iFAir SEJfttl-WEEKLY. \0\. VT.l I AYETTEVILLK, N. C., JULY 17, 1856. /ffer » J9D • JBjllNTKI' M»N1>AVS AND T11UU8DAYS 'EJ)\V\IM) J. HALK & SON, a. ' IMT'tltS \\!! I’KOPillKTORS. Pnc« for >lic Senit-Wet kly Ohskhvkk 00 if paid in acNtttCr: S ii lin ing the yciir of snbserip- tionj or !ift( r tlte ,>•'■!/ iius expire'l. For th.B ^ . kly On^Er.v ;,i; *'J iti> pi r aiiuiun. ii'nui'! ia advwcc. ■'r- •'>'* it' pui i 'I'lrir" Uie ye:ir of yiil'scr!]>- tioai or ^ 00 r.i'tfv the yenr has oxpireil ADVERT IS^.ME'ITS inyrrto 1 n.i- r i a ^ ront- p-r square of lines f. r tuo nii'l thirty ''t-nts t\'r oflr>h BucoMding pul'li;' it'or.. Yfir!y nilvertisemonts I'V •'pe- ci*l contr;ict . nt rc^i unnMf lutts. Atlvrrtifprs are requested to •Ji-ite tl>f uumher ,>f ilisevtlO»l^ lesirea. or they wUl he coniinueu till f n-hiii. auil i'h,'ir;’e I .n'conl- ingly. vfSti!" Lftt r> to the I'-.ILk rs must he pt.ot-piii'.l. .•te.l €Mii,iRS: (I4,i,iKS: CJ!4i,iRS: C'lHOtrK r,RANDS, ju^t icceive l an l for sale bv y ■ ni \R1,KR BANKS. July H>. ‘JO-'Jw TOMATOES AV be rreserved in Arthur’s C;ins for winter use, the same state as if stewed, fresh from the bush. U*ri’i?K and l-*io rriiM.^* of all kinds may be p’*eserved so as to make fresh Fruit Ties in Winter. For sale by W. N. TILLINGHAST. 1 '(Uiirt C’aus, per Dozen. Ailwirti.^oniPnt ceaC. wtra. chargi d oil pi>r 'iRrvr SWA]. By virtue of a IVe.i of I'r.ist executed to me by Sur.cau M. l>uie lor the pm-pi ses therein men- tioxMd^ 1 wi’l otfir for sj.le at the icsid».nce ul the Fuid Buie on the Fuy- V Jjouthor:, ’“'.nnk Ruad, ucat Lum ber Bridge, ^n TUESDAY. .Vl'ti'’ST 12tli. tin- fiilK'ii''- ing profcrty. viz; llM»f feet T^n rin'.'*'>'r >>’i or ne^tr th*» Ki\.'i I,'ink. 4 Males. 3 fl*ber VVi.soi'.s. ■ I Stftd WV.gn Acres ot L;-;.d i: liarnert ; ouuty. The Creditor- tereet to aitei i. Terns at .'"'■.li- Jolyl2, i :.t d: id hiiie will had it t'» their in- W M. •McL. McRAY. Trustee. 21-ts Valn*tibl(‘ Property torsali^ rVlSE Subscriber i^ It-.oirou? to sell all that valuable JL prop-‘ ty in th> lown ='f Avera'-borough, 25 miles »bOTe Fa}ett -vi'.l.', irarac-liafely ou the Cape Fear Ri^er, c iisi^iiug of FIVE 1' TS, on which i.s a good Store, Dwel’ln--, W nro ll mse and all necessary bnild- ings-Cav immfj-'iat ■ use, with n tiow Turpeniiue Distil lery .ti op r; tion. The hue improvement on t>ie Cap* Pc iput 3 tht Town *f .\ verasborouj^h in iuinie- diat* Conti i:ti 11 with th: To^us of Fiiyetteville and Wilmingt"a V Ste sm IJnat.-, and the Steamers Jno. U. Haogltun i'Ti l ilruthers arc* n^w making regular . rip.s to and fr in tiie p-Jr.ts named. An 1 .Avt-rashorouch is destted - ii t( >iei''aiie th- principal shipping point for p rtioi. 01 W ike, J'^hnstou and Harnett wh'.'h tradia to F . be sold -n to J. fc ! W a •• t .')> “ Every v’an warranted to seal. AVe ha' *• received, through the liandi* of a friend, as a present, a can of tomntoe^, which he tells us was pic- pared last sumnier acconMn : t ■ the nian recommemled by Dr. Art!' .r. The is cue of li’s patent, .ind, Imving opened it without dilficnltv by pi.i-.-:u;ug his iu- r.truct'.ons, wc found this delightful vegetalde j 08S''.S- 5;ue J1 the rich flavor which bcb ii"-* to it when first tnki-n iV'>m its vires. It is the Jirsi of Artiiui-'s patent v'lins for ple.^ervlag fruit and vop*;t:ibles mat we have seen. Nothipg oan be more simple; and, i'ldging from tlie spe. iinon of it-i efiicacy in ac'’i mplishing all that it pionaises, we do not hesitate to recomme’id the in- ' fution to liou;eKecpers.--A’if('o«(// hit- ricc ■>/' Fri- il'tl/, lf?>/'/ ,/ui‘t, Ibi'lj. K.tT\ variety of sammer fruit was pia up in these v'ans in oar f:imily last seaso*'. an 1 we u iw b.ave itruw- h rriex. chtn i' S, hji> kbtT) , peaches, n.-i 'Ve. i; a; Tvl.eit seah'd up. '’'hese are, ill lee 1. iuAi'i iej, and aia^’ be «ecnr^d bj" eveiy one at a small c^st.Jl^m, Mfi.^nzir . We have in i»ur f t;niiy a vuiicty uf fruit j reserved in tbese cans. wLii'h -M' used thr 'igh tho w'ntev with grer.t s!.i’!.''fa.‘t!on uinl whi.di our visitnic; fr'euds ]to- r.onnce as fresh .as ,f *1’ y V. id just been gatLi ed. — /’hila'lrl. hit' M' rcha-U. i'n?K axiT live ixsruTv^cK. undersigufd has the Agency of the following -II. *'oiupaaie-, viz; Greensbtrnugh ^luUial iife lu-juriiuc^' a id Tru«t 'o. Ctreensborough Mutual Fire lnsura'.i..o t’ l , Newbern Mutual In.