(DIB S Fi SI 1-W B E It L, Y. vol.. v.T rAYF.TTFAII,I,F,, N. C’., MAHCn 20, 18r.fi. \0. 488.] ! isTKi* \Ii»M)ays anh riii'UsivAVtf. ■|U\ AKII J. ini.F. A SON. \N'i) rii'ii’iiuyintts. • ,f -t'lni-Wet'kly tMisKUVF.R CO ifpnitl in S • '** if . -lurina the yotvr of sul>sori\>- >■ I -.u'ti-v the yonr l>a ox]'irt‘4. ■ W 1-. kly i JnsKKVV.u no jior .iiimim. if in : '>0 if p.i.vi il: liiijT till' yen- ol suhsfiifi- ilti tlic yvir li:is t'xiiircij. I I is;'.MKN rs in> ;ioil '- r >ixty ooi'.ts per ri VII I : : t.. i-.'lititui' E*or ; ; !U;-llt^' t. >vl’ I. ■ muii'i ■ I t;!l f. t ' tLo ’ tif't. aiiil thirty V rly :i IviM'ti- i:/ u' i iro>. A-1 f iiisi‘rti‘>i :oiits for t';u’h iii'iils by rt':si'i s arc if'iroii, or . MU' tio iusi'rti’ 1 •h‘ir^»-il :ici’i>ril- ,-;t he Jiil'^t-l'.'li'l. chnri;.’!- ’i‘ l er t r>. •k.-' of >!!'■ I'rii'ti.m t . 'eiitr;t! Il.'iir K-m'l. fri>in s le, rr:iit’>n. faycttovilU*, 11 rhur.' lay. ifte lOth 4uy jii-h I I die lerins ■ tii'tiee. nt the folhitviri}: i f the fn'.’.iw hlg ii;ilueJ mu.i''^'uer- in the (^hnrter. vi/; ■ ri.iiirv f Oiishiw. :it the othee of tlic Clerk ■ . iinty ('ourt nt .hu'k>'iuvilU, aii'l at the I’ost l;:ch K. ^Y. t'oiiviUe. Ci .1. \V.iril, 11. K I -.Tt White. J^'iiti A. .\vcriti, .hv. Owen Hu};- W Humphrey. ■ .u tcret iMi.iiity. :it the othce of Hr. M. F. Aron- : Beaufi.rt I'r. M. F. ArenJell. .1. F. l>ell, L. PI KKHV i:i\ i:n. tl . St-.'t. •' tl t >i:irh T vin Ki ii.i; I. w ill he ■■jieiie.l !'' 'i>’. siiil ri :;'..ii;; . 11 ter -ni:;; I iirtli n! invivr .1 rt-i'^ r V\Ti:(^ MILf.S. Ills vii' 1 '’'N' iiroj.orty is now oflereil for sale. It •onsists of , (Sriyt aiiil S.iw Mill, anil a Faun with :i ctiiniu > liuits Dwelling Honse thereon. It is situatoil in Wal;e county, at th* (Ireat Fall.s ol'Neuse liiver, thirteen niile,-i frmii llaleiph, aiiil I’mr tniles troii'i the Depot.'! of the >’i.nl»“ijih iS: (laston Rail Road at horestville anil lluntf-v'lle. I'lte Favni enibrac*s three huii lre l an i sixty-nine aero.-- of gootl arable land - part of which i# in woods. The I’a^ier Mill is a ni.ashive ston‘ Imilding. 201 feet loiij: h, 0 1 feet wide—part of it two and a half storie.s high, and covered with a tin rouf. 'I'he inaeliinery con sists cif four eii;iincs of jxrw.it piiwc:. ouc Hotary IJoiler, oae I'ourdeiiier machine of excellent t,uality. which h:is tunicd "tl lMi pounds oi pajier within ‘j > hours - i'i;;;eiher with all other aj piiaficc'^ ticctss.iry for paper uiak'iiir aii in ‘loo-l ordei-. The machinery is drivi'U hy l'> .-ik',- w.Uer wiie.-ls under a head of liet I water. Tlicre is a larije Stoek House attached, to- irether w;th .an ollU’c and c’l ven liousi's foe the opera tives. ,\lso a Hlacksniith sh-'p and a ('arjienter’s shop of t\v ■ Stories. .\ii a'i'undant supply of tiie pure.'it w;l^h-water. Tlu' ;ri.--t Mill is a new i'uildini::. tO feet long hy :V2 Ii-et wide ol‘ four ih-iii-s. It h.a • thii'o pair of stones, each p:iir driven hy a I’.lake Water wlieel. The i'aw Miil . oKtaiiis a!i exceiient cirttular saw. Tiiiilier can he rafted d..\vn ttie vi.cr from twelve juiles I ;ui e l of. the pi oi'crty will he otler- the I’-iurt llous' in llaleigh, on N ■ 'tore of G. I'lMKlis. II. W. Taylor at Carolina City.—Col. l*.ell,Capt. Levi ‘>glesby, Dridgc It not sooiit-r dispo I'l at puldic sale, .at tiie third Monday iti May next. Terms, wliich will ■ c lihei.il, will bo made known on the liay of satt*, or on aj’plication to the Hank of the t^tate of North (.'arulina. at Kaleifrh. CKO. W. M(>KL>r,(\\l. Pres't. March 10, ISot}. S'i-ta No ricK is ni'.iU'jn (;i\ i:n r8111.\r the Annual Meeiin^, ut' the StoL-’.ii.dders of M th* t'a)ie Fear \ Deep lliver Navigation Cmn- { any will he held in tlie town of lltiysvood. on Thurs day the 17th of April next. IIKNIIV A LC)NL)(.)X, .'ec'y. I’ittsboro', March 1. t'^’.-tin (t()FJ)SIU)ROITGH II!K third Session of thi.s Institution commences on Wedtiesday, the iJd of Jan’y 1855, and ondu on the if.Iuue, IS.'i.j. Ksv. .IAS. 11. BllKNT, A. I'.., Presideiit. l)r. MoptOAN (Ji.osH, late of Chapel Hill, Prof«s8or of Mathematics -And a full corps of Teachers in every branch. l>oard, including Washing, Lights, Fuel, (Sc.. per scssioti, OO Tuition in Primary Department, ;j!l() GO Collegiate Dejiartment, .'jtilO oc One hundrwd ilollars will cover all expenses of the session in tlie Collegiate course and all oniament.il branches. Pupils ill princiry department chargotl the usual price for ornamental branches. One half payable in advance. Three l.ectures on scientific subjects will be delivered each month. We are ni.aking every effort to render the'School the first in advantages and cheapness, and pleilge to reduce prices, and multi\)ly the advantages in proportion to the increase of patnuiage. When our number of pupils rc.iches -00 we shall be able to reduce the price.s iic.-irly one half, every >ne aiding tis, is also aiding in ]>h.' iiig the means of a superior education within the rearh of almost every girl in the State. We return th.anks for *h‘? unexampled sui>|)ort wt h:ive h.'id and believe it will be continued. For further information upply to the Presidetvt of ti>c faculty, oi mvseh'. WM. K. L.ANK, Pres’t Stockholders. ‘Dec. 13, 1851. 67-tf xoricF.. H. W1LL1.-\M J. Hll(>\VN' is our atithorized agent ^TM to receive paymentH, and grant discharges for anv Hook .iccounts we have in the county of Uobeson. J. & T. ifVADDILL. June 1, 1H55. Ttf JAMKS KYLE I Has jiiHt receiveil a large and general a'jsortiueut of I I Among which are, j tloO pieces Dress DeLains, French and English .Merino, Plaiii Merino, real Fretich, Persian Cloths, Black and Colored Silks, Irish Linens, all P'lax, Table ’loths and Napkins, (^irpeting, very cheap. Calicoes, well assorted, Ker.seys and Linseys, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Hose, liadie.s’ Twisted Silk Mitts, Dress Trimmings, &g., &c. All of which being j)urchased by the package for Cash, will be ofl'ered at the lowest market price for cash, or on time to (>aying customers, Sept. 27, isr)5. oH-tf JOSHPM BAKKK, Jr., ATTOK.^ KY AT I. 4 W , B JT AS taken an office next door to Wni. B. W'right’s * B Law office on Green Street. He ■will attenil and practice in the County' and Superior Courts of Cumber 79-tf land. Hhnien. Robeson and Sampson March 23, I 8r>8. liKNJAMLN U. MUSKi:, \TT«R.\EY AT I. AW, FAYKTTEVTLLE, N. 0. .\V be found at llie Office formerly occupicd by Walter A. Huske, F'.sq., on Bow Street. Will attend the (^mnties of Moore, Cumberland .and Robeson. And obtaiu Bounty' Land and Pensions under the various acts. March 15, 1855. 84 tf Mi:.\ WA.XTKI). OR 100 MEN wanted on the Western Hail Hoad, to work on Sections 2 aiul ;l, near Fayetteville. The location is healthy, atid the highest wages will be paid. HIK.AM P.ARDKK. Sept. 21, 1855. ;'.8- 50 ! uplin C"Vinty. at the otVicc of the County Court . nt l\i“nansvi!le.—Major (^wen K. Kenan., David I. Uric li. Kelly. Win. L. Hill, Wm. J. Houston. ■ : t-n i,ir-iham. . - .inii^on Couuty, at he ofhco of the County Court . :it Clinton.—Thomas I. Fai."->n, Dr. Thomas ! ■.!!;£. Win. McKay, Patriik .Murphy. Wm. Faison. H-atnan. .\lfred Johnson. •. ' Umbcrhnvl Coutity. at Fayetteville. fit the oHice .\. MoKethan.—Thoma« R. Cnlerwood, Kaiidal 1 iel. Kdward L. Winslow. J..hn C. Blocker. ■ riii of r^ubscription: 1 '11* I ndcrsigned a»:ree t-> take the number of shares >l'K) ^-:\ch. set .ipposlte tn our nnines respectively, ■:se Central Rail H->a 1 ‘-anpany; and in all rospei-ts > tnply with the terms of the Charter. Piilii.iiii*.*: received. I'or March, jur J. HALi: \ S(i\. IU)()lv IJLNDHRV. W. II.UIDIK has reaumwil the Book Binding Business, over the Taili>r Shop of Jlark & Woodward, where he will receive anil execute binding in any style desired. .\u;;ust 1. 