S EMl-WEKKL Y \ (>L. VF.] FAYiyrrKViLT.i:, n. c., octop.kr 13, K^r)C) [NO. 517.] 1 i;|\TI'l» MOMtAYS AN’O Tliri:Sl>AYS !:i)\\ Mil) J. H\LK cV SON, i:i»l PttKS! ANl> i-(LoiMUKT(U{S ir tilt' S.‘ini-\\>okly >»'KUvrR 0(' if pniil in Iv .iivM': ^ ’ •'>> it’i'ni'l 'luvinp the yeuT o1' ■suVisorip- ■ r J Mt'tcr tho vtvir hfcp cxpircil. . (• \\ I'l'kly OH^r.HVKK *‘J 0)1 por uiumm. if piil'l in Iv.nic: AO it' j>:iiil ihiring; tlie yt‘:ir uf siili-ii'ii i>- n; ,.]• ^(Ill at'tiT the yotir has oxjiiroil. !. ! r 1''H ^l 1'NTS insertoil for si\t_v cents ]it>r ■;r>- ' r I'ilinosfur the first, an.l thirty cents for curli ■ I'lil'iiontiv'u. Yearly ii h ertisenients liy spo- .'..niruots, at ro:i.S'iuii>)le rati's. Ailvertiseis are n- .tl t.i state the niunher ot'insertions il«‘sire‘l, or , \s ■ ' i-ontinueil till lurbiil. an-1 char^eil accoiil- r.-^y*’Letters t(i the IMiiors must lie i>ost-pai«l. •rtiseinei\ts t > lie ii.serteii a-' oharj:eil .')U per xtra. A.i Si'llino at ('ost. f a 111 1'. Sul'Si'iiber heiiLp desirous .■!' .enidving from I, this town, otters his i:\ riKi: s'rork oi- coods i ;i li.iiiil at NK'l”r COST I'or (’ash. His Stock enibra- - Seasoniible l»ry (.«oo>ls, l5«Ol>*. A:f. A part of his sti'ch he has jii>t le • Country Merchants wouM ilo well to call ati'l . . xaiiiiHe for themselves. (Ircater iiiiUicemeuts for UAii lAlNS never were otYero'l to uny l’eo]>le. l'.vcry>ioily - iiMcall at once ainl lay in their supplies. \.l those that owe him liy note or account are re- . . tftil'y iuviteil to call aini make jiayinoiits. .\fter ■it "f NuMiiiber next an otVicer will save him the ir ut'-e 't ihinninp. S. \l. THOMAS, li.'t j, 1>.')'|. Ji)-4t An iMitire .\(‘w Stock! ^I'HK suliscrilier resporttully int'orms the puMic. I that he has receiveil nis S i'Ot'K OK GOOli.^, ainl .. aid request those in want ot' DUV (ilOOOS, rttney iiools ntifl Shors^ HATS, Till NKS, UAKDWAKK. .'cc., jrive him a call, as he can «:ell his Gooil.s AS LoX\' ANY '>NK, ami v.arrants them to give satisfaction. li. KK.\M>T, Oilles]iie St., near the Market. Fayettf'ille, .N. (’ I' toiler 1, 44-Jm roR sAu:. A '0*1 Nii .NKtiRo MAN. lili to year: old. He . 'A iiKe’y N'o. 1 Ncirro. a’t i . in he recuin- tufuie : •- : rst rate servaii? \ ■• '.v f.i •loHN SHAW. 4t-::t T\K\:\ I I' V.M» committed to the .Tail of riimher^-n i c -ntv. -N. (^, oil the'i'.'th September, a ne^r' r: u -i ^ 'ENNIS, who Bays he helon^r-^ t" .Mr. Duncar-. \i Marlborough District, S. Said ncf^ro it; dark p.ected. about feet 7 inches hi>;U; li-i yeti's of i ■ r, ■' I wner of sai 1 negro is hereby uotitied to ;n • ir^ard ’'rove jifoperty, pay char^'ef? and takt> h'n. :wav. -wise he will he dealt with as the law .e-ts \VM. K. BOLTON', Jailer. c't -I'.tf John •'#. U AS just rciM .i!io of the nio^^t desiiable Stocks of ^ilk aii«l I'iiiK'v ■»«>«]«, ever offered by him, embr.icinu- all the newest styles of Such as I'lain and col’ii Moir Xnti.pie Silks. Rich Om bre Satins, Striped ai>(l plain Silk Val*.-in-i», I’oidiiu-tl Hobes. Plain anij Urocaile Merinos, I’lain, Plaid, and rich Fijr'd Krench DeLains. :i*i t a ;re:it man^- otlur new style.'. .\lso, a larjri' Stock of \chel. Cloth, and Silk Mantillas, ('loaksand Talmas, I’.ay St ite, Stell i Plush !ini> Tiftic Shawls. \ '.Teat vaiii'tv o)' the latest styies of !'ui:ss 'rinMMJNcs, Frciu'li Lmbroideries, llont'tou Laco i oll.ir^, every color ct the bi'st •luality ot Ki«l >il4>\’4>s and CiauntU'ts for Ladies and Cieiit-. .\ few very handsome {latterns \N oostcd curtain 1 • im- ask, with triniminjis to suit, some very handsome (>il W indow Sluulcs. ALSO, I'OK IIKNT'S WEAK. lUack, lllue, and Olive l>road ( bjths, IJlai k ami Fan cy ('tissiiiieres ami Vestin;,rs. .\ very lar^c Stock of liiuiif i'M.OTiMt.Vii For Volltll*> and lSo>«, made in the latest styles and IF' , '■•irr.t.i -i/. The above Stock was selected with pre.at c.ire as re- ^arils stj'le and ]>rices. and will be olfci-ed .at wholesale or retail, on verv' accommodating term.s. The publii. generally .m re.speotfully invited to call and c\an«inc for themselves. -L A IM-M 15F.UTON. Sejit •.:•>, ISai'i. lltf l''iirnishinty KstdhUsJnncnt. I i-oK SAIJ-: (’iii-:ai‘. r SF.C«»NI) H.\NI> P.l!