vol . Vl.l FAYKTTF.VILLK, N. C., Al’GUST 28, !fir>f>. (VO. 5;{4.] I'iUNTKl' M(*M‘AYS .KN'b THTUSDAVS CMWAHf) J. HALK & SON. CniTORS ,\Ni) I'UOlMUKTORS. ; ,• 1* thf ^eiui-\Veek'> (^BSKKVtR $3 00 if j.aiJ in , I'i i>'''o .’»U ii pu'ul iltirini iho yofir nf 'ul>.>iori|- .1" 1- nft.M' the \cHi htts L'xpire«i. . ihn U t>ekl_\ Obsekvke !}!‘J 00 per annum, if puiil iu j Jv-,ui-( : .'?'J .')i i if p'litl liiirinp Uip yoAr of Hubsonp- ■ ti; 'V 5^ ^ 00 Hfter the yivir htis expiroJ. R’ri'^KMKX'rs inserted for sixty cents per . II-.- .f ; ti lin«‘« for ilio first, and thirty cent-* for each paMicatinii. Yearly advortiseinentfl by ‘"pc- il - .iiitr.'ict.'*, at reasui'abU' rates. Atlvertisers are ■ •- c l to (itate the number of insertions .lesired, or vs ' bo .■•■ntiuued till fTbi.l, aU'l c’.iar^el ui’oonl- .ctterjf ti) ti»e IMit ir.-i mu^t >>c j'OHt-paiil. Viivi'rtisemeTits to V>e inserteJ i, -i.’t, chrtrgoil .jtt per ''xTrn. ['WETn'WlA.E i 'lasslcal Ac*;i(1‘!hv. NOTICE. R. WILLIAM J. PROWN is our .>iiithori2ed agent to rcceive payments, and prAnt discharges for anv Boak acrountH wu liave in the oountv of Robeson. * .1. T. WAPDILL. June 1, 1S55. 7tf 11 J.\.>IES KYliE y* ni‘>r having V>ee-n >n\ Ai.-tden:y, opone ? appointed Principal rtnn-'ui'.ces that the WKKNKSHAV, Ocfo- ' 1 ^ It L Subscriber, I 1 the Lionald: ..'tituti'in will he ’ r l8t. It is iiis Avish and intention to i'Stal>lisii a I'hissicai • lol of the highest j^rade, a J:ipted to the want* of . ■.■mnmnity, and w. rthy >'f patronage from abroad. '!'ic:.tion i.« healthy—the building,'? and groundb -j;' e and e >mrnodiou>. Strict attention will be paid , jirescrviition f proper discipline amoKsj the u It lit--, and parent^ and cuar lians residing at a dis- ■ me as:ured that the Principal ^ill use his ut- 'II 't ti' eser'ise a salutary control over the : .f th'ise entru.ted to his care, in the liepartment of Instruction, he will be assi.sted ne or more able and experienced teachers, in: iiii .tion concerning terms of tuition and tmard, ■iiav "titaiued by a'ldresi-ing Rev. GEORUE McNLlLL, Principal Fayetteville. .N. C xugust -j-j, i^'-'.. ’ ;}-Jtf W ARUKX I’UlOU, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, H.\S just received a large and well selected assortment of (iOOl*S in his line, which will be sold at the very lowest prices, consisting of (Jold rtceiciiiij hig SPR/XfJ SI"PPL)' of cnKAP (^oons. t.MONtf which are, Irish Linens, Lawnn and IHapers; French, Scotch and Doiuostio Lawn.'i; Caliooes. French, English and Domestic; French. Scotch and Domestic Ginghams: Kiab’d and I’lain Crape Shawls and Scarf.s; to 10-4 Bleached Shirting and Sheeting; French and Irish Linen Drilling; Bl’k and (’ol'd Silks; Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbon; Bolting ('’loths. No. 3 to 10; .Joseph Repka’s Cottonades; (’ol’d Grenadines and liareges; liinen (.’ambric Handkerchiefs, assorted: Blay Linens, ] to 4-4, very cheap: With many other articles, all of which having been purchased by the package at the lowest rates, will be offered at the lowest prices, by wholesale or retail, for Cash, or on time to Punctual Customers. March 27, 1856. ‘Jl-tf Sl GAR-HOl SK MOI.ASSES. IIHDS. superior Sugar-Huuse Molasses, just received and for sale by .J.VS. G. COOK. .Ian. 7, 1856. G7- l'ull and W inter Goods. ,9. or T. HViftftiU, HAY STRKF.T, A RK new receiving their Fall and Winter Gt»OI)S consisting of a large and well selected stock of j y^ew Wa^oTi Kstablishinent^ By Wfl. WATSOI%. ^11 HE Subaoriber would inforBQ his friends and the I £ public generally, that he has completed his new I establiBhment on Maxwull street, near Mr. K. \V. Will- kingf’ Storn. and is now prepanrU to receive orders for ■CARFS, WAGONS, DRAYS, ^c., j which shall be promptly executed. ; .^11 work done by him shall be of the best workman- I ship and material that the country can att'ord. REPAIRING of all kiuds douc with neatness and despatch. Also, HORSE-SHOEINQ will bo strictly at tended to, N. Ii. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with thair patronage. Fayetteville, July 24, 1866. 24-Y TO DISTILLERS. WE will pny the highest cash price for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillers to give I us a call when in market. J. & T WADDILL June 26, 1866. 8tf To Kent for (he bnlance of year 18.’>(). rr^lIE dwelling lately occupied by Major J. P. Good- J sell, together with lot, barn and outhouses, on Union Street, known as the Latta place. The premises are in good condition. For terms see WM. H. HAIGH. June 2, 18;'*6. (*tf CIIDER VINEG.\lv, a good article, y for sale by W. H. CARVER. Nov. 10. 54-tf liroceiios, Hardware, Cutlery, BlacksiniUuV I'lir- peiitino 'Tools, Aijricuitural I in- O pU'incMits, liools aiul Shoos, Hats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea ther, Heavy articles in the Drug line. Ready-made Clo thing, and Staple Dry Goods. .ft and Silver Watches of all kinds; Gold ^aor F lb. Vest and Guard Chains. Seals and l’--.M» Pins, L’ar Rines, Finger Rings, (Some II.I; r.ra. ciets: Sleeve and ( ollar Buttons: Stifds: (j .11 Pens aiid Pencils: Gold. .Silver aii'i .steel This Stock wp are prepare.l to Job or Retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 18u4. 43tf Kffi, We ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. ~ NOriCE. tIOL. NATH.VN KING is our authorised Agent to ' make contracts for the delivery of Lumber and Fiinber and for the purchase of Crude Turpentine, at Ii jM aii.l .Silver rhimble.";: i’earl and Shell > Kingsbury, in Cumberland County. FURTHER SUPl^LIES OF ROOKS. ’^^AGABOND Life in Mexico; “Plu-Ri-Bus-Tah”, by w Doesticks: The Sparrowgrass Papers, by Cozzens: Hiawatha; “The Wide Wide World”; Hume’s and Macaulay’s Histories of England; The Carmina Sacra; Aiken’s Christi.-iu Minstrel; Dick’s Works: Jacobus’ Notes on the Gospels; Maury’s Physical Geography of the Sea: ,5c., jusi received. E. J. H.\LE & SON. July 24. .$25 REWARD. RAN.VW.VY from the subscriber on the 1st of -\pril last, a negro man named Rand, about six feet high, about 30 years of age, and black. Said negro is supposed to be lurking in the neighborhood of John Bell or James McKethan. The above reward will be paid to any person de livering said negro to me at Locksville, Chatham Co., N. C., or contining him in any Jail in the State where I can get him. NATHAN KING. June 2''). 17-tf Kr: i 1’ .rl Moniies; Sacks; .\cO"r Icons, Flutes, HI' :inll’> 'ws. Fife.s. Music B >ses; Fine Cutlei-y, ! luii Fl;i'ks. farl.iur Pistols; Game Bags, Shot T-, I’l-i'^ u ; .-ijit:. Musket iSaliS: Canes; Mathe- : ai 'tijiriniient.': Surveyors’ Chainsauvl Compasses: . r iii'.l P: ite l Forks, Sj, ,ons. Cups, P.utter and it K:i:vo': i’latcd Castors, Cake Baskets, Candle- \ ■ assortment of MILITARY GOoDS, Swords, ; .lU i-tts, buttons, Silver and tnlt Lace, Plumes, MlUlS, ' large l>>t of CL'jrKS, tiigetlier with a lar^e num- •r if other a; ticit'~. Pur. hasers are invited to call an.l examine, liepairing of W, fcties, ( in.'ks, XerordennH. »n 1 .bing strict!y Httended t'V. -vugust :;1, 1 ■ J. .Si T. WADDILL. 3-tf FIRE AND LIFE INSITRANCIv ^■IHE undersigned has the Agency of the followiuj M Companies, vi/: QroeiiHborough .Mutual Life Insurance aiul Triibt (’o. Greensborough Mutual Fire Insurance (N>., Newbern Mutual Insurance Co , Charlotte Mutual Fire Insurance Co., ('aswell Mutu.al Fire Insurance ('o. insurance in .Vort/i Carolina Coinpanim can now be taken in any part of Town or County, in large or .small amounts. JNO. .M. HOSE, Agent. June 30, 1850. l/-6m ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOR SALE A GENKRAL ASSORTMENT Of DRV (JOODS AND GROCERIES, Together with a general assortment of POREIU.\ .)i\'U IKDIESTU) WINES aud LIQUORS, Which 1 am anxioiiH to sell or exchange for Produce of any kind usually sold in this .Market. VKER Nov, W. H. CARVER, Hay Street, near the Market. 51-tf BARTH’W PULLER, ATTORNEY AT L.VW, F.\VKTTi:Vll.l.li, C., May be consulted at the Law oflice of Jesse G. Shepherd, Esij., on Green Street. July 14, 1856. 21-3m Sli-om ‘ ANTWEIJ/S n. Juftire Re»ixeL C. JUSTICE. ariif a'hiptril t'j tfte md to .'dagiKtrates, MTieers. an l j^Hl.S work, invaluabb L ali who have occasion t > knew the Law, and to • i~o the F’orm.*! umler > uO. For sale by .\UgUS! 1J'.')0. it. u verv much etilar^icd. Price V,. J. HALE SON. W HEAT WANTED. i 1W.ANT to purchase o.O'Ki Bushels Wheat. •l.\S. COOK. June 25, l^o6. l*i-tf KALEIGH AND FAVETTEx'lLI.E ST.iUE L.M.VE. y. are u»w running Four- Horse Coaches on this Line. I'asbeugers going North cati ■ brain through tickcts from Fuveltevillc to W'eldon Pafasengerf" for Fayetteville can obt-iin through tickets it Weld'iii, at the Office of the P.aleigh ,v Gaston liail H' 111. Fare, ST. pH8»engerH fir Green.^bi-iro', S.iiern. .Salisbury, or ai»y Tilttce up the country, will tind this the best and quick est route; to take the Stagt-to Raleit,h, winch connects -iih the N. C. Ilailmad. i’Le Coaches are n 'W in repair. We have good Hones-'nd !i.