8emi-webk:lt. [VOL. VI.] FAYETTFATTJ.E, N. C., JULY 21, « I’lnNTKU MONDAYS AND TlirRSDAVS i:i)W\in) J. HALK & SON, ♦ , I'DH’DIIS and I’COl’KIKTOKS. Pi-ii'i' T tlip Si'iui-Wcokly (’(uskkvku 00 if p;u(l in •I Ivitu'o: ^:> -'>0 if .luriiip; the your of sul>sorip- ti ’ii: .11- 'f: I :ittcr the voar has oxpirC'l. F r tin' Woekly Obskrvkr 10 ]ht iiniium. if paid in i Ivaiu'e; 50 if pai'l iluring tjie year of sntisorip- iir ^ Oi> after the yetir lias expired. A DVKIM'ISKMI'NTS inscrteil fi>r sixty cents per F piure Ilf 1 Ii lines f'lr ttie tirst, and thirty cents for each mu i'eedini: puhlication. Yearly adviTtisements by s]ie- cial ciintracts, at reasunahle rates. Advertisers are re nu“>ted to state tlie imiiil>er uf insertions ilesired, or they will 'le i'"ntinued ti'.l I’urhid. and charged accoril- iiiirly. l.etter' t'l the I'.dit-irs must he [lOst-paid. Advertisements t>> he inserted v'W-, chnrced per • • extra. .i()s!:pii .ik., \TT«Ki\i:V AT LAW, » AS taken an office next door to Wni. 15. Wright’s Law office on (’ireen Street, tie will attend and practice in tiie ('ounty and Superior Courts of (,'uniber land. IJladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 2;>, 79'tf liKN.lAMlN U. Ill ski:. A T r K i: V A T Ii \ w, FAYHTrHVIIJ.E, N. (’. AY be found at the ()ttiee formerly occupied by \DMiMs ruA rt)irs salk. Ill i: Stfok ■!' ti.i, ds of .lanu-s M. Terry, dec' 1, ci>n- ■ timr of (iroi'i'ries. l-i.piors and I’rovisi.-ns, will 1 for sale on Mondiy. ,\u;ru^t lltii, lie. W.M. 11. l,OVK, A lni'r, otr. Tt-riii' at •Iiilv 'Jl K»0 LAllOKlMtS and Nloch.inics to work • n the N ivijratioii of l>ecp K'ver at .lones' M in t'hatiiani ('ounty. .\]so. o or ti j^ood Stone \I isons can j:i't einplovnient for o or t montlis. ,\p- •^o )nto KlUKSKY, (’(»TT)N & HTHNKT r. lil, l>'o*i. 'JS-tiw Walter A. Huske. Ksii-, on 15 )w Street. Will attend the (.'oniities of Moore. unibcrland and Kobeson. And obtain Bounty 1-and and Pensions uin'.er the various acts. March 15, ISjo. Sltf AXl)!il:\V .1. s rKDMAX, .\TTIIR\K\ ir MW. VVlNii removed tn 1‘ittsborouiih, N. 0., will at tend repularly, the Courts of Chatham, Moore, II and Harnett Countie .Vpril 10, IS J. c'!n:i:cii, GROCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, NOllTil WATKK ST., WlLMlNtJTON, X. C., n/'lLL j>ay diligent attention to the sale of all kinds of Produce and Naval Stores. Money advanced on consitrtmients when rociuireil, avoiding unnecessary cliarges and sending prompt returns. He has on hand and is constantly receiving, (i IIOCEKI KS suitable to the wants o)' coniitry Merchants and Far mers. lias in stoi-e ami shall always keep on hand a l.-irge stock of LUjl’OUS, and some Wines, Lon-lon Porter. P>rown Stout, Scotch .Vie; atnl shall receive weekly, Fiil'lTS, such as Orangi’s, l.emtins, .Vpples and llaisius, which wiil be sold at wholesale very low for Cash, t^tiiick sa'.es and small profits! CKI’.KCll. June t, 18-jt). 11- \\ c. !’.. ii. woirni, ('oiiiinission urdiiitr Morcliaiits, BROWN'S IJUiLDING, WATLR STRKET, C'. Usual .-idvanccs made on consignments. J.in’v 17, IS-")'). fl-tf \V \. m SKK, ATTOKNKV AT l.AV\’, AND CLERK AND MA.^Tl-R IN Ki^UlTY. Fayktti.vii.i.k, N. May be found at the ivpiity Otlice. in the 'ourt House. Sept. ;;>>-tf .1. A. si’i:aks. A 'r T O I{ N 1-: V A T L A \V . A TTENDS the Ci\irts of Cunibcrlaii 1, ti.WAYS M, ket price. .Mav -JS. spiurr iiAiiin:i.s. oil h ind and for snle at the lowest mar- LPEKlnU SPliUT P.AISRKLS. («. W. WILLI A.MS CO. 4-tf It roi! SM.I',. my business, I oilVr \ ALl AlU.K r VRM KlNti desirous of changing l r sale my PLANT.VTlON ou the cast siiie of I Fear Rivcr. three miles above the Clarendon I'-n ige. known as the Toomer and McKay lauds, con- tainuig aboiit Sl.M't ai-res. This Farm is susceptible of •i ' very highest improvement, and of being made one ■ ; the mi>st beautiful and profitable Plantations in I ambfrlau 1 county. On the Farm is a good mill seat. .Nly terms will he favorable and payments easy. For particulars, ajpply to .lohn D. Williams, Ks'i-. Fayettevil e, or ad Ir -ss the subscriber at the Gulf. 1 wi.l give possession the first of December next, if de sired. L. J. HAL’GHTt)N. lulf, .luly 17. IS-'Mi. -Jotf m Wake and .luhnston. Feb'y L’., li'o'i. Address. Ti?omer. Harnett C- 111 ruett, 7.