1 i^ii S K Ml - W E K K li Y VOI,. V.] i5Basi6iw.iga»i — you rAYETTEVIIJ.E, X. r.. fl'.HUl vUV il. IS',.;. NO. 477.) t.l' .,.'M‘AY.'A \\!> THCHbDAY^j WVKO I hali- Tson. ; . . '•R.S aNI* PRnPRirTOP> ...j ‘ >'mi-Wfeklv OBiERVER S3 ;i'i‘u ‘ : !•!.' n' piiJ juTiUg iHe yoar oi >4 a'rei tin year h -i expire i *ce-, . I ■ii'iisRViiii S'J ‘ ver •inniim if paiJ in '*■- 'i- If pai'l .iur’v;;^ tl i‘ year ol sul.si'rip- > the yesr liis expired ‘ SKMKNT.? itiP.'Tti'1 for sixty ct'ius {.or ■ for thp first, !i’'. 1 thirty oct\tH for «*Rch , j. . .' .••>'■ n Vt-ai !} Hilv ei'iipcments Viy sjte- ftt rates Advertisers are ti s:;it- tbv iniml*'’- ol in^erticns dpsirpil nr till fo'.-Vii’i, ;iiul charge'! nccor'l- I i>'ters f.> liu' i-Mitors must )ic po^t-pai'^ ^-i-Monts t ■ 0 ':’m»»rteil .’ '-f/t', chnvr;pii 'if'r' r SKKMWELL HOUSE. FAVETTKl ILIvE, *li. V. JJoii iiic of' Greta a /eu, Dours Ni>nh oj the Market Ilou>c IHE .''uhscriber desires through this medium to acknowledge ttie hheiul patroua|j;e bestowed upou his Ilcuse the jia.st i yoHr—nii.l as he hfis just erected New Stables and rarriaiste Shed convenient to the House and to water ! he takes jilen.sure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that hu is still prepared to accoia- m >ilnt«* them with transient and pevnianent board, and ! re'.pt'-ctfuny solicits a coutiuuance of the litieral patron- awi'hei'^t ifore received. Every exertion on his part s,h.'i!l ho used to rentier theni comfortable during their s./j.'urn with him. His table i« always supplied with the best tho market atlbrds. sHEMWELL. March 24, 185G. 86-tf PUMF8. and Suction Pnnips, Sheet Left'l and Lead Pipe. ANDREWS, Market Square. For sale by Nfarrh 30. C. W. 8!i-tf BEXJAMIN U. Hl SKi:, A TTO K E \ A T I. A W. FAYETTEVILLli:. N (’ WAY be found at the ()flic>? fonuerly oceupiod by Waller A Huske, Egi., ou iiow Street. Will attend tho Counties of .Moore, t.'umi*erlaiid and Ivobeson, .\Dd obtain Bounty X^n.i an I Piiu^icms unJor the various acts -March 15, 1805. Hlti ANDUPAV J. S'I'RdMa.V, .mORNEV AT LAW. nAVl.Sli romov’eJ to I'ittsborough, .N C , will at tend regularly, the i7uurt> of Chaihaui, Moort>, and Harnett bounties. .•Vpri! 10, VI-tf VV. \. HI SIvK, ATTORNEY AT LA VV. AND CLERK AND MASTER IX Ei'iriTY Fatettkville, N. C., May bo found at the Eq-nty ()fiico, in th« /0urt House. Sin>l*LY. I mm. }iiJiiiriM^u riiyiiciLN. JAWIES F. FOULKES, Strf'>'f. nt'itr th> Fni/etlf'fUte, ~ i ESl'ErTFULbV a.*ks the attention of ^ 9 • liis -'nstomers !tnd friends to hi.s LAUilK :itul ('OMPLETE STOCK of DKlCiS, MEDfnXES and rHK.MIi;ALS. ^ which he is now vecvl\iug, and i.s dftter- luined to sell at -.ncii low prices as cannot , fail to fri\e satiat'action. It will be hifi I aim ti> sell Medicines that can be depended ' Upon. iivc him u call botbre niakinff yonr purchases. Sept. li;, Ibo-'j. :;7-tf | srA(;i': lim: ! t^rom I'ftifcttevUli’ to Salem. A T ro> r. .'1 ■ nsr j; -'er Fr: do. ■r ! v^;! wishiiifi his li; trlkf ... Ilk'- Kr : .1 Al' til ;e in . qni •iPltU*. t. 11 \ko room for the >! >k 01' U'ln'ter riothinc . thei>ro.>;eni >ppi’rtunit> i;c pa'v>iiiaj^e hcrttoforc M IMlEPvSON. H--iel Buirdinp. e-ir- a',-‘ rosptH'tfullv ■len ' Ml- ot the Ro\ [i-i. Lt-r. Lady Holland, eiiic- I ;■> Mv- Ausau ^ - :.v F J SidHoy Siiiitli. w ith aelcctions irjra M\LE \ .-ON'. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES, &o" V ■r'K)VJS > ^HOULDER BRXCES r rRU.