JPAiriBWWllILILIE SEUI-WEEKL. Y. VOL. vr.i FAYETTEVTIJ.E, X. C., AUGUST 7, 1^50. YO. .V3S ] :;l\TK ; MoNiiAYS AND TlirKSDAVS n)\V \KI) J. \\\U] & SON, r.l>H'U{S \ND riMIMUKTOllS. ' ; - t': ’ Somi-Wookly ( Mukkviu! 00 it’ paiil in . .1 ■■■; > ; •>:! if p.iiil iluriiip: the yeiir iif sul>8crip- i I' "S I tilt* vtvir 1ms oxpiroJ. • u ; mt«khvki: 00 |«('r nnuinn, if ptiiil in . SJ it’ paiil ihiriiiu tJio yo:ir of suhscrip- n. 1' > ■ -lO :i;tor tlio yenr h:is osj'irod. '\ ' liTlSKMKNTS iusrrtcl for sixty cents per •' :• ';tu‘s f r tli(‘first, m l thirty cents for pach iMi.r ;.i\hlio:iti.'n. Vcnrly ti'lvortiseinents hy spe- ■ !.tr:n > :it rc;isiin;il:le rates. Advertisers are , I .1 • ti:i- the iminluT .'f ii\st>rtious tlesired, or • I 'ntimu'd till forbid, an 1 idiav^ed :u‘Ci'i-d- r-i.: l.t-tt-'i' t ■ llio I’ditors must 1h- post-i^aid. . ' I'liicnts - I' in - rtcd : ■ , i-liar;;ed ')0 per ■ I ■ II JOSEPH liAKER, Jk., ATTOKi\r.l AT liAW, AS taken an ofTice next door to Wm. B. Wripht’s Law otiii-e on iroen Street. He will attend and practice in the i'ounty and Superior Courts of Cumber land, llladen. Robeson and Sampson. March 'i:), 79-tf liEX.I.\MIN k. IIUSKE, A T'I'O K K Y A T f. A W, FAVHTTHVIIJ.K, N. C. mB .VV be found at the (Mlice formerly occupied by -itB. Walter Iluske, Ks>}., on liow Street. Will attend the ('ounties of Moore, (’umbcrland and Hoboson. .\nd obtjiin Hounty Land and Pensions under the various acts. March ir>, 1X55. 84tf NOTICE. 4 Lli persons indebted to the firm of W. F. E. F. i~A Moore, are requested to come forward and make payment, as their copartnership ceased on the 1st of March, 185t». June (i, 1850. W. F. E. F. MOO HE. 11-tf \M) \M W VKKAX rs W AX l'ED! iiifX till- hii;licst fash price lor Lauil War- AXDUEW .1. srEPMAX, .\TT(IK.\KV AT LAW, AVI NO removed to I’ittsborough, N. (\, will at tend rcffularly, the Courts of Chatham, Moore, ami Harnett Counties. .April 10, 185'). !U-tf II n. !i. HI ."Ki;. Attorney at Law. ' l!7-12t r. (\ li. (;. WOK rii, \ I.irdiiiii Merchants, lUMWN S r.u 11.1*1 NU. WATi:U STREET. dv.iuces made on consipumeuts I'sual 17. (.oi.Dsiioiioruii I’^l. third Session if this Institution commences on ; Wt'dni. day, the ;id of Jan’y 1H55, and ends on the ! . ' luui-, 1 Hev. JAS. H. HHENT. A. B., IVesident. ■ .M- Ro.^ji l;ite 'f Chapel Hill. Professor of Mathematics. \! d 1 full -'orps i)f Teachers in every branch. l^'■.u•d, ini'ludin;/ Washing, Lifihts, Fuel, f i-r :ie^■■'..■n, >^50 M) I’uiti'in in Primary Itcpartment, ^10 00 ‘ iiilegi.'it' Department, i^20 Oi) • lie hundred dollars will cover all expenses of the .n in the iViIlegiate course and all urnamental ' • ’ j - in primary departnient charged the I-r iruam* ;ital branches. Onelialf payable in ' r. 1.. I tun "11 -cientitic subjects will tie delivered lit V .r; ir. 1 ii.ii every -tfort to render the School the n - I'.-.nt.i'jre vn 1 cheapnes.«, and pledge to reduce : . i, luui'iply the ad vantage.' in proportion to ■ i-f .1 i ;*r naze. When our number of pupils I we sh:t'il able to reduce the jirices ne every iiie ai ling us, is also .aidins in iv" the ine.'in' 'f' a superior eilucation within the ii liii. -it evt»ry jrirl in the State. Uf ref ;r;i th.mks for the unexampled support v.» ■ i :nd believe it will be continued. For further i lut- III tipl'lv lo the I’resiJeiit of the taculty. o» ;. WM. K. LANE, Pres t Stockholders, l:;. 1H51. 57-tf KOC EKIKS AXI) HAKDWAUE. ■'HE subseritier has in Store a jrood assortment of iids in the .noi’KHV and HAKDW.VKE LINE: • ; wlii. h will be sul 1 wholesale or ret.iil, or b;ir- ! ; r founrry pruduce. on terms the most reasoii- • V iiTia'! iiit of .''.\DL>LEltV for sale cheap, i all. (1. W. L G(H.DST'»N. II. .\ny .if my friends in the country havinpr l>usi- t. tr iii-aet in this place, such as renewals, .'ic , h ‘.ve it lone oa tlie usual terms, by sending s.iine iny earo. r. W. L G. i- iy*‘ttfviil«, .Sept. 