^-1 vr N. C y\ 'Flit' Soutlioni liartnofiy, mnv ('di- n. ri vUed and enlarged. .V further supply just d bv K. .J. H.\Li; SON. LAW c()PAiri\\i:iisniiv E, the undersigned, have this day formed a Lavr Copartnership, and wiil I'r ictiee it' the Courts of the following counties ot' this .'state; (’h ithain. ('um- berland, .NIoore, Harnett, and the .'Supreme Court. .1. H. HAICHTON. •INO. >L\NN1N(;. I’ittshorough, N. C., Jan'v 1. 1S')C. 7-tf IL L. llOLMKS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICK on corner of under Journal otiice. Dec. 12. Rev. J.\S. Dr. Mokoas Ci.ds Ji SALK OF TAt rORV S'FOCK ft/id nt/itr Prui'fi'tij })(lonisiiiis to t/n Maud Ford .Manul';u'iurin2: rompaiiy. HY virtue of a Deed of Tru-t made by the Island F rd .Nianufacturing Company, 1 ^hall sell at .\ui tion. at said Fai'tory the Hist l.iy of .\ugust next, ail tile real and p-.TS'inril property belonsiing to ' li 1 ' iinpaiiy. incUi ling tlie Factory and Machinery. Til*- personal property wii' be sold on i^credit ot'six U; ’nth', the real est.atc on i. o. .lud I'J m 'uths, pur- ■•iia't-rs giving b..nd and approve! securities. The buil lings are comj>aratively new and comm" li- ■1' There are in the Factory about llO" spindies. Looms :iu 1 all uece^sary machinery, all in tine ■ ler. On the premises are a large and well con-I -rr'.!: ted Store House, four excellent liouses for opera- i • and sundry other buildings. Tliere is a eood ' ■ •.»!! and ex'-ellent water power. In short, all the ad vantages neces> iry to spU! and weave cotton to ad- iiitase. 1 will alford full opportunity to any -'no who may wi-h it t'> examine the property before the sale. ALFRED PIKE, Trustee. Franklinsville, July 1 t, 1^5ti. HJ-ts /u ) iur Ini crest in I'tuu'. \ fBlHE Proprietor, after htiving the i misfortune of getting burnt out, has re-built his Steam Saw Mill and is now prepared to furnish M.f.mttiK ■itiurt notice, either in town or at the Mill, 8 miles ;roni Fayetteville, on the Western i’lank Road. 1 hope ' i reireive patronage inasmuch as I am in the midst of the best heart Timber and can furnish any length from to feet long, which I hope will suit Steam ^^oat iut-n wi'hing to got loug timber at short notice. I also intend keeping Lumber at TROY ij' M.VRSH'S Store, wil t wiil still act as my .\gents, and forward bills for l^uuiber to me at my Mill. .My terms for lumlier shall be as fiivorab’e as any for the same kind of lumber. ; Tho'C wishing to address me can d- so at Manchester P >.. Cumberland Co., N. 0- D.VVID Kl\'ETT. June-', ib-j'i. 11-tjm ;iii:i:> A: u i:ah, Watch Makers, Jewellers, AN1» ^lelnllo^raplier^, A\'ING a-^sociated tlieniselves togetiier for the purpose of (Carrying on the above branches of ■lusiiiess, wouid res[.ecttully announce to the citi/.ens it Fayetteville and surrounding country, tiiat they have '■('•• I the Store on the N-rth-AVvst corner of the Fayetteville Hotel Building, on Hay .itreot. where they -rt- prepared to e.\ecutc orders in the ab ..ve branches ■! sati'f u to)-y and workrn inlike manner, and re- pectfiil'y Solicit a share if public patronage. R. D. Gkkkn. j. s. Wkm{. Front and Princess street, 4S-tf THos. II. Tii.iJXcniAsr, MS O O KMt i.YiP A itift rs'ju Sfrri'f, oppositi Xnrth ot K. Ihih «P Snu Jioo/c^ifort'. USIC, -M;ig:i7.iues. and all des 'riptions of B';-ks are boun i in all styles in the best and most substantial manuer, ou ternis, the s.ime as at any place in the .'south. Persons wi-iiing to know the prices of binding, will be supplied with a list person ally or by letter. Sept. 2-3, 1855. -V.l-tf n A. o Uf. K. FFICE F'rout Rooms, ovi ("hemist and Drug Store. Feb’v 7. Kl. \i K. ver Dr. S. .1. llin-daU MYVICE. ^I'^IIE notes :ind accounts due to .jno. M. Beasley. £ ai‘ in the hand- of Wm. M^L. McKay for col- i lection, as longer imlulgence ii-i.ll not he given, it is hoped this notice will be sutlictent to save costs. JOHN M. BEASLEY. June l8o.'). liitf ! (iOLDSIJOROriJlI rivYiAi.i: third Session of this Institution commences on £ Wediusday. the od of Jaii'y 1855, and ends >u the ;Jd of June, 1 BREN P, \. p.,, President, late of Chapel Hill, Professor of Mathematics. \nd a t'ull .