S E M I» W K E K 1, Y. I VOL. VI.l FAYETTEVILT.E, N. C., Al OrST 2r>, VO. 533.1 rUINTFU MONDAYS ANU THURSDAYS i:d\vard j. halk & son. F.DITOHS AN'U 1‘KOPRIETOHS. Pnoe for the Semi-Wft'kly Obskuvep. $3 00 if paid in aJvnnce: f>0 if paid durinj; the year of s’ll'Hcrip- tion; or aftt-r the year has i-xpired. For the Weekly Observer !j!2 00 per anuuui, if paid in aUTanct: $- 60 if paid during the year ol'subscrip- tion: or $:? 00 alter the year has expired. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted for sixty cents per p juare of Iti lines for the first, and thirty cents for each s'lccenjiug publication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are r. juested t ^ state the number o'insertions desired, or thev will be continued till forbid, and charged acccrd- mgh. Letters to the Editor® must be post-paid. Advertisement® to be inserted inside, charped 50 per cent, extra. T. C. B. G. WORTH, Coininis?5ioii *.V Forwardin" Merchants, RROWN’S nUILDlNQ, WATER STREET, Wilmiii^rtoii, 1'. Usual Hdv.'ince.‘ made on consignments. Ja»i’3 17, 185‘>. 63-tf 17, 185.‘>, Fa vet to villi’ JOSEPH RAKER, Jr., ATTORl^EY AT LAW, Has taken an office next door to Wni. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853. 79-tf HE Subscribers havin.c; this day leased this Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased to see their friends and the travelling public at this House. At tlie same time we hope they will be patient anl bear with our imperfections until we shall have put tlie House in such repair n.“ we desire. J H. ROBERTS & CO. J. H. Roberts. F. N. Robkrts. March 1, 1855. 80-tf BENJAMIN R. IIUSKE, ATTORi^EY AT LAW, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ^VAY be found at the Office formerly occupied by Walter A. Huske, Esq., on Bow Street. Will attend the Counties of Moore, Cumberland and Robeson. And obtain Bounty Land and Pensions under the various acts. March 15, 1855. 84 tf DCT^ 'riie tVieiuls of Capt. \V. \V . FRIZELL announce him as a suitable Candidate for the office of MAJOR of the "3d Regiment. Election to take place on 12th of September. ( apt. Frizell is an old i^oldier, and will make a good Field Officer. Aug. 12. ^0 te QC7= We arc authorized to announce Adjutant WM. ALDERMAN as a Candidate for LIEUT. COLONEL of the 3:iii Regiment N. C. .Militia. Elec tion on the 12th September. Aug. 12. ;iO-te nCr* The tVientls of J. E. BR\ AN present his name as a candidate f'>r the LIEUTENANT COLONELCY of the 33d Regiment. Election the 12th September. August 18, Ibot). 30*tl2S SHE3IVVELL HOUSE. FAYETTKVILI>E, C. EaRf siiie uf Green Street, a few Doors North oj the Market House. T^HE Subscriber desires through this medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water Le takes plensure in saying to his patrous and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permar.ent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used tc render them comfortable during their , sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market alfords. I V. SH EM WELL. I March 24, 1855. 8r)-tf . ANDREW J. STEDMAN, -ITTORJIEY AT L.UV, Having removed to Pittsborough, N. C., will at tend regularly, the Courts of Chatham, Moore, and Harnett Counties. April 10, 1855. 91-tf rjpiiE ANNUAL MEETING. .Vnnukl Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fayetteville & .\lbemarle Flank Road Company will take place on THURSDA\, the 2hth August, at 12 o'clock, in the Town Hal; in Fayetteville. J. G. COOK, President. .\ug. 15. 31-tm \v. HUSKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CLERK AND MASTER IN EQUITY. Fayittbvillk, N. C., May be found at the Equity Office, in the Court House. Sept. 22, 1855. 38-tf T ArSTEAI^^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, DOBBIN HOUSE! POWERS & TROY, Proprietors. i fBIHE Proprietors of this Establishment | i a”,Pounce to the public, that owing to j the constantly increasing patronage extend- , ed to them, they hav« been induced to en- j large the accommodation by the addition of TTENDS the Courts Wake and Johnston Feb’y 13, 185tJ. Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. of Cumberland, Harnett, 78-lvr “LAW COPARTNERSHIIV' WE, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law Copartnership, and will practice in the ('ourts of the following counties of this Slate: Chitham, Cum- an extensive '>ining Room on the lower tloor, and suite berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. LO(^K AT THIS,—$5 Reward. ^TR.AYED from Dr. Ira Davis, 4 or o weess since, 20 miles abo^e this place, a RED H.*UND DUG, called “Red,” common sije and well formed, and very smooth tongueJ. The above Reward will be paid for I ;hi» dog or information that will recover him, with my thank* also. J. WADDILL, Jr., Fayetteville. Aug. 16. 3i-4w NOTICE. the Magistrates of Harnett County; You are ■ hereby notified to attend at Summerville, on MouJay, the'?tii 'f September, fcr the transaction of I'ountv husiness * G. PLGR.-V.M, Clerk. ■Vug. It!, ISij'i. 31-3t SELLING AT COS'F. KEING desiro'u of dosing our presei.i business, we o'fer our r«-in.iiuiag sfUCH. OF GOL*DS .Ar T. for Cjih. Those in>ltot^;d to ns v.i ’ jleag*; m-kke imtred’.Hti payiiitQt. .St I!.. K.v\ x i. 0. Aug i»'. ;ii tf_ FK\I\l.i; I S 'I I i'TTi;. ^I'^HIS lus'ituti'>ii w M rv-.i ne -s •■per ition« i.gtiii 01' \i tND X V. the Mi. •• t.l' 1 K iiKR The chirgCB will ne th? saoit- hs tlie;' h:ivf> been for the last year Board ->10 per m'.atn. including wanh ing, lighif* Jrc. L. C Gil.\VES, A. M., w 'O has served us so long and effi'-’iently ss Prinripa'. of the Indftute, rcw a.sti hns charge of the Stew ard's Itepartment, which rtn-! ders it doubly s-ure that this deptrt ucnt will be con- j ducted to the entire satisfaction ot all. .Mr .''tradella wil' continue in charge of the ^5uBical Department; anj Mrs Sti-»della 'he Department of Painting, s.c. H .■\. iUZZclLL, Sec’y Board of Trustees. Clinton, July 25, 185C. 30-tf ot Rooms or. the second floor; thus enabling them to accommodate all '..ho may favor them with a call. And they pledge themselves to an increased exertion^to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in at tendance The eligible ’ocation of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors iu providing for the com- f')rt of their patrons, they hope will secure t# them a liberal share of the travel. The Western and Southern Stagen arrive at and de part from this House. Carriage* in attendance on arrival .*nd departure of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses and Carriages furnished at any notice for car rying travellers to anv part of the adjacent country. J. W POWERS.' W. C. THOY. Fayetteville, May 12, 1850. 3tf A CARD. • FE subscribci tenders his services to the citizens of FavettcvMe and the surroundins: country, as MASTER BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER,'and notice that h" id ready to contract for work in nifi line, at tli^ !o*f.>Br- I'jh prices. S. F. DICK.^C'N. fayctteviile *>ot 9, 'S,)4. 38(f J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 1856. 72tf T' (’REECH, I GROCER & COTVIMISSIOW MERCHANT,! NORTH WATER ST., WILMINGTON, N. C., WHKT’ILL pay diligent attention to the sale of all' w ¥ kinds of Produce and Na'';»l Stores. Money advanced on coueignnicnts when required, avoiding | unnecessary charges and “ending prompt returns. He has on hand and is constantly receiving, (iROCERIES ! suitable to the wants of country .MercliHrte and Far- | merti. Has in store and shall always keip on hand a | large stock of LIQUOP.S, »nd s imo Wines, London I Porter, Brown Stout, Scotch Ale: and shall receive i weekly, FRUITS, «uch as Oranges, Lemons, Apples ami Ra^;^ins, which will be sold at wholesale very low | for Cash. (Juick sales and small prwtitsi J. ('REECH. June 4, 1850. 11- (iOI.DSBOROUGH FKnil.E HE third Session of this Institution commences on Wednttsday, the oil of Jan’y 1855, and ends on the 3d of J une, 1855. Rsv. JAS. H. BRENT, A. B., Presidi-nt. Dr. Moroan C1.0SS, late of Chapel Hill, Professor of Mathematics. And a full corps of Teachers iu every branch. Board, including Washing, Lights, Fuel, &c., per session, $50 00 Tuition in Primary Department, •'SIO 00 Collegiate Department, $20 00 One hundred dollars will cover all expenses of the session in the Collegiate course and all ornamental branches. Pupils iu primary department charged the usual price for ornamental branches. One half payable in advance. Three Lectures on scientific subjects will be delivered each month. We are making every effort to rentier the School the first in advantages and cheapness, and pledge to reduce prices, and multiply the advantages in proportion to the increase of patronage. When our number of pupils reaches 200 we shall be able to reduce the prices nearly one half, ever}' one aiding us, is also aiding in placing the means of a superior education within the reach of almost every giri in the State. We return thanks for the unexampled support wt h.ave had and believe it will be continued, i'or further information apply to the President of the faculty, o» myself. W.\I. K. L.VNE, Pres’t Stockholders. Dec. 13, 1854. 57-tf Si rpi H. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICE on corner of Front and Princess street, under Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf ~ THOSrn. TILLINGH AS’1\ Amle.non Street, opposite North of E. J. Hale rf’ Son » Bookstore. HUSIC, Magazines, and all descriptions of Books are bound in all styles in the best and most substantial manner, on terms, the same an at any I place in the South. Persons wishing to know the i prices of binding, will be supplied with a list person- j ally or by letter. Sept. 25, 1855. 30-tf 1 1 Or. K. A. BLACK. FFICE Front Rooms, over L'r. S. Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 18'*0. Jiinsmi.c o 70-tf ’.UT'FE’iLOH vV C()\S LIVE, #'«/• S*iiss€it;;ers and Freiishi, FANNY LUTTEKLOH leaves h. T. c. w oirni, GENERAL COTnWISSION MERCHANT, I^TE^MER ' V ’larf at Favetfvi'le at sun-ri-if on Mondays un I Tlin-s- dKyb, and at Wilmington on Tuesdays and Friinys 10 o’clock, -V. .M., ^P:issenfr''r' nn^l Freights.) .Stenner Kowan 'in good rep.iii.) with good Flats, will run regularly tor Freights J. F. M.ARSH, .\gent Fayetteville. W. P. ELLIOTT, Agent Wilmington. .\'igust 7. 18'>5. 2;>tf J \V 11..MING I ON, l'\ c. f.Stf SALT ON CONSKJNMENT. S.ALT stored in Campbellton, wnich I want to sell this week. JAS. G. COOK 4»8 .\ug. IS. 3I-2t NEGROES FOR SALE. %*;^ILL be sold on MOND.W of .'September County ▼ ¥ Court, at the .MarUtt House, the following like ly Negroes: Mary aged 2^. Eliza aged 24. Dave *• IS. John “ iO. William *• 7 or fc. Cicero “ 4. Posseseiou given the 1st Jan’y, 1857. Terms, three months’ credit for approved notes THOMAS RHODES. Aug. II, 1856. 31-ts Goods at VV holesak*. TBIHE Subscribers beg leave to advise their custom- ers and .Merchants generally, that they have received a part and expect to receive the balancn of their recent purchases in a few days. Their Stock will be much larger and more complete than they have ever offered, embracing a general assortment of GROCERIES, Together with Hardware and Cutlery, Hollow Ware, Saddlery, Sboes, Leather, (S:c., All of which have been bought by one of the firm ex pressly for the Wholesale Trade. Their terms will be as heretofore, on the usual time to prompt dealers. To cash burers a reasonable discount will be made. GE«). W. WILLIAMS X CO. Fayetteville, August 13, 1850. 30-tf Biograpiiicai Sketch of Henry ,\. Wise, with a History of the Political Campaign in Vir ginia in 1855, by James P. Hanibleton, M. D. £. J. HALE & SON. _ Narrative ot the Exj)edition of an •■\meric‘in Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, b] Cota. Perry, U. S. Navy, with numerous illustrations, edited by Rev. Dr. F. L. Hawks. .\lso, further supplies of .Mrs. Hentz’s Novels; Miss Murray’s Travels through the U. S.; .'litchell’s Tra veller’s Guide; Steel Pen.=j, J‘C E. J. UALE .j- HON. .\ug. 12. Cap* Fear Land for Sale. ^■IHE Subscriber offers for sale THREE HUNDRED B- and EIGHTY-FIVE .A.crep of Land on Cape Fear Kiver below Smith’s Ferry, in (’umberland county, running with tlie river to the lauds of Mrs. J’yrd. A portion of the laud is cleared and fenced. It is well adapted to the cultivation of corn, oats and the usual crops of the river lands. The part uncleared WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT IT? A new Garrloije Establishment on the Military Green, opposite the Methodist Church, fro\itixj on Mumford Street. GRe7vF EN'rERPRISE! l>4»iiii«l to Sliiiie!! ri'^HE subscribers would respectl'uily inform their friends and tht puhlic, that they have entered iMto copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general CAUUIAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. -And being l*oth practical workmen, fully un derstanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establiishment in Fayetteville i as to style and durability. j One of the tirm may be known by reference to A. i H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. | We warrant all work to give general satisfaction j for twelve months Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. i PIER & BRANIN. ' Jamks H. Pikr. Jamks Branin. | Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1863. 62tf Aireyicij of i^orlh Carolina Mutual In- j ^ , I surancc Company. ^I'^HE subscriber having been appointed Agent for I the above Company, will be pleased to take Risks iu this place and vicinity, on the most reasonable terms. AUG. W. STEEL. July 5, 1850. 19-3m FaifettevUle Gandif Manufactory. rjlHE subscriber still continues to manufacture a Jl- superior article of plain and fanc^' CANDIES at the old stand, (No. 5, Green street, 3 doors North, of the Market House,) where he would be happy to Bee his old friendp and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March i, 1853. 73tf svm*pMjY\ CNaULEs liANivS, r; .v^’ £ c Tto.vE n, wholesale AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fjreijn Fruits, Xuts, Cigars, Toiacro, Snujf,iirr Fayetteville, N. C. 73tf P. ELLIOTT, General Commission and Forioarding Merchan WILMINGTON, N. C. June 10, 1854. 4tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. ~ €o n nmsio X AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, W*ilniington^ .V. €\ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made ou Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold iu this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 07 grocerh:s and hardware. ■^HE subscriber has in Store a good assortment of Goods in the GROCERY and HARDW.ARE LINE; all of which will be sold wholesale or retail, or bar tered for country produce, on terms the most reason able. \ saiall lot of S.VDDLERY for sale cheap. Give us a call. G. W'. I. GfLDSTON. N. B. .Any of my friends in the country having busi ness to transact in this place, such as renewals, ic , can have it done on the usual terms, by sending same tp my caro. G. W. I. (). Fayettevillw, Sept. 27, 1855. ^ 3'.*tl' BEDSTEADS! liEDSTEADS!! JUST received from the .Manufacturer, Ira Hersey, a supjdv of H E D STE»1D S of various patterns, and made of good seasoned timber. These Bedstead? are manufactured in this place, and can he sold to dealers as low as they can be got fjom the North. Call and exa.niuf. A. M. CAMPBELL. -\pril 9. *4-y ~ VALUABLE iMU)PERTY FOii pf OFFEll for iale, my L.A.ND.S in the Town of Fay- JUl ettevi'.l^, about i 30 .\C!-e. kiioivu as the mUMFORD 3WAM?. .About ^0 Acres of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. so, the near the .Market .''■lU^ir^, oco jpied l>y Mr. .John A PiMui)' rton. i .V Largi- and V liu.v^V Lot. fr(.n'.i:ig on I' lU.-ildson, I Maxwell HI. 1 Mumford .st-t-ets. known :is the Hotel Garden L"t.—■I'nui 1 be divi'l.'d into sever il Building i.uts—v{ry in-ar I'lo new Fein ih“ High .School Buildings Also, the Stab.e Lot adjoining, fronting on .MuruCord Street. Several DE>IRAHLE BUILDING LOTS on both I Winslo\’ and Mumford Streets. .All this property can now he purchased on fMvora- I b)e terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and I Mortgage if desired. j THO. J. CUI’vTIS. Oct. 10, 18.55. ■ 43-tf J. W. liAKER Is now recoiviuji t’ruui tlie N'»rth the , liirgest, linest, and most caref’nlly se lected stock of Ki: ever offeied in th's market; which, Hilded to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of j which he vill sell on the lowest possible terms for cash j or on time to punctual customers. | Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in j setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; I Looking Glasset; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side j Boards; Bureaus: Secretaries and Book-Case.^^; What- ; Notp; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; ; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades: j Cornices; Curtain Bauds; Sofas in Mahogany and ! Walnut; Tote a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; 1 Chairs of every variety. ■ Fine Ito.sewood Pianos, one with ^Eolian At- , tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from tlie bet manulac- ' tories in New Yftrk and Boston, warranted as good as | any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York ■ prices—freight only added. November 2, 1854. 45if i\ortli Carolina Headers. ^H'lHE Undersigned are prepared to furnish, whole- Ji. sale and retail, ujmn ver>; fiirorablr tfrms, to Teachers, Booksellers, Merchants, Book Pedlars, and ^ others, tho «iiCKlBS of x^iORTil CAItOI.IMA Nos. 1 and 2, by I’uofe.ssor Hi i:hari>, i of the University of North Carolina, and No. 3 by | Calvin H. Wilky, Esq. now Superintendent of Com- , mon School*. E. J. HALE ^ ."^ON. ' LA W llOOK;^. ” ^■IHE Subscribers have ou hand, and will promptly JL fill orders for Worth Carolina Supreme Court Reports, ! in sets or in single volumes. Ire'leU' - Digest and ! Digested .Manual. Jones's Digest, iicvi.^ed Statutes of North Carolina. Wiley’s New Foria Bjok. STuRY, on Sales, Bills, Contrjots, Partnership, Agency, Equity Jurisprudence, Equity Pleadings. -ARCHBtjLD, on Practice, Criiuinal Practice and Pleading, Landlord and Tenant. CHITTY, on Contracts, Criminal Law, Biackstone, | Medical Jurisprudence. . SUGDEN, on Vendors and Property. | POWELL, on .Morrgages, and Contracts. S.MITH, on .Actions at Law, .Master and Servant, Landlord jind Tenant, Chancery Practice. SANDERS, on Pleading and Evidence, Uses and Trusts, Reports. RUSSELL, on .Arbitration, Factors, Crimes. •HOFF.M AN'S Legal Study, and .\laster.-i in Chancery. WILLl.AMS on Personal Property WHEATON'S Selwyn's Nisi t’nus. W U .ARTON, on Americai. L:'.w o;' !Uimi» I !e Medi cal Juri^p rudence, State irial« in tiio L'liti-. St itos. .American Crimi’ial Law, Law I'lt a-. Stephen on Pleading Kt.;ier on Lt :.r. oi Vendors. Fearre on I’^euiaiud'.M U'ents. CoKe ut)un Lit'.;et):i, li i.g' it.; . ’ • . - new »dlt*on. ''lent''* •’■•miu-;..: u ‘ i D irt’s Vendors aii'i i*urch.i>«.is ii i.e.ii , . -i ams' Ftjuity. Troutiat'.- Lu'.v o; i.ii.i"ea !• llught!-' Equity Lraughtsm>iu I'iii. ij > ,i r .i; Evidence. ires.ey oji Liw.' c4 I 'i Bills and ProUli^^ory NoiC'. li • ii i ivi. . w. Lewis s U. S. riniin li L ns' ;• i ii i ■ i;, I’ractico. lio.sc.je’f' ( riniirial l',\)n the Law ol Niarriage. L'oli_ver"'! I’li'. er-lini. 'ii- eu- leaf on Evidence. Oliver on i''>nvey.iu i:n:. l.'urti-^V Conveyancer. Burr'li's L.iw Mctionai .■ I’rui.-^e ^ n Real I’ropert}'. Tajiier s L.aw Oioas.ir,\. Ci:iOo .ci Real Property, lieeves Douiest;t; Kelalij:is. les on l!il!s. Beil on ;-ale. !.t e oii .Vr .itratiou ! itit?. .•^hars'v.'od’s Prot-jsi ilia’, f.tuics. l> iriou c ■ ;ai ii. Equity \\ ills on t iicuin.'ita:iti;il EviiieuC-.*. (. linsn's L.iudloid ami Tenant. \\:its^a oi» r .' imi U^ire (in Discove'’v. >-i.piiinl Oii lloises. iiit>vori s Equity . I'n^edent'. ..i^riis t.n ive|i'ev.ii. :;iv> e_N’s Eijuuy L'idciioe. Bisin’p on .'lai'vi ige au'i invvic I vl.athew’s I’rcsumptive L.uieni'e ivoDtiisoii on Suc cession. Ellis ijn Insaiuuce. Lewi,^ on t!;e Law of Perpetuity. Philliui‘.c oii t'onncn Car\ '.>n t’lii- nership i:i L s'S Fel' m 1/u .i .mlc.'s \i- l.tnd on Contracts. i'^nulyn's »Mi..ncerv Lvi.ience. »_vc. Thtse or other L.aw Books or'ieie'i will he supi^iui' SCHOOL ROOKS; ALTSCHMIDT’S Latin Dictiouary: Kendrick’s Gree'i ()nendorff; Greenfield’s Greek Testament anil Lexicon; Herodotus,— Leipsic Edition; Anthon’s Classical Dictionary Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon: Anthon's llor ice: Bullion’s Latin Readers and iraMmars; Mor.we's (J‘.*o^raphy; Goo-irich's 1'ttorial U. StMtes; Willard’s U Stages; BuIHot’.’s Eng. Grani- inar; (;reenleat”fi Arithmetics and Keys; MctJutfey's Readers; '.Jnackenhos' 1st Lessons; Comstock’s, t.’iiem- istry, (Xf., ^u-^t received and lor sale bv E. J. H'aLE & SON. .']iril 5. lU)()iv i/l^'Dl^RY.^ W. II.AUDIE has resumed the Book Binding Business, over the Tail.>r Shop of ^lark it Woodwar I. wiiere he will receive aud execute Jbinding in any style d»sired. .August 1 27-tf R. Ni:w STOCK OF Books aiul Stationery. W'E are now receiving our usual New Stock of BOOKS and ST ATIONERY, embracing a great variety of SCHOOL, LAW, MSDICAL AND MISCELLANKOUS BOOKS. Together with a large and varied stock of iilank Hooks, P;iper, Envelopes, &c. Couitry Merchants and other* r.re invited to call, as we otfer the above stock on the best terms. Oct. 6. E. J. HALE & SON. Co[)yiii;L? Ini just received. June 4. and Co})ying Rooks E. J. HALE & SON. JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. ^ j'^HE subscribers have for sale, the 2d volume of the X Reports of Law Cases in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, by H. C. Jones, Esq. Just published. Also, Supreme Court Reports generally, and other Law Books. E. J. HALE & SON. BisHoi' \mm. ^S|^HE 2d edition, (with hundreds of typograj)hical M errors of the old edition corrected,) is published for the benefit of the .Missionary cause of the Episco pal ?hurch in North Carolina. The price of the 2 vols. is, in clijth binding, ij;4, in sheep $4 50. Orders, accompanied in every instance by cash, may bo ad dressed to E. J. HALE SON. Fayetteville, May 8, 185ti. PrctKsi lor Kale. rfflHE Subscribers have for sale an Imperial No. 4 I Washington Hand Press, 2d hand. It will be sold cheap, deliverable in Petersburg, Va. It is said to be a good Press and in good order. June 4, 1855. E. J. HALE & SON. The new Revis(‘(l Statutes. ''S|^HE Subscribers havp received on consignment, a jS. few copies of the New Revisal. Price !j>4, on E. J. HALE & SON. Jan’y 21. EW VOLUMES OF THE FOUR GUEaT BRITISH RliVli:W.';. natnelv, ...•IM‘,1 R ,il, north' iUllTlSH, WESTMINSTER, AND Lt^NDON VRTEKLIES. ..ND P.'.ACJ'^WooD’S E'/IVBUKGH MAGAZINE ( W* N I' I L/ I \ • »r.,'ii.'t''1 witii .V. rlh Liiiii.-,h for Noveniber, 1855, :i'.- t.n 1 ivevu'ws and Bliickwood for January, T'/'/ion. — Any one Review or Bl'.ck- v. jo.t, iCj a \- :r. Bi;ickwvK>ci K:id or.e Review—or iii\ '’.v ) !.• '. '. •'ji'i. T.'je 'our Kevi.-ws and Black- wo' ;. : ■ I -.I." copH'3 to one r.d jress, (which slio’ild t>e paul quarterly in advance) on lour Reviews and Biacuwood to an_\ Post Office in tiie ! u'tel .S' i,e-i. only HO cent* a ye.ir: namely. 14 criitH .1 year oi\ e:icb Review, and 24 cen^ a year on B.JlCiiA’o'i.J. Vddress, L SCOTT CO., Publishers, 51 Gold .>neet, corner of Fulton, N. Y. New Metliod I'or tfie Ciuitar, by Ch'irlts (’ (’onverse; Hunten’s instructions for the rii'io rorte; I’.urr iwe-*’ Piano Forte Primmer. Fur- tht r si.iqiiie-. just r-ceived E. J. H.ALE A: SON. Nov. I'j. to the t’rofes-ision in an,’ pari of tUe .''tnte on rejtso able terms. E J. .V J. S. I3ANlvS, €oiiiiiii»»ion .Tlerchant, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1856. 66-tf REDUCED I'AilE. Through Tickets between Wilmington, N. C.'., and Balti more. Fare-‘j;K?. Via VVeldon, pftersburg, RichHicnd, & Wash- ington City, or via Wehlon, Portsoiouth .ind Norl'olk. !• )i Tickets apply at theOfiice the A'ilniiiigton and Raleigh Rail Road Com]).'iny, at Wil mington, or at the t^rlice of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, anu of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1, 1852. f Dr. .IAS. F. FOULKES, Corner of Hay and Donaldson Streets, opposite the Faj^etteville Hotel, WOLLD respectfully call the atten tion of his friends and customers to his complete stock of DRUGS, yi e:Di€i.\ e^!$, Oils, Paints and Dye-3tnflfs, Which he ’-s now rectiviug, and will offer at prices as low as they can be bought at in this market His object is to sell .MeTiciuiTThat can be depended upon, as he buys none but the genuine article. Constantly on hand S. M. THOiVlAS, DEALER IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, &c., &c. Comer-Vlarket and Gillespie St., Fayetteville, N. C. Dec. 17, 1855. G2-tf .Worth & Utley, Forwarding and General Commission MERCHANTS, Fayetteville^ JY, J. A. WORTFl. (72tf) JOS. UTLKT. loveriTeldridge, JRttorney at Mjaw., WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. 96-tf SlMRir BARRELS. A LWAYS on hand and for sale at the lowest mar- ket price, SUPERIOR SPIRIT BARRELS. G. W. WILLIAMS k. CO May 28. 4-tf Smithfield, .April 15, 1856. G. VV\ WlUJA^liT ^ C(X HAVE just received a large and well selected as sortment of hardware AND GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer chants. .March 17, 1855 84- Jflarbie Factory. By GEO. LAUDER. TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. IIAIGII & SON’S STORE, Favetfeville, Jan’y 20, 1856. 64ypd SCUPPERNi^VcTGliAPES. E wish to contract for 1,000 or more bushels of Scuppernong Grapes, to be delivered next fall. Apply to J. H. Roberts & Co., at Fayetteville Hotel. w JL s r PCUi.iSl h’/t), nttii €Un'i'i‘rtf’4l HjtikfitPtt of Devereux’s Jdquity, VoL 2. t^^OR SU.WE jf.ir.s pasi tliis vo;uuie k the Repo?ts | of llte riiipreme I'ouit >; N o iJi t' ir>din:i ba- bten | out of print. The tuosoribtrj; h ive pi ii.t'-U ji lid edi- ' tioi), revised .m l c ri’ LtC'l, whicli they will lie li.ijqiy , to furnish to such g'.iitleii.et; o! the pr,.i ssion :is h.ive I incomplete sets Orvleis nre soli>.- tcd. Should they t be eiicoui:ioed sulhcie..tiv by the saie ot this volume, they propose to fjhow it by a re-prin' ol I'evereux's 1st. 3d, and 1th L.iw, -\nd Dev. x Batt;e’s 1st Law, all of which are out of print. E. .1. H.VLE .t SON. NEW HOOKS. ^■IHF; Confidential Correspon ltuce of Napoleon with J. his Brother Joseph Bonaparte; Olmsted’s Journey in the Seaboard Slave States; .Memoirs of Susan .Alli- bone; The Way of Salvation, by .Albert Barnes. Further supplies of ilethorington's History of the Church of Scotland; Bayard Taylor's ludia, China and Jap.\n; Eldora; The Ohl Iloineste.id, by .Mrs. Stephens; Rose Clark; Widow Bedot, The Escaped /Nun, The Hidden I’ath, Alone, and other popular Works. Pe terson’s Familiar Science; Short Patent Sermons, by Dow, Jr.; Banker’s Cases; and various School Books. .Just received by E. J. H.ALE At St>N. March 5. GARDENING FOR FlIE SOUTH. By W. N. White of Georgia; Courtship and Marriage, by Mrs. llentz; The Courtesies of Wedded Life, by Mrs. Leslie: Harper’s Classical Library, being literal translations of Cicero, Xenophon, Ceasar, Herodotus, Horace, ^'c. Also, further supplies of Ernest Linwood; Hiawatha; Mrs. Hentz’s Novels, 50 cts. a vol.; Johnston's .Agri cultural Chemistry; Dossey’s Choice; Trench on the Miracles: The Moral Probe: Eclogues .md Georgies of Virgil, by Anthon; Jay’s Morning and Evening Exercises; “Five Hundred Mistakes Corrected”; Smith’s Grammar; &c., just received by E. J. HALE SON. June 12, 1856. ROBERTS & BROTHERS. I2-tf 3(*.N'I:.S’s Views of the Seats, Mansions, Castles, &c. ot Ni.'bleiueri and Genriemen in Scotland. I'he IJook of Scottish Badads. '1 lie .''ciit!is!i CJh}'; The Book of Ballads, oy Bon Gau:tier; Mci'ingH;, by I'eumbull; Lillian and other Poems, l;y Praea; NVatson’s Dictionary of Poetical Quotations: B.ill.ids, by V». Harrison Ainsworth; Leigh Hunt’s fitocies it) Verse; AUingliam’s Poems; Hogg's Tales; I'lK* yu* eus of Engbind of the House of Hano ver. by Dr. l>oran; I'lie Noctes Ambrosianaa of Binck- wood; Boiui's New l!»iid Book of Games; ihe War oi' , the Allies, friiui tiie tJori espLia lent ol t l.,i>>idon ' Times; Novelties, liiveutious and t^unosities in Irto and .Manufacture.--, o:c. E. J. ll.Vi.E a: SON. April 23. nKO If•.on'lias ^.irrivetlf fc* IHE Greit Iron Wheel Examined,” by Parson A Brownlow, price •'i>l 00, just rec’d. Postage , on it by mail is lb cents. I Also, a few more ot the ‘‘Great Iron Wheel,” by Parson Graves. E. J. HALE &. SON. May 28. IT R'niER SUPPLIES OF BOOKS. HISS .Murray’s Travels in the U. States and Can ada; The Table Talk of Samuel Rogers; Sheridan Knowles’ Dramatic Works; .Memoir of S. S. Prentiss; Ernest Linwood, by Mrs. llentz; The American De bater; Hart’s Class Book of Poetry; Union Bible Dic tionary: Wild \vesterii Scenes; Dana s .Muck .Manual; Methodist Hymns and Discipline; Le Brun’s Tele- maque; Blank Books, School Books, &c. E. J. HALE 4- SON. Alay 28. 8- (Jorporation Bonds of the Town of FaypJtccHle for Sale! A GREE.ABLE to an Act of the General Assembly of the Stare of North Carolina, ratified Dec. 25 LAXn \VAURA.\rS WANTKI1! JjT AM paying the highest cash price for Land War- has on it some good sw.iinp, which may be easily pre- ‘ fiurniny Fluid, Cumphene, Spirits Turpentine) i parad for use It will be sold on a credit of tw«lv) months. Persons wishing to buy can call on tho owner at this place. J. G SHEPHERD. April 8. 94-tf Alcohol, Brandies and U/»*.«, (^for Medtcul purposes’^ ('onjrets Water, Cilratc Magnesia, East India Cattor Oil. March 16, 1866. 87-tf J. C. POE, DEALER IN STAPLE ^ FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. I Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and I Trimmings. j Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C. i May 26, 1866. ' 4-tf rants. Aug. 5. B. R. HUSKE, Attorney at Law. 27-12t l.OST. ■ -\ST Night, between the Market House and the i M-J Dobbin House, a small PORTE .MONNIA, con- ! taining about !25 or >js;50, consisting of two Five Dol- V lar Gold pieces, three Two-and-n.-Half Gold pieces and four One Dollar Gold: also some smali change and a bill or two. -A suitable reward will be given for the recovery of the above described Purse and Monej. WM. McLEOD. Fayetteville, June 4, 1856. lO-tf F'lre Insurance. TBIHE ^ETN.V, Insurance Company oi Hartford, hav- JL ing paid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Le^isl.-iture, will continue its Agency in | F;iyetteville, under the management of the unilersi'in- j ed, who is prepared to issue i’olicies of Insurance on j Buildings or Gooils, either in this Town or in any j part of the State, on proper application, description | of the Property, .S:e. | Tiie .KTN.A ('O.MPANY has been in oper ation about | 30 years. Its capital is !«i.>0(>,000. llie lion. Thos. j K. Br.tce was its hrst President, and he still holds that | olHce: and several of its tirst Din.ctors are still active | and elh«ient members of the Board. It has at all limes | sustained tiie highest character loi' the prudence of | its management, and for the liber dily wit'i which it | has ever adjusted its lo'sos. " H.VLE, .Agent. 1852, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue her Bonds to the amount of •'!>100,000, in the aggre gate, for the purpose of paying her subscription to the Western Raii Road Company. Therefore, it is ordered by the Commissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive sealeil proposals, until the 1st cf November next, for the purchase of >j;50,000, in sums of $5(X) each of said Bonds, or any part thereof. Bonds to run twenty years, with Coupons attached,—interest payable eemi- annually. The said Bonds shall be under the seal of the Corporation, and binaing on the faith of the same. WM. W.ARDEN, Town Treasurer. Sept. 2b, 1855. 39- F. Blanks for sale ht^rr. DEEP RIVER COAL. Bituminous coal of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. W.M. McCLANE, .Mining Engineer. M«y2l,185t!. _ 6-tf DWELLING FOR SALiL i rilllE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling and Lot ou the corrier of Gillespie and Russell 1 .Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erambert. i Terms reasonable. Possession given on the 1st Octo- j btr ne.xt. E. J. II.ALE. I .Mav 20. 6-

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