-efnl Driverp. Everything will be done T acc.iiiinir.dH*e the Travelling Public. WM. H Hl’NT, Ag’t. Raleigh. Ofiice at Lawrence's Hotel. .1. ?I. ROBERTS CO., .\gents at Fa^’etteville. May .il, 18)ti. May 22. 1^;V., 0.\ TIIK CAI‘E FKAK UiVCK. 4T a meeting of the Boat owners interested in nav igating the Cape Fear River between Fayetteville and Wilmington, Ou motion, D. McLaurin wa.s called to the Chair, and R. M. Orrell was appointed Secretary. On motion of James F. .Marsh, Resolved, That from and after the 1st day ol_Janu ary. 18.'>6. Casb will be required upon the delivery cf all Freights at Wilmington and Fayetteville re spectively. On motion of J. D. Williams, Re.^oivod, That each of tke Steamboat Companies on the Cape Fear River, from and after the 1st of January, IS.jO, will carry Guano from Wilmington to Fayette ville at 10 cents per bag. Lime at 25 cents per cask, tn>l gri.un 1 Pla-»tei- at 30 cents per cask, and that a C TiO:\ OF ‘20 l*KK CE.\T. from the printed and established rates ou all other articleb will be made from and after that date, ull Cart ige and D.-ayage being pai'l by the shippers. On motion of James Banks, Resolved, That the foregoing bo published in the town papers. D. McLAUIUN, Chairman. R. M. t.>rrel'. Sec y, i Dec. 21, 1«55. ‘>'’>-tf IT RLIC NOTICE IS HER.EBY GIVEN, that l>ooks of Subscription to the capital stock of the (Central Kail lload, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the 10th 'lay of .\pril 1856, anil remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following places and under direction of the following named persons. Commissioners in the Ch irter, vi*; lu the County of Onslow, at the office ot the Clerk of the County Court at Jacksonvi'le, and at the Post Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, 0. J. Ward, J. H. Foy, Robert White, John A. .\veritt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W'. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. .\r«n- dfll at Beaufort. Dr. M. F. .\rendell, J. F. Boll, L. T. Oglesby. .\t the store of G. W’. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Ogleiiby, Bridge .Vrendell. In Duplin county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B Kelly, W’m. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen (iraham. In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Faison. Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick .Murphy, Wm. Faison, J. R. Beaman, .Vlfred Johnson. Jn Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: I The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of $10O each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central Rail Hoad Company; and in all respects ' jacent county I to comply with the terms of the Charter. | For Hay%voofl aiifl l.o€k!«villc‘. '^I'^HE Brothers’ Steam Boat (’ompany, from and after this day, will run a .'Steamer once a week, twice a week, or once in two weeks as the business may de mand—between the above points and Fayetteville and Wilmington. July 10, 1850. 20tf ANSON INSTITU I E. r Bill IS Institution has been in operation about two i years and a half It is pleasantly situated on an eminence about one-half of a mile sjuthwest ot the town of W.adesborcugh, commanding an e.xtensive view of the surrounding country. There is a dwelling house connected with the iustitute and occuj>iel by Rev. Elijah J. Morrison, one of the Teachers, who is pre pared to take eight or ten boarders, to whose comfort, instruction and moral training every necessary atten tion will be bestowed. The Institution is nov- under charge of Prof. SILaS C. LINDSLEV and ilev. E. J. MtJRRISON, gentlemen who have considerable experi ence in teaching. Mr. Morrison, who has charge of the English Department, is a graduate of our L^niver- sity, and baa taught a classic.al school for many years. Mr. Liudsley, who has charge of the Latin and Greek Department, is a graiiuate of Princeton, was for Seve ral year* Protessor of Languages in the Caldwell In stitute, while situated in Greensborough, in this State, and has devote.I over twenty five years of his life to the instruction and training of youth. Both of these gentlemen are eminently qual'fied in every rospect to hll their respective positions, and to discharge the retfpousible trusts confided to th^ i. It is the only high .Male School in the county; iihas Amcncan ( nniinai Law, been built by the liberality and public sjiirit of the ‘ tejdien on I leading, citizens of Anson county. Why then should it not be patronized? Voung men of this and the adjoining counties may here obtain a first rate English educa tion, or may he prepared for admission into the Fresh man or Sophomore classes of our University or any other institution. The Fall Session of this Institution will commence on MONDAY, the 14th instant, and continue Five Moiitlis. $10 OM 12 50 20 no 20 00 75 .if NOTICE. 