27-tf II. roi: 11. p.op.Kins \ tlu-ir business, -ilT AND FlXTl'KFS of the .1 S Al.l'.. CO., dc irons cf changing er for sale the FLIINITL'KL I’:ivettevilb- Hotel, together llesidence ; N • of shares N Ca'h 1 Work with a lease of the Building till the 1 >t of .July lSoi. This Hotel i> to > favorably known to the public to r^^ulre r«‘Coniiuend!iiion from and we feel assured that a rare chance to ni'ike nion*'\' is embraced in the above uflVr. -Any int’"imation respectitig the >iusinc'j-, of ttie House will be chveriully uiven to suih 's may msUe iniiuirr. Term-; nia'l** .1. H. IIOHI.HT.'^ .• C(,. March 1, l''-‘>'i. >'.-tf I Tiptions maj' ■ cify whether '.ders shall in >e m-ivlc payable ;• :• trrading >v c every case h ive in Work, and ross-tics; Mild preference in 1 \ 'iitracts, when bids are xhv ' ime or :ii Kngi- t 't'm.ate. ■ one hundred i.iousand doll.ars are suli- he i’on;mi?sioners ul On?!-iW County are to I :Ti-' 'lit y are rciiuired to i-all a meeting of tl- organise the C .ii.panr. .. i-’>. I -'-', .. 87-8m priiiii: (mmjiI?-; i'oi 185(5. ' .re V. vv receiv.Mg an unusually large stock JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. [^HK subserilu'V' have for sale, the "d volume ot thv Heports of Law in the Sujiia-mc I'ourt of North (’ar'liin. 'ly II .I ,nes, rs-|. .Tii't publisht'd. Also. Supreme Court Hepiuts gei;ei-iViv. .sii'l other Law Books, K. .1. HALI-; .v SON. .March 1, l"-‘>'i. I'lrrv TONS (.1 A\(). TB'^HK Subscribers are recei%ing their Full Stock of M. j« It -i. I' II I 11^, ein'iracin‘.r a large and gener.il assortment in their t ' wholesale buyers at the lowe t’ounfry Pn’dui •. r on the paying customers. L 111 l! usual wiileli they oflor let ra’i" t'or f’ai-h. i T.- lit to i rwiii t VALl AliLK PKOPKRTV ron s.ii.f:. OFFFR for »:ale, my L \NL‘S in the Town of Fay- etteviile, about l^io Acres, knowu &s th« MUMFORD SWAMP. A>iout 8> .\cres of it is fine Meadow Lund, as the Crop now oa it will show. .Also, the Brick hikI l.ot near the .M.irket Square, occupied by Nlr. John A. Pemberton. ■\ l,.arge aivl Valu.itile Lot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell and Mumford Streets, known as the Hot«l ti-irtlen Lot, -couM be divided into several Building Lots - vi-ry near the new Female High School Buildings. Alsii. the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford Street. Several DKSlllAHLK BlIILDlNCi L(»TS on both Winslui^ and Mumtord Streets. -\11 this iiroperty can now be purchased on fsvora- b'e terms, and a large }iart can remain on Bond and Mortgace if desired. THO. J. CCKTIS. Oct. 10. IS.j.') t3-tf I). W. C. HHXliOW, P. D. S., (;raduate of the llaltlmore CoHest of UHMAL SLliliERY. 'JOO C'asks I'rcsli I^iine, Calciii*(l Plaster, Plastering Hair and ('ement. Mackerel and Herring, by J. W. POWKRS ct CO. April P.*. 03tf Ijinuh for ah!e, ! ^,^7” E OFFLR for sale that Valuable Plantation, i ▼¥ known as the “.ASHK PL.ACK," seven miles I above Fayetteville, on the Cape Fear River, recently the property of Col. Nathan King, containing SEVKN HUNDRKD .ACRES,—every acre of which is (’ape Fear IWttoms, and susceptible of the highest state of cultivation. This Land requires no puffing as it is known to be the best farming lands on Cape Fear River. Terms will be made satisfactory if the right sort of purchaser is found. T. S. LUTTERLOH. J. & T. WADDILL. Feb. li, 1855. 73-tf NOTICi:. notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Beasley, J uro in the hands of Wm. McL. .McK;i.y for col lection, as longer indulgence will not be given, it is hoped this notice will be sufhcient to save costs. -loHN M. BEASLEY. June 20, 1855. 12tf ANDKl-AV .1. S'ri;i>.\1.VN, ,lTTim\l'V AT L.UV, fH /WING removed to Pittsl)orough, N. C., will at- I. tend regularly, the Courts of Chatham, Moore, and Harnett (bounties. April 10, 1855. 91-tf W. \. lUJSKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CLEBK AND MASTER IN EQUITY. F.wettkvim.e, N. C., .May be found at the Ecpiity Office, in the Court House. Sept. 22, 1855. 38-tf rPnfii'if and •llrdlriiirs. fAM now receiving my f^'RING STOfK of DRUGS, MEDICINES andCHEMl(\ALS. SAM’L J. March 17. HINSDALE. 87-:U Wiloy’s New C. Form Book. A further supply just rec’d. E. J. H.ALE & SON. March 12. I'irnest Liiiwood, hy Mrs. llcMitz; The Attache in Madrid; Memoir of S. S Prentiss; Tolla, a Tale of .Moilern Rome; Sense and Sensibility, by .Miss Ansten; Catharine Volmar, by Reynoldji; The Greek Romance of Heliodorus &c.. trauslate 1 by Rev. Rowland Sniith; School Books, ISlank Books. ..'cc. E. J. HALE .j SON. FOU SAl.K, SaS A Jan’y 2b. FEW' good FARM HORSES, apply soon to M. McKlNNON. 7:-oin New Metlioil tor the (luitar, by (’harlea C. Converse; Hunten's Instructions for the Piano Forte; Burrowes’ Piano Forte Primmer. Fur ther supplies just received E. J. HALK & SON. Nov. Hi. J. A. SPFAKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, C.)urts of Cumberland, Haraett, A TTENDS the »- Wake and Johnston. Feb’y l:!, 18-r>t;. Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N 78-lyr Ffii^cKeville Mutual Insurance Com/mni^. An Abstract Dj the Scronti Anmial KEPORT of the Fnsiilent lunl DiiYctors: Policies issued past year 521, whole number issued 12">o, covering property amounting to ^2,12tJ,353 00 Policies cancelled and expired 851,G35 Oti * -Vmount now insurel .Amount of i •'i»l,274,717 t “LAW COPAUTNERSlIilV' WE, the uuilersigncd, have this day formed a Law Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State; Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supvome Court. J. H. IIAUQHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborongh, N. C., Jan’y 1, 1850. 72tf II. L. noLMi:s, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICE on corner of Front and Princess street, under Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf rnos. H. TlLLINGilASr, « O O Amh rson i^treet, opposite North of E. J. Hale dr Son's Jioo/.-sforr. %WUSIC, Magazines, and all descriptions of Books are bound in aU styles in the best and most substantial manuer, on terms, the sam« as at any A Moinoir ol’ liio Rev. Sidney Smith, by his Daughter, Lady Holland, with selections fr«m his Letters, edited by Mrs. Austin. For sale by E. J. Il.VLE & SON. Dr. K. A. RliAi'K. FFTCE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 185C. 7(J-tf o BOARDING-, PRIVATK A:^II TRA.\>ill)i\T, FRONT STREET. L. MALLFTT, AVILMINGTON, N. C. March 1, 185C. 8:^2m jniuiin Notes “ expired a: cancelled “ “ now on baud ;iltj,‘333 oti 120,474 03 j ij;iso,85y ii i — ^ FOR REN'F. A VERA' desirable Dwelling, recently built, with convenient out houses, near the business jiJvrt of the town. Apply to D. & VV. .MoLAURlN. Dec. 20. 03-tf GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. ri^HE subscriber has in Store a good assortment of Goods in the GROCERY .and HARDWARE LINE: all of which will be sold wholesale or retail, or bar tered for country produce, on terms the most reason able. .A small Jot of S.ADDLEllV for sale cheap. Give us a call. G. W'. 1. GOLDSTON. N. B. Any of my friends in the country having busi ness to transact in thia place, such as renewals, kc„ can have it done on the usu:il terms, by sending same to my cara. G. W. 1. G. Fayettevil1«, Sept. 27, 1^55. ;’>!Hf Increase during l.ist year ^til,275 0 Premium notes averaging 14 8.? 100 percent, on the i amount insured, the actual cost of Insurance during the year averaging less tli.-in per cent. I'llIM, l.\i) liOOD!;. ■ f wi.; -e,; very cheap tor Cusn, or on the uaual • Wbo .-.-.-ilc Buyers evci-.jsivi .y. -• I k. wi.i cons’-t of a gener.i' sclee*' r. T M APLE FANC Y DllV ia)l)f)S. -ILK AND STRAW BONNETS. Buors, SHOES, L'.MBRELL AS. HEADY- M A DEC L >T H 1N , Tit I Til With a great variety of notion^. St;,'. Th'ise owing u- notes p;isr duc| are e.'«! iiestly . -ited to mak^ immediate* pavui^ii' STAKH V WILLIAMS. >1 .ri-u 17. ■''V‘>. H7-tf NEW >>FRiN(. (.OODS. nr E are now receiving a l;»rge and desir.