!' '11 Ullt V\ Tj ■I t\ 'MTI. S 13 in I-W B E K I. Y. M.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JTTI.Y 10, ]Hrui I’H1\TK!» M;>NT)\VS ANL> TUUUSDWS. FJUVMU) J. HW.Vj & SON. i;i>l I'OKS A\l» I*1{(>PHIKT(»HS Pno«' 1' r tin* Soiai-'V*i'kly »h>;krvkk 00 if piiiil in adv iii.c > , it' p.ti.I the yenr of siil sorij^- t|pn: >4 .il’iT th.- y»-ar l!>»» expircil. For^t It' Wi'ckly ' -RXKRVKR $'2 ti(t p( r annum, if j'lii'J in »#\ .in>i;_’ Vi if ilurin;; tjio ye;ir of suhscrip- t^fon; or MO at'ier tlio yenr has expirotl. A1»V Kit rii^!-]MENTS; Insfi tvl fiT sixty cents ]>er sqani '- 1' lO lines f.ir the tii-st, and thirty cents for ench succ*C'linj, pul)licHti>ii. \ ivirly ailvertisenients liy spe cial C'mtraets. at ro:iron'il>le rates. A'lviTtisers arc r«que-te'l t • ^tate the number of insertion?! ilesire'l, or they '.vill he r.intinucil till furbi'l, aU'l cliav^fl aceord- etter- t>; the i-Mit >rs must })o post p:iiil. Ad\ertist ment-: ti^ 'le inserted eliar^ed ;'»() per C«nt. extra. NO'l'K'i:. •i; #.v T,i\t:s! NVelnesJay next the '.'th iust u!>til the day of .\ugiist, all }>ers.ins are notified that und at my Store .next dour t^i the Bank ol' ' l'etweenth“ hour“ of l‘J M IP'! 2 o'elock. I“. ive their Tax Lists I'.r ihf FavettoviUe an M ’ First I will '■'c fo Pajrettev lit M., t" rei Dirtriit. Notice is gwt lU Uo ( Julv :{. JOSKIMI RAKKK, .In., A T 'VO K \ i: V .% T I. A W , H as t.iken at. effit-e ;ie\t loi)r to W.i. 15. Wright’s Law (itVire on Ireen Street, lie will attend and praetiee in the tjonnty anti Superior »Ntnrts of (dumber land, llla len, Hobest,>ii an I Sampson. M irch is.').-; 70-tf luw.iAMiN \i. % 1' I’ O 1C \ K V % 1' I. % %V, KAVKTTKVilJ.K. N. (’. .VV be found It the ('fliee formerly occupicil by n \S alter A. Iluske, Ksi(., on l!ow Street. \\ill .ittenJ the (loiinties of Mttore, (’uTnberland nnd Uobeson. And oht.ain liounty Land anil 1‘ensious under the various nets. Mareii lo. 1S.'>.^>. SJtf A\|)kK\V .1. S'PKDMAiN, ATTIIR.V'KV \T I.WV, AVINM removed to rittsbnrou^h, N. will at- II .li-so given that after the tirst d.iy of .Vu use will a List lie receiveil me. -\. J. 'MIANLON, Tax List lleceiver. IS-tlA ‘ LArULNBrUi.H I1K;H SC HOOL. Sobsion of this Sehc l wiit i-onimeni-e i*n Jl Tuesday the loth day of .luly Ui,xt, under the ■ap. rvision if the 15ev. 'ieo. U. Scott, M. A., of tin ttif University ol Edinburgh, ^Scot'auvl.; I'rincipal, :,"i'ted ' by Mr? Seott in 'he I’rimary L>opart'nt ;r . ^ Mr. anti Mrs. Scott have l oth made Te:it-h;ML; the ‘ baeiness of their lives: and from the ex; 'I'ien'ic whicli ^ the Trustees have h.ad, iurinu t'ie {a- yi-.U', of flieir xe*L ti l^-lltv, anil su ’cess, in the di'i-.harL.'e ut t!i-duties oftL eir profe.s.-^iijn. they contidently recnn! ;.Mid thfrn to r areuts and Uuardiai. ^ as pre-emiueiu.v .,ua!iiied - ■ by temp r, t--'-:its, tiiid ,t>-,[uirements f >r the in't- 'i' ■ - tion of audcuts, in all the 'ir uKhe.- f ;.d Lu^lisii, '■ i'!'- Scfexitifio, Cbi.'-'sical, and t'ommvroia Edui.aunn = "Qh'. The Tru.stees respeettully invite the public -o a jkt • • ' Bf'nal examination : f the system pursu * in tin- S, j ■joj. Tcr’iis ;*^12,and pt-r Sessii.n of five month-, : I- (Freui'ii included iu tliC ”d t'rade withoni extra cha:-j;e. i ■ _ ., . I 1 c in be hid with tlit' uudei ' frued ii; tiie IW, .rd injr usf lielotjgtnii to the Sehijoi : r in pi-va*c I’ai ..l;e> at pei m»>Lit.ii V\ ashiiij; and ro .m ti;zh' ' • xtr.i. t'ne Lalt fe>-^ .ind Toord invar'ablv jiiM in idvancc L' M dN l V({K, Scc' v - > . _, Laur.nlauyh, lli. hmoud e. , N . .1 uiy 1 - 1 > f. In r;if k« I ', ju^^ I’r-; ceivt-d ;ini fi I- sa!: *■> : H MU,i;s i: \NKS, • , ^nly 7, 1 ’ ! Los'r Ml i.i:. , j^'i'll.Wl.L- i ;! i.n th« 2'Mh Jnn»-, a tiray Ml '.F, t r | ^ year idd. tif me'iinm sire, a;id in trood ; ondition All 'Ue t; -inp; up ■ ai I .Mule w.'l tn- t’ah'ly ■•'(inpen- | At 1 liof'iviMji t if sub'^cr’i' ■■■. UM S MALLKTT. Jnly 4. 1 ' ■ 1' t! tend rejrularly, the I’ourts ol Chatham, Moore, anti Harnett (.’ounties. .April 10, 185;). (U-tf \V. A. Ill SICK, ATTOKNKY AT l.AW, AXI> CLEI!K AVI> M.\STKll IN Kt^UITV. F.AVi;rTi:viLLK, N. May be found at the Ivinity >fli'‘e, in the ('onrt House. Sept. I'L’. lH.'