4 LL poisons indebted to the hrm of W. F. ,j- E. F. /~\ Moore, are reijue-jted to come forw.'\rd and make ...yment, nn their copartnership ceased on the 1st of March, W F. .V E. F. MOOItE. June 11-tf DISSOLUTION. fWlHE firm of HALL .V S.VCKETT i'^ this day dis- I. solved by mutual cousent. The business of the firm will be settled by J. H. Hall or A. f). Hall, who alone are authorized to use the mane of the firm in li.jui.lation. J. H. HALL, A. ^ HALL, T. ^ SACKETT. F.iyetteville, N. C., Jan’y 10, 18.5(i. 70-tf ALl'ABLE NIlfiROES FOI{ SALH. VNEtJRO Woman aged about thirty or thirty-five year^ good house servant, cook, washer and .1'irnT, honest and induitriou.s. •\ iiirl ageil about nine, and a boy about tour yeart hil'iren of the woman. Per.'- Ills in want of this species of [iroperty will do well t': '-all on the undersigned at his Law Otlicc ou \ndersini .Mreet, when further particulars will be .v, n. BARTH W FULLER. .\pril 2'.i. 5)0-tf ms HI^WAIID, >|{ the apprehension and delivery of inj' negro ii.an P.\GE, a bright mulatto, about 2M yc.irs of .r f.ir hiM confinement in any Jail so tliat 1 u.' t him again. When he left he hud a a brown Satiuett Coat and Pants, makes a good appearance, anu uo doubt will pass himself as a free man; about 5 Ici-t 10 or 11 inchti* iiigh, weighs about lb5 pounds, hd bnd, at the time iio left, u fellon on the middle t.nger of his left hand; has on his chin a goatee (or iuiig beard. ) 1 expect he will endeavor to make liis "ay to Abingdon, Washington cotiniy, Yii., where he was raised. U. M. .McLAURlN, Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C. Fel/y 4, 1«50. 76-tf liuiik Checks tor sale at this Oflice. FOR SALE. Reduced Prices, for C*§SH or on SiiOHT Ti,lME, m tuiRniiES, liiiioiniES. Rockaways and Buggies OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, %|| ANY of which are finished, and the balance being ..*1 finished daily. Among which are many Now ' aud Beautiful styles, aud one VEK\ FINE CARRIAGE, t Some of them very light, and all made in the best i manner and of the best materials. My facilities for ' doing Carriage work are GRE.\TER than any establish- ■ ment South, and I (.an afiord and am determined to sell work nt the BEST t^U.\LITV as low ai- it can be built for by I'.ny one. 5*^ Those who ar« indebted f9 me will please pay up, as my businefis reiiuire.'i my out-stauding debts ; to be collected. A. A. McKETIIAN Feb. 3. 1855. 72-tf i The ijargesi Carrittffe Fitrtoryinl the ,^oHth! Names Residence No. of shares $ Cash W'ork A. A. \IcKETHA.\ ESPEi.’TFULLV inforniR hie friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, e.Kpreasly tor man ufacturing Carriages Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the lust 21 j’ears, he hopes t)y strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best mnffrial and by experienced workmen i n each branch 11 f the bnsincHH. His work will compare favorably wiih any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and tlo any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is ab well done. He now has on hand, Finisiif.u, the LARGEST STOCK of Can Barouches, Itockawai^s, and Ever offered in this place, and a very large stock (,1 work nearly tinished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. He has on hand more th.in ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in course of construction. All work made by him i.s warranted 12 months with fair Hsago, and should it fail by bad workmanship i or material will be repaired free of charge. I Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for theiaselves. Orders thankf«lly received and promp tly attended to. ^Rtpairing executed at short notice and on very MAnouabis M«y 28, 1868. 98tf Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and may specify whether for grading or cioss-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer's estimate. ' ,\s soon as one hundred thousand dollars are stib- scribed, tho ('ommissioners of t)nslow county are to be ; notified, and they are required to call a meeting of StockhoMers to organize the Company. March 15, 185*). 