SEMl-WFiEIt L, Y FAYKTTHVIIJ.E, N. C., MARCH i:?, 18r)(>. I NO. 486.] N i l !■ M'iM'AVS AND THURSDAYS. n)\v\in) .1. if\Li: sox, rniTnns AVn 1M{UPU1KT(^KS. • Sotni-Wcckly • )«'K.KVKn 00 il'itaiJiu ■ :.0 if >vp,l ilnriufr tho year > f sulinorip- r :!!'*• T :5if year has ox|iirod. \V.. Ki; 00 |HT if paid in . ^ if duriiKj: tho yv.-;\r of siihscrip- , x ii > after t!ic yi'ar has expire.1. Tisr.M I'NT.'^ inserted for sixty cents per r linos t' >r t'lo tirst. mid thirty cents fo - each ! I'llii-ati'Mi. Yearly Hdvertieinents by spe- ■ ■ tv , r>. reasonable rates. .V'lvertisers are •: : : ;:i- the i.umber of inserti.'ms desired, or e continued till forbid, nnd eharjied aeeord- f. Letters to the Kditors nius: be i>i>st paid. . ’ t:-i ;;,.-nt> to bo inserted • charged .'I't per TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. '7, ■ Sulisi-rilier lias opened a sliop .111 An'ier>'>n -treit. in the room i-Dier’v occup-f 1 ^.s a Lawyer's ofTice Viv A. T. Smith: at whicli all kinds , i w.>rk in liisliue will becxecuteil -^sith neattie.'s tuid despatch, accor^ino; to the latest ::;shi'>iis H»; solicits the custotu ■f l;is friends and the public. THOMAS UIIODKS. •• ii'e. ?vl:xrch 10. 8’>-tf TAIiLK CTTI.KUV. ~ rsil supply if Ivory. I'.bony, and Horn tip .iidh-KN IVl'S and FOllKS. .'f siiperior'luality. . r.r'='inia 'I'Muimniou .''etts. ' ; Sj. "'iw. Tt‘ » W;iitt:rs, Table Mats. Xc. , - ib l.j, W, N. TlLLiNGHAST, Dealer iu Crockery, (ilass. xc. 7. I'OK SALK. ;:>T rate saddle and harness TD'RSE. well and perfectly geutlc in any kind of har- Apjly soon to W, K WILEY. . . h bo-3t llsh • Vcf.s 4V Tirine ( l.ARKXDON Wins WORKS, Wn.>TiN(;To\. X. C. H. V AMIOKIvKI.KX, Pro|»i*i>tor. rH^HK subscriber havinp pundiased the entire intcr- ■ t'st in the •‘{'LAKI:M>0N IKON W0KK8,” so licits orders for Steam Enftines, of any power or jityle. Saw Mills of every variety. Mining Machinery nnJ I’ninps, tM'ist anil Flour Mills, complete, 1’'.rker. Turbine and other Water wheels, llice-tield Pumps jind Kngines. Leavitt's (’orn and Cob Crusher, Hiee Thrashers, Shinsrle Machines, ShaftiiiiT Haiifiers ami I’ullies, t'ottv'n (iiiis and (.learinp:, hviu ( astings til all kinds r.iid j'atterns, lirass *• “ ti Locomotive and Tubular Uoilers. Piue and plain Cyliuder Uoilers, l*lacksiuith work of all kinds. Iron Doors fwr Houses and J.ails. Tin; KSTAIJLLSHMKNT Il'ivinjr been re-orj^anized for the express purpose of insiiriiiir punctunlity iti the e.Kecution of all orders, tl-e public may rest .>-ati?tied that any work which may ofier will by pr'Unptly delivered according to promise, and of sucli \vorkmanshi[) a.s cannot fail to give satis faction, tup: mli’hamcal dki’ahtmknt Being in charge of men of talents and espi-rience. 1 have no hesitatiim in saying that the work hereafter turned out, shall compare tV.vornbly in every respect with that of the most celebrated iu the States, and ; t jirices which will make it to the intere'^t of all i;. want to send me their orders. KKPAIR W(tHK ■Vlways ilone without delay—-and havinu a Inrsre force for that purpose, it will prove advaiita^eou' 10 any person needing su' h to give me tiio prefLT.iii'e w'tloiut regaril t-. expense of sending same from a distance. Orders *vill be addressed to “Cbirendou Ir.'n Works,’’ Wilmington N. C. A. H. VAM50KKKLLN. (•ct ]’). i(i-tf HITS, (IPS, ilOllTS IM) SIIOIIS. rOR FALl. vV WLN'I’KR fliADK. laurinrurgh high school. ^I^IIE 7th Session of this School will commence on I Tuesd.-iv the 8th da_\’ of .7an ir.ry next, under the su})ervision of the Uev. CSeo. B. .Scott, M. A., of the l’iiivcr.sity of Kdinhurgh, (Sc 'tland.) I’rincipal, assisted by Mis. Scott in the I’riiuary Departtuciit. Mr. and Mrs. Scott have both made Teaching the business of their lives: aud from the experience which the Triistees have had, during the past year, of their zeal, fidelity, and success, in the discharge of the duties of their jirofession, they confidently recommend them to Parents and Guardians, as pre-eminently »{uali- fied by temper, tah'uts, aul acquirements for the in struction of students, in all the brunches of an English. Scientific, Classical, and (’ommercial Education. The Trustees resjiectfully invita the ]>ublic to a per sona' examination of the system pursued in the School. Tt nns—y 12, auo y'JO. per Session of five mouths, (I'reiu'h included in the -M grade without extra charge.) l’>oarJ can be had with the undersigned in the hoard ing house belonging to the School or in private fami lies at yS, per mouth. Une hull' fees and Board invariably paid in advance. I). 