SEMl-W GEIKL, Y ' VI.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., (X TOItKR ■2~. 18f)r. [VO.r>.j|.] INTi.I' MOMUYS Wit I'm r.SnAVS .1. ham: & SON. i'i)iTni;s \M) 'mi W, \PV •klv 1 i1' I'.ii'l the yoar ol’ su! r St nt’tiT tlio yo;ir lias ox]iirt'‘l U ‘^nxKKVi ',; Hi) pt>r nnnutn, it'jvii'l in if jiai'l .luvinp iJie your of >il.scr'i>- ir afti'i" the ycav has oxjdrod. I'I’TI1'. M I'.XT'^ iiisevto 1 f'T 'ixty cents ]ipr ;■ 1 lint'-; 1' r t'-- aii.l t !M-ty ;'nts fi.r - pn’ilii'atinii. Ye irly a'lveriisonu'iit'; tiy s]io- i trai't-J. at roas-A'l\I'l s are ,• ! t' tlu- :r.:n.laM‘ i'f iiisri ■losirt-il, or t''>rlii 1. I’l l I'havrt''! aia onl- I (;0()1) I.AXDS FOU SALK. I A S 1 wisli to iimvo NVost. 1 wi^li to sell iny Farm I * (III t'.K' I'far I’liver, on tlic Sotith side of • 'api' F»‘ar a iiiilo of two 1>olow Uocktish (’reek, con- soiiu’ iU> to 700 Acrc-s of vei'3' fine liivcr ... Laii'Is. On till' Farm there is a orchnrd, aiul l;ml,!in^^s ofall kin.lsto live in, \-c. Also niy SAW Mi LI, oil iiocktish, (lute II. Mi'Xeill’s.) Also I Ml Acres Ijaiiis jciininp: the same. Mr. I'. 11. Fvans will show these Lands and Mills ' to any one v\ i.^liiiii’- to imrchase, and also pive the terms. ^VM. A. EVANS. Oct. ISoCi, .I8tf COODS. nv Fall nnd Winter Stock of .> i-.'nt’nue ! Letter- 1 I i'mi-nt' t" lu the V !i' iii-i-rtf laus; 1 i> iharired "'K \i:\v I .VM now receivinff (.KOI'KIIIKS, ll.\R|)\V\HK ,\M) (’I'TLI'llY. ThebC goods wero hon^ht late in the'soason, and ! conse'jnently at reduce I |irices. My st-ick of I and cnmi>lete, ('mhraein;: many kinds of extra sizes; I’.lankets, Kerseys, \c.; Hats, fine and conimou. 'rildS. .1. .follNSON, per Socoiid Stock. H. & E. J. LILLY A 'W reeeivini: t'u-ir s.'t'ond st' .•!; >t' T ll.,!., a a i I WIliTi:!^ enil.racin- •. d.- ! -• >rtment .•!' Ilry fxoofN, Kool ^ auil Nlior^, L iiihrolla*^. Ai'.. cVi*., ■ f w)' ,'h will he ort'ere l '!i a.'i 'inimr I iriii'.r terms. Nov. I J .1. (>ld Stand, ne-.r tiie ('a[ie Fear IVink and Market place. r>2-tf Aii ILiIni' X‘Nv Sto(*k! I’'hi: ^ni.s-ii:-. tiK'.t iie IkI' 1 would ri'-iuot till ri 'jieclfnliy informs the juililie, .eivf 1 his S'l'Oi'K OF GO(/l)S, and i'l want i.i W>1 : 1 • i -ale eTchisively >.ive UH !i call 1 • f'.')') (’ '\tnti v miTvdiants are -\EW (iOOl)S. .’g^HF, j uMic arc respectfully invited to examine our fc new Stock of Brussels, Tapestry & Ingrain Carpetings. V... h'..v ..n baud 50 Rolls assorted ^tvU■':and qualities. •20 do 1,4- L •,-■} \ S- J (»il Cloths. Ve’ive' nnd Tuftetl Ku/s. C •. oa ami .\lacant .Mats. =„ 'h.>u. sual stock of Housf Furnisliinp" mIs. xc. ^'ic. — ,\LS' *— (Irooories uf every kii'. ll.Vlll.iW.VRK x CL'TLKRV, \i- . at wholcb'vle or retail S. W. TILLING HAST \ Co. ^ *ct. IH, 185t'. 4'.'tf i>BS¥ f'fiitrif t^oofts. Hoots 4!nit Shoes^ ll.MS. Tin NKS, IIaKPWAUK, kc.. To uive ’ 'ill a ca us l;e i .in •‘cil his (ioods .VS l,OW .VS ,VN\ ON K, and warrants them to give satisfaction. I.. KKA.\I>T, r.illespie St.. near the Market, Fayetteville, N. (’. Oct-.lier 1. l^'-'i. 1 l-l2m A (' VIII). ^H^lIK suh't riluT lieus leave to inform his friends S. and ac'iu.aintaniH-', tliat he has entered into Intsine.-s t'or himself, and taken the store ont- door be low Mr Pran;j;hon. on (iillispie .'Street, near the ^L‘^^- ket, wlure he intends to keep on hand a as sortment if Di v (mmxIs, lioots ;md Slmes, trunks, lints. I lanlu C’lith'rv, ;uid m:\v law iUM)ivS. A NEW Ldition of Tidd's I’ractice, 2 vols. /M. Tbi' Furnm, or 40 yi-;ir's Full I’ractice at the "hlladelphia i>ar; l>y David I’aul liiown. . ■ r.iry if Law und K'iuity: lieinu: I'i vols. (in I l i ■ f v ;!u-ible Law DookD for >^1' I't receiv=d bv H.Vf.E .v SON. 1:0. I'aiu-v L. Fayetteville \ ALl A'l-. -7. F.RANDT. -2m MiLK le'ir('u . ARM rou SALi:. •hnnsrinjr niv business, 1 offer 5000 F t Pu’.e by ST Ki:c 1 = \ i:i), LF.S. RAt’oN ,v ■ i,S; rfU Boxes Soda and Lemon Craekers 10 H-iU'bb^. Snuff, i;an;le .MiF; • I-'- B'.'Xts S.-am (’aii lv. F.’ F. M-)ORK. V'- i-.t 1; IVMLV I'AIMX'I'lNc;. r.'txFs, ",it ^^r. bbi:-. X’>. 1 Mackerel, 75 Sac’ ' ' ‘V -c K. F. MOORF. 4'*- ci .Min:iu..\M) \\\ui. flHF L:.i: ~ w-1 Mnd at :I.f- (JROCIvERV STORE ;i ••"iiiplete as^Tttnent "f 4'iiiiia, mill rarlhriiwnre. everythin:: rc'iuisiti' ! a- comfort or W N. TILLIXGHAST. Fnrk- aini' Sifrer M*lntftt Sifooas^ i/idlc- !tt.-r i.d t'"t rt Ki.i\- and :i>ti rs. Silivr Platnl i'tiUe Kaskvls^— : '■ .11 i' nif. it fr'im '^7 t i >10 each. Unites and i'ttrhs^ ami Sci.ssnr- i.f .■.i^iity. Ktrittania Tea ami i oH'i-e J*ofs. , - .i','t> I-. •'■p T;>, L.ilic.-r, Comiuuni. n V ■ . . IV « * . ijanifts, :i van. t'T ‘il, Fliii'l or 1/inl. tmlascss^ truui 7 X ^ to X I'l . W lit. !-.', .Mat', ^;■l^kets, Tin and Wocdvu are. i) 1 .n-- ?vl .rtar'- iV.-. .VC. F'T sale by W. N. TlLLINtillAST. : ' i;i I, i 4'i-1 in iSanh o!' i'a^te i\>ar, ) ■(b'ToijKi’. I.nth, I i VIUENL) '.t L—Till il.iard "f l»irectors Ilf this F(an:: havijijr deriaJCd_a D'-vidcnd fd' Four •1 i Thirty tents, per sh ire. tr ’in the profit' of ■ ist '1.^ months, the same wiii be paid at the prin- BaiiK and Crauchea iti an I alter t' ■ 1st Noveiu- JL R. S.V\ V.i:. Casli r. 17. I'.'-tl-^tX STU.l n^KMiitKMKS VV n- vv ]• ill!' ’ ‘i‘ 'ii.a* -iift-iion .or s.ale t \ C. J.ii iil-RLoll, Nur.'erynian, F.ivelteville. ]»! Is tor A^l'uragus, lihuburb or I’ii- I'laiit, I-j : trrie.s, ilyu. .iilii.s, I'ulips andCroens jlo.iil I now ] rep.rei, .iH liiey iiu;?iit lo be planted within the t t\S‘; months. Order- .■^'dimti I liy O. 1>. mo.\D iSTOIl TiliS KILL. STARR & WILLIAMS lu; Kl . l.M. THI 111 Si'coiid Fall vS.: W inlor St(j 'J' • w h )1 ( »« )()(ls. !i thcj' ■ ftV. till- ,^•ng tlieir pnrch: , ■SOO. attfiitioii i;f Merchants ' s hi thi- niarki't. 4s-tf BF1N fur :'le my FLVNTVl'lON on the cast side of the ('ape Fear Rivt-r, thri'C miles abo\e the ’'larend"u . Fridue. ku'jwn a^ the Toomer ainl McKay lands, con- ! tiinine ahout a.res. Tiiis Farm is susceptible of. the vi iy hi-.:he>t i-ipr.ivetnent, and of beitit: made one ' ot the ni"St >'eautitiil and protit.ible I’lantations in ( 'iniil’i rlaii I County. 'n the Farm is a jrood mill seat I .My ti'rm will be t'av.Table and payments easy. F'.i- partie liars, apj^iy to .Kdin D. W’ilUams. F.s.j., Fayetti'vil!.-, or address the -iiibscriber i\t the (iiilf. I will i;ive possession the first of l>eceinber next, if de- , • ired. L. J. IIAUGUTON. >uif, .luiy 17, ll-'itf Roiji'jrr 1). (iRKKN, ; ;LATH GREEN .'i WEAR.) j WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., ! FAVKTTKVIJ.LE, N. G. , I). G. begs to return his sincere thanks to the , 9^ • public fur the kind patronage so liberall.v be- stowed upon the late Firm, and infornif* them he has bourht the interest of ,1. S. Wear, and will continut* the in .ill its branches at the old stand, under : iiis entire suj'tTintendence. N. R All Wat. il' ' left with him for repair will bo . taken apart in the presMice of the owners, ami the !!.'f‘‘-sary repairs puinted out to them .and a written ' • •oiitr.act piven f‘>r the same, which work will be war- ratin-d tor tw, years. Ou haiid and fur sale now, the mo'^t varied and ilu'ice ^election of "LO KS and other time pieces that has ever Keen otffre l to th»> yiuVilic iii North Caro lina. whii h he will sc!' at New York prices, and also w ' i!i; 'N I for two ye-ir ■. .Vll de>.ts due tu and by the late firm will be jiaid and received by R. D. iRLhN. -Vu;_'U't 'Ih, ot-tf John •#. J^emberion HVS just rec'd uiu' of the most dc'iiable Stocks of >ilk ;nil I'aitcv ever ufiercd bv him. enibraeinp all the newest styles ot .''Ucli as I’lain .and col d Moir .Vnti'iue Silks, Rich l)m- bre Satins. Striped and ]dain ."silk \ alencia, I’ojdinett RuLes, I’laiii and Rrocad** Merinos, Flain, Plaid, and . ricii F 1: 1 French UcLains, ami a )ireat manj’ other new stvl' > -V:>o, ;i larjre Stock of Velvet, (’loth, and Silk Manti’.’as, Cloaks and 'Ialmas. Ray State, Stella IMush and Tiftb- Shawls. V great variety of the latest ityles of rui:ss 'rRiMML\(is, Freindi Embruidcries. Moni't F.ace r'ollars. every c'.ior i.'f the best c-jiiality ff Kil and G.iunilef^ fo- I -idi.