>r>. ;j!S-tf Titov vV attorm:v^»: at s.aw, LUMIIEP.TON, N. C. May 8, IH.'t'i, ‘J-tf .J. A SPIIAUS. ATTOll.NKY AT LAW, f rui.ilH-naud, Harnett, tTTFN'PS the (’ourt Wake and .lolui-*of. Fel.'y l::. Itf-')'-.. Atldiess, Toomer, Ilarnott Co., N. C. Worth & Utley, rorwMnliiiir and (i('iioral Commission MERCHANTS, Fayeurrille^ J\\ J. A. WOUTH. JOS. IITIET. rt-l vr “LAW (Ol’Ait r\KRSH!lV the- undei sifjued, have this day formed a Law ▼ w t'oiiartnership, and will praetine in th- Courts I'l the follow i?i^ comities of ilii- Siate; Chatham. 'iim I't rl.ii.d, .Moore, l!arnett, and tlie .'■'upreme Court. .1 H. HMJiJHToN. •JNo. M.VNMNC,. I'itt bortinsjh, N. C., .J.an'\' 1. ls.>(i. 7'itt II. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmiugton, N. C. i'I L in niMer Jo I»ee. ! J. . rni-r i rnal olli i'ront and I'rintc 1' tf LOVKIID KLI)IMI)(iB, mlflot'ttetf at ijatr^ WILL atteml the (Jmirts of .lolmston ami Samp son (Jountie-s. SmitLfield, .\j>ril 15, lS.)ti. VttJ-tf (i. W\ W ILLIAMS cV CO. ■ ■ .VVK ju.st received a large and well selectetl as- 11 sortment of HAUnWARE AND GROOKRIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer chants. March 17, 1855. S4- ,1. C. I»OIO, DEALER IN S rAI‘LE rANCV DRY GOOBS, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, A>-’D READY-MADE CLOTHlNd. I’arlicnlar attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Uoo'Is and Trimmings. Hot/ Stn'etj Fayetteville, K. C. May 2(1, 1855. 4-tf J. CREECH, GROCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, :;!• NORTH WATER ST., WILMINGTON, N. C., W'lLL pay dilij;ent attention to the sale of all kinds of I’roduce ami Naval Stores. Money advanced on consignments when retjuired, .avoiding ui'.neeessary charges an«i sernling prompt returns. He has on hand and is constantly receivit g, CiROCEIllES suii.iltlc to tilt! wants of country .Mer chants and Far mers. Ha.s in store and shall always keejt oti hand a large stock of IjIQUORS, ainl some Wines, London I'crter, ihown Stout, Scotch .Me: ai.il shall receive weekly, FRl'ITS, .such as Oranges, Lemons, Ajiples an«l li.iisins, which will be soltl at wholesale very low hir Cash, t^uick sales and small profitsi J. CllEECH. .lune 1, 185'i. 11- \\ C. vV Ii. C. VVOR rH, (^iinniission vV l^'urwaniinir Mt'rcliants^ r.ROUN .s IIUJLDINU, WATKIt STREET, Usual adsauoes niatle on consignment.-'. Jan'y 17, 185-' \(*ri('{ riios. II. r!LLL\(;ii \s r, it o o tin i.vtp f; #4% A Sfrxt, ()pj}>.\ifr Xoith of E. ./ //./A tl | II'" ,h^fi>rr. I rsl(’, Ma;.r.izines. and ail desfription- of llooii | ■ are 'louiid in ill styles iu the l>c '■ -ini* :in ->t • siil.'tiuitial ntauu>‘v, ou terms, rU,* same ;v:, ul at»y I place in tin' Sout!i. I’ersons w'«hin',r to kno\ the ' prices of binding, wdl be supplied wit!i a list pei.s'>n- I ;iV'y or t,y letter | S.‘iii. 1>‘>5. tt , iNOI'K 1C. ^ I ^ I"! H notes anti accounts due to .Jno. M. Iteasley, I .are in the haml.s of Wn). .MoL. McKay I'tr Otd- lecti.jii, as longer in lu'gen'»t- jviH tm! be given, it is hoped thi> notice will ’■•e sutlicient lo save costs. JOHN M. r.EASLEV. lune 25. 18.'5. 12tf CAPE FEAR HOTEL, SMITHVILLE, N. C. OUR IMPRf)VEMENTS are now coinpleteil, and we are preparetl, in every way, for the aecommo dation of regular or transient boarders. FISHING. UATHINtr, he. TERMS to !»i35 per month, according to rooms: l!l) per week; ^2 per day. 'hihlren and servants hall- price. D»iluction :nnde for families. A. J. A: C.. W GALLOWAY. Juno 21. io-lm VALKAlfLE NKGltOUS POI{ SALK. ANF;gRO Woman aged about thirty or thirty-five years, good house servant, cook, washer ami ironer, honest au'l imluKtrious. A Girl aged about nine, and a boy about foui years —children of the woman. Persons in want of this species of property will tio well to call on the nriflcrsigueu at his Law OtTice on •Vnderson Street, when further paiticulars will be given. r.AKTirW FULLER. April 2!*. 5iU-tf .lAMIOS KYIJ'V h noir rcreujiiKj hia SritlXf! Sf^l'PL T oj CHEAP COODS. t.MONG which are, Irish Linens, Lawns anti Diapers; French, Scotch ,an>l Domestic Lawns: t\alicoes, French, I'nglish and Domestic: Frcuch, Scotch ami Doinestic Ginghams: Emb’d and IMain Crape Shawls and Scarfs; ^ to lU-1 Bleached Shirtiiig .a'ld Sheeting; French and Irish Linen Drilling; El’k and CoiM Silks; Honnets ami IJonnet Ribbon; Uolting Cloths, No. '■'> to 10; Joseph Repka's (^ottonailes; {’o!'d Grenadines and Ibtreges; Linen Cambric ilandkerchiels, assorted; lilay Linens, j to I I, very cheap; With many other article.s, all of which haviii:| ''Cen purcliasetl by the package .at the lowest rates, wil; be offered at the lowest i>rices, liy wholesale or retail, for Cash, or on time to I'unctual Customers. March 27, 185G. ^*l-tf xo'nc!',.~ 4 LL ]«ersons indebted to the ‘inn of F. ,y I], F i\ Moore, are re-piested to come forw ir 1 and make payment, as their copartufrahip coaled on the 1st ol' March, 185(1. W F. .5 H. F. .MOttlli:. June ti, 1850. 11 -tf Jjook lit Voitr tut errs! in '/'niir. I’roprietiir, after h.aving the H mi.sfortnne of gt'tting burnt out, has ve-built his Steam Saw Mill .and is now jirepart il to furnish t.9 .ftntae at short notice, either iu town or at tiie .Mill, S miles I from Fayetteville, on the We^tt ru I'lank Ro.id. I hope . t«i iTceive patronage inasmuch as I am in the mi'lst of ' t'le best hefirt Timber and can furnish .any length from I lo to 12 feet long, which 1 hope wi’l suit St am ‘.oat ! men wishing to iict long tinil'er :it short ntficc. I also intend keeping Lumlier at TR‘«)V .M \R.SH S Stoie, who will still rt' t a- my .\gcnts, and forward bills for Lumber to me at my Mill. My terms tor hnabev shall be as fivorable as any foi the same kind of lumber. Those wishinir to adiircss me can 'lo -o at Maneln-stev DAVID KIVETT. lune I85ii. 1 l-t;m A CARD. ^I'^IIE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens { of Fayetteville anil the surroumiiug eountvv, as a .MASTER RUlCKLAVEii AND PLASTER ER, an.l gives notice that he is re.aily to contr.act for wijrk in his litie, at the lowest cash jirices. S. F. DI('KSf)N F.iyetteville, Oct. ^», 1851. -'^If Lll'h: L\Sl RA\(’!:. Undersigiietl has iteen appointed .\gent ol' A the North Carolina Mutual Life lnsur.ant;e Com- j»auy. I'.very member for life particijiatt;s in the pro- Hfs ol the (Jt)mpauy; ami the annual premium lor life membership, where it amounts to or more, m.ay be pai 1 one-half in cash, anil the other hall' iu a note at 12 months. Debtors' lives may be insured by creditors. mau may insure his ttwn life t‘or the exclusive beuctit ol his f.imily The lives of slaves may be iusu. ed. This .system is rapidly growing into lavor, all over the civilized w>rM It is one by which a family, for a small sum .annually, may be jirovidt'd fttr, aftei- the death (;f its heatl, tin whose exerritms they may hav«> I been ilependent ft)r a support. It isa good iuvi'-^tment i of money, even if one sliouM live lt»iig attcr taking j t>ut ,a i.ife Policy. Kxplanatt.;ry pamphlets, .an I the ; necessary' i;,.anks, furnished on application. I E. J. HALE. ROOK lilNDICRV. W. IIARDIE has resumed the Uook Rinding llusiness, over the Tailor Shop t,i' ►'lark .V. Woo lwartJ, where he will receive and execute bindini! in any style tlc.“ired. Augu.st I. 27 tf ;oli)si{oroih;h ^■■^IIE third Session of this lnstitutii>n commences on I Wednesday, the •'’>d of Jnn’v 1^^55, and ends on the -M of .lune, I.s5.'>. Kfv. JAS. H. r.RLNT, A. R., President. Dr. ('i.t)ss, l.att^ of 'hapel Hill, I'rof'esstir of Matliematii s. And a full corps of Teat l>ers in every liranch. r.oai I. including Lights. Fael, cVC , .>:5() Ol) $10 00 •■j;2o 0(1 all expenses of the an 1 all ornamental R. per sessiii'i. Tuition in Primary Depart'nent, I’ollcii.itf l>c]iartmcnt, . line huadrcti dollais will cover r.essitin in the Collegiate ctiuf t- I firanch(s. Pupils in pririarv department charge,1 ihe iisi'.al prit;e !‘or nm.anietital br inches, (bie hall jnyable iu advai.ct'. 'I’hree Lectures on sciennfic subjects will be delivcreil t-ach month. We ar.' makin;- every elbirt to render lht> '^ehool the tirst in advantages nnd cheaiines.s, and pledgt' to redio e l>rieCs, .lud muUii)ly the adv.antages in proportion li the increase of jir.troiiace. When oir number t)f joipils re.tcht's 200 .shall lie able to r*li!c‘ t he prit t 3 nt.-arly one half’, every' one aiding us, is also aiding in plat;ing the me.ins of a su|)crior education within the re i' h of almost every girl in flu; Slate. We letnrn t'lanks for (he nnexnupl^'d support wt. h:ive had and liolieve it will lie i o>|iiimed. I'l.o- I'ovther intormatioli appiv tf tlit- Prosiden’ ol thi* laeiiliv, 01 myself. W.