SFilHI-WEKKL, Y. ■iBi FAYKTTFA ILLE, \. ( ., I'KHRITARY 7, ISfx,. • I VO. 476.] \ I >N I' \ 1 - \M* I'lirU^DA^S j (III ini.i: SON, I \Ni» Ti»U;' I V ('• -fHv * I ''3 >0 it I'fl'.’l ill i .1 ; -iia ■iurin'i trjc Vf iv .r .ubs. ii};- . ! ; ■•H' .,-i c“l- ■ = ■ vk;i >■'* in' j i>i- aiinuic, ii' j'Jti't '.n I i"r II., t)ie ve*! 'su^’-’ci Ip- -¥i tiio voH’ hn» expirt*il 1- ' f‘ :• ••!.'.1 t .r i jior ' , '••• ■ r ■: thirty i-eht-i t'-r farli ■I'i \\ n.lvf»rti‘5t'roont'ly . vf" r \ilv>rTi«ors aro . r, m>'> r lesivoit, or ;• 'P i ' f. : .1 HCCOnl- ■ T' ! . ill- lv( :.>rs iiui-it lip t>o«t s 11 i:m weij, iioiisE. F.»VETTmil.LE. V. Loit sttlc of Green Street, t tew Daon Korth oj ^ t}ic Mnrhet Home ;] Hul.^priber desires through iliis year—ami as ho hhs just erected N'esv Stal'les Hnd Slied coiivi^nieiit to tVie Hous** and to water li(* takes jOondiirp iu siiyiu^ to bis patrous uml the public fijfUfrally, tliiit h« is still prei)>ir**J to acoom- iiioviate ilioni with tniuaient ami pprmaneiit board, and reNju-otfuUy aolioits a cnutiiiuanoe of the liiioral patrou- >»k I* horetol’orr Kvorj (xerlioii or. liis part n'.iM.l t* t.' render them ooiut’ortablo iluriiip their -. ■..luu >Nit!i hill). Mis table ia always supplied with tir* be^f tho market atli'r ls P SHKMWELL Msrv-h 24. 18b,-j, 8t3-tf BEXJAMIX R. HVSKE, ! \ TTO K K V \ r r \ %v, FAYETTEVlLl.l-:. N (V WAY be I'ouud at the ilTice iV.riufrly ooonpied by Walter A Ifuske, Es*j., ou FJow Street. , , , , , ,, , Will attend the Couutiea of Moore, Cumberland and *i tu»"diuiu to acknowledge the hberal | Kobeaon And ol»iaiu bjunlv Laml and I’eiisionB under patrouE^^e bestowed upon hia House the past, the vnrious acts. Alirch 15, 180f) ^411' I'AIJ. SriMM.V. ANOIIEW J. ATTORVEV S'PEDM W, 4T IWS. Having removeu to IMttaborough, N. (J., will at tend regiilarlv. the !ouil-{ ol ('hathivm, Muorc, and Harnett ('onnties. April 10. 185'* yi tf 1; liserTed t •h.ir?'‘d ,>i> I'lT Vi MVS. .-iib.l Suction Puitips, Sheet Lend and Lead Hipe. h'or 3kie by (', W. ANl'REW.S, Market Square. March HO. 83-tf ()S'l\ ■iliiiij; 1- inal .fK-k .. : T'l- ■' ri ; '!■ tho 1’ iti- ;r .!• roiin, for the : Wiiiter riothinj: ■>i'nt pportuiiitv luM-t'ti'fore •riir HsoN, ii'l Muildiiig. r’ n : »- . Sidii'*} Sinith. w '.th si''ections fr*ni ,f. HALt s SON I'^ior’nla W. \. HI SKK, ATT(3HNKY AT LAW. AND CLERK AND MASTER I\ EyL'ITY Fatkttkvih-r, N'. C , May be found at tiie Equity (JUice, iu the Court House Sept. 22, 1855. 8b-tf JAMES F. FOULKES, /Zi/// Stn’ft^ niiir t/ii‘ Kut/fttfviUf: Hotfly 8 • l-Sl’Et;Tl'’U LLV asks the attention .il ■ his customers and triends to iiis L.\H(1E and COMrLin’E STtK'K of !>ur(;s, MEDK INKS aiul CHEMICALS, whi«;h lu‘ is now rei-eiviug, and is deter mined to sell at ‘■'uch l«;w prices ii.'^ cannot f:iil ti> give satisfaction. It will be hi 'vKw I'Aij. vV wix rEii (;()()i>s.i s. ,1m. TtiO,n.MS deceiving, lUrect from Xew York, a large and well ',elet'ted assortment of Staple utid I'aiic^ Dry (jooil.', Uca'ly-Mailc (Nothing, Hat.^, Cap.'^, Boiiiiots, l.oots, Slioc.s, Kercieyr>, inaulcLt?;, ..te. To wiiich he would call tin; attention of the li.VDlKS. his fni-nds, an* the Public generally, —to give him a i-:itl and examine his Stock befiire making their pur ■lla^^es He intends to iet the People decide whether t’ley are }>retty, or. wiiether ihey ,ire t'ilE.Vl'. when they ev.miue his Stock aud he;ir his prices. He would return his sincere thunks for the liber.il patronage heretofore extendi'd to him, and hopes by >i upon. St.pt. aim to sell Medicines tiiat can be depended j «trict attention to business, to merit a continuance (live liim a call before making yotir purchases. ■ same. Corner of \larket and (liUespie St., 12, 18iio. :i7-tf STA(ii: MXK #VoMi i-'ni^ettevit/e to Salem. Sept. :a ULDER BRACES. TRUSSES, &C N - Li-FH hK.