^urani’" Co , Charlotte Mutual Fire la«iMarce Co. Ca.well Mutual Fire insui'iut.e ‘o. Insurance in X'r’l, ('iror,i-i ' i-aii iir,w br tnken in nny part of Town or C >unty. in 'argi >r FHiall amounts. .INO ,\i UO.'JE, Agon* .Inne oO, l.-'An. .'-bni $20 H i:\v vii a RAN,\WA\' from the subscriber on tlic 1st if .^pril last, a negro man named R'aui. abo.it six feet high, about liO years of age, and black. Srdi I’.egi'o is supposed to be lurking in the neigiiboihoo 1 of .John r>cll or James McKjthan. i The above reward will >,'C paid to any pti^on d'“- 1 livering said negro to me at Locksville, Chatham .’o., N C., or confining him in any .Tail in the State where I can get him. NATHAN KING. lune ‘2o. 17-tf PlliLIC NOTICE Is HEivEBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscript>on to the capital stock of the Central llnil Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened oti Thursday, the lOth day of April 185r>, and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following places and under dirr'ction of the following named persons, Commissioners in 'he Ch.ii ier. viz; In the CouT'ty of Onslow, at the oflice ot the Clerk of thp County (\)uvt at Jacksonville, and at the l*ost Office I’lich Lands. E. \V. Fonviile, 0. J. Ward, J. 11. Foy, Robert White, Joiin A. .\veritt, 'r., Owen Hug gins, L. W. HunipLrey. In Carteret c iinty, at tho office of Dr. ,\L F. Areu- dell a( Re.iufort Dr M. P. Areudei', J. F. Hell. L T. )glesb_.-. At the store of G. W. Taylor at Carolina City.—Col. Wm. N. Denni“j, H. s. Bell. Cant. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Arendell. ii; Duplin county, at the ofhce of the County Court Cl*'*'; at Kenansville,—Major Owen H. Kenan, Davi 1 R«j;d, Isaac B. Kelly, Wm E. Hill, Win. -I ilouston, Stcpiien (raham. Ill Sampson county, at the otlice of the (’ourtv (,’ourt Clerk at ^linton.—Tho-nas 1. Faison, Dr. Thomas Luhtiiig, Wm. McKay 1‘atrick Murphy, VVni. Faison, J. R. Be I’ll lu, Alfred Johnson. l?i 'uiuber!and co'inty, til I'iiyett«*\ille, at the office of A. .V. >fcKctha'',- Thwiiias R Underwood, Randal McDaniel, I'dwar 1 L. Wirslaw, John Blocker. Forci of sviLsCiiptif^n; The Undersigned agree to take the number of sha-es of ,>'100 each, set opposite to cur nameo respectively, in thi ( entral Rail In ad Company; nnd in all respects ti. CMinpl v with tlic tei'us cf tiie Cliarter. Nuiues I Re^iidt-nce j N ot sh.ircs 1 ^ Cash i Work Hot til. ^ ■ ri'^llE Sul)scribcrs having this day leased this I Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased .^=SS4. t'> hee their friends and the travelling public at this House. At the same time we hope they will be patient ami be.ir with our iniperfections until we shall have put the H)US'* in > ui,-l. repair as v.'c desire. .? H ROBERTS & CO. J. H Robkht.': F. N. Rohfrts. March 1, 1855. 80-tf SIIEMWEI.L HOUSE. F/WETTEVILLE, C. /Caxf .siiff of Green i^Slref'f, a jtxr Dxir^ North of (he Market flouse. rWlHL Subscriber desires through this -M. medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed rpon hia House the past j year—and as he has ju.‘^t erected New Stables and Carriage iShed convenient to the House and to water he takes plea jure in saying to his patrons and the public g'>nerally, that he is still prepared to accom- inodate them with ti msi '.nt and permanent board, and 1 respectfully solicits a atinuance of the liberal patroi.- age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be useI to render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market affords r SHEMWELL. March 24, tS-j5. 86-tf Capr F'ear fjanih for salv. OFFER for sale thai Valu.able I'lantuiion, w w known as the “ASHE PL.VCE,” sevfu miles above Fayetteville, on the Cape Fear River, recently the propeity of Col. Nathan King, containing SEVEN HoNL'RED -\CR.ES,—every acre of whici; i.s Cape Fear Bottoms, and susceptible of the highest state of cultivation. This La^id requires no pulhaj as it is known to be the best farming land? on Ci’.pe Fear River. Terms will be made satisfactory if the right sort of purchaser is found. T. S. LUTTERbOlI. J. & T. WADDILL. Feb C. 1855. 7S-tf ifuens •ry. IS I!. • '> 1 !•?; i!> v'.N :‘Stf A •: AU’I). HE subscriber fen I* c lu-> serviccs to th of Fay>‘tioviiU aa-.i t'..-- surrounding a .M.\STIiK r.RICKLAYK.. AX') I’LA? H.