S K M I - W li M K. L Y. • ^ * ^ FAYETTFA ILLV:. N. ( .. NOVKMFU'Jl 10, ^«r>6 l\0.555.] iNT’ l* M'M'AV- AVI' Tlll’l’,Sl>AVy ‘ \‘’n j. n\i\] k SON. M(.;s \\1) I'l'.Ci'l'vlKTOHS. ■ • ' '.• (*v.i i;vv.n 00 if |viiiHn ■ ; .'in if .Uiriii” tht- vfjir nf siibsci'ip- S 1 Mfri r till' yprir lui-' , > 'n* i> r luiniuii, if in , I >■_’ 'tiiriiiir t.lio yo ir nl'rt\il'scrip- ■ V ; iiM .it'ti '.' t!n‘ ycnr li;is t'xjiircil. ' ■; : i'! S i'^| !■; N I'S iiiv ,>rtoil t'ctr sixty cci:ts p»»r i 'i : iK's !'i>r till' fa-st. .•mil fliirty coiits for cach ■ ; I. ii'’ eatii.ii. V«>.irly inlvertisi'niciits l>y ' , .Hi T.u t-i. nt n\)S"nnbli' rates. Advortisci s arc ’ I ; 1 stutc the miiiibi'i- of iiist-rtinns (.losireil, or iie c.ditimu'.l till I'lrMil, ami rli.irire'l accoril- liTtiors t'i the IMitor-; jnist-jinid. \ ..crtifmf!;:' e a (’.>■. per ,t. evtr'i- GOODS. nv Full an>’ Vi •iter Stock of XKW fAM noxv receivinjj BS^ i.lMl.'KRIliS. IIIKDWAKK \Xl) ri'TLEin. These groo'ls were houfrht late in the season, and cousemientiy nt reduced prices. My stock of ROO'F^ and is complete, embracing many kinds of extra size.s; Blankets, Kerseys, >*cc.; Hats, fine and common THUS. .1. JOHNSON', Old Stand, near the (’ape Fear Hank ami Market place. Nov. 1L>. r>2-tf «iOOI>8. j ' *' ■’1' 1 :ii*‘ rc^'pfctfully invitt I to i‘X:iniiue our i ■,t ;\ St i; I Bnissolsj Tapestry & lugraiii Carpetings. ' ■ o ii i Vt "n liall'l ')• I !’■ i] N .iSM>i-te'! ,'t VIr :i!nl qurilities. I •J«' .1.. 1. I t. I- '} ,v Oil ('loths. i ' ■ t ind Tut'tod and VLiouii M:its, j ; ''k'.: !! 'iix.-Kiir:ii.>iluiii:C.i()d^, \'c. iVC. : — ,U,>'> ' J s "f everv ';n 1. 11 AUl'W AKI:) \ ri'TLKilV, ■ I ■, .■/>: .0 ._ir i-v t\ \V. TII.MNCH A.'^T TO. m:\v law iiooKs. ^ ^ E li'i"n I.!'T rr;\-:tioe, '2 vids. *A Tli'’ F irniii. or • ycnr's Full l’r.ict;ce at the ;; 1’. ir; '>v U ivid I’lul IJi-dWii. rv f l-:iw and Kk L .«• 1’., iv.il bv f. ir :ty: i.'> nil. E. J. ir 1- HAh jIs. (in ll) \ SON. .11 ST UKi Kl\ Kl), BAl'ON Slni'S; ;i' ;T'>da tinil Leu.I'.n Crackers; 1(1-Halt'libls. Siiull. 1 K rj:'iO 'lill: Ij Iji'xes Steam Can‘iv. K.' F. MOORE. ‘U*- i)\lLV i:XPKCriNG, 't>XKS CHKHSE. f. (»r, l.v.!- \o 1 Mackei-?’i. r V .MOOUE. 4'.'- , \X1) I .\:i^ •it the riliU'ixKUV ST_>KE •= ‘ ! . w'.V fiii'i riMie:;^ o‘‘ hha;;. 3^'ii‘th oil ware, ever;, tiiiiij_- re m;-' ■ l^r c-'infort or W. N. 1 ll.LlN'iilAST. Forks ’^iiver Sifooits .1 i.it-x-11 Kii'M’' '1 I' l't T'. 0'akr ttashets. liitil'es and i\H'ks, m 1 ".- -x.r.-; ot ’ i'i.iiHy. i llrittanhi Tva and CoH'n’ - ( actors. >n--. Lndle-^, (. omnimiif.'U , . V c. i^auifis. :i variety t’*r (Jil, I’luid or li'ird. ijOtfL itti!' f? 'Ill 7 X " t'. 'i" x 1') • > \‘>;i:rer-. Mat;-. T.asket^. Tin and Wooden Ware, . M r’:ir>, Me. ‘xc F'T '-t'.' i.v W. N TILLING.HAST. • _■ . i-' Ini Wxm JsTiill Tlll!i FILL. STARR & WILLIAMS ,\KK lili MVlMi Til K IK I'uil \\ Hiirr Stock ot (ioods, V.j, f". thry . -ri :lu- Mttcntii.n cf Mfrfh:;nts ' 'ii' .r J ’irc . t' -- in itii.'j in:ii'.';et An ICntire \'w Stock! ^I^HE suhscriher respectfully informs the puMic, I that lie has received his STOCK OF G(.)OUS, and wauM re'picst those in want of i>l«V i04)l>!^, t'anry Ooods^ Boots and Shoes^ HAT.S, TRUNKS, llAiirWARH, .tc., To givi’ him call, as he can sell lus (toods A.S LOW' ■A.s .\NY t»NE. and warrants them to give satisfaction. I.. BKA.^UT, Gillespie St., near the Market, Fayetteville. N. C. Ootolier 1, 185(j. 44-2ra VAIA AliKH FARM FOR SAI.F. KEINti desirous of changing my business. 1 offer for ••ale mv I’L.VNT.V I'lON on the east side of the Cape Fear Hiver. three miles above the Clarendon IJridge, known as the Toomer and McKay lands, con- t.-iiiiinir r.b'-'Ut >>nO acres. '1 his Farm is susceptible of the very higitest imiirovetneiit, and of beinj: made one ol the most beautiful and profitable riantalions in Cumberland county. On the Farm is a pood mill seat My terms will be favorable and payments easy Fi'i'pav'icu'ars, apply to John 1>. Williams, Esq., Fayetteville, or address the subscriber at the Gulf. 1 will jiive possession the first of December next, if de sired. L. J. HAUGHTON. Gulf, .Ivily 17, 1856. 23tf FOR SAI.K CHI:a1\ 7 SECOND HAND BUGGIES in good repair. A. A. McKETHAN mfohn rnlm i^etHberion AS jnst rec’d one of the most desiiable Stocks of Kilk'^stiid Fuufy Sood*»» ever oft'ered by him, embracing all the newest styles of J>adie»«’ w00cI«, ."^uch as Plain an! col'd .Moir .Antic]ue Silks, Rich Om bre Satins. Striped and i>1ain Silk Valencia, I’oplinett llobes, Plain and Brocade Merinos, Plain, Plaid, and rich Fig’d Frcnidi DeLains, anJ a great many other new styles. Also, a large Stock of Velvet, Cloth, anil Silk Mantillas. (~'loaks and lalmas. Bay State. Stella IMu-^h iiiid Tiftic Shawls. A grcAt variety of the latest .styles of I'UKSS TKl\l\llN(;s. French Embroideries, lloneton Lace ''ollars, every c«.'lor of the best fjuallty of Kil Cwlov**** atid ianntlet.'> f>'r Ladies and (lents. .V few very handsome patterns Woosted curtain Dam ask. with trimmings to suit, some very handsome (.)il Window Shades. ALSO, FOR GENT'S WEAR. Black, Blue, and Olive Broad ('loths, Black and Fan cy C;is>imeres and Vestings. very large Stock of €MjOTiii*V4m F t ’len. Vontll*! and Kov«. made in the latest stvlt-s ;;nil Wor!:iniinfhif> n ftrranteiL I The above Stock was s-leoted with great care as re- g;ir.ls •"tyle and prices, and will be offer.'d at wliole';'> •vv retail, on vvry accommodating terms. The pubue irenerallv are respectfully invited to call !ind e'^amine !iir tiiemselves. J- A. PEMBEKFON. .■^‘.‘pt- 2H, 1'sjtj. iltf DRV GOODS VV WHOf.FSAIJv ^^T.\KR .S: W’lLLT VMS are now receiving a very large STOCK, embracin'j; every thing in the i.'rv Goods line with Hals, ('apfi, f)00ts. Shoos, Siik and Straw Bf)nncts, I iiibrcllas. and Realy-M;idc C'iotfHiiir. vS:c. Which they will sell CHE.VP for (.'ash or approved Notes, at WHOF.I-].'^ \ LE only. Wo inviti- .Merchants visiting this market to e.tamine our stock. J B. STAIUI. .1. M. WILLIAMS. .Vugust 21, 18">(j. .S4tf o noiJSTOv 7 OL'I.D inform his friends and former customers that he may be found 1 doors below the Cape Fe^ar Bank, .‘iiid J (joi^rs above his old stand south side Person Street,.where he intends to k(!cp ou hand, Kariiess, Saddles,. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every tlung belonjringto hi.s trade. He respectfully invites his friends from the country to call and examine his stock before purchasing. He wiii attend to Bejiairiii}; of Harness and .Saddles punctually, and his ehar^^es shall be njoderate. He w'ould request all indebted to the firm of M()rSTON OVERBV to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they are compelled to settle the firm s debts. .\ugust '11, 18oG. I-i-itf FivMALi: iNsri rirrF. Insfitutiiiti will resume 'ts operations again J[ on MONDVV, the >tii of .SEPTEMBFll. The charges will be the same as they liave been for the last year. Board •'i'Ul per month, including wash ing, lights, ,Vc. 1.. C. GK.WES. A. M., who has served us so long and efficiently as Principal of the .'nstitute, tuw also has ch;U’ge of the Siew.ird's I)ep.irt n nt. which ren ders it doubly sure tliat this ilepartmeat will be con ducted to the entire satisfaction t)f all. Mr. Stradella will cuntinue in charge of the .Musical Departnient; and Mrs. Stralell;i the Department of H. A BIZZELL, Sec’v lioard of Trustees. :;0-tf Painting, \c. ('linton, .Inly 2o, ISofi. SM»Ri,YU Dr J A S V. SUM*PMj \\ roilIJi KS, (iOfJ)SiiOROl GH ^I'^IIE third Session of this Institution commences on J[ Wedti -sday, the 8d of .lan’v ISo-'i, and ends on the .Sd of .June. 18^.''). U?v. ,IAS. H. BU12NT, V. B., President. Dr. MORS5AS {’loss, latr of Chapel Hill, Professor of M athematics. And ft full corps of Teachers in every branch. Board, including Washing, Lights, Fuel, sc., per session, 00 Tviition in Primary Department, !i>10 00 Collegiate Department, $20 00 One liundi'fed ’lollars will cover all expenses of the session in the Collegiate course and all ornamental branches. Pupils in primary department charged the usual price for ornamental branches. One half jiayabie in advance. Three Lectures oti scientiilc subjects will be delivered each month. We are making every effort to renlcr the School the first in ad\ ■viitager- ivnd cheapness, .and pledge to reduce prices, ai J multiply the advantages in proportion to the increase of patronage. When our number of pupila reaches 200 we shall be a>de to reduce the prices nearly one half, every one aiding us, is also aiding in placing the means of a superior etlucation within the reach of aliuost every girl in the State. We return thanks for the unexampled support have had ami believe it will be continued. For further infonn.'ition apply to the President of the faculty, oi mvself. W.^L K. L.VNE, Pres’t Stockholders. 'Dec. i:^. 18')}. 57-tf IiEI)S r i : AI )S! ii KI )S r F a DS!! JUST received froni the Manufacturer, Ira Ilersey, a supply of n^osTE.ins of various p.atterns, and maile of good seasoned timber. These ]}edsteads are manufactured in this place, and can be sold to dealers :is low as they can be got fiOm the North, (,'all tin l examine. A. M. CAMPBELL. April '.t. i'4-y FlliyiGllTlAtj! O.'V Till': APK FKASe KIVRK. 'r}]o suh.'scrihcrs wil! purcha.se Spirits j Tiirpentire, or make advaiKes on consignments to their | friemls in Wilmington, or N*w York. C. T. HAIOn 4- SONS. April 9. isr.r, 90tf Or. K. iSliAt'K. ^ feFFlCH Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s ^ ® (’hi'iiii.st and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 1 85>. 7(i-tf “ I > A w COP A R'r N} :rshi p.” E, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law ▼ ■ (Copartnership, anil will xiractice in the Courts of the following counties id'this .State: Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and tiie Supreme Court. .). H. HAUGHTON. .INO. MANNING. Pittsborough. N. C., .lan’^- 1, lH:')ti. 72tf ll. L. IIOI.MFS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, W. C. OFFICE on corner of Front and Princess street, under Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf CHARLFS BANKS, € OA*FE CT M 0>VE R, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreiyti Fruits, jViit.s, Cn^ars, Tohdcco, Snuff, itc STItKKT, ROOK AGENTS WANTED. rjiHE Subscribers wish to contract with aom« per- B. son or persons, of energy, address, and respon sibility, to canvass the State for Subscribera to Dr. Hawks's History of North Carolina, the first volume of which is in pre.ss and will be issued in a few weeks, and to deliver the work after publication. They wou'd prefer to have a single Agent for the whole State, who may employ sub-Agents at his discretion. But if no suitable opportunity should present to secure the •services of such a one, then Agents for Judicial Districts, or single Counties, will be contracted with. Immediate application, with reference as to qualifica tions, is desired. E J. HALE J’ SOX. Nov. 3, AM JUST RFCKIVFD. now receiving my SECOND STOCK OF consisting in part as follows: 50 .Sacks Rio Coffee; 50 Buses Cheese, Eng Dairy and Goshen; Qu.-ir. Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel; Ho Boxes Soda and Lemon Crackers; 10 Bo.£e8 Candy, tc., «&c. The above goods added to my present Stock makes it complete. All orders will have my personal attention; and Goods shall be sold Cheap. E. F. .MOORE. Nov. 1. 63- March 1, 1S53. Fayetteville, N. C. 73tf WANTED, At High Mount Tannery, on the Charlotte road, four miles west of W’adesborough, Anson county, N. four or five good SHOE and BOOT MAKERS. I Good Workmen are required—recommended; and the ; best of wages will be given. C'jrnrr o/ II'ii/ i>il I)i>it>ilihon S(rcrfs, ojij)o.'Hfe ihp Fnmttcr'dh' lloU‘1, - ^ ^^T’ol Ll» respoctfally call the ntten- w w tion of his friends and customers to his complete stock of DRi(; >, n i's II14' I \ i: ^, Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuffs, Which he i>; now rec> ivitig, and will offer 'It ]irii-e-i a« Id'v in they can be bought at ^ in tliis msirket Hi- object i.