_L/tJ 1;-'^ TTSP" taEHK- -a 1M f^.> - • M - 1-i 1 illiTl>. '^■538^- Q ill ¥ i\ (M.. VT.T I' iM TrKVU \A\ ’^. r., .!( !.V :i, t^f*(;. (Kliui: !it tlii- I HINTFD MnNPAY^J AND TIII'HS1>AVS. KDW VKl) J. HALK & SOX. I'DITOKS A\l> I’HOPIUKTOHS:. •i> f'T tU»‘ St'ini-\Vf>ekly t')i:si-'.r:vku 00 if ]>;iid in 'Iv iUi-'-; >•■’> .'>i» it']i;ii'l ilurin^ the yoar uf siit>>>'vip- ■ n: ^'v S t ntter tho yf‘.-\r lia*; exj'irt'v.1. tlu‘ Wpokly OBsr.nVFn 00 per nniiuin. if p:iiil in ■ lv:inoo; ")0 if pail ihiriii" the yoar >'f sul' i'vip- jtion: or *:’■ i>0 after the yeai- has oxiiired. AUVKlVnsKMtlNTS ins-ertcl t'.u- sixty cents per inaro if 10 lines f n- the th-st. and thirty ceut^ for each ;-oo'linjr pulilioation. Yearly ailvertiseir.eiit!? hy !=pc- fal contrai tr, at reasonahlc rates. A'lvertisers are r^que-^tO'! to s^tHto the numhor of insertiuiis (le^ire'l, or t^pfv wil' he I'.i'iflnutHl till furhiii, aii'l oiiru-gt-'l accord- ^Iply. LetiiTS to the l^Jit-rs must he i'ust-pail. AJveriiseineuts to he iiiM i'ted oharjii-il "lO per fcni: extra. 6'^jiHot«‘l. iCOi 15 A Y SlCO., riKi: \M) Lirr. iNsi u vnc iv I ii *■'nii'.i 'rsictieii h;is the .\pcney ' ! tlic foUuwiii}; (' ii.ip ’.uitvi.’: t.ireeiirh 'rnu^ii Mutual Lite hisuranee aivI 'I’ru-t Co. - )r Mutual Fire Insurar.re ( Newi.i-rn Mutual Insuriu. c (' i , b.irliitte ^l Ttual P’tre ln5uran.'i t’o.. Taswell .Mutual Fire liisuranei> t o. Insuffinoe in -Vc-7a ('iir','u,u C- ri/u >i, can now he ti-n in any part nf Town ui County, in lar^e or II .•iniAunts, .IN'V M. Agent ne 1 t'i*'., IT-l’iiu ■'lir Suhs^Tiher.'^ h.iviiii thi>^ ■! ly 1 a?ecl thi-^ ■ IKite( for a term >f y»*ars, will h;- pleii'^e.l ! to see their friends ami tlu; ;ivellitur pulilic House. At thi‘ s.ame tiiiie we ii;)]'e they will h»> , patient and bear with oiir imp('rlV tiou'. uniil wr snail ■ have put the House in sucli rt-pair .as w' desiro. .] H. i’OKKin’M ,v J. H. lluHKn r.'. F. N llmu-.KU. March 1. 185"). H)-tf SHF.MWSrjJ, ir^MISK. I'AVETTKVILI.U. ,\. Ens( of Gn -'n Sfn t, it f • A ■ Xnrfh •/ fhv ij: . . I'BIHK SuViscriher !'.•>,re^’ thrmi- h thi.^i -M- medium to nckuu wU‘dire the '.-heral patronage bestowed uj>on his llouso the]Kisl year—and as lie lias Ju: t. ereeti.1 N\ \v SiahU'-' and Carriapce Shed convenient ti the House ami to water he takes pleasure in sayinir \ > his patron^ and the I public generally, that lie is still {vep.nre I to ,iceom- : modate them with iransient and perm.uient hoard, and respectfuHy ;;olieits a couTinuanec o the lihor.d patrou- ; a^e lieretofori' receivod. Kvi*ry exertinn on h. part i .'ihail he used to render t;yein i i,m \;i-ta')le durint' theit sujiinrn with hiin. His iatue is always Minpl'i-d with the If-! til.' m: . k.'t :i'V.ir !-. .Man I i:\h, i;li- ■ -tt DOI’.BI.V H‘M SK' l'(»Wl-,R8 X TilOV !•! f II* ; 'ITlKii.U . f tlii.; IvsfaMishmcn^ tliat W IlKA r W AN ri'J). §W.VNT f' [lurchnse /j.tiuu l’ushe!:i Whe.at. .lAS^. {•. COOK, une 2o, IG-tf J .VJ") REWAUi). K.\X.\WAY from the -iihc.-nhcr • u the 1st of Apri’ j hst. a negro man nar.v. i Kaiid, ahou’ six feet 1 ]|{|^h, .10 y= ais of au-'. and ‘ l.u k. Saiil ne>;i.: is ( tqpposfd ti he lurkiuir in the iii'' J; -.irht i 1 "f ,! iim ‘1- .l.^nn-s MvKeth:u\. 7he a'H've reward will he p =.id '■ eny p«-r->n 'lo- . lilR‘r;n>r s.ii I iiepro to me at L ; iUe. -'’i^aham Co., ^ C . ■ r eonfiniiii’ him in any ,lail in the .>tate wuere I lift him. N \TH.\N KINCi. ! 2’). 17-tf ' in IU,l(’ NO i’iCK ‘ HFIJKP.V CIVT’N. fuat P. = .k-: t -'ub:cripTi..n t- th'' o'tjiital stock of the ( eiural Hail Pioad. from ■‘■ >rf Tfarhor v':; Ken ;": ■.■i';!-'. C’int in. Fayetteville, j Mkd We^t. \vill ho peue'l ;«’.i "“'Imr-day, the l«nh day : aftA-.'.ll l^o'i. and rt main opt-n HiiLf to tiie ternr^ ^ the ('h ir»i.-r ur.til t'urtlier notli'e. .at the followiu;; Pieces .nn.l ui\der direction of the fi ilowlng nanicd. pei^ ns, Commissiouers in the Cuarti^r. vi/: ;^n the County of Onslow, at the oiTii-e ot the (’’erk 2 the County Court at Jacksonville, and at the P.