I vol.. VI.] 1'AYKTTFA'IIJ.F. X. C.. JTHT U, 1X0. I’KINTKI) MoNOAVS ANlt THUK.si>AV>!’ KHWAri!) J. half: & SON. I'DITtiUS VNM) l*1‘(»rUli;T0HS. Pii.'o for thp Setni-Weekly Ouskrvkb 00 if p:iiil in u lv;iin'o; > 5 'lO if |t.iiil liiriti|T the year of siil'sorip- tiiHi; .ir alter tlie year has cxpiretl. F till' Wt'fkly OnsKuvr.u 00 jior annum, if paiil in I Iv.uK't*: oO if paid iluring tJu' year >>t snlw.-ri]'- ti.iti: i)r *■'. 00 after the yoftr has expired. AUVKP.TiSKMKNTS ins«“rte'l for sixty cents per K'luare of U1 lines for the first, and thirty cents for each BU.'i'fCilin!! puhlicati'in. Yearly nilvertiseiuents hy spe- eial contracts, at reasonahle rates. Advertisers are n-iiuested to state the mun'ner of insertions desired, or tliev will lie continued till forbid, atul charjied accord- iiiiily. liCtters to the Hditors must he post-paid. Advertisements to he inserted /«.«/■/(', oharfred .>0 per cent, extr.a. KE.UOIVMMj. l>. HAIGH lias remove 1 to the new P>rick Duildiug ou Hay Street, near the Methodist I'hurch. July l2S. :25-lm I’KAKS. "Mms DKLU'IOUS FUUIT is now ripeuing. Persons I desiring supplies will please send their orders to .IA>ir,S KVLI: /s noil' r(( t‘irin/ In's Sl*J\ IXd SI >t ( UK VP (JooDs. \l)N(.i wliich are, Irisii Linens, Lawns and l>iaper>.; Krencli, .Scotch and Domestic Lawns; 'alicoes, French, F.njrlisli and Ooiiiestio; French. Scotcii and I>omestic (Jiughauis; Fmh’d and Plain (''rape Shawls and Si-ariV; :j to lO-l lUeaclied Shirtinp au'I 8he(ting; French and Irish Linen Urillincc: Pd’k and (/(d'd Silks: Pionuets and i>onnet lUhhon; ISoltinp; I’loths, No. to 10; •losepli Hcpka’s Cottou.ailes; i’cl'd Grenadines and P)areu,es; Linen Caml.ric llandkorohi>‘t's. assorted; Pday Linens, j to t-t. very clieap; A\ith many other articles, all of which having heeii purchased by the package at the lowest rates, will be ottered at the lowest prices, by wholesale or retail, for ('ash. O'- on time to Punctual I’ustonier--. ■Mar-iii 27, 1S5(>. '.U-tf I'ail iuul \V (jicxxls. T. IIAV STllKl-T, A UE now receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS xm consisting of ti large and well selected stock of C. .luly lltl, 1850. To iht' Votv, LUTTKULOH. •')-Ot A CAUl). of i'utnJnrlaml Count//: 11' is rumored in some sections of the County that the undersigned is running as a Candidate for the otlice of Sheriff, not with any hope of desire of being elected Sheriff himself hut for the purpose of defeating the election of Hector .McNeill, Esq., by taking from him the votes that might otherwise be given to him; and many of those who have to be my Jrieinh when talking to me, have industriously circnlated re ports about me calculated to injure me before the peo ple, while their only object is to defeat my election. 1 take this opportunity of saying that my only object in becoming a candidate for the office of Sheriti' is to jict an office that will enable me to support my wife and children. I am the no-.iinf’ .>/>(•> purt;/, but stand before the people of the County asking their suffrages as freemen; with no pledges to act in an^' way but as a faithful discharge of my iluties, (if 1 should be so tortunate as to be elected), will require at the hands ,if every faithful and efiicient officer. 1 hiive made no iiargain with Mr. P.oberts or with Mr. McNeill either directly or indirectly to aid either of them. My object ir tli/dit ?/(■ I A'/'/i. .\ud 1 take this opportunity of saying that if Klected. I will serve the public faithful ly ai.d to the best of my ability: whatever I ma}’ lack in fXpcricnoc shall bo more than made up in energy and attention to business. I am a native of the county, I'i rn and raised in your midst, and although 1 am not ;i nominee, I trust my claims may not be prejudiced by falsehood and misrepresentation. Kespectfully, \S .M. K. LOVE. F iyctteville, -luly 2o-te .Vf7r n K.'i t ihl iahmvut^ By W.n. W.ITMIA. ! ^I'^HE Subscriber would inform his frien'ls and the j JL publi,- generally, that he has completed his new I estftbli.'hment on Maxwell street, near Mr. K. W. Will- ' king.-;' Store, and is now prepared to receive orders for j c'Airj's. \V A(a)\s, dkavs, cVc.. which shall be promptly executed. ' All wiiik done by him shall he of the best workman- \ dii)' ina material that the country c;iu utl..rd. I KFil’AIlIlXG of all kind.' lione with ueutuoss 1 Groceries, I lardwart', Cutlc'rv, IJIacksmitluV 'Pur- peiiline 'I'ools, Agricultural Iiu- pleuieiits, l?oots and SKoi's, I lats and ('aps, Saddlery and Lea- tiier, Hc'avv articlt's iii tiu' Druir liu(‘, Reatly-niade Cio- ttiiii*)'. aiul StapK' I)ry (Jixxis. This Stock we are prepared to .lob or lietail. Fiivetteviile, Oct. ‘J t, is i4. L^tf 9^ We ask tiie Planters and Turpentine men tii ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. NOTICK. tK^L. NATH.VN KIN(J is our authorized .\gent tu / make contracts for the ilelivery of Lumber and Fimher and for the purchase of Crude Turpentine, at Kingsburv, in Cumberland Countv. J.' 6L T. WAL'Dll.L. May ‘Jl!, :Utf ro Disrii.LKus. WE will p.IV the highest cash price for SPIHITS TUKPE.NTINE, and request Uistilkis U> give US a call when in market. J. ic T WADIMLL June 20, 18oo. >tf XOTRi:. 11. WILLI.VM .1. IWloWN is our uutli.irized .agent to receive payments, and gr.int discharge-; ftir any Book accounts we h.ave in the c.>untv of llubeson- ■J. \ T. WADUILL. lune 1, 18').'). Ttf Tri‘ IFtAne >F roi K iioiiNi: Fo^r ('o \c'iii> FUO.M SAI.ISJU RV TO ASlli:\ II.Li:, Th/oiifjJi ill .‘it) II nn.-! IoNNKCTING with the NOIVFIl CAIIOLIN.V i: \li. ^ KO.VD. Having jiuroha«i‘I the Hu>- friun \'iie- vi!le to .Morganton, I have stocked the ron 1 witii ;-no 1 horses and experienced and accnmmodating Iniver.-. -\1ho new ('oncoril Two Horse I'oaches. Alter ilu- loth of M.arch, we will leave Asheville on Taesda)s, Thursdays and .Saturdays.—connecting at Motgaiiton with my Hue of Four Horse Coache-'. No pains or expense will l>e spared t ) make this th- n i ■ nd de-patch. most couifortable and expeditious .'tage lioad in the Alsu, HOliSK-SHOKlNG will be strictly at-■ Try the Koad and judge f >r yourseUes. tended t' N. B. No pains will Ite spared fi- give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. Fayetteville, July 21, Ib.jtj. 24-V I I KTIir.KSl PPLIKSOF liOOKS. -\GA Bond Life in Mexico: “Plu-lli-Bun-Tah ’, by ▼ bo»*sticks; The Sjoirrowgrass Pajiers, by ('ozzens: Hiawatha; “The Wide Wide World”: Hume’s and .Macaulay's Histories of England; The Carmina Sacr.i: ■\iKeu’s Chr'stian .Minstrel: Dick's Works; Jacol.us’ .N'ltes on the Gospels; .Maury's Physical Geography of the ^ea; ac., just received. E. I. H.VLE SON. July 2t. \Ve are authorised to an- nounce ill* R. I.OV'K as a candi date for Sheriff of Cumheriand County, at tite ensuing electioi.. April 21—'.*7-tE UAN.VW.W from the subscriber on the 1st of April Inst, a negro man named Hand, about sis feet high, about :>0 ye.ars of age, and black. Snid negro is supposed to be lurking in the neighborhood of John Bell or James .McKethan. The above reward will V)C paid to any yicrsojx de livering Said negro to me at Locksville, Chatham ('o., .N’. C., or confining him in any Jail in the State where I can gft him. N.\TH.\N KI.N'G. June 'S>. 17-tf l‘L JiLlC NOTICK Is HEPtEBV' (ilVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stoqk of the Central Kail Koail, from l5eaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the HUli day of .\|pril 18o0, and remain open according to the terms "f the Charter until further notice, at the following plnces and under direction of the following name*! persons. Commissioners in the Charter, viz; In the ;ouiity of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk ol the (,’ouniy Court at Jacksonville, and at the Post ()ffice Pkich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. J. War«l, J. H. Foy, Robert \N hite, John A. Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the otlice of Dr. M. F. Aren- dell at P»eaufort. Dr. M. F. .\rendell, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. .At the store of (}. W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge .\rendell. In Duplin county, at the office of the County Court Clerk )it Kenansville,—Major Owen 11. Kenan, Davicl Pieid, Isaac 15. Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court • Merk at Hinton,—Thomas i. Faison, Dr. Thomas l>unting, Wm. Mclvay, Patrick Murphy, Wui. Faison, J. i'l. Beaiimn, Alfred Johnson. Ill Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office td A. \. .McKethan,—Thomas K. Underwood, Kaiidal •McDitniel, Edward li. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The L'nder.sigiied agree to take the number of shares of each, set opposite to our names respectively, m the Central Kail Koad Company; and in all respects to comjdy with the terms of the Charter. Names Residence I No. of shares ^ Cash Work Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and may specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders sliall in eveiy case have preference in faking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer s estimate. •\s Hoon as one liundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the Commissioners of Onslow county are to l>e notified, and they are required to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. March 15, IbuO. liitt' OLD iiYi: w insKi^v. >'^||1H1! Suliscrilicr is me only auth.irised ajreiit in * I’:!\cttcvil! ' !'mi- tliv‘ r-.ale iif the Hon. K Pur yoar'v CcU-bratc.l It 1J8 I *. He will bo Mippllo 1 with this suporicr Wliiski'v !■> met't flit" dvina't 1. W. DIt Al’OllOS Fa\i‘;tevil!c. Mar. h Mu-tf THU (.»!»*; ri'Mi: luvsoie. A T !i ineclin;; of the P.oat owner-; inlerc>tcd in iriv ig:itiir.r the«’apc Fear Kivcr lictrteen i'Mycttevir.c and Wi!min“:tu'i, Oil muti.iii. U. McLaurin was cillcd in tht- anil It. M. llrrell w.is appointed St'i'ictarv. On million mI Jmiiu'S F. M.irsli, I’esolved. That !'i-nm ami alter the 1 t il ty of .laiui- ary. 18')'i. C'ash will he required upon the ileli\ery ol ail l*'rei;;lits ,it Wilminuton .and I’ayetteville re spectively. On tiuKinn of .1. D. Willi.nns, Kesoived. That each ol' tke Steamboai Conip.iniis on tiie Cn'i'-e Fear Uiver. from and alter the 1 st ol'.lanuaiy. IS.'iti. will carre (lii ino IVdmi Wilmington to F.iyi-tte- ville at lu cents pi'r bag. Idme at 2'> cents per cask, and grouii 1 P'uister at ;’>0 cents per c.isk, and tliat a TBO'% >g' 20 a:\ a-. from the printed and established rates mi .ill dthcr articles wiil be iiia'le from and after that date, all Cartage and Dr ivage being paid by the shippers. On motion nf .lames B.anks. Kesoived, i'h.at tlie loregoing l>e puhlished in the town paper-;. D. -McLAL 1!1N, Chairman. K. M. Orrell. ec y. l)cc. 2 1, IS')). t;.')-tf I'OK SALK. • It ISetlHcnl i*rires^ for or OH S St OUT Ti.fi r:, •ijo I'lKimii'iiJi, iiiii(iii!ii;x. Rockaways and Buggies >F h'Vh'/n’ i>i:s('iiirTi(>x, ANY .>r whi. li are tini hed, and the balance being ...» I fmislie I 'laily. Vmong \vhi(di are many New and P.eautiful styles, and one \'KKV FINE C.^ P. P> l.V! E. Some of them very light, and al! m:ide in the best manner and of the best la.iterials. My f.icililies for Icing Cariia;!.'w :irk are GllE.\TF.K ih.in an v est;il>lish- said nt'ar Ijoni- the folliiw- '['ursr SALK. ® \ vii'tue of a Dee 1 ('f Trust execnted to me by ^ V Diinean M. P.uie fur the purposes therein men tioned. ! will offer for sale at tlie rosid(‘iice of tin I’liie on the F:iy. .v Soutliern Plank Ilo.-id ber P.ri-lge. on Tl'E.'D.\V, AL'GCST 12tli iiig property, vi/.: 12i).nO(i feet Ton Timber on or ni'.ar the !!iver bank t Mules. 2 Timber AVugons. 1 Koad Wagon. .\cves of Land in Harnett county. ■j'he Creditors of sai'l Buie will find it to their in terest to attend. Terms at Sale. •lulv 12, lS.')i». '^ilE Subscribers having this ilay leased i!;' Hotel for a term of years, will be }>le.i-ied to see their fritnds and the tvavelliiig publie at tills House. _\t the same time '.ve h 'pe they wi’! be )>.itient aiiil bear witls our imi>erfections unli! we sliall have ))ut the House in such repair ;.s wt- de.sire. J li. KOP.KUTS cc I'O. J. H. RoBKltTS. F. N. HuBKKr.'. March 1, 18o5. 80-tf WM. MeL. \I d\.\Y, Trustee. 21-ts BARTH’W FULLER, ATTORXEY AT LAW, r vvirr ri'.vsi.i.iiv, v., AV be consulted at the Law Otlice of Jesse G. Shephenl. Esq., on Green Street. .lulv 1 I, 21- K S‘'or llayntMMi asid ■'II! E Bi others' Steam Boat Ci)mp;iny. trom and after J this day, will run a Steamer once a week, twice a week, or once in two weeks as the business may de mand—between the above jioints and Fayetteville and. Wilminpton. July .0, I8")(;. 20tf Axsox ixsTi rrTi:. ^HI HIS Institution has been in operation about two JB- years and a h.alf It is plea-iantly situated on :in etninence about one-lialf of a mile sjufhwest of the tow n of Wadesborougli, commanding an extensive view of the surrounding country. There is a dwelling house connected with the institiiti' and occupied i>y Kev. Elijah .1. Morrison, one of tiie Teachers, who is pre pared to take eight or ten boarders, to whose comfort, instruction and moral training every necessary atten tion will be bestowed. The Institution is tiow under charge of Prfif. SlL.VSt'. LINDSLEV and iiev. E. J. .M »ll II180N. gentlemen who liave considerable experi ence in teaching. Mr. .Morrison, who has ciiarge ol the Lnglish iJejiartment, is a gradu.ate of our L'niver- sity, and h is t.iught a classical sclnxd for many years. Mr. Lindsl»y, who has charge of the Latin and Greek Department, is a gravluate of Prince'on. was for seve- cvsvvEij. noi si:. I AVKTTKVIIiLi:. /i’ff.ci’ siifc nf Grrrn Sfreef, n t'eu' I)oOi\ .Yurili ij thr M(tr!:i f I/unsi. ^HF; Subscriber desires through tliis i.neilium to acknowledge the libera' patronage bestowed upon Ins House the past year—and as he has just erected New .'