S M l-n'E} E K L. Y. vol.. VI.1 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER 13, 1856 LNO. 556.] !\ ll I> MuM-VVS \M> I'li ( i;Sl»A^ S ri>\\ wii) j. ii\m: iV i.DM' 'I’vS Wit ■ .V t!u SON. (10 ii j'niil itj r of suliscriji- nii-\V*'»'kl_v ()iisKti V l i: S:! ; > • -'lO il' thiriiiu: the yc:i ■ •r >1 t ill' yoar luis I'xpiroil. Wfi'kly Oit'KKVKH '>'• I'or aniuun, ii pui'I in >J 'I' if .lin ing tJu' yc-vr of ' > .it'rr tho I'ar t'\i'i:cil. I'l!’f 1S1! \11! N TS iuM'vtfil fov sixty cont.-; j.or 1' ’':u'S ;. r tin- fust, thii’ty ociits t’nf oacli ■ _ Mi'll;-all' U. Vi-arly n'lvortist‘iiu'iii>-by sin* iitrMi ts. lit re:i>'>iriIiU‘ rati-s. A'lvi'rti-^fi s arc : ’1 tati- tlio numl oi "f iii-^oiliiin-i 'le^in-il. .ir ill 'ii> .•otuiuii. 1 tiM f,.i -i.l, :iml i-h:-iiovor.l- J.-jY'' i,i'tt»-I-s tt: tllf l.'i-t.US must l:t‘ 1 .. rti'tMiii r.is t" l o iH'’ rto i - -i"’-, i'iiai'i>-»’ti .")(• jut i5()()Kin.\i)i.\; j I ! kiihN. is 1 in tlio manner. If ■ t. I .■..nniiMii I’rayi-rs. HiMes. au>i otliors, re- .inl ill tllf saiiio stylo tiu'v v ere tii’f"i >. This will , \ rr ['Uii lia.'C oi now I; inks. 1 .ihrai ’ tns I'oiinci'.tod ,1, .;o', and i'thor soi ioties, ar.'i a!>n ^oiitU-nu-n at a distauoo, will tiinl it a niattiT l i'oi’- ii'Miiy ft tlu'ir lii'-'ks bi'iinil here. a !' 'lo'hu-t'."ii of i>ri'. es !io luailo up.in lar^e orders: Pack thoni and send with J artioiilar diroi tiou? t" this ostaliashnient: :i i wl.' 11 finislied, they wiil he c^ii i ':!:iy roj -u-ked and , t'ir;i'd without delay. irive the tiest stock of materials: and workinau- : ! V ii! >-,.inpare with any either at the N'.irth or S 'I'l N V t'«r a list of r>indina The uudorsicned ro: tronajre. Tll(».. V. iso^;. prices I'of.ire poinsi clse- ijiei tfnllv sidicits :i share H. TU/lJN(iHAST. .Vnders'iu Street. •M-V w cal tho of \VHOLl\- SALE l)EALi:US tock,—anil we have recently re- •- ceived— .’,1^1 baps Rio, Lairuira, Maricaiho and Java Coft'ee, ■JO hhds Suji:\r. assorted prados, T-'> hbls do, Hetined. ('rushed and I’owdored, b ise> Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, ti'i do Fancy and assorted Candies, nil , ,;|s Ki ntn. ky, .lute and Manilla Hope, 7 1 ale> r>.ii;j;injr. iunny. Dundee and Murlaps. •i f'lis H-'('[i Iron, ;-i- ■ Kos ri,, , se, hull'-bbN Suy - Carl.. S, .h . '• ■ I I'i- ;rs. v.iri U..S brands, —ALS >— I’l;) IT, .''j'ifo. iinper. Cloves, Nutme.::-^. I’orHX, '1 1 'i. r. liid:,^ I, St'anish Crown, Ijrinistono, Fajioy •t- i liar Soa{'s, Stari’h, I'ow lor. Sii 't. I’.ar Lead. White L -.1. I’utty and Linseed Oil, Win l..w lilass, Snutf in si-s. Laizle Mills d.'., in Half lihls.: (ireen anti I!lack T- ll- il.'W-Ware, Swodos Irnn, I’.ng'ish, (iernian, i’; I C-ist .teel; l’low«. Straw Cntters. ( ■'rn Shellers, ' iu'^au'e i’utters tiud Stuffers, 'i'ra, 'haiiis, Sulc 1-- il i'T, iVo., \o. The ab.>ve G"nds we iffer "ii the ni:!st favorable • !i.- t'. prompt time or . ash purchasers. D. X W. .MoLAUniN. itf i'rd^lil in(l l*ass( ttii'cr lAnc hcfu'cr/i WHminii'ton ant! I'fUfcttpville. ^TK.VMKU M \('N(>L1.\, leaves Fayetteville on Mon day .'Uitl Tiiursd.'iy irti rninfr.s, 15 minutes after sunrise. Leaves Wihninptoii on Tuesday and Friday morninps. Sior.mcr I'VNNV LCTT!C11L>I', leaves Fayetteville on Tii-sday and Friilay niorninfrs, I-"' minutes after sun-rise. Leaves Wilminptou Wednesday and Saturday’morn ings. l>oth c.arryinp; Freipiit and I’assenpers. Sto.anter llOW.VN, with full sets of Lighters, runs rOiTularly, carrying Freight only. The rejrularity of our 15oats on all stapes of the Kivev, and the dospatoh and promp>tness in delivering poods, are too well known to require comment. To our patrons we tender our tiianks for the very liberal patronaire horetofore bestowed, and can assure all .sliijipers that no i tl'urts wi’.l be spared in future, and feel conlident that our facilities for dispatch are et|ual if not superior to anv line on Cape Fear Iliver. W. IV KLLIOTT, .\pent for Luttcrloli & Co. Fayetteville, X. C., Oct. 1, lH')t). 50tf \(‘W luul Ch(‘a|) (jroods. JAMES KYLE H.\S just received a very large «nd general as sortment of (ittoDS. .\monp which are, French and Knglish Meriuos: Do. Delains, I’lain and Fipureil; Dress Silks, Fip’d and I’lain; r.lack Fillet Mits; Sleeves and Collars: Cloths, Cassimeres and Satins; r>ear and Negro iSlankets; 1 to 12-1 lileached and Hrown Dome.stics; (lontlemen’s Ueady-.NLidp (’lothinp, ’arpeting. Good and Common: Hoots and Shoes; .\nker lioltinp Cloth; Kerseys and Linseys; Irish Linens, Crasii; Table Diaper and ''•ipkins. With many other artii-ies, all of which being pur chased by the I’ackage, will be ottered at low prices, by wholesale or retail. Oct. 124, ISoO. 51-tf W. I\ EIJJOTT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FAYETTKVILLE, N. C. A'jent for Lutterloh »f’ Co.’.s ^(eomboat Line. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to I C. J & R. II. Jones ’^AKK this metjiod of calling the attention of their friends and others to their NEW STOCK of MMomcsfir tttui Faury MPry 4moods, IN r.vnr ,\s foli.ows: Rich colored and black Silks; fine all-wool De-Laines; all-wool I’laids, high colors: very handsome Long Shawls: tlo. Stella: tine emb’d Skirts: emb’d Hand kerchiefs; Jaconet and Swis.s Hands; emb’d and Lace (’ollars: Thread l^ace and Eilgings: ditto Jaconet and Swiss; rich I.acc Falls, black; black Trimming Lace; Ribbons and Trim mings. all kinds; Swan's Down; Furs, in sets: fine liid Uloves: newest style Hats for Ladies; Velvet and Cloth Cloaks, &c. &c. •—ALSO— A lot of best quality C.UTTA PERCHA CLOTHING, very suitable for W’agoners and others who may be ex- jiosed to wet weather, firiy*'('all and see. Fayetteville, Oct. 11, ISoCt. 47tf aiiil Winti'r Stock, 1 (»ct. 21, 1^56. WAX his care. 50-tf (JOODS. II.WE just received in full iny Fall and W'inter Stock of Silk, Stitpir, ami f'ancif itt'y (Jootls, embracing tjuite a variety of styles, qualities, I'sc., vVc., including all styles Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings, to wit; Striped, IMaid and Robed Silks: Plaid, Striped, and Printed, all Wool Del..ains, all colors; Solid, all Wool, Do.; French Merinos, all shades and colors; Printed and Plaid low priced .\lpaccas and DeLains. Also, a handsome assortment of Cloaks and Talmas, ami extra iieavy Hay State Shawls; Embr’d Collars; Hlack Lace Do.; Sw’iss and Jac’t Flouncings; Do. Edgings and Insertings; Kid and Twisted Silk Gloves and Gauntlets; IL-its; Caps; Honnets; Bleached and Hrown Sheetings and Shirtings; together with a good Hound, Staple and Domestic Goods; Ready Made Clothing; Hoots and Shoes, ^tc., tVc. Huyers generally are respectfully invited to give my Stock a look, as 1 shall sell on short profits. P. CROW. October 0, ISoO. 17-tf vo\{ safj:. IN PLATE, Sheet Iron, Iron Wire, Zinc, and Tin Ware and Stoves of various patterns. Hy C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square. 24. 42- EALL TRADE, 1856. Principal Wanted—Salary $100(K ^■IIIE Trustees of Laurinburgh High School, Rich- B. niond county. N. C., desire to procure a Princi pal to take charge of the School in January next. A salary of if 1000 will be given, together with the use of the commodious Boarding-House in connection with the School if desired The location is healthy, the community moral and temperate. Applications addressed to the undersigned will be received until the last Saturday in November next, when a selection will he made and the successful ap plicant notified. D. McL.\URIN, President Board Trustees. Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C., > Oct. 5, 1850. ) HOARniNG-lIOUSE TO LET. ■]JROl’0SALS to Rent the Boarding-House in con- M nection with Laurinburgh High School will be received until the last Saturday in November next. Address D. McLAURIN, President Board Trustees. Laurinburgli, Richmond Co., N. C., Oct. 5. 4G-td 4G-td T 75 For sale by Sept. 15, GROCERIES. SACKS COFFEE, assorted. 50 bbls. SUGAR, 5 caddies TE.\, “ E. F. MOORE. 1850. 30tf Sept. I N Ibo'i. 75S CUANOES. r.AfiS PF.HI VIAN: • :27 d.i. CoLLMr.l,\N. .y ii-i - t 1.' r "-r !;i n been v ry luurh diTnin:'’ \| pr'Vt 1 th lt thi I's ■'•oli .t I Perr,vi:iii. not >n-in but t-x i urifh V Os 111 •ri- W t!i t.' by ir.rl'o. T- \ \ ! i. t.i.t trori miuh D. \ W. Mcl.Al'HlN. -'.Uf 11 im'1Ii:r>i ri*Lii:s()i'i>»()oKs. n:iir\ iAN ai I ^\\v. i;.ik. n rri,:.. ! ■ o Hii: w ,rl I: 1 II. 'U - • ); nor i :i!. Kv' ; fin. r; I.' r.hioi- . ' y tho \ utii'ir : .r ( vol. li i I'r • ; ( V K. J. il \).l ,n M Li't W i.b ■'HE subscriber has received his Fall and Winter tock of Goods, consisting in part of Jilanki'ts, Ki’r«;eys, Striju-s, and IMuids; Saddles, Hritilc.', and Martingales; Boots, Sboos, A: IIat.s; Kio, l/a:uira, au(l .Java Coffee; Loaf, Clari- lit‘d,\ I’orto ItieoSuaar; Cuba Molas.'se.'i, an t xfollent article; Su^ar IIou.>jc Syrup; \'inegar, Pepper, Spice, and Tea; Sodu liiscuit, and Cheese; Mould, i Ailainautine, and Sperm (kin dles; SnufF, Powder and Shot; i (ihio, Tru.ss IIoop.s, and | Coopers’ Tools. —ALSO— A fine assortment of Sej.ars. of Chewing Tob.icco. .\ few Hbls. Old Scuppernona Wine. “ “ Nick Williams’s Whiskey. A j:,roat inatiy otlier articles usually kept in a (!ro- ■ . rv St.no. Purch.isers wmibl do well to give him a o.iil ' ofnre purchasing elsewliore. C. K. LEKTE. t »ot. 22 5u-lm A\(), tor saN' bv T IlAKiH & S(tNS.' Oct. 22, 1 >.)(). 50tf Music tortile Piano :iii(i (iiiitar, ,.t ,... l ived. L. J. H.\LE X SON. W. H. TURLINGTON, iii!iiiN>ioii jltTchanl, .No. t’2 .Norili Walt-r Si.. WIL.MlXtJTON, N. ( . ILL - vo hi jironii't ; •‘r- ipi'ifllt ■ : :i!' C- untry P*'o iuoo. NO rici:. A i'l’i.li .\TloN N\iU >if niii.lo ti . m thi' L.'ui'.ai uro for t •I i MA.NAN. N v'r lU, 1 ’ lie next 11 t- tho t' .N.iva: 111 e eniancipati.iu of U ILLl V .M .'o-:it WHISKERANDO LA SALLE’S ORIGINAL. One Dollar a Uox, or s() per Dozi'ii. THV it: ti:v it:: 1^H»)l-. (il.O. H. DkH.\H has recotuly retnrno i li um Europe, and while thoro, obtriino l tr.mi tho cele- •r iti il Froncli cheiitist, L ‘ .^ailo. at an oii'irmous out- iV, the receipt and oxclii'ivi." right .if tho I'nito i Stuto^ :ind »’ana l:i'. ti; m:unil>ii turo :ui.l ; . ll this oe:oliratod liroparfi'ion ca'lod “«lii.'-korand'),' w: ich h.is never '-■een known to I'.iil to o iiw.'' Wlii'kov-^ :ind Moii'tt.ichos tri.iw luxuri.intly and hoavy, ovi n on bi-ar l!o •. t;n es, ;ii two nil.nth' ;if ;oi-iir.-1 ,i|.piir:-,ti.iti. 1 !t. |ors./iis whose beards aro l-^^iit nnd wiry it ri : "loiiioii'ls itr-o!f. .\ few applicatioii.H will ii n.|i-i- it ^ :t. thick .iii.l pllalile. I ronchinen aro notod fur tiioir iio.iulitii. \\ liiskiTS and M .iistaolies, which ni;inv of tlioiii uttriinito to the ox ON ('ONSKINMEN r, 1500 2" Hbls. Mulletts, (Oak.) To arrive an.l for sale. 'N . P- ELLIOTT. Oct. 22 ')0-tf r. -;m!tii. mii.es cmstin. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., I'artnrs, ('otnmission and I''nnr(tr(lifir Mi:RCHAN'rS. NO. '2 Md TlI W.\TEU STREKT, CP ST.VfKS. WIL.MINGTON, N. C. (►ot. 21, l'.">ii. 50-V Roman ('atliolicism S|>iritiially Cm- ■^l.leri d, bv tho Hov. Clia.^. P. .lono-, of tho N. ('. Con- B. F. PEARCE IS Nt>W OPENING, a large and desirable Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting in part of Black and Colored Silks, English and French .Merinos, Plain and Fig'd DeLanes, some beautiful patterns. Black and Fancy .\lpacas, Edgings and Insertings, ('ollars and Uudersleeves, Cactus and Whalebone Skirts, .Jaconet, .Nainsook, Swiss and Plaid Muslins, French, English and .A,merican Prints, Cloths and (’assimeres, Satinetts, Jeans and Tweeds. Plaid..-, Linstys and Kerseys, (’arolina and Marlboro’ Stripes, Bleached and Hrown Shirtings and Sheetings, \Wiite and Colored Flannels., Drilling' and Tickings, Irish Linens, good assortment. Linen Table Cloths, Towelings and Napkins, Shawls, Cloaks and Mantillas, Extra nuality of Hed Blankets, Ribbons, P.elts, (Jloves, Hosiery, ..'ic. ALSO. Hats, Caps, P.onnets. Hoots, Shoos and Umbrellas; a general assortment of and every vaiioty in the V.VNKEE NOTION LINE, which will be sold at a small advance for ( .\SH, or on time to punctual customers, eitherat WlIOLES.\LE I or RET.ML. .Ml are respectfully invited to give me I a call before purchasing elsewhere. B. F. PEARCE. Hay St., Fayetteville, Sept. 1, 1H50. 35-tf SliCO.VD STOCK. ! !J. l\ FKiARCC IS now receiving, direct from New York, his second stock of I Fall and \Viiil«*r Dry w04m|!«, j Among which may be found, the latest and most I fashionable styles of Ladies' Dross Goods, Cloaks, NLintillas, and all stylet of Embroidery. Also, Gkntlkmkn s GOODS of every variety, which will be sobH'H E.\ P at w iiolosale or retail, are rosr.ectfully invitei’i to give me a call. H. F. Hay .Street, Fayetteville, Oct. 1S5*). GOODS! W. II. Carver IS just receiving a very large Stock of DfCl* €M€t4>nS^ Ororeries^ WJquors, direct from N. York, which will be sohl at very moderate pr ices for Cash, or exchange for any kind of produce. A call from oi l friends and the public generally is desired, as my Stock is so large and varied that it will seldom fail to give satisfaction. W. H CARVER, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. 