0. MclNTVlli:, Sec'y. Laurinbnrgh, Richmond (’o., N. C., "I j. Dec. 1--’, 185.5. / ' " CUN rON Wj t: i.VS TtTTTK. ^■IIII.S Institution will rt'sume its operations again *- on Mt)ND.VV. the 1-lth inst., after a short vaca- ti(Ui. I’he charpes will tie the s.aine as they have been for the last year. Doard per month, including wash ing, ligiits, ,KC. L C. (115AVKS. A. M., who has served us so long and cttioiently as 1‘rincipal of the Institute, now also has charge of the Steward’s Department, which renders it doubly sure that this department will be conducted to the i iitire satisfaction of all. The Tru>teis huvr engaged for tho next year the serNifis of a ce'.-brated Musician, Mr. .Stradelli. of the .State of .New York, to take char^re of the .NIusical De- partJiu'ut, awd also his Lady, Mrs Stradelli, to con duct the Painting. Ihcse fiigagements will give superior advantages to those who wish to Btudy the (>rnHim‘ntal bnuiche.s. The Faculty if Teachers associatotl with Mr. Graves ill conducting the Literary liep.artment, are the namt* as for the last vear, ;ind :»re well known to be inferior to none. ‘ H. A. 15IZZELL. Sec'v Board of Trustees. 7o 'Purpentines 'rimhet\ 'Par and Cor)! and Cotton yfnk'crs. FOR sam:. ^ ^ ^ ^ wrrH the choice of 18fK) acres of valuable # L.VND, situated twelve miles from Lnm- berton, within three miles of Lumber River, and on 01 very near the line of the Wilmington and Charlotte Rail Rond. To persons engaged or desiring to engage in business of eitlier of the above branches, this Land presents unusual iuduccraents Growing a sullicient number of pines to cut seven tasks of boxes, and fur- nishinE; trees of sufficient si/.e to make from 3 to oOO sticks of ton timber of 1000 feet each, fn ablition to this, it is consilered as being excellent Farming Land producing Ootton froui to I'JOO lbs., to the .\cre. This L.'ind Ls situated on .Vshpole Swamp, in a healthy and ilesiiable section of Robeson county, X. C. For terms, ,Vc., apply to .M. E. >IcNEILL, Lumberton, N. C. l>ec. 17, G3-:}nipd m Committee. F r - lie by W. H. CARVER. S4-tf NF.W I’.OOKS. i£ iI K ' '■o *'dential ('nire^pondence of .'saroleon with ^ 'f-' i'ther .' 'eph Bon.ijiurte; 01ms*'_‘d'.'-Journey ' ive .Stat. Memoirs of Susan AUi- . ; I ' ! S \ iti.iii. Sy .V'hort B.iriiC'. : - r '■ !'j'!cs f [{■■tiicrinj;:''f l{istory of the -Mr'an i; I' ly- •■1 T i. 1 >r'^ India, Cliina and I'-'ii r.i; '.Im’ (>1 i fLimc-fe.i, '• v \lr- Stephens; ' . ik: Wid'iw lied it. The Escaped Nun. The ■ . I’ lt'u, .-Vlone, :u;d .-tlier popular WV -ks. Pe- -- ■ ■'' ir Si i.-iu '-: Sliort Patent Sermons, i>y . li nk::r’> ';i~ies; aud N.irions .'^chool Books. ' re v lved tiv E. .1. H \LE ,!t SuN. i K)k TO VOI R IXTKRHS'I’! rpHE .«lT.s RIBER has erected a 1 ^A\V til 1.1.. » miles fr ou Fayetteville, on the Wi-st- ern Plank R' .id, and \siil lie j repared |to futnisii .IMy ■ -t noti 'e. deli\er‘ble either in town or at .V#:If 00Its: .V#;wimoons: C. THOM.SON is now re • 'ivinc his usual as^ort- • inent of the most approved styles if HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, i.uiiK.v u\iri:i{s. iirsKhs. si,iim'i;ks. .1 auil (’hildreti’s Sh-i* -i of vai' u- rlptl'ins. — AL.». - TRAVHLLl.NC, and V.M W\S‘\ TIM \KS, •, PET B.MJS, all of whirl - ■ re I ■ - « t !Ui-i re.ison; b’. term . >M cUb; ■me!' , and lo w .nus are re-., •, .-tfuMy t I call ai; 1 examine mr >tock of F and Goods. First i-ome. tir-t serveii J. C. TllwMSit.N, f \i:- ■'II the Winter Sept. .3, I''-' i .■'tan.I, 'I.;;ket S juare. ::’.-tf 1 ernis ! . M:| a^ ill !)• afforded. Troy Ac .Marsh, in l outraets for mv AVID KIVETT. ' 7.i-t»m 'I'lie Soiithorii ilarmony aiul \lu>ical ('ompanion, new edition, eiilai'.; ■ 1 and revise i. \ further supplv of this pojiUi ir lioo,» just ree I. L. .1. 11 \ i.K \ Si).\ Dec. More LAW BOOKS. SANltEPi.S on Uses and Trusis. wiiii .