^tables anil I'.arriage Shed convenient to the House and to wat«*r he takes pleasure in s.iying to his patrons and the jiublic generally, that he is still prep.-ired to accom modate them with transient ami permatient boaril, and respectfully solicits .a continuance of the liberal patron age heretofore receive-l. Every exertion on his part shall be used to render theiu comfort.ible during their sojourn with him. His table is alwi-.ys supplied with the best the market affords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1855. Stj-tl .>i’liOOL ilOOkS. LT.'('H M IDT'.-; l..?itin I'ictiiiary; Kendricks lireek nilendorif; (IretMilieM's (ireek Te't.imeni •iiid Lexicon: Herodotus. —Leipsic Edition; .\nthon ' '"assicai Diction-irv; Liddell an,1 Scott's Greek-i’nglisli L' xleon; Aii;lion's 11 oa -e: Bullion’.' Latin KeadPis .ii;d •''■•unmai's: .Alorst-’s (Jeogr.iphy: Goodrich's Pictoiii! I Sl.ue-;; U illurd's C States: P.n;iio!i's Eng. iiraio- ii.ai': 11'ecii!i'af's Arithuii‘lic> and Keys; .McGutlev '• !!' i icrs; ‘iu.u’’RO!i!io;'' 1st I.e;-Comstock's (.'hem- istry. ju't r. • eived and ior >aie bv i:. .1. w'.w.-: k SON. \M-il •). iiOOlv !>lM)i:KV. . ILVP, DIE h.is ic>'!nied the Book Binding I’tisines-;. over tiie Tailor j;h,.p (.f **lark .V Wo mIw.ii 1. .vhi'ie h in any . tyle desire 1 AuL;n.-t 1. •■v;il receive and execute bindiii' ment South, and 1 can afford and .undetermined to sell *'al years Prot'essor of Languages in the Caldwell In work of the P.EST l^L ALITV as low as it can be built stitute. while situatdl in ireensliorough. in this State, for bv atu one. and has devoted over twenty five years of his life to JtetV-'I'll.iso who ar.J ill-lehtcd tu lili> will nli asc instruction an-l tn;ining of youth. l5oth of these pay uii. as my Imsines' require- my out-st .nding del.ts are eminently qualilied in every respect to to lie Feb. .V. A. .MckETII AN 72-tf i'o Ilf/ll for /In' hdlnncr of ifcar iNoi’. ’’HE dwellin'.; lately occupied by Major.'. P. (iood- sell. to'i^etlier with h't. barn ind outliouses. lUi L iiii>n .-'tieet. know n as the Latta placi*. Tiie premises are in go:: i eon lititiu. Forterm> ee \\M. 11. H.M(iil. .lune 2. 'nf .\(‘U ^«))(ls! A(‘\v (jiood.s!! and f I1(>M.US i lar^c :iS-oi-tme:it un!;uT now rt’eeiving an uiiu-ually >f the latcsr style-: ot' S;>ring iiiid 1/idic.' and .Nli-.-i ' (iaiii-rs. l»U'kni.s ami .''iijipcrs Chil ii' 11 .''i-rvaiit’: Slices, yf vari-uis ki.i'N, i(!Kiliti(‘s Hill jirif's, .\I.S(i III;/ 'III BKoW N, (.'ontrii' tor. Feb. 28, 18.")0. LJ-otn FAVK/rTFA ILU: vV I'AIU liLl il' sivioi: i.i.vi:. ri'^HE .''tage leave- Fayettevil'e J ( II Sunday. Tues'iay m'l Thurs day, at 1 P .M., via I.umliertoii. and arrive.'? ;it K:iir lUufV. on the Wilmington & Manchester Kail Koad, in time to con nect with the cars going North au'l South. i^e.ivo Fair Bluff on .Monday, VN ednesd.ay and Fri'i.iy. alter the .arrival of the d:»y trains North aU'l Soutli. Far-' through. !^4. .1. H. STI'j.\(».\LL. .lune 10, ISoi;. 12-tf GREENSBORO’ FEMALE COLLEGE. TB^HE Fall Session cif 18.'t>, will commi'ru’e on tiie i olst day of .lULV. TEK.N4S; Board (inclu'Jing furnishe'l Kooms, at- tendance. Fuel, Wasliing and Lights) with 'i'uition in all the English branches !f7H Incidental tai, for repairs 1 in Day scholars, for fuel 2 no E.ntu.as: Music, on the Pi.-ino or Guitar. >=22 Drawing, ^5. StU'lies in Heads, Crayon aii'l i’astile, •'i!l>. (»i! P.iintiiig, .>21). Latin, ^-'j. French >;Ui. Regular fees are to be pai'l one half in a'lvance, the Other lialf at the end of the Session. Lectures on tiie Theory of Music will be delivered, h:kk ohcii vkuk. to those ladies who desire a thorough knowle.ige of tl:.it interesting science. Circulars will be sent ou application to the Presi dent, to those desiring full information. T. M. JONES, Pres't. June 1850. 12-2m :s i : w (;o()i)s. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING A PJlESIi Si Oi^ m\u iMi mm\ Din tiiioiiK, RE.\DY-.M.AI)K CLOTIII.Mi; SOFT WOOL AND SrMMKK HATS, in great variety. A complete assortment of BOOTS and SHOE.'-! will be to hand in a few days. .-Vll of w’hich will he disposed of to W'holesale Buyers on liberal terms. STARR WILLI.\MS. April 2:}. ''8-tf i;.\TiuK .Mivv srociv oi^' l>RY GOODS. ^■IHE Subscriber has taken the stand on the North i West corner of .Market Square, a'ljcdiiing the Store of Mr. James Kyle, where he has received in part, and is now receiving, an entirely new .'