(DIB SElII-WEBItL.Y. vol.. VI.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER 24, 18.16 [NO. 559.] I'HINTKI) MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS KDWAIU) J. HALK & KDITORS AND PUOPRIETORS. I’niH* for the Seini-Wcekly Obsebvf.r $3 00 if paid in '>0 if pai*l during the year of subscrip- tinn: or $4 after the year has expired. F >r the Weekly Obskrvkb GO per annum, if paid in ;i Ivauce: >2 50 if paid during tJie year of aubscrip- ti^m; or 00 after the year has expired. AUVT'HTISEMENTS inserted for sixty cents per P liiare of 10 lines for the first, and thirty cents for each publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- L’ial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are to state the numbe? oi insertions desired, or thov will be continued till f irhid, and charged uccord- inclv. Letters to the i-ditors must be post-paid. Advertisements to be inserted inside, charged 50 per cent, extra. NOTICE. r I H K subscriber having been appointed Commissioner I to sell the Negroes belonging to the Estate of N jrnian Johnson, dec’d, will sell at the Court House Ii,)or in Toonier, Harnett county, N. C., on the second Muiulav in December, at 1*J o’clock, the following viz, .1UDA aged 50 years, and two children, ANDER- SoN aged 8 years, C.VLVIN aged 4 years. Terms of Sale.—Six months’ credit, the purchaser giving bond and approved security. B. F. SHAW, Commissioner. Nov. 1th, 185G. 5ti-ts GOOD I.ANDS for SALE. A S I wish to move West, I wish to sell my Farm on the Cape Fear River, on the South side of Cape Fe.'ir a mile or two below Rockfish Creek, con taining some 600 to 700 Acres of very fine River Lands. On the Farm there is a good orchard, and Buildings of all kinds to live in, kc. Also my SAW MILL on Rockfish, (late H. McNeill’s.) Also 180 Acres Lands joining the same. Air. E. H. Evans will show^ these f.ands and Mills to any one wishing to purchase, and also give the terms. WM. A. EVANS. Oct. 8, 1856. 48tf \V>I18KEY. BBLS. WHISKEY, just received, and for sale cheap for cash by the barrel, by E. F. MOORE. Nov'r 17. i>~- iXogro Clothing. |^LA!%K,ETS KERSEYS, HATS, SHOES, icc. ROBERT 1). GREEN, (L.\TE GREEN & WEAR,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., FAYETTEVILLK, N. C. UD. G. begs to return his sincere thanks to ti>e • public for the kind patrouuf'e so Hher.illy be stowed upon the late Firm, and informs them he has bought the interest of J. S. Wear, and will continue the business ia all its brauches at the old stam', under hia entire su[>erintendence. N. II .\ll Watclies left with him for repair will be taken apart in the presence of the owners, and tlu* necessary repairs pointed out to them and a written contr.ict given tor the same, which work will be war ranted for two years. On hand and for sale now, the most varied and choice selection of (M^OCKS ami oth»;r time pieces that has ever been ofl'ered to the {>ublio in North Caro lina, wliich he will sell at New York prices, and also WAKKANT for two years. All debts due to and by the late firm will be paid and received by R. D. GREEN. August 25, 185*5. 34-tf mfoUn •!. JPemberion 11 just rec’d one of the most desirable Stocks of ■ H. Milk »iil Fancy staple Ciood^, ever offered by him, embracing all the newest styles of Such as Plain and col’d Moir Antique Silks, Rich t)m- bre Satins, Stripeil and plain Silk Valencia, I’oplinett Robes, Plain and Rrocade Merinos, Plain, Plaid, and rich Fig’d French DeLains, and a great many other new styles. .Vlso, a large Stock of Velvet, Cloth, and Silk .Mantillas, (Moaks and Talmas, Bay State, Stella Plush and Tiftic Shawls. A great variety of the latest styles of PRESS TRIMMINGS, French Embroideries, Honeton Lace Collars, every color of the best juality of Kid iiioV4‘!« and Ga\intlets for Ladies and Gents. A few very handsome patterns Woosted curtain Dam ask, with trimmings to suit, some very handsome Oil Wimlow Shades. ALSO, FOR GENTT^ WEAR. Black, Blue, and Olive Inroad Cloths. T^lack and Fan cy Cassimei-es and Vestings. A very large Stock of j:!•-.?