>st | Jpiee Pvi.;h Lands. E. W. Fouville. G. •!. Ward. .J. H. B|y. R .hert White, Johti .\veritt, .Jr., Owen llug- gfcs, L. \V. Humphrey. ^Ir Cart'^ret •.■nnty. at the olfice of I'r. M. F. .\reu- at BeRnf'Tt Ur. M. F. \rendell. J. F. Ih'll, I.. : tt the -T r - f'*" tl . N. U^nu.-;, II. ndell. 1 Ou]>;in 'ounty, at the ofTice of th*- • .,iuit;v ! curi ®erk ■it Kenau>iV'll.-,--Ma)..r iwen Ki-nnn, l>avid ^id, I;-aac B Kcllv, Wm'. F. Tlill. n. II .u^T .n, ate; hen Grahara. :I;> .'ampson I'liuntv’, ^t the otTiee of the Count. (.'ourt Ckrk .at Clinton.—Thonia.s I. Fiiisou. lr. Tiuimfts Bunting. Wm. .Mclvay, Patrick Murphy, Wm. Fais. n, ^ 11. lieaman, Ahred JoUdsOu. In Cumberland county, at Fayttteville, at the othcc «f A McKethan,—Thomas H. L'nderwooJ. R.mila! McDaniel, Ldward L. Winii -w. .J ihn C. Blocker. Form of subscription; The I'nder ;gneil agree to take the number of -iharrs |f ^10i each, s-t opposite to otir namc= respectively, the Central Hail Hoad Company, and in all ri-spects comply witli the terms of tiie (?hart-r. flHK l*ro]'riefors ■innuiMice to do j the eoustantly in.M-e;, iii ■ p lU iia ed to them, tacy h i\o ^een indii largt ihe a.'fomnu.d.iii"!. t'v tii* : ‘ an extensive iiini;'.;- lioo; , (),. ’ ^v. '• 0 r j ot H^onv I. the 1 ll. r- t':.- ji I a'commo I’l w; - - -vy I’n- .i- ) tht'V pledge tlHni'-'eive- t : i^i * give satlsf'i' tion to tln'U jia:r..ri .''paeious C'tab i'- .itt ii ' i m . I tenthuice 1 Ti fiiuiblo location of the E v.-ii h owing t > I- 1 ;tfild- ■ 1 I t'U iduion oi' and 'u!ti- tiioin to .Vnl iM-ri'-t; t ■ i;i ;U- ^ a s J, H VV. 'T-IKI T, I'AVKTTKVihLK. tPiF, n o.r rci'civintr iiieir FALL S rO('lC (d‘ ST.M’LE and FANCY inn croons, 111 .wiruli may he louud I'Olt rilFi LA1)1I^S; Plain rold. Plaid, Uliito and Black DeLAlNKS; CASHMFin;S mid MFIllMtS; Plain and Fis’d Faucv and P.hicK Sil.KS; (M ,tli MANTI.F.S an.l CI.OAKS^ Cloak CLdTll: SKIRTS and SKIRTING; Merino VK8TS; r.oNXETS; ll.M 15R01 DKRIEK, kc. F »i; C’-.NTLFMRN: Lfats; IJoot.s iind V^ostings; ('assimercs; White, Hlack anl 1'aiU‘y Specks and Oravats; Keady-Mado (Uctliiug, i.'to. _ALt?>,— ! I.in'ieys. I^iTsey aii l Plains. Blankets, Brogans, Talkie j Cloths ;u' ' I Cl'.-- .Xlli-iid-i! ■ .'^hi'i-tingr', (’liildren’s Kid ! (jlove.s. .jol .>at-' and (..’nmfi rts. Youths' and Boy’.s ^ Clothin;:. ,im l^.ili ui v'r.ipes. Dimity, ICm- hroidery ' A guo 1 ClnUlren's HOSIFRY, ISeji'. '20. .'i7-tf . M'/\\ (.()()I>S. ui; ■>!:!•; now i;k('LIvin(j a Pit ms n Si i*jr*i^\' or sp!ii\ii i.\!) mmM \m iiooiis. HKADY-M.VDE TLOTJilNl^; SOFT \V(,d)L AND SI MMKIl HATS, in nrf-t Variety. « A !■ iin]i1i'ti- I ■'itm*“.it ot P.oOTS .and .‘^HoKS will be I ■ 1: ’ n !'w 'liy .. ,\11 uf wnieh will he disposed ■ f i' \\h 'h-‘ !e Buvc'-*^^ on libi'riil term;>. STARR .S: WII,LIA>LS. j:’. '.8-tf noniHU' Wiu. I{. I.')VS‘- iat.«‘ for .'^lierilf of (himberland ( 1‘leetion. April fO lll- ■andi- 'ounty, at the ensuing nppreheusio.i and delivery of my n.-gro April 21 ^>7-tF, * i’AOF,, n bright n .ii- ^ ,im l;,ili ui i ■ and l>raivl:. - ortiiii'ii* Ij:i.;io',', (Iw'litlcmen’.s and i’.tiiiTS. .'^lUd's', ami (i.M’l'LRS; CLOVES, \V i} J J \ M A. U()(» I'iRS aiiMoiiiHM's him.'-elf a caiidid.ate for the olliee of Sheiilf id’ Pioheson i-oiiiity. Liimbsrtoii. April 2'J, IS-jl!. .Wt-tl.V • ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOR SAL^: CIIE.IP, A GEXKRAL ASSOirrMh'XT Of DKY (^OODS AM) (JKOCKlilKS, Together with a general assortment of FnRHlIJN A.\i) Dll.ViESTll V/INES and LIQUORS, Which I am anxious to sell or exchange for Produce of any kind iisnallv sohl in this Market. W'. II. CARVER, I Hay Siretft, near the .Market. i Nov. 7. . 51-tf i Pish iX^ets m\*ei Tivlne For sale Ijy W. II. CARVER. March 0 81-tf | ?1IDFR VIN'KGAR, a good article, for sale by ' W. II. CARVEPi. Nov. !0. 