I S B Ml-W E E K. L Y VOL. VI.l FAYKTT»:VH,U:, X. SKPTKMIUCU 18, 185(». NO. 540.1 i !lINTEI> Mr.M>\YS ,\N1> Tl! I’RSD \ YS KDWAKb J. H VLK SON. Kl'lT(»U^ V\D 1'K0?KIF,T0RS. .. lor the S .Mui-\Vo(»kly Okskrvkh $3 UO ii' ]>aiJ iu I , u uii'c, ^ >0 if |>:il 1 ilip y.*;',r of 'julwi’iip- j r r >> I it'tPi-tilt' vi'iu hft-. o\|jiroil. ; y 1 Inc \\ I'l'kly OB"kkvku uO per Huuutn, if palil in ^ .>() if pnivl iluriiijj iJie yeni of siif'Hcrip- ; i.r S' " rtfter tliP y»*:ir has «‘\pired. i l*VljKTl>KMF.NTS iusertoil for sixty cfiits per i.in' ?' 10 lilies fur th' t'lrst. lui'l thirty cer.i: for each | : >* !;ii4 puhlii'iitiiiii Yearly ;ulvertiseiuent i*y spe- . ; . .iitr:u‘t-', Ht r':i?‘i’.i:iUlo r:»tes. Ailvertisers are j til -t;ite the uuiuber of insertions desircil, or j ■ V -.vu! he I'ontinueil til! forl'iil. tn'l chavped aoi’i.nl- ! >. sasr 1 -etter.i to the K'lituri must >>e j ost-p:iiil. ' . ivertiscment'^ ti' ho inserted r >/.**», oharjfeil ')'»pff ] !,!. ex.tr;’ 1 VOTIC K. iv. WILLIAM J. UKOWN is our authoriz"!.! dgeut XT ■_ to receive payuituiH, nnJ f^rani JIiichargeM for Miv Eojk :i.-.'Oil111'* we hfivo in the ci.nntv of Robutfoii .1. A T WADIHLL. June 1. is.jj, 7tf M 75 liuorKutr.s. SACKS rOFFEF.. 5(: bbls SUOAK. o caddies TllA, lie :>y ,■1 t. l-'>. IS" L I MOOUK 50 risii. BAKllKLS No. VArKEKL'L. 25 ir. do. No. ‘2 “ “ “ Nv. 1 iO hhls. Herring 5lH> lbs, Codtisb h .i>- ).-ile by Ji. F Sept lo*. IS.'v; 3i>tf ciitiHsi:. ti OsfHEN and Dairy CHEESbl. W ;Speiin and Adamantine CANDLKS iO bciea SODA iUSCUIT -V.jarH Wet India PRK^EUVF.S. t-'. r sale by E F MOUllK. Sept. 15. 18'>ti. J^nf ji’s;t ui-x r.iVKi), 500 *J(* l ase-f NEGRi^ SHOES. K ,r sale by E. F. .MOORE. >Store formerly iccupied by Hall .'■'nekett. .Sept. lo, 18ot'. 3'.tf SCHOOL HOOKS. JMMERs'iN S Aritbmetiis and Keys; I’lirker'd I’lii- li -ophy; Nortli '"'aroUn i Ropderti; Bullion's (ire?k irammar and Header: Pikes' Aritlinrietic; Coiiistoi'k’& I'ii-. i ■) hv Further supplir-^ just received. E. J. HALE Jc SON. ^,-_T 1' V UARK CIIA.\( l:! I’fii Fiiriiitiiiv and ot'thr I 'ay- «*ttevillo Hotel for salo. 11 Hi. .mbs: ribprs having fully determined lo sell ' the above named Property, how >tlVi' it t" an cn- r-rpri-jing man upon liberal teiras. i'airi Hotel enj.'ys a lar>;e custom from tlie adj.uning , unties and from the travelling laiblic, with a jiros- pect of futnrf* incri'ase. What it b;is done -ind is imw i'-i.ng can ' c secu >y any me wi>ihing to piircluise re- terring to our )>ooks. The situation of the building is sucii that it corn- !u;iudg the greater part of the custom coming to and ptisiing throuch thin place. Fur the amount of capital invebtC'!, there ii- no bu siness that !i per-iin could engage in that would pay at well. .1 H. ROHEP.TS .V ro. Sept. 11, ‘ '-jh. :>Htt T -wu paper- copy. SKA SHOKi: HOTi:i. FOR SALF. ^ttriLL 'iP sold at public Auction at the Court Ww Housoin Sinithville. -n M'>nday the loth day of Octoiier text, ihe water lots with the improveiut'i.t>i thereon, in tiie town of Smithville, known ns lots No. Ui! and 21. On ■•iiid lota is a building nearly com- pletf'l, about IJ'j feet long by 4>» f^et wide, intended rr.i a Hotfl. It ha? three stories besides a basement, and ciiutains >Ct rooms. The buildiug'S Irout directly : the Bay. commanding a line view of »he beautiful iiarbor of Sinithviile nnd al»o of the Ocean only - miles •ustaiit. From the well known healthfulnes.-i of Smith- vii'ie ;ind it' easy acff-»,s by rjiilroad and .•steamboats, is evident that a littie enterprise only i.s needed to make it one jf the n.osf fa.-ihion.ible watering places n the Soutii. Terms made known at saie. For furiiier int*)rmati"n apply to tiu* hubscrilicr at .'^mithville, N. S.V.M'I., L.VNGDoN. Ex’r of .S. 11. Eveiett. .-iept mber 11. :]'.*-ts .lA^IES KYLE s ,(!/ ii'fl'iiiii/ his .sPRJXO SL FPLY uf ( HF SP (r(^OI)S. tM)NU which are. Irish Linens, Luwn.s and Diapers. I ronch. Scotch and Domestic Lawns; (’■ilicoes. Frcnch, English and Domestic; French. Scotch and Domestic (jingliaius; Kmb'd atid IMain (,’rapn Shawls and .Searfs, •j to 10-4 Rleaehod ShirtiiJg and Sheeting; French asiJ Irish Linen Drilling; Bl’k and Col d Silks; Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbon; Bolting C!oth», No. li to U>; Joseph Bepko’s Cottonudes; Col’cl Grenadines and Barege,^; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, assorted; Blny Linens, , to 4-4, voiy ohcnp; Witli many other articles, all of which having been purchased by the package at the lowest rates, will bo otTere«l at the lowest prices, by whole'*alc or rotuil, for Cash, or on time to Punctual Customers. March 1*7, IS'^tJ. 1*1-tf \cu' Kstijbli.shmcjit, By \in, WAT^Oilf. ^■^HE Subscriber wouUl inforHj his friends and the X public gonerally, that he has completed his new establifihmeat on Max well street, near Mr. E. W. Win kings' Storo. and is now prepared to receive orders for ( Airrs, vv\(iOvs, duays, \c., which shall b»' promptly cxocuttd. .VU work done by him shall be of the best workman ship and material that the country c.m afford. RKPAlRlNri of :ill kinds done with noatiie.ss ;iiid despatch. Also, I101v8K-SH(>MIX() will bo strictly at tended to. X. B. No pains wi'l t>e si>Hred to give satislaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. Fayetteville, July *24. 18')i:). 24-V TO DISTILLFRS. WE will pay the highest cash }>rice for SPIRITS TURPENTINE, and request Distillern to give U8 a call when In market. J. it T WADDILL June -U, Ptf 7V> Rrnt for the hnlanre of year 18;'>(>. ^I'^UE dwel’ing lately occupied by" Major J. P. Oood- f sell, together with lot, baiu and cuthoust-;, .»n The premises FIRE AND [.IFF FVSURANCF. , rjI'^HE undersigned lia.s the Agency of the following ' ■L Companies, viz; } Greensborough .Mutual Life liisHrauc« and Trust Cii j Oreensborough Mutual Fire Insurance C« . i Newborn Mutual Insurance Co , (’harlotte Mutual Fire Insurance (’o., j Caswell Mutual Fire Insurance Co. | Insurance in SkiiH '.'aruUna Co.nyanifu oan now Iju j tAkcn iu any part of Town or County, in large or \ small amounts ! •INO. M. BOSK. Agent. \ June "lO, IbSti. 17-Ciii ' M*vilU' Hotol. jt a rilHE Sulisciibers liuvinp this d:\yloased tliit. 1 Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased .to see their friends and the travelling public at this House. At the same time we hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfections until wc sha'.! have put the House iu .such repair as we desire. .J H. ROP.EBTS vS; ('(>. J. H. lluuRRTs. F. N. RoiiKins. .March 1, 185r.. SO-tf N' N1' I. SK'l'T I. Iv\l IN I'S. subscribeis desire durii;g the in.mth t>f 8 .\ugust to make (lieir usual annual settlfni.Mn-; Those indebted will have their acciaint.s iire-entcti Their creditors will plense present theirs. E J H .M.F, .V S(»N .iiine no. i ,'r)i;. Mt'lliodist Hymns, variosis .slyl and Methodist Disciplini^s. just leceived. E J. H.ALE .V SO.V ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOR SALE A GKXFRAL ASSOIi'fMhW'r Oh DRV (lOODS AND GROCERH.S, Together with a general assortment of FOKEIliX A.\D UOMliSTIC WINES aud LIQUORS, Which I am anxious to sell or exchange for Produce of ajy kind usually sold in this Market. W. II. CARVER, Hay Street, near the Market. Nov. 7. 51-tf BARTH’W FULLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, rAYKTTFVII.f.F., C'., V V .V\ bo consulted at the Law Ulllre (>f Jesse (i. Shepherd, Es^.. on Green Street July 1 1S5H. 21- SC'IJFPFRXONC; (.RAFFS. | WK wish to contract for l,tK)0 or more bushels of ; Scuppernong Grapes, to be delivered next fall. ' Apply to J. II. Ro*>crts A (’o., at Favettevillo Hotel. BOBEP.TS k BR*THERS. ‘ •iune 1'-^ 185(5. l--tf I I DFFF RIVFR COAL. HlTL MlNoUS COAL of the best qnality can be j had at tlio works at Egypt, at a reasonable price ! by the Ton. WM. McCLANK, ] Mining Engineer. | May Ul, l&.'it.. 0-tf | iCape Foar l^and for 8al(.‘. i rHE Subscriber oflers for sale THKFE HL'N1>RED , a and EIGHTV-FIVE .Veres of Land on Ca[>e Fe:ir 1 River below Smith’s Ferry, in ('umberlaud county, j ' running with the river to the binds of .Mj’S. l>3'rd. | ; A portion of the land is ileared and fenced. It is ■ well .'idapted to the cultivation of corn, oats an«l the I usual crops of the river lands. The part uncleared j has on it some gooil swamp, whieh may be easily pre- j pared for use. It will be sold on a credit of twelve months. Persons wishing to buy can call on the owner at this place. J. G. SHEPHERD. April 8. '.14-tf 'I'lu' Southern Hiiniioiiy, ik'w odi- tion. revised and enlarged. .V further .supply ju'i received by E. J- H\LE St>N July k;.* FrRTHFRSFFFF.IFS OF F,o’oKS. V(i.VBOND Life in Mexico; ••Plu-Bi-Bns-Tah", !■.' w Doesticks; The Sparrov.'grasa Papers, l.y t'o/./.ci.s; Hi'iwatliii; “The Wiile Wide Worid", Hume's uni Macaulay’s IliBtories of Englj'.nd; The Carniina Sacr..; Aiken’s Christian .Mii'trel; Dick's W.irk'. J!ico'm>‘ Notes on the Gospels; Maury's Physical (ieography o! the .Sea; i^c., just received E. •). H.VLE A: .'^oN. July 24. }' / CAN'rWFFI/S N. C. .U S'l'K’F Sicafni.'i .futifir.j nun Ii-h AV(/' HeV!.