^CES. , Rl SSFS, •>. N SMITH, iMuggist. 7Mm s*i5 IIEWAUD. ■t:>pre!ieiu-i )u u.d dcli\ery of my negro t' viF., a br'^rlit m ilatto, about 26 years of , ; l;i.' ci'UilneiiU'tit in any .*ai’ so t';ut I W\ ii he left Le had on a b'rown i I>r. '■ i’i •) 1 r.'’'. r.-ikes •> good appearance. I Ko\ \ii't w;’,i pa>- nimseli a^^ free man: about 5 r 11 iach- > ^'^■lgh> abc.ut l^.'> pounds. ■ r the tiu.e lie ifft. a te'.lon ou the middle L let* hurtd; h,.i ■>>, his -h;n a g j.itee or t\l I t xpert he w'.": oi; ieav 't t" make his ir'edon. Wa- binet"n C"Uut\. V i . where he 1 ‘ l». M. McLAL'RlN. Lainin'mrgh, RichuioLid Co., N. (’. i. 7o-tf LjuhI A^oiiev. I^HE undersigned has established an .\GENCY in the towt: of .Alligator, Colutubta County, Florida, for the PrHt'llASE, S.\LK or l.OC.ATfON of LAND W.VllU.WTS, the PLHCH.ASE and SALE of LANDS t^encrally, improved -ir unimproved. Tbe fact !iow Iteitig established that (l Rail Road ia to be cojistructe 1 iminp liate’v, connecting the .Atl.atitie and the Kulf of Mexico, runtiing tnrcugh the entire ’.c!i.gt‘i of this County, east and west; and in vieT of the great fertility of our soil, the unusually fine growth 'f pine timber on the land, the healthfu’neis of the climate, f-nd the reasonable terms on which lard? can now be obtained, there is perhaps no aection of the Lnion which otfers equal inducemants to the emigrant from the other iState*. Having had some experien'^e In farming ou the dif ferent kinds of land, and acquired a general knowledge of them throughout the County, and having acquirad unusual I'acilities fur pointing out such .as are for sale, either of public or jirivate lamls, he feels very confi dent of making it the interest of all persons wishing information, or who may have determinwd to settle in Florida to call on him. WILL. O JEFFREYS. KeferojtCLf: Ht n. E. C. Cabell, ' -k A. E. Mfixwell, Hon. David S. Walker, State Reg l>r. ,S. C. liruce, ) , vr H. C. McLean, E.s^., j--«»•;bage. N. ( Mallett. I (reo. McNeill, , - ’ .Messrs. W'. M. Lawton Co., Charleston, S June 27, IS'jG. II. L. ll(>l,MKS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, IJ, C, ^^FFICE on corner of Front and T'riucesfl street. under Journal ofnce. Dec. 12. 4B-tf JOSEPH HAKEK. Jr., ATTOHXEV AT I. A W , Has taken an oftice next door to Wm. B. Wright's Law office on Oreen Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber laud, Bladeo, Robeson uad Sampsou. .March 23, 1853. ry-tf T.illahassee, Fla. iKii Insurance Company. SecoHii Anniitil RE PORT !>/ the Presih^iit ami Ih'rector^i: Policies is,->ued past year •'>-’4, whole number issued 12;io, covering property aiuounting to $2,120,353 (X) Policies cancbllcd and expired 8ol,G35 GG '••riher' h:ive received on consignment, a | ■ - It''- ', llevisi’. Price >1, /.»// i E. J. HALE SON. ! Amour.t now insured ^1,274,717 34 -Amount of Premium Notes “ expiretJ i cancelled “ now on hand 3) (>,333 3G 12fi,474 03 ■ W r HKMJMW, h i> s., mate of tlie lialtimore t'oll«;:'e of It K \ T A I. s r K II t in. ^ I'::.oc !i ur"* from A. .M. to 1 P. .^l. “ P. M. to 5 P. M, !. \ i; u W may be i. tind at his iltuiu \ -vhcro :.ll v>i', • arc in net d of the i I’c'iti't :ir- rf''»pei tfiilly irivitf'd t > ci*li. : ' - r*.'’'ini-i ui^ jn th>» 1,'Uest and most To th.'io in n ed of »tt'ti/iciut v; ulii siiijp’.y -ay that lie i-* behind in no He in'-ert' trum to an entire ^et ‘I 'd P;n!’ii:i p’:iti-. wiiich ho guar.iutees IS tbe natur.il rfrgans. ea'-h yenr in this piar*-. h* "f .Iti'v j U'-tl Increase dtiring last year !j:(il,275 07 Premi.im note* averaging 14 SS 100 percent, on the amount insured, the actual cost of Insurance during the year averaging less than J per cent. ('ash RECEIPTS, on hand last report >772 8v for I’remiums received b, KX 28 I'nt Policies, Surveys transfers S'7 50 lot I'.eat 70 W )i7.283 (j7 THOS. H. Tl!.I,LNC;llAST, BOOUm.VOEH, Amfenon Street, opposite ^^nrth of E J Halt Son’s liook'itore. nL'SlC, Magazines, and all descriptions of Books are bound in all styles iu tht; best and most substantial manaer, on terms, the sam« as at any place iu the Sjuth. I’ersons wishing to know the prices of binding, v«i ill b» supplied '^ith u list person al iy or by letter. Sept. 25, 1855. 3V-tf I?. ,M. OKHEl.l., f V TIO.^*EK R AND Coiii«iiitM!«ioii tirrc'liaiit. April y. 1855. yO-tf \V. P. EIJ/iOTT, (reneral ('ommimion and foru'irJin>; Merrhnut WILMINGTON, N C. June 10, 1854. 4tf J. C. POlO, DEALER LN* STAi^LE KAXCY DRY (iO(^l>S, llATiS, CXVS, HOOTi;, SHOK8, AND READY-MADE CLOTlUNd. Particular attention paid to Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings. Iluu Street, Fauettcville, iV. C. May 20, 1855. 4-tf V C WORTH, GENERAL COMIVIISSION IVIERCHANT, ■.'rvioeiible montl -• o .er til t!u! DISHI'RSEMENTS. paid (!. H. Sneed, tire loss >S60 ou “ Lot andbalatu e Office building 1,450 00 •• Salaries 1.550 Ol •btateTax 1()0 iMJ •• Contingent expense* *75 02 •Premiums returned 20 65 WII.MINCITON, Jan V 10, 1850. N. C t>8-tt {.()ij)siioiior(iii I'm VI.i: ...I- 1 on '/f liii.-^ In-,t;tuti"n commences on • .-il'. T',“ .;■! :'.!>-,ti V 1and ends on the Udi :-p,F -iHb; rig, ■ l-t::' iioii r. Balasce Tu'.sit: Cash loaned out on Bond an-l Security, (cn demand,) 5*2,250 0** (.'H-h in Bank anl in hands of .Agents 087 10 ^4,34C 27 $2,«37 40 p; 11:1. Profn: every >'rfiiich. Lifs, huel. -JS2,‘137 40 J. S. HAXk’S, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y i, 1850. GO-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. i’€1 n Ti I ii> \ AND r' O R \ \ A1 i 1) 1X G M EI i C i IA X' r, •over all exr jur^e and ai on $lu On ^20 00 of the ! nan'ental $2,937 40 190 00 1,800 00 i!4,927 40 189,859 33 or.'iriclie.-: ll:nyi-l th>) uoifil rjC ^l^Jf pxy.i'nlf- in t:irer on 3'''Mitiri.'- tibjecti will he delivered in.ins eve"y effort to render the .Schnol tlie i:’';^fe ;ind cheapnes.o, and pledge t.i reduc.e ;i ; ; piv the udvantHges in lo-.ijiortiou to j atr i?i,.ge. VVhen air ntmiber wf ])upils ’ .■.•e ■ i!; l*e t.» reduce the prices . . • (-V- ;y pii- aiditiL" us, is .siso aiding in 1.1- ,ii- ..f I - iiierior educatiini withiti th*- in^t irii'l it: tlie .St.-ire. 1 'hatik- f 1 t-. . Mt-x niipled jH'ippi'rt wt 1 it -iv. i : (• r .1. Ftir further ^l !''y ' Pre-i i-o >f tite ficulty. of W ,\I, K. l...A.N Ii. Pr’s’t St(>i.;klioIders. I I \p.fj: piu)PEin'Y rou s.mMje:. \ . r ^'ile, my LVND.'j iu the Town of Fay- !t !„ti A‘re-^. known as the PIUMFORD SWAMP. ,1 X ; - ‘i \I.' ■ !..w I. ind, as the (.'rop : '.V. ' ttll‘ s:i !H5‘ ISrick l.^«l •1 d'juar*, occijiici ny .Mr. .lohn \. , ! \ ■ -,b!.- [,ot, fro!itin;i 0,1 !>oiirtidson, I 'ir i.ior i Sfrcets, kni.fsii a.? the Hotel I i.e .divided into Sfv«ral Building ■ new K.''m:ile liigli Sch-iol I’.uildings. • . i.' t adi lining, fronting on Mutnford ASSETS. Cash on intere.st and in Bank. ,V-o. Kent due Real Ejtate. paying 13 per cent Premium Notes on hand .Amount Capital to meet any losses In conclusiou, the Pp-sident and Directors congratu- 1 late the members and the public on the very fortuuate and successful operations of the Company the past | year. We have met with no loss aincc 7th .March. *IM.')4, (Sneed’s.)—unless it be the case of Stranglaus & ; Kinston at Kin.i-ton, whose Store was bl 'wn up—u t'ei u •>jlr.ir,r,Un(ir)j cn^e.—it 13 .still umler investigation. S:194.780 73 l.lJIMHNt; LOTS on both ri'iw 1)1* purchased oii favora- "u I 0- ■; remain on Bond and THO. J. ClIM’I.S. l::-tf ( rjln't s Will |)ui-ch:iisf* ,'5|»ints li iki- advances iii con ignnients to their i;i‘-i'i. ,,,• New Voik, C. T. HAIOH V SONS y(»ff \K. d .article, W. II. CAR\ EH. 51-tf The following Directors were elected for next year: ieo. .McNeill, H. L. Myrover, Chas. Benbow, Henry Lilly, Ja-^. Kyle, S. W, Tillinghast, S T. Hawley, T. ,S. Lutterloh, Wm. .McLauriii, N. A. Stedmnn, J. G. Shepherd. S. J. Iliusdale, D. .V. Uay, J. D. Williams. ■A. -A. McKeth.'in. ,1. H. Cook, .A. E. Hall. A. W S;eel, J G Cook: and R F. Brown of Wiimington. OFFICERS: GE(^. McNEILL, President. H. L. MVROVEll, Vico President C. A. .McMlLL.AN, Secretary. J. G. iSHEPHERD, Attorney. Ej-fCHtirc Comvuttee for next Qiiartfr: Geo. McNePI, S. W. Tillinghast, Wm. Mcliaurin. May 21, l.N'..), -1-Y xotkTe. ^SIHE subscriber having purchased the .stock of uia- * terial at the Carriage establishment formerly occupied by Mi . -A. H. Whittled, ititends carrying on the He solicits a share of the liberal patronage b« sttiwfd up.in cariiage shops generally. He has now on hand sotue very HANDSOME VEHICLES, Which cannot be surpassed in the place for style of finiiih and durability, which he will sell as low as any werk of the kind can be bought in the place. All oi lers thankfully received and promptly attended to. REPAIRING done in the best manner and on v«ry reasoji.able ternts. (jive him a call before buying elsewhere. , J. D. CALLAIS. 1 Fayetteville, Feb’y 3. • 2-tf MEX VVAXTEI). I fm’ OR 100 MEN wanted on the Western Rail I Hoad, to work on Sections 2 and 3, near I Fayetteville. The locfttioa is healthy, and the highest I wagi-3 will be paid. ‘ Sept. 21, 1H5.'>. Prompt personnl attention given to all Consign ir“nt8, an I Cash advances made on Pr.)duoe to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67y T7c!^li. wo rt1I7 Commission Fonvarding Merchants, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, Wilininiftoii, >. 4'. Usual adrances made on consignments. Jaii’y 17, 1855. 03-tf CHARI.ES HAXKS, V c TM o.vK r , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreiun Fruits, 2^uti, Ciuars, Tubacco, Snufl,&c Fayetteville, N. C. I fB^HE Proprietors take pleasure in informiug the \ I Ji- public, that thej- have commenced running their j i tri-weekiy line of Stages, oti t!ie T’lank Road, from I ! .Sjilem to Fayetteville. They have procured good | I Stock, new Coaches, careful atid accommodating I Drivers, and no pains will be spared to render passen- ■ grrs comfortnblc. ! .V system of through-ticket.'i with the contractors on i the Wythevillo and Reiili-vilie Roads, for tlie con- 1 renience of passengers bo.ind to Wytheville, Va., or I the Picdnront Springs, in Stokes County, has also been ; adopted. WHITE .t STAFFORD; I June 2'.*, 1855. 24tf S M. T1I03IAH. ' DEALER IN KAXCV STAPLE DRY GOODS, REAOr-MADK CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SlIOES, SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, oL.VNKET.S, \c.., ac. Corner .Market and Gillespie St.. Fayetteville, N.C. Dec. 17, 1855. 