#.f »vIjo For .tioii, and made in the latest styles and W'^'kmunghip irarran/ed. The above Stock was selected witli great care as re gards style and jirices, -lad will be offered at wholesale or retail, on ver3’ accommodating terms. The p\iblic generally are respectfully invited to call ;md e.^amine for themselves. J. A. PEMBERTON. Sept. 20, 185tj. 41 tf I Ni;\\ AM now receiving (iOODS. my Fall and Winter Stock of Now receiving. November 17, 185G. J. & T. W.VDDILL. ^7tf ALMANACS FOR 1857. fBlURNER’S North Carolina, and The Farmers’ and i Planters’. E. J. HALE & SON. NOTICE. 4PPLICATI0N y ill be made to the next General Assembly of N Jrth Carolina, for the passage of an Act to incorporate the town of Rockingham, iu the County of Richmond. Nov’r 8, 1850. 57-Ctpd The Torchlight, by Mrs. Olcott, Authoress of Isora’s Child. E. J. HALE & SON. LAND SALE at CAROLINA CITY. fllHE Carolina City Company propose to sell to the i highest bidder, on Tuesday the ‘2oth day of No vember next, at Carolina City, a limited number of eligible Lots in said City, imm«diately on BEAL FORT HARBOR. It is hardly necessary to call the atten tion of the public to the importjince of this sale. The (iROl’ElilKS, 11.\RD\VIRE .\M) ITTLERY. These goods were bought late in the season, and consequently at reduced prices. .My stock of ISOO'FM ! and is complete, embracing many kinds of j extra sizes; Blankets, Kerseys, \.c.; Hats, fine and j common. THOS. .J. .lOHNSON, | Old Stand, near the C.ipe Fear Bank and Market place. Nov. 12. 52-tf All I'iiitiro X(‘\v {^tock! I ^I'^HE subscriber re^pectfulU’ informs the public. £ that he has received his STOCK OF GOODS, and would request those in want of DRV OOODS, Fanrtf 4mootts^ Boots atttf Shoes^ HATS, TRUNKS, IlAUDVVAHE, , To give him a call, as he can sell his Goods .\S LOW AS .\NY ONE, and warrants them to give satisfaction. L. IIKAADT, Gillet'pie St.. near the Market, Fayetteville. N. C. October 1, 1850. 44-2m VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. (i( fitlcHK n's I 'lir/iis/iiK.slabliahme/it. ^■IHE undersigned is now receiving, direct from .fl. New York, his F,ill and Winter Stock of CLOTH ING and FURNISHING GOODS. Having taken unusual pains in the selection of his Goods, he flatters himself that his Stock will compare favorably with any in the market. WANTED, A T High Mount Tannery, on the Charlotte road, .. m four miles west of Wadesborough, Anson county, N. I’., four or five good SHOE and B()OT M.YKERS. Good Workmen are required—recommended; and the best of wages will be given JAS. FEMALE INSTrrUl'E. ^I'^HIS Institution will resume its operations again 1 on MONDAY, the 8th of SEPTEMBER. The charges will be the same as they have been for the last year. Board $10 per month, including wash ing, lights, .j-c. 1 L. (]. GR.VV'E.S, A. M., who has served us so long j Nov. 1, 185(!. ^ and efiiciently as Principal of the Institute, new also “ ^ r* . . . has charge of the Steward's Department, which ren- | I fl6 (ri’CfltCst lilVt'/lllO/l Of UlC ders it doubly sure th.it this department will be con- i ■ ■ ,\viNG purchased the exclusive right for the ducted to the entire satisfaction of all. ; f of North Carolina of GEAR’S MACHINE Mr. Strailella will continue in charge of the Musical CUTTING, TURNING AND'MOULDING IRREG ULAR FORMs’iN WOOD, I offer the .Machine to the C. CARAWAY. 5:^-()w Tlie SOUTHERN HARMONY— new edition, revised and enlarged. A further supply of this popular book just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 10, 1850. JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. ^HE subscribers have for sale, the 2d Tolume of the _ Reports of Law Casae in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, by H. C. Jonts, Esq. Just published. .\lso. Supremo Court Reports generally, and other Law Books. E. J. HALE & SON. Department: and Mrs. Painting, kc. Stradella the Department of H. A. BIZZELL, Sec’v Board of Trustees. Clinton, July 25, 1850. 30-tf rpHE t i We.i (;oij)siioi{()U(in tliini Session of this hi-ilitution commences on hu'S'lav, the :?d of Jan’y 1855, and ends on the od of June, 1855. R?v. JAS. 11. BKIvNT, .\. 