S KiMI-W M KK L Y, \ O’ V. FAYETTrA Tl.LE, V. FRRKTWRY 14, 1^5r». [\0. 478. A\ HrusnAYS ri;n \i?n t SON. i Ri'PR F.TOK'^ \V, ((B'I'.hvkr ‘ '•> if I'aii! in •V.; ■' ■ ■lur'it!' the voui rip- ; * 111 " r the im J t>\ • . .IH'. I!V- :: ■>_ itiij.- I'uilllUIU, .1 pHl'l il' iirtiu iliirhisi tht* year nt subsi rip jv tb.t- vf r t :i' .'xpire.l, 11SCNU;NTS h.-iit- l t' r sixty cent;) ner -1. iin 1 tlin ty cents for ♦'tu'li ■ t-'iy n ivorti«omont« 1'V spo- ■ lO niti"; \'1\t‘rtispv> aii' ier if iuiTtioiis iio«ivi*»i. or i, : h:ir^cil ni''’"r.l r '' -r.- inU't ’m‘]i.i«t-j':iid 1 . I'h-'ir,:!-.) .)n per - 111. ‘i.r rt US 1 ii^ 1 to i i -into the I'.'iit r c u; Mt?tl t':' ^ liiV t > t '.l ilfiii i' . i\ i.-i ; r M-nt: ’- inv glotitf .Vfftire. ■ .V ; i up tlii-.i- to ll.l •- I- I th--u*s -.n thfir ■ . • ■. r ; t\ !ii ii'hlV Ksti i le- ii. Ainrri nia uu' tor 1 ' iiAi.K .V SON. Hi -1 'I'V ol 4 \ - 't'lii 1- r i IV ir/v. J'.lMiUlti, sols. ■ in 'U*'. Vavi'-u-- UALi; SON. PLi>\\ s; iV-: f? N • i‘L()\vs!” ' ( )i‘itinu'> !• ; i. i.KLiK TT-M HERRINaS ;lNit lliaiupicti iirr and Hiirslar I’root' SiilVs. ra-re p- i . •ct '■ •h a- Ihim-. \: • rt: '1 luhiot .• ;n.'l the •.■nil ■ ■ ■; V ;Wt‘ pu'’''. to j'r ■ !i>au t ire t’.'r r-, Urr N>i: t;nn ’ " iry S.VFKS iiort tuf..i t SutwL'ri' i‘i’s t > ile\ote ;i ■ i".ring iliC p:ist t'" - n.pl. t- - r \ i i.,N 1’ ••iS'Ure ttioir nunifrous .. i!rit thoir otf rt' li.ivc I ’ S', nil 1 II w .•f-t>r the .. ^ r SIK I'ui.MiI M . Hii'l t y n .V *'i ;o;i 1^. iin l the Ml'' iT. A He.' with !■ Mi'i;. *\ I'.K !!t;t:K!.\i. CHABiPION SAFE OF THE WORLD, >S V. nvi.- l n- in ini. '.\ rId'N Fair. I.omloii. h'll. aiitl hi .\i w York, h ■. s-ij. r, r I'. - '.r. r^. I- :- n.'.s. u:i..i'wuMeii.. cnlt- -i| Ci [Im: • ,n. '.r. .1 « il HM.I. S r \ i'i:\ r I't i'Vl'l H XKW CROP OF SFKDS, FOR SAF.E BY SaMFEL J lilXSDALE ASP\;,GU^. iU.ANs -Knrly t'hina, K:«rly Valcnt'iTie, '• Kurly Mohiiwk. “ Lareo V'hite I.huh nfc'.K'l'S - Krtrly rurnip l>assani>, Karly lliooil Turnip, l.iin>: b.'irk Hlooil, *• White l'r*»iich Suifni 'AHH.\0K -F.rtrly York, F.arly Liirge York. Karly Su^ar L.iat, l-.'irjt'f L.ite linimbe.HiJ, •• L(ir|i;p Flat I'utcL, >reeu Ulobe, Ued Dutch. t'AKRitT—Lurge White, Large Oi f ii^e. (’KLKKV—I.arge White yohd. —Or IVpperj^rass, I'OI,LARDS. t'L’Cl .MI5KR8—Long Oreeu, Eur’.y Short Green, i'arly FrauiP i'C)RN—Sweet or Sugar. K(;r. PLANT l.i:TilTK—F.arH- liejul, l’;tris (,'.iSd. MKLuN — L"ii- l^Jl!ln^l W iter, Green t’itiMii, “ >ireen Nutmeg. Velh'W (■ int:tlrup, Lari;i‘ Velhiw. Nll >'r.\.RU—Wiiue and llro-.vn. • »N1 >N — L:\rge i. L i Tie Yellow. NS hite i’ortugal. l’.\R.''LF,V —Guried tiii'l l)oub’.i- i’A KSMP - Lone I'nti h. ^ - F.arly I’rinoe A’l'ert, Farly Wushin^:tou, “ Large White MHrri wt'at PFPl’F'R- -Large Hell, Long Gayenne. R.VDlSH^Early Shwrt T' ^ '• Long .s^.u'let. '• ' While Turnip KHir.AHP.. SPIN AG F SAL:S1FV—tr Vegetable (Jystei. ."VL-^SH—Far'.y Bush Scallop. '• Summer .'r"i)kneoii. p. )Stv>n Marrow, Wlilte '^T'-v kneok ToMaTO—Large P»eil, Large Yellow. TL RNIL—F.arly Flat I'utih, i.arge SVhite Globe. Lnr.ce Nort'oik. Huta Baga. SAGF SWi.Kl MA.IOHI M ■s; MMFR SAV-)llu l'..r sale. Wholos.-i’.e an l Heraii liv Fayetli'viile ' rr^lIE Subgcriberw having this day ItRsed thid a i- Hotel f'lr a terra ve ir-*, will bi* p'‘ps; d. to seo their friends :«nd the travelling p'lbHc at this Houpe. .Yt the same time we hoi.e they will l>e patient and berir with our imnei fl,•ot;on^* until we »iirill bare pui the House in finch teimir uh we dc.^ire. J ‘h FIORFRTS \ GO J. H. POBEHTa K. N. Robkuis i(arch 1, 18uo 80-tl I F»R SALE. ^HE running paii of a 2, 8, and 4 hon*e Wagon, each with Iron Axles, nt>w and reaiy for use. .1 T WaTiDILL. Muroh 14, IHi'ti, .s.lif ‘JS (iros.'i (3(>0n) W ebster's ary Spelling Books .Uiien Webster’s Pictorial Spelling Books. K. J if ALF, .V SON. S«v. lo. XKW (JOODS. H AM now riciiving my Fall and Winter Stock of CRIirKlJlES. illKllWlKK \\l) ri TMlKV. j The.se good? were bongiit late in tiie sc-.ison, ;ind consequently nt reduced pri ;i.“b.. My st"c' of and is Complete, endir.-ioing in.iny kindy id' extra sizes; Blunkets, Ker.'evH. iVc.; ILits. fine and ^ coinnioM 'ill(».S .1. .lOJlNSO.S’. Old Stand, lU'iir the Gape Fe.