* f'ives iiotiee that he is rca.l> 'o ciutrf.ct for wov bis line, r.t the lowe.t casl: ]>'‘i ;es. S. F. DICK Fayetteville, Oct. M, lfif.4. HOOK HAllDii] has resumed the BooU Liudiii;; Bnsine.'S, ov*i‘ tl'«> I’a'.liir Shot> of i*'lra'i; \ V\nodward, where _he w'll rf>-,»ivo arJ ereonte t>iiidin/ in mj stylt* l«*sired. Au;;usi 1 :>7 tt T » B DORHIN HOUSK' I’OWEUS & TROY, I’uoPRiETous. fJlHE I’roprietoirt of this Establishment -B. announce to the puVilic, that owing to the coajt.intly increasing patronage cxtend- \Vo are aiitliorisc‘«l to rai- nonnce Wm. H. r«)VK :'.s a candi date for Sheriti' of Cumberland Count;-, .at the ensuing election. April 21—‘.*7-tE WJLU.WT \. UOGK!iSaiinomic3s himself a candidate fV>r the office of Sheriff of iloJieson county. Lumbsrton, .\pril 2*), IHyti 5((0-tlA ALWAYS 0\ HAND AND FOR SAl.E c;kea.p, .1 GENfJRAL ASSORTMENT OF DRY HOODS AND GROCKRIKS, Together with a general assortment of i FOREI»\ AM) DOMESTIC WINES and LIQUORS, Which I !im anxious to sell or exchange for Produce j of aay kind usually sold in this .Market NFAV .S rOv’K or Jiooks aii(i SniioiU‘rv. w / Fi are now receivin(» oui- usual Npw .Stof.h ,,i Boi»K.S and ST.\TT')MEHV. embr'o'ing .a vfiriety of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MISI ELLANKOUS hiMS, I ogether with a large and ynried - tock of iJlaiik liocks, Paj)f*r, Kii\r*lf>»K*s, vVc. chII, ('ountry Mercharts and othei-tf are invited we oiVei the abovi* «toek on the best l«nn.-. Oct. M. K. .1. if ALE AL SON Nov. 7. W. H. CARVER, Hay Strept, near the Maiket. 5!-tf for sale by Nov. 10. W. H. I tevi'iU: and Wiliuington. A b:»rgain will I'; : s rty if ..pp’.’''atioa is made soon. Mill or the su iscnber. A. A. McKETHAN. . li.' i", l'‘oO. 21-ti Fayetrev ~^BARTITW FULLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, r WEk'TEVII.I.K, >. C'., \ be ,"on^ultt‘d at the L'lW (»fhce of Jesse G Shepis'-rd. Fs'i.. n Green Stre- t 14, lb.'>t'.. 21->m n WIir.AT \VAXT!:f). W.VNT to purchase “i,'•() ’’»a.,h> is A^'hoat ..'AS. G. C'M)!; Juni- 20, loutj. Fall niid Wint-- ;x»!.- .1. JF T. iiv«,'W)tr, _ I _ - „ . .-i ' SiM -ci'ii)tions may bo n;ade paj’able in work, and may sp'cify whetaei lor gra linj; or eross-tie.% r.tid sioi kiiol.icrs siiall i:; every case have pretcrence in ♦ ,ikln^ '■’ontrac's, wlje;i bids .ire the same or at Engi neer’.'. estimate. A-- .'oon as rne hundn'd thousand dollar*' are sub- scrib-d. the ’onimiss;oner> vf Onslow county are to be n »ti:i>’d, and luey ^re r- .piired ti- call a meeting of Stocl'.bi'tdttr.s to organi/f tho t’ompany. M a !i Ij, IHuti. i;;tf 7 HAY STREET RE new receiving th^ir l-;ill and W inter iO( D.-^ consisting of a bug** and v>.‘il elected stork o?' t lats ;ohI 1. aps. JIT, Et>U SAl.K OU r.KCUANiil'.. •■■^ ■h ingf' the HOUSE .inil I,OT formerly ww I ■uj'iH 1 ty ,1. (i Smith f )r Bank Stock, or fir gOO#-no*es Cas’ iM not be rei’ui^'d. H. ROI5ERTS & CO. imly 14. I*- ; 21-2w A (iroccrics, I lardwaro. Cutlorv, filacksmitluV 'Tnr- poHtino 'Pools. Atiriciiltura! Iim- ploinents, Hoot.s aiul Slioos, i- iii II a>uooi and fjOck>iville. The Brother'^^' Steam Boat Company, from and after j ‘ this l.iv. will run a Steamer once a week, twice I a^. r once in two weeks as the business may de- ' mand—between the ab >ve point? aid Fayetteville an I ' Wiiinington. July 10, 18-'>'!. 20tf ANSON INSTITLTK. ] THI^* institution has been in operation about two ' years and a half. It is pleasantly situated on an eminence about one-half of a iiiile southwest of the i town of Wadesborough, commanding an extensive view i of the surrounding country. There is a dwelling house j coBAecte - with the institute and oocupied by Rev. E14»h J. M 'rrison, one of the Teachers, who is pre pared to take eight or ten boarders, to whose comfort, ’ instruction and moral tn-ining every necestary atten tion will be bestowed. The Institution is now under chagac «^t I’rof. SIL.VS C. LIN’DSLEY and Rev. E. J. ' MOTOISmN. gcM tlernen who have cousi lerable experi- j ence'in teaching. Mr Mfii-rison. who has charge of i the English DepartmcLt, is a graduate of our Univer- ■ *ity,)and has t lught a classical school for many years. Mr.X ind. Ivy, who has charge of the Latin and Greek Depn’tmeat, is a grailuatc uf I’rincetun, wa; for seve ral years l’r>>fc ior Langu i.g',-3 in thi CaMwell lu- stitvtke, while situute i in Greensbi'rough, in this State, and has de • led over twenty five j’ears of his life to the instruction :-uu training of youth. Both of these ' men are eminently fjualified in every respect to j fiU« l^eir respective po.;itioij£'. and to dischiirge the ; respfljnsible tr :.