\I. K. L.\Ni;, I’rc.- ' .-'tockholders Dec. lo, .'m If NEW STOCK Ol' Hooks and Staioii(‘ry. %E are now receiving our usual New S'ock of w W HOOKS anil ST.ATlONERV, embracing ■; grcai v:iriety of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MIS(’ELL.\NEOUS J’.OOKS. Together with a large .and varied .-lock of i>l;niU liooks, i\i|)cr, Env‘lo|M*s. iVc. Country Mert hants and ofl^er^ are invited to call, .as ve otfer the above .sti)ck on the b.- • ii-rms. Oct. S. E. J !l\Li;^vS0N C»|iyiiio liil;, aiul Co|>\iii^ I.ooks just receiveil. L. ) llALl' .SoS. June I. JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. ^I'^Hl] subscribers have for sale, the 2d vi tume of th» Jj Reports ol Law (’ases ia the Supreme f’tmrt of North t’arolina, fiy U. C .lones, iJs.j. .hist publi, ,, .1 .Also, .Supreme ('"onrt i^eports gener illy, an I oiIkm Law Rooks. E. J. HAF,E .v SON. (iRO(’i:RIKS T" ''ilK snb-cri!. d« in till all f whieh will tei'oil lor coll’ll ry r li.a-; Wi St 'te a -.lod assortiin nt oi t;^.ocl:l!^ and I'l midv. aiii: mm:, be -.old wlioli ^ale or retail, or bar lirotliice, on tenus the most re.ason ale cheap. GOLDS (’ON. lie. \ sinall lot ol S.\l)I)LI!li\ fo ‘live us a call. (i. \\ . 1 .S. I’l. \ny oi iiiy friends in the count ry having bu.si ni'bs to tr.iii'act iu this plat:' cull have it tlone on the ii>ua to iny ivi re. l-ayettevillo, Sept. 27, L'o such term as renewals, .Vi- , , by M-n liner saiii e G. U. 1. G ;‘.'.'if iii:i)s ri:.\i)S!! Mannfacinrer. 1 r.i llers Th iht IJKDS ri: VDS! IJST reetMved from flu n t: ST s 111 'US i.atleni: , and iiiidt' of good seasoned I ini' in this 1 e~. F.id'tcnd- are m.it;iif ii| ared 1 Itc s>,i 1 Icab i‘s as low a.-' thej ■ .N'orih ('ill aii'l e.'Miniii.' \. M \i.iil '.I. lace, 1111 I in lie g' l i'rom WIIM'.KLL '.'I V \ \Ll |;rin s: um. SO'VWE. A bL those indebted • us previous to the 1st Janu- I !’• O., Cumberland Co., N. (J .a ary will tall and settle either by note or cash, and I lige us. McDONALD .Sc WH\LEV. N. P>. A gootl fi.ssorti'iciit of S ADDLES AND H.\R- .Nl^S.'-' always on hand f-r cash or tin lime to painctual t‘i; t.'tner''-. Feb y 1 IS 55. 7'itf 1 MLI i .tt. •Il V M.y ■' • !■ 'iu,' It V. :i- f .11.1 : 0 2 J tnn**-; :ili ; ■ ■ ■ I.-. > .V c t‘i. 1 .1- lite trom the Cil ( ' t-rlh ■ i I on; :y tor > I-'-.'. , vi?: At 1. 0-: i; I. t ' ' : (. 1 111 ■ 1 ^l I'l la\ , J.ily 1 till. F L Pi ' ;»;■ tr L 1 ued lay 1 a:!,. L . / 1 hav l:iy. I7t! ( . ill ■c'v 1' r .| iv, IStli C-o i- .-r r k .'ati 1 ay. P'th ' A •. ■ ft! . " 1 ( oi .'^nrt.j •- .. 1 (. . r- 1 iiur-^ t , “ 1 .St 7 t “ : \ ^lollrtn■''s . Fiida/, ,\ug .1 st l: k?- 1. . .Se, iri'I'-i. S .tiii day. 21 \t :lo at. ■/ e n ;!r»ed timC ' 1 lni pl:ict~, the i':tlldidu(es f. r ’'leiiii i.'rs it tin' (ii-t|i*l:il \'-:a-mbly, an.! 1 for .Sherir! ' 'amt. •r'.ii' ■ i c iiTity, w^i 1! :;tlend .111,1 :II Idreis their ft , '1 tl' ALE \ JdllNSoN , .“slHa' iff l»r. It. \. lll.trK. FFli'r, I'ront R 'onr , ovei Dr .1 llins laU Cheint't :ind Drii:r St n-e. I'eti'r 7, l''5ii. 7('-tf D. \V. HK.NntUV, |> 1* S., (irntliiate ul' the 'tilD*s;e of iii:\i \i. SI KiiiUM . Mlice liour from l!^-5t nf 'Sorth ('itroli/ia Mutual In surance ( . ■ ri-tci Uavirg beer, appointed Agent for I The . . V;. i pio:ised to take Ri'k ; ill'J.' .oe an l vii li itv, on ti e aiiiJf refi.-.iuable teruis. AIG W. STEKIi. J 5, i»5i'i ll*-;>m St(‘a»nlM>nts lor sai(‘. ONL f tlie bi lUier- of th> “ I'.rot'aers’ Steam Boat inif any,' ii:i determined to devote his entire &ftcii»ion t hi:, pi ifes-ion. \Ve \/ili therefore sell TW(» it' iir 'I'liree Steani IJoats, consisting of the “LlicI'lll.K;^ ••■I.WIES li.i.lllST, ' .and‘•.(:OTT ISH CHIEF,' vwfh c,implement of Fiats, upon .icct>mmo- d I'ing term -. (>ui (’ii\irrKn ri!ivii.t:t,i> e.KtMid t> Hiviu till" ihe Fi \k md D(;i:e I'lvt.ns, witheiif anv in'iividii li linbilify clause. It desired a s.ale of one ,,r ir- >re t,f these Eoatri t:an be m:i'le in sut h way Hs (•■ p;i fit' licnetits ot' our 1'h.arita- to both Rivers. T ic I’.r tlier-i idmirably :i lapted to rauaing above tl" I I ck- atid :ill ^l.e r.oats aio in e\t > llent I’der, an ire v.i'd ,^nMe'l ti> the liu.sint'ss i n the I’iver. r ir term.. ''d ire - .!.