>- to sell Medicine that ciiii be deiieiided upnii, hebuysnnne but the geiuiiiie ^i.riiele. t'iiiist:ui*l;. -.1 liitriiiii') Fhiiil, (''I n: jfi' i It in; I ( '/in/ M I'/iu ‘'t, IJusf Jn'f 'larch 1;”'. Iriiid SjIirih Tnrj'infhic, (/o/- M.dirnl Wit' r, Ci'r'ifi I I'lt-ifnr O'l. ST-tf HHE Siib>crib.T wI'Ik !in 1 l,"t Dll tlif I’. riier i 1' (ii ' .''trects, at Jireselit o.-eujvle 1 by Mr. Terms re.'isonabie. Mav 2;«. r I'OR SVi.F. f') s. l! tiie l;»rg " Dwelling ■•^jiie in 1 Russell llenrv Eraml'ert. K. .'l. ilAI.i:. ('AN rw FLi/s N. .irs'ru’F. SiC'lim'f. /’•(■(>».•/, iDlif (i'filj)ipi? fi> ill' FAN!) FOR SAI.F. i s.,r Rrvisoi g 2 .\('RES OF L.\ND lying on upper rjlHIS work. inva!uiM’to Magistr.it“i, Officers, and B. I Little River, in Harnett ('ounty. well i M_ all who have •■cca>ii>n to kiuw tiie Law, and to timbered and well located for the Turpentine business. * use the Forms under it, i.-^ -cry mueh enlar^red. Price h will be sobl ou accommodating terms. Apply soon .-i;;} .')(i. For s ilc by E. .1. H.VLE SON. t'i the Subscriber at Fayetteville WM ."^ept 22, IHotj McL. McKVY. 41-tf -I'-tf now n. eiviii GO* >!*.■' in his a large and complete STOCK OF line, viz; V !’(• Arw r is reoeivinp: his t-' Vf.I. \NI) W'lN- fi K K, c:•li^^^tillg Ilf aiaii st every thing f ’ 1 OOitS. KSartiirarc ottd iSollott'-tvare^ --A L^^O-- and ^ll()c^, >addlcrv, Fi>h. ! -A.. he «i!i sell clieaj. f-r Casii, barter f»y r ,n >l>i>rt time. Sti.re recently occupied ■ . ■■ , M:ii-.i, near tlie l-.'.'iin House. (i. W. 1. GOLDSTON. ■ : ; -^1.. an.M-rV and Planter's .\huanac, lur Fi.r -V.e. wim.i-su'e or retail, by K. .). ll.VLE .V .-;oN. -urj, ( oaf: (OAI.!! TONS BEST i!l.D VSH n >w landing, kept C'ill'trititlv on linlid V>v T. C. .V P.. g‘. WORTH. ' ; iiingti'n, S> pt. 2>i. 41-2m j i.OOD I.ANDS FOR S \FF. , - I w' 'i to m"vc We t. ! v»'-li to '^e” ;ny Farm , • . (• Kear I’iver. on the South side of ; ■ . ■ , m-.!e or two ! H' 'xH h >'n^''k. con- ; j;0«> to 700 .V.-n - of v-ry fine River ();i tli‘ Farm there is a good oreh'ir l, and .(■ i; . iiid.s to live in. .Vc ^ ■ ■ )h', ,'AW MlLL*>n llocktish. Hate II M Neili s ) ; ■ -ii \ r.-s LaieU j.Miiinir the simo. 1. H i;v;inK wiirsliii« tiii'si' l-ai;.is and Mills! • w;- .iiit: to I,nr. and also jrive the W.M. A. FVANS. ■18tf \l. I titi'hi tiie i J. i \ Thomson •TOCK OF hitn:. ni’ti. iwoTS ,i\d mm. In all varieties, which he offers for sjtle at low j>ricC5 for CASH, or to prompt paitinrj cuxt»mer.f. He returns hi? thanks to his customers for their liberal patronage, and solicits a contir.iiancc of the s,i,ue. J. C. THOMSON, Market Square, .September o, 185*). '1^0 (If ttUt iiK.ti's h'urnishifty Estdhlishment. f'R’tHE undersiirned is now receiving, direct from M. New York, liis Fail and Winter .Stock of CLOfll- ING and FURNISHING (JOODS. Having taken unusual pains in the selection of his Goods, he Hatters himself that hi.s Stock will compare f.ivorably with any in the market. H:i\ing set out with a determination to sell Goods upon reasonab\e terms to prompt i>aying and Cash I cust»mers, be feels that the experience of the p.ast jus tifies him in asseriing. that r.l! ^Joods sold by him will ! give entire sati.st'action as to style anti price. His Stock consists in part of the following Good.s, viz. Cloth, Beaver, Tweeds and Cassimere Coats, 1)0 do do do Over do. Every variety of style of Vests and Pants, j Hosiery. Glove.s, Shirts (Linen and Merino,) I Boot.", Shoes. Hats and Caps. ' All of \Nhich ho hopes to be able to sell at as early a ' d.iy as possible. All pers .ns who owe me for purchases previous to July last, are earnestly requested to pay up, and keep HI) their and my good name. JAMES McPherson, Hay street, ‘pposite E. Glover’s. Sept. -J2, 18')i;. 