\iueriian Notes, new edition. - Vols. in one; ^'illiams on I’er-^ 'Hal Property. .Vmeriean Notes; Adams’s K juity. lid Fditi.m, better than the - I : '!inion,'v Is.'jii. KTN(;'^IU KV rOK SAI.K. M 1:>L. King the present occupant, being desirous to * up his business, we otl'er those valuable premisf>. for sale. l-linsrsburv is -itu ited at the t .'rminus of the Fayette ville .V lli.^eigii Plank Koa'l, eleven miles from the t riiier poic.-. and within l)ir>o miles of Kin^r's Land- hi,; on (' i]'o F‘‘ar Ri\er. These pretnises otler more bi ine-- ei.iiveiiieiiee'- at;; c.imports for living, per !.a - t‘i ill e.nintry seat in Cumberland. »n them i ’ r.’a. tw J'lrv''y mari-oin. Cniitaiuing seven r....iii : !'i-: ji' t. i- in e:i,'li. with trout and rear jiiazza ;iii I ’ ‘r’ e •. tr ;^:;e k’tehen. sleeping apartments for •- i v-i!!'-. viioike hoU'e aii'i dairy, with a prime well of 1’! handsomely enclose.L .Vlso. on the nine "iher t'rame buildings, with brick ach, aud lo.iuis utlicieiit to accommo- to si\; v ui-:.roes; a frame Bara ■‘0 by *10 w'tli staili f' r t'irty hnrses. and room to hold 5(> it' f.ira;re; Carriage lionse. Store and Ware house: .1. W. BAKER Is now recfiviug from the North the largest, tiiiest, and most carefully se lected stock of FIIRMTIKK ever offered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable paiute 1 cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards: Bureaus; .‘Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots: Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass: W’indow Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in .Mahogany and Walwut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and .Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with ^'Kolian At tachment: Rosewood Mwlodiaus, from the bet manufac tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as ljV-3m I anj- made iu the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight or ly added. November 12, 1^''64. tr>tf ('orporufio/i Ihtnd>i of the 'Pou'n of Pnyef (t rlNc for Sa/r! A GREE.iBLE to an .\ct of the General .\sseinbly • m ot the .stnre of North Carolina, ratifiel Dec. lio iJ'-a^. authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue i her |{onds to th • amount of ■>'100,t»UO, iu the aggre gate, for the purpose of paying her subscription to the Western Kail lload Company. Therefore, it is ordered by the Commissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive sealed proposals until the 1st ol .Novemlier next, for the purchase of ^.')0.000. iu sums of ^-jOO each of s »id Bonds, or any part thereof. P>on is to run twenty years, with Coupons attache 1,—interest payable semi annually. The said Bonds shall be under the seal of the Corporation, and binding on the faith of th»i same. WM. W.VRDEN, Town Treasurer. .Sept. 2ti, lh55. 39- TtlE U.VDEUSIGXED '^'ST’ILL receive proposals for constructing foot- Ww ways on each side of Eccles’s Bri'lge, to be built out side of the present banisters of the bridge, and to he about 8 feet wide. A. McLEAN. \ WM. McLAURIN, I Fcb’y 18, lSr.6. 79tf HBRRING-’S Piilcii? riiiiinpioii Fire and Biirjrlar Proof Safes. ^S^HE great interest manifestdl by the public to pro- *- cure more perfect security from Fire for valuable papers, such as Bon'ds, ,Mor.n:.\OKs, Dkeps, Notes, and Bodks of ArcouNT, than the ordinary S.\ FES heretofore in use had affored, induceil the Subscribers to devote a large portion of time atid attention during the past four- h'l'/i vcitr.lin making improremcnt- nt(f discoveries for this ob ject, and they now beg leave to assure their numerous friends, and the public generally, that their efforts have been crowned with complete success, and now offer the • I.Ml’IK »VKI) IIHKHI.\;’. I’.VTK.NT WiiKi.D S K.\1R i’UKMIU.M FIRK (’KOI If S us the CHAMPION SAFE OF THE WORLD, IfAVIN** REICN .WTaRUEO MKDALS AT BOTH THE World'.s Fair, Loiidon. 1>3I, and in .\»*w York, 1S5J, •\s 'U|>crior to ■•ill eihers. Il i.s ikh\ , iiiidoiibli-illy, eiiiitled ti> thnl iili|M‘ll;uion. ami ■ifrnroii wilh IIAI.I.'S I’.A'I'ENT I’OWt’KR l’lt mr I. >C'KS, which whs Hwarileil .\U;daLS ;i» Hl>ove) fiiriin the itKisi (w.Tlert Kiro aiiil Hur"l;tr I’roof r^afes ever liefore oil'ered to th** I’ahlif. The Siilisi riliers also iiiHniiritcUirb nil kind-S of Boiler and Chilleii Iron Hank 'hosts aiiil Vaults. VhhIi DM(rs, anil Money Hdxps or ("ht'-sts. lor Hrokers. Jewellers, Hni) Private Fainil'OS, for [’late. Iilaiiioiiils. Hnd other VHliiahles. .Anil are also Piitentees, fhv purchase.) and Mannfaclurers fit' .I0.