8MM1-W BKK L Y \OL. V.] p\YFTTKVTIJJ:, X C„ l-KBI?rARY 21, 1856. {XO. N rn- M 'NDAVS AM* TIirHSnWS. I'lin \i;i) .1. ini.i: a so\. ;• H'.S wit 1’!’ • • Si'iii; (■ k'V t'r.o i;vKK K' if ]'!ud in if 'lui'iit;/tVio yo'.r 'f ul'>t'i-ip- I ;> t fter ilio yo:u- \ ox^.irc.i. •■■. V vv.t! ^’ 't" I'or •.iiiuiiii. if p:ii‘l in . ^ J if ]'•>;.1 iluruisr tlio y.- r of ■‘«''crii'- • ' •-I tvi-tlio yOMV 1, !>f. M! N I S l for sixty ocnt« per '-lu's far tlu'iiii'i tliii ty ooiits for each 1 i'’■ \ (-:ir;y lverti^0Jucut■^ by po- >r "i'. t ’■> r Ailvorti.'ovs lire . -r itot H lunv isT 'f in'Jt'rti-'U-i'iesiroil. or . ..;;i 1II'.!; ■ till fo. :Ui>i I'iKiriii' i ai'.'C'V'l- i, t'lT' I - t[!o I', lir. r V, u-t ! >'I. - i;t ■ ’ . . A .1. A. SPKAKS. ATTOKNI'V A l’ LAW, r'ri'NPs tlio {?iHirt'- of •' N* ake ntiil .1 olmston i-Vh’y isrx;. Aii.lress, Tooiner, Harnett (.Ui. Htirn.'tt. rs-lvr OMMCN sr’IOv)!.^ oiilonts ol M K t' FillMlUO I loro'l I‘ A ;;o i I’oixram M; on. I'ou sALi:. • It tSf'fhrreti t*rir(’s^ for 4\tSH or on SSt0fiST Ti.Ut , m {\\\mm. BiHoniiKx. Rockaways and Buggies OF f-:v£Rv ni:s( airno.\. Yk? of wldch are tiiii«he'l. aU'l the halr.uco I'eiuc .?£i tinis!io>l 'laily. Anion'i whioli uie ni:'.ny N>'W ai\il iU'iutiful style^i, ami one V Kl\ V I'lNK VUIUAUK. Some of them very lijrJjt, ;uui .i-! iiiji'].' in t)ie Ixv t manner auil ol' the l>ost inati'iials. My facilities fur ■li'iii;. ("arriage w .rk are (I H I^A'I F.U ili.m uv.y . li- inei;: J^outli. and 1 can all'or 1 auii am letermiiU'l 'o ; i !l work of the I’lKS T QL'ALITV as low as it can l>c liullt !'or . V any i ne. w'lO uiv‘ uuI.jIki,] to ibc will ploa.- I'iiy 11}', as my IiD.-ines-^ re^ulro my cui-.'taii iiiiji 'ieii:. to lie eolleoled. A A. ■ ji ivll'l'llAN. o, l.s.jj. 7^-lf lii'IA r)\. \ \i . Sii! - !';‘iors II-.' ■■■ \ . r i . •' * ii I i: . ’ -I- . A. jv. Si’tHTIi, V.ii(»Li:sALi; AXb KKi’AiL im;al!;m •'" ui:ipti's.vi:s *v i sgiwfstf\,tijs, Oiis: Sftfe-StttH's: VAJiyisiii:^; wixiKjiv-ai..^ 's axd (r/(tss- Wtin , I*rr/)(nir/y/; Fhir J'iiir Toot/l (iik/ Ilnh iinishrs- Painf J>rt(!ih's: Fill,I miil d'lrihn S'Ctl.-; *S’///'//>; Sinyu "f histrKVi' nts; i\t/i if M'in'c'ii: i*’'i-. l iijiun's /:/,■ M'II /'i-I'p'i.-f, Fnii// J/'.'-A.s a--., .iv. (h-'icr - n- . (' ir tr l‘'i'.ysivi;i.iis aii-.l M-Tchants re- s}>eotfuli,» -;i;ici'.e'l mid pi'rlVcl s: isfa«. iion ;iuur -'iteed. Ii. th in regard t'- 4’ = ,ilitv and pric e. J. N. SMI I 11. i>ru^ J i r'aiifl' riiii. }T>ihi(ii l/isurdncc C'onijitintj. .hi AhAfrmt nf'di, Si'i'mi ^ Aintiitif ii F 1^0 !\ T of th’’ Fi'i.^iili'iit mul Ih'rrrfiti'fi: I’lilicies is-sued past year Olll, whole nuiuher issued I'i;'!;:, envering prop'-rty amounting to (*it I’uiieies e.ancelled and expui'! tli', .‘laoiint now ins;;r.d -^l/JTd.TlT ‘>1 Anumnt of rrem'uin Notes ;5i', • “ “ e:;;'ir0(l & canoelicd “ '*'I'^w 01. liand liicrea?' dnrinp last year St',] .liTo U7 rreniiuin note: averajri’.g 11 is9 100 per con . on the aiiiouiii I. the actual eost td’ Insuraiu o '^ur-ivj: t!i- veir :iv raiin" 1,-s thai. la’r cent. Mi:x W AXTI'J). OK 1 wanteil on the NNestern Hail iioad. to work oi' Scctinii?. and nt-ar r-etreville. The lf»cation is lii'althv. and the highest wages will he pai !. •''vpt. 21. -••ter, I’lasterir.g ■rring. Ii}- \|'ri'l 10. illII \'-I rAKDHi;. I'rcsli LiiiK'. Hair and Cenient. Mat Uerel and W. I’OWLKS \ (’(>. ':'.tf (ti't. 27. •I la.-'l lium IV port r''cc'.ved ■urvev!: & ti ■,l(i ansfVrs NVlLl.l \A' i rv'.;vo >'i i( i:. -(WV ;r ; - , ::M'l erant rO 00 ---■7,283 07 I me 1, 1 :i.ir .f \ ' tv i'lsr.UllSKMKNTS. . 