-ible stock of dPUlNC nnd SUMMLK (iO'iDS, consisting 't iple an i rai;'y Dry il-iods. iJATS, liOOTS ANi) SHOES, I50NNETS ANI> UM)iRi:LLAS, 'iich will be offered ciic-i[> for cash, or on the usual » to prompt customer-. Those owing us debts of -tanding, are e irnc.stly rcijiicstcd to pay them. H X E. J LILLY. ! ■ tieville, March 13, lsi5^'. x7-4w i''ilty 'I'on. for Ca-h. at o cent.- •Aug. 27, I» ALSO. ’(■St F« rii\iaa (iiiaiio. per poiui i. CEo. \V SF(^AR-HOrsi: 11 HI'.*', super'.oi .jT i: received aii l for -ale In in. 7. W ILLl ;.MS .v •«». -.iU-tf .MOLASSES. ir-lluii-.i‘ Molasses, ju.-^t RECEIPTS. Cush on hand last report ^!772 8H “ for Premiums leceive.l b,in:5 28 “ for Policies, Surveys Ai transfers 337 50 “ for Rent 7U UO COOK. b7- (; MiDEN SEi:i)! (;aUDI:N SEED!! A L.\HGE sujpply of .lohn--jn. Bobbins ^S: Co.’s celebrated Seed just received. — warranted the growth of ls55. ThcbO Seed have given universil sati-;'':o-'■ .11 wherev(T used, and may be lelied on as t’re-^h and genuine. ,\'so. Ked Clover, Lucerne, and Blue (irass Se^d. For sale wholesale or retail by J. N. SMITH, Druggist. Jan’y 17, 185'i. ~Otf (>tlice hours from !' .A. M. to 1 P. M. P. M. to 5 P. M. Dli. B F. N B O W may be found at his Room near the Market, where all who are in need of the services of a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. All opcr.-»tioiis per'ormed upon the latest anl most apj'roved [dans. To those in need of 7V«//l. he would .-.implv say that he is behind in no o i i nn i'.'provt >nent. He insert.^ from one to an entire set i Cash paid C. H. • upi.n tine Gold or Platina plate, which he guarantees to be e.jually as serviceable as the n atural organs. He spends nine months of c:ich year in this p’.ace, i^froin 1st of (October to the 1st of July.) Sept. 2’.'. ^0-tf $7,283 67 DISBURSEMENTS. T' nissoi.i riii.x. HE firm ol HALL .y SACKETT i solved by mutual con.-^ent. 'fhe busin-.'ss o*" the *iri:i wid be settled by J. H. | Hall or A. E. Haii, ho alone are authorise i to use | the name of the firm la li lui-iation. J. A. T. Fayetteville, N. Jan'y Di, 185 'his day dis- H. HALL, E. H '.LL, M. SACKETT. li. 70-tf HinV illD, I'^oH the apprehension aud delivery of my negro man P.\GE, a bright mulatto, about 28 years of age; or for his continement in any Jail so that I get him again. When he left he had on a brown Satinett Cojt and Pants, makes a good appearance, and no -loubt will pass himself as a free man; a)»out 5 feet 10 or 11 inchesi high, weighs about lS5pouuils, and had, at the time he left, a fe'.lon on the middle finger of his left hand; has on his chin a goatee (or long beard.) 1 expect he will endeavor to make his way to .Abingdon, Washington county, Va., where he was raised. D. M. McL.-VUIlIN, Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C. Fcb’y 4, 185b. 75-tf Lot and balance Office building I,'50 00 Salaries l,6oU 00 ‘State Tax 1^)00 ‘Contingent expenses 375 b2 ‘Premiums returned 20 05 Balance To-wit; ('ash loaned out on Bond and Security, (on demand,) !$2,250 00 Cash in Bank aud in hands of it4,:J4C 27 $2,937 40 r. strrjbw J VS. F. I OL LKi:S. J I/iti/and fJoJinfilsuii St/ > ■ tf., oppusttc lh. Fayrtt€liU Il'ttil, m KT-oULD respectfully call the atten- ¥ ¥ tion (d' his friends and cu.itouiers to his complete ?tock of Diu (; ^ n E:»I ( IA i : , Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuffs, Which he is now receiving, .mil will offer at prices as low u.-. they can be bought at this market. His object is to sell that can be depended upon, as he buys none enuiiie urticle. Constantly on hand Fhiiil, (^dinpht ne, Sitii'iti Tarpi nttuf, }{rnnlif"S (tnd ]\'nirs^ Mvdinxl >;) (jiitiirias Wati r, ditnite Hill sidy East Jnliri Castor Oi^. r., 185';. 