\KS’ PATK.VT PliR>l( T\lill>i H.\NK LOCK, SIbAS HKRR1''(; t ro.. Patentees, (;KK11.\ Itl.uCK, Nos. 13."). i;n &. 13^ Water street, .airont Cor North (’aroliiia. J. R. BI>.lSSO.\J, W'llinincton I'ub'y II. 77-3iniMl WHO WOl'LD HAVE THOUGHT IT? ,4 lu'ip Cirriivje Rtahfialiment on the Alih'tary Grei tt, opposite the M'>t/u)(7fs( Church, f'routiny on MnmforO Street. (ilU:AT KNTKRPUISE! rayott4‘vil>‘ in l>ouiid to ri'^HE Subscribers would respectfully inform their J friends atid the public, that they have entered ijjto copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general C.\RR1.VGE BUSINESS in ail its various! 'Phe University''a Family Remedies: ISSUED uuder the Seal, Sanction and Authority of THE U^IVERSiTY OF FREE MEDICINE AND POPULAR KNOWLEDGE: Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, April 29,1868, with a Capital of $100,000, Mainlj for the purpose of arresting the evils of Spuri ous and Worthless Nostrums; also, for supplying the Community with iiKLi.lBLE ilEMEDMES Wherever a Competent Physician cannot or will not be employed. This Institution, located in Philadelphia —Home Dispensary and office. No. «8 ARCH STREET, has purchased from Dr. .lOHN U. ROWAND, hia CELEBRATED ROWAND’S TONIC MIXTURE, ■Known for upwards of twenty'-five years as the only sure and safe cure for FEVER AND AGUE, & c., aud his inestimable Remedy for BOWEL C 0 .M P L A 1 N T S. ROWAND’S riDIPOlXU SYRUP (IF BL.U’KBERRY RfTOT, which highly improved and POPULAR RE.MEDIES, together with The University’s Remedy for Complaints of the LUNGS; The University’s Remedy for DISPEPSIA or INDI GESTION; The University’s Remedy for COSTIVE-BOW'ELS, are for sale by J. N. SMITH, Druggist. Jan’y 22. 72-3m Aorth Carolina Headers. T'IHE Undersigned are prepared to furnish, whole sale and retail, upon very favorable terms, to Teachers, Booksellers, Merchants, Book Pedlars, and others, the .SERIES of .\OKTII CAROLI!VA Nos. 1 and 2, by Profkssok Hubbard, of the University of North Carolina, and No. 3 by Calvin H. Wilf.t, Esq. now Superintendent of Com mon Schools. Of Nos. 1 and 2, which are new books, just issued, we wiU hand a copy gratis to any Teacher who may apply. E. J. HALE & SON. REDUCED FARE. Through Tickets between Wilmington, N. C., and Balti more. Fare $13. Via Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, & Wash ington City, or via Weldon, Portsmoutli and Norfolt. For Tickets apply attheOlBce of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, at Wil FOR SALE. w iter: aii l premi'e* ar ehimiieys t> date I'r'.ai !'■ (■•■et, t 'II-* Wateriiri^t .M''l. twn I' and two Blacksmith’s Si..Ip-. Wheel Ki'jht Shop. Turpentine Sheds, &c.: all ^ 1 within e..iivenient di-taiiee of the best Springs of i ■ lOI* ' uiiilu-; Water. A11 the buii iiii,:-^ arc new and have ^ ''PHE Sub.scriber>i have for sale an Imperial No. 4 ’ .*en e.e, te l within the ian f-ur or five vears. To 1 Washington Hand I’ 2d hand. It will be sold thosi valuable impnivenient- we will add l.r.ud acres cheap, deliverable in Petersburg, Va. it is .said to be mington, or at the Office ©f the Baltimore Steam parts. And being both practical workmen, fully un- ] packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail derstanding their busmesa. they have no hesitation to 1 Comp.-iny, Pratt Street, Baltimore, compare work with any establishment in Fayetteville jj^j, | j f HH to Style and durability. j 1___. - One of the firm may be known by reference to A. II. 'Vhittield’s iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. ■Ia.mks H. Pier. .Tames Bkamn. F.iyetteville, .lan’y 24, 18-M^. (!2tf Just reeelved by Dec. 22. FVMILV A L.MI'iK Stoi-k. A', m. Bo-ks. K .1. 11 V 1.1; A SI iN I’ocVet 1 E. .1. 1 and I’ra v HAl.i; i.l 1'! EKLOll vV (O S hlNi:, i'or Passeand ff'reisiht. \\IK1; F.\NN\ LCTTERLnll leaves her wharf nURNER L Planter.s' .Alaman.ics ALM AN At'S. North ' ir"r;iri. an I F rni'-r'' aiid fi>r 1''o'i. E ..I. H.\Li; S'IN. • enevi " • v'Tiii-ri-e. on \Lind i_\ s and Thur>- at Wihii>>t'>n on Tue-day.-' and Fridays 10 . M., l’a«ciigers aud Freights.! Steamer jus; received 11 ^ ■ d repaii.: with good Flats, will run : . Frei;rht,^. .1. h. 'I .\gent Fayetteville. U. i’. i;i.