-ir F>ank and .Market pla. e, Nov. oli-tf H a^^(in Mtikifiii' ami ^I'^lIFi under.signed having purchaned the entiiv “tock J t'ormerly owne:' liy Holland, Weiyiger \ Go , will •Still i‘>irry ou the Wagon .Making ;in.l Blacksniirl ing I ))UsinesH genera’’y. Always on hand. Wag,ms of hi; I sizes, with Woo'1 or Iron Asletreos, with or withunt ^ Bodie'i. Repairing dnue j oiuptly ami warranteil to ■ give the fullest >’:iti>‘ ictioii. .\la him- w >rk «.>f any . description ina.lc or re]-lired. Mill w.ivk and in shorr ; any thing that can be 'nude of woi^d. Iron or sted 1 liave the best Hor>e-.ihoer in the 11 Mnty. ,i>i l am de termined ti« sparo no ptdn- to pUvi«e those who may tavor me with their ]iatronage. .Mr. .Je«;st' \\'eisigi'r will supei intend ^he v,oiW in the Wood Shop as iisr. il. Don't f.irget the old .'^hop c.,irniT .f Mnxwell ai. I Frank lin streets, Fuller s )i.I-«taTid J W W HI..SI1. Jan'v 7 Jan v I’O. Wni SAi.K, Fi.u to ■ ••li) F\RM llOllSl'.'^, app’v Mi’KiN.NoN. 7^;- 11INSI»ALE. 7;5-if I. M Kr- h' 111 ! r IT l!r -.:rl .1 llur.- • IfVV • inlcii .MtiiM- ■ i’f ‘‘I > itf- ‘M t I’r V ,\tHl -if J1!NKS' l ilh.M HWK l.iah. 11,«■«'. - • ;Kri'..N lU ' K N - I ■ I ■ l.i- W .r.T >!r. c! . ■ • if \..riti ' ■ >r il i. J. P 111.'\V..iii,:-.L':' n ,11 - Hr. K. F. Fr 'nt R' •in'-r and It !_- 7. I''--.'-.. r UnrpGr': M.ilT-'IZIU’ ve 1 :ilid i.*r >:i;e I- Law 1 i-i’Ain lor I's'liruarv. .1. H VLK \ ."ON. N!:ns!iii‘.“ , 1 i-i V V. 1 Pie.i fX W i.r . ■*;,••• i;, the G.T.rts -e; ('h til ’.m. Gnin- - ui>r*Mne :i' 11 Siliii ol tliG Skrlrtoii \Vai»-oii. .sol TiTeKN i’ARRI.\(JE KEPOSri'ORY. Subscriber begs leave to infi'.rtu ihc MFK- ■ GH\NTS and PLA.NJ'KRS, that he has op-n- fd :i KFPOSITOKY for the sale of C\RKI.\C;i:s, lU HARNF>»*, ivc, at No. 26 Beekman Street, lit NS'iN; Tnat'i tiii to i- «jpr(ci: si cKin—ks nt \.\ K ; I i.\ KrniKK S'l RKKT. The niaiti tioor, ;l"y feet iu length,! atiurds ample ro(im for keeping always on hand, a large and coin- p’eto as.Hortment of every dc.=crij;ti >ii and v^ir'.ety, 11 iving learned the tn le iu the Fai'tory ^'f his latiier, he is practically t.iiiiiliar with every depart ment in the busincbs, and is theroloie einibled to over see or.iers for any kind of work entrusted to him. and superinten c ■ ry stage of its inaiuifai't';re. His j..ng n ■ i nee in the s.aith and W est, and inti mate knowledi.:e .if every section, aii I his experience wliib* with Me~srs BtiMwin Starr, and Meri-rs Frothinghani, Nc.^c.. .'c i. n , gives him many advantu- >:es in the selecti> p.- ,uire 1 t-.i the ditferent parts of the ronntrv. an ac.pi.i.iitiince >sith :he char acter of work. Draft, Track, lfeik;bt of Wheels, yua'.itv uiid si^e of prinijs and .iileH u'-i;e^*ary .\LWAYS ON liAND AND FOR SAI.E riiK \p, A ChSEHAL ASSoiri'MEXT Ot Din (;()()!).; and (jRocKRif.s, Together with a i:fuer:il nssoriniciu ot F()RF!I..\ \MI lHI>ii:sTir WINES and LIQUORK, W hicii I am anxious to .neli oi exchange fur Produ-’e of uTiy kind us'ially suM in thi.s .Murk* f. Nov. W H. (WKVKK, Hav .'^nevt, near the Market ,31-tf xo'ru'F. C10L. N.\THAN 'UNG is our authorized .\gent lo ■ make contracts t'oi- the .lelivei v id' Lumber and fiiiiber and for the j'urch.i >' ot Crude Turpentine, at K.ing^burv, in Gumberlanl t^ounty. \ T waddii.l. May lH.'i.5. if /’I'l Mcrrhdtits (Hid Mifn//nctitrcr'' I'm- M (u t. 1H.VVL on iian l now, and siiall kec]i -i , Tin I'bitc. Fil.ick Tin, !run ire Ui\el>, I. Sheet Lead, \c. -- .\LS( > — \ large a--iirtin*‘ it of plain 'ud .I qiaiied 'I'in • if uiv o«'n M iiiuf.. •! K'c. !it V. h ••.sa; .nd ici,.ii. (V W. \N .'ill'.W .“S, Miirkei Sipii.i M -.rch I J, 1^0 uppiy .. •id Pipe, W.ire HITS. n\X BIIOTS l,\D mx I’oi; F \!,i, iV wi vi'Kit 'I'lt m aEK Am If o oWsi^^vi^*lhso o .s-/ fG. TH*')M.S0N now receiving his usual HSi..; t • iiK-nt of the modt apjiroved styles of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, LU)ir,y li\lT£RS, iUShlNS. SLIPPERS. and Ghildren’s Shoes of vnriou,' descriptions. — ALSO,— TKAVKLLING aivl P.