87-tf 1U RMN(; i-fA ID . '•■-■eived. Fresn, at one dollar per gallon, for wanti:d. VGenlleir.tin of the P.ar. if snirjcient encourage ment is shown him. designs delivering, in Wil mington and Fayetteville, a CnUHSE of LECTCRE.S on the EARLY Hl^^TOBY OF THE CA”i: FEAR COUXTRY; I and to This end desire.!?, an 1 through this medium i calls upon, all those who may have Munuscripts and Documents relating to the Itevolutioii iry History of this section of the St'i^e. such as letters, jirinted - documents. forward thcni to him at Elizabeth- i town, N. i -All letters, ^S:c.. will bo carefully preserved, and ! after being noted, will he s.ifely returned to their pro- i per owners. ! .Address .1. ut Eu/abethtowii, t’dadcti ' (,’ounty. Floriilci iiJiiul Agency. .Agents *>87 40 - $2,937 40 ASSETS. Cash on interest and in Bank. $2,937 40 Rent due 190 00 Real Estate, paying 13 per cent. 1,800 00 $4,927 40 Premiua. Notes on hand 189.859 33 Amount Capital to meet any losses $194,78t‘. 73 )M‘S. s. J. HINSDAIiE. 87-3t i*atfnt C'ttrononntfi’ MJitf/ittc. 1 ciii|iri .S|f:uii Kiiu'oir for wliii'h Lftli r' I'.itrtU ..i-.t to .11 111 \ A I! I'.KIi. Ill \ u \'ork, Jan. !) Ir.Vi ' '!]: Iiii.iriivcineiit ■:onsi--t-. in l)ii increa«c ol |>o\V(.-r ■ M anii n.iui-inu the u e.irht of the Kiiiliac one 1 1 : I if>-( tl it liv U lliiii! the >le:iiii in on liolli >iiic. ■' ' > e.i-int; ih>' -./.u o| ilii- piirl, ;iiiil liilanrins the ■ ill!-’ ilie Iririion ;iii(l ol Uic sliile vrilves, ec 111 .oiinei’liti” roil-., &.C. 'I'liP e.\rccilini; silll i. '■•if i-mtiT- It much mure iliirilile jinif cit-ily M iiiV iiliiT, iinil u tipn (ilureit upon the holler u illi . :ri.'ili'e thuutrti ellcctivi-. r. ri. eiVi'.l tlii/ I IK.'!'!' IMII'/r. .\n;H M, at llip ;real I'-'iris. 'rtifrc are aliniu Seventy l-'ivc nl lliem now ■ L'i\ inL’ yrciit y.'ili.iliirtioa . PHK r„>s " lie - !.'k) I'liilcr^ aiiil fUtirip-^ '^HIO rndersigned continues H. to carry on the ulVERY P.CSlNKSSat thisjdace. They have Litely l.irgely increased their Stock and c.an now offer to the jHiblic as good Horses, Car riages and Drivers as can be found in the .>>()uthern country. Tiianklul fi»r the large patron age heretofore extemled to us, we solicit a continua tion of the public favor. W’e promise a .“tatistactory trip to all who may wish to travel. jg-^’Stables at" the West end of .Mumford street, whore one of the Projirictors may always be found, or cVt the Store tirs^ door East of Mr. Lufterloh. J. W. POWEilS i CUfc FayettcvilU Yeb’y 2'.^, 1S.53. 71tf fB^HE undersigned has established an .AGENCY in i die town of Alligator. Columbia County, Florida, for the PURCHASE. SALE or LOCATION of LAND WARRANTS, the PURCHASE and SALE of LANDS geiier.illy, improved or unimproved. The fact now being established that a Rail Road is to be constructed immediately, connecting the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, running tnrough the entire length of this County, east and west; and in view of the great fertility of our soil, the unusually fine growth of pine timber on the land, the hcalthfulness of the climate, and the rea.sonable terms on which lands can now be olitained, there is perhaps no section of the Union which otters equal inducements to the emigrant from the other States. Having had some exjierieucc in farming on the dif ferent kinds of land, and iicquired a general knowledge of Uiem throughout the C »unty; and having acquired unusual facilities for pointing out such as are for sale, either of public or private lands, he feels very confi dent of niakit g it the interest of all persons wishing information, or who may have determined to settle in Florida to call on him. WILL. (). JEFFREYS. References: Hon. E C. Cabell, Hon. ,\. E. Maxwell, Tallahassee, Fla. Hon. David S. W'alker, State Reg. jCarthage, N. C. II. C. McLean, Esq., / Dr. M|illett j p^^yetteviUe, N. C- Rev. Geo. McNeill, ( Messrs. W. M. Lawton & Co., Charleston, S. C. June 27, 1855. 13-\ In conclusion, the President and Directors congratu late the members and the public ou the very fortuaatc and successful operations of the Company the past year. We have met with no loss since 7th March, 1854, (Sneed’s,)—unless it be the case of Strauglaus & Einston at Kinston, whose Store was blown up—a very eztraordinary caxe,—it is still under investigation. place in the South. Persons wishing to know the prices of binding, will be supplied with a list person ally or by letter. Sept. 25, 1855. 