\MHS F..\NKS, Pres’t IJrotliers Steam l!oat ’o., Fayetteville, .N. {?. ■) )1IN r..\NKS, Wilmington, N. .lune 21, is’.'. l.:-;]w BANK OF CLARENBON atFayetteville,) •I PN H ‘JDj J fBlIU; \nnual Meetimr of to. .stocWlw.ldfi-c nf tl.;. ^VOOL ROLI,S. ^®7'0( >f, c irtleii with ‘ii.-triateh at Pdount'.^ Creek ▼ W I'aetorv. SHEETINGS, tisnaliiirgs. wr. iis, I Watch Makers, Jeweller.s, ('otton Yarn, aii'l Wool Ho'ls, for sale by J line 1H5 I. (JEO. McNEILL 7-tf rniiu; \nnual Meeting of t;,, .to,;kholders of this I. ij.aiik will lie helil at the iiankinjr Htiuse i^n the 2d .Monday in .luiy nesi, being the 1 Uh, at 11 o’clock. 1)] .1. W'. SANDF( )RD. ( :i'hier. iiDwiiX WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER, At tli‘‘ oi: Staiul, Xorth sitle nf Jluij/ Slmt^ AS just returne.l from the North with the Largest Stock cf (!ood.s ,he has ever offered in this market, which he will «ell at ^ery low jirices. .Among his .as- fortment may be fcun:l (.loM and .Silver Watcln s of all kin'ls, some very fine: ‘iold Fob, Vest ;ind (iu.ird Chains; Sealn and Keys; Fob Ruckles: Spect.acles of rill kinds; i5reast Pins and Ear Rings in st;ts, soinethin;z line, all kinds of Finger Rings: Cracelcts; Gold I'en- :ils with Pen; Gold Lockets; .'tuds; (dollar and .'^Icevc I’attons; Gold Pen ajid I’encils with India Rubber ’ ‘ ' a new article; fine !'• irl ('.ar 1 ( ase.s; I’ocket ('oiuj,;i ,, with Sun Dial connected; - .tl lb';! Is; I’ort ,M'ii.'ia. , ,|^.t Necklace-:; tine .let TinAccurtleou.s; .Nlusic Loxi.s If./K#:; Silver F..rk : Sl’ver Ta ble auil Tea Sp ,ns; .s.j- jj- anil Pr“icrve Sp' on'-; Mus- t:ird •Hid .Sa t Sp'M.iis; Silver Cup:', r.uft. • Knive-, Fruit Kniv«s. ' fi.A J LD (.«f>()DS: I thcs- Table aU'l Te' Spoons; Rutter Di.shes; Castors; C u I l;a-ket-: L:i'i..-s’ W.,rk r.'ixe!- a go(,il assortment of M;i,t:u-, ,i li;ie loi of ('! cks, an I very many other ai.teles which his frieii'ls aiiil tht‘ public an invifcu • . e.vamine. .'^'rict afteiiti(jn paiii to \V'at''u Hki'\nn,\ i. J .u* A. .M 1. 1 P M •• •; I*. M to p \i DR I'. F, N [*• > W nny ’ found :it hi,s Room aeai the Market, wlier*- ail '.vlui are in need of the se;v>cedof a Dentist are r- 'iiecit’al'y invited to ciill. .Ml operations peri'orni'd apon the latt-.st lud 'u,,si :ipprove J plans To those i" ii. ■'! of , It'ii/it'ifif 'Ptlth, he w'luld simply say lliat he is ludiind iu no iiiiprovoment. He inserts I'roin one to an entire set upon fine Gold or I'l.ifina plate, which he guarantt-es to be ei_jua!ly as serviceable as the natural organs. He spends nine months of *ach yenr in this place, (from 1st of October to the 1st of Ju'y j Sej.t 2'.t, ' lo-tf K. M. ORRKLL, .f i0'Tt0P,vt: t: u AND €'4»iiiiBiii*>*«ioii II roll a lit. .April ls.05. 0()-tf \\ ('. woirrii, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, tVII.>UN;T()!^, V. C. Jan'y 1(J, lb5'j. (i8-tf CH\RLi:s liANKS, f o /; 0'T! #; is, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fvreitjn Frvif^j Xufx, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 185o. 7;’.tf w. i\ KLLKrrr, ( oniinissiou and FoniuiI'Jinj Mt'rrhiiii WIJ.MINGTON, N. C. June 10, 1854. 4tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, i:n n o a A N D rOR\V\RI)L\(; MERCIlAN'r, f’. SiXf" f roiupt personal attention given to allt’onsign inents, ami ( ash advances m.ailc oa Produce to be ship pi*tl to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1H55. ^7 .1. S. SiANKS, ComiiiiNwioii nrrriiaiif, Wilmiugtou, N. C. Jan’y 1, 185(>. (>r,-tf S. 31. TIIOM V8, DEALER IN •'WCV SrAPLK drygoods, li KA1) V-3IA i)I-: CLOT 11 LV(i, ll.vrs, CAI'S, RON'NET.-J, ROOTS .VND SHOES, .SIIELTlNt..';, Ct»l"l'ON VARNS, KERSEVS, HLVNlsET.S, \,c., &c. ('orner .Market ;ind GlliesjiieSt., Fuyctteville, xN.\ Dec. i7, I'^'.o. (i2 tf , Bank Cliccks i’or salt* at this Oliice. i'dijrl h nlU ( ')tml // fiirttnij. f Bill E biibscriber still continues to manufncture a I superior aviicleof plaiu autl f.mcy »’.A>.U(KS at the old staiiil, i No. 5, Green street, o doors Noi’th, of the .Market House,) where he would be happy to Bee Uis ol.i frit-nds untl customers. t'H.VRLES RANKS. March I, 1853. 78tf SPIRIT BARRELS. A LW.WS on hand and for &n.le at the lowest mar- ket price, SUPERIOR SPIRIT BARRELS. 0. W WILLlA.vlS & CO. May 28. 4-tf PLANK ROAD STOCK. SHARES Northern Plank KoHd Htock, sale by J. B May 12, 185(;. for FERGUSON 3tf NEW (iOODS. ■AM now receiving my Fall and Winter Stock of T \\'I.N(« i^.ssiiciated themselves together t'or the purpose of ' •arryiii” on the :iliOVi- br:inehes of biisiuess, woultl respet;tfully aiinouma' to the citizens of Fjiyetteville ami surrounding country, that they h.ave ' leased the Stor*' tai the N'orih-West t’oruer of the | Fayetteville Hotel Ruildiiig, on Hay street, where they j ' are piejiared to execute orders in the above branches j \1 in a satisfaetory and wor'Km:inlike ir.auner, and re Hutl .M Mpectfully sidicit a sh;ire of public patron:ipe. R. D, (iKi.K.N .1 S. \V'kar f|lHE 2d Cvhtioii. ^'.vith liundretl- typoira|dni;ai M- error:, of the td.' “dition corrt'ctcd,) is ; uldi.'hi I for the beneii: of th.* .^^l.ssion:ll•y cause of the Episi ■. pal Church in .North Carolin:i. The ut'^eof the2 vols. is, in clrtti bl'iding, in sheep 5o. (tr iers, accompanied in every instance by cash, iu:iy lie ad 'iresseil to 1! .1. Il.\iji; .) .''’tiN F lyetteville. May ,S. iN'ei. lor 111E Subsev’bi i-; have foi s.ale a’> lm(ieri:il N :. 1 W:ishingtoii ILind I’ress, 2«l lend. It will be soid ctieap, deliverable iu I’oLer-iliurg, V;i. ll i-- sa’ I to Im- a good I’ress and iu good order. •lune 4, ls55. E .1 H\I.F .vc S»N. Ol' el It 'hi: \ ille for sale, my L.\NDS in llo a'loiil |::o \crt:s known I \r.Li: i‘Ron:i;r\ i'0Pi: ,v. ##>#;. Tort II ol the MUIVIFORD SWAMP. V'l ilf -II .\cri’ . .•! it i: line Meaij.iw L:in l, isthe UoVN on ii vsill show. ,\lso, the 'I :iiliab!«' fSt M-k :cul ii*‘ai- the Market .''■iisnri-. ociai]/o'I l.\ Mi-, .lo I' :i V .n A i’’‘iiilier!on. ,\ L.ir^e ami Viilu:iblo Lot, fronting on Doii.ildsoii. M iT'i\i •! :iiid Muiiit'ord .sJiri cis, known :is the li"tid • i.n b it I.lit. -otiM b.- ilivided iiilo M'vt ral I’.iiibling L' I-- -vt'i’y nejt ji|f new Female High Sclio i] Ituil'lings. \!so, th> Si.ible Lot :idjmiiiiig, I'roiitingoii .Miimt'ord LO'I 'I'lif iH‘\v Statntf s. 1H E Subseriliers h:ive received o;i thiicnii. .1 any 1\. E. J. •ii-sigiiini-iit. Trice > I. • HALE A; sevir.ii i)Esii:.\i’.;.i-: luildim; W !ii--b)',.- ll! ! Mumfi'i' l .'^trei.-t \1! tlii' prii|i'-rf iMii no‘\ b.- |iiir. h:ise Ille Iciti,-' ;iiil .1 l:irL’'e ]'i il tail rein lit! ■ MOtaMa‘_‘' iI dc-i•■.■■I, I'llO. .1 both on r:iV(ir:i I I’olld .'till “tfuxli.st •thodisi l;is stvl (let l(», I''"... in:i>r(’i':i) (MH: ris, 1;. If llviiiiis, varioii.'^ :i|ilines; )usi l eoeive.l. E, J. HALE cv SON. De. m|R R. J-T* begs GIlOCEKiKS. ilARIIWARE AM) CL'TLERY. These gootls were bought late in the'scason, and consciiuently at retluced prices. My stock of BOO'i'S .an I I siioi:«s is complete, embracing many kinds of extra sizes; Itlankets, Kerseys, &c.; Hats, fine and common. THOS. J. .fOlINSON, Old Stiinil, near the Cape Fear Bank ayd Market place. Nov. 12. 52-tf ‘JOO C-asks l''rcs!i F.,niio, Calcinod Plaster, Plastcrirg Hair and Cement, Mackerel aud Herring, by J. W. POWERS & CO. April 19. (C’.ff D GREEN, \\ :iteh .Maker, n'Sfiectfiillv leave to return his thanks To his very numerous patrons while having charge of the W;itch Department in the firm of .Me-^srs. i;e:isley ,v Htiiiston, and hopes the work done by him in the past m:iy he .a sufWcieiit recommenil.'itiou for the future. N. B. All Watches to be repaired will be ‘taken apart iu the presence of the jwner, and a written es timate given of necessary repairs, which will be war- rantetl for Two Years. April 9. S4-tf Losr. LAST Night, between tiie Market Hou^^e and tlie Dobbin House, a small P()RTE MONNI.A, con taining about 1525 or ^30, consisting of two Five Dol lar Gold piee.e.s, three Two-and-a-H;ilf Gold pieces and four One Dollar Gobi; iilso some .small change ami n bill or two. .A suitable reward will be given for the recovery of the above described Purse and Money. W.M. McLE()D. Fayetteville, June 4, 185C. 10-tf 'Die sul)Sf*rilK‘rs will purchase Spirits Turpentine, or make advances on consigninenta to their friends in Wilmington, or New York. C. T. HAIGII .j- SONS. April 0, 1855. UOtf siirPL.