SEMI-WBEKIiY. vol.. v.l FAYETTEVILLE, X. C., FEBRUARY 28, 1856. NO. 482.] n Mr>ND.V\S aM> TllURSUAYsJ. I I iv\ VKI) J. \NI ll\LK & SOX IM'ol’UlKTORS. \\( kl_\ i!u'v:uvi'.u 00 if pjii'Jin ■ .’uirinp the yeur of bubscrip- t; r '1m' _v ■ ;r expired. - 'KKVKii Ot'i j'or annum, if pui.l in it I'uiil luring the ye;ir of sul'serip- ' :ittur the ye!-r hiis expired. MKNT' in^ertt'il f-'r sixty cents per ' - t >r th-' til f iiii'l thi’ ty cent. I’lr e.'K’h ^ '-?i; u. Y:':ii-ly liilverti'icment.'i V.y spe- it ri;; i! rates. .Xdvertisers ^re ; • ; r inserticins desireil. i>r i ■l-l’i 1. and ■::.r^cd :iA'> '•’d- ' l! K-.'rs inii-^t : 1- -.t-i -lid. . i-tt d ’ , h:u\i:«'d ■ ' per ittsboro’ \AHfK .t;- the rui IMON u.§RM.w:sTo.v to II* yr., l^ia ll'.l’. M 'lUi'N AM' (^HAlf VM. ■ viu’-> if ilic M.U'Mn h;i\itig j I . . : .ise ! :he v. (uahnni, wi'l f"r . ;i ;.:.-.'ti 'U will; her jt: the I’ee l>ei h:- f ; V. ■ wv kn> w ' tr:idi> • li V, iinii; t verv i'l: enT'i^fd on> the V ^een !>n the I'ec o t pri’inpt and ■W ,-t-' le- \\n 'v.-is ’ uilt for thi- ('’.'iT'e dm t't, uud I'n- the hist ii I’fe Dee. and during t tlie Kiver last Fall ;• t ip with full freights ,1s ’,.,e n Ty he «.ei;t.un of having their 1 it a v> Mt^iTO ’f the river without ii'riham wt. AL'V.WS take the ■ u eii sl:e caniiut get up w w:t r r.^.n*'^ n^nts to t!io sgenti* ; -n :>r. •: wn fu-w;,rJed ^’ree of com- . A jWi^ ! V HOiUNSON. .\iri-nts in Thirleston. MiA' Kri Ki HI> X FHASKR. \gfi. .■» ’n '-eorgetown. I ''y-N. A~''nt in ('heraw FA I- ’.V • t .■re .V •r*-' !ie 5. - h nunierou* - ■ irii*!.'!^ iQ:vt lie still ir.::nufrtrt'ivi' .if and .e " kr.. wii - ;aMi-^hed stand ..''ti- i't, tw ' ’r. ai' ’ve'Vinsing.s's ■ >ii lie 'II t!i. 1 .t 't- and ui.- t Tii:iniNi'ul i' ; 1 .»era: ]'atr.inage ^ lit!hUi'.n.f 't tii«- ' i;ae ii'aiL'i-, 111.I III a iind . •Ml net- •• vf emp’ =1- .V- ymeut j;i\en ni:: i ndkusk.nkd T - pr -r: t’e^-, w^i.* \ M : i W.M. M. n-tructing f-'-t- - ►’ridge, t : ->0 : r f the ■ rid;’e. notke. Proposals will be received nt tue office of the C. F. and 1>. i{. Navigation Company, at I’itts- boro', until the 11th of ?flarch iy’0, for tiie work on l»ecp River, and for all >;interials according to the plans and jpecificntions of the Engineer, to be filed in the office. HENRY A. LONDON, Secretary. Ian. 21, 18-j'V 72-td ro YOI R L\TERES'n~ Sriit^CRIBER has erected h 1 STr.ATI SAW ^ miles from Fayetteville, on the West ern IMank Koad. and will be prepared ,to furnibh .!!./> or r,r,nnER, lit the sh.ortest ui tioe. deliverable either in towu or at thi Mill. Terms as renMona’ole as can be atloiiJed. ^ Mr .las. F. Marsh, of the firni tif Troy \ Marsh, in ' Fayetteville, is uiith >risod to make contracts for my b-i‘mbor. DAVID KIVETT. ■'umi'crlatnl Co., Jan’y 2-'), 1«5'‘. To-Om i)t (h(‘ Skeleton Wjiuoii. SOITIIERX CAKKlAr.E REl’OSri'ORY. ^ J^l'K Subscriber begs leave u inform the MER- M_ ('H.VNTS and I’LANTKKS, that he has open ed a RKl’OSlTOKY for the .>,ile of C.VKKI.lfiES, iVC., at No. 26 Beekman Street, lU .\N1N(. TllHdCU Til is .-SPKI i K ST1U;F.T-K.\TRA.N( K 0.\ KITIIER tJI RKKT. The main floor, 18-3 feet in length, ) afl'ords ample ri'Om for keeping always on h'»nd. a large and com plete rtssoiiment of every des-'riptiou and v.iriety. u per rhart. Having learned the trade in the Kai-tory ut his , father, he is practically familiar with every depart- ; men* in the business, and is therefore enabled to ovdft j see orders for any kind id work en'austcd tc him, aiid ' superintend every atago of its manufacture. His long residence in the S^uth and West, and mate knowledge of every section, and his experience , while with Messrs Baldwin Starr, anl Messrs Frothingham. Newell \ Co., gives him many advanta ges in the sdleotions required ffir the different parts of the country. .\:so an aeo,u.iintanci; with tLe char acter of work. Draft, Track, Height of Wheels, (juality and size of Springs and Axles necwssarv- for the pnrticular localities Particular littention paid to special orders, v.ther tlirough merchants or to the subicriber direct, and all pricei guarianteed ;o be h* biw a- ihc work can possibly bf furnished, and which \vi'.l *«o .'^ual, in every respect ti- that of the vory bcsi and olde--t city or country e.;tablis^nients., ‘26 KC|-:K>i.\\ !«*TRI:I:T is within n few door? of the Park, on the South-East s’.d*-, m'l uss irom the Astor H.mse, >ind !n ;i .rie from l’nrk Place, Mur rr,y, Warn-., and ?' . Str , n';n :!ie Pa'.jk (.'liuroii. l.ovejoy’n and Clinton liuti';- Havinp'’onvenifiit ■•tHi f aci'.ini:n,. lati.ins, and iiaju-r.s from the Southern I'lti**' and T^ wn.-, lit- trust, that he may have the pieasuie .ii'm c i I’l .ni hi ■ frii-nds. and from ti-.pc whrt wi!' i'l him tin' i:iv..r t. oj.amiiii* hi.'* 'i-h.Ttmviit, and t'in^ the >■ t ■.?•.;-hi., nt u i q tc i t(. the .'5.’Uthern tr.;df. in 'hr ' u.'r j art "I'tin City, htt resp* ■ tfully S' liol.-. ^ siKin* ■ : i':tir'’nag**. He heg^ to n t>-r thO" uii ii'.jun;iiti_‘1 with liiin. ’ • any of the .Ii'M'ing H"Ut-^ in Ni w V rks'ity. engax=' in the Southern ir Ue-tern Tr i it*. ?.iieiil c tre wi]l he taken iu I’aekiug ho 1 eiipauiiij; Freiifht, Insuraiii'e, .vc. .\ lisci^uuf a?' -wed t ^ tne trade. W ,M F4LI. GOODS, 1855 l’I'..\ltCK & I’KRg'i'SON A RE now Receiving their FALL and WINTER J\^ STOCK of Foriega and Domestic, Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, IIO.\.\KTS, MIATH, CAPS, BOOTS and !§IIOE.», With a general assortment if UL:.\leT-.>l A!>i!l I To which thoY invito the attention of Morchants, the Ladies and all. and which they oiler at LOW I’ilI(','KS for CASH, or on Time to punctual cu3toui«rs at Wholesale ^f'a^on Making and Blacksmithimr. \ Corporation Bonds ^HE undersigned having purchased the entir# stock i iJlC 'Yown of Fayetteville for Sale! i formerly owned by Holland, Weisiger & Co., will ' ^ QREEABLE to an Act of the General Assembly eisiger still carry on the Wagon Making and Blacksmithing j business generally. Always on hand, W'agons of all I sizes, with Wood or Iron Axletrees, with or without j Bodies. Repairing done promptly and w.arranted to give the fullest satisfaction. Machine work of any 1 descr'ption made or repaired, MilL work and in short I any tiling that can be made of wood, iron or steel. I ; l;ave the best Horse-shoer in the county, and am de- j t«!rmiaed to spare no pains to please those who may i favor me with their patronage. Mr. Jesse Weisiger I will superintend the work in the W'ood Sho»> as usual. U»i.’t forget the old Shoji (••>rner of Maxwell and Frank- , lin streets. Fuller’s old stand. .1. \\. WELSH, i Jii'i'y 2*;. 7J-3m or Retail. R. F. I'EARCK. Aug. l.'7, lS5r>. \l. FKR(3US().\. 30-tf TO fO.\ TKACTOKS. The ’’resident and Directors ar« now ready to re ceive proposals for oonstructing the Fayettuville ^ Albemarle Plank Road between Little’s Mills in Richmond County and Albemarle in Stanly County, and they invite proposals for the following work: — Section 1st. For constructing the Road from Little'x Mills to (’lark's (’reek, 10 miles. Sec. 2d. For constructing Road from Clark's t.'reek to the Pee Uee Kiver, H miles. Sec. 3d. For the construction of a Bridge acrosii Pee Deo Biver. Sec. 4th. For the construction of th« Road from the Pee Dee RiTer to Albemarle, fej mil>'s. Proposals will l>e received and considered for the Grading and making all necessary side ditches and ('ulverts frira the Pee Dee to .Mbemarle, omitting planking. By a resolution ot the Stockliolders, before the Presi- I'ent and I'irectors can enter into these contracts an individual subscription of $10,000 will have to be made,—it is usked that the friends of the work will submit such ^ids. either nubscribing or guaranteeing that amount so as to snab’e the work 'it once to go on, JA.^. (r. COOK. Pres t F. & A. P. R. Co. Oct. 35. 47-tf Jun y 2*1. i'o;{ S.\LE, FEW good FAR.M HORSES, appl} soon to M. McKINNON. 7o-om ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOR SALE J (iENKRAl ASSORTMENT Of DRV (iOODS AM) GROCEKIES, Together with a gi-neral assortment of FOKI-n;\ .4.\D UO.MESTir WINES and LIQUORS, Whii'h I am anxious to sell or exchange for Produce of any kind usually sold in this Market. W. H. CARVER, Hay Str*«t, near the Market. Nov. 7. 