\GKLNG TRUNKS, and CAR PET BAGS, all (if which are otfered for sale on the most reasonaMe terms. Old customers and new on«>s are respectfully invited to call and examine iny giock of Fall und Winter GiOOd«i First coHje, tirst served. J G THOMSON. Old Stand, Market Square. Sept. .S, Sij-tf ( i.AUFXDON IRON WORKS, W II,>II.\GTON, N. C. H. VAXBOKiil2fK\, Proprietor. '■S1HF subscriber having purchased the entire inier- 1 est i l the -GLAIILND'>N IKON WORKS,” so licits ordeis for Steam Engines, of any jiower or fctyle, .Saw ,'lil's of every variety. Mining Mui.hinery ;nd T'umps, Gr'.st ami Flour Mills, complete, ; Pjirker, Turbine nii'l other Wp.tur-wheuls, llicc-tit'' I PumTis und Engines, Lo.'ivitt’s ('orn and (,'ob (.'rushei', F.ice Thrasher.s, Shingle M udiines, Sli;ifting H.ingor.s and I’ullies, Gottiin iiins and (lenring, Iron Castings of all kinds and patterua P.rass locoir.tive and Tubular Boilers, I Flue and plain Cylinder lioilers, ' Hlacksmitli work of all kinds. Iron Doors for Houses and .lails, THE LSTABLlSilMLNT Having lieen re-organized fur the espre.ss juirpose ot ' iiisuriinr punctuality in the execution of uH orders, the 1 public muy rest satistied that auy work which ni.iv j offer will hy proiuptly tlelivered according to promise, ’ and of suc*i wurkinnnship as cannot fail to give satis- la.tii'U, THE MEGHANIC\L DEPVRTMENT . Being in charge of men oi' talents and experience. 1 h.!vi no lu'.sitatio.’i in saying that t!ie work hereafter turiieu out, shall compare favorably in every respiect With that of the mo't celebrated in the States, and at prices which will make it to the interest of all in want to send me their or lers. RElUlU WORK .\iv>-ay" Iciie without delay—and having a larre force for that purpose, it will prove advantageous to any person needing such to give ::e the preference w'thout reg'ird to "xpea-e ot serniing same from a distance. iirders will oe ad Irosscd to “('iarendon Iron Work«. ' Wiliniiigton N. (' A. H. VANBOKKELEN. Oct 1;'). J'i-tf ('arolina fH^HE L’iider>igned are prepan I to furnish, whole- Mi sale and retail, it/>" . ti'iij fu'ord/ilc term.'^, to Teacher^, Bookseller'. Merchants, Book Pedlars, and .iheis. the of C’AKOI.I.M .4 ' 91Al>i:iC!S, Nos. 1 and 2. by I'aoiEssOR Hri:B.vKi», of the Univcrsirv of North Carolina, and No. " by Gm.vis H. Wii.ky, 1> i n.iw Superintendent of Com mon Schools. Ot 1 and 'J, which are new books, ju'-t issued, we will hand a copy gratis to any Teacher who may '^pply. E- d. H.VLE \ .SON. o\ i:rskkr wax i'EI). 'I ^HK subscriber will give good wages to a competent j[ Overseer, well recommc-nded as to character and c .mpetency. to take charge of hi' Rose Hill i’lantation, lie ir FayetteviiiL-. t'.ir dio en-'ning year. One well ar- I'liiniel with iiit'.ink: 'i'. \ .'toiiw. o.i i iKuhir. 'i >r. ll- RFnF('Ef) r\K*F Throvijrli Tickoth. botwr-f'ii Wilmiuiiion, N. G . and P.ylii- more. Fare.'jii:;. Via Weld.>n. Peiersbnrg. Ri>d.«!..Md, x aah- ington • ity. or '. ft \\*-:dou, Portsmouth and NoiIoIk. ror Tickets I [d \ at t he )flice )ut the Wiiiiiingroii aii'l Ual'-.eh Rail Koad l\.in]iany at ^^il Hiiiij^ton, or al the (>iTico «f the Ualtiiiiore Stemn I'ackct Gouipany, and of the ISaltiinore and obio Rail Koad Company, Pratt Street, P.altimore .Jan. 1. lKf.2 1 S'FOP I'HE 'riHEl-: j^TOLKN’ from my Lot in P.iclitnond County. on Sun- day night last, my HOlLSE. .Said hor>e was iH iron-gray or brownish color: he had marks of gear on him, and his fore-to]) cut ofl’ very sJiort; he w;is shoii ou the fore feet, walked I'ast, is a good trotter, ai.d would pace: there was a white mark im. liis back, on the ri^lu si.lo. about six. i.r eight inche.> snuare; also. H .small "^art on the rignt side, a little below the white mark. The hi'i'stf was tuken by a man caliin" liim.self John Campbell, V'.ho says he was raised in I’ift pountv, an i has been in this neighborhood abuut twoy'ears; he is .i I'ooper by Tade, and says bo has worked in Turpcii- tiiie all his hfe time: iie is a little routui sliouldere.l. has a stout body for a small man. and will not weigh as nivich as i stan-d, 1 L> or 1 jO pounds: has a very mean look, is very fond of negro couipany, an.i his conversation has a good deal of the negro mixe.i with it. 1 will ])ay ^60 for the ilolivery of the Horse, or ^.'