^Lltrrr, -Vgent Wi!mington. 7. • 20tf 'I'iir Aiiicncaii Ftb'v 11. .\im:mac tnr E. J. HAl.r^ I SON. f I’iiH* Land..!, aii.t we will take .'>-?.5U0 for the whole, vv hieii is ■i'liiiM) le.'i-. th.’in the cost nf the improvements. \\ !• !i ;ve lUo, , n the preniise^. an 1 iimw in op.eration, a .''t*-am .>aw :in i (iri>t Mill, and Turpentiue Distillery. V-’ ieil e.'iii Ic li.iu^ht ch -ap. If the riirlit -Mrt of a purchaser presents himself, and W!slie> a partner in his operatiuns. we will t’urnish one wilh 11!: . i.-iit e^pit ti4 C'luduet a prctitable tiusiness. T I I I’! .liter w h- iias ^1 }.'•!» to in real estate all 1 .ii'~ ItM be-i I’l.aiitat;-'!! "ii Cape Fear River, with a 1; Vhy e nintrv with all conveniences for iiir a- hat. I. these r>reiiii?es would be a very desir- a- le att.iehiiieni to the Ashe I’lantation, cont.lining seven hundre t u res ..f the best !' ipe bottoms, and 11' '.V ill market. These iv.n L.'.tate. are cnnntcted by a g.’ iil Ferry 1. 111 liii;.: and are only thre« miles apart: and w!” be ’ 1 ' 'jietlier or separate. For fiirtlier [ irtieular'-nnplv t' T Lutterloh, Esq.. or the sub- s. riiiirs. ‘ ■ .S: T. WADDILL. Fayetti'vlile, Sept. 7. ;li-tf a ;rood Press and in good order. .June 4. 18>.j. E. J. HALE a: SON. I .\K\V HOOK'.S. ONGFELLltW’S HIAWATHA; The Old Home ly stead; Isora’s Child. Curious Stories about Fairies; M'Cosh OH Divine Government; Leighton's Works; Jewett's Ollendorfl'; Spier's aud .'surenne's French and English Dictionary ; P>olmar’s t'oIloiuiul Plirases; (ireenleaf's .Vrlthnieties and Keys; ,vc., ^'C. Further supplies of tho above just received. E. J. HALE A- SON. \y(tron Making and Black'smithitig. I ^I^HE undersigned having purchased the entire stock j J formerly owtieil by Hi'lland. Weisiger \ (.'o., will j still carry on the Wapon Making an 1 Blac'ssmithin/i | business generally. .Vlways on hr.nd. Wagons of ail | sizes, with Wood or Iron .Vxletrees. with ot without 1 Bodies. Repairing done promptly and warranted to j give the fullest satisfaction. .Machine w>irk ot any ; description made or repaire'l. .Mill rt-..rk and in short j any thing that can be ma le of wood, iron or steel. I 1 have the best Horse-shoer >n the county, and am de termined to spare no pains to please th.ise who may | favor me with their p itronage. Mr. Jesse Weisiger will superintend the work in the Wood Shop as usual. ' Deu't forget the old Shop corner nf .Ma.\well and Frank lin streets, Fuller's old .stand. .1. W. \VEL.SH. , Jan'y 2i’.. 7o-;)iu .'VC RES of L^nd, 9 mile.s from Faj- P * r " r etteville, lying directly on the South ern Plank Road, and on each side of Big Rocktish. One of the best Turpentine sections in the county, with convenient imj)rovement3 for a family residence; with a small corn luill on a never failing stream, and a firs^ rate situation for a Turpentine Distillery and Store. A. A. McKETHAN. Fcb’y 5, 18r),'>. 72-tf HANK OF CLARENDON. L.VNK CHECK.'s on the new Bank of Clareudon, elegantly printed, for sale at this Office. .Also, blank .Votes on all the Banks in town, includ ing the Bank of Clarendon. its' F.inriN I'crii's CL.VRK, just received. Dec. 22. New Hook, ROSi: E. J. HALE & SON. FOi{ SAI.E, I22A .Jan’y 2ti. FEW good F.VRM HOliSES. ajiply soon to ' M .McKlNNON. 7^i-3m Mac;i!il:i\V lli."tnr\ m[ i j;ii!aii(i. 3d and 1th. A,so, 1 V j!-. e-.riipl.'tL- in OIK-. \ .u;.n.s editions lit the ab -vt st.ui i u-1 w ^jl;. Feb. n. E .1. 11 ALL SON'. i*r('sl)yl(‘rian Psaiinodist, stjiiaro, or character note edition. .\lso, the same w^ork round notes. A further supply just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Jan’v U). M*Umington A' M'ai/f'fteville l*as- sr.niifr JLitif’. 'j’MK NLW STE.WiLK “.MAtiN )L!A” will leave I F ivetteville 'I'u- ' inyand Frii.;ay at lo minutes I sunrise, and Wiliniii;iiun Wtidue.^iays nd Satur- .'.t o'colck. Pa,'-rige >^4. T. s. LUlTEllLilH. • ! 1. I'-tf \>rr n a iron Estaf) !ish me n t By U AT!^0.\. ’ -rriber would infi.rin his frii;nds aud the I ■ generally, that /le has completed his now Mient ',ii Maxwell street, near ^lr. 1^ W. Will- ire; und is now prepared t.» reccive orders foi • 'J A' 7\s, H .1 OXS, DR A i'S, .tv., which shall !.e promptly executed. ' I k '! iiie by h;ju .shaii be if the best workman- . 