SEMI.WEE ICL.Y. V('t„ V.] I'AYF.TTEVnj.F, N. C., MARCH 10, 185(1. NO. 485.] : .NTF1> MoNl>AYS AN1> THURSDAYS. I'DWAIfl) J. HAI-E & SON, KDlToHS and l’K»I‘Uir.T')R{>. ,r 'he S -ni-'Voe-’y nRs’ HVF.n *3 00 if piiiil ixi ,. it' paitl tlurini. year of ‘iiil>sv rin- j S I j.t'e*" tho yeur htts oKpivoil. ; 11_\ ('>BSEBVK.R 00 j.>or uumiin, if i>ui'l In I '■ o'l if pail 'hiriiip; the year of subscrip- ■ : > ’• lifter the yes’ Iki- expireil. ^ ■ K liSI'MKNTS insfvto.l f^r sixty ctMits per f l*nine.’ fur ’.be fir.'t. ami thirty cents for f:icb. }r;'' ’;(';iti.'ii. Vci.riy mlvortisemvnts liy'pe- .n"a.'t?5, nt re!\s.'Uf»)'U' rates. Advertisers lire -t ■ 1 ■ t;it’- the number of insertions desireil, or .)io i intinnO'.l till fovbiil. anil i-h.iiged aoford- Ijii.ersto the r.riit IS must ^'C post-i'.iid. A WANTED. Oentleman of the I5:ir, if sufticient cncourape- ment is shown him, lesitjns 'lelivering, in Wil mington iind Fayetteville, a COl'IlSK of T.KCTURKS on the EAULY HTSTOllY OF TIIK CAl’E FEAR COUNTRY: and to this end desires, and throu;jh this niodium calls upon, nil wlio may h;ive Mana.scripts and Uocunu'ii’^ relating to the Revolutionary History of this section of tlie State,—such as letters, printed document.s, ,Vo., to forward them to him at Elizabeth town. N. All lottov. I've., will be carefully preseived, and after 1-einjc noted, will )>e safely reiurnel to tlieir pro per I'wners. GOLDST^OROUGK FEMALE COLLEIiii:. HE third Session of this In.stitution commences on Florida liand Ag-eiicy. IHE undersigned has established an AGENCY in »" i rr,h;‘?i:riusKtB ™T,Ston- Address Coatitv, N. .1. K„ at Elisabethtown. Hladen ^; tl'oment' \tr:u bo inserted ■ ' ' , hai\ued >0 per liivf'ry Stables. rB'^HK lindcrsistned continues V./'' Ulssc Ll 'VlOS. inp under the naMie and Firm ,r I'ling under the naMie an>4 style of III’MWEI.L \ McDl'NALl*, was this day dis- Kv niutua’ «'.uiscnt. W 1’- Shemwell having ;ii d t!u‘ vutire lutere-ft of Arch'd N. McI>on i!d ibove S(»id Firm, is rii.'ne authori'sed to use the •' the Firm in liquidation of its debts and claims W. r,. SHFMWELL. APu H l> N. Mc!K'NALl>. V 2^, 8;?-4i r*’ Ntri'K i: IS IHOKEliV i thv Annual Mcv.ting of the i; I' .pe Fear "Jc Deej ‘id in the ti wn 17th ..f .Vpril next. HENRY ■r Maivh 1. iiiw:s tockholdeis of Ri\er Navigition t'oni- ot llavwond, n Tliur.s- A. LONDON. >Sec y. ■^;',-tm |y i'utiuuu's Mui;;izini tor Mai'oh, |ID F. .F. HALE X S'is Foli s vi.i:. ''lU-.KTS ,v ’i-> , d( >' of ch-.rjfirii; ness, : Ifer for sale the FUHNITI'HE the t'ayetteville H.'tel, t)f;ether ■t' t!ie Fiui' iin^ ti l the 1st of July lSor. i.- t'lO fav T.ibiy Knu«n the pir>iic to ;nmen.i;Ui-u fr.-m us. and wo teel assured I XT! uu’e ! make tn uit-.rni it 'U re-! J iJ 1.-. embv:i.'ed in the hi- business of the •’u ‘i a? may make RotJKRfS CO 83-11 BUSIN ESS at this place They have lately largely ii’.creased \ their Stock anti can now oft'er to j the public as good Hordes, Car- I riages and Drivers as can be found in the Southern country, j Thankful for the large patron- age heretofore extended to us, we solicit .a «5ontinua- ' tion of the public lavor. We promise a satisfactory trip 10 all who may wish to travel, j Stables at the West end of .Mumford street, I where one of the Proprietors may alwityb be found, or at the Storr first door East of Mr. Lntterloh. J. W. POWERS A: CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y '2'2, 1853. Tltf M^ire Insurance* TBIHE .FiTN A Insurance Company oi Hartford, hav- 0 ing paid the tax imposed b^ the Revenue of the late i.egislature, will ccntinue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the management of the undersign ed, wlio is prepared t > issue Roliciep of Insurance on r>uildings 'r tioods, either in thi.s Town or in any part oi the .State, on proper application, description Ilf the Pri'perty. xc. The -KTNA COMP.ANY ha? been in .'peration al nut .