'll. 1>^55. ;’>'.Mf liiODS 1'EADS! IJEDSrEADS'! I ■ : T received from the Manufacturer, Ira Herse}-, • Ul'Iilv if it FI O STT.min s \\ \. IIUSKE, ATTUllNEY AT LAW, ANU CLEKK AND .MASTER IN EQUITY. F.WKTTKVlI.l.K, N. (\, -Ma^’ be found at the Equity Otlice, in the Court House. Sept. '11, 1855. 38-tf .1. A. SI>KAUS, A T T O 11 .N E Y A T I. A \V, of (’umberland. T' d TTENDS the Courts Wake and .lohnston. Ft'b'y lo, 18'it'i. \ddress, Totnner. H.irnett, 8-lyr Harnett Co., X. C. “LAW COIWKTXERSIIIIV' E, »he undersigneil. have this Jay formed a Law w w Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts ot the following counties of this State: (Chatham, Cum berland, .Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. .JNO. MANNING. Pittshyrough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 1856. 7‘itf II. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. ^^FFH’E on corner of Front and Princess street. under Journal uflice. Dec. 1; 48-tf riios. II. TiLL[X(;iiAsr, tiOOBiBI.ViPKR, Amlt r>»>H Strt-^t, op/ytKi(> North of K. ./. Ihile ct- aSoii's liookstorf'. ULSIC. Magazines, and all description.s of Hooks are bound in all styles in the best and most substantial uianuer, on terras, the same as at any place in the South. Person.^ wishing to know the prices of binding, will be supplied with a list person ally or by letter. Sept. *J5, 1855. 3‘.i-tf Dr. K. A. BI.ACK. iFFU.'E Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. scupperxonI^; (^kapes. WE wish to contract for l,tX)0 or more bushels of Scuppernong Grapes, to be delivered next fall, •^pply to J- 11- Roberts & Co., at Fayetteville Hotel. ROBERTS & HROTHERS. June 12, 1850. 12-tf VALUABLE NEGROES FOR SALE. 4 NEGKO Woman aged about thirty or thirty-five I \ 3'cars, good house servant, cook, washer and ironer, honest and industrious. A Girl aged about nine, and a boy about four years —children of the woman. Persons in want of this species of property will do well to call on the undersigned at his Law Office on .\nderson Street, when further particulars will be given. HARTH’W FULLER. April 21'. 600-tf The sul»scril)crs will pnrcliciso Spirits Turpentine, or make advances on consignments to their friends in Wilmington, or New York. 0. T. HAIG FI j- SONS. April 9, 1855. 90tf laukiniutrgh high school. f IIHE 8th Session of this School will commence on JL Tuesilay the 15th day of July next, under the supervision of the Rev. Geo. 15. Scott, M. \., of the University of Edinburgh, (Scotland,) Principal, assisted by Mrs. Scott in the Primary Department. Mr. and Mrs. Scott have both made Teaching the businer^ of their lives; and from the experience which the Trustees have had, during the past year, of their zeal, fidelit}', and success, in the discharge of the luties , of their profession, they confidently recommend them ] to Parents and Guardians, as pre-eminently qualifieil I by temper, talents, and acquirements for the instruc- ■ tion of students, in all the branches of an English, Scientific, Classical, and Commercial Education. The Trustees respectfully invite the public to a per- i sonal examination of the system pursued in the School. Terms—$8, $12, a»d ^^20, per Session of five months, (French included in the 3d grade without extra charge.) I Poard can ke had with the undersigncl in the Board- I ing house belonging to the School or in private families ' at $S. ppr month. Washing and room lights extra. I One half fees and Board invariably paid in advance. I). C. MclNTYRE, Sec’y. j Laurinburgh, Richmondco.,N. C., July 3, 1850.[l8-tf Amiicif of yiorth i'arolina Mutiml I/i-\ t,urance ('ompany. | rilHE subscriber having beeu Appointed Agent for £ the above Company, will be pleased to take Risks in this place and vicinity, on the most reasonable terms. AUG. W. STEEL. July 5, 185tJ. 19-3m A CART). j HE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens i of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, as I a MASTER BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, an.l ^ gives notice that he is read}' to contract for work in ; liis line, atthe lowest cash prices. S. F. l)l(!KSON. Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 1854. -^Stf t J Til E Sub.scril g f Hotel t'tir a to see their fri« I.UTTKUI.Oil & (JO’S MM',. For Passengers anti Freight. TEAMER FANNY LUTTERLOH leaves her wharf at Fayetteville at sun-rise, on .Mondays and Tlint s- days, and at Wilmington on Tuesdays and Fridays 10 o’clock, A. M., (Passengers and Freights.) Rowan (in good repair,) with good Flats, regularly for Freight.s. J. F. MARSH, Agent Fayetteville. W. P. ELLIOTT, .\gent Wilmington ••\ugust 7. 1855. 25tf Steamer will run W*ihnht^ton ^ FuyeUerillc Pas se nf^er Eiine, rpHE NEW STEA.Mi'lR “MAGNOLIA” will leave Fayetteville Tues-tays and Fridays at 15 minutes after sunrise, ami Wilmington W’ednesdays and Satur days at o’colck. Passage $4. June 11, 1855. T. S. LUTTERLOH. 9-tf 100 WANTED, L.VBORERS and 25 Mechanics to work on the Navigation of Deep River at Jones’ Mill in Chatham County. .Mso, 5 or G good Stone Masons can get employment for 3 or 1 months. Ap ply soon to KIRKSEY, COTTON & BURNETT. July 21, 185G. 23-(iw VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Being desirous of changing my business, 1 otTer for Sale my PL.V.ST.VTION on the east side of the (’ape Fear River, throe miles above the Clarendon Bridge, kncwn as the Toomer and McKay lands, con taining about 800 acres. This Farm is susceptible of the very highest improvement, and of being made one of the most beautiful and profitable Plantations in Cumberland county. On the Farm is a good mill seat. My terms will be favorable and pa^-menta ea.«y. For particulars, apply to .lohn D. Williams, Esq., Fayetteville, or address the subscriber at the Gulf. 1 will give possession the first of December next, if de sire.! L. J. HAUGHTON. C.ulf, July 17, 1850. 23tf Hotel. i I THE Sub.scribers having this day leased this j a term of years, wilt bo pleased rieiitls a!n! the travc'irmg jmltlic at this House. .Vt tlu same time we Imjie tliiy v.ill be patient and bear with (.nr imperfections until we shall have jiut the House in such repair .as we de'sire. J H. ROBERTS (’O. .1. II. IIOISKUTS. F. N. llt»m;iirs. March 1, 1855. ^0-tf siii:Mvvi;rj. sionsi:. hJiiiif sidr. o/' frnoi iSlrcrf, ti. f'l’ic Door.s iSorfli oy the, Murlcrt Ilouar. rpiHE Subscriber desires through this i meUum to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past year^anil as he li.-is just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water j he takes pleasure in saying to his jiatrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom- I moilate them with transient and pennanent boanl, and i respectfully solicits a continuance of the libera! j-atron- j age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part ^ shall be nsoil to render them comfortable during their Svijonrn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market atl'ords. P. SHEMWELL. March 21, 1855. 8'i-tf DOHBIX HOUSE! POW'ERS k TROY, Pkoi*uif.toi:s. fMlllE Proprietors of this l^stablishniciit M- announce to the jiublic, that owing to the constantly increasing patronage extend ed to them, they have been indured to en large the accommodation by the additmn of an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, jiii i suite of Rooms on the second tloor; thus enabling I iieiii to accommodate all who may favor them with a r.ill. ,\nd they pledge themselves to an increased e\c rtijn to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in at tendance. The eligible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com fort of their patrons, they hope will s''^ure t(* them a liberal share of the travel. The Western and Southern St:iges .inive at and de part from this House. Carriages in attendance on an«l departure Steam Boats, for the accommo l ition of passeng»*rs Horses and Carriages furnished .it an}' notiee for car rying travellers to any part of the adjacent country. J. W. POWERS. W. C. Titov. Faj’etteville, May 12, 18'n'i. -Uf SCHOOL liOOK'S. KALTSCH.MIDT’S Latin Dictionary; Kendrick’s (.Jreek Ollendorif; Greenfield's Greek Testament and Lexicon: Herodotus, — Leijisic Eilition; .Vnthon s ’lassical Dictionary; Liddell and .Scott's Greek-EngUsh Le.