1 U. .'^need. tire l.i'-' NS.")(( (; » ,1(1 lud Ij !:anc'-' >liiee liuilding 1, l >ii Ut ' i;;a .v,' i,o-jO 00 'la-eT'X 100 00 ' '!itii., i n? i‘\pr;i- ;17'> 'i ' ..! i i:- rof iirued 20 •>.') -SI tu-rai • wlu,u- ■initrv rtment \ iiuvers at thv;r > .nee d our on ll'iii M\. ..n leiiriii i. !■ -!(k and in ha d ar I I'ts of !U I'llly I'll- t 'a-'' , at I'oll.' o cent? per p . CK" ! I'llN Mil \V1 I,. 1 \M I > It.i 1( >. 27 '.':;7 10 W T N..: !. W I'urnngt-a "U It. e \va rt. I'ait. :s .la>^1;son. i':.;: ua. \1.-Mi':an. ■ • i 'I.-riirii^ .'i. - NK l'hail. ■ ... '!! K:sia-v. AK ' . M:i\ ^^(.AlMl()i Si: II I1L>S. .'-iipi r;jr S',;:: re. - ivi- 1 aU'i \ssi;ts. aii'l in I’.ank, .Vo ng I ■! jier eeu! >2.'•.’.7 10 Kill nil 1,.'>>(» no III Nut. m.l (’a, W M 1> n !• u. !h.1;n-s .1:1- i:v:in-^. I. II:: I' \v.ritr. ■ I.- r ^le'\in. N1 l;ui.' It:u i r wl; -it i :inv lo?S.'S S t.027 1 ■s-V' ;1'.‘ l.7^'i STOin. StaiT & iiliaiiis -Mll'l imw reeeiving tln'ir Si-',CnNI> I'rili’li \.si.; oi ii AM, ,iM! mm m iiiiiiiis:. ' luxvrs, snoi.s. n\ rs, ( \i‘s, j UONXKTS. T’M151;KL1.As, AN'D j Ready-Wade Clotliiiig, I .\ii 1 liavo no he.sitation in sayina it is the I,.\ lHH-lS'r and MOST bi'.'iri.\l'.!,i; 'tc'ck now in murket; :»nd h;t%ing heen ] urc!»asod at greatly reilui ed jn iees from i the early part of the eason will be olf.'rel to buyers j on terms ;hat canuo* fail to please. ; Oct. 2o. -17-tf I ( (in now I'cccivtiia; (t/id c-rjicrt fo kvcjt IIj) a larn'c stock' of (!rocrrn s. WE OFFHK 8 i’k I>A'iS 'oll'ee—Kio, Lairnii a ;uul .l:iv:i, I.-, llhds. Su-at>. 00 *• Mu'astes. I .OiMi Sacks S:i’ii, 7•’> IJblb. Sugar.s.—ceil'ee, cniNh'd .'i: powd’d, -}•') Kegs IViwder, 20 lliivis. W I’-'teni l>aeon, W Lids. -N. 1-10.1 ..ll;)lili,-^ 1 UU I »»# » 11\. V . - . With ('Very other article in our line. .\ll of which we will dispii-e of ii>'v fur i’ \.S|!, or excli.*»nge for pro duce or n iv:»l stores. !‘. i W. McLAUni.N. JAMKS kVI.K H.V? just rcccive.l ;t birg.- an.I ict nert; i m of ooons. Ainoai;' whii h ai c, • '>(* I’iiM-es Ore--: l>’i.:iin: , Kreiieli ■ nd Eni’-l'-^. .Nleiino. I’laiii .Mei'in.i, rc:i. 'rem-.-. I’ersi:in ( loth--;, I’d.iek and I’obire.l SilUr. 1 rish Linens. :ill •'! > 'J :iIde t'lot!;s .i !i ^ • • :?>, (':ii‘!'e( ing, very eh. :i p. raiii-oes, well aS'^^.Tt-'d. \t rsey> :iui Liiise_\'-. Silk, Vv,)>den •ui i ( o' Tl ">c. 1,a.lies' i’wisted .\|uts, l*r!--;.- I’rimmiugs, \.c., \e. ,\1! of « ' ' -li being piir.'hase.l !>y th;* pad’ i: (’asli, will t •.• otl'cre i at t!ie b>west nmrket pri cash, .r on ilme t > piiyii';.' eiistome"'. Sc.'t. 27, «fhirifie #'Vfr for#/• f ' , 'r ■ .M :i-tf ’■lent :in.l l»;reet.>rs congr:itu- L pu*.ac .11 the vt'rv torto.nate the ('oiiuiany the pas: h .1 1 : - since 7'.h M:ircli, I ■ I the c:ise . f Str:ingbin- iV e Stole was bb.wn l]i—■ ■ -^till aTid r ’nve-^tiii-iTion. I'ALL SI PIMA . liy (m:> TUIl IKMIIiS \|{(IVK (. T. HAIIill \ SliNW SKIKK. I'ay‘l Ifvillf, i\ .I:iii'y 20, is.'n; ‘ I JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V « II n I s I o \ ANU I'OiaVAUDINC^ Mi:iiCIIAN'l\ i'. I bn-. VI \. »».t. W Ar. •1!1, l»:i!l' o. J 'i N. ’ I i. VS M .'K:iy. , III r :i kei. ! d.'Lean, N li .Jones. M.^Li‘:tii. Miilcom M'.Lean. I, i:. r::. .T .ii-, H..;:y. .i - '1 Turner, Nci'! r'..-.rk. Alc^ (ii’christ. N .r'l-n IV.itlfr, Neill irk, l> in 1 Lasblev. ■ M.'lbif. L):iui.‘i NIrl,i :ui, Nei!! Ila\. x ” M. I’La'i’.. Mur loch VIoLean, Siiuou J \Ict' k. \ Th in LKincan Patterson. 'IfcT ir M.'Nei'il, .lames H:irrington. l>uucan ..r. •- M t■•iUicr .n. M ib'oia I'jve. Augus .Munn. ;i M'-I' 'U;...!, .V '■ r>UH\ i; ’ t Smi;':i. Arch’d o lum. John Smith. ! b'rick ,M.''rumnien. Ne.ll Patterson, Arch’d , t V .1 : 1. '■ apbell, .\reh’d liny, t: Mi- K'.l.'t ira’-^' a, I.aMchiin Lethune. '■ L M -I'iarmi i. l’!;'-:p M -Pao. Jn.! ’ McLeau. . .iu .McKo’ :ir, I’an 1 Mnnr.ie jr. Clir’sfopher N'-:.' P. :y bunc:iu .McLauchlin. Arch'd Hay. \ i' Munr. -, .1 ’nil 15>.v n. .\iij:U' Kay Mill. N '■ Mc>'u;^an. Wm iuh.iii, D.ia’l P>Iack. ’ b'.l Kay, (lilb.i-rf Mult^ e, .\b-x M -Dugabl Mri'^.u-man, Neill K P'.ue, bavid (jillis. .Xr.'h d I’.uie, .Neill M.-i;ueoa, Job Culbreath. — \le.x .^^•L> .’nal'J, Wm Adcocks. .1 dm Pi Little. .1 hi; •' Lli^', .la? Pvrne, Pich' l P Freeman. N*' 'r M.:N‘'i’l, Jn- Mcl'enaM. Angus McLean. \Vi;i Putler I'uat H •llinzsw.i’th, .L-is Putler. ‘w.^u- .\Iciji:;. JeS'e li.ii', .M:tlcom McDonaM. ■ ^ U i'e ik, .1 i?cph .V \S"i-t;', .V E Hall, o ni'aii Ml- \rthur, .1 din (.j.ir laer. ’ P Johns.jH. ^ Andei-s. n, Is-m' P Hawley, J. Iin 'V Daker. i.. W 1’ir;ze, .1 T :iide!; 'V T Fri/.el'. Ti,..- .1 J ihn'.'ii, .1 'i-i.ii -\r.y, Jn.^ i“ Leonard •jus Sun lay. CiJ 1^1 I) Nix.'ii. I'heo Evans. — Andrew il..y. K. -k-rick 'dcll ie, W S Mullett. — Will .\lcMiii ill, .Vreh'il M.;Leaii. Eliji-li Fisher. Ill •• .M»t ,\ 1 ' - ' : • 'in I ,• V. •; i \— K» f. ■ . V ' 'V rt- III 1‘ «»n»* III u>o. t .. t m's :: ■ • Turihrr mifrm ttii'ii fu ty h i-i • iri- ^ . i' ' : \ .V i: :!M». M l,II- t I ■,:u ,\* \\ \ .tik. J:in’y \ » i-fu;-.’, UAliDKN SKLD' (, VRl'KN Si:Kl):i A L.-\.K(tE sujijily of .1 :iiin-^..n, Ibd.l.ins (’.i.'s celebrated Seed just r.-ceivi 1.—warrantt'.l the ^i-ow:.li of is55. These Seed ha\e given u.iveisil satisfaction wherever nse.l, an 1 may be relied on :is •'r>*sh :in.l genuine. .VNo. Pe 1 ('lover. Luci me, and ‘I ue Gr:iss Seed For sale wh. ’es:ib’ t rct:i 1 by J. N. SMITH, Prigu'-f. Jaa'v 17. 7 itl -ui -ii li Aprii >. ' iii'Fi; f. I- ' N-.v lit. v’Ni;.: Vi!, \U u \f;VF • ■1-t: X('Liro ■ r ^alc bv N^v, 7.’ a i i k (■ i s and 11. (WllVKIl. -.l-i: were elected for next j-ear; L. Myr-.ver, t’h:i:. P.enti. \\. Henry - . ^V. T'llin-ghast, S. T. il.r.vley, T. '' ill. MfL::c.i-iii, .\. Stc lii'.an, .1. tl. iliusl.ilc, 1). .\. Pi:iy, .1. 1>. Williams, :. Hi. .1. II. (' ill.. \. I'., li ill, ’iV Stee’., :'i 1 Ii. I'. Pr.iwii .if W :-.i;iini:t"n. OFFI-’EIIS; ^ M.-NKILL. Pn-.-^i.1(111. 1.. -M \ I'll F.I'», Vice Pre-:ident. .\. M. M1LL.\N, Secretary (I. .lli;i’IIF.ia.', .\ttoi-!iey. /' • '' ■ ' ■' ■ j'r ■' ' (/■ (irti'r: ■1. M.-Ni-ill, S. 'V''. Ti'linghast, AVm. McLaurin. •I IV 21, l.''o-j. 4-V 11! : J. Morida liaiul GO— Tiio- M:it!iie«-.'. Mur.' ^h .NP Lei.d. Arch' l U:iy, .\Li!c..;n i’' ;s ,M:ilcom Mclnnis. H V Willi:ims, Jo-eph .V.hiiii^, iVui Partin. Cli.ts .Mnnr.ie, .l.d ti .\ .\!i-KeTa:i:;, ' .-ill K IJiue. Nt-’O Sinl'h. S;iiii .: ,hii- in. L:i-ichliii L':inieron. Ln-cii IKrrinT, is .\1 K:>;. Sr, It-inicl .\rcii d M- !' ;g;ibl, .\lex b:irr:ic}i. W .1 Ktdly. V\ III .\ Kin^'. J hn •':is:;w. 'i .(:if-k.son. .N H J'-nes. .bis ('i>!!we!l. K:tif.jrd Smith. 11 ’:.fi--M. ,\itred Smi^^., 11 S (biwer. ■ nrv -\veritt. Win (':irter. Henry Tarter. Dissoij rjox. [IHE tirm of HALL .v SACKKTT-i.- thi- my di.-- soived by mutual consen: The business of the linn will be s-ttle l 1. • J. H, H:iU or E, Hall, who alone are author';7.'vi to use he name ot the firm iu li.iuidation. J. H. H.\I L A P. ilALL. T. .M. S.\*’K...TT. Fayrttevl’.le, N. Jan l'>. I" : ). ' -tf WAX I'Ll). V(ien*lnian of the P>i" if suffi.-ifnt er.ci ..»--^e ment is «iiown him, designs iciiverinr. n il- mingtonand F:iyetteville, a LEb'TL ’!ES on the E.vKLV EIlSTtiPV (IF THE CAPE FEAP (’(•L'NTKV: and to this cml -lesires. and through this nie.liui- cailo upon, all those who ni-iy ha-.e Maiiuscrii)ts and I>ocumerts relating to the Pevolo:iot, ,iy lli.- .ry ..f th s s ction -if th“ St:ite, -r :-h a-^ U tter'. riiited documents. vj'C., to forwar'.l them t.i him a Eli- :ilieth- town, N. C .\11 letters, ike., will be can-f-a’.lv preserve l, an 1 ■if»er lifing noted, will be eafely r> t'irne 1 t tlioi.' pro per owners. AiMrc:,s .1. A. R. County. N. *b ii. In I J an V it-i' "I 1 1 .nimenci'-: on m l end' on the or if (,()LI)SI’,( )i{Ol (.li rpHE ’hird I We.liw-d ;M of Juue. ilfv. .1 \S. II. llii'.NT. \. li.. Pn b.-nf I>r. MoP.J-^x ’i.ii", bi-e ■ f (” ;pc' lli’i. Pv.:'. M 'he'-, ric■-. .Vnd ; full n;-]..' of 'i'c.i'-bi'r-^ :ii cv ’'',- ' r r.cn p.iar l. incl I'iiig W -■ lu, I.lglit-. Fui-l, .v- per 'C"i. n Tuiti -'i in 1 r iij.-u-y 1 cp:irtniC-'it, (’ollegiate Dep.irtr.ic.-t, >ne liuudre l doll srs will coter a'l expf-n-.- ses-'i' I' .a fii.- ' -'leg- n? c■‘■l^r^e :vu l , . . i-i. branches. P’ljii! ill 1 I- .i-iry b-partment charire I the usual pi'ce for 1 niaU'ci.t.i- brandies. ' ad'-aiice. Three Le -turi ea h laoiith. I Wc are ni:ikii everv i-tbi-.* ti rcn o*r *' i .- '- ti; first ill .i 1 ..Hi:.. .-:.;i I beapn-, -. aiil pie L e t re.;:,. ■ {.;-ici , :ii. i i:.n':;i.;y ■ ■ ;v : i. i : ; .. .k _ the ii.crea't of p:itr..i! Igr. W‘;. u liir iu'!:;ber .f popi'.'i reaches 2"0 we ; !i,dl be able l.. re la -i .'.e -n ice-j li-ar'lv ine hah. cv- :y tie lin^ us. is ai-^ i a:.ling ;n ^V . ,1 i ( I. t ;i n-i .-v-ji ( III) 111 tiii- Une half i.:iv:i1''.o in oil SC,. u;nc su ;e^'ts v.; at Eliz.-ibor)ir.iwn, lil.-ideii 'he 1>1- N it-' iW', .):ui’y 1, 1. No. •')7. >l" "0 O'-, 17 io, 01, Ijivorv Stables. 'i ; placing the means c! a .-apci;. r e'lu.-:iHon witi;:n i!u i reai-h of almost every girl in ti e S it--. ; AVe return than'is f .r t' .• u::.';.-imidc'l sttppori 'vt . have had an.l beiieve it will ’.e ooat-’Mie 1. I'or fiirthi'r informatioii apply to the Pi.-'idi-nt ot the bu .;Uy, o? : niyself. V, .M, K. L.VNIO, PrL-^'t Stocklioldei--'. 57-tf 1 (Ml til. 111 40 Ibl ^2 7s 2} 05 n 00 7 .'jo ;;i 17 7”) S (Ml 7 J ')!? ^HF L'n'lersigned continues j to Carry on the LIVEMV i!L'.'lNlb".'!) at this]>Iace. 'J'Jiey , have bitely birgciy increased their St-ick ;'.n 1 i ;ui now olfer to the jiablic as L'ood Hor-^es, ('ar- . riiiges tiii.i Privers n.-= c:>u i»c ' fouii.i in the .■»ovituei-n ■’•juatry. Thankful f.n- thebirge p:iti-i n- age heretofore extended to n.-^, we ■ dicit a continua tion of the public bivor. V.'e protai c a -itisfactoiy trip to all wi.o may wish tc tra\>-b £r^-Stables at'the West end of M’amfor.' :areet, where one of the Proprict'irs may -;‘wa\s be f tni l, or at the Store first door East of .Mr. Lutteibdi. J. W. POWEliS CO. Fayetteville, l-'eb'y i;2, If-o.;. ltt I'irc lHsurtn9i'i\ '^IllC ETN.\ Insiiranee ('oiiip:iii_. of Ibivtloi' i, juii.l the t:ix impost-d by the F'-veinie >f the bito Legisbitiire. will c ;,iin.i“ it.- .\ '-i;. F:.-\elleviile. I! I;, i i|- 1 b e !|i;iU'ue-i i.| I! liH'le Dee. l->, 18-31. 1'^i)R the ap]ireheii.-'ion :ind delivery of my ne man a tiri.L-ht miii. tto, iliou: ,, ear.- ’'I^'HF, ,;n lors:,i.ie'l l.:is tstablishe.i an V('iENCi*in f.. the t.'wn \bi.i it ('olum’iia P-iunty, Florida, • 'iie PL'PCHASE. S 'vLE or LOCATION'of LAND U.VIPVNTS, the PlllCli-'SK and SALE of LANDS .:e.i( ra'.ly, iiiipr- Vi-d a- unimproved. T a ■: 11,iw being c'ta i^-lied that a Pail Hoad is t } : .n'*'-iict. 1 i!iin;e.li:it Iv, ■ mneciiuE the Atl.aiitic !i i the ilu’f ■ : Mexic-i, -unuing tiironpli the entire b'l;- h .1 this (’.'iinty, east an.l west; and in view of til' ::rc:it fertility .f our so.1, the unusually fine growth .p 1’.t r •>.. the laid, the healthfulness of the c!i . it-- . m i t!ie ri-:is.inable terms on which laniJs can n.i V he ; I'no 1 there is perh n - no section of the I 1 i. 11 wbicii oiU 1-' e.iu:il ii tl iceinents to the emigrant fri tr. the ■■'her States. ,1 .viii;: :ia 1 s iiiie exiicrieii’e in farming ou the d’f- : ■le'. t ,ii is of ’i:ui i, and ac.( lire'l a general knowledge • ;■ tl -m through.,lit the (.'.' Uity; and having acquired u iusual t’acilifies tor jiointing out such as are for sale, | .till r "f pu'i'iic or private i-inds, he feels very couti-i li: 1, •- !; -king it ih.- iniere-it of a^l persons wishing i iiii.n !!i:itio!i, or who may h '.ve determined to settle in ^ • ;■ l:i to call n him. WILL. O. JEFFREYS. ' li./'rllCL-. j ! ! ). p. ’-i'ieil, ^ ; ill. I. \. E. .Maxwell, > TaHahassee, Fla.; 1: n. D.-ivi.i Walker, ^eg., ) 1 l»r. S. ’. P.rnce, » II. C. .\,lcLeaii, Es.p, )’ Pr. .M-b’i'tt, I Uiv. t.io, .McNeill, .Mes.-rs. W, M. L iwtou X C Charleston, S, C. .Jane 27, I8->3. lo-\ s 111: n Vv i: I L iiousK IMVI’.TTEVIM.E, >1. C’. JAMES F. FOtJLKES, ill!)/ Sfi’ /, -//>/- th'' Fni/€t(i ci}]i Ei rsPEC 1 i L'LLV asks the attention of ^ ■*-> his customers and friends to his LAiUiK atnl ('OMPLETl' STO(’K of DRidS, MKDIl'LVKS and ('IIK.MKWLS. which he is now receiving, and is deter- | mined to sell at such low prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction. Jt will be his aim to sell Medicines that can be depended upon. .;ive him a call before making your purchases. Sept. 12, 185^. ;>7-tf S. M. THOMAS, DEALER IN LAXCY STAPLL 1>KY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTinXK, , HATS, CAPS. iJO-nNETS. BOOTS AND SHOES, I SHEETINC.>, COTTON YARNS. KERSEYS, ilLANKETS, kc., kc. Corner ^L\rket : nd Gillespie St., Fayetteville, N. C. Dec. 17, l8-'>-3. 02-tf I’rotiipf jicrsoii,-,: attfi .0(1 .ivcii t meiits, and«':.. h a Iv.n-.e --I'l, le ui Pi-'..hu ped to other poi-t'i ar sobl in this maike:. Feb. 12, IS-j.j, all ('oiisigii I- to : ship ■>7 V r. C . l’>. G. WOR i'll. Commis'^idD lA I’Nirwardiiiii’\^f‘r«*lia?it>^, p,P(twN's nrii.DiNo. w.\ti:p stpt.p.t. %% i iiiiiiiiU'loii, . r. Usual advances iu:ide on J:in'v 17, ls-')'>. >nsi',riinienis. CHVUI.LS UAXIvS, r o.vrt. c rt k, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Forchjn Fruits, Xat:(, Ci'jars, Tubricco, STliCHT, Fayetteville, IV. C. March 1,1858. 70tf ~ \V. P. KLLIO r i', GenernJ anJ FurirnrJimj Mrrcha WILMINGTON, N. C. ’ * June lU, 18G4. ■Itf LRLXCU liLRR MILL STOXlbS ilia’amat/:a ' ri'^lIE Subscribers inibiai their I friends and the public that they make to order s To,vr.s, warranted *o be of the best iptality, being m;ide from Purr Blocks of their own imponation from the best quarries in France. They ti’so keep for sale COLdlA'E. ESOIHS anti rnrALini MILL STH\ES. BOLTING CLOTH and CALCINED PLASTER. From the Senior Partner's long experience in the late firm of Egenton, Morriss .!c Co.. ot which he was a member, and their determination to give satis faction, thej’ assure customers their orders shall be f.iithfully and promptly executed. w'lLLlAM H1GU .S' SON, S. K. Corner of North and (’entre St-j., opposite the Baltimore iS; Susq-.iehanna P. It- Depot, Baltimore. May 20, 1855. -J-.vini (Tro('i:kmls AXi) ilmidwari:. ^f^HE subscriber has iu Stove a ;oo.l irtmeiit of 1^ Coods in theC.RH’ER\ and I'l.VUDU ARE LINE; all of which will be soM whole.-alo or ret:iii, or b:. ■ ./(’- o/' (inru Slri'f. a /'etc Doors Nurili of | tered for country produce, on terms the most reason- J. C. I’Olv ■ Carthage, N. C. ) Fayetteville, N. C. age; U' f.ir his meat get him ag.iiii. V-. .mi he b : Satinett Ci.ar and P--.t •, .n ib ati'l no b'ltl t will pa." Inm-^i ’t' fect 10 or !1 inchoi* high, wei;. and had, at tiic time he '■•It. i'.nger ot' Ins let t b iii.b h.; ■ oi nai/ be:n'l. 1 •Xj-e. ‘ he wi \\ay t-i .Wiing'b ii, bin: ; u \\:i.' rais' d. 1 111 :i;iy : he 1. hs 1 L-' ,ea;.-.f ;; >o that I ■ 111 a br.iwn go '1 appe.-tr:iiiee. ‘ree man; :iie:iut ■'> lb Hit 1 >■'> poiniii.s, It iH». thr Marhi t House. 'T IHE Subscriber desires through this melium to acknowle.lge the libei-:il patronage bestowed up-iu his House the past year—and as he has just ere.'ted New Stables ai.d Carriage Slu d eonvenieni to the House and to water he takes pleasure in s:i3'ing to his patrons and the a fellon on the middle i puMic generally, that he is still prepared to acconi- 'I's chin :i -,:o:ite ‘ .or , nu'ib.te them .vith transient and permanent board, and iide:>-. ' to m:ikc liis j rc-; cct!ulIV solicits a contiiuiance of the liberal patron- iinf,. V i.. wb'-r. he , heretofore received. Every extrlion on his part i.auriii ’ii'L 1, P" M. M-l.APIUN. iclmi. ■ ' (’o.. N. able. s.iiall lot of S.VD!>bl-;p V t'or s:ile cheap, tiive us a call. C. . I. tloLDSrtiN. N. B. .\iiy of my frien.ls i:i the country having bii>i ness to traii'iiC in tii's nlaee, such as renewals. i\c , can have it done on the usu;ii terms, t>y sending s:ime to my car«. O. W . 1. ti. FayettovilW, Sept. 27, 1.;i‘-'tf XO l'K L. A LL those indebted to us previous te the 1st .lanu- !iry will tall and st'ttle e’ther by iiote or c:ish. DE.VLER IN S rAPLi: .V FAXCV DRV (^OOl^S, HATS, 0AP8, Slf()E., .VNl) !;E.\DY-M.\DK ('LOTHINt.. Particular attention paid t> L.-idies‘ Dress Goods and Trim iniiigs. Ihn/ Stri rij F\ii/i !h rilli", ^\. (’. May 2«;, ' l-tf r. C. WORTH. GENERAL COlYIIVilSSIOW BIERCHAN^V mi„.'viixc;Tov, ('. Jan'y lo. 18-jo. ' - tt .TOSlbPll BAivi:iL .Ik.. A TTO II 7* S: 1 \ T 2. A W , B Jf AS taken an cttice next door ti Wm. B. Wright’s 5 B Lav.- ollice »>n (ireeii Siret*i. He will .-ittend .-nnl pi-:ictiee in the County and Superior I’ourts «ii'(’umiier l;ind, P>laden. Ibi' eson an l .Sampson. March 2-. IS-'>::. 7'.' rf '^llo^. 11. 1II Lix(.ii \s 1'. « o o Eits t,vn t: n. v-rf/i ../• ,/. III,!. .1 i wl ii WiVt h- lio !V I iJl !.:iw rj »j,Ul 1 on c-.-;.-i^'nmeui. a ,:b Pib-e s 1, H \ i.i; V SON. shall be used to render them comfortable during their i and oblige us. ]\IcDON.\LD \ W H ALEV ■iourn with him. His t:vbb‘ is always supplied with ; ^ assortment of SADDLES AM) 11.\R- I NESS alw:iys on hand for cash or on time to ]>unctual ! customers. ii;;’ b-t the mark*, t atlor'Is. M-, . h 2!, P'55. P. S HEM WELL. vS(i-tf Feb’y 17, 1855. 7(itf ,\ 1)11' r>"‘n ,tjijs'isif. \'Hi'^ Sir, \|:ig:i7.ine . an.'l b--;! i-ij.; i.m: of P i-.ks -..tB. are bound iu :il1 .sry'e^ in the lle^l anl m.’:t Mi’ist.i.iii.il i::.iiiiier. on terai-. th“ sivie a« at a.i.v ]>iaee ill the S;>uta. P‘i--.ins wisiiin.: to know the ]irices of bin.lir;j,. 'a'III !..