02-tf SKCiKVn STOCK. ~ Starr &: Williams ,\RE now receiving their SECOND PUIK'II.ASE of FALL m \Vi\Ti;R DRV liOOllS. ROOTS, SHOES, HATS, C:APS, j BONNETS, TMliRELLAS, AND Ready-Made Cluthing, And have no aesitation in saying it is the L.ARGEST and MOST DESIR.ABLE stock now in market; and having been j)urchased at greatly reduced prices from the early part of the season will be offered to buyer.^ on terms that cannot tail to please. Oct. 25. 47-tf W e arc now recchnni; and expect to keep \ip a lar*re stock of (Iroceries. WE OFFER B.AGS Cotfee—Rio, Lagwira and Java, 15 Hhds. Sugars, 50 “ Molasses, i,OuO Sacks Salt, 75 lUds. Sugars, —coffee, crusird & powd’d, 125 Bags Shot, 45 Kegs Powder, 20 Hh^s. Western Biicou, 3,500 Lbls. N. C. 50,000 Segar-^, !i>sor(ed ({ualities, 100 boxes Clioehc, With every other article in our line. .\11 of which we will dispose of low for CASH, or exch.inge for pro duce or naval store*. D. W. .McLAURlN. M.-iy 2H. 3-tf XOTICE. ^■■^HE notes anil accounts due to Jno. M. Beasley, I are in the hands of 'V-'i Aici lection. :i« longer inilulgencc utH wjt ot (,.• hoped this notice will sufficient to save costs. JOHN M. BEASLEY. June 25, 1855. 12tf I'REXCH nviui .\HIJ, STOXES,i WARRAXTED. j rilJlE Subscribers inform their i » fricn.ls and the public that i they make to order Ul KK warranted to be of the best quality, being made from Burr Blocks of their own importation from the France. They also keep for sale ('(ILOliNE, ESOl'liS and niCALH’ll MILL STUPES, BOLTING CLOTH and CALCINED PLASTER. From the Senior Partner's long experience in the late firm of Egenton, Morriss & Co., of which he was a member, and their determination to give satis faction. they assure customers their orders shall be faithf\illv and promptly executed. w'lLLIA.M HOGG J- SON, ,S. E. Corner of North and Centre St., opposite the Baltimore & Susquehanna R. R- Depot, Baltimore. May 29. 1855. , 5-ypd •I. i\. SMI’I'U, WHOLESALE AND PETAIL DEALER IN DRU€^S, .nEDi€'i.VEH 4* VMiE*nn\iMjS, Paiittsi oust; iftfe^Stnrt'a; VARNISHES; WIXDxOW-GLASS AXD Putty'y Ware; I^erfumrrjj; Fine S^aj)x; Fine 7'ooth and Hair lirushfs', Paint BritsJifs; Fieh! and (iardcn Seds; Spit'^-'^f Snuj^'s-, Surijicai Instrument!^; Patent Mcdicine&; Pure Liquora for Medicinal Purpoi^ffX Fa>i(y ArtirJeji, dr., lf. Orders from Country Piiysicians and Mer:hati;.. re- bpoctfuliy solicited and perfect satisfaction gurtrauteed, both iu regard to quality and price J. N. .SMITH. l'rui£gist Oct. 27. 4.H-tf XOTK E. &|T R. WILLIAM J. BRoWN is our authorized agent iTB to receive payments, and grant discharges for diiv Bool: accounts we have in the county of Robeson. J .V T WADDILL. June 1, 1855. 7tf R HOOK HINf)!,i;V. W. ILARDIE has resume 1 the Book Binding Business, over the Taib>r Shop of Klark & WooUward, where he will receiw «n«l execute tiiudhig ia any ,st3'le desired. August 1. 27-t!' Liv('rv Stables. fB'^IIE Undersigned continues ML to carry on the LIVERi BUSINESS at thipid.ace. They have lately largely increased their Stock and can now otler to the public as good Horses, Car riages find Drivers as can be found iu the Southern country. Thankful for the large patron- ! age heretofore extended to us, we solicit a continua- ' tiou of the public favor. We pr-.mise a satisfactory trip to all who may wish to rravel. I®” Stables at the West end of Mumford street, where one of the Proprietors may always bo found, or at the Storf tirst door East of Mr. Lutterloh. J. W. POWERS & CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y '22, 1853. 71tf Fall Winter (loods. T. llVffIr##!/, HAY STREET, A RE new receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS •m consisting of a large and well selee*c ' stock of Hats and Caps, Saddlery ami f.ca ll ler, - ticavy articles tn the Drug line. Ready i.iiaiG do- .ling, and . iple Dry Goods. This Stock wc are J ’ "• Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 1854. 43tf W'e ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. Impression Paper, for writing witli- \ PROCLAM x riox, BY HIS EXCELLENC’i THOMAS BRAGG. GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF N(»KTH CAROLINA WHERE.\S, fin act was passed by the last General .Assembly of thi.s State, by .n vote of three-tifihi^ ot ell the members thereot, n duly certified copy of whieli is as follows; -\.N .ACT to amend the (,'onstiiutiou of the State ot North CaiviiiiW. SVIIl.Ri'. Vt), .A bu ge mimber (>f il\‘i jtct>ple are dis fVanchi.sed by the fri'ubold ijualification now rcqiiiied of voter.s for membei s of the Senate. Therefoi e, .Sk( . 1. Jie i- enit' Ud fitr Aty'i >/ d’e Siiilf I)/ Xortfi l.'iiioiiiiu, 'InJ It ctn'Cjt.d by th’'. inilhoriiy of On nu.-n^, (three-tifths of tiie v\ lu>b‘ number of membors of each iicu.sc coucurriiig,) That the 2nd clause .'f the 1st .section of the 1st article of the a- mrnded Cou.'.titutioi). ratified by the people i.f Nortli Carol.till oil the second Monday of November, in the year of ..ur Lord eighteeu huiivtred 'ind thirty-five, shall be ,'Uiiended to read as follows: Evi-ry tree whit.‘ man of the age of twentj’-one years, being a native or uatnralizecl citizen of the Utiiteii St:ites. and who luts been an inhabitant of the .State for twelv;' montli.s im mediately preceding the day o*" siny election, and shal! have puiil ijubUc taxes, sluii! I..' entitled to vote for a member of the Sen.ite for the district in whicli ho re sides. See. 2. /!’ '■! furr)ii'r enuairi. That the Governor of the State be. and he is hereby directed to issue his proclamation to the people of North Carolina, at least six months before the next election for members of the General .\ssembly, setting forth the purport of this act, and the amendment to the Constituti*n herein proposed, which proclamation shall be accompaniel by a true and perfect cojiy of the art, authenticated by the certificate of the Secretary of State, and br.*h the proclamation and the cop^- of this act, tli:* (iovernor of the ."^tate shall cause ;o be pubiish“d in teji :jwws jiapcrs of this State, iit least six mouths before the election of members to the General AssemVdy. Read three times and ratified in (Jeneral \s-einbly ♦his 8d day of February, 1x55. S.A.M'L P HILL. SfraKrr of '!e ilcusr of Commons. WAR REN WINSLOW, Spftjker ■>/ Ou St-htt‘. .State of North Carolina, ) Office of the Secretary of State, / I, William Hill, Secretary of .State, in and for the .State of North Carolina, io hereby certify that the ‘ foregoing is a true copy of the original as ratitiui and ♦ill file iu this office. Given under my hand this 24th day of January 1850. W. UlL\j, Seerffnrr/nf St'itf. Now, therefore, in ceruorir.ity to the Constitution ot the State and thj requirements of the aforesaid act, 1 I do issue this my Proclamation, making known to the people of North Carolina the jirovisions of said act and the umcndrnent thereby proposed to be made to the I i'onstitution of the State, and do cause tbe same to be I piiolisbed in ten newspapers of this State six months before the election of members of the next General .As-erably. In testimony wher*of I, Thoma.