S E M I-W E K It L, Y. \ or,. VI.1 n. c., novkmhkh 3, isnr, [\o. r)53.] \ri l' 'lONDAVS AM) riiniSPAYS 'i\\ \ni) .1. i{\Li: .t SON. AND rKuPinr.TOKS. ui-\V>t>k!y )i(sKitVK.ii 00 if pixiil in > '■ '>;• ’t' (iriiii 'hiviiip; the yo:\r of suUscriv > I v'Mi- liiis fxpirO'l. . .‘k'y ' •it'Kitvci! 00 per :iunuin. if paid in : "iij lit '! Inrint: tJu‘ yojvr of suliscrip- ; > ■ rtfi- the _vo:ir li;is expirt'tl. ' i; rI Sl^'.l I'N 1 S in.-fi'toil for sixt}’ cents per ; ] ' ’I-'.- f.n- tlu‘ tir>t. :nul thirty cents for each •IV iM ■'I'U. Yi';irlv ii'lvertisements hy s]>e- iiir ■ :ii ri'K.iK'itilc rates. Ailvertiseis :ire : 1 I -i ite till' luniiher i>f insertions (lesirc'l, or ■ i*.Ill'll' I' i till fiirl'iil, un i cli:irj:e>l iiccor'l- t'l the IMit.irs must 1>e post-paid. • >0 J>o\t‘s I’l’c oeiveil mill for sale liy Oet. -J.V ;li (’iMckt'rs. just ro- (’HAKl,r-S 1?A\KS. \v. V. iMJ.iorr, COMMISSION MERCHANT, KAVF.TT.I'VILLK, N. A;/ruf fnr Luth iIdJi if’ him'. Will attend pronijitly to all Inisiness entrusted to liis oarc. Oct. 21. IS')';. ')0-tf I A hi-rti'enieii' ! . I. Tti •barged 50 per Jk_ - TLA ri:i> 4.JSTOKS. \ !-■Ill*- a>'.'rtniont iust rei-eived. W. N. Tll.LlNCIl.Vi^T. ■ I, • j7. 61-lni i: wn )'.-!j'i'rs I >'py. SELLING OUT! 111 NMNCi iiiv health feehlc to attend to I.usiness, JS* 1 ^iHve 1 t- sell ^'Ut niy entire Nl’KSKHV >T u iv vT Ki:i*r i;i> ruii Ks. 1 ■ anv wue vUsposed t>> jjo into the business, ii greiit ' ir-i'in niav hail, as uiy l."t of acres, on llills- • r'iu.;h ?tre'‘t, >• Mitains thousands of Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Roses, &c., in e%erv stape irr^wth, from the iSeed jist j>lanteil I'l the l^vi-r^reeii, ..vc , 1- or 1> t>‘Ot hi^li, and truit Tri v.'' II \v iieariu_ >^10 wurth of the inost delicious Iriiit ti. the single tree. ' T.^ t'v- ry :'ne wh- has a ?p>t of vacant ground, 1 w 'uid say, do n"t permit the present opportunity to ■. :;pe \\i>!;i at layiiijr in a iri'')d assortinent .as lar as 1 !!i ' . l.i p'. i init fruiii a re.xlly ciioiee collection ot Kvi r-ri !'U.s it’all kimls, Shrubs, Ivo.se.s, I'ruit and nniaiucntal Trofs, Hodge I’Uiuts, (irapc \ itirs, Strawliorriis, llaspbcrrio.s, As- puriiiTUs, Khubarli or I’ic Plant, Hulbs, Dahlias, Groon-IIouse Plants, Shade Treos. Co- uuterv Kvcnrrccns, cVr., iii i, rs >u!i] ’>!■ -I'nt iu er.rly as possible, and the i-i iV.itii ('atal'.uue prices will be iu proportion • t!..- ^•e if the ‘ ir ler N- ri'ductiou ("in ■ ntade "ii Fruit Trees or l?ox r i_inr. II' th* ;. art- ?1 without jir.>tit t’•.ta>':;uf' 'vi;' ! ■ tnai’.el to npplicants. LI TTl^llL'*n. Nurserymuu, Fayetteville, N. \mv (iooDs. ^IIK subscriber hn^ received his Fall and Winter Stock of (Joods. consistiuf: in jiart of lilanlii't.s, Kerseys, Stripes, and IMaids; Saddle.^, Bridles, and Martinirale'; H.mts, Shnps. Ilatsj Kio, Ijaj^uira. ami Java (’ofTcp; Loaf, (’lari- fiod.\' Porto l{ic> Suirar; (’uiia .^^llasl■s, an excellent article; Stitr ir Ilotise Syrnp; Vino_'ar, Pepper, Spice, and 'I'ea; * Soda Biscuit, and ('lieese; Minild, Adamantine, ami Sperm (’an- dlo.s; Suuff, I’owder and Shot; (fine. Truss Honps, and Coopers’ Tools. _Al,S()_ A fine assortment of Se;j:arf«. of l'liewin>t'I'obiicco. ;V few 15bls. Old Seujiperiion;: Wine. ■• Nick WilliaiHs's Whiskey. A irreat tnatiy other articles usually kept in a Cro- cerv Store. I’urchasers woubl do well to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. C. K. LKFTK. Oct. '22 •')ii-lm XKW iiOOKS. fBlUK Hii;^^ of hli!it'.-niu(r. by .Miss Warner, Antlior K ofihe “'Vide W'-’.e Worlil;” il.msehold Mysteries, a liotnr.Tice of ii^outliern Lite, Scliool l>ooks, &c., just received. K. -I. II.VLl' & SON. Ik hIoii's 'riiirly ^ (‘Jirs in tli(‘ U. S. Senate. A lurther su}>i'l,\ t'f'lsi mimI livi vohnnt^^. just roccivtMl. I*'. •! - II ALII »S; SON I'oii s vLi-:. raiiN PL.vTi-:, i Sheet Iron, Iron Wire, Zinc, and Tin Ware and > patterns. l‘>y toves of various W ANUIU'.WS, .Market Stpiare. 42- \ 1 AN Oct. ‘22, ISoG. (Jl .WO. lor salo hv T. HA kill SONS.* oOtf IS«‘Nv .Music t’ortlu‘ Piano and (iuitar. iu.st received K. .1. M.\LK vt SON. Oct. 22. ON C(\\SIGN.MKN r, 10(10 Sacks Salt, 20 Bbls. .Mulletts, (Oak,) To arrive and for sale. W. 1’. ELLIOTT. Oct. 22 oO-tf J.\MKS e. SMITH. MIl.KS CM'TIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Factors, (^otnniit'slo/i and Fonrtr(lini- mi:rciiants. NO. '1 SOI TII WATKR STRKKT, I T .STAIRS. WIl.MINGTOX, N. C. Oct. 21, lS5*i. i>0-Y Konian C'atliolicism Sj)iritnally C'on- sidered, by the Uev. I’has. 1’. .lones, of the N. on- ference. .lust received. K. J. H.\LK \ SON. Oct. 22, Iboti. Sept. _’4. SElO.Vtt STOi^K. IJ. V. IM'.AUCI': Is now receiving, direct from New Vork, his feecond stock of Tall aaid iiitt'i* Dry €nooI^, Amonj; which may be found, the latest and most fashionable styles of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cloaks, Mantillas, and all styles of Kmbroidery. Al^o, ('lENTi.K.Mkn’s (;ool»S of every variety, which will be sold «'H K.\ 1’at w holesale or retail. The Ladies are respectfully invited to "ive me a call. 11. F. I’KAUCE. Hay Stceet, Fayetteville, Oct. H, iS.jti. 4(>tf iu)AUi)iN(;-iiorsi: 'ro iavv. PlloroS.VLS to Rent the Boarding-House in con nection with Laurinburgh High School will be received utitii tiie lat .Saturday in Novetnber next. Addre.ss ' 1>. McLAl'lUN, I’resiilent lloard Trustees. Laurinbur^h, Biclimond (’o.. N. C.. Oct. 5. 4'j-td l^rinciiHil W (intcd—Snldrif ^lOOlK fBlHK Trustees of Latirinburgh High School, Hich- i inond cotinty. N. desire to procure a Princi pal to take charge of tiie Scliool in January next. A sjilary of ^lOOtt will be given, together with the use of the commodious Uoarding-llouse in connection with the School if desired. Tiie location is iiealthy, the comnuinity moral and temperate. •Applications addressed to the undersigned will be received until the last .Saturday in November next, wiien a selci tion will be ma le and the successful ap- jilicant notified. I>. McL.-\L’HlN, 1‘resident Board Trustees. Laurinburgh, Uichinon'l ('o., .N. t Oct. 5, Ibot). j 4t.-td Tiu‘ sor riii:uN harmony— new editiim, revised ind enlarged. A further supply of this popul.ir book just received. F-. .1. H.\LE .S: SON. Oct. 10, 1 I'ALI. I'RADi:, B. F. PEARCI3 ciiKKsi:. rf lOSHl^'N and Dairy ’HEESF.. ^ If Sperm and .\damantine C.\NULES. io lioxes S01).\ BISCUIT. ;”)0 jars West India I’llK.SEIlVES. For sale by E. F. MOORE. Sept. IT), 18')0. ' .‘]9tf__ Jlisr KK(’KIVKJ),~ 1 P S.^.0 kegs N A1 LS. 20 cases NEGRO SHOES. For sale by E. F. .MOORE, Store formerly occupied by Hall & Sackett. Sept. ir>, IHi-iCi. 39tf srFToo!. uooKs. JIMEHSON’S Arithmetics and Keys; Parker’s Phi- A loso|’hy; .Nortli (^-irolina Readers; Bullion’s Greek (Jr.immar and Reader; I’ikes’ .Xrithinetic; Comstock’s Philosophy. Further supplies just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 1-'). K()l{ UK.XT. ri'^HE large Fire-proof Brick Ware-house, conveni- I ently situated in rear of our Store. Apply to STARR # WILLIAMS. Sept.* 2G. 48-tf New VV ntron Estahlishment, By U n. \VA ri'^HE Subscriber would inform his friends and the public generally, that he has completed his new establishment on Maxwell street, near Mr. E. W. Will- kings’ Store, and is now prepared to receive orders for CARTS, WAGONS, DRAYS, &c., which shall be promptly executed. All work done by him shall be of the best workman ship and material that the country can alford. KEPAlllING of all kinds done with neatness and despatch. Also, IIORSE-SnOEING will be strictly at tended to. N. B. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. Fayetteville, .Tuly 24, 185G. 24-Y RKWARD. R.\N.\W.VY from the subscriber on the 1st of -\pril last, a negro man named Kami, about six teet high, about 30 years ol age, and black. Said negro is supposed to be lurking in the neighborhood of John Bell or James McKethan. The above reward will be paid to any person de livering said negro to me at Locksville, Chatham Co., X. C , or confining him in any Jail in the State where I can get him. NATHAN KING. •lune 25. 17-tf l^^avottcn ill(' ^HE Subscribers having this d.iy leased this ! _ Hotel for a term of years, will be jileased to see their friends and the travelling public DISSOLUTION. flHE firm of H.VLL cj- SACKETT is this day dis solved by mutual conseni. Tlie busine''s of the firm will be settled by J. H. Hall or .V. E. Hall, who alone are authorized to use Jill at this House. At tl»e same titne we ho|;ie they will be the name of thrfirra in li.inidation. patient and bear with our imperfection:; until we shall have put the House iu such repair as we desire. J H. ROBERTS & Ct). J. H. Roberts. F. N. Rohkrt.-^. March 1, 1855. 