-oriis of Teachers in every branch. iV'ard. including Was’ning, Lights, Fuel, xc., per session, ^50 IH) Tuition in Primary l>epartment, ^10 00 ( oliegiate Department, OU ' One hundred di liars will cover all expenses of the . se-'ion in the Collegiate course and all ornamental branches. Pupils in ]'rim;iry department charged the usual price for ornamentai l.r.anches. One half payable in advaiico. Tliree Lectures ou ii''’cntific subjects will be delivered ea h month. I We are making every effort to render the School the first in advantages and cheajiness, an 1 pledge to reIuce ' prices, and multiply the advantages in proportion to i the increase of patron.age. When our number of pupils rcaches 'JOn we shall be able to reduce the prices nearly one half', eveiy one ai ling us, is also aiding in placing the me ui' >i’ a superior education within the reach of alnio'• every girl in the State. We return thanks tbr tlie tinexamp’cl support wt have had and believe it will be conliiiucil. For fuither , inlormatiun apply to the President of the faculty, o> iii\selt'. W.M. K. LANE, Prcs't Stockholders. 'Dec. 18, 1851. 57-tf (iUOC'KKlKS AM) 11 \in)\VAKi:. U. R. D. (JRFI’.N, Watch Maker, respectfully ■ ‘ g^ leave to return his thanks to his very numernu:- patron-, while having charge of the Watch ; Department in the firm of .Mes-rs Beasley v Houston, | iiid hopes the woi k done by him in the past may l»e a ’o-ient recotuuiendat on f,,i- thf future. i N B. .\1I utchcs to be rcpaire 1 will be taken r ':n the presence of the owner and a written os ' .1- given of necessary repairs, whieh will be war- I ed tor Two Years. -\jiril 8-}-tf Losr. Night, between the NLarket House and the J Dobbin lIou.se, a small PORTE .MONNl.V, con- t.'iining about or -'ji-TH, consisting of two Five Dol lar Gold jiieces, three Two-and-a-IIalf Gold pieces and four One Dollar tJold; also some small change and a ii',1 -r two. A 'Uitable reward will be given for the reeiivt-rv of tiio above described Purse and .Money. W.M. McLEoD. Fayetteville, June 1, Ifi-tf litind for Sale. r|1HE Subscriber offers f.,r sale THREE HUNDRED and EIGHTY-FIVE .Veres of Land on t’ape F’ear River Vielow Smith’s Ferry, in Cumberland coimty, | running with the river to the lands of .Mrs. Byrd, portion of the land is cleared and fenced, it is . we.i adapted to the cultivation of com, oats and the j usual crops of the river lauds. Tlie part uncleared j has on it some g';',>d swamp, which may be easily pre- j pared fir U'-e It will be sold on a cre'lit of twelve months. Persons' wishing to buy ;an eill on the owner at this place. J. G. SHEPHERD. April 8. '.»l-tf ' .STKALNLU W IRK. ^^O. 1 iind No. 2. For sale by J. in T. WADDILL. Aprii T. C. WORTH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, \VILMIVGT«)N, N. C. Jun'y 10, ISob. ti-'-tt ~ C’llARLLS liAMvS, r o.y'n: i t/o.v/: k . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreijii ISn>ijr,d' Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 185>). lotf \v. i‘. KLLio r r. General Co»imis.rtii onl Faricinl:nj Menhon WILMINGTON, N. C. I June 10, 1851. 4tf | JOSI3PH R. BLOSSOM. V o n .111 I o A AND I'ORWARDIXG MI-.RC HANT, .’I*. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances Tuade on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 07 J. S. iiAXKS, Wilmington, N. C. .lan’y 1, 1850. Ob-tf s Al. TllO.>lAS. dealer in TAXC V tV s rAlMJ-: \)\{\ (;0()1)S. HKADV-MADH CLOTH INd, HATS, C\PS, BONNETS, BOOTS .\ND SHoES, SHEETINOS, C >TToN Y.VRNS, KERSEVS, BLANKETS, .S:c., >‘tc. Corner Market and Gillespie St.. Fayetteville, V. C. Dec. 17, 1112-tt 1 .'