® Bragg, Gov ernor of the State of Vorth Carolina, have hereto ; ot my hand and cau=:ed the great seal TL. S.I of the State to,i>c iier= i..to afbxed. Done at the City of R.aleigh, ti.’ • the 24th day of Jan- uiiry. -A. D. IS.'it;. -ind in the SUth year of our Independence. THOS. BRAGG. ]3y the Governor: Pi LASKi Cowrr.n, rm'ate. Si^cvrfnni. Raleigh, Jan’y 24, 1850. 73*Gm BOXES TALLOW CANDLES. \lso. a lot of PLAIN and FANCYiWAX CAN- For sale by W. H. CARVER.* DLLS. Nov. ' 51-tf Rio and Java CotVce. lor sale l>v W. H. CARVEH N6v. 7. 51-tt ' (Troceries, I Hardware, I Cutlery, f^lacksmitlii^- 'fur : pontine Tools, i .Vgricultiiral Im- I The Eiirgrsl €:arriagr Factory in the ^outh ! ....J TTk? A. A. >lcKETHAi\ ESPECrFULLY informs public, that he has fiuilt up his friends and the lurie substantial* Jan’y 10. ^llurbie Pacioru^ best quarries March 1. 1853. r3tf 11 a. VV. WH.IJAVIS 4 CO. GROC’ERH^S AXD HARDWARE.; ri'^IIE biibscriber has in Store a good asr.ortment of' J Goo.lfi in the GROCERY and HARDWARE LINE; all of which will he sold wholesale or retail, or bar- AVE just received a large and well selected ai,- j tered for country proiluce, on terms the most reason sortment of HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of Coutitry Mer chants. Alaroh 17, 1855, 84- Worth & Utley, Forwarding and (reneral (’ommission MERCHAXTS, Eai/etteriUe, f. J. A. WORTH. LTLKY. able. A small ’ot of SADDLERY for sale cheap. Give us a call. G. W'. I. G(>LDSTON. X. B. Any of my friends in the country having busi ness to transtwit in this place, such as renewals, &c., can have it done on* the usual terms, by sending same to my care. | G. W. I. 0. - , or Fayetteville, Sept. 27, 1855. 3‘Jtf HIRAM PaRDEE. 38- i>iank(;t: kerseys and Slices W. H. CARVER. 51-11 200 Casks Fresh Lime, Calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair and ('’eraent. Mackerel and Herring, by J. April 19. W. POWERS & CO. 93tf JAMES KYLE juit received a large and genera! aMortmeat nR\* 4iOODH. Among which are, 650 pieces Dress DeLaina. French and English Merino, Plain Merino, real French, Persian Cloths, Black and Colored Silks, Irish Linenp. all Flax, Table Cloths and Napkins, Carpeting, very cheap. Calicoes, well assorted. Kerseys and Liuseys, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Hoae, Ladies’ Twisted Silk Mitts, Dress Trimmings, &e,, &c. All of which being purchased by the package for Ccsh, will be ofTered at the lowest market price for cash, or on time to paying customers. Sept. 27, 1855. 39-tf Blank Warrants for sale here XOTJCE. I 4LL those indebted to us previous to tbe 1st Janu- j ary will call and settle either by note or cash, j and oblige us. iVIcDONALD &. W HALE^ . N. B. A good assortment of S.ADDLE8 AND H.AR- j NESS always ou hand for cash or ou time to punctual j customers. ' Feb’y 17, 1855. /Gtf j FOR REXT. ~ I 4 VERY desirable Dwelling, recently built, wuh ] convenient out houses, near the business part of the town. .Apply to D. & \N. McL.AURIN. Dec. 20. U3-tf Printing- Pre«» Ibi* ^alo. ri'^HE Subscribers have for sale an Imperial No. 4 JI Washington Hand Press, 2d hand. It will be sold cheap, deliverable in Petersburg, Va. It is said to be a good Press and in good order. June 4, 1855. E. J. HALE & SON. 3L' NEW' BOOKS. ONGFELLOW'’S HIAWATHA; The Old Home stead; Isora’s Child; Curiou.s Stories about Fairies; M’Cosh OH Divine Woverument; Leighton’s Works; Jewett’s Olleudorft'; Spier’s and Sureani's French and English Dictionary; Bolmar's Colloquial Phrases; Greenleafs Arithmetics and Keys; ^’c., 4'C- Further supplies of the above just received. E. J. HALE .j- SON. By a’-0. LAUOER. Tffd minus vBorB c. t. ii.iisii si).vs.stiii:e, | Favctlevllie, i\ | Jan’y 20, 1850. M I FOR SALE. t>j|i ACRES of LN.nd, miles from F.ay- * etteville, 13’ing directly on the .South ern Plank Road, and on each side of Big Rocktish. One of the best Turpentine sections in the county, with convenient improvements for a family residence; with a small corn mill on a never failing stream, and a fits.* rate situation for a Turpentine Distillery and Store. A. A. McKETHAN. Feb’y 6, 1855. 72-tf Wilder\s Patent Salamander Safe. WE keep con.«itantly on hand an assortment of the above SAFES, warranted fire-proof; and desirous of extending the demand for them, have in- ducel the makers to consent to deliver them here at New York prices. D. & W. .McLAURIN, Agents. June 10, 1854 4 if ^jJ^HE highest cash price paid for Turpentine, White .fl Oak Staves, and Oak or/■ phe Heading. Call on Jas. W. Strange, who can alwaj's be found at the.Still McLAURIN STRANGE. Feb’y 18, 185.3. 70tf 2000 Spirit HarreI.s lor sale by McLAURIN & STRANGE. June 12. 1854. give .satisfactior, to merit a coutinuauce of tbe sanie. Me warrants his work to be made o*V the be.st materijtl and by experienced workmen in each br.iuch of the businebs. His work will compare favorably with .any madein the United States, for iie.'xtiie.s.s and durability. He is determined to «ell uiid do any work in his line on as good terms as.-.ny work done elsewhere thut is as well done. He now has ou hand, Fi.Ni'«nv,t>, the LARGEST STOCK of Carriai>[cs.. HaroncJics^ Rockav'aijs^ and i c s. Ever offered in this pbu'e, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. .All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to i)unctual custojaers. Ipja^^^He ha.s on h.and more thau ONE HLNDRLD .AND l'IFT\ \ehi- cles finished and iu course tif construction. All vfor'n ma le by him i'* warr.infeil 12 months ^ith fair u*^ftge. and .-^houl-l il tuil l*y fi'id workmanship I or material will be repaired free of ch.irge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to cali aud examine for themselves. Orders thankfully receive land proi'ii ily attendwdto. 1 Repairing executed at short notict and ou very reasonable terms. Mav 28, 1853. 98tf A wno WOULD HA\E ruoi'aiirIT? it "U' (\ir*’io.(fe Es^'abfiithment ttn the ^Idittxry (ire- >, >ppi.-ite the frontin'/ >>n M ihoditit (-hurt Mumford Strtet. Buckwheat for sale by Nov. 7. l’'lonr m V2h W. H. •itf 111). Bag.>s, CARVEri' 51 -tf TO DISTH.LERS. WE will pay the Ijigiieat cash price for SPIRIT^ TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give us a call when in market. J. & T5 WADDILL June 26, 1855. 8tf CUK.AT K.vri'.Kl’RlSK! r:i V4‘f to rilHE Subscribers wotild respectfully inform their j[ friends and the public, that they have entered i*to copartnfrship for the purpose of conducting the general CARRIAGE "USiXESS in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully understanding their businc.sr, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in I aj'eTteville as to style and dura bility. One of the firm may b« known by reference to A. H. Whitfield's irou work for the Inst two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. J\MKs H. Pier. J.^mes Bhanin. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24 1853. G2tf BAXK CPiX'KS.