SUM l-H L Y. \(»! . v,‘ rAYi'.TTEVILT.K, N, C\, I'J-HRT \RV 18, 1^6, \ w U?'* \VS \ :n 1 f paid 111 li4 S')' ' w ■ : iv V . .V F. iip :>■.:■ OU ' \‘ I the yoar of th.> y.^ir -j ; iivf.K - n I j, t'f unnuiu, if iii ■1 .i.ivi’U t!' VL-!VI ■■! 3llb 'Til' , ' hf viT.7' h. -I esj.'ireJ. rt^-1 t 'l 'i\ty .•t*nts {>oi - :b' ‘’“'t, !■ ■ I f ■ 'rty f^.r ?ftch ■ ’> IvfrtUoiriCuto h_v rc . ari- 'V.-' r,” . ’ i r ■ , '■'f 1= i i. -.n'i oinir^- .1 nc.-T') •- t - !■; : • n.U:-t iv.-t-pnUi - I I.' 1 Ilaii Sloa^t \ . *i i-KS u> tiifir ^ 11 '•iv‘ir >1 n.y K;t; •■■■ O.-'k'C- V li! n A;- v' ! iistorx li.itc t«»r lsr)6, ll.Vi.K \ SUN. »r I'nuiaiui, N-ls. 'i”' ill olU* V ful 'MN . ’ r vi.K ^ SUN. S’ IIJUVS” I’LOW'S”' ,:i > . . ’ ' r. r F IKEU: 77 -k I '\v !• n HERRINO’S l'!i:tmpion Firt* iniil Hiirchir Proof Sitl'ts. iTri'it :iiti>rt''t "ir*' ! Ky th ■ pi’.V.ric !.• pro- r,. '' pti ! -I't 'V.iy fr im Fire for vnlui\>'U* i a H iNi>“. M. .'vT'iM.i Dli'i..'. au.l ■ A' 'INT. liian iK«' ir i’ r: iry .S.V t F.>' her it-fore i !t ■'!> i. l '110 >U''I'l'i!'-rs I ii'Vi.'io fi I ■ilti'iiti ii duriue til*-pri-ot -i-u - ■ ,, ■■■ .. ■ H i: • III fit‘1- ;iUmi;lMUb :■• ..t !M j . ’-l ilt til' a-ftJ'.irt-) huve •■■li.i .•:= ' Kvi 'S. iiii'i ii« \v otiVr the ,v ;■ \ j i:.N ! i\ k; y ^i;{ ;mu m ■lII' t! ■'V K»- i r : i>i I • ilh .HAmPION SAFE OF THE WORLD iiiifl ill \i:\v (HOP or FOR S.\ir HY SAMUEL J HIXSDALE AMP.\ .;,rs. BKXN.' — r.arly Cliinn. F.ur'y \ rt'fiitinfc. Eav’y >!i)i)rtwk, '• Lanrc U bitt? Liiii'i I't r.TS—F.nrly 'rurnip HiissAnu, “ EhvIv Ulr.i.ul Turuip. l.otip: i)ark Hlood. White Fr»>nch Su^ffcr Uil^AUE— y Voi k. •' Eaily Large Tort, Eaily Sugar Loaf, Larjif Late Urumheait, Lar.nt* Flat Dutck, ’■ tirt-en Globe. Ili'J Dutfb. I'AUHoT—Large Wbito. Lar^:c )r«ii;;e. I’HLERV — I-ar^e %\biie Sc'il t i;F..''S —I )r I’eppt'TgraiJs. t'uLLAUliS. i' H'U M r>LHS—Loiir Oreen, Early Slnirt GreCD. Enrly Frame I't'KN—Swept iT SuRKi F.(;i, l-l.ANT l.KT I I’l'H—Ear'y r:il i-i •'■ MELuN —L..n^ Ishiii.l Water, Gr.'iMi ('iti-111, tirt'Oii \utrif>:. VjtlwW up, Larfc Vcilow. MV'STARl)—\Niiite and Hr'^wn. • i.N l» »N — L irjie I'** !, L ir^f Vellow. into I’-! tusral. P.\KSLE\—('[ir'ei) anJ Uoublf I .UlSNli’—Loiii: Dutfb. PE.VS Eui-ly I’rinco Albert, Lai'.y Wnshi’.igton, Lir ,e VViiite .Ma.iowfar PFITFR—Larj-e Bell, Long Cayenne. R.SIiISll — Early Siu rt Top. Loufc Scarlti. “ Wbit“ i'urn.p RHl r.AP.B. SPINAUE. S.\LSiFV—Ur Vei^etab. \S!l--Early Busb ScaUop. Summer Crookneck. j •• Boston MaiTT, White ('rookneck T')M.\.TO—Large He-l, Larjje Vellovi TL'RNIF—Early Flat Dutch. Lurge "'hit*' Globe. Largf Norfolk, Ruta LJacii. SAGE .-W EET MAJv-P'-'M SI MMER SAVORY. F' r sale, Whulesa.e ami Retail bv S.* J. HINSDALE. Jnn’v 73-tf Favettevillo Subscribers havijip tbiu Hav l«a3el tbi» j Hvte! for n term of yPHra. wil' bo pleaa»'l | to befe tbeir friends and tbe traveihutt pul.hi- iHTJi. ( IPS. um m siiiiE?;. Rii: I' V!.l. iV WIN TKR Tli ADK, .a. « A* ftt thl 8 HoUS* AI I tie 6;\1U6 liuk6 w ^ !lupt? thcy Wi jl OC I %* M,* ■ K * ^ * -fk MM t 11% if’ patient and b>ar witb our impertWti.n/ui.t:l we »ball ' »OOS! E If* im O O S! hav« j.ut t’ue House in »ach repair as we desira. .r H ROBERTS X Cu J H RoBERTb F .N RoBEaTS March 1. 1855 SO-tf I FOU SALE. ' ri"^HE runnine part of a '1, 8, and 4 Loiie Wagon, X each with Iron Atlcb, now and ready for use I J. X T WaDDILL Marob 14, 185r). H:Uf ViS Gross (liOOO) \Vel)Stt'r*s Kleinonr- j ary SpolHne Books. '..iiJ doien Wobstor’s T'ictoriai ! Spelling Bo(ik« F. J. HALE A SON. i Nov. ’;i. I .\i;\v (jDODs. AM now rec*^’.ving mv Fall and \S inter Stocl: of ■:» a*. IK'- «L:» O'» ciji Ai CRtlfKiilES. il\R()\V\liK ANU iTi’l.F!!V. These irood:^ were Vn'Uj:hr late in tbi; and consequenth' at reduced pi-iv-es Mvsto-'k o' and is cuniplete, l Uibraoinf; n.'ui;. n'l'drfof extra sizes; Blankets, Ke’-Pi'vs. \c.; Huts, fine and oommou I HO." J .)0!iNS>v, Old Stand, near tiie (,'apo Fear I'hiik .id .Nlarkft plr.oe. Not. 111. .')L’-tf U"(7,ro/i anil liiiiin-. rpHE undersijined bavinp purcbased tbe enti'-« Hfo' k £ fonuer'y owned by Holland. W;-i^irer .'t T> , will still farry on tbe \' apon MukinR and Blacksr.iitliinK ' business j;eneraUy. Always on band, Wajrons of ull , sizes, with V uod or Irun .