E BEI£L. Y VOL. VI.] FAYKTTKVn.LE, N. C., OCTOIU-.R 2, 18",G. [\0. fvi l.] ...NTl'l' M!'NI'\VS \M) TIll'HSDAYS K^IWVRI) J. \\\\.[] it SON, ilTiiilS \NI' l’i:0l’i;ir.T01!S. . r xio Si'mi-Woi'kly »u-kkvkr 00 if in if jvii'l hiriii" thf> yc ir dC -^ul'scrip- r '1 :il'tor tlio y*';u' has o'l. ‘ Wot'kly (^nsKKVKit X'J Mil jkm-aiuinin. if ]>niil in ; I S'J •)" it ]':iiil >hiriiijx t.ho V(':n- of siilisi-rij' ! : > ; ril'tfr till' ye:ir has oxiiiri-'l. \ V' TiSl'MllNTS ins'.Ttoil for sixty cu-iits j'cr ! ! i' ■ !• ' l'>r tht‘fu'Ht, tliirty cont« I’or f!n-li _ ■ I'-'iiMlioiu \ farly .•I'lvi'rti.'i'inonts liy sjH' T r:ii't'. at j’oasoHMlilc r.itos. A'lvertis^oiarc -:i 1 t" -tatf the nunihcr of insertions .io«irel. or^ V .. ■’ 'HtiniuMl till fovhi.l. nn.l i-harcol ai-oonl- i ' 1.1‘ttors t" tlio IMilors iiinst ’to post-j'aiil. \ l.crtisemeiits tr. l>c iu¥i.Tte(l ^ , chariroil '>• per .uibsSIIiIGHAM’S School for young Ladies. : next Ti'fiii will cnauu‘iico cm .Mou>l;iy, thetith a. t k" .'boi-. - - 43-Ot Bidfftnf Hfprse tor Sale. A\ K a tine ISuciry Horse which 1 -vs ish to dispose I h:ive no fault to liud with the llorbo; but he oru aU'l foiMer. JAJ^. G. (’OOK. I .1 iireat KemeiU/ A* M*reve»ttU'€ of rliills^ roHsitmftfioH, S A WINTKU Sl’lT from WtH)I)\VAKl)S ONK- ::1 1. (’LuTHl.Nti ST»i;K. ’hI1 anil purchase hc- 1-ri' ;- :iu have a chill 'ne 'f these frosty niornin};s. My inter Mtuck is coinplete, an l much hirrei' II I me evi-r ilti rcii hefVao, including a large sup- 1:-.VS X VOLTir.s CLOTIIlMi. A. .1. WooDWAUl), '■ ; t S quare, two I'lwrs tielow the / //• - F ivctteville, N. (’. Sej>t 4;’.- hv Towu papers CMjiy. \i:\v (iooDs. %3 A. A', mu >OKS I’.AN KS has removed tu the .»B. Store formerly oceupiod hy Arch'd Graham, .re ^• is now opcuinj; her FAliL .STOCK of ; ’urT jiouda in her line. Ha\ .''t., iieurlv iiiroltc the t^eminary. •. _ 1, 1 ''‘it). Il’-ow 1 ■ ir.>'.iniau copy. FOR SAIJv ri’IlN TLATE, I ^hcct Iron, Iron Wire, Zinc, and Tin Ware ami St.ives of variou.', {ritterus. Bv C. W. ANItRKWS, MarKi-T ''.juare. .’1. tJ- FALL TRADK. B. F. PI3ARCE N'(>W (il’CNING, a large and desirahle I ".‘ill and \\ ijitor Ciood^. cousistiup iu part of .V md Colored Silks, I inJ French Meriuoa, ! Fip'd DeLaiies. nome I'cautiful patt^riis. Fancy A'-pa-. is, lid lnsertin"s, • . li 1 L ndersleeve.«, ’ ind U h ileboue .''kirts, .) i :.. t Nainsuiik, Swiss anti 1’! li.l Muslins. Fr"ii h English and Auiericaii I’riut-, i ."til.' and Ciissinieres. .''atiiietts. .leans and Tweeds. Plaids, l.inst ys and Ker'eys. rarnUna and Marlborii' .''trij>es, in>-;iched .and liruwn Shirtings and Sheetings, White anil Odored Flannels, briiUngs and Tickings. Irish Linens, good assortment. Linen Table Cloths, TowelingH and Nupkins, Shawls, Cloaks and Mantillas, Lxtr I ‘juulity of Bed lilankets, K:* ' ins, IJelts, Gloves, Hosiery, ic. ALSO, i'-. ’ups, Bonnets, Boots, Shoos and rmlircllas: a general ass )rt7nent of UK A D V- TIA |>K 4I.OTII I \i, 1 every variety in the \ANKKK N«>TJO.\' LINE, ,'i'h will be -‘-■nd Hi .1 siii.iU advance for CASH, or T■ -ne to punctual cust'imei s, eitht-r at W H( (I.F..'^ \ L 1C I'HTAIL. All are respectfiiily invited to g ve me 1 :ill before purchasing elsewhere. \i. F Ilaj- St., Fayettevillv, J'cnt. 1, I'-'nj. ,vh:n^ goods: \ W. II. Ciu-ver fS just receiving a ver> large Stock of tHi'i' imt’ocfvicn^ SAqtfors, direct from N. York, wliich will be sold .at very modcrat(' prices for t'.asli, or e.Nchange for any kinl of pntduce. A call from old friends and the public generally is desired, as my Stock is so large and varied that it wiH ! si?ldmi fail to give satisfaction. w. n (’Aiivr.K, Hay Stre(‘t. Fayetteville, N. C-. Sept. i!'.', |:5 tf | Town jiapers copy. j FOR RFX'r. i ^H^HK lUvelling House on Dick Street, belonging to 8. the estate of Mrs. S. Hawley, at prcst'iit or cupicd hy Mr. .1. A. 1’embei‘ton. rcsse.ssion givi-n 1st >i0vember. For terms applv to S. T. HAWLKV .V SOX. Sept. J!* i ; tf HORSF STOLFX.' | ^^TOLKN from my pasture on Frid.iy night the UHh inst , a SOlUtHL HOUSE. a1>0',it 1-5 hands high, and in tolerable good order, fore feet and legs and one hiud foot white \ip to the knee, and while fa.ie, and a white spot under tlio belly. No other iiiiirks recollected. A liberal reward will be naid for his dcliverv ti’ me. DUN('AN B. McOrc,\N. Dondarrocli P. ()., Robeson «’o. t2-8tpd iV harlotti ^ (Hid Uuiherford Rttil Road ('oinpn/ii^. fjl^HE ANNLAL MEETINtJ of the Stockholders of this Company, will be hehl in the Town of Wil mington on Wednesday, the l!id dav of October next. H. W.'GUION, I’r^ s t. •'?ept. 17, 18i'). 4’_’-lawlw s( nooi. 1!T i 11 ' ii su I plic- (if i I ■ ll (I lM!lini:ir, ROOKS. , - (if :'.;i;l;un’s an.l Smith’s Kng- | .■sini.li's Arithmclic: .\1 itchi U'a .’ Geography and .Nil.:-;: Websl Al'O, The I’re.sby tevian sijuare notes. .lust received. Sc-pt 10. ■r’s .-chool Hictioiiary. 1‘sainiodist. rotind atil H. .1. HALE 4- SON. FIRF AND UFF IXSURANCH. under'-igned has the .Vgency of the following W i'ompaTiies. vi/.; WILf.I ® to receive anv Book aitcoimts we xo'l'K'i:. .1. r.I’OWNT is .iiir autborize.l auent payments, and grant ilisch.-irges for have ih tiie countv of I’.obfson. .). c'i T. WADDILL. 7 If 75 cKOci'iin.s. S.VClxS I' .'iH t.l>is. S o ca'.l liet Foi 7-ale by Sent. l.-i. u i i:k. (■ \ \\ m:a, as- rted. E. F. ro i)!s'!'iLrj:us. WE will p.;y the highest cash jtrice for SPlBlTf' rC lll’KN ri N r^, and request Distillers to give us a call win u in market. J. & T WADDILL .June ’2t), Ks.').'). gtf ’I'o Il(nt for the hahtncr of ijror dwL'lUn” lately oeeupieil by Major .1. 1'. (iood- I bell, ti'gether with lijt, barn and outli'iu-ics, on rnion Street, kii •vn tiSthe L.itt.i j.lace. The premises are in ixood eon litlon. F.ir terms - e W’M. H. HAIGH. June -, lS;')t). ytf Xcir, \y By w n. W\T!»iO:\\ ^HE Subscriber would inform his friends and the I ablic generally, that he has completed iiis new estabiirhmeut on Maxwell street, near Mr. E. W. Will- kings’ St()re. and is now prepared to receive orders for (WR TS, vVA(;OXS, DRAY.S, ^:c., wiiicli shall be j)rom]itly excoute-l. V. ork t;..ne by liiiu sha'l iv of the be -t workntan- n 1 ■r‘ that the c. 'inM-y c-i'.i a(T.)iil Ui’J’A! M.\’ of all kiMl' dotif' witli !ic:itiio«s Gr('(“nb.jrongh Mutual Life Insurance and Trust Co. Grcensborough Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Newbern Nlutual Insurance Co , (,'liarlotte .Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Caswell .Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Insur;incein X'/rilt C'trn/iwi C'liu/t'inies can now be taken in any j>art of Town or C(»unty, iu large or small ainoUTits. .INO. M. ROSE, Agent, .lune ;>(), lSo). 17-Om ALW.VYS (IN HA.Vl) AND FOR SALE A (lENKRAL ASSORTMENT 01 f)RV (;00!)S AXI) (JROCFRIES, Together with a funeral assortment of FOIIEKIN \\\) 11(1^1 KSTir WINES and LIQUORS, Which 1 am anxious to sell or e.Kchange for Produce of any kind usually sold in this Market. W'. H. CARVER, Hay Street, near the Market. •N'ov. 7- ul-tf A •:hi) ana Moor.E. •’.'.nf 50 id M.) lbs For sale by Sept. I'f. lS.")'i. v\\\. MIKKI.S N... : \!A kl-RI.L. 1 qr. d.). No. ‘J . •• •• .No. 1 , Hen ihf.. t'.'dtish. Al- . teii'ii I lo N. 11. r tlio.'e I'lV !:■ Ji;)i S • 1' (ElNr» will be strict!v :it- .lir sjiar.- 1 to give satislaction to 11 iii-: wUh their patronage - I'V;. BARTH’W FULLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ■MVETTKVII.I.E, N. C., AV be consulted at the Law Office of Jesse G. .lTM, Shepherd, Esq., on Green Street. .Inly 1 1, 185ti. 21-:{m For Haywood aiil IjoekMville. "I'MIE Brothers’ Steam Boat ('onipany. front and after I this day, will run .a Steamer oucf- a week, twice a week, or once in two weeks as the business may de mand—lietween the above points and Fayetteville and W'ilmiMi;t.'n. •July i't, Ih ji). 2(ttf l''av‘lt«!vill«; Iloltd. i' N. .ILU \lNr.«. li r .'.lie by V 10. E. F Ml • tf AW \ , -od iiKW :h.- ll , irticle, W. H. CARVER. .54-tf c'iii:ksf. (10SHEN and Dair_\ i'll I^K.^E. W Sperm auii A ! :iaamine •' VNDl.E.’^. iO l>oxes SOD \ l-l'-i'L’IT. oO jars West •1! ■ rRi:SKn\ ES. Fnr sale by I', F N! 'OllF. Sept. ]-3, 18-3tj. .irsT RFC'i:i\ !:i), SACKS SALT. 50 kegs NAILS. 20 cases > RO SHOES. F(ir sale by E. F. .M>ORE, Store formerly otcupie 1 by iLill iS: S i.,kett. Sept. 1•J'.'tf S(’llOOL ROOKS. S^'^MEI’.'^oN'S .\rithmetics and Keys; T.arker's I’hi- A by; North ( aroliita Readers: Bullion's Grot l: •1 mill ir and Reader; Pikes’ .Vrithuictic; Comstock’'- liiosopav. Furtlf r supp'ies just received. ilii-ti. I 11 Me \R1). . -i.e;' 111 tae 1 St iif .\pril 1 !; Ill'’ •! ii'.it ■ X feet ! 1 I MC'.. Sii.l negro is iiei-1. .. rlM .rl uf John | i.r .I.line The alxjve re, \ ■.T V _ - '.id n. z can in. i'liiii til any person de- ..leksvi'le, Chatham Co., .lail in the State whtre -N\VH\N KINC.. 17-tf j'^HE Subiri ribcrs having this day leased this _ Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased to sec their friends and the travelling public at this House. At the same time we Lope they will be patient and bear with o\ir imperfections until we shall have put the House in such repair as we desire. J H. ROBERTS & CO. J. H. Robkpts. F. N. Robekts. March 1, I806. 80-tf SCFIM’FRXOXC; (iRAPFS. E wish to contract for 1,000 or more bushels of w W Scuppernong Grapes, to bo delivered next fall. .\pply to J. 11. Roberts \ ('0., at Fayetteville Hotel. June 1: 18.it>. ROBERTS i P.ROTHERS. l:2-tf f' iirf III r ^ MITH ; .//■ .s '/ Scfiihil fiiok'i. E. J. HALE S(>N. •It IM: PE.\Ri E. ij.'i-tf XFW GOODS. I •»!;!; X Bl’n. are ree.-iving a very lariic i. ! . .1 .T.\VI,K ..n 1 F.VN^V DilV CfnH»S, ' i ,-i k. 1.1 "burn, nnd English Straw jiunnets: I : I ra|: ■ and .''.raw dit : Frein ti '.Vreaths, Flowers ■ :i ; 11. . : ! .. se.- : Kilibons. and i'.ibbon 'I'rimmings of I ■ e..l„r: Embr d Collars, Undei deeves, Swi;-s and ■' i .1 B.inds: Swi: -. Cambric, and Linen lodging; ■ M-' Dr. . and Wnist; W'oollen and Fur Talmas, ■'1 ^'ufVs to match, for Misses’ and Cliildron; Plai'l, | 1‘iuiu and Fig'd, and all Wo-il. .Mu'-lin Delains: French ' and English .Mcriui-s, of all colors; Black Aipaccas, Bombazine; Canton, English and Italian Crape; Plain, R ibe‘1, Fi^' d, Muir .Vnti [ue. White an 1 Black Silk.®; Kinliroldercd Velvet, ('l.ith. ('assiiiiere, ^ilk Talmas and I oaks; f'loths and Cassimers, with Trimmings to .. lich f'jT (!lofiks; IJlack and (’ob>rel Shawls; a good I k "f Fringes; .M ’ir .\nti.iueand Velvet Dress'I'l im- ...iiigs; Wool, Buck, Kid, .Silk and Pic Nic Gloves; Ii siery for Ladies’, Misses’ and Children; Merino Vests an.l ('orsets; Cactus, Grass, Embr'd and Flounced V.rts; Bleached, and Unbleaclie l Sheetings and Shirt- Wool and Linen Table Covers: D.amask and Em- : idered Curtains; Drugget, Mats and Carpeting; .M irlboro'Stripes, Lin.seys, Flannels, Kerseys, ic.. Bed iiikeis and Negro do ; French, Englisli aud Ameri- ■iii I'rints; Gaiters, Shoes and Rubbers, for Ladies’, .M'-ses', and (’hiUIren. F'.r Men’s We.ir, Hats and Caj)s; I*lain, Plail and i'lii-h Scarfs and Cravuts; Shirts, and Byrou Collars; .^1 rill'.: and CottnU Vests; Fine Talmas lor Gentlemen; H- .iy .^L•lde Clothing: .''hoes of th« l.-irgest sizes, tor ^ii-n ..)id Women: Paterit Leather (iaiters, Baots and Wc invite "iir custnmers and the public to iii'i examine our stock before buying elsewhere, ■ .'e lire dell rmiued to sell, i. J. MonllL. W. F. MOORE. Sept. 1 O'i. 4 Jtf FOR Ri:X']\ ^1^111] lar^r- Fire proof lirick Ware-honse, conveni- 1 ently situated in rear of our Store. Appiy to Si'AKli .J WILLI.VMS. Sept. 2'.. 4;'.-tf liF rXFR. FIRKIN.'! priuie GR.VVStjN BUTTER, A ( llAACE! i ill' Fiirnitur(‘and l''i.\1urcs ot llu‘ Fay- 1‘ttevillo Hotel tor sale. ^I'^HF, subscribers having fully determined to sell J[ the above named Pr..perty, now olfer it to an en- terf.ri'ing nan upon liberal terms. This Hotel ei;joys a large custom from the adjoiniug counties and from the traveliiDg public, witli a pros pect of future increase. What it has ilone and is 11.)W doing can be seen by any one wishing to purclitise re- fviing to our books. The sitn.ation of the liuilding is such that it com mands th-j greater part of the custom coming to and passing tiirough this jilace. For tlu amoi.;;t of capital invested, there is no bu siness that a person could enlarge in that woubl pay us well. J.'' tl. ROBERTS A CO. Sept li, I8.3*;. ;5«tf Town papers copy SFA SHORE H(Vr!’:F FOR SALF. ILL be sold at public .\ueti. n at the Court House in Smithville, on M'liiday the Bltli da\ of October next, the water lots with the imi'rovein* ni- thereon, in tb.e town of .Smithviilc, ke.own as lots No. •Ji and 21. On said lots is a l)uilding nearly e. m pieted, about 1-0 feet long by 1" feet wi'le, iuietim 1 tor a Hotel. It has three stoi u's t . -ide.' a b i-einent, and contains f.-'i rooms. Tlie ImiMings ‘ront dire, tly • III the Bay. comm inding ;i line view if the > .'.i .tilul li.irbor of Smithville and also ot the Oc :inonly 'J miles distant. From the well known Ik-.iltiil'uiiiess of .'■-mith- ville .an I i^s easy .^.cccss by r.iilro.i 1 .and stc.iuiboats, it is evident ihat a little enterprise on.y is needed to ' make it (.no of the niost fasluv>na‘>!e watering places in the Soutii. j Terms made known at s ;le. For further information a)>])ly to the stibscriber ;.t I Smithville, N. C. S.VM'L LANGDON, Ex'r of S. B. Everett. ! September 11. 30-ts aim (ireenie: ' ;ti 1 i’bysio'. . I- tj o.xirieli » ;n. i \ . . ■ lll. tol i .it ta. I . Miti !i. :;'> !i.;. I a. •jr.iphy. 1- 'iu I:'' '. -v- iinglis!'. T> :icher. ■' Kay's 1: 'n ItTS; li:ii. i ~. Notes and ouc.ni • .. and Luke; vi. !' ^Llrsh's Soii-'?f> , S' Renders, Davies’ Anir. D ivic '’. Smith’s, CoH'urn’s, .\ritliiiieiics; l.aiiiliert s Anatomy !• ■.. .1-:. li;." i.nt.,rv tieolouy: . .| s i . 111,'; iri^s; The (’M! I s : i'arle\ I .1st I’.ook ..V History; i;it I.e ,:ra]h\; (llliey's Geo- ■ . • r. . ; , i- I;; aiiiiar' I'inneoV 11'-. h; .'rriii I’afi' (!eo^M-ajdiy; k lit is’ .ill the Mad; .la cob us the » 'p.'ls ' I 111. •L, t VI 1 Li I.N ; 1;.. I 11 M I i'iCF .\1 i’ tnow, Mark .111.1 Ll xie.'ii; th ar ilina i ve 1. .V "••N llIOll t ;T| t 1. IliaMl ■] initi: In: lier U‘i 'iirectioii ->:ii l.v l\.. ;.-i-n tolioAlIl^' lu lialued i.f ; . il. 1.. 'V ■ l.ihli not lee,, a; th' if lilt follow !i the ( h.irler, vi/.; IW, ;i i I lie olii.-.‘ ot the ('! ’ i.' 'nv!''ii'l :i the I . Forvil'e, (:. J. Ward. .! H. .) r., )\ven 1! ii ii- M F. Al e of Dr. M. •udell, J. I F. Ai eiir Bell, L. W. Tav! it C fi S HliREi. A the cai.ila Beaufort 11 jm. and W\- •, w ‘ of Ai.i .' 1-. • of the t ii..rrer places ami un persons, t'omnv si,,i in the 1 \ oi of tl'.e (’oiiiry office Ricli L'ln l - Foy, R.il.erl \\ii-M-. gills, L. . ii .all In C'artciet count lull at i.e:tu,..jl. : •r. o^’csi.3. At the St. re Wm. N. Deii.ii Arcndell. Ill I'Up.ill . Cl.’rk at l'.i'!i . i:.' i I, Is.iac n _ Slep’ien ■; 1-.iv • :. iu S;un)is -r. . .iii'ity. at tlie oflice of the (’onnty Court t'!erl at riinion, - I hoicas 1. Faisoii, Dr. 'I'hom.is Dui.ting, Will. .M -K iy, Patrick Murphy. Win. F'ai.^i ri, J. R. I'.ani in. '.iiie.i .l. iiiison. In t'umtieiiaml i lualjy. ..i Fayetteville, at the otiice of .\ A. M. Kethaii, 'liioiiias R. Tnderwood, Randal .M' '.'aniel. E i'.var l L. \Vins;..w, John C. Blocker. !■ orm of siibM-ription; The Undersigned .•i.;ree to take the number d' slir.res of •■^100 eajh. set o[iposite to our names respectively, n the Central Ri.il Road Company; and in all respects il. eomply with the terms of tiie tlharter. din I City,—Cd. Beil, f’aii;. Le’.i Oglesby, Bridge \V of Hill. the C 'Unty C 'Urt R. Kenan, Davi.l Wm. J. Housl- n, Niames Residence i No. of shares •■i! (.iash W.irk AXSOX JXSTrrLTF. ^H^HIS Institution has. been in of>eration about two .BL ye.ars and a half It is pleas.intly situated on an eiaiueuce abyut one-half of a mile sjuthwest of the town of W adesborough, commanding an extensive view if iiie surroiiti'ling country. There is .a dwelling liouse e .tinected with tlie institute and occupied by Rev. Elijah .L .Morrison, one of the Teachers, who is pre pared to take eight or ten boarders, to whose comfort, instruction and moral tr.aining every necessary atten- li.in will i.e bestowed. The Institution is now under euar-e o! Prof. SIL.VS C. LLN'DSLEV and Rev. E. J. | .Mol;i;iSt )N, gentlemen who have Consider:ible exjieri- ! eiKM* in teaching. Mr. Morrison, who has charge of , tlie English Department, is a graduate of our L'niver- j si.y, and ll is l;iuuhl a i lassical sidio.d loi many ye.ars. . Mr. Liiiih ’.ey, who h.is cinrge ot the Latin and Greek ■ Dep.irtment, i- a graitiiate of Princeton, was for seve- 1 11! years Proif'Sor of Langu.iges in the Caldwell In- sii iiu-, while situ.lie i in (i 1 eeiisboroiigh, in this .''tate, , ;ind li:is devoted over twenty tive yc.trs of his life to ■ ihe ii;-iruction aud training of youth. Both of these ^.■ntl. iiu II are eiiiinently iiualirie.l in every respect to ; . tl. ir re-|i. .'ti\e p .'itions and to discharge the j . I '-poii'ible trusts I’onti led to them. I i; i the oiih hi;:li .Male Seaool in the county; it has j 1. ell built !i;.- the ii’ier. lity ..ud public spirit of the j e ,i-n .f \nson county. Why then shoul'l it not be ]i i?roui/.c I.' \ oun-: men of tliis and the adjoining counties may here ohtaiu a tirst rate English educa tion, or may bi- prepared for admission into the Fresh- 111 n or S.ipiioiii.ire classes of our University or any otlior in titutioii. The Fall Sessi .n of this In'^titiition will commence on MuNDVV, -Jie Mth instant, aud continue Five Months. TERMS AS FOLLOWS: a'liii;^, \Vriting, .Vnthiaetic, 6lC., $10 Oo Grammar, (ieo^,rapliy, Xc., 1- L'l.tiii and Gr?ek, -*• •*** I'iiilosophy, .M.ithematics, 4'C-> Tax for contingent expenses, 'fuitioii iu advance. Students entering the higher branches have the j ri- viiege of SIudying cither or all the branches taught liv p.ayia;.^ the j riee of the highest alone. B aird, -.11:11 rovuns, lights, fuel, washing, iSic., fur- : iiisbed by [nlvate lauiilies of the village or in the ad- ' jaceiit county, ai .'>ii per month. THOS, S. ASHE, ] I . TH(».'. i;(»l;lNSOX, 1 i i’LllDlE RICHARDSON, [ W. R. LEAK, I T. REDFERN, | E. F. LILLV, . J Wadesborough, N. C., July 5, IS.'iC). WHFAT \VAXTi:i). R W.\NT to iiurcht'.se -ijOOn P>ushels Whe;it. M JAS. G. t^OOK. June’--3, IH.'iti. Iti-tf (loods at W li)l(\sai\ ^91HE Subscribers beg leave to ndvise their custom- ■ ers and Merchants generally, that they have received a part and expect to receive the tialanco of their recent puichases in .a few d.ays. Their Stock will be much larger and moi*e comjilete thay they have ever oll'eretl, embracing .a general assortment of Together with Hardware and Cutlery, Hollow War(% Saddlery, Shoes, Leather, etc., All of which have been bought by one of the lirm ex pressly for the Wholesale Trade. Their terms will be as heretofore, on the usual time to prompt dealers. To c.ash buyers a reasonable discount will be made. GEO. W. W'ILLL\MS .t CO. Fayetteville, .August 1.3, IB'iH. .30-tf rivfr coal. Bituminous C(J.\L of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. ‘ WM. McCLANE, Mining Engineer. May 21, 18.56. G-tf Cape L^ear Land lor Sale- HE Subscriber offers for sale THREE HUNDRED M. and EIOIITY-FIVE Acres of Land on (’ape Fear River below .Smith’s Ferry, in Cumlierlmd cotinty, running with the river to the lands of Mrs. Byrd. 1 A portion of the land is cleared an.l fence.!. It i.s well adapted t() the cultivation of corn, oat;i .t.id the usual crop- of tlu rIver lauds. Tiie par' a..e!eared ^ hiis ou it soi.ie good swamp, which may be e..'i'y pre- | p.ired for use. ■ It will be sold on :i credit of twel ve months Persons wishing to buy can call on the owner at this place. J. G. SHEPHERD. 1 A)>ril 8. Ol-tf l)()P>iUN HOI SF! I POWERS & TROY, Phoi'Imi.roas. j fJ^HE Proprietoro of this Establi;7hment Jl announce to the jiublic. that owing to the constantly increasing patronage extend ed to them, they havi' 01011 induced to en- i large the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, and suite ^ of Rooms on the second floor: thus enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. .\nd : they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to I give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in at- tend;ince. The eligible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com fort of their patrons, they hope ,will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. The Western aiid Southern Stages arrive at and de part from this House. Carriages in attendance on arrival and departure of Steam Boats, for the accommodtition of passengers. Horses and Carriages furnished at any notice for car rying travellers to any part of the adjacent country. J. W. POWERS. W. C. TROY. F.ayetteville, May I'J, 18.)f;. 3tf ii>rnrif of ynrth Cnroll/Ki Mutual Jn- sttrancc (yOtn/mnif. ^■"'HE subscril>er having been appointed Agent lor 1 the above Company, will be pleased to take Risks in this place and vicinity, ou the most reasonable terms. July .5, ISot). AUG. W’. STEEL l‘t-.‘5m 1 A CARD. "IHE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens of Fayetteville and the surroundins country, as a master' HRICKLAVIUI AND PLASTERER* and gives notice that he is ready to contr.acr for work in his line, at the lowest cash prices. S. F. D1CKSJN. Fayetteville, f)ct. 9, 18.54. 38tf I Faifftti'rille (Uindif Mnnufactory. 1H E subscriber still continues to manufricture a superior article of plain and fancy C.\NlilES at the old stand, (No. 5, Green street, ;i doors Nortii, of the .Market House,) where he would be happy to see his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March 1. 1858. 7.3tf Th’ ijar^cst iJarriaffe Factory in the Soitlh! >I Iv 0 r! 1A \ sTK\iNi:i{ wiur., ^TO. 1 and No. 2. For sale bv S. & April 28. T. WADDILL. •J9- ESt*E( TFU LLV informs his friends and the pulilic, tiiat he has built up large substantial Brick l>uilliugs at his Old Stami, expressly tor miiu. ufacturing Carrii.ges. Tiitinkful for the very liberal pa*r.)nage he has received lor the last 21 years, he iiopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfactioJi, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best in.iieri.ii and b^ experienced workmen in each brand) ot the business. His work will compare lavor.ibly with any made in the United St.ates. for neatness and dui’ability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now lias on hand, Fisisiitiu, the LARGEST STOCK of Carrini>es, liarotf.ches^ liockawaifs, and Ever offered in thii place, and a very large stock of work nearly linislied. which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. Bfeiif" Ho has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi cles finished anJ in course of construction. .Vll work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examiue for themselves. Orders thankfully receive i and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reasonable terms. I May 28, 1«53. 98tf Biograpliical Sketch of Henry A I Wise, with r. History of the Political Campaign in Vir - I ginia in 1 bo-3, bv James P. Uambleton, M. D. £. J. HALE & SON. i Aug. 12. XOTICK. A LL those indebted to us previous to the 1st Janu- j ‘ /«. ary will call ami settle either by note or c.-vsh, and oblige us. MeDON.VLD & WH '.LEW N. B. good assortment of S.VDDLES A2\D 1L\R- NESS always on h:>nd for cash or on time to punctual customers. Feb’y 17 lS-5.5. 76tf XFW MUSIC MUSIC BOOKS. ERTINPS Piano Forte Method—new and revised edition; Hunten’s Celebrated Instructions for the Piano Forte; Burrowe’s Piano Forte Primmer; Ac- cordeon, Flute, Violin and Clarionett Instructers. .\lso. Music for the Piano. Just received atd for sale by E. J. HALE .S' SON. April 5. .'^ubscri[.tions may be made payable in work, and may sj>o ii'y whether for gr;iding or cross-ties: and , ... J I stockholders shall iu every case have preference iu 'i'lie l‘'lemciil:ir\ Six'lling hook, In taking Contracts, when l>ids are the same or at Engi- wliich is added the First Lesson in Arithmetic, by neer’s estimate. NoaU Webster; The National Primer, by the same author. .Mso, a further supply of the Pictorial Elementary Spelling Book. Just rcceiveil. E. J. HALE & SON. .\s soon as one hundred thousaud dollars are sub scribed, the Commissioner^ of i)uslow county are to be notified, and they are reiiuired to c.all .a meeting of Stockholders to organize the (Company. March 1-j, ISolj. Bkf Trustees. 21-Im Sept. 200 choice N. C. HA.MS. GEO. >'-pt. 2*1. McNEILL. 43-2w RFHrS FXCLISHDIC riONARV ‘ 'r Schools. Also, further supply of The Old Do- i-iiuion, by James; The Great Iron Wheel, by Graves. E. J. HALE a S(JN. Sept. 27. .lAMIOS KYIil'i Is noin rrcr.!oin/ his SPR ING Sf P1*LY oj CliE VF GOODS. A MoXG which are, /Irish Linens, Law'ns anl Diapers; French, Scotch aud Domestic Lawns; Calicoes, French, English and Domestic: French, Scotch and D iinostic Gingliams; Emb’d and I’laiu i'rapc .Shawls and Scarfs; ;l to I0-I Bieaelied Sliirting and Sheeting; F'rench and Irish Linen Drilling; Bl'k and Col’-l >^i;k : Bonnets and 14oiinet Riiibon; ■’•Oltiug ClotllB, .No. ;; lo lit; JoJepii Repka’s Ci ILoiiades; : Coi’d Grenadines and l“:;r • ;i;^; ■ i>incr Cambrii" ilan'lkerehi(.fs, assorted; B!.:y Linens, f to I-1, very cheap; With many other articles, all of whiidi li:iving been : purchased by tlie jiacka^c at the lowest rates, will be oU'ered at tiie lowest prices, by wholesale or retail, for Cash, or on time to Punctu.ii Customers. March 27, IHotj. -'l-tf DlSSOLl 'riOX\ IHE firm of HALL .V SACKETT is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The business of the lirm will be settlcil by J. l^I. Hall or E. Hall, who alone are authorized to u^e the name of the firm iu lioui lation. J. II. HALL, E. HALL, T. -M. SAC KETT. Fayetteville, N. C., Jau’y 10, 18.50. 70-tf C'orporalion Bonds of the 'I'own of Faifettcmlle for Sale! A GREE.VBLE to an Act of the General Assembly' of the Stare of North Carolina, ratified Dec. 2o 1»62, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue her Bonds to the amount of !i>i0O,000, in the aggre gate, for the purpo le of paying her subscription to the Western Rail R.oa'i Company. Therefor.-, it is o dered l.y tliC (^.;imisst0ii0rs of r ayeiteville, that t’.K- Ti-easurer of the Town receive ■se.ile I III"ipos' ils. until thf'" 1st of November next, for ti;o purchase if ?'>0,000. in sums of •i'.jOO each of SHid Bond;., or any ih. reof. lion Is to run twenty year.'-', with I 1 upon uii;iche I,—interest payable semi- uiinu.illy. '1 he s..i ■ l>oa is shall be usi'ler the seal of ! the Corpor;itioii, an t liinding on the f.aith of the same. ‘>i. W .vivDl'iN, Town Treasurer. 39- old RVF WHISKFY. i^HE Subscriber is tne only authorised agent iu Fnj'ctti’ville for the s.ilo of the Hon. ii. C. Pur- year's Celebrated OJLO He will be supplied with this superior W’hiskey to meet the demand. W. DR AUG HON. Fayetteville, M.arch 2t>. 'JO-tf WOOL ROLLS. OOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek | Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, nti 1 Wool Rolls, for sale bv GEO. McNEILL. June 1854. 7-tf T. C. n. G. WORTH, Coimuission Forwardin'^ M‘rchants, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, V. Usual advances made on consignment.s. Jan’y 17, IBo."). n:^tf VALl ABLE ni:(;roes for 8\li:. VNEtiRO Wonian aged about thirty or thirty-five j'oars, goo'l house servant, cook, washer and ironei', hon.’5t and industrious. .\ Girl age.l about nine, and ,1 boj’ about four years I —chiMrcu of the woman. [ Persons in want of this species of property will do I well to call on the undersigned .at his Law (Mfice ou i -Vndersou Street, when further particulars will be ' given. BARTH’W FULLER. April 2't 500-tf xoricF. ri'^HE notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Beasley, j_ are in the hands of Wm. McL. McK.ay for col lection, as longer indulgence in,'I not be given, it is hoped this notice will be suilicient to save costs. JOHN M. BEASLEY. June 2r>, 1855. I2tf Wiley's Xew X, further supply just rec’d. (\ Form Book, A E. J. HALE & SON. ' Sept. T Lr'r rFR!A)H CO’S LIXF, S^assfiiiivrs tnitl Freisht. ,;OTE.VMril! F.VNNV Ll TTF.RLOlI leaves hei wharf ;it Fayetteville at sun-rise, on Mondays and Thurs days, and !it W'ilniiii- on Tues'lays an.l Fridays 10 o\!ioek, .V. .M.. 1 Pa- ■ a..;ers an ! i reights.) Steamer Uo'.'.au iin goo.l rei'iii,; with good Flats, will run ••• gularly for Frc^ihts. .1. F. M\RS1I, -\geut Fayetteville. W. P. ELL1(»TT, Agent Wilmington. August 7, Iboo. 26tf WARRFX PRIOR, WATCHMAKER ABID JEWELER, AS just received a large and well selected assortment of GOODS in his line, which will be sold at the very lowest prices, consisting of Gold auil Silver Watches of all kinds; Gold and Silver Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, Seals and Keys: Breast Pins, Eitr Rings, Finger Rings, (some Diamon.i;) Bnieelets; Sleeve and t^oliar Buttons; Studs; Locket.-; Gold P'oii'- nnd Pencil-: Jold, Silver and Steel Spectacles; !old and Silver Thimbles; Pearl and Shell (’ar 1 t^is.'s; I'ort M inaies: .Sacks; .Accordeons, Flutes, Violins an.l Bows, Fites, .Music Boxes; Fine Cutlery, I’istoLs and Fiasks, T.irloar Pistols; Game Bags, Shot Belt'', Percussion Caps, Musket Balls; Canes; Mathe matical liistniuients; Surveyors’ Chains aud Compasses; Silver and Plaif'd Forks, Spoons, Cups, Butter and Fruit Knives: Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Candle- stick.-j. ■ A u'ood :issortment of .MILITARY GOODS, Swords, Epauletts, Buttons, Silver and Gilt Lace, Plumes, Drums, cVc. .V large lot of CLOCKS, together with a large num ber of other articles. Purchasers are invited to call and examine. Repairing of Watches. Clocks, Accordeons, and jobbing strictly attended to. August 21, 185t). 32-3m 7 xoricF. VLL persons indebted to the firm of W. F .j" E. i. Moore, are renue.sted to come forward and make payment, as their copartnership ceased on the 1st of M;arch, 18.5(i. W. F. ^ E. F. MOORE. June 0, 1850. 11-tf SUGAR-HOUSF MOLASSFS- HHDS. superior Sugar-Hutise Molasses, just received and for sale by JAS. (K COOK. Jan. 7, 1856. 07- FOR SALF. Reduced Prices^ for or on S St OBIT Tff.irK, ' m (iiunniiBS, iiiiioiiiiius. ■ Rockaways and Buggies OF EVERY DESnnrTlON, ANY of which are finished, .-ind the l>:ilancc being tiuished daily. .Vmong which are mai'y New I aud Beautiful style.s, and one VBRY FINE C.XRIU V(iE. Some of them very light, and all made iu the , manner and of the best materials. My facilities for doingC irriage work are GREATER than any establish- : ment South, aud I can atford and am determined to sell , work of the BEST QUALITY as low as it can be built . for by any one. Tlioso who aro indebted to me will please ' nav UD as mv business requires my out-standing debts to be cdlecielL A. A. - —" Feb. 3, IB.55. WHO woJi.n UA VE Tiroram it? A new Eshtbliahmenl on the Military (irffn., thr Metholis( Ohunh, frinifiii'j on Muni/onl Sfrctt. ;RFA r FXTFRPRISF! v«‘!i li k«‘ in lo ^I^IIK Subscriliers would respectiully intoriu their I friends ami the public, that they have euteied into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general CARR1\GE BUSINESS in all its various parts. -Vnd being Uoth practical workmen, fully un derstanding their bujiiuess, they have no hesitation to comjiare worK with any estabiij*hment iti Fayetteville !i8 to style and durability. One of the tirm may be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. W’e warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & bran IN. J.\MES H. PiBR. JaMKS BkASIN. Fayetteville, Jau’y 24, 1863. U2tf FUR'niFR SUPIM.IFSOF liOOKS- ttTISS Murray’s Travels in the U. States and Can- ifi .ada; The Table Talk of Samuel Rogers; Sheridan Knowles’ Dramatic Works; Memoir of S. S. Prentiss; Ernest Linwood, by .Mrs. llentz; The American De bater; Hart’s Class Book of Poetry; Union Bible Dic tionary; Wild Western .Scenes; Dana's Muck Manual; Methodist Hymns and Discipline; Le Brun’s Tele- maque; Blank Books, School Books, .Stc. E. J. HALE .y SON. May -2H. ^ SI*1RI'J' liARIiFLS. LW on h ind and for sale at the lowest mar ket pric«, SLM’KRIOR SPIRIT BAPvRKLS G. W. WILLIAMS Si CO Mav -l-tf 4 McKETHAN. r2-tf XOTICF. C^OL. N.VTH.VN KINO is our authorized .Vgent to y make coiitracts for the deliver^’ of Lumber ami ! riintier aud for the purchase of Crule Turpentine, at ' Kings;bury, in Cumberland County. J. A T. May 22, 1855. WADDILL. 3-tf Blanks for sale here. ^iX(iL\(i BOOKS. -7'tilE ('\!’.MIN.\ SXCRA; Aikin’s Clu istiaa .Minis fi tre!; .Sel.ih. A further sr.i.plv just rec’d E.‘ J.‘ HALE .t x'ON Aug- oO. BiJilllii' lli\ lL\:N{'i5ilFT'i'i \1 OlikS. g^HE 2d edition, (with hundred.^ of typographical m eri’.irs of the old o liti.m coi rectci,) is published for the benefit of the .\lission;ii’y cause ot the Episco pal Church iu North ('arolina. I tie price of the 2 vols. is, in cloth bi.iding, L in sheep >H -50. Orders, accomnanieil in every instance by cash, may be ad dressed to hale ^ fcON. Fayetteville. May 8, 185*). Ibi* Kale. ^HL Subscribers have lor sale an Imperial No. 4 Washington Hand Press, 2d hand. It will be sold ctieai), deliverable in Peteriburg, Va. It is said to be a good I’ress and iu good order. Ju&e 4, l6ud. £. J. HALF & SON. I

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