\\ J)r. .IAS. F. FOULKIW, (*orui:r of llay and Donaldson Streets, opposite tli>‘ Fayetteville Hotel, WOULD respectfully cull the atten tion of his friemls and customers to his complete stock of DRUGS, .n K III c I ^, Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuflfs, Which he is now receiving, and will offer at prices as low as tluiy c.an be bought at in this market. His object is to sell Medicine that can be tlcpendctl upon, as he buys none but the genuine article. Constantly on hand Jhiniiu)/ Fluid, Cainpheite, Sjnrifs Turprntine] Alruhul, lintndifs and Medical jnirpo&vs;^ C>vjrcss \\ar>r, Citrate ^I'Kinc.aia, Fa>^t India Castor Oil. March 15, 1851. 87-tf di:i*:p rivkr coat.. ITUMlNOnS ('0.\L of the be.='t. t^ualify can be had at th*" works at Egypt, at ;i reasonable price WM. McCL.VNE, Mioing Engineer. May21,185li. *i-tf i; by the Ton. Caj)( T Ljijiil lor Sale. IHESiibscriber ort'ers for sale THREE HUNDRED anti EKJHTY-FIVE Acres of Land on Cape Fear River below Smith's Ferry, in tjumberl.aiid coiinty, running with the river to the lands of Mis. Ryr I. .A portion of the laud is cleared and fenced. It is well adapted to the cultivation of corn, oats aud the usual crops of the river lan ls. The part uncle;ired h.as on it some good swamp, which may be easily pre pared for use. It will be sold on a creilit of twelve mouths. Persons wishing to buy can call on the owner at this place. J. G. SllEl’HERD April 8. '.'l-tf Xi:\\ \U SK' vV MHSK’ liOOKS. BEliriNI’S I’ialio Forte .Method—new and revise e litio;i; Huiiftai's 'eiel>r:itetl Instriit'tioiis for the Pi:iin) Feiae; I’.urroWe’s I'iano Foi'te I’rimmer; ,\c- cordeon. Flute, N'iidin and t’larionett Instiaicter.s. Also, .Music for the Piano. .ru«!t received auil for sale liv E. .L H \LE .V S(»N. April 5. WEW VOLLMES (»F THE FOI H GREAT I’RITISH i-» REVIEWS, namelj, EDlNPUkGH, North BRITISH, WEST.MINSTER, AND LONDON VUARTERLIES. AND BL.VCKWOOD'S EDlNl^URtiil M.\GAZINE (MONTHLY), Ctnnmeuced with North British for November, 1S55, ;>,ud the other Reviews and Blackwood for January, l.''5»j. Terms >/ Siilccrtptv>r}.—.Vny one Review or P.lack- wootl, .'i>o .a year. Blackwood aud one Review —or any two Reviews, -$5. Tlie four Reviews ami iMack- wood, ^10. Four copies to one address, (which should be p.iid tjua) terly in atlvanci '. on the four Reviews and Blackwoml to any Post otlice in the United States, only 8(1 ceuts a y'ear: namely, 1 1 cents a year ou each Review, ami 24 cents a year fin Blackwood. •Address, L. St^OTT j' CO., I’ublishers, 51 Cioltl Street, comer of Fulton, N. \ . ARi:. 'I'liront'h 'rickets bitwet^u Wihuiii:;fon, N. (’., .iiid Lalli- iiiore. Fare?j;l,'{. Vi:i Wtddon, I’etersbuig. Richmond, .V \\ash- innrtoii City, or via WfMon, (’ortsnioiith autl Norfolk ForTickets apjdy at rhe( (Hicc ol (he Wilmington and R:ileigh Rail Road ('oinji:iny, at \Sil miugton, or at the ollii-e of the l‘.:iltimore Steam Packet ('orap:iny. and of’he Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road .’ompa'iV, Pratt Stre.-t, r.aliirnore. ■Ian. I. 1852. f EB Mi l. Vl'ltl V .s r|{,\\(;H A\ 1'^ ou hand, a large stock of siiptU'ior SFIR 11' B \RRFjLS, which they WouM sell at :i r‘-duced price lor Cash. I'ersoii'' wishing to tii:i'kc eng:igements would do Well to c:ili oii iis tieforc making eng:igements, as we Warrant ;i j?ooil article. April 2(1, 1S55. '.t5tf T New Method lor 1Ik‘ (iiiitar. hy t^liarles C. Converse; Hiinten’s Instructions for the Piano Forte: Burrowes' 1‘inno Forte Primmer. Fur ther supplies just received E. J. HALE iV SON. Nov. ly. (ONES’s Views of the Seats, Mansions, Castb r, ,S:c. of Noblemen and Gentlemen in Scotland. The I’.ook of Scottish B.allads. 1 The Scottish (Jitl; The Book of B:»ll:nls, liy I'on j Gaultier; McFingal, by Teumbull; Lillian and t>ther TU0MS()N is now receiving an uniisutilly ! Poems, by Prae«l; Watst.n's Dictionary of Poetical large assortment of the latest styles of .'spring | Quotations; Ballads, by W. Harrison Ainsworth; Leigh I Hunt's Stories in \’'ersc; .Allingham’s Poems; Hogg’s Tales; I'he (Queens of England of the House of Hano- I ver, by Dr. Doran; 'J’he -Noctes Anibrosi.ina; ol' I’d.iek- I wootl; Bohn's New llaml Book of Games; The War ot i the .Allies, from the Correspondent of the Loinlon j Times; Novelties, Inventions and (Jnrio-^ities in .