(((il1:S in trood repair. A. A. McKFTHAN AL1-: ixs ri rn riv '^IIJS Institution will resume its operations a^jain on .MoNltVY, the Sth (d' SKPTFMP.FIL riio (diai'j:;es will bi' the sann* as they havi* been for the last year, lloard ^sluper month, inclinlin(; wash ing. li^xhts. ,vi-. L. C ;i’i Wi’S. A. ^L, will) has serv«'il ns so long .and tdliciently as Principal of the Institute, nrw also has charLTi* ol'the Steward's i)e]iar'ment, which ren ders it iloubly siit'e that this depirtinent will be con ducted to the entire satisfaction of all. Mr. Str.idella \vill continue in eharge of the Musical l>e]iartment; and Mr!^. Str.idella the Department of Paintintr. \c. II A. lUZZKLL, Sec’y Uoard of Trustees. Clintoji. .lulVlS-')t). I-JO-tf J()Si:i»ll liAKKll, .Ik., %TTOB5\i:V %T I. AW, H as taken an ofVice next door to Wm. M. Wright’': Law ofii(;e on (Jreen Street. He will attend anl pi'actice in the ('ounty ami Superior %)urts of !nniber land, l!la len, liobeson and Sampson. M.ir‘!i isr>:;. 7‘.> tf W. \. nUSKK, ATTOll.XHV AT LAW, AJflt (’LFUK .\M> MASTER IN Et.iUlTV. F.wkttkvii.i-k, N. C., May be found at the Fruity OHice, in the Court House. 'I CDLDSliOROl Gil r i: n a i. i o l i. a i:. ■^111; thir(l Session of this Institution commctices on Wcdnwsilay, the of .lan'y IH55, and ends on the od of ,June, 18;')'). !{«v. .fAS. II. liP.KNT, A. 15., President. Dr. (’i.oss, late of Chapel Hill, Professor of Mathetnatics. .\nd a full corps of Teachers in every’ branch, r.oard, incluiliii!:; Washing, Lights, Fuel, Kc., jier session, -ii-jU UO Tuition in Primary Department, ylO 00 Collegiate Department, i^'iO 00 One hundred dollars will cover all expenses of the session in the Collegiate courHe and all ornamental liranches. Pupils in primary department charged the usual One half payable in Sept. *JJ, IHoo. HH-tf ( i ntleim n' ^HIHE umlersicneil is now receiviii';. direct from I. New ^'ork, liis Fall and Winter Stock of CLoTH- lN(i and FritNISHlNti COODS. Having taiien unus\ial pains in the s'Ua tiou of his price for ornamental branches, tioods, he tl itters hiiusclt'that his Stock will cinjiare favor.ably w tli any in the market. Having set out with a determination to -ell lioo Is upon reasmable terms t i ]irompt p-iying and 'as|i customers, he t'ecls th:U the exneriei -e i-:' the past ius- tities him in a 'crtiiij;, tioit ' - i- so'd bv him will .). A. SPKAKS, ATTOIINHV AT 1. A W , VTTl-N'DS the Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, Wake and .Johnston. Feb'y lo, 78-lyr Address, Toomer, Harnett (’o., N. (J. “LAW COI’AU rM:RSltUV' F, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law T w Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, .Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. .INO. MANNING. Pittsborosigh, N. C.,Jan’y 1, 180ti. 72tf If. L. IIOf.MKS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. ^ ^FFICE on corner of Front and Princess street. NKW (iOODS. AM now receiving mv Fall and Winter Stock (d' (iiiiirEKIKS. H\R1)\V\IIH AM) ('ITLKRV. These goods were bought late in the'season, and conseijuently at reduced prices. My stock of lUi I MIOI> is complete, embracing many kinds of extr.-L sizes; lilankets. Kerseys, iS:c.; Hats, tine and coniinon THO.S. .1, .JOHNSON’, Old Stand, near the Cape Fear P.ank and Market place. Nov. 12 5‘2-tf I under Journal oflice. Dec. 12. 48-tf give enf.re at;stact; n ■. ? ■ »ry e His St 'ck .-onsi.-ts in j iri "t the viz. t’loth. Reaver. Twee N and Cas- Di> do ii' 1 !■ C,-tf ■ IS’ niii • I s'uiere Coats, io Over do. Fvery variety of style of Vests -md Pam -, Hosiery, (iloves. Shirts Linen and Mi>rino,i Roots, Shoes, Hati and t'aps. .-Vll of which he hopes to be abie ti: sell at a.-^ early a lay as possible. .-Ml persons wh. "We iu; t r j ur 1. : pr'.'vious t- July last, are earnc-tly rerjU' t'.'d t.> j ay up. vmd up their and mv good n;=me .lAMKS McIMlFRSoN, Hay 'tre t. ^jip -ite 1', (nover's. Sept. 22, Is.'ib. 1»\ onlcr ol C’oi. 1'. J. I'iii- son th;it the next P.attalion Mn~ti'r shall take j lace in Clinton. "U the .• 1 Friday in Ootob.-r next. The irlil Mu->ei- t.. be he’d on the Thurs.lay proceiling iht Od Friduy >ti October, and Cotirt Martial m the Saturday iio.^t aft-r the •'! i ^ ridav in October, orilered by the 1-ist Court .Martial th^t 'he upper and lower Cattalions In- utiite I in one, Mntoii oil the -id Frldav in (>ct. i ext. 1 Vl’IH'.TT PKTKllS'.LN. \ ljutaiit. 