^t .re a good assortment of :RY and hardware LINE; whole-alc or retail, or bar- duce, on terms the most reason- '.VDDLEll\ for sale cheap. G. W. 1. G»*LDSTON. •Id '■pHE subscriber h. £ Good.s in the GR all of which wii! b tered for country pro.i able. .V s.nall jot of : Give us a c.ill. N. B. .\ny -..f my fricn ls iti the country having bu.-,i- ness to transact in thi' jilai-c, such as renewals, \c . can iiave it done ou tiie usual terms, by sending same to my card. G. U . 1 (i. F ayetteviliij. Sept. 27, l>’;5. o'.'tf 1 i L1 )s r L AI)s: 1 1:i )s r k a i)s:i L'ST ret . ive.] from the .Manufacturer, Ira Hersey, a suj'plv of nM:DSTr..i ns of various ] atterns, and made of gooil seasoned timber. These P.c I'tca-is are manuf ictured in this place, and can be sold to dealers as low a- they Can be got from the North. Call and ex.iinine. A. M. CAMPBELL. .\pril Ol-y VALl AliLK I>R()P1:RTV ton f OFFER for i.iie, my LANDS in the Town of Fay- .1 Worth & Utley, rji*\v;ir(liii^ iiiid (JMicr:il Coniinissioii MKRCIIAN'rs, J. A. WORTH. JTatjieltt'rUie, *V. f'. (72tf) JOS. TTLKY. LovKHi) i:Li)i{ii)(a:. • iUornrif ILL attend the (’ourts of Johnston and S inip- son (’iiunties. Smithtield, .\pril 15, l85‘j. '."i-tf G. W. Wirj.lA-MS cV CO. .-WE just received a large and well selected as sortment of HARDW’ARE AN!) GBOCERIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer chants. .March 17, 1855 84- ctteville, about L'.'i .Veres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .\bout SO ,\crc' of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. Al-o, the V:ilii:il>l«' 3..0I near the Market S.iuurr, occupied by .Mr. John .\. Pemberton. a \ Large and Valualile Lot. fmnting on Donaldson, I ■Maxwell and .Muiufur 1 Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided into several Building Lots—very near the new Feinab' High .'school Buildings;. .Vl'o, t!;e Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford Street. Several DESlll.VP.LE BlilLDlNG LOTS on both Winsl'j\' and .\Imufurl Streets. .Vil thi.-i ] ici]'city can n.iw lie purciiascl on favora- b’c terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and | M.irtgage if .lesirc 1. THO. J. CURTIS. I Oct. 1(1, 1855. 4:;-tf R!:i)ici:i) I'ARK. 'rhro;;^h 'I’ickots iK tween Wilniingion, N. and Balti more. F’are>l-'{. Via Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, A. W ash ington City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. Foi Tickcts .ai.ply at theOfTice i)f the ^Vilmington and Raleigh liail Road Company, at Wii mington, or at the Otlice of the lialtimore Steam Packet Company, iind of the !5altimore and (Jhio Rail Uoad Company,"Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1, 1852. 'f v.iLf.MiLi: Ni;(;i!()i:s fou s,\lk.| VNEtiRO Woman aged about thirty or thirty-tive ■ years, good house servant, cook, washer and irener, honest and industrious. .\ (iirl aged about nine, and a boy about four years —children of ihe woman. , Persons in want of this species of property will do | well to call ou the undersigned at his Law Oflice on ' •Vnderson Street, wlieii further particulars will be given. BARTH’W FULLER. , April 2;i. 500-tf i 'rii(“ suLscrihers will purc.hasr Spirits Turpentine, or make advances on consignments to tiieir friends in Wilmington, or New York. C. T. IIAIGH .j- SONS. .-Vpril !>, 1855. i«uf xoricK. #.v yorte t.mvf.s! f^lRO.M Wednesday next the I'th inst until the First duy of .August, all persons are notified that 1 will be found at niy Store (next door to the Bank of Fayetteville > between the hours of 12 M. and 2 o’clock, P. M., to receive their Tax Lists for tlie Fayetteville District. .Notice is also given that after the first ilay of .Vu- gust in no case will a List be received by me. A. .J. O'H.VN LO.N, Ta.x List Ueceiver. July o. 18-tl.