S KMl-W EEIKJL Y. VOL. VL] KAYKT'rF.VJLLE, N. SKPTKMHKIl 2‘2, iNTKli MONIiaVs and TllL'USDAVri K!)\\ \IU) J. HALK SON, i;i»iTons ani> 1‘i; (PRIKTohs i >r the Seiai-Wi-ekly Omskkvkr 0(* i1 j)rhJ iu . !\an.'c; •'>*' it' r-i 1 Juring th« yoar of subscriji- ; >4 aftpr till'vi'iir his exjtiroii. ; lilt* V* cokly Ob'krvkf ^2 00 poi- auuuui, if jmid ia . 'iiiJ 5t> it p;iid durinf{ tiie yeur nt riiihHoriiv- ii: .'f 00 iifter the year has ex]iired. \liVKKTISblMEN'l'S inserted for f*ixty conts per j : 11 1' 1 1C lines Tor the a;id thirty ceuti for each | i>uhlioution. Vesnly HdvtM'tistMneiUHi by h]io- * ■ .iifAi t'. Hi rouMonsblo r;itos. A^iv♦•^ti^^ers are | to state the number of insertions >lesired, or j w.ii (•'■■ntinued till lorMd. and >’?; ir)ioti Hcrord- : .otters to the I’.ditors n\nst be ri>?*t->i!d(I. A'i-.**rtisement> to he in>iei-ted char;iod '«• per s ••itra. (;uoci:iuEs. m SArK:^ COFFKK. i, .l * S .'0 hhi.4. suG \n. •'> caddies TK K NOTICi:. WIl.I.lAM .J. BROWN is our authorized agent to reoeive payments, and p;runt discharges for Auy Book n.i!ounti we b«v>> in the countv of Roboaon. J. T. WADUILL. Iiiuo 1. 1S56. Ttf n JVM ICS KYLE A- i; F. MOOHK FISH. qr. lio No. i’ 1' '• “ No. 1 10 bills Herring. 60i lbs. Codfish. i;. F ••it. MOtdlK. 3'.'tf 1 1 Ot^HEN and Dairy (’IIKESE. M >iperm and Adamantine (’ VNDLKS. boxes SOUA BISCUIT. • ‘L'iais West India rPiK>>CUVF.S. r u> b\ ‘ K. F MOOUK. .“^Opt K>. 1^'-;. j'.«tf Jl KKCF.iVKI), SAi'KS bALT. 5u ke£3 N.vILS. -0 cases XEURu .'^HoKS. r sale by E. F. .MOORI;, .Store fnrinerly oeiMipie 1 by Hall ■c Sa»'kett. flit. 1?.^''. n',»tf SCHOOL HOOKS. jllMF.R N'.'-’ Vritbinet'cH ,nd Keys; P.i. Ker's I’hi- 'i' . :jt: North (’ar.iiii'.a K*^aii*-rs; bullion's Cireak -tnu. r 'ind Reauer: Pikes' .Arithmetic; Com-.tock's ;...Further sai'i lir-s just receive l. v/ci’;i_7 it is SPH/XG SL'PPL r »r ( (iooDs. A .MCi.N’(J wliich are, m Irlah Liaens, Lawns and Diapers; t rench, Scutoli aud Doineatic Lhwp.b; I'aiiToes, French, English and Domestic; French, Scotch and Domestic Oinghama; F.mb’d and Plain ('rape Shawls and Scarfs; ‘I t.> 10- I lileachevl Shirtiujr aud Sheeting; French and Irish Linen DriUiug: lil’k and Col'd Silks; I RoTinets and Honnet Rihhon: I’olting ('lothii. No. ii to U). Joseph Hepka’s Cottonade.s; Col’d Grenadines atid Uarepjes; Linen Camhrio Handkerchiefs, assorted; j lUaj’ Linens, -j to 4-4, very cnoap; With many oiher srtic.les, all of which havit:" been I purchased by the package at the lowest rates, will he • .tiered at the lowes t )irices, by wholesale «>r retail, for ('ash, or on tane to I’unetual ('’I'itomers. March 117, Iri'ili. '.>l-tf At’?/' 0^071 K.stubli shmcn!, By WATSON. ^lIHFi Subscriber would inf.iai his friends and the I public generally, that he iias completed hi« new^ establinhraenf oa Ma.Twell slrtet, ne.sr >]r. E. W. Will- ! kings’ Siorw. and i.s now prepare.l to receivt orders for C\RTS. \VA(;O.VS, i)l!AVs, iVc., which shall be promptly ext-cuio i. All work dou« by him shill be of ti.e best workmaa- ship and material that the country can allbrii. KKrAIKiXd ot all kinds done with uoutne.s.^ and despatcli. Alsu, HOKSii-SIlOEIXG wii! be strictly at tended to. N. R. No piiins will be s].ared to give satisfaction to tliose who may favor him with their pairoPRj^e. •Fayetteville, July Cl, liSi'iG. 1^4-Y ro DiSTlLi.HKS. WE Will pay the highest cash prico tor SPIRITS Tl'HPKNTlNE, and reijuest DiKtil'ers to give us a call when in market. J. 4L T WAI'DILL June 2o. 18.'r». Stl' 7o iif'/it for ihr iKtlancf of year 185(1. dwelling l.niely occupied by Major J. P. (.Jood- 1 sell, together with l.'t, barn md outhouse.^, on - FIRK AN!) rJFF I.VSLRANCi:. I ! rjrillE undersigned has the Agency of the following Jl (%)mpanies, viz: nrf-ensborough Mutual f.ife Insttranc** and Trust (Ireenshorough Mutual Fire Insurance Co., I Newborn Mutudl Insurance Co., Charlotte Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Cnswell Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Insurance in yoflh CuruHna Comjfanifs can ’low be tHken in any part of Towu or County, in large or small amounts. JNH. M. ROSE. Agent .lunc .SO, 185fi. 17-(’>m ALW.VYS ON HAND AND FOR SALK ~ 4:ilKAP, A (iKNF.RAL ASSORTMf]NT 01 DRV GOODS AND GROCFJUKS, Together witli a general assortment of FORKlti.\ ,\M) Dfl.MESTIC WINES and LIQUORS, Which 1 am anxious to sell or exchange for Produce of any kind usunllv sold in this Market. W. H. CARVHR, H.ay Streot, near the .Market. Nov. 7. f>l-tt BARTH'W FULIiB^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, FAYETTEVILLE, .li. C'.. TAY be coiisuUed at the Law Ofuco of Jcsu»* l>. Shepherd, Esq., i>n Green Street. July 11, IJ'ob. ‘Jl-!Im r";iy'ttovill‘ llotol. JlIE Subscribers having this day loased this _ Hotel for a term of years, will be ple.-iscd to see their friends and the travelling pubii.; at this House. .\t the same time we hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfections until wo sha’.i have put the House in s\ich repair as we desire. .1 H. RORERTS & CO .1. II. Robkrts. F. N. Rokkiu's. March 1, lS5f». 80-tf SCi;IM»FRNON(i (;R~\VI:s. HrB wish to contract for 1,000 or more bushels of Scuppernong Grapes, to be delivered next fall. .Vpply to J. H. Roberts & Co., at Fayetteville Hotel. RORRRTS & RROTHERS. 1-J-tt .lune 12, l^r>tj. DFFF RFV FR CO A I.. BITU.MINOUS coal of the best finality can be Im'l at the works at Egvpt, at a reasonable jirice by the Toil. ‘ WM. McCLANK, Mining Engineer. •May ‘Jl. 18.>U. 0-tf ('ape T Ffar I^and for Sale E J. H.\LE i St)N 'Ppf . A UAlli: ( liA.Xt i:i Mir F:iriiiturc and Fi.\tare. oftlu* I'ny •'tifville Hotel tor Lnion Street, known as the [,'itfa place are in gaod condition For terius .-^ec W.\l Jtme 2, 1*0'), ^ 1IDER VlNE;Ati, for sale by Nov. Ul. good article, W. The [.remise.^ II. HAIGH. ('tf (’AP.VEH r4-tf 1 ’’iiK' twi-.-i? ers having t'ully letermiue.l to se'l t’lv abi'vc nnmod Pr.^perty, n iw .tier it to in en- v»-M;-:ir;g man upun liberal term*;. T Hijtei ci-.juys a large custoi.j fr.jm thv ndj -ining ;ii:tie« an 1 from ilu- »r.ivelUL,z public, with .a j ros- ; .'^t Ilf fuMiri- increase. 'Aunt it hmd.nv and is now . :ag call '■•c ,‘feii -y .aii_. \ic .vi.iliiu^: t > purv.dia-it» re- • ‘rring t«> our b loks. rho eituatj.in of the baiid'ng i-^ tii^it it c*''in- .rinnds the gre;.tor part ot the custaiu i-i.miug to and a“5ing through tuir- pla^'e. F ir the amount i f capital invested, there is no bu- “.r.iMs t!iat a person could engage in that would jiav at .1 H ROP.EP.TS »'(■> i:, 1."-.'.';. ;.Hti f wn papers copy. >FA Slh)RF HO rFJ. FOR SALF. nriLLbe sold at publn' .Auction at the Court House in Smithville, on M ii. lay the l;Ith day : ‘ict'^bcr next, the water lot.s with the im[iriivement.« w.t'reon, in the town of Smithville. known as lots No. .'I and 'Jl. I -aid lots is a biiiMing nearly com- -!> ted, abrut 120 feet long t»y 4" feet wide, intended 1 ir a Hotel, it has three stories besides a basement, contains ',>5 rooms. The buildings Ironi directly n the Uay. comm.anding a fine view of the beautiful :.arb r of .Smithville and also of the Ocean only 2 miles ;;=:ant. Fron. the weM known healthfulness of Smith- vi'.le and its easy ae‘ess by railroad and cteamb'iats, t is evident th -t .a little enterprise oiily is needed to .aiii' it one of the n o-'- faihion.".bIe waterin;^ places .n iho juth. Terms made known at siile, i Ul further iufornintion ajijdv to the subscril kr at n.ithvillf, N. ('. SAM L LANCiDcN. tx'r (if >. 1>. Everett, -eptemiicr 11. -V.f-ts .SJ,) RFWaRD. .\NAW.\Y from the subscriber on the 1st f .\pril I'he Fli iiKMitaiy Sp llm^ Book, to which is added the First Lesson iu .•Vrithmetic' by .\0!ih Wi'bater; 1 lie Nati.jiial Priiuer, by the same author. .\!.iO, a further supply of th* Picti'rial Elementary pelling i’..,ok. .Ju-t receivc.l. E .1. H.\LI, .V >;.-pr. 2. S( HOOL F.OOK'S. ^.^^LliTHEIi supplies of Ilu'dion’s and Smith's F M- llsh (irammar, .'smith's Arithmetic; Mitchell’s '" ography and .\tlas; W»>bst*“r's School Dietionaiy. The Pre-jfivt*-nan P-ilmodi-'t, round and bijuare note>». lust received. K. J HALE .'')N. Sept. 10. l.AliCF SAI.F Oi' \ aliial)i(i l^ropertv. Wednesday the 1st d.ay ot Oi tober next, tJie o 1st d.ay ot Oofdbei subscriber will olfer for sal ■ jwer l.ittle River, 12 miies we-t of Fayetteville, the 'oii’jwing Property, viz: acrcd of Land in one body, inchtditi^ the’. Residence, lying witiiiu 4 miles of the F'ayetteviUe and \Vest«rn Rail Road, weil adapted to the Turpentine .ind Timher bu^uness. .\ large portion is virgin I'orest f ilie finest (uaiity of long-l^-af Pine. The iibov.- .aiiux w;ll be oherel in lots of I0.>0 acre.» eacli, includ- ng 1 Farm and iuii'rovements on each tract. ui^h. about oO years of age, and blnck. Sai I negro suppo.sed to >>e lurking in the neighborimo.l r.f .bdin Bell or .lames M.-Kethan. The abov"' reward wil' be paid to any pier-on livering s-.id negro to me at Locksville, (."hatham o., N. C , cr confining him in any Jail in the St.a**'- v. ii-re I can get him. NATH.AN KING. Jure 2'. 17-tf Furthrr supplies of Schoul Books. S.MITH'.'^ GR.\MM.\li; Davies', Smith's, Colburn's, and Greenleaf’s .Arithmetics; Lambert’s Anatiimy ;'.nd Piiysiology; HitchcocK's Elementary Geology: Goodrich s ami 'Villard's U. S. Histories; The (.'hil l's History of the L\ S ; Parle}’’s First I’.ook “f History; .Mitchell's Intermediate Geography: Olaey’s (ieo- graphy, Bolmar'.~ F..eviz.ic'.-« Freu.jh (jrammKr, Piijiieo's English Teacutr; t'ornel'.'s hitermeli-ite Geogrjiohy; Kay‘> Readers: Emerson's W.itts' on the Mind; .lac .bus’ N()ten anil (Questions on tlie (}o“fels of Matthew, Mark and Luke; Greenfield’s Greek Testament and Lexicon; M 'rsh's Songsters; School Testaments; North Carolina Readers, iJavies’ Surveving, iVc. Just received. Aug. 30. ■ E. J. HALE SUN. I’FRf.IC NOTICF Is HERERV GIVEN, that Books of .“Subscription to tiie c.ipital Slock of the ("cntral Rail Road, from ■ IJeaufort Harbor via KeLansville. ('linton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the 10th day uf .\prii uiid remain open according to the terms of tlieChaiter until furtner notico, at the following : plav;es and under direction of the following namel perjons, ('ommi?.sioncrs in the Charter, viz: In the (,'ounty of Onflow, at the oifice ot the Clerk of the !(jun;y (’ourt at Jackhonville, and at the Post Otiice Rich Lauds. E. W. Foiiville, G -I. Ward, J. H. i Foy, Robert White, John A, .\veritt, Jr., Owen Hug- I gins, L. W. Humnnrey. ; In Cart •.■ret county, at th^^ office of Dr. M. F. .\ren- ' dell :it Beaufort. Dr. .M. F. .\renilell, J. F. Bed. L. T. Oglesby. ■At the store of G. W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. P.e!l, ( apt. Levi Oglenby, Bridge .Vreodell. In Dupiiu eiiunty, at the oliice of the County Court Clerk at Kenansviile,—.Maj'.r Ow“n 11. Kcumu, Dav.d Reid, Iiaac B Kelly. Wm. E. Hill, Wm. .1. Houston, .Stephen i raham. la .'^amps',111 county, at the oflice of the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Faison, I'l. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay, P.atrick Murphy, NNm. Faison, J. R. Beaman, Alfred Jehnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the otiice of -\. A. McKethan,— IhornaB R. Underwood, Randal .WcDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, Jotin ( . Blocker. P’orm of Hubfcription: The Cnden igned agree to t.ako tlie number of .shares u'^ tv!” ' ^ICO each, set opposite to our names respectiv. ly, in the Central Rail Road Company; aud in all respects to comply with the terms of th** Ch.irter. For Mayuoofl and Locksiiillc*. ■'I'^HE B'-others’ Stenni Boat Company, from and aflor | J thi> d.ay, will run a Steamer once a week, twice j a week, or once in two weeks as the business may de- ! mand—between the above points and Fayetteville and | Wilmington. July 10, *iOtf ANSON LVSTITUTE. fBlHlS li.stit'ition bus been in operation about two .9 ye«i» s ard a half It is pleasantly .situated on an eminence about one-half »'f h mile H).ithwest of the fown of Wadesborouirh, commauding an extensive vie w of the surr.iuuding country. There is a dwelling house connected wiih the institute and occupied by Rev. Elijah J Morrison, one of the T'-achers, who is pre- pare'l tr. lake eight or ten bosnlers, to whose comfort, ins'rutt I', and moral training every necessary atten tion wil. be *-'Cstowfd. The Institution is now under charge of Pr.,>f. .*^1L.\S C. I.INDSLEY and Rev. E .1. M'iHlilSt iN, uenrlen^en w ho have consiil‘-rable experi- •>nc(* ia K‘a--liiiig. .Mr. .Morrison, who has ciiarg"? id the Eng'iifilx Department, is :v graduate of o\;r I’nivei- sity, and he.s tuught a c’.ns'fieal schotd for many years. Mr. Lindsley. v.ho has charge of tho Latin and Greek Department, is a graituatc of Princetvin, was for se.o- ral years Profess.ir .if Languages iu the Caldwell In stitute, while situated in Greeasborough, in this .State, and has devoted over twenty five years ol his lifo to the instruction and training of youth. Both of these gentlemen :ire eminently 'jualified in every respect to fill tiieir re-ipective positions, .ind t.i di'chatge the responsible trusts confided to them It is the only high Male School it. the county; it h.is been built by tho liberality and public xpirit of the citizens of .\nson county. Why then shr uld it not be patronized'.' Voting m‘n .)f tfiis and the adjoiiiing •counties may here ..bt^in u first rale Englihb educa tion, or may be prepared f.ir admission ii.to the Fresh man or Sopn.)mor»‘ classes ot our Lniversity or any other institution. The Fall Session of this Instituiion will commence in .MOND.W, the 14th instant, and continue Five .Mcuth“. TER.MS AS FOLLOWS; Reading, Writing, .Arithmetic, .vc (.irammar. Geography, kr... Latin and (treek, I’hilosophy, .Mathematics, .