54-tf niid Winter J. A* T. n\tftdill, y HAY STREET, tRE lutw receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS Ooii.si-ling of a large and well selecteil stock of mulatto, about 28 years of ige; or for his confinement in any .lail so th.it I g^'t him a^ain. When he left he had on a l>rown yatinetr Coat ami Pants, makes a good appearance, and no doubt will pass himself as a free man: about t> feet 10 or 11 inches high, weighs about 1 b-j pounds, and had. al the time lie left, .i fellon on the middle finger of his left hand: has oiv his chin a goatee (or long heard.j I expect he will endeavor to make his way to Abingdon, Wa.shington county, Va., where he was raised. D. M. McLAURIN, Lauriiiburgh, Richmond Co., N. C. Feb’y 4, 18-30. " 75-tf I’OR SALF, C lIIiAP. 7SEC0N1> h.^nu buggies in good repair. A. A. McKETIIAN The Ijari^est Cfh'rifi^v rartory in the South! 1 third SiT'sioii of this Institution commences on the .‘Id o;' .ian'y IHY'), au I ends on the ''!!! W‘dnvsdiy I ; . I line, 1 lisv. ,).\S Dr Mtir!:.'/»s Ci.i H. BRENT, B.,‘Pr.-si.lent. , late of ('hap(d Hill, Professor of . Mti\hematies. ,\nd ■ t iill corps of Ti-achers in every branch. Bo'.ud. iucUi ling Washing. Lights, Fuel, XC., per s"ssion, :*;50 00 Tuition ill i’rimary Department, .‘i^lO OO t?ollegiiite Department, >i20 00 (Jne liundred dollars will cover all expcn.jes of the se.'Tsion in the Collegiate course and all ornamental brani-hes. Pupils in ]>rimary ilep.".rtment charged the usual prico fnr i>i namental branches. One half payable in iidvaifte. Three Lectures on scientitic subjects will be delivered eai;h month. NVe are making every effort to render the School the fij-st in advantages and cheapness, and pledge to reduce prices, find multiply the advantages in proportion to the iiicrease of pairouage. When our number of pupils ro:: dies 200 we shall he able to reduce the prices nf ai iy one half, every one aiding us, i.s also aiding in )il icing the means of a superior education within the reach of almost every girl in the State. We return thanks for the unexampled support wt h.ive ha'l and believe it will be continued. For further information apply to the President of the faculty, of i.;yself. WM. K. L.XNE, Pres't Stockholders. Dec. 10, 1851. 57-tf II i;i p exiM'rlence of tht- Pri't ' i fort of tliidr p.atroiis. tliry hnju> -.vil ol r 0 sh 're o'" the tr vol. Tile *Ve«ifro a : 1 ■ .itii'';-,i i'arr ♦?-oia this H .i ■ • ■ivriag'-'^ in a't!": v= '.’i .■ J'team Bur.t', for tlie :ii oi.nn Hoi*-*es aud Carriages t>i^T;i.-be' rying travellt-rs to anv p-..t ot tin .1. W . POW\.RS.‘ Favi-tteville, May !2. l^'o.. aen:. tlie IT f,,r th'' ,m- i:iv ;■> tli'*!n a 'm\ !•: ''CV 11:1 r;ier ' i' ■UTiVf at Ml ir.d If r> irtiir;' c>f ! iC; )U -.f J at any Ti..t:''.> a liHcerit c:r • ( . TR* wt r-r M'.W TOCK OI' GOODS. ■■ taken thi- 'tar.d on the North i M irki-t S.pi; ro, ndjulning the Kyle, wh.^re he has receivdl in ■•'iviu'!, an fntirely new Stock of nearly everv variety of styles 'I :ho Dry Goods ir.'ide—aniong livtKM'VioS, I Inrtlwnrc, Cut lory, {ilncksmitluV 'I'ur- |)fM»lui(' 'I'ools, At: ;’icultural im- plemciiTs, lioots atul Shoes. Hilts ami Caps, Sa!(l!Ty and f,on- tlicr, llt;a\y articU's i!i lil»' iilK', l\ca'l\-ip.ado Clo- tliiiiiX, and Staj)i(' Dry Good.«. ■ i.io t.ii’ ;'e Strip'd (i; t-e Silks, C';if>i:. .trii>' 1 do do ! :o‘s -.iid Strip'd do do U..Md^oIuo silk liobe>-. all color--, ij 'r rLKLoii \ co-s LI\r.. Por f^asse»*vr(’rs atn! Prviah!. STEAMER FANNY Ll TTKUL* 11 leav. s her’a ,a; at Fayetteville at «un-r' e, 'ii M m lav !;iid T^mu- ind at ^Vil'n^UJt II ai 1'; W Taylor J.t C 'f.iiMin City. ' S. Pn‘11, CajM. L'"i ■ I'^le-’iy, Br: dai o'clock, Buw.-n -in gccl i-opuit re?n’arlv fo*- pvMirr’it. F. Ma; and f rM..v of Mr. an 1 ciii>. .y f.u,' I .ire if ,'1.; p:. «.r,. d ilii.V" V»TV tnu-; Pfii.i. ,i Uarcyi'.-i, .ail color;: '!o I ^ rt-’l'.dilu s, I'l i');ruidies, I- '.i I RoIh's. : ’::!• ]I'l; h.