8 ti iH I - n' 1: K K li Y. mbSm \ H.. FWF/n'KVlLLi:, N. .I \M AKV {\0. 473.] UAL S})\. \Ni: i*ii'*i U'r I 111 ^vi ii 1 ■, i ■ r':; tVti' V- iV ■ ■\‘ s .•.■ii:-: ]ii‘r tji t>r ciii’h M i!NKii\ HKN. l i:i IT l.iiHW KKS. WD I'liniKKS. 'HF \KU YORK llOKTirriTl KAI. HKVIKW: I i;:V R. Oi'«! Itl ^ AK'i\ s; I'KKHI.V \S|1 I’Ri'H sn.V ll I.l '^I l! I t, il h, til,' .l(/c.f'lUll/ l)t ill r/cir. >ilif 111 tho filii! 1‘ltiliul Htt- works .m ihi- kiliil ill the tV'ir’ 1. A'-fhit*'. !lire i’ iiiis ;aio tho la'iiioiiui' f>':i tui'c r. i *1 :i .h.lit.T c t’i'.'i.i tw > t.> t'uiir 't «rraMi _- •• i;.‘ i.-. .• •rt.M .'S, tr.'iii ■•y oninn'iiT n:.ii -UtiHl! IP’hi trot s. 'O is n;:« to tho t:: ,t. I . .'irl >t' t.iril»viiii;;. 1 pl.'Uis ;>•!.> in 'Vory >t_, !i\ aii.ij-I'-'i I • lii‘ ]H‘ciiii- ■ ir'i *■ liiKi'rt HI I' lors o>'jiri'h'.tit:\ii t', jiomitifv llii' VALL Alil.K lMU)l>K!rr\ f'Oit s.tgji:. S )KKK1’ ii»r h«K'. :ay l.,\Vl>S in tin- ’I'l.wii nf Fny- C I'ltevill* , filioui Ai'i'i's, known h« i!i»; MUMFORD SWAMP. About Aort'S of it i>i tine Meailow Lmiii. :)h tliot'ro]) now on it will -sliow. ilio Valii:thi4‘ itrifk S.ot Mr. John A. ■ 1. •1.^ r:ivilijl; rtf iK*\v i riiit-., i.ow ll. \vc! s. AO . ;i re iih;-it ;';it«'I iml J Hv nt>i-i ini Ai ii.u.i u r iTNTRY 'DlnTBlOT: \l! iK. li 0X(. .•a. ■n. i>': I' .i'. = ^if I'lr.u iiiM; wr; to 11.i its »' iuiniiS. . sovi-nly l.'U're p.'ij: :ii''w vcgi’t'i s ioii ti- till ir ioruiiiig tiiA i! Ji-y in'iir tlic Nl.'iikot ^I'lU.iri^, I’oiubertou. V L:ii-jO aiii] Lot, fronting on l>onii!l»"U, MhxwpU «nil Aiuuil'oril .'treei&, known ;i> the Hotel (iiirden I^ot. l ouiii In* ili\iilt’;l into .Mover.-il I'uililing l.iiirt—v*?ry ti* :ir the n.nv i •'uirtle llitih School HuiMinjiri. Alsu, tin' Si.ihitt i^ot u'.r.>>ining. Iroiitingou M\initpril .'^tve*‘t. Seviral Dl'-Sl 1!AUl.i; 'M fLDINt. L»»TS ou l.oih WiMslovv iin i Miunroi' i .■''frcpt.'^. All tlii.s pioperty cnti now l.e pu^oh:i ^t>•l on fnv'.r.-i- !i'r terms, ."iiui si l;trgu i>iiri c.iii reiriaiii oil Uoiul anil M'lrc^iu^e if lie-sirci. THO. J. n i!Tis. Ort 10, i. Onk Timber WAvri'j). Xourn (’ak()[,i\a AK'KNai., f Fayottcvilli', i>oc. 27, 1^:”).’). \ JjJKOPOHAl.S will hc! reci'ivi'd nt thid \rMfiinl until the lolh ol' Fell V. 1 S.'ii'i, tor I'nnii-jliinjf the t'ollow inu: hill 'I’inii.cr: 112 .S'/.s’, I/I III •Di/ljiii.'ti'i/ lUicit nf /Iw I iiIIdu'I H‘i /*/' - (V'.s, vi : — !'i‘ hi' i "I'l; III! Ui‘s W'mIi* liit-lu*-' liiick , ;,iul i'5 j'l'intC'l on nntniirin-invevl ex- II;;. nut roceive.l ■ KVLK ir^re iinil ^ii'acrul ahaortu.eui iM-v i/f/- I • \() ri( Fi.ty ; v> t ! t .i t;iwSi> \v ii.-'r ' iitfil lit till' .'•■n'i ii‘ the tweiitj j>rt‘iiiiiim. will 1h’ ;i ril. .lo itiV'iri:l'.'i\ ii; >lil- s 0 iiiinr.'-non » ;i 'Mi ii tuli.-.Tiher i‘i :ICT .'I- riffi ii'. •. will tic e!i I ■'!' ihe ye;ir niu .ii'i »lni-;e who uir,;> 'i li.sis ot'I'i’.iei s. These :ilil ill :ibh. Tho nr-Jt jironiiuni will •Ml. Th. ■i '.i N MU). Jaf ■ ij'VF ■;i I.' l.i'liiwin^ iir.' seli‘r;0'l tVniu Imii'lrO'N >■*''^iniiliiV wliititarily Coiitriiiuti’ l t^y i’.>ntenii>i.r:inpiius ations: - Ili-R Tu , I I -\i, 1! K.vi K.w ;ii>*;erve.' tho lil)- . . , !!•■ iiiiy eiiiino;itly j i ,,riii :il, v'l.. , 11 a s-.yio th;.'. enu u-' ili‘ '"r.si •■tluri' ol t;*i.