15., President. Dr. Moko.an Ci.oss, late of Chapel Hill, Professor of .Mathematics. And a full corps of Teachers in every branch. Board, including Washing, Lights, Fuel, Kc., ]>er session, >?50 00 Tuition in Primary Department, $10 00 Collefciate Department, •“j'20 00 One hundred dollars will cover all expenses of the session in the Collegiate course and all ornamental branches. Pupils in primary department charged the usual price for ornamental branches. One half payable in advance. Three Lectures on scientific subjects will be delivered each month. We are making every effort to render the School the received, first in advantages and cheapness, and pleilge to reduce o.j prices, !tnd multiply the advantages in proportion to the increase of patronage. Wlien our number of pu[iil» Manufacturers of this State as the most perfect and effective ever invented to work irregular forms in wood. It has been thoroughly tested, and can perform the labor of tin to Jifti/ men in the most complicated kinds of work. It can do handsomely and rapidly all irregular and carved work, such as Circular am^ Gothic Sashes ami Doors, Brackets and Scrolls, Tracery and .\rches of the most difficult patterns. Cabinet Ware and Furniture, (L-irriages, Rail Road ('ars, Chairs, Millwright and Factory work. Ship and Boat Building, Agricultural Inijdements, Block Letters, Picture and .Mirror Frames, and Patterns for Machinery. In fact, work such as no other Machine has ever done before. 1 am prepared to sell single and County Rights, and to furnish .Machines. JOSEPH R BLOSSO.M, Proprietor. Wilmington, N. C., Oct. 25, 185b. 52-tim Fanner’s and IMantcr’s Almanac, tor 1S57. For sale, wholesale or retail, by E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 15. Harpers' Magazine for Noveniher, E. J. HALE .V SON. Having set out with a determination to sell Goods , , • upon reasonable terms to prompt paying and Cash | reaches 20H we shall be able to reduce the prices customerh, he feels that the experience of the past jus- | nearly one half, every one aiding us, is also aiding in tifies him in asserting, that all Goods sohl by him will j placing the means ot a superior education within the give entire satisfaction as to stj'le and price. I reach of almost every girl in the State. His Stock consists in part of the following Goods, : We return thanks lor the unexampled support W6 Cloth, Beaver, Tweeds and Cassimere Coats, Do do do do Over do. Every variety of style of Vests and Pants, Hosiery, (iloves. Shirts i Linen and .Merino,) Boots, Shoes, Hats and ('aps. ] .\ll of which he hopes to be able to sell at as early a day as possible. -Ml persons who owe me for jiurchases previous to July last, are earnestly requested to pay up, and keep up their and my good name. JAMES McPherson, Hay street, opposite E. Glover's. Sept. 22, 185*). 41-3m Look lo \ our I,It ercst i/i 'I'inK'. fBlHE Proprietor, after having the JL misfortune of getting burnt out, has re-built his Steam Saw .Mill and is now prepared to furnish at short iioti-“, either in town or at the Mill, 8 miles from Fayetteville, on the Western Plank Road. I hope i II of changing my business, 1 offer | to receive patronage inasmuch as I am in the midst of LANT.\TION on the east side of i the best heart Timber and can furnish any length from EING desirous for sale my PL the Cape Fear River, three miles above the Clarendon ; 10 to 42 feet long, which 1 hope will suit Steam ^oat Bridge, known as the Toomer and McKay lands, con- ■ men wishing to get long limber at short notice. I also taining about 800 acres. This Farm is susceptible of intend keeping Lumber at Tll!)\ MARSH S Store, proposed City is at the terminus of the Rail Road from ' verv highest improvement, and of being made one ! who will still act as my .\ Guldsboro’ via Newbern to Beaufort Harbor, which is : of the most beautiful and profitable Plantations in Lumber to me at my Mill, the grand terminus of the Internal Improvement system j Cumberland county. On the Farm is a good mill seat of North Carolina, and where a magnilicent city must | terms will be favorable and paj’ments easy, rapidly grow up. _ i For particulars, apply to John D. Williams, hsq The City Company only propose to sell a lijiited | Fayetteville, or a'ldress the subscriber at the Gulf, number of Lots, to allow parties who ask at once to ! give possession the first of December ne;;t. il de- obtain foothold an ooDortunity to do so: another will i sired. L. J. H.VUGHTON. 1 ents, and forward bills for My terms for lumber shall be as favorable as any for the same kind of lumber. Those wishing to address me can do so at Manchester P- O., Cumberland Co., N. 0. D.WID Kl\ ETT. •June ''K 185*i. 11-6m obtain foothold an opportunity not probably be given soon, as the Company has no desire to part with any considerable amount of the property. Terms liberal and will be made known at sale. Oct'r 14, 185tj. 57-3t A EW GOODS TB^IIE public are respectfully invited to examine our M. aew Stock of Brussels, Tapestry & Ingrain Carpetings. We have on hand 50 Rolls assorted styles and (jualities. 20 do 3-4,4-4, G-4 & 8-4 Oil Cloths. Velvet and Tufted Rugs, Cocoa and Alacant .Mats, with our usual stock of House Furnishing Goods, ic. &c. —ALSO— Groceries of every kind, H.VRDWARE & CUTLERS , &c., at wholesale or retail. S. W. TILLINOHAST & CO. Met. 18, 1850. 49tf sired. Gulf, July 17, 185G. !3tf T' NKW F.AW BOOKS. VNEW Edition of Tidd’s Practice, 2 vols. The Forum, or 40 year’s Full Practice at the Philadelphia Bar; by David Paul Brown. Library of Law and Equity; being 13 vols. (in 11) of valuable Law Books for i>15 00. Just received by E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 20. 5000 For sale by Oct. 20. .lUST RECEIVED, LBS. B.VCON SIDES; 30 Boxes Soda and Lemon Crackers; 10 Half bbls. Snuff, (Eagle Mill;j 15 Boxes Steam Candy. E. F. MOORE. 40- ROOK ACCENTS WAN FEI). HE Subscribers wish to contract with some per son or persons, of energy, address, and respon sibility, to canvass the State for Subscribers to Dr. Hawks's History of North Carolina, the first volume of which is in press and will be issued in a lew weeks, and to deliver the work after publication. They would prefer to have a single -\gent for the whole State, who may employ sub-.\gents at his discretion. But if no suitable opportunity should present to secure the services of such a one, then .\gents for .luilicial Districts, or single Counties, will be contracted with. Immediate application, with reference as to qualifica tions, is 'desired. E. J. H.VLE Sf SON. Nov. 3, 1850. DKSSOLITION. raiHE firm of HALL ^ SACKETT is this day dis- Jl solved by mutual consent. The busine-s of the firm will be settled by J. H. Hall or .V. E. Hall, who alone are authorized to use the name of the firm in liquidation. J. H. A. E. T. M Fayetteville, N. C., Jan’y 10, 18-)tj. HA LL, HALL, SACKETT. 70-tf .V E. F. PAILY KXinX'l'ING, BOXES CHEESE, 50 Qr. bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, 75 Sacks Coffee. E. F. MOORE. fJct. 20. 4y- NOTICE. 4 LL persons indebteil to the firm of V .Moore, are requested to come forward anl make [layinent, as their copartnership ceaseil on the 1st of March, 185H. 'V, F. 4' E. F. MOORE. DRV (iOOl)S AT WHOI.ESALE. STARR WILL1.V?»LS are now receiving a very large STOCK, embracing every thing in the Dry Goods line with Hals, ('aj)s, lioots, Shoes, Silk and Straw Honnels, Umbrellas, and Ready-Made Clothin^^ *Sjc. Which they will sell CHEAP for Cash or approval Notes, at WHOLESALE only. We invite Merchants visiting this market to examine our stock. J. B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. .\ugust 27, 1850. 34tt O. IIOUSTO.X WOULD inform his frien-ls and former customers that he may be found 2 doors below the (?ape Vear Bank, and i doors above his old stand suuth side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully invites his friends from the country to call and examine his stock before imrciiasiiig. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles juuictually, and I is charges shall be uioderate. He would request all indel)ted to the firm of HOUSTON OVERBY to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they are compelleil to settle the firm’s debts. August 27, lS'>(j. 34tt have had and believe it will be continued. For further informution apply to the President of the faculty, o> myself. W.M. K. L.\NE, Pres’t Stockholders. Dec. 13, 1854. 57-tf 0.\ THi-: « FKAK leiVBR. T a meeting of the 15oat owners interesteil in nav igating the Cape Fear River between Faj’etteville I and Wilmington, I On motion, D. McLaurin was callcil to the Chair, and R. .M. Orrell was apj'ointed Secretary. I On motion of James F. Marsh, I Resolved. That from and after the 1st day of Janu- i ary. 185ti, Cash will be required upon the delivery of all l-'rei?hts at Wiluuagtou and Fayetteville re spectively. On motion of J. D. Williams, Resolve.!, That each of the Steamboat Companies on the Cape Fear River, from and after the I st of January, 185'i, will carry Guano from Wilmington to Fayette- ville at U) cent.'^ por bag. Lime at 25 cents per cask, and grouiid Plaster at 30 cents per cask, and that a or 20 f from the printed and established rates on all other articles will be made from and after that date, all Cartage and Drayage being paid by the shippers. On motion of James Banks, j Resolved, That the foregoing be published in the town papers. D. McLAURlN, Chairman. R. M. Orrell, Sec’y. Dec. 21, 1855. ti'^-tf V.MA AliLE PROPERTY i'OMt I OFFER for sale, my L.VND.S in the Town of Fay etteville, about 130 .^cres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .\bout SO .\cres of it is fine Meadow^ Land, as the Crop I now on it will show. Also, the I Vaiiial>i‘ iSri‘l4 and l.ot j near the Market Sijuarf, occupied by .Mr. John A. i’emberton. A Large and Valuable Lot. fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell and Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High School Buildings. .Vlso, the StabiC Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford Street. Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both Winslo: and Mumford Streets. -\11 this property can now be purchased on favora ble terms, ami a large part can remain on Bond and Mortgage if desired. SPIRIT BARRELS. LLW.WS on hand and fiw sale at the lowest mar ket price, SUPERIOR SPIRIT BARRELS. G. W. WILLIA.MS & CO. May 28. 4-tf A CARD. ■^HE subscriber tenders his servi :e.s to the citizens of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, as a .MASTER BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, ari ’ , gives notice that he is ready to contract for work i T his line, atthe lowest cash prices. Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 1854. S. F DICKSON. 38tf r REID’S ENGLISH DICTIONARY for Schools. Also, further supply of The Old Do minion, by James; The Great Iron Wheel, bv Graves. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 27 Further t‘Upj)lies of School Books. i^MiTii’S GR.\MM.\R; Davies’, Smith’s, Colburn’s. ^3 and Greenleaf’s .Arithmetics; Lambert’s Anatomy ind Physiology; Hitchcock’s Elementary Geology; Goodricii's and Willard’s U. S. Histories; The Child’s History of the U. S ; Parley’s First Book of History; .Mitciiell’s Intermediate Geography; OIney’s Geo graphy, Bolmar's Levizac’s French Grammar; Pinneo’s English Teacher: Cornell’s Intermediate Geography; Kay’s Reader* Emerson’s Watts’ on the .Mind; Jacobus’ Notes and (Questions on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke; Greenfiebi’s Greek TestamcHt and Lexicon; .Marsh’s Songsters; School Testaments; North Carolina Readers, Davies’ Surveying, &c. Just received. Aug. 30. E. J. HALE & SON. DWELLING FOR SALE. rlHE Subscriber wisiies to sell the large Dwelling and Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russell Streets, at present occupied by .Mr. Henry Erambert. Terms reasonable. E. J. H.\LE. May 2'j. 8- Mins rived! 4fc'PlHE Great Iron W'heel Examined,” by Paison Brownlow, price $1 00, just rec’d. Postage on it by mail is 18 cents. Also, a few more of the ‘ Great Iron Wheel,” by Parson Graves. E. J. HALE & SON. .May 28. 'riie Old North State in 177(j— Second Series, being Revolutionary Incidents and Sketches of Character in North Carolina, by Rev. E. W. Caruthers, D. D. Price $1 25. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 18. N K\V ROOKS^ IIHE Hills of Shatemuc, by Miss Warner, Author ofthe “Wide Wide World;” Hjusehold Mysteries, a Romance of Southern Life; School Books, &c., just received. E. J. HALE & SON. .J. W. RAKER Is now receiviug from the North the large.st, tiuest, and most carefully so lected stock of Ri: ever offered in this market: which, addeil to his ow manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottnge bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots: Tables, all sorts; Wash Stamis: Camlle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in .Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with ^Eolian At tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the bet manutac- tories in New Y«rk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. \ ork ' prices—freight only added. j November 2. *5t The Mjurgest Carriafse Fartory ht fite fionth! GARDENING FOR THE SOUTH, By Vi. N. White of Georgia; Courtship and Marriage, by Mrs. Hentz; The Courtesies of Wedded Life, by Mrs. Leslie; Harper’s (’lassical Library, being literal translations of Cicero, Xenophon, Ceasar, Herodotus, Horace, ^c. Also, further supplies of Ernest Linwood; Hiawatha; .Mrs. Hentz’s Novels, 50 cts. a vol.; Johnston’s Agri cultural Chemistry; Dossey’s Choice; Trench on the .Miracles; The .Moral Probe; Eclogues and Georgies of Virgil, by Anthon; Jay’s Morning and Evening Exercises; “Five Hundred Mistakes Corrected”; Smith's Grammar; &c., just received by E. J. HALE SON. June 0, 1850. r.-tf mm SiTOIl THIS FALL. STARR & "WILLIAMS ARK NOW RECEIVING THEIR Src.ond Fall Winter Stock of Goods, To which they call the attentioii of Merchants making their purchases in this market. Oct. 10, 1850. -IS-tf M ore j\ew Goods. ^BIHE subscriber is receiving his FALL AND WIN- 1. TER STOCK, consisting of almost every thing ill the way of CjJROCERIES, Miartfware and MMollmc-ware, —ALSO— lioots and Shoes, Saddlery, Fish, &c., Any of which he will sell cheap for Cash, barter for I’lo.luce, or on short time. Store recently occupied hy Troy & Marsh, near the Dobbin House. Cape Fear Land for Sah‘ fglHE Subscriber offers for sale THREE HUNDRED JL and EIGHTY-FIVE Acres of Land on Cape Fe.ir River below Smith’s Ferry, in Cumberland county, running with the rivur to tiie lands of Mrs. Byrd. \ portion ofthe land is cleared and fenced. It is well adapted to the cultivation of corn, oats and the usual crops of the river lands. 1 he part uncleared has on it some gooil swamp, which maj’ be easily pre pared for use. It will be sold on a credit of twelve montiis. Persons wishini: to buy can call on the owner at this place. J. G. SHEPHERD. April 8. LAND FOR SALE. 11 ACRES OF LAND lying on upper Little River, in Harnett County, well timbered and well located for the Turpentine business. It will be sold on accommodating terms, ."^pply soon to the Subscriber at Fayetteville W.M. McL. .McKAY. Sept. 22, 185C,. 41-tf Dr st’pn^w .JAS. F. roii!Jvi:s. THO. J. CURTIS. 43-tf Oct. 10, 18.55. s!i I'. >1 w i:I. L nous i:. F.VVETTKVIIiI.K, >. €. A. A >IcKiyrilAA ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildiiigs at his Old Stand, expressly for man- East sifr of Grern Sfrcrf, a feir Doors Xorth oj ufacturing Carriages. Thankful tor the very liberal NEW HOOKS. /Bj'^HE ConfideBtial Correspondence of Napoleon with JL his Brother Joseph Bonaparte; Olmsted’s Journey in the Seaboard Slave S>:ites; .Memoirs of Susan Alli- bone; The W'ay of Salvation, by Albert Barnes. Further supplies of' Hetherington’s History of the Church of Scotland; Bayard Taylor’s India, Cbinn and Japan: Eblora: The Old Homestead, by Mrs. Stephens; Rose Clark; Widow Bedot, The Escaped Nun, The Ilidtlen Path, .\lone, and other popular Works. Pe terson’s Familiar .Science; Short Patent Sermons, by Dow, Jr ; Banker’s Cases; and various School Books. Just received by E. J. H.\LE & SON. NEW MUSIC (5^ MUSIC BOOKS. g®ERTlNl’S Piano Forte .Method—new and revised M3 eilition; Hunten’s Celebrated Instructions for the Piano Forte; Burrowe’s Piano Forte Primmer; Ac- cordeon. Flute, Violin and Clarionett Instructers. -\lso. Music for the Piano. Just received and for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. .April 5. Oct. 15, 1856. liEDSTEADS! G. W. I. GOLDSTON. 48tf BEDSTEADS!! J. C. Tlioinson fUST received from the .Manufacturer, Ira Ilersey, a supply of BED STE,1D S 'if various patternSj and made of good seasoned timber. These Bedsteads are manufactured in this place, and can be sold to dealers as low as they can be got from the North. Call and examine. A. M. CAMPBELL. April 9. 94-y S now receiving a large and complete STOCK OF GOODS in his line, viz: un, CAPS, BOOTS A,Ml SHOES, In all varieties, which he offers for sale at low prices for j^”CASH, or to prompt paying customers. He returns his thanks to his customers for their 1 liberal natronage, and solicits a continuance of the C. THO.MSON, Market Square. September 3, 1850. 3i>*f G. W. WILLIAMS 4 CO. AYE just received a large and well selected as- , sortment of HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of Country Mer chants. March 17, 1856, Corner of Ilm/ am/ Donalthon St recta, oppoaite the Fajjetterille Hotel, WOl. LD respectfully call the atten tion of his friends and customers to his coiiiplet“ stock of DiU (i •II i: III I \ v.s, Oils, Paints and Dye-StuffSj Which he is now receiving, and will offer at prices as low as they can be bought at in this market Mis object is to sell Mediciti^hat can be depended upon, as he buys none but the genuine article. ('onstantly on hand Jiiirnim/ ('ampliene, Spirita Turpentine] Alcohol, Brnndiea und W'invs, (/}>/• Medical pvrpoa's;^ (Jon/rens Water, Citrate Ma(jnesin, Eaat Jndia Castftr Oil. March 15, 1850. 87-tf groceries AND HARDWARE. rilHE subscriber has in Store a good assortment of J[ Goods in the GROCERY and HARDWARE LINE; all of which will be sold wholesale or retail, or bar tered for country produce, on terms the most reason able. A small lot of S.\DDLERY for sale cheap. Give us a call. 0. W'. I. GOLDSTON. N. B. Any of my friends in the country having busi ness to transact in this place, such as renewals, he , can have it done on the usual terms, by sending same G. W. I. G. .S9tf the Murket House. j IHE Subscriber desires through this medium to acknowledge the liberal jiatron.ige bestowed upon his llou.;e the past year—anl as he has just erected New Stables and Carriag*^ Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pb'asure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still pr. pared to accom- mridate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance ofthe liberal patron age heret/fore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used t endcr them comfortable during their sojourn with li;i. His table is always supplied with the best the r.’.iiKet affords. P. SH EM WELL. March 24, 1855. 8tj-tf DOliiUN HOUSE! POWERS X TROY, PiioruiETous. fBlHE Proprietors of this Establishment 8 ,‘uinounce to the public, that owing to the constantly increasing patronage extend ed to them, they iiave been induced to. en- patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch ofthe business. Mis work wrill compare favorably with anv made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work iu his line en as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. 11 e now has on hand, FiNisiiKi., the LARGEST STOCK of Corn (troifche-s, Hockuwnns^ mid />//”'!'■/ es. Ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finisiied daily. All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to juinctual customers, He has on hand more than ONE HUNDllEK ,VN1> FIFTY Vehi cles finished aud ill course ot construction. .\11 work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by l)ad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. to my care. Fayetteville, Sept. 27, 1855. .TUST RECEIVED. AM now receiving my SECOND STOCK OF Persons wishing to buy would do well to c.ill and large the accommoclation by the adtlitio^ of ' ex;vniiiie for themselves, an extensive Dining Room on the lower fioor, and suite ; thankfully received and promptly attended to. of Rooms on the second floor; thus enabling them to 1 Repairing executed at short uoticfc and on very accommodate all who may favor them with a call. .\nd j ,>easonable terms. they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to; May 28, 185;^. '.*8tf give satisfaction to their patrons. _ | Spacious Stables attached and c:\reful Ostlers in at tendance The eligible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com fort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and de part from this House. Carriages in attendance on arrival and departure of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses anl Carriages furnished at any notice for car rying travellers to any part of the adjacent country. J. W. POWERS. W. C. TROY. Fayetteville, May 12, 1856. 3tf consisting in part as lollows; 60 Sacks Rio Coffee; 50 Boxes Cheese, Eng. Dairy and Goshen; 35 Qu.ir. Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel; 30 Boxes Soda and Lemon Crackers; 10 Boxes Candy, &c., &c. The above goods added to my present Stock makes it complete. All orders will have my personal attention; and Goods shall be sold Cheap. E. F. MOORE. Not. 1. 68- EW V(»LUMES OF THE FOUR GREAT BRITISH REVIEWS, namely, EDINBURGH, NORTH BRITISH, WESTMINSTER. AND LONDON (.QUARTERLIES. AND BL.VCKWOOD’S EDlNl’.UlKi 11 .MAGAZINE (MONTHLY), Commenced with North British for November, IH.).), and the other Reviews and Blackwood for Janu:iry, 1856. Terms of Subxcriptivti.—.Any one Review or Llack- wood, -lia a year. Blackwood aud one Review—or any two Reviews, •1?5. The four Reviews ami Black wood, JjilO. Four copies to one .address, JjivO. Postaife (which shouM be paid quarterly in advance) on the four Reviews and Black wool to any Post Office in the United States, only 80 cents a year: namely, 14 cents a year on each Review, aud 24 cents a year on Blackwood. Address, L. SCOTT ^ CO., Publishers, 54 Gold Street, corner of Fulton, N. Y. NOTICE. All PERSONS are forbid trusting any one on ac count of Steamer Chatham, except upon our written orders. JOSEPH B. BLOSSOM, W. H. ALLEN, Wilmington, N. C., Oct. 25, 1856^^ 52-1 m BOOK BIVDERY. Biorranhical Sketch of Henrv A. 1 « w. HARDIE has resumed the Book Binding Wise, wiTh a History of the Political Campaign in Vir-j 1%. Business, over the Tailor Shop of ^lark & ginia in 1855, by James P. Hambleton, M. D. ! Woodward, where he will receive and execute binding \YI10 WOULD riAVE TIIOUGIIl ITf .4 new Carrlaije Esfrthlishment on the Military itreen, opposite the Methodist Church, fr'Hitinij on Mtimford, Street. GRiCA'r ENTERPRISE! t: to ^iiiii>!! ^I'^HE .Sut)scril>cr» would respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have entered iHto copartiieraliip for the purpose of conducting the general C.\RRl.Vih liUSiNKSS in all its various parts. Aud Deing both practical workmen, fully un derstanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style aud durability. (Jne of the firm may be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. Ja.mes H. Pier. Jamks Branin. Fayetteville, Jau’y 24, 1853. 62tl Fire Insurance. fB'IHE .ETN.V Insurance (’ompnny of Hartford, hav- _ll. ing paid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law ot the late Le..iisl.iture, will conllriue its Agency in I'ayetteville, under the management ofthe undersign ed, who is )»repared to issue Policies of Inswirance on Buildings or (Joods, either in this Town or iu any p.irt of the State, on proper aj»plLcatioii, description of the Property, di.c. y The .ET.N.Y COMPANY has been in operation about •'JO years. Its rapital is The Hon. Thos. K. I’.race was its first President, iiiid he still holds that oflice; and several of its first Directjrs arc still active and efficient members of the Board. It has at all times sustained the highest character for the prudence of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever jwljusted its losses. K. .f. H.\LE, .Agent Aug. 21. E. J. HALE & SON. [in any style desired. August 1. 27-tf The new K vised Statutes. HE Subscribers have received on consignment, a few copies of the New Revisal. Price if!4, cosh on detiverj/. E. J. HALL & .'5ON. Jan’y 21. Printing Pre«8 Tor l§nli\ rilHE Subscribers have for sale an Imperial No. 4 Washington Hand Press, 2d hand. It will be sold c'neap, deliverable in Petersburg, Va. It is said to be a good Press and in good order. June 4, 1855. E. J. HALE & SON.

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