-t„ ^ou^dei t > them. It Is the 'niy high Male Schof.l in the county: it ha.-- ■ been built by the liberality and public spirit yf ih" citiians of Anson c muty. W’hy then should it not ho I pa4»^ized? Yuuiig men of tuis and the adjoinin ' oouoties muy Ltre obtain a first rate Eagli'ih educa tion, or may b'l Tirej>.i.rod for ad;nifc3ion into tue Fie.sh- «a*or Sophomore --.lasses of our University or any ■ othe* in.'titution. j ^kt F ‘11 Session iT mis Institution will commence ' on 3||pN‘:\.Y, the 1 hh inst.int, and coutini'e Five Montks 1EU\)S AS F'tLLi'WS- Reading, Writing Arithi.ieiif, \c , Graattnar, Geog";ii>hy, oic : Latin and Greek, Phik»ophy, Mathematic-, -c Tax fcr contingent exi ense;, Tvltiou ill ad^.k.ico. Stildents entering the higher bianchef- hav. vilege of stndyinj. either or all the biancLi by paying thi price >f the highest aloup. ^ard, with rooms, lights, fuel, washing, ivc fm alBhfitl by private fiimilies of the village or in th“ ad jaeent Co'inty, at ofi per mwnth. TIi.»S. S. ASHE, j THUS. R«>liINS0N, j I’UKLdE Kli'U\Rl)SON, W. R. 1.EAK, T. REl'KEilN, j E. F. LILLi, J W>dcs'ooi-.uiil., N. C.. July 3, L-^Vi. Jl-lm I kad the } ica-.ire ot attending the examination of ‘ the pup at tin* clti- ' the past session, embracing ; the 10th day of .f i r.c, anu ’^.■as highly pleased with the j proicien.y and thorough tiMiaing ««f* the students, in- ; dioale I by tiseir exainin;. = -.ns. 1 1m ve never attended | an ej^aiiiiiir-.ti'in of the kiud where the pupiis recited i wittuniorc proi.ip ncc-^ and intelligence. | Tlte I' 1 ■ Were closed at night with s iine two | or three . which were well acted, but vshat I li^ve BT.ort Jt to the eiitertainmeat, was tlie perform- | anoe of the UL-cbiMi.ei-s who had well selected speeches and d;d vTy greai tuedjt to themselves and their in struct -.howin^, tint ii'uch more than the ordinary attention had been givon ti, very necessary branch of av'^uth s About 11 o clock at night, tiie large audience of latHe and eent t;men retired with . v’dent signs of hign aatle: i ti m anil 1 have in; tloubi witii the eommon ■•atin ‘Hi, that Aiisor county ought to l,i pioml of her iartitjt' n, i‘ ti ichcr.^ ami .is j’upils. A FiiiEND TO EDUrvTlON. Wu'ie'tborough, U. C., July 5, 1850. 21-;jt Saoti't'rv and !. iIk'F, fl«':ivv iirticii '-’ tli* I ^niir liii.v Ur-ady-HUui*' Cio- tiiina, ‘ind Stapl*' Diy ix>i*(i>. Thi" Stock we art. p>-epareJ to Job »^r r^etaii Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 1' j1. 4-Uf We ask the i’lant rs and Turpentine men ' • e.^c amine our Kerseys. Negro Tlankets. ILits anu Sl.oe*^ NOriCK. «10L. N.VTH.VN KING is our authorized .\g nt to -X make contracts for the delivery of l.nm^o i ar 1 Timber and for the purcuase »f (’lu le I'urpentine. ..t Kingsbury, in Cumberland i'ountv. J.' T WADDILL Maj’ 22, 1855. " tf TO DISTII.l.KUS. w E will pay the highest cash jirice for Sl'lRlTi^ lAne OF F«t l« llt^KNK POHT Fl'OM SAiJSIil UV TO asiifa iijj:, Through in .'’t’l 7/ours.’ >NVEi.TiNG with the NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. Ilavin" purchased the line from Ashe- * ed i,i chem, they have been induced to en large the accommodation by the addition of ; i n i , an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, and suite i VINLGAK, a good article, of Rooms on the second floor; thus enabling them to ^ accommodate all who may favor them with a call. And they pledge themselves to an increascl exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious StaMe.s attached and careful Ostlers in at tendance. The eligible lucation of the Establishment, with the experieni.e of the Froprietors in providing for the com fort of thsir patrons, they hope will secure to them n _ liberal share of the travel. apprehension and deliv.-iy of The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and de- ! man i’.iUE, a bright mulatto, about 2 part from this House. ! confinement in any Carriages ’i: .attendance on arrival and departure of , RCt him again. When !ie left he Steam Boats, for the accommodation of pacsengers. Hc’rses and Carriages fi’rnished nt any notice for car rying travelleis to anv rart of the adiacent country. J. W. POWERS.' W\ C. TROY'. Fayetteville, May 12, 18of». 