80-tf ANs()N^ i^s fI ri' 1’ 1 i'B’IHLS Institution has been iu operation about two Jl. years and a half It is pleasantly situated on an eminence about one-half of a mile sjutlnvest ol the town of Wadesborough, commanding an extensive view of the surrounding country. There is a dwelliiig house connected with the institute and occupied by Rev. Elijah J. Morrison, one of the Teachers, who is pre pared to take eight or ten boarders, to wliose comfort, j instruction and moral training every necessar}' atten- ! tion will be bestowed. The Institution is now under | charge of Prof. SILAS C. LINDSLEV anl Rev. E J. 1 wishing to b-iv can call on the owner at this place. ..1 L - 1 ui : * I n PPII i.'Un J. II. HALL, A. E. HALL, T. M. SACKETT. Fayetteville. N. C., Jan’y K>, 70-tf ('aj)r Vv\v Laiui for Sahv ^ H1HE Subscriber oilers for sale THREE HUNDRED ML and EIGHT^-FlVE .Veres of Land on (’ape Fear River below Smith’s Ferry, in Cumberland county, running with tlie river to the lands of Mrs. Byrd. .V portion of the land is cleared and fenced. It is well adapt' l to the cultivation of corn, oats and the usual crops of the river lamls. The part uncleared has on it some good swamp, which may be easily pre pared for use. It will be sold on a credit of twelve months. Persons wan ri:i). .\‘ TIVE V"l .Nu MEN, to act as local_ and travelling agents iu a business easy, - u'. ii;d h"!) '!':v-'Ic, at a .s\1. VilA Ot ^100 1 Lil M"N TH .\ capital >: > only rC'iuirod. No p.atent 111. iicine or : 'k busin*‘s-» Full particulars given, •nr. : all whi^ ei;. io~e a postatre .stamp or a three ■ > i i'ii'ce. nnd aMress A. I>- MVRI\N, I'laist' W, N. H. D. W. C . JiKNJU)W, 1). D. S., Caru(liiat«‘ of tli«- Ualtiniorc of HEMAL JilRliERV. FFICE hours from A. M. to 1 P. M. “ P. M. to 5 P. M. DR. 15ENB0W may be fotind at his suite of Rooms near the Market, where all who are ;n nec 1, of the services of a Dentist are respecfully invited to call. All operations performed upon the latest and most approved plans. To those in need of • It'li/iciul 'i'tftfl, he W'luld simply ^ay that lie is bihind in no improvement. He in.'crts fi'om one to an entire set upoT\ fine (iold or Platina plate, which he guarantees to be ciiually a^ serviceable as the natural organs. He ppetidr- nine months ol each yeiir in tliis place, ;frum 1st of October to the 1st of July. i >ct. 20, liS.jG. 4‘.'-tt Further supplies of School Books. SMITH’S GRAMMAR; Davies’, Smith’s, Colburn’s, anil Greenleaf’s Arithmetics; Lambert’s Anatomy and Physiology; Hitchcock’s Elementary Geology; Goodrich s ami Willard’.s U. S. Histories; Tlie Child’s History of the U. S.; Parley's First Book of History; -Mitchell's Intermediate Geography; Olney’s Geo graphy, Bolmar's Levizac’s French Grammar; Pinneo’s Englisii Teacher; Cornell’s Intermediate Geography; Kay's Readers: Emerson’s Watts’on the Mind; Jacobus’ OPENINt.I, a large and desirable Stock of j Notes and (Questions on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke; Greenfield’s Greek Testament and Lexicon; .Marsh’s Songsters; School Testaments; North Carolina Readers, L'avies’ Surveying, &c. Just received Aug. 80. E. J. HALE & SON. ^10 00 12 50 20 (»0 20 (to Cioodi I 'rn^ht (i/iil I*(tss( n^cr Ijiue hclti'cc/i U i I i/i! nato/t (ind Jiiticttri'illc. ^Tl'.vME.-l M.Vi'.NoLIA, leaves Fayetteville uu Mon- ii. an i TliUr.-day in rnings, 15 miuutes atter - :-r. L. ., -3 tV i.iiiiast in ..n Ta.-s lav and Friday morn; ngs. St . ii-r KANNV LUTTKRL'leaves Fayetteville .11 ‘ - ay an i Friday mornings, 15 minutes atter J IJ - 1 ' • ■ 1. ■ Wiliiiii.gt-ti In.-s iay and S.iturday m irn- '.'■th iirying Fi i-iglit and Passengers, r t i !ier i:- 'Vt \N. with full sets of Lighters, runs Miy. ' li . v^ng Freight only. 1. r-ii i i' .tv 'f our I’.ou.s on all stages of the U aii i I! ■ i ''['ari-h and promptness iu delivering ire ! .vr..ivsn t j reiiuire coniT'ient. ' l ur ; U:- we tinn ier our thanks' for the very ■ iV'-r;il prit; .;i-.r f'irc bestowed, and can assure •ili sliii'pei ''.at tio .-tl'orts will be spared in future, iiid teel coniident tli.ai our iacilities tor dispatch are ; i'hI .ui-er';.'!- *• an\ line on Cape Fear River. W. P. ELLIOTT, \;:eni lor LuUerioh .'i Co. Fayetttv..'^.. N ' . \‘\V illicl 4 'hcilj) (jroods. JAMBS KYLE H\S juKi received a very large and general as- ’ sortnu-nt oi >DS. Among which are. I" SINGER’S SEWIiVG IWACHmES. MU>I. r.-lehralpci iiiiii tioit-' ur- in (ir u-tii :ii ami |irMiii.il.n- ii (i.ut- 'I iiii- -.4 .11/1 i! u irici. Ill llif \ •mil ill -I win!; ' vi'r> ir' ‘‘I I. 'fi. i iili'-r d if lr.i:ht*r. Iln > h.iv*' Itt-t'ii tUily lri« 1 miwI .•'i v\iiii; iii;.rliint'-- "I olh^r iiiaiiillai'turer> olicn la.\ t i w rW, Imi >1 Nt. 1 .li’> M \t 111M.> 'I.- ; VV.\V> >ri:R V'l'i; I’KIIKKi TI.'S . str.iM!.’. iliir;tl.i.- ;iml r. iii- i plele in rontr;\nee . ml w lt^^^ll!an^hi^l. A perli'i" e'\inu iii.i chine tiiii,l..v.',l aiiur.l- •. c U- ,r j.r..tit nt .*l.ii io n \-.ir I.tit oi 1 iiiipcrleta *ine a «mii>»' *»t ritiiNl^oit vr\ itinn and li>". I li** *’n ■ tire RKi.i\Hii.i I V ut'uiir lu.icliiiic i- *nie t^re.it l'»r ilii ii" iiii - iianillfltil ii aiiilar.n . i .MA HIM',' I'l'tt r\MlLY SIAVI.M-, ^.latnil mill (1.mm:. . mm-iriu lion art- r> i iiiaitii.iai-\ -li.. r i iimniifactiirirs. Sii' h iii^irliiiie'arc iii ilt‘ tn r.>n li the u“i to (lertiirm ^ulKt iiilial work, i'lie triilli is. I^iiii iv x wii::; tn i rhiiiP' onjftil 1*1 Im* stroni!rr than aiiv oilier. I"*r:ia^r lh*‘\ iiil'- ; ii-,s skillful h.in.l-- tlroi uh-n ,iil‘l I . m;oiiila-lnr.-r-, an.l ire ii-c i f.,r a i:rr*u-r v.in.:ly -I u .:k 'ni.- iii.o-h,n.'~ » liirh h iv.: i.r..v.’il ! ix'si liir all ntlii r iiiiri.'>'- iiiii’I I"' I'"' Imiily H'C. nml tlu \ ' ;.re .sinirT% The -i»-i >1 "f 'nir iii i.-‘ioirs ha.c lati-ly lit en .loillilnl Vo iiiher rail t..:aniare willi lh*’in in i|a.iiiliiy '>1 u >rK .New iirirhini'-i ' I thi' l;itc^t itii|iri rli'iniietl on liberal tfriii- I'tr o 1 ' iir I'lr ciinT iti'(■ 111 ii'liiiii ' 111 I'lht Wiintcil to sell our III ifliiiie-* .dC-0 >. I!. —All (M-rM'ii- lil’ ifom mil iniiM 111 Ilii'ii alioiit -cwir.i: iiii ctiiiif',. ran i.t.t iin it liy apiilyini: I'lr a cnpy ol ' I. ,\1. Mnil^r & o ^ i.a/.cllc," a iiapi.-r lievcilfil I’liiorly In liie 'iil>ji’ l. It will he >eiil yrat.s 1. ,M. I.N(a.ll &. I Prinripal Olli. c. Itr.i ..Iway, ow York. liK \ -I II >l'KI 1-S I styic will lie i-\ wiiii; liiarhines 111 our oWii make, ■r 111 oiiif>i tiiror-i. [.oral :i"« iil' }7 Hanover 'teet, I’o-jImh. VVetiiiin''tiT 't.. I’pivnleiuf. •i'4 !!rii nl street .\i w ark. . J ;tr rirnailway, .Mhany, .N. N . 'lovrr^vill**. .Nt-w ^'llrk. iHt-hapel ^iri-et. .NfW lla\rn. 1 1 r.iu iiaii-in si (ila^iT'iw, r^rIt'll Oct. l-‘.‘>ti. IIJ lif>niit 'treet. I’hila. 1 Hi;> II > Itiiiiorti strei t. Halt more. , - 1'. 'I I'oiirili -iri'i t. ( iiK-it.Mali. I (’hnM!!o. l.lillMiS. I..'. .Niirili riiiitli st . St. I.ouis. -I .'I. CiKirlf -I . .Nc'V I irleaii'i ■,’n I .-111 ji!ioi 't.. ,\1' i‘j ile. .'ill ^'iii Fr-ncl, ami Kngli n M^rii: jires.'. Silk-, Ki.s'o -in't l'l:i : :i' Fig;;iea; Fall ainl Wintt‘r Stock, -, I ',1' -re lii'i .•'1 f ;iis; ati I Nfii'i: Blankets; : l i-l li’.t.iche I and Brown Domestics; ciiii II -- Beady-Madr ‘.'1 itliing, uni, tiood and ConiHioii; like' 1 ’>• 11 in,- f Mtli; Kcr-: y iMi.i Liiiseys; lii-i l,iii--ii-, Crash; I I I ,'Wiper and Napkins. V, Itii Hiaii\ -tlii r 1- I': t tin- ctia'."l I I y w h'lie-' lie • ‘ct. 2 i, 1 ar ticles, all of wiiich being jmr- . e, wii! be offered at low prices. .1-tf MOl>.\SSKS. OllilUS. iu-t n- reived and for sale by JAS. G (’OOK. 51- .M’.w COOK & JOHNSON t NVl'l'li atlcntiuii to t.heir F.VLL A.NL) INI ER .■^riK'K, no vv rei liviti}! and opening, making the a- uitiiii'iit coiiiii’eti- in rlieir line of btisiness, enibrac- '.ti; h Ui l-'inic .-t i'.'k ol' llHr(t\%ar‘ A 4'iil!‘i*y, !^a«l«llory, Ati 1 a i , k of (i HOCK111 ES, which tliey are I r-e:: ',u thi'ir u^ual favorable terms, either •xchatij^c 1'ir pr iiice. Cash, or on time to prom[it •-tomers. JNo. H. oiiK. ROBERT JiJHNSON. Oct. 25, lh5l>. 61-3t lliirpcrs' M;»guz,inc Tor Nov(Mi\l)cr, ^st re.eived. H. • HALE J' SON. i >1 t. 21. ipl. lUank.s for sale here. !H\Vi’, just received in lull my Fall and\'ii)ter r tock of Sf/A-, Staplf , tintl ram t/ nrif (JOOits. embracing ijti'te a variety ol styles, ijualitiej, \c., \c., including all styles Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, to wit: Striped, Plaid an t Itobed Silks; Plaid, .Striped, and Printed, all Wool DeLains, all colors; Solid, all Wool, Do.: French Merinos, all -liades and colors; Printed ami J’laid low priccd Alpaccas and DeLains Also a handsome assortment ol Cloaksand Talmas, and extra heavy P.ay State Shawls; Enibr'd CoHars; Black Lace Do.; Swiss and Jac t 1-louncings; Do. Edgings and Inscrtings; Kid and Twisted .