>'/ (')ih fBlHlS work, invahiable to .Magistrates, Otlicer-, an I Jl all wiio have occasion to know the I,aw. and t. use the Forms under it, is very inui li ■••iilarj;ed. I’l-i. i •S‘5 50. For sale by E. •!. H VLE iS SON .August 18o»). Aortli Carolina li(*a(i( rs DOii'UN H(H SE! POWERS iV. TROV, Propkiktors. ^■^HE Proprietors of this Establishment i announce to the public, that owing to C.\lvin II. Wii.KV, Esq. the constantly increasing jiatronage extend- i nion Schools. _ sell, together with lot, baiu and Lnion Street, knowQ^s the Lattn pl.ice. are in good condition. For terms see WM. H June ‘J, ed to them, they have been induced to en large the accoiiimodation by the ald'tion of ; I an extensive Dining Boom on the lower floor, and suite , ot Booms on the second lloor; thus enabling them to ! aocommodiite all who may favor them with a call. And ' ! they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in at tendance j The eligible location of the Ehtablisbment, with the espetiencv of the Proprietors in providing for the com- ' fort of theii- patrons, they hope will secure to them a I liberal share of the travel. The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and de part from this House. Carriages in attendance on arrival and den.irture of HAIGII IHf f IlDER VINEG.VK, >i good article for ea’.o by \V. H. (^'.VRVER Nov. lu. 54-tf El RKW.MU). .■\N.\W \Y from the subscriber on the 1st of April high, about JO years of Hge, and black. Snid negro is supposed to be lurking in the neighb'.rhoo i of Johr Bell or James McKetlian. Tlie aliove reward will be pai'l to any per.soti de livering B'lid negro to me at Locksville, Chatham ' N. C.. or confining him in any Jail iu the State where I can get him. N.VTHAN K'NG. June 2o. • 17-tf Further supplies of School Books. ^JMITH’S GPv.VMM.AR; Davies’, Smith's, Colburn’s, ^ and Greenleaf's Arithmeiica; Lambert's Anatomy and I’hyslology; Hitchcock's Elementary (ieology; Goodrich’.s and Willard’s U. S. Histories; The Child’s Hi.story of the U. S ; Parley’s First Book of History; .Mitchell’s Intermediate Geography; Olney’s Geo- gri.phy, Bolmar’s Levizac's French Grammar; Pinneo's English Teacher; Cornell’s Intermediate Geography; Kay's Headers; Emer.son's Wafts’ on the Mind; .lacobus' Notes and (Questions on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark ' and Luke; Greenfield’s Greek Testame»t and Lexicon; . M irbh's Songsters; School Testaments; North Carolina Readers, DaTie.'i' Surveying, 6lc. Just received. Aug. 80. E. J. HALE i SON. PI BLU’ XOTICF Is HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of SubHcription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Hoad, from I Beavifort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, ■ and West, will be opened on 1 hursday, the liith ilay ! of .Vpril 186t’>, and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following I places anil under direction of the tollowinir named j persons. Commissioners in the Chirter, viz; For llayi%’ooci niil Locksville. rllE Brothers' Steam Boat Compaiiy, from and aftor this day, will run a Steaiiier rnce a week, twice a we«’k, or once in two weeks as the business may de mand—between the af>ove points and FayettoTille and Wilmington. July 10. is:,.,. ‘iOtf .\NSO.V rNSTlTlTTi;. ffi^HI.'^ Institution has been in operation about two B. years and a half. It is pleasantly situated on an eminence about one-half of a mile sjuthwest ol the tt»wn of Wadeshori.'Ugh, commanding an extensive view uf the surroun!ing country. There is a dwelling house connected with the institute and oc^'upied by Rev. Elij.ih J. Morrijon. one of the Teachers, who is pre pared to take eight or ten boarders, to whose oomfort, instruction and moral training every necessary atten tion will be Westowcil. The Institution is now under charge of Prof. SlL.vS C. LINDSLE^ and Rev. J. MOB BISON, gentlemen who have considerable experi ence in teaching. .Mr. ?4orrison, who has charge id the HugHsh Department, i.s a gradu.ite of our I'niver- sity. and bas tai’z’ut a claseiciil scLo«l for nif’.ny years. , ,, .p r M I- 11 11 I 'Steam Boats, for the accoiumcdation of passengers Mr. l.indsley, who has charge ot tlio Latin and Oreek i i r. • r • i i . .• »• .. • - ’ . ^ f .. Hoiwes and CarriaKes furnished at any notiee tor car f)oT>£trtiiion^ is fi «^rAtluatc ot 3 Muc^ton, was fm wove* . ,, ^ i** * * II., J'* ^ *. n 1 I 11 T rving trnvellers to ftnv pnrt of tho n«liacpnt conntr\’. ral vears Prolessor of Languages in the raMweU In- - ^ rOWFPS* W C TItOY stitute. while situated in Gieensl.orough, in this State, K„Vetteville, mVv I’J, 18-V:. :!tf and has devoted over twetity five years ot his life to • - the instruction and training of youth. Both of the.se , » /■■ i i»i\ gentlemen .ire eminently >iualitied in every respect to , A C/.\Ivl). fill their respective positions, and to disciiarge the ; pubscri>>er tondors his services to the citizens re.'?ponsible trusts confided to them. It id the only high .Male School in the county; it h«s been built by the lihernlity and public spirit of the citizens of Anson county. Why then should it not be patronized. Young men of this and the adjoining counties may here obtain a first rate English educa tion, or m:iv be prepared tor admission into the tresh- man or Sophomore cl.asscs of our University or any other institution. The Fall Session of this Institution will commence on .MONDAY, the 14th instant, and continue Five Months. TERMS AS P'OLLOWS Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, itc.. Grammar, Geography, iic., Latin and Ureek, Philosophy, Mathematics, .jc.. Tax for contingent expenses, Tuiti 'u in ailvance. Students entering the higher branches have the pri- ! vilegc of studying either or all the branches taught by paying the price of the highest alone. Board, with rooms, lights, fuel, washing. &c., lur- nished by private families of the vill.age or in the ad jacent county, »t $8 60 per month. THOS. S. ASHE, 1 THOS. ROBINSON, 1 ■’"HiHE Undersigned are }.replied to furnish, -.vliole- -H. sale and retail, iifinn c. 7/ /iiiyornh!,- t> j Teachers, Booksellers, Merchants, Book P* irs. and ' others, the SEUIFiS of .'%OKT2l C’A \ Nos. 1 and 2, by PitorKs^.• >: i!ri:u\i;ii. j of the University of North Carolina, ■ i N'). \iy now .'^uperinte:, imt of Cfiiu- K. J. Il.\l.!’ X SON. l>ioijraphica! Skctcli of H‘iiry \ Wise, witli a History of the Political (Campaign in Vir ■jliiia ill 18:‘>'i. bv .lames P. Ilambleton. M. I). E. J. HALE A SON Aug 11* M'.W \irsic iV Ml,:sic HOOKS. R®E11T1NPS Piano Forte Method—new and revised B Ji edition; Hunteii's t'elebrated Instructions for tiie Piano K >rtp; I'.urrowe’s PiHiio Forte Pilmnier; A; i-ordeoii. Flute. Violin and ('larionett Instructors. .Ms.'. .'liisic for tlie I’iai'.ii. Just i-eceivod and fuv sab- by i'. J. II.VLE cV SON. Ap:-i; . ,’N j'.n'ilt i'of tiie I'xiKMliiion ot an .Viaericaii .si|U;idron to the I’hli.-i S>"is and Jr.pan. bj 0111. Perrv. U. S. Navy, witii ruia-'-ou- illn.stratior.s. I'dited li;. Dr. F. L. Hawks. .\l>'i. : ::;tiiei supplies of Mrs. Hent^.'s N.iv-ls; Miss V!\ur:r ■ ■ i'vr-.vols through the C. S.; Miii'heU’f; I'rn- vePtr'.' -i.iiil',- Steel Pen^. -Vc. i: WALE .V SON s{'Hoor. liOOKs. 5 ALTSrilMir-l S L.ithi Dicti.i.ary; Kendrick’.^ G.'oi’k (>l!cndorii': Oroenfield’s Greek Testament ;t:iil lie.Kii’on: Ileiodotus, — Leipsic Edition; .Vnthon's I l.ss.-,ic.r Dictl-jnary; Li idcM and Scott's Greek English Lexicon; .Vnthi'u's Horace; Bullion’s Latin Readers and • I'aniiii'i’.'-i; M ’rsi'’s Geography; Goodrich’s Pictorial , U. .■^tate>; WiUaril s . St-ite'*; BulH.tr's Eng. CJram- mar: Or^eniral’s .Vrithniet;cs and Keys; McGufi'ey's i’l.Mvlcis; (..'UMckenbos’ l.st Lessons: Comstock's Chem istry. ,v-., iust received and for sale by K. J. HALE A. SON. .Vpril •'). IJOOK HINDFRV. . H.VBDIE his resumed the Book Bindiug : Business, over the Tailor S’nop of f^lark a Wiiodvv'ard, where he will icceive and execute binding ■ ill any style desired. .Vu-ust 1. 27-tf .■i:|il (M) 12 f)0 20 (Ml 20 (HI LAW Ajjl^HE Subscribers have on hand, fin I will prr.niptl\ 1 iE- fill orders for Worth Carolina Supremo Cc'drt Reports, in sets or in single volumes. l*'..‘deH'.s Di;>e.-^t .ami Digested .Manual. Joties's Di_-st. Revised .'^tatute- of North Carolina. Wiley’-^ N “.v l orm Itook. STORY, on Sales. Bills, I'lutiacts, Partiu-rsimi. .Vgency, Equity Jurisprudence. Ecfaity Pleadings. AIK'HBOLD, on Pra- tiee, Criminal Pinctice an i Pleading, Landlor.l and :;i CHITTY, on Tontracts, Crimin.al Law. ldack-t.>ae, Mei.Iical Jurisprudence. SU(iDEN, on Vendors and I’ropwty. PoWELL, on Mortgages, and ('ontracis. SMITH, on Actions at Law, Master tmd St ivaiit. Landlord and Tenant, Chancery Practice. i SANDERS, on Pleading ami Evidence, Uses and j Trusts, Reports. ' RUSSELL, on .Vrbiiration, Factors, Crii.ies. HOFF.MAN’S Legal Study, and .Masters in hanci iy. WILLl.VMS on Personal I’roperty. \VHE.\TON'S Selwyn's Nisi Prius. i WHARTON, on .\niericaii Law of Ilo'nicide. .Me ii- I cal Jurisprudence, State Trials iu the United State;, I American Criminal La.w, Law Dictionary. I Stephen on Pleading. Roper on Legacies. Dart on j Vendors. Fee.rne on Remainders. Edwards on Bail- I ments. Coke upon Littleton, (Hargrave and Butler's; I new edition. Kent’s Commentaries. Curtis's iitto. , 1 Dart’s Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. .Vd- ams' Equity. Troubat’s Law of Limited I’artnfershii). Hughes’ Equity Draughtsman. Phillips and Amos oa LFTTFRLOH & CO’S LLNF. Evidence. Gresley on Law of Evidence. Boss on _ _ . , Bills and Promissory Notes. Doniat's Civil Lavs. For Passengers ana Freight, j wis's U. S. Criminal Law. Darnell’s Chancery ^TEAMER FANNY LUTTERLOH leaves her wharf j Practice. Roscoc's Criminal Evidence. Atlierley 01; at Fayetteville at sua-rise, on Moud.ays and Thurs- I the Law ot Marriage. Collyeron Partnership, (iieen- days, and at Wilmington on Tuesdays and Fridays 10 ! leaf on Evidence. Oliver on Coineyancmg. o’clock, A. M., ( Pas.sengers and Freights.) Steamer | Conveyancer. I’uvrill s Law Dictionary. I of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, as a MASTER BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, atid gives notice that he is ready to contract for work in | his line, at the low est cash prices. S. F. DICKSUN Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 185t. 38tf XFSV s'r(x:K of Jooks aiul Statit^iierv. ^ F. are now receiving our iisu.il Ne^v Stock ot BOOKS and s T.VTH >N F.H\, emhrfvcing a grent SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL .VND MiSi'ELLANEOUS BOOKS, 'I'ogether with a larg“ and v:.ried .°tock of F»latik I’.ooks, P;»pci, Fnvelope.^. &c. Couutry Mi^ hant.s ,nnd others are invited to ciiU, ^is Vie otVei the .ibove stock on the >>est terms. Oct. S. E. J. HALE & SON. ('«>|»Vini!; ink, :nnl (/opying liook'^ Just rrceived. 11. .1. if.VLE & SON. June I. JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. f S'^HE siibscrib.'rs have fi.r sale, the tM volume of thv Reports of 1-aw ('-i.^es in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, by H. Jone;’, Esj. Just published. Also, .^upronie I'ourt Keports generally, and other Law I’.ooks. E. J, HALE & SON. Rowan ^in good repaii,) w.th good Flats, will run regularly for Freights. J. F. M.\RSH, Agent Fayetteville. W. P. ELLIOTT, Agent Wilmington. .\iigust 7. 18.35. 25tf PURDIE RICHARDSON. 1 Tmsteei. W. R. LEAK, I T. REDFERN, E. F. LILLY, Wadesborough, N. C., July >, I8o0. 21-4 m In the Uounty of Onslow, at (he office of the Cleri; riiC* I'ilfliicntsirv Sl)«‘ll;nif iiook, to 1 of the bounty Court at JackHOiivi'dc, and at the Post which is uddeil llie First Lessou in Arithmetic, i 'Office Rich Lunds. K. . tonville, it. 3. V\arl, . Foy, Robert White, John A Averitt, Jr., Ow-n Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, ut the office of Dr. M. F. Aren- dell at Beaufort. Dr. .M. F. Arendell, J. F. P.cll. L. T. Oglesby. At the store of 0 W. Taylor at Caxolina 'ity,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. P.ell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Arendell. In Dupiin county, at the olfice of the County Court Clerk iit Kciiansvilie,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B Kelly, Wm. E. Hill. Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the office ot the ('ounty Court erk at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. Ihoiiias Noah Webster: The National Primer, by th*' same author. V!so, a further supply of the Pictorial Elcnientary Spelling Book, .lust received. E. J. HALE \ SON. Sept. •' SCHOOL liOOKS. f^"1URTHER supplies of Bullion’s and Siaith's Eng lish Grammar, Smith's Arithmetic; Mitciiell's 'ieography and .Vtlas; WeV^stcr’b School Dictionary. •Vls’j, The Pres>iyterian Psilmodist, round and S'luare notes Just received. Sepi OLD RYE WHISKEY. f H>HE .Sub.scri'ner *s tae only authorised agent in JL Fayetteville for the sale cf the Hon. R. C. Pur- y«ar'.s Celebrated OJ.W lil'K WUMSKM: He will be supjdied with this superior Whiskey to meet the demand. W. DRAUGHON. Fayetteville, March 2i. UO-tf VV.VKkE.N" PRICK, WATCHHIAKER AND JEWELER, JJI^AS just received a largo and well Wfl 0 wo ULD HA VE TJI0 L7/// TIT? nr-w Carrtai/fi Entahlhhment on the Military (frferij apposite the i/ethodixt (Jhureh^ fronting] on MnmfnrJ /Street. GREAT ENTERPRlSi:! Curtis’s Law Dictionary. Cruise on Real Property. Tayler’s L:.w Glossary. Ciahb on I Real Property. Reeves’ Domestic iXelations. Bylt-s ; on Bills. Bell on Sale. Lee on .Vrbitration of Titles. ' Sharswood’s Professional Ethics. Barton s suit in 1 Equity. Wills on Circumstantial Evidence. Comyn's i Landlord and Tenant. Watson on Arbitration. Hare I on Discovery. (»liphant on Horses. Whitworth’s i Equity Precedents. Morris on Replevin. Gresley’t i Equity ilvidence. Bishop on Marriage and Divorce. ! Mathew’s Presumptive Evidence. Roberison on Suc- ! cession. Ellis on Insurance. Lewis on the Law of : Perpetuity. Phillimore on Domicil. Cary on Part- j nership. Wilson on Uses. Fell on Guarantees. New- j land on Contracts. Tnnilyn's Chancery Evidence, tj'c. i These or other Law Books ordered will be supjilied 1 to the Professsion iu any part of the State on reason- I able terms. F'- J- HALE ij' SON. BiSilOi’ RlVli\SI!R()FT’S WORKS. -'glHE 2'i edition, (with hundreds of typographical JL errors ol' the old edition corrected.) is publistied for the benetit of the Mi.'^sicn.iry cause of the Episco pal i hurch in North Carolina. Tlie price of the 2 vols. is, in cloth binding. S'}, iu siieep 50. Order", acc >mp.iuitd In every instaacc by cash, may be ad- ll^e^sed to E. J. HALE 4V SON. Fi’.ycttovillo. ^Iay 8, Priiifiii;^' lor Subscribers have for sale an Imperial No. 4 ’A ;'shington Hand Press. 2d hand. It will be sold ciieap, deliverable in Petersburg, Va. It is said to be a good Press aud iu good order. I .June 4, 18-')5. E. J. HALE & SON. ^rheiH'w lieviseil Statutes. » gNHE Subscribers have received on consignment, a ; 3. few copies of the New Revisal. Price !j^4, cash on ii:livcr>i. E. J. HALE A£ SON. Jan’y l!l. EW VOLUMES OF TIIE FOUR GREAT BRITISH REVIEWS, namely, EDINBURGH, NOKTH BRITISH, W'ESTMINSTER, AND LONDON tjUARTERLIES. AND 15L.VCKWOl>D’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (MONTHLY), Coui’.ienced with North British for November, IBOo, and tlie other Reviews and P>lackwood for January, IS'jfi. Teri.m »/ Suh)tcilf(ion.—Any one Review or Black wood, a year. Blackwood and one Review—or any two Reviews, -I;.'). The four lleview.s and Black wood, >iO. Four copies to one address, ^^>30. ('•'fh'ch should be paid quarterly iu advaoce, tMinVed 'i ’d ed’ 1 F^eviews ana Blackw>.od to any Poa{ Othce ,cy will be“happv i ""'y. ^ ’ .rofession a.= l.av'e | cents a year on each Review, and 24 cents 11 yea.V on .JFsr FLliLlSHEl), .1. Vc«r and Corrected Mud it ion of De'vereux’s Equity, Vol. 2. is buiiaicl lo Sliiiis?:: S».ME years past this volume of the Reports ri'^HE Siibscribers would respectfully inform their : JL of the Supreme Court ot North Carolina has been I friends and the pu’olic, that they have entered i out ot print. The subscribers have pri into copprtnerslnp for the purpose of conducting the j tlon, revised and corrected, which they eenernl CARRl.VGE BUSINESS in all its various i to furnish to such gentlemen of the pr And being both practical workmen, fully un-1 iucompletc sets. Orders are solicited, should tiiey ® ... 1. • *.1 \ A I. .♦* 4-1.«.« •«»# tiictrk E. J HALE .y SuN. Clerl in liis line, which will be sold at the very lowest prices, cot sisting of Gold and Silver Watches of all kinds; Gold and Silver Fob, Vest and tiuard Chains, Seals aud Keys; Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, (some Diamond;) Br.icelets; .'Sleeve and Collar Buttons; Studs; Lockets; Gold Pens and Pencils; Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles; (loid and Silver Thimbles; Pearl aud Shell parts. ^harles o L\R(;E sale of V ahiable Proporty. N Wednesday the Kt day ol October next, the' 3ubscnK‘''r will offer for sale at his residenee on : Lower Little River, 12 miles west of Fayetteville, the j following Property, viz: 1 f>UnO acre.s of Ijand in otio tio.ly, including the | Residence, lying within 4 miles of the Fayetteville and i Western Rail Road, well adapted to the Turpentim- ; at.d Timber buiine.=?s. \ large portion is virgin forest . the finest .innllty of lone-leai Pinf. Die aUiive | lands will be otfered in lot“ ot I'HH) acres each, inelud- ,ng a Farm and improvements on eacli trart. 2*:,OUO acres in tiie cotinty of Iliclimond, lyinjr n reach -f na’-ig'ible streams, .'ind within ■> miles ol j ;he Wilmington and (iinrlotte Rail Rfiad,—probably ! the largest body of Pine land of the same quality to =.e I'inad iu the .State,—nnd will be oll'ered in lots to • Hit purchasers. lOiii.i husLels t’'iru. 6-» ton.s llay 1'^ Lead ilorsrs and .Mtilt '* r»il ‘ (irj.tlf. ♦ “ Sheep. Ido ‘‘ Hogo. ‘2 Koad Wagons. '2 Timber Wa|»ons. 1 Turpentine S'till and Mxturcs, of -i;* barr'il capacity. T'lgethor with FABMI.SG TOOLS. Hn-. .ve. The .subscriber will take pleasure in shewing the =,b .ve property * . pei UiS wishing to purchase all or any portion ol it;- 'u'd r.