S BMI-W EEICL. Y VAYKTTEVII.LE, N. SEI^TKMBKR 29, 185(>. [NO. flMNTi:!* M>M>AYS \NI> THUUSDAYS j i:n\\ AKI) .1. H VLK & SON. KDll’oltS AM* I'laiVKIKTOdS. I'h's ■ tlie So:ui-Wt>okly Ohskuvku •'j;:? 00 if jniiil iu i k iv:iin'i‘; $')'• if jciiil luviii£r fKc yeiir of sultscrip- : '). n- s4 after the yeiir lias expireJ. I- ; tlic Weekly )bskrvkr !}j2 00periinuuin. if j>aiJ in i'l\:iiii'e; r»0 if piiiil during Uie yciir of sulis4M-ii>- •i 'ii; >r 1*0 after the year lias exjiired. \l>Vi;i!TISKMh’NTS inserted for sixty cents per i u Il f .1' 111 Hues for the tirst, anil thirty cents for each ■ . r iiHi, I'^licution. Yearly advertisemeiits liy sjic- . lUtr.ii't-:. at reasuTiable rate-;. Advertisers are I-,. II,-:i 1 III state tlie nunilter of insertions ilesired, or i:„ v v.i'.l bi- o.'ntinued till forbid, and fliarped acci'rd ! ' ■ 1t'"* the IMit.u-s must be j^ost-paid. Adv- rtisenieiits to be inserted ehar;ied per ■ lit. extra. John •#. Pemberton H as just rei-’d one of the most desiiable Stocks of ^ilk aiKl I'aiM-y 4«uodK, I'MT .'ffered by him, embracing all the newest styles of ' > .i'll :is riain and col d Moir Antique .Silks, Rich Om- j S iiiiis. t^triped and plain Silk X'alencia, 1‘oplinett II ' fs. I'hiin and Hn cade Merinos, I’lain, Plaid, and l i. h t it'd frencli DeLains, ana a ^reat many other • . w styles. Also, a large Stock of VeWet, Cloth, and ; S:" Mantillas, t'loaks and Talmas, Bay State, Htells riu>li and Tiftic Shawls. A great TSvietT of the , itc Hept IS. TllH OPvKAT riii:i:i*: iiijini snows i\ om;: (•. !CI^I>KICI), I*roprietor. IIIIMMlIiKinil':, ANPHLS \ (Mll'Ji S. Will Kxhiliit at Fayetteville, Friday and Saturday, October lid ami 1th. C'AECiK u. N. hli>ri:d S5I'**^-’I^A[MS to the Souih that as a return for the jjenerous ]iatronage that li:is over (.rownc'd liis otl'orts to please, he has this si-.isou combined TiniVA] illU^ VV SHOWS! and engaged the world renow ned FKAN- C( iN 1 II 11’1‘t )1>K( >M K 'rilOl'l’ to appear in conjunction with his splended ,\N1- .MAL KXUlinTlOX .V Mil’ATSorTH- KKX ('iKrrs: ('i.uws>, sam long and .lOHN PF/l'KilSON. Lkaofu oi niK (’. VOLANDT, wbicli is a surticient guar.-uity for the excellence ot t)i'' Mu&ii'. .Making in all the most Complete, interesting and satistactory enti rtaiu’.ucnt »-ver seen under any l’a\ilion, and the best I'IFTV CKNTS Sll(>W ever ottered to the pei'pk> of the llepublic! -\gent. The abuve C’orr.panv w il cvhitiit nt l>avid D. .Alien s, Sejit it Hliz i- bothtown. Sept. ;;Oth; at Luml)erton, K t. 1st; at St. I'nul’s. tjcl. _'d. lUtf t styles ot I'RKSS TRIMMINGS, Kr'ii 'h Kmbroideries, Honeton Lace rollftm, eTerr c '.-'r of the best ijuality of Kid CillOWfl and (iauntlets for Ladies and Gents. A few very handsonu' patterns Woosted curtain Dam ask, with trimmings to suit, some very handsome Oil Window Shadeb. ALSO, FOR GENT S WKAR. ‘ :; k, r.lue, and Olive Hroad (.'loths, iMack and Fau- rv fassimeres and Vestings. .\ very large Stock *f V£,OTUi.V€d For Youth* and lSo>>. made iu the latest styles and Wmkinnnxhtj' wiu,antrJ. The above Stock wag selected with great care as re- ^.irds style and prices, aud will be ofl'ered at wholesale r retail, on very accommodating terms. 'I’he public generally are re-pectfully invited to call and examine fur themselves. .1. A. I’E.MHLHTON". Sept. l".'it'.. lltf (icHtUmcfi'*: Furnish}ni^ Establishment. fl^HK undersigned is now receiving, ilirect fr.)m M. Ntw York, his Fall ami Winter Stock of CLOTH ING and FL UNlSillNG GOODS. Having taken unusual pains in the selectiuu of his he flatters himself that his Stock will compare i'av- niliiy with any in the market. set .'Ut with a ileterinination to sell Goods iipi'D reasonable terms to prompt paying and Cash customers, he feels that the experience of the past Jus tifies him in assertiLg. that al! Goods sold by him will give entire satisfaction as to style aud price. Ilia «»tock consists iu part of the following (ioods, vif. ('loth, lieaver, Tweeils find Cassimere .^oats. Do do do do Over do, Kver}’ variety' of styl** ot Vests and I'ants, H.isiery, Glove.';, Shirts Linen aud Merino, ' Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. All of which he hopes to be able to sell at as early a day as possible. All persons who owe me for puri'hases previous to July last, are earnesth- requested to pay up. and keep up their aud mv good name. JAMES .MirilEUSON, liay street, opposite K. (Jlover's. :'- pt. IboO. 41-3m Town papers copy mo. NOriCK. (iul,isori»>ei- iiaving o'jtainod lutiors of adminis- i tration, ptndi-n'e lii>\ on tin* F.'^tate .1 .Vlex. Clark, deceased, at September Term, 18o*l, of Harnett County Court, hereby renuests all persons in Irljte 1 to the «i-‘.ld Estate to make immediate payment. FURTilKiJ NUTICK. On b ridi»_\ the Itnh of October next, I shall oiler at public sale at the lalt? residence of the said Clark, deceased, »U the Stock belonging to said Estate, in cluding Horses, Hogs, Sheep and Cattle, among which are some very tine l?eet v.'attle; «lso t'armiug imple ments and other Tools, Household and Kitchen Furni ture. together with the croj's of various kinds, .snd other articles of personal j.roperty. The Negroes tielongiug to said Estato will be hir-d out until the first day of January next. Terms tf sale; Six months' credit, with bonds and approved seuurit\ iu;njamin f sh Adm'r/T •/■ ■■ ■■ ' Sei>t. !7th, Ih.Vj. ll- 't Okl Xortfi Statt- in 177(>— Second Series, being Kevolutiouary Inci i»nts aud Sketches of Character in North C-irulina, i>y l«ev. K. W. Caruthers. D. l>. I’lice ^1 li-*. Just re •' ved K. J. HALE .v SON. Sept. Is. 1,000 11.^11 B1>LS. MLLi.,LT, in first rate order, newly put uji, and of the best ((uality. Just rci.-'d. 3 .MACKEREL. For sale by 15. ROSE. Sept. 2-, 18o'». 41-ilt *15 •Also, a tew bbls FOR SALi:. To l,2(Ki Acres of F;irni:nt: and Turpentine L.ANb in llarnett ci'unty, known as the Parker >v Mi’Neill laud-; joins William Harrington’s Ian.Is on upj>er Lutle River. There is some acrt'S of the best .[Uahty of 1"W- grounds on tlie River. Thf uplands are heavily timbered with I pine, aud are within six miles ot th* Fayetteville and Western Railroad A b.irg.ain may be had for cash, I or end 'rse l Notes at Bank. 't. S. H'TTERLOH. ^ Sep. ISo'i. 11-''t Jleutl-iiiiiirlcrN JM Kcs’t ,\. (’. f FaVKTTKVII.LE Sept. LMt, 1i ' fBlHE Commandants of-he Several 'ompaul(s ot the ;'>:ld Regiment North Car«diu;i Militia i.r‘ hereby ordered to make their annual returns to th** Colonel of th*' Regiment, at this place, on or )>ef‘>re the loth Octobe)’ nei:xt. order of the ('A>l..rre1 Commau liii^. - ■ E. LEXTK, ' .AitirO Adjutant. I Sej.t I’ll. \ ' 4l;tfw NOriCK. TON'S Peruvian (itiano. ®Jr 1 lu-w two-horse W;igoii, I do. ihrce-htirse do. For sale bv WORTH ,y L l'l,h\ . Sept OIL. _ 'perm OIL; Lamp, Linseed, ami M Tanners’ oil. A new supply, for nale in ipian- tities to suit, -^pply to B. ROSE. Sept. '2'2, IHob. 41-Jit To Iln* «l‘ raji‘ll€*villc. HRS. J.VMLS GIl>S(tN respectfully informs the Ladies of Fayetteville, th.it she intends carrying 'in the DRESS .MAKING business at her refiidence on ■Maiden Lune, where she will be glad to wait on the Ladies, .and warr:ints all work d^>ne by her to fit and give satisfaction, and hoj)es to merit a share of public patronage. All orders will be thankfully receivea. Sept. '.in, ISO*). 41-Ht Carolinian copy. J. Thomson -L- 1>\ order ot Col. F. J. I ';u- son that the next Battalion Muster j shall take [dace in Clinton, on the :!d | l-TTday m October next. The drill Muster to be held i -n the Thursday preceding the 3d Friday in October, !^nd Court Martial on the Saturday next after the :5d j Friday in October, ordered by the last Court Martial that the upper and lower Battalions be united in one, ti: muster in Clinton on the od Friday iu ihtt next. EVERETT rETKRSON, Adjutant. Sept. l^Vi. 41-tJ70 COAL! COAT.!! TONS BEST RED ASH now landing, and a sup{)ly kept constantly on hand by i.\i uiNi!iM{t;n iiKiii sciiooi,. Sth Session of this School will connneuce on A (WRl). fH^HE sub'-criber begs leave to inform his friends B and aciiuaint.-inces, that he has entered into IS Tuc.sdiiy the l.'jth ibiy of July ne.xt. under the business for himsi'lf, niid taken the store one dooi- be- supervision of the Rev. (!eo. I>. Seott, M. .\ , of the low ,\ir. Draughou, on fiillispie Streoi. no«r the Mar- j University of Eilinburgh, (Scotlanil,) I’rincipal, assisted to keep on hand a genersil as- | by Mrs Scott in the I’l'imary De{>artment. Mr. and Mrs Scott have both made Teaching tl'.e business of their lives; aud from the experience which the Trustees have had, during the past year, of their zeal, fidelity, and success, in the discharge of the duties of their profession, they confidently recommend them to Parents and (Jtiardians, as pre-eminently iiualilied by temper, talents, and aciiuirements for the instruc tion of students, in all the branches of an English, Scientific, Classical, and ('omm.Tcial Education. The Trustees i-espei'tfully invite the public to a per- j sonal examination of the system pursued in the School. Terms—^S, .'i;l2, ami -■^20, per Session of live months, (French include 1 in the IM gr-ide without extra charge.) I Board Can be 'n with the undersigned in the 15oard- j ing house belonging to the .'School nr in private families at !j!H. per month. Washing and room lights extr.a. One half fees and Hoard invariably paid in advancc. 1). C. MciNTYRE, Secy. Laurinburgh. Richmoml co., N. C., .luly H, IS-tf ket, where he iiUen is rtment of i)rv (Jootls, lioots aiitl Slio(‘s,'I'niiiks, I lilts. Ilaniwaro, Cutl*rv, and I'ancy (ioods. L. URANDT. i’.iyetteville, -Aug. 27. IM-'Jm i'titjett( riUe Alhcniarlc j i)lri(/fH(i ,Vo. 2. j VD1\ IDEND of per share on the State Stock, I and >1 per Share on the individual Stock of this | Comjiany has been ilet l.irei, payable October 1 st, 1 .).\0. M. RO.si,’, Stv y. Sept, 1, IS-'if,. ;j;3 7 roK SAi.K cm;.\i>. SE(,M(ND H.\ND BCOGFES in good repair. A. A. McKETHAN AM now \K\V rei'oiving (JOODS. I nv Fall aud Winter Stock of ! (illOl'KKil'S. IIAKinVlKK AM) (TTLfiRV. These gooiis were bought late in the'season, and L >nse-iuently at reduced prices. My stock of BSOO'FS aui I MK»S> is complete, embracing many kinds of extra sizes; I’dankets. Kerseys, Xc.; Hats, common. THOS. J. JOHNSON. Old Stand, near the ('ape Fear Bank and Market ])lace. Nov. ll! 5'J-tf \ Al.t .\I!1,K I'AKM fOU S.\1,K. «F.1NG desirous of changing m^- bu"iness, 1 offer for sale mj’ Plj.VNT.VTlON ou the east side of the Cape Fear River, three miles above the (’larendon Bridge, known as the Toomer anl .McKay lamis, con taining about MR) acres. This Farm is susceptible of the very highest improvement, and of beitig made one ot the most l)eautiful aud protital)le Plantations in Cumberland county. On the Farm is a good mill seat .M . terms will be favorable and payments easy. I'or particulars, apply to John D. Williams, Esip, F.-i_\ ettcvilie. or ;i'idrc-^s the suliscriber iit the (Jiilf. 1 will give pofcsessiiiii the first of December nest, if de sired. L. J. HACtiHTON. Gulf', .(uly 17. l>'.jt). 2:itf riil\TOi\ KKMAL1-: ixsri rri'K. rilHIS Institution will resume its operations again I on MONDAY, the Hth of SEPTEMBER. The charges will be the same as they have been for the last year. Roi'.rd ."jilO per month, including wash ing, lights, ^‘c. L. ('. GR-WES, A. M., who has served us so long and efticiently as Pi'iTicipal of the Institute, new also fine aud j has charge of the .'steward’s Department, which ren- I ders it doubly sure tliat this department will l>e con- I ducted to the entire satisfaction of all. i Mr. Stradella will continue in ch.irge of the Musical ; Department; auil Mrs. Stradell.-i the Departtnent of j Painting, vV". H. .A. BIZ/KLL, .lOSKPlI liAKFI^ .lu., % r’roac.\ i: V at i.aw, ^ .AS taken an oflice next iloor to Wm. B. Wright's ^ fe Law oflice on (Jreen Stieet. He will atteiol auil pi-aciice in the (’ounty anti Superior Courts of ('umber biii'l. Bladen, Robeson and Samjison. M.irch-j:i, 7!»-tf W. A. Hl-SKi:, ATTOHNKY AT TiAW, AND CLERK AND .MASTER IN Et^UITY. F.^\KTTLVIt.LK, N. C., May Ije found at the Eijnity Olfice, in the Court House. Sept. ‘1-2, 18')r). * ;{S-tf .1. A. SPKARS, A 'I' T () 11 N K Y A 'r L A \V , ,4 TTENDS the Courts of (^uubcrland, llaruett. Wake ami .lohnston. Feb’y DJ, 78-lyr -Adilress, Toomer, Harnett ('o., N. C. “LAW COI\\R'rNKRSllllV’ E, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law (Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts ot the follow^ing counties of this State; (Chatham, Cum- Vierland, .Moore, Harnett, aud the Supreme (’ourt. J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 18o(j. 7'2tf IJ. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE on corner of Front and Princess street, :dtcih (,'linton, Jnly 2o, 18.')ti Sec'v Board of Trustees. ;in-tf O uniler Journal office. Dec. 12. 4H-tf II. S now receiving a large .and complete ."^Toi'K OF G(M)l).'^ in his line, viz: iHT!i. ClPls. iiODT^; l\li S!!Or,!(, In all v.irieties. which he otler.- for suic a; !o\v prices for CASH, or t': / ■■ He n turns hi: thank: to his cust'^mer: f^r tlnir liberal patronage, and s'dioits a contir.uaiice ul the same. J. ('■ ^ H(JM^?)N, Market Soa.ire. .'»eiitember .1, l‘'6'>. -'''tl Wilmington, Sept. T. C. 185G. B. G. WORTH. 41-2m l.AXI) FOR SALF. i -■ -■ .\(’RES OF LAND lying on upper' ft Ji Little River, in Harnett County, well j timbered and well b-ated for the Turpentine business. , It will he S'lld on accommodating tenns. -Vpply soon to the Hubgcriber ut Fayetteville WM. McL. .VlcKAY. -ept. 22, 18;V;. •*1-^*' Carolinian CQpy. I [(ltd Qitartrrs, ith Brigade \. (\ Militia. Summerville, N. ( I Sept. 16, ) f||^HE Commn.nilHnts of the several Regiments com- I- posing this P>rig ide, are hereby ordered to paradt their respective (,'ommands at the following times and pluceH. for the purpose of Review and Inspection, viz: 4Uh Regiment, at {?arthajie, Moore ('o.. Tuesday Nov. llth, 18')tl. I''Ith Regiment, at J. W. .Mc.Allister’u, Hurnett Co., Thursday Nov. l:’,th. 3;;d Rygitnent, at Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., Saturday Nov. l.'ith :'.2d Regiment, ;,t Clinton, Sampson Co., Tuesday Nov. IHth. 41st Regiment, at Eliiabethtown, Bladen Co , Thurs day Nov. :iOth. H.'ith Regiment,-at Whiteville, ColumVius (>o., Satur day Nov. 22d. A. D. McLEAN, lirigadier General 4th Brigade N. C. Militia. 17. 40-2w I.ANI) for SALi:. ^N Satunlay, the iMh of October, the subscriber will sell 400 acie>: of Land, lying in Bia ien county, on the east si'ie and about 2 miles from the River. Term; easy and made known on ifay .'f .sale. W. J. X(>NHOE. Sept. 1. o'»-ts CliOC'KFRV, (il.ASS-W ARF AND LOOKING-GLASSES. tl!A\ E received mv Fall Stock of the^bove articles. My asaortmejit .f goods is better euited to the Country Tra'le tlyfn any 1 have before off*r(*»L botli as to quality and urice, aud will be sold on my u\ial ac-^ connnodatifig twrns. W. N. Tl liLlNG H .yS 1'. Sept. 1. \0 Ci ' ^ SF.L.\}f, ;i ColleotioM in Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthem.s, Mfiants, ('horuses, Jk.c., by Thomas Hastings. Just rec’d. E. J, HALE .V SON. LAM) T'Oli SAI.K. I ^IlF, siibscii''er will sell to the highest bidder, on the I'reiuise', j'riii:iy the luth Octidjer next, that valu;ible tr:ict of ’:ind. in h:ivi.l>on Ctumty, N. C., two miles IVmui Tiioui.isvilU-, t irmerly the residence of ; John W. Thomas, Ks|., containing .''HO .Acres, adjoiu- | ing the land^ of Nathaii Kendall, Esij., and others. Here is an opp n tuiiity for one ot the most desirable j residences in Wetteru N. C. Normal (’ollcge on the East, 7 miles (Henn .Anna, a tlouiishing I-emale Institution, within twenty minutes walk, and the North Carolina Rail Road within two milei, on the north. Thi.s land will be divided into two or more tracts if desired. Nathan Ken l.ill, E.s j . at Fair Grove, and adjoining the premises, has kindly consented to shew this pro perty to any person desirous of purchasing. Terms. 6 and 12 mmMhs credit, with interest from l.ite. the juirchaser executing bond with security, pay able ftt the Farmers liank, Greensboro’. JAMES SLOAN. Green.sboro’, August 20th. :^i>-t01. ROI5FR r I). (JRFFN, LATE GRKEN .v WEAR.. WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &o., FAVKTTKVILLE, N. C. D (i. begs to return his sincere thaukA to the public for the kind patronage so liberally stiiwcd upon the bite Firm, aud informs them h* has bought the interc't of J. S. W’ear, and will conliuue the liusiness in all its branches at the old stand, under his entire superintendence. .N'. B ,\ll Watches left with him for repair will be taken apart in the presence of the owners, and the nece.ssary repairs p'dnted out to them and a written contract given for the s:ime, which work will bu war- i ranted for two j'ears. Uu lijind and for sale now, the most varied and i choice selection of (.'LOCKS and other time pieees 1 that has ever been otl'ered to the public in North Caro- | lina, which he will sell at New York prices, and alse WARK.vST for two years. ■All debts due t i and by the late firm will be paid | and received by R. D. GRKKN. August 2o, IBoO. 84-tf o\ Tan; t .\PK I''I‘:ak kivkk. A T a nu eting of tne Roat owners interested in n.'W- igiiting the Cape Fear River bet ween Fayettcyille ' and Wilmington, On motion, D. McLaurin was called to the Chair, and R. M. Orrell was appointed Secretary. Ou motion of Jame,s F. Marsh, Resolved, That from and after the 1st day of Janu- ' ary. 18'.tl, Cash will be required upon the delivery of all Krelijhts at Wilmington and Fayetteville re spectively. On motion of .1. D. Williams, Resolved, That each of the Steamboat ('ompanics on t he (7ape Fear River, from and after the 1 st of January, IHVi, will carry thiano from Wilmington to Fayette- : ville at 10 cents per bag. Lime at 2‘> cents per cask, ' aud ground Plaster at :50 cents per cask, ami that a ici:nicTio.^ OF 20 i»i:b4 from the printed and established rates on all other articles will be made from and after that date, all ('artage and Drayage being paid by the shippers. ' On niotion of^.lames Banks, Aeaolvff'L T’liat the foregoing be published in the * to^^ n p^])(»rs. D. McLAORIK, Chairman. R. .M. Orrell, Scc’y. Dec. 21, 1^53. ‘ «5-tf GOI.DSliOROrCIl Fw: 11 \I.K VOB.I.¥Ai r.. ri'lHE third Session of this Institution commences on £ AS'edvtfsday, the 3d of Jan’y 185.'>, and ends ou the 3d of Juue, 185u. Rsv. JAS. H. BRENT, A. B., Presiiient. Dr. .MoRflAK Closs, lute of Chapel Hill, Professor of .Alathematics. ■And a full corps of Teadiers in ever3’ branch. Board, including Washing, Lights, Fuel, iVc., per session, >(50 00 Tuition in Prinmry l»epartment, ^i10 00 Collegiate Departuient, ;?20 00 One hundred dollars will cover all exjienses of the session in the Collegiate course ;md all ornamental branches. Pupils in primary department charged the usual price for orimmental branches. One half p.iyable in advance. Three Lectures on scientific sulijects will be deliver«-d ; each month. We are making every etl'ort to render the School the ; first in advantages and cheapness, and pled^re to reduce prices, and multiply' the advantages in proportion to | the increase of patronage. When our number of pupils i reaches 2t)0 we shall be able to reduce tue j.rices | nearly one half, every one aiding us, is also ai ling in ; placing the education within the j reach of almost ever};,'Wrl in th^ ytnte. 1 the tltiex.-iwrpled buptK)rt wt ! '^coAtiuued. • l^rVm-ther i C'^t^esident of the faculty', o» L.ANE, Pres’t Stockholders. I 57-tf ! rnos. H. Tir.LLNGHAsr, it O O t£ts M.^'MPEK, Andi rsoii Sh-et f, nppo-^ite North of E. J. Ha '. SM* Ml « r f» L. \\ Dr. JAS. F. FOlIIJil'-S. Corner of lluj/ and Donaldson Streets, opposite the Fayetteville Hotel, WOULD respectfully c.all the atten tion of his friends and customers to his complete stock of DRUGS, Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuflfs, which he is now receiving, and will offer at prices as low as they can be bought at in this market His object is to sell Medicine that cpi be depended upon, as he buys none but the genuine article. ('onstantly on hand Buruiiiif Ftnid, Camjthene, Spirits Tnrpentine', Alrnhol, Brandiea ami HVwf.s, (^f'or Midical parpostA;') Con(/rexs Water, Viirate Sf0t/nctiia, Ka>>t India Castor Oil. March 15, ISotJ. 87-tf l^ook to Your Interest in I'imc. r||lHE Proprietor, after having the i misfortune of getting burnt o«t, has re-built his Steam Saw Mill and is now prepareil to furnish at short notice, either iu town or at the Mill, 8 miles from Fayetteville, on the Western Plank Road. I hope to receive patronage inasmuch as I am in the midst of the best heart Timber and can furuish any length from 10 to 42 feet long, which 1 hope will suit Steam boat men wishing to get long timber at short notice. 1 also intend keeping Lumber at TROY 4' MARSH’S Store, who will still act as my .Agents, and forward bills for Lumber to me at my Mill. .My terms tor lumber shall be as favorable as an}' for the same kind of lumber. Those wishing to .address me can do so at Muncheiitcr P‘ O., Cumberlaml (!!o., N. C. 1).AVID KIVETT. June 185G. 11-6m iSS RKWAilD,' O So)i’s /ioolcstore. USIC, -Magazines, and all descriptions of Books , . > , are bound in all styles in the best and most apprehension and delivery ol my negro t nny PAGE, a bright mulatto, about 28 years of age; or for his confinement in any Jail so that 1 get him again. When he left he had on a brown Satinett Coat aud Pantw, makes a good appearance, and no doubt will pass himself as a free man; about 5 feet 10 or 11 incheii high, weighs about 186 pounds, aud had, at the time he left, a fellon on the middle finger of his left hand; has on his chin a goatee (or long beard.) I expect he will endeavor to make hi.s way to .Abingdon, Washington ctHinty, Va., where he was raised. D. M. McL.\URlN, Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C. Feb’y 4, 1850. 76-tf substantial mauper, on terms, th" .^,lme as at nny place in the South. Persons wis;..ng to know the prices of binding, will be .supplied -.vitli a list person ally or by letter. Sept. 25, 1855. 3U-tf Hr. U. A. FFH’E Front Rooms, Chemist and Drug St . Feb'y 7, 1850. iiiiArK. )ver Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s e. 7(J-tf We return thanks, f\ ha\e iiad information ji'pp^^fo p mvself. ^—-Jff *Dec. 13f>«^t. siii-iMW i:ij. iioijsi:.; FAVKTTKVII.Li:, A. V. | East side of dri i .i Stn'it, a /> u' Doors Xurthoj] the Mirkri House. fHlHE Subscriber desires through this! I. medium to acknowle Ige the liberal I patronage bestowed upon his Hou'ie the past | rear—and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage. .Shed convenient to the House and to wnter he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons find the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal j>atron- age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used to render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the bet^t the market att'ords. P. SHFMWELL. March 21, 1855. StJ-tf 1 GROC'i'JilKS AND IL\R!)\VARi:. "^HE subscriber has in Store a good assortment of Goods in the GllO('ERY au'l H.XRDWARE LINE;* all of woich will be sold w'uolesale or retail, or bar tered for country produce, o^tiBnns the most T»(*»vtk,'n- able. \ H.nall lot of S.VDDLERY for sale cheap. (live ns a call. ^G. W’. 1. GOLDSI'oN, N. B. .Any of my Ii;i**»+»-iTi>^^-;«iuitry having busi ness to trausac^ili this place, sii?h~-uA reiiewais, \c , can have it dune on the usual terms, by sending same to my care. " ? G. W. I (J. FayettevilW Sept. .it?, If'o5. ' ;'!'.*tf Aug. 28. 1)1{Y (IOODS a t WHOLKSALl*: ^TARR & WILLIAMS are now receivin.- a very l.;rge STOCK, embrnciug oTory thing in tVe Dry Goods liu(! svith Hat^. ( ji[)s, {{oot.-. Shoes, Silk and Straw fU»HUcts, ('mhrellas. and Rt'ady-.NIadi' C!olliiiii»', Which they will «el1 CHEAP lor Cash or apjroved .Notes, nf WH(.»LJ;s.ALK only We invite Merchants visiting this market to e.'tmniiif. rur stock. J B. STARI^ J. .M. WILLIA.MS. August 27, 3Uf ). !i)US'l'0.\ OL'LD inform his friends and former cu.stomers that he may be f*>und 2 doors below the Cape Fear P.ank, and i doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to Uee]> on hand. Harness, Saddles Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his trad.e. He respectfully invites his friends fVoiii tlie country to call and exa’nine his stock before purchasing. , , , „ He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles Dunctii il'v and his charges sh.il! be nioderat.-. He . , Luld re4uest all indebted to th^ firm of IKK^STON & ! tones m New «rk . OVERBY to settl* with W. Overby or himself, as they anv made in the cou are coispelled to aettle the firm’s debts. August 27, 1856. HFDS I'FADS! lU-.DS’i'FADS!! SUST received from the Manufacturer, Ir.i Hersey, a supply »f m: n sTK.in s of v.irious pattern.-^, and m.ide of good seasoned timber. These Bedsteads are manufactureil in this pl:ice. and can be .sobl to dealers as low as they can be got from the North, (’all and examine. A. M. CAMPP.ELL. April ',t. !'l-y noo rs \ND snoi.s. E are receiving our Fall ami Winter sup]>ly. w w consisting of a large assortment of (ieuts’, Latlies’, Misses’, Boy's, and ('hildren's Boots. Shoes and Gaiters, ej>»*>meUig almost every v.iriety of style and iiualiry. lAlso. !,adies’. Misses’, Boy’s and Children’s ItulW l^ibber J^lPoes. Men’s anrf Bly’ti Coarse Brogans. Triinks, Calf, Goat/Lining and Binding Skins, Lasts, "SBoe Thread” &c. All of which we will sell on very S. T. HAWLEY .t SON. 35-iiw J. W. HAKKR Is now receiving from the North the j largest, finest, and most carefully se- j lected stock of j l'i:K.\ITlIltK ever offered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, m.ikcs his as.sortraeut completo;—all of which he will sell on the low'est possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Oadles; Side Boards; P.ureaus; Secretaries and Rook-(!ases; What- Nots: Vables, all sorts; Wash Stands; (’amlle Stands; Wardif.bes; Picture Frames and Gla.ss; Window Shade.s; (Joriiices; Curtain Band.-; Sofas in .Maliogany a«d WiiUiut; Tete a Totes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; (,’hairs of every variety. Fine Rosowooil IManos, one with .Kolian At tachment; Rosewood .Mtflodians, from the bet manufac- ind I’.oston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will b« sold at N. York prices—freight only added. November 2, 1864. 45t favorable firms. September 1, 18.jt». . mom:v. E are joepared to pay C.\SH, and gooil prices ▼ ¥ for any number of young Negroes, ‘rom to 25 years old, sound ami healthy. J. .'i T. WAD DILL. Sept. 1, 185C). 35tf !!^rA'rF OF Noirrn carollna, CI .M15 E R L. \ N D C O C S T Y. Stipt*rior (^oiirf of li.nv, Special Tortn, J iiie I S.">n. Present: His Honor S.\MfK.L .1. Pkhson, Judge, ))residing. Sarah A. Bartlett r^. Richard C. Rartb'tt. Petition for Divorce. SN this case, it jpnearing to the s:itist'iction of his Honor, that the Defendant, Richard C. Bartlett, is not an inhabitant of this .Stale; It is thereupon Or dered, that publieation bn made in the F.iyetteville Observer for ;ix weeks, foi- the Defenil.int to be and appear at the next Superior (.^ourt of Law, to i.e held for the county of Ciimborbnid. State aforesaiil. at the Court House in Fa\etteville. on the 7th .Monday after the 4th Mondaj' in September .\. D lS.’>tl. .and answer th(* allegations of the Plaiutitt' or said Pet; im will be j lieard ex parte, and decree taken icjordiu;,^.y. Witness. Jesse T. Warden, Clerk f our said (’ourt, j at Office, the seventh Monday after the fourth .Monday in March, A. D. 1850. * 38*6t] .T. T. WARDEN, Clerk. CILVRLFS RANkS, co^^'n: cTto.vE u, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Eortriyii- Fruits, Nnfs, Ci/ars, Tobacco, Snu^\i{c Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1853. 73tf VV^. W ELLIOT'!', (general i^o^rrfnission and Forwardiny Merrhan y WIL.MLVGTON, N. C. /une 10, 1 854. 4tf JOSBPH H. BLOSSOM. V :?i mssio i\ AND IX)R \VA RDI \G VI1:RCW A .V. e. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign meiiis. and ('.ash advances male on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 07 .1. S. RANKS, Tie reliant, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 185(1. fi(!-tf S. M. TU031A8, DEALER IN FANCY (Sj STAPLF DRV GOODS, RKA1)Y-M ADK CLOTH1NG, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, &c., &c. * (.'orner Market and Gillespie St.. Fayetteville, N.C. Dec. 17, 1855. 62-tf W^orth & Utley, Foi'Avarilin^ aud General Commission MFRCILVNTS, J. A. WOIITII. t'TI.KY. LOVKIH) ELDRIDGK. • ttloraesf at ijmv., WILL attend the (’ourts of Johnston and Sauij)- son t’ounties. Smithtield, .April 15, lH.)ii. !t(>-tf G. \V. WU.LLV.MS cS' CO. V\’E just recciveil a large and well selected as sortment of HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer chants. March 17, lf55 84- .1. c I’os:, DEALER IN S FAIM.F FA NCY DRY (iO(M^S, If ATS, IJOOTS, SnOHS, .VND RI:A1>Y-M ADE CLOTHlN('i. Particular attention paiil to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. Hat/ Street, Fayetteville^ X. ('. May 2(>, 1855. 4 tf LOST. Last Night, between the Market House ami the Dobbin House, a small PORTE M(JNNIA, con ■ r>ining about !j!25 or Jj^oO, consisting of two Five Dol lar Gold pieces, three Two-and-a-Half Gold pieces and four One Dollar (Jold; also some small change and a bill or two. A suitable reward will be givwi for the recovery of the above described Purse and Money. WM. McLEOD. Faj’etteville, June 4, 185B. 10-tf V[70I5I.K I’iu)PERTY FOit S.tljE. I OFFER for sale, my L.ANDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about iso Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. About 80 Acres of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. Also, the V:ilustl>l* Uri‘k and I..OI near the Market Stjuare, occupied by Mr. John \ Pemberton. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donablson, Maxwell aud Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could he diviiled into several Building liOts—very near the new Female High School Buildings. Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford Street. Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both Winslo\; and Mumfonl Streets. All this property can now be purchased on favora ble terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and Mortgage if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1855. 4;J-tf RFDUol fiurMe Paelorfi^ a:\) farl Through Tickets between Wilmington, N. C., and Balti more. Fare-'j!l3. Via AVeldon, Petersburg, Richmond, & Wash ington City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. ForTickcts apply at theOfhce of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, at Wil mington, or at the ORice ef the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1, 1852. f si:li.ing A'r cos r. Bi]I.N(i desirous of closing our present business, we offer our rem liuing ,S'1'(H!K OF (jOODS .\ 1' (^( fST. /or (.'tu/t. Those indebteil to us will plea:-i- make immeilial f payment. (^(JUNCIL, R.V\ & (’O. Aug Di. ;{i-tf 'The su!)sc,ril)(*rs w ill [>urchas(‘ Spii its Tiirpentire, or ni:ike ailviinces on con.'iignments to their friends in Wilmington, or New York. C. T. HAKiH S(*NS. .\pril !>, 1H.".5. 1M»tf IJFH IXSURANCF. /y^HE Undersigned has been appointed .\gent of JL the North ('arolina .Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Every member for life pai'licip.ites in the pro fits of the (N>mpany: and the annu.al premium lot- life menibership, where it amounts to .'ji.iU or more, may be paid one-half iu cash, and Ihe other halt in a note at 12 months. Debtors' lives may lie insarcd by creditors. .V man may iiisuri- his mvn liic lor the e.\cius;\e b.-nelit oi his family 'fhc live.s oi '»l;t\es may b*^ insured. This sy.-tein is rapi.lly -ro.\iiig into i'.ivor. all over the civili/.t‘d wtn'Ki it is one by which a family, (>r a small .suiu annually, may be piovided W)r. alter the death of its head, on wliosc e'iertion.s tiiey m:iy iutve been dependeni lor a suppori. It isa good iiivestnient of money, even if one ^.li’.uid iivo loa_ alier talking out a Life Pidicy. Exulariat.a'y painidiietand the necessary Blanks, furuisheil on application E J il.VLE A N N i; A i. sy:i' r li: vi i: s i s. subscribers desire during the month o! _BL .August to m.ike their usual annual sol t'euielits. Those indebtel will have thi-ir accounts presented. Their creditors wili please present theirs i: J. HALK & SON June 30, 185(». Ily I.AIJDFilt. i'tt'.! IIIMIIIS llidVB C. T. IIIIBII & .0\'S STIIHK, Favcl Jan’y 20. 1856. G4ypd Bank ('hecks tor salt* at this OtHce. styles; Methodist llymn.s, various and Methodist Disciplines, just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Dec. 22. The Soiitlicrn Harmony, nc'W li- tion, revised and enlarged. A further supply just received by July 10. E. J. H.VLE & SON.