k m ^KMI-WEEKLT. VOL. VI.] I AYETTFA ITJ.E, N. C., JULY 21, 185G. \0. 523.1 msj^ HllNTi:i) MONUAV^: AND THFUSDAYS il)\V\l!l) J. HALB & S(»N, KliirnP.S and rK'll'lllKTilIlS. Pnc« for tlu‘I't k’y (M-.sFi'v' P U(t if I'n'ui in achnMCi-: ’ '’•> it ji ii 1 ihiri:!i; the y*‘ar of‘■iibscrip- tion; or >-1 ;it't( rtlu> voir lias ('.xiiireil. For tlw Wi'i klv I iHsiiuvKB 00 ^lei- :iuiunn, if pai'l iu adTflW**: >''■ ’f I' li l tjic year of f=iif'^crip- tioa; ir >; ' ' ‘ the year h;i - fxpiro'l. AffnEr.Tl'’LMr,>TS ■n^»>rtc.l f.,r sixfy rc'tus j^er ■qOMVOf 10 ' ii.'> f(ir thp fii-'^t, ;'ii i tliirty - iMif ; for t'H.'li ■ueeeediii,' -n •’Ivai.-.n > .-nly i.lverti-.-iiK'nis l)V s[>e- cial contr T-, at rci ii;. - rue-', Alv(*vtiH*T« ire requested t • th'- •nniibcr in-fi ii'iii^ -lesire'!. or they will ^ till ‘‘MrM'l. ;in'l cliMrjr'’'! ncooril- iagly. Jr. I -ttov l ’ F. rU'.i« must lie post-piiiil. Ad»«rti'^eni' nr ■' 'n> in-i.'rto l - . chafjiPil oO por cent, eitv 4't€t,it:S! 4 i4n,lit Si lU’iANr>S, iast leot'ivpci ami for =aU >>'. ('iiakli:s 1!anks, July 10. ‘20--JW R TOMATOES l'ri*sprvi-il ill .\rtinir’s ' ■ll^- f'H’ winter use, 1 ilio same st.at*' as it stcwcj, fr>^sh from tlii' ail ' l*i«* 1'i'iiifs ■ :i’l Kind'- may •rvtHl So »t.i lo iii:ike tre^li I'liiit I'len ii> Winter W N. 1 ILl.INCllAST I'fr I>ti7fn by |HMr: ( ; 7') J TIU s r SAI.K. By v;i t (■ of a DeO'i of Trust exiouted to me Lv Du nfiin M. Buie for the purpose^ thereiii men tioned, I will oti'er for sale iit the residence of the said Buie on the F:iy. ,j- Southern I'hink Ilond. n-ar Lum ber Bridg.\ on TrF.Sl^AV, Al'OrsT 12th. the follow ing property, viz: 126,0(K' feet Ton Timber .>n or neariii*- Uiver i>;iuk. 4 Mttles. 2 TRaber Wagons, id Wagor.. Acres ot l.and iu liarnett c.uniy. Th« Creditors of said Buie will find it to their in- tertBt to attend. Terms at Sale. \VM. .McL. McK.W, Trustee. Jaly 1-, l^o'i. 21-ts Valuable Proi)ortv for sale. Thf Subscriber is desirous to sell all that valuable property in the town of Averasboruugh, 25 miles above Faye'teville, immediately on the Cape Fear Riter, C 'usii-tiug of FIVE LOTS, on wLich is a good Stor*, Dwelling, Ware House and all uocesBi»’'v build ings for immediate use, with p. new Tarpentine Distil lery nov in 'piratio’i. The lute improvement on the Cape Fear, puts thi Town »f .\vernsborough in imme diate eonuection with the T'lwni of Fayetteville and WUningtou by i?t.‘am JJoat^, :>nd the St 'amers Jno. H. Hangtton aud Prothers are u 'w making i-eui!ir t»\ps to and from the jv, j;;ts utioied And Averasbor >ugh is destined soop, t.^ become tLe principal ^hippiuf, point > for ■fkat pf rti -n of Wake, Johnston and !Iarnett vrhi. ’ ■ trade to Fayetfevillc and Wilmington. .\ Mirgain v.-P be sold in this Prope.’ty if applii-ation in ma '. s on. to J. & T. WaJ lill or the subscriber. A. A. McKETHAN. Fayetteville. July !u, 185G. 1.1-tf "~BARTEL’W FULLBRr ATTOKNEY AT LAW, rWETTED ILI.K, -\. AY be consulti-d .it the Law Office of Jes.se C. Shepherd, Es'i., on Green otreei. July 14, 21-l.m FOR 8A1J: or EX( haxgh. WL will cxc'.ij.r.ge tj»* HOJSI] ,aad LOT lormerly occupied by '. G. S:nith f> r B .uk Stock or for good note.s. Ta.'h wculd not be refust d. J. H. ROBKKTd X i’»). XBy 14, Ibo*’, 21-2w hll.sh. lie prci For 1 • > Every ('an warm’.ted to seal. Vv e have r^ci’ivf'tP tlirf>ugh the hiinJs of a fii ;id. ii> a present a '•--•u '>/ v.hi.-h he tells r.a w.i.- prc- parcd last summer aocor iin;.r to tin- pi'iii /ecomnic nd d I'y Dr. Arthur. Tiu' , is oe v>; his or-ieia. uni. h.ivii.: 1 peneil 't wiMn ut dil.icL ty l.y pu: ■ ii'.n;'-li ■ i:i strui-tions. we fo’t;-I this le’ighiiiil ve,-eial''t‘ [ sing ;ill the rich tlavor wloch n>‘'ongs tii ii Wiit :. *'!•-. tnki-n from its vine.s. M is 'ii*- fn ;t f .\''thar uui.t. C:'.ns for p>>*. Tving fr.il' m.1 tnot «>' h.'\'- seen. N ithi’i;T c:;n Vit -aoio siiiipl, , a.ui, jU';}; 'i^ iiois. the specimen if its el’ic.ioy ’ii o\- Ii ti':, i' f ii it promi.ses, wo tlo act he^itatv ; ■ i -c '.L'^ »i - vention to housekeepers.— V.! , ■' - •/ri/, 1 ’>1/1 Jnne. 1 Soo. F.very variety of summer fruit was put up iu tht-s«‘ cans in our family last seaion, and w>U"V h h'rrief, raspfierrifu, plums, cficrri&.s, '. vt.-,/• i Vic , toinaf'icc, V' ■. as fresh as wiier sealea iip. Tliese are, indeeil, luxuries, and may be secured bj every on** nt a small cost.