51-tf Faveltoville Hotel. ^ T iJL * of the StnTe of North Carolina, ratified Dec. 25 1852, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue her Bonds to the amount of 3>100,000, in the aggrc- g ite, for the purpose of paying her gubscription to the Western Hail Road Company. Therefore, it is ordered by the Commissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receiv# sealed proposals, until the 1st of November next, for the purchase of !j>i3G,i(00, in sums of $'500 each of said Bonds, or any part thereof. Bonds to run twenty years, with Coupons attached,—interest payable semi annually. The said Bonds shall be under the seal of the Corporation, and binding on the faith of the same. WM. WARDEN, Town Treasurer. Sept. 26, 1855. 39- Th€ Largest Carriaffe Factory in the SoMth! McKETHAN A Jm piIE Subscribers haviug this day leased thiS Hotel for a tt rm of years, will be pleased to see their friends and the travelling public at this House. At the same liine we hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfections until we shall have put the House in such repair as we desire. .1 H. ROBERT.*! & CO. J. H. Roberts. F. .V. Roberts. March 1, 1855. 80-tf NEW sroi\c or Books and Stationery. E are now receivirg otir usual New Stock of BOOK.'s and SI \TIO\F'f;V, emhraring s great vari.*tv of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MlS(’KLLANEorS HUOK.^. Together with a large ar.d vane 1 utook of Hlniik Hooks, PuptT, l''iivelo[)t>a;, vV'. (’ 'Untry .Mereh.ants and others are invited to chU, as wi- 'Mifr ibi‘ hIidVl* stock ii tlie tics' tornis. r HE FOR runnit>g part qf SALE. ESPKCTFULLY inform* his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for man ufacturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the lust 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to buaiuees, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a eontinunnce of the same. He warrants his work to be maile of the best material and by experienced workmen i ri ea«h branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in hit Tine on as good terms as any werk done elsewhere that ii as well done. He now has on hand, Fimishid, th# LARQE8T STOC’^ >,i , \ Carriages^ Barouches^ Jiocknways, and each with Iron AjsJos, new and ready Ibr use. * ’ J. & T. March 14, 1855. WaDDILL. 83tf Buggies, Ever offered in this place, ^tnd a very large stock of work nearly finished, whi ary Spelling Booko Spelling Books Nw'. 13. «) dozen Webster’s Pictorial E. J. HALE 4- .SON. I A.\l NEW leceiviug my I ». t. ti L. ,1. HALi: ,v SON, \ortli ( iirolina Keadrrs. ,. , - will be finished daily. *■28 dross \\ cl)ster's Elcilieill- j A11 of which will be sold very low for C\sh, or on short time to punctual customers. Jlpfaj'" He has on hand more than ONE HL.xDREU AND FIFTY Vehi- cles finished .snd in course'of construction. J|®“ All work made by him is warranted 12 months withfair ur?Rge, and should it fail by ttad workmanship or material will be repaired free of chargc. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promj,tly attended to. Repairing executed at shoi t uotijfc and on very reasonable terms. May 2S, 1853. «8tf to furni.«h, whole- - . ’ • rrTi\.', to 15>>. k Ptr'ihirs. and KiN, N. B.—Wm. L. ■ the Nlerchnnt- .New Vork. .1 ui McD I ta’- ■ >r Fa»ettt*v. v l^'lO. 1. M-I'DNaLI). '.»•!»-.urt- in rt‘‘ ti . rHIHK l ii.itr»iiiii*-d art- [>r»-]vire' M ,tlc Mid retail, , - v i'l’acluT-., I'.- ksi'ilerp. M.'rchants. •nher^. tlie of \OllTII 4'AKOI.I.\.\ .No'^. 1 and 'J. !iy J'jinfks'ou ‘Ii un.vKn, if the L'niversiry of Nnrtli Carolina, au'l No. ;> by H W ii.uv. 1 ii --v Suiierinton lent nf (’om- nu'u .''cK : is •! 1 :i!iil ’J, whii’h are new bo'>ks, t i.sMied, wt‘ wiV: Land 'i oiu>v gr :tis to anv Teacher K. .1. 11A1>E SON. ju> w h K50 KEWAliD ■ u VI n t'lr the return t the .^iihM’riber . 1 w-.,-.i.i ;ri .y,!! "H\RKI!'T ii.VRRlLT i>\iITH,’' rei-eiit'y pur' lia.c^'d Bl. otn, and li-M-ri^** ! the ndvprti«e .■1 by - lid l‘«! -Mi I'tie H^|':\e re -vard ; ! hfr '. ..lijini-nr in thv ,/tll'.jI' .New Haii- ir ■'ili j for ’ .dgment in any other te 'I i nn get her. J. L. KEE.S KON WORKS, N. C. S' AiiHTican ■1. Inuiiitic tor E. .J. HALF. i. 1 S Ll'l'TEiiLOH .V C'O S IJNE, For PasHfH^ers ant! Frviffht. »?TE.\MER FANNV LI TTERL »H leaves h -r wharf at Fayetteville at sun-ri^*». 'i. >1 l.ays an I Thurs- ijVB, und at Wiimington un Tuesdays ai.d Fruiays 10 ;'clock, M.. Passenger.' and Freights ; .Steamer Rowan in goivi repair,^ with g)Od Flits, will run regularly fi^r Freight.^. J. F. M.AR.Sli, .\gent Fayetteville. W. P. ELLIOTT, -\geut Wilmington. .\ugust 7. 1855. -"ti Muiiiv's IIivtor\ (>:'Enuhiiid, A'l ' 1 vui-. nu i-te ill .jue. Vari ’ . • V . i r 1 r’\. H. .J. HALE »• .'^ON. HERRING-’S humpioii Fin r.'at :.’'!:-rf't i :n- m .re p^-rfi‘''t -it ^ iCii U.S 15' .\L >nl nnii lliirsliir "roof Sllfc^. .. -te 1 Sy I'lf pntjlic to pr^- '’■ rity from Fire for va’uahlu ■ ■; ■, Nhtks, and ' .\i I. 'NT, tiiantl.e ir iin.iry FL-S heretofore I i a?' ir>-d, in'iiireil ti.: Su> scribers to devote u • ri„n of tincf and at ■ .• t; during the past four- . I%^f■lr thi'>'h- ' t’-;ev now I eg leave to assure their numerous in i the public :y, t: at th“ir efFortn have wed with coiny ie* - Huecess, and now otter the i.i> ((^ KKI.M. !• \ i .' WiiUUr.- I'.MK I’lJKMM M -KivimON SAFE OF THE WORLD, , L t. - N MF . VT^ AT ilOTH THV '' ' r. LoiKlon, Iv-l, iiiid in .Ntw \(irk, «!l* Fitifi'ttfriUc T^as- st’Hfier tjiur. rpilE NEW STEA>iER “M ■ V'«I,IA" wi'l leave I Favetfeville Tues'iays aii'i Kr; Inyx !■.t 1 ■'i '.i nutes Alter : unrise, and Wihn'nirt''>n ti ine''iuys and Satur- dav.x at o'colck. Pai.-age T. S. LUTTERI.OH. .Ji’nf 11,1 *-tl '} ^(10 H aron ilt’tahliaJinif nt By \V1I. W VTSO:\. Su' fccribor would ini' rtn his trien'ls an l the public generally. .uiite'iiv, ei‘;tit •s I'V'i r.N T fil'd .MtDAL> ■l (•: l)\\ ever bei kinds . Ii, . I!i)ilpr and . Mnd 'Ii)ney t'jiiiiil'--., >'ir r,itcnU-> ■ -i K ( ■ -111 S . . I- r I!r.k.^r-, ... - :i Hti.l '-h-' \ ■ -I ... i 1 i"irKN"f i\Tiii.\ h\nk luck. siL.\s r. Mr.Hi!iN; & . >, i-.'. . s. i M N Ht.'Ji K. . I.’- ■ & i::- U:it;r t-.t: f'-ir'ii.ii-i .1 I! >M. VViniiiiiL't"ii 77 / itir(-rsiti^\ t'anulij Rt incdics: ■ !:.'ler the .Scii!, Sanc'io!i and Authority ol TIIK I \iVi:iCSfTl' ^]r;Dl'lNH AND POPUL.VR KN(.»W[.EDGE: the State ^>f Pennsylvania, .\prii 'I'A, 1853, wit i I Capital of !j>? 00,U',‘0, ■ I purpOHe i>f arresting the evils ol'.Sfiuri- V, !■; .'ess Nostrums: algo, for supplying till- ( .(mmun sy with iiujfiEniKs >■ ' iiir f-f.-nt Pi'ij sici.HH cannot or will not be Tlii Iii^' . .lion, located in Philadelphia • ii'arv atid 'fhce, Nw-'".-. ARi 11 STREET, i.Mh; Dr. .JOHN R. ROWAND, his LLEHRA'l ED VjWAND’S tonic mixture, .; ■varils '•'f twenty five years as the onh sure and safe cure tor ‘ VEH and \(jLE, &c., i i - M sti triable Remedy for ' V. I. I. (• O .\1 P L A 1 N T H, ; >vv and S ' (ir liL.U’hBERRV ■II !..;_li.y improved and ' liJ-.MCDlJiS, t'lgethei with lli-ioe'iv for Complaints of the LUNG.S; ■ H.!ine'iy :or Dli^PEPSIA or INDI- icme iv f/r ’OSTIVE-BO’*\'ELS, are J .N 8.MIXH, Druggist. 7’2-Jm rtn that he 1,:. Ciuai'ieted his n«w establishment on Maxwell street, ’;c ir \Ir. E. W. \\ ill- k ngs' .Store; and is now prepareii to receive (>rd“rs for CAjrrs, drays, .t-., which shall be pron.ptly exr.-utc!. All work lone by him .-ihall be -if ihc best workman ship an l material that the country f .m i.l .r.L REi^AIRlXa of ullkiii>l> douc with neatness and despatch. Also, IJORSE-SllOEIXG will he strictly att«nded to. N. B. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction :o those who may favor him with their patronage, j Fayetteville, May 25, 1S55. 4-\ COLACJL. RAY CO., IIAV fiTKKKT, I’.WKTTKVILLK, A HE now receiving their F.VLL .STOCK of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, In wliich may be found FOil TllK L.\DIES: Plain col’1, Plaid, White and lilack DeLAIN’ES; Fig’d Fancy nijiy app y. CL.MiENDO.N - .\. II. V v>noKKL:i.i:>r. Hi-4»|»ii>tor. ^WIHF. suhavribor having purcnastj l the e»itir« inter- .M L-t in the -CLAKLNDON IRoN WOUKfc." so licits L-r lers fcr Steam Engines, of any p^wer or »tyle. S.iw \lilis 'it every variety. .Mining Machinery and I’umps, ( ;in 1 F.'pur Mills. ci>nip'.«to. Parker, Turbine and other Water-wheoii. Rii.e-field i’urips and Enginex, Leavitt's Corn and v’ob Cruihur, | Kioe Thrashers, j Shingle M lohines, | Shafting Hangers and Pullieii. CoU"n Gins and Gearing, Iron Castings of all kind* ami j/aiterns, Brans *- “ “ Li>C'->motivg and Tubular Boilers, j Flue and j lain •'yiin'lcr iloilern, Blackrnnitl vrork "f n’l kir 1-. Ir'in L»oor-> fwr Ibjiises and .lails. THE LST.M-.LISHMENT Ih'Miig been re-or- .mire i i. r the express purpose of insuring jpunotuali'-v in the execution of all orders, the public muy res' sati^tied that any work which may : ijller vvii; ov jir jnipt'y 'ielivere'l accnr'ling to promise, : and 1 suoh w' ’ '.iian /nip as e inii 't i’.ll to give satis- j"’-j-jip Ml,, IIANK'AL I'l’PART.MENT I Beiu" in i-harge of men 'f talents and experience. 1 ■ have nu hesitation in saying tha* the work hereafter . turned uut, >ij.Tli eoin]'.,:c favora' iy in every rcspeet with that of the nmst celebrated in the State.', and at prict s which v.iH o. iki it tw the interest of all iu »vant I to aeu'l me i h; ' !• (>rd. rs. I UEl’Alll WORK i Always done without—and having a large force i for that purpose, it will prove advantageous to any person nee lin- such to give me the preference ' without regard to exjiense ot sending same from a ■ listance. (•rders will be aliresscl to “Clarendon Iron I Works, ’ Wiiniingt'm N. C. I A H. VANl.OKKELEN. I Oct 15. _ I’IPS, B(H)TS i\il SHOES, CiOODS. Fall and Winter Stook of i GKIK t'RIL’S. IMRDU IKE .4.\D Cm.KRL ! Thebe goods were bought late iu the]«eason, and ; couse.^uently at reduced prices. My stock of BOOXk ' and is complete, embracing many kinds of extra sizes: Blankets, Kerse3's, &c.; Hats, fine and , .ommon. THOS. J. JOHNSON, (JM .''^taiid, near the Cape Fear Bank and Market place. , Nov. li;. 5‘2-tf I sroi* I'HE rHIEF! STOLEN from my Lot in Richmond County, on Sun day night last, my H('*R.''E. Said horse was an iron yrray or hrownish color; he had marks of gear on short; he was shoil . g..od trotter, and f him, and his fore-top cut olf very '.11 till- t' f.'ot, walked fast, W'lui'l I'ace; there was a white mark uii his back, on the fight side, about six or eight inches square; also, a sn.all wart on the right side, a little below the white mars. T lu horse was taken by a man calling himself John t’anipliell, who tays lie was raised in Pitt county, and ha^. 1 eeu in this neighborhood about two years; he is a | (’oot er by trade, and .^ays he has worked in Turpen tine all liis life time; h- is a little round-shouldered, : has a stout h .'ly for small man, and will not weigh ' as uiMch .as 1 stated. I l-‘> or 150 pounds: has a very 1 mean look, is very fond of negro company, and his 1 conversation has a good deal of the uegro mixed ‘ w i t h i t. i 1 will pay $60 for the delivery of the Horse, or $50 i for the thief. i M. N. CAMPBELL. I Montpelier, Richmond county, N. C. I I will als-^ rewar l any person for any information ‘ that will lead to the recovery of either. M. N. C. S p. 10, IS55. 3f)-tf I’J-i lib. Rags, W. H. CARVER. 51-tf Buckwheat Flour in tor sale by Nov. 7. W//0 WOCLD HA YE rUOVGliT IT? A. n»w Varriatfe Establishment on the Military Green, opposite the Metltodist Church, fronting on Mum ford St red. GRE.vr ENTERPRISE! ruyc'ti‘vi!l‘ is i>oiikii tu ittiiiiic!! fl'IHK Subscribers would respectfully inform their friendt and th« public, that they have entered i*to copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general CARRIAGE BU.S1NES.S in all its various p.arts. And being Uoth practical workmen, fully un derstanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dur.ibiliiy. One of the firm may b« known by reference to A. H. W'hitfield’s iron work for the last two yeais. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. .^amils H. Pikb. James Bb.vnin. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. tJ2tf McLAURlN 4 S'FRANGE E AVE on hand, a large stock of superior SPIRIT M M. BARRELS, which they \.ould sell at a reduccd pricofor cash. Persons wishing to make engagements would do well to call on us before making engagemunts, as we warrant a good article. April 20, 1855 i^5tf TO DISTILLERS. WE will pay the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give as a call when in market. 1^ Uder's W^\ Patent Siilamander Safe. J. June 26, 1855. & Tj WADDILL 8tf FOR FALL W IN FEK TRADE, ROOT, White and lilack CASHMERES and MERINOS; Plain aird and Black SILKS; Cloth MANTLES an.l CLOAKS; CToak CLOTH; .SKIRTS and SKIRTING; .Merino VESTS; BONNETS; EMBROIDERIES, ic. FOR GENTLEMEN; Huts; Boots and .Shoes; Vestingf-; Cabbiinere«; White, Hlack and Fancy Stocks and Cravats; Ruady-.Mudc Clothing, »&c, —ALSO.— ! LLnseys, Kerseys and Plains, Blankets, Brogans, Table V j Cloths and f'overs, .Allendale Sheetings, Children’s Kid Gloves, Wool '^acks und Comfort.s, Youths’ and Bo^’s Clothing, English and Italian Crapes, Dimity, E. i- broidery Silks and Braids. A good assortment of Ladies’, GcntUmen’B and Children’s BOOTS, SHOES, and GAITERS; (JLOVES, hosiery, &o. Sep». 20. J. CLINTON FE;^nJiE,B IJVSTMTWITB. f HIHIS Institution will resume its operations again JL on MONDAY, the 14th inst., after a short raca- tion. "The charges will be the same as they have been for the last year. Board $10 per month, including wash ing, lights, &c. L. C. GRAVES, A. M., who has served us so Icbg and efficiently as Principal of the Institute, now also has charge of the Steward's Department, which renders it doubly sure that this department will be conducted to the entire satisfaction of all. The Trustees have engaged for the next year the services of a celebrated Musician, Mr. Stradelli. of the State of New Y ork, to take charge of the Musical De partment, aad also his Lady, Mrs. Stradelli, to con duct the Painting. These engagements will give superior advantages to those who wish to stady the ornamental branches. The Faculty of Teachers associated with Mr. Graves iu conducting the Literary Department, are the same as for the last year, and are well known to be inferior to none. H. A. BIZZELL, Sec’y Board of Trustees. Clinton, Jan’y 8, lo56. 69-3m T LAFRINBLTRGH HIGH SCHOOL. HE 7th Session of this School will commence on Tuesday the 8th day of January next, under the supervision of the Rev. Geo. B. Scott, M. of the University of Edinburgh, (Scotland,) Principal, assisted by Mrs. Scott in the Primary Department. Mr. and Mrs. Scott have both made Teaching th# business of their lives; aud from the experience which the Trustees have had, during the past year, of their zeal, fidelity, and success, in the discharge of the duties of their profession, they confidently recommend them to Parents and Guardians, as pre-eminently quali fied by temper, talents, aud acquirements for the in struction of students, in al’ the branches of an English, Scientific, Classical, and Commetcial Education. The Trustees respectfully invite the public to a per sonal exaiuination of the system pursued in the #chool. Terms—$8, $12, and $20, per Session of five months, (French included in the 3d grade without extra charge.) Board can be had with the undersigned in the Board ing house belonging to the School or in private lami- lieii at $8, per month. One half fees and Board invariably paid in advance D. C. McINTYRE. flec’y Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C., > .... Dec. 12, 1855. T NOTICE. C10L. NATH AN KING is our authorited Agent to / make contracts for the delivery of Lumber and rit»ber and for the purchase of Crude Turpentine, at Kingsbury, in Cumberland €ounty. J. & T. WADDILL. I May 2*2, 1856 3-tf JYBWiioous: C. THOM.S)Ii is now receiving his usual assort ment of the most approved stylos of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, LADIES’ G.\ITEKS, Bl'SKlNS, SLIPPERS, and Children’s Shoes of various descriptions. —ALSO,— TRAVELLING and PACKING TRUNKS, and CAR PET BAGS, all of which are oflfered for sale on the most reasonable terms. Old customers and new ones are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock of Fall and Winter Goods. First come, first served. J. C. THOMSON, Old Stand. Market Square. Sept. ,3, 1855. 7b Merchants and Manufacturers oj 'Fin- Ware. fHAVE on hand now, and shall keep a supply o Tin Plate, Block Tin, Iron Wire Rivets, Lead Pipe, Sheet Load, &c. —ALSO— A large assortment of plain and Japaned Tin W’are of my own Manufnctur.-, at and retail. C. W ANDREWS, Market Square. March 12, 1855. S2tf J. W . RAKER I.s now receiving from the North the largest, finest, und most carefully se- locted stock of I'TK^lTfRK ever oifered In this market; which, adtled to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage beil-room Funiiture in setts; curled hair and shuck, und cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; W’illow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaricd and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; W'ash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, ono with .Eolian At tachment; Rosewood .Melodians, from the bet manufao- the above .iAFI'’,B, warrat.ted tire-proof; and desirous of extending the demand for thwiu, have in duced the makers to consent to deliver them here at New York prices. 0. & W. MoLAURlN, Agents. June 10, 1854. 4tf 7b 'rurpantinc, 'I'lmhcr^ Tar and Corn and Cotton Makers. FOR SALE. )iy WITH the choice of 1800 acres of valual)le ■ • LAND, situated twelve miles from Lum- i lierton, within three miles of Lumber River, and on or ! very near the line of the Wilmington and Charlotte Rail I Road. To persons engage»i or desiring to engage iu business of either of the above hi-auches, this Land ! presents unusual inducements Growing a sutlicient 1 number of pines to cut seven tasks of boxes, ar.d fur- j nishing trees of sutlicient size to make from H to 5»)U ! sticks of ton timber of lOuO feet each. In addition to I this, it is considered as being excellent Faiming Land —producing Cotton from 0 to 1200 lbs., to the .Vcre. This Land is situated on .\shpole Swamp, in a healthy and desirable section of Robeson county. N. C. For terms, &c., apply to M. E. .McNElLL, Lumberton. N- C. Dec. 17, 1855. tjo-oiiipd BANK OF CLARENDON. BLANK CHECKS on the new Bank of Clarendon, elegantly printed, for sale at this Office. Also, blank Notes on all the Banks in town, includ ing the Bank of Clarendon. THE LAND OF GOLD, by Hinton R. Helper, 75 cents, just rec’d by E. J. HALE 4' SON A CARD. ri^IlB subscriber tenders his services to the citizens I of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, as a MASTER BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, and KINGSBURY FOR SALE. C10L. King the present occupant, being desirona to close up his business, we ofi"er those valuable premises for sale. Kingsbury is situated al the teriaiuus of the Fayette ville & Raleigh Plank Road, eleven miles from the former place, and within three miles of King’s Land ing on Cape Fear River. These premises offer more business conveniences and comforts for living, per haps than any country seat in C'umberland. On them is a neat two-story family mansion, containing seven rooms—a fire place in each, with front and rear piaz7a and portico, frame kitchen, sleeping apartments tor servants, smoke house and lairy. with a prime ■well of water; and all handsomely enclosed. .\.lso, on the premises are nine other frame liuildings. with brick chimneys to each, and rooms sufficient to arcomwo- date from fifty to sixty negroes: a frame Barn 50 bj’ 00 feet, with stalls for fortj’ liorses, and room to hold 50 tons of forage; Carriage house. Store and Ware house; Water Grist Mill, two Cooper and two Blacksmith’s Shops, Wheel Right .Shop, Turpentine .Sheds, &c.; all within convenient distance of the best Sf)rings of Sandhill Water. All the buildings are new and have been erected within the last four or five years. To these valuable improvements we will add I,5o0 acres of Pine Lands, and we will take .>•■{,50) for the whole, which is .‘51000 less than the cost of the improvemetits. We have also, on the premises, and now in operation, a Steam Saw and Grist Mill, and Turpentine Distillery, which can be bought cheap. If the right sort of a purchaser presents himself, and wishes a partner in his operations, ac will furnish one with sufficient capital t» conduct a profitable business. To a Planter w'ho has $14,UO0 to invest in real estate aud wants the best Plantation on t.’ape Fear River, with !i healthy cwuntry seat with all conveniences for living at haU'J, these premises would be a very desir able attachment to the Ashe Plantation, containing seven hundred acres of the best Cape Fear bottoms, anJ now in market. These two Estates are connected by a good Ferry Landing and arc only three miles apart and will be sold together or separate. For further particulars apply to T. S. Lutterloh, Esq., or tne sub scribers. J. & T. WADDILL. Fayetteville, Sept. 7. ;i4-tt FOR SALE CHEAP. SECOND H AND BUGGIES in goo'l repair. A. A. McKETHAN JED FARE. Through Ti‘kets between Wilmington, N. and lialti- more. Fare^^l '*.. Via Webion, l’eter.«burg. Richmond. iV Wash ington ’ity, or via Weldon. Portsmouth and Norfolk. I'orTickets apply at theOtbce ot the Wilmington and Raleigh Kail !lo;id Comp.iny at VVil min'^ton, or at the t)llioe nt tne i.altimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Ualtimorc and Ohio Rail .":ompanv,*Pratt Street, iialtinlore. Jan. 1. 1H.52. _ . Ric» Lincl .lava CotlVe, i'or sale by W. H. CARVER. Nov. 7. Ai-tf FVVHI.V B1I5LES. A LARGE Stock. .\lso. Pocket Bibles and Prayer Books. E. J. HALE J- SUN. 1 A I.MAN ACS. North Jarolina. ami •LK'.EirS PlantiMs’ .\1hiiianaC'i, f>r IHo^ E .J KarnierB' aud HALE .V SOX FOR sale. .\CRES ot Lf^nd, 0 miles trom F.av- etteville, lying directly on tlie .South ern Plank Road, and im each side of Big Rocktish. One of the liest Turpentiia 3ection.s in the county, with convenient improvements for a family residence; with a small corn mill on a never failing stream, and a firs^ rate situation for a Turpentine Distillery and Store. A. A. McKETHAN. Feb’y 5, 1855. 72-tf NEW" BOOKS. f j|1 HE Know Nothing Almanac for 185tt. Percy tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as : gives notice that he is ready to contract for work iu | Dictionary; .\nthon s Classical any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York | his line, atthe lowestcash prices. S. F. DICKSON. ! Latin and English Dictionary; .\n prices—freight only added. Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 1854. 38tf j som’s Livy; Andrc'vs Caesar; Lo November 2, 1854. 45tf - I Frost’s Am. .Speaker: Draper’s C SPIRIT barrels. LW.AYS on hand and for sale at the lowest mar ket price, SUPERIOR SPIRIT BARRELS. A May 28. G. W. WILLIAMS & CO. 4-tf NOTICE. /■IHE SUBSCRIBER has removed to -1. SHAW’S NEW BUILDING, Gil lespie Street, where he intends carry ing on the TAILOKI.liCi BU.SI- NESS in all its branches Having had practical experience in most of the At lantic cities, he feels assured that he can please the most fastidious. All orders will be exceuted with neat- despatch. B. MONAGHAN. March 28. 1868. 81-tf neas an The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion, new edition, enlarged an i revised. A further supply oJ this popular book just rec'd. E. J. HALE Sl .SON. Dec. 22. More LAW BOOKS. ^ANDERS on Uses^ and Trustis, with American * Notes, new edition, 2 Vols. in one; Williams on Personal Property, American Notes; AdaiMs’s Equity, 2d Edition, (better than the 3d.;) Just received by E. J. HALE & SOS D»c. 22. Geoffrey Moncton, by Mrs. Moodie. The Hunter’s Feast, by (.'apt Reid. Firmillian, a “Spasmodic” tragedy, by T. Jones. Also, further supplies of Hiawatha; Fleetwood’s Life of; Spiers and Sui enne's French and English Anthon’s Classical Dictionary; Entick’a .\ndrews’ Sallust; Fol- Lovell’s U. S Speaker, hemistry; Young Pu pil’s First Book, H.C. E. J. HALE & SON. Feb. 20. Impression Paper, for writing with out pen or ink; buff, pink, and white Bath Letter Pa per; amber laid, silver bordered and plain Visiting Cards- sup’r Bristol Board Cards: Envelopes: &c., Just rec’d E. J. HALE & .SON. Jan’y 10. MUSIC. AnW supply for tb« Piano Fort*, jtut reo’d. £. J. HALS t SON