>ine Ij't t;f /i ( i‘^’’r N.'Vwf.', it ' .; plain 'tn ? i -' ! /. linH’lh'n; K> f r '/7 Shirtin:/; \ r ; This Stock we are prepared to .lob or Ret.iil. F.iyettevlile, Oct. 21, 1851. l.ltf We ask th(' Planters and Turpentine men to ex amine ou~ K-'r.seys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. XOTiCH. ^ lOL. NATIl.VN KIXO is our authorized Agent to make contracts for the delivery of Lutnher and A. A. McKhyniAX ESJ'KCTFULLV info)-ms his friends'and the ))Ublic, that he has buiU up large substaitial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly i-m- nian- ufacturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has»received i'or the last 21 years, he hopes by strict (itt»^ntion to business, wit li 1 desire to give satisfaction, to ;nerit a continu;. 1 c of the same. He vfh. rants his work to be made f the best material and t'y experienced workmen in each branch of the busiuesi-. ilis work will compare favorable with any ti- >i' h,- Cnited States, for neatness and durab'■ . ■•■'ermined to sell and do ajiy work in his ii'.rj on a‘: ■■'ood terms as any work dony el.-H'whcro ihat i>'-.s w- i lone. lle:i iw has on hand, Fimsueo. tl'.e LAllvj^.'-'l STOCK of Carriages, h^n'oyrhcs. Itx'hairrujs^ uid Ever offered in this place, .an i a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low' for (^'a.sii, or on short time to punctual ’;i-;. mcrs. ffby' He has on (iliOCKUlKS r riiiib»;r and tor the j.uridiasf* of Crude Turpentine, at hand mort tu.Aii ONE HLNDRl.D .AND tlFTY Velii- Kitigsbary, in Cumbi-rl.aiid County. tinished and in oor.r'^e of coiistruf'tion. J. T. WADD’ilL. :-tf .1 I. May 22, ro niSTfl.LKRS. WE will p.iy the highest cash price tor SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and rcjuest Distillers to give U8 a call when in mariiet. J. T WADDILL June 2U, 18->5. 8tf 1^^ A’1 work >ii.; 1,- hy him is warranted 12 months with fair nsa-.:e, .m-l shon’d it fail by br.il r.orkman; hip or n; .:‘ri"’ oe rt-pn'red free of eharge. Per 111! w ^li nr t • buy would Jo w-^l'l to call and examine for li.emstdves. . Orders thankfpyy received and promj tly attended to. R;p:iiriug executed ai short notice and on very reasonable terms. May 28, iSuJ?. 98tf .^I., : Passcncers and Freiglits. i Stc.imet Jl with W 1 S" P. E, 1 LLIOT'i .NoricK. \> ‘.I. ■ '.'d !’>U'.)WN ir "ur authoriz. I agent I '• t ur ■ ’■ • •_ 1 ■ . v." ' 0 -\i iu t 1. ( '.iiniv I i.. ion .1. . V T. V,' .it •ldL‘ 7t*i N I ii; Jc T. ' A’ Ffiffi’UevUIr seHfirr ijiue. ''HE NEW ■n;.\MEU Fayetteville ru»s'*ay« :ind Fiidiy' .1 & iftci- ^'inri.j at -. .ind coK’ti. >V ilnrITi V.'c ’- acf :1. vvi'l 'cav^ lo ri'.r. itc :l>1 1 f;r •J ■' 1; * Ml June 14, Ih-- Ml ames Residence No. of shares >! Cosh ! Work FREKaiTS t.> Till': ( .\l>f: TKAU KiVKK A T a meeting d the Bout ..wunr' intei'' -tm igating the Cap*.* Fc ir River iietween V'ayfttevilir ■i> i-r 1 I- iirt ,e ai.'l handsoirie v:ner'r:iiii Priiii'J: : \'• ^ iJ. p' i ■■ ; rri on l ayio r I'ar 1 I bush'-t*-" - c.iuvenii r.i i I' -K- Hoy . . 0:1 ! i-“ a iie.at two- orv t'-; liable liiv i. • ;. \ven ill..' ; '.ro;T d,,' i ■ II ■'.;r • iiile.-! of K'in L:i::d- r. r. i iifcn premis.'s oil* r more ■ aii l c.'fifort*? for living. ]>er- .i\- ; ■ !! ill Cii'.nlifil.ai.d. On them t.ii'iily man-^v.n, containing seven FOR SALK. Hedttretf f^rires. for or ots SE30HT Rockawp.yc and Buggies OF KVERy "ESf^Rirn(.‘X, .‘•d, and 'ht> • • -'i. wtiich a: t \.'w \ Ei:V FINK A^:’'!-E. ir. 1 .-ill n;.i le t ^ ., ’^-ri lla. My f.i- lo;- ATEP than any .-t.u,]'-h- fi i 'l attd am det-rni>’.‘*'i ; • ?cr; ’.^ji ..vNV of wdiicl; ■ ^•5. fiuishe l dail.-. and Beautitul styh . u . S..me of ther.i vc- 1 manner and of the t ' J'dngCarriage w..,-k meu* South, and ! can I work oi the BESi gLALi 1 Y as low as it tan be ),nilr ■ f >r by uuy one. i Tiiose who arw indebted to me will jilea.so ' pay up, li.s my busine.->s reijuire.^ my out-standine dems to bi> collocte.l. A. McKKTh AN. Feb. 3, 1855. 72-tf AND HAUnWAUK. 1'^IIE subscriber has in Store a good assortment of Goods in the (iROCERY and fL\RDWARR LINK; alj of which will i»e soM wholesale or retail, or bar tered fi)r country ])roduce, oil terms the most ren^.on able. A small lot of S.ADDLERY' for .sale cheap. Give us a call. G. \V. 1. GOLDSTON. N. E. Any of my friends in the country h.aving busi ness to trans.act in this )>lace, such as renewals, &c., can have it done on the usu.al terms, by sending same to my carc. 0. \S. I. G. Fayetteville, Sept. 27, 1H55. -'I'.Uf p.i:ns'i r:A])S! p»ei)stkads!! PUST received from the .Matiufacturer, Ira Hersey, supply of Br.DSTr..io s cf various patterns, and made of good seasoned timber. These Bedsteads are manufactured in this place, and can he sold to dealers as low as they can ]>e got from th»» North, i'nll atid examine. A. M. (’AMPBELL. April '■>. 