—Arthur'.. H,,me M'l'f.irixe. ' We have in our ft'tnily a variety of fruit nresersed in ! these c>ans, which we used through ih" vItMi-i with great satisfaction, and which our visiting frie.ids pro nounce as freih as if they h id just been gathered.— PhiladdpHa .Herrh'ynt. I'IRE AND LI PI' I \S I R AN L E. fBlHK undersigned has the .Vg^ncy of the following JL Companies, viz; Greensborough Mutual Life lusumnce and Trust Co. Greensborough Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Newbern Mutual Insurance Co., t'harlotte Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Caswell Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Insurance in Xor:h Carolina Vompamef can now be j taken in any part of Town or County, in large or I small amounts i JNO. M. ROSE, Agent. June oO, lS5'i. 17-tim WHEAT \\ ANTKO. I WANT to purchase 5.0'X' Bushels Wheat. JAS. G. COOK. June 25, lS5t>. M-tf Fail and VV inter (»ools. J. Jt T. n'tuuan, HAV STREET, receiving their t'a’l and Winter GOnDS RI'AV'ARI). AN AWAY from tho sub.sc»"iher on the 1st of April last, A negro man named Kand, about .^ix feet high, about ;;0 year.! "f »ge, and black. oall nepio is supjiosed to be lu. king in ih ; h» ij’^lil)orlMiod of John lieli or -Ijirno.s McKeUi;'n. f’ie ;iti,'ve reward will be puid to nny person le livei’irg .said to me ai l.ocksvill,*, rimtiiam N, C.. or ccntiain;* 'iim in aay J.iil in the State >.here 1 oua get him. NATHAN KING. | fun- L.,. _ 17-rf 1 l*llu7ic X(>1’1CK j as HhHERY (ilVEN, that Books of Subscription to ' t', capUal stock of the Central Rail Road, from Heauf' ‘ Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and .'t, Avill >)e opened on Thursday, the 10th day :.i' 1 iSoii, .and remain open according to the terms ( f tiu- Clinrte,- until further notice, at the following placj.s anl under direction of the following named pc. ons, r’ommissiouer.s in the Charter, viz: in the v'ounty of Onslow, at the office ot the Clerk I*' the t ounty Court at Jacksonville, and at the Post D.li. e I’.ich Lands. L. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H. 1' y. R.ibert White, John .\veritt, Jr., Owen Hug- i.ius, L. W. Humphrey. In C.irteret county, at the office ot I>r. M. F. .\ren- deH at I’eanfort. i>r M. F. Arcndell, J. F. liell. L. r. 0..rle>'y. At the store of G. W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. ^V ln. N. Dennis, II. S. Iiell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge .\rendell. ! Ill Duplin county, at the otRce of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen 11. Kenan, David ReM, Isaac B. Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. ! In S.impson county, at the ofiice of the County Court 1 Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Faisoa, Dr. Thomas Hurting, Wm. McKay, Patrick .Muiphy, Wm. Faison, J. R. Bean.au, Alfred Johnson. ; In Cumberland ccu):ty, Tt I'ayetteville, at the ofiice ' of A. A. Mi’Kethan,—Thomas K I’nd?rwood, Randal .McDaniel, Edward L. Wiailow, oohn Miocker. Form of snbsc-iTition; j Thu Cndei'iigi’.cd agre- to tak*. a' n I of !j;10u each, set opposite to u ■ in the Central Rail lload Con imu ■ i to comply with the ternis cl the ''l;.i^'.. ■ r^ivetteville IT ■JL 10 ^ Vlot el. 1 t^ea.r fjavds for safe. at >rt HE Subscribers having this lay le:ised ihi-> . ■ -c m — Hotel for a term of years, will bf plcii--i'ii 1 10 ^ee their frien'l? and the trnveHinjr puolir ■ t thi-2 Ilou.ao. At the same time w«* h ipe tney v^ill i>f patient and l.eir with our imperfections until we «h'.l' ^ have ]nit the Houpe in such repair :is we lesii'o. , •i P. ROBERTS .Iv « • J. H. R(1bi;ht.s. F. N, i.uitF. r'^. .March 1, iM.'i'i. HO-tf SIll'.MWEl.li F,\VETTEVIl.liK, C:. /'o.s/ siife. of Oreen Strrrt, a f'ni' Doors North of thfi Market Uou.^e. HE Subscriber desires through this medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he h;is just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in s.aying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom- j county, modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron age heretofore received. Every exertion on his p.art shall be usdl to render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market affords P SHEMWELL. March 24, 1855. 