29, 1850, _ 43-tf _ CHEESE. i OSIIEN and Dairy CHEESE. Sperm and Adamantine C.\NDLES. iO boxes SOD.\ BISCUIT. 50 jars West India PRESERVES. For sale by E. F. MOORE. Sept. 15, 1850. •^Otf JUST RECEIVED, S.\CKS SALT. IF 50 kegs NAILS. 20 cases NEGRO SHOES. For sale by E. F. MOORE, Store formerly occupied by Hall & Sackett. Sept. 15, 1850. 30tf PUIiLIC NOTICE ^JS HEREBY GIVEN, th.at Books of Subscription to 3 the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from lufort Harbor via Kenansville, (Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the U)th daj’ of .April IS.jO, and remain open according to the terms of the (Charter until further notice, at the fdlowing lacos and under direction of the following named person.s, Commissioners in the Charter, viz: In the County of Onslow, at tho office of the Clerk of the County Court at Jacksonville, and at the Post Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. J. NVard, J. H. Foy, Robert White, John Averitt, Jr., ()wen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at tho office of Dr. M. F. Aren- dell at Beaufort. Dr. M. F. .\rendell, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. .\t the store of G. W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Vrendell. In Duplin county, at the ollice of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville,—M.ajor Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the oflice of the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay, P.atrick .Murphy, Wm. Faison, J. R. Beaman, .Alfred Johnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A A. McKethan,—Thomas K. Underwood, Ran.lal .McDaniel, Eilward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of !j!lOO each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central Raii Road Company; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the (Charter. SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES. '^¥''11 rdeliratcd machines Hn> in i>r:iriiral :tiul |initit«lile us*> A in all pKrls ot'tho rivili/.eil worlil. In hII the vjirioiis irailps, »nl in sewinE every Miri til Istliric, eillier of clmli or ieitther, they h;ive l«-en I'ully trieil kihI Hppruveil t'Civinu initchines ol' iitlior nmniit'af Hirers olten IhiI to w Tk, ttui t>IN(;KK’S ,\l .ACMll.NES .AI., W.AVS t)I‘KRATK I’EltPE*'I’l.V, beind stninf;. iliirHble nnl tmi- [ilete in contrivsince «nil workiiiiinship. iieriert sewini: in:i- rhine kepi employe.) alt'.>nis a cle.ir profit iil'SI.tMH) a year; hut an iniperlect one is a cause ol constant vexation aiul loss. The en tire RICI.IAB1LITY ofoiir iiiiirhine.s is one creat reason for their un parallelod ixipularily. M.\( MIXES FOR F.VMIEY JJEWI.NC. of fr.'iil and ilelicMe ron>iruction, are recoiiiiMended hy other iiiantifacturers. r^iich machines are made to catch the eye, not to |ierloriii sulistantial work. The truth is, family sewing iiia chines otieht to he simncer than any other, liecausc they go into less skillful hands th'wi when sold lo inanufaciurers, and are used for a errater variety of work The machines which have proved Iwst for all other purposes must be best lor family use, and they are Singer’s The speed of ourmac*iines hits lately been doubled No other can ctmipare with them ii. quantity of work. j)::>“New machines of the latest improved style will be ex changed on lilxral terms for o'd scwinc machines of oar own make or for o|>erative machines of other manufacturers. U>cal agents wanted to sell our machines. .N. B.—.Ml (lersons desiring full information ubotil sewing ma chines, ran obtain il by applying for a copy of-|. .M. Smger &. ('■ ‘ Cazftle," a pai«?r devoted entirely to the siibjert. It will be >ent gratis I M. SI.VtJEK &. CO. Principal Ortirc, I Ilroadwav. .New York. HK.XNfH oKEIi ES 47 Hanover steet. ISosti.n. I 14-.' »'hpnut street. IMiila. :i-J WestminsUT st. I’rmidence. | ltl.'i liallimor* street, Haltimore Names Resideuif Cash Work Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and may specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer's estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars arc sub scribed, the (’ommissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and they are reijuired to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. March 15, 1850. 