\icon; .Vnthon's Horace; Bullion’s Latin Readers and Graininars; .Murse’s (Jeography; (Joodrich’s Pictorial C. States; Willard’s U. States; Bullion’s Eng. Oram- niar; Greeiilouf’s .\rithmetics and Keys: McGufley’s l!»‘ailers: iuackenbos’ 1st Lessons: Comstock’s Chem istry. \c., just received and for sale by E. J. HALE .S: SON. ■\]iril 5. BOOK B1M)1:RY. W. H.VRDIE has resumol the Book P.inding ■ ^ • Business, over the Tailor S\n>p of t»'lark Woodward, where lie will receive and execute binding in any st^'le desired. .August 1 27-tf \E\V S rOCK OF I^)()ks atii Stationery. E :u-e now receiving our usual New Stock of 15(K)KS and ST.VTIONERV, embracing a great SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MIS('ELL.\NEOUS BOOKS, Together with a hirge and varied stock of t I A k 1 / \ I ^ lank B()ok.«, Paper, Imiv 10|)OS, ('ouotrv Merchants and utheru are Invited to call, as we otl'er the above stock on the best terms. Oct. 8. E. J. HALE & SON. o FeVi’v 18o0. ro-tt 'riui Soutliorn Hariiiuny, lunv edi tion, revised and enlarged. further supply just received by E. J. H.\LE & SON. July Iti. SALE OF FACTORY STOCK und other Prtjicrti^ bclonisin^ lo the Island Ford Maniitacturingl’ompany. BV virtue of a Deed of Trust made by the Island Ford Manufacturing (Jompany, 1 shall sell at with the largest Stock of (Joods ' -Auction, at said Factory on’the 21st lay of August he has ever offered in this market, 1 «e»t, all the real and personal proi)erty l>elonging to which he will sell at very low prices. Among his as- | said Company, including the Factory and .Machinery, sortment may be found Gobi and Silver Watches of all i The personal property will be .sold on a credit of bis KDWIN GLOV ER, WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER, | *1/ the old Stand, Xorth side of Hay Street, \ FAYETTK% II.LE, | .\S just returned from the North j T. C. WOR'ril, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, u ilmix(;ton, >. c. Jan'y io, 1850. G8-tf CHARLES 15AXKS, o.vr #; f r f o.vK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Forei'jn Frniti^, Xuta, Cl'jars, Tohmvcn^ Stm^, (i'C STItCCT, Fayetteville, N. C. us pattern-i, ;ind made i! good seasoned timber. _ raif r.v 1 rc.'ds are manufactured in this place, and e - .:^l t‘ le: ''Ts ;is b-w as they can be g"t from .N (' ■'■■ ;iud ex:;nune A. M. CA.MPBELL. ■ I ■ '.n-y \ \i.i Aiii.r, i>i;oi‘KKTV rOK S,I£,K. • r i'EH ■ .r J lie, my LAND.-^ in Mie T"Wn of F;iy- I't'e , ;!!o. l-;i' Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. i,' -s: A' re ■: of it is fiii> Me.fd.iw Land, as the Crop ^ V.' jii it will - li^w. Airt>i, the ISrick :tMl ,r :n ’ M.-ifket Square, uecupied by Mr. John .\. m. ,\ Large and Valu^ible Lot, front’ng on Donaldson. ■\\ve‘; :ind .Muinford .Streets, known as the Hotel .rdt a Lot, -:ouM be divided inti> several Building rr ^v-sy iie. r the new Feni.rle High .Schuw] Buildings. I, tiie St.ilile L it adj-.liiing, fronting on Muinfur l ■ ‘ et. .-. V ral IiESlKABLE i;UILI)IN(i LOTS m both i' l'i>; and .Muinford ."^treei.s. lie piireh ised on f;ivora- can remain on Bond and .\I.irch 1, 1853. W. 1*. ELLIO'FT, G» n raf f‘ftvim and Foricdrdimj Mrn'han WILMINGTON, N. C. June 10, 1854. 4tf JOSBFII R. BLOSSOM. V o o \ AND FORW ARDIXG MERCHAXT, *V. €. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, am4 Cash utlvances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 07 J. S. BAXKS, .TIrreliant, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1850. kinds, some very fine; Gold Fob, Vest and Guard , ('hains; Seals and Keys; Fob Buckles; Spectacles of all kinds; Breast Pins and Ear Rings in sets, something I fine; all kinds of Finger Rings; Bracelets; Gold Pen- j cils irith Pen; Gold Lockets: Studs; Collar and Sle«ve ' Buttons; Gold Pen and Pencils with India Rubber Cases, a new article; fine Pearl Card Cases; Pocket Compass, with Sun Dial connected; Coral Beads; Port Monnais; Jet Necklacfs; fine Jet Pins; Accordeons; .Music Boxes, &c. StM.f'Kn If Vf/#:.• Silver Forks; Silver Ta- ■ ble and Tea Spoons: Sut ar and Preserve Spoons; Mus- I tard and Salt Spoon -; Silver Cups, Butter Knives, Fruit Knives. PL.VTED C OODS: Forks; Table and Tea Spoons; Buttei Dishes Castors; Card Baskets; Ladies’ \Vork Boxes; a good assortment of Military Goods; a tine lot of Clocks, anil very man^' other articles which his friends and the public are invited to examine. Strict atteutiou paid to W.^.TC^ Repairin(}. June ‘J. ll-:Jm NOTICE. A LL those indebted to us-previous to the 1st Janu- iIL ury will call and settle either by note or cash, and oblige us. .McDONALD & W’HALEV. N. B. -V good assortment of S.VDDLES .\ND II.\R- NESS always on hand for cash or on time to punctual customers. Feb’y 17, 1855. 70tf wool. ROLLS. WOOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNEILL. June 1854. 7-tf months, the real estate on o, »], and 12 months, pur chasers giving bond and approved securities. The buildings are comparatively new and commodi ous. There are in the Factory about 1100 spindles, 20 Looms and all nece.ssary machinery, all in fine order. On the premises are a large and well con structed Store House, four excellent houses for opera tives, and sundry other buildings. There is a cood dam and excellent water power. In short, ail the ad vantages necessary to spin aud weave cotton to ad vantage. I will afford full opportunity to any one who may ish it to examine the property before the sale. ALFRED PIKE, Trustee. Franklinsville, July 14, 1856. 22-ts 1 fjoolc to Your Interest in Ti inc. j fBlHE Proprietor, after having the \ JL misfortune of getting burnt out, | has re-built his Steam Saw Mill and is ' now prepared to furnish ^ at short notice, either in town or at the Mill, 8 miles from Fayetteville, on the Western Plank Road. I hope | to receive patronage inasmuch as 1 am in the midst of the best heart Timber and can furnish any length from 10 to 42 feet long, which I hope will suit Steam ^oat men wishing to get long timber at short notice. I also intend keeping Lumber at TROV M.\RSH’S Store, who will still .act as my Agents, and forward bills for Lumber to me at my .Mill. .My terms for lumber shall be as favorable as any for the same kind of lumber. Those wishing to address me can do so at Manchester P- O., Cumberland Co., N. C. D.WID KIVETT. June !*, 185f». 11-Cm ;)IIACIL, RAY HAY STllKl-yr, FAYETTEVILl.K, , A RE now receiving their F.VLL STO('K of .ST.VPLE ' iIl and FANCV DRV (JOODS, In which may be found FOR THE L.VDIE.S: Plain col'd. Plaid, White and Black DcL.MNE.'^: ^ C.XSHMERES and MERINOS; Plain and Fin'd Fancj’ ^ and Black SILKS; Cloth MANTLES and CL»AKS; | Cloak CLOTH; SKIRTS and SKlRTlN(t; Merino VESTS; BONNETS; E.MBROIBERIES, .S:c. FOR GENTLE.MEN': Ilat.s; Hoots anil Shoes; Vesting.^; (’assimercs; White, lihick auil Fancy Stocks aud ('ravats; lleudy-Made Clothiug, I'ec. —AL.SO,— Linseys, Kerseys and Plains, lilanket.s, ISrogans, Table (Hoths and Covers, .Vllonlale Sheetings, (’hildren’s Kid (iloves. Wool .Sacks aiivl ('omforts. Youths' and P>oy's Clothing, English and Italian Crapes, Uimity, Em- Itroidery Silks and Br.iids. A good assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children’s BOOTS, SHOES, and GAITERS; ti LOVES, HOSIERY, &c. ;i7-tf ('opviiig Ink, and Copying Books just received. E. J. H.ALE &, SON. June 4. JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. ^ I 'Ml E subscribers have for sale, the 2d volume of the J[ Reports of Law (’ases in the Sujtreme Court of North (.)arolina, l>y H. C. Jones, Es«i. Just published. Also, .Supreme t’ourt Reports generally, and other Law Books. E. J. H.