3lf CARVER. '.l-tf FOR SALE CHEAP. SECOND HAND BUGGIES in good repair. A. A. McKETHAN ms REWAKD, COUNCIL. RAY So CO., HAY STRKKT, FAYETTEVILLE, Are now receiving their F.\LL STOCK of ST.APLE ami FANCY DRV GOODS, In which may be found FOK THE LADIES; Phiin col’d. Plaid, White and Black DeLAINES; vulo to .Morganton, 1 havp stocked the road with good | C.VSHMERES and SlERlNOS; Plain and FigM fcancy horses and experienced and accommo'lating Drivers, j and Black SILKS; Cloth MANTLES .and CLO.A.LS; Uso new (Concord Two Horse ('oaches. After the 15th gi\e TURl’ENTINE, and re jutst Dis*illei.- us a call when in market J. k T WADDILL. June 26, 1855. 8tf NOTICE. 11. WILLIAM J. BROWN is our authorized •■gti't to receive payments, ;md grant discharges foi any Book accounts we nave in t!ie county of Robesor. J. & T. W'ADDILL. lune 1, 1855. 7tf • i.i rn:RiA)H & c(v.s li.ve. /•’or PasHCH^ers and I'rcigiU. STEAMER FANNY LUTTERLOH leaves her wharf at Fayetteville at sun-rise, on Mondays and Thurs days, and at Wilmington on Tues-dnys and Fridays 10 o’clock, A. M., (Passengers and Freights.) Steamer Rowan (in good repair,) with goo.l Flats, will run regular!V for Freights. J. F. M/VRSH, Agent Fayetteville. W. P. ELLIOTT, Agmt Wilmington. August 7, 1855. 25tf '»'10 12 50 2(» i>0 •-0 (Xj the pri taught A* FiiyeUcriHe ijine. | "^HE NEW' STEAMER “MAtiNi'.'LlA” will l^ave | Fnyftteville Tuesdays and Frid).^s at 15 minutes ifter .‘^umise, up i Wilmington Wednesd.ays ami .Safur- colck. Passa LUTTERLOH •,t-tf I hiys rJ June I I, ;e •'i'4. T. 1855. I.:' Mar''h, we will leave Asheville ou Tuesdays, TLnr^days and Saturdays,—connecting at Morganton 'vith iny line of Four Horse Coaches. No pains or expense will b* spared to make this the nost comfortable and expeditious Stage Road in the '-t ite. Try the Road and judge for yourselves. C. S. BROWN, Contractor. Feb. 2H, 185C. i:j-:5m 1 AVc/rXEVlLLE cN FAIR BLFFF ri'^IIE Stage leaves Fayetteville J|[ on Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs day, nt 1 P. M., v'u Lumberton, ► and ..rrives at F,iir Bluff, on the Wilmington A Manchester Rail Road, in time to con ne( I with the cars going North a.nd South. Leaves Fair Biuff on Monday, W'ednesduy and Friday, after the arrival of the day trains North and South Fare through, .ii4. ' J. W . STEAGALL June 10, 185o. 12-if GREENSBORO’ FEMALE COLLEGE. rii'fHE Fall Session of I80O, ■will commence on the M 31st day of JULY. TERMS; Boa.d (including furnished KoouiS, at- ten lance. Fuel, ^>'a3hing and Lights) with Tuition in all the English branchts $70 0' Incidental tux, 1. rtpaiv.s 1 00 Day scholars, tor fuel 2 OO Extras: Music on the I’iano or (iuitiir, !j;22 50. Dr.iwing, ^5. Studies in Heacis, Cr .yon and Pastile, ^10. Oil Painting, 1^20. Laii;., ^'>. French $10. Regular fees arc to be paid one half in a Iv^.nce, the other half at the end of the Session. Lectures on the Theory 01 Music will be delivereil. i hkk or cii.mioi:, to those ladies who dciiire a thorough knowledge of that interesting sciencc. Circulars will be sent ou uppUcatixn to the Presi dent, to those desiring fall information. T. M. JONES, Pres’t. June 185i“>. 12-2m SCU! PERNOXG GRAPES. WE wish to contract for 1,000 or more busliels of Scunpernong Grapes, to be delivered next fall. -\pply to J. H. Roberts V Co., at Fayetteville Hotel. KOBERTS & BROTHERS. June 12, 1850. 12-tf NEW GOODS. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING A FRESiM SMirPL,V OF SI'R!\I1 m SliMMER DRV liOOUfi, j BEADY-.MA.nE CLOTHlN(i; I SOFT WOO]. AND SUMMER HATS, | in great varictj’. | •\ complete assortment of BOOTS and SHOES will be j Cloak CLOTH: SKIRTS and SKIRTINfl; Merino VESTS; BONNETS: EMBROIDERIES, &c. FOR GENTLEMEN; Hats; Boots aud Shocsj Ve.sting.s; Caasimeres; Wliitc, Black and Fancy Stocks and Cravatsj Ready-Made Clothing, &c. ALSO,- my negro 8 years of Jail so that I had on a brown Satinett Coat and Pants, m.ikes a good appearance, and no doubt will pass himself as a free man; about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, weighs about 1S5 pounds, and had, at the time he left, a fellon on the miildle finger of his left h.and; has ou his chin a gOtatee ^or long bevrd.) I expect he will endeavoi to make his way to Abingdon, Washington county, Vn., where he was raised. D. M. McIAURlN, Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C. Feb’y 4, 1850. 