\rts j autl .Manufactures; I'tc. E. J. H.VLE .v. S>N. I April 23. IV(-\v iiO(kIs! i\«“w (iioods!! and Summer Hats, Ca|>s, Hoots and SIk)os, Ladies’ aud Misses (Jaitors, IJuskiii.s .nnd Slippers, Children and Servant’s Shoes, ot'varimis kinds, (jualities and prices. ALSO, (Jarpet Bajs, Travelliny and Fadcinij Trunks. Wfiich he offers for sale at low firices for C.V.SH, or to prompt paying Customers. Those wishing gootls in his line will please call and examine his stock be fore purchasing elsewliere. J. C. THOMSON, xMarket S.juare. March 20. 00-tf Fire iiASi€rnnce. f H^HE ..ETNA hisur:nicc ('ompauy of Hartfor*!, hav- -M. ing paitl the tax imposeil by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, wil! t;outinue its Agency in Fayetteville, under fhe management of the undersign ed, who is prep;ired to issue Policies of In-uraiice on Buiblings or Gooils, either iu this Tow;i or in any p:irt of the State, on prtiper .apjilicati'ni, description of the Property, ,S:c. The -ETNA ro.Ml’.ANV has been in operation about oO years. Its capital is !*>5M>,000. 'J iie Hon. ’i'lit>s. K. Br.'ice was its fu st Presitleiit, and he still iiolds th;it otlice; and .«everal of its first Directors are still active and cfliwient members of the Board. It has :it ,i!l times sustained the highest cliaracter for tlie prudence of its luanagemeut, and for the liberality with which if has ever adjusted ita losses. E. J. il.VLE, Agent. iSaonWl^OH' Has .it vivrtll Great Iron Wheel Examined,'’ by Parson JL Brownlow, price •'i^l UO, just rec'd. t ostyge on it by mail is 18 cents. ■Also, a few more of the ‘ Great Iron Whtad," ^'y Parson Graves. E. .1. HALE v .''OV. May 28. I'^lIK highest t:i-h price p;iid for Turpentine W liitd O ik .'Staves, and (t;ik or .Vshe lle.ailing, ('all on Jas. W. .Strange, who can alwavs be toiind at the Still. McLAURIN \ S’l’RANtiE. Feb y IH, 1- 5::. 7Utf ♦ WHih r's r ftlr/il S(thiiiiiti>(l( r S(i/r. % ^ E keep constantU on IkiihI an :issorliiii‘nt of V W the ai'ove S \FL.'>, w' lrraiitt'd lire jipoot'; :iml desiroii,- of c'ktfii liiiix liit* deiii:iii I I"!' tlieiii. h;ive in dncetl the niaivers f,i i;unsen to deliver them here aV Ne« York pi i‘ «'s t>. iS: W Me,L.\tJRlN, .\gents. .(line 10, 1-i'>t. Ill' ( (trjtnritfKt/i ()/ I hr 'I'oH'n of I Irri I Ir for Salt ' A GBEEAP.LE to an \el of ih(- Gi*neral .\ssen;My .1 W Ol the State of North (':iroliiia, i ititied Dec. 'J.’t 1H.')2, autliori/ing the Town of I'ayeiteville to i.ssue her Bonds to the aiaoiint, (if >; Mmi.ikiI)^ in the ;i^gi'c- gate, for the jiiirjiose of p:iyiiig her subscrip'imi to I he 'Vcsti-rn Rail Rou t Coiii[i;i!iy. Therelorc, it i- -.rdered hy the Commi:;,-ioi.ers of Fayi'Mcville, that the Ti'e:isi!r(“r o! tlie I' n. ri receive sealt' l proiiosa’s, until tin- 1st of .\' n' i r next, lor ti:(* purchase oi ■■*'5i),(HMt, in .■■iiin,' oi ;ii(l e:ich of said Bonds, or iny l*:trt then!.,! ‘Ion.is to run twenty ycav.-i, w il ll ('oilpoll' atlacJied, —inlere t pay;ible .seliii anuii.illy. Tin -ai-: '» 'ii is sh:iil la ijiiib r lilt* ot the ('oi’p'iratioii, :iiel liiii ling on the r:i.itli ol the saliie. WN| \\.\Rl)EN, Town Treasurer Sei.t. 2.1, i>oV n l-'t l{ Tl I i;u St I’I'I.I i:s )l ' ll()()KS. ISS .^lurray’s Travels in the tJ. Si,ales and Can ada; The Table Talk oi Samuel Rogers; Sheridan Knowles’ Dramatic Works; Memtiir of S. .*^. Prentiss. Ernest Linwood, by .Mrs. Hent/; Tb.e American De bater; Hart’s ('la-ss Book of Poetry; Union BiMe Die,- tionary; Wiltl Western Scenes: Dana's .Muck ,M inu:il; .Methodist Hymns ainl Discipline; Le Brua'.s 'I'ele- maipie; Ulank Books, School Books, ,vt; L. J. HAl.E ^ SON .May 2S. h- (.AR-llOl SI*: MOL \ssi:s. II HDS. superior Su;r:ir-liiin.-e .Molasses, lU- received .and for s.ile liv J AS. (!. (,'(»(IK. too .lune il). Bi: PKAS. 'HELS lor S:ib- bv J.\S G ( '( M »K l.i-2v\ I'InH. .•lel tor s:i (’0( *K o Iw W AN rED. .SHAHI>S of Cape Fear P.auk Stock, .\pply, with Cash price, at this Olfice, by note ad dressed to “VV.” to DU la.i.i.Nt; rill.ll'. Sub-ri liior wishes lo Jl^ :iii'; i. it "II the coi ii'-r of (iilu -pie Street -, at pr. '-' lif o - Ujiied by M;-. IL tl Terms re i- tier ne\t .May i-' OR SALi:. hell (tie large Dwelliiiii ■ n.-.l.b I’oR-es.'-'ion given nd RllSSe!; Ei";inbei I .11 the 1 't ( ll V. i;. J. II \i.i: