WAIT SEm.WEEKLY. [VOL. VI.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOBER 16, 1856 [NO. r>is.] PHINTKD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS RDWARD J. HALE & SON, FDITORS AND TROmlETORS. Fni'o for the Scini-Weckly Observkr ^3 00 if jiaid in ■iJvance; ■?'i 11 paid thiring the year of su?)scrij>- tii>n; or :f 4 after tho year has expired. F r th> Weekly Oo'pavER $2 00 per ;innum, if paid in ;uivrtiice; i2 50 if paid during the year of suhscrip- fii'iv. or $3 00 after the year has expired. \D\ KRTISEMENTS inserted for sixty cents per nijuare of IG lines for the first, and thirty cents for each succeeding publication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers arc requested to state the number of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and charged accord ingly. Letters t-o the Edit-ors must be post-paid. Advertisements to be inserted charged 60 per cent, extra. Just Received^ The latest style of superior (’ASSIMERE HATS, made expressly to order. A sr.co»irn stock, n V. PEARCE IS now receiviug, direct from New York, his second stock of Fall and H infer Dry «ioo«U, Among which may be f()und, the latest and most fashionable stylos of Ladies’ Dress (ioods, Cloaks, Mantillas, and all styles ot Embroidery. xVlso, Gkntlkmkn’s Goods of every variety, which will be sold CHEAP at wholesale or retail. The Ladies are respectfully invited to give me a call. B. F. PEARCE. Hay Street, Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 18oti. 46tf P»OARniN(i-HOUSE TO LET. Proposals to llent the Boarding-House in con nection with Laurinburgh High School will be received until the last Saturday in November next. Address D. McLAURlN, President Board Trustees. Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C., Oct. 5. 46-td Fayetteville, Oct. 1^^ Fall am DAVID CEE, Green St. 47-:U Stock of Silky S1apl€y anti M'ancy ttry QoOilHf embracing quite a variety of styles, qualities, ito., &c., including all styles Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings, to wit; Striped, Plaid and Robed Silks: Plaid, Striped, and Printed, all Wool DeLains, all colors; Solid, all Wool, Do.; French Merinos, all shades and colors; Printed and Plaid low priced Alpaccas and DeLains. Also, a handsome assortment of Cloaks and Talmas, and extra heavy Bay State Shawls; Embr’d Collars; Black Lace Do.; Swiss and Jac’t Flouncings; Do. Edgings and Insertings; Kid and Twisted Silk Gloves and Gauntlets; Hats; Caps; Bonnets; Bleached and Brown Sheetings and Shirtings; together with a good Round, Staple and Domestic Goods; Ready Made Clothing; Boots and Shoes, &c., ^c. Buyers generally are respecttully invited to give my Stock a look, as 1 shall sell on short profits. P. CROW. October 9, 1856. 47-tf C. J. & R. II. Jones ri^AKE this method of calling the attention of their £ friends and others to their NEW STOCK of Oomcstie and Fancy Dry Goods, IN PART AS FOLLOWS: Rich colored and black Silks; fine all-wool De-Laines; all-wool Plaids, high colors; very handsome Long Shawls; do. Stella; fine emb’d Skirts; emb’d Hand kerchiefs; Jaconet and Swiss Bands; emb’d and Lace Collars; Thread Lace and Edgings; ditto Jaconet and Swiss; rich Lace Falls, black; black Trimming Lace; Ribbons and Trim mings, all kinds; Swan’s Down; Furs, in sets; fine Kid Gloves; newest style Hats for Ladies; Velvet and Cloth Cloaks, &c. &c. —ALSO— A lot of best quality GUTTA PERCHA CLOTHING, very suitable for Wagoners and others who may be ex posed to wet weather. Call an J see. Fayetteville, Oct. 11, 186G. 47tf WINES ANdTiQUORS. PURE FRENCH BR.ANDY, “ Holland Gin, “ Jamaica Rum, “ St. Croix Rum, “ Bourbon Whiskey, ‘‘ Monongahela Whiskey, “ N. C. Rye “ Port Wine, Malaga Wine, Sicily Madeira Wine, Apple Brandy, Peach Brandy, Cognac Bitters, Wolfe’s Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps, and all domestic Liquors always on hand and for sale cheap by W. H. CARVER. Oct. 10. 47-3t Principal Wanted—Salary $1000. fllllE Trustees of Laxirinburgh High School, Rich- JIL mond county, N. C., desire to procure a Princi pal to take charge of the School in January next. A sal:;ry of •plOOO will be given, together with the use of the commodious Boarding-House in connection with the School if desired. The locution is healthy, the community moral and temperate. Applications 'iddre^sed to the undersiqincd will be received until the last Saturda\’ in November next, when a selection will be made and the successful ap- plicuat liotifievi. D. McLAURiN, President Board frujtees. Laurinburgh, Richmoud Co., N. C., \ Oct. 5, 18;'>(). ) A RARE CHAIVCE! The Fiirnituro and Fixtures of the Fay etteville Hotel tor sale. The subscribers having fully determined to sell the above named Property, mow offer it to an en terprising man upon liberal terms. This Hotel enjoys a large custom from the adjoining counties and from the travelling public, with a pros pect of future increase. What it has done and is now doing can be seen by any one wishing to purchase re- f«rring to our books. The situation of the building is such that it com mands the greater part of the custom coming to and passing through this place. For the amount of capital invested, there is no bu siness that a person could engage in that would pay as well. • J. H. ROBERTS & CO. Sept. 11, 1866. 38tf 4ti-td DRV tfoons. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Shoe.s, Boots, Bliiiikets, Kerseys, Hats, just received and for sale by W. II. CARVER. Oct. 10. 47-3t and 50 Ba^^s Rio Coffee, and 20 Mats JAVA COFFEE, just received and for sale by W. H. CARVER. The SOI THERN HARMONY— new edition, reviseil and enlarged. A further supply of this popular book just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 10, 185G. iBuggu Horse for Sale* 1HAVE a fine Buggy Horse which I wish to dispose of. I have no fault to find with the Horse; but he eats corn and fodder. JAS. G. COOK. Sep^ 20 €hreut Remedy ^ Preventive of ehiUs, ronsmnption, Jtc. IS A WINTER SUIT from WOODWARD’S ONE- PRICE CLOTHING STORE. Call and purchase be fore you have a chill one of these frosty mornings. My Winter Stock is complete, and much larger than I have ever offered before, including a large sup ply *f BOY’S & YOUTH’S CLOTHING. A. J. WOODWARD. Market Square, two doors below the Stripfd Hogthtad, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept 29. 43-4w FALL TRADE, 1856. B. F. PBARCiqi IS NOW OPENING, a large and desirable Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting in part of Black and Colored Silks, English .ind French Merinon, Plain and Fig’d DeLanes, some beautiful patterns. Black and Fancy Alpacas, Edgings and Insertings, Collars and Undersleeves, Cactvs and Whalebone Skirts, Jaconet, Nainsook, Swiss and Plaid Muslins, French, English and American Prints, Cloths and Cassimeres, Satinetts, Jeans and Tweeds. Plaids, Linstys and Kerseys, Carolina and Marlhoro’ Stripes, Bh-ached and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, White and Colored Flannels, Drili’ngs and Tickings, Irish Linens, good assortment. Linen Table Cloths, Towtiings and Napkins, Shawls, ('leaks and Mantillas, Extra quality ^f Bed Blankets, Ribbons, Belts, Gloves, Hosiery, kc. ALSO, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes and Umbrellas; a ! general assortment ot READY-.^AI»K CI.OTIII'%0, and every variety in the YANKEE NOTIO.N LINE, which will be sold at a small advance for CASH, or on time to punctual customers, either at WHOLES.ALE or RETAIL. All are respectfully invited to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. B. F. PEARCE. Ilay St., Fayetteville, Sept. 1, 185G. 35-tf iNEW GOODS. Moore & BRO. are now receiving a very large Fall Stock of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, ] v52. Fine Silk, Leghorn, and English Straw Bonnets; 50 Bo.\eS Tallow Candles, just recM, Black Crape and Straw lo.; French Wreaths, Flowers and for sale by " • H. C.\R^ ER. *20 Bo.xes Adamantine Candles, just received, and for sale by W. 11. CARVER. 20 Kits No. 2 Mackerel, 10 | Bhls. No. 2 Mackerel, just received, and for sale by W. H. CARVER. 20 I Bbls. Eagle Mill Snuff, just re ceived, and for sale by W. H. CARVER. 25 Bo.xes Cheese, just received, and for sale by H. CARVER. 20 Bbls. C. Sugar, ju.st received, and for sale by W. H. CARVER. 5 Bbls. Crushed Sugar, just received, and for sale by CARV ER. 5 Hhds. Sweet Molasses, just roc’d, and for sale hy 10 iibls. ]>ure Cider \ ceived, and f" 75 For sale by GROCERIES. SACKS COFFEE, assorted. 60 bbls. SUGAR, 6 caddies TEA, “ E. F, Sept. 16, 186G. MOORE. 39tf ]>ure Valuer > inegar, just ' by W. H. C VUVEl! n‘- A LIKELY Apply to B. R. Huske, Attorney. HUSKE. 46-2w FOR SALE. Negro Girl aged about 19 years iuske. Attorney. B. R. Oct. 8, 186G. NEW BOOKS. fl^HE Hills of Shatemuc, by Miss Warner, Author M ofthe “Wide Wide World;” Household Mysteries, a Romance of Southern Life; School Books, &c., just received. E. J- HALE & SON. and Head Dresses: Ribbons, and Ribbon Trimmings of every color; Embr'd Collars, Undersleeves, Swiss and Cambric Bands; Swiss, Cambric, and Linen Edging; Infants’ Dresses and Waists; Woollen and Fur Talmas, with Cuffs to match, for Misses’ and Children; Plaid, Plain and Fig’d, and all Wool, Muslin Delains; French and English Merinos, of all colors; Black Alpaccas, Bombazine; Canton, English and Italian Crape; Plaiu, Robed, Fig’d, .Moir Antique, White and Black Silks; Embroidered Velvet, Cloth, Cassimere, Silk Talmas and Cloaks; Cloths and Cassimers, with Triminings to match for Cloaks; Black and Colored Shawls; a good stock of Fringes; Moir Antique and Velvet Dress Trim mings; Wool, Buck, Kid, Silk and Pic Nic Gloves; Hosiery for Ladies’, Misses’ and Children; Merino Vests and Corsets; Cactus, Grass, Embr’d and Flounced Skirts; Bleached, and Unbleached Sheetings and Shirt ings; Wool and Linen Table Covers; Damask and Em broidered Curtains: Drugget, Mats and Carpeting; Marlboro’Stripes, Linseys, Flannels, Kerseys, &c.. Bed Blankets and Negro do.; Frciich, English and Ameri can Prints; Gaiters, Shoes anl Rubbers, for Ladies’, Misses’, and Children. For Men’s Wear, Hats and Cap.s; Plain, Plaid and Plush Scarfs and Cravatg; Shirts, and Byron Collars; Merino and Cot*nn Vests: Fine Talm.as for Gentlemen; i Ready-.Made nothing; Shoes of tb« largest sizes, for i Men and Women; Patent Leather Gaiters, Boots and j Shoes. We invite our customers and the public to ! cull and examine our slock before buying elsewhere, licterniined to sell. Benton’s Thirty Years in the U. S. Senate. A further supply of 1st and 2d volumes, just received. E. J. HALE & SON. FOR SALE. fjpiN PLATE, Sheet Iron, Iron Wire, Zinc, and Tin Ware and Stoves of various patterns. IW C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square. Sept. 24. 42- J. .MO(JUE. Sept. 29, 185G. W. F MOOBE. 4‘itf FISH. BARRELS No. 3 M.ACKEREL. 25 qr. do. No. 2 “ 26 “ “ No. 1 “ 10 bbls. Herring. 600 lbs. Codfish. For sale by E. F. MOORE. Sept. 15, 185G. 39tf CHEESE. PUBLIC NOTICE Is HEREBY^ GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and W'est, will be opened on Thursday, the 10th day of April 185G, and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following places and under direction of the following named persons, Commissioners in the Charter, viz: In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk of the County Court at Jacksonville, and at the Post Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H. Foy, Robert White, John A. Avcritt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. Aren- dell at Beaufort. Dr. M. F. Arendell, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. At the store of G- W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Arendell. In Duplin county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B. Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm* J. Houston, Steplien Graham. In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, J. R. Beaman, Alfred Johnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A. A. McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of -iilOO each, set opposite to our names respectively, in tlie Central Rail Road Company; and in all respects to comply with the terms of the Charter. Names ^^OSHEN and Dairy CHEESE. Sperm and Adamantine CANDLES. iO boxes SODA BISCUIT. 50 jars West India PRESERVES. For sale by E. F. MOORE. Sept. 15, 1856. 39tf JUST RECEIVE!^ SACKS SALT, t# W 60 kegs NAILS. 20 cases NEGRO SHOES. For sale by E. F. MOORE, Store formerly occupied by Hall & Sackett. Sept. 16, 1866. 39tf SCHOOL BOOKS. f^MERSON’S Arithmetics and Keys; Parker’s Phi- losophy; North Carolina Readers; Bullion’s Greek Graminar and Reader; Pikes’ Arithmetic; Comstock’s Philosophy. Further supplies just received. E. J. HALE * SON. Sept. 15. FOR RENT. The large Fire-proof Brick Ware-house, conveni ently situ.ated in rear of our Store. Apply to STARR WILLIAMS. Sept. 26. 43-tf 7o Rent for the balance of year 1856. The dwelling lately occupied by Major J. P. Good- sell, together with lot, bam and outhouses, on Union Stree', known as the I^tta place. The premises aie in good condition. For terms see WM. H. HAIGH. June 2, 1856. 9tf WARREN PRIOR, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Has just received a large and well selected assortment of GOODS in his line, which will be sold at the ' very lowest prices, consisting of Gold and Silver Watches of all kinds; Gold 1 and Silver Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, Seals and Keys; Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, (some Diamond;) Bracelets; Sleeve and Collar Buttons; Studs; Lockets; Gold Pens and Pencils; Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles; Gold and Silver Thimbles; Pearl and Shell Card Cases; Port Monaies; Sacks; Accordeons, Flutes, Violins and Bows, Fifes, Music Boxes; Fine Cutlery, Pistols and Flasks, Parlour Pistols: Game Bags, Shot Belts, Percussion Caps, Musket Balls; Canes; Mathe matical Instruments; Surveyors’ Chains and Compasses; Silver and Plated Forks, Spoons, Cups, Butter and Fruit Knives; Plate.’ Castors, Cake Baskets, Candle sticks. A good assortment of MILITARY GOODS, Swords, Epauletts, Buttons, Silver and Gilt Lace, Plumes, Drums, &c. A large lot of CLOCKS, together with a large num ber of other articles. Purchasers are invited to call and examine. Repairing of Watches, Clocks, Accordeons, and jobbing strictly attended to. August 21, I85G. 32-3m WHEAT WANTED. 1WANT to purchase 5,000 Bushels Wheat. J.VS. G COOK. Junc 25, 185G. iG-tf FOR SALE. Reduced Prices, for or on snORT Tt.lMK, 250 mmmi iiiiioiiiHKN. Rockaways and Buggies OF EVERy DESCRIPTION, |1|L|[ ANY of which are finished, and the balance being ifl liHished daily. Among which are many New and Beautiful styles, andoneV'ERY FINE CARRI.VtJE. Some of them very light, and all made in the manner and of the best materials. My facilitie-i loi- doing Carriage work are GKE.\TER than any establisii ment South, and I can afford and am determined to -. il work of the BEST QUALITY as low as it can be built for by any one. Those who ;ir(? iinlehtcd to mo will plo:ise pay up, as my business re«|uires my out-standing debts to be collected. A. A. McKETH.lN Feb. 1855. 7;:-tf SPIRIT F»AKKr:LS. [.ways "11 hiiid and for s.-^Io at !:;i- ket price, '^Ui’ElUon SIMRTT 111-.I W May sfc;au UIIDS WILLI-VMS 4 V Residence No. of shares iji Cash Work Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and may specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and they are required to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. March 16, 1856. 13tf l^RE AND LIFE I"^URANCF^ fBlHE undersigned has the Agency of the following JL Companies, viz: Greensborough Mutual Life Insurance and Trust Co. Greensborough Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Newbern Mutual Insurance Co., Charlotte Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Caswell Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Insurance in S^orth Carolina Companies can now be taken in any part of Town or County, in large or small amounts. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent. June 30, 1866. i7-6m SUIH- l-H received and Ui Jan. 7, IS-'iH. ilorsE MOLAS'^FS ;_;ar-Huus*- J V.-;. U. C " >; ,IU>t Favetteville Hotel. New Was[on Establishment, By Win. WATSOI¥. The Subscriber would inform his friends and the public generally, that he has completed his new establishment on Maxwell street, near Mr. E. W. Will- kings’ Store, and is now prepared to receive orders for CARTS, WAGONS, DRAYS, &c., which shall be promptly executed. All work done by him shall be of the best workman ship and materip.i that the country can afford. IIEPAIRING of all kinds done with neatness and despatch. Also, HORSE-SIIOKING will be strictly at tended to. N. B. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. Fayetteville, July 24, 1856. 24-Y .$25 REWARD. RANAW.VY from the subscriber on the 1st of .\pril last, a negro man named Rami, about six feet high, about .’50 years of age, and black. Said negri) is 8upposel to be lurking in the neighborhood of John Bell or James McKethan. The above reward will be paid to any person de livering said negro to me at Locksville, Chatham Co., N. C., or confining him in any Jail in the State where I can get him. NATHAN KING. June 25. 17-tf Further supplies of School Books. jgiMITH’S GRAM.MAR; Davies’, Smith’s, Colburn’s, and Qreenleaf’s .\rithmetics; Lambert’s Anatomy and Physiology; Hitchcock’s Elementary Geology; Goodrich’s and Willard’s U. S. Histories; The Child’s History of the U. S.; Parley’s First Book of History; Mitchell’s Intermediate Geography; Olney’s Geo graphy, Bolmar’s Levizac’s French Grammar; Pinneo’s English Teacher; Cornell’s Intermediate Geography; Kay’s Readers; Emerson’s Watts’ on the Mind; Jacobus’ Notes and Questions on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke; Greenfield’s Greek Testameut and Lexicon; Marsh’s Songsters; School Testaments; North Carolina Readers, Davies’ Surveying, &c. Just received. Aug. 30. E. J. HALE & SON. Corporation Bonds of the Town of Fayetteville for Sale! AGREE.\BLE to an Act of the General Assembly of the Stare of North Carolina, ratified Dec. 26 1862, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue her Bonds to the amount of $100,000, in the aggre gate, for the purpose of paying her subscription to the Western Rail Road Company. Therefore, it is ordered by the Commissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive sealed proposals, until the 1st of November next, for the purchase of $50,000, in sums of $500 each of said Bonds, or any part thereof. Bonds to run twenty years, with Coupons attached,—interest payable semi- annualli'. The said Bonds shall be under the seal of the Corporation, and binding on the faith of the same. WM. WARDEN, Town Treasurer. Sept. 26, 1855. 39- HE Subscribers having this day leased this _ Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased to see their friends and the travelling public at this House. At the same time we hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfections until we shall have put the House Id such repair as we desire. J H. ROBERTS & CO. J. H. Roberts. F. N. Robbrts. March 1, 1866. 80-tf NOTICE. All persons indebted to the firm of W. F. ^ E. K. Moore, are requested to come forward and make payment, as their copartnership ceased on the 1st of March, 186G. 'V. F. ^ E. F. MOORE. June 6, 1856. 11-^f _ The Elementary Spelling Book, to which is added the First Lesson in Arithmetic, by Noah Webster; The National Primer, by the same author. Also, a further supply of the Pictorial Elementary Spelling Book. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 2. ” jamesTk y le Is now receiving his SPRING SUPPLY nj CHEAP (U)ODS. Among which are, Irish Linens, Lawns and Diapers; French, Scotch and Domestic Lawns; Calicoes, French, English and Domestic; French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams; Emb’d and Plain Crape Shawls and Scarfs; f to 10-4 Bleached Shirting and Sheeting; French and Irish Linen Drilling; Bl’k and Col’d Silks; Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbon; Bolting Cloths, No. 3 to 10; Joseph Repka’s Cottonades; Col’d Grenadines and Bareges; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, assorted; Blay Linens, | to 4-4, very cheap; With many other articles, all of which having been SI\G!NG P,H)lvS. r«TIIE (WRM1NV SAr:l.\ Aikiu’s Christian M:.r M trel: Selnh. .V fnrthf'r supplv just rec’d. E. J.‘ H.\LE & KON .\ug- 30. BISHOP lliTOROFT’S WORRN. f BIHE 2d edition, (with hundreds of typographical ■ errors of the old edition corrected,) is publislu d for the benefit of the Missionary cause of the Episco 1 pal Church in North Carolina. The price of the 2 i vols. is, in cloth binding, $1, in sheep 50. Orders, I accompanied in every instance by cash, may be ad dressed to E. J. HALE .j" S()N. I Fayetteville, May 8, 185G. Priiilin;^ Pre«« lor ^alr. rilHE Subscribers have for sale an Imperial No. 4 I Washington Hand Press, 2d hand. It will be sold cheap, deliverable in Petersburg, Va. It is said to be a good Press and in good order. June 4, 1855. E. J. HALE & SON. "book blvdery. W. HARDIE has resumed the Book Biudiiii' Business, over the Tailor Shop of Plark \ Woodward, where he will receive and execute hindinj^ in any style desired. August 1. 27-tr EW VOLUMES OF THE FOUR GRE.\T BRITISH REVIEWS, namely, EDINBURGH, N(UtTH BRITISH, WESTMINSTER, AND LOiNDON l^UARTGRLLES. AND BLACKWOOD’S EDlNIiUHGH MAG.\ZINE (MONTHLY), Commenced with North British for November, R. purchased by the package at the lowest rates, will be j other Reviews and Blackwood for January, offered at the lowest prices, by wholesale or retail, for ^ jygy Cash, or on time to Punctual Customers March 27, 1866. 91-tf ANSON INSTITUTE. This institution has been in operation about two years and a half. It is pleasantly situated on an eminence about one-half of a mile southwest of the town of Wadesborough, commanding an extensive view of the surrounding country. There is a dwelling house connected with the institute .and occupied by Rev. Elijah J. Morrison, one of the Teachers, who is pre pared to take eight or ten boarders, to whose comfort, instruction and moral training every necessary atten tion will be bestowed. The Institution is now under charge of Prof. SIL.VS C. LINDSLEY' and Rev. E. J. MORRISON, gentlemen who have considerable experi ence in teaching. Mr. Morrison, who has charge of the English Department, is a graduate of our Univer sity, and has taught a classical school for many years. Mr, Lindsley, who has charge of the Latin and Greek D«‘partment, is a grauuate of Princeton, was for seve ral years Protessor of Languages in the Caldwell In stitute, while situated in Greensborough, in this State, and has devoted over twsnty five years of his life to the instruction and training of youth. Both of these gentlemen are eminently qualified in every respect to fill their respective positions, and to discharge the responsible trusts confided to them. It is the only high Male School in the county; it has been built by the liberality and public spirit of the citizens of Anson county. Why then should it not be patronized? Young men of this and the adjoining counties may here obtain a first rate English educa tion, or may be prepared for admission into the Fresh man or Sophomore classes of our University or any other institution. The Fall Session of this Institution will commence on MONDAY, the 14th instant, and continue Five Months. TERMS AS FOLLOWS: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, &c.. Grammar, Geography, &c., Latin and Greek, Philosophy, Mathematics, ^c., Tax for contingent expenses. Tuition in advance. Students entering the higher branches have the pri vilege of studying either or all the branches taught by paying the price of the highest alone. Board, with rooms, lights, fuel, washing, &c., fur nished by private families of the village or in the ad jacent county, at .$8 60 per month. THOS. S. ASHE, 'I THOS. ROBINSON, \ PURDIE RICHARDSON, W. R. LEAK, T. REDFERN, E. F. LILLY, Wadesborough, N. C., July 5, 1856. DISSOLUTION. rjlHE firm of HALL 4- S.\CKETT is this day dis- JL solved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settled by J. H. Hall or A. E. Hall, who alone are authorized to use the name of the firm in liquidation. J. H. A. E. T. M. Fayetteville, N. C., Jan’y It), li5G. HALL, HALL, SACKETT. 70-tf Terms of Subscription.—Any one Review or Black wood, $3 a year. Blackwood and one Review--or any two Reviews, $5. The four Reviews and Black wood, $10. Four copies to one address, .$30. Postage (which should be paid quarterly in advance) on the four Reviews and Blackwool to any Post Ottioe in the United States, only 80 cents a year: namely, 14 cents a year on each Review, and 24 cents a year on Blackwood. j Address, L. SCOTT cj- CO., Publishers, 1 54 (told Street, corner of Fulton, N. jl'jEw GOons: W. II. Carver IS just receiving a very large Stock of M9R tT tiOOnSy OrocerifH^ Whines, E,iquors, direct from N. Y'ork, which will be sold at very moderate prices for Cash, or exchange for any kind of produce. A call from old friends and the public generally is desired as my Stock is so large and varied that it will seldom fail to give satisfaction. ^ W. H CARVER, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 29, 1866. 43-tf SCHOOL BOOKS. 1'FURTHER supplies of Bullion’s and Smith’s Eng- ^ lish Grammar, Smith’s Arithmetic; Mitchell’s Geography and Atlas; Webster’s School Dictionary. The Presbyterian Psalmodist, round and Also, square notes. Just received. Sept. 10. K, J. HALE # SON. LUTTERLOH & CO’S LINE, For Passengers and Freight. STEAMER FANNY LUTTERLOH leaves her wharf at Fayetteville at sun-rise, on Mondays and Thurs days, and at Wilmington on Tuesdays and Fridays 10 o’clock, A. M., (Passengers and Freights.) Steamer Rowan (in good repair,) with good Flats, will run regularly for Freights. J. F. MARSH, Agent Fayetteville. W. P. ELLIOTT, Agent Wilmington August 7. 1866. 26tf For and LocksTille THE Brothers’ Steam Boat Company, from and after this day, will run a Steamer once a week, twice a week, or once in two weeks as the business may de mand—between the above points and Fayetteville and Wilmington. July 10, 1856. 20tf $10 00 12 50 20 00 20 00 76 Cape Fear Land for Sale , ^BIHE Subscriber offers for sale THREE HUNDRED A. and EIGHTY-FIVE Acres of Land on Cape Fear i River below Smith’s Ferry, in Cumberland county, running with the river to the lands of Mrs. Byrd. ; A portion of the land is cleared and fenced. It is | well adapted to the cultivation of corn, oats and the I usual crops of the river lands. The part uncleared ! has on it some good swamp, which may be easily pre- j pared for use. 1 It will be sold on a credit of twelve months. Persons wishing to buy can call on the owner at this place. , J. G. SHEPHERD. | April 8. 94-tf | NOTICE. I All those indebtt?d to us previous to the 1st Janu- j ary will call and settle either by note or cash, 1 and oblige us. McDON.\LD & W'HALE\ . N. B. A good assortment of S.VDDLES AND HAR NESS always on hand for cash or on time to punctual customers. Feb’y 17, 1855. 76tf WOOL ROLLS. WOOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, Oscaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by N(‘U Metluxl for thr (Juitnr, l>y Charles C- (inverse; Huiiten’s Instructions for the Piano Forte: Burrowes’ Piano Forte Primmer. Fur ther supplies jusl received E. J. HALE SON. Nov. 19. Trustees. 21-4m OLD RYE WHISKEY. fJlIIE Subscriber is toe only authorised agent in ■ Fayetteville for the sale of the Hon. R. C. Pur- year’s Celebrated ttY'E He will be supplied with this superior Whiskey to meet the demand. W. DRAUGHON. Fayetteville, March 26. 90-tf Goods at Wholesale. f BIHE Subscribers beg leave to advise their custom- JL ers and Merchants generally, that they have receivrd a part and expect to receive the balanc# of their i-ecent purchases in a few days. Their Stock will be much larger and more complete than they have ever offered, embracing a general assortment of G^ROCERIEH, Together with Hardware and Cutlery, Hollow Ware, Saddlery, Shoes, Leather, &c.. All of which have been bought by one of the firm ex pressly for the Wholesale Trade. Their tejms will be as heretofore, on the usual time to prompt dealers. To cash buyers a reasonable discount will be made. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, August 13, 1856. 30-tf ~ deeFrive¥toal. Bituminous coal of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM. McCLANE, Mining Engineer. , M»y 21, 1866. 6-tf June 18.54. GEO. McNEILL. 7-tf T. C. &L B. G. WORTH, Commission & Forwarding Merchants, BROWN’S building, WATER STREET, Wilniing:toii, i\. €. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1865. 63-tf VALUABLE NEGROES FOR SALE. NEGRO Woman aged about thirty or thirty-five A years, good house servant, cook, washer and ironer, honest and industrious. A Girl aged about nine, and a boy about four years —children of the woman. Persons in want of this specie.s of property will do well to call on the undersigned at his Law (tflice ou ,\nderson Street, when further p.articulars will be given. BARTH W FULLER. April 29. .500-tl NOTICE. rilHE notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Bea.sley, I are in the hands of Wm. McL. McKay for col lection, as longer indulgence will not be given, it is hoped this notice will be sufficient to s.ave costs. JOHN M. BEASLEY. June 26. 1856. NEW STOCK OF Books and Stationery. WE are now receiving our usual New Stock of BOOKS and STATIONERY, embracing a great variety of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MIS(^ELLANEOUS BOOKS, Together with a large and varied stock of Blank Books, Paper, Envelopes, &c. Country Merchants and others are invited to call, as we offer the above stock on the best terms. Oct. 8. E. J. HALE & SON. LAW «OOKS. ^■IHE Subscribers have on hand, and will promptly JL fill orders Ibr I North Carolina Sapreme Court Reports, ! in sets or in single volumes. Iredell’s Digest and Digested Manual. Jones’s Digest. Revised Statutes of North Carolina. Wiley’s New Form Book. I STORY, on Sales, Bills, Contracts, Partnership, I Agency, Equity Jurisprudence, Equity Pleadings, j ARCHBOLD, on Practice, Criminal Practice and Pleading, Landlord and Tenant. ; ClllTTY, on Contracts, Criminal Law, Blaokstone, 1 Medical Jurisprudence. 1 SUGDEN, on Vemlors and Property. ■ POWELL, on .Mortgages, and Contracts. ■ SMITH, on Actii>ns at Law, M istci and Sei v;nu, I Landlord and Tenant, f’hancery Practice. i S.\NDERS, ou Pleading and Evidence, Us?s aui Trusts, Reports, j RUSSELL, on .Arbitration, Factors, Crimes. I HOFF.M.\N’S Legal Study, and Masters in Chancery i WlLLl.VMS on Personal I’roperty. 1 WHEATON’S Selwyn’s Nisi Prius. I WUARTON, on American Law of lluiaicide, iledi- I cal Jurisprudence, State Trials in tiie LnitcJ States, ; American Criminal Law, Law Dictionary. ' Stephen on Pleading. Roper on Lcgacirs Dart ■ ' \’'endors. Fearne on Remainders. Edwarils on !’>ail ments. Coke upon Littleton, (Hargrave an>l liutlur j new edition. Kent’s Comniontaiies. Curtis o dit- ' Dart's Vendors and I’urchasers of ileu; Estate. \ i ! ams’ Equity. Troubat s Law of Limited I’artiier-!. i Hughes’-Equity Draughtsniaii. Phil!i(.s and Am - ..,1 j Evidence. Gro'-iey on !.aw of i.vidence. Rf f-. ■ ; 1 Bills and Promissory Notes. -!*iunat’s ijiv’l i." j Lewis's U. S. Criniiuai Lav,. DaiiieH's ( 'luii' ■ j Practice. Koscoe Cruuina! r.viiii’in;e. .\tiiorl . j the Law oi .NIairiaee. ('oliyerni; l‘iriin-t ’ili' 'Jr. ■ , leaf on Evi l'^’icc. Mivernn (’on' eya;^ 'i_. ('vrt ■ i Conveyancer. l»urrii’’b Law I'i *iou.itvv. Cv ii. - v. i Real Property. Tayler’s Law tJ^|^Si. . 1 ii> i Real Properly. Reeves' Doiafcstic K-jlaii.ui.r. ! ; r , on Bills. Bell on tie. Lci- oi, " ’ Sharswood’s Profi‘«.iioijal Lfliifs. B.-ivton’.*- ■Equity Wills "II I.vvleMce, ( Lan.lloni and Tenant. ,\V >i> on Arliitrati.oi tin Discovery. 01j(:iiai!' "i* tli/r.“c.'5. Wl.awt'-'n ; E'luity I'reet'ilents. uu^ Lt'i'li vili. Uio; . ; Eijuiiv iivi li'THi:. Rijli'.'^i ou Mari’ ij^c l iv' i. . Matlie-.v’s Pi-csi. :.i>tivc llo’ccrl.orm cii r-iu- cession. KHi'- on Insurance. Lewi*t oti the f.i> : Peij>etuity. I’hillimore on Domicil, ('ary on l’:iit nershij). Wilson ou Uses. Fell on Guaranti es. N. - laml on Contracts. Tamlyn’s t’hanccry Evidence, .yc These or otlier Law Books ordered will be su|.pli I to the I’rofcsssion in any p.\rt of the .State on r m-.hi able terms. E. .1. H.ALE SON CANTWELL’S N. C. JUSTICE. Siriaini’s .Ins/ice Rtunu'tl, and nihtfilfd to iht New liei iat'd Code. rillllS work, invaluable to .Magistrates, Olhcer*;, ami Jl all who have occasion to know the Law, and t>> use the Forms under it, is very mud) enlarged. Price ■i!3 50. For sale by H.4LE & SO.\. August 1856. iXorth Carolina li‘a(lt^rs. fB'^HE Undersigned are prepared to furnish, whole B s,jle and retail, upon very favorable term.t, t') Teachers, Booksellers, .Merchants, Book Pe.llars, and others, the of !«OllTII C'AKOI.I^ \ Nos. 1 and 2, bj- Puofkssor Hi of the University of North Carolina, and No. -i by Calvin H. Wilkv, Esq. now Superintendent of Coru- mou Schools. E. J. HALE & St*N. li. : ■ vn l!an-