\LE & SON. , BISHOP lUVIiNSCIlOifT'S WOllRfi. ; /[IIHE 21 edition, (with hundreds of typographical j M. errors of the old edition corrected,) is published I for the benefit of the .Missionary cause of the Episcu- j- I pal (’hurch in North Carolina. The price of the 2 vols. is, in cloth binding, ^1, in sheep 50. Onlers, accompanied in every instance by cash, may be ad dressed to E. HALE SON. Fayetteville, .M.ay 8, 1850. I* I* ill I ills; PresM I'oi* ri'^llE Subscribers have for sale an Imperial No. 4 £ Washington Hand Press, 2d hand. It will be sold ciie.aji. ileliverable in Petersl)nrg, Va. It is said to be a good Press and in good order. .lune 4, lb55. E. J. HALE & SON. TIhmu'w Revised Statutes. ^■IHE Subscrifters have received on consignment, a 9 few copies of the New Revisal. Price Jji4, cuk/i on lii'lii'eri/. Jan’y 21. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 20. Spring’ C*oo(ls tor IH5(). S NOW . Stock of B. F. PEARCE OPENING, a large and well selected 00-tf nil' priiiierty nnw ri I ,, und :i largt^ part ■• ye if de-ire 1. THo. CURTIS. l:i-tf n|-'t'in. in:i>i (m:d fare. 'I'hrough Tickets betwoeri Wilmington, N. and Balti- ^ mure. F.'ire 1Via Weldon, j ter.-biirg, lUchmond, \ | rtun ('it3', or vi.t Weldon, ' rtsmouth Mild Norfolk. } Fur rickets upiily ;it theOflice I of the Wilminf.Miiii and Raleigh ^ Rail lload Company, at Wil | the Otlice oi' the Baltimore Steam j and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail ' mfiany. Pratt .Street, Baltimore. ^ 1, 1852. at ket Company 1 f SlMUrr BARRELS. I.W.W' on h ind and for sale at the lowest mar- . price, SLPEUIOR Sl'lRIT BARRELS. G. W. WILLI A.MS a: CO. V -J 4-tf tar ble Fnct^rf/. ", y , A. . S. 31. TllOxYlAS, bEALER IN FAXCV S^ SI'Al’LE DRY GOODS, 111-: A D V-M AI) K C I.OT IIIN rj, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, (JOTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, &c., &c. t'orner .Market and GillespieSt., Fayetteville, N. C. Dec. 17, 1855. 02-tf Worth & Utley, Forwarding aiitl (jciHM’al Coininissioii MERCH AXIS, FaifeitevUle^ .V. f. .1. A. WOUTII. (72tf) JOS. UTLKY. LOVEIII) I:LI)1UD(JK, • tftornetf at tjaw, WILL atteinl the (Courts of Johnston and Samp son (Jounties. Smithtield, ,\|iril 15, 1850. '.♦G-tf 1 Fdifettcville ('andy Mttnufactortj. ^11 E subscriber still continues to manuf.icture a GREEN A: WEAR, “Watch Makers, Jewellers, w F j''4 'jt' ^ 11 VV. vviij.iA.vis .y co. AVE just received a large and well selected as sortment of HARDWARE .VND GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer chants. .March 17, 1855 84- superiir article of plain and fj^.cy C.XNL'IES at the old stand, (No. 5, Green street, 3 doors North, of the Market House,) where he wouM be happy to see his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March 1, I85;{. 78tf i>i. .IA«. 1'. rouLki:s, Corner of Hay and iJoualt/son Streets, opposite the Faj/etteviUt Hotel, WOL'LD respectfully call the .“itten- tion of his friends aud customers to his complete stock of DRUGS, .n i: D1€I.\ EM, Oils, Faints and Dye-Stuffs, Which he is now receiving, .and will offer at prices as low as they can be bought at in this market His object is to sell Medicine that can be depended upon, as he buys none but the genuine article. Constantly on hand Burning Fluid, Camphene, Spirits Tarj^entine-, Alcohol, Brandies and Wines, (for Medical purposes;') Congress Water, Citrate Magnesia, East India Castor Oil. March 16, 1850. 87-tf \U CKO. WII IlillIRS \BOlli r. T. Ihllill k sows STORK, an y 20, 185'j. G4ypd .1. C. FOI'}, DEALER IN S FAPLE cV FAXCY DRV GOODS, HATH, (^APS, liOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-.MADE CLOTHING. Particular .attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and i common. Trimmings. Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C. MayiSU, 1»56. 4-tf XEW GOODS. \M now receiving my Fall and Winter Stock of GKIH’EKIES, HARDWAKE A.\D CUTLERY. These goods were bought lato in the^season, and consequently at reduced prices. .My stock of If OO'FK and S>HOK^» is complete, embracing many kinds of extra sizes; Blankets, Kerseys, Ac.: Ifats, fine and THOS. J. JOHNSON, Old Stand, near the Cape Fear Bank and Market place. Nov. 12. 62-tf .Hofallo^raplic^r^, J|AVING nssuciated themselves of carrying on the above branches of business, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Fayetteville anI surrounding country, that they have leased the Store on the North-West corner of the Fayetteville Hotel Building, on Hay street, where they are prepared to executc orders in the above branches in a satisfactory and workmanlike manner, and re spectfully solicit a share of public patronage. R. D. Guekn. j. s. W'kak. R. R. D. GREEN, W'atch Maker, respectfully bogs leave to return his thanks to his very numerous patrons while having charge of the Watch Department in the firm of Messrs. Beasley A Houston, and hopes the work done by him in the past may be a sufficient recommendation for the future. N. B. All Watches to be repaired will be taken apart in the presence of the owner, and a written es timate given of necessary repairs, which will be war ranted for Twc Years. April 5b 84-tf LT)sr. L.\ST Night, between the Market House ami the Dobbin House, a small PORTE MONNI.\, con taining about i;25 or $30, consisting of two Five Dol lar Gold pieces, three Two-and-a-Half Gold pieces and four One Dollar Gold; also some small change and a bill or two. \ suitable reward will be given for the recovery of the above described Purse and Money. W.M. .McLEOD. Fayetteville, June 4, 1850. lO-tf Cape Fear liaiul for Sale. fBlHE Subscriber otTers for sale THREE HUNDRED Jl and EIGHTV-FIVE Acres of Lan' on Cape Fear Eiver below Smith’s Ferry, in Cumberland county, running with the river to the lands of .Mrs. Byrd A portion of the land is cleared anil fenced. It is well adiipted to the cultivation of corn, oats and the usual crops of the river lands. The part uncleared has on it some gooil swan p, which may be c.isily pre pared for use. It will be sold on a credit of twelve months. Persons wishing to buy can call on the owner at this place. J. G. SHEPHERD. April 8. 94-tf m\m; AM) mmvAi goods. .Among which mav' be found for the Ladies, Bliick and colored Silks; Silk Tissues and Bareges; Challies aud Battiste; Brilliiintes; Printed Lawns; J.a- conets and Organdies; .laconet, .Swiss, and Plaid Muslins; Embroiilered Swiss Muslin; Edgings and In sertions; Collars and Underslccves; Embroidered Flirts; Corded, Cactus, Grass, and Whalebone Skirts: Cra]ie. Silk, and Straw Bonnets; and a large and handsome assortment of French, English, and .Vmerican Prints: Gloves; Hose, iScc. FOR THE GENTLEMEN. Cloths, Fancy .and Black Cassiineres; Vesting: W'hite, Brown and Bufi', Linen Drills; Irish Linen; Dr.ib D’Ete; Farmer’s Satin; Farmer’s Drill; Moleskin. Panama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf Hats; and a large assortment of Ready Made Clothing, S.C., &c. —ALSO— Pioots and .Shoes; Umbrellas and Parasols, Bleached and Brown Shirting ;inil .Sheeting, and every variety in the Yankee Notion line, which will be sold at a small .advance for (!.VSH, or on time to punctual cus tomers, cither at Wliolesale or Retail. B. F. I’EARCE, Late Pearee .i Fergnson. Hay St., Fayetteville, March T.*, 1850. 88-tf WHO WOULD HAVE T/IOL’CHT 177 ne>n Carrimje Estiiblishnient on the MiHtnn/ (ireeu, opposite the M‘thoilist (’hitn-h, frontijuj on Mum/'ord Sti'i i-t. (JREAT EX rERrRlSi:! riMIE Subscribers would respectfully inform tiieir I friends and the public, that they h.ave entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general C.VRRl.VGE^BUSlNESS in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully un derstanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and tlurability. One of the firm m.-iy 1)G known by reference to .V. II. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfactiim for twelve mouths. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRAN IN. J.\MKS H. PiKB JaMKS BkA.MN. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. 02tf DISSOLITTIOX. r a^HE firm of H.VLL ij- .S.Vt’KETT is this d.i}’ dis- JL solved by mutual consent. The business of tiie firm will be setlloil by .1. II. Hall or E. Hall, who alone are authorized to use the name of the firm in liquidation. J. II. H.VLL, A. E. HALL, T. .M. S.-VCKETT. 1 Fayetteville, N. C., Jan’y lU, 18oti. 70-tf EW VOLUMES OF THE FOUR GREAT BRITISH REVIEWS, namely, ED1NBUR(JH, NORTH BRITISH, WEST.MINSTER, ANU LONDON (QUARTERLIES. AND BL.VCKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (MONTHLY), Cominenceil with North British for November, 1855, and the other Reviews and ISlackwood for January, 1850. Ti-rms of Suhxcription.—.\ny one Review or Black wood, a year. lilackwood and one Review—or any two Reviews, '*;5. Tiie four Reviews and Black wood, Four copies to one address, (which should be paid quarterly in advasce) on the four Reviews and Blackwood to any Post Office in the United .States, only 80 cents a year: namely, 14 cents a year on each Review, and 24 cents a year on Blackwood. .Address, L. SCOTT j- CO., Publishers, 54 Gold Street, corner of Fulton, N. Y. I Xew Mctiioti for tlic Guitar, by ; Ch.irlcs C. Converse; Hunten's Instructions for the I Piano Forte; Burrowes' Piano Forte Primmer. Fur- ' ther supjilies just received E. J. H,\LE & SON. Nov. 19. J(.)NES’s Views of the Seats, Mansions, Castles, &c. of Noblemen and Gentlemen in Scotland. I The Book of Scottish P>allads. The Scottish (J:rl: The Book of Ballad.s, by Bon Gaultier: .McFingal, by Tcnmbull; Lillian and other 1 Poems, by Praed; Watson’s Dictionary of Poetical ! tiuotations: Ballads, by W. Harrison Ainsworth; Leigh : Hunt’s Stories in Verse; Allinghaiu’s Poems; Hogg’s ■ Tales; The tiueens of England of the House of Hano- i vcr, by Dr. Doran; The Noctes .Ambrosiamc of Black wood; Bohn’s New Hand Book of Games; Tiie W'ar of the .Allies, from the Correspondent of the London Tiiucs; Novelties, Inventions and Curiosities in Arts and .Manufactures; &c. E. J. HALE iSt SON. .April 2o. «Ko Has .trrired: Great Iron Wheel Examined,” by Parson A Browulow, price •>! 00, just rec’d. Postuge on it by mail is 18 cents. .Also, a few more of the ‘ Great Iron Wheel,” by Parson (iraves. E. J. HALE i: SON. .May 28. FI R'nii'JiSrPPLIESOF BOOKS. HISS .Murray’.s Travels in the U. States and Can ada; The Table Talk oi Samuel Rogers; Knowles' Dramatic Works; Memoir of S. S. Prentiss; Ernest Linwood, by .Mrs. llentz; The .American De bater; Hart's Class l>ook of Poetry; Union Bible Dic tionary; Wild Western .Scenes: Dana's Muck .Man»ial; .Methodist Hymns and Discipline; Le Brun’s Tele- maiiue; Blank Books, School Books, &c. E. J. HALE j- SON. .May 2S. 8- ('oriinrdtion Bonds of the 'roll'll of ruijcttei'iUr for Sale! A GKEEABLE to an .Act of the General .Assembly l\^ ot the Stale of .North Carolina, ratified Dec. 25 1852, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue her to She amount of -■*il(M),000, in the aggre gate. for the {lurjiose of paying her subscription to the Western Hail Roa.l Company. Tlierel'ore, it is onlcred by the Commissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive sealed j.roj i.sals, until the 1st of November next, for ! the iiurchase of i?50,OO0, in sums of i500 each of said ! lionds, or any part thereof. Bonds to run twenty I years, with (Coupons attached,—interest payable semi annually. The said Bonds shall be under the seal of the (.'orporation, and binding on the faith of the same. WM. W ARDEN, Town Treasurer. 39- Sept. 2*1, 1855. DEEP RIVER COAL. Bituminous CO.VL of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price b}' the Ton. McCL.ANL, May 21, 1H'>i',. WM. Mining Engineer. G-tf DWELLIXi; FOR SALE. r|’i|1E Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling I and Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Hu8s«*ll Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erambert. Terms reasonable. Possession given on the 1st Octo ber next. ii- J" HALE. .May 29. 8*

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