41-:^.m to Your I/itei'f’st in 11 me. fBlllE Proprietor, aftfr having the fi- misfortune of getting burnt out, has re-built his Steam S.aw .Mill and is now prepared to furnish at short notice, either in town or at the Mill, 8 miles from Fayettcviile, on the Western Plank Road. I hope to roceivo jiatronage ina.smuch ;is I am in the midst of the best heart Timber and can furnish any length from 10 to 12 feet long, which I hope will suit Steam boat men wisiiinu to get long timber at short notice. I also Tntend keeping Lumber at TROV .j' MA RSH’S Store, who will still act as my Agents, ami forward bills for Lumber to me at tny MiH-' My terms for lutnber shall be as favorable .•IS any for the same kind >f lumber. Those wi-hinit to address me can do so at Manchester . o “ulcMUa.! 0».. N. C. UAVIU KIVETT. June'.MB!SC,. _ _ FFRTIIFRSUPPFIES OF hooks. ‘AT V(J VBOND Life in Mexico; “Plu-Ri-Biis-Tah’, by % Doesticks; The Sparrowgrass Papers, by Cozzens; lliawath.; -The Wide Wide Worlds Humes and .Macaulay s Histories of England; The Carmma Sacra, Aiken’s Christian .Minstrel; Dicks Works; Jac(j»ius , u.. I... n... .U, i .August 18.')t'i. srn'.Mwi'.i.i. iioijsii rAVKl’TK^'ll.li!;, «•. Fast .i(h of (Iru ii Strrtt, t fra- Ihmni X'trth of till- ricft IHE Subscriber desires through this A T a meeting of the Boat owners interested in nav- i i'm iguting tile Cape Fear River between Fayettcviile ; -.ind Wilmington, (•n motion, D. .McLaurin was called to the Chair, and R. M Orrell was appointed .Secretary. On motion of .):,nu'b F. .Mar.-li, j Resolved, That from an-1 after the 1st day of .Tanu- I ary. 185H, Cash be required upon the delivery of all Freights at Vvilmington and Fayetteville re- ! spectively. j Ou motion of J. D. Williams, Resolved, That each of the Steamboat Companies on I the (Jape Fear River, from and after the 1 st of January, j will carry («uano fronj Wilmington to Fayette- ' ville at 10 cents per bag, Litne at 2;'» cents per cask, ' and ground Plaster at lit) cents per Ciisk, ;ind that a ^ 9&a:i>i 'Tiox or 20 , from the printed and established rates on all other j ; articles will be nfide from and after that date, all (.’artage and Drav'age being paid by the shippers. i On motion of James Banks, Re.solvk-d, That the foregoing be published in the | ■ town papers. j D. McL.VURIN, Chairman. j R. M. Orrell, Scc'y. Dec. 24, lS-')j. '15-tf V\LFARLF PROi*FRTY I t'OK S.§¥jK. S OFFER for sale, my L.WDS in the Tuwn of Fay etteville, about l.'iO .Veres, known a.** the MUMFORD SWAMP. About SO .Vcies of it i.s fine .Mea'low Land, as the Crop now on it will sho-y. .Vlso, the fJrick ^toro and Lot near the ''irket S juari*. occipied by Mr. John .V. Pemberton. .A Large and Valuab%' Lot, fronting on Donalilson, ' Maxwell and Mur.iturd Streets, known as the Hotel • Garden Lot,—couid he divide 1 into several Building i Lots very near the new Female High School Buildings. Also, the Stable Lot :idjoining, fronting ou Mumford Street. ' Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both ' Winslo>- and Mumford Streets. i .All this property can now be purchased on favora b’e terms, and ;i large )>:irt I Mortgage if tlesired. .lOSKlMi UAKKU, .bi., ,VT'l'OS{.\ K Y AT IjAW'. AS taken an office nest door to Wm. B. W right’s Law oflice ('ti Green Street. He will att'‘nd and practice in the (]!(>unty anil Suj>erior Courts of umber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853. "'•’-tf W \. lil SlvF, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CLERK AND MASTER IN V lUllY. FaVETI EVILI.V., N. (’ . May be found at the Equity (Office, i i the Court House. Sept. 22, I8r>r>. 38-tf .1. A. SPFARS, ATTORNKV AT LAW, TTEND.S the (’ourts of Cumberland, Harnett, 78-lyr JAS. C. Nov. 1, 1856. CARAWAY. 53-6 vr medium to aeknowledgc tlie liberal p;itrt>u'.i"e bestowed up.n his House the past vear—and a he has jnst erceteil New Stables and Carrimre .shed convTiient to the If eme and to water he takes pleasure in s:iying tt> his p.-itrons and the public generally, that he is still prepare l to accom- ■ mr.diite them with trinsient and permanent board, atid ^ respectfully solicits a continu uice of the liber.il patron- | age heretofore received. Every exertion on his p;trt sh:ill be used to render theni comtVrtable during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with ' the best the market affords. r P. SHEMWEl.L. t March 2}. 8;-tf , (;ro(m:rifs and iiardw ari:. ^I'^HE snbscriber has in Store a good assortmont of Goods in the } ROC EH Y and H.VliDWARE LINE; all of which will he sol i wholesale or ret:iil. or bar- j tercd for country produce, on terms the most re:ison- | I able. A s.nall lot of S.VDDLERY for sale clieap. Give us a call. G. W. I- (I'tLUSlON. j N. B. Any d' my frieud.s in the country having busi- | ness to transact in this pl;ice, sacii as renewals, iVc , | can have ir done on the usual terms, by sending same to my cara. • I Fjiyetteville, Sept. 27, 18.')."). 3'.*tf can remain on Bond and THO. Oct. 10. IH.')."). J. CURTIS. 43-tf Wake and .lohnston. Feb’y 13, 18o(l. Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V « n .111 s s 1 > X AND FOR V\’ A R DIN(; M1: C11A N I\ ’ C. Prompt ] ersonal attention given to all Consign ! ments, and Cash -avlvanees made on i’roduce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, IH.jo. 07 J. S. P,ANKS, roll a lit, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y I, I8.')(). (5(5-tf 8M TilOMAS; DEALER IN FANCY S'rAPFI*: DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHIXO, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, B(JOTS AND SHOES, i ; SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, I j BL.VNKETS, v'ic., lic. i Corner Market and Gillespie St.. Fayetteville, N.C. J Dec. 17, IS.',5. 02-tf i Worth 8l Utley, Forwarding and (xcneral Commission I MFRCHANTS, The Grealeat Invention of the A^e. Having purchased the e;tclu8ive tight for the . State of North (Carolina o£ GEAR’S MACHINE FOR CUTTING, TURNING AND MOULDING IRREG ULAR FORMS IN WOOD, I offer the Machine to the Manufacturers of thia State as the most perfect and t effective ever invented to work irregular forms in : wood. It has been thoroughly tested, and can perform j the labor of ten to men in the most complicated I kinds of work. It can do handsomely and rapidly all irregular and : carved work, such as Circular aufJ Gothic Sashes and Doors, Brackets and Scrolls, Tracery and Arches of the most difficult patterns. Cabinet Ware and Furniture, Carriages, Rail Road Cars, Chairs, Millwright and Factory work. Ship and Boat Builciing, Agricultural Implements, Block Letters, Picture and Mirror Frames, an(i Patterns for Machinery. In fact, work such as no other .Machine has ever done before. I am prepared to sell single and County Rights, and to furnish Machines. JOSEPH R. BLOSSO.M, Proprietor. Wilmingten, N. C., Oct. 25, 1856. 52-6m A' NOTICE. LL PERSONS are forbid tiusting any one on ac count of Steamer Chatham, except upon our written orders. JOSEPH R. BLOSSO.M, \V, H. ALLEN. W'ilmington, N. C., Oct. 25, 1856. 52-lm FitijellvriUe^ •V. V Thr Varriascf S^arlory hit the Soath! J. A. WORTH. ('2tf; .H)S. UTLKT. LOVUUi) BLDHIDCK, • Ittornvtf at t^aw^ TILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Countie.s. Sniithfield, April 15, 185-i. 90-tf *flarbl€ JFuctorsf. rS.-', J'urthrr ROP,i:R'r D. GRFi:N. LATE GREEN vV WEAR.) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., i'AVETTEVII.LE, N (!. II i.i'jis to return his 'iineero thanks to the J. i! ic for the kind p:itron;i;ie so liberally be- .j.oii the lat‘-‘ Firm, and inform • ■ ill! re-l 'd' .1. S. Wear, an I M S ill nil i(s braiu li 11- -.u|.i-i intendence. tliem he has ill continue !it the oM 1. under ft with liim fir rep iir will be a*iii-e of the owners, and the lir^ -in:- i out t j the:n and a written ;o'- '■■ ■ iiiic. v.liieii work will be war- . veuv. ,’i for s:le now, tbe most varied and • I, of ('Loi'KS :iiid oflier time ydeces . , 'n oli. ri d to |.ii')'iicin Nurtli t'aro- wW'i .leii at New Vork prices, and also ir-' an R. D. (.KKF.N. I July 24. iMITH'S (JR.V.M.MAi:; Davies’, Smith’s, Colburn’s iind Gret'nleaf’s .Arithmetics; Lambert s An-.itomy and Physiology': Hitclicuck's Elemi^ntary Geology; (ioodricli's and Willard'>i I . .S. Histories; fli'.! ('hiM’s Hiitorv of the U. S ; Parley's f'irst Book of History; Mitchell’s Intermediate Geography; Olney’a »eo- graphy, Bolin ir’s Li^vizac’s French (Jrammar: Pinneo s English Teaciier; Cornell’s Intermediate (Jeography; Kiiv’s Readers; Emerson's Watts’ on the Mind; Jacobus’ Notes :ind (^viestiotis on tin* Gospels ot Mattliew, Mark and Luke; (Jreenfield’s (Jreek Testament and Lexicon; .Marsh’s Songsters; Sohool Testaments; North Carolina Readers, Dane;.’ Surveying, .Vc. Jnst received. Aug. 30. 1-- hale & SON. UKOUWSjOn^ Mias ^trrivcdl a^HE (iieat Iron Wheel Examined,” by Parson i Brownlow, price $1 00, just rec’d. Post;*ge on it by mail is 18 cents Also, a few more of the ‘ Great Iron Wheel,” by Parson (Jraves. E, J. HALE iVi SON. May 28. The Old Norlli Sta1(‘ in 177>— Second .Series, being Revolutionary Incidents .and Sketches of ('haracter in North ('jirolina, by Rev. E. W. t^iruthers, 1). D. Price >i?l 2-*. Just received. fc-- H.VLE & SON. Sept. 18. _ _ NFW liOOKS. tIHE Hills ( f Mia'.en nc. by Miss Warner, Author oftlie ide ide V\'orM;” il..ui( liobi Mysteries, a Romance of ''onthei!- i,ife: .Seln.fil ’'ooks, Kz.. just • received. E. .1. H.VLE »'>: !>ON. Renton’s 'riiirly \ cars in the I . S. Senate. A further supjdy o'": si ;m 1 21 voiumes, just rocciVfcd. E. j. iiAliE it SUN. Mi-K F/ni A.\ !S5 .3 ESl’KCTKCM. V informs iiis friends and the Q. public, liiat hi' has built up large substantial Brick Buildinj:s at hi obi Stand, e.'tpressly lor man. uf:icturing (’arriages. T!i i;ikl'i; 1 lor the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hoj)es by strict .ittention to hiii'iness. with a desire te> give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same, lie warrants his v?ork to be made ot the best material and by ex|'erieiiced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will comp.-ire favorably v.’ith any niivde in the Uniteil States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell und do any work in iiis line «n as irood terms as any work done elscivhcre that is as well done. He now hxs on hand, Fimshki>, the LAKGKST ST.) K of liiiroiiclics, and Ever olitred in this place. a:ut a very large stock of work nearly finished, whicli will be finished daily. AH of which will in- .sold very low lor (\4sn, or on short time* to punctual cnsiomero. He has on liand iin>x'e tiiaii () N L il N i> it E I) .\N D || ! !• T \ \ ehi- cles tinislied and in course of construction. .All worii m ide ^»y iiiin is w.-irranted 12 months with fair tis;ige. a ii.l should it tail by bad workmanship or tnatorial will be repaired tre^‘ of charge. Pei’sons wishing to buy >v oji.i well to c.ill and examine lor theniselv« s. ()rdcrs thankfully received .ind promj. .ly ittendedto. Rep.viring cxecute«l it sh'irt notict >*nl on very reasonable teriiiK. May 2«. ^8tf I vi. x\ . WILLIAMS eV CO. AVE ju't receive i -i large and well selected as sortment of HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, to which tiiey invite the attention of tlountry Mer chants. March 17, 1855 81- Faiiel fevil le Mann fact orif. ^ H E sub.jcriber still cont nues to manuf.-'.cture a £. superior .irticle ol plain and fancy (,^ANi lES at tWe old stand, o. •'), (.irern street. 3 doors .Vorih, of the .Market House,' wliere he would be h^.ppy to see his old frieml.s .ml custi mere. CHARLES BANKS. .March 1, 1863. 78tf By LAUDl'Mi. rwii iiiiiiiiii iiiiiit c. T. inieii i sii.vs sniiti:. Jan’y 20, t)4ypd ■imm % W .L w. p.aki:r l.s now rccciviiijr from the North the ^Inrgc.'^t, tiiiost, and ino.st carefully se lected stock of > 5 ever ofTered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowe.i^t possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. | Fashionable painted eott-ige bod-room Furniture in | setts; curled hair and shuck, :ind cotton Miittresses; | Lookinjr Glasses: Willow Wa;ri>ns and Cradles; Side j Boards: Bu reaus; Secretaries ;in I Book-Ca.se.s; What- | Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Slunds; Candle Stands; : VA'ardrobes; Picture Frames ui I Glass; Window Shades; I Cornices: Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and , W'aUiut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; I Chairs of every variety. Fine lluscwooii l*ia.u)s, one* wit'n .Kolian At tachment; Ivosewou I Mulo li ui'. Irnm the bet manufac tories in New V^rk an.I i'.oston. ,v in:inted as good as (iiiv iii.ide in the country, in ' wiii t>.i; sou* at N. York prices—freight only ide i. November s rA N DA RD LrrERAT VRE. .'g'^HE Waverly Novels 27 vols. cloth and half calf; JL Cooper’s Novels; Irving’s Works, 15 vols; Prescott’s Conquest ot Peru and Mexico; “ Lives of Ferdinand and Isabella; “ Life of Philip the 2d; Benton’s 8(t years in the U. S. Senate, 2 vols; The Statesman’s Manual, 4 vols; Encyclopedia Americana, 14 vols; Lossing’s Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution; AYebster’s Works, 6 vols; Colton’s Life and Times of Henry Olay; Memoir of S. S. Prentiss of Miss; Pictorial Life of Andrew Jackson; Memoir of Wm. Wirt by Kennedy; Life of Wise and Virginia Politics in 1856; Garland’s Life of John Randolph; Democracy in America, by De Tocqueville; .Abbott’s Life of Napoleon, 2 vols; Abboti’a Historieii; Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henry; Life of Wm. Pinckney of Md.; Bayard Taylor’s India, China and Japan; Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition; Lieber on Civil Liberty and Self Government; The Physical Geography of the Sea, by Lieut. Maury, Liberty and Shivery, by Bledsoe of Virginia; Southey’s Common Place Book; Life and Corres. of Southey; The Spectator; W ilson’s Tales of the Borders; The Scottish Gael, or Manners, Antiquities, and Customs of Scotland; The Scots Worthies, by John Howie; Lockhart’s Life of Walter Scott; Chambers’s Life and Works of Robert Burns, Hamilton’s Discussions in Philosophy and Literature; Lite and Correspondence of Lord Jeffrey; The (jutens of Scotland, by .Vgnes Strickland: Uhambers’ Miscellanies; Proctor's History of the Crusades, illustrated; Woodfall’s Junius; Hannah .More’s W'orks; Plutarch’s Lives: Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson; Novels and Talcs by .Maria Edgeworth; Addison, Burke and Johnson’s Works; Millnian’s Gibbun’s Rome; Hallani's Works; Cosmos, by Humbolt; Men and Women of the 18th (’entury by Houssaye; The Guile to .Social Happiness, by Airs. Ellis; Family .Monitor tiy the same .Vuthor; Hume and Macaulay’s Histories of England; The .'lodern Briti>iii Essayists, 7 vols; Sh.ikspeare, Byron, .Moore, Scott, Heinans and other Poets in various syles of binding; The iioston Edition of the British Poets, \c., >S;c. Oct. E. J. HALE & SON. Tiic j^leni(uitai-y Speliinj; Hook, to which is adde I the First Lesson in Arithmetic, by I Noah Webster; The National Primer, by the same : author. Also, a furtiier supply of tiie Pictorial Elementary ’ Sjielling Book. Just receive^i. j E. J. HALE & SON. j Sept. 'J SCHOOL ROOKS. j E '^MERStlN'S .Vrithmetits and Keys; Parker's Phi- ! 10.1= )j hy; North Carolina Readers; Bulli .ii’s (ireek }raniiiiar and Reader; Pikes’ .Vrithmetie; (.'..instook’s ' IMiilosophy. Further .supplieB just receive-J. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. !•"). The SOr'i'HFRN HARMONY— tiew edition, revised and enlarged. A further suppljr of this popular book just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 10, 1850. JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2~ ^¥'^HE subscribers have for sale, the 2d volume of the Reports of Law Castti in the Snprerae Court of North Carolina, by H. C. Jones, Esi Just published. Also, Supreme Court Reports generally, and other Law Books. E. J. HALE & SON. I S\ ii«y's N^\V i . 1 further supply just rec'd. b5t l'(jrm liook \ E. J. HALE & SON. RFJD’S FNGIJSI! f)ICTIONARY for Schools. Vlso, further supply of The Old Do minion by James; The Great Iron W’heel, by GraTCB. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 27 liiograpliical Skctcli of Henry A. Wise, with a History of the Political Campaign in Vir ginia in 1*'55. by James P. Hambleton, M. D. E. J. HALE A SOX Aug. 21.