IFA^IETOlETaiMa [Vol.. VI.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 1, 1850. \c). I’KlNTF.l) MONDAYS •vSD THl’RSDAVS EDWAHI) J. FL\LE & SON. F.1>1T(!KS AND PUOriUKTOKS Price for the Spnii-Wookly Observek 00 if pnid iu ii.lvaucf': •'’>(' if jruil ilnrin" tho \t>iir of sul'sorip- cr ■'? t nftpr the yoiir Lasexpire'l. For tho Weekly (M:krvf.r sti‘2 00 per anuum, if pnid it» :i Ivance; if paid .luring tJie yenr of subscrip- 'ii: **r ^ ' 00 lifter the ye:ir has expired. MiVKlvTlSKMI'NTS in;«erted for t-ixty cents per t jii iri' of 1*1 line-'- f'ir the th-.st. and thirty cents for each - 1,n e linj; pu'diivitiMn. Ycnrly advertisements hy spe- ; i’ .-..ntracts, fit re.isouHtile rates Advertisers are n jiif^ted t-i state the number of in'-«‘rtions desired, or t’,,‘V >vil! be continued till fi'rbid. sir.d charped accord- L.-'.'. JaJ?-Letters to tlie IMitors must be pi>st-]>aid. \ijverti!-enien^-‘ tc be inserted -n.-nfr, eharjied -'lO per ■i'tit. extra. ( iUX'lvEKV, GLASS-WAUE AND LOOKING-GLASSES. B H AVE received my Fall Stoek ef the ab-ve articles. E My as>urtmeii- of g" > 1,-; is better suited to the t unTry Trade tha;i any I have before ortVred, buth as ;iu; 'ity and jiriec rii.d will be sold on niy usual uc- >nini'dating teiiii:-. W, N. T1 L1.INUH.\S 1'. S.‘pt. 1. 85-lm \\ lioors A.\n siioKs. [T'K arr receiving our Fall and Winter supply, insisting of a large assortment of Gents’, ' adie^’, Mi-ises'. Boy'.o. and rhildren's Doots, Shoos i. l Gaiters, embracing almost every variety of style n l •(Utility. Also. Gents’, Lathes’, Misses', Hoy’s and ; ; ' i'-eii s India llubber Shoes. M^n's and Hoy's ('oarse Brogans. I'ru ik', i alf. iioat. Lining and Binding Skins. Lasts. . r* Thread, vVC. All of which we will sell on very t Table tfrnis. S. T. IIAWLEV .V SON. -■ eptem- cr 1. 35-f.w MONEY. UTF are prepared to pay CASH, iind good prices for any number of young Negroes, from •> to 2' years old. suund and healthv. ■j. .V T. WADDILL. -ept. 1, 1O-jtf II lilOMOV.VL. 1 GH i(\n.\M lias removed to the Store for- rierly '.e.'upied by M. W. Jessuji, on the west t' ;>iile'i ie Street, where he will coutinue to keep I, i a ''ipl'iy 'f '-iroceries and Provisions. He ; H, ,r hi: cU'toiners and fnends to give him a 1. 1'^' NOTICE. • ' Al.L LANDS for . ale, ofl'ere>l on the 2iith of T .'I ; .1. • T next, tc the h'ghest liidder for (’ash, ■ ■ ■ d I'riv.ite’iJ’. Tlie said Lan !'■ lie ;n .Moore i;D:y. ; 'liiinc Harnett county, on the waters of I j j. r Li:I 0 lii\fr. The sail Lind is all Pine Land. 1 1 a \^ry uwid iinp'^nvemeut .in it. The said tract . lit,I.II" ten iiun lre>l and ‘ ''^rhtv acres. COLIN McFADVKN. \ug. i;7 35ts SEL.Ml, ;i ColK'ctioii of Psalm and Hvmn Tune', .\nthems, ’b'ints, *'horuses, iic., by Tiiomu' Hastings, .lu-^t \ug. '2'^- RAII. ROAD HKllF. will be a mcetin E. .J. HALL ,y S'vN. MEETIN(J. i: 'jf the Stockholders if the Wilniinzt-iu .v Charlotte Kail lloa l Comjiany, ■ pmp' sed of the .-r.K-kho’ders of Kiehmond and llobe- ■ n, at Flora’. C-'.’.t src. ou Saturday, the l^Uh Septcm- ‘•r. All those opposed to the route now surveyed, ,re rO'iuesied to attend. Aug 3.')-tiu DRV (iOODS \T WHOLESALE. ST.\RR X \\'ILL1.\MS (tre now receiving a very large ST'“. K, enibriieing every tliinz in the Dry Goods line with Hats. Cai)-. |{oot. Slioos, Silk and Straw iioiHH'ts. l iiihrellas, and Rcadv-.Mado Clotliin:, (S:c. FALL rRADE, 1850. B. F. PEARCE IS Now (•PENIN(}, a large and desirable Stock of and Winlc'i* Coods, consisting in part of lUack and Colored Silks. English and French Merinos, Plain and Fig’d DeLanes, some beautiful patterns, Black and Fancy .\lpaeas. Edgings and Insertiugs, Collars and L’ndersleeves, Cactus and W halebone Skirts, Jaconet, Nainsook, Swiss and Plaid Muslin.s, French, English and American Prints, Ob'tlis anvl Cassimeres. i Satinetts, Jeans and Tweeds. I I’laids, Linstys and Kerseys, j Carolina and Marlboro' Stripes, Bleachcil an.l Browu Shirtings and Sheetings, ' White aud Colored Flannels, L)rillings and Tickings, Irish Linens, good assortment, Linen Table ('loths, Towelings aud Napkins, ' Shawls, Cloaks an.l Mantillas, Extra ipiality of Bed Blankets, Ribbon!^Belts, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. ALSO, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes and Umbrellas; a general assortment of K cA i>V- MADi: c i.orii I .irci, and every variety in the VAN KEF NOTION LINE, ' which will be sold at a small advance for V'ASil, or on time to punctual cubtt)uieis, eitherat WHOLES.-VLE ’ or RETAIL. All are respectfully invited to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. B. F. PEARCE. I Hay St., Fayetteville, Sept. 1, 185G. 35-tf RORERT 1). GREEN. .LATE GREEN .Sc WEAR,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., I'AYKTTEVIJ.LK, N. C. RD. G. begs to return his siuv^erc thanks to the • public for the kin.i patronage so liberally be- , stowed upon the late Firm, and informs them he has bought the interest of J. S. Wear, and will continue . the business in all its branches at the old stand, tinder his entire superintendence. N. B All Watcnes left with him for repair will be taken apart in the presence of the owners, aud the necessary repairs pointed oat to them and a written contract given for the same, which work will be war ranted for two years. On hand .in.I for sale now, the most varied and i clioice selection of CLOCKS und other time pieces ; that has ever been ofi'ered to the I'ublic in North Caro lina, which he will sell at New York prices, aud also wakrx.nt for two years. I All debts due to and by the late firm will be paid i and received by R. b. GREEN. August 2-3, 185li. 3 4-tf I FOR ri:nt. /■^Iir. Store on Green Street, formerly occupie.l by J. Brothers’ Steam Boat Comiiany. Apply to WUIGHT HL'SKE. Sept. I. iS-jo. 35-It ^ SINGINCJ BOOKS. ^■'IHE CARMINA SACRA; Aikin’s Christian Minis- A trel; Selah. A further supply just rec'd. E. J. HALE i SON. Aug. 30. The Old Dc)miiiioii, or the Soiitli- I ampton Massacre, by G. P. li. James, Es j.; The ' Mod‘>rn Story Teller, or the best Stories by the best •\uthors; School Books, i:c., just received, j E. J. HALE SON. ; .Vug. 28. LAFUINRL RGH HUiH SCHOOL. ; ffl'^HE Hth Session of this School will commence on i Tuesday the 15th day of July next. un.Ier the ' supervision of the Rev. Geo. B. Scott, M. A., of the ' University of Edinburgh, ^Scotland,) Principal, assisted j by Mrs Scott in the Primary Department. ! Mr. and Mrs. Scott have both made Teaching the business of their lives; and from the experience which the Trustees have had, during the past year, of their ■ zeal, fidelity, and success, in the discharge of the duties . of their p'rofession, they couti.iently rcconimeud them j to Parents and Guardians, as pre-eminently .jualifie 1 ly temper, talents, and ac.juirements for the instruc JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., ATTOR.llEV AT I. A W , H.\S taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend aud practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853. 79-tf BENJAMIN R. HUSKE, ATTORrVEV AT LAW, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ‘&[|'AY be found at the Office formerly occupied by IfB. W'alter A. Huske. Esq.. on Bow Street. Will attend the Counties of Moore, Cumberland and Robeson. Ami obtain Bounty Laud aud Pensions under the various acts. March 15, 1855. 84tf ANDREW J. STEDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having removed to Pittsborough, N. C., will at tend regularly, the Courts of Chatham, Moore, and Harnett Counties. April 10, 1855. il-tf W. A. HUSKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CLERK AND MASTER IN KQUITV. Faykttbvillb, N. C., May be found at the Equity Office, in the Court House. Sept. 22, 1855. 38-tf .\. SI'EARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 4TTENDS the Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, Wake and Johnston. Feb’y 13, 183«i. 78-lyr Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. “f.AW COI'ART.NLRSHll*.” WE, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State; Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, an.l the Supreme Court. J. n. HAUQHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 185G. 72tf H. I.. holmp:s, Attorney at Law, WUminston, N. C. OFFICE on corner of Front an.l Princess street, under Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf rilOS. H. TILLINGHASr, » O'OKB Kil, Andt rson Strcf t, opposite Xorth of K. J Jlale (’ aSoii's linokston'. USIC, .Magazines, and all .lescriptions of Books are bourd in all styles iu the best an.l most substatttial manucr, on terms, the same as at any place in the South. Persons wishing to know the prices of binding, will be supplie.l with a list person ally or by letter. Sept. 2.J, 1855. 3^*-tf SHFi>J\VETJi lIOlJSIv FA% ETTKVILLE, .>i. C. Eax( side of Green Street, a few Doors North of the Mmrket IJoum:. HE Subscriber desires through this medium to acknowlelge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House tlie past year—and as he has just erected New Stables an.l Carriage She.l convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, an>l respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be u.se.l to render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market ail'or.ls. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1855. 80-tf J. CREECH, GROCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, 3',* NORTH WATER ST., WILMINGTON, N. C., WILL pay diligent attention to the sale of all kinds of Produce and Naval Stores. .Mont'y advanced on consignments when re.iuired, avoi.ling unnecessary charges aud sending jtrompt returns. He has on hand and is constantly receiving, GROCERIES suitable to the wants of country Merchants and Far mers. Has in store and shall always keep on hand a large stock of LIQUORS, and some Wines, London Porter, Brown Stout, Scotch Ale: and shall receive weekly, FRUITS, such as Ornngcs, Lemons, Apples and Raisins, which will be sold at wholesale very low for Cash. Quick sales and small profitsi J. CREECH. June 4, 185*). 11- ANNFAL SE r rLl.MJ’.N'rs. subseribers tle.sire .luring the in'Hith of August to make theii usual annu.al settlemen'.s. Those indebte.l will have their accounts presented. Their creditors will please present theirs. E. J. HALE \ .'^ON June 30, lS5i;. Mctliihlist Hyiiiiis, various an.l Methodist Disciplines, just receivcl. St vies E. J. HALE SON he. riiHE 1 w, 'i'lie SoiithcMMi Hfirnioiiy, lunv (‘di- tion, revised aud enlarged. .\ further supply .just receive.I by E. J. H.VLE & SON J uly 10. FFRTHER SFPIMJI:S OT liOOKS. VAGABv)ND Life in Mexico; “Plu-Ri-Bus-T.ah"’, by Doesticks; The Sparrowgrass Papers. l>y Co/.zens; Hiawatha; “The Wide Wide World"; Hume’s an.l Macaulay's Histories of England; The Carmiua Sacra; Aiken's Christian Minstrel; Dick's Works; Jacobus' Notes on the Gospels; Maury’s Piiysical Geogra]diy of the Sea: ij'c., just received. E. J. H.ALE \ SON. July 24. CANTWEIJ/S N. c. JFsrici:. Swann's Justice liccisrd, and udaptcd to tin New Revised Code. rjlHlS work, invaluable to Magistrates, Otlicer, an I JL all who have occasion tj know the Law, an.l to use the Forms under it, is very much enlarged. Price .'j!3 50. For sale by E. J. H.\LE x SON. Aujrust 185t‘>. n' o Ur. K. A. BLACK. FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hins.Iale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’v 7, 1850. 70-tf T. C. WORTH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, n. c. Jan’y 10, 1850. t)8-tf CHARLES BANKS, iO.XFEC TMO.VK R, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreijn Fruits, Nuts, Ciyars, Tobacco, Snuff, d'C «RKC:V KTKEET, Fayetteville, N. C. 73tf March 1, 1853. W. \\ ELLIOTT, tion of btu.lents, in all the branches of an English, j Oeneral Commission and Forwarding Merchan WILMINGTON, N. C. Whi.'h they wi'l se’i CHEAP N ■tes, at WH!)LF.SALE only visi’’ng this market t'- examine B. STAKR. .\iigust 27, Ih.j'i. J. (). llorSTOA Ur:>n.D inform his friends and former customers that he may be f.iuii.l 2 doors below the Cajie Fear Bank, tin 1 i d.^or'i above his old stand south si'le I'l l'm Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and .-very thing beiouging t.> his trade. He respectfully invite.'! his friends fr.iui the country to call and examine his st K k before purcha.sing. He will atten.l to Repairing of Harness and Saddles I '.iin-tiiaUy, aii 1 hi.^ charges shall be m."ler>ite. He w ui! I rcjue-t itil indebte.l to the firm of HOUSTON & I 'V ERB^ t.) settie with W . Overby or himself, iis they ar>- comj.eiled settle the firm's debts. Augu-t 27, :Utf Scientific, (’lassical, an.l Commercial Education, i The Trustees respectfully invite the public to a per- f.