■>0 years. Its capital is Tlie Hun. Tlio.s. I K. l^raoe was its first I resident, and he --til! h'^lds that • 'itlic'-: and ^overal of its tirst Direct.'r are still .active ; and efficient nipuibers c f the 15,iard. It has at all times susiained the lii;;hest chara.’ter li'r the prudence of , its manai;ement. and tor the libeni’.ity wi:h which it ! has ever adjusted ite U's-^eM. F. ,]. HALE. Agetit LIl'K ixsniANC’i:. L'nder.-;igned ii- -en app'dtited. 3il r.f .Fuuc, 1H')5. Rtv. JAS. II. DRENT, A. B., President. j Dr. Morgas Closs, late of Chapel Hill, Professor of I Matliem.itio'j. j And a full corps of Teaciicrs in every branch. Hoard, incluiling Washing, Lights, Fuel, kc., per session. K» Tuition in Primary Department, $ilO 00 (’ollegiate Department, OU On*' hundred dollars will cover all exTi'iises of the session in the CoIlej:iate and ail ornnmontal branehes. Pupils in primary de]>artment charged the usual price for ornamental brandies. One half j.aynbic in advance. • Three Lectures on scientific subjects will be delivered each month. »Ve are making every effort to render the School tiie first in advantages anU cheapness, and pledge to reduce prices, and multiply the advantages in proj'ortiuu to I the increase of patronage. WJicn our number of jjupils I reachts 200 we --hall be able to retluce the prices j nearly one half, every one aidinjf us, is also aiding in placing the means of n superior e lucation within the I reach of almost every girl in the St ite. I We return th.anks Inr the une.'iantpled support wt have hail and believe it will be coniinued. For further j information ap]ily to the I’retid-.nt of the faculty, oi ! myself. W.M. K. I..\NE, Pres’t Stockholders. , Dec. lo, 1^54. 57-tf Or. K. A. BL.ACK. FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug i^tore. Feb’y 7, 1856. TG-tf V. ARILANT6, the PURCHASE and SALE of LANDS . generally, iuiprovel or unimproved. j The fact now being established that a Rail Road is i j to be con.structed imme Jiately, connecting the Atlantic | i and the Gulf of Mexico, running through the entire ' length of this County, east and west; and in view of j tlie great fertilit3' of our .soil, the unusually line growth i i>r pine tin>l')er on the laud, the healthfulness of the ’ cFMnate, and the rcKSonable terins on which lands can | now Ite obtained, tliere is j>erhaps no section of the j 1 ni(ui wliich oflers etjual inducements to the emigrant I from the other States. I Having had some experience in farming on the dif-! ferejit kifi'Js of lai. 1, and aoi|uired a general knowledge j (d' tliem throughout the County; and having acquired unusual facilities for }iointing out sucii as are for sale, : eith''r of public or pi'ivatc lamls, he feels very confi- j dent of making it the interest of all persons wishing informatiuu, or who m.iy have detetmincil to settle in ' upon. Florida to call on him, WILL. O. JEFFREYS F.\LL SUPPLY. Will IX JAMES F. FOULKES, Ihti/ Streef, near the Fnye(teville Hotel, RESPECTFULLY asks the attention of his customers and friends to his LARGE and COMPLETE STOCK of 0KUG8, MEDICINES and THEMICALS, which he is now receiving, and is deter mined to sell at such low prices as cannot fail to give f>atiRfaction. It will be his aim to sell Medicines that cau be depended Give him a call before making vour purchases. Sept. 12, 1855. ’ 37-tf Bi/i’iences: Hon. i;. C. C,ibell, Hon. A. E. Maxwell, Hon. David S. Walker, tStatc Reg., Dr. S. C. Rruce, Tallahassee, Fla. KEWAIID, the .‘ipprchensiou and delivery of my netrro man P.VGE. a )»right mulatio. a>>out ^eHrs of age; or for hi.■^ confinement in any Jail so that I get him a;iain. When ho left he had on a brown Siitinett Coat and Pants, a good ajipearance, and .50 doul't will pass hiiasclf as a fi-ee maii: n.bouf t'eet ii* or 11 inchei* high, weighs about l.