11,-iterial that the c.jiintry can atVor 1. / J' \ I/ClXft of ill! kiii'l.s iloiii; with ■; .teh. ^ 1, IItRSE~SlIOKIX(} will be strictly - to N" jiains will be sparcl to give satisfaction •• '.•■ho may favnr him with their patronage. ■ UeMl’.e, .\'lay 2o, l''.'i'). 4-V C,»! ACIL, R.VY IIAV STltlCKT, FAyKTTKVlLLK,' , , )i w rei-eivinj' their F.VLL SToCK of STAPLE ■fe ■ . FAN- V D!tV (iOODS, .. :iv be i iund Foil THE L.VDIES: 1 ;id, \Vhite .and Black DeL.\lNE.S; ! .ILULS a:i . .MKlll.NoS; Plain und Fig'd Fancy i k .vlLK.- I loth .MA.NTLES and (’I,OAKS; ■ L'l'l'iL SKIRTS and SKIRTING; .Meriuo B".NNLTS; LMBlKilDERIE;', Kc. J ;i! (iENTLE.MEN; it iiiii 8hoe.s; Vc.stiiigs; CaH.'iiiiiere.s; • , lilai k uud Fancy Stocks und Cravats; ilcady-Made Clothing, itc. —ALSO,— Kerseys I'liiins, Blankets, Brogans, Table '■ ivers, .Vllendaie Sheetings, Children's Kid ■’ 1 I'. ks and (Joinforts, Vouths’ and Boy’s I !i :.-h and ItallaM Crapes, Dimity, Em- - and liraids. rimen; of Ladies’, Gentlemen's .and I ; '1', .''IDjES, and GAITERS; GLOV'ES, 87-tf iiik Warrants lor sale iiere ro ('ON'ru IoRs. fHlIlE President an 1 l.^ircet ir' are ii"'.v ;e.a ly t'. re- M- ceive prupnsals fur constructing ti.e Faye'teville ' tj' .Mbemarle I'lank Rnad between Litt.e's .^H!!.s in Richmond County and .Mbemarle in .'^taiily ('nunty, and they invite proj:; .sals f r the folli-.viiig w irk: — Section 1st. For ciii^lrui-ting the I'voa I from Little'ii ; I Mills to Clark's (.’reek, lu miles. | ! Sec. 2d. For constructing Iv'iad Ir.’in 1 lark's Creek , I to the Pee Dee River, •”» miles. j ! Sec. :id. For the construction of a Bridge Pee Dee Bivr. j I Sec. 4th. For the construction of the Ro;«d from the j I Pee Dee River to Albemarle, S.?, miles. j ; Prepn^als will be received and considered for the . ' Grading and niaki ij: all necessary side ilitches and : ' Culverts from the I’ee l»ee to .\lbemarie, omitting | : planking. I j I>y a resolution of the Stockholders, befcire the 1‘resi- j ! dent and I>irectors can enter into these cuntracts an inilividual suliscriprion of ^l.^.OOO will have to be i made,—it i.s asked that the frienils of the wm k will I submit such bids, cither Hiibscribing or guaranteeing i that amount so as to enable the wurk at once to go on. i .IAS. G. COOK, j Pres't r. iN: A. P. R. Co. I f)ct. '2o. 47-tf sroi> rifi: rmEF! TOLEN from my Lot in Uii'hmond t'ount\, on Sun- _ n ni'.'-ht last. m\- Il'UL'^K. .-^ai I horse an r.i ., ,, ■ > on-!rravorb,-..wni.h eolor: hehalmarks otgear oni lilC^OIlg of HiaWatlia, l)V f.OIlir- 111. and his fore-top cut off very slmrt: he was sho«l ] fellow. Also, Self-Culture in Reading. Speaking and n the f.,rc feet, walked fast, is'a g.i.-d trotter, and 1 Conversation, by Sherwood. further supply just .'•uid pa 'e; there was a wliife mark (>ti his back, on ! received. E. J. II.VLL \ SON. ALWAYS ON HAM) AM) FOR SALK rilKAP, A GEXERAL AS.SOJrfMKXr 01 DliV (^OODS and (JROCKiilKS, Together with ;i general assortment of TMOX IJNi:. vh.mkMjKsto.v to If iv., I’if# STEAMERS .MARION AND GOV. GRAHAM. “ owners of (he Marion having »- • 1 purchased the (lov. (Jraham, will for the future run iti ■ onncction with her on the Pee Dec River. The .Marion ha:* for several years been on the I’ee Dee River, and is well known as the most prompt itnd eHicient l5ont iu the trade. 'J'he Steamer Gov. Graham was built for the Cape Fear River: is of very light draft, aud for the last year has been engaged on the Pee Dee, and during the extraordinary low stages "'f the River last Fall never failed to make her regular trips with-full freights and without detentioji. Shippers by this line may he certain of having their freights delivered at any stage of the river without delay, as the Gov. Graham will ALWAYS take the Marion’s freight up the River when she cannot get up on account of low water. Consignments to the agent,' in Charleston and Georgetown forwarded free of c jui- missions. CALDWELL k ROBINSON, Agents in (.''harleston. SHACKELFORD FR.\SER, .Agents in Georjietown. D.VN’L .\. HO'iN, .\gent in t.'hcr.iw. Feb’y 22, 1851'.. Sl-3n. Webster’s l iiabridged Dictionary.— Further supplies just re =’d. E. J. H.\LE SON. Dec. 22. tl e right le. about nix or eight iiiidies S'|Uare; also, a small wart on the right side, .n little below the white mark. The li irsi' war- ‘aken by a man calling himself John Camjibell, who says he w !