13tf The Ladies PEARCE. •If.tf toren!0. .hi^t n Oct. 22, ISofi. E. J. HAl-E vS: .'O.N WAUllEX IMIIOU, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, II AS just received a large and well I). \v. •lienee "f L ? .'s:illc s U liiakeiMii ■lit t.. uiy I'urt if tho United ill, upon tlie roeoipt of Nl. Address, PIIOF. GEO. N iv. 7. itos Pi ice :1 p.-r box: ('aiia.r, s per 11. DL I’. \K, Now ^Ork City. c. r,i:.\i}ov\ I). I), s., lilt* BC:illiiiioi*‘ of I) i; .N I \ L s I IMi !■; I{ V . OFFICE hours from A. .M to 1 P. .M. “ ;i P. M. to 5 P. M. DR. HENHOW may be found at his suite of I’.ooms near the Market, whoro all who are in need of the Hervioes of a Loi.tist are respecfuily invited to call. All ojioratioiis performed upon the latest am n ost apjirovod ]>lans. To those in necl ol * li'lilil'ittl Tttih, he would simjily say that he is behind in no iin[>rovement. He inserts from one to .an entire set upon fine (jold or I’latina plate, which he guarantees to be eipially as serviceable as the natural organs. He spends nine months of each year in this place, itrorn 1st of October to the 1st of July.) Oct. 20, 1 S.'itl. I'.l-tf f '/ % MLVi'ill IM, A 'l' El> C,lSTOKS. FISH. BAIIREI-.S No. M.V(’KEREL. 25 i|r. do. .N'o. 2 “ 2-'. “ “ No. 1 1 It bbls. Herring. 5(M> lbs. ('odfish. in his lino, which will be sold at the verj’ lowest prices, consisting of Gold anil .Silver Watches of all kinds; Gold and Silver Fob, Vest and (Jiiard Chains, Seals and Key*: I’reast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Kings, (some Diamond;) Bracelets; Sleeve and t'ollar Buttons; Studs; Lockets; iold Pens jiml Pencils; Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles; (Jold and .Silver Thimbles; Pearl and Shell (lard (^ises; Port Monaies; Sacks; .Vccordeons, Flutes, Violins anil Hows, Fifes, .Music Boxes; Fine ?utlery. Pistols and FlasKs, Parlour Pistols; (Jame Bags, Shot Betts, Percussion Caps, Musket Balls; Canes; NIathe matical Instruments; Surveyors’ ChainsandCompasses; J i Silver and Plated Forks, Spoons, Cups, Butter and Fruit Knives; I’lated Castors, Cake Baskets, (’andle- .V good assortment of MfLIT.VRV GOODS, Swords, Epauletts, Ihittons, Silver and Gilt Lace, IMumes, Drunts, &c. ,V large lot of CLOCKS, together with a large num ber of other articles. Purchasers are invited to call and examine. Repairing of W'atches, Clocks, Accordeons, and jobbing strictl}’ attended to. .\ugust 21, 1850. 32-3m -74 Broad street .Newark, .\'. .1. ;t47 Uroad«ay. .Mbany, .\. V. ('lover'ville, .New York, il'. fhajK-’l street. .New llaven. 11 Hurhanan st.IJlaNgow.Scot’d Oct. -.M. IH.St). I pi E.ist Eiiurlh street, Cincinnati. 1 Chicago. Illinois. I fi.'i .North Fourth St.. St. l-ouis. HI St. I'barlcs st , New Orleans I vitl Dauphin st.. .Mobile. .'>07m For sale by Sejit. 15, 18.50, E. F. MOORE. 3!»tf A h ndsoine ass'irtment just recc'ived. W. N. TILLING HAST. !7. 51-lni soo W A.N'I'KI), ACTIVE VoUNG .MEN, t., act as local and travelling agents in ;i business easy. Useful and hon,.r:iblo, at a S.VL.\HV OF nIOO PER Month. .\ capital of $5 only roiiuire.l. .No patunt medicine or b....k bo-,iii.'.-^. Full [lartioulars 'ree, t" all wIm enet.. c m p sta; ‘ ' lit j.ioco, and :tddi o'--, \ NOTICE LL those indebted to us previous to the 1st Janu ary will call and settle either by note or cash. MCDONALD & WHALEY ‘ stamp or a tliree H. M \HTVN, Plaistow, N. H. 51 -;im Oct. 2 HHDS M()LASSI:S. jU'i received and for :].\> «■ i»y ; COOK. 51- A and oblige us. N. B. .V good assortment of .S.VDDLES AND H.VR- NllsS always on hand for cash or on time to punctual customers. Feb’y 17, 18-55. WOOL ROiJ.S. OOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnabtirgs, (’otton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNEILL. June 18.54. 7-tf A RAlll: ClIAACE! The Euriiiture and Ei.vtures ot’tlie Eay- ctteville Hotel tor sale. ri'^HE subscribers having fully determined to sell I the above named Property, how offer it to an en terprising man upon liberal terms. This Hotel enjoys a large custom from the adjoining counties and from the travelling public, with a pros pect of future increase. What it has done and is now loing can be seei by any one wishing to purchase re ferring to our books. The situation of the building is such that it com mands the greater part of .he custom coming to and passing through this place. For the amount of capital invested, there is no bu siness that a person could engage in that would pay as well. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. Sept 11, 185t>. 88tf .$•25 REWARD. ANAWAY from the subscriber on the 1st of April last, a negro man named Rand, about six feet high, about 30 years of age, and black. Said negro is supposed to be htrking in the neighborhood ol John Bell or James McKethan. The above reward will be paid to any person de livering said negro to me at Locksville, (jhatham ( o. N. C., or confining him in any Jail in the State where 1 can get him. NATH.\N KING. June 25. 01.1) RVE WHISKEY. ^■IHE Subscriber is tne only authorised agent in Jl- Fayetteville for the sale of the Hon. R. C. Pur- year’s Celebrated W I’K ifS . He will be supplied with this superior Whiskey to meet the demand. W. DR AUG HON. Fayetteville, iNLarch 20. 90-tf a\t('Vi 11 ‘ HotVI. 1H*E Subscribers having this day leased this Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased to see their friends and the travelling public at this House. .Vt the same time we hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfections until we shall have put the House in such repair as we desire. * T IT 1)r\i> L''i>T’C! FIRE AND LIEE LNSl lJANCE. raiiiE undersigned has the Agency of the following JL Companies, viz; Greensborough .Mutual Life Insurance and Trust Co. Greensboroiigh Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Newbern Mutual Insurance (.’o , Charlotte .Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Caswell Mutual Fire Insurance (_'o. Insurance in Xorth Carnlhtn Companies can now be taken in any part of Town or County, in large or small amounts. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent. June 30, 1850. 17-Om $•.55 ISi:W4lll>, i^OR the apprehension and delivery of my negro man P.\GK, a bright mulatto, about 28 years of age; or for his confinement in any Jail so that I get him again. When he left he had on a brown Satinett Coat and Pants, makes a good appearance, and no doubt will pass himself as a free man; about 5 feet. 10 or 11 inches high, weighs about 185 pounds, and had, at the time lie left, a fellon on the middle finger of his left hand; has on his chin a goatee (or long beard.) I expect he will endeavor to make his way to Abingdon, Washington co’Unty, Va., where he was raised. U. .M. .McLAURIN, Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C Feb’y 1, 1850. 75-tf VALUABLEl^EGROES FOR SALE. NE(JRO Woman aged about thirty or thirty-five years, good house servant, cook, washer and ironer, honest and industrious. .V Girl aged a’nout nine, and a boy about four years —children of ihe woman. Persons in want of this species of property will do well to call on the undersigned at his Law Office on .\ndcrson Street, when further particulars will Vie given. BARTH’W FULLER. April 20. 500-tf NOriCE. ri'^HE notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Beasley, I are in the hands of Wm. McL. .McKay for col lection, as longer indulgence w>ll nut be given, it is hoped this notice will be sufficient to save costs Tlio SOUTHERN HAR.VIO.NY— new edition, revised and enlarged. A further supply of this popular book just received. E. J. HALE .‘t SON. Oct. 10, 1850. JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. ^I^HE subscribers have for sale, the t^d volume of the Reports of Law (Lasee in the Supreme Court of North (Carolina, by H. C. Jon«s, Esq. Just published. .\lso. Supreme Court Reports generally, and other Law Books. E. J. HALE & SON. REIDS ENGI.lSHDKrnONARV for Schools. Also, further supply of The Old Do minion, by James; The Great Iron Wheel, by Graves. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 27 Further }>nf)ftties of School lioofcs. ^^MITH’S GRAM.\i.