■ >'Hip;.e i witli a list persoii- ;i'ly or by letter. Sept. 2"). iSo-'). oO tt .1 i 5U -i.i 1, I •■.'1 I th»-r in ' pi.ijier :ipi.b.-: N 1 b., ! : Ta .t tiie ; .1- e.i. b app . 11 1 . - I- llie yi- ll l8')f>, i‘ Di ti i'-ts having r 111.Ill 1(1, receive ^■i2. il (,| the Di ti ii I . in the e p..1,1 id, i-e;id :iud laid on e.l. W 1.. : : ■ l-ep.ir.- I !■ Ibiibrmg- Ml- 'ii.:i.l:;. p irl of the S|:it'-. 1 .1 of '.he Pi ..peri v . The .P I'N A V(iMl> :;o 3e.n-^. Its . :!pli.il K. ib:l|-»' «;is i'S first Pt.- ■■ ti: ofliee; :iii.| several of it>i fp- - Imi^ , t. and ettm-ieiit membr r: of the P. u 'l. I sust>iilied tl;e highest cli:ii:i. tv-r l .i- iis management, an * t.o ihe lil:ci-:ii: h:ts e\ii adjusted its . . 'C>. r. .1. -np :i! :ieiiv. :i11 lim. : : *. V a; 11.: w.lli uhich H.\Li;, \_‘-iit. p. c vOt, ’.1 ' i-.’li 1 a ■ A l» LL t.i the !)i>tiicl,' f; triet ;,( I , ('haii lii:ill. ti;i-2l - ).N(iS \X!) r.ALl.VDS . •-( i'-:iII b• ■ >11: .J); : ■ . nil. .1- -r.elche-; :in.| Pll rle:'pieS; III I.- V. 11. ’ - '1 :i L:-' 1 111 -' H .l e ol the >Cl|.i. L. .1. I 11 )o k ■ II \1.E ,.-• , just : S(;N. OOL • d w;-h ROLLS. li.-^l ateh at Blount s ('reek GhO. AlcNElLL. 7-tf m:iy hi^ the lii'K L\srR\xri-:. riIHE rndersigiied h;is '.een :ipp.:'.nted .\' C!it :, Ji. the North Cari.lina ^;utual Life lnsii.:;iiee t'oiii p-iny. l.vrrv iii'-mber for lib- p iriii ip i e'; in the ]ii-o- lils of ibe t‘oiiip:iiiy; ;in.i ihe -;uiiu il jiri miuiii loi- life iiieiiilier.-hi] . v.-fier.- i tinioiu:'- ■ %■■••• i i' more. ma\ be paid one ha'f iu cash, and ihe otl.ei- halt in a note :it 12 mouths. Delitoi-.-' lives may lie insiireil tiy ere.litors. .\ m:in 1-0 his own life tor the exclusive benefit of '.iniily 'i'll*' lives of slave.-, n.ay be in ured. This sv.-ti iii is rapidly growing into la\or. ;t l over e eivili/ed world il is one by which a family, for a small si>”> annually, may be provided lor, atler the death of its head, on whose exerti-ois they m:ty have been .iependent for a support. It is a good inve.stment of tp"TH*v. fvfti if one sli»>u!'l live long ai>t‘r Likiiifz out a U;e Policy. bi.i.hin.. -.ly i-.impiiAl:-, and ne i,ec;- ':ii-y PiaiiKs, t'uriiislu d on >iii|.!'e i* loii. i; .) ' i*U. b i ! lie 11 the M;. ■-1 I Vice ■ o!' :■ I - 11! A.: ..per, ; ■ ;U apiii'ivc l pb'ii . 7V///I. he wouM improvem. lit. !h upon line Gol'i m- to be ciiuall V a-i h Ib- .-pi-i-i I- . ;’r.jiu 1 -I .li U.. 1 ! ' Sepi. 2'.'. ■;-;n i\' fern I ■ I P .. . ,\1 lo .. I . .M. IT * I 'lind :.t ibs Room •, il, I.' : ho :.l e ill need of the t :ir^- 1. :.i . , a:|y i.T. ill'll to call, i.l. 1 '1, n I'.e bile:^. :ill.i lll.i-^t •I’ll tii'"i‘ in lu-i'.l ol m t t'l i ‘-biijily s :v that he is ln-nitni in no in-er *-• 11 one t.> an entire set i''iliii:, pl.’ie. which iie gu:ti':in-ee> i-vie •:! lb- a-' li;-- n 'tiu-:il orpins, iif.i.;'- ■.!' . ii-!i ye:ii- in lliis pbi.'*'. r I . I Ue i -1 .ii .1 lily. ) •P>-tf PIMPS. ^iJuP' I'u 1 S’.u-lion Punij's, S, She. .Lea 1 and Leal Pipe. For : by 0. Wb .\NDREWS, .Market Square. March .'JO.' 8:{-tf FOR RIbXT. VERY desirable Dwelling, recently built, with i cnivenient out houses, ne.-ii' the b:i>i:ie-;s p:irt of j the town. \pply to D. ot W. M.-L\L 111 N, | Dec. -0. ' ''-btf i M. ORRKLL. t' r t o b: s: u AM If *!** haul. April ISo.i. '-'(i-tf in:x.iAMix R. A 'I' T Iw \ !■: 1 A 'l‘ i. A %% , 1-'A\ ET'I'E\ ; I.I.E. -N. be tolin.l :il tiie Ml;.-e i .iliiei:'. iiC(-IIJned by .^1 iiAi.i: lilaiik W iirruiita iur oaic iic2'c. A .Mt'inoir '>1 llu' Rcn.ShIhcv Smith, 1»V his D.