-s and Cents. V lew ver}’ haniKume j. ittcrn- Woosted curtain Uam- a^k, with Irinnai’igs to suit, wime very hau l."ini' Oil Window Shades. ALSO, FOR C.KNT S WEAR. Rlack, I’diic, .iiid OVvp Rroad (’lotlis, Rlack and Fan cy (^issimcrc sand V.-stings. .V very bir}re Stock of !•-. fg.iiPi: ^oTHi>vo For ■!'1 niade in the latest styles nid If , ' //..7,,y. r.iri'Hi'"/. Tlic abu\e Sti ck w i,.; selected with ireat care as re- • -■ards St vie and pi ', es. and will be uff. r. d .it wh(desale or reiail, on very accoiuiiiudatiii- tciins. The public .->„eriMv ,.ie re-c;fully ii.vlied to call and examine ' ■ • ‘ .). A. I'EMRLRTON. 41tf 1 for tncm^‘■lve. Sept. 2it, More ^*w ijlixxis. 'I! surjber is leceiving his 1 .V1..L VN1> WI.N- «. 'J'Fi; ST(1CK, consisting of almost every thine Sfarfftrare and MMoll»ir-irare-i —VLSO— loots and Siioes, SaddN'rv, l ish, Sjc., ■1'. of v.hich he will sell cheap lor t'ash, barter tor 1' luce, a-on >nort time. Stu.e recently occupied y I'loy .X .Marsh, near the Dobbin House. tiiiiliere i It wi" III to the \\!) I'Oii SAfj:. \ I’.FS OF L.VNl) lying on upper !/ntle River, in Harnett County, well ni'l ■iv ell loc.ite l t’or the Turpentine Imsiness. soM on aec immod.iting terms. .Vpply soon I'crilicr at FayctievilU- G. W. Oct. ] .». GtJLUSTON. 48tf I ;inl l*lanti.‘i''s .\liuaii:ic, lor For sale, wholesale or retaii. by E. .). HALE & HON. Oct. i.j M COAl.! Cl J ■ ^ ioNS REST FvEl* -V.^H now landing, ind ti sujiply kept con.stantly' on hand by 50^P T. C. Wilmington, .'^ept. 20, lf>o*i. W.M, McL Sept. -.i-J. 1' McK AY. n-tf I'hoinson 1 complete STOCK OF 1' (ientlemen'’s Ftfrnislti)ir EKtnhlis/miciif. fBlllE undersigned is now receiving, direct from JL New York, his F^ll and Winter .‘^tock of CiLOTH- 1N('. and FURNISHING (iOOHS. Having taken unusual pains in the selection of liis (ioods, be flatters himself that his Stock will coiiij>are favorably with any in .he market. Having set out with a determination to sell (lOods upon reasonable terms to prompt p.aying and (’ash customers, he feels that the experience of the past jus tifies him in asserting, that all (jooils sold by him will give entire satisfaction as to style and price. His Stock consists in part of the following (ioods, viz. Cloth, Reaver, Tweeds and Cassimere Coats, Do do do do Over ilo. Ever}’ variety of .«tyle of Ve.sts and Rants, Hosiery, (.iloves. Shirts (Linen and Merino,) Roots, Shoes, Hats and Caj>s. ■Vll of which he hopes to be abb- to sell at :is e.-irly a ilay as possible. All persons who owe me for purchases previous to .Inly last, are earnestly rctiuested to pay nj>, and kre}> uj their and mv good name. .LVMES Mcl'HFRSON, Hay str*“Ct, opjiosite E. (Jlover’s. Sept. l2l’, 185(5. 11-.‘5m Sl'Ji.Vll, a (M)ll(‘ction ot’Psalui and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, Chants, (.'lionises, \c., by Thomas Hastings, .lust reciil. E. .L HALE SON. Aug. 28. DRV (JOODS A'r \Vll()U:SAMv ^•T.VRR WILLI AMS are now receiving a very large STtM'K, embraciijg every thing in the l>i-y Goods line with Hats, Ca[)s, Roots, Siioos, Silk and Straw lionn‘ts, I inhndlas, and R(‘ady-Mad(' (.’lotliinLj, vSjc. Which they will sell CH E.Vl’ for C:ish or approved Notes, at WHOLESALE only. We invite Meiehauts visiting this market to examine our stock. J. R. STARR. .1. M. WILLI VMS. .Vugust 27, 185f>. 31tf O. IIOUSTO.X J OULD inform his fr#nds and former customers that he may be found - doors below the ('ape Feur Rank, and 1 doors above his old stand south side I’ersou Street, where be intends to keep on bau'l, Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to bis trade. He resjiectfully invites his friends from the country to caF; and examine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Rejiairing of H.ivness and Saddles punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He would rei^uest all indebted to the firm of HOUSTON X OVERRY to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they are compelled to settle the firm's debts. August 185tj. -Htf I’KM.M.K I.N.STl ri I'K. ■'Hl.'^ Institution will resume its operations again on MONI'.VV, the ."th of .SERTEMREK. The charges will be the siirne as they have been for the last ye;ir. Roard i^lOper month, including wash ing, lights, .-c. L. ('. GR.VVES, M., who has served us so long and efficiently as I’rincipal of the Institute, new also has charge of the Steward's Department, which ren ders it doubly sure that this department will be con ducted to the entire satisfaction of all. Mr. Stradeila will continue in charge of the Musical Department: an'l Mrs. Stradeila the Departtnent of Fainting, &c. H. A. BIZZELL, Sec'y Board of Trustees. Clinton, July l25, 1850. oJ-tf SJPKi.Vti SM’m,V. Dr. .I.VS. F. FOITI JiFS. Corw rof Ihi;/ cml Donnhhon Strerts, thi‘ Faj/ettrriJ/e ll»tcl, 'OL'LD respectfully call the atten tion of his friends and customers Complete stock of DRl (iS, .n K »i€I Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuffs, Which he is now receiving, and will offer at pricf.s as low us they can be bought at this market His object is to sell Medicine that can be depended upon, as be buys none but the genuine article. Constantly on hand liumiiKf Fhti'tl, (.'amjjkcin, Sjiirifs Tur}n ntiuc; Afvoiiol, liranUrf. and UV»r.s, (/or Mrdicut purpoAt i^;') Cnnifrrss Wafer, Citrate JAiyn».s/'7, JnJifi ('asfor OU. March 15, 1850. 87-tf Look to Your Interest In 'I'lme. rp^lIE I’roprietor, after hiving the _SL misfortune of getting burnt out, has re-built his Steam Saw' Mill ami is now prepared to furnish at sfiort notice, either in town or at the .Mill, 8 miles from Fayetteville, on the Western Rlaiik Road. 1 hope to receive patronage inasmuch as I am in the midst of the best heart Timber and can furni'.h any length from lU to feet long, which 1 Itope will suit Steam Viat men wi-^hing to get long timber at short notice. I also intend keeping Lumlier at TROV ,y MARSH b Store., who will still act as my .Vgents, and torvvar 1 bills for l.umber to me at my .\Till. .My terms tor lumber shall be as favorable as any tor the same kind id’lumber. Those wishing to address me can do so at .Manciicster !’• O., (,'umbei'anl Co., N. C. D,V\ 11) KIV E I"1. .)une 1), 1H50. 11-Om FI R rilKR SI IM'LIHS or ROOKS. VAGAROND Life in Mexico; •‘I’lU-Ri-Rus-Tah ’, by Doesticks; The Sparrowgrass I’apers, l»y t"o/.zen-i; Hiawatha; “The Wide Wide World"; Hume’s and Vlacanlay's Histories of England; The Carmina Sacri; .Vikeu’s ('hristian Minstrel: Dick's Work.s: .Jacobus’ Notes on the (iospels; Maury’s IMiysical Geography of the Sea: .yc., just received. E. .L HALE .S(»N. _July 2 1. ■ DWKLLLMi FOR SALK. r|lIlE Subscriber wishes t-i sell the large Dwelling £ and Lot on the corner of (Jillespie atid Russell Streets, at present occupied by .Mr. Henry Erambcrt. Terms reasonable. I'-. •!. HAi.l'i. May 20. SSIIOMWFJJi irOUSF. IMViri'THVII.M', .■>!. c. fjast ttf a mu Street, a fcir [)oor» Xorth of the. Murhet Tlom^e.. lllE Subscriber desires through this medium to acknowledge the liberal lcitrona'.4e bestowed u]>on his House the past year—.and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage' Shed convenient to the House and to water he takef' pleasure in saj’ing to bis patrons and the )>u>ilic generally, that he is still prepared to accom- 7nodate ♦hem with transient and permanent hoard, and respectfuily solicit.s a continii.ancc of the liberal patron age hen lofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used to render them comfortable during their sujourn with him. His table is alwa^'s supplied v/ith the best the market affords. P. SlIEMWELL. March -J4. 1855. 80-tf (;ro('i:rii:s and hardwark. ^ I ^ 11 li subscriber has in Store a good assi^rtment of i Goods in the GROCERY and HARDWARE LINE; all of which will be sold wbidesale or retail, or bar tered for country produce, on terms the most reason able. .V s.nall lot of S.VDDLERY for sale cheap. Give us a c.ill. G. W'. I. GOLDSTON. N. 15. .Vny of my friend^ in the country having busi ness to transact in this j^l ice, such as renewals, >^c , can liave it done on the usual terms, by sending same to my carii. G. W. I. G. Fayettevillu, .Sept. '11, lS.5.j. ;50tf (lOLDSROROlKJM l a: li \ B. 1: i>f:« E. 11 E thir«I Session of this Institution commences on Wediwsday, the od of .Jan’y 1855, and ends on the 3d of .lune, 1S55. Rev. J.VS. H. BRENT, .V. B., President. Dr. Morn.^N Closs, late of Chapel Hill, Professor of Mathematics. And a full corps of Teachers in every branch. Roard, including Washing, Liglits, Fuel, Sc., ]>er sessioji, $50 on Tuition in Primary Department, $10 00 ('ollegiafe l>epartment, $20 00 One hundred dollars will cover all expenses of the session in the (^llIegiate course and all ornamental branches. Pupiis in primary- dejiartment charged the usual price for ornamental branches. One half payable in advance. I Three f.ectures on scientific subjects will be delivered I each month. We are making every effort to render the School the first in advantages and cheapness, and pledge to reduce prices, and multiply the advantiiges in proportion to the inci-ease of patronage. When our number of pupils reaches 2uO we shall be al>le to reduce the prices ne.arly one half, every one aiding us, is also aiding in placing the ine.ans of a superior education witbia th# reach of almost every girl in the State. We return thanks for the unexampled support we have had and believe it will be continued. For further information anply to the President of the faculty, o# myself. WM. K. L.VNE, Pres't Stockholders. Dec. 13, lf?5J. 57-tf JOSI^PH RAKER, Jr., ilTTOK'VKV AT I. AW, WAS taken an office next door to AVm. B. W'right’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County- and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, liobeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853. 79-tf I \V. HUSKK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CLERK AND MASTER IN EQUITY Fayktteville, N. C., May be found at tlie Eijuity Office, in the Court House. Sept. 1855. 38-tf A. SPEARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tTTENDS the Courts of (’umberlaud. Harnett, Wake and .lohnston. Feb’y I'.i, 185*3. 78-lyr -Adilress, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. “LAW CORAR rNKRSmiV' WE, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law (Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., .Tan’y 1, 1850. 72tf H. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE on corner of Front and Princess street, under .Tournal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf CILVRLES RANKS, c E c Tio.v f: n, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Ft>rei(jn Fruitx, y^uts, Cii/ars, Titlmcco, STREET, Fayetteville, W. C. March 1, 1853. 73tf J. \V. liAKER I.s now receiving from the North the largest, liiiest, and most curofiilly se lected stock of «\ITI Kli over offered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which be will sell on thelowo't possible terms for cash or on time to punctual custoinei s. Fasiiionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuck, atul cotton Mattresses; Looking Gl.isses; Willow Wagons and ('railles: Side l?oards; Bureaus: .Secretaries anu F>ook ('asos; What- Nots: Tables, all sorts; Wash .St.uids; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window .'shades; Cornices; Curtain Rands; Sofas in .Mahogany aud WaUiut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Uo.sowooii 1‘iaiio.'^, one with .+]oliau At tachment: Rosewood .Melodians, from the bet manufac tories in New Y*»rk and Rostoii, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only added. November 2. 45t Fall and VViiitor Cioods. ,f. A' T. HAY STREET, A RE new receiving their Fall and Winter (iOODS 2m consisting of a large and well selected stock of \v. i>. ELLior r, General OommiKsion ami Forwardimj Merrhnn WILMINGTON, N. C. June 10, 1854. 4tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. € o .n n I s s I o i\ AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, n^ilmiHjrton, *V. C. liEDSrEADS! REDSTEADS!! V UST received from the Manufacturer, Ira Hersey, a supply of MtEDSTBdDS of various patterns, and made of good seasoned timber. These Le‘,lsteads are manufactured in this place, and can be sold to ilealers as low as they can be got from the North. Call and examine. A. M. CAMPBELL. April 0. 5t J-y FR FIGHTING 0.> TIIK t li‘K i'E.^K KIVKK. 4T a meeting of the l?oat owners interested in nav . igating the Cape Fear River between Fayetteville and Wilmington, On motion, D. McLaurin was called to the Chair, .and IL .M. Orrcll was appointed Secretar3'. (,)n motion of .James F. .Marsh, Resolved, That from and after the 1st day of Janu ary. 1850, ('ash will be requh'ed upon the delivery of all Krei'.;hts at Wilmington .and Fayetteville re spectively. On moiion of J. D. Williams, Resolved, That each of the Steamboat Companies on the (’ape Fear River, from and after the 1st of.Ianuary, I85f>, will carr'J (iuano from Wilmington to Fayette-» ville at 10 cent-; per hag. Lime at ’J5 cents per cask, and ''froiind Plaster at :>0 cents per cask, and that a i£s:i>i ' rio\ or 20 *»i:k ceitt. from the printcl and established rates on all other artii-les will be made from and after that date, all Cartage and Drayage being paid by the shippers. On motion of .lames F.anks, Resolved, That the foregoing be published in the town paj ers. D. McL.\URlN, Chairman. F». M. Orrell, Sec’y. Dec. -Jt. 1855. 65-tf 'Fhe ii(*w lievisrcl Statutes. fgC^HE Subscriticrs have received on consignment, a S. few copies of the New Revisal. Price !j>l, cash on (LIi. E. J. HALE & SON. .lan’y -M. 'rii(‘ .,ili.'-crilK‘rs will purciiast' Spirits Tnrpcntiife, or make advances on consignments to their friends in iVilmington, or New V ork. C. T. HAIGH 5- SONS. Vpril !t. 18r.5. OOtJf^ \ Al.r \I’>LE RRORKiM’V i'on s.iMjt:. tOFFK!: for sale, my l..\NDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about loO Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. XO .Veres of it is line .Meadow Land, as the(^rop now on it will show. .VIso, the V:;Siiai>i‘ i5ri«‘k near the .Market S.jiiarc, occupied by Mr. John A. I’ciiiberton. \ Large and Yalual'le Lot. fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell ami .Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,--CMUi 1 lie divided into several Ruilding l,ots—verv mar th(> new Female High School Ruildings. Also, tlie St ib-e Lot .'idjoining, fronting on Mumfor.l Street. Several DE.slRARl.E P.UILDING LOTS on both Winsloi.' .'ind Mumford Streets. .Ml this property can now be jmrchased on favora ble terms, .and a large part Mortgai;e if desired. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made ou Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 JTs! BANKS, €oiiiiiii«^!«ioii .Hercliaiit, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1850. (J6-tf “ s. M. THOM AS, DEALER IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, &c., &c. Corner Market and Gillespie St., Fayetteville, N.C. Dec. 17, 1855. 02-tf Worth & Utley, Forwarding and General Coniinission MERCHANTS, Fayetteville^ *V. C, J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. I'TLKT. LOVEKD ELDKIDGE, ,‘ittoruey at I^aw, WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithfield, April 15, 18otj. 9G-tt G. W. WILLI.V.MS S- CO. MAVE just received a large and well selected as sortment of HARDW ARE AND GROCERIES, . to which they invite the attention of Country Mer chants. March 17, 185i> 84- J. €. POF, DEALER IN STAPLE cV FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAl’S, BOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-.MAUE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. //(/y Street, Fai/etteciUe, A May 20, 1855. (ii'occrics, i iaitlware. Cutlery, RlacksinilluV T nr- j>enliiH; Tools, Agricultural liu- ])lein(;nts, Roots and Shoes, llats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea- tll(M', Ih'avy articles in lli(‘ Drug liu(‘. Ready-made Clo thing, and Stai)le Dry Goods. This Stock we are prepared to Job or Retail. Fayetteville, (Jet. 21, 43tf W e ask the Planters aud Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. •Jlarble Faclorfh By GEO. LAUDER. TWII uilllRS lliOVi! C. T. IIIICII i SOTS STIIRE Fayetteville, IV. €. Jan’y 20, 1856. 64ypd Tlie Ejav^est Cw'riase Factory Ut, the HonthI R liber; same patnmago. B. (i. WolClH. 41-2ni I'oR SALI-: nii:A?\ -I.I 'ND HAND liniGiL.' i.i good repair. >IcKETHA2^ IS now receiving a large aii' G( X »1)S in his line, v./.; iivi\s. mm iMi SHOES, In al! V ii’ieties, whiidi he offers fur sale at low prices for ('ASH, or to •ustomcrK. lie returns hii? tbatik'; t > !;is customers for their and solicits u continuance of the .1. C. TIiO.MSON, Miirket S«|uare. .sicptember :l, 1>'5(;. SSas .irriicd: 66^S^HFi Great Iron Wheel Examined,” by^’arson i Rrownlow, price $1 00, just rec’d. Tostage on it bv mail is 18 cents. VHo^ifew of the ‘ Greai Iron ^^hcel, by I'he (^Id North St;it(‘ in 177)— Second Series, being Revolutionary Incidents and Sketches of Character in North (’arolina, by Rev. E. W. Caruthers, D. D. Price !j;l 25. Just received. E. J. H.VLE & SON. Sept. 18. C:AN'rVVELl/S N. C. .H STlCE. Sicaim's Juatire Revival, atul (itlaj>lil to tJi> New lie pi set I Code. f aims work, invaluable to .Magistrate:;, Ollicers, and JL aR who have occasion to know the Law, and to use the Forms under it, is very much enlarL-el, Price ^3 5(J. For sale by E. .1. H.VLE S().N. August 185tj. can remain ou Ronii and THO. J. Oct. 10, 1855. CURTIS. 43-tf 4-tf M ■^o, >11 Graves. :.y 2». E. J. HALE i :0N. SlN(ilN(^ ROOKS. MIll-^ (J.VR.Ml.NA S.V( RA; Aikln s ('hristiau Minis L trel; Selah. A further si4 p*.v jii.-t r“c’d. E. J. HALE a a»ON. The 15ook of Scottish liallads. The Scottish (!:el; The Rook of I’allads, oy Bon (Jaiiltier; McFingal, by Tcumbull; Lillian and other Poems, by Pr.ied: Watson's Dictionary of Poetical Quotations; Ibillads, by W. Harrison Ainsworth; Leigh Hunt’s Stories in Verse; Allingham's Poems; Hogg's 'i’ales; The (Queens of England of tiie House of Hauo- VI”, by Dr. Doran; I’he Noctes Ambrosiaiiie of Rlack- woo 1; liohn’s Now Hand Rook of Games; The War of the .-Vllies, from the Correspondent of the London Times: .Noveltii'S. Inventions and Curiosities in Arts and .Vlanulactures; \e. K. •!. H.VLE \ SON. April 23. Or. B%. A. ItI.ACK. FFK'E Front Rooius, over l>r. S. .J. Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 1^50. Hinsilale’s DORRIN HOUSE! Pf)\VEP>S & TROY, Prcm'Iuktoks. rjlHE Proprietors of this Establishment JL announce to the puMic, tl;at owing to the constantly increasing patronage e.xtetid- ed to them, they have l>een induced to en large the accomniodatioJi by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower tioor, and suite of Rooms on the second iloor: thus enabling them to acc mmodate all who ma\' favor them with a call. .\n«l thej pledge themselves to an increased e.vertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. S{>acious Stables att.iched and careful Ostlers in at tendance The eligible locati>)ii of the Estalilislinient, with the experience of the Projirietors in providing for the com fort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. I'iie Western and Southern .Stages arrive at aud 'le- part from this House. Carriages in attetidance on arrival and departure of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses and (Carriages furnished at any notice for car rying travellers to any part of the adjaceut couJitry J. W. POWERS. W. C. TRoY. F.ayetteville, May 12, 1850. -5tf ris f^OR the apprehensioTv ami fh^livpvy of my neero man l\\GK, a hrijrlit inulntto, .jhout of A. A. McKirniAA ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buiblings at his Obi Stand, expressly for man. ufacturing Carriages. Thankl'ul for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 3'ears, he hopes by strict attention to bu*iness, with a desire to give satisfactioiifto merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen i n each bi'anch of the business, llis work will comp.are favorably with any made ip the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell sind do any work in bis line en as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, FiNtsHEij, the LARGE.ST ST(.K.'K of CdrrI (ijti'es, lift roue hes. liocl/twt/ if.Sy and ”■/ c.s . Ever ollered in this place, aiiil a very large stock of work nearly iinishcd, which will be finished daily. All ot whicli wilMie -obi very iow for (’ \ s ii, or on short time to puii'l.»ai custoniers. iiiat!" bason h.ind more th.iii tNE IIUNDKKD .VNI) FIFTY Vehi cles tinislied aud HI coui se of construction. -Vll work >uad! I>y aim I.s w.arra.ated 12 months withfair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be rcjKiir ■ 1 : rt;e of charge. PtTsoiis wishing lo buy woiibi do well to call and examine for tl\elll^e;vc: Orders thaaktuiiy received an-lpnimj tly .-itteiKled to. ivejiairiug exceutorl .t Jh.tit iiotic* and on very nciiSonabli- term.-., '.lav IH;'):;. OKtf i.os'r. B v.''r \ight, between the Market House and the 4 Dobliiii House, a .'-mall 1’)RTE .MO.\\'l cuii- taining alioiit ^25 or n:’,(», (tonsi-ting of two Five Dol lar iold pieces, three Two-:ind a-IIalf (lold pieces and four One Dollar Gold: also -c.ime small cliaii^e and a bill or two. A suitable reward will be given for the reiMvery of the above descrilve l Purse .ind VLuiey. U\I. McLKoD. Fayett.-ville, .June 4, IH.'i*). H*-tf Nanali\c of »ii‘ lv\|n-dinoii oj' ;ui .Vmericaii Sipi.idrou to the Cliin.i .''eas .and .lapan. b^ Cijiii Perry, I'. Navy, with nunierouM illustrationti, cditc'i Ity ilev. l>r. i"'. L. H;uvi.s, .Vl'i, furtlicr suj)pli.‘S of Mrs. ilent/.'.v .Novel-i; Miss .Murr.iy’s Tr.ivels tlirinigh the U. .S.; Vlitch^•,l s Tr i veller's (iuide; St 'el i’.-ns, i^'C. Aug. 12. E. J. HALE .V of that I hro wn age; or for bis confinement in any .(ail so get him .again. W hen he left he had on a S.atinett Coat anI Pants, makes a good, and no doubt will pass himself as a free miUi; about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, wei;ihs atiout l.'s5 pounds, and had, at the time ae left, u fellon on the middle finger of his left hand; has on his chin a goatee (or long beard.) I expect he will endeavor to make liis way to .Vbingdon, Washiugion cfHinty, Va.. where lu- w;is raised. D. M. Mel., V L'!! 1 N. Laurinburgh, Riclimond Co.. N. ('. Feb’y 4, 1856. 75-tf Plre insi€raBire. 'S'^HE ,KTN.\^^suraiice Company oi Hartford, iiav- H. iiig paid lue tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the 1-ite Lezis! iture. will contiune its .Ai^cncy in Fayetteville, ulid 'r the maua;.c',iicnt of the iinder'-ign- ed, who is prepared to is'Ue Polici«‘S of Insurance on Ruildings or tiiH,ils. eitner ^n thi- I’own or in any l>art of the Stat-, -.u ; rop- r il'i'lic.ition. description it the l'ro|-er’y, - c. The .1-]T''.V I'O'ili'.V .Y li..s been in oper.ation about •io Ve;il'S. its .IJI 'll ' ■%•»«>«►,I'lie Hoil. Thos. K. Ilraee w is its first President, and he sfill bolds that oHice: and several of it-; fir~t Idri •.•t >rs ar; still active and eilicient nienibei s of the I! >.trd. il i. id at :«11 limes siistaineii tin* hi;;lie.'t cnarn- ier !'or i.e prudence of it.- inaiia;_'iii’lit. :i:,l : ■! :‘*'iberiii .v;ih .Miicii il has ever adjusted its ioses. E. J. HALE, .Agent

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