^’i pounds, and had. at thi> time lie .» fellon on the middle tinper of his Ifl't h.-ind: ij'i« on hi.s chin a goatee ..>r long beard.: I expect he will endeav,.r to n.iake iiis Way to Abingdon, Wa'-huist n * .mntv. V.-i.. wliere he was r:ii-ed. ' ' I' ,M. 'M. I, U KIN, Laurinbnrgb. K^ uiuond 'o., .\. Ffb’y 1, 18'»i> To-tf iiii; .\i:\\ Ki'iishi) ^iTiTiTiis. M - !uive received on c(>ns:gnment, a H. C. McLean, Esq., Dr. Mallett, | Rev. tieo. .Mc.Neill, ( Messrs. W. M. Lawton \ Co June 1~, 1855. ■ ('arthagf. N. C. .> I'ayetreville, N. r Charleston, S. C. 13-Y SliKAlWKLL HOUSE. I'.\»KTTK%H,I.K, Kant si'iJf' o f (>re 7i Stnt t, a fcv Doors y^orth oj . the M:irket Ifoitm . ; MHE Subsorit L few copies V/ lan'v _M. ■ f the Revi.- i: Price ^}. IMLK i -SON. ^J^HE Subscriber desite.s through thi.s i tnediurn to acknowledge the liberal ' patronacre bestoweil upon his Hause the past year—and as he ba.'s just erected New Stables and j Carriage Shed oon\enient to the House aud to water he lakes pleasur** in saying to his patrons and the j public generally, that he is still prepared to accom- j iiioilate t'tif-m witfi transietit and permanent board, and respecttully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron age heretofore received. K^-.-.y exertion on his part , shall t>e used to render them comfortable during their '■ s.i.iouin witii him. His tiible is always supplied with j th»‘ best tiic market atl'ords. ' P. SHEMWELL. ^ •Marc!. -1, 18.'j'». 8H-tf JONES'S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. I’Ht su!'-i-:ribers have for > t'e. me ”d volume of th« li Law ' *se i-‘ ’.in.'., by H C. J inct^, .iprome l^ 'urt s. i; t'ne Supreme Court “f Ju^t published. iH'r.-: ’v, and other HALE .V .If NO’IK’L. i- 1 tT' ns iet 'fd t' the late Firm of SHEM- '■i.i.L .V M 1''*NA‘ r- ar> le.-ipectfuliy r'-que.-f- ■t aii 1 ■j 'tt’.o. i '.'.n^er 'nduliri-iice wil' lu't bt* , W B.''SHE.\iW EL . y 1S/S6. 8:2-4t FOR 8 A 1.1'. Reduced Prices, for i\tSH or on SMiOitT Tf.fiJf:, nwwmu. BUiomiKfi. Rockaways and Buggies | '>F A' 1 'A'AT /> A' V/ A’//^T/(>X, \S\ of whicfi fitiis4i J. and the b ilmce being i Iiii'-V. .VhujUS whiidi are manv New • , Style‘S and-.-p VERY FINE r.vKKlAtiE. I f t’lom very an l all m id*' in the best ■r and of the best materials. My facilities fur '■ i! . ::ige Work are GRE.VTEIv than >\ny est-sblish- - nh. and I can and am deternii.i>-*'i t^; sell : liie iMlST '^r.VLlfV ;;s low .a* it can bt* i-uiit ii’V (ine. fli wh'f are indented mo will nl;-' ns my busines.s requires niy^!nding debts •'.t-et. 1. A. A. McKETHAN. ;. 18^5. 72-tf fJIHE Lndersigned ii- -en app'dtited. ,\gc. t uf JB tae -N nil t'ar.dina Mutual I.He Insurance rom- ] luy. F.\ery mem-’ r f ir !ifr- i' . it ■ j.u t c-i iu the pr.i- t't-; .'I the t’ompany; and the annual premium fur life un.-mliei-.'-hip. where it ani 'Uiit- to rsr.ii y; nur>‘ , may ^ j.aid one-ha'i in c.i-- , ar.q tin- other liaif iu a note at 12 months. Debt' r--' 11m s ni.ay tie i;i->iii e i b;, cr-- ) toi'i. A man i miy iiiMtiv iii.' .iwii iit'e ihe e.\. Ml' -, e benefit ..f his famiiy The li\e-. uf '.iv-' ni:;v ^e it^sured. This ^y^t:■m i- rap; I'y ^'rovviu;,; ir;' . :-i\ u-. till over the civiiiZfd wir! l It i> ‘.ne b\ w. :-h a family, tor a small sum annually, may l> pi'.\i ied ;'..r, .-ilter tlie death of it-, head, ^'U W i iso e\e' ti 'iiS i ■ ey may I. ve l>,-eii dependent for ;i support. Ir i>.t c ■ d invtsrnjent of money, e\en if one should live I'Uilt after taking out a Life Policy. Explanat' ry painjdiiets, and the ueoessarv Rlankr>, furnished un .aiiji icHtiun. E. J. HVLE /' i (ft I/ •//ii IIHE suSr.. rilie; avti' //. I superi at the old Mt!!ii',4, No. •• of the Market House. > see his o'i i frii ;i'ls and '/ inu Mn mmftttt (»///. niat.iifioture a I piKin ^.r.d fAh.'