^ raised in Pitt county, and has been in thi.s neighborhood about two years; he is a CoO]ivr 1); tra 0-, and .says he htis worked iu Turpen- tiac all his life time: he is a little round-shor.ldered, h ■: a stout hody f .r a small liiau, and will not weigh as inKch as I stated, 14') or 150 pounds: has a very mean look, is very fond of negro company, and his conversation has a gooi^l deal of the negro mixed with it. 1 will pay for the delivery of the Horse, or $50 for the thief. M. N. CAMPBELL. Montpelier. Richmond county, N. C. I will also reward any person for any information that will lead to the recovery of either. M. N. C. Sep. 10, l-^.j.'). ' 36-tf SKW HOOKS. fRlHE Know Nothing; .\lmanac for lho6. Geoffrey Moncton, by .Mrs. .Moodie. The llunter’^., by Ca]>^. Reid. Firmillian, a “Spasmodic" Tragedy, by T. Percy .loilfs. Also, further supjilica of Hiawatha; Fleetwood’s Life of Christ; Spiers ami Surenne’s F"jnch and English Dictiiiiiary: .Anthon’s Classical Dictionary; Entick’s Latin and Englisii Dictionary; Andrews’ Sallust; Fol- .som’s Livy; .Andrews’ Cresar; Lovell’s U. S. Speaker; Frost’s .\m. Speaker; Draper’s Chemistry; Voung Pu pil's First Book, &c. E. J. HALE & SON. Feb. 20. received. Jan’y 14. The Ltar^est Varriage Factory iu the South! Inijjressioii Haper, Tor writinjy witli- out pen or ink; buff, pink, and white Bath Letter Pa per; amber laid, silver bordered and plain Visiting (’anls; sup’r l?riotol Board Cards; Envelopes; &c., .j-c. Just rec’d. E. J. HALE A SON. Jan’y 10. SIMRIT HARRELS. A LAV.WS on hand and for sale at the lowest mar- ^IL ket price, SUPERIOR SPIRIT BARRELS. G. W. WILLIAMS CO. .May 28. 4-tf 2000 Spirit Harrels tor sale by McLAURIN & STRANGE. •lune 12. 4tf A. A. >lcKr/riIAi\ RESPE(’TFULLV informs his friends and the jiublic, that he has built u(> Large sub.«!tantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for nian- ufacturinp Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to l)u>:ines8. with a desire to give sati.«faction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants iiis work to be made of the best material aud by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness aud durability. He is tletermined to sell anil do anv work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, FiNisiiKi), the LARGEST STO*^K of CarriagCii^ Baroitchea^ Uock'awat^s^ ind Jhfggies, Ever offered in this place, and a very hirge stock of work nenrly finished, which will be finished ilaily. All of wh.ich will be sold very low for Cash, or on short tirae to punctual customers. tii^“ He has on hand more th.iii ONE HUNDRED .VND FJFTV Vehj. cles finished and iu course of con.struction. All work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received aud promj tly .Attended to. Repairing e.xecuted at short notice and on very reasonable terms. May 2K, 1858. H8tf Which I am anxio'.;s t • sell or exchange for Produce of a:iv kind usuallv soi I in this Market. W. II. (WRVER, Ha\' Street, near the .Market. Nov. 7. 51-if ravetteville Hotel. ^■■^IIE Subscribers h.iviug this day leased this _ Hotel for a term id' years, will be jileased to see their friends and the travelling public at this House. .U the same time we hope the}’ will be patient and bear with our imperfections until we tih.ill have put the House in siuch repair as we desire. J H. ROBERTS .N: CO. J. H. Robkkt.s. F. N. Rohkrts. March 1, 18.a5. SO-tf Ni:\V (iOODS. \M now receiving my F.all and Winter Stock of (IRiK’ElilKS. ll\l{l)\V\lil- ,\MI (’riLKHV. These jjoods were bou>iht late in the season, and j conseiiuently at reduced jirices. Vly stock of I and is com[;lete, embracing many kinds of j extra sizes; lllankcts, K'erseys. Xc.; Hats, fine and rommon. 1 IIO.S. J. .lOHNSON. Old .Stand, near the Cape Fear Bank and Market pbiee. Nov. 12 52 tf Fire insnranee. ■'#1HE .ETNA Insurance Company of Hartford, hav- JH ing paid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the Late Legislature, will continue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the management of the undersign ed, who is prepared to issue Policies of Insurance on Buildings or Goods, either in this Town or in any part of the State, on proper application, description of the Property, &c. The .ETNA COMPANY has been in operation about 30 years, its capit.vl is ,^;i00,000. ^ The Hon. Thos. K. I trace was its first President, aud he still holds that office; and several of its first Directors are still active and effi(.dent members of the Board. It has at .ill tiuies sustained the highest character for the prudence of its management, and for the liberalit.v with which it ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. soN(;s AN!) hallads OF t;io American Revolution: Phoenixiana. or .Sketches and Burlesques: Zaidee, from Blackwood’s Magazine; Hoare on the Grajie Vine. .Vlso, further supplies of School Books, &c., just received by E. J. H.VLE & SON. Feb. 12. 'The subscribers will purciiase Spirits Turjientine. or make advances on consignments to their friendfr- in Wilmington, or New York. C. T. HAIGH ^ SONS. April 9. 1855. 90tf .iLsr pur»Lisiil:D, ,'i *Vetv a Hit t'orreeteft EfUtion of Devereux’s Equity, Vol. 2. I^lOR SOME years past this volume of the Reports of the Supreme Court of North Carolina has been out of print. The subscribers have printed a 2d edi tion, revised and corrfcted, which they will be happy to furnish to such gentlemen of the profession as have incomplete sets. Orders are solicited. Should they be encouraged sulficienth’ tiy the sale of this volume, they yiropose to follow it by a re-print of Devereux’s 1st, od, and 4th Law, and Dev. Battle’s 1st Law, all of which are out of print. E. J. HALE & SON. f'H'^HE highest cash price paid for Turpentine, ■- White Oik Staves, and Oak or .Vshe Heading. Call oil Jas. \V. Strange, who can ahvays be found at the .Still. McLAURIN & STRANGE. Feb’y 18, 18-53. 70tf FOR SAl.E C11EA1\ 7 SECOND HAND BUGGIES in good repair. A. A. McKETHAN 1 FOR SALE. ■^HE running part of a 2, ■'?, and 4 horse Wagon, each with Iron Axles, new and ready t^)r use. J. i T. 'WaDI'ILL. .March 14, 1M55. >;tf 'Po Merch(tnts and Mdnu/nclurci’.s of 'Pin- Ware. 1HAVE on hand now, and shall keep a supply o Tin Plate, Block Tin, Iron Wire Rivets, Leail Pipe, Sheet Lead, \c. —ALSO — .V large assortment of plain and Japaned Tin Ware of my own .Manutactui e, at and retail. C. W. ANDREWS, .Market Sijuare. M»-.rch 12, 1855. 82tf Lll'E INSL RANC:E. IlllE Undersigned has been appointed .Agent of the North (.'’aroliiia Miiiual Life insurance 'om- pauy. Every member for life participates in the jiro llarpt'r's Magazine t’(^r March, just ec«i ve'l. E. J. HALE & SON. LAW liOORls. WH.VR'rON'S .American Oirninal Law, new and third Edition; “ Precedents of Indictments and Pleas: “ on the Vmerican Law of Homicide; “ Law Dictionary; Morris on the Law of Hejdevin; I'roiibat on J.,imited Partnership; Wharton Stile’s American Medical Jurisprudence, Just received by Dec. P.*. E. J HALE il .SON. voricE. C10L. N.VTHAN KING is our authorized Agent to make contracts for the delivery of Lumber and riinher and for the purchase of Crude Turpentine, at Kingsbury, in C«mb«rland flounty. May 22, 1855. J. & T. WADDILL. 3-tf j Gross (3000) \V"ebst«*r’s hllciiK'Ut- j ary Spelling Books. 20 dozen Webster’s Pictorial I Spelling Books. E. J. H.VLE .S(JN. Not. 13. fits of the ('ompaiiy: and the jiremium for life iuember.sliip, where it amounts to ->o(l or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the nther half in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. A man m.ay insure his own life tor the cxciiisive benefit of his tamily The live^ of slaves may be insured. This system is raiiidly irrowiu^ into i'avor. .all over the civiii^i‘.l worhi it is o!ie b> which a family, for i : a small .-,um aniiu.i..y, may be provideu lor, after the ; MfMHoir ot tllO RgV. Si(llK‘V Slllith, de.ith of :ts head, on -.vli.ise osertioiio they mav ha\e , , Daughter, Lady Holland, with selections fr«m been depen lent ;„r a sui.ii..; t. It is a good investment i^^tters, edited by Mrs. Austin, ot nnuu-y. even il one shouoi liv.* long .alter taking E J out a Life Folicy. Explanutnry pamphlets, and the j .necessary Blanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE. New .Method I’or the Guitar, by Charles C. Converse; Hunten’s Instructions for the Piano Forte; Burrowes’ Piano Forte Primmer. Fur ther supplies just received E. J. HALE 5: SON. Nov. lit. HALE .V SON BLANKS for sale at this Office

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