-iughfi-r, Lady lli lbin.l, witii sel>‘i-tieiis Irciii his Let'ers, e li!‘^ l ' y .Mr-'. .\ust;n. For sah' by 1’.. .1. 11.-.L|j .v, S(.>N. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES, kc'.l ^t'ANHORN’S SllObLDLR BR.VCES, T “ TUI SSES, M.irsh’s liu.i's “ Al.douiiiiat St.p; oriet . JuU rcc\i uuu lur b, .J. ^i. I'\ni(:liirihr ('ainl'/ Miniitfactorjf. r ^ it IL '^u'-iscriber still continues to iirinuf.-jcture a i. ?5iiperior. a’-li(-le of [ilain and fancy C.\ND1ES al the oi l land, (.No. Green street, -'i doors .North, of tiic M; rkt House,) where he would be happy to .>ee his obi trien.ls and cu-.^tomers. ('HARLES BANKS. ,M:vrch 1, IS-bM. T^itf Vifpc /jfutds for s(tfe. T,'-. a ,r E OFFl-iR for sale that Valuable Pl.-intaiion, if V known ;i:- t'-*' •‘.\.Sill'i PL.VPE,” seven miles above F-iyetteviile, on the Cape Fear River, leceiilly the iiropci ty ol Col. Nathan King, containing SEV EN lir,NL»KI-LD Al'RES,—every acre of which is Cape Fear I’.oUi'Uis, and siisceptiiile of the highest slate of cultivation. This land rei.uires no pulfiag iis it is ktiowii to bi' the best farming lands on (.'ape Fear River. Terms will be made satisfacto'‘y if the right sort of iiurch:iser is found. T. LUTTERL(»H. J. & T. WADDILL. Feb. 1 S')5. 73-tf l*r*‘s'i. lor ^alc*. ri’^HE Subscribers have f ir ;-i:ile aii Imperial .No. I J Washington H-ind Pre--s, 2d hand, li \n;11 'k- sobl cheap. deHver:ih!e in P-fci---bin-g, I’ - : 1 to ),e a good Press and in srood order. June 1, 1855. ‘ F.. J. HALE X SON. xi:w liooKs. ^ C)NCiFELL»'V,'.S i!!\' I'.e old Home JtL^ Stead; isui.i .^ riiikl. t-M!'as ■'I ' - . '.ii. i irief: -M'Cosh im Divine 1 d\ernment; Leight.m s Works; .lewett's Ollen.bntr: Spier's -iiid Surenn‘ s Freu'-h and Entrlish Dicti.mary ; Bolni;ir’s Collo.|uial Phrase- ; ii I't'ai'-il's \ritini: b'-n l Keys; ,Vc.. .\-c. Further supplies oi the .-i.f .., jUs,. r... - :ved. r. J. HALE .V SON. tuun.j Walter .\ llii Will atteli.i til- ' ' Ibibesoii. Ali'l ■ the vari.iiis .ict-^ March 15, 1 • ri( •I. '.aii.-s ,.i' Ml Ib'unty L-i! 1 :iii ! pen ions iinuer sttf SI (;. W. W li.U \MS .y t:o. A,VE just received a large and well scb.-eti-d -is- sortment of H.\RDW.\'!E AND GPOCEP.IES, to wliich they invite tho titteiuion of Country Mer chants. -March 17. 185-). 81- \XDRi*:\\ .1. sri:i>\L\N, \||ilH\! \ \T MU. 9 B WING rcm ive.i i.i Pittsli..r..ii il. N. will -it S B teii'l regubn-ly. Hie ('.nirt.; ol' ('hathaiii. Moore, -tnd Harnett 'ouiiiie':. April 111. b'Vi. !'I-tf w \. iirsKi:, ATTOnXEV AT LAW, AND I'LERK -\ND M.XSTI'!! IN E',iUITV'. FAYi-.Trr.vii I.r, N. »b, M:iy l.e foiiii'l al tlie Piiu'ty oHi -e, in the Court House. Sept. 22, 185-'.- -If -I . tt. Drue.rist. NV>'l'iCib. liE notes and accounts luc to .Ino. '^I be.-i.slej', -,re iu t ,e ban b> oi m. NP L. .Mci^ ly fio col- ■■ci’o'i, n . loii'cr in-liilgeuee ■ , be given, it is hopcii this noticc wili be Buaicii-.ii to save c ists. I Jau. 20, I Jauc 25, lcG5. JOHN .M. UEA8LEV. 12tf Worth & Utley, I'orWill'UlHli,' PI-ll oiillicssioil 'M JiCHAXTS, PayetleviUe^ .V. f. (72tf) I'oli s.\Li:. -\CRES of L\ud, 0 miles from Fuy- ^ ettevllle. lying directly on me South ern Pbink Road, .-aid on each >iide of Pi^ liocktish. i(,,, •! ;i,.. r.->-.:e>.t;:' ■ -•■:' -p- ' a tb •> er'Mn^V. with ■ .'tNeiii.'ai iniia-'ivc’MOnts -b-r a, ■ i.aii . ii--;.a-nce; w th ;i -iii.i'.i corn M 'b III n iiev.:r f-':'' .2 Lrc:i a, aa.l a livs/ rate situation for a iuipeiii.iue :'.si...e-.-. :(i;.l ^ i.i re. J. A. WOKTU. JOS. UTLKY. Feb’y 5, 1855. A. A. McKETHAN. 72-if