75-tf .RALEIGD AND FAYETTEVIlLI^ ■ ST,t0iF E are now running Four- Horse Coaches on this Line. Passengers going North can obt.iin through tickets from Fayetteville to Weldon. Passengers for Fayetteville can obtain through tickets at W'eldon, at the Oflice of the Raleigh Oaston Rail Road. Fare, >f;7. Pa?sengers for Greensboro’, Salem, Salisbuiy, or any place up the country, will find this the best anir|uick- ; (.'upyiJio !iik, iiiid CJo;.*\ |{(»oks jusi received. tl. .1 !I.\LE i SON. June 1 JOXES’3 LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. subsciibors aave lor sale, the :ld voLiuie of the Jl^ R''portb of Law €a..cs iu the Supreme ('ourt of North C-vrolina, by II. ’. Jjue.s, Usij. .Just puldished Also. Supreme Court Reports generally, and othci Law Books. E. J. HALF &, SON. bTsI'P a.\VENStllOFT’S ^B^Ht 2d edition, (with hundreds of typographical JL er»-oro '-f the old cUition correoti,d,; is published ftir the benefit of the ?.Iissionary cause of *he F.idsco- pal Cliurcli in North Caivdina. The price of the 2 vols. is, iu cloth binding, S>1, i.i sheep 60 Orders, accompanied in every instance by cash, may be ad dressed lo E. J. HaLE SOS I Fayetteville, May 8, 185b. I lot* rilHE Sub:>Ci-ibe.'s have for sJ>le an ImfieiiAi No. 4 I W'iiahinj;ton Hn id Press, 2d hand. It will be sol t cheap, deliverable in Petersburg, \ a. It is said to be a good Prefs and in good order. June 4, 1855. E. J. HALE &. SON. Tlioiiow Revisi‘il Statute.^. rB'iHE Su>»sciiber3 have leceived on '.'onsignment, u M. few copies of the Nf‘w Revisal. Price ^4, cn.ih on de^ivenj. Jan’y 21. E. J. HaLE & SON Methodist H\^iiins, various .styics; and .'lethodist Disciplines, ju.st recei -ed E. J. MALE % S-tN. Deo. 22. EW VOLUMEcioF TilF, i'(;Ul GkEAT PKTTISH RL\ ILWS, uameh. EDINBURGH, NORili BRiriHH, WESTMINSTER, AND LON^vON ‘.iUAU fRKLIES. AND BLACK'A\jOD’F EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (MONTHLY), est route: to tnke the Stage to Raleigh, which connects.' Commenced with North British for November, 1850, with the N. C. C. Railroad. The Coaches are now in good repair. We have good to accommodate the Travelling Public. WM. H. HUNT, Ag’t, Raleigh. Office at Lawrence's Hotel. J. H. ROBERTS? h CO., .\gents nt Fajettpville. May »1, 1850. 0-3ia The JLargest Carriage Fartory in the South! Linseys, Kerseys and Plains, Blankets, Brogans, TaVle {Joraes and careful Drivers. Everything will be done Cloths and Covers, Allendale Sheetings, Children’s Kid . _ - •- Gloves, Wool Sacks and (’omforts, Youths’ and Boy’s Clothing, English and Italian Crapes, Dimity, Em broidery Silks and Braids. A good assortment of Ladies’, Gentlemen’s aud Children's BOOTS. SHOES, aud OAITERS; GLOVES, HOSIERY, &c. Sept. 20. 37-tf Spring Goods for 185C. B. F."mARCE“ Is NOW OPENING, a large and well selected Stock of SPUING A.Mt SUMMER GOODS. Among which may be found for the Ladies, Black and colored Silks; Silk Tissues and Bareges; Challics and Battiste; Brilliantes; Printed Lawns; Ja- conrtd and Organdies; Jaconet, Swiss, and Plaid i Muslins; Embroidered Swiss .^lu8liu; Edgings and In- : sertions; Collars and Underalceves; Embroidered Flirts; Corded, Cactus, Grass, and Whalebone Skirts; Crape, j Silk, and Stniw Bonnets; and a large and handsome [ assortiacnt of French, English, aud American Prints: : Gloves; Hose, \c. i FOR THE GENTLE.MExN. CIo»hs. Fancy and Black Cassimcres; Vesting; White, ' Brcwn and Butt, Linen Drills; Irish Liuen; Drab j D’Ete; Farmer's Satin; Farmer’s Drill; Moleskin, Panama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf Hats: aud a large I assortment of Ready Made Clothing, ^c., kc- i —ALSO— I Boots and Shoes; Umbrellas and Parasols, Bleached , and Brown Shirting r.nd Sheeting, and every variety ' in the Yankee Notion lire, which will be sold at a | small adva^ice for CASH, or on time to punctual cus- | tomer.s, citaer fit Wholesale or Retail. , B. F. PEARCE, j Late Pearce Ferguson, j Hay St., Fayet’.pville, March 10, 1850. 83-tf ' and the other Kevievs and. Blackwood for Januarj, 1S56. Terms of Subicripfion.—^iny one Review or Black wood, a year. BiarkTvood and one Review—or any two Review.^, Tn- ' ni Review.s aud Black wood, •'JIO. Foi’r coj i. s t> .»re address, 'iRiJO. t (which ^boi.M be f r.iu quarterly in iidvatftce) ou the four Re\itw ■ ir-d ’'...mkwood to au} Post Oflict 111 the Uniie l Stnt^'-j, o^ly ‘-U ounts a ycjr naraely, 14 cents a year on each i’ 'vip'.’, aud 21 ecu; ' :i yeiir oii j Blackwood. I \ Id’-es.-:, L. .^rOTT .V CO., l ublisher.s, I 54 Go'.d ''t>*.-( t ■ M.ii-jr of I'u'.ton, N. Y. Ne^v Moth Ou Chjnle.-? *1. Conrtrse; 1 Piano Forte, Bariow* ther Fupplies iu;5t rereiv. ^ov. 10. I'jr tli Guitar, by ^ Justructions for the Pi^no F- rte Primmer. Fur- ft K. .T. HALE & SON. A. A. McKETHAN ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built un large substantial Brick Buildings ut his Old Stanl, expressly for mnii- ufacturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal J R' ONES's Views oi Mm Scuis. M.ansiona, Castles, of NoMcriie’i and n iii Scotland The Book of S'cottisli I.;: in L Tae Scottiph Gs*;'; The BooV of Ballads, Hy Bon Gaultier; McFiugal, ^y 'Ituii’buli; I.illi«iu aud othor I l oeuis, by I'rue 1; W;..ie».ii’s Dictionary ci' toet’cal I Quot itions; Ballads, i»^ W Harriijou AiuSTVO’tu; T.eigh I Hunt’s Stories iu Veis-j, Aiiiiignuui’s Poems; : Tales; The Queens vf jJngla.id oj' the Hou:.c of llano- I ver, by Dr. Do‘un; The ’'■'(•..tiN A!ubroaia:ii.e of i^IacV;- . - . , - • I r .1 I . .>1 u wood; Bohn’3 New xland Book of Guiiies; i'!'e W;ir of patronage he has receive ! for the last -J years, he .i . r i i u OO *1 1 • I the Allies, from the Corrc.spondent of tue li. i-Jon hope."? by strict attention to buiiness, with a desire m- v i.- i « i n \ . ^ , .. Times; Novelties, Inveutioris and Curiosities in Arts to gtvc satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the , i ir» ® „ * L- 1 i 1 J /•*. 1 I ai’.d Manutacture.s, iSc. i.. I. H.\i«h ^ SON. same. He warrants his work to he made of the best j ^ ,>vj material u,nd by experienced workmen in each branch i ~ _ of the business. His work will compare favorable I q tlWlJo l»’ ittiS . With finv raaue in the Unitedotates, forneatn*j.S8aud ' durabili'ty is determined to sell and Jo any ! ••''JExanined,” by Parson work in his line on as good terms as any work dony Brownlcw, price ju.st rt>i;’d. elsewhere thst is as well done. He now ha'? on hp.nd, I 18 cents. Finisukd, the LARGEST STOCK of Onrrioges^ Barouches, liocknwnijs, and Postag** Trustees. i m i, n i h | m ijuyja-sh. va .y- } haivi:r to hand in a few days. .\11 of wi.ich will be disposed I of to Wholesale Baver» on liberal terms 1 “ STARR & WILLIAMS. April 2d. !'8-tf r .\.V i;.\TlKE .\liTV STOCK DI'" 1 J)llY GOODS. IHE Siibsuriber h:is t-'.ken tho stand on the .North WHO WOVLD HAVE THOVdHTIT? S 7n:w ('nrriai/e Kstahb'shment on th^ Military Grt-pu, opposite the Methodist Chvrrh, frontiuij ov MumforJ Street. j Buggies, Ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of vork nearly finished, which will be finished (iaiiy. All of which will be sold very low for Cahh. or on i short time to punctual customers. He has on i hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi cles finished aud ill course of construction. I All work made by him is warranted 12 months ! with fair usT^f, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free cf oharge. Persons wi.shing to buy would do well to call and j examine for themselves. j Orders thankfully received aud promptly attended to. I Repaii'iug executed at short notice aud on very 1 reaconable terms 1 May 28, 1853. 98tf Also, a few more of the Parson Gmve.a, M:;y 23. Great Iron Wheel," 1> E. .1. HALE i SON. H' (; It I 1' K N T K R PR IS K! I Store of Mr. J>ime« Kyle, wlie^’c he has received in Is nijw recoivin^f from the Nortli the | part, and is now receiving, an entirely new Stock of and luost farefuiiy large.st, linost Iect* I stock f irK'MTISfH e\er offered in this market, which, adih-d to hi ^ o'^n manufactu:-e, makes his assortment couiMleta;—all of which he will sell on the lowest po‘^^=)ihle terms for cash or on time to punctual custom -rs. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in ] setts; curlfd hair and shuck, .and cottoi. M.attrcssen; | Looking Glasses; Willow Wagon.s a-id »’;aui»‘s: S’lle Bo.ards; Bureaus: Stcrefa) ies aud B-.k-Cases; What-: Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands: C ir.d.e Staiil.^, | Wardrobes; I'ii ture Frames aii'i Glass; Window Sliaiie.^; : Cornices; Cu*"tain liands; Sofas ’n Mahogany and Wilnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottonr. ms; Divnns and Stools;! Chairs of every variety. Flue i’f'sewood Pi iOiis, one wifli i??oli;ii. At- lachm*'iit; R'.isowoo t Mfilodiaiis, iVou' tin* bet mnnulac- tories in N»“w Vm-k aii'l Bo'tou, \varrauted as gi.od as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only added. November 2, 1861. 45U every variety of styles Dry Goods trade—amoug Goods, embra,jing nearly usually called for in the which are Handsome Ombre Strip d Glace Silks, Paris, Chcna Strip’d do do Solid Pb'ids and St/ip’d do do i:-o d’Rhinr; Handsome Silk Robes, all colors, some very fi:ie; Printed Bareges, all colors; j do Grtnalines, I do (Organdies, do do Robes. 1 .1 L>in/i' inul Ifonthome Lot of Kmhroiderie^, CoU-xr^ and Under SfeevcA, t&c.; Plain and Emh'd L. C. tlandk'jA; Kid Gloves; lionmts; Rif>hons; Iloaped Shirt?.; Emh’d Skirtintj; dr.; Rendy- Made ('htli i/iij; Hoots; G O ite.r.^; , (tr. 'Aith many other articles not enumerated. PETER CROW. March 29, 185ti. 9:{-t£ E Subscribers would respectfully inform their , friends and the public, that they have entered j into copartnership foi the purpose of conducting the j general CARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various ; j.arts. And being both practical workmen, fully un- Uers’unding their business, they have no hesitation to ! compare work with any establishmeut in Fayetteville 1 as to style and durability. j One of the firm may be knowu by reference to U. Whitfield's iron work for the last two years. j Wc wa>rant all work to give general satisfaction i for twelve months. j Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash, j PIER .ii BR.kNIN. Ja-m-s H. Pieh. James Bbam.*:* I Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1863. ti2tt’ DiSSOLUTION. ~ I fBlHK firm of H.\LL j- SACKETT is this day dis- i solved by mutual consent. The business of the nrm will be settled by J. H. Hall or .\. E. Hall, who alone are authorized to use the name of the firm in liquidation. J. H. HALL, A. E. HALL, j T. M. SACKETT. ' Fayettetille, N. Jan’y 16, 1856. 70-tf Jfiartfie By OEO. LAUDER. TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. HAIGII ii SO.VS STORB, Fayetteville, C Jan’y 20, 185f>. 64ypd EURTIIEH SI Pl^Ui:SOF BOOKS. ISS army’s Travels in the U. .States aud Can ada: The Table Talk of Sam lel Rog»*rs, Slif'rid.iii Knowle.s’ Dramatic vVorks; Memoir of S Prentia.'i, Ernest Linwood, by Mrs. Hentz; Thp Americc.n Dr bater; Han’s Cla..«s Book of J'oetry Union Bible Die tionary; Wild Wp.-tern Scenes: Daii'i's .'luck ?Iuna:il, Methodist Hymns and Discipline: Li* P.run’s Tfl** maque; Blank Books, Scho(d Books, iVc. E J. H.VLE .V SON May 28. s ('orporutlon lioftd.s \ of the 'I'orr/i of /or Snlf! 4 GR'^K.\BLE to an Act »f the General Assembly j of the StnT;; of North (’.tr il'ua, r.itit.eJ D‘?c. 25 I 1852, authorizing 'he. Town of Kay»-ttevillc to issue her Boi'ds to the amount of .TiiI>J,WO, in the t.ggre- gate, lor the purpooe of paying her subscription to the Weaterii Kail Road Coiiipany. Therefore, it is ordered by the C jmmissicuer.^ of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Vown receive sealo 1 j-roposalb, until the 1st of November next, f.»r the purchase of $50,000, in sums of ijiCjOO each of said I lioads, or any p'lrt thereof. Bonds to run twenty I yt.ars, with Coupons attached,—interest payable semi- ! annually. The said Poadt: shall be under the s**al ol I the Corpo.'ittiou, aud binding on the faith of the same. W M. WARDEN, Town Treasurer. ! Sept. 26, 1855. 'iS- I I)Ki:p river co.vl. Bituminous (’OAL of the best quality can he had i:t the works at Egypt, at a reas'-nable price by the Ton. W,\i. ,McCL.V.NE, new music Ai MUSIC BOOKS. BERTINI’S Piano Forte Method—new aud revised edition; Hunten’s Celebrated Instructions for the Piano Forte; Burrowe’s I’iano Forte Primmer; Ac- I cordeon. Flute, Violi.i and Cbvrionett Instructers. j .\lso. Music for the Piano. Just rev^eived and for sale by E. J. HALE 4" SON. j .\pril 6. .May 21, 1850. Mining Eugiaeer. ♦i-tf DWHLI.lMi FOR SALE. rpiIE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling j|_ and Lot on the cornor of Gilleapie and Raseell Stre*»ts, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erambert Terms reasonable. Possession given on the 1st Octo her next. E- J- HALE May 29.

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