8tJ-tf /E OFFER f(»r ale that Valuable I’lant iiion. known as the “ASHE PL,\Cl'.’' .seven miles ‘ Fayetteville, on th( (’ape Fear River, recently the propiTty of Col. Natlia 1 King, coiit;.iniiig .SEVEN ii u-NI ii LD .iCRES, —every acre of which is Cnjie | Fe:.r I'.o'loi.n, ;iiid .siiS'-eptiMe of the highest state of •‘ultiVI tiori. This Land reijuires no pufhng as it is I: .0' ti '» i.e the best farmii g lauds on Cape Fear Il'v ;. will be made satisfactory if the right (.1 r ii.iiier ir) found. T. S. LUTTERLOH. J. T. WADDLLL. f,, la.-,.',. 7:?-tf Wo Ft- are aiithori.scd t» an nounce Wm. R. I..OVE as a candi date for Sheriff of ('umberland County, at the nsuing election. April 21—^7-tK VV f LliI.A M A. RO(»KRSami(>mic(‘s himself a candidate for the office of Sherift' of Robeson f shares «»cti vclv, I '{I :ts Names 1 Residence No. of sh ii't •'S ( W RE ne\ consistin Itt A Ciroccrirs, Haniw arc, Cutlt'i-y, fiiaclxMiiitliiS' Tur ncfitino Tools, -Vijricultava! Ini- pN'Piciiis, i»oots aiui >iiO('s, For »J1HE Haywood and Steam Boat 'i'his Stock ^ ave?' evilk. amiiio our Keise\.-. of a large and well ^ele«-ted stock of llat.> and Caps', Sai«li'Ty and Lea ther, Heavy articles ni til.* iMiit; line, Rcady-uK'de Clo- tliin •, and Staj'h Dry C4oods. ' ar' pre’ rred to Job or Ket vi’. (•'> . 2}, 1b'--4. f tL( r^a;;t> rs a’ol Turpertiue mi. lo cx- .Negro P’.a :ktts. H; ts iipinv. trom '’.ml after Brotuer.' this day. will ran a .~tea!Uor nuc-‘ l week, iv.ice & week, or oih l in two weeks a.- t!r‘ 'iU‘'.ne,-»- lutiy lo- naad—>)etwi;en the above points auil Fayetteville and Wiliningtou. July 10, 185>i. 20.-f \NSOX LXSTITlTi:. been in operation It is ple^vsantly 9itu:ited on an SOVKE. •L. N-\T1I.\N KlN'i'I . ur author! ,e l .V^ert to make l ontracts for the iielive“y of Lumber an'* f lubiT an 1 for ih? prr».iia. e of Crude Tuipentiiii', at lviiig;d)urv, in Cui'ib(«rlai:d l^nmiy. J. i T. WADi>ILI.. .M iv 22. is.jr,, « tf TUTIITNTINE, us a ctill when in market. instiintion lias been in operation .ibout two years and a hiil:*. It is ple*vsant!y 9itu:ited on an W W eaiinence about oue-aalf >f a mile souihwest of the town of Wadesborough, commanding au extensive vie'* 0# the surrounding country. There is a dweilirg liDuse tSinnected with the institute and Oi'cupled by Piev. Elijah J. .^^Jrrl3on. one of the Tcachers, wL> is pre pared to t\ke eight or ten boarders, to whose comfort, iSBtruction and moral tra'ning evory necessary atten- tian will be bestowed. Tht- Institution is now under clMrg? of Prof. SIL.\S C. LINDSLEY and Rev. E. J. MORRISON, gentlemen who have considerable experi - once in teaching. .Mr. .Morrison, who has charge ot tlia English Departmca', is a graduate of our Univer- ai^, anil hti; taught a classical school for m.iny years. Mr. Liadsley, wh>- has chnrre of the Latin and Greek Dtpartment, is graiuate of Princeton, was 'or seve ral yparri Professor -f L.'i.nguages iu th« Caldwell In stitute, while Dituated in Green^’iorough, in this State, and ha: di-v-.ted o 'er twenty live yearh of his life t' the trui-tlou >;j 1 tr ining >1 youth. Roth of these fentlemen ;.r^ err.iuently I'lualified in evv.*ry respect to 11 their respective pobltioas. *tid to lisjharge the r«ponui'i’le irust.- : iiti'ie'! t^> them. It is the =,nly hi;ih .Mule S:l:ool in ti>e countv; it has ' -in good repair, built by the uoenility ,Tid p iMic spirit ot ihe I regularly for Freights. Olti/or.3 ,1 Alison C'juntv. ^^'hv th'11 should it not be i patr 'Uized.' \ ■ .int.; men if this nnd tiie adjoining I ^iinties m!.y lu re foitain . fi- t r it*' English edi'c.-- ! August 7, t^D, or may tio preriM;-..i for .idinissi">n into the Fresh- ; VO niSTII.LKRS. r E will pay the highest ca.-ih j^r.ce for SPIRITS give iciiuest iMsilIleio t J. it T Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and may specify whether I'or grading or cross-ti^s; an I stockholders shall iu every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids arc the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. As pooa as l a^ hundred thou.sand dollars are sub scribed, the ioaim ssioners of t)nslow county are to be i.Oii*ied, and they ari' rc'iairait to call a meeting of Stuckhohk-rs to organi.-.c the Company. Marcu lo, I80G. l".tf Trh lf*ieehli0 MAne OF roi K IIOK.