\ LAl lMXIU RCill lilCii SCHOOL. ra^HE >'th Session of this School will commence on -M- Tuesia\' the l-')th day of .luly next, under the supervision of the Rev. Oeo. B. Scott, M. \., of the University of Edinburgii, . Scotlami, i Principal, assisted by Mrs Scott in the Primary Department. .Mr. and Mrs Scott have botii made Teaching the business of their lives; and from the experience which the Trustees have havl, during the past year, of their zeal, fidelity, and success, in the discharge of the duties ; of their profession, they confidently recommend them to Parents and fjuardiaiis, as pre-eminently (lualified by temper, t^ilent.s, and ac'iuirements for the instruc tion of students, in all tiie brunches of an English, Scientific, (Ma.ssical, and 'oininercial Education. The Trustees res])ectfully invite the public to a per sonal e.xaiiiination of' the system pursued in the School. Terms—^12, a» l ;^20, per Session of five months, (French included in the od grade without extra charge.) Board can be h.nd with the undersigned in the Board ing house belonging to the School or in ]>rivate families at ^8. ]ier month. Washing anil rOi>m ligiits extra. One half fees and Board invariablv paid in advance. D. C. MclNTYRE, Sec y. Laurinburgh, Richmond co., N. C., -luly 8, l850.[18-tf Xi^innj of yoii/i ('(irolinti Mntnal !n- buroncc ('o/npdfii/. ^I'^HE subscriber having been ai>pointed Agent for I the ahove ('ompaiiy, will be pleased to take Risks ii. this phice and vicinity, on the most reasonable terms. AUG. W. STEEL. July 5, 18'>t). l‘J-i5m i:i)\vi.\ i:ii, WATCH MAKER AMD JEWELLER, .1^ the old St'inil, \>jrth aiile uj Ihiy I' %% ii.i.i:. .\Sjust returned from the North with the largest Stock of (.ioods aeS^ieElii^ he has ever offered in this market, which he will sell at very low prices. Among his as sortment may be found Gold and Silver Watches of all kinds, some very fine: 5old Fob. Vest and Guard Chains; Seals and Keys; Fob Buckles; Spectacles of all kinds; r>reast Pins and Ear Rings in sets, something tine; all kinds of Finger Ring-; liracelets; GoM Pen cils with Pen; Gold Lockets; Stu !s; (’ollar and Sleeve Button"; Gold I’eii and Pencils with India Rul.ber Cases, a new article; tine Pearl Card Cases; Pocket (’omi>ass, with Sun Dial connected; t'oral Beads; Port Monnais; .Jet .Necklaces; tine Jet Pins; .Vccurdeons: .Mu.-^ic Boxes. vVc. SH.J'iin II Mff#:; Silver Forks; Silver T.-.- ble and Tea Spoons; Sugar and Preserve Spoons; Mus tard and .''ait Spoons; Silver Cups, Butter Knives, . Fruit Knives. ; PL.ATED GOOD.8: Forks; Table and Tea Spoons; , Butter Dishes; Castors; Card liaskets; Ladies’ Work Boxes; a goi.id assortment of .Military Goods; a fine lot of Clocks, a:i 1 very man;, other articles which his friends and the public are invited to examine. Strict iittetitioii p;iiij to Watch Kkpairi.nm;. June ll-;;m xoricL. i tLL those indebted to us previous to the 1st Junu- !iry wiil call and settle either by note or cash, and oblige us. .NL DON.VLD WH.VLEY. N. P). .V good assortment of SADDLES .\ND H.VR- ; NE.-'S always on hand for cash or ou time to punctual ' cubtutners. Feb’y 17, 1855. JA>Ii:s KVLi: /.s now receiriii;/ /lis SI*H/X(w SI / J' >j ciii:\i> GOODS. & .MONG which are, i Sk Irish Linens, Lawns and Diapers: French, Scotch and Domestic Lawns; Calicoes, French, E;iglish and Domestic: French, Scotch and Domestic (iinghanis; Emb’d and Plain ('rape Shawls and .Scarfs; ] 5 t'i 10-1 Bleached Shirting and Sheeting; j I'rench .‘jnd Irish Linen Drilling: Bl’k and ColM Silks: llonnets and Botinet Ribbon: Bolting (’lotlis. No. -i to 10; Joseph Repka’s Cottona les; Col'll Grenadines and l>areses; Linen (.’ambric Handkercliiefs, assoj-te I; Blay Linens, j to 1-1, very cheap; With many other articles, all of which having been purchased by the package at the lowest rates, will be offered at the lowest prices, by wholesale or retail, I'or Cash, or on time to Punctual Customers. March 27, 18.'>0. Ul-tf SI GAR-JlOi:si: MOLASSKS. HHD.S. superior Sugar-Huuse .Molasses, just received and for sale by J.VS. «'i. COOK. .Ian. 7, 185(5. 