- !.ne .1 Iiowning. A' ' '■ Tlie lil'Wt i‘li iT'int :imi >i‘.elu> l.0';k •! !lie kiii'i th;it !, t Vi t ■- -111*' uii iiT ar i.ii'Tv :■ ... - . Mr. Ur-tlx' F. lit'T 't’Tli,' I] rtii-ultur:!! lievlew. ; ■ praotii'iil p0Hi0i'i;_.'t, mii'I 'ino >‘t' tiie lin st hi hoi- !>r-* our country hoast« 'it'. He ros(?es';es tho jriowing \nn m. vl. • l.-.-ni W.i’.i.,., :!rt —.' F ;n • ,i-,ti' W .ion: :l I'ht . \K' \LK\. .ll 'N' |>N J’ 7 1 - ft N is N ('» { K MONEY WHEN YOu CAN' ull iiv' ;e i >M- i iiiie 1 •.vh r jiowei'N Ilf [lifVoiH, itu’ elti^uit go •'! « '*inV>!ue'l with n th. trouiju knovvieiJsre ot' rur»il '• /' ■ • r -,une V'. h'ly it f I- vo'.ir s'.ns-- 'luy it !'■ r yr'Ur ■s. It is !i rich inie::eo ual tnvit; v. rare roin- ot't’.e he nitit'ul .. : t' "un't'ii; -A'. )’ .1 , ' 1 tiion^ht t. ■ in n.'Wnintr's ileath, the eln- V • I ■ i t rural rtioriiiueiit h-i i I'eeonii- only ii'i aii.'e; ^ut ’.I. -Mr. Fkexsiles we iii«- •r nn C'.n.iii, rich mine i f meiitai wealth, liiat lU'ii' t;:' i!u’’i'-iU H o*' t.u* irit ti.at is n iit> M •>' Tri’iitnt. ivi rti' -v-J -.vi ■ i th'-i !i:i riii-'Urp i-sv-i lue-iuim of v.t\. tii- 1! iiiii. I i.irKM. Hi virw ciixulatori e\- vi'y >n every .'^tat-' 'ii the Ftiioti A'iveriiemeuts rte'l Mt the rat.- ^li» j'r p.iz*-. WOOD Ei^ GRAVING. :i i>e re.juiriiv.' \\ idi Fnpravin;:. cun hiive their ■r^ c.veLiite ! in ;\i) unriv ille i maim' !-. • .;/ /(- is ^ivi n to »iev.> of .VNl.M Vi..': an « \l er ein’Cd ii'h L'raUi,.;; Ill ' ei._'^‘ r t : i' ••'Cj rev^ ;,ur- t’crsnii'; livinir :i a lii^tanl■e can l-.i wai'i .a ila- r. 'yj.e .■! rlu- iiJeCt , i>V mail, tli'-y wi>i; ,n^"l a ve i, ll wi l lie a -iiili' ieiit ^rui'li- ti« 'liit.aiu a j.ertVet ■ ■ ■ ii I’rei-'lvrrJ wiil ^e ileaa with ou vi-ry aOOg9S. S f.A nionjr whii li are, jiieces Dress Iiel.aiti'^, Freneh lUil Kiiirlish .'ierino, l*lain Meriim, real French, I’ersiMn i loths, iMack iiii.l I'oloio 1 Siiki, Irish l.ineu', all Flax, Trthle Cloths jinii Ncfikin*, ( arpetin^, very cheap, ( a.ii'oei, well Ji'iSoi'ieil. .V r-'-eys .'inil [iiit>eys, , kV il*-!l ai. 1 I'ottoll lluse, l.ii Mt i'w . ^re . '..A Mitt--, l>r.'>.- Tr.;n;;iin^s. ,'s:c.. ^;e. ■ All of which lieiiir iiurehaso I liv the paokujle for I'axh, wi’i li** iillere i ai tiie low.•^it inarkel pl'ico fur cash or • ;i i nie t;> ii-ivin;; ■•ustoni*'r.'. Sept. '.’7. IS.',.'.. ;v*-tf FAIJ. srPiMA . JAMES F. FOULKES, //lit/ S/rtff, nnr flu Fiu/>‘th i ilu Il'ifcf. F.Sl'KrTFJ’f.LY asks the attention of hi? oustoiiiers aiiT frien'ls to ui« LARiiK anil fOMl’LFTK .''TOCK of nuriis, MEDiriNES ami (lIEMirALS. •which he is rinw roccivinc:, ami is ioter- minpi] to soli at tich low priros as cannot fail to pive sati.-iftictii-n. It will l.p his aim to sell Mcliciiies that can be ile)u*iitlel 11. li.ve him a call before making your ptiroh.i'PS. ipt. IJ, I"''':. ;57-tf s i'ac.k \as\: i-'rom to Salem. rciS» I iiii- ll\i li.mi:e I.i't ia a.re.i lv lar^ -\ further ’•'I r.--i • _rii'u!t ur ,\o I’ , f tl'^'lllflit Piper-. ,..)k- fan !’e : lii -: ■ ■til iji_ ..;; i ..ur •! I'ht*'- th- .'pi 1.-' I t.- « ‘ plt" \N i * fJC 1 VW iit J. f. UhA(. F*r ■ i''. 1^' ■. !i . r‘- ].rfe r ii-i .111 t!if b. o .1.', a Jw, >lier. 'Wirk 1 -'tii: Aiff •I AlMlv)rSi: ; ;i. - .,..v \\ ' •.•civf.l uni for •iaie bv .)A.'^. G. ''BlilF I’roprietors t-ike pl.'a-uro in inftriiiiiii, the 'S. puiiiii , iliat they h.ive . uiiiuienct‘1 runninj: their tri-H^ ekly 'ino 'f St i;.:e. on th>- I'lank Fi. a 1, frt.m Salem t Fayettevi'l‘. Th>*y have pi'oon O'l ^o'l .'t'.’k, new (’oaehe-i, careful an l ai'Cfir. noda^'ng ni-ner.