/ (' VM»iM. jier;i treet, ■, doors North, wii^ :e he would be happy to rustoniers. CHARLES RANKS. IH MPS. ' Itiili E “'id Suction PunpH, L i..ead and Lead I’ipe. I' .i'siieby »' u VNliREWs, MuiKel .Square. .\birch March 1 8-- M U \ \\ 'V\ (a ANO. ^BIHE Sut.'Criliers tire receiving t'uc-ir Fall .‘^»o'!k f jL K > .' I- It 11'^. embracing >• large and genera: a.'-sortnK=nt iu their line, which they offer fo ^rholesale buyers at the lowest market rater for Cash, jiintry Produce, or on the usual credit to prompt . 1ing customers. ALSO. Fifiv 'Fons Poniviun Guano, ( a.-h, .it cents j.ei' pound. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. 27, I'-'O. oO-tf wool. ROI.LS. 0*Lcarde«i with dispatch at Blount's •'reek Factory. SHEETINGS. Ksnaburgs, ('i-itton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNEILL. •June 1851. 7-tf J. sMi rii, wm»LE.'^Al.E AM’ RETMI. DEALER IN ^HEiH€'M.VES A' i, M*nints; Oils: iPife-Stuff's: VA RMSIUJS; WJX/f O jV- f; I A SS A XI> Puff I/; ]\'ire; P> rfinnn/; Fine Fine Tooth and Il'i/r F'ui>t lirushft'j Fiehl and Ganli'n Sced.'^; S/tire.^: .S'/ii//rs; Suriiiidi Pntrnt M' i/icine,; Furr Li'juora for Jf'diriu'd J*uri"/s>.; Fanry Artitfcs, •(•.. d'-'. f,>rders from Country Physicians and Merchants re spectfully solicited anil p'^rfect s.itisfactioa guaranteed, both iu regard to quality and price. J. N. S.MITH, Druggist. Oct. 27. -Ipi-tf I A(ui(h J or n[ V. OFFER ‘ -r sale that \'aluable Piantation. knor.nasthe ••.VSHE PLACE," seven miles aliove Fayetteville, on the Tape Fear River, recenth' ! the property of Col. Nathan King, containing SEVEN ■ Hl .NDKED .\’RES.—every acre of which is Caj-c ; Kear Boti .na'i. and -^usceiitible of the hiphest state of cultivation. This L ind requires no puthng as it is ' known to be the best farnrlng lands on ',i|ipFeari River. Terms will be mad * satisfactory if the right | sort of purchaser is found T. S. LUTTERLOH. .1, \ T. W ADI'ILL. Feb. C, 1855. 7:i-tf i ,\.nu NO ric i:. [^HE notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Re.isley, are in the hands of W>n. MoL. .McKay for col lection. as Im.irer indulgence tnll not be given, it is hoped this notice will be sutboieni t 1 .lAMFS KVLK j.tst re -eived a large and general assortment of ipts 1* fioons. .ng whicii ai e. pieces Dress Del.ains, Frenel; and English Merino. Plain Merino, real F'rench, Persian Cloths, Blai k and Colored Silks, liis!) Linens, all Flax, T;ib:o I'lothrt and Napkins, Carpeting, very cheap. Calicoes, well assorted, Ker-eys and Liuseys, f'ilk. Woolen and (.’otton Hose, Ladies' Twisted Silk Mitts, Dre.'s Trimmings, !ic., ic. .\ll of which being purchased by the package for Cash, will he offered at tho lowest market price for cash, or on time to paying customers. Sept. 27, 1^55. 39-tf GROCERIKS and HARDWARE. rri -.^ subscriber has in Store a good assortment of X Goods in the GROCERY and HARDWARE LINE; all of which will be sold wholesale or retail, or bar tered for country produce, on terms the most reason able. \ small lot of S.VDDLERY for sale cheap. Give us a call. G. W. 1. GOLDSTON. N. B. Any of my friends in the country having busi ness to transact in this place, such as renewals, Aiv, , can have it done on the usual terms, by sending same to my care. Q. 'V. I. 0. Fayettevillo, Sept. 27, 1855. 3i'tf NOTICE k LL those indebted »o us previews to the 1st Janu- .l'*L ary will call and settle either by note or cash, and oblige us. McDONALD & W'HaLEY, N. B. .\ good assortment ■ »’ S.\DOLES .AM' 'lAR- NESS alv,.*; o )i tud for ctish or ou time to punctual customtiu. Feb’/-17, 18,>5. 7Gtf Filial (ilmivij. O.^ THU t'EAU lilVUK. 