>0 for the thiel'. .\L N. CAMl’LELL. .Montpelier, Richmond county. X. C. 1 will also rewiird aay pei-son for any inf.irniation that will lead t ) the recovery of either M. .N. C. .''ep. 10, 18-')'). -‘’.fi-if reicrrc.i. Pittsbvr‘'U:rh, 1 .loHN H. HALGll U>N ♦io-tf r- HUG r t.i- pa tica ,*r i P..r'icul ir afteiition .ti rci. t t > til a Pitt-’ *2« till- d ill tiie \ DON, ■t 1 7 / SSI Li* ////■ /■'/ /(// , li.1 mrdi(>: ' , , - . an.I .Authority ot B ?si: IV FllEE MLDU INL AN1> !'Op: l..\Il KNoWLLD(^E: iittred by tlie .'*tat- I'em.-y. van a .\prii 'J'V If*.)?., with • a; .>',10.1111 !. ;Miv t' r the pnrpo^*' i.f am :iiig tin- evil- ot .Spuri- - nd W ril;!e-" N;.'iniii t o- -upplying the Community w'tli H f: i.i,t MS L t: n #:. w #; n i /: s .•-ti vei n '■ .in; ten' l’hy’'' i: Ti cann if ■ r will not Vi*- lii'tifiii ‘II, : )c:.ted in Philadeiph'a rv xid ..tli.-e. N .. Ab‘ 1' ' TiO.LT. il.-:. ; i : :il. ‘I . '■ I'iN :. \ND. ‘ 1 Li::G; A ' l.i) ROWAND’b TONIC MIXTURE, •iiiji.iyel. Home Di hi:- i ' t 'p' cial ordei>. either :ic r>-i''--'Moer 'i.rect, aioi all 'e IS :w t' Lie W :k Call . v>- :; t-:e • ,’ia!, in i lie \e‘ .c?!. and -‘idvSt c.ty : ^ , C> ~ ■i.-i;t> !^ l’atr:s;T is witl.in a few S .,f the I'aTK, Ol the .'..util F.ast s.'le. acros- tr m \stor Hduse, and '.n a liiie tr .in Pai k Place, .\lur- r.iv. v\ irr> Il ai.d Cii.iinber .''ts., near the Un:k Church, L' vej i\'s alid Gil ,ti>ti lioreiS. H iving c .iiveiiieiit .itttt e accomn.odations, and papers fr the Southern Cities anl Towns, he trusts that he inav have the pieasure of a cail from his friends, and from tho.se who will d'> him the favor to examine his asr-iitment, and being the only eslablithment adapted to ti.e S uthern trade, in the lower part of the (,'ity, he respectlully -oiicit-* a snare of patronage. He hegs to refer those unac.juainted with him, to any of the .lobhiug Houses in New Y'ork City, engaged j ill the Southern or Western Trade. (ireat care wdl be taken in Packing and engaging \ Freight, Insurance, ,Vc. Fiscount allowed to the ! Irad'v WM. L. MCDONALD N. I’.-—Wm. L. McDoiial I t ikes pleasure in referring to the Merchants of Fayetteville. Ncw \ (>rk, .Jan'v G’l-Hit AI>M ANACS. fH^LKNERS North (’arolina. and Farmers' and il. Planters’ Alamanacs. for 185L E .J. HALE iSi SOK. si'iir.'r LW.YY.S on hand and t' r sa’>- at tiie l.iwest mar ket price, SLi'F. ![ '!■ UAHKKLS. (jIOODS. 1^55. .1. W. F.AKER Is now rfcfiviii'j' tVuin t lie Norrh tho largest, tines-, .-.nd most eurofully sf- lectpd stock ot 8* ric:\iTi 5^a: ever offered in this m'ii'ret; which, added to hi ■ -wn manufacture, makes his assortment coiupletu;—all ol v-hi» h he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punnual customers. Fashionable painted c 'ttage i>ed-room Furniture in pett.-; curled l.air and slnick, and cotton ''lattresse.-; Looking Glasses; Willow W.-.go-is and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and iSook-Cases; What- N'ots; Tallies, all sorts: Wash .Sr.inds; Gandie .S'ands; Warfirobes; Picture Framep and (Hass; Window .‘^indes; Cornices; Curtain Randa; Sofas in Mahogany anu Walnut; Tete a Teles; Ottomiins; Divans an'l Stools; ('hairs of every variety. Fine llo'cwood Vianos, one witli ^■I'jolian At tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the bet manutac- tories in New Y ork and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the c; untry. and will >»e sold at N. Y’ork prices- frvigbt oniy add^d. N'e.vemi>er 2, 1864. 'I5tf ('orpr>i (fti()ii Honda of tht I'oiLn of Fitiicttccille for Saif! 4 GREEABLE to an Act of the General .\i-serub’y ot the St.iie of North Carolina, ratin? 1 Dec. 2'> j 1852, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue her Bonds to the amount of in t. j augre- gate, for the purpose of paying her subscription to the Western Rail Koad Company. Therefore, if is ordered by the Commissioners o ' Favetteville, that the Treasurer if the '•'i.v.ii r.-. sealed proposals, until the 1 : "l’ .. vei-ii'cr m'M lor the iiur-.diase of in suiiis of 's‘>00 ea'!i f s*id Pe'nds, or any i>..i ■ iii.r- f. Bou Is to ruu twer.tv years, with Coupons ,'iita. Leii. — -.!);*"- eeiM annually. Tiie saii P>onds s’ 'h se. thc t-oriioraiion. and L'iudiat; ou it _ la.i-. . c >VM. 