FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOBER 30, ^856 INO. 552.] \TI 1- M(*N1'VVS A\i» Tliri’vSDAYS r\VAIM) .1. H \u: & SON. 1 i'llMKS ANt* l’i:!l'lUKT()|{S. • Si iii-Wooklv Ou-iKr.vKR 00 if jmiil in i , ' ' it’ ji.ii'l :luriiij; iho _\oar nf suliscrip- j 1 - I :i!'tcr the yo.ir lias oxjiiroil. W. l'^’v )>iisKi;\ Ki; >•_’ OU |U'r uiiimtn, if paid in ‘,ii it' |i-ii i ^hiriii}; tJio your of suhsorip- > I i’ ! alter tlie yi'ar has expired. I!'M. I'N I S insi-rt-il for sixty cents per •' t 'r the tir-^t. and thirty oeiits for eacli \‘ 't'(in, ^':•.•u•^y advertisements hy sjie- -. t-. at reas>'ial'le rates. Advertisois are , ; . it' ::;i- iiuiiilier 'f insertions desired, or • ■ .• r’liiii-1 til’ fort>id. and ch.irj^ed aoct'rd- i,v I i ‘ters t' the I'dit 'rs mnst he juist-paid. ■: I wi'iits t : l e ii'.sert d A. charged .'>0 per 50 it()\('s l'r(' ceivod and for .sule Itv (K t. C’rack(M-s, just ro- rilAULHS HANKS. r»o-2\v w. I’. EFJ.iorr, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FAYKTTKVILLE, N. ('. for Luttprloh if’ (V).’s Sfcnmhodf Line. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. !>ct. 21, 185(1. oO-tf NEW lUKMCS. rBlME Hills of Shatcniuc. by Miss Warner, .\uthor fi- of the “Wide Wide W'orld:” Household Mj’steries. a Romance of Southern Life; School Hooks, &c., just received. E. J. H.\LE & SON. H(Mitoii's Thirty Vtnirs in the IT. S. Senate. A further supply of 1st and 2d volumes, just received. E. .1. HALE & SON. ■T k- ■ . 1 tUli I lil PL A r El) i.iSTOKS. \ ' ' i- ine .">'rtment just re> eived. W. N. TlLLlNtiHAST. . • J 7 o 1 -1 m - wn J aj i'rs '••>}'y. SELLING OUT! '^'.N :N. iny lu-aith t, .. feeble to attend to business. 1 liHvo I . :u-!uded ti’ soil '>ut n\y entire NrUSKU\ ■ K AT iiEi-rri:i: i uii't;s. ■ lii . - no disp"-td to po into the business, a great ,r_ . uiav be had, as niy Lot of 4; acres, on llills- ■ _i. t, 11 ntains thousands "I Plauts, Trees,. Shrubs, Roses, he., - • : V ’f izrowth. fr‘'in the Seed jast planted Kver^re.’n, ..S.0 , 1 li or \'^ t.'et hi.-ili. and Fruit - e? n- ' lariii.: ^l'' \v irth - t' the most delit ious lit • : t- e ;:iu o tr“.-. T ■ ■■vory iii;e who has a sj t .if v.o ant irround, 1 .1 .-ay, Jo n>'t pern;’: tlo pri':-- nt =>pp 'rtunity to , . V, ■'iiout !:i_\in^ in a 1 as? >rtnient .as far as ■ :.L p 'luiit ' I'rum a really clioiee Colleelion ot jri cns -^.f all kiuds, Slirubs, Roses, Fruit uud :iioTir:il Trois, IIcIl'C Plauts, (Jrape ’ i-s, Strawberries, Raspberries, As- ixliubarb or l*ie IMuut, Uulb.', l>ahlius, GrCL-n-Hou.se i'lants Shade Trees, (’o- inetcry Kvergreeus, \'c., \'c., (Jic. rs -J - J b'- sent in early as j^ossible, and the . u ’ I 'atali'jrue prices will be in proportion I ■■ . t'l. (irJer \ r J II '-an bo madt oii Fruit Trees or Uos t ••y irt s 1 without profit r ,v (■ • w’'l mailed to applicants. n i rr.HLoH. Nurseryman, Fayetteville, N. C. -■■'u'. all i : 'h'NTIl . .■ iu’ilie ul t.; ill W \N I'Ei), Arn\K VuLNri .MKN, to act as local = n i tr'Vflli!;- a:/'"t.s in a business easy, •n >r i'.le. \I:W GOODS. ^I'^HE .subscriber has received his Fall and Winter Stock of (loods. consisting in part of Blankets, Kersseys, 8tripo.', and l^laids; Saddles, Hridles, and Martingales; Boots, Shoos, & Hats; j Hio, Jjaguira, and Java Coffee; Loaf, (Mari- | fied,i't Porto Rico Sugar; Cuba Molasse.'J, an j excellent article; Sugar House Syrup; j Vinegar, Pepper, Spice, and Tea; ] Soda Biscuit, and Cheese; Mould, | Adamantine, and Sporin (’an- | dies; Snuff, Powder and Sliot; Glue, Truss Hoops, and Coopers’ Tools. — ALSO— A line assortment of Se|iar5. “ •* of ('hewinp: Tobacco. .\ few l?bls. Old Scuppernonjr Wine. “ “ “ Nick Williams’s Whiskey. .\-rreat many other articles usually kept in a (iro- oery Store. Purchasers wouM do well to give him a call before purchasiuj; elsewhere. C. K. LEKTK. Oct. ‘J‘J i>o-lm VVAIVXWS (a AXO, tor sale bv I'. T. IIAU’.H & SONS.* ' Oct. 22, IboO. uOtf ! New Music tortlu' Piano and (Jiiitar, just received. E. J. H.VLE SON Oct. 22. ON C(\\sk;nmi:nt, ■ COllN, MOtrnf loiK) Sacks Salt, 20 Hbls. .Mullftts, (Oak,) To arrive and for sale. W. I*. KLI.IOTT. Oct. 22- -''0-tf .i-\>iF.s sMirii. .Mii.r.s rusriN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., I'dctnrs^ i'oinmifsion and ronrartii/t^ MinU'llAN'rs. NO. - sol TII W.VTKR STHKKT, Ul* .'^T.'IRS. i WlLMLNXnON, N. 0. Oct. 21, if^rx’.. r>o-v Roman C'atholicisni Si>irilually C'on- sidered, by the Kev. ('has. 1’. .Jones, of the N. Con ference. Just received. E. J. H.\LL & SO.N. net. 22, 1). \V. C. P.ENIU)\\ , D. I). S., >r:uliiaU> ol IIk‘ ISalfiiiioro I'olie^o of U L > I \ L S I K (i 11; \ . kFFU'K hours from M. to 1 1‘. M. “ 1*. M. to j P. M. UK. HENHoW mav be found at his suite Sept EOU SAIJ-:. UN I’LATi:, L Sheet Iron, Iron Wire, Zinc, anil Tin Ware and Stoves of various patterns. 15y C. W. ANDREWS, Market Stjuare. 2J. 42- ClfEESE. ^^OSHEN and Dairy CHEESE. Sperm and Adamantine (?.\NDLES. iO boxes SOD.V BISCUIT. 50 jars West India PRESERVES. For sale by E. F. MOOUE. Sept. 15, 1850. ^tf JUST RECEIVED, S.\CKS SALT. 50 kegs NAILS. 20 cases NEGRO SHOES. For sale by E. F. MOORE, Store formerly occupied by Hall & Sackett. Sept. 15, 185G. 39tf Fayetteville llot(il. , _ , rpH*E Subscribers having this day leased this I Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased , to see their friends and the travelling puhlic | at this House. At the same time we hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfections until we shall have put the House iu such repair as we desire. * T IT T>/kT> T7T> nnC? fc'. J. H. Roberts. March I, 1855. H. ROBERTS & CO. F. N. Roberts. 80-tf SECO.Vn STOCK. li. F. im:arck IS now receiving, direct from New York, his second stock of Fall and Winter llry (nood^i, Among which may be found, the latest and most fashionable styles of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cloaks, Mantillas, and all styles of Embroidery. Also, (I KNTi.KMi'.n’s GOODS of every variety, which will be sold (’II ll.VP at wholesale or retail. The Ladies are respectfully invited to give me a call. i;. F. PEARCE. Hay Street, Fayetteville, Oct. 185ti. ItJtf IU)A!n)L\(M10l SE 'PO LE/P. FR0P0S.\LS to Rent the Roarding-House in con nection with Lauriuburgh High School will be received until the last S.aturdav in November next. Address ' D. McLAURiN, l’ic>idcnt Ib^ar 1 Trustees. Laurinburgh, Richmond Co.. N. Oct. 5. }ti-td Princijxtl Wanted—Salarij rHiiiE Tru^tees of Laurinburgh High School, Rich- M- nii nd county. N. (’., desire to procure a Princi pal to take charge of the School in January next. .V .sal.'iry of ^l(K-)0 will be given, together with the use of ; the commodi'oi; Hoarding House in connei.tio!i with the .''i hool if desired The location is hc.althy, the comuuinity moral and temjHTate. .applications a'idrcsscd to tlie tind> rsigned will be received until the last .'^aturd.ay in November next, when a sciecti'i’.i will be ma le aiid the successi’ul ap- }i'iicant notitied. 1). MeL\L’111 N, I’residcnt lJuard Trustees. Laurinliurgh, I’.iihnbiiid C.i., N. C., » Oct. •'), l!^-''';. (■ I'-.-td 'Phc S()P'Plli:UN UAKMONV— new edition, revised and enlarged. .\ further supp'y of this popular b>-t.k iu.-t rci-eived. i;. J. H \LE \ SON. (let. lo, 1 EAIJ. 'PliADi:, SCHOOL HOOKS. ■ 'EMERSON’S Arithmetics and Keys; Parker’s Phi- Id losophy; North Carolina Readers; Bullion’s Greek Grammar and Reader; Pikes’ Arithmetic; Comstock’s Philosophy. Further supplies just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 15. FOR KENT. ri'^HE large Fire-proof Brick W'arc-house, conveni- I ently situated in rear of our Store. Apply to STARR ^ WILLIAMS. Sept. 2(). 43-tf y^cw IP atrou Est ahlishment, By wn. WATSOI\. ri^HE Subscriber would inform his friends and the £ ]mblic generally, that he has completed his new establishment on Maxwell street, near Mr. E. W. Will- kings’ Store, and is now prepared to receive orders for CARPS, WAGONS, DRAYS, &c., which shall be promptly executed. .\11 work doj'C by him shall be of the best workman ship and materi -.i that the country can atfor J. llKI\\IKlN(it of all kinds done with neatness and despatch. Also, HOllSlvSHOKING will be strictly at tended to. N. B. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. Fayetteville, July 24, 1850. 24-\ yj.') REWARD. RANAW-W from the subscriber on the 1st of .Vpril last, a negro man numed Rand, about six teet high, about oti years of age, and black. Said uegro is supjtosed to be lurking in the neighborhood of John Bell or James .McKethan. The above reward will be paid to any person de livering s lid negro to n»e at Locksville, C’hatham Co., N. or contining him iu any Jail in the State where 1 can get him. N.\Tli.\N KING, .lune 2-'). 17-tf Fnrtlu r sitpidics of School Hook's. ^MITH’.'^ GR.VMMAU; Davies’, Smith’s, Colburu's, and (ireenleaf’s .\rithtneiics; Latuberfs Anatomy and Physiology; Hitchcock’s Elementary Geology; DISSOLUTION. fBlHE firm of H.\LL ^ S.\CKETT is this day dis- M. solved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settled by J. H. Hall or E. Hall, who alone are authorized to use the name of the firm ia liquidation. J. H. HALL, A. E. HALL, T. M. SACKETT. Fayetteville, N. 0., Jan’y 16, 185(5. 70-tf B. F IS Now OPENING. PEARCE large and desirable \bAi;V OF PER piei c, an tpital .f S' -niy rcijuired. No patent ■ 1 'I'iii- '' Full partii-ulars given, . ;j. ii.'i> I' 'tatre stamp or a three , ; .A. B. M \RTVN, Plaistow, N. H. 51-3m >111(1 l*a.s}>ni!;tr Jjinc hctu'ttn and Faiff tt( v'dlc. 11. 'v^ll■’.^. M.\'NoLl.\. leaver Fa\ettcville on Mon- ■ind Tiiiir.sday iu.-ruings, lu minutes alter s I-' ^ ’*V;;ni'.ugtun on Tucs 1 iv an 1 Friday mornings. F.\NNV H TTERLiil'. b-iv.-s Fayetteville ^iu i'V aiid Friday :uornings, 10 minutes alter .•• ive.s \Vilmiiigt..n W.-.lncsday and Saturday moru- 1; .th jarryiiig Fi’cight and I’.issengers. t.-,RoW.’vN, with full sets of Lighters, runs -'1 i-r.v, ean-_\ing Freight only. 1 He re-\il.ii'ity of our li"at.s on all stages of the Hiid tiic i' si itch a;i 1 promptness in delivering are t.'o we.i kuowii to re quire c 'mment. ■ ur { lirons we tender our thanks tor the very ■r .. ] :itrmage hereto!’ ire be.stowe 1, aud can assure - 'hij pers that no ell.ats will be spared in future, ; 1 tet ^ eiiuti-leiit tlrti our tiiciiitie.s tor dispatch arc ' 1> it not superior to anv line on Cape Fear River. W. P. KLLIOTT, .\ge!it for Lutterloh X Co r ..vetteviile, N. C , (>ct. 1, 1 -'XJtf of Rooms near the .^larket, where all who are ia need of the service.s of a beiitist arc respecfuily iu'itcl to call. All operations j.ertorme l upon i c latest and most approved plans. To those in uved oi , it'ti/ieiffl Tefth^ he would simjily say that he is behind in n-i improvwnent. He ins- rt-i from one to an entire set upon fine Gold or Platina plate, which he guarantees ^ to be equally as serviceable as the natural organs. He spends nine months of eaeii year iu this place, ' (from 1st of October to the 1st of July.) j Oct. 20, IHoU, 4V-tf SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES. 'I'llK>K Celelirateil iii«rhtnes ;ir-- in pr.u lii'iil ^>nil iin'tiliilile \i'» * in nil Jiarts 111 the riviii/.fil w .rlil. In .iM llie '.tru'ii' ir.iili «ml in lewina i %« ry ^iif ol lalirir. ••iUu ri>r rlo li nr le.ither. tln \ biive Ix’i'ii luily irii il ;nil .i|ipr'i\nl Si aoil' ni ii tune' nl otiur nianiit':^! lurern niten Ijiil I'l \\ rh. hui St\* i KK’.-* M \l til.NI.r'.VI. WAVS I il’KK \ ri. I’CKKKI TI.N . in inj 'irMis:. .liiraliU- «nil cm- in ciintnv.\nrf :inil h Mrkiiiiui'hili. lerlt-c: liia- t'iiiiie kpp* flit |»li* \ **il :t llorii > ;t t* r pr* *tit nl 1 .IHMl :t y ei r t ;ot iiiiperlect nn*- i' i (U^e ul cnii'Uiiit %e\ itmn hihI Io's. I'tie on t.re RKi.iAmi.iT\ nl'nur iiiachiiic- is one treat re iMm t"r llieir un- pariillfleil popularity. .M At lll.NKS Kon I'AMIIA SKWI.N*;, nfalriil anil ililinii*- i un'Iriiitinn. are rcriiiniiK’nilfit liy othrr riianiilacturi rs. Suuli iiiachinc are mule lo eatrti ihe e^e. nut tn perloriii'llll^t inlial work. The truih i^. t.iiiiijy 't wiiii: iiia rliiiie> iiti!!ht to l>e strMiiL'rr tlian any mher. tifc iU'e tln \ U" into lf>> >killllil lianits tlrin w hen >olil tn iiriiilllai tiirer', anil .ire ii>eil (nr a yrater variety of w.irk 'I'lie in.irhiiie> « tiirli h ive prnved tiesi lor all other piir|.nse' nin-'l l>e be't tor r.iiiiily U'e. ami they ■ire .~in!:er’' The ^peeil nl niir in o 'luie-. ha' l itely heen liniihled. No nther ran miipirt with iheiii in iniantuy nl wnrk. .New in.irhines nt the latent iiiiprnve.l style i h inseil nn lilirral ti rni^ Inr o il s. winj; ma:hines ol nr Inr operativ e Iliac hint's ol'nther luinulaitlirers. wanteil to sell iiur machines. I It.— All iK-rsnns ile^irini: lull infnrmitinn aliniit sewiii!; ni:i rhines, can oht iin it liy aitplyinp lor a cnpy nl ' l. .M. Sintfer & t o's (;a/. tie," a paiK'f ilevoteil entirely to the sulijei t. Il « ill he >eiU „r;ais 1 >'• l*rinripal C)ltire. It—I lirnMilwav. New’ \ ork. UliANt II )KK1« K-S t7 Ilanovi r “itect. Ilostoii. I I4J henut'treet, I’hllii. It* \\’e"Un nsti-T st.. I'rnviilence. j Io.'> llaltiinora sireel, Halliiiiore .ill he e\ >iir nw n inaki'. I.ocal ayenls II \(‘W and CIm'JIJ) (iloods. JAMES KYLE \S just rei ciVed a very large .iml general as- - irtmeut of GO(»D.. Am uig whieh art*, French and English Meriu"s; Do. Delaiiis, Plain and Figured; Hress .■'iiks, I'ig'd and I'lain; BiHi'k Fillet -Mits: Sleeve^5 and ’oiiais; Cloths, Cassinicres :;ii 1 .''.itins; Bear and .Negr i lliaiikets; 1 t ) 12-4 llieached and lirowii li'iiaestic.s; Gentlemt-n’s Ke idy-Made ( lothing. Carpeting, Good and Conr.ii iii; liools and Shoes; .\uker Bolting liloth; Kersey.s and Linseys; li'ish Linens, (’rash; fr 'h'e liiaper and Napkins. With nian\ ot!.-r •.iticlos, all of whieh being pur- .- e l l.v tlie Package, will l>e ottered ;>f !>w )Miees, V. II le.i iie li I'et.all. ■.’T t Itniail street. .New ark, .\. .1. :t4T Itrnailway. .Mhany, .\. V. ■|iiver..villp. .New Vnrk. iH ('ha(H;l street. .New Haven. I I lim-hananst.lilasCiiW .Scnt'il Oct. I s i; !st I'liiirih street. Cincinnati. 1 i hicaao. Illinois. li:") .N'nrih Koiirth st.. St. I.nuis. I SI St. I'harles -t . .New Orleans I -I) Daiiphin st., .Mohile. .'ill ;ini Fall and Winter Stock, *^0 ^ ''-t 27. ;')l-tf MOLASSES. ju't re.-i ive I and tor sale by JAS. G COOK. r>i- III WE just received in ftill my Fall and \\ inter Stock of M/#.-, Stapir, ami M-'ancy iPrt/ fjiOOtts, embracing quite a variety ol styles, i(ualities, j Oic., Jtc., including all styles Ladies’ Uress Goods and Trimmings, to wit: Striped, Plaid and Rolied Silks; Plaid, Striped, and Printed, all Wool DeLains, all ' colors; Solid, all Wool, l>o.; French .Merinos, all shades . and colors; Printed anl I’laid low priced Alpaccas and j DeLains. .\l.so, a handsome assortment of Cloaks and ' Talmas, and extra heavy Bay State Shawls; hnihi d Collars; Black Lace Do.; Swiss and Jac t Flouncing; Do. Edgings and Insertings; Kid and Twisted Silk • Jloves and Gauntlets: Hats; Caps; Bonnets; Bleached and I’.rown Sheetings and Shirtings: together with a good Round, Staple and l>ontestic (iootls; Ready .Made 1 Clothing; Boots and Shoes, ■.'ic., I liuyers generally are respecttuily invited to give my ! Stock a look, as 1 sh.all sell on short profits. ' P. CROW, i October'.*, l!So). 4i-tt Stock of Fall and \VnitM* consisting in j>art of Black aud C lored Silks, English and French .Merinos, Plain ai.d Fig'd DeLancs, some bea'iiifiil patterns, B'.ack and Fancy .\lpacas. Edgings and lusertiiigs. Collars and Undersleeves, Cactus aud Whalebone Skirts, Jaconet, Nainsook, Swiss and Plaid Mtislins, French, English and -Vinerican Prints, Cloths aud Ca'simercs, Satinetts, Jeans and '1'weeds. Plaids, Linstys and Kerseys, Carolina aiul .MarlUor/ .''trii'es. Bleached and Brown r’hirtings and Sheetings, Wliite and Colnrcd F .annels, Drillings and Tickings. Irish Litiens, good a.-sortment. Linen Table ('loths, Ti weiings and Napkins, Shawls, t’loaks and M.antillas. E.xtra quality of Bed Blankets, Ribbons, l>elts. Gloves, llosierv, iS:c. ALSO, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes and Umbrellas: a general assortment of K i: A l> V- IIA l> i: i. I.OT 111 «, and cverv v.arietj’ in the \.VNKLL NOTION LINL, which will be sold at a small advance for C.\S11, or on time to punctual customers, eitherat WHOLES.VLE orRET.ML. ,\11 are respectfully invited to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. B. F. PEARCE. Hay St., Fayetteville, Sept. 1, 18-30. 35-tf i A I ILWCE! I 'I'he Eurnitun' and I'lxturos oftlio Eay- cttcvillc llol(‘l tor sale. rpilE subscribers having fully determined to sell J[ the above named Property, mow otfer il to an en terprising man tipon liberal teriits. This Hotel enjoys a large custom from the adjoining counties and from the travelling ].ublic, with a pros pect of future increase. What it has done and is now doing can be seen by any one wishing to purchase re ferring to our books. The situation of tiie building is such that it com- ntands the greater ji.art ;f the custom coming to and passing through this place. For the amount of capital invested, there is no bu siness th:4 a person could engace in that wouhl jiay as well. 1 J- 11 ROBERTS A CO. Sept 11, Ihoij. o8tf Goodrich's and Willard’s U. S. Histories; The Child’s History of the U. S.; Parley’s First Book of History; Mitchell's Intermediate Geography; Olney’s Geo graphy. liolmar's Levi/.,ic's French Gratumar; Pinneo's English Teacher; (-,’orneH’s Intermediate Geography; Kay s Readers; Emerson's Watts' on the Mind; Jacobus’ Notes and (Questions on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Ltike; Greenfield’s Greek Testament and Lexicon; .M.irsh's Songsters; School Testaments; North I'arolina Readers, Davies' Surveying, Acc. Just received. Aug. 80. E. J. HALE & SON. ANSON iNsrrrrrH. f]|lHlS Institution has been in operation about two Jt years and a half. It is pleasantl}' situated on an eminence about one-half of a mile sjuthw'est of the town of Wadesborough, commanding an extensive view of the surrounding country. There is a dwelling house connected with the institute and occupied by Rev. Elijah J. Morrison, one of the Teachers, who iij pre pared to take eight or ten boarders, to whose comtort, instruction and moral training every necessary atten tion will be bestowed. The Institution is now under charge of Prof. SILAS C. LINDSLEV and Rev. E. J. MORRISON, gentlemen who have considerable experi ence in teaching. Mr. Morrison, who has charge of the English Department, is a graduate of our Univer sity, and has taught a classical school for many years. Mr. Lindsley, who has charge of the Latin and Greek Department, is a graduate of Princeton, was for seve ral years Professor of Languages in the Caldwell In stitute, while situated in Greensborough, in this State, and has devoted over twenty five years of his life to the instruction and training of youth. Both of these gentlemen are eminently qualified in ever}’ respect to ] fill their respective positions, and to discharge the 1 responsible trusts confided to them. i It is the only high Male School in the county; it has I been built by the liberality and public spirit of the I citizens of Anson county. Why then should it not lie j patronized? Voung men of this and the adjoining | counties may here obtain a first rate English educa- j tion, or may be prepared for admission into th .‘ Fresh- I man or Sophomore classes of our University or anj' • other institution. The Fall Session of this Institution will eniumorice ! on MONDAY, the 14th instant, and coiiiintie Five Months. TERMS AS FOLLOWS; Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, kc.. Grammar, Geography, &c., Latin and Greek, Philosophy, Mathematics, Jfc., Tax for contingent expenses, o Tuition iu advance. Students entering the higher bi-.mehcs have the pri vilege of studying either or all the branches taught by paying the price of the highest alone. Board, with rooms, lights, fuel, washing, &c., fur nished by private families of the village or in the ad jacent county, at 50 per ni'^nth. THOS. S. ASHE, ] THOS. ROBINSON, j PURDIE RK'H.VRDSON, j W. R. LEAK, I • T. RKDFERN, | E. F. LILLY, j Wadesborough, N. C., July 5, 185t>. 21-4iu -i;10 00 12 50 20 00 20 OO i 'ontoraiion Hands I of tin 'Town of Faijcttvrilie for Sale! A OREE.VULE to an .\ct of the General .\ssembly \ of the State of North Carolina, ratifie 1 Dec. 25 1852, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue her Bonds to the amount of ^!lOU,UUO, in the aggre gate, for the purpose of paying her subscription to the Western Rail Road Company. Therefore, it is ordered by the Commissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive sealed proposals, until the 1st of November next, for the purchase of $o0,0t10, in sums of $500 each of said Bonds, or any p.art thereof. Bonis to run twenty years, with (Coupons attached,—interest payable semi annually. The said Bonds shall be under the seal of the Corporation, and binding on the faith of the same. W.M. WARDEN, Town Treasurer. Sept. 20, 1855. 39- COOK & JOHNSON aWITii a to ti.eir FALL AND WINTER .'i'ii'K, ii'i-.v reeei\iiig and ojiening, making the a il ill ai’4 •a to IMlig ■ t ■ in tiieir line of husiness, enibrac- ti A. t'IIfirry, .1 ii! GRO! ERlliS, which they are II tlieir usual favorable terms, either pr'/'iucc, Cush, or on time to prompt iNU II. ( t a.iK. ^ t. Ih 1 KoBLRT JOHNSON. 51-31 I liil 1M |> > 'i-.-ed. 1.., ^ 1 .\laj.5a/,iii«; tor XovcMiiUcr, E. J. HALE ^ SON. lilunli's far sale hf-re. C. J. II. .lon‘s ^■l.VKE this method of calling the attention of their I friends and othirs to their NEW STO(JK of nomesUr anti M'uttry 8fri/ Uooils., IX PAHT AS Koi.i.ows: Rich colornl and black Silks; fine all-wool De-Laines; ail-wool Plaids, hiirh colors; very handsome Long Shawls: ilo. Stella: line emb’d Skirts: emb’d Hand kerchiefs: Jaconet and Swiss Bands; einb’d and l.ace Collars; Thread Lace and Edgings: ditto Jaconet and Swiss; rich Lace Falls, black; black Trimming Lace; Kihbons and Trim- i tilings, all kinds; Swan's Down: Furs, in sets; fine Kill Gloves; newest style Hats f .r Ladies; \ » lvet amt Cloth Ciniiks, iVC. tSiC. ,\ lot of best quality t-il'TT.V PLRCH.V (’’LOl LING, very suitable for Wagoners and otht'rs who may be ex posed to wet weather. (^all and see. Fayetteville, Oct. 11, 1850. For sale by Sejit. 15, (.|{()(’1’:ki!-:s. SACKS (’OFFKE, assorted. 50 bills. SUGAR, 5 caddies TE.\, “ E. F. MOORE. 1850. ;!'.»tf PUBLIC XOTICL Is HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort H.-trbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the lOth day of .\pril 1850, and remain open according to the terms of the ('harter until ftirther notice, at the following places and under direction of the following nameil jiersons, (,’ommissioners in the Charter, viz; In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk of the (.’ounty Court at Jacksonville, and at the Post Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H. Foy, Robert White, John A. Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. .Aren- dell at lieaufort. Dr. M. F. Arendell, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. At the store of G. W’. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge .\rende"ll. In Dupiin cotinty, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B. Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick Murphy, Wm. Faison J. R. Beaman, Alfred .lohnson. In (,'umberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of -V .McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of suVtscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of sl ares of ^lOO each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central Raii Road Company; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the Charter. $ Ol.D RVH W HISKKV. fBlHE Subscriber is tue only authorised agent in M. Fayetteville for the sale of the lion. R. C. Pur- year’s Celebrated II#J 1 *. He will be supplied with this superior Whiskey to meet the dematid. W. DRAUGllON. Fayetteville, March 20. i*0-tt Goods at VV liol('sah\ f^HE Subscribers beg leave to advise their custom ers and Merchants generally, that they have received a part and expect to receive the balance of their recent purchases iu a few days. Their Stock will be much larger and more complete than they have ever offered, embracitig a general assortment of Cj^rocerie!!;, Together with Hardware and Cutlery, Hollow \Vai*(% Sadtllery, Shoes, Ijeather, iScc., .\11 of which have been bought by one of the firm ex pressly for the Wholesale Trade. Their terms will be as heretofore, on the usual time to prompt dealers. To cash buyers a reasonable discount will he made. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, August 13, 1850. 30-tf WHEAT \VANTi:i).” IWWNT to purchase 5,000 Bushels Wheat. JAS. G. COOK. 10-tf Capo Foar I^and for Sale. HE Subscriber offers for sale THREE HUNDRED JL and EIGHTY-FIVE .Veres of Land on Cape Fear River below Smith’s Ferry, in Cumberland county, running with the river to the lands of Mrs. Byrd. .V portion of the land is cleared and fenced. It ia well adapted to the cultivation of corn, oats and the usual crops of the river lands. The part uncleared has on it some good swamp, which may be easily pre pared for use. It will be sold on a credit of twelve months. Persons wishing to buy can call on the owner at this place. J. G. SHEPHERD. April 8. 94-tf r. C. & 15. ~G. WORTH, CoiiHiHssion (Jc P^orwarding Merchants, BROWN’S BUILDING, W'ATER STREET, Wiiiiiiiig^ton, rv. €. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. 63-tf V ALUABLE xNEGROES FOR SALE. 4 NEGRO Woman aged about thirty or thirty-five /V years, good house servant, cook, washer and irouer, honest and industrious. A Girl aged about nine, and a boy about four years —ehildreti of the woman. Persons in want of this species of property will do well to call on the undersigned at his Law Office on Anderson Street, when further particulars will be given. BARTH’W FULLER. April 2'.t. 600-tf NOriCE. r|il1E notes anil accounts due to Jno. M. Beasley, £ are in the hands of W’m. McL. McKay for col lection, as longer indulgence will not be given, it is hoped this notice will be sufficient to save costs. JOHN M. BEASLEY. June 25, 1855. I2tf FOR SALE. ,ff Knhteed Prires, for f’.I.S’fl or on SHOUT Ti.liE, il ItUtOIIfllES. Rockaways and Buggies OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, .\NY of which are finished, and the balance being finished daily. Among which are many New . and Beautiful styles, and one VERY FINE CARRIAGE. Some of them very light, and all made in the bei^ manner and of the best materials. My facilities for doing C arriage work are GRE.A.TER than any establish ment South, and 1 ^.,an afford and am determined to sell work of the BEST (.^LWLITY as low as it can be built for Viy any one. jgfc^ Tho.se who are intiebtcd to me will please pay up, as my business requires my out-standing debts i to be collected. A. A. McKETHAN. June 25, 1850. NOTICE. June 0, 1850. 11-tf \V . n. Carv(^r iS S just rt'oeiving a ver\ large Stock of' B. (Jroctrirs. 9l*iiirv, MAquor.H, direct Iron; N. York, whieh will be sold at very moderate prices for C;l^•h. or exeh.uige fiir any kind of [iruduee. ,\ call from ol 1 friends and the i>iihlic generally is desired, as my .'^tock is so large and varie l that it will gildom fail to «ive s.iti.';fu tion. W'. H ’ARVEI5, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 2U, lH-»0, 4iJ-tf I'ISH. B.\RR1.LS No. M VCKElll’.L. 25 qr. do. No. 2 “ 25 “ “ No. 1 10 Mils. Herring. .500 U s. t.’odfish. For sale by Sei>t. 15, 1S50. K. F. Mt)ORE. ;iotf For llay%vo«>cS and "■''HE Brothers' Steam Bo.at (’onipany, i'roni and after £ this ilay, will run a Ste.ainer once a week, twice a wei.'k. or onee in two necks as the Intsiness may do maud—between the above points ami Fayetteville and Wilmington. July 10, 1H5*;. 20tf .Names Residen,..: \ (Jash W'ork Subscriptions may be made paj’able in work, and Tuay specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bi.ls are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. ,\s soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, aud they are rdiuired to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the ('ompany. March 15, 1850. 1J?tf FIRE AM) LH'I'. I\SURA.N’CE. >'J'HE tmdersigned has the .Ageticy of the following -R Companies, vi/,: Greensborough -Mutual Life Insurance and Trust (’o. (Jreensborough .Mutual Fire Insurance (3o., Newbern Mutual Insurance (%i , C’harlotte Mutual Fire Insurance (^o., (^iswell Mutu.al Fire Insurance (?o. Insurance in Xorlh Cdrolina Companifx can now be taken in any part of Town or (bounty, in large or small amounts. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent. .Tune-^0, 1850. 17-Om l»KKI> KIVKlt tU)AI>. a BlTU.MINoUS (’OAL of the best quality can be M9 had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM. McCL.VNh, The Elementary SpelHiiir Rook, to which is addel the First Lesson in .\rithmetic, by Noah Webster; The National Primer, by the same author. Also, a further supply of the Pictorial Elementary Spelling Book. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 2 WARREN IMUOR, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Has just receivetl a large and well selected assortment of (JOODS in his line, which will be sold at the verj- lowest p;rices, consisting of Gold and Silver Watches of all kinds; Gold and Silver Fob, Vest an>l (luard Chains, Seals and Keys; Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger P.ings, (some Diamouil;) Bracelets; Sleeve and ('ollar Buttons; Studs; Lockets; Gold Pens and Pencils; Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles; Gold and Silver Thimbles; Pearl and Shell Card Cases; Port Moiuiies; Sacks; .Vccordeons, Flutes, Violins and Bows, Fifes, Music Boxes; Fine Cutlery, Pistols and Flasks, Parlour Pistols; Game Bags, Shot Belts, Percusiiion Caps, Musket Balls: (]anes; .Nlathe- matical Instruments: Surveyors’ (^Ihains and Comp.isses: Silver and Plated Forks. Spoons, Cups, Butter and Fruit Knives; Plateil (aistors, (’ake Raskets. Candle sticks. A good assortment of MlLir.\R\ GO()l)S, Swords, Epauietts, Button.s, Silver and Gilt Lace, P'lUtr.es. Drums, &c. A large lot of (BLOCKS, together with a large num ber of other articles. Purchasers are invited to call and exirnine- Repairing of Watches, Clucks, .\erordems, and jobbing sti’ictly attended to. August 21, 1850. o2 -im NOTICE. A LL those indebted to us previous to the 1st Janu- ary will call and settle either by note or cash, and oblige us. McDON.VLD iv: WlI.VLl^’l. N. B. A good assortment of S.\DDLLS .\ND H.VR- NESS always on hand for cash or on time to punctual customers. Feb’y 17, 18.55. Ttitf Feb. H, 1855. 7^tf NEW STOCK OF Books and Stationery. »rE are now receiving our usual New Stock of ¥ ¥ BOOKS and ST.VTlONERY, embracing a great variety of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND mis(t:llaneous books. Together with a large and varied stock of lilank l>ooks, Paper, Envelopes, &c. Country Merchants and others are invited to call, as we otfer the above stock on the best terms. Oct. 8. E. J. HALE & SON. Copying Ink, and Copying Books just received. E. J. HALE & SON. .June 4. IJFE INSURAWE. ffllHE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of ■ the North Carolina .Mutual Life Insurance Com- patu’. Every member for life participates in the )>ro- fits of the ('ompauy; and the annual premium for life membership, where it amounts to or more, may be paid one-half iti cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. A man may insure his own life for the exclusive bvjuefit of his family The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world It is one by which a family, for a small sum annually, may be provided for, after the death of its he,id, on whose exertions they may have been dependent lor a support. It is a gooil investment of money, even if one sliould live loitg after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory pampiilets, and the necessary Blanks, furnished on ajtplication. E. J. HALE. May 21, 185iT. Mining Engineer. 0-tf WOOL ROI.LS. ^^^OOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS. i->snaburgs, (Jotton Yarn, and W'ool Rolls, for sale by June 1864. GEO. McNEILL. 7-tf ]vi/o wot^Li) HA VE Tiiouain it? .1 ueAo (Uirrin'je Eahdt!lAhrnmU on the Mi/itnri/ (rri'f-it, itjipiniitH the Hit Church, f'nnitiu'j on Mumfoni Sfrrrf. i;uiv\'i' ivXTKui’Uisi;! J'ji 5*» i! l«r is ••«*!! ^|>ilK .'U!).scrii>.*rs would respectiulU’ inlorm tludr I friends and the public, t ha I t hey htive entered idto copartnership for the put pose ol conducting the gcjieral CARUIAGL BUSl.NKSS in all its various parts. .\nd heing both practical workin n, fully un- de.>tanding their fnt»iness, they have no hesitation to compare work with auy establitihmeut in Fayeitiville as to style .and durability. One of the firm may bit known by reltreii'-e to A H. Whitfield's iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER .t I!R.\N1N. Jamks H. Pikr. J-\mk.s Bh-\mn Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1858. 02*f (i \Ri)i:NLMi FOR 'nil-: soi'I'n. wav W. N. White of Georgia; 1£ ® Courtship and Marriage, by Mrs. Hentz; The Courtesies of Wediied Lite, by ,'Irs. Leslie; Harper’s Classical Library, b«-ii!g literal translations of Cicero, Xeiuqdion, Ceas.ar, Herodotus, Horace, »|j-c. Also, further sup[.lies of Ernest Linwood; Hiawatha; Mrs. Hentz’s .Novels, 5o ct.s. a vol.; Johnston’s .\gri- cultural Chcnii try; Dot-^ -v's Choiie; Tiemh on the Miracles; The .Moral Probe; Lclo>;ues and (Jeorgics of Virgil, by .Vnthon: Jay's .Morning ‘and Evening Exercites; “live Hundred .Mistakes Corrected”; Smith’s Gr.immar; \c., just received by E. J. HALE SON.