S K m 1. W K K K L Y. I'AYr/rTF.vn.r.i'., n. c.. ai>kil :s, isrx;. NO. 492.]- .iiN .r.li M'fMiAYS AN’* l'HURSl>AVS. !’I)\V \l!l) J. HALK .t S(»N, !'l I'llHS AM' I'HOlMUrTt '-s. ■-c' ■ ’I" ' Somi-Wookty Or. r.Rvru 00 if psiti in ■ !\ S'! ‘'>0 if pniJ iluriitf the yoar of sul'si'iip- ! 11 >v >1 :iftcr the year o\pirc'l ; f e ookly OnsERVKK Oupo; auuuin, if puid in , : . SJ 'D if pai.l durintr the ji- of snl>scrip- T ii; *r > ’ 00 ftftsi- the ycai" has expircil. ADVERTISKMKN’TS inserted for sixty cents per i u.i:. f IG linos foi' the tirst, ;iud thirty cents for each p. . ee.line publii';\tion. Yearly adve^ti^emonts by spe- .-’1 I’ontracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are requi-: d to st'vte the number of insertions desired, or thf-y ^v'll ' i' odtitiuuod till foi-bid, and oharjced accord- nr\y. feT'! setters t.: the T.ditors must be post-paid. AdvortiHeraents to be inserted char^ied jO per cent, extra. NEW SI PPLV iW IJ|l KE White Lead, in 'il, Vegs of 50 11)8. and Jo lbs. each. ALSO, Linseed Oil: Sper«. Lauip and Tanner’s oil, of the est oualitv. For sale in quantitioa to suit. iv Rosi: March 31. ‘jI For Sal( in ijuantitus to suit. JAMKS KVLF. Is uow rfviiruii/ Jii>^ Si /’PI.V or c:iiiv\i‘ (;oons. \MONCf which are, Irish Linens, l.,a\vns and l*iapcrs; French, Scotch and Uonicstic Lawns; ('alicocs, Frcncli, Fiip;lish niul liaimwtic; Frcnch, Scotch and iKnnesiic tliiiirhaui^: Kmb’d and I’lain i'rajie Shawls and Scarfs; 5 tu lO-t lili-ached Shirlinj: and Slioctliip-; French and Irish Linen Itrilliiifr: Bl’k anil OolM Silks; Bonnets and llonnet UiVtbon: Bolting (.'loths. No. to 10; Joseph llepka’s ('ottonades; Ool’d Greuadiiifs and llarefios; Linen Cambric Handkerchief.s, assorted; Blay Linens, .■{ to I-1, very cheap; With man^' other articles, all of whicli having been purchased by the jmckage at the lowest r.ites, will be otl'ered at the lowest prices, hv wholesale or retail, for Cash, or oa time to Punctual Customers. •March 27, 185G. ‘.'1-tf OLD RVi: WmSKKY. WDRAUOIIOX has just receiv>d a supply’ of • Hon. K. I'. I’uryear's ('elelpr,->tod »*/ lie will he supplied^witii this superior Whiskey as the demand increases. W. L>raughon is uiy only authorised agent fur the sale of my U'hiskev in Fayetteville. R. C. I'LRVK.Ml. ^Larch ‘20. I't; tf Liri-: iNsruvNcK. FBlllL rnder®igne l has been appointe.l .\gent of H tlie North t’aroliua Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. hvf*ry member for life* pai’ticipates in the pri>- ♦its ot the (.’omp.iiiy: -iii.l the annual premium for lile memliei'.sliip, where it amounts to !>oO or may l>e paid one-lialf -n ea-ih, and the other half in a liiiie ;i f ] •_> iiioni hs. l>ebt«rs’ lives may lio iiisureil hy creditors. A man niay insure tiis own lift' i\ir the exclusive benefit id' liis taiaily 'flu' lives of slaves may lie insured. J his system is rapidly jrrowinif into t'avor, :ill tiver the civili/ed Avorh! it is one My which u faniily, tor a small sum annually, may be provided for, after tlie dk'ath of its he.i l, on whose exertion.s tliey may have been de]H*iuleut for a siij ]uu t. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live buig after taking out a Life I’oHey. Kxplanatory panif hlets. and the necessary illank.-^, furnished on application. K. .1, IIALK 1' i}fi tt( riHe Muliuil Insura/ice ('oinpnny. vl/i o/llw StfonJ Anniidl REI*011T of the I'n-^idrnt and Diitctum: I'olii-ies ihsued p.ist year olll, wiiole number issued rj;!.'5, covering jiroperty an.ouniing to utt I’xlicies cancelled aii'l expired 8ol,ti:k') 0“> ^1,U74,717 .lOSKPH HAKKU, Jit., i ATTOIC'^KV AT TAW, H.AS taken hti (‘ffice next door to Wm. B. Wriglif’s Law otlice on Gi’eeu Stiei t. He will alitnd and practice in the ('ounty and Superior ('ourts of Cuml'er lanil, liladen, Robeson and Sampson. .Maroli 185:). 7'.*-tf j iu:n.iamin k. iihskk, i A r TO K \ K V % r I. \ \\\ I FAVm'EVTLl.E, N. 0. AV be found at the Office formerly occupiel hy j Walter .