SEM1-WEKKL.Y. . VI.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOliEU ]850 [\0. r>50.] |N|’ri> \NM riirns:i>\vs5 l-u \J?I) .1. H \!J- A: SON, iiiMti I'.roiis. ■ r*' I V. ■ rtu w,'. ’ • it r t'lo V. V Oi;>: Kit \ |- I 'it if II.I ut’t.T !h, 'KMFNTS i , ^ I'-.r t''-- '■•I - f, ^ I'.ir !lt riT!, •ii ih’u till' iiuiiilicv ..f i II ' 'I'f-'iM. ■; f ■i-lii.). f,, flu. i- ■ Onsi iu ,:r S:l IM) ir ]i:iM in iiiriiP, tlic yo:ir of siili.scfl]i- ir li s 1'!'M'oil. ■vj iH) an'nu'i, i" ]..iiil in Itiriiiii tJtc if siiIisoriji- ycMr iins ex|iii'i 'I. -rrto'l fi'V sivtv !■- f .. 1 t tl’’ t '• '!').1 -! f. COO!) i VXDS FOR S\[.E. A > ! wis'ii '.(> ninvo West, 1 wish to sell iny Farm » on the (Koar River, on th‘ South side of l-’p.iv n ini!f' or t\v ■ Uolow i\ocl\fish ('reek, con- t:uiiin*r soiiu' »00 til 700 Ai res of very tine River i,:in Is. On tlio Faini tiuTc is ii gooil orchard, iind IliiililinLis of 111 kiinls to livo in, \c. Also !iiy S \\\ MI 1,1, on lldi' ^l:ite 1!. Mi-Noill’s.) \l..o \c; t“ I.itnds joining thi' same. 'if- !■ 11 Kv:-,iis will show these hands and Mills T.i ;:ny one wi..-hin>r io |.nrrhnM‘, and also "ive the ti'iins. \VM. A. KV.\NS. l^•^>). 4Stf per leli AM :\v (,()Oj)s. Fall aiul Winter 'took of I iverti'.-nu'nt A h i rt' rti.'U- ■].. I I-’: iV.:. ! li\ rt ’hai_;cd ''II ji-r now rcceivinir If '* ciJiirr.iiiKs. !i\Rinv\i;i': am) rn’Li'iiY. Thewo floods '.lOre lioufiht hito in the'season, and consivinently it rodueod prices. My stock of KOO’ff*) and i e nii.l.'t*', enihraciti'r niiny kimls of e.xtra si/e.-;; r.lanket..i, Kei-^evs. .ve.: Hats, fine and, I'llOS. .1. .I0H.\>0N. Old J'land, iicav the I'ajie tear Hank and Market place. N'v. \-l. iVJ-tf H’.vi e & E. a J. i ■■in' '.I; if >(*k. "LILLY ‘on 1 st.ick ^i itir(' A: w Slock! of I' il.S. raiin- a de- 'iMii; ; 1 th.i- riiil>r(‘lla^, iVf.. A:f., ■ U will he oil'cre 1 . n an',iMini..datinir tt'rnis. exclusively (.’..littiry uuTi-haut.-^ are in- ; VC us a c.dl. ’-V. -V't-lt \i:w GOODS. ■a”' 1 are resiiectfully invited to examine our K V. t..i*k o! ^r i^qels, Tapestry k Ingrain Carpetings. I'.. >n hand ju Uoll^ass;.; te.i >!ylt -and .i -.ilitic-, do X-l, I I. li-1 \ S-J. lilt'loth.'. ■ nnd Tufted Ru^s, C.. ; 1 ' leant ^! lts, i. '-u" '.. ; . ?tockof House Furuihin;^ Ml "Is, \-c. \c — \i..n - iir.. - : -s of every kind, tl.VKDW.MlK x ('L'TI.KHV. a: \h.ilesale or retail. S. V., TILLINT.HA.'^T .v CO. . 'ct. ; >, 4.'tf NEW LAW r,()OlvS. h NKW i'. lition of Tidd's Practice, J vols. The F rum, or Jo year.- h'. i I’raeticc at the ’ i le'- h' i r>ar: hy I>avi l 1’ '.i'.r v\ .'f Law and K luity: nu I'l vol.-*. i in ll) • v'.'.nhle Law I>ooiici fir i'i-'' .-t nciivei by F .1. H .SON. sntisi-iitier lie li:;;- |. ■ ST th.i>-.’ r ‘j>eett'i'.lly inf.irnis the jmidic, fived >.^TO( K OF i('ol).S, and in want of ■ JOOI>S, f'/tnrtf (rnooiis^ MSooJs nmf Sltocs^ il \ IS. TI’I NKS. IIAKPW.MIK, \rv. To tiiiii M a .. a^ ran *^011 liis ii'.ii ls .vs I,OU .\S any oM.. :;ii'i ^v.l^^ant^ the-n to give sati,.faetion. I., lilt WHIT, ;ilies}iie .“^t., near the Market, Fayetteville. N. ()et«.>ln..r 1. is.jii. 4l-l2m r.\in). sul.scinH-i tiC-T' le:>M- to inform his friends 9 an.l ai-'inairitme--., that he has entered into linsinc's for himse’f, an 1 taken .he store one door Ut*- l.'W 'dr l»rai’ghon. in fiillispie Street, near the Mar ket. where he intei-, Is t . kcei> on han.l a g'.neral lo- >.irtnient -if Ui V (m^(k!s, l>H)ts and Sliors,'I'runks, Hats, llanl\vars Cutlrrv, and Fanc\ (loods. L. r.UANDT. Favetteville. An>.;. ‘-’T. '>4-lIni (»cuflcmc/i's rurnisfii/i^' Es(nhIhfnnenf. fJUlK undersifcned is now reeeivin};, direct from ■ New Vork. Ids Fnll and Winter Stoi;k of (’[.OTH- ING and FLMiNlSIl ISO (fOODS. Having taken unusual pains in the selection of his tioods, he tiatters himself that his Stock wiil compare favorably with any in the niark'-.t. llavin}' set out with a determination to sell Joods upon 7-easonaf'le terms to jiromfd payiii" and Cash cust(>iners, he feel“ that the e^perien^e of the past jus tifies in assertin';, that al! ‘.ioods sold hy him will give entire satisfaction as to style and price. llis Stock consists in part of the following Cools, viz. C’loth, l?eaver, Tweeds and Cassiinere Coats, l.)o do do do Over ilo, Kvery variety of style of Vests and I’ants, Hosiery, (ilove.s. Shirts (Linen and Merifio,^ ln)ots. Shoes, Hats and Cajis. .Ml of which he hopes to l>e able to sell at as early a day as possible. All per-ions who owe me f .r iiurchase-; previous to .•uly last, are earTiestU' rei^uested to jiay up. atul keep tip their and mv good name. .lAMFS KliSON, Kav street, opposite M. (Hover’s. Sept. I’L’, IHoti. ■ 41-:?m S1’'L.\1L a ('ollccti>n oflV^ahu and flymn 'i'nne~. Anthems, C'hants, (''hornses. .'cc., by Tli.)mas Hastinjrs. Just rec’d. F. .1. HALi: .V Sf>N. A'l’ \vnorj*:sALE. s?n:>nvELi. iioiisi:. rAvs-rrTF-vii.i.i^*, v-. East of (ifi-rn Sfri‘ f, a feic Dnors iVorfh tj fhr Mmhcf IJnusp. 11 JOSEPH BAKER, Ju., ITTOR.^KV VT LAW, AS taken an office next door to Wni. 1?. \Vri'lu's mi' \ ALl AlU.i: B' 1-AiiM FOK SAI.E. ■t -I' lOOO or .irsT ke('i:im:i), Ll’.S. I’.Ai'i'N 1.-; - I r. 'Xes >' la ; ' i.eiuon C rackers; I- ll-.’f b)’.. Snui', 'K:,jle ^:iI::. I’l 1’ 3 Steam Candv. by F.' F. MooHR, 4‘.'- DAILY i:\i’!U'i l\(i. IV CI11.KSL, -I, i.r. l.KN N'.., 1 Macker>l, To Sacks C.irt'ee. F.lNCi .Ic'.r.iii..' of chan;rinj; my busines-^, I olfer for sale my I’LAN'TA TloN on the east si'le of the C-ijie Fear Itiver, thr-'e miles above the ('larendon r>iidi;e, known as the Toomer and Mi Kay lands, con- tai;iin;r ab ut >>00 .n'res. This Farm is susceptible of the very hiirhe-t improvetnetit, a.nd of being m.ide one ot ihe I'l. 'I bi' tutsfni aii'l proiitable I’lantatiuns in (’nrr!’'er!a!! 1 cnnty. On the Farm is a mill seat My terms will l>e favor.abie and p.ayments easy. For particulars, apply to .lidin L». Williams, Ks'j., Faveuevil'e. or a'l lr>‘ss the sab.-icrib'-.-r at the tlulf. 1 Aug. 28. DRV (iOODS ^^TAUM A AV1LLI.\>L'^ are now receiving a very large ii^ STO(’K, embracing every thing in the l>ry fJoods line with Hats, (’aj)s. Roots, Shoes, Silk and Straw R«>niH‘ts, Fiid)n*lias, and Rcady-Mad‘ Cl^tliin^, S:r. Which they will sell ’HlvM’ for Ca^h or apjiroved Notes, at WHOLKS.V[jH oi'.ly. We invit'..- Merchants visiting this market to examine our stock. .) li. STAHU. .) NL WILLIA^LS. August 1!7, ISoH. :-lltf O. IIOlTST>\ [7^ OL’Ll) inform his friends and former customers that he may be found - doors below the Cape Feur liank, and .5 doors above his old st;in I south side Person Street, where he intends to krc}> on huml, Haruessj Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging t ^ his trade. Me res].ectfully invites his friends from the country to call an.I examine llis stock before purchasing. lie will atten.l to llepairing of Harness and .'^addles punctually, and his charges sh.ill be moderate. Me would reipiest all indebte l to the firm of HOUSTON vS: (*\'KK15\ to settle with W. OverV>y or liimself, as they are compelled to settle the firm’s debts. August ISoO. ;54tf €’LI\TO.\ FE.\LVLE IXsTi rrrE. ^I'^HIS Institution will resume its operations again j on MO.NH.VV, the f'th of SEPTKMBEH. The charges will be the s:- iie as they have been t'or L ine'lium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he lias .just erecteil New Stables and t'arriage Shed convenient to the House and to water lie takes pL asnre in saying to his patrons and the public gener;illy, that he is still prepared to accom- moil.ate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron age here tofore received. Kvery exertion on his part shall be used to reniler them comfortable during their siijourn with him. IFis table is always supplied with tlie the market affords. V. SHEMWKLL. ■March •_'4. l,sr>r,. 8t>-tf (iRiX'l'JHES AM) HARDWARE. subscriber has in Store a good assortment of j Gj'ids in tl’.c tjlUn'KilV and Jl.VRDW.VRH LINE; all of which will be .iobl wholerale or retail, or bar tered for country firo.luce. on terms the most reasou- able. .V s.nail lot of SADDLEl’V for sale cheap. Clive us a call. (}. W'. I. GOLDSTON. N. l’>. .Vny of my frienils in the country having busi ness Io tran:-act in this place, such as renewals, kc , can have it loiu-. on the usual terms, by sending same to my caro. Ci. W. 1. G. Fayetti'vlllu. .Sejit. '27, oOtf (;o!j)si’,oRor(iH I'b:n A 1.1: r v.u e. ''MK thh’d Session of this Institution commences on Vn-.lnvS'lay. the uf .Jan’y IH.')5, and ends on the 8ii of •) uiic, i S.").'*. Uev. JAS. H. RUENT, A. IV, President. Dr. Moirn.n.N Ci.oss, late of Chapel Hill, Professor of Mathematics. ■And a full ccrps of Teachers in every branch. Hoard, iiiclu.ling Washing, Lights, Fuel, &c., per ses?.ion, -ioO 00 Tuition in Primary Departmetit, VIt) 00 (^•illegiatc department, ^-0 00 One hundred dollars will cover :ill expenses of the session in the Collegiate course and all ornamental bramdies. Pupils in jriniary -lepartntcnt charged the usual price for ornamental branches. One half payable in ! advatice. j Three Lectures on scientific sulyects will be delivered I each month. j We are making every eJl’ort to render the School the ! first in advantages and cheapness, and pledge to reduce prices, and multijdy the alvantages in proportion to the increase of jiatrona;re. When our number of pupils reaches I'OO wc shall be able to reduce the prices nearly one half, every one ai'ling us, is also aiding in plai ing the means of n superior education within the reaeb of almost every girl in the State. We return thanks for the tinexamfded support w« liave had and believe it will be coutinugd. For further information apply to the Presi.leut of the faculty, o» myself. WM. K. L.VNE, Pres’t Stockholders. ‘Dec. Vi, 1854. 07-tf practice in the County and Superior (^ourts of Cumber land, IHaden, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 18.')3. 79-tf W. A. HUSKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CLEKK AND MASTER IN EQUITY. Fayktteville, N. C., May be found at the Equity OlHce, in the Court Touse. Sept. 22, 18;',5. 38-tf .). A. SPEARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TTENDS the Courts of Cuiuberland, Harnett. Wake and .Johnston. Feb’y i:{, 18o(>. Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C r8-lyr “I.AW COPARTNERSHHV' WE, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law Copartnership, and will practice in the (,’ourts of the following counties of this State: (Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. .T. H. HAUGHTON. •INO. MANNING. l’itts>)orough, N. C., .lan’j- 1, 185*‘>. 72tf o II. L. IIOI.MKS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE on corner of Front and Princess street, | A l‘L now receivin .1. W. liAKER Is now receiving from tlic North the largest finest, :ni(l most cnrcfully se lected stock of ii'i K.\rri 3JSC ever olfered in this market; whii;h, adde l to his own manufacture, makes his .is.-^oitni'-nt lomjdeto;—all of 'vhii'h lie will sell on tlie lowest possible terms for cash or on time lo punctual cu-^tomers. F:ishii.liable (>ainted cottage l>od-ronni Furniture in sett^; curled h:;ir ami shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Do.U'^s; llnreaus; Secretaries and liook-(’asc.'; What- Not-: 'i'iibles, all sort-^; Wash Stands; t'andle Stands;,bes; Picture Frames and Glass; V/indow Sha les; ('I'l'iiices: Curtain I>ands; Sofas in M.-ihogaiiy auil Walnut; Tete .a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans atnl Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood I’ianos, one with ..Kolinn At tachment; Rosewood Mciodi.ans, froni tiie bet manufac tories in New V»rk and Uostuii, warranted as goo«i as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. Vork prices—freigiit only adilci. November 2. 45t Fall aiii Wniter (^oocls. .¥. T. under Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf wili sir«- 1. (.iu’f ri'e ]i ion the tirst^of December next, if de- | last yeur. Roard >;10 per month, including wash- .July 17, ISoO. J. HAUGHTON. 2otf E. F. MoOIlK. 4'*- ( r\HU:!iLA.\D I'Alli. at the CRiiCKi'.RV STORE a 1 i.. inpi' t’ -I" 'rtnient .d' ( fliiia, and l‘]arilit'iiuarcs : r a';m".-t evt'tytiiing renui- ’e f comfort or li. W. N Tll.LlNGHAST. F.rk.- surer Spoons^ f i II* . I iii.l |)rs.‘-i |-t KIli^ I ' al.'l Car^fi.r-. Mhrr i'ake tSashcts^— 111 1' line, a! "Si t" '!.;|o each. nnl I'orhs. anil .-^fissor.s of ■ iin.ity. iSriltatiia Tva and i'otfee i*ots. Sjiooii.'. La.lie.'. Communion ijtf a variety f.r >il, J-'liii.l or Lir'l. ijOifhut;^ 4mlastss. fi^m 7 x ^ t , -J" x 1*'. • ■ : ’ I'. Mat.'. l'.a>ki t!-. Tin a:; 1 V>, ...leli Wale. iind the written which work will be war- .M-rt U-- \S. N Fit ' !.y 1 ILLI.NC.HAST. i;' Ini iSatth of €'ape i'ear^ ) ()rTf>i:i;n I''")'). ) S ^ 1 ' i 'EN D 1 —The 1! . ■ I of Dirert'.f ': of thN ■ i.ilii-. haviii:.' ■iei-lare l a L'.’>. b'li'l "t I our D'-!- I ]'.;:rty C'iit,', .'liarf, fioiii the pr..tir- of i!! tin: ;-.i>:ic will be pr.i l .at the piin- i: . I l'.r.iuch.-:s '...i an 1 aft -r tlu- IsL .N )V‘';n- li. R, SAV 'vGi;. Ca-'i r. : r.'tl'tN STK,i \'i I, ■... pi lilt' ' cl. ; u I lie -:' III f.ii'S ile .'fU • i . LLTlLRLoil, Nurseryn;aii. F iveitcv ille. ]■;. 1.. f r Rhubarh >i l‘i^: i’laiit, , ilyai li.;'.. , Tulips und Cr,,,a,J sli.iu; ! now d. as they ou-lit to b,- planteil within tlie ..lit;: . or li.r.-i solicited '.y ‘ c. L. r.'tt . 1 ' rri 1 '''I \ I t ■ ; t tijt IV ^ixm m\i Tiii)i FILL STARH & WILLIAM.S Al:l. Kl ' I I l-'-'i . nKIU ;f)nd I'all \\ nili r Niock it’ (iood ■hantj V. iiifh they tall the attention of Mi ni i^ing tlicir j urcha-;c.- ii th: marl, i'l, l^'-tf Mil; ■J or(‘ i\‘W (j»()xls. .Tiber i.« receiving his l .VLL ,\.ND W IN- .' I'OrK, consisting of alao-^l every tliiP:; 9itir;Ur(tre itmi —ALSO— :i' >t ,nd >ho( s, Siiddl‘i’} , I'ish, vSjc., i '..liK !i he will sell cheai> for Cash, )>arter (or , . e, , on -hoit time. Store recently occupied ... .\lai-h, near the ilou^e. G. W. 1. GOLDSTON. ■ , . I >-■,, 4Stf 1 ai .Id's and l^iantcr’s Almanac, tor I ^.'>7. I'or sale, wiioles.ale or rctar,, by E. .J. 11 \LE SON. ROIiER'F D. (iREEX, ( LATE GREEN x WEAR.) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. l>. G. >)ogs to return his sincere thanks to the imblic lur tiic kind patron.age hO liberally be- st 'Wi' I upon the late Firm. an.I informs them he has b .light the interest . f J. S. Wear, and will continue the bu>inc'^s in all its branches at the oM stan.l, ntider his entire upei inten.lence. N. R All Watehts left with him f'r repair will be taken apart in the pre-ence of the owners, necc.''ary rep.iirs ji.iinte i out to them and contract iriven for tiie, ranicl tor tw.. years. 0;i hati'l and f..r sale now, the mo^^t varied and 'clei t' .11 of CLOCKS aii.l other time pieces that has ever l>een ottered to the pul)lic in North Caro- iiiia, whieli he will sell at New ^ ork prices, and also u \M for two ye.av.-. debt' line t.) and i>y the late firm will be paid an.l received by R. I^. (>I^LEN. Augii't 2-'), i'*"''’.. John •/. i*emherlon ^ a .\S just rec' 1 ''iie of the most ■le'-itable Stocks of ^ M **ilk I'aiK y Wooil-, ever ■.lleri'd by him, embracing all the newe Such as Plain .and col'.I Moir .\ntii(Ue ,'^ilks. Rich ()ni- .'':'.ti('i-i. Strire.l an.l jdain Silk \ alenci.i, Ponlinett Robes, Plain aiel l>r )i;a.l‘‘ Merinos, 1‘lain, Plaid, and rich Fig' l Fien.-h DeLains, an.I a great miwiy other ne»\ style.' .vls", a large Stock ot \ civet. Cloth, and SilK Mantilla-;, Ch.-ks aii'l Talmas, Ray State, .^tella Pl.i'-h and Tiftic ShawN. .V great variety of the latest sty!i >^ of l‘Ri:SS l’!HM>H\(iS, I'retndi Enibroi.leries, llonctoii Lace « t>llars, over\ color of the best .iiiality of K-id and Gauntlet'! for Ladies and (ient::. -V few very fiatterns Woo-^tedcurtain D;im- .1 ;k. with trimming'^ to suit, some very htin.isi nie Oil Winb.w Shades. ALSO, roi: liK.NT'S WE.VR. k, i’.lue. uii'l olive I’.roa.I Cloths, Rlack an'l F;in- , V 'a"imere .m i Ve.stin-'. A very large Stock of n3:.s3f 1 w. SBPi; f #/ :ind SSovo, r.iade in the style-; ami 11'. /i'irrinli/. The ab ive St'ick '.va^; selecte.l with great care as re- ,r;,rd' -tyle and price-;, aii'l will be olfered .at wholesale r,r retail, on very a- e..nioiodaVn._' teruM The public ..-..tier illv are respectfully iii\itcd to call and e.-iamine for then.-elves. Sej.t '-O, l''.‘i'i. |.\\{> I'OR SAU:. \('i:i:S Of’ LAND lying .n n)>per L'ttle River, in IIarnett County, well •11 lo. ate I for the Turpentine Itusiness. 11 .ic. .iiiMio.latiag terms. Apply soon .r at Fayetii:vil' ing, lights, ,j-c. L. (\ GR.VVES, A. >L, who has served us so long and efficiently as Principal of the Institute, new also has charge of the Stew.ird's Department, which ren ders it tloubly sure that this department will be con ducted to the entire satisfaction of all. Mr. Stradella will continue iu charge of the Musical Department; and Mrs. Stradella the Departmen* ot H. A. BIZ/.ELL, Sec’v Boar.l of Trustees. oO-tf Painting, &Cj Clinton, .Fuly 2-), 18r>ti. Dr. JAS. F. SVPT'L.W 1 OLILKl.S, r.l: F..r .1. A. timber '.1 It ui:l be to the Sil' •rill ( OAI.! ( Ti»NS I’.EST HIM) .'\SI! now landing, and a supijlv kept c.iiistantly on han.l by * T. ( 15. 0. WORTH, rii!'i^ton, Sept. 20, 18.V. ll-2m >00 WM. Me!,. Sept. S now receiving a large am GOODS in lii.s line, viz: (J. IMioinson 1 complete STOCK OF Corner o/’ Ifai/ muf Donahhnn Strn fs, O2>j>ost(r th>' Vaj/etfeviUc ^ resfiectfully call the atten- ||ir:i| WW tion of liix friend's and customers to his complete stock of DRl(iS, n i: III1 \ i:s, Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuflfs, Wliich he is now ret;eiving. and will offer I at prices as lou us they can be bought .it this m.arkei His object is to sell .Mediciile that can be depen.led upon, as he buys none but the genuine article. Constantly on hand sV”tyl7sof’ Huniiuij FI df, Cumphf’.i, , 7'urj>rntiif, Alcoitol, Ji'iindirs and (^for Mtiiiral C'oitijI'css Wdtrr, ( lU'iifr East Itt'hu ('nAtur Oil. March ir.', 185f.. 87-tf . - I l.itok t(» \)xr Jnlcrcst m I inic. fBlHE Proprietor, after having the ^ JL misfortune of getting burnt out, I has re-built his Steam Saw .Mill and is now iirepared to furnish at short notice, either in town or at the Mill, 8 miles from Fayetteville, on the Western Plank Road. I hope to receive jiatronage inasmuch as 1 am in the midst of the best heart Tinilier and can furnish any length from 10 to 42 feet long, which 1 hope will smt St.-ani '".oat men wishing to get long timber at short iioticc. 1 also inten'l keeping 1.umber at TIlO\ ,y M\RS1IS .'^tore, who will still act as my Agents, and forward bills for Lumber to me at my Mill. .My terms for lumber shall be as favorable as any for the same kin.l of Inni'ier. Those wishing to address me can do si at Man(“hester P- O., Cumberland Co., N. C. D.WID K1\LF1. .June IH.jii. 11-(im FI R rHi'.R sriM‘LH*:s O!' liOOlvS. m/" .\.;.M'.OND Life in Mexico; ••Pln-Ri I'.ns lah", b\ W Doesticks; The Sparrowgr.ass Papers, by Co/./.eiis; Hiawatha: “The Wide Wide World"; Hume’s and Macaulay s Histories of England; Tlie Carmina Sacra; .Aiken's C'hristian .Minstrel; Dicks Works; .Jacobus Notes on the Cu>spels; Maury’s Physical Geogr.-.jdiy of the Sea; .^c., just received E. .L H.\LE ,v SON. •Inly Jt. DWELi.INC; rOR SAU:. rilHE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling J and Lot (ui the corner of (Jillespie and Russell Streets, at jiresent occupied by .Mr. Henry Lrambei-t. Terms rensontihle. May 20. liEDSTEADS! REDSTEADS!! fUST received from the .Manufacturer, Ira Ilersey, a supply of JBF.DSTE.mS of various jiatterns, and made of good seasoned timber. These Re lstea'ls are manufactured in this jdace, and be sold to dealers as low as they can be got from the North. Call and examiue. A. M. CAMPBELL. April f. i*4-y O.^ TIIK t'.lPK FE.IK KIVKR. A T a meeting of the Roat owners interested in nav- igating the Cape Fear River between Fayetteville and Wilmington, On motion, I). McLaurin was called to the Chair, ' and R. M. Orrell was appointed Secretary. I On motion of .lames F. Marsh, I Rrsolve l, That from and after the 1st day of .Janu ary, 1S")(). Cash will be required upon the delivery i of all |.'rei?lits at Wilmington and Fayetteville re spectively, j On motion of .1. D. Williams, Resolved. That each of the Steamboat Companies on : the Cape Fear River, troni and after the 1st of .lanuary, will carry Guano from Wilmington to Fayette ville at 10 ccnts per bag. Lime at 2-j cents per cask, an.l Toun 1 Pia-:ter at .’.1 cents per cask, and that a Ks:)i>i Ti>> OS' 20 i*i:k ' from the printe.i an.l established rates on all other ' articles will be made trom and after that tlate, all Carta>:e an-l Drayage being paid by the shippers. (>11 motion I'f .lames Ranks, I r.esolve.l, That the foregoing bo published in the 1 town p:»pers. D. McLAURIN, Chairman. R. M. Orrell. Sec’y. I Dec. 2L 1H'>5. 05-tf CHARLES HANKS, r e it, ^YHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fortiijn Fruits, Nuts, Cijars, Tobacco, SniijJ',i('C J>»TKEET, Fayetteville, W. C. ^ March 1, 185.3. 73tf W. F. ELl.lOTT, I General Commission amf ForwariUmj Merrhan AVILMINGTON, N. C. June 10, 1854. 4tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. € o n .ni«J^i AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, U*ilMinslon, .V. C. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 18-55. 4 («rotter it's. Hardware, Cutlery, lilacksniilhtV ’Tur- jxMiluic 'Tools, Agricnltiinil Ini- pleinents, lioots and Shoes, llVfflr/f//, HAY STREET, tlieir Fall and Winter GOODS ! lats and Ca|)s, SaddltM'y and Lea ther, Heavy urlie.les in tlu“ Drn*f line. Ready-made C’lo- tiiinii, and Sta[)l(‘ Dry (ioods. This Stock we are prej>ared to Job or Retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 21, 43tf W'e !isk the I’lanters and Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. mliarbie Faciorfh 67 T PF.MRERTON. lltf MeK W. tl-tf •L- II ITS. tlB. uDon un siioiiii. In all varietie.';' which he offers for sale at low prices for j^r-y” (' vSH, or to p‘t//i)i'/ m^h.mcrx. He returns his thanks to his liberal p.itronage, and solieits a same. J. ( I'-tomers for their intinuance of the . TllO.MSi)N, Market Square. :i(itf lOK HALF. fllKM*. HANDBUGGll. ^ I- .t i-epair. A. MvKJr’.illAN, September 185t>. iSiis .irrivefi: F Great Ivon Wheel Examined," by Parson a. P.rownlow, price >1 00, just rec’l. PostuL'e on it by mail is IS cents. Also, a few more of the ‘ Great Iron "l ecl, raison Graves. ii- J- HALE ii May U8. HALE 8- 'rh(‘H(‘\v Slatiit‘s. IHE Subscribers have received on consignment, a tew copies of the New Revisal. Price cn«/i vH (Ifl. E. J. II.'VLL ^ feON. •laii'y 21. I'iie snhscrihers will pnrc.hase Spirits Tui'iieiUire. ir make adv.inces on consignments to their friends in W ilminsrton, or New Y(>rk. C. T. HAIGH 4- SONS. April It, IH.").'). '">tf v.\i.r\iiLi-: 1'Roi‘ER'rv S OFFER for sale, my LANDS in the Town of Fay- etleville, about l-iO .Veres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. About \cres of it is fine Meadow Land, astheC'rop now on if will show Al-;.>, the VaEisa!>l> ISi i« k Ntorr and i..ol near the Market .Sijuari;., occ;ipied by Mr. John A. P..inl.:Tton. .V Ltiige ;i!i.l Valuable !...>t, fronting on Donaldson, Maxweir.-snd .Muiuford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,- eonld be divided into several Building Lot.s—vei y I lie ne\. I’eiurile High School Luiidlngs. Also, the St.ibie L. t a.ljoining, fronting on Mumford Street. Several DIvW R ,\ I’.LE P.lill.DINti LOTS on both WinsliM.' and .Mumford Streets. ■All this pro(.erty can now be purchased on favora ble terms, ati'l a large part can remain on l>ond and Mort 'age if .lesired. J. S. BANKS, .Merchant, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 185*i. GG-tf S. M. THOMAS^ DEALER IN I'ANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, H.ATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, &c., &c. Corner Market and Gillespie St.. Fayetteville, N.C. Dec. 17, 1855. ‘j2-tf Worth & Utley, Eorwardinj^ and General Coniuussion MERCHANTS, Fit y et ter ille ^ *V. €. J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. UTLKY. LOVERD ELDRIDGE, mBttorneif at WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithfield, -\pril 15, 1856. *.*G-tt 'g. \V. WTLLLWIS 4 Have just received a large and well selected as sortment of HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer chants. March 17, 1855 84- By GEO. LAUDER. T»’U dImiRS ;1BI)VE C. T. II.UGII k .SflN’); KTOKl!: Fayetteville, IV. V. Jan’y 20, 1856. 64ypd The ijUt^CHt Cfrrka^e Factory in the S^outhl Th‘ ^id Nortli Slah' in I77(>— Second Series, being Revolutionary Incidents and Sketches of Character in North Carolin i, by Rev. E. W. Caruthers, D. D. Price -“Si 2i. Just received. E. .1. HALE & SON. Sept. 18. c:an rwELiAs c. .h's ric E. Sicaim's Justice, lleciscd, ami ailapttil to tlu New Ilexiseil Code. raiHlS work, invaluable to M.agistrate.«, Olliccrs, and IL all who have occasion to know the Law, an-1 to use the Forms under it, is very much enlarged. Price ^8 50. For sale by I'-- J- H-VLE SON. .\ugust 1856. * J. 4-tf iiiiK THO. Oct. H*, IS.'. J. CIIRTLS. 4;J-tf Postage bv SlNGlNCi HOOKS. nilE CARMINA SACRA; Aikin's Christian Minis- L trel; Sclah. A fuither st;ppl> rec’d. E. J. HALE & i»ON. The Book of Scottish P.alla>ls. The Scottish (Ja !; The P.:>ok of Ballails, hy Bon (Jaulticr; McFingal, by Tcumbull: Lillian and other Poems, by Praed; Watson’s Dictionary of Poetical (Quotations: Ballads, l>y W. Harrison .Ainsworth: Leigh Hunt’s Stories in Verse: .Vllingham’s Poems: Hogg’s Tale.-; i’ho (Queens of {England of the House of Hano ver, by Dr.; The Noctcs Ambrosianie of Bl.ick- wood: R.ihn’s New H;in 1 Book of Games; The War ot the .Allies, from the ('.iri-espon.lent of t‘ie Loinlon Times; Novelties, Inventions and ('nriosities in .Arts and Manufactures; S:c. E. J. H.VLE SON. April 23. f>r. K. %. »li%4'K. FFICE Front Rooms, Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Eeb’y 7, C. 1*01-:, DEALER IN STAl’LE I’WNCY DRV GOODS, HATS, CA1‘S, HOOTS, SHOKS, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particubar attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. liaj/ Street, Fayetteville, N. C. May 26, lb55. DORIUN HOUSi:! POWERS & TROY, Proi'Rif.tous. I'BIHE Proprietors of this Establishment ■ announce to the ]>ublic. that owing to the constantly increasing j.atronage exten.l- ed to them, they have been iniiuceil to en large the accommoilation by the addition ot an extensive Dininff Room on the lower tloor, atil suite of Rooms on the second door; thus enabling them to accommodate .all who may favor them with a call. .Vn.l thev pledge themselves to an increase.! exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. S{»acious Stables attached and c.iroful Ostlers in at- tenilance The eligible location of the Establishment, with thf experience of the Proj-rietors in providing for the com fort of their patrons, they hojie will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and de part from this House. Carriages in attendance on arriv.-vl and ilenarture of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses and (Carriages furnished .at any notice for car rying travellers to any part of the adjacent country. J. W. POWERS. W. C. TROY. Fayetteville, Alay 12, 1856. ^•15 Ri-]WASI , 110R the ajiprehension an ! delivery of in}’ negro man PA(tE, a bright mulatto, about 28 years of a-'e; or for his confinement in any Jail so that 1 ifet him again. When lie left he iiad on a brown Satinett (’oat aiel Pants, makes a good appearance, and no doubt will pass himself as a free man; about 5 feet 10 or 11 inchei* high, weighs about 1 H5 poun.lij, and had. at the time iie left, a fellon on the middle finger of his left hand; has on his chin a goalee (or long lieard.) I expect he will endeavor to make his way to .Abingdon, Washington cfHinty', \a., where he was rai.'-i d. D. M. .MclAL KIN, Laurinbnrgh, Richmond Co., V. C. ■ [ Feb’y 4, 1856. 75-tf 3tf A. A. McKETlIAA UESPECTFULLY informs his iriends and the public, that he has built up large subst.antial Brick Buildings .at his Old St.ind. expressly lor man. ufacturing C.arriuges. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes bv strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a !ontinuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material anil by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determineil to sell and do any work in his line en as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, Finished, the LARGEST STOCK of Carria^e.s, liaroiirlies, Ivockdwoi^s, and Ever offeied in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly hni he.l, which will be finished daily. .All of which will be soM very low for ('.^sii, or on short time to punetual eu.stomers. He has on h a nd tno”e t h .i n () N F 111' .N D15 L D .\ N D III' f ^ V eiii- cles finished and in cour^e of eonslruction. Se3y^ -All work m.a.le l>y him is w;irraiited 12 iiionthfl with I.ail- iisaue, .iiid -;hoiill it tail !iy b;i.l workmanship or material will be rej>,airc.l free of charge. Persons ^\i^lliIlg to buy v»>> id lo well to call and exaniiiie for tlien.-elve.^. Orilers thankfully i eeci ve.l i:r.l promj tly attended to. R-‘p!iiriiig ('xeeiite.i it short notict and on very reasonable terms. May 28, 1 Ho - f»8tf Losr. S \.‘'T Nigh;, between tile Mmket House and the Dobiiiii House, a .'inall P()l>rE M>N.NI.A, con- laining about or e.insistitig of two I'ive Dol lar (loM j.ieees, three Tw > and-.i-11.ilf Gobi piece.' and four )lie Dollar Gobi; also some small (diaiige ;ind ;i bill or two. iV suitable rewar.1 will be jjiven for the reovery ot' the above desi'ribc.l Purse and .Money. WM. McLEOD. I'ay(-ttevil1e, ,Iune t,*IS.')(;. 1* tf Narrali\* of tin' }v\pc»lition of an .\merican S.(U:olron to the Chiri.a Sea-; and Japan, bj Coiii Perrv, C. Navy, with numerous illustrations, e lite.1 by iiev. D>-. F I,, ilawi.s. ■\lso, liirther sujipiios of Mrs. Hent/’s Novels; .viiss Murray's Travels through the L'. S.; .Mitcliell’s Tra veller's (Jui'le: Steel P.-n-;, .^c. R. J. 14ALE .V SON. .Auir. 12. Fire insnrffnee* 3^HE .ETNA Insuranee ( iiiiiiany of ll.irtfio-l. h.av- H. iiig pai.l the tax impose.I by tlu* Revenue Law of the late Lezisl.ifure, w'il! eoiitinue its .\g'niy in Fayetteville, nn.ierthe mana.'ein ’iit of the undersign ed, who is )irepa; e.l to is'Ue I’.iii 'ies of hisiirance on Ruildings or (ioois. either in this io'vn t>r in any part of the .n ;.r')j^' r ipi 'ieaiioii. description of the Property, .vc. The .VyfN >'I I'A ■'V been in oi.'.ration about 30 ye.irs. Its . apital : • OOO. I'lie lion. Thos. K. Brace its first Pre l ient. and he still holds that office; .and several of its first Direetors are "ill active and elVu ieiit menibcrs of the Itoard. It has at :*ll times sustaine.l the lii;:he,..t eharai ur f .r he prudence of its inaiiiLJeniem, .'iiid ;or tiin liberality with'wliich it has ever 'I'ljuste.l its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent.