Wi SEMI-WEKKLiY. \o\.. Vl.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., DECEMBER 1, 1850 LNO. 561.] MO\l»\YS AXn TUTRSDAYS rnWMIl) J. IWIV. & SON, n.iroiis AM* I-Koi’uiirroiis. if tilt t iii- !iu-\V(‘ekl_v OnsKRVKU 00 if ptiiil in , iv iiu‘1': ^ ! -^O if jiaitl thiring the ye;ir of suhscrip- , ,i; .r S > the yt-:if has expired, r!),- Wot'kly Orskrvf.r !?.! 00 per niimun, if p:iil ii* ■ ‘>0 if p;iil (lurinq; tJie year of siihscrip- p.,.,; •:; nO the year lias exjiireil. \ ii\ i/ITlSKMKNTS inserted for sixty cents per 11- !'i‘ 't' 1 i Hues tor the tirst. and thirty cents for each Ihii piil'l’uMtion. Yearly iidvertisements by spe- ’ ,• nt rousouahle rates. Advertiseis are . ■^ir l t ■ slate the immber of insertions desired, or , _ ; ■(' i i-ntinued till forbid, and ohar«;ed accord- BOOKHr\Di:\(^ OF all kinds, is executed in the best manner. Old common I’raycrs, Ribles, and others. C. J. & R. II. .1 OIK'S ^j'^AKK this method of callinfj the attention of their I iiiends and others to their NICW ST(H'K of iPonH'Stir atttl t^aurtf Itrtf boun.l in the same style they were before. This will ! save th(> repurchase of new books. Lilirarians connected I v.ith collejtes, and other societies, and also gentlemen ' residing; ut a distance, will find it a matter of economy i to >;('t their books bo'nid here, as a dediiction of prices I will be made tiptm large orders: Pack them anti send A h-rti-ements to be inserted InyiJf, charged 50 per I xtra. A ITENTION! A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY! SI riN(i inclined to move South. I will sell mv en tire WAGON KSTAHLKSIIMENT, with a'good . : Materials and Tools, selected by myself pur- ;..r the Waijon l>usineis. Any person wishing :ui'i having doulits about the success of the ! > 'hineiit. can have an opportunity of examining . I tor their owti satisfaction. N. - A’l del due me for work must be seftlel . V )iy ( :i'l. or :i)i]iroved Notes by the tirst of Jan’y 7. il II It tliev will all be put in course ot collection i iv.v-s, \VM, WATS(»N. \ 'r ’J". tlst.l rUESH FISH. .■)0 [)hU. Mullets, just received and tor , i v ■ w. n. CAiivi:n. IN I’.MM VS KM.I.OWS: lUidi colored and black Silks; line all-wool l>e-Laines all-wool IMaids, high colors; very handsome Long Shawls; do. Stella; line emb'd Skirts; emb'd Hand kerchiefs; .Jaconet and Swiss I’.ands; emb'd and Lace ('ollars; Thread l^ace and 1! Igings; ditto .'aconet and Swiss: rich I.;ice Falls, bluck; black Trimming I.ace; llibli.ni'^ and Trim mings, nil kinds: Swan's l>own; I’nrs, in sets; tine Kid Gloves: newest style Hats f.ir Ladies: Velvet ainl Cloth Cloaks, i:c. iVc. —ALSO— A lot of best quality GCTTA rKUCHA CLOTHING, very for Wagoners and others who may I'e ex posed to wet we.ather. j;;-.:?"'Call and see. Fayetteville, Oct. 11, 47tf V{\W and Slock. IHA\L just received in lull m_\ Fall anMVinter Stock of Silk, ttntl tiOOilx, embracing j'iite a vari»-ty of styles, i|U;ilities. \c., including all styl- s Ladies' Hress lioods and Trimmings, to wit: Strijn'd, IMaid ;m'l ilobed Silks; 1‘laid, Striped, and I’rinted. all Wool l)e!,ains, all colors: Solid, all Wool, He.; French .Meriiios, all shailes !ind colors. I’rinted anti i’laid lnw priced .\lpaccas ami HeLains. Also, a handsome ass n-tment of Cloaks and Talmas, ar^. extra heavy I’cty .'tate Shawls; F.mbr’d Collars; i>la>.-k l..ace l*o.: Swis-^ and .lac't Flouncings: I>o. Edgings anil Insertings; iud and Twisted Silk Gloves anti (launlleis: Hat>; Cap': I'loiim t-:; !’>lcached and I’rown Sheetings and .'^hirtings; together with a pootl Hound, Stajile and I>oinesti>. (ioi.ds; Heady Made Clothing; lioots and S'lMej-, ,Vf., ,Vc. lJuyers generally :ire resiici ttully invited to give my Stock a look, as 1 shall sell on short protit-;. I’. CHOW. October l^'-)'l. l7-tf FAI.I. rUADi:. ls.-,r>. them with partictilar tlirections to this establishment; an'l whcTi finisheil, they w 11 be carefully repackeil ami Tcturnetl without clelay. 1 have the best stock of materials; ami workman ship will compare with any either at the Nortli or South. Apply fi.r ;i list of Biniling ]>rices before going else where. The untlersigned resjieotfully solicits a share of patronage. THOS. H. TILL1N(UIAST, Anilerson Street. Nov. r,, iSutl. 51-V ■J(>0 sacks Salt, just reccnved and tor '■ "• B. F. PEARCE *J(» quarter-hbls. No. *2 Mackerel, just is Nt»w ()1*i;ning. a large and tiesirubie stock of n I'cived anil for sale by W. U. CAUVEK. ■) l)hls. N. Syrup, very ^ood with I’n.'kwheat ('akes, just received and for sale bv W. n. CAHVF.U. 1000 lbs. New Rice, just received -mil : 'r sale by W. H. CARVFH. 10 mats Old Java Cotree, just re- ffued and for sale by W. IL €.\RYKll. A lt‘W very iTOod Shot (luns, lor sale . by * ' W. H. CARVKH. 10 l)(j.\es Rosin Soap, just rt'ceived on l t r sale by W'. H. CAKVKR. 7‘J hottles best A iririnia Maccoboy .'Nl FF. just received aud for sale by W. II. CAUVKH. VnW and \Vint'i* (loods, in part of •JOOO lbs. N .V • ■king, for r 21. 1860. I.eaf Tobacco, verv tuu' ;ale by W. II. CAllVER. 6'.t-:;t THO. J. JOHNSON f now receiving his winter stock, comprising a general assortment of ! Dry Goods, Groceries, Ifardware, Cutlery, Shot, Lead, Yankee | Notions, &c. Stock of B(>OTS and SHOES large, anil of good tjual- itifs for retail. HATS assorted, some very wide brim. Saxony Wool, XC. Sperm and Adamantine WNl'LES, also. Patent do. The above Goods were '•>.t.onght, and he would like to sell on same terms. t'.VSH or barter will be taken. Credit will be given T . th -e who ti"to be prompt. Old cus- t !;ierr? are invited. THO. J. J(JHNSON. p. s.—To th.'.se who owe me I would simply say, I’LEASE PAY UP, as I am in want of money. J. Nov. i;i), is-j'j. o8-lm NEW BOOKS. C'im. Perry’s .lapan Expedition, illustrated. Collier \ .Jewett's Edition of the Original Text of .'■l.akspeare's Plays Restored. F.irminpdale: The Lion of Flanders, or the I5attle ■ if the ioiden Spur-: The Curse of the Village, \c.; Kitto's Daily 15ib!e Illustrations: Ivitto’s Popular Cy- (■’ .j't'dia of IJiblical Literature: Barnes’ Notes on the H. .ik.-of .) jh and Revelations: Half Hours with the bf't ,\uthi rs. — Unight’-^ London Edition, 2 vols.: Half H lurs with the best Poets. lievolutiuns in Europe, down to 18P>. WeVister'-i University and Family Pronouncing Dic'y Juvenile and .''choo' Hooks, Stationary, ij'C Just rec’d by E. J. HALii •j' S*N. Nov 17 \c. and Umbrellas of consistin Black and C,,'„.rcd Silk English and Frcnch .^Ie^inl■', Plain .m l Fi^"' i l)cLaiu‘>. ^ome bo;uitiful ]>atterns Pilack and Fancy .V’p:i' !•, Edgings and Insertings. Collar-i and Under'leeve ('■•ictus and Whalebont' Skirts, .Jaconet, Nainsook, .''wis' and Plaid Mu'^lin*;, Frctifh. English and Amerioan I’rints. Clotli'i and »':i>'imi‘ri‘--, Satinett', .le.-ms .uiil I'wi-els. Plaid, Liii't ys and Ki r-i'vs, Carolina and Marlboro’,'tripcs, llleaciied .and F.iown .''hirting-^ and Slieetings, White and (’ol.'red Flannels, Drillings and Tickings, Irish Linens, good assortment. Linen Table Cloth-j, Toweling' and Napkins, Shawls, Cloaks aii'l Mantiiias, Extr;> quality of Hed Blankets, Ribbons, P.el'ts, (.lloves, IL'sierv ALSO, Hats, Caps, I’.i.nncts, Boots, Shoes general assortment It i: A I) v-^i A i>i: ci.oTii I \ti, and every variety in the YANKEE NOTION LINE, which will be sold at a small advance for rASli. or on time to punc tual customers. eit!ierat WHol.i'S \LE or HET.ML. All are respectlully invited to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. P.. F. PEAHCE. Hay St., Fayetteville. Sept. 1, 1^-j'i. :;j-tf siico.vn sToiK. li. I'. FI'.AUCi: fS now receiving, liirect from New \ ork, his second ; stock of Fall and Dry .JooiU, .\mong which may be found, the latest and inost i fashionable styles of Ladie»" Dress Goods, (Jloaks, I Mantillas, and all styles of Embroidery. i ! Also, Gknti.t.mkn's GOODS of every variety which: will lie soltl CH E.\P at whole'^.ale or ret lil. The Ladies are respectt'ully invited to give me a call. , I B. F. PEARCE. 1 Hay Street. Faj'etteville. Oct. iJ'oi'.. I'ltt Cioods at \\^lio!('sal(‘. j ' f ■1HE Sub-:.'riber-i lieg le ive to advise their custom- ' ! JL er and Merchants gent'r.illy, that they have . received a jiart and ex]>eet t : rti-eive the liala!ii'“ of ; their recent pur'diascs in a few I tV'. 'll.t-ir .''took will be much larger and more cimpli‘te than they have I ever offered, embrai in:^ a gf'ner.il .i-^'ortnient ot ! To’jrether with We call the att(Mition of WIIOLIv SVr.E DEALERS #10 onr present .Stock,—and we have recently re- B- ceived — oOO b;igs Hio, Laguira, Maricaibo and Java CotVee, ■Jo hhds .‘'Ugar, assorteil grades, 7-'i bbls tlo, Hetineil, Crushed and Powdered. boxes .''perm, .\tlamantine and Tallow Candles, • it> tlo Fancy and assorted (':indies, 100 coils Kentucky, .lute and Manilla Hope, 7 bales Bagging, (iunny, Duntlee and Burla)is, ;!0 tons llotip Iron, , 1‘JO boxes riieese, j 111* halt'-bbls .“^uper Carb. Suila, 1 -1(),000 Cijiar-;, various brands, j __Ahso— Pep]ier, Spii-e, iiinger. Cloves, Nutmegs, Borax, Madd.T, Indigo, Sjianish lirown, P>rinjstone, Fancy ‘ anti r>ar Sicip.'. Starch, Powiler, Shot, I5ar I.iead, White Lead. Putty and Linseetl Oil, Window (ilass, Snuti’in l)oxes, Eagie Mills do., in Half Bbls.; (Jreen anti Black Teas, Hollow-Ware, Sweiles Iron, English, German, , anti Cast Steel; Plows, Straw Cutters, Corn Shellers, Sausage 'utters and Stulfers, Trace (.’hains, Sole ' Leather, v*l:c., ,Vc. ' The above (ioods \sf- offer on the n)ost favorable terms to prompt time or Cish purchasers. : D. .V W. McLAURlN. ! Ni.v. (■., is-")!;. 51tf (JTANOES. 7 ^^ P.AtlS PERUVIAN: :;J7 do. (OLUMBl.VN. Not only ha-; the cost of using these Guanoes in ] connexion been very nnudi diminished, but experi- ' ments have jirove 1 that the jihosphate. so much want- I ing in th«' l’eruvi:in, not >nly increases the yield, but : e.itnbined with the ’oIuml«ian makes th*- crop much ' m're Certain. ! For vilc t.y 1). \ W. McLAUHlN. i Nov. oJtf CllAMLES HANKS, f; €TMO.VE R , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Forehfn Fruits, (V/nra, To!>ac'(>, SnujJ.dr sTitiiirr, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 18'>.3. 73tf .lOSEiMi BAKER, .Ir., ATTOBtAKV % T LAW, ||j ■ .\S taken an office next iloor to W'm. B. Wright’s H JL I..aw oflice on Green Street. He will attenil anti pmctice in the County ami Superior Courts of Cumber land, IMatlen, Hobeson anti Sampson. March-j:}, 185:!. 79-tf W. in SKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CLERK AND MASTER IN EQUITY. F.AYKTTKVll.I.r., N. C., ' Ma^' he found at the Equity Office, in tlie (’ourt House. Sept. 2li, 18o-'). :$H-tf .1. A. SREARS,^' A 'r T ) 11 X K V A 'r Ii A \v, A TTEND.'^ the Courts of Cumberlantl, H.arnett, Wake and Johnston. Feb'y 1:5, 18'.f,. Atldress, Toomer, Harnett (%i W. H. TURLINGTON, I f’oiiimlssion Merchant, No. 4*2 North Water St., ] WTLMINGTOX, N. C. ! ^HriLL give his prompt personal attention to the ! sale or shipment of all (Jousignments of Naval .''tores or other C'ountry P*'0tluce. Nov. H, ISO'}. O.'itf W ANTl'^D, .VCTIVE YOUNG .MEN, to act as local and travelling agents in a business easy, usefiil ami honorable, at a SAL.VRY OF !fl00 PER MONTH. A capital of ^5 only ret^uired. No patent meilicine or book business. Full particulars given, free, to all who enclose a postage stamp or a three cent piece, and address A. B. >'ARTYN, Plaistow, N. II. Oct. 20, 1856. 51-3m M()i,.Assi:s. HHDS. iust received and for sale by JAS. G. COOK. Oct. 27. 51- SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES. '■pUKSK celebrated machines Rr«> in practical ant] pri>titHt'ie nae ill hII iiarts of the civilized world. In all the varinus iraiies, ' . _ A'. I. I .1 .1- and in sew inu every sort ^’fabric, either of cloth or leather, they havf been fully tried and approved. Seivin" ni:ichines of other inannfactnrers idten fail to \v:irk, but SIN'fJKK’S AI»- W.WS OI’KR.\TE PERFECTLY, beine strontf, durable and com pleic in contrivance and workmanship. A |ierfecl scwini: urn- chine kept employed affords a clear profit of $1,000 a year; but an iiiipertei I unn is :i ciiuse of consuint vexation and loss. The en tire Rtti.iAiiii.iTY of our machines is one great reason for their un- pa ralleletl pupularity. , MACIII.NES FOR FAMILY SEWINU, of a friil and delicnte ronstniction, are recommended by other manutricturcrs. Such machines are made to catch the eye, not to [lertorm subRtantiiii work. The truth is, family sewinsf iiia chine> oa"ht to be .‘iimnaer than any other, because they po into less skillful h:inils ih'in when sold to mannfacturers, and are used for a greater variety of work The machines which have proved twsi for all other purposes must tvo best for family use, and they are ^^i^j:er’s The speed of our ni.tchines has lately been doubled. No other ran compare with them in ipiaatity of work. 53“ .New machines of the latest improved style will be e.\- chansed on liberal terms for oU) sewinc machines of our own make, or t'or operative machines of other manufacturers. Local apents w anted to sell our machines. -C« N. 15.—.All (lersons desirine full information about seivins ma chines, can obtain it by applying for a copy of“I. .M. Singer & t'o’s tJazfclie,” a paper tievoted entirely to the sulijert. It will be sent gratis I. M. STINGER & CO. I’rincipal Otfice, :2:{ IJroadway, New York. HRA.VCH OFFICES 47 Hanover steet, Boston. I 142 ChesntU street, Phila. :i-.i Westminster St.. I’rovidence. | 105 Italjimors street, Baltimore •JT4 Itmad street. -Newark, N. J. MIT I’roadway, -Albany, \. t'liiv rsville, .New Viirk. '.ts Cliapel street. New Haven. 11 Buclianaii St.Glasgow,Scot’d Oct. ‘-h;, IS.'.6. I till 8 East Fourth street, Cincinnati. Chicago, Illinois, 1)5 North Fourth st., St. I.ouis. 81 St. Charles st, New Orleans •-20 Dauphin st., Mobile. .'iO .1m 7T-lvr N. C. Feb’y III*. K. KI.A4 K. FFICE Front Rooms, over I'r. S. J. Hinsdale’s 70-tf I-1 R I MER SI RIM.IES OF IU)OKS. f BIHE Make 1 Head and other Tales; Evelyn Marston: ■- Hertha, by .Miss IJreiner; Lorimer Littlcpood, Esi( : The liill.s of Shatemuc, l>y the Author of the Wide Wide W,,r’.d; Kitto’,'; Popular ('yclo[>edia of liililical Literature: fhe Pickwick Papers; Charles O’Malley: School I!., iks, iVc., &c. E. J. H.ALG & SON. \ AM A ABLE NEGROES FOll SALE. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. i) O 11 11 I « « I « i\ AND FORW ARDL\(; MERCMIAN'F, .V. C. rompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances matle on Produce to be ship pctl to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, ISor). (i7 S. BANKS, ,^lt‘reliant, ! Wilmington, N. C. Jan'y 1, IS')*). (i!-tf S. M. rilOMAS. DEALER IN I'ANCV S'fARLE DRV (^OODS. ' UKADV-MADK Cl.OTIIIXG, HATS, CAPS, lioN.NETS. UOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, 1>L.\NKETS, iVc., ic. Corner Market and GillespieSt., Fayetteville, N. C. Dec. 17, 1S05. ti2-tf NEG1{() Woman aged about thirty or thirty-five years, e.md hone servant, cook, washer and ironer, h"n,-st and industrious. .\ tiirl aged aUout nine, anti a boy about four years —fhiMrcn of ihe woman. Per> .iis in want of this species of jiroperty will do well to call tin the undersi'^ne l ;it his Law Othce on ,\ndcr')n Street, when further particulars will be givtn. IJARTH'W FULLER. April 2'.'. 5tM)-tf NOriCE. ''HE notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Reasley, are in the hands of Wm. McL. -McKay for col lection. as longer indulgence trill 7Wt be given, it is hoped this notice will be suflicient to save costs. JOHN M. BEASLEY. June 2.'). 12tf r 50 risH. BARRELS No. MACKEREL. 2') ijr. do. No. 2 “ 2.'. “ *• No. 1 10 bbls. Herring. 500 lbs. Cotllish. For sale by E. F. MO>RE. Sept- 1’), IS-')*). ,3‘.*tf NOTICE. A LL those indebteil to us previous to the 1st .Litiu- a.m ary will c.all and settle either by note or cash, and oblige tis. McD>N.\LD x WH-\LE\. •N- 1>. -V good assortment of .S,\DI)LE.S ,\ND H.\R- NLSS alw.iys on hau l for cash or on time to punctu.il customer-;. Feb'y 17, Ih-').'). 7*jtf Worth & Utley, Eorwanlinuj and (Joncral C'oinmission MERCHANTS, FatfvlfcriUc, i\ J. A- WORTH. JOS. VTLKY. LOVEIM) ELI)IUI)(;E. • ittornrtf at nr ILL attend the Cotirts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithtield, April 15, 185t>. '.ti-tf \v. \\ EEElo rT. ‘ COMMISSION MERCHANT, j FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ^ Aijrnf for Luftrr/nh ('V).’.s Steamboat Line. Will attend promptly to all business entrustetl to I'ni^Jil and I/me betu'cen \Vilrnini;;lon (utd Fayetteville. STEAMEi! MAGNOLL\, leaves Fayetteville on Mon day aud Thursdav' mornings, 15 minutes after sun-rise. Leaves Wilmington on Tuesday ami Fritlay mornings. Steamer FANNY LUTTERLOI^, leaves Fayetteville on Tuesday anil F'riday mornings, 15 minutt-s after sun-rise. Leaves Wilmington Wetlnestlay anil Si.curtlay morn ings. Botli carrying Freight and Passengers. Steamer ROWAN, with full sets of Lighters, runs regularly, carrying Freight only. The regularity of our Boats on all stages of the River, and the ilespatch and promptness in delivering gootls, are too well known to rei\uire comment. To our jiatrons we temler our thanks for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestoweil, and can assure all shijipers that no etforts will be spared in future, and feel conhdent that our facilities for dispatch are tttjual if not superior to any line on Cape Fear River. W. P. ELLIOTT, Agent for Lutterloh & Co. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 1, l^-'ni. oOtf A(‘\v aiui CIk ji}) Goods. JAMES KYLI3 ■ ■ AS just receivetl a vviy large and general as- I II- sortment ofGOtlDS. Among which are, j French and English .Merinos; j Do. Del.iins, Plain and Figured: • Dress Silks, Fig’d and Plain; i Black Fillet Mit.x; Sleeves and t’ollars; Cloths, Cassimeres and Satins; Bear and Ncirro l>lankets: ’.-I to 12-1 Bleached and Brown Domestics; Gentlemen's Headj'-Matle Clothing, Carpeting, Good and Common: Bools and Shoes: Anker Bolting Cloth: Kerseys and Linseys; Irish Linens, Crash: Table Diaper ami Napkins. With many other articles, all of which being pur chased by the I’ackagc, will be offered at low prices, by wholesale or ret:iil. Oct. 24, 18-.ti. 51-tf REWARD. Ran AW’AY from the subscriber on the 1st of April last, a negro man nametl Rand, about six feet high, about 30 years of age, and black. Said negro is supjiosed to be lurking in the neighborhood of John Bell or James McKethan. The above reward will be paid to nnf person de livering saiil negro to me at Locksville, Chatham (’o., N. C., or confining him in anj' Jail in the State where I can get him. NATHAN KING. June 25. 17-tf OLD ryY whiskey. fBlHE Subscriber is tne only authorised ageat in I- Fayetteville for the sale of the Hon. R. C. Pur- year’s Celebrate.l tll'E If'JffSJt JFJ 1*. He will be supplied with this superior Whiskey to meet the demand. W. DR.\UGHON. Fayetteville, March 2G. 90-tf REWARD, I^OR the apprehension and delivery of my negro man PAGE, a bright mulatto, about 28 years of age; or for his confinement in any Jail so that I get him again. When he left he had on a brown Satinett Coat and Pants, makes a good appearance, and no doubt will pass himself as a free man; about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, weighs about 185 pounds, and had, at the time ’ue left, a fellon on the middle finger of his left hand; has on his chin a goatee (or long beard.) I expect he will endeavor to make his way to Abingdon, Washington county, Va., where he was raised. D. M. McLAUllIN, Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C. Feb’y 1, 1856. 7o-tf 75 For sale by GROCERIES. SACKS COFFEE, assorted. 50 bbls. SUGAR, “ 5 caddies TEA, “ E. F. MOORE. Sept. lo, 1856. 39tf Ruiiiaii C.'alliolicisHi Spiritually Con- just receded. idered, by the Rev. Chas. P. Jones, of the N. C. Con- ; ^^ct. 22. PERUVIAN GUANO, for sale by C. T. HAIGH & SONS. Oct. 22, 1856. 50tf New Music for the Piano and Guitar, E. J. HALE k SON. ference. .Iii^t received. Oct. 22. lS5ti. E. J. HALE & SO.N’. his Oct. 21, 1S50. SMITH. 50-tf -MII.KS CHSTJN. If*. ./. BiUffhftUt, ||„nlHiiiT iiiiil CiKli rv, llollou Wan', by his stm, proposes re-opening his SLLfX r SCHOOL Saddlery, Shoes, l.oathrr, \'C., at 0_aks, Orange county, N. C., on the 11th February ^ u 1 U 1 I 1 nresslv for the Wholesale Tr.ide. Their terms will be as A gentleman suitable to board school-boys can find ,t ,i,,,,ers. To w a good situation here. Address W. J. BINGHAM, Oaks, Orange, N. C. 5y-t)tpd Nov’r 22, 1850. C'lareiiiloii T the annuali ^HE Board of Directors will assess crossing of the Clarendon Bridge before the 1st j of January 1S57, and the list will be in the hands of | the Toll Collector at the Britlge and the Secretary; ami | all persons are retiuiretl to pay by the 1st J.\NU-\RY I 1S57, and those who do not pay by that time will not j be al’lowetl to cross by the year, f'-vtirt payment is j rcunired before 1st Jan’y 1857. JNO. M. ROSE, Sec’y F. k. N. P. R. Co- Nov'r 21, 18511. ^*tlJ A RA liFrcllAN^ riif} I'uriiiture and Ei.vtures ot the l ay- ctteville Hotel for sale. rpiIE subscribers having fully iletermined to sell 2 the above mimetl Property, how ofter it to an en- terpri.-iing man upon liberal terms. _ Thi.s Hotel 'iijoys a large custom from the adjoining counties and from the travelling public, with a^ pros- jiect of future increase. What it has done and is now doing c.'in be seen by any one wishing to purchase re ferring to our books. The situation of the builtling is such that it com- msinds the greater part of the custom coming to anti {lassing through this place. For the amount of capital invested, there is no bu- sine.-s that a person could engage in that wouhl pay as well. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. Sept. 11, 1850. 38tf Fjiyc‘UevilIe Hot(jl. ri'^IlE Subscribers having this day leased this J Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased to sec thoir friends and the travelling public at this House. At the same time we hope they will be patient ami bear with our imperfections until we shall have put the House in such repair as we lesire. J II. ROBERTS & CO. J 11. RoBiiUTS. F- N. Robkkts. March 1, 1855. 80-tf cash buyers a re.isonable disi-ount will lie niadt GEO. W. W1LL1.\MS (’O. Fayetteville, -Xngu-'t 13, lS5*i. ;^0-tf I uoipos: W. II. Carvor Is just receiving a ver\ large Stock of If Hi' mpoits, IIN'iifit, direct from N. Vork, which will bo sold at very moder.ite prices for Cash, or exchange for any kind of produce. .V call from old friends ;ind the jiublic gener.illy is desiretl, as my Stock is so larj. e and varied that it will scblom fail to give Katisfaction. W. H CARVER, Hay Street, F.iyetteville. Sept. 2‘.*, 185(’i. lo-tf CHEESE. ti OSHEN and Dairy CHEESE. f^'perin and Ail>imantine C.VNDLLS. io boxes SOD.V 151SCU1T. 50 jars West 1 nlia PRESERVES. For sale by L- Sept. 15, 185ij. JUS r RECEIVED, S.\CKS SALT, tf 1 r 50 kegs N ,\ ILS. 20 c.ases NEGRO SHOES. For sale by F- F. MOORE, Store formerly occupied by Hall & Sackett. Sept. 15, 1850. SALE. WOOL ROLLS. OOL cartled with dispatch at Blount's Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, ami Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNElLL. J une 1851. > untler Journal oflice. Dec. 12. .1 F()l{ KK.Vr. r| 1 H E large Fire-jiroof Brick Ware house, conveni- I ently situateil in rear if our Store. .\pply to ST.VRR j' WILLIAMS. Sept. 20. 4->-tf Was^oti KstaJthsJimcnt^ I lt> ^I'^HE .SiibHcriber woultl inform his frientls anti the ! 1 I ])iiblic generally, that he has completed his now j I establishment on Maxwell street, near Mr. E. W. Will- | ^ n i i |wings’ Store, .and is now prepared to receive orders for ; Particular attention paid to Latlies Dress Goods and C.VKTS; W AtiOXS, DK.WS, &c., i,„„ X. C. which shall be promptly executed JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Factors^ ('om/nissio/i and Foru'nrdiitg \H:RC HANTS. NO. '2 SOI Til WATKR STRKF.T, Tl* STAIRS. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 21, 1850. 50-Y “LA\\ COPAirrNi:RSHH’." MM/" E, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law V T Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham. Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, ai d the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C-, Jan'y 1. 1850. 72tf ~ H. I.. HOI.MES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE on corner of Front and Princess street, 48-tf C. POE, DEALER IN Is PAIM.E TANCY DRY GOODS, D. W. C. I’.ENBOW. D. D. S., iiruliiato of IlK* ltalliinoi'4‘ College of 1) E .\ T L SI R (i E R Y . OFFICE hours from 0 A. M. to 1 P. M. “ :5 P. M. to 5 P. M. DR. P.ENBOW may be found at his suite of Rooms near t! .Market, where all who are in need of the services of a Detitist are respecfuily invited to call. -Ml operations performed upon the latest and most api>roved plans. To those in nectl of mit'tificittl Tcfth, he wouKl simjily say that he is behind in no improvement. He inserts from one to an entire set upon fine Gohl or Piatina plate, which he guarantees to be eiualh- as serviceable as the natural organs. He spends nine months of each year in this place, (from 1st of October to the 1st of Jul}'.) Oct. 20, 1850. 40-tf HATS, CAPS, liOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-.MADE CLOTHING. F. MOORE. ;;','tf ;5;ttf FOR IN PLATE, Sheet Irou, Iron Wire, Zinc, and Tin Ware and Stoves of various patterns. By C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square. 42- Sept. 24. iVkki* river co.\l. BITUMINOUS COAL of the best quality can be hail at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM- McCL-VNE, Mining Engineer. May 21, 1856. May 20, 1855. 4-tf T. C. B. G. WORTH, ~ Commission tV Forwarding Mtjrchants, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, iViliiiiii|?(oii, IV. €. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. milarble Fticliirn, 63-tf .Vll work tlone by him shall be of the best workman- shijt and material that the country can afford. kKl\\liilN(J of all kiuds done with uoatues.s anti ilespatch. Also, IlOllSE-SHOKING will be strictly at tended to. N. B. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. Fayetteville, .Inly 24, 185ti. 24-Y FOR SAI.E. • ff Keditced Priecs^ for €*tSii • or on SHOUT | m cuuiniiES, BmouciiKS, I Rockaways and Buggies ! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, i «« any of which are finished, and the balance being I fini-ihed daily. Among which are many New | and BeautJCul styles, and one VERY FINE CARRIAGE. i Some of them very light, and all made in the besft manner and of the best materials. My facilities for i doing Carnage work are GREATER than any establish- j ment South, and I can afford and am determined to sell j work of the BEST QUALITY as low as it can be built ^ ^ STORK, for by any one. PUBLIC NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Roatl, from l>eauf'ort Harliorvia Kenansville. Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the 10th tlay of April ISoii, and remain open according to the terms of the Chartir until further notice, at the following places anti ninler direction of the following tiamed persons, Comtnissioncrs in the Charter, viz: In the ('ounty of Onslow, at the otfice of the Clerk of the (''ounty Court at J.acksonville, aiul at the Post OfHce Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H. Foy, Robert White, John A- Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. .M. F. .\ren- dell at IJeaufort. Dr. M. F. Arendell, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. At the store of G W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. liell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Arenilell. In Duplin countj', at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, DavitI Reid, Isaac B Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Clinton.—Thomas 1. Fsvison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Win. McKay, Patrick .Murphy, Wni. Faison, J. R. Beaman, Alfred Johnsoii- In (’umberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of .V. A. McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Rixndal .McDaniel, Eilward i... Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The rndersigned agree to take the number of shares of ^100 each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central Raii Road I’onipany; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the Charter. ON CONSIGNMENT, BUS. CORN, 1000 Sacks Salt, 20 Bbls. Mulletts, (Oak,) To arrive anti for sale. W. P. ELLIOTT. Oct. 22- 50-tf Coj)ying Ink, and Copying Books just received. E. J. HALE & SON. June 4. Faifetteville Candy Manufactory. f BillE subscriber still continues to manufacture a JL superior article of plain and fancy CANDIES at the ola stand, (No. 5, Green street, 3 doorsNorth, of the Market House,) where he would be happy to see his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March 1, 1853. 73tf ^EW VOLUMES OF THE FOUR GREAT BRITISH REVIEWS, namely, EDINBURGH, NORTH BRITISH, WESTMINSTER, AND LONDON QUARTERLIES. AND BL.VCKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (MONTHLY), Commenced with North British for November, 1855, and the other Reviews and Blackwood for January, 1850. Terms of Suhscription.—Any one Review or Black wood, ^3 a year. Blackwood and one Review—or any two Reviews, !?5. The four Reviews and Black- wootl, $10. Four copies to one address, !ii30. I'oslaijt (which should be paid quarterly in advance) on the four Reviews and Blackwood to any Post Office in the United States, only 80 cents a year: namely, 14 cents a year on each Review, and 24 cents a year on Blackwood. Address, L. SCOTT ^ CO’, Publishers, 54 Gold Street, corner of Fulton, N. Y. f.v i .v ; • - ---rvif. Those who are indebted te me will please pay up, as my business requires my out-standing debts to be collected. A. A. McKETHAN. , Feb. 3, 1855. 72-tf By GEO. LAUDER. ,S \BOVE C. T. IIAICII & Sfli\ Fayelleville, IV- Names Resideiii hares 8 Cash Work Subscriptions may be made payable in work, a^ m.ay specify whether for grading or cross-ties;. aW! stockholder's shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids arc the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the Commissioners of )nslow county are to be notified, and thej are retiuired to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. March 1 , 1850. 13tf BOOK BINDERY. RW. IIARDIE has resumed the Book Binding • Business, over the Tailor Shop of ^lark & Wooilwartl, where he will receive and execute binding in any style ticsired. August 1. 27-tf The subsc.ribers will jmrchase Spirits Turpentine, or make advances on consignments to their friends in Wilmington, or New York. C. T. HAIGH # SONS. April 0, 1855. 90tf FL RTHERSUPPLIES OF BOOKS VAGAB.IND Life in .'Vfexico; “Plu-Ri-Bus-Tah”, by Doestick-s; The Sparrowgrass Papers, by Cozzens; Hiawatha; “The Wide Wide World”; Hume’s and Macaulay’s Histories of England; The Carmina Sacra; .\iken’s Christian .Minstrel; Dick’s W'orks; Jacobus’ Notes on the Gospels; Maury’s Physical Geography of the Sea; i^c., just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Julv 24. Jan’y 20, 1856. 6%pd Blank Warrants for sale here. FHIE AND LHT: INSURANCE. fBllIE ujdersigned has the Agency of the following Jl Companies, viz: Greensborough Mutual Life Insurance and Trust Co. Greensborough Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Newbern Mutual Insurance Co , Charlotte .Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Caswell Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Insurance in North Carolina Companiei can now be taken in any part of Town or County, in large or small amounts. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent. June 30, 1866. 17-6m Narrative of the E.xpedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, bj Com. Perry, U. S. Navy, with numerous illustrations, edited by Ilev. Dr. F. L. Hawks. Also, further supplies of Mrs. Ilentz’s Novels; Miss Murray’s Travels through the U. S.; Mitchell’s Tra veller’s Guide; Steel Pens, ^c. E. J. HALE i SON. Aug. 12. • North Carolina Readers. rWlHE Undersigned are prepared to furnish, whole- I sale and retail, upon very favorable terms, to Teachers, Booksellirs, Merchants, Book Pedlars, and others, fhe SERIES of .’VORTBl CAKOI..I->’A itEABKRS, Nos. 1 and 2, by Professor HruBARn, of the University of North Carolina, and No. 3 by Calvin H. W’ii.ev, Esq. now Superintendent of Com- Qjion Schools. E. J. HALE & SON.