^r Cash or approvc.l , s..nal examination of the system pursued in the School. VVe invite Merchants Terms—:^12, an.i ■1J20. per Session of five mouths, 1 French included in the 3.1 grade without extra charge. ) Boar.l can be h:^d with the undersigned in the Boanl- ing house belonging to the School or in private familie; at JiiB, per month. Washing and room lights extra. One half fees ami Board invariably paid in advance. D. C. .MclNTVRE, Sec’y. Laurinburgh, Richmon.l co., N. C., July 3, 1850.[^18-tf ■ur stock. J. M WILLIAMS. 34tf A CARD. fBIHE suKs.ribor bogs leave to inform his friemls M. and aeiiiia;ntances. th.it he has entered into ‘ usin*" f.,r himself, m l taken the st.,.re one .loor be- 1. w .M.-. l»r .11, 1,11 (Jillispie Street, near the .Mar- k.-t, wnere ;nt«jn Is to keep on han.J a general as- '.■rtinent of I)ry Good.-', Roots and Sliocs,'rriiiiks. Hats, HanUvarc, Cutlery, und Fancy (ioods. L. BRANDT. F-iyetteville, .Aug. 27. •M-2m L.\ND FOR SALF~ ^1''11 E subscriber will sell to the highest builder, on I the premises, Friday tlie 10th October next, that V uu ih!e tract of land, in D.avi.lson County, N. C., two i::.'. ; from Thomasville, formerly the residence of J !in \V. Thomas, containing 800 .\cres, adjoin- . the '.and.-, of Nathan Kendall, Es j , ;in.l ..ithers. Here i.- an opportunity for one of the most .iesirable r.-sidences in Western N. C. N jim.al .jllege on the East, 7 miles Glenn .Vnna, a •uiisbiiig Female Institution, within twenty minutes w ilk, aud the N.jrlli ijaroliua ll.iil Roa.l within tw.j I, on the n..rth. This 1;mi.1 will Iji- divi.led into tw.j or more tracts if -:re 1. -Nathan Ken.lall, E.^'i., at Faic(Jrove, an.l adj.)ining t'l.; 1 r.-mises, has kin.liy e.jnseiite.l to shew this pro- p' ri% \ any person .lesirous of purchasing. l* rm-, {j i ]o months ere.lit, with interest from .la'e, tti ■ p'lr. haber executing bond with secr.rity, pay- ai.;' at t!i‘ Farn.ers Bank, Greensboro’. JAMES SLOAN. Green.sboio', August 2:)th, 1850. 35-tOl. I fiiicttfrillc tV ilheniarle J*lank Hoad, Dividend No. 2. VDI\ IDEND ol .'j>3 per share on the State Stock, an.l ^1 per Share on the indivi.iual Stock of this ' .up.iny has been .leclare.l, payable October 1 st, 1850. JNO. .Nl. ROSE, Sec’y. ;^tpt. 1, i8oO- ao GLOVER, WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER, At the old Stand, North side of Hay Street, FA V ETTK VI f. I. K, AS just returne.I from the North with the largest Stock of Goods he has ever otfere.l in this market, which he will sell at very low prices. Among his as sortment may be found Gold an.i Silver Watches of all kinds, some very fine; Gold Fob, Vest and Guard Chains; Seals ami Keys; Fob Buckles; Spectacles of all kin.Is; Breast Pins an.l Ear Kings in sets, something fine; all kinds of Finger Rings: Bracelets; Gold Pen cils with Pen; Gold Lockets; Studs; Collar and Sleeve Buttons; Gobi Pen and Pencils with India Rubber Cases, a new article; fine Pearl Card Cases; Pocket Compass, with Sun Dial connected; Oral Beads; Port Monnais; Jet Necklaces; fine Jet Pins; Accordeons; Music Boxes, &c. SMSilver Forks; Silver Ta ble and Tea Spoons; Sugar ami Preserve Spoons; Mus- ; tard and Salt Spoons; Silver Cups, Butter Knives, Fruit Knives. I PLATED GOODS; Forks; Table and Tea Spoons; ! Butter Dishes; Castors; Card Baskets; Ladies’ Work - j Boxes; a good assortment of Military Goods; a fine lot I of Clocks, an.l very many other articles which hia frien.le and the public are invited to examine. Strict attcntiou paid to Watch IIkpairino. June ll-oin June 10, 1«.54. 4tf JOS£PH R. BLOSSOM. V 41 n nisHio i\ AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, J%\ C. Prompt personal atteution given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made ou Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 J. S. BANKS, CoiiiiiiiwMioii .^lerc'liaiit, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1850. 06-tf S. M. THOMAS, DEALER IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTIHNG, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, COTrON YARNS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, &c., &c. Corner Market and Gillespie St.. Fayetteville, N. C. Dec. 17, 1855. 62-tf (iOLDSBOROl GH FKTIAI.E ViUAjFliiVl. HE third Session of this Institution commences on Tednfsday, the :^d of Jan'y 1855, and ends on the 3.J of June, 1855. Rev. JAS. II. BRENT. A. B., President. Dr. Moroak Closs, late of Chajiel Hill, Professor of Mathematics. And a full corps of Teachers in every branch. Board, including W'ashing, Lights, Fuel, kc., per session, $50 00 Tuition in Primary Department, •'?10 00 Collegiate Depaitment, !?'20 00 One hundred dollars will cover all expenses of the session in the Collegiate course and all ornameutal branches. Pupils in primary department charge.! the usual price for orramental branches. One half payable in advance. Three Lectures on scientific subjects will be delivered each month. We are making every eti'ort to render the School the first in advantages and cheapness, an l pledge to reduce prices, and multiply the advantages in proportion to the increase of patr.»nage. When our number of pupils reaches 200 we shall be able to reduce the prices nearly one half, every one ai.ling us, is also aiding in jilacing the means of a superior e.lucation within the reach of almost every gii l in tlie State. We return ihaiiks for the unexample.l support wt hiive had and believe it will be continued. For further inform.ition ajiply to the President of the faculty, oi myself. WM. K. L.\NE, Pres’t StockhoMers. Dec. 1854. 57-tf (iROCERIES AND HARDWARE- rilllE subscriber has in Store a good assortment of J (Joods in the GROCERY and H.VRDWARE LINE; all of which will be sold wholesale or retail, or bar tered for country pro.luce, on terms the most reason able. \ small lot of SADDLERY for sale cheap. Give us a cali. G. W'. I. GOLDSTON. N. B. .Any of my friends in the country having busi ness to transact iu this place, such as renewals, Xc . can have it done on the usual terms, by sending same to my caro. G. W. 1. G. Fayettevillu, Sept. 27, IS.“>.>. 8'.Ht BEDS I’EADS! liEDSTEADS!! J UST received from the Manufacturer, Ira Hersey, a supply of BL10STi:.lDS of various patterns, and made of good seasoned timber. These Be.lsteads are manufactured in this place, and can be sold to dealers as low as they' can be got fVom the North. Call and examine. A. M. CAMPBELL. April '.il-y VALUABIJF PROPER'rV FOK S.1L.E. I OFFER for sale, my L.\NDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about 130 .\creo, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. About 80 Acres of it is tine Meadow Land, ,is the Crop now on it will show. .Vlso, the Valiial»l«‘ ISi’irk I..0I near the Market Square, occupied by Mr. John .V. Pembertfln. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell and Muuiford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divide.l into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High School Buildings. .\lso, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mum/ord Street. Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both Winslow aud Mumfonl Streets. All this property can now be purchased on favora ble terms, and a large part can remain on Bon.J and Mortgage if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1855. 43-tf iXortli Carolina Readers. rj^lIE Undersigne.l are prepared to furnish, whole- -■L sale and retail, npun rrn/ fiivornhh’ >rn/is, to Teachers, Booksellers, Merchants, Book Pe ilars, an.l others, the SERIE> of .'VOB&TIl C’.A A o.s. 1 aud 2, by Pkofkssui’ iJi iiuauh, of the University of North Carolina, and No. :] by C.M.VIN II. AViley, Es.p now Superintendent of Com mon Schools. E. J. HALE & S()N. LAW 1500 KS. fBlIIE Subscribers have on hand, ml will promptly A fill or.lers for North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or in single volumes. Ireilell’s Digest an.l Digested Manu.'il. Jones’s lM;.;'-st. Revised Statutes of North Carolina. Wiley’s New Form Book. STORY, on Sales, Bills, Contracts. Partnership. Agency, E.juity Jurispru.leiiee, Ivjuity Ple.i.lings. AlKjHBOLD, on Practice, Criminal Practicc ami Plea.ling. Landlord an.l Tenant. CHITTY, ou Coutracts, Crimin il Law, Blackstone, Medical .lurispradcnce. SUGDEN, on Ven.lors and Property. POWELL, on Mortgages, and Contracts:. SMITH, ou .\ctions at Law, Master :iud Servant, Landlor.l and Tenant, Chancery Practice. S.\Nl)ERS, on Pleading :\n.l Evidence, Uses an.l Trusts. Reports. RUSSELL, on .Arbitration, 1'actor.s, Crimes. IIOFFMA.N'S Legal Stu.ly, and Masters in Chancery. WILLIA.MS on Personal I’roperty. WHEATON'S Selwyn's Nisi Pnus. WHARTON, on American Law of Homici.le, Mc.li- cal Jurisprudence. State Trials in the United States, American Criminal Law, Law Dictionary. Stephen on Pleading. Rojier on Legi.cies. Dart on Vendors. Fearne on Remainders. Edwards on Bail ments. Coke upon Littleton, (Hargrave an.l i’>utler’s) new edition. Kent's Commentaries. Curtis's .litto. Dart's Vendors an.l Purchasers of Real Estate. .\.l- ams' Iviuity. Troubat's Law of Limile.l i’artiicrship. Hughes’ F^luity Draughtsman. Phillips and .\mos on Evidence. Giesley ou Law of llvi.lencc. Ross on Bills and Promissory Notes. Domat's Civil Law. Lewis's U. S. Criminal Law. Dauiell’s Chancery Practice. Roscoe's Criminal Evidence. ,\therley on the Law of Marriage. CoUyeron Partnership. Green- leaf on Evi.lence. Oliver on Conveyancing, t’urtis's Conveyancer. Burrill's Law Dictionary. Cruise on Real Property. Tayler’s Law Glossary. Crabb on Real Property. Reeves’ Domestic Relations. Byles on Bills. Bell ou Sale. Lee on -\rbitration of Titles. Sharswood’s Professional Ethics. Barton's suit in Eijuity. Wills on Circumstantial Evi.lence. Coinyn's Landlord and Tenant. Watson on .\rbitratiou. Hare on Discovery. Oliphant ou Horses. Whitworth’s E.^uity Precedents. Morris on Replevin. Gresley’s E»iuity Evi.lence. Bi hop ou Marriage an.l Divorce. Mathew’s Presumptive Evidence. Robertson ou Suc- cessii.n. Ellis on Insurance. Lewis on the Law of Perpetuity. Phillimore on Domicil, (’ary on Part nership. SVilson on Use.s. Fell on Guarantees. New- land ou Coutracts. Tamlyn's Chancery Evidence, .jc. These or other Law Books ordered will be supplied to the Professsion in any part of ike State on reason able terms. E. J. HALE SON. JFST PUBLISHED, •f aud Vorrerled Edition of Devereux’s Equity, Vol. 2. Bi^i»raj»liical Skctcli >t Honry .\. Wise, witii a History of the Political Campaign in Vir ginia in 1S.')5, by lames P. Hambleton, M. D. E. J. HALE cSc .SON Aug. 12. \i:w NHTSIC ^ MUSIC ROOKS. ■ •EHTINI'S Piauo Forte Metho.l—new and revised fi# e.iition; Hunteu’s Celebrate.1 Instructions for the Piano Forte; I’.urrowe’s Piano Forte Primmer; .\c- cor.leon, Flute, VioVm and Clarionett Instructers. Alsu. Music fv^r the Piano. Just receive.! and for sale by E. J. H.\LE 4' SON. April •') N:trr;tli\o of tiie I’Apt'ditioii ot* an .\merican Si)U idron to the China Seas and Japan, bj Com. Perry, U. S. Navy, with numerous illustrations, edite.l by ile\. Dr. F. L. Hawks. ■\lsi'., turth.'r supplies of Mrs. Ilentz’s Novels; Miss .Murray's Travels tlir.iugli the U. S.; Mitchell'u Tra veller’s C.ui.le; Steel Pcus, j'C. E. J. HALE V SON. Au^. 12. SCHOOL BOOKS. SZ ALTSCH.MIDT'S Latiu Dictionary; Kendrick’s m Greek Ollendorlf: Greenfield’s Greek Testainont ami Lexicon; Herodotus,—Leipsic Edition; .\nthon’s • ’lassical Dictionary: f.iddell and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon: Anthou’s Horace: Bullion’s Latin Readers and Grammars; Morse's Geography; Goo.lrich’s Pictorial U. States; Willard’s U. States; Bullion’s Eng. Gram mar; t;reenleat”3 .Vrithmetics and Keys; McQuffey's Readers; iuackenbos’ 1st Lessons; Comstock’s Chem istry, &c., just received and for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. .\pril 5. BOOK m\DERY.~ RW. II.VRDIE has resumed the Book Binding • Business, ovci’ the Tailor Shop of Plark iSc i Wooilwar.l, where ^he will receive and execute bin.ling in any style desired. August 1. 27-tf NEW^ STOCK OF Books and Stationery. E are tiow receiving our usual New Stock of » w BO»)KS and ST.VTK.>NERY, embracing a great v.iriety of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL and MISI'ELLANEOUS BOOKS, Together with a large an.l varie.l stock of Blan.k |{cK)ks, Paper, Envelopes, &(*. Country Merchants and otlu'rii are invited to call, as we o'.l'er the above stock on the best terms. Oct. 8. E. J. HALE & SON. C'opyiiig Ink, and Copying Books just received. E. J. HALE SON. June 4. JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. ^I'^HL subscribers Uave for sale, the 2d volume of tlie JL Reports of Law Cases iu the Supreme Court of North Carolina, by H. C. Joues, Es.j. Just published. A’so, Supreme Court Reports gener.allj-, an.l other Law Books. E. J. HALE & SON. BllsllilP K1VE.\S1'R0FT’S \1()!IK>;. rUlHE 2.1 edition, (with hundreds of typographical JR. errors of the oM e.liti.)n correcte.J,^ is publishe.l for the benefit of the Missionary cause of the Episco pal Church in N.'rth Carolina. The price of the 2 V(ds. is, in cloth binding, SI, iu sheep S4 5>. Orders, •acconipauie.l iu every instance by cash, may be a.l- dresse.l to E. J. HALE j’ SON. Fayetteville. May 8, IS.^O. Worth & Utley, Forwardinj; and General Commission MERCHANTS, loi* IE Subscribers have for s.ile an Imperial No. I Washington Hand Press, 2.1 hand. It will oe sold cheap, deliverable in Petersburg, Va. It is said to be a good Press an.l iu good order. June 1, 1S55. E. J. HALE .Sc SON. T TIkmiow lievis('(t Statute's. fSIHE Subscribers have receive.1 on consigntnent, a -B- few cojties of the New Revisal. Price ^4, cosh on deliciri/. E. J. HALE SON. . Jan'y 21. "%TEW VOLUMES OF THE FOUR GREAT BRITISH REVIEWS, namely, eihnblrgh. North British, w;;st.minster, AND LONDON QUARTERLIES. AND BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH .MAGAZINE (MONTHLY), Commenced with North British for November, 1855, ami the other Reviews and Blackwood for January. 1850. y'rwv ,,/■ Siii.scfiption.—Any cue Review or Black wood, a year. Blackwood and one Review—or any two Reviews, •‘S5. The four Reviews and Black- FayetteviUe^ *V. C. I i:\lALE INSTITUTE. ^ I'11 IS Institution will resume its operations ugain 1^ on MONDAY, the «th of SEPTE.MBER. The charges will be the same as they have been for the last year. Boanl ^10 per month, including wash ing, lights, ^c. ^ L. C. GR.VVES, A. M., who has served us so long and efficiently as Principal of the Institute, new also has charge of the Steward s Department, whicli ren ders it doubly sure that this department will be con- .lucted to the entire satisfaction of all. Mr. Stradella will continue iu charge of the Musical Department; aud Mrs. Stradella the Department of Painting, &c. BIZZELL, Sec’y Board oi Trustees. Clinton, July 25, 1850. -30-tf LOOK AT THIS,—$10 Reward. ^JTIl.WED from Dr. Ira Davis, 4 or 5 weeks since, 20 miles above this place, a RED HOUND DOG, calle.l “Rel,” common size and well formed, and very smooth tongued. The above Hewanl will be paid for the dog or iuformatiou that will recover him, with my thanks also. J. WADDILL, Jr., FayetteviPe. Aug. 10. 31-4w J. A. WORTH. (72tf) LOVERD ELDUIDGE, •tttorneif at W ILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithtield, April 15, 185G. 00-tf G. W. WILLIAMS 4 CO. Have just received a large and well selected as sortment of HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer chants. March 17, 1855 84- J. C I'OE, DEALER IN STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND READY’-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. I Uay Street, Fayetteville, N. C. I May 26, 1865. 4-tf REDUCED FARE. Through Tickets between Wilmington, N. C.. and Balti more. FaresjilS. Via Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, & Wash ington City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. For Tickcts apply at theOffice i.f the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, at Wil mington, or at the Office of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1. 1852. f SIMRi F BARRELS. 4LW.WS on hand and for sale at the lowest mar ket price, SUPERIOR SPIRIT BARRELS. G. W. WILLIAMS & CO. May 28. 4-tf Marble Factory. Ifi flOR SO.ME years past this volume of the Reports ! woo.I, $10. Four copies to one a.ldress, .'j;;JO. of the Supreme Court of North Carolina has been : I’vshuj^ (which should be paid quarterly iu advauce) out of print. The subscribers have printed a 2.1 edi- i on the four Reviews and Blackwood to any Post Office tion, revised aud corrected, which they will be happy 1 iu the Unite.l States, only 80 cents a year: namely, 14 to furnish to such gentlemen of the profession as have j cents a year on each Review, and 21 cents a year on incomplete sets. (>rders are solicited. . Should they : Blackwood. be encouraged sufficiently by the sale of this volume. A.ldress, L. SCOTT CO., Publishers, they propose to follow it by a re-print of Devereu.x's j 5J (jold Street, corner of Fulton, N. Y. 1st, 3d, and 4th Law, aii'l l‘ev. ci. Battle’s .1st Law, all ; ~ ^ —; ; of which are out of print. E. J. HALE & SON. i N(^W Alctliod toF tlie Guitar, l>y Charles C. Converse; Hunten’s Instructions for tire By GEO. LAUDER. TWO UIMIRS ABOVE C. T. IIAIGII k SON'. .'STORE, Fayetteville, 1%. C. Jan’y 20, 1850. 