^fr: POST rtlACIIES FROM SAI.lSIiLRV TO ASHFATLLK, Throu ]h iu :>♦,» llonr&l CONNECTING with the NORTH CAROLINA RAIL RO.VD. Having purchased the line from Ashe ville to Morganton, I Lave stocked the roail with good horses and experienced and iiccommodating Drivers. .\lso new Concord Two Horse Coachef. Aftt’r the 15th of March, we will leave .Asheville on Tuesdayr, Thursdays and Saturdays,—coaaecting at Morganton v-ith my line of Four Morse Coaches. No pains or expense will be sjiareti to make this the mo.'^t comfortable and expeditiou-* Stage Road in the Stutc. Try the Road and judge for yourselves, i S. RROVVN. Contractor Feb. 28, 185t‘. lo-;iin EWETVEMU.E & FAIR I?Ll FF ST*iff E ^f'^HE Stage leaves Fayetteville § 01’. Sunlay, Tuesday and Thurs- lay, ,.t 1 P. M., via Lumberton, 'and u»-rivcs at Fair Blufl', jii the Wiluiii-gt"!. Mani'iiester I’all RonJ, iu time to col- nc'jL w?:h the cars g ii’g Norta and South. Leaves F:ur Lll’ifi oa ^-iond ly, Wcdnf*sday aad Fridaj’, after ;he atriv'il 1 f the lay trams North and South. Fare through. ^1. .1 W. 3TE.\GALL. June lo, 18-5‘> '2-tf DOBRIN llOUSR! POWERS « TR(.)Y. Pkopriktoks. TBIHE Proprietors of this Establishment M. announce to the public, that owing to the constantly increasing patronage extend ed to them, they have been induccd to en large the accommodation by the addition of au extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, and suite of Rooms on the sccond floor; thus enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them witli a call. -Vnd they pledge thcmt;clvcs to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful (Jstlcrs in at tendance. The eligible location of the Ebtablishment, with the v X^cr'cnce of the Proprietors in providing for the com fort of their patrons, they hope will Hccurc to them a liberal share of the travel. The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and ile- part from this House. Carriages in attendaacc on arrival aud departure of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses and Carriages furnished at any notice for car rying travellers to any part of the adjacent country. J. W. POWERS. W C. TROY. Fayetteville, May 12, IS.jii. 3tf COUiVCIL, RAY & C07, HAY STKKKT, F.W'KTTKVILLK, Are now receiving their FALL STOCK of STAPLE and FANCY i DRV GOClDS, j In which may be found F'OU TIIE L.VDIE.'^: Plain col’d. Plaid, White and Black DeLAINES; Fig’d Fancy Lumbsrton, .\pril 2»i, I860. StK'-tl.A ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOR SALE CHEAP, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Ot DRY GOODS AND GROCKRIRS, Together with a general assortment of FOREIIJN AND DOMESTIC WINES and LIQUORS, Which I am anxious to sell or exchange for Produce of any kind usually sold in this .Market A CARD. ri'^HE subscrit>er t'Miders hi-^ servi''ea to the ‘iti7en‘‘ J of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, a .master RRICKLAYEK AND PLASTllRV.R, and gi\e.s notice thai he is ready to contract lor his liuo, Ht ♦he lowest ca.'ih prices. . S. F. l*ICK>ON k'ayt ttOMlle, (K^t. S, IS.Vi. iU)OK RL\l>JUn. W’. H.VRDfrl has re’um‘u tie Rook Buidiag Ru.siaess, ov'er the Tailor Shop of Vlnrk i Woodward, where h- ill receive auil t-xerute binding iu 1 y .styl‘ ilesired. .Vugust !. ‘j7-tf .\K\v s r'.^ci; Of liook.s and 8(a(i(>i>orv. w H. V Si '“'k of np- t ^reat E are now r*^ceiviag our usur' N P.(»OK.^ and STATIONERY, .-lubi!! variety of SCHOOL, LAW, M3GDIOAL AND MlSCEf.LANKtiUS HdO-vS Together '..Ith a 'a:-_t‘ aad v.'tled ’ock ot RIank F^ooks, Nov. AY. H. CAKVI.R, Hay Street, near tht Market. .51-t't tllDER VINEGAR, a good article, / for sale by W. H. CARVER. Nov. 10. ' l-tf (lountry Merchant.’ a’id as we offer t’a(» r.bove • tf>ck Oct S Coj)yiii;> hiK. t juft received, luae 1. JONES’S V' riTHL subscriber.s na-' t Reports of Ln:\ ( : North Larolini, by Ii .\lso, S ipreri' C..ui, Law Hooks. cn\^lo-;e-j vVr. oi.'\er¥ art* invited to chU. in tl.f fie-t term’ K .) IfALK St»N. !i Cojivini!; Rooks i;. J. ‘IIALE it HON. FOR s.\i,E cm;.\p. SECOND HAND BUGGIES in good repair. A. A. McKETHAN REWAR1>. waddill Htf June 2‘j, 1H55. NO I'lCF. R. WILLIAM J. BROWN is our authorized agent LTB. to reccive payments, and grant dischargt'S for l.ave in tlic coutity of Roi'esvin- J. .V T. WADDILL. 7tf anv Bock accounts we June 1, 18.').') LF l"i'RRLOn vV f:0'S LLVF, ff'or §*iisse»t;^ers ttnd f'reiffht. STEAMER FANNY LCTTEflLOH l.ave? i e- wrarf at Fa> etteville at ; un-ri.«e. on .Moii lays md Tiiur.-.- days, nnd at Wilmington on Tuesdays aini Fridays I'l o’clock. yi., (Pa^5enger"• and Freights.’ S’.onnier with jjood Fla' . will run GREEWSBORO’ fBlHE Fall Session of Jl list d:iy (.t .ITM.Y. TEK>JS; Board (ir.clnding tendance. Fuel. Wii.^hing and a'l the English branches Incidcnfi’l t.-ix, for repairs Day .s.,:h )lars, f i- fuel Extp L*ra win rEBIALE COLLEGE. 185‘», will com’jience on th.* furnished Hooms, at- Lignts) with Tuition iu •t70 00 1 00 2 00 Music on tlie Piano or Guitar. $22 50. o. St’ulie- ill Hf*ads, L'layoa 'iiid Pastile, S'' J. F. M.Ail.SH, .\gent Fayett-\i'l«‘ W. P. ELLIOT r \p-eiit Wiltnii.g'cn 18',5. J'.:f •p'lorn .•b .lur Ciiiverr i'y cr puy f this i Hh i AS In.sti,ation will I'oininence iStant. and continue Five FOLLOW: .tc.. SiD> (lit 1 2 20 00 20 «M» «ni;he;' havf' the pri- *• Trustees. a&D othe TLp F- ML Monti. II UM Read" Wr'.ilne, .'w'thmctlc, Grammnr. ;j«-.,frraYhy, ic., Latin aiiti G>-Ci-k, Philoti jpby, Mathematics, .yc.. Tax f'r contingent expenses, 'i' i'ion in advance. Studen's entering the higher Tilege of studying cither or all the branches taught bj flaying the price of the highest alone. Board, with rooms, lights, fuel, washing, .xc., fiir- ^Bhed by private families of the village or in the uJ- ^(• it cmnfy, at $8 50 per month. THUS. S. ASHE, THOS. ROBINSON, | PURDIE lllCHAUDiiON, W. R. LEAK, T. REDFERN, I E. F. LILLY, : Wa .esbor lugh, N. C., July 5, 1850. 21-4m I had the pleasure of attending the examination of the pupils at the close of the past session, embracing the 10th day of June, and was highly pleased with the proiiciency and thorough training of the students, in dicated by their ciaminatioas. I have never attended an examination of the kind where the pupils recited 1»i*l; more promptness and intelligence. I he proceedings were clo.'icd at night wUh soinc two or three dialogues, which w re well acted, Imt whiit gave more zept to the entertainment, was the perform ance 01 the ill (.daimtrs who had well selected speeches and did vury gre it . redit to themselves aud their in- Btructors, :ihiwin.» that much more than the ordinary attentiou had jm i given to this very ncces.sary branch of a youth’s edrc aim., •Vbout 11 o’clock .It iiiglit. fh*j large nudit.nc! ti ladies and gcntletiien retired with evident biga'* if higi, satisfaction, and I have no doubt with the c >;anioii setts f’r MA'tt. ’^HE NEW .-iTE.VMKR “V A(iNt »V.1A’ will 1 » . p Fayetteville ruf*r,Uny.s and Fri iiiys at 15 miii itcs after sunrise, and VViliaingtoii We.jn. f-days and Sa ur- da-ys at o’colck. P issuge •> 4. T S LriTERI.OFl. 1 June 1 1, 1855. -tf *10. nil P.‘»inting, ^2i». Latin, !?!5. French .VlO. ;:ular fees urt' to bp paiu one half lu ."dvaf’fO, the othfr half f»t th_‘ ond ol the Session. Lectures on tho 'I hpo.y Mu.si' vill b- delivere 1, VRt'K or cii.\r«;k, to thosf ladies .vho ik-siit* a tlr,rough kni.w’pdge of th.it intere-iting sciencf • 'irculars will ’oc sent on ;ipplicat’on t. the Pr*.si- dfiit, to tl n.se de.siii.ig full nlV.rmation. T. .M JONES, Pres't. Juiif ■!, Ih.y.. 12-2ni j^PFRX()N(^ GRAPKS. Y/F ^ ll wish to contract for l,O00 or more bushels of W * ‘^cuppernong Grapes, to be delivereil next fall. .\pp'V to .1. il. Roberts & Co., at Faj’ctteviile Hotel. ROBERTS & BROTHERS. Jr.n- 12, l^.Vl. 12-tf NHVV GOODS. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING A PKKSU OF .s:’l!i,\i; m Sl'MMER DRV fiOOBS, READY-ALVDE CLOTHING; SOFT WOOL AND SlJxMMER HATS, ia great variety. \ coniplete assortment of BOOTS and SHOES will be : to hand in a few days. .Ml of which will be disposed I of to Wholesale Buyers on liberal terms. I STARR & WILLIAMS. I April 23. fS-tf ^ AN White and Black CASHMERES ai d MERINOS: Plain and and B'ack SILKS; Cl )th M.\NTLES and CLO.\KS Cloak CLOTH; SKIRTS and Si^lRTINa-. Merino VESTS; BONNETS: EMHROIUERIFS, i:c FOR GENTLEMEN; flats; lioot.'j and .Shoes; Ve.sting.sj Cas.simere.s; Vv’^hite, Ulack ami Fancy Stock.s aud Cravats; l^eady-.^Iadc Clothiug, \c. —AL.SO,— I I.iiiseys, Kerseys and Plains, Blankets, Brogans, TaWle I Cloths aud Covers, .Mlcndale Sheetings. Children’s Kid Glovt.