3U-fcf R. M. OliRELL, .^VVTMO.^'EER AND .TIorcliaiit. April 9, 1855. 90-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM € O ?l f 1 1 1 O A AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, .’I*. €\ j Prompt personal attention given to all Consign I meuts, and (’ash advances made on Produce to be ship i ped to other ports or sold in this market, j Feb. 12, 1855. C7 ~ r. c. ^ [}. (i. winn’H^ Coiniiiissioii ♦.V: Forwarding .Morcliants, BROWN’S BUILDING, W'ATER STREET, Wiliiiiii^i^^ton, ill. V, Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. 63-tf CHARLES HANKS, € O.VF E€' TiO.VE R ^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fortiyn Eruits, A’«As, Cigars, Tobacco, Sniijf,iirc HTllKET, Fayetteville, W. C. March 1, 1853. 73tf \V. \\ EI.LJOTT, General Commission antf FoncanUmj Merchant WILMINGTON, N. C. ' June 10, 1854. TiiK m Mmm smiiTEs. rjI'^HE Subscribers have received on consignment, a ■ few copies of the New Revisal. Price cash on delii'fry. E. J. HALL & SON. Jan’y 21. pu.nTps. 110RCE “vd Suction Pumps, She .Liead and Lead Pipe. For sale by C. W. ANDREW'S, Market Square. March 30. 83-tf JONES’S EQUITY. V’"GLUME 1, just received and for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. Styles ,1 sir. 150 :()() 4IKJ ■>tiO lesl riolirc. it'.il iii.-->l ili toil r.au tior'i- |iov\cr ;it Ihe hni I iiii I'loini. t'lC simplosl ; ■ ii-r or ifiiilyiim lioilcrs. I - , Ijt litil tiv :iili)rf 'i' II &. Ki;i;ii. i.i .M:Hii b ine. Ne« \ ork. ii7 ‘Jiiipil w WOOL UOM-S. OOLcardeo with dispatch at Piount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, t-otton Yarn, and W'ool Rolls, for sale by OEO. McNElLL. June 1854. 7-tt Fit^cltecille (Uttidij Maavfaclonj. ^jl’H E subscriber still continues to mannfftcture a *. superior artieleof plain and fancy (.I.ANDIES I at the old :;tund. (No. 5, Gretn street, -i doors North, ; of the Market House,) where he would be happy to ! see his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March 1, 1853. 73tf J. IV. sMi rii, W HOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN niiu6^s. Paints; Oils; iPtfe-Stuff's; VARMSIIFS; WIXD 0 W- GLA SS A ND Putty, Glass- Ware; Perfumery; Fine Soaps; Fine Tooth and Hair li rushes. Paint Brushes; Eidd and Garden Seeds; Spices-, SnuJ's; Snn/ical Instrvmrnts] Patent Mediciites; Pure Liquors for Medicinal Purposes', Fancy Articles, d'c., »t'c. Orders from Country Physicians aud Merchants re spectfully solicited and perfect satisfaction guaranteed, both in regard to quality and price. J. N. SMITH, Druggist. Oct. 27. The following Directors were elected for next year: Geo. McNeill, H. L. .Alyrover, Chas. Benbow, Henry Lilly, Jas. Kyle, S. W. filliiighast, S. T. Hawley', T. S. Lutterloh, W’ra. McLaurin, N. A. Stedinan, J. G. Shepherd, S. J. Hinsdale, D. A. Ray, J. D. Williams, A. A. McKethan, J. II. Cook, A. E. "iLall, A. W. Steel, J. G. Cook; and R. F. Brown of Wilmington. OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. II. L. MYROVER, Vice President. C. A. McMILL.AN, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, .Attorney. n.ceculive Committee for mxt (Quarter: Geo. .McNeill, S. W. Tillinghast, Wm. McLaurin. May 24, 1855. 4-Y A 1IDER VINE(J.AR, a good article, X y for sale by W. H. C.VRVIOR. Nov. 10. 54-tf 4tf J. C. POK., Methodist Hymns, various and Methodist Disciplines, just received. E. J. HALE k SON. Dec. 22. NEW BOOKS. PRESCOTT’S History of Philip 2d; Life of Sidney Smith; Orchard's History of the Paptists; Mimic Life, by Mrs. Ritchie; Peter Parley’s .Adventures of Gilbert Go-Ahead; Balloon Travels of Robert Merry aud his young Friends over various Countries in Europe; Widow B«dott Papers; Miss Bsnkley’s Testi mony of an Escaped Nun, (the genuine book;) Mackey 'ii Masonic T,exicon; Barnes’s Prayers; Presbyterian Psalmodist; The Psalmist, small size; Anthon’s Classi cal Dictionary; Bolmar’s Perrin’s Fables; Banker’s Cases; Blotters; &c., 4'C- Just received by E. J. HALE & SON. A CARD. ri'THR subscriber tenders his services to the citizeus of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, as a M.ASTER BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, aud gives notice that he is ready to contract for work in his line, at the lowest cash prices. S. F. DICKStJN. Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 185-t. 88tf 'FHE LAND OF GOLD, l»y Hinton R. Helper, 75 cents, just rec’d bv E. J. HAl.E 4' SON. We are now rert icimj; and expect to keep up a lartrc stock of (jlrocerlcs. " WE OFFER 1/^wk BAGS (JofTee—Rio, Laguira and Java, 15 Hhds. Sugars, 50 “ Molasses, 1.000 Sacks Salt, 75 Bbls. Sugars,—coffee, crush’d & powd’d, 125 Bags Shot, 45 Kegs Powder, 20 Hhds. Western Bacon, 3,500 Lbls. N. C. 50.000 Segars, assorted qualities, 100 Boxes Cheese, AVith every other article in our line. All of which we will dispose of low for CASH, or exchange for pro duce or naval stores. 1>. & W. McLAURlN. .May 23. 3-tf DEALER IN STAIM.E FA.NCV DRV GOODS, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOKS, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. I/at/ Street, Fai/etteviUe, X. (\ May 20, 1855. ‘ 4-tf r. C. WOUTH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, (.iiinn\s DoiiK‘Sti(; AJediciiK;, oi* Poor Man’s Friend. .A further supply of this Family .Med ical Books just rec’d t>y E. J. ll.-Vi-E ,J- SON. WUder\i l*ateut Sa/auKuider Safe. WE keep constantly on hand an assortment of the above S.AFES, warranteil fire-proof; and desirous of extending the demand for them, have in duced the makers to consent to deliver them here at New York prices. D. .t W. McLAURlN, .Agents, .lune 10, 185-1. 4tf WII.MINGTON, X. I85ti. C. .lan'y 10 J. S. n.VNKS, .TS ere limit, Wilmington J N. C. Jau’y 1, 185b. ;8-tf o*;-tf NOTICE. ( iOL. NATH.AN KING is our authorized Agent to J make contracts for the delivery of Lumber and ritaber and for the purchase of Crude Tuvpeutine, at Kingsbury, in Cumberland •ounty. J. & T. WADDILL. May 22, 1855. 3-tf BI.ANKS for sale at this Office II (i. W. Wll.MAMS .y CO. .-VA’E just received a large aud well selected as sortment of HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer chants. March 17, 1855. 84- Worth & Utley, l''or\varlinjr and (icncra! Coniinission MEUCILVNTS, FftffvltcvUle, f'. J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. rXLKY. s. M. THOMAS, DEALER IN FANCY ^ STAI^fvE DRY (’,OODS, RE AD Y-M AD K C LOT II1NG, HATS, CAPS, nONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, (COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, &c., &c. Corner Market and Gillespie St.. Fayetteville, N. C. Dec. 17, 1855. 62-tf NEW liOOKS. EE''H'R)FT, by the .Author of Heartsease, &c; The Private Life of an Eastern King; Stray Leaves from the Book of Nature; .McKenzie’s Miscella neous Works; The Contrast between Good and Bad Men, b\ Rev. Dr. (jardiner Spring. .\lso, further supplies of The Great Iron AVheel; .Alone; Heir of Redclirt'e; Berrian’s, Banies’ and Thornton’s Family Prayers: Gillott’s 303, Perry s Double .Action, and many other kinds of Steel Pens; (.larniine Inks; Camel Hair Pencils; 4"c. I^- HALE & SON. Nov. 12. FURTHER SUPPLY OF 1R)()KS. f'ELDORADO, by Bayard Taylor; A Basket of (’hips, by Brougham; Table Traits, by Dr. Doran; The Renegade; .Modern Pilgrims by Geo. Wood; Helen Leeson, a peep at New York Society; India, China and Japan, by Bayard Taylor; The Hidden Path; Hearts ease*. .Mitchell’s Traveller’s Guide; Cumiuing’s Works; .Andrews’ Latin English Lexicon; Small Edition of P3.almsaud Hymns, plain and gilt; Smellie’s Philo.sophy; Grtene's Analysis; Webster’s Dictionaries; Cutter’s Anatomv, Physiology, Sac. Just received. E. J. HALE ik SON. Dec. 31. Harpers Magazine for March, just • HALV- & bON. Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary.— Further supplies just rec’d. E. J. H.ALE & SON. Dec. 22. Blank Warrants tor sale here