'VVARDtN, 'iowu iicM?a;.T. •Sept, 20, 1^55. NEW UOOKS I ftFFCHCROFT. by the Author of ITearteease, &e 8 3 The Private Life of an F.astern King; Stray Leavea fr-nm the Book of Nature; MoKetiiie’s Siiscella- nec.uj Wnrkij; The Contrast between uoo‘l and Bau Men. by Rev. Dr. Gardiner Spring. Also, further supplies of The (iroat Iron Wheel. Alone; Heir ot Jtedcliffc: Berrian’s, Barnes’ an-1 Thornton’s Family I rayeis; Gillott s Perry's Double Action, and many other kinds of Steel I’ens; Carmine Inks; Camel Hair Pencils; .jo. E J. H.\LE .SON .Nov. 12. i rRTHER SI PIMA Ol’ HOOKS. a.^LDOR.\DO, by bayani i'uylor; A Basket of Chips. J by Rroughani: Table i inns, by Hr Doran; The Renegade; Modern I'ilgrims by Geo. Wood; Heleu Lee.'joii. :: peep al New Voi k Societ;.; India, Citinaand .Lipan. by Bayard Tayior; The Hidden Path; Hearts ease; Niiieliell's Traveller's Guide. Cumnang’s Works: Andrews' l..atin English i.exicon; Smaii Edition ol l‘s;iiiiis and Hymns, plain and gilt; Smellie s Philose phy; Grtene’s Analys'.e; Web'ster's Dictionarie-; Cutter'^ \natomv, I’hv.siolog., .vc. .lust received. E, J. HALE .V .SON, Dec. ?.l. (M.ixrox i.YSTITl T£. ^S'SHl.S Institution will resume its oyieratious again « on MG.ND.VV. the l-ith insl., after a short vaca tion. The charges will be the same as they have been for the last year. Board ylO per mouth, inclu>ling wash ing, lights. Si:. L. C GRAVES, .M.. who lias served us so lonj and efticiently as Principal of the Instilut**. now also has charge of the Steward's Dejiartmeni. which renders il doubly sure that this department will be conducted to the entire satisfaction of all. The Trustees have engaged for the next year the services (d'a celebrate.! Musician, Mr...Stradelli, of the State of New York, t.i take charge of the .Musical Dc jiarimetit, and also his La'ly, Mrs. Strade'li, to cou- duct the Painting. i hese eiigageinciits will give superior advantage- t ■ those wlio wish to study the jruamental branches. The Faculty of Teachers uss..ciateil with .\ir. (iravc-! in conducting the Literary D. partiaent, are the same a.s for the lu*i year, and are well known to be inferior to none H A. BIZf.ELL, riec'y Board ot Trustees Cliutou, Jan'v 8, '/J-Sm LATRlXlil R(;il men SClliu)L. f'l^IIE 7th Session of this School •will commence on I Tuesday the Sth day of .January next, under the sujiervision of the Rev. Geo. B. Scott. M. of the Uiiiveriity of Ediuburgli, (Scotland,) Principal, assisted by Mr?. Scoit in the Primary Department. Mr. and Mrs. Scott have both made Teaching tho ousiness of their lives; aud from the experience which the Trustees have hail, during the past year, of their zeal, fidelity, and success, in the discharge of the duties of their professiou, .iipy confidently recommend them to Parents and Guardians, as pre-eminently quali fied by temper, talents, and aci}uireinents t'or the in struction of stu 1,‘nts, ir a’l the b; M!ohes of an English, Scientific, (Classical, and Commerciai Education. The Trustees respectfully invite ihe public to a per sonal examination of the system pursued in the School. Terms—^1'2, and •i'20, per “cssioii of live months, (French included in the 3d grade without extra charge.) Board cai. be had with the undersigned in the Board ing liouse belonging to ihe School or iu private ia_ii- lies ai ■fS, per month. One half fees and Board invariably paid in advance. D (J. .MciM'YRE, bec'y. Lauriuburgh, Richmond t'o., N. C., ) I>ec. 12, J 8'>r>. ) Mav 4-ti' L i il’ J H.VRloN'S Ar.ierioaii Gtiiiiinil Liw, new u.l thir l Lditi'iii; Precedents ot 1 n.lictiiients «n 1 Pleas; on t.ie .\!iierican Law ot iloinicide; Law Dictioi.ary; Mrriis on the i aw of Replevin; Trouoat on Liniite 1 I’ariiiersiiip; W hirton A Stile's Americ.-n .Medical Jurisprudence, Just receiveil by E. J. H.\LE a: SON. Dec. 19. xoricE. IIIE SUBSCRIBER has removed i. ft. SHAW'S NEW BriLDINO. Gil lespie Street, where he iniends carry ing on the BLSl- NESS in all its branches li a >ing li.ia practical experience in most of tlie .U- lantic cities, he feels assured that he can piease the niosit fastidious. .Vll orders will be e».ecat«d with neat ness and despatch. March 2.8, iHnS B. MONAGHAN. 81-if (JARDEX SEEDS. Have received ft general assortment of L.\N- w\ DRETH'S celebrated (lARDEN SKEDS. War- I ranted fresh aud genuine, of the Crop of Ih.).). 1 For sale iiy S T. HAWLEY SON, i Jnn’v 1" l.ir Uj-wai-i> ?i;ire 1- V 1. i- and h•^- ;■ i‘. (1 w E tw (ti:- thi- iililv \ N ‘ c:-: '.li, ( o IMU VI P 1 ire lot I ! , V ■ [^..•tiie.ly till ] N T ; iiMPiMM) s\::H’m i;i \rhi.i;i{ii\ wVicii hi. ill.'.’ ■■ M ' '.e i niid Poi’CL.VB 1.i:\ll i ll. r r.\. r''ty'• !i‘o'ii- ly ! niver-it v's H jiiied•> KiHi: ti tii r .vith r ( oint.l.riit s Ilf the L I, .Nfi.s.- .r Dl'l'El’SIA or lNi)I- uK.STi'iN: Kein -dv for (’OS'l i VE-l’d.’WEI.S, are ■ N S.MITH, Dni;,r:st. 7 Z-;;m Lr i”ri:RLoi! vX' c’o's [>lxe, /’or i*4tssenfiers amf Freighi. :it I'.ivetteville at sun-rise. on Mondays and Tliurs- days. and at Wilmington on Tuesdays and Fridays 10 o’clock, .V. .M.. I Par>seiigers ami Frcirrhls.) Steamer Ro'.vfin ,in good repa-i.) with good I’lats, will run regularly lor Freights. J. F. MiARSH, Agent P'ayetteville. V{. P. ELLIOTT, .Agent Wilmington. .August 7, 18'i5. 2i'»tf \p}r \S'(t(r(,n Kstnhrishnicnt By \% yi, WATMI\. ■^HE Subscriber would infirm his friends and the j jiublic generally, that he lias completed his new establishment on M-'xwell street, ne.ir Mr. L. W. Will- kings’ Store; and is now prepared to receive orders for CAjrrs, \\A(MK\s,/)/>\:ys,ii'c., which shall be promptly executed. j .\11 work done liy him shall lie of the best work’r.an- I ship and materia' that the country c.in atfor.l. KEPAIRI \(r of ;ill kimls done with n- atness and despatch. Also, l/(jJiSK-S/lf)E/X(> will l»e strictly attended to. N. B. No fiains will be spared lo give sati.sfwtion lOOlv 'i'O VOI R IX ! r'JU’.S'i'' rS'^H!' Si iJS‘. .ilpji'.i: ha- erected I STU: \ ti ^ lu ’iie.s- ■ - •" on the We. STEAMER FANNY LITTEBL(»H leaves hi” wharfto those who niay tavor him with their patronage. Fayetteville, May li, !>'•)■.). 4-» COl JACIL. ilAV &(’)., H.W ST1U:HT, F.WKTTKVrLLK, A RF. Tiow receiving their F.\LL STOr K of ST.YPLF. and ^■WNC^ DliV (ioons, In wiiicli inay bo found f()K THE Plain colli, N\hifc Rliick OgLAINKS, tuilcs ii-'-rn , rii ?Munk il* i-T. un-.l will he 3ii,Vt9S 4Pr -lr rte~l not',.; , d" 'vei ,ib e either ill toW Tl Oi at ■ >1; '1 i-rms rea.-oiiable as can be aflonied Mr F. Mar:-ii, “f tu( lirm of i roy .Mar.sh. in ■ Mi viUe '.s authorised to make contr.acls for my ■. ,r DAVID KIVETT. and Co,, Jan IS.')'!. 7:$-t)m iirri‘ xo'ncE. A LL I'erKons indebted lo me by Note or Account m all' enr^eiitlv re'jiieste l*fo come forward and set- ■ t ; iho'e in arrears with E. I’emi rton. ‘ J. A. PEMBERTON. Jau'y -4, 185ti. 72-lm X ratfetlerUie settfsrr Mjinc. ri'^HE NEW STEAMER “MAGNOLI.Y” will leave I Fayetteville Tur-eiays i n I Fridays at lo minutes after sunrise, and Wilmington W'ednesdays and Satur days at o'colck. Passage $4. ^ T. S LUTTERLOII. June Ti, I8.)0. 9-tf MATTRESSES, r BIHE Sub.scriber is now making, and will constantly .9 keep on hand ft supply of good SHUCK and I CoTT(JS .MATTRESSES, fie invites persons in want j of -Mattresses, Cushions, &c., to call ftnd see him at I the old stand of Jacob Ottftrburg, Hay St., Fayetteville. ; H. LOCKAMAN. 1 Jan. J, 186C. 69-tf iv \:r i. vv !’'ER(;rsox \RC now deceiving ti.eir F.YLL and WIN'fER ^ SfoCK of Foriogn aud Do ucstic. Staple and Fancy DRY aOODS, bo\m:th, II caps IIOOr;«» and With a general assortment tf iri:.Ai>v->i Ai»i: €i.o ri4.\G, To which they inviie the attention of .Merchants, the Ladies and all, and which they offer al LOW PRICES tor i C.VSH, or on Titue to punctual customers at Wholesale ! or Retail. H I pr.AiirK. J. n. ferogson. Aug. 27. I'^'.'i-'). 30-tf I xi:\v srocK of Books and Stationery. , IR are now receiving our usu.al New Stock of V w BOOKS and STATIONERV, embracing a great variety of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL \ND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Together with n large and varied stock of liiiink liooks, i^aper, Envelopes, vXc. ('ountry Merchants and others are invited to call, as wo otl'er the above stock on the best terms. Get. 8. E. J. HALE & SON. .McITaI’UIX .V STItA.VGE H ave on hand, a large stock of superior SPIRIT B.YRRELS, which they would sell ai a reduced price for cash. Persons wishing to make engagements would do well to call on us before making engagements, as we warr.'int a good article. .April 20, VK;‘».'i 515.1 'l'/\ 4 V'l'!.> \; which can lie bought cheap. Ill V I J K 1 I If the i-ijrht sort of a purchaser pre.sents hiinselt, aiiit ! fg’^IIE President and Directors are now ready to re- ! wishes a partner in his operations, we will furnish one B. ceive proposals for constructing the Fayetteville ^ sufficient capital t» conduct a profitable busiiies . I .V .Ubemarle Plank Road between Little’s Mills in j Xo a Planter who has to invest in real estate Richmond County and Albemarle in Stanly County, and I _.in(l wants the best Plantation on Gape Fear River, they invite proposals for the following work:— | a healthy country seat with all conveniences for Section 1st. For constructing the Road from Little’s I living at baud, these premises would lie a very de^ir- Mills to ’lark■.•^ Creek, 10 mileii. ! able attachment to the \»he Plantation, containing seven hundred acres of the best Gape Fear bottoms, and now in market. These two Estates are Counecu-1 by KEX(TS!?rRV FOR SALE. CIOL. King the present occupant, being desirous to . close up his business, we otler those valuable premises for sale. Kingsbury is situated at the terminus of the Fayette ville Raleigh Plank Road, eleven miles from the former place, aud within three miles of Kind’s Land ing on (7ape Fear River. These premisea o^^er more buhiness conveniences and conif''rts for living. }>er- haps vhun any country sent in CnmV'erlan.l. On tnem is a neat two-story family mansion, contiiinin*! “even rooms—a tire place in each, wi.h fr >nl and rear piazza and portico, frame kitchen, sleeping Hpnrtuietiis f .r servants, atuoke house and dairy, with a prime well of water: and all handsomely enclosed. Also, on the piemi^es are nine other fr.ime buildings, v.ith loick chi'uneva to e.'ich, and rooms sufricient to acconiino- date from fifty to si.xiy negroes: a frame Bar.i oO by >10 i feet, with stalls for forty horses, and room to h .bl oi* ! tons of forage; Carriage house, .Store and War? hc.n-. . Water Grist .Mill, two ('ooper and tw.v P.lack-mith s Shops, Wheel Bight Shop, Turpentine She,Is, .vc.: .all within convenient distance of ihe best .Springs ot Sandhill Water. All tlie building-; are new aud have been erected within the last tour or hve y.-.ar.-. io these valuable iinprovements we will add 1,.')00 acres I of Pine Lauds, and we will take tor the wli'il**, ■ which is i*:1000 less than the cost of the impr..veiiient>, W'e have also, on the premises, and now in operat >n, a Steam Saw and Grist .Mill, and I'urpciitiue Distillery. 0.\ TiiK « API-: KIVER. A I' ■ meeting of the Boat owners interi’sied in nav- „•%. iga’ing the Cape Fear Kiver between Fayeittviile and Wilmiti;:;ton, On motion. D. McL.'iurin vras called to the Chair, .nnd R \l Orrell was appointed Secretary. t)n in'.iion of.iauies F. \larsh. Resoive.l, Thai tV on ’ind n?-e»- i’ . ,i.iv' ' f I.mu- irv Ca li vMil be required upon (he delivery oi' a;l I‘'rei4iif» ;ir .,n m., . y i.. .j u- le- speetivei ('•'I in- ; 11 ..r.l. >V,''' ims. Hesoived, i liar each o. t • Si.. mi'. ..it i'ijin : : . ics on the G.-.;)- lea I r, f o n..i iirr r U.- it n.'.n-y. IS-'itj. vi'!l carr- (i laiio tr.oa \|!i i u • . i et • • vi'le r‘ '• c'-’ ■' ii- r oajL L'm • i' _ - . - "f ••■.I'rc and giou .'1 I' i-iti r at 6 ' c. t>. ; ' c - . n i ll- .|>j ' i'iO*2l> fr Pi the printe I aud estatilislied rates i. i ui! "t.^ier articles wil' be made from .itid alter liiat date, ail t'arta^e an.I Drava>;e be.ii^ paitl by the shipp'TJ. (Ill Ui tioii o: l.iiiies ilai.ks, nes )!vw-d. Tuat tiie toreg dug be publis.ied in the town papers. I>. McL.AL'RIN, Chairmftn R. M. Orrell, S«c’y. Dec. 24, 18.