^, Wool knacks and Comforts, Youths’ and Boy’s Clothing, Euglish and Italian Crapes. Dimity, I'm- broidiry Silks and Braids. A good assortment of Ladies’, Gantlemeu’s and ti'Lildren's BOOTS, SHOF.S, and J.V.TTEUS; GLOVES, HOSIERY, &c. Sept. 20. ??7-tf Spriiijj Goods for I85G. ~ B. F. PEARCE iy NOW' OPENING, a large and well selected Stock of SPiliNG .\NI) SUMMER GOODS. Among which may he found for the Ladies, Black au(i colored Silks; Sil'i Tissues and Bareges; Chaliies aud Raliiste; Brilliantes; Printed Lawns; Ja conets and Orgaadies; Jaconet, Swiss, and Plaid Muslins; Embroidered Swis.s Mualin; Edgings and In sertions; (’ollars aud Undersleeves. Embroidered Flirts; Corded, Cactus, Grass, and Whalebone Skirts; Crape, .Silk, and Straw Bonnets; and a large aai handsome assortment of French, English, and .Vmerican Prints; Gloves; Hose, &c. FOR THE GENTLEMEN. Cloths. Fancj-and Black Castlmercs, Vesting; W’hitc*. IJrown and Buif, Linen Drills; Irish Linea; Ir.'>b D'Ete; Farmer’s Satin; tanner’s f>rill: .\Iolf*skin. Panama, Legt'ora, and Falra L*-af llats; and a h.rgr a.'^sortmont 01 Ready Made Cli thi;'.r, .tc., .'Vc. _-ALS0— Boots and S'hof's; Umn-. i^llfvs a>i'i Pirasols, Bl** loh^d and Brown Sl.irt'ng and Sheetiag, and cverj- variety in the Yankee .Notion line, which will be so! ! at a small advance for CASH, or on time to punctual cus tomers, cither at Wholesale or Retail. B. F. PEARCE, Late Pearce it Ferguson. Hay St., Fayetteville, .March 19, 1850. 88-tf f^OR the apprehension .■\nl deliv. rv of my negro ^ mau PAGE, a bright mulatto, about 28 ye.ira of t age; or for his confine:acnt in unv Jail so t’aat I get him again. When Le left he had on a bro^-u Satinett Coat and Pants, makes a good appearance, and no doubt will pass himself as a free man: about -j : feet 10 or 11 inches high, weighs about I80 pounds, ! and had, at the time he left, u fellon on the middle : finger of his left hand; has oa his chin a goatee (or j long beard.) I expect he vill endeavor to m.ake liis way to .Abingdon, W’ashington county, V’^a., .vhere he was raiseil. D. M. McLAURIN, Latirinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C. I Fcb'y 4, lt5G. 75-tf RALEIGH AND FAYETTFA ILLF IjW.VE. WE are new rurning Four- Horse Coaches on this . Line. Pas.-engcrs going North can 1 obtain through tickets from Fayetteville to W«»ldcn. j Passengers for Fayetteville can obtain through tickets at Wei'Ion, ut the Office of the Raleigh ij- Gaston Rail ' Road. Fare, ""if?. | Passengers for iJrceiii^bi.rii’, Salem, Salisbury, or any : place up the country, will find thid the best and quick- j est rout: to tako the St.^ge to Raleigh, which connects 1 with the N. C. C. Railroad. I JPO.HTS, VOL. 2. •lie. the 2d volume of the a ihi, lupreme Court of 1' , i.sij Just publiahed. uri"- generally, and other ‘ . .1 HALE & SON. isisiiiii* works. f jjlH*'’ 2d ed’tioi , (%.uh hu'idreds of lypographical .1 error.'’ ot thv aM '..ti>Mn coire -ted,? i.- published for 'he benefit of the ''issif uary cause of i!;f Fplsco- pal Church in North f’;ti-oliua. The pri:e '!' the 2 vols. is, in olulh hiridin'', ^>4, in sheej^ fJt. Ordv>r;j, accompanied in every iiipiauce by cash, n\ikV be iid dressed to E. .1. HALE j SO.N. Fayetteville, May t’, 18 >0. ibr SaSc. 'IIHL Subscribers huve for aai« an Imperial No. 1 j|> Waahiiigiou Hand f'rt-.ss, 2d hand. It will be sold cheap, deliver.vble iu Piferiinirg, Va. It is said to br R good Pres.s and in good orde*’. June 4, :r>'>i). i:. J. HALE & HON The iK'vv Fit^vis€Hl Statiacs. ^■■^HE Subscril'ors have receive I on coufaigaincut, a m. lew eopits of the Ntvr Ileviaal. Pric*^ $4, cns’^ 0)1 (Jflireri/. Jan’y 21. E. J HALE k S(-N The Cop.ches i»rc now in good repair. We have good 1 Ibo'J Horses and car* fai Drivers. Everything wi’l be do to accommodate the Travellinc I’ub'iic. WM. H. HUNT, Ag’t, R.aleigh Ortice at Law-ence’s Hotel. J. H. ROBERTS .S: CO., Agents at Fayetteville. May i’l, 1830. m •Vlethodist Hymns, various styles; and .Methodist Disciplines, just received. E. J HALE k. SON Dec. 1:2. I'^EW VOLUME-i OF THE FOUR GREAT BRITISH REVIEWS, i;,.Trtly, EDINSUKGH, NORTH BRITISH, WEST.MINSlER, VND LONDON QL ARTEP-LIES. AND BLACKWOOD’i? EDINKUR'HI MAGAZINE (MONTHLY), tlomircj.ct'i wi'h North British for Noveriber, iHftA, au i the otiier Reviews and RUckwooi for January, The Ijur^esl Carrias^e Fnrtory in the South! I Trrnia vf -^obicriptioii.