^tock of Goods, emhrac'rng nearly eveiy variety d' xtyles usually calleil for in the Dry (.loods trade—among which are Handsome Ombre Strip’d Glace Silks, Paris, Chena Strip’d do do Solid Plaids and Strip’d -lo do Gro d’Rhine; Handsome Silk Robes, all color.*', some very line; Printed Bareges, all colors; do Grenalines, do Organdies, do do Robes. A Ijanjc and Handsome Lot of’ Emhriiidfrirs, Collars and I ndtr Sleevc)^, dv.; P(,tin und Etnh'd L. C. jUandk'js; Is. id (Itoren; linnuf'ts; Rihhons; llu iprd Shirts; Eml) d Skirtin[j; >SlC.; lirad/j- Miidc Clothimj; Hoots; Gaiters; lr. ■\Vith many other articles not enumerated. PETER CROW. March 29, 186tJ. ('1) f!'t /)’/;/.', Which he ...ll'er> I o' sa!; ;i 1 t') pfompt 1'ii--lomei in his line will j.lea'-e e aii'l ' fore pur'di :-ini: rlri'wlicre. .1. i . TiiOMSt>N. Markc M:irch J-;. / \l'l:iinf 'I'rtl hL'S . Iii'ii'.' lor I ’ \ .'d I. or Tllo-e examin* liin- good r CU b:. |Uari " 11 H ( (irr itoif r- ( I and (.rjifct In lr j> Ujt : t sl.n'k of (I ror* rir.s. WE (U'FEK 1® fl ft P. 1.'-^ 'ortee Uio, L.i.MlT'! 111.I .li.va, 1-. Ill 1-,. Sii^ Mob>-,e.-,. I ."•IK .• lek.- Suit. 7') I>I' ■. irs.- i-oitee, crn di’.l V j-.iwd'.! 12'. P.a;;- .'^hot. }"| Kei;-: Powder, 2» lihd-^. Western P.ac-.n, Lbls. ,N. (’. Seg:ir-, as-oried 'lU ilities, 1 ou Px'Xes ('liecne, 'Aitli everv oilier .'irtiele in our line. ,\ll I'f which we will dis]io--e of i,)W for (',\.-;H, or e.\eliaiige lor i ro- duc',’ or n.'ival stores. D. .S; W. Mci-AI KIN. M.iy 2o. It f\(ir ijiuffis f or tidfi. E OFFF.IJ f..r ‘•ale th.nf V.aliiable P'Mi’.'.'ition, * w known as the ••.V.'^llli PLACE, " seven miles above Fayetteville, on ihc (’ape Fear lliver, recintlv ' the property of C'd. Nathan King, ciiuaining 1-i.N Hl.'NDKI'.D At'KES,—every acre of wJiich i.- Cape Fe.ar Bottoms, and sus.-eptihU- of the highest st.ite of cultiv.ation. This !,:iii'l leipiii-es no pulling as it is ; known to be tiie best larming lands on ('.ipe Fear Kiver. I'erms will I.e m.-i'le satisfactory it the r'glit sort of purchaser is found. T. S. LUTTEKLOII. J. T. WADKILL. Feb. (i, Ih.").'). 7'’-tf till tlieir respective positions, and to disciiarge tin responsible trusts coutide'l to them. It is the only high .Male School in the county; it has i>een built by the liberality and public s|)irit of the eiti/ens of .\n-Jon county. Why then should it not b- p.'itroni/.ed'; \’outig men of this and the adjoining counties may here obt-iin a first rate English educa tion, or may be prepare! for admission into the Fresh man or Sophomore classes of our University or any other institution. ! The Fall .''cssion of this Institution will commeio’e I oil .n10ND.\^ , tlie 11th instant, aii'l continue Five | Months. i TEKMS AS FOLLOWS: ' Beading, Writing, Arithmetic, \i Gramni?ir. wei'graiiliy, I'ic.. Liiin and I reek. Piiilosophy. .Matheni.'itie-i, r.ix for contingent expenses. 75 I'uition ip u'Jv.iuce. .''tU'len's entering the higher bran>-hes have the pri vilege of slii'lyi.ig either or ali the branches taught by payini: tl price of the hig!ie>f alone. P.oaril. with rooms, liirhts, fuel, washing. Ji;c.. fu>’- nisiie 1 by private faniMies of the vil!ag' or iti the a 1- jai cnt Count V. at •>'' .'.o per monih. THi>s. , fllo.-:. i;oi;lNS»N. j Pl'KDlE KlCHAP.DSoN W, H. LE\K, T. KETH'EKN. E. F. LILLY. W a'le--borong!i, N. .luly 5, *10 oo 12 :.o 2i ou 20 00 Trustees. II - Im TOMATOHS DOBItI.X liOUSI',! POW’EKS & TKOY, Pitoi'UiKroits. TH^HE Proprietors of this i-istablisliment ■- announce to the public, that owing to the constantly increasing patronage extenil- ed to them, they have been in ’.uce'l to en large the accommodation by ili - addition oi ' an extensive Dining Koom on the lowei- ■ >r, ao'l saite ; of Rooms on the second floor: thus ei. i' ilnir them to acconimoihite all who may favor them \''.tli a c-i!l. .\n 1 they ))ledge themselves to an iiicre.i-ed exertiiui t'l ■ give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attaciied and careful Ostlers in at tendance The eligible location of the Establishment, with th;- experience of the I’roprietors in pvoviding for the com- | fort of their patrons, they hop '..•il! secure t« them a liberal share of the tr.-ivel. The Western and Southern .-^ttiges arrive at and de part from this House. Carriages in attendance o:, arrival aii'l ileiiartui'e of Steam Boats, for the acc 'mmodation of p-issenger.-. Horses anl (’arnages furnished nt any notice for car rying travellers to any part of the adj icent country J. W. PtjWEKS.' W. C. I IID^ . ■ Fayetteville, May 12. 