4T a meeting of the Boat owners interested in nav igating the Cape Fear River I'etween Fayettoville and Wilmington, On motion, D. .McLauriu was called to the Cbilr, and R. M- Orrell was appointed Secretary On motion of James F. Marsh, Resolved, That from and after the 1st day o! .lanu- ary, 1856, Casb will be required upon the dellveiy of all l-^rei^lits at Wilmington and Fayetttville re spectively. >u motion of J. D. Williams, Rcaol's’ed, That each of tke Steamboat Comp..nitson , the C-.ipe Fear River, from ami after the 1 st of January, 185i), will carry Guano from Wilmington to Fayette- j ville at 10 cents per bag, Lime at 25 cents per cask, and ground Plaster at 30 cents [>er cask, and that a ' KI^DUCTIO.’V or 20 PKIl from the printed and established rates on all other articles will be made from and after that date, all Cartage and Drayage being paid by the shippers, j On motion of James Banks, Resolved, That the foregoing be published in the town papers. D. McL.AURIN, Chairman. R. M. Orrell, .Sec’y. Dec. 24, 1855. 05-tf JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., ATTOK.liEV AT L.AW, Has taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law oflBce on Green Street. He will attend and ' nractice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land. Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853; 1'9-tf BENJAMIN R. HUSKE, attor:\ey at law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. JW||AY be found at the Office formerly occupied by ItM. Walter A. Huske, Esq., on V.ow Street. Will attend the Counties of Moore. Cumberland and Pvobeson. .And obtain Bounty Land uud Pensions under the various acts .March l-'». t8.'>5. 84tf ANDREW J. SrED\F\N, ilT LAW. .'WING removed to Pittsborough, N t'., will at- tf'id regularly, the Courts of Chatham, Moore, II and llainett Counties. .Vpril 10, 1855. f>l-tf W HI SKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CLERK AND MASTER IN KOUITY. Faycttkville, N. C.. May be found at the Equity Office, iu the Court House .'ept. 22, 1855. ‘ .'i8-tf J. A. ^PEAR.., ATTORNEY AT LAW, tlTENDS the Courts ^>f ('umberland, Harnett. V.'ake and Johnston Feb'y 13, 1856. 7S-!yr -Address loomer, iiaruett Co., N. C “ I. A \v c:o pA R 'F V \: R s n 1 p7‘ WK, the undersigned, have tbisdur formed a Law Copart..ership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, an t the Supreme Court J. H HAl’uHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. !., .fan'y 1, 185t). 72tl' ifr L ~H()LM t^^, Attorney ai Law, Wilmington, W. C. FFICL on corncr of Front and Princess street. o under Dec. 1-. 1 ourL..\l ofUce. 48-tf June '2i>. iJ save cu>ts ,J(UIN M BEASLEY 12tf Fayetteville Miiiunl Iii'-urance Comjxiny, ..4n Abstriict Si'i'rtnd A:'nui1 RK FOR T of th> Fr' i'hnt -.tnd I>'rertorf: Policies ispued past year 521, whole number issued 123:i, covering property amounting to -$2,120,•'35:3 OU Policies cancelled an 1 expired j'-'-l,'‘.35 C''. 50 Fayetteville. Amount now insured Amount of Premium Notes >!1,274,717 34 wages will be paid. Sept. 21. lH-')5. V>00 C’:i.-ks Plaster, Plastering Herring, by .April I'J. MEN WAN'FED. li(i MEN wanted on the W'estern Rail 1, to vv .rk on -Sections 2 and 3, near The location is healthy, and the highest •liarbie Factorn^m HIRAM PARDEE. 33- Fresh Lime, Calcined Hair and Cement. Mackerel and J. W. POWERS & CO. 93tf By GEO. L.4UDER. T«'(l nOIIRS ABOVE C. T. HAICIl ii Sfi.\’S STIIliE, Fayetteville, IV. €. Jan’y 20, 185t> H4ypd expired \ cancelled • now on hand .v: H,' SFGAR-HOIJSE MOLASSES. NOTICE. R. WILLIAM J. BROWN is our authorized agent to receive payments, and grant discharges for n anv Book accounts w June 1, 1855. have in the countv of Robeson. J. & T. WADDILL. 7tf received and for sale by 185'1-. JAS. (; COC^K f;7- K. C'hranoMftfr Hnyine. [ ' 1- in iiii;>r.iveij Ste.iiii Kneine for which LellcrH Pntent ‘ .;r ui ,li iII.N A KK.KIl, of .New York. Jan. it, 1*>.V> . ' urt- .it ihi- i ii|iriivtiii-iit Cl.;, :-ts In the i(irrcae of power 'I jirr I t;nt anil reiliirit.e i:,,. t ithl ot'the I’.ncine one aalf, . inij of I'lR-l ctl't-i li’il ;iie in on lioth sides ntlcr li.iulii.nt''111- >./.i ii! till- |. .rt, .tiiil liaiHncini; llie r>‘ r -inov;nu thf '. • i on and Wi- ul.'. of .hi- '■lidr v«lv-s, >c- ■ ■ ro->‘ IK-ads r..-jnPi:tiiiB rml-i. Sc. 'I'lu- • '.rci-iliii;; suit I !hi' Knnin»*. r'^ it marh (ii'.n- ilnr-rtl.U-.iiiil rHsily ’Ii I n any othiT, and when piqu ed Uji.m the hnilt-r with • - I'ortiili'e ihoiieh efferiiv«'. Knirin*-s r*ceivf>d !h« f'lKHT IM’t/K >t I'll \ I. :it tlic ;n> I 11, lUris. 'I'ii. re :\re ahoiU Sevi-nt;, I'lVi- 'II. :ill a.vlnis tHtiifiiction. ran K.'' a|,'n) Hi/i't fs ;tn ! lUlinKN '-J00 :«»o ■I th- Knuine 511.', l.'vj :iou •40(1 .MW .VMI - - Jr..Ill 1 III I'fi hiirii*' piiwiT ;tl ih* -^hf»rt»*Ht milire. Pal'-nt .-i;i-:iiii Pnnil.. iti** '•iuipleM :tnd iiio-.t ilurHldo . l. r mining »*-r..r siipplyini! .;'cr. . I .riii'Miiiii ni-tv hrtd hy iiddrp-'in ■ 'roi'.-i.Kv ic ki;kii. •c. .Mil .i«ri I,ani'. N.nv Vi.rk. ; f)7 3|I1|mI ^\iu)i:n SEED! (;ardi:n seed!! 4 L.ARGR supply of Johnson, Pio>.bins A: Co.’s 1 Seed iu.?t received,— warranted the 1^')5. The^e Seed have given universal 1 w Mfcrever n-ied, and maybe lelied on as •:enuine, .Ms >, Red f.'Iovtfr, Lucerne, and Sffd. Ft - lie wholesale or retail by J. N. SMFPH, Druggist. i.■./;. DlSSOLl 4 ION. H.\LL iV SAt'KETT is this day dis- ■I ‘ mutual consent. uf ilie lirm will be settled iiy .1. H. 1. ii;ill. who a!one are authorized lo use ■ !’ ihi- ili’iu in liijuidiiti*»n. J. H. HALL, E. HALL, T. M. SA(’KKTT. ■ II-. .Ian v D>, 18 )ij. 70-tf ‘li iiioir ,t iiif‘ Rp\. Sidney Smith, ' ' xiitiT. 1.1 !y lliillan l. with selections from ‘•I .-tiielbv Mr“. .Austin, a.- t,v ■ E. J. HALE & SON. IU)OK lU.NDKkY. W. H.-\RDIE has resumed the Book lVmdin^- Business, over the Tailor .'^linp of ^lark & V/oodward. where he will receive and execute liiuding in any style desired. .August 1. 27-tf VALl AliLE PROPER'rV rOMt S.iJLF.. I OFFER for sale, my LANDS in the Town uf Fay etteville, about 130 .\cres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. Aiiout 80 Acres of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will .“how. .\lso, the Valiial>l‘ Brick and Lot near the M;\rket Square, occupied by .Mr. Jolin .V. PemV)Crton. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell and Mumfi.rd Stri-et.-;, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided into several RuiMing Lots—very near tiie new Female High School I3uilding.s. .Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford Street. Several DESIRARLE RUILDING L(JTS on both Winslotf and Mumford Streets. .Ml this property can now be purchased on fnvora- b)e terms, and a large part can remain on Rond and .^lortgage if dc'-ired. THO. J. CURTIS. (»ct. ut, IH.V., 43-tf Increase during l.-ist year >rilll,2i5 Oi Premium notes averaging 14 8.*? 100 percent, on the i amount insttred, the actual cost of Insurance during j the year averaging less than ^ per cent. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand report !i;772 80 “ J'or Premiums received 0,103 28 “ fur Policies, Surveys ii. transfers 337 50 I “ for Rent 70 tX) 1 ^;7,288 67 DlSliURSEMENTS. Cash paid C. H. Sneed, tire loss •'}>850 00 “ “ Lot and balance Otlice building 1,450 Go “ “Salaries “ “State Tax “ -‘Contingent expenses “ Premitims returned Ralamce To-wit: Cash loaned out on Rond and Security, (on demand,) Cash in Bank and in hands of -\g^nts 1,550 00 DM) 00 375 62 20 65 4,346 i $2,937 40 i §2,250 00 087 40 -$2,ft37 40 $2,M7 40 190 00 1,800 00 5«4,?'27 -10 18'J,859 33 ASSETS. Cash ou interest and in Bank, ^c. ! Rent due I Real Estate, paying 13 p»r cent. j j Premium Notes on hand An'ount Capital to meet any losses Iu conclusion, the President and Directors congratu late the members and the public on the very fortunate and succeasfnl operations of the Compan^y the past year. W'e have met with no loss since 7th March, 1854, (Sneed’s,)—witless