.'iMy in aii- viun'i- Kuiy .■enis i .i.u.n '.■^ioii -i. '.n. h mum'i ii^er :iliiiwe:i l!' tuos.' w iui Hcl u-. :im rus. >l '•'.):> will t'C liistriiiutt. I ..I ilu iuu t ■. yc!ii siniohL: wlio u- tiif fwt'nt'. i.u;:; -t o' ^oribors. 1 hese pr>‘iniuni-> \vi!l Vie | >ii>l in .‘rt'ti I L*' ti’-nt promium wil: u Til*' loiU'Vv;ng are holeoii’ i froiii huiiiireiiv of niniilar n.'iii- s, \oiuniar;!v *oniri»'Ut*‘ i by contemporaneous publicHTlmis; Tho lU.Kn. 1.11 KAi. l! v:rw ile^.rvep the ni. --i lih- eiHi jKitroii.'i^e. 1: is i.,'t ii;i\ ciiuiii-utly {a-rtciioal, hut iS writtiMi iri a tyl hat ei|U ' '!ic - -si clJuvi"* of thy late A J I* iwiiiM.: K ■ • • '• I 111- 11! ■'! lit m i U'. t vo . .. ■') ■That t l> i-vei Cme M" 'I' -'n b^i cv.'.r'. 'I Ihji.'’ ~ Ml i5o3;i e“. Uif Edit, ruf ti'e ll.irticn'Mir il keview, K pra>‘tio^>l poiiiC I'Hi 'I. Jiini me i>i the rtiiesi s^'h.i - .r-! ur untry '■ -i t've p-!\Vi-i'. H. { th’ ll:.- Jllovs iug ^ i’.U ot ■•'vli-a.'■ t . ir i. . KV L>u r I \^ Kf 11C‘! in OUT' ,1.! , I's \\ : rv .:z :j3ney wiien yoj V-’I can;: uri-liv’ It* i :n ov rv V700D Ei'J GH AVI^U. 'I i. «• Vf ■:! l.J ; I'..r--'I1L. '-'lil hi' • HIM-. i I - :■ - ; e;j I V ■ ^ 1 A N I 'I V i ' :ir. t eii''t .11!...: .. 'I i 1 -i.iMi -i ■ s- J *.r- j .c-e. ;i i‘ ■■ _ i 1 :'.'r^>" I ’i n i guer.-.'type of fhe object [by tnai.] tliey vish eni^rflve']. V. iiich wiP be a surticient ^aide t'l ihtiiiii h pertf^ct /Wc- r>ret‘'!e! ' '.ti’] ^e .i. u:t • tii -.ij' \ Al.l AlUJ: roK IOFFKH for ftitle. lay I.,ANDS in the Town of Fhv- etteviHe, about 1,"0 Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. ■Vbuui RO Acre« of it is tine .M*uilo\» Uanil. as theOrop now oii it will show \lso. the Valiial>i‘ ICrirk uiitl iieur tho ^if^^ket Squari*. riociipieil l>y Mr John 1‘einberton. A Lnrge auil Valunble Lot, fronting on l>ouHui^oti, i M;>xweil and Muinford Streets, known a» tho Ilot‘i (i'lrdtMi Lot.—oou'd be divide.1 into sev«ral tiuilding j l^otH—very nenr the i.ew Ketuale Hiph .'^thool Bnildin^'j. > .\l,xo, the Stfi>iie Lot !»djoiniug. fronting on Muinford I .Street. | .''evenil l>KSiHAl>LK UliILl)lNU Lol’S on both j Win*iIow and Mniijfoi-d .streets. Ml this property can now bt purchu.^ed on favora- j b'e terms, and a large part oaii remain on T.-md and ' .Mortgage if de.^ired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, is:>.5. 43-tf m-r* WL^ ■ .lAMKS K\LK .AS juat received a laree and general Assortment of nil 1’ 000ips. I (Auioug which aie, t>-o0 pieces hrc'js iJeLaius, French iind Engllbh Merino, Plain Merino, real French. Persian Cloths. Black and Colored .Si k“, > lri;h Linena, all Flax. Tnb'.e i^loth.s and ^apklr.i ( srpefing. very cheap, Cnlicoei, we'' a^.^orted, Kerpy^ and I.ii.seys, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Ho*.-. ! j.tt'lif* T ('i>'fed .Silu press ! ri;nmini4>>. .v.o. Ml of which being purchasel by the package for Crs!.. will ’ f ut^Vred tt the lowest market price for cash, or on tinn.* to (iftying cmtomer''. Sej- I’T. l’'i>-^ d'.'-tf - r \ij. -ri’pr.v. mils. ^ii'i!in\Eun!ni!nLs. JATYIES r, FOULKES, //ijy .V//-.,' I- r '^1- I 'Cl i lit'- F'^i F.' TFULLYu'^kr theatTentiouof H% ili.s cii'lonier.' aud trieods to ijirl I \RCE 'i!ii ('oMFLF.TF ST*>'^K of Durc'.s, MKDK’IN'ES aihi.CHKMlCAIS. wnii'h t.e IS iK'W rc'eiviiiff. aiid :» deter- ;rn':iol ' . ‘^el! at -:uoh iow prices a*! t- innot I'.li'. to jT’'0 ^•ltisf.'^l ti'n. It will oe hi » _^aim It- soli .Mciiicincs that ean be depended r. '(-'.e him a ••al: before tri!;kii;p: yonr purchases -p. IJ. -v-tf Si \ (t I'j 1.1N f'VoiM f'ayetirvUU' to Saiem, Vi^nite Oak Timber \VASTf:i>. North Cakolisa Aast.NAL. > F:iyftttevii!p, L>eo. ‘27, 1^05 j # J^HOl’U.S AJ.y will b#* received at this .Arsenal until 9 the 16th of Feb'y. l for furnishinif thu follow inj; >.!H of Timber;— if./s, to Im: •■om/u>!ici etich of' th^r foUoxcin^ /Vf ly-ii , i'lz:— llirhti l.rtni Inrhes do In -heii thick 2 pieces , each 8> 8 White Oi*k 4 .U lOi 8 > .JK M .. 1 -^34 15 lU 1 a lU 9i 1 '*34 1 lA lOt 2 3t; 11* ■J ] ;u 8 S 4 180 15i 2 54 Irt H 2 54 17.^ lOi 0 51 201 Hi •Making 15.951* 76-lJ) feet. J sit-i, to In: cotnyoaed Mcho/ thr folluu-ing I'iecis, rue— lnrti*>* l-mg. lnrt«i>i will.*. In>"he-) thick I KK .-ih: lerii;- V r’ \ t'.irther ...th K' \ t 1,1'TTFRI. 71 • M uie-‘ wi:; he torwHr'i.*'! • '..-ikre ■iuuit". (• la.A.iLL.- -I". Hr a ^ -r'. ad u- „oui'.'>rta’ A st . ■ A'vJ e:i,,nro in ^nf -’niir.t tho ' commei.ce 1 ruiininr' thoir v»a the Piauk Ki-a-». fr'iii; - t> - e I * ; 1; 1 UI''-OJl I ■' l'’l ' . pfijt-a I" r-ii'.lvr p.--tu- !tei t.. Js'H V !'• • lilt » 1 ii.-- 1- !:. .■ : ti F-'t ■I'll! si ' Vi .'i. \h I’l I »K .i V. i.'/ironomift r Unifinf. i'O d ■th - -I f ' ,1 M! -in a ore'l «t t'r' in li.-itt-. : \i. FV VN, - J \v Ev-in- i\lLi liS tr,,in t'atfi Hen Ur. i)t» li l>. .!U!N V . i:: I ‘.!t. ... u N ,,^k. . Ian. U. 'l !.. r . - ■ ;r. Ml. 1. i:;*' \f*M« • r. • « • :' i :i l)r ,1.. r»-H - ?• -ll' pi.vvrr , 1 , >L :ti.- V* t .1.; . f i:r- 11* - ;w' ’I'ill I'h'- ' ' f - • ry It >t ■' n ^ -!h .*I 111- = «: ' rit! ? ♦ :/♦ ■ (i-.r: - .* tt. t, r» ti* \ c - » ;tu.l J* : .1 \u.' , V tr .■!--- t'* *■ . “hJ. (t ^ ■ '1'!,: t \ f'r. -fu's.Ill : . I> .■! lUi-- i'.rj.- r* 1. ■ ».i ll •!u: - U' - .! iunn.ii:» •! p 1 n r \ • 1 :i**r ^ •' ul.» T ; : ■ - i! - - t !ir ■ '■-■r n lih \\ hf *- i !-. s p'^irial. » • l^M.UL'h r-lit-r c 1 i\ c. i:;/r U th*' «.r* il 'rt». • ;»t r» . .';Vt ll.- 1 1' I R I V F\hi!o:.- iv tn INr ' I’htTr* i re it- • 111 Five I iln 1 I n-‘vv »n 1«> n. • ' i J. \ 1 • .If*- it . .lit* V .. u». tn*t' *r?4 oil i Ci i* ‘t p‘i->r i In \ I lit*'• illn, \ ft , or the l*'.^‘iTnouc ''I'firiiXb, ixi *St)KHs Couiitv, hji** 4doi ted. ‘ niTF .c ’sTAFFORP ‘J'-'. ^ * 24tf h-iLff Ilf i'l t If Mutuiii !timranct' ('ompnny. J/i Ahslriict o/the Sermnf Annnal HEFoRT nf th^ (inif fHr9>'(i/rn: policies i^siiied past year -'(Jl, whole number i^stied ll!:i:;, covering proyierty amounting to ^‘2.IJb,Ou Policies oauoe'.ied aU'l expired .''.i 1 o'- Amount now insured ,\iuouut of Premium Notes .>1,‘J71.717 -34 I r, t.'d f.'T the N aoo KVKKV . il h th.- \ rtb I-, H . -1 R> \ t' . .Inn V 'Jl 't.iti.-s' Nlail > ■ai-h rth. wiU leM vc this l>.\V at half t'-Kt nnd I ' iN .N K( 1 A1 i! Hoad poin? to U e!- iii' i Ra ' l!‘ n-l L'oinz u;;h, (.reen'-l'oroiieli ' M \t R \1„ I '.inlrnetf.r 1 vtfvi 7 I - I m 1-1 nitiiu:i ;i'« tm HKi ^ irv» I - 400 rU lise ‘ ?h.T r.n- 11^ \v »: , J- r -n IM • > th»' h.r-.tr c s;tnp*r-*i anil im»si durnl»l» >■ .1 !r»*' Ti »1 .-I.KV M:. .! • \.\ut IlKKh. ■ n \ (rk. ♦»T “ •• expire.! \ eanotslled 12rt.i74t).'{ • • •> “now on hand *lS'.,S:'>'.-i :’.H Increusp during last year S*iI.‘J7.> 07 Pjeinium notes averaging H 8.® percent. (>n the amount insured, the actual oof.: of Insurance -iurinjj the year averaging less than ^ per cent. RECEIPTS (>n hand Kst repoi-t i'ii'2 for Premiums received ti, 10:j 28 •• for Policies, .Surveys-V transfers UtM 50 “ for Kent -'$7,283 07 sl fi-yw .i i>. V. it' on tlip niaht of th*- 1 hh in-‘ . Ii'-ru of th- lUbs, Oi'. bi- noci " \v>.!ii-.!i. vHP.lE'i MOWF.. ir !1 aKIULF ''■I'lTii I ..-T ... ii; •.ear'i ot age. a^>..ut tive fr-.t II ' . ■!, i tv ! I.' quick sp-’ken •in 1 i.: - I). W. r. Bl'.NP.O'-V, n I) .‘J , (;raduate ol the Italtimore Collect of [) I \ I 11. S i l{!, K in. -,t 1- d - .wn.-'’ '1 r .1 i, mi|i]i;,>i‘ i :ihe w:!l '.r Fii‘. ftte\ i' 'I ii-uailv wears a home- t-ar-bob®, 'i?id u ■ h " iiri'ist-pin .‘-lie ll. f fMi‘vil!e. : . .). r’l V -it' that en If iv-'i to miikf hi-r 'If iinr ifl.nti'iiis li\in!i I- i;d of -So'.* will t.i glv"i. t. r fv-dpn. e . conMot any whJo peis.,n of loiib'-rin .. ..r -SiL’O will tif given for lifr return ti. me. ;iment in anv j iil ^o 1 c.'in get her .hill . F. liLflO.M , N .Ian v 15. 1 K5o. ilt-'Jw viJhrv SI-K!>' (. shKi)!! 'T ,K J t;. 'blh« X (,o. s ;^,l IvV'. Oflice hour- from '' .\. '•I to 1 P. M 1*. M. to p. M. 1»K. P. 1: .N 15 t» W may ;>e t -und a! his Room nor the Market, where d! who are in need of the ‘.orviccf' of a Denti.*r nre 1 .-spfctrully in\ited to call. \'.'t oper ition.s perfi;rni'‘'l ui'on tbf 1 it>-.-n in 1 nn^?t oppro'i'd plati.'. lo th'>-f m ii“i-d ot Tuth, Ik- wouM -imply '.IV ihn: he i>- behird in no iiiipi'ovfnjfnt I!e iiisiTt^ ti.iii. -of • au on .re sft upon hne (...!d or Platin i pi .tf. hich lie guarantee-* t' be e.jtial'V servie.M'bK- as the ii ttiiril orga’i*. Ilf sjion'ls ni:ie months '.t e:ioh year ii. this place, fr- m iht of (Vtober t^ the 1st .>'iiy i .«-f, I jv. (.OLnsHOKOl'OM ’ I! K thir'l .-^c-s;. KISIU'RSEMENTS.^ Cash paid C. H. Sneeii. fire lo«>i $%0 00 •* Lot and balance Oflice building 1,4.">0 00 ** “ Salario;? 1,550 00 “ *• State Tax UH) (X> “ “ (’ontingent expeuseu ii5 *i2 “ “ I’remiums returned 20 fio P.alaso.? To-wit: Cash loaned out on Bonl and Secuiity, (on demand.) •Y2,2.j0 (K) Caiih in iSank and in haudi. of Agents ^^7 i' $4,346 27 .'$2,^37 40 *J pieces, each 1(H) 4A •> 40 13A si I '• 50 p/ If •• 50 \4 a t 5b 3t 40 Ctl 4 •I 7- H U y >.i 2 3-D \ 1 3-5 “ '2 ' 4b H 1 13-ICm) “ •> *• 4f. 5 1 13-lOu *• Large end. i 132 1 4# 4* Small «nd, J ■> 30 ‘-’i 2'x Hickory. \ 7*‘. 4j Oak, 'J. 7! 3i •• 1 84 ti 4^ 1 •• 5«j b b 1 4t) 4 3 1 14 4 Ji •• 1 42 7^ 2 13-lCMD •• i *• 42 r. It ♦ . ■> lb 14 RiiUlid -12^'- •• 32 2 F6;> o- •>"i ^ ~ r3!-Kx( ^ s 4i 17 1 -31-100 ! H >• ..2 17 1 3J-U)0 ■ - •• b.t ^53 2 } •• n 20 i ol-l'Hj (»ak. 1 4-' •* . t I 42 2') making A ti.'G5 78- D.KJ feet 2 ,'0 he lie fvtluu iny /‘leres, ■.'u.'— nil 111 ■ -rii? Im h.-' w iilf liirh. tS'fli 2 ))iece S. each ■H 1 “ 5t» .Ji 1 •' 4i 1 to 7 ♦ 0 *' 10 3* 1 •*b 10 u 1 • I 40 -j o c t 4.‘« S 1, 2 •• f •Ji U i . f IC 2i 2* ■J. .{'^ c> 2j 2 • • 4t> 2n 1 • ■’2 c l*i 1 40 li i •• 3t- . u 2 41 o 1 “ -i4 I * ‘ J 4^^ 4* /■» 1. 1 4*.* 10 ij Whin at 1 42 12 \i 1 3b •fi li ^VH'ant 1' »• • .^0 1* 2- Hick y i4 . 7.r, 2 Oa^ ■*/ • 1 15 2 •* .. 3* 3 4 3 b 3 1 •• -J 32 3 1 “ 2 • « 32 1 •• I 7 ‘A 4 “ J 11 y J Walnut. ■) •• 9 4A i •) .. 3t) 24 1 38-DX ‘ ti If. 2 4 1 38-100 ‘ 1 3n 14 u -J •• It 2.i I 3b 15 1 31-100 Or, •I •• nc 4 'J 10^ 3 '? » 1 10H 6 fl ' I 50 bi I • 40 u «• 10 H 4 1 • .38 4 2J 1 • ( 40 4 3* DkJ lu u* 1 • • 108 21 i 1 38-100 ' 1 • • 10» Hi H I ll 104 10 li n “ 10 U 1 ^ *. 10 24 1 38-100 W o 4> 3b 5A 2 O.ak. 1 ‘i 4b 1 “ o 108 3 1 >• 108 3 3 *• o -o 3 3 •• o >• 18 2J U “ o *• 42 IJ Walnut. 9 108 4 Oak, h “ oO *1 6 “ > “ 5b 3i •• ■J “ 40 4 “ 7"' 3i “ 8 it ) 2 3- 10 1 3-5 “ ■1 • 4b 1 13-lOft •> “ 4b .5 1 18-100 Bi:\JA\lLN' U HISKL, %TT«K\FY AT LAW, FAVETTEVILLE, N «’ found at the Office formerly i ceopted by W.nUw \ Jfmke. Esq., on B m Street ill attend tb« Counties of Moore, Cuaiberlaud and Robeson. .\nd obtaiu Boutity Laud aud F’enaions under the >Hii.)iifi acts. Maroh 15, 18.55. >4U \vniu:w^. sTKDMW. \TTOK\EY AT L\W, HAv'lNCt removed to Pittsborougb, N. C.. will at tend regularly, the (.'ourts of Chatham, Moore, ami Harnett ('ountie:* •April 10. i#l-lf \\^ HTSKK, ATTOKNEV AT T.AW, AND (’LERK AND .MASTER IN EQCITT F.ATEriEVlLLt, N. C , May be found at the EqHity Office, in the Court House Sept. 22, 1855. 38-tf ~ ~H. L. noj.^n:s. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, PJ C SIIKMWELl. HOUSE FAVETTKVII>l,K, :m. t'. A'list niJt of (rre*;n Stref't, a f^vc Doon Xorth 0/ the Market 77bu.se. /glHK Subscriber desirea through ihi« Sl medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon hia House the past year — and as he ha«« ju«t erected .New Stables and I Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water ' he take-j pleasure in saying to his patrons and the j public genc-rally, that h«i is still prepared to acconi- ' moilate them with transient and permanent hoard, and i respectfully solicits a coutinuance of the liberal patron age heret-.>fore received. F.very exertion on his part ! shall be used to render them coml'ovtable during their ! sojourn with him. Hia table is ulwaya HuppUed with i the best the market afTordfl. ; p. SHF.MWELL I .March 24. 1S55. I " PIMPS. fj^OlU.'E and .Suction Pumpa. Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe. For s.'vle by C. W. AN DR EWM, .Market Square. March 80. R3-tf IMoriia liUiid A^oncy. jlHE unaerbigne'l has eatab'ished an AGE.VCV iti 1 the town o! .VlliKtiior. Columbi.a County, Florida, o under Journal office. Dec. 12. FI'ICE oii corner of Front and Friucess street. ' *be PLRCHASE, .SALL or LOC.-VTION ot l..\Nl! \VARI:AXTS, the PURCHASE aud KALE of LANDS 4n-tf T;enerally, improved or unimproved. The fact noiv beitig established that a Rail Road is to be constructed immediately, connecting the .Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, running tnrough the entire Ungth ol this County, east and west; and in view of tho great tertility of our soil, the unusually fine growth of pine timber on the land, the healthfulneas of the climate, an-l the roasona^.le term^ on 'vhica lauds can now be obt'itned, there is pertiaps no section of the Unicr. which offers equal inducements to the emigrant from the other States. Having had some eiper;ei:ce ‘r fiirnvng on the dif- ferfiit ii'ti'ts of ! nu 1 acjuired a genonl kncA’leage 'f tliem tjr.'.Uji*'- »>it the Coiint_\; an-i havir.g aci.ji!;rfii unusual t.ioilities for y"'>innnj' n sucli as i?.;-c tor s.-iie, either of pnitlio .ir private bin 1-s, he feei-^ very o-infl- de:u ol ninking it tue intore.st of aii persoi;S wishing luibrniniiou. or wrio r^ay liave determm.-d to sortie ;n J’l'iroJa fi ‘a'; on hn. V.'ILL^ 0 u£FFHh\?- RtfrreriC'-i: llcn. K. ". Ca’-eh, ] Hou. A. F.. '!axw6i., • Tail;i!ia*3a, tin Hoi'. I'avicl .S. WiilKcr, .State Keg., J Dr. S. i . Bruce ' Oarthage, S C il. C. M.'Loau, Esq.. ( Dr. Ma’lett 1 ,, v r> V -11 ‘ r a vetteviUe, N. Rev, iipo. vlcNeill, ) \v. ,M. Lawton s Co., ('harleston, S. C. June 27, lS-55. Id-i JOSKPM RAKKR, .Ir., A TTO H > K V A T L A W , A.S taken an office next door to U’m. B. Wright's Law otlice on Creen Street. He will attend aud practice in the County and .Sup.-'rior Courtii of CumVier land, Bladen, Robes*>n aud Samjison. March 23. 185:-}. Tv*-:t fnos.'n. AS r~ Avdt'rsnn Street, npporitrt Xf>rfh n,'" K. I Hale li , ■•11 USK’, Magfuincs. nn'l al; des.'viption'.' (if Book-* ...tI are bound in al; -arylos in i!'- : t an l nio«t ; Hubstautial in:uiut;r. on rerma, th-- ■ .nc as at -.my place in the South. Pel-^on^ wW.ii i ksio-.v ti.*; price.s ofbla-iia-, wil! be supp’.i'-d • -i Lst perbon- ally or by letter. Sept 25. Ih55 .3‘J-tr K. M. OIUiKLL, .f V r; T i o « fc IR AND C o III 111 i MS i iMi 'VI c* I’c ll ail t. April 9, 1855. .»0-t^ wT i\ Ki.ijori'. General f 'onim>i>sioii on'l Forwarding Mr,rha>i'^ WiL.MlXUTON, N C. June In, 1854. -4t- .1 c. p)!:. DEAl.EK IN S'r\l’LK vV l'A N( V Din' UO(»liS HATS, v'aP.'^, !i(MjT^, .SHUlvS. ^ AND KEADV-MAlni ULOTHING. Part-culHr atiention ]>ai'l t" f.,.idi‘3s' Dre'^-' Go 'is aud 1 nmuiingr. Jlr.u May 2t;, 1 S55. 4-tf WORTH, GENERAL COEIBIISSIOW MERCHAKT, >VlL>llNGTOX, C. Jau'y 10, 1^50. b8tf T ASSET.S. Cash on interei^t and in Bank, .Jo. Rent due Real Estate, paying 13 per cent i52.V.S7 40 !i;2,ya7 40 190 00 1,800 00 Large end *■ Small end j •> “ ?.0 ■H12 t5C 4 iistitutun commetico' 011 , lf^.>5. flnd .-Ti i' on the :K4,027 40 181t,85y 33 i:iv,«4,7«t5 7o li'.r-e ,er U'O't. a. •"» 'Iwa 1 r.iUtf'i t.‘ic f-O'* have '.i-'eii uiiivt.'d may >m le-ie'l n a.s ’! v.-r, Loceme in i .•ji' if I 'T rotiiii by V ' i TM . D; iiu-i-'- :'lt' > % ii ■%' (*• L f»r Mop •V JA." H J.»> Cl-OSS. At.d ft ini! (;orp-' i'.onr'i i;ic’u in? .’it- I M-ltheiii.-itii - .-.if 'i'oa'.-iiorrt .11 ov« \'n ;in/ , I r-^Hi'lent Hili, Profess'jr of V.ra* ■..'1 , ch th. ^:>i I 1 ai •i I IJ M,I ->20 U'l . ,.f : !, . • abb. in I'oUvcroii Premiuta Notes on hand Arriouni Capital 10 meet «nv lo!»ie.s In O!i,‘lis;on. iho Pre^ideM nrd Direct-rs congratu- 1 ite tho member^ and the jiublic on the very fortunate iiivi sucoe.-,sfiil operations of tne rompany the past Ue h.ave met with no lu.ss since . th M.iroh, i. >iifO i -1.'--uiilo.s.i it be ihf . of .Str.ioglau.s iS: ^!.,n at SiiK^^on, v.',^ a- Stov- as blorrti op—li '■nnr.j ^ -it i- • under ^ o rextigation D'. 32 41 «>•> rt‘. 44 42 12 Mi 14 3; 7 17 17 17 3i 20 17J 2;j 4A .si “ 2} Hickory. Round Oak. 2 “ 'ii “ 1 .31-lfK) Wlnt I 31-100 •' 1 31-100 2 Oak. 1 31-KXl “ 0 «k 1 J. S. BANKS, I'oiiiiiiiw^ioii YIeri’liaiit, Wilmington, W. C. Jan'y 1, 1S5'!. 'Hi-tf JOSZ3PH a. BLOSSOM.” 1' o n n I .s 1\ A N D FOR W A K 1)1 .N(i M VAiC 11A X’i\ H*ili#ti'#i4;7o«i, .'I*. i\ gie^' Pron.pt personal atteutiou given to all Consign ments, and Cash atlvances made ou Produce to be ship ped to other porti* or sold in this rnarltet. Feb. 12, 1855. 67y f. C. BrGrvVOK'riTr C’oinniission Forwarding Merchants, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, Wiliiiiiijrtoii, i\. i'. I Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. 03-tl CHAKLHS BANKS, € O.VF F.CT i O.V K R, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreion Fruits, Xuts, Ciacj-s, Tohnrco, Snuffjiirc Fayetteville, N. C. March I, 1853. 7otf ~ G. W~.~VvT{TrA\lS ..V Ci). AVF2 just received a lar^e and well soU-ot.^d as sortment of HARDWARE AN1> GROCERIL.S, to whicli they invite the attention of Country .Mer chants. March 17, 18.5.S S4- :uo('Eun:s ANi> hakdwaui::. pHE subscriber iias in Store a goo'l assortment of _ Goods i:i the GROCERY ;ind HARDWARE LINE; all of whi.^h will be soM wholesale or ret'iil. >r bar terod for I'ountry produce, on terms the most reason ■ alile. A saiall lot of S.VDDLERY for sale fhe-ip. (five us a c«ll. G. \V. I. GOLDSTON N. B. .Vny of my friends in the country having t>u8!- uess to trausact in this place, such as renewals, !sc , can h:iv» If d.'ue n the n^ual terms, by sending dame ■o r.y (.fi.13. G. W. 1 G t'ayett. ^epf. 27. 18.5.5. SC'tf NO'I iCK.~ subs.’Hber having purchased the stock of ma- * JL teii.nl Hi tiie t..arn«)ie ef.tabli»hm«ut formerly oc.-u, 1*-" ii> ,'ir. A. H. Whiitied, intends carrying on *he t|. Kf. ' ‘Ms • c'oire -ji tUL libt-iul p;itroiiage bestowed ' upo -ritiiage shops generally. lie ha« now ou haiid some ve. V I! \NDSOME VFH 10LES Which cannot be stirpa?#ed in the place for style of finish and durability, which he will sell as low a« any w^rk of the kind can be bought in the place, i jf^.vll orders thankfully received and promptly ntfended to. i REP.MRING done in the best manner and on very ronsonable terms. Give him a call before buying elsewhere J D C ALLA IS. Favetfeville Feb'v .2-tf HKN'I'. I '■ 5'^H.\T couvenient bituation, with Dwelling and out & Houses, belonging to Miss E. Hybart, is offered I for Rent. Possession given the 1st Jan’y next. ! AlhO, a two story Dwellinz House and an improved Lot on Row;\n street, lielonging to C Montague, Esq., Po8se5slou given on .'ipplication. For terms apply to WM. BOW .‘S4-tf MKN W AN'ri:i). OR IHO MEN wanted on the Western Rail Road, to work on Sections 2 and 3. near Fayetteville. The location is healthy, and the highest wages will be paid. Sept. 24. 1855. HIRAM PARDEE. 38- 11 ‘200 (,'ask.s Fresh Lime, (’alcined Plaster, Plastering Hair and Cement, Mackerel and Herring, bv J. W. POWERS fli CO. April ]'.«! XOTICK. VLL those indebted to us previous to tbe 1st Janu ary will call ami settle either by note or cash, and oblige us. .McDONALD i5i W HALEA . N. B. A good assortment ot S.ADDLES AND H.AR- NESS -ilways on hand for cash or on time to punctual tustoriter(». Feb’v 17, 18.5.5. \\ .Making 2,797 3ti K*0 feet. Worth & Utley, Forwarding and (General (. ornniission MFKCHAN rs, Faiff ttvviHe^ •>*. C. t72tf) WOOL KOLLS. 7" I)(>L c.-irded witL dispatcu al Biount a Creek Factory. SHKETI.NO.S, Osnaburgs, ('otton A'arii. and Wool Rolls, for xale bv GEO. .McNFILL. June 1854. 7-tf year 18 -'* i I'.i: K r Hioli? ; > ''tvr. r ■ 7'j ll ifcks lor sale aJ tins ()flii,c. j iii'iki'ig f vc-rv of!'ort t" roii'it-r :!i. Si-horl tiie , and !-I;''-tp'io...‘-. an.l nii'd^if to reouce ll rr.n 'iol\ ibo n .r.it-i'j-fs in proj' irtion t iTroiiaa-. '* l“- : ur r'U .’-•or ..f p.ip;!.- 1)1) w'o -hull bi> ar-k- ' ■ redu> e 'he pric-S ;■ fi ll!', c. '-v ‘Oil; il. us, is iNo i-.i iing m ^ of H S'.irori'ir edaoati >n rit!iin tb^ r'.:’ ill fhf St- te .•.ei: ;ur;i .tiar.k.s f'>r »bf ti M Xamp'ed S'lpp-.i-l w-. fKiVO U! ' iiii-i *1' .ifVf it wili be co^.titMlo 1. lor liivthei tiifofiiiat'..Ill apj.’;v to tho Pre.sident of the faculty, o' myself. WM. K LANE, Pres’t Stockholders. Dec 13, 1864 roai-tii (.la ■ f.it'- (-tf i'lie ■ iiov.ii.ii Duo.'tois vr.'re eiiotod 1-ir next yeai: >.1-.). . 11. b. -Mvrovor, (■|)a^. Ben*'"^, Henry l.iii\. Jas. K\le, S. W. Tiiliiigh.-ist, T. Mawley. T. S. i'ntterl.di.' \Vm. W •l,->i;)):.i -N. .V. S»ed-uin. J- G. rliepher.l, ,1. Hins.Ja'io, D. A. Ha>, .1. D. Williams. A. A. MoKotliati. J H Cook. A. E. Hall, A. W. S;eel, f (i. V'vol;; and il F. Brown of Wilmington. OFFICER'^: GEo. .\h-N'i'iLL, I’ifsiurnr. H. L. ^'ViOVEK. Vice President (’. A. iLL.\N, H cretHiy. J. (1. '■-.H I'.I’HFRD, \ttori.»y. L.rtiiiiii-'' (’onin>il!>-r for next Geo. Mc.Neii;, A Tillinghrist, Wm. Mol.auriu. May 2i. 1^.>5. i*4*iiiliia^ IV»r raiHI-. Subsorib.‘rs have for sale in L.iiorial No j[ Wa.ihingtoii Hand Pro - . 