1S'»>. -df (Ol AClh. RAY CO.. ll.W STUKKT, I'WVm'KVII.LK. A RE now receiving their F.\Ll.. STOf'K of .'T \PLL /a and F.\NCV DRV (iOOI)S, In which ma\’ be found FOK THE L.VDIES: Plain col’d. Plaid, White anil Black DeL.VI.N'E.S: ('ASHMERES and MERINOS; Pl.iin un i Fig'd Fancy •tnd Black SILKS; ('loth .MANTLE.-^ and C1.»AKS; Cloak CLttTH; SKIHT.S ami SKIKTIN^: Merino VESTS; BONNFTS: EMBKOIDEKIE.": .‘ie. FOK (JENTLEMF.N: • Hats; liouts ami Sluios; Wstings; (':issiiin n .s; Wliit(‘, Black :iiid Fancy Stociis and 'r;iv:iN; lie;. ’y-Ma(3e (’lothiiijr, \c. — ALSO,— Linseys, i'i.erseys and Plains. I?hinkei>, Brogans. I' li.’e (,'loths ami (’overs. .Allendale Sheetings, (’hildren's Kid (!lo^es, \\ uol Sacks and (Jomforts, Voi.ths’ au'i P>oy's (''lothing, English and Italian ('rapes, Dimiiy. K;ii- lii'oiderv Silks and P.i-aids. ■\ frood assiu'tuient of Ladies'. »lentlemen's and Children'.- BOOTS. .'^lioES. tinii (i.MTEKS; (ii,i\'K^. HOSIEKY, \c Sept. 20 oT-tf Spring (jloods I’or 185(5. Ni:\v s'rocK oi- ilooks and 8latio!K'i \. V- E are t; .t. receiving iiur usu il ,N'ew Stock ot' 9 W BOOK.'' and .'^•T.VTlON !H\ V. embracing a gre.at v.irietv of SOiHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND -MlSt'KLLAXEorS HOOKS. 'iogetlier w'.tli a laige .'in I v;iried stock of lUank l>ooks, i’ajM'r, llnvt'iojxvs, Cvc. Country Mercluints and otherv are invited to 'all, •IS we oiler tiie ;il>ovi‘ stoci; on the best terms. (»ct. K. E. .1. ilALK SON iiiu^ Ink. and (’(*{)vinu' l»oo!v E. .1. li.\LE .V .'^ON 1 JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. '^11 E vnhscribers >im ve for -.il. , th.- ! ' liime of lli.- Kejiorts of Law t^ises in the .'Supreme ('oiirt of North (;arolina. by II. ('. .lones, Es.j. .lu-t pijbli.slie I .\lso. Supreme Court Keport"'^ gen'-r.-dly, and otlier L-iw P.o('ks. i;. .1. 1I.\LI] .■; SON' iiui:,\^i'iiiiifT')i warn. ^^IIE 2'l '-ditioii, ^with Inuidrc Is of ty p.igr-iphica' S. eriMi's of ihe old edition corrected.) is pul'lished f'lr 'he i)e!ie!it of th:' ^lissionary c.iiise (d' the r>j)isco p'll C!iurch in North Carolina. The pri'-e of the J Vol.--. i.-. in clotli bitidiiii;, ^1, in sheep I 5o. Orders, acconii anie'l 'ii every inst.ince b.V cash, may be :id- dres'-,l to i;. J. H.VLE ,V SoV F.iyettevini.'. .'M:iy8, I''-‘ili. loi* S'.iii-ci iher.- ha vf for sale an Iroptiial No .} i >Vashiiij!trn li ui'l l're->, 2il iian'l. It will be sold Cheap, lielivei'uiiic in Peter.sburg, \'a. It Is said t be a gi'oil Pi-(-ss .I 'll il' g.. - I or'ler. .1 line 4, IS.');',. I-;. .1. H\LF ,v SoN .'^■IIIE S H. few . nil i/i'lh tri/. •lan’y 21 n(‘\v li‘vLs «l S(atnt's. .''iib>cribers have re( eived on consignment, a copies of the Ni*w iti-visal. Price ■ ' E J HALE .S: SON W I.W Void .Mi:,-; OF 1'Hi; Fol i; (iKEA f PdUrihll l!EVIE\VS, namelv, idHM}id{(;n, Noirni' p.iu risH, ud.stminsi eb, ,\.M> L(»NI>o\ .^)l: \KTEP.LIES, \Ni> !!i, vi'KWooi) s EPiNni i;«;ii \i.\(;,\/.im; MONTHLY;.. t’oinmenee I vvith N'.irth Briti.-ii for November, Isi-'io, and ihe oilier Beview-^ and l>iaekw‘iod for Janu.'irv. IK;:.;. Tt'r'us ,,t Sn/jfrri/i/ii'ii. \ny on- Iteview or Bhiek wood, -i(o a ye'^r. Blackwood and one Keview -or any two lievicw-, •■■>. The four Reviews and iSlack- W')od. •■'^lu l-*t)ur cojdes to one .'iddress, ->00. I wliich should be |i:iid quarterly in advan''e) ou the four I! >. views aiel Blackwood to an\ Post Ollicc in t!!e I nit-d St;Ues, only 8U cents a ye.Tr: namely', 1 t cents a year '.n each iteview, and 24 cents a year on Black'.voo'l. .\'Mress, lli i... SCv)fT tj'Ct'., 1‘ublisheis, d I Street, corner of Fulton, N. \ iG \V be th. I'served •it.li- l;ite rthur's Cans for w.nter use, as if stewed, fresh Irom the bush. :nitl I*i»» 'it ail kinds m.-iy tie preserved so ns to iu:ike fre>ih Fruit i'ies in Winter. For sale* by W. N. Tl LLI N('. H.\ST. 1 i|U'irt ('.in-'. per Dozen. 4 .')U I N(*W Stock of B. F. PEARCE OPENIN(«, a largt and vvell de.'t. livery Can warrante'l to seal. 'Ve have receivc'l, through the hands of :i friend, as a -,iresent. a run ,•!' Ii.fi.ii,,. x, w hich he tells ii-; was pre- j'ared last summer according to the |dan recommended by Dr. .\rthur. Th. sPHL\(i AM) (;ihm)s. Among which m;iy be foun.l for the L.i'lies, Iilack and colored .'■^ilks: Silk Tissues ;in I Bareges; (.’hallies and I’attiste; i>rini:iiitos: i’riiitc! Lawns; .I:i- Ci>iiets an.l Org:indies; .Laconet, Swiss. aii'I Plai-I Muslins; Embroidered .''wiss Muslin: Edgings :uid In sertions; Collars and Undersleeves; Embroidere l Flirts; (,'or.ieii, C.actus, Gr.nss, and Whalebone .'■^'Kirts; ('r.ape. Silk, and Straw l>onuets; and a large ari'l handsome .\nv I'liarlis (' I’iaiio F^ ;- ther -;,ipp’i ■Nov. I',*. \l(‘iinMl loi- lilt' (Miiijir, b\ Converse: Hunten' 1 ;istructioiis for th.- i‘: Burrowes Piauo Forte I’riminer. Fur in-;' received ii. .1. II.\LE \ SO.N ( an I- i’iiv S unnonnccs of Slierilf ot Kobeson \\ iLIJ A M A. iU)(i himseU' a candiihite f*jr the ollict county. Lunibsrton, .\pril 2i>, is.')ii. 'iDU-tl.V AlAVAiSO.N HAM) AM) FOR SALE iui]\r, J f/i:x/:f:jL Asso/rrM/:xr ot Din (iooDs AM) (;iJO(:i-:uii-:s, TogetluM' with a general assortment of rOKIMI.A AM) ninil'S'FL WINES aud LIQUORS, Whii'h I am aiixion.s to sell or exchange for 1’rodnce of .-i.iy kiii'l usually sold in this .\l:irket. W. II. CAKVEK, Hay Strewt, near the .M arket. Nov. 7. oi-tf rf IlDiiK VI .N L(i \ K, a goo'l article, ^ for ,^ale by W. H. CAP VEIJ Nov. Iu. •’>} It' I'OR S.\LK CIII:a!\ SECOND H.VND P>L'(i(illiS in goo.l vepair. A. A. .\lcKElll\N 1'^OK the apprehension ami ileliveiy of my negto ^ man P.\GE, a bright mulatti,, about 2S years of age: or for his confinement in any Jai! so that 1 ■ >et him again. When he b'ft he had on ;i brown .'^atinett C.uit and Pants, ni;i,kes ;i good appear;ince, and i;o doubt uill pass him&elf as a, IVee man: .-ibout ■') feet 10 or 11 inches high, weighs ab'Uit I,''-') pound-j, and ha 1, at the time iu' left, a felloii on the middle linger of his b-ft h;ind: his on his chin a gotiiee (or long hear t.) 1 expect he will endeavor to make his way to .\bingdon, Washington county, \ a., where he was raiseii. ^1- -^IcL.VLillN, Laurinburgh, llichmoiid Co., N. C. Fcb’y •!, 1850. 75-tf having opeTied it without dilliculty by pursuing his in structions, we l'.)und this .lelightful vegetable j)osses- -ing all the ri.di tbivor which lielongs to tt when first t:iken from its vines. It is the first of Arthur's p:itent t'aii'^fiir pri'StM-ving fruit ::nd veget-ibles thtit we have seen. Nothing can be mere simple: and, 'nidging from the specimen of its eflic.icy in accomplishing all that it proniis.s. we do not hesit:ite to reeommeii'l the in- \t ntion I') hotisckccpi'rs.—Xiiliuinil Inf'Uiiiciicir Fri- 'I'KI. 1 ■">/// Jmn, IS').'). Every variety of summer fruit was put up in these can.-' in our family last season, aU'l we now hi ve .//•/(•- /.,i„-if,..x, , r.s fresh as when sealed up. These :vre, indeed, luxuries, and may be secured bj' every one at a small cost. — Artlnirs Home Mi;/itziiie. Wc have in .mr family a variety of fruit preserved in these cans, which we used through the winter with great safishiction, au'l which our visiting friends pro nounce as fresh as if they had just been g'lthercd.— l‘lu'iift'tj‘hi'1 Mirch'tnl. i'lRi’: AM) Lii'i: LNsru.vNcM’:. B’^llli undersigned has the .Vgency of the following .W Comp:iuies. vi/.: Greensborough Mutual Life Tnsur ince and 'I’rust (’o. (ireensborough Mutual Fire insurance Co., Newberii Mutual Insurance Co , Charlotte .Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Caswell .Mutii.-il P’ire Insnram-e Co. In.'Urance in .\'’i tli ('•ir"/iii'j Ciiiuj"iiii-'i can no-,v be taken in any part of Town or County, in largt* or small amounts. J.NO. M. liO.'^i'’. .\gent. .lune oO, 18;3*i. 17-tim \\ r \y\S'vi:\). W.\N'f to purcluise .'),UOU iiushels Wheat. M JAS. G. COOK. •.Fune25, Ib-tf KALi:i(;n \M) fayi:i'ti^mllk ST.Hi a-: fji,vi:. E are now runnitig Four- Horse Co.'iches on this l.ine. Pjissen.i;erii going North can ohtain through tickets from Fayetteville to Weldon. 1‘assengcrs for Fayetteville can olilain through tickets at ^Veldon, at the Offi c of tiie Raleigh (.iasion Rail Itoad. Fare, ^7. Passengers for (ireensbon,', .'^alem, Salisbury, or any place ui» the country, will iind this the best andiiuick- est route; to take the Stage to Jl.-ileigh. which connects with the N. C. C. K;iilroad. I'lie Coaches are now in goo'l repiiii'. Wc have good Horses and careful Drivers i-^ver,v thing will be .lone to accommo.iate the 'rravc-llinii i’liiiiic. WM. H. Ili’NT. Ag't, B^ileigli. : (.)l!ice at Lawrence's Hotel, i J. H. RoBEUTS a: CO., I Agents at Fayetteville. 1 May yi, lb5tj. y-3m .me .if his patent, aud, | assortment of French, English, an'l .\merican Print.-: (Jloves; Hose, otc. FOR THE GENTLEMEN. Chrths, Fancy and iMack Cassimeres; Vesting: Wiiite. Brown aud Butf, Linen l)rills; Irish idnen: Di;ib D'Ete: I'armer’s Satin; Farmer's Driil: Moleskin. Pananiji, Leghorn, an l Palm Leaf Hats; :ind a l;irge assortment of Kea.iy Made t’lothiucc, iS:c., i'ic. _Ai,.'0— Boots and Shoes; L'inhrellas and Paras.ds, Bleaclie'l and !’>ro’.vn .'shirting and .Slieeting, and every variety in the Y'ankee N.)tion liu.“, wdiich will be sold 'it a small a.ivance for C.VSIl. or on time to punctual ciis tomers, cither at Wholesale or iiet;iil. B. F. PEAIU’E, I.,ate i’earce v'c Ferguson. H:»y St., Fayetteville, March I'.l, 1^5b. S8-tf " wno WOVLD HA VH THOI'GHT IT? A n w Carriaifc Establishnient ou th^ MUiinrj/ (ire.ciiy opjiijsite the Metkulist Cliurrh, frontinj on Mnniford Stn-ct. ;rkat i:\'rHiii>i;isL! SoNiiS's Views .if the S'>ats, .M;insions, Castles. \c of Noblemi'ii an l (i'ntlemen in Scotland. The Bo dv of .'Scottish Balliuls. 1 in. Scottish (,i;el: I iic BooK of iialiads, tiy Itou Cji'.i tier: McFingal, by Tc.imlmll; Lillian an.i other Poem-;, by Prac-'i; V>'Tt-;oir' Oiction.'iry of P.:,‘tic;il (^'uotatioii-: l'.:iH:i is, by W . Harrison .\in-wort!i; Li'igli H lint's St-ries i:i \'er.'v'; ,\’linglrim’s Pooms; Hogg's Tales; The (Queens of i-lngland of the House of ll.iiio ver, by Dr. Doriin; The .’S'octe^ -Vmbrosi imt' of Bhi.'k- wo.til; Il’ilin s Ne^v ILin-l Book .d' (ianies; I'lie \\ :ir .if the .Vllies, tr iin the Correspon h-nt of tl:e Lon loii Tillies: Novellie'^, Inventions and (hiriosities in .Vri and Manuf;ictures: .vc. E. .1. H.\i,E SoN. April 2':. Hits .irrirvft: Grc'it Iron Wheel i!.'{;iinlned," by r:irs.)n Posla;re JS_ Brownlow, price ■'>1 OO, on it by mail is I Scents. Also, a few mure ot the ‘ (.iri-.it Ir iii Wlieel," by Parson Graves. l.i. J. H.VLE S(JN. .May 28. Kl U'filKii sr!M‘Lii:SOI' liOOKS. ^,glSS .Muri:'. , > Tri.v.'ls in i!i., I . St.ite-- and Can 7 IL ada; I’he I able T:i Ik of .-^amiie! iiogers; Sheriibin Knov, es’ Di’;iiiiaric \S. rks; .Nleiiioir of S. Prentiss; l.rncsl L^iiwoo.l, by Mr-. Ilenl/.; ihe .\iuericaii De bater: iLii'i ■ i,'!:iss Book of Pociiy: 1 nioii Bible l>i.' tion.'ii v; U:id ‘n e.-ter.i .scene.-,; D:iii.i s .Min k .'vi.inual: .Methn'li- in:iiiue: i .M :: Hymns ami Discipline; Li^ Brun’s Te ink Books, .''chooi B.ioks. \c. E. J. HA I.E .V .'oN. i NllE Sui>scribors woul.l respect!'iiil\ infotm their friends and tiie public, that they luive .•n!ei'-,l into copar'-lership for the pui-jxise of condiiciine ihe general C.vKKIAGE BL'SINI-iSS in ail iis i-im p.-.rts. And being h.)th pr.-ictical workmen, fulix uti .ierstan.ling their business, they have no he.;'i;ii. n I' compare work with any estahlisiunent in F.iyett.'vii . as to style and durability. One of the firm may be known l>y reference to \. H. WhitliehFs iron work for the las» two years. We warrant all work to give ^.'ueral satisf;i. lion f.)r twelve months Repairing .loue in tiie iie.-itest niannei' low for cash. mini ,v BKAM.\ J.\MKS H. i’lKR. ,I.\MHS i?H\.M.N Fa,yetteville, Jan’y 24, 185;i. I'liitf DiSSOLUriOX. r|1HE linn Mi H.VLL l-i I'I’ is tiii .l:iv 'iis- solved by niutu:il (v)iisent. Tiie business of the firm will bi> s.-ttlci by .1. II. Hall or \. E. Hall, who al.me are ;mthorI/.ed to u.;e the name of the tirm in liquid ition. J. II. HALL. A. E. H.VLL. T. M. S.\CKKTT. Fayetteville, N. C., Jan’y Iti, IbuO. 70-tf oifi >r(tli !U I'otr/i uf I'lufctl( rtI!(' for Snh ' '.'in ,Vi:I ol iile Geiural .\ssembiy .'\..:';li t .iroiiii.i, r.iliiie i Dec 2.'i !■. f..rtn of et tevir.- to i.s ne ..i.i'io' "1 s!*lO 1(0.1, in i!ie .i”i;ri ;> .d' paying h. r subseri pt ion t i tlo- I olii p,i ;iy. .r I- ordered by the ('ocimissi nn-r.s of tlrit tin: Treasurer .if the '!'o\.-i, r( ci-i\e als, II'.til lh«* I -t ol November i:e>.:, for of ilu . CKid - a .lit iic ,^tai e IHo;i_ :tiithori/.ii'>' l:er iioll'ir' t gale, i'oi- tlie pm p U e:;lerii li i I b • i I'l:: rciol- . ;t I- i.iy I S' .1 ■ • il'.e purehast' of >?'>0,!)iiti, in smiis if > B.iiids. or any part lli'-reof B'lii Is yi;urs, with (,'oupons aitache l.—int-Te aniiuaiiv. : Io- .-»i-; I- luds s'uin be iviid r lii»- tne ('or|iora!ioi'. :tnd idn iin . oii the faith ot tl WM. W.VKiM.N. Town I n-.'i Sc, :. 2:. iHoV i! lO e.l, !. of lid to rnn tw.'iity : pH \ rible -•■mi ;il .' -;ime H' iii':i-;i' i!i\ I'.;; co \i,. ^ri'l \|!NOl S coal oi the lies! qU;i!itye(in be h;i'l ill tlie woi'lis .11 i-gypl. al;i rer.son.iK'.e |>ii.-e ■ )\ tiie foil. \V.\i. .Mc( LANl., 'd.iiiiig Engin(' I. May 21. '' if l)\\ p'OU SAi.i':. '■£'■111; Siib-iciiiier wislies (o sell the i:iige 1mv.'.;iii; I iiid 1>": 'a !i. coiiiti of Giili .pi«- .Ui'l l!us.-ell t'i.'. il I !■■ enl ijt i’upi‘'‘‘i by Mr. II ri._, iii.. inbei i. Ti'rru“ rc i- :n''i'e. i‘o ■.-.ession givi-n on the I-i (). :o- ber next. E. J. H \ LE. May

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