-J. iml no piins will be .>>)'.-iie l to ren le pHS^* ii- u'er.' ci'in.tiriab’e. ■\ .>5V.sT j!n i>f throu^ii-t!*:kets with tiie coutr.actors on the \Vythcvi!le a:; i Rei'i.sviile Koa Is, for the con- \enionceof pa-'t>t|._f«>r b.iuii'i to Wythevilie, Va , or the IMeil’.n'int .Sprin rs. in >t i'ou»!tv, h a'.^tt been \Si!.TF x'siAlF«*Kl> J iii.p '2 >. i8 '.”. ::iif ! ' \\ i> 'i A V ; !i V }-^\\\ ^ t. • /- Ft :t ,iih i.\ Fi; I* ,V N \: ifioh th:-: AT \Vel- I'M --I (.r. vl k' ri V, ' ;> 1 - . • • 1 in Ln- , il 1.' -: r 1 !*r'i 1 • \. K J :• ■■ \- ^ .1-. n U J ;• • •i.' hii rU 'III. . III. ' o| \u\\rr V : -''r • • •ul -M*' r« .;ii- i u .* i:ht .►( . . 'ril' y.. • • ' Hv’ '*5 ; U* 1' * rv- I- 1 : .. .J i.p '.»• oil .'I -til ..I,III Hi.h*' ..I • ■ .l.l* • C,. U' iDi! 'ii»' /• I't Ut- . i" lilt* ,r. ■ • V .r.L^ • •« t:-MI n i.i w f i;lii .'r 1 ; ; 1, ^ . I - 1 k 11 \ »• «•( ri ' r . ■ ;*i- t ..iir* •“‘v i'l: r* i- ACC 'I'llC 1 \t C N.li. -t fi n-!' ;: 11!. (liir'f.f 1 l! liM n: Zt ill •.n •. . i U*» r mi \v : t»n • .• « i u -U lilt > .. it-r w iin ’ ;li- Ujh r: .\i ■y\. • 1 r»4*r.\»‘*l tliM i M > r 1‘R!/ F. MF.'» \1. • . (tfril F, li, ;; m V I lit r. trc . *--.‘1 I .^c .. ( ,w . 1 'hiMji n«»\\ ll* , r 1 ■.. ri. :i \ .Ull :rv i\ • '.if I’RU KS 1 ll.il-s.' i; -- .>• 1 r ui't tiM.iu*' - . \NR» l,'»o (} ruHj JOT, •VMI J" .VK» \ . >i?.t‘> I;- il;i I t l»h» h p' *U t*l r if** * .li'trrri; i. Otil f. •. !^*r ' V .••'III I’llfni. • r illl,' • ■'I an.l til :: c. f-. r r;ii-tni! w -.tor r Ur • \ .nc frs «v, 1 Ui» r ml •r.i. i'.l'Ml lU-i)' It . ,.i I.' , .rc- i'.’ I ' r.V .V ItFKIl Maid- n L V-.rK. i. !>■ I-3inp«l h W (’ HENIi( >W, D . I> S., h'f’i/rftf rl I If hisunincc (^onipani^. *1/1 Ah.’^trn. t nf tin Si'rnuil A iini'tJ UKPoR T • f (In' J lit mill /)»?'w>-''//’,S; Ptjlii-u'S i?-iiel p i»i year oii J, whole iimnbtT i'sue.l I'.’.4'’.. covoriuir pr.ij'orty aintiuiitiii^ to •>2.1 fio I’.iiii-ie> c-incelle'l an i expire-l .'^.i I tl'l 2 pieces, each 1 '■■i S Whi'uO»ik. I !l i'*.; S ■- Ul. i;u h i '3» !.■)■ 1 U 1 1 11-“. 4 1 •'^3 1 n’^ DM *> * , 30 11 1 31 8 h 4 HO i -jA :: 8-j 2 “ .■>1 d;' ‘2 17i lOi “ >1 2i'> 8^ ‘‘ Making iri.C*.'*',* feet. C *f!n, to l' compost J e.'.cho/ thr fo/loniu;/ /‘ifCt/. i u;— III! ! :ic> lunu h •I h>."i »viil«- 1 iiChfs iha k 2 pieces, each lOu 44 2 “ 40 ■■I 1 “ .',11 i f'l • • i; “ (j J ."if. i.‘. ’ 1 2 “ lu ■'i 1 2 *• 72 ■ ** “ ■- ;i 2 •vD) 1 •• 2 •• 10 Hi 1 13'Dii» •• 2 4i. 1 13-1(10 •• Large end, ) , 1 {-J- U Small eiiil, 1 \ -'i ■•1 *J • » ;'.i I — 1 2j Hit-k'iiy. 1 71't ■’ 1 4; Oak,' 2 7s "t I SI 1, 4y 1 .^0 i; • 1 1 111 4 1 11 1 li •• . 1 1-: ‘ i 2 13-1(10 • 1 42 u t ^ li't 14 litiund ■* fl2i'. J2 -.W 2 j7 ;;A 2- 17 1*31 I U(j , ^ t 4i 17 1 .‘’/i-Kiii i E! 4 '2'2 17 1 31-10(1 ■ S » ' ii'.t •'1 2 : ^ i 41 2(1 J 31 jou Oak. I 12 ' ’ -i 2 ■* 1 12 20* milking J I. 0,1*1 •') 7>'-DX) feet 2 (i> /‘I t 'iupfiiir'! I' l'h f/ the 'hltl‘ ici/.y r.'Cr.^, ■■ji:- Indies Ini bet «lile Inftie- ilni'li 2 pieces, oach ‘.n't h y •- ‘ • 1 oO 4i 1 ‘JO I) li 1 .SU 7> C. 2 10 ‘ ’ 'J 1 40 10 A 1 4n ;; 't I'' & 1-1 2 42 ' ( li 4 2* ‘.J .\r, 2l '2 41. 2i 1 22 't 'i 1 10 1$ i ‘ • :ii, o It 2 •• 11 - 1 ‘J 4 J S4 1 2 • • -t 2 *• 1 r.. 1(1 I’l Walnut. 1 42 12 I -ic. -i IJ Walnut. 10 12 7' ( Oak. 7 ‘' p. 7 r, 3'i % •; I ;’.o 2) Hickory. 1 . 2 “ 4 31 1') 2 Ortk. ■».> tl 15 2 '• M “■ 2 * ‘ H2 o “ 4 3* 1 " 2 32 -1 1 *• I I •■ 1 “ _■ ^ Wnlnm. i •> 2 21 1 3.‘s-lOO* -J ‘ * D't 2 4 1 3."-100 • lti:\.fAM!\ U HUSKK. \ r T sc \ K V \ r I. % w, FAYKTTKVILLi:, N. (’ W be foini'l at tiie Ortii t formerly ‘":‘'upie.I )>y \S:ilt"i- .\ Huhke. F^ i.. tin HjW Street. W ill Mtteii.J the Couiiiies of ,'luore, ’unJte:l.'»iiti ainl 11 \ii'i iibta B-i'.iniy i.uti'l anti l*en^i..in uinler th'* variiuis a-t' . \i-ir.-h 10. l.H.V,. .‘4tf \M>1JK\V .1. S'rFJ)\lAN, ATT^KiVii^ AT LAW, AVISO remove.i t«) I’itt-lnirou^h, N , -will at- if ('liathftiu, \Joort, Ul-tf teml regularly, the I'ourt; aii'l Harnett ('tiunties. April lU. \\ \. nrsKK. ATTUKN'KV AT LAW, AND t'LEPiK AND MA'^TER IN EQl’ITY F.^rET^l;^■u.LE, N. C., May 1)0 fonn'l nt the Kijnity Office, iu tho (’curt House. SJIi:\IVVKI.L llOl Sli I .\VETTKVII.I,I-;, C. siJt' of Green tit reef, a few Doors Xurth oj the Marhtt Houae. ^P^HH 8ubsciiber ilesiies ilirough ibis life'll mediiiin lo acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon House the past year—aiiil as he lias juut crected New .Stables aii.l Carriage .•he.l eonvvnieut to the House aud to wat«r ho takes ploRsure in saving to his patrons aud the fiubiic generally, that hw> is still prepareil to occom- mo'iato them with transient and pornianent boai 1, and respectfully solicits a coiitinuatice of tho liberal patron- aj;e her'.'t >fore received. Kvery exertion on his part nhall be used to render them Couifoi table diiring their Sojourn with him. His tnbU is al-ways nupplied with the boft the market nft'ords. SHKMWKLL M irclt U-l. i >'•'>0. bt>-if tui'l Suction }’iinii>s. Sent ?.S-tf n. r. TuTlmfs. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, W. C. FFK'K on cornor of Front anti l^rincesK street, under .Jourr.itl otiice. L»pc. 12. 4h-tf J{'*SFPM HAKFU, .iT?., \ it A i: V A I’ I. A W , S3 \taken an olJice iit‘xt 'bior to \S’ni. B. ^Vrif!:ht’^^ H K baw ortice on M-een Sti-i'et. He v.ill attcml .'tmi pr.iciict; in tiie Ci.uiity arid Sup>‘ri..r Courts of (,'nMber land. lila lon, i’lobesoii au«l Sampson. Marc'll‘23, 1 .S;'):?. T‘. f 'I'HOS. H. 'ni.IJ.N^^Ii.\S i . U O O K&i #. VSB §■: R, !t t'xij/i Sti’tct, OjijUiSitt ^ortli of 1/ Jltllf. d:' .1; Son'X Buok'i^lort'. 'fig L'Slt’., Magazine... and all descripti.ju-i of Booivs ...ffi, .ire bound in all btyles in h"! . .-r an.I most suli.^Jtantial manner, on terms, the v; .t as r.t .iny placo in the South. I'crs'ins wish' to know tlie prices of liin'linji, will be supplietl wui! a list person ally or by letter. Sept. I.'.), l.''')o. ;50-if K. ,\1. OKIU*:i.L, .1 I C TtO.VE E K AND C'oiiiiiii^sioxi Ueri'haiit. I Aj.ril y. 1S5'>. ^'U-tf v\\ Fijj()'n\ (rriirnt/ t'oynmiaaion uwi ForicnnJimf Mrrtliunt ull of which will be sold wholesale or retail, or bar tercd for country produce, Oii terms tbo moat reason Sheot Lea(i and I.oa'l Pipe. For sale by C. W. .WDKHWS, Market S^UJirrt. March iO. H?.-tf i"lorihi Liiiid Ag*Miry. fglHK uuder.signetl hits estabiishe'l an .VOF.Nf'V in * the lowii of .Ulijtator, Coluiuhia Countv, F’lorida, for the PL'iU:HASH, SALll or LO€ATH»N* of LAND WAKPiANT.S, the PUEICHASE and SALE of LANDS *;i‘nerally, improved or unimproved. The fact now being established that a Rail Road ’is to be constnicte.l immediately, connecting the .\tlantic aii'l the Gulf 01 Mexico, running throuf'h the entiiv leji};th ot thi.s I’ounty, east .ind west; iiud iu view of the ^reat fertility of our soil, tho unusually fine j;rowth of })ine timber 011 the land, the healthfulness of the ciim.ite. and the reasonable terms on wliie.h lands can now Vio obtained, there is perhaps no section of the I'nion which oU'er.s equal induceiuonts to the emigrant from the other .States. Having had some esporieuce in I'lirtuing on the dif- j ferent kiin.is of land, and ucnuired a genoral knowledge . of thfcm throughout the County; aud having acquired I unu.'snal facilities for pointing out such as arc for sale, either of public or private lands, he feels very confi dent of making it tho interest of all persons wishing inftirmation, or who tuay have determiu«d to settle iu Fiori'la to call on him. WILL. O. JEFFREYS i lie/are/iecs: Hon. K. Cabell, | I Hon. A. E. .''l.HXwel!, • Tiillaliasaae, Fin Hon. David .S. Walker, State Reg., ) : Dr. H. ('. Rruce, I v j H. C. .McLean, Esq., j' S ' ■ • Di. .Mallott, I F'avettevillo, N. C. Rev. 1,1 eo. .McNeill, j : Messrs. W, ,M. Lawton Ik. Co., Charleston, S. C. j .Tune i?7, IH.j.j. 13-Y (JROCFRIKS AXi) HARDWAUF. ^■''HK subscriber has in .‘^tore a good assortment of I (toods in tho (}ROCERV and H.\RDW'ARE LINE; -Vmount now insurevi >1,:;71,717 ai .Vmount of Premium Notes ;;it't,;5.;:> ‘?i> “ •• •• expiro'l vV oancslled 12‘>,17}0;. now on haU'i •■jil Increase during last year S;»il ,‘_’i o • Premium notes averaging 1 4 N*= 'M> percent, on tho amount insure'), tiie actual cout of Iii&urance during the year .'ivcraging less than A per cent. r.E('lllPTS Cash r.n hand last re[iort Sy “ tor Fromium-' r»( ‘iv,;.! H,10:j liS for Policies, .Surv^vd .V, tra.istwrs ti37 oO for Rent (;radii;ite oT the Haltiniorc CoMoirt >jt I)., .\ 4 I L >1 1/ . .1 i . II fi (itTiCO ;i. nrs from 'J \ P N 1 u-'l ;MV vllllc- r^ a ; iiie- ...11;-, alltl !l 11. lie . ' ! I ‘; :e. fv, (.1' tii.if 1 iiiMk - ll! r .;t.ii, r-liijr '■r ( ' truce ! : :i.-b r-ti 1 !;rii lit Inc, ‘ >*. i'.i.'»'»'.! I 'l-.lv- ]. \ '. ,'iMiri.v.; i'. t t/’. h illlpl 'I'CIIH tt-i 1 P. M. t.'. I* M. O tnuy ftiun ! at his ilootvi wiiere all wli.i ire in nee-i fi the Deiia.'t are rt spect; uiy invited t > ciiil. t...n- I ’ t : DlSBLPvS'F.Ml-lNTS. Cash pai'l C. H. Siiei-1, tire Iti-s >^"50 (mi “ •• Lot and ’'nice (ifHee bull iiag !. j-'jO 0'> •• “Sulariiv l,r.:.0 00 ••.State r«x lOU 0) “ “Conliugent exponsoK 37.j •• *• i’mniii',-iis returnc i -0 •>•) M ri'tir.ii d J, on l.l.' 1 airl ni'>- i'l) li.iis ' ;.i Ml 1 Ilf %t!']i iivitii wtiul.l ‘^im .y >*a\ th.i' ne l.ehiiid in 11 > t. He insert-^ Ir. in mu? to nu enure set iip.’.it tine (iol'i or I’latina plate, wiiich he irua-aiitees ti) be eiiiiahs' ;is .ser't iotvible as tiie natural urgans. Ilf spends nine month,-, of e.-icli year in th.s pluce. 1i,..ii lit cf October to tho l«t of .luly.) P.p.lanco T o-wit: Cash loaned out on P.nnd and S.cuiity. 'on demaiitl,) 00 Caph in Buuk aH'1 iu li:ui'i>i ot ,\;:cnts 27 40 I t ;p; ID. 10-' los r.u 10 }ii ;;st H) Hit; It IS HU ml i‘i 1(1 ;’,*i Pi 1 i>s 108 42 1'^ 42 lOS oO 06 40 '.t IU 41; 14 2 A l‘. "i 4 » I u 21V 1 u 10* H 24 .1 O 8 2* ISi 7 U 2 o-lO St! I4 If 1 ;'.l-DHi Oak. 4 1 tl.S7 ♦ I* i:'.7 }0 Lart^e e”. i \ ^ .j., “ Small end 1 • • ;;o f 4:V Cii-ili ot. interest an Rent line j{enl F.-state, I'.-iyiiig ASSFTS. iu Baiirf, Ji'-- lo per cuut (ioi.D.snoRori.ii V E-:.% I. iv «:Ii 8i i']. hand ii2.‘J37 40 i ino 00 l,hx; 00 s;4.f27 40 l.MVI,S-')'.» 3;! V >i.i .upplv >' (.Aud;:V * •r u \ ll.!-:- 1 . irrant. • Die v'.ii 1: iii vei'snl ■ leiie.i oil as Li-. ‘ f'lc- all'l l-er.iil :i\- !, D'uj;.i'>;. 71 It" ')i tlii.s lu-iiinti' 11 ooinmeiu-Ci. oii • ci oi ,1'in \ IS”).'.., ainl eii'Is III! the !ii , t’l ideiit. Hill, Pr•lIe^Hor of .'.It ;Vr. iny, \ a;- '1 i^iu l>:.. V\ : 1;-. ih., tl i.f .1 uiic, 1 S.'jo. tlsv. ,J.\ MorrlAV Ci.d-', iari ■ .Math ,\ntl ;■ ll 'or)>s of I'eacljers in every branch. | p,.-)fir:t. in.’luiling Wushiii,’. Light'), Fuei. o.c.. ri".- 'es:?it..:i, .^.’>0 00 Tulii i’i in Piinnry Uopfrtment. (lii . C...1- iiiaii; Liepai-;iucnt. 00 1 One iinii.lr‘*t| dollars wiii cover n'l eispoiisi's ol' tho ; 'ssion in the Coi’e^i.ite com 3'.“ atid nil ortiamental | ■ :ii .:'elie,s. i Pupils in primary tli.*(iaftme’i; charged ll'.c usual j ;.riec ; r orii 1 :uon: :1 briuichea. One hall ii.iyable in 1 ; .itivam e. r.’iiT.' Ll .•;-.:ros till scientific subject' will be delivorod I'Ut^li mont!:. • Ue ure i;i;;kii:g every i-itoi t ren ler Hie School tiie ! ! fii-.-r ii. adf;i)i!agt‘v and cheapness, an 1 plody:e to r?duce j ' j.m;es. ai d multiply the advantages in proportion to , I Ihe in.-l ease o(' patronage. Win 11 O’lr r,umber of pupils ' reac.lifc.-^ 2')0 we shall be aide to reduce the prices j nearly one half, every one aiding; us, is also aiding in plaoiii,.; the means of a superior education w.th.n the icttch ‘i! .ilui jsl every girl lU i he State. Uereturii thiiriks for the U'■ sainp'‘*d t ipp"rt wc havt. !ia 1 anil believo it wiil bo continue 1. F 'i' iurthet information appl.v to the President of the faculty, o' I luyttoll’. WM. K. LANE, Pres’t Stockholders, i iiecks for sale ut liii.s Oiiict;. j 'i>ec. la, ib64. 57-tf . ! ie>!t -my losses .'sHM,7m> .1 ■i,t. i'. ’vh' ii iii in I Urn. i-'t. S.-W ed by 1. atIrtri'/c I 1 •> uee a‘o:io ij'ii 1-ition. .1, H. H-\1.L. A. I.-. li.Vl.L, T. ,M. .'VCKi.TT V l«.^. 7"-tf Prt iiiin.ii Notes ..IU ..it C- -t In c'ojclusion. the President and Direct ors eongratu- | litc the members aiei tiie public on the verj ftu’tunate J aiitl siiccOH^ifiil oporatiiin.i of the ('ompai.y tl.e past ; vea;’. We have mot with no loss since 7th M.-u-ch, i iS-^-l, (Sneed’.s.)—unless it be the enso of Sti.mglaus &j Finston at i\inst.n, who-e St.,re was blown up--« v.ru ) czlr.u-nl.'fi'try 1' is ;till uii-ipr investigatioii. ; The followin;: Director? wore '■lect. tl for next year; Ceo. McNeill, !i. L, Myrover, (,’lias. Ronbow, Henry Lilly, .las. Kyle. S. W. fillin-'liast. S T. Hawley, T. iidtterh'h. v\ ni. .'vlcL.iiirin, .N. A. Steilinan, .1. (i. Siieph. i-d, S. ,1. Hinsdale, 1). A Ray, .1. D. Williams, -V. Mc.Kethan, J. M. Cook, A- E. Hall. A. \S .1. (i. Cook; an'l 1{- F. I’.rown of Wilmington. OFFK'ERS: GEt). .McNF.lLL, iVosident. H. L. .MVROVER, Vico President. G- .V. McMlLL.VN. Secretary. J. (J. .^HF.PHERD. Attorney. t^xfrntive Coniimttee Jor next (Quarter: Geo. .McNeill. S. W. Tiilinghast, AVm. .McLaur.n. May 24, IHo'). Pi’itiliii;;: ibr S'^IIL'l .Subscriber;- have for sale tni Imperial No. S;eel, .» •* 4 2.^ ■■'.I li 1 :’.?-luO “ li U 1 1 38-100 Wlnt 2 Oak. 1 3 •• 3 “ U Walnut. Oak. li 3i •• 4 3A “ 1 3-5 “ 1 13-10(1 1 13-iUO ■n “ •»T it ** I L’i Hickory liound Oak. ' *> (» 1 31-10(1 Wlnt ^ 1 ;n-ioo “ 1 31-100 2 Oak. 1 3i-l00 “ ^ “ Making 2,7'.*7 30 Kii) ter,. ■ These may bo gotton in two jiieces, il one piece cannot begotten without lieait. it' in two pieces, th‘» dimensions !•'> by ti, au'i 11 j '>y r,^. -jTiio-^o pieces must ^-e fron: young trees, straight crraino i. and entirely I'ri e fr. ni knots or cracks. ” *To bo bored tiirnugii in tiie centre from on i t'» end, wi;a IJ iicii .ingcr The whole of the above timber muiit be sawe'l aocu rately to dimonsi.ms, except the following; — 12G pieces ;12 by by 2, 112 pieces ;V2 '.iv by 2, which may be sa .ved or riven, an l must be young, ami straight gi-aine'L It nniHt all be out from fiinfnj (roes, felled between I the loth of .June and the i.'ith of .-Vugust, an'l must be strai.fht tjraiued, tough, free fro'u large or unsound knots, splits, wind-shukes, heart or sap. No old or brash timber will be received wii..mi.v;t()N, n. (' June 10. '1 Sol. -Df .1 (. Tmm :. DEALER IN ^ .s r \l'LF v\: fancy \)\i\ GOOl^S HAT?, (’Al’S, H()()T>, .SHOK.S, \Nl» RE.VDV-MADE CLOTHlN'i. Parti,Milar attention pai.l to Laities' Dress (ioods and Trimmiii-^s. //(Ty /■'ti/i’tipvif/f, A. ('. •May 2ii, 1 1-tf T. C. WOR'ril, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, >. C. ,)an y’ 10. 18”)i>. C8-tf J. S. UANKS. Wilmington, N. C. Jiiii’y 1, l^.■.t.. (iti-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V O H I S B O A AND F() R W A RI) 1 :\ > IE RCI i A N'l\ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign nients, an.I Cash advances made ou Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold iu tijis market. Feb. 12, IS*'7y able. A Kjiall lot of .S.IDDLKIJV for sale cheap. Give us a call. (i. W. I. G()LDSTON. N . ; of my frientls iu the country having busi- ne.'is tti trausact in this place, such as renewals, .Sic , ean have it done on the usual terras, by sending same to my cara. G. W. I. G. Fayetteville, Sojit. 27, 18").'). 39tf N(rricF^ ffl^HE subscriber having pttrchased the stock of ma- * teri.il at the (Jarriage establishmint formerly ' occupied by Mr. A. H. Whitfied, intends carrying on the He so’.i'iits a share of the liberal patronage bestowed upon carriage shops generally. lie has now on band I some very ' HANDSOME VEIHCLES. Which cannot be surpassed iu the place for style ol' j finish and durability, which he will sell as low as any I work of the kind can be bought in the place. 1 oiders thankfully received and promptly . atteiiiied to. I Ri'lP.\IHING done in the best manner and on very reasonable terms. tFive him a call before buying elsewhere. J. D, t^ALLAIS. Fayetteville, Fob'y 3. 72-tf FOR R1:N'1\ -’’(jS'^H.AT C'.'iivonient situation, with Dweilinc and out & Houses, belonging to Miss E. Hybart. is ofFers'l for Rent. Possessi'in given tiie 1st .lan’v next- .•\lso, a two story liwellin^ ILiuse and an improved Lot on Rowiin street, Vielonging to C Motitague, Esq., I’ossessitiii given on appliciition. For term.-* aiip’’. to W\1 D-iW. .Nov. )7tii .'i-tf '1\ C'. I'i. G. WOR'ril, MES WaN TFI). ()R Dll'! MEN wanted on tho Western Kail C011llliis.si0n Forwanlinii .Merchants, Hoa.l, to work on Sectit.ns 2 an.l 3, near Fayetti'villp, The location is healthy, and the highest BRUWN'S i^'ILDING, WATER STREET, ."W C'. Fsual a^dvances made on consignments. wages wiil bo ]>aid. Sept. 24, HIRAM PARDEE. 38- Jati’v 17, l8-5o. 03-tf •18 Ki 14 ■M12 32 :\h tr.(i ,j t 17 4 !4 17 4 *■ (ill 17 ;;ij 14 20 12 “ 42 1 1 2 20 charlfs sjanks, i:o.vi'£:cT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ’ Foreign Fruits, y^ufa, t'igurs, Toh'uro, Snulf^ti'c Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1853. J>tf W. \YiiJJAM> cV CO. H.WE just received a large and wcii soiecie-t us- so’.-tm -111 of HARDWARE A.N'D GROCERIES, , to which they invite the attention of Nnintr\' Mor- i chants. March 17, 185> St- Worth & Utley, 1'oiN\artliiiii' and (^cMieral Col*lHll^sll)n M FRCIi A N rs. S^afffUevitle^ *V. 4\ i \. WUBTIt. .Ins. ril.KY. s. >8. 'ril»S A.-^. DKVl llR IN ■> -.V: S'iWFLi^ l>RV t;OOiK, HEADV-MADE Ti.OTll i.V J, H \TS, CAPS, RONNETS, BOOT.S AVi> S.ii I *JIK) Casks Frcsii Lime, C^aicined ■ IMaster, Plastering Hair and (?ement, Mnckeral and Herring, by J. W. POWERS .N: CO. Aprii I'.i. Ct3tf NOTICF. tLL those in.iebtC'l to us previous to tl>e 1st Janu ary will call anti settle either by note or cash, and oblige us. McDOX.VLD 4c WH.\LE\ . N. R. .\ good assortiuent of S.\DOLES .\ND NES.S always on Laud for cash or on time to punctual '‘u.?to!i:ers. Keb'y 17, IS.'i'i. i.tf WOOL ROLLS. 0(>L carde.l with dispatch at P.lount's Crefck Factory. WHFETINtJS, t».sna burgs, Cutton Tarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by McNElLL. JUtirt 1 . I *tf 'I’lic Pr*-s!)^>tenan I'sa'modisf; a col lection oftancs fill the Pre.i.vlcrian I'liurch \ fui ther supply .iusi r"c'.i. Nov. 2fs. K .1. H '.LL s»»N N.C. 2 t!' SHEETINGS, COTT.sN VAKNS, Ki. RLANKET.S, ,n;c. Corner Market an liilie.-[.ieSt,, Fay.-ttj Dec. 17, I'-'Ar., CO. S TO CK. Starr W i'lianis •VRE now receiving their SECOND PL i-lf’H--\.SE t'var IjftfifisJor sai4\ OFFEP. fi.r salo that Valuable Mantation, ¥V kii' Wii as the “^SME Pf.ACK,” seven miles ..'lOTi* F.-ivotteville, on the Cane Fear Hiver, recently the jircpJrtv of Col. Natlian King, containing SEVE.N lll'.NDKK!* ,\i'FiLS,—every acre of wliich is Cape Fe r 15'itt ni^, an! suscep*ible of the highest state of o.iltiviiiion. Phis Lan'l re juires no pu!!ing as it is known to be the be.-^t farming lands on Cape Fear River, Terms will l>e ma-ie satisfactory if the right sort of purchaser is found. of It must be deliveret.l at this ,\rsonal on or before the F.ILL \W) mmx DllV iilHHIfi. Feb. 6, 18o6. T. .S. LUTTERLOII. J. & T. ADt/ILL. 73-tf '■g- i X W'ashinglou Hand Press, 2d hand. It will be wold ; cho.'ip, deliverable in Petersburg. \ a. it is snid to be i a good Press and in good order. 1 Jun«4, 1856. E. J. HALE & SON. .■{1st of December 18:')(), aiiil wiien delivered to bo close ly inspected by the undersignoil, nr some person au- thori7ed by him. lU'Js may be made for the whole ainotint. or for a portion, iilway.s emViracing ;i complete ntimber of sets. Further inrorniation may bo obtainotl on apiilicaiion to the undorsisrne'i T. T. S. LAIDLEV, [(i,')tlF] Rrovet Major U. S Coin''ig. EUNK CllEC'lvS. iu)ors, snoFs. iiA'rs, \i\s, HON.VEF.^, TMliKELLAS, AND Ready-Made Clothing, ,\nd have no hesit.-ition in sayini; it is the L.\R(iL^l anti .MOS'i' DESIRAULF. stock now iu mar'.vei; and having been purchased at greatly reduce 1 priccs from j the early part of the season will be oiierea to buyer* i on terms that cannot tail to please. i I Oct. 25, • FOR KFNT. \ VERY desirable Dwelling, recently built, with convenient out houses, near the business part of tlie town. .-Vpply to D. & W. .Mcl.ACRlN. 1»10 -O. ii3-tf "Oil sale chfaf. SLt:t)ND HAND BUGGIES in good repair. A. A. McKETHAS

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