64ypd Blank Warrants tor sale here NEW ju)oivs. ; rjlIlE Confidential Correspou.Ience of Napoleon with , Jl his Brother Joseph Bonaparte; Olmstcl’s Journey j in the Seaboard Slave States: Memoirs of Susan Alli- bone; The Way of Salvation, by Albert Barnes. ' Further supplies of Hetherington's History of the . Church of Scotland; Bayard Taylor’s In.lia, Chiua an.i \ Japan: Eldora; The Old HomesteaJ, by Mrs. Stephens: j Rose Clark; Widow Bedot, The Escapcl Nun, The Hidden Path, .\lone, and other popular Works. Pe terson’s Familiar Science; Short Patent Sermons, by Dow, Jr ; Banker’s Cases; and various School Books. Just received by E. J. ll.\LE & SON. March 5. GARDENING FOR THE sDU'm, By vV. N. W’hite of Ge^jrgia; Courtship aud .Marriage, by Mrs. Hcntz; The Courtesies of Wedded Life, by Mrs. Leslie; Harper’s Classical Library, being literal translations of Cicero, Xenophon, Ceasar, Herodotus, Horace, ijc. Also, further suj>plies of Ernest Linwoo.l: Hiawatha: Mrs. Hentz's Novels, 50 cts. a vol.: Johnston’s .Agri cultural Chemistry; Dossey’s Choice; Trench on the Miracles; The Moral Probe: Eclogues aud Georgies of Virgil, by Antliou: Jay’s Morning an.l Evening Exercises; “Five Hundre.l Mistakes (‘orrectc.l”: Smith’s Grammar; &c., just received bv E. J. HALE SON. JFire InsMirance. fB^HE *ETN.\ lusurance Company of Hartford, hav- i ing i>aid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will continue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the management of the umlersign- ed, who is prepared to issue Policies of Insurance on Buildings or Goods, either in this Town or iu any part of the State, ou proper ajiplication, description of the I’roperty, Acc. The .ETNA CO.MPANY has been in operation about GO years. Its capital is S500,000. The Hon. Thos. K. Brace was its iirst President, and he still holds that office: aud several of its first Directors are still active j and effi«ient members of the Board. It has at all times I sustained the highest character for the prudence of * its management, aud for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. Piano Forte; Burrowes Piauo Forte Primmer. Fur ther supplies just received E. J. HALE ii SON. Nov. r,). fONES’s Views of the Seats, Mansions, Castles, ic. of .Noblemen and Gentlemen in Scotland. The Book of Scottish Ballads. The Scottish Gael; The Book of Balla.ls, by Bon Gaultier: .McFingal, by Teumbull; Lillian aud other Poems, Ijy Praed; Watson’s Dictionary of Poetical Quotations: Ball.a.ls, bj* W. Harrison Ainsworth; Leigh Hunt's Stories iu Verse; Allingliam’s Poems; Hogg’s Tales; The (Queens of Englan.l of the House of Hano ver, by Dr. Doran: The Nocteg Ambrosiaua; of Bl.ack- wood; Bohn’s New Hand Book of Games: The War of the .-Vllies, from the Correspon.lent of the London j Times; Novelties, Inventions and Curiosities in Arts I aud Manufactures: k,c. E. J. HALE St SON. April 2:^). KKOwWeo If Mias arrived: Great Iron Wheel Kxamined,” by Parson M. Brownlow, price 81 GO, just rec’d. Postage on it bj- m.iil is 18 cents. Als.», a few more of the ‘ Great Iron Wheel,” by Parson Graves. L. J. HALE i: SON. May 28. I'uiif’fiKR sL i>i>i,ii;s or hooks. ISS Murray's Travels in the U. States and (,’.in- axla; i'he Table Talk of Samuel Rogers: .'Sheridan Knowles’ Dramatic Works: Memoir ^f S. S. Prentiss: Eruest Linwood, by Mrs. Hentz; The American De bater: Hart's Class Book of Poetry; Uuion Bible Dic tionary; WiM Western Scenes; Dana's Muck Mauual; Methodist Hymns and L’iscipline; Le Bruu’s Tele- maijue: Blauk Books, Schod Books, kc. E. J. HALE 4- SON. May 28. 8- DWKLLIN'G I'OU SALK. rpiHE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling and Lot on the corner of Gillespie ami Russell Streets, at present occupie.l by Mr. Henry Erambert. Terms reasonable. Possession given on the 1st Octo ber next. E. J. H.\LE May 2'J. b-