^RE'. d .mi'.ial 'Upp.'iU’; ’■ i I :■ 'T ol'o .V SMITH. Druggi*- 74-1 m I Florida Lnnd I undersigned has established an .VGENCV in . I M. the town ot Vlligator, Columbia Countv, Florida, for the PURCHASE. SALE or LOCATION'of LAND : UAHKANTS, the PURCHASE and SALE of LANDS . generally, improved or unimproved. I The fact now being established that a Rail Koitd is ; to be ci'ii. tructed immediately, connecting the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, running through the entire j length hi this County, east an i west; and in of the great fertility of our soil, the nusually line growth ol pine timber on the land, the heahhtuln.ss of the : elimate, and the reasonable *erxns on which lands can j I now >,e obtaineii, there is perhaps no section of tha ! Union which offer, equal inducsments to the emigrant j tVom the other States. Having had some viperience in farming on the dif i ferent kinds of lanil, and acquired a general k:.jwledge I of them'throughout the County: and having actjuired ; unusual facilities for pointing out such as arc tor sale, j either of public or private lands, he feels very conti- i dent of making il the Inter, n of all persons wishing , information, or who may have determinad to settle in Florida to call ou him. W’lLL. O JEFFREYS. 1 Hon. E. C. Cabell, | Kept. 22. 18/i5. .iH-tf II. L. HOLMKS, Attorney Law, Wilmingtou, N. C, FFICE on corncr of Front and Princess streFt' 1' 4> under Journal oftice Dec. 12. JOSKPll UAKKK, Ju., ITTOK^KY AT LAW, H.\S takon an office ncii iloor to Wra B, Wri^tii’s Law office on Oreeti Street H) will attand and practice in the Coun*y and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen. Robes-n aud SauiT)9on March 23. 1853 7 J-if pHE Propriet* rs tnko pleasure in informing the public, that they have commor.ced running their tri-wcekly line of Stages, on the Plank Road, from Salem to Fayetteville. They have procured good , Stock, new Coache.-i, caret'ul j-nd accominod.iting i Drivers, and no pains will be spared to render pnsseli- i gers comfortable. system of through-tickets with the ooiitractors on ihe VVytheville and ileidsville Roads, for tb“ con , veniencc ot passengers bound to Wytheville, Va., or j the f’iedmo’it .'^j)rings. in .Stolies County, has also been i adopted WHITE ,V STAFFORD^ j June 21'. lSr>r>. 24tf ■ NKW r.\l,I, vV WINTKU (iOODS.' s. ,n. TMo.n.Ms tS S Rei-eivii);', direct from New j ork, a huge and 3 well sele''t»‘d as.sorttiicv.l ot Staple and I'aiifv l^ry (Jiooil.s, ('lotliitig, Huts, (.'aji.s, Jioiiurts, liouts. Shoes, lvt‘rs*»y.‘:, Hlaiiket>, A:c. To w hich lie would call the .ittentiim of the L.\D1LS, lii.-i li'ieiids, aiifli the Public gener.ally.—to give him a c.il! and examine his Stock before making their pur- cliasf-^. He intend' to let the People decide whether- they are pretty, or, whether they are CHEAP, when tiiey e.\ inline his Stock :ind hear his prices. He would return hi. .siuc«*re thanks for the liberal jiatronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes by htrict attention to bn.-'iness, to merit a continiinnoe of the sajno. ot Market and Itillespie •'^t.. o!t-tf J. i\. H>ii rn. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN BRUGS^ ^llEM9MCr.VKS 4* Otis; MMffc-Stuff’s: ) ^1 RyiSHE .S’; W/XD 0 w. GL A SS A iXD Putt//] G/aax- Wart'; I^ rfnmr. y; Fine Soaps; Fine Tooth, and Ihiir P>r\(f.hrA-, Faint Bruahps; Field 07id (iardcv Sfods: Spires] Snvjf'n] Siirf}'raf hisfntmr7tf>; Fntfnt Mpdirin^a; Pure Liquor^i for Medit'iva/ Fitrpoaei^', Favri/ Artir/t':i, t(r.. tv. (,ornei A proclamation, BY HIS EXCELLENCY THOMAS BRAUO, OOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NiJKi 11 I'AUOLINA WHEREAS, an act was passed by the last General Asi-enibly of this .State, bv a vote of three-tifths ol all the members thereof, h iluly certified copy of which is as follow*: AN Af’T to amend the ('onstitutioii ol the State ot North CaroUna. WHERE.AS, large number of the people are dis- franchi.sed by the freehold qualitication now required of vott'rs for members of the Senate. Therefore. Sk.i'. 1. IJe it enartetJ iy th>: fjenero! of thf S'.iti "J XortJi Carolina, nnd it .» )n>rehu nccted l>y th^ authorily of the samf, (three-tifths of the whole number of members of each House concurring,^ That the 2nd clause of the 1st section of the 1st article of the a- mcnded Constitution, ratified by the people of North (^arolina on the second Monday of Noveml^er. in the year of our Lord eijjhtven hundred anil thirty.live, .'shall bo iinicndei] to read as follows: Every free white man of the age of twent.v-i'no years, being a native or naturalized citizen of the United States, and who haa l)een an inhabitant of the State t'or twelve months im mediately preceding the day of any election, and shall have paid public taxes, sh.Vll be entitled to vote lor a member of the Senate for the district in which lie re sides. Skc. 2. />V it jiirliifr enacted, That the (iovernor of the State be. anl he is hereby directed to issue his proclam.atirtii to the people of North Carolina, at least six months before the next election for members of tho (ieneral .\ssenibly, setting forth the jiurport ol‘ this act, and tho amenilment to the Constitution herein proposed, whicli-proclamation shall he accompanied by a true and perfect copy of the .^ct, authenticated by the certiticate of the Secretary of State, and both the rroolamation and the copy of this act. the (iovernor (.(rders from Country Physicians and Merchauls re- of the State shall cause to be published in teij news I- til.- ai'prehensi"U and df'iivcry d' my negro i .n PAGE, a I.right n.alatf". about 2S years of : ir f ir his confinement iu any Jail so that I j :iui -ignin. \Shen he lef: he had on a brown ;,. tt i't.iat an i P-'inrs, makes a good appearance, Li ioubi w.'.', pa s ir:;r.self as a free man: about o t I'J >r il iuiue» high, weighs about 1S'> pounds, i h.i-i, at the time of lef^ a fellon on the middle -er 0*' tiis left hand: has >u his chin a goalee or ' ear l. 1 e.xpec; he will endeavor ti. make his Abingdi'U, Washington count\'. Va.. where he T.:-ed. ^ D. M. McLAURlN. Laurinburgh. Richmond Co.. N. C. V 4, IS-iiH. 75-11 ill; ,m;\i Ri;vi!iKD~smrTK!y. lilE Subscribers h ive rece!vel on consignment, a ; 'pies if the New Revisal. Price ->4, ccjtA i:. .1. HALE X SON. !) \V I’ HKNHOW. 1> r> S.. ladUHte ot the Haltininre College ot D L N T A \. M lU; E [J \ . *arthagp, N. Hon. K. ^laxwel’., Hon. I)avid S. Walker, State Reg., j Dr. S. C. Rruce. ) H. C. McLean, Esq., j Dr. Mallett. ) „ ... ,, i> V n FayetteMlle. .N ( . Rev. (leo. McNeill. > •' -Messrs. W. M. Lawton Co., I’harleston, S June 27, 1855. TalltihaKS«e. Fla. C. l;]-V Fayetlf'nlU Mutual Im>uranre Cu/nj)uny.: Ahxtract oj the Second Annual RFFOR T of the President and Dirfctori: Policies issued past year 524, whole number issued 12.'^:5. covering property amounting to $2,120,353 (Ml Policies cancelled and expired 851,035 6t) THOS. (I. Til.Ll.N’tiKASl', UOOKUM.VUKR, Andersj^n Street. opj>o?>te Xorth n/ F. J Hah ti ! Son's Hookstort'. ! HUSIC, Magazines, and all descriptions of Books i are bound in all styles ir. the best and most ' substantial manner, on terms, the sam« as at any ' place in the .South. Persons wishing to know the prices of binding, will be supplied Mrith a list j>tTS>n- ally or by letter. i Sept. 25. 1855. 3i*-tf K. M. OKUELL, .# f r T#o.v#; jy« A.vn Coiiiiiii««ioii tiercliaiil. April y, 1853. yu-if \v. P. r r, Gv-ncral CovDiiisition and Forwardinij Merrhani \VILMLV«iTOX, N (V June lU, 1854 4tf 8. >1. THOMAS. DEALEK IN FA\('V vV S'FaPI.K DRV HOODS, READY-MADK OLOTUlNt}, i hats, caps, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES. ! SHEETINGS, CoTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, IJLANKl'.TS, -S:c.. to. I Corner .Market ;nid Gillc.'pie St., Fayetteville, N. C. Dec. 17. 18-'>-^. t/2-tf STOCK. Starr A: Williams -VRE now receiving their SECOND PUiCCHASE of FALL A^D \I L\TI;R \)M (iOODS, lU^OTS, SIIOHS, HATS, ( APS, BONNHTS, TMHilELLAS, AND Ready-Made Clothing, Vml have n>' ho'^itation in s.aving it is the L.ARliEST and MOS T DESlR,\r.!-E stock now in market; and having been purchased at (;t*eauy reduced price*, from part of the seaso; spectfally solicited and perfecf satisfaction guaranteed both iu regard to quality and price. J. N. SMITrt. Druggist Oct. 27. 4S-tf H -NcvricH. R. WILLIAM J. BROW N is our authorized agent to receive payments, and grant discharges for unv Book accounts we June 1, 1855. have in the county of Robeson. J iii T WADDILL Ttf It '.he early part of the seaso;. will be oflcroil to buyers on terms that cannot fail to -please. i»ct. 2‘>. HOOK mSiiVAVi. H.ARDIE has resnmeJ the Book Binding Business, over the Tailor Shop of *'lark i Woodward, where he will receive an4 execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 27-tf liivery Stables. ri'^IIE Undersigned continues i to carr^’ ou the LlVEPvY BUSINESS at thisplacr. They have lately largely increased their Stock and can now offer to the public as good Horses, Car riages and l>rivers as can be found in the Southern country. Thankful for the large patron- 47-tf Amount now iuiured ¥1,274,717 H4 I \inount of Premium Notes “ “ •'expired i eanoelled “ “ “ now ou hand 3D',333 12C.474 03 fy. (!fhce h.'dirs from I A. M. tM 1 P. M P. M V. i P. .M ^ F N p. > W may he «‘>uml iii hia P>i.om ■ '.i.irk**t, wiicre all who nre iu ac«- l of the • a Denti-t ire re«i'ectfir.!y inv'ied ca!! ■’ n"; rfi'ruu- 1 opan tne 1 te.'ti and most I ''’am T s tl .'SO in need if i - W' n’ld simply s.-iy that ne i-* neLin l ui no Hv ’...'eris I'rom ‘^ne t" an entiie set .i G '.'i r Pl .tiuiL p'.;iTt>, who’ii he guarantee- , 11.11 > :i' servicenl^'lp '.s the n.iturai organs. Ills ;iine of eu‘h ye".r in iLi- place, ■ a - Oc; it.er ' the Nt of July ) , r ' 40-tl (.OLDSBOROK.Il l oiii.x.iwi:. I' .K *hird .-'O'-'ioii oi ihi.> Institution commen-es on ■ ;i. .s !*tv, ta*" •’•d .it -T.ii: y 1'555, an-i ends on the ■ 1 .1 \S H. T'^ F.nt, \ R . T’resi'ient. ■; «;}-*. 'i.tss, latf -.t O.Hpel Hilt, Professcr of Mati.em:.tic« •Ind It fuii corps of l-achei3 in every branch. Koar includin;j U ashing. Lights, Fuel, acc.. per s. -~ .i .r S50 "'I ..■i,>n in P'iniarv Dep'ir'-tnent, •'iilO Oo ',.^i .t,- I)ep'irrme:it, !s20 00 , .n'i: ed doll;;rs will cover all expense.s of the •I; in the ’,i egi.'.re courae and all ornamental 1^9,859 ‘a3 Ir.i'rease during last year ^01,275 i)7 Pieniium notes averaging 14 SS It^O percent, on the amount insured, the aetual cost of Insurance dui-iug the year averaging less than A per cent. RECEIPTS. I i-h ‘-n hand la‘-t report •S77‘! “ for I’remiums received il,10'l 28 for Policies, Survovs ^c.tran«fers is87 •')> •• for Rent ‘ 7'1 0J J. c. roll, DEALER IN S I'APLK Ac I'ANCV HRV CJOOUS, HATS, ’A1'S, liOOTS, SHOK.^, AND READ\--MADE CLOl'HlNt;- Particular attewtion paid to Ladies' Dress Goods aud ! rrimmin,iS. //uy Stri^^-t, Fayetft idUf, A f -May 20, 1855- i ll T. C. WOR'ni, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, W age heretofore extended to us, wc solicit a continua tion of the public favor. W’e prom.se a satisfactory arc ,H,V- r, e, „n,t c.V,,erl (o kcej_ Mu»for.i .Ire.t, where cue of the Proprietors may always be found, or at the S -r - oor East of Mr. Lutierloh. J. W. POWERS & CO. Fayetteville, Feb'y 22, 1853. Tltf DISBU RSEMENTS. t.ash paid * H. Sne^'d, tire loss ^h6u w *• “ Lot and balance Ofhce building 1.450 OU •‘Salaries 1,550 Ou “ ‘-State Tax K*** **0 “ “ConWngent exp**nBeB 876 62 ‘* *• Premiums roturn6l 20 05 niL.MINGTON, Jau V lU. IS50. N. C. uu It InriTC stock of droceries WE OFFER li.ATiS Cotfee—Rio, Laguira and Java, •JF*P 15 Ithd-^. hugars, 50 “ .Mola.