\. Huske, Ksij., on B iw Street. I >Vill attend the Counties of Moore, Cuinberland and i litaiu Uoiinty Land and Pensions under i Kubesou. And the various acts March 15, 185o. 8Uf r|lHOMASTOWN LIME, Hydraulic Cement, «■ ilciued Plaster, l-’!:>>teriug Hair. Also, .^grleultural Plaster iui''a-k'«. March Cl. ROSE. 'Jl-")t and Fivsli Spring- (Joods. P.\. PEMBERTON has just received a larg • • desirable Stock if s'rAPLR^^FAXCY SILK (^OODS, Embracing a great variety of L,iDIES-> nnESS UOOiPS, ■ nsistiug of Plain, Plaid and FigM Sximmer Silks; ! -rages: Tissues; Crape de Paries; ('halies; Organdies, •.' iinand iu Robe P ;ttefu; Embr'd, Flounced, t'ol'd • ud White Evening Dres - A few Rich Jol'd and l’’ ick Moir Antique Silk', A large :ind beautiful assort- i.ent of EMBROIDERIES, ; ollarB, Sleeve?. French Emb’d Flirts, Baoipies, \c.; '■’hiin and Embr'.l Crape Shawls-^a few ,ery superioi: Enii>r «i :-’iik and Lace .Mantles, Hats; 1 uiu Str .” and French Lace P.onuets: a few .cry superior -I d and White Crape and Silk ditto, of the latest tylo';. Particular f .ution ' inviti ’ to a large and well 1 jurteJ stO'.k . Keaily-.llaile r Men and Boy-, made m the l\iE>i 'Pvll' and ■■ ARRAKTED WORK..MAXSIUP. The above Stock was selected with great care, and ir braces every article usually kept in the Dry Uoods ;ne. Buj'ers would do well to call and examine tb*- ' e Stock before purchasing. J. A. rEMBKRTt>N. March 20. L'o-tf Importnnt to tin .Mjlictcd. III*. a. i.«i»to\, WH(> has, for a uum1>er iif yi U'. t i ni -u> ful ill curing Cancers, Ulcers, Tumors, Sore Legs, &c., Oti'ers to E)ruggist>i. L»octors, and Farmers, or ;snv may be afflicted, EVERV REMEl>V IN'USl’, for diseases, lie will give his own remedies, togi with all other remedies in tise, with -t cornet diui of all such a> will yieM to treatment, l'"r the ^ sutnof>;-0. .Vllress .1 \ME'’ ' ,'M*TON s:. Loui;., :*r- p. s.—Persons jmrchasiiig l>r. t’loj'ton's reme will not be permitted ti> ;_ive them t.> otlu'r-.. li. tances of >10(1 huve fre|ueut!y fceu ni'de t\ ounce box of the oiutuient. Amount now iussured .\moun! of Premium Note* expired \ cancelled now on hand $l80,Hii'.i that ■Ml. h •tiier iiosis niall :iuri. •die'.. 1 iiiit r an Increase during Isst year 1, Premium notes avi'ragiiig I I S,V 100 pt'r cent, amount insured, tlie ai:rual cost ot lnsur:iiu-o th*‘ year averaging b' tiif^ii .V per cent. lUK'F.IPTS ':ish oil hand la-^l rep ort •>77'J “ for Preinium- r-,-eivcd o; '• for Policies, Surveys vV, transfers ~ -jO tor Rent 70 0(» 11 r> (»7 on the ■luriny \Sl)RE\V .1. STF.DMAX, ATTORNEY ,\T L\W, n.'WIN'O removed to I’ittsitorough, N. C., will at tend regularly, the (^ourtri »f IJhatliam, Moore, and Harnett Counties. April 1(>, !*l-tf w.T. m SKK, AT'POKNEV AT i.AW, A N1) CLERK .\ND .MASTER IN EQCITV FAVK.rrKVii.LK, N. C., .May be found at the Et.inity Office, in the (aiurt House. Sept. liJ, SH-tf A. SIMvAKS, ATTORNEY AT L .\ W , f Ciimluerland, ll.irnott. t; iusi;rR.'i:MENTs. Ca di paid C. 11. 'iifi-d, lire Lot : !iil babili' i-1 Mtiee “ Sabirie-: ‘■•'^t.'ile T.ax ('ontiiig.-nt expenses •• Premium'^ returned luildilli ^'^oO IJO l,loO 00 i,r>r>i\ 00 100 oo ;57."> '12 ‘JO 115 Courts di nston. kTTEN US th. Wake and .1 I'eh'y |;{, ls.')t;. Adiliess, Tooiner, H:irnett Co., N. C. 78-1 yr COPAU rNKKSMlIV’ \'rsign.-d. have thi.s day formed a Law ■^hip A C ARD. m»R. ARCH’D N. MCDONALD date of the tirm of Shemwell i .McDonald) takes pleasure in au- • uncing to his friends and the p .blic generally that is now doing business with Mr. J. A. Pemberton, ere he would be idv ised to have them cull and e : .:ii. Mr. P. has a very desirable stock of Fresh is, comprising everything in the Ladies’ and Oeu- :io u s Dress line which he will take great pltr-'urc . exhibiting. ARCH'D MtDO.NALD. 'larch 20. 90-tf \‘W Goods! i\ew Cooils!! IC. THOMSON is now^ receiving an unu.-iually • l.'.rge assortment of the latest styles of Spring ; summer Caps, Boots and b>lioes, J. and Mi-sses Gaiters, Buskius and Slippi rs, Children and Servant’s S^'oes, of various kinds, qualities aL l prices. ALSO, ■’tfjKf HuKjfi, TracV.lmj (in>l Pvlclvj Tniuks. Which he olTers for ^ale at 1 w pri. ^ f .r C.ASH, or to prompt paying Cu^t^.nier-. Those wishing goods in his line will please call and examine ii's s;ock be- ■re purchasing elsevrheri . •J. C. TH ■M.'-oN, Market Square. March I’O. '.*0-tf DISSOLl T»()V. HE Copartnership existing between W. F. & E. M. F. Moore was dissolved on the l ^t .March, by mutual consent. All those indebted to the Firm will plttase co'jie forward and make payment: either party is authorised to settle. W. F. MOORE, E. F. MOORE. Tlie above business will be conlin- '7 W. f. & J. J. M(^re, under the name and style 00- ( F.n TIFK '.1 7’A X. He could give you hundreds -f ccrtilicates, l.iit of- fer» only the toHowiug: L' 'Ni.^toN, (!( i. :;i, 1 Dear Sir: 1 s-iw 3*our l atd in t'i== Lynch^urg \ irgin- i ian about the loth ^ f •''eptenOier lit ;i:;!!ouni-in:; ; your visit to Lynchburg, j reji.ired w't'- a remedy fii' the cure id Cancers and like disca-^ps, about the l.'ith of September, .lud o!>tain ■ 1 a tio\ of your “Cancer '•intment," and apj bed it to >:,id tumor ten >!ays, •.following your direutii.n>. , and i;i tw>'iity days, it was perfectly well, 'caving >.nt a very Hglit tr:ice if its former existence, and up to tli’ time, it pre-*'iits no symptoms of reappearance. 1 consider you, therefore, ib -ervedly tuititled to the foe 1 pai I yuu, as well as my tc^tMnouy to the etlic:ioy of your remedy. Respectfully, (-RVlLLi: l.oVlNii To Dr. .Tas a. Ci.oiToN. Dalton, Gco. Wil'« n’ Dki'cit, Sc hi Sim: R R. \ a. Dr. CLt'PTo.N Dear Sir: I :uu i; ippy t-. inform you, that my Cancer is entirely well. \ our ointment proved iuvalual;!e. I used it a.-, .r i tig t'. y .ur iiice- ti.iHS, and >'M.n it ti k •- '’-ct, and my i' :ncc. \sa- re moved; and 1 am n. w t all lium i:i :] peai anci- . | er- fectly Well. I wi-h y'lU may meet with ^reat in your practice. V urs, verv r» -i.ecttii;.v, ■tHI,‘\S hoi;;;. . N'oTT.AW.W Co., Va., Fell. I’. (I. I I. I-/; ^ Dn. ('L'-i'Ti.N- Dear Sir: My wl;. -; !>rca-!t i? ai i as it was. when I 'te oi ; I rom i :v Ic scripti(.iii of it t- you, you ti:Mi..i y'.u h ive an N remedy f'^'r it. Enclosed. 1 scud \oi- a . io . ‘ ■ *’ ii o .in Pet' S'Inir; : hank. I’lease :-en i me the no i;. ii'-. j Yours, resptott'u'.ly, ;ilv»K(ill \V. 1M.1)1>. Pim; H ■ 1.; . .S. »' , .I su ; ly I >, 1 - .o. Dr.. Ci.oiToN- Dc.ar ."ir: 1 r.cilv: i - 1-f-i' tri.m 1 you not long siiu e, I'luet’u;.; m. t : fiil -.u tiie I money that I w;; t" :.'iv- y- i ‘ >r cui 'ii j ;.i_, - ii -iiti r Marth:i. 1 herein ciicb e y.u t'ie i; a : ir- 1 dollar bill; and when 1 lo ,,r n .m u, t^ w y a '.ave receivol this, I wiM "-■en'l y ‘ t'o- rei, ii.- ■ !'. Mj’ daughter is imj roviim ver^ mu ii: Mid we think, ami are in great hope- o;' 'in ;i r> ve:y. As soon as you receive thi-, wii:e t ^ me. Voiirs, very i-espe. t! \ \\. Ri I -N. " March Balauce To-W't: Cash loHiied n Si'curity, ;oi Ca^h Ml Bank .\e*nta it on Rond and demand.) OO 111 I ill haiid.i of 0M7 4U -V.SSKTS. Ca.-^h on interest and iii Rank, ,^c. Rent due Real Est.ite. paying ptr « -nt Premium N’oti'h oii hatvl .Amount Capital to lu ^•J,‘.*87 10 190 00 l.f'Oo UO ^j;l,’427 40 18'.|,8.V. ;;:j LAW E, the Uli' ('oi—fTUMNhip, and v ill pr.ictice in the Ci)urt: )f the fol' i:;g counties of this St:ite: ('hatiiam, Cum- tierland, Moore, Harnett, and the Su]>remc (.'ourt. .1, H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittshoroiigh, N. C.. Jan'y 1, IH.'iO. 7‘2tf II. L. IIOLMLS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. O' under .Journal otlice. Dec. 12. 48-tf ■t any Ivjoses ^l‘.*1,7s*> 7:5 In conclusion, the Predident and Directors congratu late the members and d;e public on the very torlunate and succensful operations of the ('ompany the past year. We have met with no 1,. s since 7th Marcii, l^o4, ( Sneed': .)—un!e--; it he the case of Strauglaus Ein-ton at Kinston, w '^ 'se Si-’-e was blown up—a »-// ,i ■ .. i -y Cl! , it i: still under investigation. The f'dl.iwiug Direct..r.s were el - ted for next ^-ear: tie... McNeill. M. I.. Myrover, Cha.-J. Bent.ow’. Henry , .III- Kyle, S. T;!!i;.^lii! t. S, T. ll *; le\, T. •- Lutter!"h, \\ m. .McLaurin, N. .V. ~fc lm.iii. .1. .''iiei'h* rd, .1. fliu.- i iie. I*. ,\. K.iv, .1. I>. William.-. .V. A. McK-tuan, J. 11. C- k, ,\. 11. Ha!l, \. W. Steel, J. (J. ( ■ and K. t. I'rown "f WilmingtiUi. uKFK M. NEILL. President. MVRoVEi;. \ .e PreM.h-nt. Nf MILK \N, Secretary. HKPHERI>, .\ttorne\. s. Ti!liiiulia>l, Win. rnos. IL TII.LINGllAST, KiPOKttt.y'tPF.Mi, A)uttr.uii Sfntf, opposite Korth of E. ./. Hale A' Soil '.s JiuoA'Atorr. '^jJL’^SK^ >Lagtt.’iues, and all descriptions of Book.s are bound in all styles in the best and most substantial manuer on terms, the samw as at any I place in the .‘•^oi tli. Persons wishing to know the prices of l>in ling, will I t* supplied with a list persou- aSy or by letter. Sept. 2o, 18o->. 39-t-f A ( Alii). m:\ICV V. H»ISI:NS0'M ollers (iOLI)SBOKOlUai I'En AI.E OMiEt.ii:. ri'^HE third Session of this Institution commences on 1 Weduesda}', the :5d of .lau’y iSj.j, and endd on the .'Id of Juue, l8i>5. R?v. J.\S. H. BRENT. B., Presideiit. Dr. Mor(7.^n Closs, late of Chapel Hill, Professor of -Matliematics. ,\nd a full corps of Teachers in evefry branch. Board, including Washing, Lights, Fuel, sc., per session, $G0 OO Tuiticn in Primary Department, ■'*10 00 C.i’legiate Department, $20 00 One hundred dollars will cover all expenses of the session in the Collegiate course a.nd all ornamental brauahes. Pupils in primary department charged the usual price for ornamental branches. t)ne half payable in advance. Three I cctures on scientific subjects will be delivered each month. \N e are making every effort to rentier the School the first in advantages aud cheapness, and pledge to reduce ju'ices, and multiply the advantages in proportion to the increase of patronage. When our number of pupils reaches 200 we shall he able to reduce the prices jiearly one half, everv' one aiding us, is also aiding in placing the means of a superior education within the reach of almost every girl iii the State. We returu thanks for the unexampled support wt have had and believe it will be continued. For further information apply to the President of the faculty, o» myself. WM. K. L.\NE, Pres’t Stockholders. Dec. 13, 1854. 57“tt* l-MlKKillTIAt; Tin: «'\ri; ri^Ait iei% i;)e. A T a meeting of the Boat owners intere.oted in n:iv- j.m igating the Cape I’ear River hotween I’ayet teville :iud Wilmington, Ou motion, D. McTiauriu was called to the Chair, ftml R. M. Orrcll was appointed Secretary. .>n motion of James F. Marsh, I’esolved, That from and after the 1st day of Janu ary, ISjO, ’ash will be re»juired upon the delivery «»r all l"'rei^Uts at Wilmington and Fayetteville re spectively. Oil motion of J. D. Williams, Resolved, That each of the Stei.n’/ieit C’ompanira on the Cape Fe.ar River, from and after the 1st of .^anuary, 18ol>, will carry Ciuano from Wilmington to Fayette ville at 10 cents per bag. Lime at 25 cents per cask, and ground Plaster at 30 cents per cask, and th.it a KI^Ol C TIOA OF ‘JO l»EK from the printed and establislicd rates on all other articles wilt be made from and after th;it date, .all Cartage and Drayage being paid hy the shiitpers. On motion of James Banks, ResoWed, That the foregoing bo published iu the town papers. D. ilcL.XURlN, Chairman. R. M. Orrell, Sec’y. Dec. 24, 1855. G5-tf UM ■ ;us pridession.al service-* D. W. C. BKNBOW, I). }). s., Graduate of ttie Haltimore Collei;e of DE.M.4L SURI,t:iiY. office hours from 0 A. M. to 1 P. M. “ P. M. to 5 P. M. DR. BEN BOW may be fouml at his Room near the Market, where all who are in need of the services of a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. All operations perfortned upon the I.atest and most approved plans. To those in need of in practice with hi.s brother, Dr. Ben' .March 21, lsr)fi. He will he associated ] "IVeth, he would sijnply say that he is behind in no Robinson. 89-Im O l»r. K. A. KFP'K Front Rooin-s, over Dr. S. .1. Hinstlale’s Cliemi;-t and Drug Store. Feh'v 7, 1 70-tf .Kt;. 11. I. C V. .1 C /.■ . r.eo, M. Neil Mav 21, I''-'. .Ml Laarin. (-V ■■t’ tlie I’ayet t cd. u ii ibiibil nr4' iHSuraiue. Ill II ETNA In ui-ance ('"mpaiiy of llartfi-rd, iiav iii^; p :i I :!jc I i.\ i;itc l.. „l‘tur e\ . U'.eiei t In' prepared I . 11^- --r •■'■.kU, BOARDINa, AM» 1 IIO.NT .STllHHT. I.. MAf. LRT'r, WILMINGTON, N. C. M:irch I. K.'i. 8;’.-2m K. M. OIUUCLL, .1 f/tmo.vm: u k imp'-i l t:v i1h> Revenue l,;.\v . wiil • oiitiime itn .Agency in niana^eiucnt ol the iinder.-Nigti- lie P"licies of lii>uiance on eitlier in th'-' T"Wn oi in anv 4'oiiiiiiiNMioii April y, 1855. .TIriH'liaiil. OO-tf \M )rm^ (ioods for T E are now receiving of •in unusual! V slock ORE & BROTHER. i:U 27, 1866. B A NE W WORK. Iitardeiiiiig: for the ^oiith. V W. N. White, of Athens, Georgia. A most com plete manual for every dtpartment of Horticul- ■ r , • bracing the Vegetable tiardeu and the Fruit ir ii-i , adapted particularly to the Southern States. of all /jookstllera, or seut hi/ ns art ' / the Union on reccipf oj a. M. SAXTON & CO., Agricultural Book Puhlisher.a, 110 Fulton street, New York. ’ i jricultural Warehouse, H MANUFACTORY, DEPOT AND SEED STORK, ■ ' »• ^IT. near Fulton, .\ew York. ' V l*ropi*i(‘tor. a pr ictical .Mechanic, anil havint; ninny the manufacture of all k ihI.h ol A;i{) ;.\TH anil MA(’HIM;UV, woaid resfiorl ) AlcrchaoU and I'lanttrs to his large ami il of Ihe ab>v« Goods, whii li lie otter* lor 1 any other Home in the trnile ill PHOSPHATS OF I.IMK, l-LASTEl a.SD IIr .'1 FKK11I.12KR8. ill .'till Rlsu po'ilvroi'.s, d for bale by CHAS. BANKS. ‘dl-2w ‘^0 BOYCES CllEESi:^ I L.'T received and for sa.t by , CHAS. BANKS. M.rh29. 01.2w . l;OXES O RACK lUlS, J ' rece;v';J aftdTlj^attte by CHAS. BANKS. 91-2 w I'l.A.Mi.-) fof jjjiig jjjjg o^ce mm i.\D m\]M (iooDis. winch we will sell very cheap for (.'ash, or u the usual time to Wholesale Buyers excluilvcly. Our stock will consist of a general selec'lon of STAPLi: FA.NCV DRV (iOODS, SILK AND STllAW lJUNNETS, J.OOTS, SHOES, U.MBRELLAS, RE.\ DY- M ADE C LOTHIM i, With a great variety of notion*!. Those owing us notes past due, arc earnestly rei)uested to make immediate pivinent. STARR & WILLIAMS. March 17, 185G. 87-tf NEW' SPKLV(; GOODS. WE are now receiving a large and desirable stock of SPRING anl SUMMER GOt)DS, consisting ( f Staple and Fancy Dr}’ (}oods, HATS, BOOTS AXD SII0K8, HONNKTS AND UMiJKELLAS, Which will be olfered cheap for cash, or on the usual time to prompt customers. Those owing us debts of long standing, are earnestly requested to pay them. H. .'c E. J. LILLY. Faj’etteville, March 13, ISjij. 87-Iw ,S#»if #.>•« ,Vf '/'f't »•. I>r. .IAS. F. I'tit Llvf-^S, ('oriu r of llvy and Donaldson Street.-, opposite ihe Fayetteville Hotel, WOULD respectfully call the atten tion of his friends and customers to his complete stock of DilUGS, n Hl€i ES, Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuffs, Which he is now receiving, and will offer at price.9 a.'! low as they can be bought at in this market. Ills object is to sell Medicine that can be depended upon, as he buys none but the genuine article. Constantly > ;i hand Burnimj Fluid, Caiiphene, Spirita Turpentine.-, Alcoliol, JBratidici and H'Vntis, (/o/' Medical puvposef;) Conyrcss Water, Citrate Matjneiia, East India Goftor Oil. March 15, 18i6. 87-tf I Ilf wf tlie i!e, ,11 j r.'p I' ,lpl> • t the I’l^ |-ei t , . .VC Tiie lll ‘> \ has :.i i‘ii in operation hVhuiI \e Si s. Its ijiital ! !»:s0t>.000. I'he 11 ,n. I’hos. K. i‘.r ■■ c \\asit:* !ir-i I’li ,;dciit, .aii.l he still ilolds tliat otlice: and -e.ei.i' !