—Any ono Review or Black 1 7’oi'u, a jer.r. Elackwcod ard one Review—or I any iTO R*'vie'vs, The four Reviews and Black- j w('od, >>10. Four oop'es to one address, j (v/hich should be paid quarterly iu advaace; I on the tour iU-view.s and Blackwood to .any Post Offic*' ! iii the United StiUo.T, only 8t) cents a year; namely, M 1 c^airt a year on each Preview, aud 24 conts a year on I Blackwood. Address, L. SCOTT .j" CO., Publisher?, i 54 Gold Street, corner of Fultr-n, N. V. R Neu Metlioii for the Guitar, l>y Charles C. Converse; Huuten’s Instnictiour. for thr Pianc Forte; Burrowes' Pir.no Forte Primmer. Fur ther supplies just received E. J. HALE A SON. N’ov. 10. JONE.S’h V’iewi of the Scats, Mansions, Caatleo, ac of Noblemen and Gentlemen iu Scotland, The Rook of Scottish Ballads. The Scottish Gael; The Book of Ballads, by Boa Gaultier; McFingal. by leum’oull; Lillian and othei Poems, by Praed; Wntson’.s Dictionary of Poetical Vjuotatiuiis; Ballads, by 'V. Harrisou Ainsworth; Leigh Hunt’s Stories ir Ver.se; AlUiigham’s Poom,*"; h'ogg’8 Tales; Th'» Queens of England of the Houje 01 Hano ver, by Dr. Doi’an; The Noctes Ambrosiauir of Bhack- wood; Bohn’s New Hand Book of G.ames; The Wnr of K.. i„ • ' Allie,% from tnc Correspondent of the London trict att^'ation to bumness, with .a desire 1 m- i*- i 1 ,1 • ... | limeg; Novcltios, Inventions and Curiosities m Arts and Manufactures; &c. E. J. H.VLE .‘t SON'. April 23. McKKTHAxV .T. W. B.\KER Is DOW receiving from the North the largest, finest, aud most carefully .se lected stock of ever offered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to puuctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage licl-room Furniture iu setts; curled hair and shuck, and notton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries aud Book-(’ascs; Wh.at NotS' Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; W'ardrobcs; Picture Frames and Glas!^; Window Shades; Cornices: Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogauy and Walnut; Tcte a Tefes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chaiis of every variety. Fine Rosewood I’ianos, one with .®olian At> tachmeiit; Rosewood .Mtt'odiaus, fr -m the bet maiiufac- sentiment, that Anson county ouglit to boproul of her '■ tories in New Y«rk and Boston, warranted as good as institution, its teachers and it- pupils. any madv in the country, aud will be sold at N. York A FRIENb fo EDUC.VTION, prices—freight only added. W -.'leeborougb, N, C., July 6, 1S50. 21-at prices—freight only November 2, 1854. 46 tf i:.\Ti:{K ,NE\V’ STOCK Ol' DRY «OOI>iS. THIHE Subscriber has takou the stand on the North A West coiner of M irket Sqaavo, .Jidjoining the Ftoie of Mr. James Kyle, wajre he Las received iu part, and is now receiving, an eutiieiy new Stock of Good?, embracing uc.irly ov-y vaiiety of styles usually called fi>r iu the Dry L. .^1- ii\iuc -aiaong which are Handsome Onibr>; Strip’d t i.!-,' Paris, Cheua Strip’d. m. Solid Plaids and Strip’d do •!,. Gro d’Rhiue; Handsome Silk kol C', all col^iy, very tine: Printed Bareges, all colors; ilo (treuadiucs, do Organdies, do do Roi)CS. A Lanjr and Handsome Lot of EmLruidcrie^, Collars aud Under Sleeves, Plain and Eml/d L. (\ Tlandk'fa; Kid Gloves; lionnrts; Rihhom; [looped Skirts; Emh’d S/i-ir(iu^; d r.; Reatii/- Moih ('lothinij; Jioots; Giltti ryj tlv'. With m:(uy o’her articles not enumerated. PETER CROW. March 29, 1850. 02-tf Wfl0 WOrLI) IIA VE THOUGUT 1 Tf A new Carriajc Esiublinhment on the Military Green, opposite the Methodist Church, /'rantinf/ on Mum/ord Street. (HUvV r FNTHRPRISE! bound lo Nliiiic*!! ri'^HE .Sub.scribtMS would respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general CARRI.VGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully uu- derstunding their busiuess, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establisiimeut in Fayetteville [ as to style and durability. | One of the firm may be known by reference to A. | II. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. i Wc warrant all work lo give general satisfaction ' for twelve mouths i Repairing dour in the neateei maiiuer low for cash, j PIER & BIUNIN. J.\MK.