13tf FAYE'FTEVll.LE ^sTT'AlR BLUFF ST^lOE IjM^VE, ri'^HE Stage loaves Fayetteville on Sunday, Tuestlay a»d Thurs day, at 1 I’. M., via Lumberton, and arrives at Fair Bluff, on the Wilmington & Manchester Rail Road, in time to con nect with the cars going North ami South. Leaves Fair Blutf on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, after the arrival of the day trains North and South. Fare through, !i4. J. W. 8TEAGALL. June 10, 1850. 12-tf NEVV G(X)T)S! WE ARE NOW RECEIVING A FMIESH SUPPED* OF mm m wii^ii drv goods, READY-MADE CLOTHlN(i; SOFT WOOL AND SUMMER HATS, in great variety. A complete assortment of BOOTS and SHOES will bo to hand in a few days. All of which will be disposed of to W'holesale Buyers on liberal terms. STARR & W'lLLIAMS. April 2S. K8-tf TERMS AS FOLLOWS: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, iic., Giammar, (Jeography, ivc., Latin and Greek, Philosophy, Mathematics, iV®-, Tax for couting*yit expenses. Tuition in advance. .Students entering the higher branches have the pri vilege of studying either or all the branches taught by paying the price of the highest alone. Board, with rooms, lights, fuel, washing, &c., fur nished by private families of the village or in the ad- j at 5n per mouth. TIIOS. S. ASHE, THOS. ROBINSON, PURDIE RICHARDSON, W. R. LEAK, T. KEDFERN, E. F. LILLY, Wadesborough, N. C., July 5, I85(j. 1 J- Trustees. 21- I, uow receiving from the Norlli the argest, finest, and nio8t curefally se lected stock of ever offered in this market; which, atlded to his own manufacture, makes his ass.irtmont complete;—all of vrhich he will sell on the lowest pos.sible terms for ca.sh or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in : setts; curled hair aini shuck, and cotton Mattresses;' Looking Glasses; Willow W'agons and Cradles; Side i Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries ami liook-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; W'ash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Win.low Shades; , Cornices; (.'urtain Baiiilr; Sofas in Mahogany aiil i W)ilnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans: Divans and .Stools; Ch.airs of every variety. Fine llosewood l^ianos, one with ,Kolian At tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the bet manufac tories in New Y»trk and Boston, w:irranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only added. November 2, 1854. I5tf .\orth Carolina llead(‘rs. ffl'^HE Undersigned are prepared to furnish, whole- J8. sale and retail, ujjoii very faoorable tenuis, lo Teachers, Booksellers, Merchants, Book Pedlars, and others, the XEltlES of .\'OKTII \ Nos. 1 and 2, by Profks.^or IfriMtvKU, of the University of North Carolina, and Nn by C.VLVix 11. WiLKY, E.sip uov’ Superintendent ..i (lorn- inon Schook. E. J. HALE >v .~ON. 'law BOORf^. fllHE Subscribers have on h.and, and will promptly JL fill orders for North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or in single volumes. IreJ 'u o Digest and Digested Manual. Jones’s Digest. ..e.i.->ed Statute'-- of North Carolina. W’iley’s New Forui Bjok, STORY, on Sales, Bills, Contri-t-, Partnershiji. Agency, Equity Jurisprudence, E-juity Pleadings. ARCHBt>LD, on Practice, Crii.iiiial Practice and Pleading, Landlord and Tenant. CHITTY, on Contracts, Criminal Law, Blackjtonc, Medical .lurisprudence. SUGDF^N, on Vendors and i'ruperty. P(*WELL, on Mortgages, an.l Contracts. S.MITH, on Actions at Law, .Master and Servant, Landlord and Teuant, Chancery Practice. SANDERS, on Pleading and Evidence, Uses and Trusts, Reports. RUSSELL, on Arititration, Factors, Crimes. HOFFMAN’S Legal Study, aud Masters in Chancery. WILLIAMS on Personal Property. WHEATON’S Selwyn’s Nisi Prius. WUARTON, ou American Law of Homicide, .Medi cal Jurisprudence, State Trials in the United States, Law Dictionary, ephen on I'ieading. Roper on Legacies. Dart on Vendors. Fearne on Remainders. Edwards on Bail ments. C’oke upon Littleton, (Hargrave and Butler's) I new edition. Kent’s Commentaries. Curtis's ditto, i Dart’s Vendors and Purchasers of Ileal Estate. .Vd- ! ams’ Equity-. Troubat’s Law of I^imited Partnership. • Hughes’ Equity Draught.'=mun. Phillips and Amns on I Evidence. Gresley on Law of Evidence. Ross on I Bills aud Promissory Notes. Domat’s ('ivil Law. \ Lewis's U. S. Criminal Law. Daniell's Chancery Practice, lloscoe's Criminal Evi.lence. .