01-y VA [.CAULK I’ROPKirrV i^OiS S,iM^K. £ OFFER for sale, my L.ANDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about i:>0 Acres, known as the MUMFQRD SWAMP. About So Acres of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. .Also, the % alii:ii>!‘ Brick Sfoi*«> aud Lot nt.ar the Market Square, occupied by Mr. John A. Peiabertcn. ij. '.’.- an I V;i,lu:iblt T..JI, r*'.,ut.iug oii Douald.-i.iu, M ixweli and .Mumfortl Streets, known as the'lfotel (iavden Lot.—could be divideii into several Building I. ',—ver;- near : he new Femuh“ High School Bui’diugs. Also, the ;'t::b',.: l^ot :;djuHiing, fronting ou .Mumford n-et. s-.ei-.. i !;.'i;LVi;LE I’UlLDiNG LOTS on bvth W’M all'; .Mumf rl Streets. '.'1 fii's rr>'-i-i-ty can i.ow V>e pundia.jcd on favo: 1- • e ••rni ', I .'1 '••rgo ;>;;rt can remain ii;i ISond ai; 1 '.aui (c. a. 11.'. 1 ll'...,. I t. ry. tlio Ciiai j oTiJ VVDiiilnt^ror*. >u motion, D. McLaurin was , and R. .M. Orrell was ai j'ointe'i S On motion 01'James .Nl.ir-ih, Re-o!ved. That from and after :liv I t ila of .lanu- , ary. Ih-'iti, Cash will be requirt'il ii|Kin the «!el'v*jry ■ of all I-'rei!;hts at Wilmington and Fayetteville re- I spectively. On motion of J. D. Williams, i Rc,so';ved, That each of the Ste i:n’i >('-;mpan;: - on I the Cape Fear River, from and alter tio- 1 t of .lanuary, ■ IS.')i, will carry Guano fV'im WMrnineton to Fayett*-- I ville at 10 cents per bag, Lim;- at 2-', cents jier cask, ;{.- ' and ground Plaster at oO cctif- )>er ■k. an'l th;;’ a 1^01 R IIOK!Si: Posr kb:i>i iio\ OI 20 t-iAi Ci:yr. I trom the {irinttd and e.stabh.suO'l I'ates on nil otJier S \f ISiiCj*^ 1'^ ) \SlfC\ 1/ I f' 'Articles will be made from and t ;er that date, .ill Subscriptions may be made fiayable ’»» »^orK, and y specify whether for gradi'-K t cross-tie.^: and ■kholders shall in evur^ ca.se have preference in ;ag Contracts, »nen bids .are the same or at Engi- S •.'••tinj.itC. ■As .'ooii as one hundred thous^in'i dollars are sub- k.rihc'1, tiie Commissioners of Onslow county are to be : .tified, and they are required to call a meeting of >tockhold«rs to organize the Conif'any. .\Iareh 15, Pltf Tr#- lAne i-'*R TUP G LN KN . t 'l itiis. F.iney .and lilin k (Jas-^imeres; \'i'..tiiij:; White. P>r wii and Bu!l. Li:ien Drills: Irish Linen: Drab D'Ft--: Firiii'i'' Sitiii; F.p-ruer’s Drill; .Aloleskin, P.'wiama. Legli ir:;, .11; I Palm l,eaf Hats; and .a largo U'-! irtmcnt ,,f Rea ly .Made Clothing, !cc., -.'cc. —also— f’oots and SI;0 L’i.;brei'.as aii'l Par.-isols, Bleached : ;i'i ro-iiwii - liri. 1:1 1 .''^heetiiig, and every variety ill the Y.aid; '!- N -tion line, wliich will he sold at a small .'idvan-e for C.^.‘^H, or on time to punctual cus tomer-, citiier ,t Wholc'sale or Retail. P.. F. PE.VRi'E, L:ite i'c.aiv- >s: i’erguson. H.ay St., F.iyettevilie. .M.ircli I.*, 1S5*). 88-tf Tliruiii/h 171 Iloura.’ tONNKCTIN;; with the NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. H.-iving purchased the line from Ashe- ;!!e r .Morganuin, I have stockel the roal with good kor^-t and experienced and accommodating Drivers. ^ > ■ r;Ow Concord Two Horse Coaches. After the 15th will leave A.sheville on Tuesday.^, «1 M arch, we f i or~ l::y - and iSatni i.. .s,—connecting ■■‘.t Moigf>nton iii, ’'ne .i’ Four Horse i Joiiche.s. . iin: .r exp. i; ;e will be spared to m.ake this the ■ i.oif,.;f. :e and PXpeditior.s St:ige Road in the •t'^tc Try tin- R";el aio! Judge fr.r ymrselves. C BROWN. Contrfu'tov. , Feb. 2K, iH.v,. Cartage and Drayage being jiaid by the -hippers. | j On motion of James Banks, j Resolved, That the foregoing pnbli.-hed in the ; I town papers. ; I D. McL.\ L R1N, Chairman. • . R. M. »rridl, Sec'\'. j Dec. 24, 1855. DKnSOI.I I ion. r|^HE tirm of HALL .• SxCKKTT ; JL .solved by mutual consent, i The liiiv^ine s oi tiii- firm wii' he ■ j Hall or .\. I'. Hall, who al'Oif we aiil i the name t>f ihe firm in li.jiiidal’"U. .1 /HU U AVKT ri VILLK FAIR HM FI* J leaves Fjiyettevii'e | J ‘•n-'^nnda^.Tuesd.'iyaii'lThur.s- | day, at M.. ^j,. i^umberton, | ai.'i arrives at Uo.ti, on the -ilmiiigton &. Manchester Rail Road, in liju,. I .rie I =viih the , ars; going Nort: and Soutii. L.-avc- . J air Bluff on Mond'iy, W'odntsc .y and Fi iday, ',npv ■ the arrival of the ’ y trains No ’i| „nd Souti/ I'vre thi.'.-h. $1. ‘ ' W. .«-.fhA(iALL.' Fay(dteville, N. C., Jan’y D>, l85ii. H. HALL. L II \LL. -M. S.\CKETT 70-tf !J) HA ; /; TIlorCIlT IT? ■(!'fiah iiH’iif on ihe MUitnry .7,Ml f/i-xl!./ (’Iii>ri‘h, i'r“nh, ■! iKi M,riii/ rif Shttt. (iUi.A r i..N']'KUI‘RlSK! .1 illl! |0, I801. Fail Jl -n.t W',-hi . t!ie English bi.iiichos ii.cideutai t.ix, *or rep.air D.a} scholars, for fue' i^MU.As: Music on ih, ! i a,i. iDrawing, Studies in Hc-.ol>, 10 oil P.iinting, Lat^u Reg'dar fees arc to be jiaid one oiher l-alf at the end of the Sesaiou. 12-tf COLLEGE, ■omiiience ou the '4*’/ OREENSBORO' FEMALl ssiou of 18'iti, 1 iay.-rjlLY. TER.MS: i;o:ir,j • ir.. ^u llng fi-"iii: h. I R.,.,i,i.. m. ,• t'n ai.ce. Fuel. \V',-hing am Li^-l.i , -.vith Tuui’on in :^7> i)(i 1 (lu : 2 00; >r '■uitar, .>22 50. ' 'ray.:ii ;md P.-istile, ; •>5 Ir. ricii •'i>10. i lalf i;i advance, tlie 1 i.c'-iiire: on ihi- ! r:iV4‘iif4‘\ ill‘ i» to ■>ilE Sub;,cribeis woiihl re.ijiectfully inform their j J friends anil the public, that they’ have entered into co]cirt'iershij. for tir' pi.1 pose? of conducting the general C.\ ll B I ,\(i E I'.lJSiNESS in all its various pans. .‘\iid l ein/ 1-ioth practical work.nen, fully un- deistuiidiiii; their busine s. tlii y have no hei~itation to coiiii'are vv rr \kith any e;-.taldisTiment in Fayetteville :\b to sty'- 'i.d durability. »'r.e ! :Im‘ lirrn m.ay be known by reference to A. H. VV iiii'ie! i'.'- iron work for the last two years. vVt w.in 111* all Work to give geaoral satisfaction fo: ■ w. ;.' ■ ’i;;oiths. P.Lqi;!! iii>i‘. :io in the neatest mainier lo v forcash. PIER .V BRANIN. Jx.vir.- i . ; Jamks Branin F-i\('Vt'.^vHle, J.iu'y 21, 1S53. 02tf riiot.is- a *i;'' pla 1* in each, with front aH'l lavir piaz/a and p.Tiic tr.ame kit dien, sleei'iug apartments for u. rvant>, smoke house and daiev, with'iv prime well of water: .and ail handsomely enclosed. Also, 011 the promises arc nine other frame build’’.ij;s, with brick chimneys to e^cli, and rooms s.iilicicut to accommo- liate from titty to sixty negroes: a frame Barn 5*i by 00 feet, with stalls for forty horses, and room to hold 50 tons of forage; Carriage house, Store and Ware house; \Vuter Grist .Mill, two Cooper and two Blacksmith’s Shops, Wheel Right Shop, Turpentine Sheds, Aic.: all within convenient ilistance of the best Springs of Sandhill Water. ,\11 the buihliugs are new and have been erected within the last four or hve years. To these valuable improvements we will a id 1,500 ?cres of Pine I^ands, and we will fake ^3,50^ for the whole, which is S^UKM) less thau the cost of the improvements. We have also, on the jiremises, and now’ in operation, a Steam Saw and Grist Mill, and Turpentine Distillery, which can be bought cheap. If the right sort of a purchaser presents himself, and wishes a partner in his operations, we will furnish one with sufficient capital to conduct a profitable business. To a Planter who has •'il-},UOO to invest in real estate and wants the best Plantation on Cape Fear River, with a healthy country seat with all conveniences for living at hatnl, these premises would be a very desir- alde attachment to the Ashe Plantation, containing . seven hundre'l acres of the best (Jape Fear bottoms, and I now in market. These t>vo Estates arc connected by i a good Ferr}' Lamling and .are only three miles apart; ! and will be sold together or separate. For further I jcirticulars apply lo T. S. Lutterloh, Esq., or the sub- ; scribers. ‘ J. 6c T. WADDILL. Fayetteville, Sept. 7. ;!4-tf NOTICE. ^D'^lIE SL’BSCRIBPjR has removed to JL SHAW'S NEW' BEILDING, Gil lespie Street, where he intends carrv- ing on the«TABI^Oiei.\i( BUSI NESS in all its branches Having had practical experience in most of the .At lantic cities, he feels assured that he can jileasc the tnost fastidious. All orders will be executed with neat- ■>patch. B. MONAGHAN. March 28, 185.3. 81-tf •Jiarblc JFaciof^m ness THO. c, T 5, > i * P A . Through Tickft.s Letwe.u Wll:»ii:ij;. !i, M. C., .aii.l jJalti- ini.re. F ire-Sl\’ia Weldon, l'eters’)urg, I’lichmond. W.ach- ington City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and NorfolK. For Tickets apply atth--i *thce of the Wilmington and R.ileigh Rail Roail Company, at Wil mington, or at the (.)tfice of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1, 1852. f .McF.AUKlN cV S'fUA.XGK g H .WE on hand, a large stock of superior SPIRIT E-H- P'ARRELS, which they’ would sell at a reduced price for cash. Persons wishing to make engagements would do well to call on us before making engagements, as we warrant a good article. April 20, 1855. 05tf highest cash price paid for Turpentine. -H. White Oak Staves, and Oak or Ashe Heading, Call on Jas. W. Strange, who can always be found at the Still. Feb’y 18, 18ij3. always be tound at McLAURlN vt STRANGE. TOtf li \!j:i(;h and i AVi/rn:\ iij.k sT.ma: Mji.vt:. .1. w. iiAKr:K Is now r;;coivino- fmni tl>o Nurtli the lus-jrest, lincst, ;iud most t artsful!y se lected stock of i-'3. e’.er otlcrc d in tin : ai rki't: wit. I', a'i ’ed tf> his own nianut'actu..t;, makes his assittmeip completo;—allot which hv will udl on the ' .w-t po-.-i^lo terms f.T cash or on time fcj puT-f’tual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair ;iud siiuck, .and coltnn .\I;;ttrcs.\e.^; Looking Glasses; Willow \S'a,''ous and (’radius; Side Board.s; Bureaus; Secretaries and B ,ok-('as *s; Wh.it- Nots: Tables, all s( rts: Wash Stand.-; ’;indle Stands: Wardrobes; Picture l- r.inios ■'m! Glas'i: Window ."tmdes' (Cornices; (^iriain Bux)'^; .'iofas i ij|,i;-3 Will be sent on application to the Pre«i-• ^ T. those desiring full uiforLtion. ■-hair;, of every variety. T. M. .JONES, Pie.-'t. i Fitie llosuwooti Piaiio.s^ with At- 1^5f:. 12-2m ' t.achmcnt; Rosewood .Mvlo lians, iVoin th(: bet uianutac- ' ^ ^ ^ , tories in New V «rk and Bosioti, warranted as good as SCL' l^PEliNOX( i iRA PlvS. j country, and will be .5old at N. York , f dwelling lately occupied by Major J. P. (iood- L wish to contract for ],OUU (,r more bushei.s of ! X sell, togethei with lot. barn and outhcuses, on T'nioii Street. kno\. .I as the Latta place. The preniise.s njj‘.'. to li Roberts .V Co., at Fayetteville Hotel. ' n ^ ” » .■ 1 -p g.j.id ■ rli;- a. R j'' X % J ;i r;i 7! j I > >• !• .Ji’df ;i.«i ■' . V'! ". ."'I' he ry of Mu-ic will be delivered, hm.i; , i-n • to : ■ se ladies avIk, desire a th.-roiigi: knowledge of that ting sciem J mie ( (fr ijdiids Jor sa/r. E Ori .211 for .‘■a^e that Valuable Pluntaticjn, V W ’.iwown as the “ASIIE PLACE,” seven miles above r;!yeit'vil''', ou the C.ij>e Fear River, recently the iirvp.'”!;' v'l Co’. Nathar. King, containing SEVEN HUNDRl/i' .V'. llES,—every acre of which is Cape Ft.ir lii/ii iii^. a..d sus.;ei'fibIo of the iiighest state of cuitiv.iiion. I'liis ij.a:; 1 re quires no pullin : as it is ktin’vii to hi' IlH! iie.-r t ir!iiin!7 la?iiJs on .'•pc Fear River. Tcr.ns will oc made satisfactory if the right I’l ,\I:;hogany and j yoi-t (,f purchaser is found. I/U;iTis :ind Stools; : T. S. LU fTERLOH. i J. .V T. iVADl.'ILL. Feb. o, lB-‘.5. 7;!-tf I'o Half /or ihe halancc of if cur 1S0(>. d by 'Major J. P i uull toiriit!!i>: \citli lijt. h P5tf J E arc now 1 tinning Four- Hor-e Coaches on this Line. P.asseiigern going North can '•btaiu through tickets from Fayetteville to Weldon. P-I.'sengers for l-'n\etteville c:in obtain throueh ti^jets at 'v’eldon, at the Office of the Rnlei ch Gaston Rail Road. Faro, ^7. Passengers for Greensboro’. S.i'cm, S.Tlisbury, or any >'l.i'-e up the country, will find this the Lest and quick est route: to take the Stage to Raieigh. which connects wiDrthe N. C. Railroad. The Coachcs are now in good repair. W'e have good Horses and careful Driver.^. Ever\thing will be done to :icconii..odate the Travelling Public. \\ .\i. 11. Ill NT, Ag’t, Raleigh. Office at Lawrence's HoteL J. 11. ROBERTS CO., Agents at F'avettevillc. May :51, 185(;. ' l)-:;m By (iF.O. J. illDElt. Tivii uiiiiiis .liidVi: I,'. T. iiiir.ii * siis's stiire, Fay€‘lleville, lU. V. Jan’y 20, 1850. fi4ypd U f ore now rcceivintr and e.rpect lo k eej) op o /or Of stock (tf (i roc fries. WE OFFER 12 ^ Coffee—ilio, Laguira and Java, ML 15 Hhd.'. Sugars, 50 *• Molasses, l.OOij Sacks Salt, 7'i Bh s. .Sugars.—cofl'ee, crush’fl & powd’d, |j') i'.t_r' S'let, , - Poyvcier, _ > lll.vi.^. 'A'esturn Bacon, LMs. N. C. “ 50,«i'^'J >’c;^a! s, assorted iiu.alities, lot* i'e'xes Cheese, With every ot:>Cf article in our line. .All of which we will d;epc3e of low lor CASH, or exchange for pro duce or uuv.il stores. D. & W^ McLALRlN. May 2:1 ;j-tf ilder'a Patent Sala/na/idcr Safe. % SrFl keep constantly on hand an assortment of T w the above SAFES, warranted fire-proof; and desirous ot extending the demand for them, have iu- duced the maker.s to consent to deliver them here at New Yoi’k prices. f). Hi. W. McLAURlN, Agents. .June 10, 1851. -Itf Corponttion Bonds oj the 'l\»wn of Fayettrx'ilie for Sale! A GREE.\BLE to an Act of the General .Assembly /m of the Stare of North Carolina, ratified Dec. 25 1852, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue In-r Bonds to the amount of •'jil00,000, in the nggre- g ite, for the purpose of paying her subscription to the Westeru llail Road Coiupiiny. Therefore, it is ordered by the Commissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive R*-nled proposals, until the 1st of Novenil)er next, for the purchase of :j5G,000, in sums of ii500 each of snid Bonds, or any part thereof. Bonds to run twenty years, wit h Coupons attached,—interest puyMble semi annually. The said Bon is shall be under the seal of the Corporation, and binding on the faith of the shiuc. WM. W.ARDEN, Town Treasurer. Sept. 2f-, 1855. 39- SCGAR-HOCSK molassks. m %0 •Jan HHDS. superior Sugar-IIuuse Moltisses, just received and for sale by JAS. G. GOOK. , 185n. 07 - 1 01,1) SiVE WIltSKi;^ Subscriber ! GAHDKMNt; COR THE SOI FH, S|®'» *V. N. V^'l.ite ot Georgia; tiP Court^l;i;> and '■fam'age, by Mrs. Hent/.; ! '^nne 10. t he ( lo’.irt'^sies ot \Wtlded Life, by’ Mrs. Leslie; Harper sias.5:cai Library, being literal transl.ition.^ of(;icerc, Ncnojdioii, Cea.sar, Herodotus, Horace, ,vc. •Also, forth r supplies of Ernest Linwood; Hiawatha: .Mrs. llent.r’s Novels, 50 cts. a vol.; Johnston’s .Agri- i cultural Cheiui.stry; Dossey’s Choice; Trench on the ' \ C.ARl). I "^*1® Moral Probe; Eclogues and Georgies of i 'UIE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens n ** 1 Evening f of F..yettevii;o and the surroumling country, as : “t*ve Hundred Mistakes Corrected”; 'IM^TFP i’.RlOKLAVER AND I’LaSTERER, auu ' I ht‘ H ly iO .'ontract fo* 'V-'iiv \n HALK Sx>N. - - ■ ;r'. r Mir •V im:as. BESHELS for Sale by ^ME Sul iscriber is tue only authorised agent in p'avctteville for th(! sale of the Hoti. 1>. C. Pur- year's Celebrated Stl'tJ if'HtSHtJl'. He will I'C supplied with tlii.s superior Whiskey to meet the demand. W. DRAUGHON. h'ayetteville, March 2i>. 50-tf June 10. JAS. G. CO(Mv. liJ-2w BliLS. -Mackerel for sale bv •JAS. G. COOK. E}-4w June 12-n: i leccivcd and fuv sale by E. J. 11A;^L ^ iUls. 1 June-, ittosj. 1 VHyetiev.iie, Oct. iJSu4. iiiaijiv vVariai.is lor .^aie hc.j DWEI.LIXG FOR SALE. I''HE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling and L it on the corner of Gillespie and Russell Str^els, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erambrrt. '•■(•rms reason''!.le. Posse-ision given on th.- I3t Octo- f.—V, F ’ ‘»AT=' May 2y. 8-