■ its Jii-t I'iiei'toi-.s are sjiH .ictive and elh«ieiit nirail'ri - ; the I'l'iard. It has .it all times su-'taine l the hi^rhent character tur the [orudence of its mana;-cment. and for the lihenility with which it has ever adjusted ii» losses. E. .1. H.M^E. Agent. DISSOLl riON. TBIHE lirm of H.VLL ,V S.Vt’KETT is this day dis- J- solved b^' muta.i! consent. The business of tlio tirm will be settled by J. II. Hall or .V. E. Hall, who alone are authorized to use the name of the lirm iu li>.juidatioii. J. H. HALL, A. E. HALL, T. M. SACKETT. Fayettcvillf, N. C., Jan’y 10, 185G. 70-tf C11DER VINEGAR, a good article, ^ for sale by W. H. CARVER. Nov. 10. 64-tf Livery Stables. rwiHE Undersigned continues i to carry on the LIVERY BUSINESS at this place. They have lately largely increased their Stock and can now offer to the public as good Horses, Car riages and Drivers as can be found in the Southern country. Thankful for the large patron- ,ago heretofore extended to us, we solicit If continua tion of the public favor. We promise a satisfactory trip to all who may wish to travel. Stables at the West end of Mumford street, where one of the Proprietor.s may ahv.ays be fouud, or at the Storr first door East of .Mr. Lutterloh. J. W. POWERS & CO. Fayettevillt Teb'y 22, 1H5:5. 71tt Wool !U)lls. WOOL carde) with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnahurgs, Cotton Yarn, and W'ool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNEILL. June 1854. 7-tl GKOCHUIKS AND HAKDW.VRK. ri'^HE subscriber has in Store a good assortment of Goods iu the GROCERY and HARDV.'.VRE LINE; all of which will be sold wholesale or retail, or bar tered lor country produce, on terms the most reason able. A small lot of SADDLERY for sale cheap. Give us a call. G. W. I. GOLDSiON. N. B. Any of my friends in the country having busi ness to transact in this place, such as renewals, &c., can have it done on the usual terms, by sending same to my care. 0- Fayetteville, Sapt. 27, 1805. 39tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V O U I « I O \ AND F() K \V A K DIN(i M1-: R C l IA N I', , •>’. f’. Prompt personal att»*ntion given to all Consign ments, and C.tsii advances made on Produce to be ship pctl to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. G7 'i\ c. i{. G. woirrii, Commission rorwartling \lerclnuits, BROWN S BUILDING, AV.\TER STREET, i¥. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. 03-tf CILVRLKS IJ VNKS, cTtoA'E r , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Eoreijn Fruits, jVuts, Ciyurs, Tohaeeo, Snuff, A'c CiRCE:'¥ fiiTKjCE:T, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 185S. 73tf W. \\ ELLIOTT, General Coinmisi^ion and Forwardinj Merchant WILMINGTON, N. C. June 10, 1854. 4tf J. c.TM)i'; DEALER IN is'FAl'LL V.V I AXCV DRV GOODS, FIATS, CAPS, 1’>0()TS, SIIOKS, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and , Trimmings. i Jlay Street, Fayetteville, A^. (K j May 20, 1855. 4-tf = \\ c. woirni, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WirMI!VGTOX, N. C. Jau’v 10, 1R56. 68-tf T^. BANKS, C'oii]iiii!«Kion .Uorrliaiil, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 185G. • GO-tf ~ G. W. WILLLWIS c5' CO. Have just received a large and well selected as sortment of HARDW'ARE AND GROCERIES, to which they iuvite the attention of Country Mer chants. March 17, 1855. 84- improvement. He inserts from one to an entire set upon fine Gold or Platina jil ite, which he guarantees to be eijualiy as serviceable as the n.itiiral org.ins. He spends nine months of each year in this place, (from 1st of October to the 1st of .luly.) Sept. 2'.. ' 10 If Worth & Utley, l*\>iwurdin^ mikI (ieiicMul ('oiiiinlssion MKUCH \N rs, i'af/vlferUiv^ tV. f'. J. A. woRTir. (72tf) .los. I iLi:v. .S. M. TII031AS. DEALER IN 1 KAXCY vV S'i'APLi: DUV GOODS, I RHADY-MAi)!-: OLOTHINfJ, HATS, CAPS, RONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BL.ANKETS, .Vc., &o. Corner M.irket and Gillespie .St.. Fayetteville, N. C. Dec. 17, l‘5'). 