\therley on ■ the Law of Marriage. Collyeron Partnership. Green- ; leaf on Evidence. Oliver on Conveyancing. Curtis's I Conveyancer. Burrill's Law Dictionary. (,’rui“e on ! Real Property. Tayler's Law tilossary. ('ral)b on Real Property. Reeves' Domestic Relations. Byle?-- I on Bills. Bell on Sale. Lee on Arbitration ot Titles. ' Sharswood's Professional Ethics. B.irton's suit in I Equity ^W'ills on ('ircumstantial Evidence. Comyn’s j Landlord and Tenant. Watson on Arbitration. Hare Ion Discovery. Oliph.mt on Horses. Wuitwortii's Eiuity Precedents. Morris on Rep'u:vin. Gtesley’s Eijuity Evidence. Bishop on Marriage and Divorce. I Mathew’s Presumptive Evidence. Robertson ou Suc- I cession. Ellis on Insurance. Lewis on the Law of i Perpetuity. PhilHmore on Domicil. Cary .on Part- j nership. Wilson on Uses. Fell on Guarantees. New- i laud on Contracts. Tamlyn's Chancery Evidence, «yc. I These or other Law books ordered will be supplied to the Professsion in any part of the State on reason- ! able terms. E. -C H.ALK ,S(.)N SCHOOL ROOKS. ■ Z .\LTSt’HMIDT'S Latin Dictionary; Kendrick’s kV Greek Mlendortl'; Greenfield's Greek Te.staoient ai 1 Lexicon; Herodotus.—Leipsic Edition; .\nthon’.‘; Classical Dictionary; Lidilell and .Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon: Anthon's Horace; Bullion’s Latin Readers and uriiiumars: Morse’s (Jeography: Goodrich’s Pictorial I'. .States; Williiid's U. .States; Bullioii's Eng. Gram mar; Greenleaf's .Vritlnnetics and Keys; .McQuffey’s Reader."': Quai kenbos’ 1st Lessons; Comstock’.*? Cheni ixtry. iVf.. jus't received .ind for sale by E. J. HALE vV. SON. .\pril •'). ROOK lUNnERV. Vv. HARDIE has resume.I the Book Binding Bu.siiio.ss. over the Tailor Sii.)p td’ ♦■I'lark & Woodwar l. where he will receive and execute binding in ail)- style .losired. .Vugust 1 27-tf K. NEW SrOCK OF Books and Stationery. E are now receiving our usual New Stock of BOOK.s and STATIONKRV, embracing a great SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MlSl’ELLANEOUS BOOKS, Together with a large and varied stock of lihink linoks, FaptM', Env(‘lopes, &c.. ('ouMtry .Merchants and others are invited to call, as we offer the above stock on the best terms. t)ct. 8. E. J. HALE & SON. (’ojn iiig Ink, and Copying Books just received. E. J. HALE it SON. June 1. JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. ^ I '^llE suliscribers have for sale, the 2d volume of the I Reports of Ijaw (lases iu the Supreme Court of North Carolina, by H. Jones, Esij. Just published. Also, .Supreme (Jourt Reports generally, and other Law Books. E. J. HALE & SON. BlliilOl’ lllVE.\Jii:ilOFT’!i WORKS. ^aiHE 2 1 edition, (with hundreds of typographical iS. errors of the old edition corrected,) is publisheil for the bfiie'.it of the Missionary cause of the Episco pal Church in North Carolina. The price of the 2 vols. is, in cloth binding, ^1, in sheep •'ill 50. Orders, accompanied in every instance by cash, may be ad dressed to E. J. HALE SON. Fayetteville, .May 8, ItijG. Pi*e«K lor Sale. ^I'^llE Subscribers have for sale an Imperial No. 4 J Washington Hand Press, 2d hand. It will be sold I ciieap, deliverable in Petersburg, Va. It is said to be ! a good Press aud in good order, j June 4, 1S55. E. J. H.\LE & SON. 'rii(3 n(‘w ltevis(Ml Htatntes. tSllE Sub.scribers have,receivel on consignment, a few copies of the New Kevisai. Price >4, cis/i j on tlflinry. E. J. HALE & SON. Jan'y 21. EW VOLU-MES OF THE FOUR GREAT BRITISH .4.^ REVIEWS, namely, EDINBURGH, NORTH BRITISH, WESTMINSTER, AND LONDON jUARTERLIES. AND BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH M.\GAZINE (MONTHLY), Commenced with North British for November, 1855, and the other Reviews and Blackwood for January, 185b. Terms "/ SuL'icription.—Any one Review or Black wood, a year. Blackwood and one Review—or :iny two Reviews, The four Reviews and Black wood, Four copies to one address, I'ost.dije (w'nich should be paid quarterly in adva«ce) on the four Reviews and Blackwood to any Post Othce in the United States, only 80 cents a year: namely, 14 cents a year on each Review, and 24 cents a year on Blackwood. Address, L. SCOTT CO., Publishers. 54 tiolil Street, corner of Fulton, N. Y. New Methotl for tlie Guitar, l>y Charles C Converse; Hunten’s Instructions for the Piano Forte: Burrowes’ Piano Forte Primmer. Fur ther supplie? ju«t received E. J. H.A.LE & SON. Nov. lit. ,VN H.N'I'IRl'; NEW t?TOCK Ol’ DRY GOODS. fij^HE Subscriber has taken the ataud on the North JL W'est corner of Market Square, adjoining the Store of Mr. Jf.Ktes Kyle, where he has received in part, and is now receiving, an entirely new Stock of Goods, embracing nearly every variety of styles usually called for in the Dry Goods trade—among which are Handsome Ombre Strip’d Glace Silks, Paris, Chena .Strip’d do do Solid Plaids and Strip’d do do Gro d’Rhine; Handsome Silk Robes, all colors, some very fine; Printed Bareges, all colors; do Grenadines, do Organdies, do do Robes. A Lanje and Handsome Lot of Embroideries, Collars and Undtr Sleeves, rfv.; Plain and Emb’d L. C. Eandk’fs; Kli Gloves; Bonnets; Ribbons; Ilooptd Skirts; Emb’d Skirting; i^c.; Ready- Made Clothing; Boots; Gaiters; it*c., tf’c. With many oth*r articles not enumerated. PETER CROW. Marcb 29, 18.56. OLD RYE WHISKEY. ^r^HE Subscriber is tne only authorised agent in JL Fayettevilld for the sale of the Hon. R. C. Pur- year’s Celebrated OLIt Mti'E He will be supplied with this superior Whiskey to meet the demand. W. DRAUGHON. Fayetteville, March 2ti. W-tf I’HOt^PKCTT’S TO THE SOrrHERX HER.VLi). Tj^HE undersigned proposes publishing in the City of I New York, a Weekly P.iper, to be called THE SOUTHERN HERALD. The objects and purposes of this paper will aiwaj’s be, to speak for the South in every emergency, and to protect at all times, the interests of the Southern Mer cantile Community against impositions aud abuse. It shall be the continued effojof the Editor to ferret out all Aholition Ilouxex in New York, and to apprise, as speedily as possible, our Southern Merchants of their existence. In our opinion, .at this crisis of our political history, it behooves every Southern man to let his influence he felt as far as it can, in suppressing the onward pro gress of Ahotidon M> rchanis in this city, the prosperity of whom is owing, in a great me.osure, to the patron age from the South. The time iias come when it is right and proper, that we should have ‘*a local habitatien and a name” here, in this great city. We have an influence and it shall be felt! There are large houses in New Y’ork that do an enor mous Southern Trade, who are notorious among us, as Abolitiiinixls o f the deepest dye. Can it be possible that our Southern merchants are aware of this'? No! it cannot be! Our people of the South are too true to their principles and interest, to knowingly give aid and comfort to the enemy. They cannot be willing to build up those who daily hurl anathemas against them, and would at any time crnsh them to the earth if in their power to do so. We stand here as a beacon light tor the South, and nothing that may come to our knowledge, which may be of the slightest interest to the Southern commumty, in the remotest tlegree, shall be withheld by us, let the consequences be what they may. We earnestly appeal to the South for a speedy en dorsement of the movement. W'e shall expect your assistance and hearty co-operation, which will enable us at an early day to give you a Paper worth your money and your reading. >Ve entertain i;0 fears as to the success of this paper, as we appeal only to those for help, who have always been found ready and willing to give aid and assistance to any good aud noble undertaking. All .Mereh.'in’- , Post-Masters, Editors, and every one frientlly i.., ne scheme, are respectfully re-iuested to act as Agents. Subscription price, fi>2.U0 in advance. Our first number will be issued as soon as the List of Subscribers is large enough to justify. N. A. RAMSEY, of N. C. Howard Hotel, New \ ork. New Y'ork, Aug. 1, 1856. 28- Wilcy’s New N. C. Form Book. A furthersnpply just reo’d. E- J* HALE & SON. JUSr PLliLlSHEl), •f .Vc#r and €orrerted Edition of Devereux’s Equity, Vol. 2. flOR SOME 3'ears past this volume of the Reports of the Supreme Court of North Carolina has been out of print. The subscribers have printed a 2d edi tion, reviseil and corrected, which they will lie happy to furnish to such gentlemen of the profession as have incomplete sets. Orders are solicited. Should they be encouraged sufficiently by the sale ol this volume, thej' propose to follow it by a re-print of Deverous's 1st, od, and 4th Law, and Dev. .t Battle's 1st Law, all of which are out of print. E. J. H.ALE SON. NEW BOOKS. BTHE Confiileutial Correspondence of Napoleon with -■L his Brother Joseph Bonaparte; Olmsted’s Journey in the Seaboard Slave States; .Memoirs of Susan .\lli- bone; The W'ay of Salvation, by .\lbert r.arnes. Further supplies of Hetherington’s History of the Church of ^cotland; Ba^'ard Taylor’s India, China and .Japan: Eldora; The Old Homestead, by .Mrs. Stephetis; Rose Clark: Widow Bedot, The Esca^-ed Nun, The Hidden Path, Alone, and other popular Works. Pe terson’s Familiar Science; Short Patent Sermons, by Dow, Jr.; Banker’s Cases; and various School Books. Just received by E. J. H.VLE t*!: SON. March 5. it >1' G.\R1)K.\L.NG I'OR TIIK SOlTl’M. Y V>. N. White of Georgia; Courtship and Marriage, by Mrs. Hentx; The Courtesies of Wedded Life, by Mrs. Leslie; Harper’s Classical Library, being literal translations of Cicero, Xenophon, Oasar, Herodotus, Horace, .yc. Also, further supplies of Ernest Linwood; Hiawatha; Mrs. Hentz’s Novels, 50 cts. a vol.; Johnston’s Agri cultural Chemistry: Dossey’s Choice; Trench on tlu; Mir;*cles: The Moral Prgbe: Eclogues and Georgies of Virgil, l>y Anthon; J.ay’s Morning and Evening Exercises; ‘‘Five Hundred Mistakes Corrected'’; •iSmith's Grammar; i.S;c., just received by E. J. HALE SON. Fire Insurance. i-'SllIE -ETNA Insurance Company of Hartford, hav- i ing paid the tax imposed* by the Revenue Law of the l.ite Legislature, will continue its Agcncj’ in Fayetteville, iinderthe management of the nmlcrsign- ed, who is prepared to issue I’olicies ot Insurance on Bilildings or Goods, either iu this Town or in any part of the State, on proper application, description of the Property, &c. The ,-ETNA ("'OMP-ANY hns been in operation about .SO years. Its‘•apital is i«i500,00l>. The Hon. Thos. K. Brace was its first President, and he still holds that otiice; .and several of ita firot Directors are still active and efHtfient members of the Boaiil. It has at all times sustained the highest character for the prmlcnce of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. Blanks for sale here* SONES’s Views of tho Seats, Mansions, Castlee, &c. of Noblemen ami Gentlemen in Scotland. The Book of .Scottish Ballads. The Sei.ttish Gad; The Book of Ballads, by Bon Gaultier: .McFingal, by Teumbull; Lillian and other Poem.s, by Praed; W'atson’s Dictionary of Poetical Quotations; Ballads, by W. Harrison Ainsworth; Leigh Hunt's Stories in Verse; Allingham’.s Poems; Hogg’s Tales; The (^ueen« of England of the House of Hano ver, by Dr. Doran; The Noctes .^mbrnsianfe of Black wood; Bohn'.s New Hand Book of Games: The War of the .Allies, from the Correspondent of the London Times: Novelties, Inventions and Curiosities in Arts and Manufactures: &c. E. J. HALE & SON. •Ajiril 2;>. itsso n\VEO II* hus Jrrh^: 4* g’^II E Great Iron Wheel E.xaminetl,” by Parson M. Brownlow, price il uO, just rec'd. Postjige on if by mail is 18 cents. •\!so, a few more of the ‘ Great Iron Wheel,” by Parson fJrives. E. J. H.ALE & Sf)N. .May 28. FFRTHER SUIM‘LI ES OF LiOOKS. ISS Murray's Travels iu the U. Slates aud Can ada: The Table Talk of Samuel Rogers; .■^lu ridan Knowles' Dramatic Works; Memoir of S. S. Prentiss; Ernest Linwood, by Mrs. Hentz; The .American De bater: Hart's Class Book of Poetry; Union Bible Die tionary; Wild Western Scenes; Dana’s .Muck Manual; Methodist Hymn.s and Discipline; Le Brun’s Tele matjue; Blank Books, School Books, &c. E. J. HALE .j SON. May 28. . 8- Corjjoralion B onds nf thr. 'J\ncn of b\iifetlev,iLlc for Sole! A GilEEABi.E to an Act of tho General As.setably ol the St:iTf of North Carolina, ratifie.l Dec. 25 1H5‘2 authorizing the Towa of Fayetteville to issue her I5ond to the amount of i!DX>,000, in the aggre gate, for the purpose of ;viyiug her subscription to the Western Rail lloail Company. Therefore, it is ordered by the Commissioners of Faj'etteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive sealed proposals, until the 1st of November next, for the purchase of >$50,000, in stims of i?500 each of said Bonds, or any part thereof. Bonds to run twenty years, with Couj.ons attached,—interest payable semi annually. The said Bonds sh:iil be under the seal of the Corporation, aud binding on the faith of the same. W.\I. W'.VRDEN, Town Treasurer. Sept. 2t>, 185-5. 39- DI^EP RIVER COAL. BITUMINOUS COAL of the >)est quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. ^IcCLANL, Mining Engineer. May 21, 185*;. _ J-tf i)\VELLlNG FOR SALE. rpIlE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling I find Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russell Streets, at present occupied by .Mr. Henry Erambert. Terms reasonable. Possession given on the 1st Octo ber next. E. J. HALE. .May 29. 8-