07- sen;;^er ijiite. '■piiM Ni:w STEAMER “MAGNOLIA” will lea\c I I'ayefteville Tuesiiays and Fridays at 15 ntinufes ■itter sunrise, and Wilmington Wednesdays and Satur Passage -i^l. Ick. days at .1 line 11,1 S55 T. S. LUT fERLOH. ■t-tf Woodward, in any styli .Viiiiust 1 HOOK lilNnKRV. W. II\I{DII' has resume I fhe Book Binding I’usiness. over the Tailor Shop of f’lark where lie will rec^*ive and cxecute binding desired. !7-tf T A CARD. IHE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, as a .MASTER P.RICKL.U'ER AND PLASmRER.'and gives notice that he is ready to contract for work in his line, at the lowest cash prices. S. F. DU.'K.soN. Fayetteville, Oct. 0, 1854. H8tf l.t’TTKKI.OIl & C(rs 1,1 SK. For M*asselifters am! JTEAMER FANNY LUTTE1!L(»H leaves her wharf at Fayetteville at sun-rise. on .Mondays and Thurs days. and at Wilmington on Tuesdays and Fridays 10 o’clock, M., (Passengers and Freights.) Steamer Rowan (in good repair,) with g-iod Flats, will run regularly for Freights. J. F. M.\RSH, .\geiit Fayetteville. W. P. ELLIOTT, -\gent Wilniington. August 7, 1855. 25tf ^ X y .L \V. liAKLR Is now reociviug froiu the North the liirgest, finest, aud tuost carefully .se lected stock of riKAirrui: ever oflfered in this market: which, a'lded to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete:—all of which he will sell ofi the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and (,'radles; Side Boards; Bureaus: Secretaries aud Book-(.’ases: What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash .Stands: Candle Stands; Wardrobes: Picture Frames and Glass; Window’ Shades: ('ornices: Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany ami Walnut: Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; L>ivans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood I'ianos, one with ^Eoliun At tachment; Rosewood -Nliilodians, from the bet manufac tories in New Y«rk aud Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only added. November 2, 1851. t5tf Thv Mjttrgest f 'tirriat^e Factory in the Soul It I M'AV S rO( K OL Books and Stalioni i v. E are now receiving our usual New Stock of BOOK.S and ST.VTlONERY, embracing a great variety of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MISI'ELL.VNEOUS HOOKS, Together with a lai-ge and varied stock of liliUik i»f)f)ks, PajXT.’I'.iivclopcs, \'*. roiintry Meichints and others: are invited to call, as we offer the above stock on the best terms. Oct. 8. E. .1. HALE .V SON. C)i)yiiig ink, and "Jopyiiiij; iiooks just received. E. J. li.\LE i!c S(>N. lune 1. JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. ^I'^HE subscribers have for sale, the "'d volume of the £ Reports of Law Cases in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, V>y H. Joues, Esip .lust published Also, Supreme Court Reports generally, and other j Law Books. E. J. HALE &; SON. Bisiioi’ nil woims. ^■'IHE 2 1 edition, (with hundreils of typographical JBL errors of the old edition corrected.) is published for the benefit of the -Missionary cause of the Episco pal Church in North (,'arolina. The price of the 2 vols. is, in cloth binding, -'st, in sheej) -SI 50. Orders, accomjiauied in every instance bv cash, may Rc ad dressed to E. S. HALE 4- SON. Fayetteville, May 8, 1850. I*riiifin;;' Ibr ^I'^Hi; .Subscribers have for sale an Imperial No. 4 I Washington Hand Press, 2d hand. It will be sold cneap. deliverable in Petersburg, Va. It is said to be a good Press :uid in good order. June 4, 1855. E. J. HALE & SON. licvisc'cl Sliitiites. 'H^HE Subscribers have received on consignment, a JL . tew copit;s of the New Revisal. Price Jjit, caxh on (h.'i. .1/. E. J. H.VLE & SON. •lan’y 21. EW VkLU.MES of the four GREAT BRITISH liI’A'lEWS, namely. EDINBURGH, NoRTiT BRITISH, WESTMINSlER, AND LONDON QUARTERLIES. AND BL.VCKWOOD'S EDINBURGH .MAtJAZINE (MONTHLY), Commenced with North British for J oveniber, 1855, and the other Reviews and Blackwood for January, 18.')0. 7'—.