02-tf f_^OR the apprehension ai’cl delivery of my negro man P.VGE, a bright mulatto, about 28 years of age; ,or for his confinement in any Jail so tiiat 1 get him again. hen he left he had on a brown Satinett Coat and P.ants, m.akes a goofl appearance, and no doubt will pass himself ns a free man; about 5 feet 10 or II inches high, weighs about 185 pounds, and had, at the time iiC left, a fellon on the middle finger of his left hand; has ou his chin a goatee (or loug be.ird.) I expect he will endeavor to make his way to Abingdon, W’ashington county, Va., where he was raised. D. M. .McL.YURlN, Lauriuburgh, Richmond Co., N. C. Feb’y 1, 1850. 75-tf A PROCLAMA'riON, BY HIS EXCELLENCY THOM.\S BRAGG, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, .an act was pa.ssed by the last General AsseiuM}’ of tliis State, by a vote of three-fifths of all the members thereof, a duly certified copy of which is as followtt: -AN ACT to amend the Constitution of the State of North Carolina. WHERE.\S, .V large number of the people are dis franchised by the freehold qualificfttiotx now required of voters for members of the Seuatf. Therefore, Skc. I. //(’ it enactt'ii by (he (ieneral A»seinhly of the State of yorih Carotiiid', and if i,i herfby enacted by the ■iiithority of the sonie, (three-fifths of the whole number of members of each House concurring,) That the 2nd clause of the 1st section of the 1st article of the a- mcnded Constitution, ratified by the people of North Carolina on the second Monday of November, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty-rive, shall he amended to read as follows: Everj' free white man of the age of twenty-one years, being a native or naturalized citizcn of the C^nited States, and who has been an inhabitant of the State for twelve months im mediately preceding the day of any election, and shall have paid public taxes, shall be entitled to vote for a member of the Senate for the district iu which he re sides. Sko. 2. />V il further enacted. That t’ne Governor of the State be, aud he is herebj' directed to issue his proclam.-ition to the people of North Carolina, at least six months before the next election for members of the General .Assembly, setting forth the purjtort of this act, and the amendment to tlie Constitution herain proposed, which proclamation shall be accompanied by a true and fierfect copy of the act. authenticated by t!ie certitieate of the Secretary of State, and both the proclamation and the cop}' of this act, the Governor of the State shall cause to he ]>u)ilished in ten news papers of this State, at least si^-.months before tJie election of members to the Geii«r*i .\ssembly. liead three times and ratified in (ieneral As. embly this 3d day of Febrii.ary, 1‘m>5. SAM’L P. HILL, Speakf'!' of the Hoitue of Cnnmo)is. \VARREN WiNSLOW, Sfjeu/itr of ttu Senate. State of North Carolina, ^ Office of the Secretary of State, ) I, William Hill, Secretary o* State, in and for the State ©f North Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original as ratified and en tile in this office. Given under uiy hand this 2 Ith day of .January 1850 W. HILL, Sirretary of State. Now, therefore, in coiiformit}’ to the Constitution of the State and the requirements of the aforesaid act, I do issue this my Proclamation, making known to the people of North Carolina the provisions of said act and the amendment thereby proposed to be made to the Constituti .n of the State, and do cause the same to be published in ten newspaper.^ of this State six months tiefore the election of memliers of the next General ■Assembly. In testiiuony whereof I, Thomas Bragg, Gov ernor of the ^State of North Carolina, have hereto set my hand and caused the great seal [L. S.] of the State to be hereunto affixed. Done at the Citj’ of Raleigh, this the 24th day of Jan uary, A. D. 1S50, and in the HOth year of our Independence. TllOS. HK.AtiU By the (Jovernor: Pll.\ski Cowi'Kii, l‘rii\ite Serrehiry. Raleigh, Jan’y 24, lJ5t). 7'!*Gm XOTlCi’: IS HKUHliV (HVRN 1I.\T the .Annual fleeting of the Stockholders of th« Cape Fear & Deeji River Navigation Com pany will be held iu the town of Haywood, on Thurs day the i7th of .April nex.t. HENRY A. LONDON, Sec’y. Pittsboro’, March 1. Jso-tm T' 1 I'l.Ml’S. 7IORCE »*\id Suction Pumps, Sho( r.ead and Lead Pife. For sale by C. W. .ANDREWS, Market Square. March 30. 83-tf •lUirMe Faciory. i I f.. giill By GEO. LAUDER. TWII [MXIRS .liJIIVK C. T. IIAIGII & SON'S STORK. Fayvflovilie, V. Jan’j' 20, 1850. G4ypd I OK SALK, FEW good F.ARM HORSES, apply soon to .M. McKINNON. 73-8IU A Jan'y 20. .lus'r lu liLisifr.D, .1 .»'ir and Correcletl Edition of Devereux’s Equity, VoL 2. ilOR SOME years past this volume of the Reports of the Supreme Court of North Carolina has been out of print. The sub.scribers have printed a 2d di- tion, revised and corrected, which they will be happy to furnish to such gentlemen of the profession as have incomplete seta. Orders are solicited. Should they be encouraged sufficiently by the sale of this volume, they propose to follow it by a re-print of Devereux’s 1st, od, and 4th Law, and Dev. & Batt’e’s 1st Law, all of W^iich are out of print. E. J. HALE & SON. Printing Press for ^aie. The Subscribers have for sale an Imperial No. 4 Washington Hand Press, 2d hand. It will be sold cheap, deliverable in Petersburg, Va. It is said to be a good Press and in good order. June 4j 1865. E. J. HALE &, SON. FOR ui-:N'r. A VERY lesirable Dwelling, recently built, with W convenient out houses, near the business part of the town, -\pply to D. i: W. .McLAURlN. Dee. 20. o;:-if Norici:. MS Iv. WlLLl.VM .1. BROWN is our authorized agent ,VB to receive payments, aud grant discharges for any Book accounts we have in the countv of Robeson. J. & T. WADDILL. Juue 1, 1855. 7tf HOOK lUNDKRV. K\n II.ARDIE has resumed the Book Binding • Business, over the Tailor Shop of Plark & Wowdward, wiiere he will receive anil execute binding iu any style desired. -Augu.-^t I. 27-tf S[ (JAR-HOIISK .MOLASSES. HIIDS. superior Sugar-Hiiuse .Molasses, just received and for sale by .I.\S. G. COOK. Jan. 7, 1850. 07- ‘^OO Casks I'rt'sh IJine, Calcincd Plaster, I’lastering Hair and (’ement, .Mackerel and Herring, by J. »V’. POWERS & C(.^. April 1-j. ?)3tf NOTiCK. COL. N.VTHAN KING is our authorized .Agent to > make contracts for the delivery of Lumber and litaber aud for the purchase of Crude Turpentine, at Kingsbury, in Cumberland founty. J. & T. WADDILL. May 22, 1855. 3-tf A CARD. ^j'^HE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens j|^ of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, as a M.ASTER BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, and gives notice that he is ready to contr.act for work in his line, at the lowest cash prices. S. F. DICKSON. Fayetteville, Oct. 0, 1851. 38tf HURNING FLUID, WHITE Potash, just received atid for sale by ■ J. N. S.MITH, Druggist. M.arch 24. 8(»-lm \K\V ROOKS. rjlHE Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon with i his Brother Joseph Bonaparie; Olmsted’s Journey in the Seaboard Slave States; Memoirs of Susan Alli- hone; The Way of S.alvation, hy Albert Barnes. Further supplies of HetheringtoTi’s lli.story of the Church of Scotland; Bayard Taylor’s India, China and J.apan; Eldora; The Old Homestead, by Mrs. Stephens; Rose Clark; AVidow Bedot, The E,scaped Nun, The Hidden Path, .Alone, and other popular Works. Pe terson’s Familiar Science; Short Patent Sermons, by Dow, Jr.: Banker’s Cases; and various School Books. Just received by E. J. HALE & SON. March 5. Tlll lw RGl'Mi) ST vrim f JIHE Subscribers have received on consignment, a JL few copies of the New Revi.sal. Price $4, cash. on deliverj/. Jan’y 21. E. J. HALE & SON. JONES’S EQUITY. ‘OLUME 1, jUSt received and for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. ■I Blannks for sale here.