-qp,‘*sts those havii’g claims Bunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick Murphy, W ni. Fusson, (^rtj-d Castb; Port Monsie.s; Sacks; .Vccordeons, Flutes, .1. R. Beaman, Alfred Johnson. Violins and Bows, Fifes, Music Boxes; Fir.e Cittlery, In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office pjgtQia and Flasks, Parlour Pistols; fJame Bags, Shot of A A. McKethnn,—Thonias R. Underwood, Randal B^its, Percu-'.iion Caps, .Musket Balls: (’anes; .Msthe- .McDanicl, Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blo.ker. matical IiiBtrnments; Surveyor,s’Chains and (.Compasses; Form of snbscrijitioji; .Silver and Plated Forks, Spoons, (bijis, Butter and One of the firm may be known by H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. W’e warrant ail work to give general satisfaction for twelve mouths Repuirlug doue in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. Jamks H. Pikr. J.vmes Bhamn. Fnyette^’ille, Jan’y 24, 1863. t>‘2tt Aa^fucif of \orlh i'nroHim ^futunl In surance CoUlp(tiHf. The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares Fiim Knives; Piated Castors, ( ake P.askcib, (.iindle- | pfe'ascd to take Risks \ good .assortment of MILITARY GOODS. SworJs, '| P'ace and vicinity, on the most^ reasonable^ te^ Epauletts, Buttons, Silver .and Gilt Lace, Plumes, i i. Drums, &c. I ■\ large lot ot CLCH!KS, together with a large num- lier of otlter articles. Purrhasei's are inviied to call and e.K>tmiuK. Repairing of Watches, Clock», .Accordeons, and joVibing strictly attended to. .Vngiist 21, l8-'>i'i. JJ2-oin of ^lOii each, set opposite lo our names respectively, sticks in the (Vntr.il Rail Road Company; and in all respects to comply witli the terms of the Charter. lO-oiii Names I ReKidence No. of hliare? } V Cast I W ork Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and may specify whether for grading or i-rosn-tie«; aud stockjiolder’s shall in every ease have preference in taking . ontrne.ts, when bids are the snnu- or at Engi neer's estimate. soon as one hundred thousand dollars are 'nib- scribed. the Commissioners of t inslow county are lo be notified, and thej are required to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. Mr.rch 10, 185'i. i‘’tl j Corporation Bonds of the 'Vown of Faifetievilie for Sale! 4GREEABLE to an Act of tlie General Assembly' of tlio Stare of North Carolina, "ratified Dec. 25 1802, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue her Bonds to the amount of !f!100,000, in the aggre gate, for the purpose of paying her sub.scription to the Western Rail Rond Company. Therefore, it is ordered by the ’ommissioner> ol Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive sealed proposals, until the 1st of November tiext. for tl-e Durchase of J»!00,000, in bumb of $500 each of said r i Bonds or any part thereof. Bonds to run twenty All of which have been i Bonds, or ,iny p . , . .semi- pressly for the Wholesale 1 rade. I heir terms wi.l be as | WHEAr WAN'rEU. I iW VNT to piirehase Bushels Wheat. i JAS. G. COOK. June 25, Ib-tl i tJ.oods at Wholesale. 1 f H'^HE Subscribers beg leave to advise their custom- i B ers and ISIerchants generally, that they have j received .a jiart and e.xpect to receive the balanc*' of j their recent purchases in a few days. Their Stock , will be much larger and more complete than they have ] ever oflered. embracing a general assortment of | iillOCERIES, Together with Huniwan' iind Cnilery, Hollow Wave, SaddierVj Stioe.-?, Loiitbcr, , Faifelteville Candq Manvfactorij. 11H E subscriber still continues to manufacture a superior ariicle of plain and fancy CANDIES at the old stand, (No. 5, Green street, 3 doors North, of the Market House,) where he would be happy to i see his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. 73 tf B March 1. 1853. Fall and Winter Goods. J. or T. ll^aildiil^ HAY STREET, RE now receiving theii* Fall and W'inter GOODS consisting of a large ttnd well selected stock of Hats and Caps, Saddlery nnd Lea ther, A (Troc(*ri('s, Hardware, Cutl(‘ry, lilacksinitlitV riir- peruine 'Tools, .\»ricultnral Iin- plenu'-nts, liools aud Slujes, licavy articles in the Pni^ lint', Ready-riUitde Flo- thin;^, and Staple I)ry (iootls. present them, and tlios« indebtei to attend to the years, with Coufions attache J, in eres paja> e scmi j . „ , . , , , , 1 ,1^ aliull iin.ier the sopl of ■ 1 ^tilement of their uccount Terms ; wale .-.‘ipt, to, on the tlay of faille JOHN McKELLAR. ;}8t8 TlieVaid Bonds shall be under the sorI of heretofore, on the usual time to prompt dealers. the Corporation, and bindi.ig on the faith of the same. | cash buyers a WM. WARDEN, Town Treasurer. ohO. w c - Sept. 26, 1855. 39- i Fayetteville, August U, 18o».. 30-tf T’his Stock we are prepared to Job or .letail. Fayetteville, Oct. 21, 1854. 4^5tf We ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex- ainlae our Keraeya, Negro Blankets, Hat# and Shoes. NEW HOOKS. riIHE Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon with B his Brother .Josepn Bonaparte; ()ltnsted's Journey in the Seaboard Slave States; Memoirs of Susfiii .Vlli- bone; The Way of Salvation, by .-Vlbert Bart>cs. Further suppiies of Hetiierinaton’;^ History of the Church of Scotland; P.ayard Taylor s lii'Ua, t'hin.a aiid Japan; Eldora; The (>hi Ho.nesteaii, by Mrs. Stepliens; Rose Clark; Widow Bedot, The Escaped Nun. Tiie Hidden Patli, Alone, and other popular \Vork-. Pe terson's Familiar Science; Short I'.itent Sermons, by , Dow. Jr.; Ban’Kcr's Cases; and various School llooks. , .lust received by L. J. H 'iLI., li SoN. | March 5. ] (iARDENlNG FOR I'HE SOF I'H. Y W. N. White of (ieorg'a: Cotirtship and M.irriage, by Mrs. Hont/: The Conrtesies of W’edded Life, l>y .Mfs. Le.alie; Harper’s Classical Libniry, being litt;ral trati.sbiti..ns of Cicero, Xenophon, Ceasar, Herodotus, Horace, v c. Also, further supplies of Ernest Linwood; Hiawath.i; .Mrs. Hentz’s Novels, 50 cts. a vol.; .lohnston’s Vgri- cultural Chemistry; Dossey’s Choice; Tremh .n the Mimcles; The Mor.il Probe; E -logues and Georgies ..f Virgil, by Antlion; Jay’s .Morning .ind Eveni;ig Exercises; “Five Hundred MistaKes orrceiei . Smith’s Grammar; &c., just received by E. .1. HALE SON Fire iasnraiiet ^ raiHE ^ETN.V Insurance Comj any oi ll.-.rtl..! !. h,»\- .M. ing paid tiie tax imposed the l.'eveiiue Liw of the late Legi.slature. will coiiiiune its A^rm j in i Fayetteville, under the inan.i.^enion* oi the uinioj .'l;ill- ! ed whois prep.ared to i^sne Polir-ios of Insuran.'e on Biiildings or Goods, either in this Town -r in : ny j 1 j.art of the State, on proper application, dev^cni tion | ' of the Property, xc. I Tiie .E'i'■''•V CO.\IPAN\ has been in ij . i ino!; .ibout | "0 ye.irs. Its capital i-' Hon. I lio:!. j K. I’nMce was iis first President, and he still hobis that oHice; :nd sevoral of iis first Directors are 't;ll*act’.ve and efiieient members of the I’o.-ird. It has at all times .sustained the highest charn. ter foi- the p> ,i.i,.„ee of it.s managenicnt, and tor the liberality with which it has evei' adjusted its lo'-wes. E, J. HALE, Agent, L. SCOTT A Ct>., Publisher", 51 tlold Street, corner of Fulton, N. Y. Method for the Gnitar, by Converse; Hui;ten's Instructions for tiic I Piano Forte; Bnrrowes Piano t ' Ttc Primmer. Fur- I tiicr supplies jii-J received E. J. H.vLE SuN. I Nov. 1'*. * fONE.'B's Views of the Scat.-i, Mansious, Castlea, f:c .)! .Nuhleuien and in ntUin. ii ;?i Sc..ti:i!id. The B;iok of Scotti.ili Ballads. 'I iie .‘r'cottisli Gccl; The Book of P. iiinds, ny Bin Gaultiei; .MeEingal. i>y Teumbuil; i.iliinii anl other Poeiii = , by Pr.ieil: Wrvtson's Dlc'i”ii u-y •! Poi'tical (jM.itaiu.ns; BaihiU'*, by W. Hi.rri:^on .-\!r. .rti;; L>'igli Hunt's Stones m 'v’erse. Aiiin'ihmn'.s i’"pm ; ilogg'- T'ales; The '‘ueens tf Engla.id of the Hoiiae -i; Hauj ver. by l»r. I>.ran: The Nocte.^ Ambrosiiin e cf Black wood; Bohn's Now Hand Book of Games: i he \\ ar ci the .Vllies. from the Correspxu ieui of London Times; NoveUies, Inventions und ' ;rio;;fies in ,\rrs and .Mannfacture*'; i- -I D VI'-' SON. .Vprii j;:. itiSO IIo II• iSfifi • Irrtved: ^9 i» 1 !i E Gie:,t ! rn'i Vvln-cl Hxaniiiied, ’ ..y I'ur.son j SL Brownlow, price . iin It liy mail is IS ceais. I .\lso, a tew more of the Parson (Ir.iv'--. .\!.>y -S. :| 0*^, jiist re’’d. Postage Great Iron Wheel, ’ by K. H.VLE \ SON FFR rHERSFPI»LH:sOi' liOOKS. JSS .Murray'.' Travels in t!ie U. Stfite*; and t.’an- adn; Ihe Table Talk of Sumuel I. gers; .Slieridan Knowles' [ir.amalic Works; Memoir of .s. S. Prentiss; Ernest Liiiwood, by Mrs. H‘*ntz; The .Ai.isrican De bater; Hnrt's Class I’ook of Poetry; Union Bible Dic tionary; Wild Western scenes; Uana s .Muck Manual: .Metho'iist Hj’mns and Discipline; Le Brun s Tele- maiiue; Blank Books, School Books, >tc. ‘ E. J. HALE ^ SON. May JS. |>\VI'.L!JN(* FOii SAI.E, ri^llE Subscri*»er wishes to sell the large Dwelling I and Lot oil the corner of Gillespie jnd Rus.sell I Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erambert ' Terms reasonable. I’osstssion given on the 1st Octo- I her next. .May liv. E. J. HALE. »- If i M r i