-> H. I'ltll J.\.MK,S Bk.\N1X. i Fayetteville, Jaa’y 21, ISoJi. 02tf | DRSSOJ.UriON. I .* IIHE tirm of H.\LL j- S.VCKETT is this day dis- | JL solved by mutual consent. i Tlie business of the firm will he settled by J. H. i Hall or .V. E, Hall, who alone are authorized to use | the name of the firm in liquidation. | J. 11. HALL. A. E. HALL, T. M. SACKETT. Fayetteville, N. C., Jan’y 16, 1850. "0-tf E.*PECTFULLY informs his fri»nds and the public, that he iias bijilt up iarge substantial Brick Buildings at his Old .Stand, expressly for man ufacturing; Carrii.ges. Thankful for the very liberal patronage h«' has receive 1 for the last 2l years, he hopes by to give satisfaction, to meiit .a continuance of the | s 'ini'. le warran*8 hi.^? work to be made of the best .’lateri.il an 1 by experienced workmen in each branch ot tin lais'neFs. His work will compare favorable w 111; il 'ly a.aile in the United States, for neatness and d’lribiiity. He is determined to sell iind do any v.'ork 'n t:i3 line on a,s good terms as any work dony elseN'’’•'re that is as well done. He now has on hand, Fi.nisiikt>, the LARGEST STOCK of Cnrnrtires^ Bnrouch'S^ Rorknwai/.^, nnd Buirjrics, Ever offered in this place, ancf a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will Vie finished daily. .‘Ml of which will be sold very low tor Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. He has on h.and more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi- cles finished and in course of construction. .\ll work made by him is warrant’d 12 months withfair usage, and should it fai I by l,nd workm;iuship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wifhiug to buy would do well to call aud examine for tliemselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reasonable terms. May 28, 1858. t»8tf Jfiarble F'f€Cior:jf* 11/20mV^yOir Mas .Irrivea: Great iron V/heel Examined,” by Parson Ji. Brownlow, price .?>1 00, jut>t rec'd. Postage on it by mail is 18 cents. Also, a few more of the ‘ Groa: lion vVbeel,” by Parson Graves. E. J. H.M.li & SON. May 28. FUR'l HER SI)PPLH:s or BOOKS. MflTISS M^irray’s Travels ia'the U. States and Cai:- iTJi. ada; The Tabic Tain i>f .Saiaatl Rogers: .Sutri tan Knowles’ Di-aoiati.; \\o«k,-i; '.lemoit of S. S. Pientiss, tlrnest Linwood, by Mrs. Hentz, TIk \merican i’c b:.ter; Hart’s llass Book of I’oetry I n.01 TV.'o1» iMc- tionary; Wild \Ve=4tO”u .'^■vne.^, L>aa‘i''i Mu'l: ..la •u'll Methodist Hymns and L>is;ij’iiM l.e Bri'ii s T«*lf maque; Blank P.ooks, S. hool ilooks, .V'- K J, ilALh .V SON. .May -'S. 8- liiion Boii(is oj' t' -yrtferille for Sale' iKEEAhLE .0 ar. of the ot.-’tc of 0/ t Ii ,4 i of the General Assembly 1: I'r.olina, ratified Dec. 25 } lA. ▼f/.Y u/ I .ir ej trWr’, ^ t ..I By GEO. LAUDER. TWO DOOIiS IBOVK C. T. HAICH & SON’S STORE, Fuyetteville, X. C. Jau’y 20, 1850. NEvV VHTSIC A: MUSIC BOOKS. »KIlf INI’S Piano Forte .Method—new and revised edition; Huuten’s Cel«'))i'.a;ed Instructions for the Piano Forte; Burr ve’s Piano Forte Primmer; .\c- cordeon. Flute, Violin aud Clarionett Instructer.s. Also, Music for the Piano. Just received and for sale by E. J. HALE SON. .\pril 5. 1852, lath Ji izini' 'h‘ h*r ii )iii!s to ihe 1 ’a. gate, for the purpose y u \Ve^teln Rvil Ro,. ' c ' . Thervforc, it i-' '■ I'ayettevll'ic, that u * •' sealed | "Of 's* iS, ui.;i» tii* tht* purt’lia.-'C' o* ijO,!,'.10, ji BondtJ, or any pa»t Fayetteville to issue •>:!0i»,000, in the aggre- I. .; her subscription to the y tiie Commissioners of 1 or jf the Town receive t of November next, for •uiurt of $500 each of s«id t|.,;ic. I P.onds to ruu twenty yenr.-, with t’t upci.s i,ta.;he.i,—int>^reHt payable semi- .i.intially. The Sii i 7‘ ,»u Is '-h.all be u Kt‘;r the seal of the ('orporati' n, and tn’iuii.g ou th : ft.ith of the same Wd \\'MIDEV, Town Treaturer. Sept, 21), i855. DEEP klVER GOAL. B!TUMIN0L.S COAL of the best ijuaiity cua b“ had at the works at Etiypt, a a reasoaal.ifc pr.cr by the Ton. Mcv LANL, Mining Engineer. May 21, 18.'>0. DVVELLLVG FOR SALE. reOIK Subscriber wi3ht;i to sell the largo Dwelling j[ aud Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Krs.sell Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erambert. Terms reasonable. Possession given on the 1st Octo ;>er next. HALE May ii9.