\jiletree8, with ci without Bodies. Repairing done ■Tornptiy and wurraat-'i ti. ' gi>i* the fnllfeMt satisf.iction .Maobine v r.rk of aiiy : description inado or repaired. Mill work an! in short : any thiiifj that ran be luadc of wood, irr.n ur btcvd. 1 . Lave tbe best liDr^e giioer in tbe oouuTy. at-.d am de termined to -jpare ud pains t" please those '• ho mav ittNor me witi. tlseir patronage .NIi, Weisig* r will “uperinten I the vv^irk in tbe W.iud Shop as usual. DciL.‘t forg't the old >ibrip forner if NIaxwell and Frank lin streets. Full^r’-^ old stand .1 W WFLSH. Jan V 73-:>m g C. IFIOMSON is now receiving his usual assoit ijient of the rv.o^t ttpprovod stylos of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, LUIIES' (;\1TEBS. BlSKrVS. SLIPPERl itnd Children’s Shn»" of rnnous desoripiions — ALSO,- TRAVELLING and PACKING TRUNKS, and CAR PET BAGS, all of which are olfer^d for sale on tbe most rea.sonable ternj*. Old customers and new ont*s aro respectftilly invited to ca'l and ei.amine my ^tock of Fall and Winter Goods ir-jt cotflo. (Sr3i served J C. THnMSUN, Old Stand, Market Square. St-pt. HO.'. 33 tf RKDi r’rn fvrk. Through Tickets b»'twc^‘Ti Wilmington. N C.. and lialii- mor". Fare's’ll V;a Woldon. iVtersburit', Richmond, ai Wsea- ington City, ur v.^ VNoldon, Portsmouth rmd .SortolK. ForTickrlH apf'ly attheC'ftn't of the Wiltniugion and Kaleigh Rail Koat Company at Wil at the Uttice of the baltliaore Sttam i Pencilt; VEW ROOKS BFECIfrROFT, by the Author of Henrtseaae. ftc; The Private Life of an F.a*tern. Kine; Stray Ler.vrs from tbe Book of Nature: McKenrie’s Miscella neous Works; The Contrast between Good and Men. by Rev. Dr Gard'ner Spr nff. Also, f'lrther supplies of Tiie Greet Iren WLeel; Alcne, ilelr of Fi^dcliffe; B^rrian'i, Dames' and Thornton’s Fatnily i’rayers: GiUott's 308, Perry’s Double Action, and many o:her kinda of Steel Penb; Carmine Inki; Camel FOR SAI.F, Jan v I’t). FEW (rood F.'.F'd HoRSES. apply aoon to M Mo KIN NON. 7i-3iii iif, l.oihioii. V ..lii.TS, l! . n»'W. Ui- ' :h MM.l/S ; i\ TiiK Nrw \ork. I"3>. :• illv. t'- i!i-; I’.vtr.N i- ptiwi Ki: ■ 1 Mti. \ i 1.^ \!c m- i! fVfr .tl'iri- I’..' H nk k ii [ I I .1 I'r V \na .- B' I er anii aiiJ M iii.'v V in ■hV PiTKM FhK'll m illN HANK LUi'h. •i ; Ki:■ i. ‘ i lit t.'> . ij 4; Wiier Hiree;. . ,1 . :r .,Mi j K til.'IM \V iiii:nui..n :: nri.;,; (» i:*! Fr :!t i: -■ ;iu t iM-ii k. \. ’..r It. Mhiia;: iii; fin- I’cltrftarv I I'.. E J H.VLH SON. L \ \N i \ il'V V ’ tner^hij. ' ^ ..ii.r; • i 11 wswwr IV ';-n * ' a L" w •n;"e in ’ho t i, jrtp. ■ ('!: I'b.nii, •'ii;-- . I'oiiio * r* H v; irrnN Slijii of the SkoU'toii \\ a^oii. sornTEKN CARRIAGK repo^sTtokv. •■'■IHE Snbyioriber b-^s leave to inform the MER- ■, CH.\NTS and PL.VNTERS, ;hat he lias open ed REP(>^lT'>Rr tor tho sale of C.\RHI.\t;I.H, h.arnks^, iVc., at No. 26 Beekmau Street, Ri NN'NG THROri.M I n j- >^OKrrK (*TKEKT—KN'l RA.NCE 0.\ KITHKK .-‘TREKT The main Hour, il86 feet lu length, i atford.> ample r' >m for keeping always on hand, a large and com- p.Lre at'sortment 'M every do'crivtion and \ariety, as jt-1 / • ii ■ t. Havi'iz learned the trade in the Fnrt.iry of bia father, lie i»» practically familiar with every depart- Tiient ill the business, and i? therefore enable 1 to over see ordeis fur any kind of wurk pntr’.i«ttd to hini. and super!!it“n'i every tiaj'e >f its ni-.nufucture. His li>ng T‘'- ieni-e in the Si'U’b and NS'e^t. an 1 inti mate know!? e’^..-ry secti .n. and bis experience while with .Messrs Baldwin ,V Starr, and Messrs Frotbingbaiii. N^-well .v Co.. gives him manv adviinta- in tho seleo’i' ■ - : • .'vilred lor tbe different parts of the country. Al , laiutuuce with liio char acter of work, Hraf't, Track. Height of Wheels, quality and fl ' priu»;s and i,(es' r_\ ALVrVYS ON RAM) AND FOR SALE i'llKAI*, A 0’£\£/^AL AS.^0je7'JJAXT Of HRV (iOODS AN!) GROt FRIES. Together with a gene-al nssortnient of FOKi:il.\ .\.ND DU)lKSTlt WiNES and LIQUORS, Which I am anxious ... sell or exchange for Pro iuc; of u^v kind usuiillv sold in this Market. w. H. \rv;;r. Hay Strest, near tbe Marker Nov 7 .01-tf NOriCE. M 0L. N \TH.\N KING is our ai;,.h hzed .\gent to make contracts for ihe lelivery of Lumber and Finiber and for the purchase of Crude Turpentine, at Kingsburv, in Cumberland County. J. y T WADDILL May 22, IKu.'i. i-i-if C'LARE.XDON \UOS WORKS, Wn.MiNt;TON, N. C. A. II. VA\BOK.K.L::LEN. Propt*i>toi*. •'91 HE subscriber ha\ ig purchased the entire inter- est in the “CL.ViiEN DuN IRON W'OKKS,” so licits orders for Steam Engines, of any power or style. Saw Mil’s ot every variety. Mining .M-iolittiery !ind I’limps, (jrist and Fluni .Mil’s, complete, Parker, Turbine and oilier Wuttr-wheel*, Ricr field Puinps .and Engines, l.etivit 'a Corn and Cob Crusher, I'.ice Tbnisbers, •Shingle M.ichines, Shafting Hangers and Pnlliea, Cotton Gins and Gearing, Iron CasiiDgd ot all kinds and paii^rn*. Brass *• '• *■ Locomotive an I Tubular Boileri, Flue and plain Cylinder Boilers, P.lackimith work of all kinds, Uun l‘.>ors tV»r Houses and Jails. THE establishment Having been re-oiganized for the uxpresa purp&ae of insuring punct .iality in the execution of all orders, the public may rest Hatistied that any work which may offer will by pr>uuptly deiiveied according to promise, and of such workmanihip as cannot fail to give aatis- faefi'.n, THE mechanical DEPARTMENT Being in charge of men of talents and experience. I have no he;«itation in saying th:^t the work her»after turned out. shall'compare favorably in every reap»i‘t witii tbnt of the tnosr celebrated in the States, and at prices which will m;ike it to the interest cf all in want 10 send Tue their orders. • REPAIR WORK mingtou, or Packet Company, mid of the Baltimore and L»hio Rail Kos.1 ._'ompanv. Pratt Street, Baltimoio Jan 1. l«f»2 f STOP rHE THIEF! I ^TOLEN from niy Lot in Richmond County, on Sun- t day night last, my HORi^K. Said horse w:i!^ an ’ iron-gray or brownish color; ne had marks of gear on him, and hi.=> fore-top eut off very short: he was sho4 on the fore feet, walkea fast, is a good trotter, and would pace; there was a while n»ark. his back, on 1 tho right side, about sis or eight inches N'^uare; also, a small wart on the right side, a little below the white mark. The I . fde was taken by a man calling himaelf John Campl.i.-il, who says he was raised in Pitt county, .and , has bcoT in this neighborhood about two years: he is a Cooper bj- trade, and says he has worked in Turpen tine all his life time: he is a lit;!e round-snouldere i. has a stout bidy for a s'lmll man. and wili not wei^h as much as I staled. 145 or 100 pound has a very ■ mean look, is very fond of r.egro c npany, an>l his j conversation has a good deal of the negro mixed : with it. I will pay !j!60 for the delivery of the Horse, or f' r the thief. M. N. CAMPBELL Montpelier. Richmond county, N. C. 1 wi;l also reward aoy person for any information that will lead to the recovery of either. Sep. 10, Ifti'fi. £. J. HALE i SON .vov. 12. IT'R'rHER SUPPLY OF BOOKS. f^LDOR.ADO. by Bnyard Tavlor; A Basket of Chips. J by Brouzbam; T;ible fiHits, by Dr. Doran; The Renegade; Modern Pilgrims Vy Geo, Wood; Helen Leenon. n peej) at New York Society; India, China and Jiij>aa, by Bayard Taylor; The Hiduen Path; Hearts ease; Mitebuirs Traveller's Guide; Cumming’s Works: Andrews’ Latin Kug'ish Lexicon; Sni.alt Edition of PpnliiiS flfid Hymns, plain and gilt; Smellie'.- Phiiosophy; (irconc's Analysis; Webster's Dictionaries Anatomy, Physiology. i:c. Just received. Cutter’s E. J. HALL \ SON. Dec. -il. M. N. r. .1. W. BAKER Is now recniviiig froiQ the North the largest, tinest, ujd most, curefuliy se lected stock of s rst.\iTi li?: ever offered in this iuar’.:et, which, added to h i own manufacture, makes his assortment complets;—al! of which he will 3ell on the lowest po.ssible terms fo. cash or on time to punctual customers. intetl cottagc bed-room Furniture in CIJNI'ON rE.n.ii.E t.^^'STMTM TE. •'’S^HIS Institution wil! resutno its operations again 2 on MONDAY, the 14th inst., alter a oburt vaca tion. The charges will be tbe pame as they have been for the last year. Board $10 per month, including wash ing, lights, &c. L. C. GPAVES, A. .M., who lias served us so long and efficiently as Principal of the Institute, now also has charge of the Steward's Dej)artmcnt, '(chich renders it doubly sure that this department will he conducted to the entire satisfaction of all. The Trustees have engaged for the next year the services of a celebrated .Musician, Mr. Stradelli, of tho State of New York, to take charge of the .Musical De- partment, and also LIk Lady, Mrs. Stradelli, to con duct the Painting. These engageraents will give superior advantages to those who wish to study the ornamental branches The Faculty of Teachers associated with Mr. Grave* in conducting the literary Department, are the same as for the ’ast year, and are well known to be inferior to none H A. BIZZELL, Sec’y Board of Trusteei Clinton, Jan’y d, C9-3m rashionable p .\lways done without delay—and having a large force getts; curlctl hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses: for that purpose, it will prove advantageous to any f.AFRIXBURGH UIGH SCHOOL. ^5'^HE 7th Session of this School will commence on £ Tuesday the ^^th day of January next, under tbe supervision of the Rev. Geo. B Scott, M. A., of the University of Edinburgh, (Scotland,) Principal, assisted by .Mrs. Scoti in the Primary Department. 'dr. and Mrs. Scott have both made Teaching the business of their lives; aud from the experience which person nee ling uoh to givi. me the ^.reference w'thout reganl to expense of sending same from a distance. lU'derR will be addressed to “Clarendon Iron Work-.” Wilmington N. C. A. H. VaNBOKKELLN. t >1 t 15. 4?)-tf \oith Carolina Readers. ^J'lHF. Undersigned are prepared to furnish, wbolc- Jk. s.i.e and retail, upon i>yry favorable (trms, to Te ichers. Booksellert*. .Merobants. Book Pedlars, nni others, the !>iEWIK« of .\'OKTIl ’AUOLI.\A |-^\ Nos. 1 and 2. by Pbofkssoe Htbbabd, Trustees have bad, during the past year, of their leal. f.delity, and success, in the discharge of the Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Ora lies; Side duties of their profession, they confidently recommend Boards; Bureaus; .'Secretaries and Bnok-Cases; What- them to Parents and Guardi.n'^. as pre-eminent\vqnali- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Class; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in .Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottoraans: Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with .^lolian At tachment; Piosewood Malodians, from I'ne bet manulac- tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as any made in tlje country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only added. Novpr"b‘»»' 2. iS-iil. |f)tf 7o Merchunt.'^ and Md/uffurtiii crs of Vin- U art. IH.WE on hand now. and sb.\U keep a supply o Tin Plato. V.’ .. . Tin. ' n \\ ir? F.ivei.^, l.eaii Pipe, '*hi**ii Lead, .t :, —ALSO - A laree ass'rtment of ;.-lain an 1 .lapane .i Tin .ir«- of my own Nlt.*”ufi.ct ire, at wh".e«'il“ »r.d reta''. ('orporation Bonds of the University of North Carolina, and No. 3 by ToU'/i of FnucftCL'll/e for Sale! C.X1.V1N II. WaBT. Esq, now superintendent of Com- ./ Acl of the Oeneral A.sembiy mon Si-bool* Ot N .s 1 and 2. which are books Carolina. rntlSe i Drc. 25 fied by temper, talents, and aoquirements for the in struction of audeiits, in all ttie branches of an English, Scientific, Classica’, and Coinmer'* i.l Education. Tbe Trustees respectfully invite the public to a per sonal examination of the system pursue i in tbe School. Term*!—5>S, $12, and -^20. per Session of tive months. (French included in the 3il grade w'thout extra charge.) Board can bo had with the undersigned in the Board ing house belonging to the School or In private lami- lies at S£, per month. Gee half fees and Board Invariably paid in advance. D C. McINTYRE, fsec’y. Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C., 1 Dec. 12, i8.'>y. / 1 .Stf c V vND!;:;”. M.rch 12, spp^'r Nlarket S. "AV. >*2 If ii VR» Kl. I.w w b-.- just issued, we wili iiand a copy (jraiis to any Teacher who'niay apply. E. J. H.\LE K S()N. ()\ I'.RSEER ~\VANTEH. f I ■'HE Hubscriber will give good wages to a co'upeten'. I Overseer, well rec jinmended as to character and c'tnpetrncy. t» t ike charge of his Hose Hill Plantation, r'ayettovillu. f ir the enduing year. One well ac- {ii-.inted with m N;ival .'Stores, particularly Tar. pi,.^«rr.'d. ' HN H HALGHTON. Pillsbori.llgh, Doi:. J'> ! V L L ;o r>T)s. iH5iT r til* Pi.r- f>i rtiou ul-ir a: M I l>^f>2. authorizing the T.jwn of Fayetteville to issue her Bonds to thi- amount of •‘»;1W,U0U, in the aggre gate, for the purpose of paying her subscript! •’ to the Western Kail ttoaa Company. . Therefore, it is ordered by the (^Tumissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of tbe Town ro' oive sealed proposals until the 1st of N. ' cn>b*>r >io\t. r the purchase of .:.50,0o0, in ■ *' ••s'.di' ach of .S'.id Bonds, or any part tlioreof. B>n i- to nr. ■'ventx ^,>prs, with Coupons a'tai':ed. —int»T.-s'c { ay:,b;e send- annuai'y. The said llonds ahai! :>>• >c '•! . the Corporation, and binding • tl ? i" ‘ WM. WAr.uj.--. • »:• Sept. 26, 1S55. ” 0\ THK CAPK I'KtR KIVF.K. 4 'i a nietJting of the Boat o'^ners i?iterested in nav- igiif’iif, the Cape Fear River between Fiiyetteville and Wilmington, ('n motion, D. MoLaurin was c.* .j.t to Chair, ^nd H. M O-rr’.' wtta ai'pointed 'ocrctiry. im Tui.iioa r.Iani'i F. .\larsh. l;e=o.v»-.i. Ti.'it t' III :',r. i .iite- the 1st di> ’ i;;.. h'y . Ca-h will be required ^ aaV ci'y of all r .1, . *■ I' i*.*- «t .r. I lei>. either r>‘i- . ar 'l I ' r- V Il k can ■ c ■■'4 ...1, i.-i i st c tv Al V |'.:rguson .eir F.U.L and WINTER ' •it} t;. - b thin a fow !r t;i .’aik P'tce. Mur- t:;e Bristi Churcu, i4 h V Lm> ■if, ' i !n-l II. d I • \nthi.r' ray. E MKi i-in; 1 \ I and •:,eI’-, -y with 1 t >1 M.'! • e piirp 'Se I 1 r- -■ ir'.'.'’ess N ii-rriim': tb‘' ' 'onun'iiiit s' >''L i rv , 1. KNOWLEDGE: . i'- if Spu"i .upi'lying Jt K f. nr w: h m:. ?j #: n tus !‘h’. 'icia' i.r -.vill not b" Piiiind''Iphi;i . . r I the A' 1' :i:.d i I'^'ie r.v. W:trr-ii and rbiin:.-r Sts , L' V s .n ! ■ t II ll'ite >. H vii.^ (■ ! ■ -ni '/’.t i.rtice ncco-nn.i. 1 ;ti' iiS, and papers rr . II the .''.Kit;it‘rii .’.tiiS .ni Towns, b • ti usts tJiat he II. IV J;ave till pie:i-5iire of' from his frieuds, and !ri.r»i thosi wh" wi'; b. hiii! the lavor t.' examine hit ^ .s?..rtmeut, and beii.g the (-nly establishment adapted : ' t!.e S"uthe 'n tra lo. in the lower part of the City, ; he r. speottuily solicits a sh.ire o.' patronage He iiegb to refer those unacquu.nted with him. to any of the Job'ning tloases in New York City, engaged in the Southern or Western Trade. Great care will b* taken in Packing and engaging Fn-igbt. Insurance, &c. .V disc-.unt allowed to the trade WM. L. MCDONALD. B. — Win. L. McDonald takes pleasure in referring to the Meich;.i;ts of "ayottevilie. New York, Jan’v 7.'^-D.'t /v S H S i i * 1. .ii." I.HW. .';e ' Hi.-t i ! ^'J.’inn; “ !'t Indiciiii'S.ts ail’i I’lcas; '• On tiie . I iii"i ic..'i LiW ol il .uiicrie. “ La*' i>iciion:iry; '^toriis on the i aw ot Rep.evin; Troubrtt on l.irnited i'artneish'p; Uh rt«m Stile's .Americaii .iiedic.ii Jnrisprudenoe. Just reeeivei by Dec. 1^^. E. J Half, j; sun. GARDEN SEEDS. ^K/"E Have received a genera! assortment of L.\N- ▼ ▼ DKETH’S cele-rated (iARDEN SEEDS. War ranted fresh and genuine, of the Crop of 1H;>.). For sale by Jan'v !(•. S. T. HAWLEY .S: SON oy-iiw ;ft. his ROWAND'S TOiVlC MIXTURE, T A I.M \ N AGS. North Carolina and Farmers' and I'RNER' Planters’ .\lain macs. forlH56. E .J. HALE iS: SON. “I r, V 'ure li U \v j- . ' : M r i, UiW \N'» S ledy for . I S T H . Ml 111 V bT h‘lKHa WnH-ii !i'"'i ili.M '.eil .1' ! Kiiiir, LAi^ i; ■th, He; ■r 'f; I • ^jr., . -i ti.e U'N'‘i.^' 'or dV I'KP.-'IA or INI-d inedv ■ \ i' ■ 111 > W ELi', " 1 •S.'-iri'H, Druggist. 7 2-;-4in V(»rii iN'i'! -i .''I has erected a ?».Ti A '-' % %V ' tniles t'rom F;ivette% lile • ii theWi st- ern I’’>uik Kub'I, and i>fll be prepared to i'ni ni di iti.VifS oi' ■ -t n it'.cc. le!ivoi-ah'i.. either iri town I-.1' re-1.iiHf.'b' c an be afforded F. Miiisii, ol ;:ie fiirn of Troy .v Mar,-h, in i- «uthyr:H‘j 1 '■ ii;a';o ’'Hitr.icts for my DAVID KlVhTT. . i ! Jan'v 2.'). IHoO. 78-t;rn NO I'lci:. 1 - 'ii'Jeijftd to me by Note or Account ^ ii- .rnf , re jii’ j*ed to (inme forward and set- : tho‘.C in arrears witb E. L. !’■ ii . i t. ,i. ■ J. A. PEMBERTON, ■““y -1. IcjtJ 7‘2-lm LF'r r;:RLOii vV co’s une, #V>»* Freif^lii. j ^'TE.XMEP F.VNN^ Ll'TTERLuH leaves her wharf . 1^ at F ayetteville at snn-rise, on Moti lays and Tlmrs- i dny“, and at 'Vilniinj,'on on Tuesdays anu Frid.ays 10 ’(•lock, -M., (Passengers an! Freights.) Steamer ; Rowan 'in gool repair.) witli good Flats, will run I regularly for Freights. i J. F. M.-\R.SH, Agent F.ayettevilie. I W. P. ELLIOTT, Agcut W’ihnington. I August 7. IH.'j.O. 2.'»tf Xf.U' ao-()ft Kstabiishnifnf By W n. '■j^HK Subscriber would infcrm his friends and the II public eenorally. that he has complete I Iiis new establishment on Maxwell street, near ^l^. E. W. \\ Hi kings’ Store: and is now ]'repared to receive orders lur f'A k rs\ n A o x.s, d ra j ~s, d-r., which shall be pr im]itly eTecnted. .\11 work done by him shaii bt; ot the be'-t workman ship and material that ihe c.nritry can a.T;rd. JxEl^A UilX^r »)f all kinds dntie with n.iatiifss . and ilespatcb. I Also, nORSK-SIK^KiX(i will l.c stiiotly ' attended to. N. B. No pains will be spared to give hat;slaction ; to those who may lavor him with their patronage, j Fayetteville, May 2.'>, Foriegu iud Ootiostii, staple and Fancy ^ DHY G-OODS, \ \ F/r^, II \T«i, € 4P>*, , B04I i M and %klOlv^, | With a general assortment t l' ! KK %i>V- Tl 4ri4 i To which they inviie tho attention of ,\I#rcbant«, the Ladies ;iiid ail, and wdich they offer at LOW’ PRICES for | CASH, or on Time to punctual customers at Wbolesals or Retail. B F PEAaCK. J. B. FEROU80N. Aug. 27. l‘^66. 30-tf s rOCK OF Books and Stationery. E aro now receiving our usual New Stock of T w BOOKS and STATIONERY, embracing a great varietv of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL I ASD MIsrELLANEOUS BOORS. Together with a large and varied stock of Hiank^ P»ooks, Paper, Envelopv'^.s, &c. ('ountry Merchants and others aro invited to call, as w * offer the above block on the best terras. Oct. 8. E. J. HALE .Si SON. NO'i'iCE. /■’^HE SUBSCRIBER has removed i.,. Jl SH\W’S NEW BUlLDl.^u, Gil lespie Street, where he inteiels carry ing on the 'I' A J s ."i l>l^i- NESS in all its bi'anoht s 11;. vuighad practical experience in nios: of the At lantic cities, ne t'eeis assured that ne can please the moit fastuiious. -Vll orders ill be exeuutv 1 with neat- 0.1 1 K e-. tb- r., 1 t-ot). vi.;c a i; lUl f 1 .1 I- ar:; ,• e; t. art.iir On 11 Res l> . , , r;..t. ... .. will i)e III I'le I; >iii I)' bciiisr |i • tiii'i 1 .1 . s iKL'ik.'., V ! T.iil tli . >rO^ t . '.tno. ,;itb a. by .11* sa.jjj >-rs ‘) .J '• 'u lu iLe •r~ ness ami despatch. March 28. 18.53 R. M. Orrell. Sec’y. Dec 24, lb5 D. .McL .U.;IN, Ciiairman. 6o-tf B. MONAGHAN Sl-tf Mci.AURi.N .y stka.N(.;k Kt.NCSBl’KY FOU SAl.t;. C'lOL. King the present occinant. being desirous to y close up his business, we off^r tho«e valnr;ble premises for sale. Kingsbury is situated at the terminus of the Fayette vill^ii haleigh Plank Road, eleven miles from the former pl.ace, and within three miles of Kinci’s Land ing on Cape Fear River. These premises offer more business conveniences and comfort^ for living, per haps than any country seat in Cumberland. On ttieto is a neat two-fltory family mansion, containing seven rooms—a tire place in each, with froat an>l rear piazza ^ ejns', iere.l as bein und portico, frame kitchen, s’.oej'insi apartiuent^ lor servants, smoke house and I'airy. with a i rime web of water; and all handsomely enclosel. \lso, on the pieini:-e9 are nine other frame buildings, with brirk chimnoye to each, and rooms sufiic'ent to acc'jmnio- j date from fifty to si.':ty negroes: a frame Bara ‘>0 by 60 ! feet, v.ith sta’ls for forty horses, and room to bold -OA tons of I’orage; Carriage bouse, Stoie and Ware hous'‘; I Water Grist Mill, two“ Cnoner and two Placksnuth’s i .Shops, Wheel Right Shop, Turpentine .rbeils, \e.; all i within convenient distance ot the best Springs ot /’•'> 'rurjttidi nt, I'ifidtcr. f'nr and (Jirn aiLii Colton ^Inker^. FOR SALE. WITH tht choice ISOO acres of valuable 0 '4r ^Jr L.vND. situated twelve miles from Lum- berton, within tiirep milt^s of Lumber River, and on or very near the line of tbe Wiimington and Charlotte Rail Road. To persons ingage i or desit ing to engage in business of either of the above branches, this Land p>’esert= unusu i--. lu -. men s Gri.wiu^; a sutBcient cumber of pines t ^ cut seven taiiks i.f boxes, aud fur- :ii«hing trees of suffi.-ient size to ni iko from to 500 sticks of ton timber of D^OO foet eji.'h, Li a.Mition to excelb^nt Farming Land —producing from (> to !2(l(j ib.s , to the .Icre. I'his Laud is s'luatel on .Vslipole Swa.ap. in a heiltby and losirable -«c of R..'yes‘>n county. N. C. For terms, ?ic., apply to M. E. .McNEILL, Lumberton, N C Dec. 17, 1805. «a-:inip4 U'iliningtoH Or rayetlerUle JP«k- HeHf,er Ijine. ri-^HE NEW STEA.MER “.MAGNOLIA” will leave COlJ.\C!L. !1AY &€>., HAY STRKKT, I'AYKTTKVIU.Ii, A RE now receiving their F.\LL STOCK of STAPLE and FANC^ DUV GOOOS. In which may be found FOK^ THE L.^DIE.'s: Plain col’d. Plaid. White and Black DeLAlNES: CASHMERES and MERINOS; Plain and Fi^'d Faney and Black SILKS; Cloth MANTLES and CIOAKS; ('loak CL( TH; SKIRTS and SKIRTING; Merino V’F:ST3; BONNETS; EMBROIDERIES iic. FOR GRNT1.KMEN: ! as we warrant a good article, j April 20, IS.').'-) Sandhill Water. All the buildings arc new and have WE on .hand, a large stock of superior SPIRIT - erecicd within the last four or fi e years. To BARRELS, which they would sell at a reduced ' valuable imj^rovements we will add i.o 'O acres price for cash. Persons wishing to .make en, agetiients : Lands, and we will take •'jJii.oOO for the whole, woual do well to call on us before making engagements, i jg .s;l»)00 less than the cost of the improvemeiitH, ; We have also, on the premises, and now in operation. ; a Steam Saw and Grist Mill, and Turpentine Distille: \. which can be bought cheap. If tho right sort of a purchaser presents him.self. and wishes a partner in his operations, we will furnish one with sufficient capital t« conduct a profitable business. To a Planter who has .i!l4.00U to invest in real esir.te and wants the best Plantation on Cape Fear River, with a healthy country seat witii all conveniences for Passage i-4. T. S. LUTTLaLOH, 9-tf T , Fayetteville Tuesdays and Frid^iys St 16 minmes I CT Shoes; Vestings; Casalmeres; after .unripe, and Wilmington Wednesaays and hatui- Cravat- Ready-Made (’lothing, &c. —ALSO,— Linseys. Kerseys and Plains, Blankets, Brog.ins, T.aMe Cloths and Covers, Allendale Sheetings, Children’s Kid Gloves, VVuol Sacks and (’omforts, Youths’ and Boy's Clothing, English ani Italian Crapes, Dimity, Em broidery Silks and Braids. A good assortment of Ladies', Ocntlemcn s aud Children’s liOOiS, SHt>ES, and G.