2'1 i ind. It will be sold j p-] cheap, deliverable in Peteraivurg. \ a. It i" said to be i 1^' J j a good Press and in good order. j 1 Time 4, E. J. HALE ± J?ON. i * The?.e may be gotten in two p’foes. if one piece cann:)t be gotten without heart. If in two pieces, the ditnensions 15 by b, and llA by ->A. -{-These pieces must tie trom young trees, straight grMined, and entiri iy free fr. iii knots or cracks. ’To be bore 1 through ir- the centre from end : i end, with 11 ' ich .i.i.Jtoi The whole of the above timber must be sawe-I accu- ! rateiy to dimensions, except the following:— !2*) pieces 32 by ;!A by 2, j 112 pieces .-i2 by by 2, ; which may bo sawed or ri\on, and must be young, 1 and straight grained. I It must all be cut from r^irifl;/ trees, felled between ■ ! the I5th of June and the 15th id' .Augu.st, and must be straight crained, tough, free from large or unsousd j knots, sjilits. wiud-shakos, heart or sap. No old or j brash titnber wil! be received. It must be delivereil at this Arsenal on or before the I 31 St of December 185tl, and x\hen delivered to bo close- i ly inspected by the under‘'ignod. or some pei-son au thorized by him Bi-ls may be nta le tor th^ whole am lutii, or for a portion, alwav' embrflcing a complete number of sets. Further iniorma’ioii m.-iy be .ititai’ied on .atiplicatioii • to the undersiti.ed. ^ T. r. S. LAIDI.EV, P.r“vet Major U. S A.. Com'dg. A. WORTH. J JO.s. L’TLV. X. 'I'hf Presl)^h‘rian ir-i'.hiio.'iist; a c*'*!- s. M THOMAS. DEALER l.S FANi ^ S rAFl.K IHiV ('.OOliS, heady-maoe clothing, H\rs, C.VPS, BONNE'l>, Bool'S ,VNi StIoK> SHEETING.'', rolTv>N A’ARN'^. Kl'.USEi.S, BL.'.NKI.T.S. \c., .vr. t'oriier Market and i liile.^pie Sr.. F.iyet'.eMllo, c. Dec, 17, IS55. loctilii 01 tunc-b f'U' the thcr s’lpply jus- rec'-t. Nov 2''* PresbcttM-ian L J. ,li'ii I ( H vl.h \ fu.- .SON iil'ff r ( ur ')■ Ol-’l Li; I.,r : WiloWil is t'le ' i'"i vettovi'i' t sU if (h\ j tn Sfl/f\ H'f i.\ it Val.i ibio i' f-ntatif.l.. I'l. V (' " s.'veti inih"" !-e Caio- l’o>i.r receiit’y V.itli.in K.ng, contH a W illianis BANK CHF.CKS. Stnrr ARE now recoiving thoii F.UiL m mm iiiiv BOO rs. siioLs. Ii v'rs, ( aps, HON.N'ETJ^. rMHKKI.LA.^. AM> Ready-Made Olothin^. \r>.d have to) to sitatiou in ■iayiu'^ it is tho L.^RoESl ami MOST DESIRABLE tock now in m irket: find I having been purchased at greatly reduced prices from the eiulv part of the e.iSon will be oiTered to ijuyers ! on terms tJiat o.i.iuot iuil to please, i Oct. 25. t-.f pi..ri *M\ MAl>bi,l) —t'vpiy acre ot Winch is (ape r...t;,.n;., an I u.-^*opt !de »t the highest .statt >}f ;;aii-.sati..n. Tiiis Lsn l requires no puffing ab it is kr,( wn to be the best farming lands on t ape Fear i^iver. lornis wi'.l be made satisfactory if the right !■ ,rt 'i purchaser is found I- ch. 1855. T. S. LlTTKRi.oH .1. i T. WADDILL 73-tf I OH RKNT. ' VEP.V desirable l*'Nelln.!r, r-cer.t y >, j.it, with ^ oouvenient out houcs- », near the t.usiness part of the t(>wri. .Apply to D ■% W. M-jI..Al i»IN. Dec. -ti. |-,a-tf FOR SALE CHF\F. aLCUND H.ASD SUQQIES ;n good repair A. A MctETUAN