11 ’17(t nywA ’()al:: Tons REST RKD ASH now Inndiuir. and a supplv ke]'- con* tantlv on hond ! T. (' \\ liniington, Sept. 20, 180'). Ivance. Three Lectures i)ii scientific subjects will be delivered | each month. l We are making every effort to ren lt‘r the School the j tirst in advantages and cheapness, and pledge to reduce { pr.eev. aii l multiply the advantages in proportion to I till' in T'-ase ot' pan .oia;^e. When our number of pupils j re ii'hi'- 2(*u we -ii-ill be able to reduce the prices | neatiy one half', every one ai'ling us, is also aiding in ! pl.ic'iii- the no ■ttl^ of a superior education within the ; re-ich ot' aliii'- ;t overy girl in the State. | We return thanks for the unexampled support w* i have had .and believe it will be co'itinued. For further ; Fut'f'npi Fruitfif ^ uts, ('i^/arx, Tobdcvo^ Scc 111*. K. A. klac:k. OFFICE Chemist and Drug Store. Fcb’y 7, 18">r,. ClIARLKS liANKS, V O.Vt't: # TiO.VK «, WHOLESALi: AND RETAIL DEALER IN intbrmation ap|dy to the President of the faculty, of myse’it'. W.\l. K. L.VNE, Pres’t Stockholders. De,-. Li. ISijL 57-tf sm:>i\vi',Li, iiousr., r«i r:T'i'i':vii.i.i-;, Fo^( ■''/'A' ■/ (ifKii Str>‘t, n f\ ir I)iu>rs Xorth of fit Mu I’/i'tt IfnUAr. rB^Hl' '-Subscriber desires through this sTi&r.irr, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 1853. 73tf U. l\ KIJJOrT, (trill Id/ Cuinmix.'o'ou and Foricurdinij Merchan WILMINGTON, N. 0. I ill June 10, 18')4. 4tf FOR SAl.K. TO 1,200 Acres of Farming and ^Turiientine LAND in Harnett county, known as the I’arker .v McNeill lands: joins William Harrin.gton’s lands on upper Little Piiver. Tliere is aome 200 acres of the best iuality of low grounds on the River. The uplands are heavily timbered with pine, and are within six miles of the F.ayetteville and Western Hailroad- A bargain may be bad for cash, or endorsed Notes at Rank. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Sep. 20, 185(). 41-Gt 'I'ho siil)scril)0rs will juircluise Spirits Turpentine, or make advances on consignments to their friends in Wilmington, or New York. C. T. HAIGH .j- SONS. April 9, 1855. 'JOtf rJl'K INSURANCE. ^H'lHE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of JL the North Carolina Mutual l..ifc Insurance Com- jiany. Every member tor life participates in the pro tits of the Company: and the annual [ircmiuin for life membership, where it amounts to -ii-IO or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in I note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. -V man may insure his own life t'or the exclusive bv-netit of his family The lives of slaves may be insuicd. This system is i-ai>idly growing into favor, all over the t 'ivilized world It is one by which a l.imily, lor a small sum annually, may be provided fo;-, after the death of its head, oti whose exertions they may have Ijeen dependent tor a support. It is a good investment of money, oven if one sliould live long after taking out a Life IVdicy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the necessary Blanks, furnished on a;iplication. i: J. HALE. liOOTS AND SHOES. WE are receiving our Fall ainl Winter supply, consisting of a large as.sortment of Gents’, Ladies’, Misses’, Boy’s, and Children's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, embracing almost every variety of style and quality. AliO, Gents’, Ladies’, Misses’, !5oy's and Children’s India Rubber .'^hoes. Men’s and Boy’s Coarse Brogans. Trunks, Calf, Goat, Lining and Binding Skins, Lasts, Sboc Thread, &c. All of which we will sell on very favorable terms. S. T. HAWLEY' .v SON. ]: itrolr;i. r -ind -I' he ( ria-.ie Sii tak t-r 1! .V B. woiri'ii. ■} l-2m A L AiiU. I'filHi- j'''crilier beg.s leave to inform his friends A ai; acipiaintancei, that he has entered into ’iiune.'-'- tor Liiuself, and taken the store one door be- ' ■;v .Mr Draughon, on Oillispie Street, near the Mar- ^et, where he intends to keep on hand a g('neral as- rnrtment o/ l?ry (too(1s. Boots aiul Shoes,'rrniiks, ’ Hfits, I lardwnrf*, Cutlery, and raiicv (iooils. L. BRANDT. I Fa3'etteville, Aug. 27. -;l-2in j \AU AliLE EARM FOR SAEi:. KEING desirous of changing my business, 1 otter for sale my PL.\NT.\T10.\ on the east side of '• 'ape Fear River, three miles above the (,'iarendon t’>ri Ige, known as the Toomer and .'IcKay lands, con taining about ‘*'00 acres. This Farm is susc-eptilne of •io- very highest improvement, and of being made ine t tiie most beautiful and protit.abie Pl.mt i tioiis in ■'nmberland county. On the Fiii in i' i J"' * m 'ent •My terms will be favorable and pa > iiicnt I’a-v F-.r particulars, apply to Jolm D. '*\i.,ianis, L-' ( . 1' lyetteville, or a ldres-? the sub-~-riber at the mif. 1 I>ccember next, it' de- L. J. HVLtiHTON. 2;'.tf LAND i'OR SAI.E. g « ACRES OF L\ND lying on upper ■ Little River, in Harnert County, well timbered and well located for theTurpcntinf' bu«inet-,. It n-ill be sold on .accommv biting t(vnis. Apply souii to the Subscriber at Fayetteville W.M. McL. McKVV. So]it. 22. 185';. -il-tf I'lic Old North State' in I7TG— second Series, being Revolutionary Incidents and J'^ietchet of Character in North Cui-ilina, by Rev. E. NN . Caruthers, D. D. Price -"1 2-^. Just received. E. .1. H.\LE \ SON". Sept. IS. I S now receiving a large . GOODS in his lino, viz: aid c jiu]i'.i,te STOCK (JF ■Ir to acknowledge the liberal >^t'>wed upon his House the past iu-t ('rected New Stables and livonienT t'> t!,e Ho\isr> nnd to water plea-.ure in 'aylng to his [latrons and the '.ub'iic geiK‘rall\. tiiat he is still pr.'pared to accom- lii ilatc them with transient and prrinanent board, and respei-it'ul'y 1; -ii> a continuance of the liber.il patron- a;re !iei-et >f o-e fi'c.-'\ 1-I. I’verv exertion on iiis part ‘^iiall be u-ied tii render them comfortaUle during their : ojonrn with him. His tabb* is alw.ays supplied with the best the ni-U K'-t o- is. P. SH EM WELL. March 21, ISo.'i. 8»>-tf | ! (iROC'I'.RiES AMi !1 MiiAVARE.' 'IHK sub-cribvr ir;- in Store a good ii.sortment of Cools in ti'o ^nt.o-KP.V and liARDW UIK I.INF; all of whicii wi 1 'e ■', { wlioles J.e or retail, or bar tered lor c')u;. ; v pr. im-e, terin-^ 'he most reason able. .V s„,:. ^ 1 ' ' iJ iLKUk foi- S.ile cheap. Give 11-. a cal ^». . 1- G >LD.''TOS. N. p.. .\ny ol' my .l ien is in the country having busi- •icss to tr.'ti'ai-t in this pl.-ice. su.di .as renewa.', \c , :i have it d 'Oe on the usual terms, by sendiie,: same to my earn. G. U. I 1. j 1-ayettevill«. .>e|>t. 27. !>'•!•'». o'.Mf r,Ei)s'n:ADS' i5Ei)s'rE.\i)s!! ; fCST received Irom the .Manufacturer, Ira Ht;rsey, a sujiply of Mi t: n ST t:.i s \ of various patterns, and made of good seasoned timber. These lied.'iea-ls aie manufactured in this plaee, .and can be sold to dealers .as low as they can be got from the North. C .11 and examine. i A. M. CAMPBELL. ; JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o n m SHI o :% AND l'(> R \V A R I) l N M I-: RC11A N I', .V. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and C.ash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12. 18.').'). r.7 September 1, 1850. 35-Ow April t -v IMIS. cAi’fi, mm iMi Mioi:s. ■r ‘^■ile :it 1..W pi'i'.'. - d givL possession the first aed. Gulf, July 17, 18.'’.f,. In .all varieties, which lie ot-er b'r f'AJ^H, or to ■■ He returns his thanks to I; liberal patronage, and solii '.t- same. September ^l. 1^50. I>r SI’ltI.VU .! AS I'. sfi'rij 1". I'OITIJv KS. custoiiu-rs for theii eolit il. U I IO’,' ot' the C. llInMSON. • Maiket Sipiare. o'lf; ROHER'r I). (HiEEN, I LATE GREEN WEAR,) WATOH-MAKERS, JEV/ELLERS, &c„ FAYKTTKV'ILLH, N. C. RD G. begs to return his sincere thanks to the • [lublic for the kind patroiuige so liberally be- ■towed upon the late Firm, and informs them he has lught the interest of J. S. Wear, and will continue the business in all its branches at the old stand, under his entire sujierintendence. N. B. .\ll Watches left with him for rejiair will be taken apart in the presence of the owners, and the necessary repairs ]>ointed out to them and ;i written ' outract given for the same, which work will be war ranted for two years. tin hand and for sale now', the mo'-t varied .and choice selection of eMjOCK-S and other time pieces that has ever been ottered to the jtublic in North (laro- ,ina, which he will sell at New Y ork [iriccs, and also wMtKA.xr for two years. •Ml debts due to uud by the late firm will be ]uiid 'id received by 1^- L>- GKLLN. Augtist 2-'), 1850. o 1„\.M) I'Ok SAI.K. N Saturilay, the 18th of October, the suiiscriber will sell l*Hi acie» of i>.iiid, lying in llladcn county, on the ea.st siiie aad about 2 mile- from the River. Terms easy and made known on dav «f sale. W'. J M(>NlloE. Sept. I. :Jt)-ts SE.l.AH, a ('ollcclion of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, Chant.s, Choruses, Xc Thomas Hastings. Just lec d. E. J. HALE .V SON. Aug. 28. DRV (JooDs A'r wiioij:s\ee. ^STAKR & AVI1>L1.\MS are now receiving a very large STOCK, embracing every thing in the Dry Goods ( \,rn> r ,/' //-?y a/// Doiinhhon Str('( fA, /hi /'ill/r/tiri/fi llnlil, »)a/'ol LD respt'ctt'ully call the atten- V w tion of' his t'riends anl customers I to his 'oinplete stock of DRKiS, b : i> 1 € I \ i : !, Oils, Paiuts and Dye-Stuffs, Whi h he is now receiving, ami will otter at jn-ices as low us they can be bought at Jin this market His object is to sell Medicine that can be dcpen Ic'l upon, as he buys none but the genuine article. (Ujnstantly on hand by liiinihxj Fluidy ('amplirnr, Sjtirifs Turpentine; Afroiiol, /Irnndies and Winm, (^for Medical piirpnaes;) (Jom/re.'ts Wafer, Ciirate. Slat/neidit, Fa^it India CaAfor Oil. March 15, 185ti. 87-tf iDrciSB fjDok lo Your Interest in 'rime. flj^llE Proprietor, after having the -SL misfortune of getting burnt out, has re-built his Steam Sa'v Mill and is now prepared to furnish utf TIIK I AI*K KIVl'iK. I A T a meeting (tf the Boat owners interested in nay- . m igating the Cape Fear River between Fayetteville -lid Wilmington, . On motion, 1). Mcl,aurin was called to the ( iiair, uid R. .M. Orrell was appointed Secretary. On motion of .lames F. .Marsh, ^ Resolved, I'hut from and after the 1st day ot .I>.nu ll .. 18.»0, Ca‘.h will be required npui> the delivery ol iili Kr«fi'.iht8 at W;imin;j;ton and !• .-lyetteville re- •[lectively. On motion of,). D. William-, Re-^olved, That each of the Steamboat !om]i iriics on the Cap>- Fear River, fr(Mn and after the 1 st of January, IK.'jti, will -:irry Guano from Wilmington to Fayi^tfe- ville at 10 ceius per bag. Lime at ’J-* cents per cask, md ground Plaster iit cents per cask, and that a in:i>r Tio\ «r 20 I'Kift '.lorn the printed and established rates on all other • iiticles will be made from ami after that date, all ‘ irtage and Drayage being paid by the shippers. On motion of James ISanks, Hesolveil, That the foregoing be jmblished in the town papers. D. McL.MJRIN, C^hairman. R M. Orrell, Sec’y. Dec. 24, 180&. line witii llats, Caj)s, Roots, Shotas, Silk and Strjiw l>o]nl('t^, I nihrj'lias, and Ready-Made Cljtlnni>', ^S:c. at short notice, either in town or at tlvc .Mill, 8 miles Which thev wiH sell CHEAP f..r Ci7sh or approved , from Fayetteville, on the Western Plank Ro:uL 1 hope Notes at WHt»LES.\LE only. We invite Merchants i to receive patronage inasmuch as I am in the midst of visiting this market to examine our stock. the best heart rimber and can furnish any length from - 10 to 42 feet long, which I hope will suit Steam boat men wishing to get long timber at short noticc. I also inteinl kee]«ing Lumber at TRO\ ,j- MARSH'S Store, who will still act as my .\gents, and forward bills for Lumber to me at my .Mill, ^y terms for lumber shall be as favorai)le as any for the same kind of lumber. Those wishing to address me can do so at .Manchester P- ().. Cunibeiland ('o., ~!. D.VVTD Kl\ ETT. June lH5*i. 11-Om P.. STAl’.R. .\ugiist 27, I8'iti J. M. WILLIAMS. 31tf n O. nMJST().\ f OLLD inl'orm his friends and biriner custoniers that he- may be toiiii'i 2 doors beiow the C.ipe Fi'ar Bank, and • il iors a'novi- his obi stand south .side Person Street, v\’here iie intends to ket-ji on b-ind, Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing beloijging to liis Irade. lie resi ectfully invites his triends from the country Io call and examine his stoi k before purchasing. lU will «ttend to Repairing of Harne-« and Sxl.lles punctually, and his ch.-irjes slial! be moderate. He Pi re ins nr a nee. ff IHF .K' I'N.V Insurance Comp.any of Hartford, hav- jB. iiig paid ilie la'k imposed by the Revenue Law of the late l,e-.;islature. will eonlinue its .Agency in F.ayettevilb-. under the m.anatiement of the undersign ed, who is jucpared io issue Policies of Insurance on would re.pieiit ail iii lebted to the firm of lloL’STON X i Buildings or Goo.ls, either in this Town or in any OVLliBY to settU w th W. Ovemy or hiuis-jll', as they | p:nt of the State, on j,roper application, description are coiBpelled to settle the film's de:.ts. ^ of the Properly, .Vc. . \ugust 27 1850. ! 'J he ^KT.N.V CO.\LPANY has been in operation about ’ ;JU years. Its capital is The Hon. Tho.s. ])\VELlJN(i EOR ^ALI I K. l?r;.ce w.is its lii-sl I’vesideut, .-iiid he .still holds that “ d s(-v('ral of its first Directors .are stiH active lent menibrrs of ihe Board. It h.as at .-ill times 1 the higliost ch.-iiacter for the pruilence of its m.-tnagenieiit. and lor the liberality with which it .J. S. RANKS, 'flercliaiit, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 185b. tiO-tf S. M. rnoMAs. DEALER IN EANCV .V S I'Al’Li: DRV (a)ODS, K 1: AI) V-M AI) K I.( )TIn NG, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BL.VNKLTS, \.c., &c. ('orner Market ami (jillespieSt., Fayetteville, N.C. Dec. 17, 18->5. t»2-tf Worth & Utley, Eorwardinj^ and (»»‘neral Coniniission Mi’:RCIlAN'rS, i'iiyrUvvUlf^ f\ J. A. WORTH. I'TLEY. L(»\ i;ill) KLDIilDliE, fit ^W/’ILL attend the (’oiirts of .Johnston and Samp- w w son ('ounties. Smithtield, .\(>ril 15, 185ii. Otl-tf (i. W. WILLIAMS .V U.-VVE just received a large and well selected as sortment of j HARDW.UIK AND GROCERIES, I to which they invite the attention of Country Mer- I cha:its. March 17, 1855 84- •I. C I’OIC, DEALER IN S'i'APLE EANCV DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, H(30TS, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and ^ Trimmings. ilai/ Street, Fai/etteville, X. C. May 2(), 1855. 1-tf VALl AlH.E PROPERTY i'OR 1 OFFER for sale, my LANDS in the Town of Fay etteville, al)Out 130 .\cres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .\bout 80 Acres of it is fine .Meadow Land, as the Crop Uow on it will show. .Vlso, the V:iliiui>l4‘ I5ii k Sloic :iimI l^ol near the Market Sipiarc, occiipie«l bj»Mr. John A. Pemberton. A l.arge and Valuable I.ot, fronting on Donaldson, MaxwelTand .Muinford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—couid be divided into several Building Lots very near the new Female High School P>uildings. .Vlso the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford Street. Several DESIH.XBLE BUlLDlN(i LOTS on both WinsloA' and .Mumford Streets. ,\11 this property- can now be purchased on favora ble terms, and a large p.-irt can reiu.iin on Bond and Mortgage if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. lo, 1M55. 43-tf .J. W. BAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, liuest, anil most carefully se lected stock of I'lIR.MTl Ri: ever offered in this market; w'hich, added to bis own manufacture, makes hi-s assortment complete:—all of which lie will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashiou.ilile painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses: Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side : Boards; Bureaus: Secretaries and Book-Cases; Wh.at- i Not?: Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands WTEW VOLUMES OF TIIE FOUR GUEAT BRITISH REVIEWS, namely, I’.LiINia RGH, NOIiTll* BRITISH, WESTMINSTER, AND LONDON QUARTERLIES. AND BLACKWOODS EDINBURCiH MAGAZINE (MONTHLY). Commenced with North British for November, 1855, and the other Reviews and Blackwood for .January, 1850. Tvrms of SuljAcriiitKin.—Any one Review or Black wood, a year. Pdackwooil and one Review—or liny two Reviews, >j5. The four Reviews and Black wood, >1(). Four copies to one adilress, I’oxtdf/i (which should be paid quarterly in advance) on the fo.ir Reviews and Blackwood to any Post Ofhce in th-.j I'nited States,.only 80 cents a year: namely, 14 cents a year on e.ach Heview, and 21 cents a year on Blackwood. •\ddress, L. Si’OTT .j' CO., Publishers, 54 Gold Street, corner of Fulton, N. Y'. New Method tor the (initar, hy Charles C. Converse; Ilunten’s Instructions for the Piano Forte; Burrowes' Piano Forte Primmer. Fur- ther supplies just received E. J. H.VLE & SON. Nov. 10. LiW BOOKST 'lH'^IiE Subscribers have on hand, and will promptly M. fill orders tVir North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or in single volumes. Iredell’s Digest and Digested .Manual. Jones’s Digest. Revised Statutes of North Carolina. Wiley’s New Form Book. STORY’, on Sales, Bills, Contracts, Partnersnlp, Agency, Equity Jurisprudence, Flquity Pleadings. ARCHBOLD, on Practice, Criminal Practice and Pleading, Landlord and Tenant. CIIITTY', on Contracts, Criminal Law, Blackstone, Medical Jurisprudence. SUtiDEN, on V^endors and Property. POWELL, on Mortgages, ivnd Contracts. SMIIII, on Actions at Law, Master and Servant, Landlord and Tenant, Chancery Practice. SANDERS, on Pleading and Evidence, Uses, and Trusts, Reports. RUSSELL, on Arbitration, Factors, Crimes. HOFFMAN'S Legal Study, and Masters in Chancery. WILLIAMS on Personal Property. WHE.VTON’S Selwyn’s Nisi Prius. W'LfARTON, on American Law of Homicide, Medi cal Jurisprudence, State Trials in the Uniteil States, American Criminal Law, Law Dictionary. Stephen on Pleading. Roper on Legacies. Dart on Vendors. Fearne ou Remainders. Edwards on Bail ments. Coke upon Littleton, (Hargrave ami Butler’s) new edition. Kent’s Commentaries. Curtis’s ditto. Dart’s Vendors anl Purchasers of lle.al Estate. Ad ams’ Eiiuity. Troubat’s Law of Limited Partnership. Hughes’ Eijuity Draughtsman. Phillips and Amos on Evidence. Gresley on Law of Eviilence. Boss on Bills and Promissory Notes. Domat’s Civil Law. Lewis’s U. S. Criminal Law. Danicll’s Chancery Practice, lloscoe’s h’iminal Evidence. Atherley on the Law of Marriage. Collyeron Partnership. Green- leaf ou Evidence. Oliver on Conveyancing. Curtis’s Conveyaacer. Burrill’s Law Dictionary. Cruise on Real Property. Tayler’s Law Glossary. Crabb on Real Property. Reeves’ Domestic Relations. Byles on Bills. Bell on Sale. Lee on Arbitration of Titles. Sharswood’s Professional Ethics. Barton’s suit in Equity. Wills on Circumstuutial Evidence. Comyn’s Landlord and Tenant. Watson ou Arbitration. Hare on Discovery. OUphaut on Horses. Whitworth’s Equity Precedents. Morris on Replevin. Gi-esley’s Equity Evidence. Bishop on Marriage and Divorce. Mathew’s Presumptive Evidence. Robertson on Suc cession. Ellis on Insurance. Lewis on the Law of Perpetuity. Phillimore on Domicil. Cary on Part nership. Wilson on Uses. Fell ou Guarantees. New- land on Contracts. Tamlyn’s Chancery Evidence, ^'C. These or other Law Books ordered will be supplied to the Professsion in any part of the State on reason able terms. 1^- J- It ALE J' SON. NEW' ROOKS. fH^HE Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon with JL his Brother Joseph Bonaparte; Olmsted’s Journey Candle Stands; | in the Seaboavd Slave States; Memoirs of Susan Alli- Wardrobes: Picture Frames and Glass: W’indow Shades; | bone; The Way of .Salvation, by Albert Barnes. Cornices; Curtaiti Bands; Sofas in Mahogany aad ; Further supplies of lletherington’s History of the Walnut; Tete a Tetcs; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; j Church of Scotland; Bayard Taylor’s India, China and Chairs of every variety. i Japan; Ehlora; The Old Homestead, by Mrs. Stephens; Fiuc Rosewood Pianos, one with .^iloliau At- ■ Escaped Nun, The tachmcnt; Rosewood Melodians, from tiie bet manufac- i *’ popu ar or s tories in New Y'eri- and Boston, warrauied as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only added. November 2. 45t Fall and Winter Cioods. jr. A* T, iwuiftm, HAY STREET, Are new receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS consisting of a large and well selected stock of llats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea ther, H‘avy articles in the Dru^ line, Ready-made Clo thing, and Staple Dry Goods. This Stock we arc prepared to Job or Retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 21, 43tf We ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex amine our Kersey.s, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. mflarble Factory* Croct'ries, Hardware, Ciitl(‘rv, RlacksinitluV 'Tiir- pentine 'I'ools, Agricultural lin- pU'nieiits, Jioots and Shoes, 1 > VV I’j I jI iI K. I5r;.ce rilUE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling | olficc; an I and Lot on the corner of liilb spie and Ru.ssell ; nnd olbci nt ..resent occuuied bv Mr. lieury Knaiibert. ,s„staine. Streets, at present occupied Terms reasontible. Possession given on the 1st (Jctu- bcr next. ^ May 2VJ. *** has ever adjusted its lossf^s. E. J. HALE, Agent. Losr. V .\ST Night, between th'' Market House and the Dobbin House, a small PORT'E MONNI.A, con taining about ^i>25 or ^-lo. consisting of two I'ive Dol lar Gold pieces, three Two-and-a-IIalf Gold pieces and four One Dollar Gold: also some small chmge and a bill or two. \ suitable reward will be givon for the recovery of the above liesoribed Purse and .Money. W’.M. McLEOD. Fayetteville, June 4, 185G. 10-tt ) By lAUDEK. nvii iMiiiit.'i iiKim 0. t! ii.iiiiii k SUN'S stiiri:, levillf*, i\'. I/. Jan’y 20, 185t). •34ypd HEWAliO, IJIOR the apprehension and ilelivery of my negro man P.VGK, a lirigbt mulatto, about 2H yesrs of age; or for his confinement in any Jail so that I get him again. When lie left-he had on a brown Satinett (’oat and Pants, makes a good appearance, and no doubt will pass himself as a free man; about 5 feet 10 or 11 inchea liigh, weighs about 185 pounds, and had, iit the time iie left, a fellon on the middle linger of his left hand; has on his chin a goatee (or long beard.) I expect he will endeavor to make hia wav to .Vbingdon. Waihingtou county, Va., where he was raised. B. M. .McLAURlN, j Laurinburgli, Richmond Co., N. C. Feb’y 4, 1850. 75-tf riHMK'w lievis(‘d Statutes. I'H'^HE Subscribers have received ou consignment, a 1 few copies of the New Revisal. Price $4, cask on delivery, E. J. HALE & SON. Jan’y 21. Pe terson’s Familiar Science; Short i'atent Sermons, by Dow, Jr.; Banker’s Casc.s; and various School Books. Just received by E. J. HALE lii SON. March 5. GARDENLNG FOR I'llE SOLTH, H&V W. N. White of Georgia; .C.!# Courtship and .Marriage, by Mrs. Ilentz; Tlie Courtesies of Weddetl Life, by .Mrs. Leslie; Harper's (Classical Library, being literal translations ol' Cicero, Xenophon, C'oasar, Herodotus, Horace, i)c. Also, further supplies of Ernest Linwood; Hiawatlia; Mrs. Hentz's Novels, 50 cts. a vol.; Johnston's Agri- cultur.il ('hemistry; Dossey’s Choice; Trench on the .Miracles; The .Moral Probe; Eclogues and Georgies of Virgil, by .Vnthon; Jay’s Morning and Evening Exercises: “Five Hundred Mistakes Corrected”; Smith's Grammar; cic., just received by E. J. H.VLE SON. EL RTllER SUPPJ.IES OE ROOKS. 'B^AG.ABOND Life in .Mciico; “Plu-Ri-Bus-Tah ’, by w Doestick.s; The Sparrowgr.ass Paj>ers, hy t’oz/.ens; Hiawatha; “The Wide Wide World”; Hume’s and Macaulay’s Histories Of England; The Carmina Sacra; Aiken’s Christian .Minstrel; Dick’s Works; Jacobus’ Notes on the Gospels; Maury’s Physical Geography of the Sea; ^c.,Just received. E, J. IL\LE fii SON. July 24. CANTWELL’S N. C. JUSTICE. SwainC» Justice Revised, and adapted to the New Revised Code. f ■IHIS work, invaluable to Magistrates, Officers, and J. all who have occasion to know the Law, and to use the Forms tinder it, is very much enl.-irged. Price ^3 50. For sale by E. J. H.VLE & SON. August 1850. Aortli Carolina liealers. ^B'lHE Undersigned are prejiared to furnish, whole- ■ sale and ret.iil, upun t'er;/ fnionihle tennx, to I’AJachers, Bookseller,-, .Merchants, Book Pedlars, and others, the .*• lilt I bi.'i of \01CTII J.A KOf.l .A I I'M Nos. 1 and 2, by Puofkssor Hi ijhaui), of the University of North Caroliini, and Nj. '.i by Cai.vin H. Wii.KV, Esq. now Superintendent of Com mon School«. E. J. H.VLE & SON. fo.N'E.S's Vii ws of the Seats, Mansions, Castles, n:c of .N'obleinen and Gentlemen in Scotland. The P.oiik of Scottish Ballads. The S'ci)ttish tiinl; Tin? P.ook of Balbids, i>y Bon Gaultier: McFingal, by Teiimbuil; Lillian and other Poems, by Praed; Watson’s Dictionary of Poetical iuotafion>: Bailads, by W. Hiiirison .\inswwrth; l.ieigli linnt's Stories in \ er.se; Vllingiiaiu's Poems; Hogg « Tales; Tin* Queens of i'^ngl.ind of the House of Hano ver, by'lir Dor.in: The Noctes Ambrosianie of Black wood: Bohn’s New Hiiiid Hook of Games; Ihe War of the iVitics, from the Jorrospoii lent of the London Times; Novelties, Inventions and (.Curiosities in Arts and .\l:iuuta •tnres; «s:c. B. J. HALL i. &ON. •Vpril 2;'.. iSO O Has ,trriret/! Great Iron Wheel Examine>l,” by Parson Jl. Brownlow, price •'?'l 00, just rec’d. Postage ou it by mail is 18 cents. Also, a few more of the ‘'Great Iron Wheel,” by Parson Graves. E. J. HALE & SON. May 28.

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