SEMl-W BEKL, Y. vol.. VI.] r\vr/n'KviLi;i:, n. r., sr:PTKvnu!:ii 2."), isrin. \(). r>4‘2.] rVMNTl’n MONDAYS AM> TIITRSDAYS! •niWIJI) J. HALi: & SON, I’.IH rolls AND I’liOlMllKTtMlS. I' for tln‘ Soini ^V.■^>kly Ouskuvku y:> 00 if paid In i lv iiifo; '>0 if jiaj.l iliiring tho y»'ixr of siihscvij)- n: .‘I- "4 till' yi-ar has oxiiiri'.l. h' r \\ iM‘kly Ouskkvkh yii 00 per Hnmiui, if pai«l in i U iiii'c: ;>0 if ji;iiil .luring Uic year of suhscrip- 'i 'li: I'V 0(t after the yeiir has expired. A I'V i;IM'ISKM KN rs in.-^erted for sixty cents per , U ii'c ’i' 1 tl lint's f(ir the tir-it, anil thirty cents for oa*-h . 1 ; I'lMS pul'lication. Yearly advertisenicntj; 1>y spe- utr:ict-i. at roa>.inat>le i-utos. Advertisers are I'. . t.. stiite the tiuiaber of insertions desired, or I V v,;M Ik' ('.intinufd till t’orhid. and eharijed accord- Letters t'l the IMit.Ts must V>c post-pai>l. Avlverti.-ement.' t-- lie in>eried •■ -mhV, charged -jO j>er ■ c\tr;i. Tin: (IHKAT ^OI TIII'^K'N C^tK I TIIRI’K (JKKVT SHOWS |\ ()vk: >. Proprietor. IIIIMMIIIKOMK. \\ni\LS \ '’IKI’IS. U ill Kxiiiliit at l'’ayetteville. Friday and Saturday, October :d and 4th. c'VBei>. G. N. KLDllKL I]Hl»ri.AlMS to the South tliat as a return for.the }^encrou> patroi'aj^e that has ever crowned liis etforts to please, lie has tliis season conihined THRKE (iUKAT SHOWS! A CAUI). ! LAnilNllUU(;il HIGH SC'IIOOl,. siihscriber h(*);s leave to inform his friendn j Sth Session of this School will comtnonce un H and ae.juaintance.s, that he haa entered into t M 'rue.-'diiy the ir)th day ot'July next, under the business for himself, and taken the store one door be-■ supervialon of the llev. (ieo. 15. Scott, M. A., of the low Mr. l>raughoa, on (iiHispie t^treet, neur the M^r | UniM;r.sity of Kdinbur^jh, (Scotland,) Principal, assisted ket, where he InN'tids to keep on hand a genorai im- j by \Iis Scott in tho Primary Uepivrtment. siiftment ot . Mr. unJ Mrs Scolt have both made Teaching the Dry lioots and Shoes, 'Truuksj, 1 iVom the experience which ‘ the Truatees have had, durin;r the past year, of their Hilts, Hardware, Cutlery, aini raiicy (Joods. I. Fayetteville, Aug. -7 John •!. Pemherion ■ B \S just rec'd .iiie of the most de-'iTiible Stocks of I M ^ilk I'aiK'V . ■ V : !\Tod by him, embi acin}; uU the newest styles of *1 ; -i; *• Plain .and col'.i Moir Antiiiue Silks, Rich ()m- ; 10 Latins. Striped and jilain Silk Valencia, Poplinett j r. ' ; Plain and Brocade Merinos, Plain, Plaid, und ! I > K I French DeLains, and a great many other! : vv sty'o Al^'p, a large Stock of Velvet, Cloth, and : K Mantil'n. ('loaks and Talmas, liay State. Stella ' P’-U .111 . iftic Shawls. A great variety of the .• -• ' - ( l'Ri:S8 TKIMMINGS, Fri'iich Kmbrnideries. Honeton Lace Collftrs, ererv • '••r ..f the best quality of K.i(l Glovetl and Viaiiiitlets for Ladies and Gents. \ few very h:indsiime patterns Woostedcurtain Dam ask. with trimmings to suit, some vei\y handsome Oil Window Shades. ALSO. FOR r.ENT S WEAR, illnrk. lUue. and Olive Broad Cloths, Black and Fau- I y i .I'simeres and Vestings. A very large Stock of it E, IiP 1 U.inE I'M. O THM*\'U t'or Youths and Boy«>, made in the latest styles and Workmanthip n'arrantfd. The above Stock waa selected with great care as re- ^ style and prices, and will be offered at wholesale r retail, on very accommodating terms. The public *> nerally are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. J. A. PEMBtRTON. ■ei t. 41 tf (tf ittli /nr/1'3: Establiahmenl. Sept It*. and .lOllN PFTKRSON. Lkadku or tiik Ba.mi, \'01jAN1>T, which is a 'uHicieni guaranty for the excellence of the Music. Matting in all the most complete, interesting and satisfactory enti rtainmeut ever oeen under any Pavilion, and the best FIFTY ('KN 1'.'^ SHU\V ever oti'erod to the people of the Republicl A,L''ent. The al'ove (’i ’iipany will exhibit ut David D. .Allen’-i, Sept ‘J'.Uh: at Eli/.a- bethtown, Sept. iUUlr at Lumberton, Oct. 1st; at St. I’aul's. Oct. :Id. 40 tC t’ompany has been declared, payable October 1st, 18')0. •INO. M. HOSE, Sw’y. Sept. 1, IS.jtl. i^T) 7 I I'Olt SAI.K CIIKAI’. SEt'OND U.\NI* BUGGIES in good repair. A. A. .McKETilAN \i:\v (U)()i)s. AM now receiving my Fall and Winter Stock of ■ (iROl'KKlES. ll\RI)W\Rl' .\M) Cl'TLEKV. These goods were bought late in the season, and consciiuently at reduced prices. My stock of HOOTS ani I MIOI> is complete, embracing many kinds of extra sizes; P>lankets, Kerseys, .See.; Hats, fine and common. THUS. J. JOHNSON, Old Staml, near the Cape ^’ear Bank and Market place. Nov. 12. 52-tf VALI AIU.K I'AKM \'OR SALK. «FlN(i desirous of changing my business, I offer for sale my PL.VNTAT1(.)N on the east side of tlie ('ape Fear Uivcr, three miles above the Clarendon P>ridge, known as the Toomer and McKay lands, con noticl:. subBCi'iber having obtained letters ot a Iminis- -M. tratiou, pfwltnte litf. on tho Lstate of Ale.x. Clark, deceased, at September Term, 185t,;, of Harnett County (?ourt. hereby reqtiests all persons indebted tu the said Estate to make immediate payment. FrRTnEirNOTU’K On Friday the 10th of October next, I shall oiler ut public sale at the late residence of the said Clark, deceased, all the Stock belonging to said Estate, in- taininir ab uit st)0 acres. This Farm is susceptible of eluding Hoises, Hogs. Sheep and ( attle, among which the very highest improvement, and of being made one are some very tine Beet Cattle; al^o Farming imple ments and other Tools, Household and Kitchen Furni ture, together with the crops of various kinds, and othei articles of personal property. The Negroes belonging to said Estate will be hired out until the first day of January next. Terms of sale; Si\ months’ fredit. with bonds and approT#d iecuritv BESMAMLN F .^HAW. Adm’r/£■/.hte. Sejit. 17 th, 186t^. 41-^U The Old North State in 177G— Second Series, being Revolutionary Incidents and Sketches of Character in North Carnlina. by Hev. bi W. t’aruthers. l>. L* Prio.- 5^1 -i. Just received E J. H.\LE S SO> Sept. lb. M. New Vi irk. his Fall and Winter Stock of CLOTH- !Nti ,iT, i FL-’.NISHIXG H>Ul)S. , — ^ ^ ' H-i.:tig t.ikoD unusual pains in the selection of his I' J )lv : IS. he flatters himself that his Stuck will compare I « l.^OU Acres of Farming and -^l.'y with any in the market. | Turpentine LAND in Harnett county. H •.vliiir -Pt out with a determination to sell Goods ; known as t'.ie Parker & McNeill lands; joins William 11 r. I' lnable terms to prompt paying and Cash | Harrington's lands on upper Little Klver. There is sTnmers. he feels that the experience of the past jus- some ‘-t'O acres ot the V>est (uality of ! w grounds on titiCi him in assvrling, that all Goods sold by him will , the Hiver. The uplands are heavily timbered with fcive entire satiaiactiou as to style an'l price. | pine, and are within six miles of the Fayetteviiie and His Stock coufistb iu part of the ful'iowing t.loods. Western Railroad A bargain may be had for cash. ot the most beautiful and profitable Plantations in I’umberland county. On the Farm is a good mill seat .My terms will be favorable and payments easy. For particulars, apply to John li. Williams, Es'i., Fayetteville, .ir address the subscriber at the Gulf. 1 will give poH'^ession the first of December next, if de sired L. J. HAUGHTON. Gulf, July 17, ISoO. 2;ltf I.AM) rOK SALK. ri^HE subsciiber will sell to the highest bid>ler, on the preiiiises, Friil.iy the lOth October next, that valuable tract of land, in Davidson ('ounty, N. C., two miles trom Thomasville, formerly the residence of John W. Thtimas, Esii., containing hOO Acres, adjoin ing the land.' of N.athaii Kendall, Esij., and others. Here is an opp.jrtunity for one ot the most desirable residences iu Western N. t’. .JOSKIMI .lu., ATTOg«.\i:V AT LAW, f .\S taken an oHice next door to \Vm. B. Wright’s Law ortice on (Jreen Street. He w^ill attend and lu-ictice in the (’ounty and Superior Courts of Cumber h'.iul. Bladen, P»obeson and Sampson. March 23, 18')3. 79-tf zeal, fidelity, and success, in the discharge of the duties of their profession, they confidently recommeml them to Parents and Guardians, us pre-eminently r|ualified by temper, talents, and aciiuiremeuts for the instruc tion of students, in ail tho branches of an l]n;ilish. Scientific, ('lassical, and Commercial Education. The Trustees resiiectfully invite the public ti) a p»>r- sonal examination of the sy.stem pursued in the School. Terms—>iiS, >!l‘2, and ^20, per Session of five months, (French included in the grade without extra charge.) Board can be had with the undersigned iu the Board ing house belonging to the Sclioolorin private families at sjiH. per montli. Washing and room lights extra. One lialf fees and Board invariably jiaid in advance. 1). C. MclNTYRE, Secy. Laurinburgh, Richmond co., N. (5., July 18o').[l8-tf I’I.I'V TO.\ FKMAi.K ixs rrriiri:. ^r^HLS Institution will resume its oper.ttions again 1 on MONDAY, the 8th of SHPTEMI5ER. The charges will be the same as they have been for the last year. Board ¥lO per month, including wash ing, lights. ij‘C. L. C. GKAV'ES, A. .M., who has served us so long and efficiently as Principal of the Institute, new also has charge of the Steward's Department, which ren ders it doubly' sure that this department will be con ducted to the entire satisfaction of all. Mr. Stradella will continue iu charge of the Musical Department; and ?flrs. Stradella the Department of Painting, &c. H. A. B1//ELL, Sec’y Board of Trustees. Clinton, July 2'), 18")t',. oO-tf GOf.Dsiioiiol (in l^RnAI.E ri'^HE third Session of this Institution commences on WedueBday, the 3d of Jan’y ISof), and ends on the 3d of June, 1855. Rsv. JAS. II. BRENT, B., President. Dr. Morqan Closs, late of Chapel Hill, Professor of Mathematics. •And a full corps of Teachers in every branch. Board, including Washing, Lights, Fuel. ic.. per session, >!50 00 Tuition in Primary Department, ^10 00 Collegiate Department, i20 00 One hundred dollars will cover all expenses of the session in the Cullegiate course and all ornamental branches. Pupils in primary department charged the usual price for ornamental branches. One half payable in advance. Three Lectures uu scientific subjects will be delivered each month. W'e are making every effort to render the School the W. A. HUSKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CLERK AND M.\STER IN EQUITY. F.wkttkvili-k, N. C., May be found at the Eijuity (Mice, in the Court House. Sejjt. 22, 185-3. I-iS-tf J. A. SPF.ARS, ATTORNKV AT LAW, A TTENDS the Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, X m Wake and Johnston. Feb'y 13, 18.")t). 78-lyr Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. I. A W C() PA U r N h:us 111 WE, tlie undersigned, have this day formed a Law Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: (Jhatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 185tj. 72tf H. L. tlOI.MES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. o FFICE on corner of Front and Princess street, under Journal office. Dec. 12. 4H-tf TIIOS. Jf. TII.LINGHASr, KOOKB E R, AtuhrAoa tit reel, opposite North of E. J. Hale dr Son's liookatore. HUSIC, Magazines, and all descriptions of Books are bound in all styles in the best and most substantial manner, on terms, the s.ime as at any place in the South. Persona wi>.iiiig to know the prices of binding, will be supplied witii a list peuon- ally or by letter. Sept. 'I'i, 185-'). 39-tf o »r. K. A. BLACK. FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. ,1. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb'y 7, 1 M5t‘>. 7(j-tf CMAKl.KS BANKS, c o.^'MECT M n, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreujn Fruits, Xufs, (^it/ars, Tobacco, Snuff, i^cc CiiKRl].^ KTREiET, Fayetteville, N. C. 7,.tf SM» R fwivw Ur PEW Dr. JAS. F. FOlTlilvl>. Corner of Hay and Donaldson Streets, opposite the FayetteciUc Hotel, WOULD respectfully call the atten tion of his friends and custom^-rs to his complete stock of DRUGS, n KI»I€I.\ KM, Oils, Paints and Dye Stuffs, W hich he is now receiving, and will otier vat prices as low us they can be bought at ^ in this market Mis object is to sell Medicine that can be depended upon, as he buys none but the genuine article. Constiintly on hand JlurnliK/ Fluid, Cainphcne, Spirits TurpnUim-, Alvitiiol, Brandies and (/hr Medical l>urposes;') Couijre&s Water, Ciirntt SlcKjnesia, East India Castor Oil. March 15, 185b. 87-tf Look to Your Interest in 'Vime. fBlHE Proprietor, after having the A misfortune of getting burnt owt. has re-built his Steam Saw Mill and is now prepareil to furnish KjV^URER at short notice, either iu town or at the Mill, 8 mile^ from Fayetteville, on the W'estern Plank Roail. 1 hope to receive patronage inasmuch as 1 am in the midst of the best heart Timber and can furnish any length from 10 to 42 feet long, which I hope will suit Steam boat men wishing to get long timber at short notice. 1 also intend keeping Lumber at TROV if" .M.\HSH’S Store, who will still act as my Agents, and forward hills tor Lumber to me at my Mill. My terms tor lumber shall be as favorable as any for the same kind of lumber Those wishing to address me can do so at Manchester P' 0.. CumJierland Co., N. C. D.WID KIVETT. June y, 185(). 11-Hm “f'is 11E W V SI D, Ij^OR the apprehension and delivery of my nej;ro man PAGE, a bright mulatto, about 28 years ol age; or for his confinement iu any Jail so that 1 get him again. When he left he had on a brown Satinett (.'oat and Pnnts, makes a good appearance, and no doubt will pass himself as a free naan; about 5 feet 10 or 11 inchea high, weighs about 185 pounds, and had, at the time he left, a fellon on the middle finger of his left hand; has on his chin a goatee (or long beard.) I expect he will endeavor to make his way to Abingdon, Washington coiinty, Va., where he was raised. I*. M. McLAL'RlN, Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C. Feb’y 4, 1850. 7o-tl ( loth, B aver. Tweed-* and ('a.ssimere Coats. Di- do do do Over do. Every variety of ^tylc of Vests and Pants, H-i'^iery. (il.aes. Shirts Linen and Merino,) Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. .\i. uf which he hopes to be able to sell at as early a day us possible. \11 persons who owe me for purchases previous to Ju y last, are earnestly requested to pay up, and keep th:-ir lid iny good name. JA.MES .McPHEUSOX, Hay street, opposite E. Glover'a. Sept. 1850. 11-3m T‘Wu paper? cop}’ mo. FISH on ConsiiriiiiK'iit. BliLS. .ML'LLET, in first rate order, newly put up, and of the best quality. or endorsed Notes at Bank. Sep. 2'*, 185b. LI TTERLOH. 41-*)t Normal (’ollcge on the East, 7 miles Glenn Anna, a i first in advantages and cheapness, and pledge to reduce tlouiishing Female Institution, within twenty minutes prices, and multiply the advantages in proportion to walk, and the North Car.iliua Rail Road within two the increase of patronage. When our number of pupils miles, on the north. reaches 200 we shall be able to reduce the prices This land will be divided into two or niore tracts if ‘ nearly one half, every one aiding us, is also aiding in desired. 1 placing the means of a superior education within thf Nathan Kendall, Es^., at Fair Grove, and adjoining ' reach of almost every girl in the State, the premises, has kindly consented to shew this pro- We return thanks for the unexampled support wt General Commission and Forwardini Merrhan perry to i»n\- person desirous of purchasing. : have had and believe it will be continued. For further ' Terms, 0 aud 12 moi*ths credit, with interest from ^ information apply to the Pre.^ident of the faculty, o» date, the purchaser executing bond with security, pay- myself. WM. K. LANE, Pres’t Stockholders. June 10. 1854. 4tf Heatl-I|iiiiTiers *iit Kts'l N. (-. Militia. ) Favkttkville Sept. lid, ) fB^IIE Commandants of the Several Companie.' of M. tiie ;;3d Regiment North Carolina Militia are hereby ordered to make their aniiual returns to the Colonel of the Regiment, at this place, on or before the loth October next. By order of the ('olonel Coiam.anding. c 1: Sej.t 20. LEETE. .\i tiiig .Vdjutant. ll-:;w vLs". a tew bbls. No. 3 M.\CKERLL. ipt. 22, Ifc.'c'.. Just rec’d. For sale by B. ROSE. 41-3t N(VnCK. TONS I’eruvian luano. 1 new two-horse Wapon. I do. three-horse lio. For sale by WORTH Sept b. OIL. lJUPwE W inti-r Sperm OIL: Lamp, Linseed, and Tanners’ oil. ,\ new eujtply, for sale in inan- ti'ies to suit. Apply to B. Rt)SE. s-pt. 22. 4i-;:t I j UTLEY. 87- J. (\ ^riioinson S now receiving a large and complete STOCK OF' GOODS iu his line, viz: I'o till' L:ilie« of fr'ayc‘tte%ille. | HI’S. J.VMES GIBSoN respectfully informs the , Ladies "f Fayetteville, that she intends carrying "U the DRESS .MAKlNti buiines' at her residence on .Maiden Lane, where she will be glad to wait on the Ladies, anil warrants all wrrk done by her to fit and give sati.sfaction, and hopes to merit a share of public patrona;.'!'. All orderb will be thankfully received. Sejit. 20, 1850. 41-3t (,’arolinian cojiy. , li\ order of Col. F. J. Fai- ~I., w Battalion Muster shall take place in Clinton, on the 3d hriiiay in (Jctnber next. The drill Muster to be held ^•n the Thursday preceding the 3d Friday in October, md (;ourt Martial on the Saturday next after the 3d Friday in Octnber, ordered by the last Court Martial that tho upper and Uiwer Battalions be united in one, t" muster iu Clinton on the :Jd Friday in Oct next. EVERETT PETERSON, Adjutant. Sept. 3, lb5*i. 41-tl70 (UTS. m, BOOTS i\i) siioi:s, In all varieties, which he ofl'crs for sale at low jirices for E^^'C.ASH. or to prnmr' I'tiili};! r,,-'.,rn,'rs. He returns his thanks to his customers for their liberal patronage, and solicits a continuance of the same. J. C. THOMSON, Market Si[uare. September •'?. If-ob. 3»jtf able at the Farmers Bank, Greensboro’. JAMES SLOAN. Greensboro’, .August 29th, 185C. 35-tOl. ROHFRT I). GRFEN, ~ (LATK GREEN x WEAR,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &o., FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. RD. G. begs to return his sincere thanks to the ' • public for the kind patronage so liberally be- ■ stowed upon the late Firm, and informs them he has ‘ bought tiie interest of J. S. Wear, and will continue the business in all its branches at the old stand, under his entire superintendence. N. B. -\11 Watches left with him for repair will be taken apart in the presence of the ownecii, aud tiie necessary repairr*^jiointed out to them and a written contract given f«i- the same, which work will bo wai- ranted for two years. On hand and fur sale now, the most varied and choice selection of CLOCKS and other time pieces that has ever been oflereil to the public in North Caro lina, which h(- will sell at New Y'ork prices, and also w.\Kii.\NT for two years. All debts due to and by thf* late firm will be paid and received by R. D. GREEN. August 25, IstoO. 34-tf rRKIGllTlNG o:\ THK l.lPlj FKAR KIVKR. A T a meeting of the Boat owners intere.sted in n»T- igating the Cape Fear River between Fayetteville Dec. 13, 1851. 57-tf HUEMWEL L llOUS!'.. F.\%’ETTBVIiyl.E, .\. C. East side of' Gree}i Street, a few Doors North of the Market House. ^HE SuViscriber ilesires through this m«dinm to acknowleilge the liberal March 1, 1853. w. \\ kijj()tt7 LOST. L.\ST Night, between the Market House and the Dobbin House, a small PORTE MONNIA, con taining about •'i!25 or ^»3(), consisting of two Five Dol lar Gold pieces, three Two-and-a-Half Gold pieces and four One Dollar Gold; also some small change and a bill or two. A suitable reward will be given for the ' recovery of the above described Purse and Money. ! WM. McLEOD ' Fayetteville, June 4, 1856. lO-tf (> River. COAf.l COAL!! TONS BEST RED ASH now landing, and a supply kept constantly on hand by T. C. & B. G. WORTH. W ilmington, Sept. 20, 1850. 41-2m 500 and Wihaington, On motion. ]). McLaui-in was called to tlie Ch.'iir, and R. .M. Orrell was appointed Secretary. (►n motion of James F. .Marsh, Resolved, That from and after the 1st day of Janu ary. l85t). Cash will be required upon the •lellvery of all Freights at Wilmins»ton and Fayetteville re spectively. On motion of J. D. Williams, Resolved, That each of the Steamboat Companies on the ('ape Fear River, from and after the 1st of January, IS.Vi, will carry Guano from Wilmington to Fayette ville at 10 cents per bag. Lime at 25 cents per cask, and grotind Plaster at 30 cents per cask, and that a Ki:i>ir tio:m or 20 pkr €k\t. from the printed and established rates on all other Country Trade than any I have bef >re otl'ered, both as ; articles will be made from and after that date, all to quality and price, and will be sold on my usiml ac- , Cartage and Drayage being paid by the shippers. I.AND FOR SALi:. iN Saturday, the Ihth of October, the subscriber will sell 4(>(> acren of Land, lying in Bladen county, on the east si'le and about 2 miles trom the Terms easy and made known on lav .^f sale W. J. .■^(‘)NR(»E. 1. 3'i-ts Sept. c {OCKFUV, GLASS-W ARK AND LOOKING-GLASSES. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. AND FORW A RDLVG M KRC11A XT, *V. €. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign patronage bestowed upon his House the past | rnents, and ('ash advances made on Produce to >>e ship year—and as he has just erected New Stables and j pp,j other ports or sold in this market. Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water Feb. 12 1855. 07 * ■ ’ pleasure in saying to !iis patrons and the . ’ . S. BANKS, .Tit*reliant, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, lS5t>. OG-tf S. M. THOMAS, DEALER IN FANCY & STAPLi: DRV GOODS, K EADY-M ADE C LOT HING, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEEl'INGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, &c., &C. ('orncr .Market and Gillespie St.. Fayetteville, N. C. Dec. 17, lbo5. (j2-tf Worth & Utley, Forwarding and (General Coniinission MFRCllANTS, Faffcltcvillc, »V. C. J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. t'TLET. LOVfclin) ELDKIDGK, • iHorttvtf at Eutv^ W ILL attend the (’ourts of Johnston and Samp- lie tak public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used to render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is always sujiplied with the best the market affords. P. SHE.MWELL. March 24, 1855. 80-tf (;R0CFR!FS and hardw arf. i ri'^HE subscriber has in Store a good assortment of J| Goods in tUe GK()(’ERY and H.VRDWARE LINE; ^ all of which will be sold wholesale or retail, or bar tered for country produce, on terms the most reason able. A s.nall lot of SADDLERY for sale cheap. (jive us a call. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. N. B. Any of my friends in the country having busi- : ness to transact in this place, such as renewals, >s;c , ' can hii.e it done oti the usual terms, by sending same G. W. I. G. 3'.Uf VALUABLE PROFERTV FOR S,^tEE. 1 OFFER for sale, ray LANDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about 130 Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. About 80 Acres of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. Also, the V:tluabl‘ Ifirirk siikI l..ot near the Market Square, occupied by Mr. John \ Pemberton. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson. Maxwell and Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High School Building-,. .\lso, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford Street. Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both Winslow and Mumford Streets. All this property can now be purchased on favora ble terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and Mortgage if desired. THO. J. Oct. 10, 1855. eURTlS. 43-tf to my caro. Fayetteville. Sept. 27, 1855. HAVE received my Fall Stock of the above articles. My assortment of goods is better suited to the commodating terms. Sept. 1. W. N. T1LLINGH.\ST. -Im T.AND FOR SALF. .\CRES OF LAND lying on upper M. " P" * Little River, in Harnett County, well timbered and well located for theTurpentine business. It wiil be sold on accommodating terms. Apply soon iij the Subscriber at I'ayetteville. W.M. '•pt. 22, 185'i. Carolinian copy. .McL. McKAY. 41-tf Htdd (^narlcrs^ Uh Brigade A. (7. Militia.^, IS’. C., I Sept, 15, 1856. j ^■IHE Commandants of the several Regiments com* M- posing this Brigade, are hereby ordered to parad# their resjiective Commands at the following times and pl.ici , for the purjiose of Review and Inspection, viz: tlTh Ki-jriment. at Carthage, Moore Co.. Tuesday Nov. 11 til, lH5t;. ;;ith Rcirim’nt, at J. W. McAllister’s, Harnett Co , Thursday N'«v. l.'itli. Regiment, at Fayetteville, Cumberlaml Co., Saturday Nov. 15th •2d Regiment, at Clinton, Sampson i\>.. Tuesday Nov. 18th. 41st Ragiment, at Elizaliethtown, liladenCo., Thurs day Nov. 20th. >olh Regiment, at W'hiteville, Columbus Co., Satur- Jay Nov. f2d. •A D. McLE.AN, Brigadier General 4tii Brigade N. C. .Militia. Sept. 17. 40-Uw SKLAlI. a Collection of l\salni ;nid Hymn Tunes, .\nthenis, (,'hants, t.'horuses, ticc., by | Thomas Hasting.s. Just rec’d. j E. J. HALE cj SON. | .\\ig. 28. DRV (iOODS AT \Vlh)LFSAl,F I STARR &, WILLI.\MS are now receivin;: a very Inrge ST()('K, embracing every thing in the Dry Goods line with Hats, Ca()s, Boots, Shoes, Silk and Straw Bonn‘ts, I'nibrellas, and Roady-Mado Clothing, (S.c. Which they will sell CHEAP for Cash or approved Notes, at WHOLES.\LE only. We invite Merchants visiting this market to examine oiir stock. J. B. HTARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. August 27, 1850 84tf o.ii«>lst6a «’M7’0L'LD inform his friends and former customers ww that he may be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear Bank, and 1 doors above his old staiid south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his He respectfully invites his friends from the country to call and examine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles punctually, and his charges sh ill be moderat*;. He would reijuest all indebted to the firm of H()USr(jN i'i OVERBY to settU with AV. Overby or himself, ny they are compelled to settle the firm’s debts. Auguit 27, On motion of .lames Bnjiks, Resolved, That the foregoing bo published in the town papers. D. McLAURIN, (’hairman. R. M. Orrell, Sec’y. Deo. 24, 1855. C5-tf J. W. BAKER la now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully se lected stock of I lIR?VlTrRE ever offered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to pxinctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasse.s; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, fill .sort.s; Wash Stands; (handle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Wimlow Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany a*d WalRut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Difans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Piano.s, one with .iKolian At tachment; Rosewood Mclodians, from the bet manutac- tories in New Y«rk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, ami will b« sold at N. York prices—freight only added. November 2, 1854. 45t BFDSTFADS! BFDS FFADS!! IUST received from the Man'^ifacturer, Ira Hersey, a supply #f nr.DSTM^.ios of various jiattcrns, and made of good seasoned timber. These Bedsteads are man\ifactured in this place, and can be sold to dealers as low as they can be got fiom the North. Call ami examine. A. M. CAMPBELL. A;;-.;! vt. ‘'4-y BOOTS AND SIIOFS. WE are receiving our F.vll and AVinter supply, consisting of a large assortment of (ients’. Ladies’, Misses’, Boy’s, and ("hildren's Boots, Shoes and Oaiter.s, embracing almost every variety of style and quality. Also, Gents’, Ladies’, Misses’, Boy's and Children's India Rubber Shoes. Men’s and Boy's Brogans. Trunks, Calf. Goat, T.ining and Binding Skins, Lasts, Shoe Thread, I'tc. All of which we will sell on very favorable tfrms. S. T. H.AW’LEY .S: S((N. September 1, 1850. S5-tiw MONFV. WE are prepared to pay CASH, and good prices for any number of young Negroes, froiu i to 25 years old, sound and healthy. J. & T. AV ADD ILL. Sept. 1, 1856. 35tf S'PATF OF NOiri'H ( AROFJNA, CU.MBERLAND COUNTY. Superior Court of Law. Spocinl Term, .Tune 1S5G. Present: His Honor S.\mlf.l J. Pkuson, Judge, presiding. Sarah A. Bartlett m. Ricliard C. I’artlett. Petition for Divorce. iN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of his Honor, that the Defendant, Richard C. Bartlett, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is thereupon Or dered, that publication be made in the Fayetteville Observer for six weeks, for the Defendant to be and | appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to i e held j for the county of Cumberland, State afores.a,id, at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the Vth Monday after i the 1th Monday in September A. D 1850, and answer \ the allegations of the Plaintitf. or said Peti ion will be ) heard ex parte, and deoree taken Hccordiii:. y. j AVitness, Jesse T. AA'ardcn, 'lcrk of our said Court, at Office, the seventh Monday after the fourth Monday in March, A. D. 185G. 38*6t] J. T. AVARDEN, Clerk. son (Joujities. Smithfield, .\pril 15, 1850. '.40-tf (i. \V. WILI.IAMS Sf •WE just received a large and well selected as sortment of HARDWARE AND GROCKRIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer chants. March!", 1855 84- •I. C. POSO, DEALER IN S IWIM.F (.V FANCY DRV GOOI4S, II.\TS, CAPS, B(X)TS, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress (ioods and Trimmings. JIai/ Street, FayettcvUJe, .V. ('. May 20, 1855. 4 tf %linrbt€ Faclorff* .... .'■v • I.?' REDUCHD FARF. Through Tickets between Wilmington, N. C., and Balti more. Fare $13. Via AVeldon, Petersburg. Richmond, & AVash- ington City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. ForTickcts -ipply at the Office tof the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company at AVil mington, or at the tjlfice of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1. If52. f SFl.LLNG AT COS'P. BF]lN(t desirous of closing our present busiitess. we ofl'er our remaining STO(’K OF GOODS ,\ 1' C( )ST, for Cash. Those indebted to us will please make imniudiut c [laj'ment. (XJUNCIL, R.\\' h C(). •\ug lb. I'll-tf riu‘ suhscriUcrs will purchaser S(»iriis Turpentii’e, or make advances on consignments to their friemls in A’ilmiugton, or New York. C. T. IIAIGH 4- SONS April 0, Wtf IJFF INSURANCF. .''■IHE Undersigned has been ai)]iointed .Vpent nl' ..M. the .North (’arolina Life lnsiira.nce (Jom- pany. Every member for lil'e [larticiputea in the pro fits of the lN)mp.iny: and the .•iniiu.i! pn iiiiuio |..r life membershi]>, where it amounts to or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other tiall in a note at 12 months. Debt«rs‘ liv('S may be iiisiwed by creditors. ,\ iiinn may insure his own life for the exclusive b. iiefn i,f liis family Tiie lives of slaves may be insincd. This sy.stcin is rapidly growing into tavor. all over the civili/.cd world It is one by which a fuiuilv, t o- a small ■■•oiu annually, may be j>rovid-il for, alter ilie death of its li.-ad, on whose exertions they niay have been dependent for a support. It isa good'-tiiient of money, even if one shonbi live long .it'rer; out a Lite Policy Explanatory pampliirts. .-inii the necessary Blanks, furnished on apuiication E J. ilAl.E anncai. si-rrri>F\ii:N is. f'iliE subscribers dtsire during tho Moiitl.i nl August to mike tli*-.r annual s ttlemi-ri:- I'hose indebted will h-ive tli>-ir arcoiiiiis presenii-. Their creli»urs wili please present theirs. I E J. HALE iV SO.s June oO, 18.50. By I.VUDP.R, nui iMiiiiis iBiiHi r. T. inicii s siivs stiikk. ray«*li'. .Tan'j’ 20, 185t«. (>4ypd Bank ('hocks tV>r sale at tins Oftice. \i('l!io!ii^l llyiniis. various and Methodist Discipllne.s, ju-'t received style E. J. HALE .S: SON Dec. 22. 'l'h(‘ .’>oiitln*rn llarinonv. in'w (vi.- tion, revised and enlarged. ,V further siipply jli^l received by E. J. HALE .« S‘.\' July l(j.