^ilk Gloves and Gauntlets; Hat.s; t.'aps; Bonnets; Bleached an.I r.rown Sheetings and Shirtings; together with a good Bound. Staple and Domestic Good.,; Ready .Made Clotliing; ISoots and Mhoes, iJiC., jc. Buyers generally are respectlully inviteil to give ni^ Stock a look, as 1 shall sell on short profits. P. (’ROW. OctoberIHoi;. 4-tl ( J. Sl II. II. .)OIK'S rM.VKE this method of calling the attention of their I friends and others to their NEW STOt^K of Uomestir and M'anrtf t»ri/ , IX I>.\RT AS mi.LOWS; tich colored and black Silk.s; fine all-wool De-Laines; all-wool Plaids, high colors; very handsome Long Shawls: do. Stella; fine emb’d Skirts; enib’il Mand- ' kerch'iefs; Jaconet and Swiss Bands; emb’d and Lace Coliars: Tliread Lace and Edgings; ditto jaconet and Swiss; rich Lace Falls, black; black Trimming Lace; Ribbons and Irim mings, all kimls; Swan’a Down; Furs, in sets; fine Kid Gloves; newe.st style Hats for Ladies; Velvet and Cloth Cloaks, tS;c. &c. —ALSO— A lot of best quality (JLTTA PERCH A CLOTHING, very suitable for Wagoners and others who may be ex posed to wet weather. flfe*r’CaII and see. Fayetteville, Oct. 11, 1856. 4(ti IS NOW Fall and \V intc'i cotisisting iu part of Black and Cob'red .silks, English and French Merinos. Plain and Fig'd DeI.anes. some beautiful patterns. Black and Fancy .VIjKicas, Edgings and Ins'-rtings, Collars and Cii''. -rsleeves, (’actus and W'.nicbone .skirts, JaciMiet, Nain-' ik, .Swiss .and Plaid Muslins, French. Entrlish .in I .Vmerican Prints. (’Uitlis and ('assimere, Satinett.'-, Jeans ;ind Tweeds. Phiids, Liiibtys and Kerseys, (’aroliiia and .Mar!boro' .striives. Bleached and l‘>rown Slritiiig' and Sheetings, \Vniite and Ci'l'ired Flannels. l.»rillinu and Tii .ings, Iri'h l.inens, gnod assortment. Linen Talile tUi.ths, Toweliiigs and Napkins, .SliawN, i loaks and Mantillas, Extra ijuality nl He I Blanket^. Ribbons, Belts, Gloves. IDi>ierv, .S:c. Ai.SO, Hats. Caps. Bonnets, Boots, Sli jes and Ciulirellas; a general assort tneiit of Ki: vi>v-»i \i>e: c i.oTiaaiiii;, aiiltvifv viilcty in tlie V,\Nl\KE NoTloN LINK, whicl; will : e -inld at a small advance fnr ’.\SH. or i on tir c* to) vinctual customers, eitli‘rat WHol.K.SALE ' or RET.ML. All are respectfully invited to give me ! a call before purchasing elsewhere. I i:. F. PEABi'E. II iv St., F.iyetteville, Sept. I, 18'>i>. Ho-tf A JiARS'. ( IIAXCi:! i lie 1' ui’iiiltin' :iiul l''i.\tiir(‘s ol'tiu' I'ay- t'ttcville I’or s:i!‘. ri"^HE sub'i-ribeis having fully determined to sell I the a'lovc ntimed Property, now otler it to an on terprising man upon liberal te.nis. This Hotel enjoys a large custom from the :idjoining counties and from the travelling public, with a jiros- pect of future increase. What it has done and is now doing can be seen by any one wisiiiiig to purchase re ferring to our books. The .situation of the building is such that it com mands the greater I' lrt of the ctistoiii Cuming to and passing through this place. For the amount of capital invested, ihero is no bu- ^;ine«s that a person could engage in that would pay as ^^ell’ H RH!ERTS CO. Sept 11, 185tj. :’.8tf 7 (;Roci:ini:s. SACKS ('OFFEE. assorted. 50 bills. SL tiAR, 5 caddies TE.\, E. F. MOORE. ‘.V.Uf Corporation Bonds of the Town of Fayetteville for Sale! A GHEE.VBI..E to an Act of the General .Vssembli’ I /m. of the Stare of North (\arolina, ratifiel Pec. 1852, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue her Bonds to the amount of ^(lOO.OOO, in the aggre gate, for the purpose of paying her subscription to the Western Rail Road Company. Therefore, it is ordered by the ('ommissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive sealed proposals, until the 1st of November next, for the jiurcliase of yoO.OtH). iu sums of y5nO each of said Bonds, or any part thereof. Bon Is to run twenty years wiiii Coupons aitaclied,—interest payable semi annually. The said Bonds shall be under the seal of the Corporation, and binding on the faith of the same. W.M. WARDEN, Town Treasurer. Sept. 2t), 1855. n BLIC NOTlCi: B.S HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of .Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort lUrborvia Kenansville, f’linton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the lOth ilay of April lS.;t), and remain open according to the terms of the ('barter until further notice, at the following pliices and under direction ol the following named persons. Commissioners in the (.Uiarter, viz: In the ('ounty of Onslow, at th;‘ office of the fjlerk of the County Court at Jacksonville, and at the Post Ortice Rich I.iinds. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H. Fov, Robert White, .lohn A. ,\veritt, .Ir., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In (^irteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. Aren* dell at Beaufort. Dr. .M. F. .\rendeU, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. ,\t the store of G W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. P>ell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Arendell. In Dupiin county, at the oftice of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville, — .Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac P. Kelly, Win. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen (Jraham. In Sampson county, at the oflice (ft the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Fai.son, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. .McKay, Patrick Murphy, W m. Baison, .1. R. Beamai:, Alfred .lohnson. In (’uniberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of -V ,\. .McKctlian,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal McDaniel, Edwanl L. Winslow, Joiin C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of ^100 each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central Raii Road Cotnpany; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the (['barter. MORRISON, gentlemen who have considerable experi ence in teaching. .Mr. .Morrison, who has charge of the English Department, is a graduate of our Univer sity, and has taught a classical school for many years. Mr. Lindsley, who has charge of the Latin :ind Greek Department, is a graduate of Princeton, was for seve ral years Professor of Languages in the Caldwell In stitute, while situated in Greensborough, in this State, and has devoted over twenty five years of his life to the instruction and training rff youth. Both of these gentlemen are eminently qualified in every respect to fill their respective positions, and to ilischarge the responsible trusts confided to them. j It is the only high Male School in the county; it has \ been built by the liberality and public spirit of tiie j citizens of Anson county. Why then should it not be patronized? counties may here obtain a first rate English tion, or may be prepared for admission into the Fresh man or Sophomore classes of our University .ir any other institution. The Fall Session of this Institution will commence on MONDAY, the 14th instant, and cotitinue Five Months. TERMS AS FOLLOWS: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, i.S:c., Grammar, Geography, &c., Latin and Greek, Philosophy, Mathematics, ij-c.. Tax fjr contingent expenses, Tuition in advance. Students entering the higher br inches have the pri vilege of studying either or all the branches taught by paying the price of the highest alone. Board, with rooms, lights, fuel, washing, &c., fur- nisheil by private families of tiie village or iu the ad jacent county, at $8 50 per nrvnth. THOS. S. ASHE, ] THOS. ROBINSON, | PURDIE RICH.VRIKSON, [ W. R. LEAK, I • T. REDFERN, j E. F. LILLY, J Wadesborough, N. C., July 5, 185t>. 21-4m oi.D RVK wnisivi:v. f^HE Subscriber is tne only authorised agent in Fayetteville for the sale of the Hon. II. (’. Pur- year’s Celebrated tf'MMMSKM'J i'. \ He will be supplied with this superior Whiskey to meet the demand. W. DRAUGHON. Fayetteville, March 26. ‘.♦O-tf Goods at Wliol(‘salo. f BUIE Subscribers beg leave to advise their custom- Jl ers and Merchants generally, that they have received n part and expect to receive the lialanco of their recent purchases in a few days. The'r Stock will be much larger and more complete than they have ever ottered, embracing a general assortment of OllOC KIIIKS, Togetiier with Hardware aiul Cutlery, Hollow \\ art'. Saddlery, Shoes, Ijoathcr, kc., .\11 of which have been bought bj’ one of the firm ex- jiressly for the Wholesale Trade. Their terms will lie as heretofore, on the usual time to prompt dealers. To cash buyers a reasonable discount will be made. GEO. W. WILLIAMS \ CO. Fayetteville, .\ugugt 13, 18-'i(). rju-tf wiiKAT wanti:d. 1W VNT to purchase 5,000 Bushels Wheat. JAS. G. C(^OK. June 25, 185t>. l(>-tt April 8. J. G. SHEPHERD. 94-tf r. c:. H. G. WORTH, Conunissioii Forwarding Mercliaiits, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, Wiliiiiii;;^toii, IV. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. (j.3-tf VALUABLE NEGROES FOR SALE. VNECiRO Woman aged about thirty or thirt3’-five years, good house servant, cook, washer and - - ; . , ..... ironer, honest and industrious. \ oung men of t is an le a joinui^ , ^ nine, and a boy about foar years —children of the woman. Persons in want of this species of property’ will do well to call on the undersigned at his Law Office on .\nderson Street, when further particulars will be given. BARTH’W FULLER. April 20. 500-tf NOTICE. ri'^NE notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Beasley, I are in the hands of Wm. McL. McKay for col lection, as longer indulgence will not be given, it is hoped this notice will be sufficient to save costs. JOHN M. BEASLEY. June 25, 1855. 12tf FOR SALE. .1/ itetluccd Priecs^ for €»§SU or on SMMOMtT TM.liE, mmm, UAROUfiiES, Rockaways and Buggies OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ANY of which are finished, and the balance being finished daily. Among which are many New and Beautiful styles, and one VERY FINE CARPJ.AGE. Some of them very light, and all made in the be.‘« manner and of the best materials. My facilities for doing Carriage work are GRE.VTER than any establish ment South, and 1 can att'ord and am determinel to sell work of the BEST CiU.\LITY as low as it can be built for by any one. Those who are indebted to me will please pay up, as my business requires ray out-standing debts to be collected. A. A. McKETHAN. Feb. .S, 1855. _________ .Vl'AV STOCK M-' Books anl Stationorv. w 31 For sale by Sept. 15, .VJKIf * i^OODS: \V . II. Cai*V(;r Is just receiving a very large Stock of IHllt' (mrocerics^ ||*iiir«, iAquors, direct from N. Vork, which will be sold at very moderate prices for (’ash, or exchange for any kind of produce. A call from old friends ami the iiublic generally is desired, as my Stock is so large and varied that it will seldom fail to give satisfiction. W. 11 (’ARVER, Hay Street, Fayetteville. N (^ 18.3(;. i;i-tf Names Residen;.: t hares !»! Cash Work Sept. 20. FISH. BARRELS No. :5 MA(’KEREL. 25 qr. do. No. 2 “ “ '• No. 1 iO bbls. Herring. 500 Iba. (,'odfish. For sale by Sept. 15, 185ii. E. F. .M()ORE. 8;ttf For llay\v(H»d and l.oi*k>iville. "■p^HE Brothers’ Steam Boat Company, from and after I this day, will run a Steamer once a week, twice a week, or once in two weeks as the business may de mand—between the above points and Fayetteville and Wilmington. July 10, 1850. 20tf Snbscri[itions may be made payable in work, and mav specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockhoMers shall in every case liave preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the Commissioners of t)nslow county are to be notified, and they arc re\u>red to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the (Company. March 15, 185>. l.tf l-’IKK v.NI) lJl'i;Tv^nTi{,v.\CK. ^a^lIE undersigned has the .Agency of the following fl. Companies, viz: Greensborough .Mutual Life Insurance and Trust /0. Greensborough Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Newbern Mutual Insurance Co , Charlotte Mutual Fire Insurance (yO., (.’aswell Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Insurance in \orlh Carolina Companies can now be taken in any part of Town or County, in large or small amounts. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent. June 30, 1850. 17-6m DEEP RIVER COAL. BITU.MINOUS COAL of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM. McCLANE, Mining Engineer. May 21, 1856. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the firm of W. F. E. F. Moore, arc requested to come forward and make payment, as their copartnership ceased on the 1st of .March, 185t>. F. ^ E. F. MOORE. June 0, 185G. 1 ‘ 'riu* Elementary Spelling Hook, to which is added the First Lesson in .\rithnietic, 113- Noah Webster; The National Primer, by the same author. Also, a further supply of the Pictorial Elrtnentary Spelling Book, .iust received. E. J. H.\LE SON. Sept. 2 WARREN I’RIOR, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, H.