\1TERS; GLOVES, days at o’colck. June 14, 18G5. VrA'miE^ES. ^HE Subscriber is now making, and v.ill constantly keep on nand a supply of good SHUCK and COTTON .MATTRESSES. He invites persons in want of Mattresses, Cushions, xc., to call aud see him at the old stand of Jacob Ottarburg, Hay Et., Fayetteville. H. LOCKAMAN. Jan. 8, 1850. et-tf 1 HOSIRRY, he. ' 8«pt. 20. 37-tf ro GONTR \CTORS. President and Directors are now ready to re- .1- ceive proposals for oonytructing the Fayetteville Jr Albemarle Plank Road between Little’s Mills in Richmond County and Albemarle In Stanly County, and they invite proposals for tbe following work: — Section 1st. For constructing th« Road from Little’s Mills to Clark’s Creek, 10 mile^. Sec. 2d. For constructing Hoad from Clark’s Cieek to the Pee Dee River, 5 miles. See. ^^d. For the construction of a Bridge across Pee Dee Biver. Sec. 4th. For the construetion of the Pioad from tne Pee Dee River to .Albemarle, miles. Proposals will be received and considered for the Grading auu making all necessa.y side ditches and Culverts from the Pee Dee to Albemarle, omitting planking. By a resolution of the Stockliolders, before the Presi dent and Directors can enter into these cont.eacts sn individual subscription of .iJir),OOU will have to be made,—it is asked that th friends of the work will submit such bids, cither subscribing or guaranteeing that amount so as to enable the work at once to go on. JAS. G. COOK, Prei’t F. & A. P. R. Co. Oot 25. 47-tf NEW ROOKS. '3'^HE Topographical. Statistical, and Historical Jl GAZE'iTEER UF SCO To A ND. 2 vols. Also, further supplies of Roget’s Thesaurus of Eng lish Words; The Hidden Path; (Jleve iJail; Light and Dtirkness. a .Story of Fa.shiiiiMble Life; i^oreiizo Dow’s Works: Bronson’t) E icutioi,; The Student « Speaker; Dos'fey's t’boice: banders’, .MeGuffe}''s, Parker's aud othT School Readeis; Bullions’ and Smith’s English Grammars: Emerson's. .Smith's. Davies’ and other Arithmetics; ana School Books generally. E. J. HALE & SON. (Jet. 12- 43- NEW HOOKS. PRESCOTT’S History of Philip 2d; Life of Sidney Smith: Orchard's History of the Paptisis; Mimic living at hand, these premises would be a very desir- Life, by Mr.-?. Ritohia; Peter Parley s Adventures of able attachment to the Aslie Plant.uion, coiitaining Gilbert Go-Abend; P.a'doon Tmvels of Robert Merry seven hundred acies oi'the best Cape l'*-ar bottoms, an (! and his young I-riend^ over vaiious (^oiintries iu now in market. The.«e two Estate* are connected by " - - -> a good Ferry Landing and are only three miles apart; and will be sold together or separate. For further particulars apply to T. S. Lutterloh, Esfj.. or ihe sub scribers. J 1. W.ADDILL. Fayetteville, Sept. 7. >?4-tf ^ FOR SAI.E CHEAP. 7 SECOND IIAND BUGGIES in good repair. A. A. McKETH \N 7 TO DiSTH.LEliS. WE will pay the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distiliers to give Euri pe; V\ iiJow Ledott Papers; Miss Bunkley's Testi mony of an Escaped u;:, (tbe geimuie book;) .Mackey's Masonic Lexicon: Barnes’s I’rayers; I’resby terian psalmouibt; The Ps-abnist, small size; Anthou’s Classi cal Dictionary; Bolmar’s Perrin « fables: Banker’t Cases; Blotters; ic., Just received h)y fc. •!. H.\LFI ft. SON. JONES’S EQUITY. VOLUME 1. just received and for sale by E. J. HALK & SON. U8 a call when in market. Jan« *iti, 18&6. FAVHLV BHii.ES. L.\RGR Stock. -\lso. Pocket Bili^es and Praj'er Books. E. J. H.VLE 4' SON. A T; WADDILL 8tf Blannkn fur s ile htrn.