^c.. Tax f(’r contingent expenses, 75 Tuition in advance. Students entering the higher branches have the pri vilege of studying either or all the branches taught by paying the price of the highest alone. Board, with rooms, lights, fuel, washing, &c., fur nished by private t’unilies of the village or iu the ad jacent county, at $8 oti per month. THOS. S. ASHE, TH«‘S. ROBINSON. i PURDIE RICHARDSON V.'. R. LE.VK. T. REDFERN, j E. F. LILLY, Wadesborough, .V. C., July o, 18.')i'i. 21-4m {■>HE Subscriber offers for sale THREE HUNDRED an«I EIGHTV-FIVE Acres of Land on Cape Fear River below Smith’s Ferry, in Cutnberlnnd county, running with tho river to the lands of .Mrs. Byrd. .V portion of the land is cleared and fenced. It is well :ida]ited to the cultivation of corn, oats aud the usual crops of the river lauds. Tho part uncleared h.'^is on it some good .‘swamp, which may be easily pre pared for use. It will bo sold on a credit of twelve months. Per.sous wishing to buy can call on the owner at this place. J. G. SHEPHERD. April 8. 04-tf I DOFUUN HOUSE! ; POWERS TROY, Pkoi'Rif.tors. j ^J^HE Pro{>rietors of this Establish.ment , Jl announce to the public, that owing to , the constantly increasing patronage extend- , ed to them, they have been induccl to en- j large the accommodation b3' the addition of ; an extensive Dining Itoom on the lower floor, and suite | of Rooms on the second fioor; thus enabling them to a' COiniiK'date all w)iu may favor them with a call. And j they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to | give satisfaction to their patrons. i .''paciou.s .':?r.iblf-i attached and careful Ustlers in at- | ten'lance The tligiblc location of the Establishment, with the i experience of the Proprietorj in providing for the com- ; fort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal rhare of the travel. The Western and Soathcrii .Stages arrive at and de part from this Hou.se. ! ('arriages it; attendance on arrival aud departure of .•^feam Boa is, for the accommodation of passengers, j Horses and Carriages furnished at any notice for car- I'ving travellers to any part of the adjacent country. J. W. POWERS.' W. C. TROA*. F^iyettevilie, May 12, IS-')’.. 3tf A CARD. ^I'^HE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens £ o5 Fayetteville and tlie surroun.liug country, h3 a M.ASTER’ bricklayer AND PLASTERER, and gives notice that he is ready to contract for work in his line, Ht the lowest cash prices. S. F. DI(!JKS()N. Fayetteville, Oct. *.♦, IS.jI. 38tf .V N NI' A L SI VI 'I' L KM I: N'rs. 'a^HE subscriber.-) desire during th*' month ol .August to make their usual annual sett'.e>nents Tiio.so indebtf‘1 will liave their acoounrs presenie 1. Their creiiitors will ]dease present theirs. E .1. HAl.K .K: SON Juno 30, 1S5G. Methodist Hvmihs, varioii'^ sty!»‘s; and Methodist Discijilines, just leceived. E J. HALE .'L SO.V D;-c. 22 ! 'rit(‘ Soutii(‘ni Hannoiiy, ih;av cUi-j ticn, revised and enlarged. .A further supply just | received by IL J. H.VLE & SON. j July 1(1. i FFirrHFRSFPPf.lFS OF iiOOKS.I '®7'-^^'-'^I50ND Life iu Mexico; “Plu-Ri-Bus-'i'ah'’. by j W Uoesticks; The Sparrowgra?-; Papers, hy ('o/.zens; j Hiawatha; ‘-The Wide Wide Worbi "; Hume's and j .Macaulay's Histories of England; Tiie (’armina Sacra: i Aiken’s Christian Mi*strel: Dick's Works: Jiicobus' , Notes on the Gospels; M:iury’s Physical Geografihy of I the Sea; ic.. just received E. J. H ALE & SON. I July 24. I ■ _ _ - I : C AN rWFIJ/S N. C. JTSTICi'. ' I Sirfjim’ti ,li(ittire vinfd, ouf to f/i> I Xf:ir Revis-vt Co(h‘. j r||lHIS work, invaluable to .Magistrates, Officer.', an I I -3L all who have occasion to know the Law, and i.. ! use the Forms under it, is very much enlarjied. Pric.' 50. For sale by E. .1. H.ALE .S: .^ON. ! August IS.'jt). I _ . . liVorth Carpjina Riadors. sh, whide- ■/.'J.', to foachers, Bookseller.=, Merchants, Book Pei.:iis, and others, the SEKIEW of .-^OltTII i H''J2.II t 8(E.\B>EK»«, Nos. 1 and 2, by PnccKS' '!- itruL.vito. of the University of North CaroHii.i. : i No. by C.M.viN 11. WiLKv, Esij. now Superiiiti at of Con;- mon Schools. i' J. H.vLil A. SO.N fBlHE Under.->igncd are jirepared lo furni JL sale anil retail, u/-dh nri; firvoru i/- $10 twi 12 .Vj 20 tHt 2(t on S l,( I'TKKLOll & (JO S Ll.NK. f-'or i*ftsse»i;^€rs and, M^eight. ITEAMER F.VNNY LUTTERLOH leaves her wharf at Fayett' ville at sun-rise, on Mondays and Thurs days, and at Wilmington on Tuesdays and Friilays 10 o’clock, A. M., (Passengers and Freight.-?.) Steamer | Conveyancer. Burrill’s Law Dictionary Rowan (iu good rejiaii,) with good Flats, will run I Real Property regularly for Freights. J. F. M.ARSH, -Agent Fayetteville. W. P. ELLIOTT, .Agent Wilmington. .August 7, If'-'ij. 2 >tf T ruslees. OI.D RVF WHISKFV. TBIHE Subscriber is tue only authorised agent in JL Fayetteville for the Hale of the Hon. R. Pur- y«ar’s Celebrato.l OJLM 1 i\ He will be supplied with this superior Whiskey to meet the demand. W. DRAUGHON. Fayetteville, March 2i». ‘jO-tf warren prior, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, UJ^AS just received a large and well Eng- Nnmes Residence No. of shares | "}( (.’ash -.1 Work Suliscriptioiiv may ba made pnyalile in work, aud maj specify wiiether for grading or cross-ties; anu stockii ildeis shall in every case h.ave prefere.ice in in in.-. lino, which wiil be sold at the very lowest prices, consisting of (Jold an.l Silver Wiitches of all kinds: (Jold and Silver Fob, \'est atid (iu.ird (Jhains, Seals and Iveys; P>reast Pins, Ear Piings. Finger Rings, (some Diamond;) Br ic**iets; .‘leeve and Collar Buttons; .Studs; Lockcts; Gohl Pens and Pencils; Gold, Silyer and .'^teel Spectacle*; Gold and Silver Tliimbles; Pearl and Sliell (Jard (.’ases; Port Monaies; .Sacks; .\ccordeons. Flutes, Violins and Bowo, Fifes, Music iJoxes; Fine ('utl?ry, Pit’tols and Flasks, Parlour Pistols: (Jame Bags, Shot > ! Belts, Percn.'sion (’aj's, Musket Balls; (7a»ies; >Iathe- j ,4‘'T//CW of matical Instriinients; Surveyors’(.’haina and Compasses; . Silver und Plated Forks, .-Spoons, Cups, Butter and Fruit ivnives; Plated (.'ast )is, Cake Baskets, (.'andle- Bticks. A good assortment of MILIT.ARY GOODS, Swords, Epauletts, Buttons, Silver and Gilt Lace, Plumes, Drums, 6tc. A large lot of (JL(^)CK.S, together witti a larga num ber of other articles. Vurchr.sers are ir-.vited to call and e\KmIne Ilepairiug of Watches, (Mock«, .Accordeons, and jobbiiif; strictly artentle.J to. August 21, .32-3m WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT ITf A neio Carrinife hUtablif.hme.nt on the Military Green, opposite the Ale,thoh^t Church, frontiuj on Mnmfonl Street. GREAT ENTERPRISE! fi'ayett«‘vill4* l>ouii«l to ri'^HE Subscribers would respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general (^ARRIAGF) BUSl.NESS in all its various parts. .And being both practical workmen, fully un derstanding their businefs, they have no hesitation to comp-ire work with any establibhment in Fayetteville as to style and durabilirj'. . One of the firm may be know’n l)y reference to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general datisfaction for twelve months. Repairing I’onc in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. JaMKS H. i’lKH. J.^MKS Br.VXIN, Fa3’etteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. t)2tf LAW BOOKS. ^gjlHE Subscribers have on hau I and wili promptly . A till order.i for North Carolina Suprom-s Court Reports, in sets or in single volumes. Ivniidl's Digv‘;t mh.I Digested Manual. .Jones’s Revised .''tatut*' of North Carolina. Wiley’s '•' v. Form Book. STORY, on S’ales, P.iils, loiiti-.acts, Parlnersiiip. .Agency, Equity Juri.sprudence, iilquiry Pleadiiigs. ARCHBOLD, oa Practice, Criminal i’r.ictice and Pleading. Landloi-d and i\r.a;it. CHITTV, on Coi.tracts, (.''rimin :1 Law, Blnck^tvii.-, Medical .lurisj rudence. SUGDEN, on Veii'lorip and Prnpai-i’,. POWELL, on Mortgages, an l (.'ontracts SMITH, on Actions at L.iw, .M.istcr and Serv -.ni, Landlord and Tontint, Chancery Practii.-c. .S.ANDERS, on Plea.iing and Evi.iencc. Uses :in.| Trusts, Reports. RUSSELL, on .Arbitration, Factors, f!rimes. IK>FF.MAN’.S Legal Study, and .Masters in Chancery. WILLIA.MS on Personal I’rojierty WHE.vTON S Selwyn’s Ni«i Priu . WHARTON, on American l^.iw of Homicide, Medi cal .Ivirisprudence, .'^tute trials in the United States, .Americ.in Criminal Law, Law Dictionary. Stephen on Pleading Roper on Legacies. D.art on Vendors. Fe.-irne on Remainders. E 1 .vards on Bail ments. ’oke upon Littleton, (Hargrave and ilutler’s- new edition. Kent’s Commentaries. Curtis s ditto. Dart s Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estute. .\d- ams’ Eijuity. Tronbat’s Law of Limited Partnership. Hughes' Equity Draughtsman. Phillips and .Amos on Evidence. Gresley on Law of Evi.lence. Ross on I’ills and Promissory Notes. Domat’s Civil Law. Lewis's U. S. Criminal Law. DauicU’s Chancery Practice. Roscoe's (’riminal Evidence, .\theilcy on the Law ot .Marri:ige. Coliyeron Partnership. CJreen- leaf on Evidence. Oliver on Conveyancing. (Jurtis’s (’ruise on Tayler’s Law Glossary. ’r-‘.bb on Real Property. Reeves’ Domestic Relations. P>yles j on Bills. Be’^il on bale. Lee on Arbithition of Titles. I Sharswood’s Professional Ethics. Barton’s suit in j Equity Wills on Circumstantia! Evidence. ’omyn's ! Landlord aud Tenant. Watson on Arbitration. Hare Ion Discovery. Oliphant on Horses. \S hif.vorJh’s Equity Precedents. Morris on Replevin. Gresley’s Equity Evidence. Bishop on .Marriage and Divorce. Mathew’s Presumptive F^vidence. Robertsi.n on .Suc cession. Flllis on Insurance. Lewis on the Law of Perpetuity. Phillimore on Domicil, (’ary on I’art- nersfiip. H'ilsou on Uses. F'ell on Guarantees. Nesv- land on Contriict«. Tamlyn's Cbuncery Evidence, ,\o. Those or other Law Books ordered will be supplied to the Professbion in any part of the State on reason able terms. E. J. HALE .j' SON. l>io:»vaj>liical Skrtrli ut‘ l‘.onry .\ i-^e. with a History of the PoliticaU’ampnlgu in Vir ginia in IS’il. liv .lames P Hambleton, M D. E. J. HALK .Sc SON .Vug. 12. .VI-’.W \irSlC A: MbSlC liOOK'S. EllTlNFS Piano Fort? Method—new and revised edition; Hunton’s (''elebrated Instructions for the Piano Forte; Burvowe's Piano Forte Primmer; .Ac- cordeon. Flute, Vio\in and (i'larionett In.itructers. .Also, Music for tiie Plano. Just received and for sale by E. .1. H.ALE .V .'^ON. April .'> Narrative of tli(' I'Aju'dition ot an .\merican Siiuadron to the l hin:i Seas and Japan, bj Com. Perry. U. S. Navy, with numi-rous illustrations, edited by iu-v. Dr. F. L. Hawks. .Aho. lurther supplies of Mrs. Hentz's Novels; Miss .Murra;i'ravel.s fiirotigh th^ U. .s.; Mitclieir.s Tra veller'.-' Guide; Steel Pens, ^c. E. J. HALE .V SON. Ai.;-. 12. SCIlOOi. liOOICS. \LTSCHMIDT’S Latin Diotion.'.ry; Kendrick’s (jreek Ollendorff; (JreenfieUrs Greek Testament .-i.id Lexicon: Herodonis,—Leipsic Eilition; .-Vuthon's ('iassical Dictionary; Liddell and .S; oit’s Groek-English Lexicon: Antiion's lioraco; lUillion’s Latin P.oadcrs and (irammtu"-': Morse’s (leography; G-ioiIrich s Pictorial U. States; Dillard's 1. St-ites; Bullion’s Eng. Gram mar; Grcenleaf’s Arithnietics auvl Ke*y:i; .McGuffey’s P.etiders; Quackenbos’ 1st Lessons: «’om.-(tock's (Jhem- isU'v, ice., just received and for sale by i:. J. HALE so.N. .\)'r:l •'). liOOU' BJNS)FRV g® W. H.ARDIE haf! resumed the Book Binding • Bu.siness, over the Tailor .Shop of t^lark & ’.Voo.;wai’d, where he will receive and «*x*-cute binding ia any style ilesired. .Vu"ust 1. 27-tt SEW STOCK afui Stat:on"!*v. E nro p. iw receivlug oui- usu .! .Nfw Stock ol P.(M>!\S and T \T[(V. ni..r;i-Inp, n great varierv of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL and -WlSi Ei.L.u\Kurs BUOiviN, Tog(.thcr with .-i larjie nn I vai’ie 1 st cii of P>iaii.i [fooks, i\ipcr, Fjivclttj^e.s, »V»:. ('’l uutiy .Moi-i-hajit.-i and . ther: 'n->- Invited to call. 'IS v,t- ,-li'er the aiio'.e stock yi: The b'.-' l Teims. I », t. S. • !'. J. H.ALi. S SON. i'ist recei.ed. Jun.- 4. Ink, and 'opvifi;^ iiook: J. ii.Ai,:. ,V SOv JONES'S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. ^ |'*>Hrl subscribr-r.s have for sale, th'' volume of the ' Reports of L-nv ':ise.s ia the Siij ■ t’.iart of North (?ari lina, by H C. .lones, Es^ .fust puhUshed. Als.T, .Supreme Court Report.s genoraily, and other Law Books. E. j. HALE 5. .SON. 'mm iUVENsi'itoFT'i^ \ioi:v I «’?HE 2.1 edition, (with hundreds >t' typographical i .M- errors of the old edition conccte-.l, > is publisln;.! ; for the benefit of the .Missionary cause of the Ljjisco- I pal t'Iiuv«di in North (’uroliiia The price of the 2 ' vols. i-i, in cloth hinding, •'Sj, in sheep ;sl .j(i. Orders, : accjmpauied in every instance by cash, may be ad- ; iiressed to E. .1. H.VLF V .SON. Fayetteville, May 18-'>‘’i. iia^U' Ibi* ['^HE Subscribers have lor sale an Iniperiiil No. 4 ^Va3hington Hand Press, 2i( hanil. li will b** sold cueai;, deliverable in 1 et-?rr,y>urg. V?.. It is said to >.e a good Pre.‘5.s and in good orde-'. ..'une I, 1H55. E. J. Ii.\LE A: SON. T Tiu now lievisrd Sialiit^s. f ^XlIE Subscribers have received on consignment, n .JS- few cot'ies of the New Revisi>I. Price Vd, rusf: on (ielir. y. ' E. J. HALE & SON. Jan’s- 21. .If Vo/7/t Carolino MntKal In surance. (JoDipnnif. "MIE sul)Si-rifH'r having been appointed .\gent Tor _ the aiiove Company, will bo pleased to take Risks in this nlace and vicinity, on the most reasonable terms. AUG. W. STEEL. •Tilly u, 18orj. 10-3m .lUSr PL'DLISHED, »'\'’eiv unU Vorrected M’Uiiiion. of Devereux’s Equity, Voi. 2. fj^OR SO.ME 3’ears past tliis voluiiie of the Pici'oris of the Supreme Court of Nortli Carolinu has been out of print. The subscribers have primed a 2d edi tion, revised and corrected, which they will be happy to furnish to such gentlemen of the profession as have incomplete sets. Orders are solicited, .siiould they be encouraged sufhciently by the sale of this volume, they propose to follow it by a re-print of Devereux’s Isi, od, auil 4th Law, and Dev. .Sc Battle's Isi Law, all of wdiicii are out of print. E. J. H.ALE & SON. I ~ NEW HOOKS. ! rpiHE Confidential (’orrespondence of Napoleon with ■ JL his Brother .Joseph Bonaparte; Olmsted's Journey I in the Seaboard Slave States; Memoirs of Susan Alli- j bone; The Way of Salvation, by .Vlbert Banier-. 1 Further supplies of Hetherington’s Historv of the j Church of Scotland; Bayartl Taylor’s India, (’hina and .lap.in; Eldora; The Old Homeste.ad, 'ay Mrs. Stephens; KVV VOLLMES OF THE FOUR GULAl BRITISH REVIEWS, naiuely. EDINBURGH, NOIM'H iiRITiSH, WESTMINSTER, AND LONDON (QUARTERLIES. .VND BL.VCKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MA(JAZ1NE (.MONTHLY), ComiuL'uced with .North British for November, 18-55, au'i the other Reviews and I’dackwood for January, I.'-ioO. ';/■ Siil/scription.—Any one Review or Black wood, ^-5 a year. Blackwood and one Review—or aay two Reviews, !i>5. The four Reviews and Black wood, ->10. t our copies to one address, J'osUr;/'- (which should be paid quarterly in advance ,■ uii the four Reviews aud Blackwood to any Post Ofhc»* in the United States, only 80 cents a year; nanicS^, M cents a year on eacli Review, and 21 cents a ycai on Bbic.kwood. •Address, L. .Si'()Ti' ,y CO., Publishers, 51 Gold.Street, corner of I-uUon, N. V. Now Cliarles (' Method lor Haaten r .'icres iii the e iuaty of ilicbmond, taking ('ontnicts, vhen bids are flse same or at Engi- .11 r.aro of ■ ■ivi^,ab'!e streams, aad within miles cf ; neer's .‘stimate. ilif Wilmington and Charlotte Rail Road,-- pronabiy j • ite iuit‘'“'t liody of I'ino land of the same nualily to j -- foun I in the .State, — and will be ofirred iii lots to j • lit pur' httser-. 1 f»',)(,> bu.sli'-l.-' Criii. 50 t(;us Hay. i head Horsri an'l To •• aiUe. t>0 l-lQ '• Hogn \L lioad Wa^.in.s. 'J. Timljtn’ Wagon.'. , 1 'i’li.pci^liiia .Still aud Fixtures, of ;;> band capacity, f gi'thor with F.\RMi.N'(i TOfH.S, \'e. i‘cc. ! he huiiSs.1 ibci will take pleasure ia al.ovvai^ the j above 'or .perty to per;-c)i;s wishin;; to purchase all or ^Ily j..irtl in of' it;—itnd iO|uests thus»- liaving claims | to or-.; >:;nt them, and tnose iadcbte'l to a’aenl to the | =!-'tiemeiit of their ucjouuls, on the day of rtale. Terms at f ii!" JOHN McKELLAR. aept. B, IH.-iO. asti .\--i sooii as one hundred tiiousand iloll.ars ar.* sub- , scribed, the (.'omraissii)ncrs of On.'low county ure to bo i notified, and they ar'* required to caH a meeting of StockhoMers to organize the Company. .March 1.’), ].'!tl ! ('orporction Honds | of the 'I'oii ut of FaiicUcL'ille for Sale! ^ A GHEEAB1E to an Act of the Gci.era! .AKgerabiy . ; o( iho Stale of North Carolina, rutifie 1 Dec. J'j ; 1H.S2, authorizing the Town of Fayettcvillp to issue her Bontls to the amount of .Sil‘K),OitO, in Gn> n^grc- ! i gate, for the piirpo.se of p.nying her subscription to the j Western Rail Road Company. Therefore, it is ordero'l by the *.:.>mmissioaeis of I Fayottevillo, liiat tne Treasu.’Or of the Town receive ' sealed pronosaU, uatil the Isl of November next, for I the purchase of $')U,UUO, iu dums of -S-j't't each .pf sti.l Bonds, or any part thereof. Bonds to run twenty i years, with Coupons altached,—intarest payable semi- I annually. The said Bonds shall be under the seal of the Corporation, and binding on the fnith of tho same. W.M. V/.AKDEN, Town Treasurer. Sept. 26, 1855. ^9* WIIEA P wan PEI), want to purctiH.s«« Bushels Wheat. Juno IKoC. JAS. G. COOK. lO-tf (jiocxis at \V h(»i*siil*. f I^HR Subscribers beg leave to aifvise their cnstijm- S. ers and Merchants generally, ih.al they have received a }>nrt .Mid e.xpect to receive the balan.".' ol' their recent purchases in a few iays. Their Stock will iie much larger and more coini*iete th.vii they have ever offere l, embra.^ing a g.'neral as«nr!mf'nt of Af Together with Hardware and Cutlery, Hollow Wan\ Saddlery, Shoes, Leather, All of which have been bought Oy one of tlie firm ex.- iircs^ly for me Wiiolesale Trade. Their terms will »>e as « ‘ . » I ... - 4 »r.-v FoycttcvUlc Candy Ma?wfactory. t"?!!E subscriber still continues to mannf.-ictnre a superior article of plain and fancy C.ANL'IES at the old stand. (No. •’>, (Jreen street, ii doors North, of the .Market House,) where he would be h.ajipy to sec his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March 1. 1853. 73tf Fali iiiui Winter Goods, jr. T. iWtiidm, HAY STREET, tPiE now receiving their Fall and Winter GO(H)S consisting of .a large aud well selected stock of i iiits and ( ^a})s, Snddlcry nnd liCji- tiior, H(ravy articles iti tli(‘ Drtiii; lino, Ready-made CIo- 11 I Rose Clark; Widow Bedot, The Escaped Nun, Hidden Path, Alone, and other \ pular Work-^. Pe terson’s Fiimiliar Science; Short Patent Seraio:-.s. t,\ , Dow, Jr.; Bankcr’.s ('ases; and various School Books, j Just received by E. J. H.ALE & SON. j March o. j GARDENING FOR I'HE SOrrti,j Y W. N. White of Georgiu; j Courtship and Marriage, }y Mrs. Hertz, j The Courtesies of Wedded Life, by .Mrs. Li'slie; | Harptr's Classical Library, l)eing literal tran«latl .as ' of (’icero, Xenophon, Ceasar, Herodotus, Horac'. .Vc. ' .Also, further supplies of Ernest Linwood. Hiawatha; . Mrs. Hentz’s Novels, -jO cts. .i vol.; Johnston's \gri- i cultural ('hemistry; Dossey’s (Uioic?; Trench on the Miracles; The Mor.al Probe; flclogue- and Georgic-j oi . Virgil, by Anthon; Jay’s Morning .and Evening , E.';er.?ise.s; “Five Hundred AIistake» i orrectcd"; Smith’s (jrammar: .'«c., )ust received by ' E. J. hal:: swn (he Guitar, by ; In.-'.ructions for tlie Piano Forte; Burrowe-;' Piaiu> Fort*' Primmer. Fur ther supplies just received E. -L H.ALE SON. Nov. I'.t. S (.'iNES’s A'icws d' the .Seat.-j, Mansions, (.'astles, vVc. 8™ .,if Noblomcu and (Jlentlomen in Sci'tland. T!ie Book of Scottish oa.ll.id.s. 'f!ie .'rci'ttish G;vl: The Book of P.illads, tiy i’.on be 1 Gaultier: McFingal. by Tenmbnll; Lillian and other Poems, t>y Prae.!; Watson'.s Dictionary of Po-jtiCal (ji!Ot:itioas; B.ailads, oy W. H.itr:son Ainsworth; Leigh Hunt's Stoi ies in Vc-rs’’; AUingbanj’s Po‘m.=; Hogg's Tales; Tii'i Juee:is of England of the H'lu.se of H;ao ver. by l)r. Doran; The Nocteg .Vm'or-.isi.uue of iilack- ivor.d: Bohn’s New Hand Boon of (i.iiiies; ilie 'Var of the .-Vi’ies, fri.m the Corr.-sp.ja.i*:ut .)f i-ie London Times; Novelties, Inviutions aad (JariosiUes iu Arts !in I .'dHnafa’lurer; .vc. 1- J H S(JN. •April 2o. StSlO nwt.o I?* .Srrived! Wi'jjlM.E Gi”si Ir >n V. n.^el L.vamiiie 1," by Parson fl. Brow!;lo\v, prir on it 'tj-j mail is IH cent Also, ;i fev. la-.r-* of th» i .ifson ('0, just rec’d. Postuge Greai Iron WheeJ,” bv E. J. HALE t S>)N. ■ (i roceru's, \ lard ware, Cutlery, BlacksiuilhtV I'ur- pentiiie Tools, ViXricultural Ini- jjloinents, Roots and Shoes, iiernoforc, on the usual time to prompt dealers, cash buyers a reasonable discount will he maIe. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. fayettcvilic. .Vugust 13, i860. 30*if Co I Plre fnsnranee. ^ _ i I rg^HE ,ETN.\ Insur ;inc‘ (.’.Till) any t.i' fIrii"i1im\- I M- it’.g paid the t.-i'c imp-i'ed by tiie I'.i '. .‘.n'e Law (>f the i:ife i..t*^isi:iiiire, will coniin'i# .'.-^tMi.y in I Fayetteville, under tiie m.-in.igcm^nt ol the iin le' vn- j j ed, whoi'- prepai.-'.l t.> Po'.icivs oi' 1m-:ui a.i.e on j j Bulldiugs or (jood>. I'.ther in tli;.- I.iwn «;r ni :ii!V , 1 part of tlie State, on proper aiiplic ili.^n. .l. -.-i l].-i'.a i j of the ProperiN, .'I. The •E'f.'^-^ t'O.MP.VNY h: s Uce.ii in i,p->ratloi; .•i:...ui I SO ve.iri. in •"ip'*-:l if> ^.>>0.000 . i Im* Hon. Tii'j-i. ! I K. V>r:’.cc was its flr■^l President, and In-still hold.-^ that ' ' oltice: ;inil sovernl ..f its first I'irfciof- :i.c -lill :M-.ive | i and elfitfient luemb. rs f t!ie B-nird. It ;i-sat all :;:i;es This Stock we are prepared to Job or detail. sustained the highest ciiaracur lor tin* pr.itlenf'e of , Fayeitevii’e, Oct. 21, 18.31. -IStf its miinagemcut, .ind for the libcraUty witii which it We p.bk tho Pi.inters and Turpcntiue men to ex- j has ever adjusted its lostes. FI iU'Hi'/KSrPI IJFSOF BOOK>. 'tKLsS .'I'.irray's I’ravi-1-' i.- the (' .Staten und Citi' T fl. adn; The'ia'.^-Tslk of "’.imuel PiO„(-rs; ^ueild:»n ivnfiwics' iirnni.iti'- '\ri-ks; .Mf'mr.ir of .S Prcnt:S9 Err.e.-;? l.in.n'lo.i, by .Mrs. Hent/; The ..njcr.c.in De bater; Ha'-t ' 'ia->s (iooi, r.f Po>try; r:ii-:)ii Die- '1 ii. ir'’, 'ViM V-.e">torn .Scf-ne-*; !)an.a’s '.Jit-'I' Maaual; M' tl;-. ;i ' Hyni’i.'-- .-in l Dl-'Cipiim; Le BInti .^ Iri«> ni.'t'jne: Pdn.ik Pji..-:i;“, .S.diool iJook-. i;. .1. VC. H.-.LE M. S( >N 8- tliiiig, and Staple Dry Goads. I amioo our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, HaiK and Shoes. i:. J. HALE, Agent. {)Vv';:i.Lf.vG I'OR s.\!j:. Subscriber wisliL-s to sel! ti e large Dwr'ling I jui'l b-T on the i-on.er of mh-1 Ru.-rtil .sti-cet-), ;it pre.-;ei;t occnpie I :>y .Mr. Hi-nry Era;ai>ei t. Terms reasonable. Pos-iession g:vt-n on tin- 1st Octu- ae.\t. HALL. ber .May 8-

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