\R; Davies’, Smith’s, Colburn’s, ^ and Greenleaf’s Arithmetics; Lambert’s Anatomy and Physiology; Hitchcock’s Elementary Geology; Goodrich’.s and Willard's U. S. Histories; The (Jhild’s History of the U. S ; Parley’s First Book of History; .MitchoU's Intermediate (ieography; Olney’s Geo graphy, l»olmar’s Levizac’s French Grammar; Pinneo’s English Teacher; Cornell’s Intermediate Geography; Kay's Readers; Emerson’s Watts’on the Mind; Jacobus’ Notes and (Questions on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke; Greenfield’s Greek Testament and Lexicon; Marsh’s Songsters; School Testaments; North Carolina Readers, Darie.s’ Surveying, &c. Just received. Aug. 80. E. J. HALE &l SON. DWELLING FOR SALE. ^|1HE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling J and Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russell .Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erambert. Torms reasonable. E. J. H.\LE. .May 20. 8- UJlonWE.on* Mias rived! 4»^J|^HE Great Iron W'heel Examined,” by Parson Ji. Brownlow, price .1>1 00, just rec’d. Postage on it by mail is 18 cents. Also, a few more of the ‘ Great Iron W'heel,” by Parson (Jraves. E. J. HALE & SON. May 28. Tlio (^Id North State in 177fJ— Second Series, being Revolutionary Incidents and Sketches of Character in North Carolina, by. Rev. E. W. Caruthers, L*. D. Price •'1*1 25. Just received. E. J. H.ALE & .SON. Sept. 18. ~ NEW^ BOOKS. ^■^HE Hills of .Shatemuc, by Miss W'arner, Author I. of the “Wide Wide World;” II jusehold Mysteries, a Romance of Southern Life; School Books, ic.. just received. E. J. HALE & SON. A tiAllDKNlNG FOR TIIF, SOUTH. W'. N. White of (Jeorgia; Courtship and .Marriage, by Mrs. Hentz; The Courtesies of W'edded Life, by Mrs. Leslie; Harper’s Classical Library, being literal translations of Cicero, Xenophon, Ceasar, Herodotus, Horace, ij"c. ,\lso, further supplies of Ernest Liiiwood; Hiawatha; Mrs. Hentz’s Novels, 50 cts. a vol.; Johnston’s Agri cultural Chemistry; Dossey’s Choice; Trench on the Miracles; The Moral Probe; Eclogues and Georgies of Virgil, by Anthon; Jay’s Morning and Evening Exercises; “Five Hundred Mistakes Corrected”; Smith’s Grammar; &c., just received by E. J. HALE SON. NEW BOOKS. fjl^IIE ConfideWal Correspondence of Napoleon with i his Brotlier Joseph Bonaparte; Olmsted’s Journey in the Seaboard Slave States; Memoirs of Susan Alli- bone; The Way' of Salvation, by Albert Barnes. Further supplies of fletherington’s History of the Church of Scotland; Bayard Taylor’s India, China and Japan; Eldora; The Old Homestead, l)y Mrs. Stephens; Rose Clark; Widow Bedot, The Escaped Nun, The Hidden Path, Alone, and other popular Works. Pe terson's Familiar .Science; Short I’atent Sermons, by Dow, Jr ; Banker’s (^ases; and various School Books. Just received by E. J. H.VLE & S(JN. JOHN .M. June 2.5. IB.')5. BEASLEY. 12tf DEEP RIVER COAL. BlTUMINt)US CO.\L of the best ‘juality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM. McCL.VNE, Mining Engineer. May 21, 1850. 0-tf Goods at VV hol‘sal(\ I^HE .Subscribers beg leave to advise their custom- L ers .and Merchants generally, that they have received a part and expect to receive the balance of their recent purchases in a few days. Their Stock will be much larger and more complete than they have ever offered, embracing a general assortment of Together with Iliirthvan' and Ciith'ry, Hollow Ware, Saddlery, Shoos, 'joather, i.S:c., .\ll of which have been bought by one of the firm ex pressly for the Wholesale Trade. Their terms will be as iiereiofore, on the usual time to ju-oinpt dealers. To cash buyers a reasonable di.scount will be made. GEO. W. WILLIAMS \ CO. Fayetteville, .\ugu^t L5, 1850. T.O-tf WHEAT WA\'I'1:d. I W,\NT to purchase 5,IKIU Bushels Wheat. June 25, 185(i. JAS. G. COOK. l»)-tf H .NEW MUSIC MUSIC HOOKS. EKTINl’S Piano Forte Method—new and revised edition; Hunten’s (Celebrated Instructions for the Piano Forte; Burrowe’s Piano Forte Primmer; cordeon, Fhite, Violin and Clarionett Instructers. .\lso, Music for the Piano. Just received and for sale by E. J. HALE ^ SON. .Vpril 5. .\c- w I'Oii i{i:.\ r. ri'^iIE large Fire proof Brick Ware house, conveni- I entlv situate ! in rear of our Store. Apply to STARR WILLIAMS. Sept. 20. 4U-tf \cfr (t£>on. Kslahlishmcnt^ By W.n. WATJSOi^. ri'^HE Subscriber would inform his friends and the I public generally, that he has completed his new establishment on Maxwell street, near Mr. E. W. Will- kings’ Store, and is now prep.ared to receive orders for C.ART.S, WA(;ONS, DRAYS, &c., which sh.all be promptly executed. .\ll work done by him shall be of the best workman ship and material that the country can afford. REPAIRING of all kinds done with neatness and despatch. Also, HOUSE-SHOEING will be strictly at tended to. N. B. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. Fayetteville, July 24, 1856, 24-Y” J II. J. II. Roberts. March 1, 1855. ROBERTS & CO. F. N. IIOHKRT.^I. 80-tf EOR SALE. .ff Kednecfl Prires, for €\MSiM or on SHORT TM.liMi, •2.)0 ctiuii,u;i:K, iiiRouiii^:!i, Rockaways and Buggies OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ANY of which are finished, and the balance being finished daily. Among which are many New and Beautiful styles, and one VERY FINE C.ARRI.\GE. Some of them very light, and all made in the bes^t manner and of the best materials. My facilities for doing Carriage work are GREATER than any estaVilish ment South, and I can afford and am determined to sell work of the BEST QUALITY as low as it can be built for by any one For llay«vool uikI IjOckwvilU'. "|''HE Brothers’ .''team Boat Contpany, from and after I this day, will run a Steamer once a week, twice a week, or once in two weeks as tho business may de- ■land—between the above points and Fayetteville ami Wilmington. July 10, 1850. 20tf CAN rw Efj/s N. c. .HIS rici:. Siraim’.'i Jnatice Rrrixnf^ nnl mhtptrti In the N' tC Revi.'irif fBlHIS work, invaluable to .Magistr.itos, Olficors, an i all who have occasion to know tho Law, aii l to use the Forms under it, is very mueh eiibuvoil Prioe 50. For sale by E. J. H.VLK .v .'^oN. August 1850. 1'he l'.lem(‘iit:iry SjM'lliii^r iJook, to which is added the First'" Lesson in .\rithmotic, by Noah Webster; The National Primer, by tho .same author. Also, a further supply of the Pictorial Elementary Spelling Book. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 2 ■ SCHOOl. BOOKS. ^i^MERSON’S Arithmetics and Keys; Parker’s Phi losophy; North Carolina Headers; ISullion’s Gre»k E Those who ara indebted to me will please | Grammar and Reader; Pikes' .\rithmetic; Comstock’s V ut) as mv business reqtiires my out-standing lebts ' Philosophy. Further supplies just received. L A. A. Mo.KETHAN. 1 K J. HALE & SON. pay up, to be collected. Feb. 3. 1855. McKETHAN. 72-tf Sept. 15. WHO WOULD HAVE TI10UGH2 ITf A new Carr!ajp Estahh'ahment on the MiHtarj (ireen., >p{>Q^lte the .MethfMhaf Vhurrh, frontinij on Miimfonf Street. (Wil'.AT K.VTKIil’KISIC! Irvill* lo Sliiii*;!! riHIE Subscribers would respectfully intorm their JL friends and tho public, th.it they have entered iNto copartnersiiip for the purjiose of conducting the general CARKl.A(,iE BU.'^INESS in all its various parts. .\nd being t*oth practical workmen, fully un- dorstunding titeir bu>iness, they have no hesitation lo coni])are work with any establishment iti Fayetteville as to style and durability. One of the tirm may bt> known by reference to -A. H. Wliittield’s irin work for thi* la.st two year.s. We warrant all work to give general sati.^-faction for twelve months Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER it BHANIN. Jamks II. PiKU. Jamks Bkani.n Fayetteville, -Lin’y 24, 1853. '*2t* Fire ins Mr a nee. ^BlHi; E TNA Insurance ( omp^iny of 11 artlord, huv- M. ing paid the t.i.x iiiiposod by the Kovenue Law i.f tho l7ito Lo.nsl.itiiro, will continue its Agency in I'avottovilie, inulorthe man.igomont of the undersiun- o.r wlio is prepared to issue Policies of liisuranoe on Buildings or tioods. either in this Town or in any part of tiie .“^lato, on proju-r application, description Ilf the I’roporty, »'cc. The t'O.Mi’ANY has been in opoiatioii about :;0 yo.irs. its i-apital is !^.>(MKOO(K The Hon. Thos. K. i’.r.ice was its first President, and he still holds that ollico; and several of its first Directors are .still activi ami ertioient members of the Boanl. It has at all times sustained the iiighest character for the )oriideiioo ol its management, and for tlie liberality with uhicli it has ever adjusted its losses. E. .1. HAI.U. .\):ent rii(3n(‘W lievls*I St E ^ H E Subscribers have received on consignment, a I few' copies of the New Jievi.s;tl. Price •i'4, f'ish ■j 1- K J II \LK \ SON. on delirrrii. - ‘ Jati'y 21. I'riiiiiii;;^ loi* ri^HE Subscribers have for sale an Imperial No. J I Washington Hand Press, 2d hand. It will be sold ctieap, deliverable in Petersburg, V a. It is sai«l to be a good Press and in good order. .June 4, 18.5;>. *" E. J. HALE & SON.

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