«‘=es, 1,000 Sacks Salt, ! 75 I'.bls. .''ugars.- cotl'ee, erut-h'i] i: powdM, ■ 125 B.igs Shot, i5 Keg^ Powder, j 20 HhJs. Western Bacon, j ;’„.'.00 1-bls. N. C. .iu.OUii Segars, assoried qualities, 100 Pioxes Checae, With every other article in our line. \11 of which j we will dispose of’.'>w f.,r C.\SH. or exchange for pro- | diice or n!>.val stores , 1). W .Mcl.AURIN .May 2'’.. i^'tf papers of this State, at least six months before the election of members to the Geuiral .\s6embly Read three times and ratified iii t.Jeneral .Assembly thii ud day of February, 1855. SAM’L P. HILL, ^ptuKtr of the House of Comnior.s. W A RR EN i N SLOW, Speaker of the Si^iatz State of North Carolina, Otfice of the Secretary of State, j I, William Hill, Secretary of State, in and for the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true coyiy of the original as ratified and oti file in this office. •iiven under my hand this 24th day of January 1856. W. HILL, Secretary of State. Now, therefore, in conformity to the Constitution of tho .State and the requirements of the aforesaid act, I do issue this my Proclamation, making known to the people of North Carolina tho provisions of said act and the amendment thereby proposed to be made to the Constitution of the State, and do cause the same to be publi‘‘hed in ten newspapers of this State six mouths before the election of members of the next General .\5.!embh’. in testimony whereof I. Thomas Bragg, Gov ernor of the State ..f North Carolina, have hereto set my hand and caused the great seal [L. S.] of the State to be hereunto atTlxed. Done at the Cit}' of Raleigh, this the 24th day of Jan- ! uary, A. D. 185C,. and in the 80th year of our Independence. THOS. BRAGG. By the Governor: I Pt. i-VsKi CowPKB, rricnt' Secretdry. i Raleigh. Jau'y 24, 1850. 73*tJm Fall and Winter Iwoods. T. If Virfrfifl, H.AY STREET, A RE new receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS consisting of a large and well selected stock of *i5 i DLES. I Nov. P.OXES TALLOW CANDLES. -AliiO, a lot of PLAIN and FANCYIWAX CAN- For sale by W. H. CAR\ER. 51-tf Hio juul Java CoflVc, for s w H Nov. 7. lie bv CARVER 51 -tf Balaice To wit: Cash loaned out on Bond and Secuiity, (ou demand.) ^2,2'>0 00 Cash in Bank and in hands of Agents $4,340 27 *2,^87 40 087 4« $2,937 40 J. S. HANKS, C'oiiiiiii«Mioii llcrohaiil, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1850. tf JOSEPH R.Blossom. VII n .mss I o A AND Vi)R \V A in)IN a M ERC H A N P, .V. f;. xo'ricc. iHE notes and accounts due to Jno. -M. Beagley, are in the bauds of W:n. McL. McKay for col lection, ax longer Indulgence irll nf>; be given, it is hopel ihis notice will be sutlicient to save costs. '\ (Groceries, Hardware, C'utlerv, Hlacksiuithcy 'I'ur- j Li- i ■ t Agricultural im plements. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea- i thcv I 'I -.vjk iirticles m‘ Jio Drug line, j Ii.eady-inado Clo- I thing, alid I Staple Dry Goods.: The Lar^esi Carriage Factory in the South I JOHN M. June 25, 1855. rRK.N'CH BEASLEY. 12tf STORES, ASSETS. Cash on interest and in Bank, .J-'' Rent due Rt;J Estate, paying 13 per cent. j.rimary ikm«;nti‘l deiin! tmcut charged the usual Sran-'hes One half payable in $2,937 40 190 00 1,800 00 .•j(4,927 40 189,859 33 ^;l04.780 7?. 1 > 0 Lectures on :Hciou(ific sul>_ ects will be delivered ; . ;:>h. I « milking every ffTort to ten ler the School ihe ;v:Liit:iges sr.J cheafine.r'', an 1 jdedge to reduce i iii ihiply Hie .dvantages in proi)ortion to . : f patronage. Wheu our nuiubor o! pupils -■ we sh:iU be able to reduce the prices ■ lu,’f, every one aiding us, is also aiding in .a tlie mi'ftns of n sup«‘rior education within the f aimoht every iiii' in the State. i;turn th inks bu the unexami/ieci .support wt 1 iiol In'iii.ve it will he .M.ntinued. For further I. ■; in apply to the President ff the faculty, o> U.M. K. L.ANE, Pres't Stockholders. Premium Notes on hand .Amount Capital to meet any losses In conclusion, the President and Directors congratu- ' late tho members and the public on the very fortunate : and .successful operations of the Company the past ; year. W’e have met with no loss since 7th March, 1 *1854. (Sneed’s.)—unless it be the case of Stranglaus k j Einston at Kinston, whose Store v.-as blown up—j very j eztruordinarii case,—it is still undei’ investigation. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. f.7y T H. G. WOR'ril, Commission & Torwarding Merchanls, BROWN’S BUILDING. WATER STREET, Wiliiiiii^jTtoii, A. I'. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. tj3-tf 1854. -tf v\\a:\b\a: propkrpv roti s^iLiP.. ■. ■ KR f r sue. my LANDS in the Town of I ay- • ‘ Vi.le, ahout -Acres, known as th« MUMFORD SWAM?. j ■ Acres of it is fine .Meadow Lend, as the Crop , ,vi:l how Alr-o, the 'valuable Hrirk .Htore and l-ol Mfirket S^uar-*, ccupied by .Mr John A. ' »!i. and Valuable Lot. fron.in^ on Donablson. . find .Mumford Streets. k;iown as the Hotel i.' f. i iiuid be divide'! into several Building • ear the new Femaio High School Buildings. '. !- c iithlil« L'lt adjoining, fronting on Mumford •r. bE.'-IRABLL BUILDING LOTS on both '■ 111 1 Mumford ,'^’r»-et«i. .1 !Mt,Tiy eaii now be purchased on favora- ’.id a large paii rv.main ou Bond and ^ red. TH>. J. CCRTl.-.. ■ . ^ i' 4M-tf 1'stil»-!crihprs Will piirchaiee Spirits 'IV in.-' e advances on consignments to thoir i- 1 ■ ■iiigtoii, or New York. T. HAIGH SONS. , I -:,:.. 90tf The following Directors were elected for next year: Geo. McNeill, H. L. Myrover, Chas. Benbow, Henry Lilly, Jas Kyle. S. W. fillinghast. S. T. Hnvvley, f. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin. N. .V. Stedman. J. G. Shepherd, S. J. Hinsdale, D. A. Ray, J. D. Wiliiams, -A. A- McKethan, J. H. Cook, A. E. Hall, .A. W. bceel, J G. Cook; and R F. Brow.i of W’ilmington. OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. H. L. MYROVER, Vice President. C. A. McMlLLAN, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attomey. Executive Committee for next Quarter: Goo- McNeill, S. W. Tillinghast, Wm. .McLaurin. ; May 24, 1855. 4-Y i It. i;«i:(;.VK, a good article, ;■ by W. H, CARVER- 54-tf iilaiikel Kerseys and Slices W’. H. CARVER. 61-U‘ NOriCE. ^■IHF subs''riber having purchased the stock of ma- I. teriai at the rarriage establishment formerly occupied by Mr. -A. H. Whitfied, intpnlsoarry’ingon the I'arria^e-flaking ! He solicits a share of the liberal patronage beatowed upon carriage shops generally. He has now on hand some very ! HANDSOME VEHICLES. Which cannot be surpassed in the place for style ot finish and durability, which he will sell as low as any w»rk of the kind can be bought in the place. jkiy-All orders thankfully received and promptly attende«l to. • REPAIRING done in the best manner and on Tory reu.souable terms. Give him a call before buying elsewhere. J. D. CALLAIS. Fayetteville, Fcb’y 3. "--tf MEN WANTED. far OR 100 MEN wanted on the Western Rail Road, to work on Sections 2 aud 3, near Fayetteville. Tlie location is hcftlthy, and the highest wages will be paid. Sept. 24, 1855. ‘JOO Casks Fresh Lime, Calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair and Cement, Mackerel and Herring, by J. W. POWERS & CO. April 19. CHARI.ES HANKS, C’ o.vr #; CTMO.VE r , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN For*iyn Fruits, Xutf, Vitjars, Tuhacco, Snxijjlf,iSic Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 185;^. 73 tf G. W. VV H.l.I VMS 4 CO. HAVE just received a large and well selected as sortment of HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, to which they inv'te the attention of Country .Mer chants. March 17, 1855 Worth & Utley, Forwarding and (general Commission MERCHANTS, Fatfelteritle^ •>*. f’. J. A. WORTH. ‘ (72tf) JOS. CTI.pt. HI RR MH.L \] ARRAXTFD. ri'^llE Subscribers inform their J[ friends and the public that they make to order FKEAC II BI KR STO^V E S, warranted to be of the best quality, being made from Burr Blocks of their own importation from the best quarries in France. They also keep for sale iniOGNF, ESIH’L'S and mCALlCO )11LL STOXES, BOLTING CLOTH and CALCINED PLASTER. From the Senior Partner’s long experience in the late firm of Egcnton, Morriss S, Co., of which he was a member, nml their determination to give satis faction, they assure customers their orders shall be , faithfully and promptly executed. w’lLLIAM HOGG ^ SON, S. E. Corner of North and Centre Sta., opposite the Baltimore k Susquehanna*R. R Depot, Ilaltimore. May 29, 1855. 5-ypd groceries AND HARDWARE. ri'IHE sub.scriber has in Store a good assortment of 1 Goods in the GROCERY and HARDWARE LINE: all of which will be sold wholesale or retail, or bar tered for country produce, ou terms the most reason able. -A saiall lot of SADDLERY for .sale cheap. Give us a call. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. N. B. -Any of my friends in the country having busi ness to transact in this place, such as renewals, &c., can have it done on the usual terms, by sending same G. W. 1. G. S9tf This Stock wo are prepared to Job or Retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 1854. ^3tf We ask tho Planters and Turpentino men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. Impression Paper, for Avriting with- Jan’y 10. mliarble Factory. \. A II HIRAM PARDEE. 38- JAM F.S KYLE Has just received a large and gonerfcl assortment of DRV GOOVm. Among which are, t>50 pieces Dress DeLains. French and F.ngUsh Merino, Plain Merino, real French, Persian Cloths, Black aud Coloroil Silks, Irish Linens, all Flax, Table Cloths and Napkins, Carpeting, very cheap, Calicoes, well assorted, Kerseys and Linseys, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Hose, Ladies’ Twisted Silk Mitts, Dress Trimmings, &e., &c. All of which being purch.-ised by tho package for Cash, will be offered at the lowest market price for cash, or on tim« to paying customers. Sept. 27, 1856. 39-tf McKETHAA ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and tie P’lblic, that he has built up large substantial , , . !**■■'Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for manu- per; amber laid, silver bordered .and plain ' f,^cturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal Cards; sup’r Bristol Board Cards; Envelopes; &c., ^‘e. pj^t^onage he has received for the last 21 years, he Just ree d. E. J- HALE .S: SON- i attention to business, with a desire to I give satisfaction, to merit n continuance of the same. I He warrants his work to be made of the best material i and by experienced workmen in each branch of th« ! business. His work wilTcompare favorably with any i made in the United States, for neatness and durability. ! He is determined to sell and do any work in hia ; line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, FiNisHro, the LARGEST STOCK of CJdrrifitti'oucJk's^ liock'dU'ttijSy nnd cs, Ever offered in this place, aud a very large stock t of work nearly finisho\l, which will be finished daily. IaU of which will be sold very low for C-vsii, or on short time to punctual customers. h.and more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in course of constructiou. All work made by him is wai'rnnted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfullyrc-ceiveiandpromy Uy attended to. Repairing executed at short notict and on very reasonable terms. May 28, 1853. 98tf to my cam. h ayettevillo, Sept. 2/ 1855 By ilEO. LAUDER. TWO DOdKS ABO?B C. T. HAIGIl k SO.V’S STORE, Fayetteville, A. Jan’y 20, 185»1 04 *^.000 NOTICK. All those indebted to us previous to the 1st Janu ary will call and settle either by note or cash, and oblige us. McDONALD & W HALE^ . N. B. A good assortment of S.ADDLE8 AND HAR NESS always on hand for cash or on time to punctual customers. FeVy 17, 1855. 70tf FOR REN'r. 4 VERY ilodivable Dwelling, recently built, with conveuient out houses, near the business part of the town. -Apply to D. & W. McLAUItlN. Dec. 20. 02-tf FOR SALE. .ACRES of Lk.nd, 9 miles from Fay etteville, lying directly on the South ern Plank Road, and on each side of Big Pi,ockfish. One of the best Turpentine sections in the county, with convenient improvements for a family residence; with a small corn mill on a never failing stream, and a firs^ rate situation for a Turpentine Distillery and Store. A- -A. McKKTHAN. Fcb’y 5, 1855. 72-tf 1 \Vilder\s Patent Salamamlcr Safe. WE keep constantly on hand an assortment of the above SAFES, warranted fire-proof; and j desirous of extending the demand for them, have in- ! duced the makers to consent to deliver them here at ! New York prices. 0. & W. McLALRIN, Agents. June 10, 18.54 4tf Printiiigr Pi'e^s tor Hale. riiHE Subscriber.'? have for sale an Imperial No. 4 I Washington Hand Press, 2d hand. It will be sold cheap, deliverable in Petersburg, Va. It is said to be a good Press and In good order. June 4, 1855. E. J. HALE & SON. Blank Warrants tor saFe here NEW^ BOOKS. L0NGFELL0W”S HIAW'ATH.A; The Oid Home stead; Isora’s Child; Curious Stories about Fairies; M’Cosh OH Divine Government; Leighton’s Works; Jewett’s Ollendorff; Spier’s and Surenne’s French and English Dictionary; Bolmar’s Colloquial Phrases; Greenleaf's Arithmetics and Keys; «j o., ^c. Further supplies of the above just receiTed. E. J. HALE 4- f^BlHE highest cash price paid for Turpentine, W'hite JIL Oak Staves, and Oak or Ashe Heading. Call od Jas. W. Strange, who can always be found at the Still. McLAURlN STRVNGE. Feb’y 18, 1853. ‘iOOO Spirit Barrels for sale hv McLAURlN & STRANGh. June 12, 1854. 4tf Buckwheat Flour in l‘ij 111). Bags. for sale by W. H. CARVER. Nov. 7. 51-tf TO DISTILLERS. WE will pay the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give us a call when in market. J. A T; W'ADDILL June 26, 1855. 8tf WHO WO ULD HA VE TilOUGUT IT? A new Carriatp' Establishment on the Military Green, opposite the Methodist Church, f'routiny on Mum ford Street. (JREAT ENTERPRISE! Fayvtfe%'ille boniid to The Subscribers would respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they have entered imto Vtf ! copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general _ ! C-VRRI.AGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And tieing both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with ii.ny establishment in FayettCTille as to style and dura bility. Ont of the firm may b# known by reference to A. H, W bitfield’s iron work for the last two years- We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest nuanner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. Ja'-'es H. Pier. Jambs Branis. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. 02tf BANK CHECKS. I li