\ny one Review or Black- woo'l, *o a year. lUackwood and one Review—or any two Reviews, !s5. The lour Reviews and Black wood, >il0. Four copies to one address, •'jiyo. I'ostn'fc (which should be paid quarterly in advance) on the four Kcviews and Blackwood to any Post Otiice in the Uniteil States, only 80 cents a year: namely, 11 ccnts a year on each Review, and 21 cents a year on Blackwood. -Vddress, L. SC*TT .V CO., Publishers, 51 Gold Street, corner of Fultou, N. Y. Xcu .Mt'lliod lor llic CiUitar, l>y Charles C (.'unverse; Hunteu's Instructions for the Piano Foite Priiiuner. F'lr- " SON. Piano Forte; Bnrrowc tiier supplies just *’ec^i Nov. I'.t. .1 WOOL ()>Lcar.iea with Factorv. SHEETINGS, (■(siiaburgs, Cott'.iii Yarn, aud Wool Rolls, for sale by 70tf ROLI.S. lispatch at Blount’s Creek .1 unc 185 L GEO. McNEILL. 7-tf w II II J. C. POK, DEALER IN STAPLL 6c FAXCY DRY GOODS, HATS, OAl’S, nOOTS, SIIOlvS, AND READY-.MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to La licb' Dress Goods and Trimmings. Tlui/ Street, F'ii/ettev!Ue, X. C. May 2tj, 1855. Mcl.AURLN .y Sl'RAXiil*: AVE on hand, a large stock of supel^or SPIRIT B.-VRRELS, which they would sell at a reduced price for cash. Persons wishing to make engagements would do well to call on us before making engagements, as we warrant a good article. April 20, l8-')'5. 05tf ^■IHE highest cash price paid for Turpentine. JL White Oak St;.ves, atid Oak or .\she Heading, t’all on Jas. W. Strange, who can .-ilway.-i be found at the Still. McL.VUlilN ci Sril.VN(iE. Feb’y 18, 18.53. 70tf Patciil Sdhuniuidcr Sofc. E keep constantly on hand an assortment of the above SAFES, warranted fire-proof: and i desirous of extending the demand for them, have >n- I duced the makers to consent to deliver them here at ' New York prices. D. & W. McLAURlN, Agents. June 10, 18.54. 4tf I'dtfritcri/lc ('(tndij Mit/n/fdctorif. /fililE -subscriber still continues to uianufncture a M superior article of plain and fancy CANLdES at th ‘ old stand. (No. 5, (Jreen street. doors Nor:h, of the .Market House.) where he would be happy to see his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March i, 1m5;>. 7;itf SI‘iei.Y4i Dr. .IAS. I'. FOlJMvllS, C'oriti r o/ Jim/ mill l) >ii((llson Sfrcrf.-tjOjiji'j^de thi I'lji' tferill'’ Hotel, ^ respectfully call the ?itten- V ¥ tion of his friends aud customers I to his complete stock of DRKiS, i: i> I € I 1^) .s, Oils, Paints and Dye-StuflFSj Which he is now receiving, and will offer at prices as low as they can be bought at in this market His object is to sell I .Medicine that can be depended upon, as he buys none I but the genuine article. 1 ('onstantly on hand Dui'itiivf Fhn'l, C'(iiiijilieiie, Sjnrifi Tiirjteiiftne’, AlciJiol, I}rmidie. mid Medic^d x;) Coitjress Water, Cilrate .il'i'j/nesia, Kaiit India Castor Oil. March 15, 1850. 87-tf '(tlCOl/s, it ltd Ih Q A. A. McKr/rilA.\ ■ 9 ESPECTFULLY informs his friends ami the public, that he has built u{> large stifistaiitial P>rick Buildings at his OM Stand, expressly for irnm- ufacturing Carrii.gcs. rhankful for the very lilier.al [>atronage he has received for the last 21 ye.ij'', he hopes by strict attention t.i bu>-iness, with a desire to give satisfaction, to mei-it :i continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be niadeof the best material and by experienced workmen in each br.atich of the busine.ss. His work will coinp.-\re fav.ir.-ib'.e with any made ii; the l.'nited .States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell anil ibi anv work in his line on as good terms :is any work dony elsewhere that is as weil done. He now has orf han I, FiNisnr.i), the L.VRGF^sT .sTCCi; ^f Camliarinirfirs. Hor/r. If 11^0 i cs. Ever offered in this place, atnl ;i very large stock of work ne.irly rinished, which will be finished cjuilv. .-Vll of which will be sold very low for Cash, or ori short tiine to punetuai cu.-toiners. lU'tT" He has on hand more than ONE HUSDBED ,\ND FII- TV \’elii- cles finished and in course of constr;ietion. 6->ay’' All work made by him is warrnntei] 12 months with fair usa'j:e. .and should ir tail by h.