S KMl-W EKKL. Y. VWWrVKVlLLK, N. C., OCTOBER G, 18r)0. - \ \|) I IM USh \YS \in) II \m: W.-.-k I; s, Oi» if ]>ni ) in c f .nt'scvi]'. I tli. \ . : . li:i- , I k‘V Mi'i i;vKt! s • Ult ).,'!• atiM'.nn. it' in ! •!' I ’njr tJn. ,>r J' ' ' ! i- tlif ; iMv liM-; 1. -1:\i!:NTS -n-w.v] T t!u' til u’ '■ - \ . |M'I- i. nii'i thiri v coiits I'nr r! V ;i'Iv(‘rti^i'!iu'iit' liv >pi' • . .it tho null.. t.: tho 1 IlSOl . ri’i i A'ivfi-ti' i~* p.Kt-i'Mii , (•!■•'. 1' ‘ i''l • i( • ]i( a If BINGHATVI’S School for young Ladies. ” . \t ;' I ni \\ ' 'Uiini'ni-i' . ' \| tlif • tli l.r.i Horse ihr Safe* ’■‘'.irLy li. ■ -0 I Inult l.i liiiii witli till' u, p. Iillt ( .-OK, of rhit/s, roHsttntptioH. A'r. f'niin W()()li\\ A r. I>'8 ON i :! nil I juui. liMse !x ^ IN ri'ii >1 r ' ^'L-'1!1N(. S ^Vinter >t«*ck m;i;. c ■ : t'; ■ • iVo^-ty uiiirniii::s. r. injiloti*. ;iu'l inucli l.irtriM’ • or ■ iK iV'i ' oti ro, a hii'i^e .V V- ri'li s rLtiTlllNc; A .1. W n, il)\V AlU». , r^v ! ■ r' ‘W tlu“ >■ ■’ //■•,' ■/. . N. p: 1^1.. ■ ) ^l^v ■ \vn i> §9 •i'"'- A. A. r>li(" U\S1’,\NI\S ! rcnuivi'.l t^- tlu“ Store I'oniierly luoiipii-il ‘,y Ari;liM (1 iMli.mi. -he ;s ii 'W ..peuin^ l er I'Ai.l. '^'I'iX'K 1' /{oHtK'ts, i'iotvf'rs, Triinmut:is^ roli i’i^ATl,. i -=‘t Ir.'ii, \ » ; ! - •. ■ n 1 Tin s aij:. \V \M ir .l Afi ^ \V>, 1' \ i L 'V\i vni:. PEARCE B. = KN •1o i all aii) \\ inl» r ^«o‘m1s. ■i \Vh, h ml \ Ul'i •I'l K 1 - 1 Hr. 'tru' ■ iriluu ■ • .1 ^ :«.] T' l,in-i.^. Mul llptvill' Al,.- ■1 IV AL. \8»: W. H. ('ai*\or st.n-k .>f msi' '“hifs, Lifjiiofx, Is JU = t l-('i‘OlVlllir :l VOl'\ 1 :ir;^e fmrorn'icK. II 'liri'.t tVi'iin N. \'nrk, wtiich will ln> «t)Mat very inoiieruto ]>rii-es I’lir ('.-ish, or excliaiipe tor fiiiy kin.I of j'ro.luce. A c:ill tV.iin olil frieuils an.I tht' i>ulilii' i»onerally is j '|fiieil. M" I'ty Stuck is so lar;o iXii'i varieil tli;it it will | s M 'lii t'nil ill give satisl’iciion. w II (’\nvi:u. U;iy StiH'ot. Fayotti'ville. ('. ; Sept. . I. IS')'; };!-tl’ Ton II jcipers l opy. I'OM UKX r. I rjllll-; l>\\elliiiir 111’ ' ' "U [)i- k street, belonging to I 5- till' .ii Mi>. r. s. lluwU'V, at present oc- ^ cnj'icil liy Mr, .1. A. I’einherton. l’«i«scssion pivexi 1st Ncvenih' r. I'or terms sipplv to S. T. IIAWLI’.V SON. Si'pt. j lIOliSK S'l'OIJvV. ^JTOIJ'X lV()in iny pasture on I’ri'lay nifrlit the I'.'th inst , a StUiWi’L llOltSl’. aliout I.") hiii'ls liijili, ill t‘i|fiMlili> oriiiT, I'ort.- t'eel aU'l le^s .in.l ■ no hlii'l tiiiii white up to th knee, aii.l white face, an! a wliiti.' ^^lot iiniler the lielly. No other marks recollecte'I. A lilK ial rewar I will lie paiil 1'ni’ liis tleliverv to me. ■ I»LN('AN i;. Meta'c VN. . li.in.lairoeh r. {)., I’luliesiiu t'o. tJ-itpil n I lull (' >1/1(1 llutht rford U'til ( 'oinp'tinf. ANNl’M- MK1;T1N(; ot the Stockhohlers of B- this t'(iin]i.uiy, will be heiil in the Towu of Wil- miiiutxu uii We.lip s l iv. the 1 ,lav of (le.tober next. II. W.' Cl’loN. I’res-t. .■^e[.t. 17. Is'*''. I’J-l.'iwlw SCHOOL I500KS. I^'lUllTHr.ll supplies of I'.ullion’s jiti'J .Smith’s Kng- li'li (Iranim.ir. Smith’s Arithmctie; Miteliell’s :ei>jri-a)>hy an.l U’elister’-J ScIiodI ! (ictioiiarv. Also, The i’resbyt(‘ri;in l*'‘ilmoiiist, rouiiil ‘niil sijiiare notes. .lu-^t recoiveo. 1',. .1. HALK .V St>N. •Sept 10. NO I K i:. 'IS H. WILLIAM nUoWN is uur .‘luthorizoil agent * to reeeivi' payments, an.l gr.int iliseh:ir£es for f\ny Hook ueconnts we have in tho countv of !>ohoson. .) T. \VAI>I)ILL. Jnue 1, 1855. 7tf TO DIS riLLKKS. WE will p.iy the higlu'at cash price for SI’llllTS ri 111’rNTI N 1>, .iiul reipiest l>istiller.s to give us a call when in market. J. A T WAI>I)1LL June 2f), 1855. 8tf '!') for tJir hahtrn'c of iirtir l!S.)>. ■^IIF. .1 wflling lately oceujiie'l by Major .1. 1’. dooil- sell, toa:ethor with lot, barn ami outhouses, on I'nion Sti’cet. known as the Latt.a j>laee. The premises are in goinl eouilition. For ierms s-e W.M. II. ll.MOIl. June lS5'i. !*tf I I 75 CKOCI'.lill'.S. SACKS t'OFFLF. as'iorte'l. .5(1 bl)ls. SHJAU, 5 . a.l.lies Ti; V, I'or sall' Sej’t. i:. F. 15. l''5n. MOOHF. :'.'.nf * 50 I'lSII. I’.AllUKLS No. MACKLUFL. .,r. .lo. No. 2 •J- 1 ]n bl>ls. Heriing. 50(1 lbs. Cudtish. .\rn' i ^ K.s f a h II s/i me/it. By WTS. WATSO.\. ■^IIE Subscriber wotihl inform his frieiiils ami the jiulilic generally, th.-it he has completeil his new establishment oil .Maxwell street, near Mr. Iv W. Will- kings' Store, aiui is now jirepared to receive ortlers for CAirrs. WAcioxs, dkavs, wiiieh shall lie proni]it1y execute 1. ,U1 Work (i.iiie t)y him shall bo of the best workman ship anJ material tiiat the country can atford. KKl’Al U1N 1 of all kiiiJ.s Jouc with uutitueb.s .'lll'i di'.'patell. Also, HOKSIvSIIOErNG will be strictly at tended to. N. I’>. No jiains will be s]iared to give satisfaction to those who m.ay favor him with their patrouage. Fayetteville, July ’J4, 185(j. Jl-V riKK AND l.irK INSTRANCi:. ^■1111-; undersigned lias the .\gency of the following ■- ('onipaiiies, viz: Oreeiishorough Mutual Life Insurance and Trust Co. iJreensboroiigli Mutual Fire Insuriince Co., Ni’whern Mutual liisur.tnce 'o , Ch.irlotti* Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Caswell .Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Insurance in Xorih Cdrdiiiit Coinymiii’f; c;tn now be taken in any part of Town or County, in large or small amounts. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent. Jwne ;{(), 185(>. ]7-t)m ALWAYS ON Il.VND AND FOR SALE 4iir.\p, A ASSORTMENT OF DRV (JOOI)S AND GROCERIES, Together with a general assortment of FI)Ri:ii;\ AM) DOMKSTir WINES and LIQUORS, Which I am anxious to sell or exchange for Produce of jir.y kind usuallv sold in this .Market. W. H. CAUVER, Huy Ktrept, near the Market. Nov. 7. 51-tf BARTH’W FULLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, rAvr/rTKVii.LK, ir. \V be consulted at the Law Ofllce of Jesse 0. She|phenl, Fsii-, on Green Street. WHEAT WAN'n:D. BW.VNT to purchase 5,00(1 T.ushels Wheat. JAS. Cr. COOK. June 25, 18.5;. ' 10-tf *o()(ls at VV liol('sal('. y Bj'^HE Subscribers beg leave to advise their custom- S- ers and Merchants generally, that they have reeeivpil a part and expect to receive the balance of their recent purchases in a few days. Their Stock will be luiicli larger nnd more couiplete tiian they have ever olVeri‘d, embracing a general assortnicut of t-JROCERIES, Together with Hardware and Cutlery, Hollow Ware, Saddlery, Shoes, Leather, ttc.. All of which have been bought by one of the firm ex pressly for the Wliolesale Tr.ide. Their tei’ms will be as heretofore, on the usual time to prompt dealers. To cash buyers a reasonable discount will bo made. GF.O. W. WILLIAMS .S; ('(>. Fayetteville, August l:i, 185ti. :]0-tf of yorlh Carolina Miilifal In surance Conipani^. ^piIE subscriber having been appointed Agent for I the above Comjiany, will be pleased to take Risk-- inthis place and vicinitv. on the most reasonable terms. AUG. W. STEEL. Jnly 5, 185’>. 19-:im n .Inly 14, 185(i V CIIDFR VINEGAR, a good article, for sale by W. H. Nov. U). CARVER. 54-tf P'or ' bv 1 1' F. F. MOOKF. ;!'.'tf i IT ili- 1. cHE!:si;. 'IIKN ;ii. i Hairy C II i; I'.''I'. 'p'-i ;r. ind ,\ iani.itittne ('ANhLES. ...MV S -W.V l;is('l I f. . i >1 - i.. ii. i;s. i:. F MO(, R •sj.') liKWAKI). AN.VWA\ I'roiii the >ubcriber on the 1st of -\pril last, ;i iieirr" mall naiue I Land, about six feet hiiih, al' 'lit .“.O _'.; ar~ ■. i_. . ;,ii I i.'ick. .'^aid negro is upl -V I t.. I r ^ir,v r._ i;i l.iv.- u i^hb .I'hnod of .lolill ll 'ii oi .1 ,,iui b M, ;. The J. VI- , :.o pa d to any per.'.m dv‘- III ' Loi,'k>ville, Chatham Co., II ill anv Ja:' in the Stati> where For llaynood and liOckMTille. I’rothers’ Steam IJoat i'ompany, from and after f this day, will run a Steamer once a week, twice a week, t>r once in two weeks as the business may de mand—between the above points and Fayetteville and Wilmington. July 10, 185;. 20tf MM. "^IIE Subscribers having this day leased this _ Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased to see their friends and the travelling public at this House. At the same time vre hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfections until we shall have put the House in such repair as we desire. J H. R015ERTS & CO. J. 11. Roh?;uts. F. N. Robk.rts. March 1, 1855. 80-tf u \\ '■I't- For .It 5«M» i ■, .'•t ire R!: i:i\ I'.D Ks >\1,T. \ UL . ,i:~.- Nt'.iil: NATHAN KING. 17-tf CUi' i;. \ •I bv ildlN. , Mooiu;, Hall s .. 'tf MI '.K J b.^., 'umm ir Sej't. ! A SlIIOOI. 'ON'S Arithnut’'- ■ li v: Nort !i ('.ar. ' i ii ■,Md i:.- , |.-r: I’i^.o: V . Fu. i !hT Mll'j. iUX )I\S. ■M. 1 Kcv-: I’arker's I’lii I K‘ i b-T'; 1 Jill': ; 0.1 i-cek \vii liiiifti. . Colii'toi . - : I't receive I. V. .1. HALF SON. i art her '-iij>i>li(s of School Hooks. S.MITII'S G K.VMM.'vil: l) i\ies’. Smith's, Colburn's, and (irccnlfai s .\rithiueiie-;; L.imbert's .\natoniy and I'hy sii.l"g\; H: tclu o-k's I'.leuii-ntary Geology: Goodrn.-ir-i .and Willard's F. S. Histiuies: The ('hild’s tli-ti.ry of t: e t. S ; Parley s First I’.ook of History; Miti heii's 1 iiteriin'di.ite tu-ograpliy; Oliiey s Gcc- r> ill it ~ Lrvi/ac s Fretu-li * i! i-n )iiav; I’inneo's l iigl'.'h Te.ichcr; ('oinell's Intermfdi.ato (ieogr.apliy; Kay'> 111 adcrs: Fmersi ii's Watts' .iii the M;n 1; .laeobus’ Note' and iJut'>tioii' on tin- Gosiiels of .Matthew, .M.ark .nd 1,'iki'; (; rceiitiel i s G rre’.v'f ura.ameHt and Lexicon; .^I ir>irs .Song''ter; School Tfstatiiorit>; .Niirtii (.'arolina Reiolers, l»avie-‘ Sitrvevinir, ,Ve. .Iii-it receivt.'d. iiAiii: (iiA\ i.i 'I’lic 1'urmtiirc iuid I'lxtiirc-(>1 lii«‘ l av illc ! lotcl tor sail'. E. J. HALE X SON. \o rici: ■■^UF s:i': > i;’''-!-- li ;viiiu fiiily ^'rorm'iU’1 t" -ell 111' a>'o\i' hann‘1 l’ro|..'rty, how otlor it l i !ui en- ing mail upon liberal terni'. J t>‘i l i lt t- '■■t la' III- ” ■ys .1 large custom iroiu the .adjoining: II lilt- ti :veUini:, publio, with a pro.T r Vi'li.it it h i' b.iii' and is now 1 V -Miy .’i wi OiiiiL'' to purchase ro- II iter p per-"!! bui’. ing -.inch that ' ot ibe cu'toui cotiiiiia It com- to .anii i.iild 'rf^ . 1 I -1 . t ML. \1; i.re r ‘•!"r :iur. in; S* , Favvttev i;. NEW - i; .V a. St’ I'V I-: - -lid i inbreliar': a VANKKi; .1 'TloN LINE, U. - • O ‘'A'^H. -.r ■ . — rat N\ if.H.KSALE • >‘i 1 ill:. invited to give me Sept 11. ■ S.'.i',. fown [.ajier- :! Vc>t''1, there i> no bti- ■lic ze ill r!. 't wiiuld pav as J. H l:oiH:!U'S Ac C(‘). •!8tf I’lin.ic' Is l!!’i;r.ri'i (t|\L\, tint lloi ks of Sui-.'Cription to t'i ' c oita' -t‘' ki l li;i ('eliiral Kail U.va I, frnm r.rnitiT! Il)i^;ir\ia K i :i a, n' \ ille. ('liii t'Ml, Fay ot t e ville, ai; 1 wi:i t.i' ..jifiii'i 0-1 Tiiiirsday. the loth I ly ot .\]o li l.''.)i,, and rniiain open .aos’ordiiig to tiie ter ■ >1 tile ( li.iiivr iinlii I'lirtlier notico, at the t’oiiowii,.; plilCcs aii'l iui'iil dilti-lloii . the ^- 'b/wiiig li.ami- l liersoti'. r..iiiail' 1 u. : ' in ili.' (’hvrter, vii: In the ('.lunty ^r, >ii l>iw. .i! tip' .tli. e of the ('lerk if theCoiiti'v ('-'ir' a' .1 icUs.im i!le. and ai the I’o't ()tlict‘ nil'll Lands. M. W. F'oivi;l‘. (i, J. Ward, .1. 11. Foy, III.licit White, .i - l i \ Avciiti, .Ir., ihvcn Hug gins, L. W, jf.i'iiphrcy. In ('arteret i nunty. at the lili. dell at lieiiufort. I'r, \l. F. \r T. Oglesby. W. Tayl.ir.a n,. ..‘:'ipt. sc:^n’l:]^\o.\(; (;rapes. ^rE wish to contract for 1,000 or more bushels of Scuppernong Gr;ijies, to be delivered next fall. •\pply to .1. H. Roberts i Co., at Fayetteville Hotel. ROF.ERTS & BROTHERS. .June 12, 185(j. 12-tf AXSOX IXSTi rUTE. flflHLS Institution has been in operation about two JL years and a half. It is pleasantly situated on an eminence about one-half of a mile SDuthwest of the towu of Wadesborough, commanding an extensive view of the surrounding country. There is a dwelling house connected witii the instituie and occupied by Rev. Elijah J. Morrison, one of the Teachers, who is pre pared to take eight or ten boarders, to whose comfort, instruct on and moral training every necessary atten tion w ill be liestowed. The Institution is now under chiirge of l*rof. SILAS C. L1NI>.''LEV ani Rev. E. J. .MORRISON, gentlemen who have considerable experi ence in teaching. Mr. .Morrison, who has charge ot the English department, is a graduate of our Univer sity. and has taught a classical schoid for many \’ear''. .Mr. Lindsley, who has ch.irge of the L:itin and Greek Department, is :i gr.atiuate of I’rinceton, was for seve- DEEI’ RIVER COAI.. ITUMINOUS C(.).\L of the best quality can be had at the works .at Egypt, at .a reasonable price by the Ton. WNL McCLANE, \Hning Engineer. May 21, 1850. fi-tf CafX' Fear Land for Sal‘. r|lHE Subscriber ofters for sale THREE HrXDREU and EIGIITV-FIVE .\cres of Land on Cape Fe;ir River below Smith’s Ferry, in Cumberland county, running with the river to the lands of Mrs. Byrd. A porcion of the land is cleared and fenced. It is well adapted to tho cultivation of corn, oats and the usual crops of the ri\er lands. The part uiii. .cured has on it some good sw.anip, which may be ca.'ily pre pared for use. It will be sold on a credit of twe! ve months Persons wishing to buy can call on the owner at this place. J. G. SHEPHERD. April 8. 't4-tf DOBBIN HOrSE! ~ rOW’ERS & TROY, Puoim;;t;ro.is. ^JIHE Proprietors of this Establishment -M. announce to the public, that owing to the constantly increasing p.atronage extend ed to them, they have been intiuced to en large the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower lloor, ;ui 1 suite of Rooms on the second lloor; thus enablin;- tiieni t.. accommodate all who may f.a- ■■ them with .a call. \nd they’ pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables .-itt.iched and careful Ostlers in at tendance The eligible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com fort of their patrons, they hope will seci^re to thera a liberal share of the travel. The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and de part from this House. Carriages in attendance on arrival and departure of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses and Carriages furnisbeil at any notice for car rying travellers to anv part of the adjacent country’. J. W. POWERS." \V. C. TROV. Fayetteville, May 12, 1850. otf A CARD. ri'lHE subscriber tenders his services to the citizens J of Favettcville and the surrounding country, as a master' RRICKLAVFU and plasterer, and gives notice that he is ready to contract for worl? in his line, at the lowest cash prices. S. F. DICKSON. Fayetteville, Oct. 1851. 38tf l''aiicttcl'ille Catidii Manitfaciori/. '■ gH E s ibsi. riber still continues to nrinnf.iclure a B superior article of plain and fancy (WNI'IES at the old staiiil, (No. 5, Green street, doors North, of the \Lirket House,) where he would be happy to nee his old friends and customers. CHARLES P.ANKS. March 1 . 185.“?. 7.“^tf Thf ijitriif'sr Pfir/ortf in the Soifthl ral years Prot'essor of Languages in the Caldwell In- j and oblige us. S'FRAINER WHU:. 1 and No. 2. For sale by iH J. & T. WADDILL. -\pril 28. ‘.(9- A LL those indebted to us previous to the 1st Janu- arv will c.ill and settle either by note or cash. A. A. >icivr/riiA\ ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial llrick liulUlinga at Lis Old St;ind, expressly lor man. ufac^pring Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to bus^iiiess, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be m.ade of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will com})are favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and iluiability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his lij»e en a.s good term.'j as any work ilone elsewhere that is as w^ell lone. Tie now has on hand, Finisii!-:!*, the L.\RGFST STO('K of (.'arria^fs, Httrouthrs^ i\loclrat/'n/s, am! Ever otlVi ,' l in tbis place, a..'I a very large stock of wotk noiiriy finifbc’!. wliicb will Lf fini-ln-d daily .Ml of wbicb will he -^old v- ly low for C.\ -n, ot on short time to punctual eu.'toiaer.^. £_-^>"'He has on h:ind more thaii O.N E 1! L'N L> R 1» .VND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in couc.-c of construe: ion. .\11 work niiide i>y him is w.irr.anted 12 iiioiiths withfair usage. ,iiid should it .'ail by had workmanship or m.ateri.al will he rejiaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine tor themselves. Orders thanklully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and ou verj reasonable terms. May 28, 1858. 98tf liioi^rapliical Sk(*tcli of Henry A Wise, with a History of the Politie.al (.'ampaign in Vir ginia in LS55, by James P. H.iinbleton, M. I). E. J. HALE & SON. Aug. 12. .MCDONALD vS: WH \LEV. II' c : f Dr ■ndell. M. F. An I. F. I’.c’l, L. I! ■opy. n. F. C( )D;^. FLAUCE. ;!5-tl vo; ..r; F.iiihi Dan ]' M’LK :i 1 F ■ni. 'lid Lii;; .w .1.1 • Frc::. .i.i- .-I-■ II 1 I I r-. Ind. ,- C :Mhr=c, hifati* ’ Die- .11 ail ■ i !, ii iiii’. R .’le ;. I Fmbr ’der 1 Velv. t { io;k-: :in 1 aist-: ^; mat(;i, fur Mi -e-' ■!, and u'l W o: M ii \b I'l.O.. •- il” c: :'t in, EilLMi'h i;l. l i •.Ni'V DUN (iOiMK. ii>!i Straw I’onriets; Ii W ri' iihs. Fl'jW: : - ■:i I lllini o!’ Ircv! ■ , Swir i and ■n I l.iiK u IvlgiiiL': I ti and Fur T.ilni:;s, ;ol Ciiiiilrcn; Pl.ai 1, 'iii l»ci .ill ;; Krclli'h r : iHaii; \ ipai-r.iS, ■aiiaii I 'i :i . I-: i'riili. M A, I Wl.it' itld it' II fur I ' F;;n; \V ' ■ 'IIN'I- aiid r ^ii*' iu. ril. Sii Mi:=^ i 11 >, ira: ri,!.' o-‘ ill .11 ■I '1' r(' an 1 N 'riiit'; (iait. rs. ■ . and hii’h-' • .Men'.-: \Ve.ar. S^.al;- ul! i C i inen !' hlc lui'; I'rud.ti' Liii Vy ;■ icre. .'^ii I; I'-' iir--i - a,nd witli Ti iiiimin'.rs to I’O-i-d .-^Inwi:-; a jam.id !■: \ ' i\: t l>ri’>s frim- :ii. 1 I’ic .Nil- (ill:' c ; o' ('iii.droii: Mcriii'j I inbr' 1 iitid Flounced .S|;il-t- t (ivt'fs: i'liiia k ;md lliii- I, M;;lS Mil ( ill', i I'liii;: ,:Min'-l.;, i'vl. iT'-j I'CO., li-' l si:\ shoih: ho i'ei. i'or sale. IU, be 'old at jr ii’.ic .\iii ti"a at the Court ■ 4 '& House in .Smitliville. .n .\!^iuday the l^Uh d;iy ot (»'‘t 'her next, the water bit'with the improvemerts ther- nil. in the tnwii ot .Smithvilic. known as lots No. 2(tand:il. On .'aid lots is a building nvarly coin- .iletcd, aiiout ii(Jl'eet long by ‘O feet wide, intended t'l Hotel. It ha“ three s:en-- besides a b;isernent, an 1 cnt.iins 05 rooms. The >uiiMings front directly on tilt I’.ay, cornmandin-j: a tine view of the beautiful iiarli ir ot Siiiitlivillc and also of the Ocean only 2 miles dist.uit. From the well known iie ilthf’ilne.ss ot Smith- viile ;ind it:^ e.a.'V acce-.- by rai': la I and steah'boats, it is evident tliii- , littb: • nterjuise only is needed to make it ; rie of liie mo * ia-iiion.ible watering places in the Smth. 'l erm- tiiade kii iwn .it :.;e. For fiirtlvr inl'oi inat'on applv to the subscriber at Sinithvil'e, N. C. S.'VM L L.\N(iDoN. Ex’r of S. 15. Kverett. Scj.tember 11. ^J'.t-t'; 'i'lic I’Jcmciitury Sjn'llinii Book, to wiiii h i.-- ad b d the Fir.'t Lesson in .Arithmetic, by .Noah Wc),stcr: The .National Primer, by the same iiuth'ir. Also, a i'lirther snpjily of the Pictorial I'lementary Spelling i’.ook. -lust receivel. At the jtore Will. N. beuni .\.rendcll. In Duplin . not ('lerk at Kenaii'vi t C.ai 'liiiii City,— (?ol. Levi i»glesby, I5ridg,e at t:i.' , -MiiJ. Kellv. Vv III i-l'lice of the ('ounty ('(uirt O' Owen R Keiiiin. David E. Hill, Wm. .1. Houston, Reid, Isiiiic i! Ste[iiicii (.1 i;iIkiiii. In Saniiw n county, at the otlice of the County ('oiirt Clerk at Ciint.iti. 'I'li'iinis I. I’iiiMin, Dr, Thoiiia' Hunting, Wni. McKay. Patrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, R llcaiiian, .Mfre l .lulm'ciii. In ( umherland c.iunty, at Fayetteville, at the olSce of ,\ A. .Ml Kct'i:in.■ ~ I li.iiiias I!. Underwood, R;indal -McDaniel, IMu.ar 1 L, Winslow, .lohn l>lock«M'. Form of siibscrijitii.i.; The Uinler.-igiied a.'ree to take the number of .siiiire.s of •'S](fO each, set fippo'ite to out names lespeeiivcly, in the Central R.iil Roa I Company: and in all respects to comply with the terms of the Chiirter. $10 00 ' 12 50 I 20 00 ! 20 t)0 I N.lines I Residence No. of shares (Jash Work Trustees. J. HALE iV SON. Sejc l:. u in i rcnch. Eii^ i.lld Rilbi: ■ I. Ik Ihi' ; and Cap: : i'lain. Plaid ;ind a . ,'liir;.', a:id IV. ron Coll.ars; i . 1.1; .1 Ii I I :. i I ill \ ( ; 1 : 1 ;!la I 1 '1' -1eliil .‘Uieil: ^^iv-M ;de ...tl.i'.;.!. Siio -n -f iio'lali: :t iii/C', for 'Oi ai, i WiiiM'u: 1 iicn* Leather ir iiier-. ll.iots .and oil We .ovite ,iur customers vii'l the public to i aiid ex:;::iiiie oar sti.cli before buying elsewhere, we ;ire :.ia nine l to seii. J. J. '.ion,;;;. W. F. MOORE. Sept. ::.i, 1-5 .. 4 :tf 1 ''in; ■Ml'. Sejit. 'Mi lOli iUC.NT. • Fire jir ; 1' Hriei; Ware iioiise, conveii 'Mated in rear of finr .Store. sT.VRR V WILLIAMS. 4:;-tf iii I'TER. prune GRAV.'-'ON RUTTLR, FiilKIN JO(J choice N. c. ll.V.MS. ■pt. 2-|. GEO. McNLll.L. uiJD's i:n(;ijsh dk I'l on a la r Seii.i ,;s. Al o, fiirtliir supply !.' The Old Do- iiiion, I'V Jiime>: The tireat Iron Wheel, tiy (ii-.aves. E. J. HALE ii SON. Sept. 27, r'fcirnii/ A/.s »V/V4*/.\ >J cmv\r (.ooD^. j M >N(i which are. lii^ii Liiieiin, Lawn,' .and l)iapers; I len.-h. So 't.di aii'l Domestic L.awns: ; I iirieiie--, French, Fnglisli .and Domestic: Frere h. Se. tell and D I'lic'tic Gingh;iiiis: liiniiM and Plain Crape Sli.-.wlsand Scarfs; ^ to lo- l R'.eaelied Shirting and Sheeting; ‘ French an.l Iri^^li Lin._'u Drilling: | IJl'k and Coi' 1 Siik -.; I’.onnet-' and I' uinet I’ibbon: P.olting Cloths, N.I. to 10; .loseph Repka’s Cotton;ides; Col'd Grenadine;' and i’.areges; Linen Cambric Han Ikerchicfs, assorted: i>l.ay jjinens, to 4-1, very oheap; With ni.my other articles, all of which Iniving been purchased by the package at the lowest rates, will be offered at the lowest prices, by wholesale or retail, for C.isli, or on time to Punctual Customers. March 27, ls.>0. 01-tf DISSOIJ riON\ rj^HE tirm of H.\LL ,y SAtlKETT is this day dis- M Boived by mutu il con.ient. The bu'iness of the tirm will be settled by J. II. Hall or A. E. Hall, who alone are authorized to use the name of the tirm in li iuidati n. J. H. HALL, A. E. HALL, T. ,M. SACKETT. Fayetteville, N. C., Jan’y 10, 1850. 70-tf Siih«cription': ni;i\’ be niride ]>:iyable in work, and mav sjiecity whether for grading or cross-ties: and i stockholders sh;ill in every case have prelerence in | taking (’oiitr.aets, when bids are the same or ;it Engi- i neer's e.'itiniiite. j ,\s soon as one hun.lia'1 thousand dollars are sub- scriV'ed. the Cotnmissiuner'; of (>nslow county are to be notified, and they are ia‘i|uired to eall a meeting of Sti’ckhoblers lo organize the (Company. .March 15, Is5i;. i:5tf ('orporalion. Bonds of the I'ou'n of Faiff’lfccilie. for Sde! A GREE.MiLE to an Aet of the (ileneral .Assembly j ot the .State of North Ciirolina. ratified Dec. 25 1852, authorizing the 'J’own of Fayetteville to isr,ue her Ron Is to thi- amount of >il0o,(a)0, in the aggre- . gate, for the purpose of paying her subscri]Uion to the Western Rail Ro:id (’nnn>.iny. Therefore, it is ordered hy the Commissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of tiie Towu receive • Sealed proposals, until the 1st of November next, for j tl’.e pure lase of ::!50,000, in sums of >;500 e.ach of said Ron Is, t r .any jiart thereof. Ronds to run twenty ; years, w.th Cou)ions ;i(tached,—interest payable semi annually. The said Ronds shall be tin ler the seal of the Corporation, and binding on the f.iith of the same. W.M. W.VRDEN, Town Treasurer Sept. 20, 1855. ‘VA- I.UTTERLOH C(VS LINE, For nassfttii^ers aud Freight. ^^TE.VMER F.VNNY LUTTERLOIl leaves her wharf ^ at Fayetteville at sun-rise, on Mondays and Thurs days, and at Wilmington on Tuesdays and Fridays 10 o’clock, A. -M., (Passengers and Freights.) Steamer Rowan (iu g >o I rep.iii,) with good Flats, will run regularly for Fteighis. J. F. .M.VRSll, Agent Fayetteville. W. P. ELLDJTT, .\gent Wilmington. August 7, 1855. 25tf 'titiite. while sitiiiited in (ireensborough, in this State, an 1 h i> devoted over twenty five years of his life to the instruction .iiid tr.’.ining of youth. Roth of these ;_’entleiiien are eminently ipialiticd in every respect to till their respective positions, and to discharge the re^pon.'ible trusts eoutided lo them. It is the only high Male School in the county: it has been built by the liber.ility and public spirit of the : eiii/.ens of Anson I'ounty. W hy then should it not be 1 paironizedV Vouiig men of this and the adjoining | counties iimy here obi;iin a tirot rate English educa- I tion, «.)r may be prepare I for ;i Iiuission into the Fresh- | man or Si.phomore cbisses of our University or any i other institution. The Fall Session of this Institution will commence I on .MONDAY, the 14th instant, and continue Five! .Months. I TERMS AS FOLLOWS: ! Reading, Writing, .\rithmetic, &c., Gramiuiir, Geogr.aphy, \c., Latin and (ireek. Philosophy, Mathem.atics, iVc., Ta,\ for contingeni expenses, to Tuition in advance. Stiidcii'S entering tho higher branches have the pri vilege of studying either or all the branches taught by p'>y''*.~ tho'price of the highest alone. Hoard, with rooms, lights, fuel, washing, &c., fur nished by priv.-ite f.imilies of the village or in the ad jacent countV, at 50 per month. THOS. S. ASHE, 1 THOS. RORINSON, I PURDIE RICHARDSON, W. R. LEAK, T. REDFERN, I E. F. LILLY, J Wadesborough, N. C-, July 5, 1850. 21-lm OLD RYE WiUSlvEY. ?aiHE Subscriber is toe only authorised agent iu fi. Fayetteville for the sale oV the Hon. R. IL Pur- year's Celebrated it If 1*. He will tie supplied with this superior Whiskey to meet the demand. W. DR AUG HON. Fayetteville, March 20. l>t)-tf WARREN PRIOR, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Ote B ■ ,\S just received a large and well M SL selected assortment of GOODS in his line, which will be sold at the lowest prices, consisting of Gold and Silver Watches of all kinds; Gold and Silver Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, Seals and Keys: Rrciist Pins, E;ir Rings, Finger Rings, (some Diamond;) Rracclets; Sleeve and Collar Buttons; Studs; Lockets; Gol 1 Pens and Pencil'; Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles: Gold and Silver Thimbles; Pearl and Shell ('ard Cases: Port Monaies; Sacks; .\ccordeons, Flutes, Violins and l5ows. Fifes, Music Boxes; Fine Cutlery, Pistols ani Flasks, Parlour Pistols; Game P»ags, Shot Belts, Percussion Caps, Musket Balls; Canes; Mathe matical Instruments; Surveyors’ ChainsandCompasses; Silver and Plated Forks, Spoons, Cups, Rutter and Fruit Knives; Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Candle- •V good assortment of MILIT.\IIY GOODS, Swords, Fpauletts, Buttons, Silver and Gilt Lace, Plumes, Drums, &c. A large lot of CLOCKS, together with a large num ber of other articles. Purchasers are invited to call and examine. Repairing of Watches, Clocks, Accordeons, and jobbing strictly attemled to. ■\ugust 21, 1850. .32-3m N. R. A good assortment of S.VDDLES .\ND H.\R- NESS always on hand for cash or on time to jvunctual customers. Feb’y 17, 1855. 7C-^f WOOL ROIJ.S. WOOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNElLL. June 1854. 7-tf T. C. & B. G. WORTH, ~ Coininissioii vV Ef)rwarding Merchants, BROWN’S BUILDING, W.VTER STREET, Wilmington, €. Usual advances made on conEignmenis. Jan’y 17, 1855. 03-tf NEW MUSIC ^ MUSIC BOOKS. ERTINI'S Piano Forte .Method—new and revised edition; Hunten's Celebrated Instructions for the Piano Forte: liurrowe’.s Piano Forte Primmer: .Ac cordeon. Flute, \ iolin and Clarionett Instructers. .Vlso, .Music for the Piano. Just ri'ceived and for sale by E. J. H.VLE ,j- SJN. .\pril 5. Wiley's New N. Eonii liook. A , further supply just rec’d. E, J. HALE & SON. VALUABLE .NUGROE.S FOR SALE. NEtiRO Woman aged about thirty or thirty-tvve years, gooil house servant, cook, washer and ironer, honest and inilustrious. A Girl aged about nine, and a boy about four years —children of the woman. * Persons iu want of this species of property will do well to call on the undersigned at his L.aw Otiice on .\nderson Street, when further p.articulars will be given. BARTH’W FULLER. April 20. 500-tf NOTICE. ri'^HE notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Beasley, I are in the hands of Win. McL. McKay for col- ‘ lection, as longer indulgence v>// not be given, it is | hoped this notice will be snflicient to save costs. i J(»HN M. BEASLEY. ' June 25, 1855. I2tf Sl(iAR-HOUSE MOLASSES- ; H^^ HHDS. superior Sngar-Huuse Molasses, just Jan. received and for sale b^’ 1850. •IAS. C«. COOK. ■>7- EOR SALE. ! ,ff Kcditrfff Prirrs^ for or on SiiOKT Ti.fiK, •250 iiiiiuuiiis, wmmm. Rockaways and Buggies i OF EVERY DKSCIllPTlOX, M.VNY of which are tinished, and the balance being fmished daily. .Vmon^j which are many New and 15eautiful styles, and one VERY FINE C.VRR1.\GE. Some of them very light, and all made in the be.'# manner and of the best materials. My facilities for doing Carriage work are GRE.VTER than any establish ment South, and 1 can afford and am determined to sell work of the BEST (.QUALITY as low as it can be built for by any one. 8^“ Tho.se who ar« inJtjbtcd t? me will plea.se nav up »s my business requires my out-standing lebts t^obec.’.llected. A. A. McKETHAN Feb. .S, 1855. WHO WOULD HAVE THO EG II7 IT? A new Viirriii(/e Eatablinhnient on the Miiltari/ Green ^ oppualte the Methodist Churchy frontinj on Mum/ord Street. (^REAT ENTERPRISE! I'uyetii'vili*; i« 1» ri^HE Subscribers woulil respectt'uliy intorni their friends :ind the public, tliattlity have entt'ied iHlo copartnership for the piii jiose of comiiii fiiie the general C.VRRI.VGE RL SIN ESS in ail Ms varioii • parts. .\nd being hoth practical workmen, lulU iin derstanding their business, they have no lusitation v compare work with tiny estaldishment in l- iyei. vi. as to style and diir.ibility'. One ot the tirm may be known by rei'erenee to .\. II. W'hitlield’s iron work for the last t wo yeat s. We warr.ant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months Repairing done in the neatest ni;inner low forca.«h. PIER iS: I5RANIN. JaMKS H. PlI'.R. J.\.MKS Rha.mn- Ffiyetteville, -lan’y 24, 1^53. EUK I'HILR SUl’lM.lESOl' BOOKS- IS.S Murray’s Travels in the U. States and (Jan- l;i; The Table Talk of S.itiiiie! Rogers; Slierid.an Knowles’ Dramatic Works: Memoir of S. S Prenti^'; Ernest LitiWood, by Mrs. Hentz; The American De bater: Hart's Cl.iss I’.ook of Poetry: Union Riblf Dic tionary; Wild Western Scenes; D.ana's Muck .Mami.i;: Methodist Hymns and Disciplitie; Le Riain s 1 ele m.'Hiue; Blank Rooks, School Rouks, vc. E. J. H.VLE .V SON. May 2S. 8- SiMRi r liXURl'.LS. A LW \Y.S on hand and for sale at the lowc'^t mar- ket price, SUPERIOR SPIIIIT RARRELS G. W. WILLIAMS iV Co May 2s. 4-tf n 1' r2-tf NOnCE. 1 VLL persons indebted to the firm of W. F. E. F. j Moore, are re«iuested to come forward and make payment, as their copartnership ceased on the 1st of March, 1850. W. F. ^ E. F. MOORE. June G, 1850. 11-tf NOriCE. i ^ 10L. N.\TH.VN KING is our authorizel Agent to make contracts for the delivery of Luml>er and Timber and for the purchase of (Jrude rurpentine, at Kingsbury, in Cumberland (bounty. J. & T. May 22, 1855. WADDILL. 3-tf lUanks for sale. hrre. SL\(ilX(i JiOOKS. ^HE C.\RMIN.-\ S\CR.\; .Xikin’s Christian .Minis- trel; Selah. further supply just rec’d E. J. HALE .S: .-’oN. Aug- W. mM \l (iiiK\. ^a>HE 2d edition, (with hundreds of typographie.ai 3. errors of the old edition corrected,) is jiuhlished for th(“ benefit of the \lission iry cause oi the Episi-o- pal Church in .North ('aroliu.i. I he price ot tlie J V'lls is, in cloth hi Iii:”. r^l. in -hecp ae.-.iini anie I in every ini! inee t.y c- ■ Irc'^ed to _ K, .1. F.ive11e\iile. May S, 1' •>(>. Pri*^s r»i* ri^llE .Subscribers have for sale an lni|erial No. t ^ Washington il.aiid Press, 2d iiatiil. It vill l.e '.. .I ciieap, deliverable in Petersburg:, \’a. It is .sai.l to lie H good I’ress and in good order. June 4, 1855. E. J. HALE & SON. ■'.o Order", ca'!i. may be ad- II \ I.F .V .-:(»N.

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