SEM I-WK Kit L, Y. \ Ol .. V'. FAYKTTFA]IJ.E, N. ( .. FKHRr.VRY 4, IS'xi. [\0.475.] MtiNliAVS \\1> TiU’USDWS. i !)\\ Mil) J. II VM: ;t SON, ANi' 1'irn'iUKTOus. : i‘ et'k'.y Okskrvkr 00 if paii'i ii> V ; ,',i' ir I'rti.l ihiruiii the y*‘;ir of su^soii]'- S! I'toi' the _ve;»r bus e\}>iri‘ l. Oii-vKrvvK '.II) |ii>r ainiuin, if in - >'J it" pni'! th‘ voivr of biO«H,:rlj>- ,r •v; : th>‘‘ yt'nr hn'' i‘X]>ivCir , ; f l.FMK\"i S iiisrrtt'il f'H- sixty I’onta poi :'"r tin* fir-t, 'jn.J t)iirty rents f a 'li’.'Ati.'ii Vtvir'y n'ivortisoinfuT'; spo- • rnt^'s AJvt-Tiist rs hI'*’ ; ■ tlio n'aini'='r .'f iiisiTtii'tis lU'sirt' l, f'r siii i 1-1..icor.n'. ill I- in';st 'ii* nost-i'iii.l i-lf I ^ 'i I'urs r SALK. \'ii’tue of H I'coil of Trust ni»ile to mo by the !:ite IlevM I'olin Mclver. 1 will on the 18lh FF.U- IJl AK\ IS'ii), proceeil to sell, on the premises, the House !i!nl Lot lately oceu])ietl by Mrs. Sarnh Mclver, tojicfher with st\ch other property ooiiveyed in sadi Tiust Hs may he neeessary to iiatisfy the provision? tbeieol, D. A. KAV, Trustee •inii’v •_*•'). iRr)i;. 7;^ts ADMiNisru vroK's sam:. 4 's the !8th February, I will .sell ou tlie jtre- * * niisi's all tlie i)orish‘ihle j)roperfy belonjjiiig; to tlo K'.t'ite ol' the lAte Mrs. .Sarah .Nlclver. I'. W. H\HOF,, A'lininistr.itor.'v Hi')*. Ti'-t? S' Ll’TTKKI.OIl & (-OS LINK, #V>i* M*4tssen^ers and Freifsht. ,;jTKAMKR FANNY LUTTKRl.OTl le^iveiher wharf at Fftvettevi'le at .suu-rise, oti Mou'laysHn I Thurs I tlayK, itn*l nt Wiltniiif^ton on Tue.slayi» «iul Friiaya lb o’clock, A. M., (I’a.sieniriTs aii'l Frei)i:hi.s.) Steamer I Howati ^iii }jood rejiaii,* with good I'lats, will run i rwgulrtrly for Freig,lits. I J. F. MAl?sn, Apeiit Fayetteville, i \V. 1'. Kl,!ii(tTT, Apeiit Wilmir.}5ton. ! \ugust 7, 18r>5. *J5tf 'I L. t-- I.-: V,. DR. W. F BASON, Fa w:iul ■ be [ i-' ised to see ' 1 rmi-r irii i! Is :.u i !)’l . ili>T who need tlieii .ti-ndf'i in iti 'h a niMunor a- 1 t \*‘ars’ alnn'st j lact^'-e \v ' ii. tit'v liiui ia > >in;, li,* li ii^on Mahlntr (juil HlacL'shiifh'ln^. ■'H!l UM lersiiined havitiK purchased tl'.e entire .•»took forntcrly owned by Holland. U'eisiuer iS: ('o., will sti’i I'.irry on the Wap^n Making and I^lacksmith'u^ business ireneially. Always on hr.nd, \Va>’ous of all b/.es, with Wood or Iron Axletree.s, with or without l>'>'ii >. iiv’j'aii injf liune promptly and warranted to irivf the fullef.t satisfaction. M lehine work of any di^-n-ription niude or r**paired. .Mill work and in short any thing tliat cnti bo ina le of wood, iron or steel. 1 '■•ivf the Horse-flhoer in the ci>unty, and am de termined to spare no pains to please those wiio may tav.';' nie with their p;»trona"e. ?ir. .Jessp \Veisi>;er wi.l suj >-rintend the work in the Wood Shop ;13 u.‘»ual. I'oi.'t forjiet the old .''h'.'p 0(>rner -.■I' Maxwell and Frank lin streets. Fuller's old stand .1 W WKL-SH. I Jan'v ‘Jti. il; - e unH- and ha: ini"-: pr. • jua’iit'-d he bees t'? s.»y that he the I'rivilejT'’ of reiVrrinc to ;uin*‘nt i-;ti»»-n- k>i Faveftcvilie [■{)[{ SALK, ■fi 1. app y early. 7-J-tf iu>v ro niRK. VH l' active Roy, about l.'i years of ap;e, to 1“ ! >r the rem in 1*T of tlie year. Apply to (i i). l).\KKll, at the Bm k .''tore. ■i 7L’-tf CO-L - Jan V -O S. FKW good F.\HM H(JRSF,S, apply soon to M. M.KINNON 7o-3ni il'irprr*- .Maiia/jno • • .v.= 1 an.l *■ >r . I’e hv tV^r I't'hnuirv, K. J. iIaLF, \ SON I LAW roivxurM’.ksnip." E, the un ier-ip:!i-'d. have this day formed a I,aw ■ ipartniTsMip. ,ii‘l w;.i ir,i'-tii‘e in the i'nurts • -win^ counties -'t'this Si, Tii ittiam. t'uni- •; . M irt-. Hariietv and the Supre ue Ci'^irt. ,i. H HAU Ml TON. ,1N>. MANNIN'). -tsi N •- .lan'y 1. l''-')*i. 7-tf SOV\C\'. . I’r'pri..- will . i> rei'*ivpl .at the i*lh.;e "t the F. and i-i. R. Navigation (.''nipany. at I’itts- >intil the 1 Ith ' M vi h f^r the wnrW lU ver, and f r a!’ :i; tt nd specificHiions -.t'the ' V !ii:nrv ’ro Jan. 21, 1 'rials a- ■irdinp t': the to be tiled in LoNl'ON, .StMTi tarv. 7-‘-td' I ‘j I FdtnUi^ lit )nnln s: .S'l KI> under the Seal. >^anetii>n .m l Authority oi Tin: : i,i;i; MF-Lii iNt: and rurri.ui kn^■wi.Ki.oi:- Apr; 18.^ :,nlv 1 'iv the State I’ennsy'van with a I't •. • T the purpose of .arrestin,^ tii*‘ evils of .Spun- Lii . U- rthle.s.. .strums; also, f.^r >upplyiu^ til. 'Mmtnutiity with n y /. t: n v k f> f t:s ^ - er a = ' 'lUT'et'-nt I’hy-'i-iau ci-nU'-t cr will U'-t be ■ V; t T. 's institution. ' oate i in I’ii^’.adelplii.i ; Di.';enTi.rv .m l •!liee. N-'.' * ' AR' H STRKF.T. - ■iri' 1 troin Ur. .I'lliN R. R'»H.\Nl>, iiis rilLERRATHD ROWAND’S TONIC MIXTURE, . :i fir upwards of twenty-five years us the sure and safe ciire FEVER A N >> A'JLH, ic., and his inestimable Reiiii dy for H : ■ W E L ( »'■ .M PLAINTS, ROW ANl»'S niMl’lllMl S\IUP !IF BL.\IKBtRRV which h'phiy inipi"ved and I’Ol’LLAR REMi.biES t. ^rether with ‘1® rnivfr-,iiy« Reini dy f^r ’ imj.l.a^nts of the LINOS; 1 he Univer^sity's Remedy :or I>lSl’Kl’SI.V ir INDl- (lESTIf'N: The University - Reme'ly f t ’(iSTl VE■ HOW ELS, are for sile by d. N. S'llTM. l>ru>rqrist. Jan’v li'J. ' --••ui Kiiiir. i.ooK 'I'o voi i{ i\i'i:Ki:s r! ^f^IIE S('I)SC[{n!ER has erected n I !-Ti:An swv ’■ miles tVoni Fayettevillt-, on the West ern I'lank R‘>a l, and will be [irepared turui ih . J/> L, UM.VMf S O r L,i\ fiB EMI, • t'tiP shoi-teNt notice, .leliv (M able either in t jwn or at , Terms as reas inahW' as ean V»e ati.-cied Vr r. M iTSh, ‘i ■iitu -'i' I'roy ,v '-l.irsh, in • au 1; .rised i>. m-ik'- contracts fur mv I .J. ■ D\vii> Ki\ Ei r. ■ I . '. I’i, 18'eJ. 7:i-t;m NFAV rR()l‘ OF SFKUS,. FOR SALE RV SAMI KL .1 lUNSHALK Asi'AKars. REANS—Early (’hiua. Early Valentine, “ Early Mohawk, “ Large White Lima. PEET.S— E.irly Turnip Rissano, *• Early Rlood Turnip, Long I*ark Rlood, “ White French Sugar. I'ARBAUE—Early York, '• Early Large York, •• Early Sugar Loaf, “ Large T.ate I>rumhead, •• Large Flat I>utch, (ireen Globe, “ Red I'uich. CARROT—Large White, Large Orange. CELERY' — Large White Solid CRESS—'>r I’eppergrass COLLA Rl>S. CL'CL’MRER.S—Long t-reen, *• Early Siiort Oreen, Early Fram* C>RN—Sweet or .Sugar. EC.U PLANT LETTUCE--Ear1y Head. I’aris Coss. MELON— Lcnsi Inland Water. Oreeti Citron. “ tJreen Nutmeg. Yellow Cantaloup. Largo \ ellow. MI STARL>—White and lirown. t >N 1« >N—Large Red, “ Large Yellow. White fortupal. PARSLEY—Curled and Double. P.ARSMP—Long Dutch. J'E.VS I'arly I’rince .Mbert, “ Early Washington, Large Wlii'e Marrowfat. PEPPER-'Large Uell, Long ('ayenne. RADISH—KnHj- Short Top, “ i- ’Ug Scarlet, “ White Turnip. RHIRARR. SPINAGE. S.VLSIFY—('r Vegetable Oyster. SijU.^SH — Early P>ush Scallop, “ Summer Crookneck, lioston .Marrow, “ White Crookneck. TOM \T0—Large Red, “ Large Yellow. TLRNIP—Early Flat Dutch, Large rt’hite Olobe, Large Norfolk, “ Ruta Raga. SAC.E SWEET .MAJ(JRI M. SIMMER SAVURY. For sale. W holesale and R*'lail Ijy S. j Jan'y 2'>, 1850. Si^n ot’tiio Skeleton \\';ii[Oii, l\*thnington «•* Fayetteville i^as- seit;iei’ Mjine. '^IfE NEW HTE\MER “MAONOLIA” will leave Fayetteville Tues.lays ami Frid'iy.s at If) minntes after sunrise, and Wilmington Wedttes iaya and Satur days at o’colck. PaaSHgf ^-1 T. S LUTTERI.OH. June 14, 1S5.’). 9-tf 7o yierrhants and Md/nifachtrern, oj I'iii- Wdrf. tFl.VVE on hand now, and i^hall keep ,i ttupply o Tin Plate, ISl.iok Tin, Iron Wire Rivets, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, ^'tc. —ALSO — A large asHortment of plain and Japaned Tin Ware of my own Manufacture, at wholesale :Aud i ttail. C W. \NDREWS, .Market Square. Mr.rch IL', 18r,.^. H2tf SlMUrr BAllllKLS. tLW.AY.S on hand and for bale at the lowest mar ket ].rice. til PKRlOR SPIRIT RARRELS. ( hARFNDOX IRON WnMKS. Wif.^iixiroN, X. A. H. VANHOKKKI.KN, Fropriclor. ^■^HE subscriber having purchased the entire inter- i est in the “CLARENDON IRON WORKS." so licit? orders for Steam Engines, of any }>ower or style. 8aw .Mills of every variety. Mining Machinery and l*umi>s (■rist and Flour Mills, comideti, Parker, 'I'urbine and other W-.t*r-wh»«!s. Rice-tield Pumjis and En‘’ine», Leavitt's Corn and Cob Cvusher, Rice Thrashers, Shingle Machines, Sliafting Mangerjf anri Cotton Oins :*nd (tearing. Iron Castings of all kinds atnl pattarns, Rras.s “ “ Locomotive and 'I'ubular R.iilors, Flue and jilain ('ylinder Roilorsi, Rlacksniith v.ork of all kinds, Iron Doors for Houses and Jails. THE F.STABLISHMKNT S.- ! V;! REDUCKD FVUF. Through Tickt'ts IjctWfi'ii Wilmington, N. C., and Ralti- more. Fare^jO;!. Via Weldon Petersburg. RichNioTid. .V U ash- ington ('ity. or v’a Weldon, Portsmouth anil Nortolk. For Tickets Hi'I’ly tiietitln f of t!ie Wii’iiington anl R.t’eigli Rail iloud ( oiiipii.iiy at Wil inirn;l''v • ;it the i »iVn f n* i ho Rii’tiriiore .Steam I i':. (• ' i 1,1, . ■ . • dtiuiore and Ohio Rail j Uoau .jiuiii.a:);,', Pralt&'i Nov. I J.iii. 1. I.^.52. ^ OlL\CII.. RAY & CO., ^ IIAV STRKKT, I-’AVKTTPn'ILIj;, 4 RE now receiving their F.\LL STOCK of ST.-U'LW .A and FAN(’Y • ALWAYS 0\ HAM) AND FOR SALE CIIKAP, A (iKXERAL ASSOUTMKNT DRV (;001)s AND (IROC'FRIFS, i'ogi-tlier with a general »i?sortmeni ot \NU IHDIESTK’ WINES and LIQUORS, hit h 1 am anxious to sell or exchange for Produce ot any kin>l usually sold in thi8 .Nlavket. W. II. CARVER. Hav Street, neat the .Market. ol-tt DRY GOODS, In which may be found EOli THE LADIES: Plain col'd. Plaid, White and Black NOTICF. 10L. N.^TII.VN KINO is our authoria-d Agent to ' make confr.ict8 for tJie delivery of Lu;uher huJ risnhfi aiKt toi the i)urchHrie of Crude Turpentine, at King'rbur\ . iti (,lunib«rland County. J. & T. WADDTLL .Mav Hi. 1855. 3-tf Having been re-organi7.ed for the express purpose of; C.ASHMERES and Ml.IUNOS: Phiiu and ii-.buring punctuality in the execution of i»ll orders, the ‘ public may rest satisfied that any work which may i oft'er will by promptly delivered according to j)r«mise, j and of such workni^iihhip as cannot fail to give satis faction, THE .MECHANICAL DEPART.MENT Reing in (dtarge of men of talents and experience. 1 ! have no hesitatiou 'u saying that the work hereafter turned out, shall compare favorably in every r‘‘Spect with that of the most celebrated in the States, and at ^ prices wtiieh will make it to the interest of all in want | (-'loths and (’overs, .Ulendale i»licetings, Childtea’s Kid O. W. WILLIAMS May -8. & ('O. 4-tf l.\\\ HiX>RS. rHART(>N's .\merican Oiuiinal Law, new and third Edition: “ Precedents of indictments ftnd i’leas; on the .\merican Law of Homicide; *• Law Dictionary; Morris on the Law of Replevin; Troubat on Limited Partnershijc Wharton ij' Stile's .American Me'iical Jurisjjrudence, Just received by E. J. H.VLE A: SON. Dec. l‘J. DoLAlNES; Fig'll Faacy and Black SILKS: Cloth MANTLES and C.'OAKS; Cloak (’LdTH; SKIRTS and SKUlTINCt; Merino Vh}KTS; BONNETS; E.MRROIDERIEji, itc. FOR (JENTLFMEN: Hat«; l^oots and Shoes; \ ostings; (’nssiin«rt*.s; Wliife, lilack mid Fancy Stocks and (’ravats; lloady-.Made (’lothing, i.S,;c. * — ALSO,— Linseys. Kerseys and Plains, Rlankets, I’.rogans, Tahle 'I'lu‘ subscribers will piircbcistie Spinta Turijcmine, or make advances on con.signments to theii tVien.’s in Wilmington, or New York. C. T. HAIGH .j SONS .\pril y, ISoo. 90tl .Mcl.AURlN cV STRAN(U: ■ .WE on hand, a large stock of superior SPIRIT M a. B.XRPiEliS, which they would sell at a reduced price for cash. Persons wishing to make engagemanta would do well to call on us before making engagemeutu, as we warrant a good article. April 20, 18>5. '■'.'itf to send me their ordeis. REPAIR WORK Always done without delay—and having a large force for that purpose, it will prove advantageous to any person needing such to give me the preference without regard to expense of sending same from a di.stance. Orders will be addressed to “Clarendon Iron W'orks,” Wilmington N. C. A. H. V YNBOKKELEN. Oct 15. Ib-tf m [■^HE Subscriberb having thi day leased this Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased to see their tVieudb and the travelling public at this House. At thu same time we hope they will bw jiatient aud >)otir with our iinperfw:iions until we shall hav- put the House in such repair as we desire. J H. RdRERTSiCO. J. H. Robkktu F. N. Robkrts. March 1. IB.'jr.. 8U-tf I FOR SAl.K. ^HE running part of a ‘J, 3, and 4 home Wagon, each witli Iron .\xles. March 11,1 S5.j. nuw and readv for use. J. & T 'WaDDILL. 8:!tf (iross (iiOOO) \\%‘bst»‘r*s Kieinent- ary Spelling Rooks. dozen Webster's Pictorial Spelling Books. E. J. HALE .j .S(JN. Nov. lo. NEW (ioons. |T AM now receiving my Fall and Winter Stock of liKlK LKlES. il.\RU\V \RE .\.M) (I TLERY. Aortli (Carolina llealers. flUIE Undersigned are prepi.rod to furnish, whole- ■. sale and retail, upvu v>'ry fai'ornbie terms!, to Teachers, Booksellers, Merchants, Book Pedlars. anl others, the >tEHIKX of .\OKTII €'.4KOI.I.\A Nos. 1 and by Pkofkssor Hi i;b.\ko, ol the I'niversity of North Carolina, and No. 3 by C.^LViN H. W iLKY, Es'j. now Superintendent of Com mon Schools. Of Nos. 1 and 2, which are now books, just issued, we will hand a copy gratis to any Teacher who may apply. E. J. H.VLE k SON. OVFRSHFR W AN rHD. ^■■^HK subscriber will gi>« good wages to a competent £ Overseer, well recommended as to character auil competency, to take charge of his Rose Hill Plantation, Fayetteville, for the ensuing year. One well ac- • [Uainted with making Naval Stores, jiarticularly Tar, } reterred. JOHN H. ll.VUGHTON. Pittsborough, Dec. ‘Jl. ^8-tf FALL GOODS. 185r>. l“l,.\Ul'i; I'KlKil SON VRE now Receiving thoir F.\LL and WINTER STOCK of Foriegu and Domcstio, Staple and Fancy DRY aOODS, hatj«», caps, BOOTS and .SIlOEl^, With a general assortment 11 HIM HiT-n A l>i: CI.OTII i .’VCjI, To wliich they ir.viie the attention of .Merchants, the Ladies and all, and which they otfer at LOW PRK'E.S for S’ (iloves, Wool Sacks and Comforts, Youths’ and Boy’s Clothing, English aud Italian ( rapes. Dimity, Em broidery Silks and Rraitls. A good assortment of Ladies’, Gcntlemen'M and Children’s P.OOTS, SHOES, and GAITERS; ES, HOSIERY, \c. Sept. 20. ; I -ti S TOP 'i\\\: TiUFl ! ^TOLEN from my Lot in Richiaond County, on Sun- Juy night last, my HORSE. Said horse was nn iron-gray or brownish color: he had marks of gear on him, and his l..i e-top cut off very short: he was shod on the fore feet, walked fast, is u. 1 trotter, and would pace: there was a white marl his back, on the right side, about six or eight inches square; also, a small wart on the right side, n. little below the white mark. The horse was taken by a man calling himself John Campbell, who says he was raisi 1 in Pitt county, and has been in this neighborhood about two years: he is a . Cooper by trade, and says he has worked in Turpen tine all his life time: he is a liitle round-shouldered, has a stout body for a small m:'.n, and will not weigh as much as 1 state«l, 14.') or 150 pounds: has a very mean look, is very foml of negro company, and his conversation has a good deal of the negro mi.xed with it. I will pav ^^50 for the delivery of the Horse, or i')0 for the thief. M. N. CAMPRELL. Montpelier, Richmond county, N. I will also reward a«y person for any information that will lead to the recovery of either. M. N. C Sep. 10, 185.-J. ■ :5f>-tf ilDER VlNE(tAR, a good artiide, \ J for sale by W. Nov. 10. H. CARVER. .>4-tf Ne^ro Rlankets, Kersoys and Shoei* W\ H. CARVER._ 51-tf ““ for sale by Nov. 7. NOTICE. /■IHE SUBSCRIBER has removed to ■- SHAW’S NEW BUILDING, Gil lespie Street, where be intends carry ing on the 'I'AICOKI.’VO BUSI NESS in all its brauchet> Having had practical experience in most of the At lantic cities, he feels assured that he can please the most fastidious. All orders will be executed with neat- spatch. B. MONAGHAN. March 28, 1863. 81-tf ness ami •Jlarbie Factory* I ■ -'.V _jm, J. \V. RAKFR l8 now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and carefully se lected stock of a i K.\1TI kb: ji; i IJy LAUDER. T'.VII DdllKS IBdVE I'. T. HUGH S SOS'S STOKE, Fay«‘lt*ville, .W V. K4ypd •i. I'ou s.\i:i:. ACRES of L^nd, 9 miles from Fay etteville, lying directly on the South ern Plank Road, and on each side of Big Rocklibh. One of the best Turpentine sections in the couuty, with convenient Improvements for a family residence; with a small corn mill on a never failing stream, and a firs/ Thebe gi'ods wero bouglit late in the soa-'on. and i ^'aSM, or on Time to punctual customers at Wholesale \ ever offered in this market; which, added to his own rate situatiou for a Turpentine Distillerj' and Store. consenueiitly at reduced prices. My stock ot BOtJX'Si and is complete, eitibracing many kinds of extra sizes: Blankets, Kerseys, ..Vc.; Hats, fine and •ouimon TH(>S. J. JoHN.''bN, Old Stand, near the Cape Fear Rank aud Market place. Nov. 12. o’--tf or Retail. 1$. I'. I’KAHCK. .\iig. 27, I'^Oo. FERiU PO.N. 30-tf J. HINSDALE. :a-tf SOUTIIEKN (’AHRIAIJE UEPOSITOKV. r .M A ITKI'.SSKS. f B^HE Subscriber is now making, and will constantly \ B keep on hand a supply of good SHUCK anl | (’OTTON M.\TTKESSE.S. lie invites persons in want of .Mattresses, Cushions, He., to call and see him at | the old stand of J.ieob Ottarburg, Hay St., Fayetteville. ] H. LOCK AM AN. | Jan. », 1850. b'.1-tf i i SIMRiT RARRFLS. I rB'^URPENTINE I'istillers can get supplied with I j M. spirit Barrels, through iho distilling se.ason, at I the market prices at THO. J. .U)HNSON’S, I Near the (’ape Fear Bank and Market place, i Jan. 10, 18-V.. uni' • ' N )'l LL I’eisi'Uf^ in i- ■'•C't h are'y rf |U' ’!ii- ^ tnic. /'■’■■'! !''■ A. '‘enr eiT^-r ■ i ti'y J !. 1 v''- I'i. u l.v Note or .Vccount • ■ !'■ rwar 1 a'i i set arn-'ir'^ with L. L. 1 EMP.HR I ON. T' Im \ jilujibu i i t > lor i > !»r sa 1HE otfer-i ior Sale hin 3'I? It Ik n Rowan Street, ""ontaining I'OMrand one-lourth «■■. verv hijftilv* t'uriched. underdrained. "^C I he iiiigs are in j;-. -1 repair, ntid the atcr (both ui'i Sprinir ' i' nm'-t • \i ei>vnt. 1 he Lot is stnc.^ed '■ the v.-ry best Fruit frees, many of which are ot -i/..u»v ' The )rn;imeiit.ii 'I're*- ,, Krcvi’reens, Ro'^eti. , ;.ie of t!ie most approved and n-re varieties. The ; t-rv .-^I'x-k is hiru'e and chnire. This lut wil! be .■1 v.’ih r Wltliout tUi- \ u se, 1/ Slf.rL- a/l l HS :» t le I i;r'-hK.ser. To any one ile.iirc^us of en- :ii 'lie* Niirs'-ry Rusiness he w-oiM say, an ex- «-ill give ~.iti:jfactii ii as to . .Vf, ^ Al.Sfl,- '-1 1-1" hand on the .Mile Branch. Suid i u adapted to the cultivation of Fruit -irnp4;s. \( It ll;i Oil it plelltV ot .Muok to . the whole. /I'cre is a good eleVatioH oii it • « li. ding, .and l)b‘niy ..f Cypress for putting up for ir.ipe Vine .. ‘■n iccomniodating. Jr*ii 111 iny al>-ielii;e ;ipplv ■ i T. .S. Lutterloii. (’. LL'TI'ERLOH. iiii'v 2‘i TS-'Tw 111 L)r .W'l’ Lor I'OR :iiit Lot owned by the BanK ot t'apfr Fear I the N'Otii .■, ot Hay Mreet, l.juudcd on the ! - ' \ (Ttailiain L»t .and oii th#* east l»y the late H.-.mi, R ihins.iii's L .1, fiontiiig on Hay Street 20 'Il : luiiii'ng t(,ioK to (Jhl Street, will be sold at ••• Vucti ji, Ml the Miiiket House on Saturday the • Ft brjary lu xt T*'rms made kuown at sale. ARCH’D .McLEAN, (’ashler, nij'y 2^. 73-ta ^HE Subscriber begs leave to inform the MER- CH.VN'fS and PL.VNTF.RS, that he hab open e l a ilEPOSlTt »RY im- the sale of C iiakm>s, at No 26 Beekniau Street, IMSN'IM. rilKlM (.11 TO 1^ «I*RITK STR KF. I'-KNTK \ NfK , J.\ KITIIKR .-TKKi r The ni.ain tlvor. ( H5 feet in length,) ulfords ample rof'm lor keeping a'ways on h.and, a lar.''' and com- ; plcte as.'‘riiiK lit >f every dtscvii lion an; .-nriety, a*] j)ir cfiiirt. I Having learned the trade in the factory of his fatiier. he is practically with every depart ment in the business, and is therefore enabled to over see orders for any kind of work entruoted to him, and superintend every stage of its uianufacture. Hi:; long resilience in the .Soiitli and \S est. and inti mate knowledge of every section, and his experience while with Messrs Ra’ldwin .S and Messrs Frothiiig'aam, Newell x ’o., gives him many advanta- iroH in the selections rc^uireil lor the dillerent parts ol the country. Also, an a-.(uaintance with the Char acter of work. Draft, Track, Height of Wheels, iiuallty and ‘^ize of ?*prings and Axles nec^s-aiy for the partii iilar localities. Particular attention paid to special orders, either through merchants or to the sutjscriber direct, and all prices gu.arrantee 1 to be as low as the work can possibly be 1‘urnished, and which will be equal, in every respect to that ot the very 1u*st aii i oldest city or country establishments. It I :i: 14 >1.4'%' ?%'rK»:i:T is witlnu a few doors of the Park, on the South East side, acrtiss from the Astor House, and in a line from Park Place, .Mur ray, Wr.rren and Chamber Sts., near the Bri»k Church, Lovejoy’s and Clinton Hotels. Having convenient office accommodations, and paper.s frotri the Southern Cities au'l Towns, he trusts that he may have the pleasure of a call from his friemls, and froln those who will do him the favor to examine his assortment, and being the only establirthment adapted to the Southern trade, in the iov,or part of the City, he respectfully solicits a share of patronage. He begs to refer those unacpiainted with him, to any of the Jobbing Houses in New York City, engaged in the Southern or W'ebtern Trade. (ireat care will be taken in Packing an.l engaging Freight, Insurance, Slc. A discount allowed to the WM. L. MCDONALD. >1. B._Wni. L. McDonald takes pleasure in referring to the Merchants of Fayetteville. New York, Jan’v’ 1860. -g DOZEN Turpentine and Timber Axes for pale hv THO. J. JOHNSON. .Ian. 10.' G0-4w 7:ani)LFs. BOXES Pearl, Adnniactine and Sperm (’amlles, THO. J. JOHNSON. r.O 4w NFW S rOCK OF i Hooks aiu! StationorT. 1', are now receiving our udual N«w Stock of i>()OKS and STATIONERY, embracing a great j variety of i SCHOOL, LA'W, medical; .AND ■ ,MIS(’KLL.\NKOl'S HOOKS, Together with a large and varied stook ot lilanlv Rooks, Pa{)or, Envelopes, &cc. Country Merchants and others are invited to call, as we offer the above stocK on the best terms. Oct. 8. E. J. HALK & SON. HITS, C1PN, Bliri'S I'OU I'ALl, W I.N ri;K TU.\1)E, manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, aud cotton Mattresses; Looking Ol .sses: Willow Wagons and (Cradles; Side Boards; Rureaus; Secretaries and Rook-t^ises; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands: (’andle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and (jlass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Is; Sofas in Maliogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetcs; (.'ttomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pinno.s, one with ^Kolian At tachment; Rosewood Mttlodians, from the bet manufac tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, aud will be sold at N\ York prices—freight only add«d. November 2, 18.')4. totf Feb’y 5. 18.S'). A. A. McKETHAN. 72-tf Corporation Bonds of the Town of Faycttcrillc. for Salt ! A GREE.VBLli to an Act of the General ,\.‘semHiy /m. ol thu Stare of North Carolina, ratltio I Dec. 2‘> 1852, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue rM a* -Pfc • I her !?ori'ls to the amount of $lOO,f»Oo, in the a^^gre- „ ' gate, for the purpose of paving her subscrjj'tion to the ,VE If iiooos: II i Western liuit I- Companv oili for sale by Jan. Iti. Pur(^ White for sale by Jan. l'». I.cad and Putty, iVnsb, I'MO. J. J(.)HNSON. ti'.i-4w Cjii F. IIUSH tilue, in barrels, for Distiller's use, said to l>e the BEST for gluing Spirit Barrels. Truss Hoops, (.'oopers' Tools, Turpentine Hacks, aud Files, together with a heiivy Htock of Dry (Joods, Urooeries, Hardware and Cutlery, suited to the trade. THO. J. .iOHNSON. .Ian. 10, 1856. tl'J-lw (JARDFN SFFMS. nT" E Have received a general assortment of L AN DHETH'S celebrated GARDEN SEEDS. War ranted Iresh and genuine, of the (^rop of For sale by S. T. H.VWLEV .S: SON. Jan’y 10. Ij'J-Ow I 73-lOt ALMANACS. North (.'arolina, and Farmers’ and [BURNER’S L Planters' Alamanacs, for 1850. E .J. HALE & SON. (JARDFV Si-:Fl). SHAVE just received a large supply of fresh iind genuine Garden Seed. These Seed were grown in Western New York in 18r,i-). Call and ->ee what L.-VRGE PAPERS can be sold for FIV'^ ’LNTS. S. J. HINSDAi.E Jan’y 14. New nron Hstahlishnient By Wn. WATf»iO.^. r|lHIi Subscriber would infcrm his friends anti the public generally, that he has completed his n«w establishment on Maxwell street, near Mr. E. W. Will- kings’ Store; and is now prepared to receive orders tor CARTS, \yAGOiyS, DRAYS, dec., which shall be promptly executed. All work done by him shall he of the best workman ship and material that the country can afford. REPAIRING of all kinds done with neatness and despatch. Also, HORSE-SHOEIXG will be strictly attended to. ... N. B. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. f ayetteTille, May 26, 1865. 4-Y J(’. THOMSON id now receiving hia usual asort- • nient of the most approved styles of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, L^DIKS' r.AlTI'RS, lU'SKINS. SLIPPERS, and i’hildren’s Shoes of various descriptions. —ALSO,— TRAVELLING and P.VCKING TRUNKS, and CAR PET RAGS, all of which are offered for sale on the most reasonable terms. Old customers and new onas are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock of Fall and W'inter Goods. B.**!"’ First come, first served. J. C. THO.MSON, old Stand, Market Square. Sept. S, I HGo. tf ID CO.N'l'K VC'ldltS. ^HE President and Directcu-s are now ready to re ceive proposals for constructing the Fayetteville .Xlbemarle Plank Road between Little’s .Mills in Richmond (’ounty anI Albemarle in Stanly County, and they invite proposals for the following work: — Section 1st. For constructing the Hoad from I^ittle’^i Mills to Clark’s Cre»^k, 10 miles. Sec. "J l. For constructing Road from (?l*rk's Creek to the Pee Dee River, 5 miles. Sec. oil. For the construction of a Rridge .acro>iS Pee Dee River. Sec. Uh. For the construction of the Road from the Pee Dee River to .Xlbemarle, 8i miles. ‘ Proposals will be received and considered for the Grading and making all necessary side ditches and Culverts from the Pee Dee to .\lbemarle. omitting planking. Ry a resolution of the Stockhuld-'i s, before the Presi dent and Directors can enter into these contracts an individual subscriptioa of •'}'l5,000 will have to be made,—it ia asked that the frieti Is of the work will submit such bids, either subscribing or guaranteeing that amount ho as to enable the work at once to go on. JAS. G. COOK, Pres’t F. & A. P. R. Co. Oct. 25. *15 DLES. Nov. BOXES TALLOW' CANDLES. Also, a lot of PLAIN and FANCY'tW'AX CAN- For sale by W. H. CARVER. .>l-tf Rio and .Java Coflee, Tor sale by W. H. CARVER. Nov. 7. 61-tf ri.erefore, it i.s imier*.... _ !.l;c ('jaiuiissioners of Fayetteville, that the Trcusu;'cr of liic Town receive sealed proposals, until the 1st of November next, for the purchase of !i!o0,000, in sums of $500 each of s liti Ronds, or any part thereof. Ronds to run tweuty years, with Coupons attache'],—interest payable seuii- annually. The said Ronds shail be uiidcr tiie seal of the ('Corporation, and l)inding on the faith of the saaie. WM. WARDEN, Town Treasurer Sept. 20, 1855. :V.t- NFW I'Af.I. vV W lN'ri:R (JOODS. s. .n.,is a.S Receiving, direct trom New York, a large and well selected assortment of Staple ;ind Fancy l>ry (joimIs, H(‘ady-.Madf ('lothing, ilat.', ('aj>s, Bonnets, ll-xits. Shoes, Kerseys, iJhinkots, \e. To which he would call tl:e atteniiuii ot tiie L.V ! 11..S. his friends, and the Pubi;.- nenerally, to give iiini a call and examine his .StoeK before in.akin^j; their pur chases. H*- intenils t.i let the People decide whether ; they arc ]>relty, or, whetiior they arc t"IE.\P, when , they ex inline liis Stock and hear h priees. He would return his sincere thanks foi tlie liheral patronage heretofore extendeil to h m, nn 1 hojies by Strict attention to business, to merit a e.iiitinnain e ot ' the same. Corner-if M ari^ft ''id G'lle = pie >t ., Sept. 27. w-t-i. j .1 A. s>ii rii. H IIOLESALE AND RETAIL DE.\L!:» IN DIIUGS, .UEniCi.VES A* Citt:,K8i\aM^S, i Paints: Oils; i^tfc-Stafffi; \ VARyiSHES; WIXDOW-GLASS AXD I Piitti/] Gtdi^i- Wore; I*ri f\imcri/; Fitie S'x-ijta; Eine Tooth and Ihiir I>rusJirs', Ih'ttaJu'S; Fitiit (IU1 (Ji.irilrn Suiifts', Siirjirn/ lii.trinnf-nl!i\ I\i(ent Mrdif iiim; Rare Liipior. /or Mxto nml Ennrif Artirtra, itr., tc. Orders from Country Phy«icianp and .Mer.-'nnnts re spectfully solicited ami perfect s itisfactio:: gurirant ee.l. both in regard to |Ualitv and priee. J. N. SMITH, ifruggi.-t Oct. 27. 4S-ff Wilder^s Patent Salamander Safe. E keep const.antly on hand an assortment of the above SAFES, warranted tire-proof; and desirous of extending the demand for th«m, have in duced the makers to consent to deliver them here at New York prices. D. & W. .McLAURIN, Agents. ,Iu!ie 10, 1851 4tf r g^H E highest casli price paid for Turpentine, Whit« JL Oak Staves, and (Jak or Ashe Heading. Call on Jas. W. Strange, who can always be found at the Still. McLAURIN & STRANGE. Feb’y 18, 1853. 70tf ‘iOOO Spirit Barrels tor sale hy -McLAURIN & STR*ANGK. June 12. 1854. 4tf Ruckwlieat Flour in Pi^ 111). Hagt, I tor sale by W. H. CARVER. Nov. 7. 51-tf ~ ' 'ro~f) 1 Sl’lI.LFRs. E will pay the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give us a call when in market. J. i T- WADDILL June 2t>, IH65. 8tf iii\«‘!*y Stal>h‘s. rj'!HE Undersigned continues * to carry on the LIVERT RUSINESS at this place. They have lately largely increased their Stock and can now offer to the public as good Horses, Car ringes and Drivers as can he 'fouml in the Southern country. 1 hankful Tor the large patron afie herctoi'orc exieu''ed to us, we solicit a continua til'll of the public favor. We proinis# a butisfactory trip to all who may wish f. Have). 5^“ Stabler at the West end of Mu.niford street, where one of the l-*roprietors may always be fioiud, • 11 at the Stor* first loor East of Mr. Lutterloh. .). W. 1M(WE»:S S CO Fayetteville, Feh'y 22, IH.5H. 7 ' tf and W inl r (soods. or 'i\ Hiufltlill, HAY STRhET, RE n>'W recei\in}i their Fall and Winter (iOOlKS L consisting «f a lar^e aud woll selected stook of I lats and Caps, Sacidlerv and I..«a- ther, Heavy articles in the Drug line, Ready-made Clo- (iroccrirs, ! iardw arr, ('utlory, lilacksmillu^ i ur- poinine 'I'ools, .\trricultural Ini- j)lemeiils, pjoots and Shoes, thing, and Staple Dry Goods. This Stock we are prepared to Job or Ket&iL' Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 1854. 43tf W« ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex- Binine our Kerseys, Negro Rlankets, Hats and Shoea. Impression Paper, tor writing with out pen or ink; t>uff, pink, and white Bath Letter Pa per; amber laid, silver bordered and plain \ isiting I Cards; sup'r Bristol Board Cards; Envelopes: sc., Just rec'd. E HALE & SON. Jan’y 10.