\S just received a large and well selected assortment of GOOl'S in his line, which will be sold at the verv lowest prices, consisting of t!old ami Silver Watches of all kinds; GoM and Silver Fob, Vest and (Juard (,'haiiis. Seals a!il Keys: Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, (some Diamond;) Bracelets; Sleeve anl (aillar ISuttons; .Studs; Lockets: Gold Pens and Pencil'; Gold, .Silver and .''teel Spectacles; Gold and .Silver Thimbles; Pearl and Shell Card Cases; Port Monaics; Sacks; Accordeons. Flutes, Violins and Bows, Fifes, Music Boxes; Fine ''ntlery. Pistols and Flasks, Parlour Pistols: (iame Bags, Shot Belts, Pcrcussiion (’aps, Musket Balls; ('anes: M.ithe- matical Instruments; Surveyors' (3hai)isand ’ompasses: Silver and Plated Forks, Spoons, Cups, ISutter and Fruit Knives; Plated (’astors, (Jake Baskets, (.^uidle- A good assortment of MILIT.XRY GOODS, .Swords, Epauletts, Buttons, Silver and (iilt Lace, Plumes, Drums. I'ic. large lot of ('LOCKS, together with a largo num ber of other articles. Purchasers are invited to call and examine. Repairing of Watches, Clocks, .\eeordeons, and jobbing strictly attended to. .\ugust 21, 185*j. 32- lm NOTICE. ALL those indebted to us previous to the 1st Janu ary will call and settle either by note or cash, and oblige us. McD(.)NALD & ^VHALE\. N. B. A good assortment of SADDLES AND HAR NESS always on hand for c.ash or on time to punctual customers. Feb’y 17. 1855. 76tf WOOL ROLLS. WOOL carded with dispatch at Blotmt’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, (•Isnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by E are now receiving our usual New Stock of Bi>OKS and ST.\TlONERY, embracing a great variety of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND M1S('ELL.\NE0US BOOKS, Together with a large and varied stock of lilank liooks, Paper, Enveloj)es, vk:c. ('ountrv M*'rchants and other* are invited to call, IS we oiler the above stock on the best terms. Oct. 8. E. J. HALE & SON. C'oi)\in^ Ink, and Copying Uook^J just receiVed. E. J. IIALE" & SON. June 1. IJFE INSURANCE. Undersigned has been appointed .\genrof ft. the Nortli Carolina .Mutual Life In.surance Com pany. livery member tor life particijiates in the pro fits of the (Joiiipatiy; .and tlie annual premium for life membership, wliere it amtiunts to ij>;!0 or more, may be paid one-hall' in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. l>ebtors’ lives may iie insured by creditors. A man niav insure liis own life for the exclusive benefit ot his family The live.s of slaves may be insured. This svslem is rapidly growing into favor, rill over the civili/,«‘l world It is one by which a family, lor a small sum autiiially, may be jirovided for, after the death of its licad. on whose exertions tliey may liave been depoiident lor a support. It is a good investment of money, even it one sliould live long alter taking out a Life Policy Explan.-itory pampiilets, and the necoss.arv l>laiiks, furnished on apjdication. E J. HALE Jane 1854. GEO. McNElLL. 7-tf wf/(f worij) HAVE ruouaui irf ,4 new Esfahtixhment on the Military (irreu^ tha Altthodiiit (Jfiurvhy frontimj on, Muiuford Strerf. \ r KN'i’KKi’Kisi:! F;i j i!* lo ri'MlE Subscribers would resfiectlully inlorm their JL friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnershiji for tlie purpose of conducting the general C-\RRI-\GE BUSINESS in all its; various parts. .Vnd heing both practical worknu'ii, fully tin- ilerstunding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayottrville as to style and durability’. One of the firm may b« known by reference to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to gi?e general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest tnanner low for cash. PIER ,v lUiANIN. Jamks H. Pikr. .Iamks Bhanin Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 18.53. ♦»2tt t;\ui)ENM.\(; FOR 'I'ln: sor'rii, j^Y W. N. White of (ieorgia; '1 ^ Courtship and Marriage. I>y Mrs. Hentz; Tlic Courtfsies of \Velded Life, by Mrs. Leslie; HarjiBr’s I'la'-ioai Library, being literal translations '.'Cicero, Xenoplion. (.’easar, Herodotus, Horace, \'~i further siipfili»‘s ot I.rnest Linwood; Hiawatha; ".! llciit/' Novci.s. 50 cts a vol.; Johnston’s Agri- cii'tiiral Clicii’.i^try; 1‘nssey’s ’hoice; Trench on the Till- Moral I’roln'; Eclogues and (Jeorgics of \’ir;:il. by \!\tlv a; .l.iy > Morning and Evening E.sc ci.Hs: ‘Five il.indred .Mistakes (Jorrected”; Smith’s tJrammar; \c., just received by E. J. HALE SON.

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