it be the case of Stranglaus vt Einston at Kinston, whose Store was blown up—u et>rn extraordinnrxj caxc,—it is still under investigation. \). W. C. liKNBOW, D. D. S., firaduate of the Baltimore College of DENTAL SCRGERY. Office hours from 9 .A. M. to 1 P. .M. “ 3 P. M. to 5 P. .M. DR. B E N R O W may be found at his Room near the Market, where an who .are in need of the services of a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. .All operations i)erforuied upon the latest and most approved plans. To those in need of u^rti/icial he would simply say that he is behind in no improvement. He inserts from one to an entire set upon fine Gold or Platina plate, which he guarantees to be e»iually as serviceable as tb i natural organs. He spends nine months of eaoli year in this place, (from 1st of October to the 1st of July.) Sept. 29. 40-tf ?;l‘U,786 73 SBCO^^D STOCK. Starr & Williams | ARE now receiving their SECOND PURCHASE of i liLii m mm drv goods,! itod'rs, SHOES, ii.vts, c.vps, j BONNETS, UMBRELLAS, AND Ready-Made Clothing, And have no hesitation in saying it is the LARGEST ' and .MOST DESIR.ABLE stock now in market; and , having been purchased at greatly reduced prices from the early part of the season will be offered to buyers on terms that cannot fail to please. Oct. 25. 47-tf j We are now receiving (md expect to keep uu (I large stock of (iroceries. WE OFFER BAGS Coffee—Rio, Laguira and Java, 15 Hhds. Sugars. 50 “ Molasses, l,OfK) Sacks Salt, 75 Bbls. Sugars,- -coffec, crush’d Apowd’d, 125 Rags Shot, 45 Kegs Powder, 20 Hhds. Western Liacon, 3,500 Lbls. N. C. 50,000 Segars, assorted quuli'ies, 100 Boxes Cheese, Witli every other article in our line. All of which we will dispose of low for C.ASH, or exchange for pro duce or naval stores. D. & W. McLAURlN. May 23. 3-tf FRKNcTi liCltlTMll-irSTO.N’KS,! WARRAXTEl). \ ’'HE Subscribers inform FURTHER SUPPLY OF ROOKS.; ELDOR.ADO, by Bayard Taylor; A Basket of Chips, b3’ Brougham; Table Traits, by Dr. Doran; The Renegade; Modern Pilgrims by Geo. W’ood; Helen j Leeson, a peep at New York Society; India. China and Japan, by Bayard Taylor; The Hidden Path: Hearts- , ease! Mitchell’s Traveller's Guide; Cumming’s Works; . .A.ndrews’ Latin English Lexicon; Small Edition of; 1 Psalms and Hymns, plain and gilt; Smellie’s Philosophy; j Grtene’s Analysis; W’ebster’s Dictionaries; Cutter’s I Anatomy, Physiology, &c. Just received, j ' E. J. HALE & SON. I Dec. 31. L 4 W BOORS. ^ Criminal Law, new and rnos. II. riLLINGHASr, A7iderson Street, uppoi^ile XorCh of E. J. Hale Sr Son's Bookstore. ^■■USTC, .Magazines, and all descriptions of Books ...tM are bound in all styles in the best and most substantial manner, on teriua, the same as at any place in the .?outh. Persons wishing to know the prices of binding, will be supplied with a list person ally or b}' letter. Sept. 25. 1855. 39-tf r..^orrell7 .i I C TIO.VEB R AND Coiiiiiii^i^ioii .Herchaiit. .April 9, 1855. * 90-tf JOi^PH R BLOSSOM. c: O Tl I «!> I§ I O I\ AND F O R \V A R D1N G .M E R C H A N T, .V. C. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign rnents, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 T. c7 & B. G. W(mI'H, CoiiHiiission vS: Forwardiiir Mercluiiits, j BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. G3-tf 150 WHARTON’S American third Edition; “ Precedents of Indictments and Pleas; “ on the .American Law of Homicitle; “ Law Dictionarj-; Morris on the Law of Replevin; Troubat on Limited Partnership; Wharton 4’ Stile’s .American Medical Jurisprudence, Just received by E. J, H.ALE & SON. Dec. T.t. JONES’S EQUITY. GLUME 1, just received and for sale by E, J. HALE & SON. Methodist Hyinns, various styles; and Methodiat Disciplines, just received. E. J. HALE k SON Dec. 22. O' The following Directors were elected for next year: Oeo. McNeill, H. L. Myrover, '’has. Benbow, Henry Lilly, Jas. Kyle, S. W. fillinghast, S. T. Hawley, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLauriu, N. A. Stedman, J. G. Shepherd, S. .1. Hinsdale, D, A. R-ay^, .1. D. Williams, ,A. A. McKethan, J. II. Cook, A. E. Hall, .A.. W. S.eel, J. G. Cook; and R. F. Brown of Wilmington. OFi’I^ERS; GEO. McNEILL, President. H. Ii. MYROVER, Vice President. C. A. Mc.MlLLAN, Secretary. J. G. i*!HEPHERD, Attorney. Kxecutive Cominittee for Quarter; Geo. McNtill, S. W. Tillinghast, W’m. McLaurin. May 24, 1855. r lIDER VINEGAR, a good article, for sale by W. H. C.VRVER. Nov. 10. . 54-tf their that ^1 f friends and the public they make to order lltKR .IMMLEj STO.VES, warranted to be of the best quality, being made from Burr BIoc'ks of their own importation from the best .juarries in Fran.’e. T!.ey also keep for sale ouMicNK, csiiprs iiiui roc.\uni stones, BOLTING CLOTH and CALCINED PLASTER. From the Senior Partner’s long experience in the late firm of Egenton, Morriss & Co., of which he was a member, and their determination to give s.ttis- faction, they assure customers their order.'* shall be ffiithfully and promptly executed. WILLIAM HOGG c| SON, S. E. Corner of North and Centre Sts., opposite the Baltimore & Susquehanna R. R. Depot, Baltimore. .May 2H, 1855. 5-ypd I'OR RENT. tVEllV desirable Dwelling, recently built, with convenient out houses, near the business part of the town. -Apply to D. .4 W’. McL.\URIN. Deo. 20. 6ii-tf SONGS AND BALLADS F the American Revolution; Phcenixiana, or Sketches nnd Burlesques; Zaidee, from Blackwood’s Maj^; Hoare on the Grape Vine. Also, further supplieii of School Books, &c., just received by F. J. HALE kN; S(.)N. Feb. 12. 'Flic subscribers Vv iii |)iirciuise Spirits Turpentine, or make advances ou consignments to their friends in Wilmington, or New York. C. T. HAIGH SONS. April y, 18»'>5. 9ltf .lUST PUmJSIlED, •f .Veir and Corrected Edition of Devereux’.«3 Equity, Vol. 2. I^OR .SOME years past this volume of the Reports of the Supreme Court of North Car .lina has been out of print. The subscribers have priuled i 2d edi tion, revised and corrected, which they will be h-ippy j to furnish to such gentlemen of the profession as nave incomo'.^te sets. Orders are solicited. Should they be encouraj,ed suSicieutly by tl.e s.ile of tliis volume, they propose to follow it by a re-priut of Devereux's 1st, 3d, and 4tli Law, and Dev. & Battle’s 1st Law, all of which are out of print. E. J. HALE A SON. CHARLES BANKS, CO.^'F ECTIO^VER, \VHOLESALE AND RETAIL DE.\LER IN Foreijn Fruits, Xuts, Cijars, Tobacco, Snuff, iScc oiiF.E.ii HTRKirr, Fayetteville, N, C. March 1. 18.53. 73tf \V. p. ELLIOTT, Genera! Vommiasion and ForipariHjnj Merchant WILMINGTON, N. C. ' June 10, 1854. 4tf .1, C, FOK. DEALER IN STAPLE FANCY DRY GOOWS, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, AND READV-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies Dress Goods and Trimmings. Hai^ Street, Fiyettevil/e, X. .May 20, 1855. ' 4-tf T. C. WORTH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, U’lLMIXOrON, N. Jany 10, 1850. 08-tr .1. S. BANKS. t'oiiiiiiiMwioii .^ercliaiit, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, I85n. W-tf (i. WILLIA\1S 4 CO. g^AVE just receive) a large and well Kelected as- Harper’s Magazine for .Vlarcli, just recviTed. E- J. HAXE & SON. Hortment of HARDWARE AND GROCERIES,^ to which they invite the attention of Country .Mer chants. .March 17, I8-5-). 8-1- Worth &~Utley, ForvNardini; and (TOiH'ral Commission merchants, Futfelterille, *V. C. J. A. WORTH. (”2tf) JOn. t-'TLKX. S. M. rilOMAS^ DEALER IN I ANCY ^ STAPLE DRY GOODS, nEADV-M .\ DE C L()TH1 NG, H.VTS, CAPS. BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KKRSEYS, BLANKETS, &c., &c. Corner Market and Gillespie St., Fayetteville, N.C- Dec. 17, 1855. 02-tf