-id workman.'hip or material will be rep.iired rec of ch.arge. Persons wishing to buy wouM do well to c.all and examine.for themselves. I Irders thankfully received and promj tly attendc.l to. Rrp iiring executed at short notice and on v. ry reasonable terms. May 28, 1858. MHtf mliarbie Vactor^f. (iNES's \ iews -’ iii- > of Noij'emcn an 1 ii= The Book of .Sc'itti -h Bi -l U. The .Scottish (J.ei: The Book of tlailltier; .McKiiifr.-ii, liy T-iiiiibiill: Pueni, by Praed; U .atsi ^.^lotatioiis; I5alla'ls, by W 15 a!; Lillian .and other s i >iei ion irv of Poetical liariisui .\insworth; Leigh limit'- .Stories in Vcr.-3e; .Mlingu.iiu s Poem; llogg^ T.ales; The (Queens of lOngland of the 11.,as - of liano- v-.-r. liy Dr. Doran; The N icte>, .Vlnbriisiaiue ot B o k- wood; Bohn s .New Han 1 Book of Games; The War of the .-Mlies, from the Corresponilent of the iyondon Times; .Novelties, Inventions .and tjuriosities in .Arts and .M-inufactures; ..vc. E. J. H.ALE .SoN. Aiiril tsMlO II •. Vi.O II • Has . trrired* B^ H E (ire.it Iron Wheel Ex.amined.’’ by Parson r Brown!.>w, price Nl OO. just ree’il. Postage on it tiy mail is |.s*(-nt". .\!so, a few m- re ot the Parson ■ raves. Mav 2.^. Great Iron Wheel," by i: -I. H.VLE .V S»N. ■ I .Nl'.W (iODDS. .\M now receiving mv Fall and Winter .Stock of -S 4-tt Blanks for sale here. liRlirEKlKS. iI.\Rl)\V\Rl' .\.M) nTLtKV. These goods were bought late in the season, nnd conseiiuentlv at reduced prices. .Mv stock of HOOTN is complete, embracing many kinds of extra sizes;' Blankets, Kerseys, i'tc.; Hats, tine and common. tIiOS. J. JOHNSON, Old Stand, near the Cape Fear Bank and Mai ket place. Not. 12. 52-tf I Wiley’s Now V. C. Form Hook. A • further supply just rec’d. E. J. HALE & SON. TWII DIKMIS \IUIVK C. T. IIAFGH Sd.N'S STOKK. Fay‘fi\ .Jan’y 20, 1850 (54ypd MAV .MUSIC MI SIC IJOOKS. BEIITINI’S Piano Forte .\leihod—new and revise 1 edition; Hunteu’s Celebrated Lnstsuctions for the Piano Forte: Burrowe's Piano Forte Primmer; .\c- cordeon. Flute, Violin and Clariouett Instructer.s. Also, .Music for the Piano. I Just received and for sale by E. J. H.VLE .j- SON. I April 5. I'CR rili:R SI Pl'Lll.S Ol’ liOOKS. l-S.'' Miurav's Travels in the I . States and Can TB. .id i; The Talib- la!k of Samuel llogers; .Sheridan Knowles'' Dramatic Works; Memoir of ,S. S. Prentiss: Ei'tii St LiiiWood, by Mrs. Hentz; The .American De batei-; 11 art s C la-iS Book of Poetry; 1 riion BOilc Die tioiiary; Wii.l \\esterii .Scenes; Dana s .Muck .M.anuai; Methodi-t ilynins and Disejplitie; Le I’irnn'' Tele m,->ii:ie; Blank Books, .School Books, »'^c. E. J. HALE .j- S»N. May 2s. ' 8- (-orponitiou lionds of (Ik 'I'own of I'ai^cllei'Ule for Sale! A GKEE.KBLE to an Act of the (ieneral Assembly >-■«. ot the Stale of North Carolina, ratitie 1 Dec. 25 1852, iiuthorizing the Town of F.iyetteville to issue her Bonds to the amount of 10O,(>()(j, in the aggre gate, for the purjtose of paying her subscription to the Wester i Rail Ri a l Cfimpany. Ther--d' r*', it is ordered l»y the Commissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive se.-i'led proposals, until the Is^of November next, for the jiurcha-ie of •■i;50,U00, in sums of >500 each of Said P.oii I-, or any part thereof. Bonds to run twenty ve.-irs, with (.'oitpons tittached,—interest payable semi annually. The sai 1 Bonds shaii be un ler the seal of ^ : tlje Corporatii.ii, and binding on the faith of the same. W.M. W.VRDEN, Town Treasurer. Sept. 2'j, lf*55. 39- DKLl* RI\ KR COAf.. ITUMINOUS coal of the best cjuality can be had at the W'.irks at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. M .McCL.VNE, IS W M Minin; .May 21, 18.')*>. Engineer, ♦i-tf D\V1:LLING I'OR sale. ri'^HE Subscriber wishes to sell the I vrge Dwelling and Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russell Streets, at present occupied by .Mr. Henry Eraiubert. Terms reasonable. Po.ssession given on the 1st Octo ber next. E. J. HALE. -May 2'J.

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