[>'>. ()5-tf 7’o Turpc/dine, ’I'tnihcr^ Tor o7id C^orn (Did Cotton Mahers. FOR SALi:. Wri’H the choice of 18l)u acres of valuable L.WD, situated twelve miles from Lum- berton, within three miles of Lumber i’iver. and on or Very near the line of the Wilmir.gtoti aud ( "n.irlotte Raii Road. To person- engaged or desiring to engage in busine'S .if idtlier the .above bi’anclies, this Land presents nnusua! lii lucemenis Growing a sufficient number of pines to cu* seven tasks of b'jxes. and tur- nishin^ trors uf suffi'.'ie:it ?^i/. to mak' trom :’> to •‘>Ofi sticks of t in tir.i .er ot I'.HM) t et ea ;h. !’i addition to tiii. i' is Ci.iisid-'r;-! as beiti; o-^.-'ellent Farmiite Land —producing : otton from tj i.. 12!'i il-- . t.* the .\cre. This Land is sit i-i.' i on \'‘hooie Swamp, in a he'.Lhy Mii'i iesiinble sjct .'ti ot R.ibjs in comii >, N. . For terms, >v.e.. app>y tj M. E. Mc.Ni:,! [..L, Lumbeiton, N C. i»oc, 17. 18-ji'i. b.}-:3mpd I (WS^IMEHES and MEKINO.S; Plain ami Fig'd Fancy | Sec. 2d. For consiructing Road from Clark'.s (’’reek 'and Black SILKS; (’loth MANTLFIS and (’I O \ KS; j to the Pee Dee Biver, •'> miles. Sec! od. For the construction of a Bridge ncr.iss Pee Dee Biver. Sec. 4th. For the construdtion of the Road from the Pee Dee River to .Vlbem.irle, 8* miles. Proposals will be received and considered for the Grading and making all necessarv side ditches and Culverts from the I'ee Dee to Albemarle, omitting planking. By a resolution >f the Stockholders, before the Pre.si- dent aud Directors can .enter into these contracts an I individual subscription of $li).000 will have lo be I niade,—it is asked thct the friends f the work will I submit such bids either subscribing or guaranteeing that amount so as to enable the work at once to go on. JAS. G. COOK. Pres’t F. & A. P. R. Co. Oct. 26. 47-tf Cloak CLOTH: SKIRTS and SKIRTINft; .Merino VESTS; BONNETS: EMBROIDERIES, ,:c. FOR GENTLEMEN: Flats; Boots and Shoes; Vostings; Cawsitncics; White, Black and Fancy Stocks aud Cravats; Ready-Made Clotliiug, —ALSO,— Linseyp, Kerseys nnl Plains, Blankets, Brogans, Table Cloth.s and Covers, Allendale Sheetings, Children’s Kid Gloves, Wool Sacks and Comforts, Youths’ and Boy'.s Clothing, English and Italian Crapes, Dimity, Em broidery Silks and Braids. A good assortment of Ladit.s’, Gentlemen s and Children’s BOfJTS, SHOtS, and GAITERS; GL0VL3, HOSIERY, &c. Sept. 20. 3(-tf a good Ferry Landing and are only three miles apart, and will be sold together or separate. For further particulars apply to T. S Lutterloh, Esip. or t.^.e sub scribers. Favetteville, Sept. 7. FOR SAf.E CHEAP. 7 SECOND HAND BUGGIES in good repair A. A. McKETilAN TO DfSTlLEERS. WE will pay the highest cash price for SPIBITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to gi.e U8 a call when iu market. J. k TJ WADDILL Ju’ie 26, 1866. XEW BOOKS. jg^HLi lopogr.aphic.il. Statistical, and Historical M. GAZETTEEil OF SCoTL.iND, 2 vcds. Also, furilier snt'plies ot Roget ^ Thesaurus of Eng lish Words; Tlie Hidden Path: ( le\e Hall; Li'^ht and D.arkne'S, a Stor\ of Fashi.mable Life; Lorenzo Dow Worki-: Bronson'.s E ocution: I'he Student's Sjieaker; Dossev'a ('iieice: Sauders', McGutTey s, Parker's und other School Be-uk-i-; F.uliions' .ind Smitn s hnglith Ctramtnai?; Eiucr.'-oii s, .Smith s, D■l^ie.- aud ot'tier •\rithmeticr’ and School Uo-''is ger.orally. K. .1. HALE S*N. Oct. 12- 4.'{- XE\N HOOkS. PR'.,S('OTT'S History of I’hilip 2d; Life ot Siuuey Smith; OrcajM'd's History of the I’aplists: .Mimic Life, tiv Mr-. Hit,hie; Peter Parley’s .'.dventures of Gilbert (io-Ahe.sd; I’.alloon Travels of Bobert .Merry : and his ouag Friends over various Countrie.s iu Europe; Widow Bii lotl Papers; Miss Btiukley’s Testi- nionv of an Escaped un, (the genuine book;) .Mackey's MaS'inic I.exicou; Barnes's Frayer-; Presbyterian Psalmodisi; fhe Psalmist, sma'.! size; .Ynthon’s Classi cal Dictionary: B Imar's Perrin’s h ables; Banker s Cases; Blotters: ic., .\c. Just received by E. .1. H.YLE A SON. JONES’S EQllTY. •a/OLU.ME 1. just received and for sale by FAViil.V LARGE Stock. A’3' Books. E. J. HALE vV SON. BUil.ES. Pocket Bibles and Prayer E. J. HALE ^ SON. Hlnnnks for tnle here.

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